#if i missed something or i made a typo im going to scream
dragonskulls · 2 years
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i posted a wip of this like 3 months ago on my main and i just abandoned it until recently 💀 but anyways MASSIVE thank you to @lavenderandhightides and @theevilicecreamsoda for helping me sort some of this stuff out (i still have yet to decide on specific names for individuals of each quiver grrr)
under the cut are some written things going in detail of *waves around* this, though i am missing some other aspects that will be revealed eventually and to make this not as painful to read (plus a normal/no warning stripes version of the swamp ashwing)
✧Swamp ashwing: the inhabitants of the Quiet Swamp have evolved dark colored scales to blend in with their gloomy environment, this camouflage help them avoid the many dangers that lurk there, and to effectively stalk their prey. Masters of stealth, they can easily hide amongst thick foliage or in murky waters found in their territory. Paired with their camouflaged scales, nocturnal lifestyle, and acute senses, they’re very rare to see. A third eyelid with dull patterning can hide their vibrant eyes when necessary. Their most distinctive trait is their noxious venom. Effects and potency of this venom varies between individuals. Venom potency and its effects can be identified by the hue of the colorful highlights found on their body, eyes, spines, and frills. These highlights are usually kept hidden, but when facing a threat, they can suddenly come to life. These set markings can rapidly change to a bright color, making a threatening flashy display to scare away predators, pumping blood to their frills (located either in the mouth, throat or behind the ears) adds more spectacle. These color changing scales are found in “predetermined patterns” covering their wings and bodies (shaped as stripes, dots, or fake eyespots on the wing membrane). These scales can only change to their overall highlight color, but clever ashwings can rapidly flicker their scales to make it seem as if the colors are moving. If these highlights are warmer in color, the venom isn’t as deadly but the individual has more poison resistance. Rarer, cooler tones such as blue or purple, are much more deadly, but are weaker against other poisons. Their venom can be secreted from their mouth as well as from long, brightly colored venom-tipped spines located on their neck and tails. This venom then can be used to coat their scales, claws and spines for more destructive attacks. Inside their mouth, they have backwards curved teeth as well as infectious salvia as they use to seize prey. This gives the saliva and venom enough time to seep into prey. As well as toxic saliva, they have a set of four long semi-retractable fangs, where a second type of venom is produced in small quantities, but is much more fatal. The types and effects vary, from paralysis, hallucinogenic, necrotic, acidic, neurotoxic, and more, though these effects differ in rarity. Usually, this venom is only used in life or death situations. Aside from their venom, they have heat pit organs in their snouts which help them locate friend or foe in the dense jungles of their marshy home. They can also eat foods that would be dangerous to other ashwings, as they have an efficient metabolism that can neutralize or repurpose these toxins.
✧Highland mountain ashwing: living up in the highest peaks of the mountains, highland ashwings are the best at flight. Having sharp eyes, massive feathered wings and strong muscles, they can fly for hours, and depending on their wing shape, can be specialized for agility, speed or endurance. Their feathers are laced with chemicals that make them fairly resistant to fire and the elements, but not completely fire proof. A pair of ailerons on their lower hips help provide more control in turns and direction. Feathers that aren't for flight —which grow along their underbellies— are useful for thermal insulation in the chilly winter skies, and can be used to build warmer nests for hatchlings. They lack incisive or canine teeth, but make up for it with strong, hooked beaks, that can be sharpened to a deadly edge, as well as an extremely strong grip in their sharp talons. Their fire is also hotter than any other quiver or Pyrrhian tribe, being concentrated in a blindingly bright, white jet of searing flames. They're the only variety with noticeable sexual dimorphism: males have slightly bigger and very colorful crests, while females' crests are smaller but sharper, and always dull in color. These crests are semi hollow, and while being mostly useless for combat —unlike their lowland counterparts— they can be used for singing. Bigger and more ornamental feathers also add to this, but these aren't exclusive to males, simply much more common.
✧Coast ashwing: a community of proud warriors, coast ashwings are known for their many tricks in claw to claw combat. Their detachable spines are flat and sharp like razor blades, being able to cut deeper into the flesh, especially if thrown with a lot of force, and they posses a claw on their index digits, longer and sharper than the rest —sometimes even having small barbs or hooks. Their two rows of constantly replacing teeth can deliver rather nasty bites, made worse by a second speared tongue, which is usually kept hidden (as shown here), but can be rapidly stretched to twice their head length in the blink of an eye and skewer prey or the eyes of an opponent. Gills and rudder shaped tails give them a huge advantage in aquatic environments. Their bodies are slender with quite a lot of tightly packed in muscle, and their wings are long and narrow, similar to many sea birds. To deal with excess salt, they can expel it via sneezing or tears from their eyes. All ashwings have a third eyelid, and here they serve the function to protect their eyes from thrashing prey; the dark sclera gene is rather uncommon, and is only present in the Roaring Coast quiver and in the Silent Swamp. Another ability is that of sonar, useful in waters with low visibility, as well as long —but simple— long distance communication. To camouflage, most coastal ashwings have countershading: darker colors on the back and lighter ones on the ventral side, paired up with grayish colors, though warmer ones similar to the stones found in the shore are not rare either. The "smoother" parts of their skin have dermal denticles, which aid in reducing drag while underwater.
✧Moor ashwing: the smallest of the quivers, these dragons are best at speed. Facultative bipedals, they can outrun almost anything in the continent. Sickle claws on their back talons help in taking down larger prey by latching with them, and extra dewclaws/spurs and "blades" in wing digits, wrists or forearms are common here. Their wings are usually round and small, good for quick takeoffs and agility, but not so much for long flights. They're also the only ones who have detachable spines on not just their tails, but backs and necks too, working in a similar fashion to porcupines, offering more protection from attackers. Light and tan scales are perfect for hiding among the grass, and dark eye markings lessen the glare of the sun. With very good sense of smell and hearing, they are prolific hunters, this heightened by the fact that using wyverns in something similar to falconry is a very important part of their culture, as well as being surprisingly strong for their size. A known feature of moor ashwings is their extremely wide vocal range, making them able to mimic many sounds. Some individuals even have the ability to make deafening shrieks, which in close range can kill smaller prey and severely damage the hearing of dragons in close range, and in a slightly farther distance can disorient and confuse foes, as well as cause temporary hearing problems. To prevent their sensitive ears to be damaged while doing this, a small special muscle can cover the ear canal at will, acting as built-in ear plugs to protect their more delicate hearing organs. Their front talons have smaller claws and are more nimble, making them very talented crafters.
✧Lowland mountain ashwing: an almost complete oposite of highlanders, they are big, heavily armored, and very strong. Osteoderms all along their bodies offer a lot of protection against fire and claws, but their underbellies are still a more vulnerable part. Lowlanders have crests vaguely similar to their peak-dwelling quivermates, except these are made for fighting. A large plaque or bone shields their head and eyes, and give more stability to their crest. These appendages can be in the form of crests or horns, and are very varied between individuals in a similar way to their head horns. A well placed blow with one of these can be fatal. Bony plates at the tip of the snout make up beaks not too different to highlander ones, but they still have a stronger bite force —the strongest in the continent— able to crush rocks and shatter bone with their near constant replacing teeth. Large tusks are common, and when two dragons get "married", it's tradition to pull one out and carve patterns into it to give to their spouse as an engagement gift, since it can grow back, albeit taking longer. This monstrous bite force is used in another ability: while their fire is weaker than lowlanders, by crushing rocks and swallowing them, they can be stored in a sort of vesicle near their main fire organ, heating them up to become lava which can be spluttered out as a shorter ranged but more destructive form of fire breathing. Their talons and spines —including the detachable one— are sturdy but lack much edge, being better used as blunt force weapons, a few can even have spines similar to clubs in their tails. Biggest dragons in the continent, their wings are huge to support their massive weight, although even with that wingspan, they're slow and sluggish flyers. Females usually are bigger, with more muscle and more impressive crests, but the dimorphism isn't as notable and exceptions are more common. Lowlanders and highlanders diverged at some point in time —the ancient enchantment all ashwings have making their differences quickly contrast starkly— but they still live under the same quiver peacefully.
✧Forest ashwing: said to be the ones that resemble their precursors and common ancestors most, the Frostwings, out of all the quivers. Living in the forest, food and shelter is readily available, so the need to evolve wasn't as significant or urgent. Frost breath is still present, but commonly in the "must be cold enough to breathe out ice" way, with few individuals being able to spit it out whenever. Physiology and ability-wise they've stayed pretty much the same throughout the years, with the most noticeable changes being their deer-like antlers —though simpler straight horns aren't completely gone— used for less extreme fighting and foraging for food such as tree bark, as well as their fur. This fur helps a lot to stay warm in the cold winter months, as well as giving more protection to their vulnerable undersides. During spring and summer, this fur falls off, leaving only a short and velvety layer of pelage.
✧The ashwings are a very varied species, and even within quivers some uncommon abilities or traits may appear out of nowhere in a few dragons, and traits aren't completely homogeneous due to the nature of the enchantment bestowed upon them by permafrost (individuals may differ in physical traits shown, lacking or having more than the average)
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moonlight1110 · 7 months
Crawling back to you
ex-boyfriend!Ghost x Reader ; (Late) Valentines Special ;)
Your ex-boyfriend who comes banging at your door in the middle of the night. He desperately wants you back, and when he invites himself in, is there really nothing else you can do?
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Tags: afab!reader, p in v, smut, nsfw, vaginal sex, rough sex (kinda idk), mating press, pathetic!Simon, far from canon simon, i write with badjhur's voice in my ear, not propfread, proofread anyway BC I hate typos
Notes: planned on writing something for valentines but uni fucked me sideways so im posting today <3
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"What the hell..." You jump as three hard knocks come from your door, almost as if the person on the other side was just a second away from breaking it down.
You didn't need to go through your mental library to know who it was, you knew exactly who was at your door at this ungodly hour because who else in their right mind would show up uninvited except him.
With a grunt, you roll off of bed and trudge to your front door. A heavy feeling pressing down on your chest as you got closer and closer to the door, you contemplated if opening it was even a good option, but knowing who was on the other side, choosing to ignore him was going to be a poor decision on your part.
With an tired sigh, you grabbed the door knob, squeezing it as doubts ran through your mind, but you are snapped out of it when he knocks, even harder than before.
"What are you doing?!" You ask, trying not to scream at him to avoid receiving another noise complaint from your overbearing neighbors when you opened the door slightly to peek out the small crack of it. Standing on the other side was someone you knew all too well.
"Let me in" his voice was low as he looked down at you, dark eyes staring at you from the opening of his balaclava. "Please..." He took a step forward, placing a hand on your door, but you stayed firm. "Simon, you can't just come here in the middle of the night and expect me to let you in" you argued, hardening the hand that was holding your door.
"I miss you, baby, come on..." He pushed the door slightly, you knew you wouldn't stand a chance even if you tried your hardest to shut the door. With how strong and large Simon was, trying to fight back against him was next to impossible.
"Simon, please..." You looked at him, brows furrowing. However, even at your attempts to stand by your decision, there was a part of you that wanted him to just push your door open... An unexplainable feeling, you thought.
"Take me back... I'll do anything" He sounded desperate, his voice sounded unlike the person you thought you knew, he sounded hurt, vulnerable, not like the usual stone cold and stoic Ghost you knew.
"You broke up with me remember... You can't just go back on that when you want to" your expression hardened in contrast to his which softened as he looked into your eyes. He regretted it, deeply.
"I did, I know that but I didn't know I would be making the biggest mistake of my life, love..." He steps closer, pushing your door open just a bit again. "Don't call me that... Just don't" you shake your head in disapproval but that small part of you just misses the way he called you that, how it rolled off his tongue like honey, you missed it.
"Just let me in, let's talk... I miss you" the last part comes out as a mumbled plea as he pushes your door open finally, stepping inside like he never left. Those three words just made you want to jump over the boundaries you so desperately tried to build up, but all you could do was step aside and let him in, there was no point in fighting him.
"What's there left to talk about, Simon?" You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as Simon removed his shoes, it looked so familiar next to yours...
"I want you back, I can't fuckin' live without you..." His brows knit together as he looks down at you, reaching out but you step back with a disapproving look. "Then why did you end it in the first place if you were just gonna come back to me anyway..." Your hands fall to your sides with a defeated sigh leaving your lips.
"I told you, it was the distance, my work... I thought breaking up with you would be the best choice for the both f'us..." Ignoring your attempts at creating space between you, he steps closer, caging you between his arms as he leaned against the wall, effectively trapping you under him.
"I was wrong, baby... So fuckin' wrong..." he whispered, his eyes silently pleading for your to just listen. He leaned forward so close you could feel his hot breath even through the fabric of his balaclava.
"I didn't even want to leave you..." You started, your face scrunching as you remembered the events that happened the day he cut things off between the two of you. "You made up so many reasons, so many excuses... You put words in my mouth..." You looked away, feeling your chest tighten again at the recollection of your memories together. It hurt to bring up and remember but with seeing Simon standing in front of you again, it was impossible to push those thoughts away.
"I know, I know..." He took your chin inbetween his index and thumb, willing you to look back at him. His expression was one of guilt and desperation, that much was clear with the way he was looking at you.
"But I can't stand another day without you, been regretting that decision every fuckin' day, love..." He leans in, snaking a hand around your waist. You want to pull away, to push him off and tell him to fuck off from you forever but you don't, you just cant find it in you to push him away when all you wanted was to be with him.
"Those months away from you felt like an eternity, don't wanna feel that anymore..." He pulls you closer, holding you tightly against his chest with his nose now inhaling the scent of your hair from the crook of your neck.
"We can't... This is the type of shit that complicates things, Simon..." you place your hands on his chest as if you even wanna push him off you. "I don't care..." He groans and pulls his balaclava off, breathing against your neck. It makes you squirm the way his hands are travelling down now, you missed it more than you were willingly to openly admit to him anyway, but that's no issue for how your body is responding.
"Fuck if it means we'll get complicated, I need you back..." He kisses at your neck, still familiar with all the spots that just made you melt. "Can't be away from you for another fuckin' day, baby..." He groans, pinning you against the wall by your hips, grinding a knee to your clothed cunt.
"Just say the word and I'll leave..." He groans, giving your throat a good lick all the way to your collarbone as his hands found your ass, kneading like he owned it. "I'll leave and I'll never come back, I won't bother you... But y'need to tell me..." His lips drag along your shoulder as he pulls you closer on his thigh, "Tell me... Tell me y'never wanna see me again, push me away..." He mumbles against the side of your neck.
Your breath hitches in your throat with the way he was talking to you, you knew Simon was a man who was true to his word and once you'd tell him to leave, he would.
"C'mon..." he retracts from your neck and pulls back to look you in the eyes, his brows are furrowed and his eyes are blown out as his eyes flicker over your features like he's trying to memorize every single detail before you told him to leave.
"I..." you scramble to find the words, you wanna tell him to leave but you also want him to stay, you two didn't even end on that much of a bad note, it was a misunderstanding, a poor decision which was made in the heat of the moment...
"Don't leave..." You give in to your emotions, just seeing Simon again after your breakup hurt like hell, but god would you curse yourself if you allowed him to leave again... You couldn't take that, seeing him walk out again, leaving you for the second time.
"Fuck..." He groans as he connects your lips, his hands are pulling at you and pinning you against the wall. It's a passionate and desperate kiss from him, which you return with your own, full of want and the same desperation you craved would be quenched for such a long time. No one did it like him, no one ever loved you like Simon Riley ever did.
Your arms find his neck as your head tilts, allowing Simon to push his tongue past your lips. He doesn't let up, doesn't get up for air, he just fucking wants you, wants to take you right then and there with how much he misses you.
His hands cup your ass as he lifts you up against the all and you wrap your legs around his torso as he finally pulls away from the kiss. "I need you, baby... Fuckin' missed you too much..." he practically growled as he sucked on your neck, walking to your bedroom.
"Simon, calm down..." You mumbled as he set you down on the bed, you could feel how rapidly his heart was beating but that only made him chuckle. "Can't calm down when I have you in my arms again, love" He stared down at you as he leaned back up, removing his shirt quickly.
"Missed you so much..." He whispered against your ear when he dove back down, making space for himself between your legs as he hovered on top of you with his arms on either side of your head. "Missed the way you feel around me..." He hummed while his hands trailed down your waist, to your hips, then just above the hem of your flimsy sleeping shorts.
"Did y'think 'bout me too? hm?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your jaw as his hand travelled under your shorts, his middle finger now circling on your wet clit through your panties. You didn't notice how you ruined your underwear until you felt how slick and uncomfortable it was when Simon pressed harder against your clit.
"Yeah... I did..." you whispered breathily, back arching at the feeling of Simon's thick fingers pleasuring you. He smirks, taking the opportunity to kiss and suck at your neck. "Mmm... Yeah?" He chuckles against your throat, parting your slick covered panties to the side to finally tease at your wet pussy.
"Fuck baby... She missed me didn't she?" he laughs, looking down at the way his hand moved from under your shorts. "Fuckin' pussy missed me too, huh?" He chuckles, as he pushes his thick finger inside you, making you gasp and grip at his arm.
"Simon!" you shut your eyes, back arching as he pressed gentle kisses against your throat. "Relax baby... need to prepare you again, been too long since I've fucked this pretty little pussy..." He coos, adding another finger to stretch you out, curling them so deliciously inside you.
"Fuck... I-" you whimper, sucking in a breath as he finds that spot inside you that just makes you break, he still knows of course, knows every single spot and every single way to make you crumble and submit to him. "I'm gonna cum, Si..." You whisper breathlessly, hands shaking around Simon's arm weakly.
Simon doesn't say anything except give you a cruel chuckle when he waits for the perfect time, just when you're about to cum to take his fingers out and it makes you shoot him a nasty glare. "Why did you do that?!" You whined, but your voice weakens at the sight of the hard bulge under his pants.
"Don't want you cummin' on anything but my cock tonight, love..." he chuckles dangerously, sitting on his knees to unbuckle his pants. He looks down at you with a hunger in his eyes, licking his lips as he finally rolls the zipper down. "C'mon, don't just stare" He smirks, snapping you out of your trance. "Right..." you blink, moving closer to him.
"Good..." he praises as he watches you tug his pants and boxers down together and tossing it down the side of the bed. "Fuck..." He hisses when he's finally free, his dick rock hard and heavy, twitching as beads of precum roll down from the tip. Your breathing quickens when you see it, it's bigger than you remember, thick and running with veins you wish you could memorize.
"On your back..." Simon commands, his voice low as he wraps a hand around his shaft to stroke his dick slowly. "But..." you look into his eyes but he shakes his head with a mean smirk when he looks at you. "As much as I wanna fuck that pretty mouth of yours, that's gonna have to wait another time" He chuckles, pushing you down on your back by your shoulder.
"I need t'fuck you, baby... Need t'feel you 'round my dick again..." he growls, watching the way your face is flushed and your legs are spread out on either side of his torso. He strokes his dick in his hands as he hums, using his free hand to slide your shorts and panties over your legs, throwing it with his pants.
"Fuckin' hell..." he groans when his eyes finally see your bare pussy, your clit twitching and your entrance clenching around nothing. It makes him fist his cock harder as he runs his free hand down your stomach, his thumb finding your clit and rolling it down in little circles.
"Stop teasing..." you say through gritted teeth as one of your hands grip the sheets under you and the other pressed against Simon's chest. "M'not teasing" He chuckles, tapping his dick on your clit a few times. "Just shut up and fuck me already, Simon..." You whine, slapping his chest pathetically.
"Gettin' feisty now, eh?" he laughs lowly as a low satisfied rumble comes from deep in his throat when he grinds his cock against your pussy, letting it catch your slick. "Need to take it slow, love... I don't wanna hurt you" Simon groans, aligning his tip with your entrance.
"Oh... god-" you breathe out matched with a long moan from Simon as pushes the tip in. It makes a lewd, sort of wet sound when he enters you. It makes your head spin in the way it makes Simon throw his head back as he pushes deeper until he's completely inside you with a hard thrust.
He rolls his thumb over your clit, waiting for your breath to steady. "Doin' so good, baby... Taking me so well..." He coos, pressing on your clit as his eyes narrow on the sight of your body, all hot just for him. "M-move, Si..." You whimper out, closing your eyes tightly and adjusting to the feel of Simon inside you again after so long.
Simon hums while he rolled his hips, slowly thrusting his cock in and out. It's slow so he can let you adjust, help you remember how good he stretches you out that it makes you all dumb and pliable for him. "Mmm, yeah... Feels so good, love" he grunts, his hips moving just a tad bit faster.
He thrusts all the way to the hilt every single time, and it feels like he goes deeper and deeper with every thrust he gives you. He squeezes at your thighs, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he parts your legs even more, putting you in a mating press.
It makes you whimper the way you're starting to feel the slight pain of Simon's body pressed right into you. He's like an animal now, fucking you in such a primal way when he growls in your ear, encouraged by the delicious moans you give him and how you squirm and say his name in your breathy, fucked out voice.
"That's it, taking me like such a good fuckin' girl" He chuckles, driving his hips harder, the sound of his skin slapping against your cunt almost drives you crazy. He leans up, letting your legs rest as he massages them gently, a sharp juxtaposition from how hard he's fucking your weeping cunt.
"Needed this so bad, baby..." He groans, pulling your legs around his torso as he leans down to kiss at your neck. You can hear him mumbling sweet little nothings in your ear as his hands grip at your thighs and the soft skin of your waist.
"Tell me y'missed me... I wanna hear it" He mumbles against your neck, moaning lowly. He sounded so calm and so gentle yet the way his cock was filling you up and stretching you out so good was far from gentle. "Tell me y'missed this dick, baby, c'mon..." He hums, his hand travelling up to play with your tits.
"I-I mis-" You started, but the way Simon was fucking you so good made your head spin you couldn't even string a proper sentence together. He laughed, grazing his teeth over the skin of your shoulder, "Awe can't even speak anymore?" He teases, slowing his hips down and it makes you groan in disapproval.
"Why'd you slow down..." you whine, looking at him with half-lidded eyes. "Wanna hear you say you missed me first" He chuckled. It was bad enough that he slowed down, but it's even worse when he pulls out and looks down at you with a cruel smirk, stroking the cock that was supposed to be making you cum.
"Tell me how bad you missed me, baby, you can do it" He laughs lowly and he doesn't look away from you as he fists his cock to the look of pleasure on your face.
"I-I missed you Simon, so much-" you moaned out desperately as your pussy clenched on nothing. You were ready to beg for his cock again if he needed you to but you didn't have to worry for long when he turned you around, stuffing your pussy with his fat cock from behind.
"Good girl... Such a good fuckin' girl, aren't ya?" His words are so dirty it makes you tighten around him with a stifled moan as he fucks you fast and deep, not giving you a chance to adjust to the new angle he's pounding you in.
You can't respond and all you can even do is moan and take Simon's hard dick stuffing you over and over again. It doesn't take long for you to feel that tight knot forming in your stomach and Simon can feel it too from the way you're starting to tighten around him.
"Gonna cum, baby?" He asks you with a drawn out hum as he kneads your ass, watching the way it jiggles with every thrust.
You nod, moaning into your pillows as you clawed at the sheets. "Cum for me then... Cum on my dick..." He coos, pushing your hips down to give himself a better view of your ass. Your arms give out and you're practically being fucked into the bed.
Simon chuckles, taking your wrists and pulling them towards him suddenly. It makes you gasp when you feel the pressure building in your shoulders when Simon tightens his grip on your wrists.
"Si... M'close..." Your voice comes out choked out and broken, spiking up every time he bullies his cock harshly inside you and makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Don't need to tell me baby, just cum f'me..." He mutters breathlessly, now holding your wrists behind your back with one hand as the other lands a harsh slap to your ass, making you whimper.
You gasp as tears rolled down your cheeks from how overwhelmed you were. "Simon... Simon..." your voice shakes as you struggle against his grip on your wrists. "Do it baby, cum for me..." He hums, giving your ass a loving squeeze.
You dig your nails into the sheets when you finally feel that knot in your stomach unravel, you feel tingly all over as you cum on Simon's cock with a loud moan of his name. It makes you whine when he doesn't stop, chasing his orgasm now when he feels your pussy tighten around him so good.
"Fuck baby... That's it, that's it..." His groan turns into a drawn out moan as he throws his head back. With the way you were clenching down on him, it made him sloppy.
Simon was sounding whiny now while he chased his high. His hands were squeezing your hips as he held you down and fucked you harder into the bed. He was babbling now, about how good you felt and how you were such a good girl. All for him.
"Feel's so good, lovie... Let me cum inside, please?" He whined through gritted teeth, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. "Please let me cum inside? Please, baby... Please..." He moans into your skin desperately, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder.
"Yes... Yes, inside..." You nod desperately, feeling overstimulated after just coming down from your high and now being used by Simon to chase his own climax.
"Oh fuck..." His voice shakes as he cums inside you, painting your walls white with his cum as he gives you a few more hard thrusts to make sure you take all of it.
"Thank you, love... Thank you" he whispers after some time had passed, giving your hips an appreciative squeeze as he slowly pulled out of you. You whined when he finally pulled out, leaving you breathless as you felt his hot cum drip from your pussy to your clit.
"So beautiful..." Simon whispers as he lays beside you, pulling you close to him in a warm hug with your back against his chest. He wraps his arms around his waist and means his head down on your shoulder to give you gentle kisses.
"I love you..." He whispered close to your ear as his hands caressed your body soothingly. You hummed in content as you relaxed in his arms and allowed yourself to move a bit closer.
"I love you too..." You say quietly, rubbing his arms which were wrapped around you. Simon hums and kisses your hair, lingering there to take in your scent. "I won't leave again... I promise" he mumbles against your hair, his arms tightening around you ever so slightly.
You nod, looking over your shoulder to give him a warm smile, you were too tired and spent to talk but you knew Simon would be able to know what you were thinking just by looking into your eyes.
He chuckles and presses a soft kiss to your lips briefly. "And you know what's funny?" He laughed softly, raising a hand to caress your cheek, "It's Valentine's day" he looked over to the window and you followed his eyes.
The sun was starting to rise and it made you scoff that Simon really came back to you at the perfect timing.
"We're staying in, that's for sure" you laughed quietly, feeling your eyelids grow heavy as sleep slowly overtook you, but you didn't feel lonely anymore. Simon was back, and he knew he would never leave again.
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Can I request a Matt smith x reader where in real life theyre married and in the show theyre hot sibling lovers 🥵🥵 anyways 👀 theyre doing a bunch of press junkets, interviews, games, etc. and its sooo fluffy☺️ and domestic☺️ and I just want to envision my life with Matt smith 😭
+ some star points if an interviewer asks about their 😏 scenes and they get really embarrassed but cute 🥰🥰😫😫😫☺️
I Can't Help It
Matt Smith x (ME PLS I WANTHIM) Actress!Reader
Summary: The tumblr girlies were absolutely wrecked when they found out their resident girlboss was dating their superwholock tumblr boy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Crackfic, i use y/n im sorry im not that strong, head empty only matt, a bunch of made up stuff because plot!, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NAH ANON YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS I WAS LIKE I GOTTA ZOOM THROUGH ALL MY REQS FOR THIS IASFHASFAS. i swear my anons and i share the same brain fr we all just want the same loser dont we PLSSSSSS [foams in the mouth] Also, idk if you've ever read any of my chris evans fics, but what you want me to do for matt is what i did for him & IM ABOUT TO HAVE A FIELD DAY IM ON CRACK HELLO ALSO ALSO, i get you probably meant they're targaryen sibling/lovers, cause otherwise ALFHKAFA MISS ME W THAT BS, but i decided on doing something different all together so lolol i hope you like it nonnie <3 idk what you feel about matt smith but im still going to tag you anyway holla Tagging: @pinksirensong what do you feel about matt smith HAHAHAHAAHHA
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It all started with this tweet that was prompted during a brief interaction at a movie premiere:
@fannygurl007: yeah but matt smith and y/n interacted for 20 seconds and i want them to get married and have babies [clip attached]
being liked by Matt's mom.
Then all hell broke lose.
And hell hath no mercy.
It lead with intense investigations of:
@ihave100problems retweeted: AWFHASL:FHAH WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY WHISPER TO EACH OTHER?!?!? 👹👹👹 @thedoctorswife retweeted: IN FRONT OF MY SINGLE ASS?? THEY FLIRTED IN FRONT OF *MY* SINGLE ASS??? JAIL @mattsmithbithc retweeted: "Oh, I think you look so pretty ------- yeah, that's great -----" HELP WHAT ELSE DID SHE SAY @mattsmithbithc replied: I THINK SHE SAID SMTH ABOUT HIS SUIT BUT IDK WHAT SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP @tennantsmith1 retweeted: you really can't trust men look at the way he's looking at her. i bet it was love at first sight for him. was anything between us even real </3 @mmmyehs retweeted: what's that? my matt smith and y/n cutouts gon sleep outside? I HOPE YOU KEEP EACH OTHER WARM IN HELL @y/nloml666 retweeted: NAH NAH NAH BUT MY BISEXUAL ASS WANTS TO BE IN BETWEEN THAT SANDWHICH @datass00 replied: me watching that vid like [image attached below]
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Then these things popped up on youtube:
proof matt smith and y/n have been dating all along 🤡🤡
Clip #1
I stick my hand in a jar and pull out a folded piece of paper. "Who's my celebrity crush," I read out the question, turning back to the camera, "I have long list," I refold the paper as I push it beneath my seat, "and the unfortunate king of that, currently, is Matt Smith."
*cut to a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡 and really loud background music*
One of the staff asks, off camera, "why unfortunate?"
"Well," I chuckle, crossing my arms, "if you know me, then you know when I like something so, so much, I end up hating it." I straighten up, "yeah, Matt Smith may or may not have been subjected to verbal abuse as of late."
I chuckle as I hear a few of the staff wheeze.
I raise a hand and cut through the air, "affectionately, affectionately."
Clip #2
There is an abrupt cut to a sound of a crowd cheering.
Matt leans in, scrunching his face as he brings the mic close to his lips, "sorry, love, what was that?"
*The clip is replayed twice and captioned [IM SORRY THE WAY HE SAID THAT WAS JUST SO HOT I HAD TO REPEAT IT]*
The crowd is gracious enough to quiet down, keeping their fangirling internal.
"Is there an actor or actress that you have not yet worked with but always wanted to?" the lucky fan asks her question again.
Matt hums, leaning back on his sofa chair, repeating the words for good measure. He pulls the mic away as he thinks, then brings it back, "you know what, I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing people," he starts, "but-"
The crowd cheers.
Matt smiles and releases a chuckle, waving the mic around, "but," he carefully says, "I have recently watched Vampire in the Locker for the first time."
The crowd cheers again.
"Yeah, and thought y/n was absolutely fabulous in it."
Someone in the crowd says loudly, "same!"
The crowd, along with Matt, laughs. He straightens up and points, "that person gets it!"
But what it really took was this Instagram post to destroy the internet:
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@imthebesty/n: ok but you cant get mad a me, i was there during superwholock. at least one of us won!! ps, he's a horrible cook, i promise you don't want him. i took one for the team 😇
That paired with headlines like:
Y/N confirms relationship with Matt Smith on Instagram with hilarious caption
Matt Smith cooks horribly, according to girlfriend, Y/N, who confirmed rumors with Instagram post
"I took one for the team," Y/N says in Instagram post, referring to dating Matt Smith
Tumblr but all stayed sane:
winchester-pie: Are you normal, or are you losing your mind overthinking one of the superwholock girlies is secretly y/n 369,278 notes dont-talk3me: When I gaslight people, it's bad, when y/n gaslights people, it's taking one for the team? 16,586 notes uowbish: I'm gonna say it: I DONT CARE THAT YOU'RE DATING MATT SMITH YOU SHOULD BE DATING ME [image attatched] 99,345 notes sh3l0ck3D: thinking about how y/n once said that she wrote fanfiction that was popular online. i should have known it was superwholock, she unhinged as fuck. 836,084 y/nb00tyluv: OK but i genuinely think y/n and matt smith talked for 5 minutes then decided to date after that 74,670 notes prettyeyebrows: ok but tell me y/n doesn't look like the type to make memes like this [image attached below] 424,245 notes
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The cherry on top was when Vogue magazine graced the world with this brilliant interview:
I introduce myself and turn to my side, smiling at the man next to me.
"I'm Matt, and today we-"
Matt turns to me, words going dry.
"You're Matt Smith," I correct, blinking at him.
Matt looks at me for a good moment then raises a hand between our faces, turning back to the camera, "and today, we're going to be-" he cuts himself off with a laugh when he hears me laughing.
He drops his hand and gives me a look before continuing, "we're going to be answering some questions for-"
Matt points to me so that I finish his sentence.
"Vogue magazine!" I say, making the man beside me clap his hands.
The most played part of that interview is this scene:
Matt is reading from a card, "if you could have something of the other's, what would it be?" He chucks the card away, turning to me just as I turn to him.
I mutter under my breath as I think, "something of the other's?"
Matt furrows pouts his lips out in thought.
A beat of silence passes.
We then simultaneously trail off as we both whisper, "like a baby."
I wheeze and lean into Matt, dying of laughter. He snorts and beams like a boy on Christmas, dropping his jaw low.
"No," I warn as I raise a finger through my chuckles, "behave."
Matt throws an arm around me as he lets out more deep laughs.
"The fact we both keep answering the same thing means me hang out too much."
He scoffs. "Clearly not enough though," Matt notes, making me glare at him and shake him off. He withdraws his arm, face still awfully pleased.
I give him a look, "your mother has been ingraining that ideation in your head too religiously."
"I mean," he grabs my hand. He looks at me for 3 whole seconds before sighing and saying, "you would make a great mother."
I purse my lips and sighing as well. I lean into him a bit as I softly admit, "and I think you would make a great father."
For a moment, the two of us look at each other.
I pull my hand away from him, moving to grab another card.
Here are a few of the most liked comments on that video:
Jason Stone: I have absolutely no idea who either of these people are and only watched this video because it autoplayed. Do I want them to get married and have babies though? Yes. Yes I do. 88.9k likes kpopinmybloodstream: matt the entire video:😍🥰😘 y/n the entire video: 😍🥰😘 me the entire video: 😍🥰😘 but single as fock 🤡🤡🤡 103k likes sowrr88: if i cant have what they have, i dont want it 94k likes
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system-vent · 4 months
one of the nastiest nastiest feelings is taking our shirt off and its not even because the body is human and afab and im a tabaxi tiger and amab, i have accepted that and i can look past it. i can cope with that, it doesnt bother me or any hosts or ex-hosts. what bothers me is the scars on our arm that come from a very harmful frequent fonter we had because i KNOW that the scars from him were preventable. i know we couldve stopped him. why the hell didnt we stop him from doing any of that? if we had known he had bad intentions and was doing all those bad things on purpose we wouldnt have let him front but he kept saying he was trying, he would be better, hes just anxious, hes depressed, he has bpd. so do the rest of us the body has those disorders you dont see me causing half the shit he did?? i hate him.
seperate rant/ramble: as i was typing this i heard either coyotes screaming outside, or i had an auditory hallucination. i hate this body and it's schizophrenia for a multitude of reasons which sends me on a new tangent ☝️🤓 i hate having schizophrenia because its often misdiagnosed as did (/srs) and we go "ohhh but maybe im faaaaking" i can garuntee you that the disassociative amnesia regarding our childhood may be a sign! and the very obvious shifts of personality, and also earlier today i had a fleeting thought that was something i wouldnt think and i thought it in the voice of one of my headmates. lo and behold he fronted without my noticing and neither of us know how long he was in front for.
on another note i hate hate hate having to self disgnose. our mother gets aggravated and has a borderline mental breakdown every single time one of us asks her why she thinks we are not autistic because to us and to other people with autism it is BLINDINGLY obvious, just as an example of why we need to self disgnose this much. schizophrenia, adhd, depression, anxiety, and various physical issues are all things we have been diagnosed with. we suspect autism, bpd, aspd, did, and dyslexia. we did not think about any of these disorders or about having them, and we knew nothing about them until friends with said disorders would talk about their experiences and vent about it and we went "oh no... oh no..." and then we had to go do vast amounts of research into them and overlapping disorders and just. so much research. and the autism part takes EVERYTHING literally and at face value so very often we will go "oh this cant be us! we dont have every single symptom!" and it is, in fact, us. we also fakeclaim ourselves when we hear stories about how bad these disorders can be and ours is never that bad. its bad enough to actually genuinely impact our life more often than not and the symptoms are very distressing when we notice them, but they arent as bad as they could be which to a lot of my headmates makes it very obvious that we do not have the disorders we very much do. it causes a lot of denial towards ourselves, we had looked into dyslexia and joking about having it for months but we never flat out said we have dyslexia until one of our managers straight up told someone "yeah we're dyslexic this losers are just in denial because we can send messages that are coherent. they think we are not dyslexic because we go back and correct any typos? doesnt make sense to me. the typos are still made, and we still miss a lot of words we need to correct very often. oh yes im aware theyre idiots." sometimes fakeclaimer logic is just so broken. we also have a lot of alters that have dyslexia in source memories and whenever they fromt our typing gets much worse which obviously means we don't actually have dyslexia OR did! /sarc. DID truely stands for dumb idiot disorder because i could spend a week listing times when our symptoms for all our disorders were very very prominant.
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Hello, dear :) I hope u r okay. Can I request quote 19 from your recent list? With Changkyun, please. I would like a little angst with a fluffy ending. Tysm for your work ❤️❤️❤️
Hi my love, thank you so much for your request! i hope, you like this im sorry for this not having a fluffy ending i was so immersed so if you don’t like it please let me know and i will write you another one.. (feedback is very much appreciated, if you don’t like it and if you like it)
im really unsure about this so i hope it’s good
i never proof read what i write bc as soon as i re read what i wrote, i immediately hate it and delete it. so scusi for any typos.
19. “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.” - Changkyun
it was too cold to even say a word as the piercingly pain shot through your body. it felt like a thousand knives hitting the thousands of emotions that were inside you as they started to bleed.
your voice was even too sore to scream but all the energy left inside you made you take control of what was left for you.
“please, i’m begging you, please, he’s all that i have” you sobbed and with the last strength you tried to pull him out of the officers tight hands.
“miss please let go before we have to escort you out as well”
your arms were strongly grabbed by an police man that was coming behind you, holding you while they escorted your boyfriend into the car.
“miss we have to take you with us for a few questions” you pulled yourself away from the police man and ran to the car, trying to open the door and hitting the glass.
“please open, please please i’m begging you. he did nothing wrong please”
the engine of the car turned on and the only thing you saw was changkyun mouthing ‚i love you‘ before the car started driving away. you tried your best as you run behind it, falling on your knees as you cried out.
that was the only memory you had on this day, and you still don’t know what exactly happened until this date. so fast but so slow.
you opened an envelope, the fifth one this week as you scanned over it.
‚my dearest‘ this is how the letter started. unable to continue you placed the letter back on the table next to your coffee.
you sighed, rubbing over your face once more and when you eyes fell on the small box filled with letters you started crying softly.
3 years and 7 month, that’s how long you’ve kept the very first letter that’s in the box and from this, the letters piled up from week to week.
grabbing the letter from the table you started reading again.
‚my dearest, my love, the only thing that’s in my mind,
i don’t know how to start this letter, even though i always have something to write about that happened in my day. but i feel like this time i don’t really want to tell you about my day.
all these years have felt like a bad dream that i am just not waking up to. no matter what i’m doing it’s always the same bed, the same cell, the same people around me, the same four walls.
i cannot describe you how empty i’m feeling that this has gotten out of control. this was never something i wanted you to see. this was never the life for you, my love.
i feel like this is even to late but i’ve come to the realization that i am ruining your life with this. almost 4 years, and you cannot even visit me. the letters i write to you, the only thing that’s still keeping us from ending it all. i know that you’re reading them and i know that your reading this as well with the strength that’s left in you. i know.
i just wish i could stop your pain and hold you again. smell your sweet perfume and finally feel whole again. finally feel like a human who has his life together and you by my side. but i will probably never have the chance to. it’s not my right to mentally hold you hostage in my heart.
please understand that i would still, with my whole being, do everything and anything for you. i’d shake the world for you but my love, my dearest this has to stop.
i can not longer go to sleep knowing that you would wait another 10 years for me, ruining your life for someone like me. this is not how you are supposed to live. this is not the fate that was destined for you.
i will, maybe one day, come out of here and continue with my life but i will be another man. a man that was forgotten by the world, a forgotten soul. and i do not want you to wait at the gate for me. i do not want you to have my outcome as a goal in your life.
that’s why this will be my last letter to you.
so baby, go ahead, live your life, be the greatest person you already are and strive to be better, enjoy the life that was designed for your heart.
i will still have you in my heart but you will be free and i know, i know that it’s not going to be easy for you. but i want you to try. i know this is hard but please promise me to keep me next to your heart as well.
because if you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.
forever your heart,
the letter fell from your hands as you pushed your knees further to your face and sobbed harder, wondering how much more you would have to cry until you’re dried out and pass out on the floor.
and once again it felt like a thousand knives hitting the thousands of emotions that were inside you as you felt your body started to bleed this time, it tried to bleed all of your sadness away.
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elliesguitarstrings · 3 years
Ok ok ok so how about this! Reader is scared of horror movies and spiders! Like shit scared and Peter constantly teases her about it (her knowing about Spider-Man is up to you). So one day him, reader, mj, Ned are having a sleepover at peters and during the horror movie reader gets scared n screams..and Peter teases her again so she gets hurt and runs to his room. He goes after her to apologise but then tells her not to turn around or something and reader thinks he’s just teasing her again and wants to walk away but then peter just kisses her! Cause there was actually a spider behind her and Peter panicked cause he didn’t want reader to get scared again.
Cue Ned n mj being so happy cause they finally confessed and end up embarrassing Peter.
This is so specific sorry but thank you🥺❤️
this is so cute!!! i wrote this really quickly so sorry if there are some typos :/
“Okay guys, what should we watch?” Peter asks as he crawls out from the makeshift pillow fort in his living room.
You, Ned, MJ, and Peter were all spending the night at his house. Seeing as it’s already the middle of the night and you’re all extremely tired, you decided to watch a movie before you go to bed.
MJ smirks, “We should watch It!” This earns nods of approval from everyone... well everyone except for you.
“Absolutely not!” you deadpan, “I am not watching a scary movie before I go to seep. No way.”
Ned laughs, “Come on Y/N, it’s more funny than scary. Plus it’s not even that scary anyways, you’re such a baby.”
“Am not! I just don’t like scary movies!”
“Y/N, you made me turn off A Bug’s Life because you were too freaked out that the bugs were talking. You’re a baby.” Peter chuckles.
“I just don’t like bugs okay? Sue me!”
“Yeah I’m surprised she still lets you hang around since you’re Spiderman Peter. Hey Y/N did you know he can summon an army of spiders whenever he wants?” Ned jokes.
You’re eyes go wide, “What? Peter is that true? Please tell me that’s a joke.”
“Oh no it’s not a joke, I can control all spiders. Actually, why don’t I get some to come over here right now?”
You shriek, “Nononono! Peter don’t please don’t!”
Ned, Peter, and MJ all burst out laughing. “He can’t actually do that Y/N, he was just being stupid.” MJ giggles.
You breathe out a sigh of relief, though you’re extremely embarrassed. You did just kind of prove their point that you were scared of basically everything. You know that they’re just joking around, but it still hurts your feelings a little.
“You know what,” you announce, “let’s watch It, who cares if it’s scary.”
Peter raises his eyebrows, “Oh, are you sure? We really don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s fine. I want to. Let’s do it.” You don’t actually want to watch it. But you do want to prove your friends wrong. So you’re just going to have to push through for this one.
“Well okay then, guess we’re watching It!” Peter grabs the remote and turns on the movie, crawling back to his spot next to you.
Already you’re hating this. Even the intro has creepy music that puts you on edge. The movie hasn’t even properly started yet and it’s still freaking you out. You snuggle deeper into your spot on the couch and hope that you are able to fall asleep before any of the really scary parts. You figure that nothing super scary will happen in the first ten minutes, so as long as you drift off before then you’re fine.
Unfortunately, you’re very wrong. Not even five minutes into the movie and there’s already a creepy clown pulling a kid into a sewer. You aren’t expecting it, and the jump scare makes you scream. You bury your head in the pillow, trying to get the terrifying image of Pennywise the clown out of your head.
Instead of comforting you or making sure you’re okay, your friends just laugh.
“Hey, guys, maybe we should turn this off I think it’s a little too much for baby Y/N here.” Peter chokes out in between laughs.
“Yeah, maybe we need to turn on a Disney movie instead.” Ned adds.
“I don’t know guys, the villains can be pretty scary, that might even be too much for her!” MJ giggles.
You’ve had enough. You don’t want to spend any more time with your friends tonight if all they’re going to do is make fun of you. You throw your blanket off and stand up from the couch carefully as not to knock the fort down. You quickly crawl out from under it and storm off to Peter’s room leaving your friends in silence. You slam the door shut, but question when you don’t hear it click. You spin around to see Peter holding the door open, staring at you.
“Peter, go away, I don’t want to hear you make fun of me anymore.”
He slips into the room and closes the door behind him. “I’m not here to make fun of you, I promise.” he pauses. “Y/N I’m sorry, we were just trying to poke fun, we weren’t trying to hurt your feelings. Well, at least I wasn’t, I cant speak for Ned and MJ but Im sure they weren’t either.”
“Well it wasn’t funny Peter. I get that you think of me as a baby because I’m scared of everything but I can’t help it. The least you could do is make sure I’m okay.”
“I know, and again I’m really sorry for not doing that. It was stupid of me to make fun of you and I should have just turned on another movie. I hate seeing you hurt and now I can’t even tell you how bad I feel.”
You can tell that he’s being genuine and that he truly feels bad, so you decide to forgive him. He is your best friend after all, he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt you. “It’s okay Pete, that you for apologizing.” you smile.
“Oh thank god. I thought you were gonna be mad at me forever.” He rushes towards you and engulfs you in a big hug, nestling his face in your neck. “I swear it won’t happen again.”
You giggle, “Thank you Pete, but can we please go back out there and watch a different movie?”
He looks up at you, his arms still wrapped around your middle, “Oh, yeah sure.” He pulls away from you slowly and you start to turn around towards the door to head back out until his eyes widen. “DONT TURN AROUND!”
You’re taken aback, staring at Peter with furrowed brows. “Huh?”
He looks at you sternly, “Don’t. Turn. Around.”
You sigh, “Peter come on, we just talked about this. I told you not to make fun of me like that anymore. You promised.”
“I’m not joking. Seriously don’t look behind you.”
“Oh my god Peter you’re too much.” You start to turn around to head back out when he grabs your arm harshly, pulling you towards him. Before you know it, his lips are on yours and his arms are back around your waist.
Holy shit. You’re best friend is kissing you. The boy you’ve liked for years is literally kissing you!
Before you get the chance to really kiss him back, he pulls away. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that I just didn’t know how else to make you not turn around so I kissed you and I shouldn’t have done it and now I’ve messed everything up and-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his once again, this time truly getting to kiss him. You wrap you arms around his neck with his still snaked around your waist. He pulls you impossibly closer and your lips move in sync, as if they were made for each other. You finally pull away when you run out of breath, your forehead resting against Peter’s.
“Woah.” he whispers.
“So I take it that you like me back?” Peter asks.
You giggle, pressing another quick peck on his lips, “Yeah, I’d say so.”
“Awesome.” he pauses, looking behind you at the door. “There’s a spider behind you by the way.”
“What?” you freak out, jumping up and forcing Peter to catch you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Peter laughs, “I did! But you insisted that I was just joking. So I had to kiss you instead.”
“Oh. Well, sorry about that.”
“Don’t be sorry. I got to kiss you.” Peter smirks causing you to blush. “Can I put you down now so I can take are of this spider?”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
He captures the spider and throws it out the window, not wanting to kill it. You both walk back to the living room hand in hand to see a giggling Ned and MJ.
“I was wondering how long that was gonna take for you to finally get together.” MJ smirks.
You blush, “How did you-”
“We heard everything, including you screaming about the spider.” Ned laughs.
“Shut up!” you giggle.
“Whatever, just please don’t be making out in our fort while Ned and I are trying to sleep. At least get a room.”
You and Peter blush, but MJ and Ned usher you over into the fort. Peter sits down and you snuggle in his lap, his arms wrapped around you to keep you warm. Much to your chagrin, MJ turns It back on, but Peter’s warmth lulls you to sleep quickly and you miss the majority of the movie, sleeping comfortably in his arms.
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barzzal · 3 years
close to you
summary: there’s nothing more excruciating than to lose someone you’ve never imagined losing. but what happens when they’ve already left right before you can even acknowledge them leaving? mathew is yet to find out.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: falling out and break ups 
↳ genre: angst.
↳ length: imagine; 1.3k
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: close to you by rihanna (listen to this it’s all that there is really)
note: unsolicited barzy angst fic because i was sad and listening to rihanna, (plus you guys know how much i love angst) this is totally unplanned and written in the past hour so im sorry if there’s sum typos bc i didn’t proofread this :<< hope u still like!! feedbacks are very much appreciated! <3
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You were slipping away and he knew it. 
Mathew’s mind was running wild. His thoughts were coming in one after another and no matter how hard he tried to shut it out of his head — there it was again. 
The cyclical pattern of his seemingly endless misery. 
The thought of losing you. 
Days with you were spent either in total silence, eating lunch with the television on in the hopes of drowning out the numbing noise that was now in every corner of the home you have built with Mathew; or you know, the mandatory screaming match you indulge yourselves with even over the smallest of things.
Things only escalated the more you try to talk about it. Neither of you really knew how and when it started. And neither felt the need to say a word.
All that you and Mathew did was to watch your years crumble before your own eyes. Years that got shattered with each night spent in an ice cold bed, backs facing each other, not bothering to say a word.
“What happened to us?” his voice crisp and clear even when whispering.
You feel his gaze and you begin to resent yourself for staying up so late. You see him in the corner of your eye, patiently waiting — silently pleading that you’d look his way. 
You didn’t. 
Instead, you close the book you were reading and take your glasses off. You sigh just as you put it on the bedside table. Mat does nothing but watch you silently, all whilst ignoring his chest growing all the more heavy each time you push him away. 
You turn to him, still not meeting his eyes before you turn your night light off. You answer with a meek reply, “I’m tired, Mat.” 
“Y/N.” he calls you once but it seems like it’s been hundreds of times for him. He wanted nothing else but to reach out to you — to hold you. Maybe then he’d feel less insecure. Maybe then he’d feel less afraid of facing the fact that you’re slowly fading away farther off his reach. 
He knows you heard him but he doesn’t get a reply. And you know he’d be grateful to take on crumbs you’d be willing enough to spare. However, just like the other times he’s tried, your mind numbing quietude was all he had to hold onto. 
You try to drift away faster into sleep for you did not want to spend the night hearing him pick out on almost every meaningless thing you’ve done for the past couple of weeks. You were just tired. Insanely tired. And Mat had very little, perhaps almost nothing to do with it. You were lost.
“Do you still love me?” you hear a catch in his throat that instantly tugged strings in your chest. 
You fall silent, finding it hard to voice the words Mat had wanted to hear. 
Do you still love him?
You didn’t know. 
“Baby, please talk to me.” he pleads the longer he basks in your silence. Silence that Mat knew well enough to mean just one thing. 
Finally, as if it was the nearest he’s gotten to a win, he sees you shift, turning to face him. 
To say the least, you weren’t sure of how you feel towards Mathew. Being with him through all these years have been good, yes — but days weren’t always sunshine. It wasn’t always a calming afternoon walk holding each other’s hands, swaying it in the air, whilst you listen to birds chirping beautifully all year ‘round. Being with Mat came with its own sacrifices. Ones you cannot point out no matter how hard you tried and ones that just made him so hard to love. 
“I’m sorry.” you murmur. You avert his gaze, keeping your eyes low on the sheets you’ve once shared wrapped around your naked bodies in search of warmth in each other’s embrace. 
You never left Mat’s eyes because leaving you was the last thing he wanted to do. He hesitates to take a few strands that went astray to your face just so he could tuck it behind your ears like he always does. When you lean closer, nudging him to do just that, he feels a kindling fire in his chest. An all too familiar feeling he has deeply missed. 
His touch did not make you want to pull away nor did it burn you like it used to. A sad smile creeps up his lips once you finally take the leap and look in his eyes. 
“I know you are,” he says, clearing his throat. “And it’s okay. I understand.”
Mat wanted to. He truly does. He wanted to be selfish and just think about his own good. Letting you go wasn’t something he pictured doing because he knows that you know it has never crossed his mind. 
Mat wanted to do everything against what willed his heart. But he knew too that letting you keep him at bay just to spare his feelings would do more damage than it could fix and he just couldn’t afford having to lose you twice. He could barely walk through this conversation now. Therefore he’s certainly sure he wouldn’t be able to handle losing you more than once.
“I think I need to figure out some things on my own.” you tell him earnestly. A thing that you’ve wanted to let out ever since coming home to Mathew felt more work than it’s worth. 
“Are you gonna be gone for long?” he asks, voice thick and impending to break at any moment.
“I don’t know.” you answer with candor, an apologetic tone masking your words.
Nonetheless, no matter how much you did not want to spend the night breaking Mathew’s heart, he lets you rip one final bandage — exposing a long overdue wound that was without a doubt far from healing, “I won’t really know unless I try, right?”
“Okay.” he smiles, eyes softer than it ever was.
“I’ll be exactly where you left me.” 
The night grows deeper as the two of you sink in what seems to be the hardest falling-out you’ve yet to go through. A break up that would definitely stick around Mathew’s end for he has never loved someone as much as he loved you. Perhaps, even more to put himself in the most selfless position he would willingly let himself into. 
“What do we do now?” you ask, your voice low and on the brink of letting out a thick sob. 
Mat takes your hand and entwines it with his. He holds you tight. He lets his forehead rest on yours, breathing out the pain that’s successfully wrenched his heart in seconds. 
He pulls himself closer to you — pouring all he has left to give. Slowly, as he finally let himself pull away, he says, “We sleep.” 
No matter how much you wanted to say your piece, you just could not find the words that fit. And so, you do the sanest thing you could give him, leaning closer to every bit of his touch as if the clock had only started ticking. 
You see Mathew’s eyes glisten from the moonlight shining from across the room. If only you knew how bad you’re going to miss it. If only you’d appreciated it while you had the chance. If only you knew that the last thing Mat wanted was to see you right before he closed his eyes. 
“Good night, y/n.” he says, still holding your hand close to his chest.
God, if you had only known those eyes will be gone the moment you open yours, you would’ve held onto his hand a bit longer. Long enough before he emptied his closet the morning after. Long enough before he had the chance to wipe out every single trace he’s left your apartment. Perhaps even long enough for you to change your mind.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
Heatwave Anniversary Drabble: i miss u like ... a lot (M)
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- read first! but this drabble can be read alone
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: One night until Taehyung is back from his boys’ trip but you miss him too much.
Genre: fluff, smut, kinda crack?, boyfriend/established relationship au
Warnings: unprotected sex (oc on contraception so don’t u do it), teasing over the phone, riding and grinding, just kinda vanilla i-missed-u-so-much sex, a particular selca
Word count: 5k
A/N: It was Heatwave’s one year anniversay on the 17th so I decided to write a quick(?) drabble for this. I fully intended on posting this on time, but wanted to change up some stuff so only managed to finish this now. Happy birthday to my first fic and forver my baby!
The absolute one thing you hate most about your boyfriend being away from you is your boyfriend being away from you.
You have never been the clingy needy type, that is more his role in this relationship, nor are you really one to show affection. In fact, you would hate for that false image to be perceived of you because all that sappy shit makes you want to throw up your dinner. But one thing you’ve learnt since Taehyung had gone away on a week-long boys’ trip down by the coast is how cold the house feels in his absence, despite being in the middle of a sizzling summer.
Everything is so eerily quiet without his random outbursts into song and fits of laughter. Having spent 3 years living together, you have gotten so used to his constant presence that you had even caught yourself several times calling out for him only to remember that he isn’t here. Waking up without his arm draped around your waist, slided up your top at some point during the night, impacts you more than you’d like to admit.
Are you glad that he’s having a great time with his friends by the beach, relaxing all day and drinking all night? Of course. Are you having a great time all by yourself over here in the absence of your boyfriend? Certainly not.
Though, of course, this isn’t something you would confess to out loud, especially to him. He doesn’t need to know how often the thought: ugh fuck, I miss Tete is crossing your mind, lest you want him to rub his smugness in your face.
It isn’t just that. Your relationship hasn’t been without its tests in the course of its years and things have only finally stabilised. It’s not that you don’t trust Taehyung to be with his ladish friends for seven days, shirtless dusk till dawn, intoxicated to the point where he calls you thinking that you’re the pizza delivery guy but…
A hammered Taehyung at a beach full of girls who are no doubt thirsting over him leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You trust him to be loyal to his core, but you don’t trust anyone else to keep their hands from copping a feel. No matter how you look at it, you would just so much rather he be at home with you right now.
You have endured this for six days. Six full days without Taehyung. Six full days with no sex, no tummy kisses, no clammy hand holding even though you’re only to get groceries. Just one more night and this torture will fucking be over, praise the lord. But you also don’t know how much more you can hold back that I miss you text because you’re combusting from the need to see him again.
It’s almost 4am. Your sleep schedule is fucked and it’s really his fault.
The bright screen of your phone offers the only luminescence at this hour. Your messages from him in the past week have not been shy of your daily dose of Taehyung - clips of the beach (always mischievously caption with something along the lines of “thinking of Mykonos ;D” where you went on your first holiday together), selfies that you dwell way too long staring at because you miss that face buried in your neck, drunk videos of the antics him and the boys get up to that you’ll definitely chastise him for when he comes back yet can’t help but laugh at. You find yourself scrolling through them every single night.
Your personal favourite: a pouty selfie he sent you after he dropped his ice cream, the picture you always go back to and the one you’re staring at right now. His hair is frizzy from the sea, lips jutted out childishly and cheeks puffy. Your chest constricts, fuck...
Just one more night, you remind yourself. And then he’s back and all yours again.
Then suddenly, the phone in your hand vibrates, short and abrupt. The bar slides down from the top of your screen reading New Message from Tete. Surprised, you scramble to open it, maybe a bit too desperately for you to be proud of.
Tete: bby
You blink at those three letters, lips pressed together because your heart is cinching.
Tete: ur prob aslep rn but
Tete: i missu
Tete: <334
The typos indicate that he is wasted, and you take a guess that he has just returned from their last night out of the holiday. The corners of your lips turn up knowing that he is thinking of you right now.
You: no im awake
Your fingers are itching to reply with i miss u too, and it takes all your willpower and stubbornness to stay true to your steadfast self. There is just something so unpleasantly moist about these kinds of texts, something that makes you cringe and gag when you read them. You refuse to be one of those people. A heart is all that you allow yourself to reply.
You: <3
You: r u drunk?
Tete: drunk in love
Tete: yes
A giggle escapes you at his god awful cheesiness - drunk, sober alike. Insufferable. But probably Taehyung’s most endearing quality.
You: did u have fun!!
Tete: yeah
Tete: but i miss u
Tete: more than i had fun
God, you feel like a teenager again, suddenly overcome with this gushing urge to roll over and scream into your pillow. You’re glad he’s merely texting this to you right now because if he had said this to you face to face, your skin would most definitely stain scarlet from neck to hairline, scalding to the touch. Even months into officially being his girlfriend, these curveballs of overwhelming affection throw you off guard.
Again, the compulsion to tell him you miss him too yanks at your heartstrings. You truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to say how you feel, let yourself be soft and vulnerable. You know it’s one of your flaws so it’s something that you’re working on, but you can’t say you’ve made much progress.
But just as you decide that maybe you should take the plunge, suck it up and just text him those three words, he sends you a picture.
Tumblr media
No, not just a picture. A selfie, of him in bed, shirtless under the covers. “Oh, fuck…”
Hand clasped over your mouth to prevent any sound from involuntarily escaping, it takes a moment for your breath to return to you and for you to stop gawking. At this hour… Really? Is he seriously doing this to you right now?
His sleepy eyes. His messy curls. And his fucking nose mole.
The undoing of your existence.
Tete: this boy misses u :]
You: bruh
You: bruhhhhhhh
You: taehyung
Tete: oui my lady :))
You: 👁👄👁
You: can u not do this to my heart
You: y did u send me this </333
You: what was the reason
Tete: coz i miss u
Tete: do u like it
Tete: :D
‘Do u like it’... Actually, you have tears in your eyes, albeit mostly due to staring at a screen for too long so late at night, but it’s certainly contributed by this selfie. You tell yourself you’re acting out because it’s been six days since you last saw him. Perhaps Taehyung Withdrawal Symptoms is the explanation behind why you want to print and frame this picture because that is definitely not a normal reaction to a picture. But this is a masterpiece.
You: taehyung my soul left my body
You: like i could weep
You: u look so soft and fluffy
You: :’(
Tete: lollll
Tete: simp
This boy has some nerve?! Simp! He called you a simp?! Laughing like a maniac, you can’t even pretend to be mad at him, not after this picture he sent anyway. So you guess you are a simp. This selfie is your kryptonite.
Tete: jkjkkkkk
You: hahahaha
You: y r u doing this to me
You: its 4am
You: u can’t send me this rn
You: i won’t be able to sleep
Tete: o yeah how come ur still up?
Tete: go to sleepppp
You: can’t sleep
Tete: aw no whyyy
Because you miss him that’s why.
You miss Kim Taehyung. You miss Tete. You miss your boyfriend, your best friend, your other half. You miss his touch, his smile, his wide eyes when he’s confused. You miss his morning snuggles and late night kisses. You miss the way he hugs you from behind as you prepare your meals. You miss the wandering hands that he can’t help when you’re out in public. You miss playing PUBG together until the sun comes out then both sleeping past noon. You miss taking baths together where bubbles would get into your mouth as your kisses get heated.
You just miss him.
It’s only been six days and you’re in this state. What has he done to you?
Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you let out a great sigh and deflate. No other reason offers itself for you to be awake at this hour; he knows you cherish sleep above anything. Teeth digging into your lip, you inhale long and hard, then exhale the gust of your cowardice. It’s not that deep, stupid. Fuck it.
You: coz
You: i miss u
You: like … a lot
You: 🙄
It’s final - you guess you’ve become a mushy wet sap. Truly it is embarrassing how big of a step this is for you; but the sense of pride and accomplishment feels oddly validating. Baby steps. The eye-rolling emoji right after is subconscious because you could only betray the core of your character that much. Forgo it and taehyung might not believe that it’s you.
Tete: omg
Tete: :D
Tete: rrly?
You: *blank kissy emoji*
Tete: wow
Tete: u actually don’t know how hard i’m smiling rn
You: simp
Tete: ofc that’s my middle name
Tete: i miss u a lot too
Tete: like a lotttttt
Tete: i’ll show u how much when i’m back
Ah… Of course, the Taehyung specialty - smothering you with his affection. You freeze at the thought of his wildfire kisses and head between your thighs. Nothing screams of how much you’ve missed each other more than a good dicking down, climax after climax until you’re both panting messes of sweat and entangled limbs. The anticipation makes you squirm under the sheets, legs pressing together.
You: pls do
You: i need u
It’s uncertain what spirit has possessed you at this ungodly hour for these words to come out of you. There’s an instant flash of ickiness, but you let the self-cringing simmer and dissipate into the realisation that this is okay, this is normal. Taehyung’s your boyfriend, couples text like this. You need to grow some.
Tete: fuck baby
Tete: i’m so not used to u texting like this, it's driving me crazy
You: crazy how *cat smirk*
If you weren’t smiling before, you’re definitely grinning like an idiot now. His reaction is predictable, yet oddly still, an incredible wave of satisfaction hits you. And because you want to savour this moment, maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, you send him a picture of yourself.
Camisole strap slid off your shoulder, hair splayed out, bottom lip deep red from biting down on it too much. Just to return the favour.
Tete: y/n
Tete: call me now
-Incoming call from Tete-
Laughing to yourself, you wait a good few seconds before picking up to prolong his torture. “Yes, Taehyung?” You put your thumb between your teeth to suppress the laughter.
“Fuck.” Against the silence of the night, the low rasp of his voice permeating into you from the speaker of your phone sends tingles up your toes. You’ve fucking missed his voice more than you thought. “Y/N… You can’t do this to me.”
“I told you, I miss you. Like… a lot.” The saccharine tone in your reply is foreign to your own ears, but you like the sound of it and the deep rumble it elicits from your boyfriend.
“How much?” Taehyung eggs you on. His words are barely slurred, so you gather that he has sobered up at least for the most part by now. Yet there is still a slowness to it that suggests
“Hmm, like… I touched myself every night at the thought of you a lot.”
A sharp inhale. Then silence. But you know better so you give him a moment to gather himself.
“You shouldn’t be putting that image in my head.” Exasperation is evident in his voice, desperate and yearning. You can imagine him now, one hand on his phone, the other sliding over his pants that are getting a bit too tight for comfort. Your breath hitches.
“Then you shouldn’t have sent me that picture, Taehyung…”
“You said it was soft and fluffy. What you sent me back was not soft and fluffy.”
“Just because it’s soft doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn me on. You do things to me… okay?” Heat trapped beneath the skin of your cheeks, your grip on the phone against your ear slackening as your thighs rub together.
“Fuck, I’m getting hard, baby…” Nothing gets him going more than the knowledge that he turns you on, it’s his weakness but somewhat his strength.
“That’s… unfortunate. Are you going to do something about it?”
His gulp is audible even over the phone. “Uh…” A sigh. “Um. Maybe. Thoughts are being thought.”
“What kind of thoughts? Thoughts about me touching myself and moaning your name? Thoughts about how much I wish my fingers were your cock thrusting so deep into me that I feel it in my guts? Or are you thinking about what you’ll do to me when you’re back tomorrow? Fucking my mouth until I’m crying or filling me up with your cum first?” Your hips buckle at the filth leaving your mouth. This is more like you; you haven’t abandoned your nature after all.
“Oh, fuckkkk.” His moan resonates into your skull, not quite as if he’s here with you but good enough to fill your desire. “Y/N… I need you so badly.” Breath ragged, you hear movement of his sheets in the background as he adjusts into a more comfortable position.
“Are you stroking your cock right now?” A warm slick oozes out of your own entrance. There’s something about Taehyung masturbating to you that elevates you to a different kind of high.
“What do you think, baby?” As you listen closely, you hear the slow rhythm of his pumping, and your fingers ache to pleasure yourself. ‘The things I’ll fucking do to you when I’m back.”
“Mmm, but it’s late, Taehyung, why don’t we go to sleep.”
“Wait, what?” The stroking stops instantly and surprise in his voice releases a smug satisfaction into your veins. The equivalent of pouring a bucket of ice water over his head right now. Teasing is an old undying habit, what can you say? “You wanna end the call now?”
“Yeah, we should sleep, babe.” Grin unsuppressed, you turn over onto your side, probably a bit too pleased with yourself at your success. Taehyung is an easy victim always.
“What the fuckkk?” Your boyfriend groans. “You’re seriously going to tease me this hard then leave me high and dry?” When you offer no more response than a sly chuckle, he add, “You’re so evil.”
“Save it for tomorrow, Taehyung. Think about it, we’re one sleep away from seeing each other again.”
“Fuck, I know. But you just got me so fucking horny, bruhhh. I thought we were gonna have phone sex.” You are still laughing at his whining, basking in the victory you’re holding over him.
“Taehyung, save it for the real sex.” The idea of phone sex crossed your mind several times to be honest, but you really want to collect every single drop of desire and longing and unleash it tomorrow. Raw and pent up. Nothing to dampen the fire.
A sigh of defeat down the line. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know?” You know. “How am I supposed to sleep now though? I’m so rock hard that it hurts.”
“You can figure that out yourself, big guy.” Your cheeks ache from smiling for too long; they often do during calls with him. “One sleep away, okay?”
“Ugh, fine, you demon. I can’t believe you sometimes.” He lets out another sigh. Your heart skips at the anticipation of how he will punish you for this. “Good night, I miss you.”
“Good night, I miss you more.” There’s a sudden change of tone with these words. Because you truly mean it. Sex and physical intimacy aside, you really just missed his voice, his banter.
You fall asleep almost immediately.
You don’t think you’ve heard a sweeter sound than the keys rattling at the door the next day. Practically leaping off the couch where you had been awaiting him in your Taeyhyung-less boredom, you run to the door.
As it swings open, heat courses to your chest when your eyes land on his, so full of comfort. Your boyfriend is home. Handsome as ever, much more tanned than your memory of him and much more attractive. White t-shirt and loose black shorts, a mundane outfit that only he could make look exceptional.
And as much as you want to sprint up and throw yourself onto him, your feet stay planted on the floor.
“Hey.” You barely breathe out.
Stay calm and composed, you tell yourself. It was only one week without him, it’s not like he’s returning from war.
But Taehyung doesn’t even reply, because in two long strides he is standing before you, bags tossed to the side, a sign of their insignificance in the presence of you. His arms find their home circled around you, face buried in your hair before you can utter another word. You don’t hesitate to return his embrace, holding his waist as you let yourself fall into his chest. He smells like what summer should, the ocean, sweat and young love; his familiar musk greeting you as if he never left.
Your lips meet his, strong and full of intent. He’s so unexpectedly soft when he kisses back, a timeless romantic dance like he is saviour your taste on his tongue.
With your weight leaning on him, he slowly topples back, stepping hastily until your bodies land on the couch. You fit your legs on either side of him as you burrow your nose in his neck and breathe him in, memorise him. In nothing but a large shirt, your bare thighs are exposed for his roaming.
When you pull away and face each other, you are struck by his beauty. His skin is sun-kissed and glowing, hair an effortlessly beautiful mess, the slightest hint of a stubble peeking through below his nose. Your heart belongs to him forever, you know it without a doubt.
“You smell so good. I missed you so much, baby.” And his voice… That deep baritone honey that you have taken for granted all this time - music to your ears.
“Imissedyoutoo…” You mumble, shy under his undivided attention and mercilessly unbroken eye contact.
With your chests pressed together, his chuckle rumbles into you. “What was that?”
“I missed you too… I guess.” Face flaming, you can’t bring yourself to meet his eye at your admittance, fingers twirling around his curls to preoccupy yourself.
But he cups your chin and turns your face to him, forehead pressing up to yours until your noses are touching, breaths mixing. “That’s not what you said last night.” Taehyung smirks, hands sliding down to your waist, the material of your shirt bunching up in his hands. “Do I need to remind you?”
“No…” You find yourself unable to keep your eyes open, your core pulsing mercilessly as you grind onto him. “How are you already hard, Taehyung…” And though you mean to scold him, it comes out breathless.
Lips hovering, he traces the edge of your jaw, tingling the sensitive little hairs on its way to your ear. When he reaches the shell of your ear, warm breath infiltrating so relentlessly into you, you almost lose yourself right there on his lap. “Don’t you know how much I love you?” He whispers.
“Show me.” Is all you make out.
His hands are already beneath your shirt before you even notice, palms kneading into your breasts as he takes your nipples between his two fingers and rolls. As he kisses you again, the same tenderness exchanges between your lips. It’s a different kind of desperation to be so slow and gentle, one that means so much more than sex, one that’s telling of how much you truly missed each other. Your hips roll with a mind of their own over him. One hand of his comes down to your ass, guiding the waves of your rocking. And each time his stiff clothed member digs into your clit, you whimper into his mouth.
Carefully, Taehyung rolls you over onto your back, sucking your bottom lip to keep the seal from breaking. He pulls away when he’s on top of you, and a string of glistening saliva bridges between your mouths. “Foreplay or no? Tell me what you want?” Compliant as ever.
“I need you to fill me up right now. Anything else can wait.” You watch the devotion ignite in his eyes. His fingers are in a hurry as they pull your panties off, knees spreading your legs open as he kneels between your gaping entrance. He tugs his shirt off from the collar, such smoothness in his action that your insides coil up. His newly-bronzed rich skin revealed, you can’t help but reach up and run your hands down from chest to navel, revelling in his blemishless ridges.
A low sound reverberates from the back of Taehyung’s throat as your touch travels down to unbutton his shorts. They fall loose. His hard throbbing members springs free, a glistening bead oozing from his slit. “You didn’t wear boxers?”
When you glance up, you notice his sheepish grin. He presses his mouth onto yours, still smiling, guiding you back onto your back. “I just couldn’t wait.” Taehyung whispers. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, especially since last night… Ah, fuck.” Another deep groan erupts from him as you reach down and slather that bead of precum all over his tip. His head falls onto your neck, writhing under your merciless stroking.
His tip brushing against your clit, your toes curls at the teasing of your weakness, hips jolting up involuntarily and perhaps a bit too violently. You’re so embarrassingly sensitive after this many days without Taehyung, and he notices from your breathless reaction. Smirking, he takes his shaft in his hand and runs his stiff head over your clit mercilessly. And as you roll your head back helplessly, he nibbles onto your exposed neck, faint stubble grazing your skin.
“Quit the teasing…” You whine, unable to withstand the build up of twisting pressure begging to be fulfilled between your legs. “Just put-”
Taehyung pushes himself into you so abruptly that you yelp. And there it is, that mind-melting stretch of your walls that you’ve so much missed. “Fuck, Taehyung…” Your entire core feels ablaze, so numbing that your nails dig into the leather of the couch before they find grip on his arms.
“Like that, baby?” His voice his strained, as if he’s struggling not to lose his mind as well.
Nodding because you can’t make out a word as he slowly pulls out, you grab his face and pull him up to meet your lips. You whimper into him mouth when he rams into you again, hitting your walls in full force, no mercy. His kiss doesn’t lose its sincerity despite the juxtaposition of his vigorous thrusts, though you can’t say that he is quite as gentle with as before. You pinch his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking on it as your fingers get lost in his hair.
After seven days of deprevation of his cock, your cunt is leaking with the fluid of your arousal, aiding in the ease of each plunge. You feel the stiffness of his ridges pulling you open as he slides in and out of you. “Fuck…” He pants, mouth hovering over yours.
“Let me get on top.” Taehyung’s eyes flash at your suggestion, instantly rolling onto his back. He slips out during the switch of position and the wetness of your cunt is assailed by a sudden rush of cool air.
You swing your leg over and mount him, watching him watch you pump his dick, your own liquid slathered over him sticky in your hand. Letting his member fall against his abdomen, you grind over him between your folds, hands splayed out over his chest. The friction created each time your clit would slide over the thin pinch of skin where his tip unfolded into his shaft has Taehyung a groaning mess.
He looks remarkable under you.
You push his sweat-dampened curls out of his forehead, eyes half closed in euphoria, half watching you roll your cunt so lewdly over his length. You know you could make him cum like this if you continue. But you want him to cum inside you first, you want to feel that thick hot spurt of his desire shoot again and again into you until his cock is twitching.
So slowly, lubricated by your wetness, you sink inch by inch down until the skin of your ass meets his thighs. This angle fuck with your mind; you think you feel him at your cervix. Then your hips start to do what they know best, pounding over him with a rhythm that you’re proud of.
Taehyung grabs hold of your waist, your breasts, fury in his eyes as he watches you ride him with such determination. “I love you so much.” He heaves between heavy breaths.
“I love you, I missed you more than you could imagine.” You huff, thumb running over his red swollen lips.
“I love when you admit it.” He sits up and takes the swell of your breast in his mouth, making his way to your nipples where his tongue relentlessly flickers over.
Your thighs are starting to burn, core aching because his cock is thrusting up into you so deep that you feel it in your guts. The signs are appearing - your vision is going hazy, walls squeezing tightly around him, tangle upon tangles knoting in your stomach. His are too - his head is slumped against your chest, arms crossed behind your back as he holds you close to him, whole body starting to tense as he begins to curse.
Pace quickening, you don’t let the tire of your muscles stop you from your chase. The slap of your skins ringing in your ears, you keep riding, cunt swallowing his cock whole each bounce. Taehyung breaks first. “Fuck!” He calls out into your neck. His cum squirts into you, pulse after pulse, your boyfriend’s hips jolting each thrust.
“I’m so close, babe, keep going for me.” You plead, knowing how sensitive he is right after his climax. He nods wordlessly, face still buried in you hair. The lubrication of his cum abolishes any resistance, letting you slide over him easier than sitting down. And not five thrusts later, your own coil snaps. You through your head back at the wave of pleasure that drowns you, your entire core on fire as your moans echo through the room. It takes maybe twenty seconds for your walls to stop throbbing and for the orgasm to slowly die down.
Taehyung is already growing limp inside you after his orgasm. “Thank you.” You whisper against his forehead while you dismount. His cum flows out of your slit and down the insides of your thighs, but he refuses to let go of you.
When he looks up, you are struck by an overwhelming sensationf of adoration. His long dark curls fall slightly over his eyes, in disarray but just the way you like it. His eyes are so full of genuine love and gratitude of having you that you can’t help but capture him with your lips. “No, thank you.” He mumbles against you, falling back onto the couch with you in his embrace.
After a long kiss of after-sex affection, you pull away before it leads to a second round. “I want you to know that I really missed you a lot. I can’t even call you a big baby anymore because I stared at all the pictures you sent me every night till the sun came out.”
Taehyung’s boyish smile melts your heart. You’ve missed him way too much. His smile, his goofy comments, his tender kisses. “My heart… is squeezing…” If his smile doesn’t tell how smitten he is, his eyes definitely do. “I missed you so much too. All the boys made fun of me for being such a wettie ‘coz I couldn’t shut up about you.” The thought is so endearing that you can’t help but hide your face.
“So how was your trip? Plenty of hot girls drooling after you?” Trick question of course, you know that for a fact already.
“Haha, it was good, fun. Bet you couldn’t sleep ‘coz you were trembling from jealousy.” Scoffing you land a smack on his chest. “But nah, no hot girls. Nowadays there’s only one hot girl in my eyes.”
Your own lips spread like a cheshire cat. “Shut up, cutie.”
“Rachel McAdams.”
“Let go of me. Don’t even touch me.”
A/N: Moral of the story, never sit on their couch if you’re a guest at the Heatwave house.
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kaeyasaki · 3 years
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✿ cute lil messages for my besties before i get too busy with exams and forget, because who knows how long everyone’s tumblr phase will last,, dramatic gasp — apologies for typos i’ve been anti beta reading these days as you can tell
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✧・゚:* myra *:・゚✧ — ✿ @luvcre
my pretty kitten, myra chan, i love you even though you like,, l*orio !! we’ve been friends for almost 6 months now, wow so cool !! no but actually i’m very grateful for meeting you. i know we already knew each other beforehand, but i think it’s rad the way we were always destined to meet !! quite literally the tumblr!romeo and juliet experience i say, but im super glad we got the chance to befriend one another and then grow so close !! i love you a unexplainable amount and you’re really special to me !! i’m extremely grateful for everything you’ve done for me, you’re a very genuine and loyal friend and i’m really proud i get to call you someone so close to me. thank you for always being you and taking such good care of me and mina whenever we’ve needed it, i think you’re the coolest and not only are you admittedly funny, but you’re someone who i’ve found so easy to be myself around even when regarding irl situations, thank you for being you and thank you for loving me being me, i love you
✧・゚:* mina *:・゚✧ — ✿ @jhxyne
i’d love you more if you’d let me date your brother but i suppose i can’t have it all </3 no seriously though, i love you stupidly too and i’m insanely happy and grateful we met almost 6 months ago. you’re on the same wavelength constantly and you’re someone i’ve found so easy to confide in and open up to so quickly. i’ll forever be grateful to you for showing me what a real friendships supposed to be like and helping me feel comfortable no matter what. you’re really cool mina and you’re also really hot >:) you’re undeniably you and don’t let anyone put you in your place which i love. i’m super proud of you for everything you do too, you’re a big deal to me and i care about you a lot. while i’ll always drop whatever i’m doing to rip a bitches throat out for you, i know you’d do the same. you’re extremely important and someone i hold very close to me, i love you
✧・゚:* chloe *:・゚✧ — ✿ @sunasbabie
man you’re really one of my longest friends on here and i appreciate you endlessly. you’ve been with me since before i was ‘mila’ and we clicked so quickly! you became a really good friend of mine in such a short amount of time too which is rare for me because i tend to hold myself back when it comes to really clicking with people but honestly i can and would talk to you about absolutely anything! you were honestly separated from me at birth i’m certain, we’re very alike and different in the same sense and you’re definitely someone i’d cling to irl <3 you’re funny and you’re genuine and i love you a ridiculous amount! thank you for putting up with me for as long as you did and i’m manifesting we one day meet, we’ll definitely end up in some sort of trouble but that’d be expected of us >:), i love you
✧・゚:* val *:・゚✧ — ✿ @atsuangel
smirks, valicità my beloved, you’re quite literally the epitome of cool. you’re easily someone i look up to and admire whether that’s from up close and after, you’re very real and you’re very easy to talk to. i adore you in every sense and you’re perfect in every sense other than your taste of men (i can fix you :,( pete davidson,, he’s not right for you!). we’ve been friends for a long time now too and i’m very grateful we met, you’re someone very special to me and someone who i’d also sell a kidney to meet >:) not only is your online presence just overall hot, you quite literally are the sexiest too wow oh look! i’m on my knees :) you’re just %+>$# hhh you’re just really cool and i’m really glad i get to call you my favourite worstie! i love you
✧・゚:* venus *:・゚✧ — ✿ @amourdite
i’m not sure when you’ll see this but venus my gf, i’d lick you right now if i could :) you’re another person i’d lose a limb for if it meant we could meet, you’re so funny and i think you were the first person to see all sides to me. you’ve put up with me annoying you for a very long time now and you’re easily one of my longest and closest friends on here. you’re super easily to talk to and even though you’re sometimes a bit weird >:) you’re overall very well grounded and level headed and i know i can always come to you for anything without feeling like i’m going to be judged. i love you immensely and i’m very thankful for you because we met during my anti social phase when i didn’t really want to make friends or anything so the fact you were able to make me unknowingly change my mind about that is a pretty big accomplishment >:) i’m always here if you need me and i love you
✧・゚:* lexy *:・゚✧ — ✿ @babymattsun
miss hot girl lexy i love you very very much !! you’ve always been really cool and you’re never afraid to speak your truth and i admire that completely. you don’t hesitate to put a bitch back in their place and you do all that while being hot and funny which is a hard accomplishment. you’re very honest and someone i’d feel so comfortable going to if i ever needed an opinion, like a straight up no bullshit type of opinion because i know you’d be able to give me what you really think without giving me an answer from the perception of someone wearing rose tinted glasses. you’re so real and you’re so you, i love you and everything about you so much and i’m always happy to see you on my dash heather you’re posting content or just shitposting, seeing your url makes me very happy :,) i love you
✧・゚:* hanna *:・゚✧ — ✿ @s9turn
screams, bye we were destined to be friends i don’t care. you are literally meant to be close to me and i’m so excited knowing that you’ll be coming to the city for uni because all my unis are either in the city or super close by train so i won’t be far from you. you’re insanely intelligent and everything you do is just,, wow. you’re extremely funny too, i love talking to you so much and even when it’s us discussing an actual topic/issue, you’ll still be making me laugh when we talk. we hate the same people and have very common interests, you’re so cool hanna and i’m super glad we met >:) not only are you my literal twin in the sense of us both getting the privilege to attend white tory schools while being poc girls :,) but you also get where the humour etc comes from making it so easy to talk to you about anything. your writing too is so well thought out and whether you’re writing long fics or crack content, you execute everything you do so perfectly i’m quite literally on my knees for you, i love you
✧・゚:* chuu *:・゚✧ — ✿ @nakizumie
ahh chuu !! i don’t even know where to start with you, you’re literally my comfort person and i love you endlessly !! i still think it’s funny we were both fans of each other and too shy to approach but i’m so grateful you did approach me because you so quickly became one of you favourite people. you’re literally an angel and deserve the entire world given to you, you’re so kind to everyone and just seeing you on my dash makes me happy !! your messages make my entire day and you work so hard too !! you’re literally perfect and i envy those who get to see yo pretty face everyday irl, they’re so lucky to have someone like you because you’re the type of person whose hard to come by often. you’re talented and easily one of the friendliest people on tumblr, we’re all very lucky to have you and i love you
✧・゚:* vale *:・゚✧ — ✿ @iwasumi
vale my love, you’ve kept me so sane on so many occasions and for that i’m eternally grateful. you’ve taken it upon yourself so many times to go out of your way to make sure i’m good and make me smile, you’re someone i treasure and i’m so lucky we met. you’re another mutual who i find comfort in and seeing your posts make me so happy because you too are undeniably true to yourself and you’re always more than happy to speak your truth. i have so much respect for you as a writer and a person, you’re a literal star and we’re all to lucky we have you here. seeing you talk about your selfships makes me intensely happy too, i love the way you talk about them, you’re always so cute about it and mention specific details which i find super special because i can tell you really do care and love for these characters and i envy they have someone like you loving them as much as you do. i appreciate you endlessly and i love you
✧・゚:* sophia *:・゚✧ — ✿ @sophiashortcake
your taste in men is always something i have to bring up because not once but twice have you shocked me with the men you end up falling for. it doesn’t matter though, your pretty face makes up for it !! i’m super glad we met even if it was on that stupid discourse night. you know, i was still in awe when i found your initial post about it because not only did you serve such logic, but you also made your post somehow look pretty in the process. again you met me while i was in my anti social phase and had no intentions on making actual friends on tumblr. obviously i had my old mutuals like clara and yelie, but it was nice to have someone a lot closer to my age and we clicked very quickly which is something that doesn’t happen with me a lot. you’re very special to me and i hope you know that. you’re very very kind and while i know tumblr is sometimes heavy and stressful, you do such a good job at keeping on top of things and handing yourself, i envy that a lot. you’re very mature and i think everyone should be more like you including myself >:) i love you
✧・゚:* jae *:・゚✧ — ✿ @ats4mu
jae, i know you’ve been busy with exams lately and i’m super proud of you for everything you’ve done. i also know you plan to come back to tumblr soon to come catch up so i’ll leave this here for you to find when you come back hottie. miss jae, i love you very very much and i’m very glad we got to meet. you’re very funny and you’re super considerate of everyone around you. you always take the time out of your day to answer everyone and interact with full intention, we’re so lucky to have someone like you on here. i also appreciate you immensely, there’s been countless occasions where you’ve taken time out of your day to make me happy and while it’s undeserving, you always made sure i was good anyway and for that i’m extremely grateful. you’re beautiful through and through and not only are you such a big personality on here, you’re also very talented in the way you word things. i have so much respect for you and am constantly looking up to you, i’m very proud of you and i love you
✧・゚:* jake *:・゚✧ — ✿ @deardaichi
HISSING I LOVE YOU SM </3 no honestly, i’m so happy we met, you have made me so much happier and the fact you knew me even before i became ‘mila’ means you’ve watched me grow as a person and watched my life and dilemmas play out and yet you still stuck around and willingly interact with me. you’re so cool and funny and i’m so mad we didn’t meet before. you’re someone i trust so so much and i’d give anything up to meet you, i’m honestly obsessed with you and everything about you. you’re so kind and welcoming to everyone yet you’re also assertive and don’t take anyone’s shit. you’re literally my twin flame and i’m ridiculously happy we got to meet, i love you
✧・゚:* tina *:・゚✧ — ✿ @ilyrinjo
ahh miss tina hi !! i love you very much and i’m so glad you’re back !! you were missed for that period of time you left so these past few weeks of you returning have been so nice !! i still can’t get over you were one of my anons before but when you did come off anon i remember us getting along perfectly upon first interaction !! you’re super fun to talk to and your opinions are always very interesting but extremely valid too. you’re someone i could happily go to if i wanted an honest opinion or mature conversation with. you make talking to you so easy and not only that but you’re insanely pretty !! the boy you’re talking to is very lucky and i hope he knows it, he won’t get better than you and i highly doubt any of us will. you’ve got such perfect looks and personality i envy your balance in that have so much respect for you in everything you do. i hope you know how special you are to me and i hope everyone else knows how much you should be treasured because you really are a rarity to this world. i love you
✧・゚:* em *:・゚✧ — @osamuscupid
em !! pretty girl, i’m so glad you reached out to me a while ago !! i love you so so much and your messages make me so happy !! i love hearing all about your day and i love that you feel comfortable with ranting and just talking, i feel as though i’m sometimes a bit too much, but you still reached out to me and talk to me on a daily basis, you’re very special to me and i love hearing about how you’re doing. i care about you a lot and you already know how proud of you i am, you’re always working hard to achieve the things you want and you’re always putting in so much effort too. i look up to you for that as even in things you struggle with you persist with and that’s a mindset that’s hard to find someone with. you’re very special and i hope those around you know how lucky they are to have you, i care about you a ridiculous amount and i’m so glad we met !! i love you
✧・゚:* sage *:・゚✧ — ✿ @miyumiya
omg gf i love u !! you’re so much fun to talk to and your blog is always one of the prettiest !! you’re on pretty much the same wavelength as me and i love you so much !! once day we’ll save megan from pardi and force her to open her eyes, he’s not right for her and she should’ve been our gf from the start >:( okay but asides from that, you’re very easy to talk to and i love interacting with you !! i have so much love and time for you and you’re very easy to get along with !! you’re very talented in the way you write too, so i hold a lot of respect for you as a writer and friend, i can’t wait to keep getting to know you and i’m very thankful we met angel, i love you
✧・゚:* max *:・゚✧ — ✿ @maadorii
max hi hey hello i’m in love with you but you already knew that. you’re so easy to talk to and you’re so much fun too !! i love seeing you both on my dash and in my notifs, seeing your posts make me so happy and i love seeing whatever it is you have to say. i’d say your writing is poetic and i find that very beautiful, i love reading your stuff and i think you’re great in everything you do !! you’re easily someone i’d call a friend and you became one so quickly too considering i’m not the easiest to approach. everything about you i’m obsessed with and i’m super glad we met, it’s people like you that make me happy i stuck around on tumblr, i love you
✧・゚:* sushi *:・゚✧ — ✿ @velvetfireworks
ahhhh i adore you !! everything about you is just !!! you’re so wonderful and you definitely are someone i’d approach irl if i ever needed directions or something, you’re one of the friendliest people i’ve met and i’m so glad we did !! you’re super special not just to me, but to so many around you and you’re such a rare type of person to find, i’m truly lucky i got the chance to meet you because i’m enthralled with you completely. i look up to you as a writer and a person and i’m in awe of everything you do, you’re an all round great and well grounded person and you’re someone i know i could rely on if i ever needed it. you’re super likeable and i’m so happy we became friends, i love seeing you on my dash etc and wow don’t even get me started on your content. your way with words is perfect and even though i only tend to read for tetsu, reading your other works is a guilty pleasure because while i am loyal to him, your works always have me feeling some type of way, you leave me speechless everytime. you’re wonderful and i love you
✧・゚:* vi *:・゚✧ — @milfvi
i still cannot get over that one, you forgot we were mutuals, and two you didn’t know you were on my carrd,, VI WTF IVE LOVED YOU SINCE MY KUROOSKULT DAYS !! you’re so so funny and i have your post notifs on for that. everything you say is funny and you’re so easy to talk to because you’re so open and i love that !! you’re very special to me and someone i care about a lot, i love you and i’m proud of you for everything you do. your blog is so much fun to look at and seeing you on my dash makes me so happy !! you’re so fun to be around and you’re for sure someone i’d click with well irl which is rare for me to admit when talking about online friends. i’m so glad we met and i love you
✧・゚:* xi *:・゚✧
i don’t want to tag you for obv reasons >:) but i do want to tell you that i love you and while we only became friends in february, i’m glad we did because you’ve quickly become someone i can go to when i need to vent or rant because i know you won’t judge me. i’m really happy you feel like you can open up to me too because that’s something a lot of people struggle with when it comes to me. you’re so easy to talk to and i can say anything judgement free to you and vice versa. i’m literally in love with you and don’t even get me started on your selfship. i’d honestly pay a fat sum of money for it to be officially canon because the way you talk about him leaves me giddy for the two of you, i’m very much in awe of you and i love you
✧・゚:* ellie *:・゚✧ — @tetsulatte
pretty gf ellie, i adore you in so many ways. you’re so kind and caring to those around you and i adore your positive outlook. you have such a talent for making such pretty blogs too !! i’m glad we met even if it was just recently, but i appreciate you and everything you do and not even just for me. i know you bring comfort to a handful of people and i see you as the big sister type of figure for sure. i think you’re so cool and i’m super glad you reached out to me because me being the lowkey pussy i am when approaching new people, i would’ve been too shy and would’ve had to settle for admiring you from afar. you’re very much appreciated and i love you
✧・゚:* nayru *:・゚✧ — ✿ @luvoratomi
nayru !! you make my day pretty much everyday and i’m so thankful someone like you came across me !! you’re so kind and fun to talk to and i think everyone’s super lucky to be able to befriend someone like you !! you’re someone i look forward to interacting with and i promise after my exams are over i’ll be practically living in your inbox, you’re someone i hold close to me and i appreciate you a stuuupid amount. i’m love hearing from you and love hearing about your day and what you’ve been up to, it makes me happy to see you happy so thank you for always making that happen !! i love you
✧・゚:* misa *:・゚✧ — ✿ @rintaromilktea
misa my pretty girl i hope you’re doing well !! i too, appreciate you an insane amount and i’m glad we became friends !! i’ve loved watching you grow more sure in yourself and confident on your blog, it makes me so happy to see you have good people around you too !! you’re someone i treasure a lot and i’m so glad we became friends !! you’re so kind and you’re always thinking of others. that’s a genuine rare trait to find in someone so i hold you very close to my heart and i’m so thankful we had the opportunity to meet, i hope you’re taking care of yourself angel, i love you
✧・゚:* fyfa *:・゚✧ — ✿ @sweetbakugou
hey fyfa i think you’re so rad >:) you’re literally the coolest and you’re always on the same shit as me, i literally adore you and everything about you. you always get me and i know you’re someone i could always rely on. you’re also really very funny and definitely one of my funniest mutuals, your shitposts have got me in trouble a few times in class from when i’ve read them and genuinely laughed, you’re so much fun and you’re so open and friendly, i’m so lucky we met and i’m so glad we befriended one another. i’m so happy i got to come across you on shitty tumblr and if i ever did leave, i’d definitely be running to you as one of the first people i’d be begging for other social handles to keep in contact with because where else am i going to find humour from </3 you’re so important to me and i love you
✧・゚:* rose *:・゚✧— ✿ @makeusfreefromthisfandom
rose !! i’m so happy you reached out to me because i love talking to you you’re so much fun !! i love that you get to be apart of me finally watching hxh (chrollo is all yours i really can’t with him </3) but not only that, you’ve been someone i’ve always looked up to as a person. you’re so real and you’re so kind and i know everyone around you would say the same. you’re like an older sibling type of figure on here and i love you for that. you’re so open and welcoming and i know you have others best interest at heart, you’re one of the best people i’ve met and i love you
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hhh i think that’s everyone, but there’s a lot of people i hold close to me and appreciate even if i haven’t mentioned them on here,, you’re all so important to me and whether you’ve interacted with me once or twice on or off anon, you’ve all been super important to me growing as a person because while i was thinking about it yesterday, who i was when i first started tumblr and who i am now are two completely different people and i’m finally happy with myself :) thank you all so much i love you !!
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buckysbest · 3 years
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers x Reader
Series Warnings: NSFW TOPICS, Manipulative/Toxic tendencies, sad boi steve rogers, cheating, alcohol
Series Summary: Heartbreak follows her everywhere and Steve Rogers is nothing but the latest victim, at least thats what she thought? Now she can't shake the feeling of him no matter where she goes.
Word count: 1.8K
A/N: Hey lovelies! Sorry I haven't been posting much, I am have just had a lot going on the past few weeks. I absolutely adore all of you (@lookiamtrying im talking to you extra) and I cant wait to see what you guys think!
ps sorry for any typos lol I really wanted to give you guys something today
Series Masterlist coming soon // Masterlist Coming soon
You could pretend you weren't petty and you could pretend he didn't have your blood boiling, but you knew you’d only be lying to yourself. At the sound of her voice, your stomach had dropped practically through the pavement and you were pissed.
Your “vacation” in Miami now officially cut short as you found yourself leaning back into your increasingly uncomfortable plane seat. You drummed your nails on the back of your phone as you began to actually consider the consequences that would follow the impulse purchase of your ticket.
You knew you shouldn't go back. You knew what kind of message this sent.
It practically screamed your need for attention from your boy in red, white, and blue while also displaying the jealousy you couldn't quite push down for all yo see
But you just couldn't help yourself.
If he was going to disrupt your plans this heavily, the least you could do is return the favor.
The sun was just rising over the wing of the aircraft as the flight attendants made their final rounds and speeches to the nearly empty plane. The pounding headache from your night of partying was only worsened as the roar of the engines seemed to get louder and louder. In an attempt to mitigate the pain, you pushed the power button on your phone and shoved it into the seat pocket beside you. Your head found the back of the seat with a small groan as your frustration with yourself only grew.
In need of some peace, you let your tired and heavy eyes drape shut. Much to your dismay, they only provided a screen for the tortuous highlight reel of his hands on your body to play upon.
This was going to be a long flight.
As the wheels of the plane finally landed, you quickly gathered your limited belongings and headed straight for the exit. Your rushed departure from Miami couldn't have been more obvious to the other passengers and pedestrians around you. The early morning business class was filled mostly with people in professional wear which provided a stark contrast to your, albeit, slutty and glittering minidress.
Your heels echoed throughout the airport with each step toward the exit of the building, disrupting the stillness of the morning. As you finally crossed the threshold into the fresh air, your driver waved you down excitedly. The pain in your head worsened once again as your agitation grew and you slid on your sunglasses with an eye roll.
“Miss. Y/N, it is really so lovely to see you, we all missed you so much! Your father was incredibly excited that you decided to come home early!”
As you walked further from the building, he rushed around you, gathering your belongings from you as he continued to sprinkle you with unnecessary compliments.
“Mhm, yeah, Thomas, that's really lovely- truly, do you mind though, can we just skip home and just go to the penthouse please?”
The request surprised him a bit, probably because your father prepared him for a different sight exiting the airport. Instead of a burnt out party-girl chomping at the bit for the comforts of home, he was met with a hungover and irritable heiress already smothered over her newly acquired lack of freedom.
The serenity of the ride into the city allowed you a moment of reflection as hints of guilt began to pool in the bottom of your stomach. While your attitude didn't completely improve, you did feel bad for the way you had spoken to Thomas because in all fairness, the limo was far warmer and comforting than the unwelcoming New York air and you knew he was simply doing his job.
The tension in the vehicle seemed to diffuse a little as you got closer to your apartment. Your eyes and energy had rather refocused on the real reason for your return as you turned to your phone, staring at the messages Steve had left you.
3:15 (We’ll talk in the morning, ok?)
3:20 (Sweetheart, look, if it's really important, I can stay up for a bit longer)
4:00 (did you at least get home safe?)
5:00 (doll, you're making me nervous, please just let me know your safe)
You bit your lip in concentration but your eyes were drawn away from your phone before you could craft a response as the car found itself coming to a slow stop. Thomas made his way to your door, opening it and offering you a hand as you stepped out and took in the building. After the all-too-long ride up the elevator, your mind was settled as you entered your top floor home. It was just how you had left it two months ago and it felt good to be back.
“Just a moment thomas, I just need to get changed”
Thomas awkwardly dismissed himself back to the car as you walked into your bedroom and subsequent closet. You paused under your closet archway briefly to finally type the response you had been thinking over.
8:00 am ( can I come over? or do you have company)
Your nails met your lips as you nervously awaited his response.
8:00 am (wait what? are you home already?)
8:00 am (you know you can come over anytime )
A smile grew on your lips at his timely response. Your hands rummaged through the variety of drawers lining the walls of your wardrobe before stopping to feel the lace of a white set of lingerie you knew he couldn't resist. Sliding it on, your eyes gel onto the perfect outfit for your intended purposes.
The black velvet top and matching skirt hugged your body in a way that should be illegal while your diamond-studded pumps found their way onto the floor replaced by equally stunning white pumps. They rubbed slightly on the blisters you had acquired in the past week as you quickly made your way back out the door after grabbing your handbag from the couch.
‘He lived right down the street’ you repeated to yourself as traffic dragged what should have been a five minute ride into a fifteen minute endeavor.
The anticipation of being reunited began to expose itself as your skin began to glisten and an excited glow rose onto your face. Before Thomas could even put the car fully in park, you had already opened the door, saying a quick don't wait up before slamming the door shut.
Your legs couldn't seem to move quick enough as you walked through the hallways until you reached his door. Your heels must have given your arrival away because before your knuckles could even knock on the door, he swung it open and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“I am so glad you're safe”
His warm breath tickled your neck as he mumbled the soft words into your hair. A small smile found its way onto your face at the notion before you raised yourself onto your tippy toes, whispering back an “I missed you”.
You could feel the silence and comfort in everyone of your muscles as they relaxed into the man you knew all too well. You turned around, stepping into the threshold of his home without breaking the strong grip that he still had on you. Taking the small note, he released you slightly, pulling his large frame through the door as well before he shut it gently. His eyes softened as they met yours for the first time in two months.
“What are you doing home?” A small smile raised onto his face as you took another step into him, laying your head on his chest.
“I already told you, I missed you,” you replied as his hands that laid respectfully on your lower back were lowered by your own mischievous hands. You placed a soft kiss beneath his ear, “Did you miss me too Cap?”
A small groan left his mouth at the nickname and you knew you were close to getting what you wanted.
You lead his hands once again lower, this time to the bottom of your skirt, prompting him to slide it up a bit. Your hands finally left his as you reached them up around his neck and leaned in.
His lips met yours halfway in a movement that could only be described as desperate.
The slow and agonizing pace that he had tried to set for you was now gone as he patted your thighs and you jumped. He carried you to his bedroom, tossing you onto the bed and crawling on top of you.
His mouth then began to make its way down the side of your neck, eliciting a loud moan from your painted lips. A satisfied smirk momentarily appeared on his face as he lifted his eyes to meet yours. They seemed to search your eyes for a moment before they broke away from yours with a small frown. His hovering form came down as he placed his head on your chest with a groan.
“What's wrong cap?” you joked slightly as you ran your hands through his hair.
“I can’t do this doll.” His sweet eyes raised to meet yours and you could immediately tell they were filled to the brim with guilt.
“Of course you can Ste-”
“You don’t understand y/n,” he said with a deep sigh before pulling himself further back and standing up. He began to pace slightly as he continued with a frustrated groan, “I- fuck- “
Your eyes widened at the uncharacteristic language and behavior of your golden boy as his eyes met yours once again. “I-I finally found someone who will give me what you cant y/n.” He paused momentarily, as if being hit by the recoil of the gun he had just fired into your heart. “She, She really sees a future with me doll and, and I-I can't just throw that all away for nothing” he says. His words and his eyes were laced with propositions and it really appears like he's trying to convince himself more than you.
Nonetheless, your heart dropped to your stomach and you could feel tears threatening to brim at your eyes. “Nothing? Am I nothing to you Steve?”
“Oh- of course no- I didn't mean it like that,” he sighed as he quickly walked back over to you.
You extended an arm out before pulling him back onto the bed and flipping him over. Straddling his hips, you leaned down and laid into his chest. His arms once again found their way around you, if only because of muscle memory. You held this embrace for a moment before sighing out your own proposition.
“I’ll go Steve… I’ll go and leave forever if you really want…. Just tell me..” You leaned your head up slightly to meet his ear and whispered,
“Is that what you really want?”
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jayjaydawn · 4 years
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Summary: Where the members find out about your secret relationship
Pairing: Soonyoung/Hoshi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Language, implied smut
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Sorry for the typos, I hope you like this regardless.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal.”
Soonyoung and you were sitting on your couch, your leg stretched out on his lap, him scrolling through his phone. The tv was on, you were focused on watching the k-drama, the main leads were just about to kiss when- “Ya! ____, Why aren’t you picking up your calls? Your mother is worried, she’s messaging me” Soonyoung says as he pushes my arm.
“Hossshhhh, you made me miss out on the most crucial scene ever, I can't even rewind it because it's on tv!”  “If you’ve missed it anyway, might as well call your mom and let her know you’re alive.” 
“Ughh! Fine, I'm calling her. I left my phone in my room.” you said as you forced yourself out of your comfortable position. As soon as you stood up, you felt soonyoung smack your ass, making you turn around and glare at him as you walked away. You could hear him snickering as you left. 
At the same time, Soonyoung received a call from Seokmin.
“Hello” “Hyung, where are you? When will you be back at the dorm, we’re ordering food, what should we order for you?” “Uhhmmm, i’ll let you know in 5 mins? I don’t really know when i’ll get back” he said and looked up as he saw you coming back from your room, phone in your hand. You gesture at him, ‘who is it?’ “Okay hyung, call me back as soon as possible, the restaurant doesn’t take orders past 10pm” “Yuppp, bye seokmin”
“Ooooh why did he call? Did something happen?” you ask him as you try to make yourself comfortable again on the couch. 
“Nothing, he was asking when i’ll be back, they’re ordering take out”
“Oh, I think you should get back tonight, you haven't been back on time this past week, they might get suspicious”
“Hmm, i’ll text him and let him know i’ll reach in a bit”
"Cool" you replied and looked back at the tv as he texted Seokmin to let him know he'd be reaching in sometime. 
Hoshi and you had been in a 'secret' relationship for the past two years. It wasn't that much of a secret really, both of your families knew about your relationship and you all had interacted on many occasions. Often his mother would contact you and the same goes for him. But due to personal reasons, you both decided to keep it a secret from his team members. One of the reasons being management, they didn't really approve of your relationship and when they figured it was quite serious, they made sure we kept it as private and secret as possible. Also between the two of us, we liked the thrill that came with the hide-n-seek. 
"Okay ___, I'm leaving, my phone is blowing up with messages" Soonyoung brought me out of my thoughts, as he gently pushed my legs off of his lap. 
You cutely put your hands out towards him and made grabby hands at him. He chuckled as he leaned down to hug you and kissed you deeply. "Mmm, okay now you really need to go before I don't let you" you said as you pulled away. He laughed and you both finally said bye, for real this time and he left. 
Soonyoung made it back to the dorm in record time. 
"He's finally here" Chan announces from the table when he notices Soonyoung is back.
"Sorry, I'm a little late." He said as he sat in his spot on the table. The rest of the members came in and began eating. 
"Okay so we'll be starting practice a little late tomorrow so it'll probably end a little late too. Just warning you guys." Seungcheol said casually while eating. 
Everyone acknowledged what he said and went back to eating. Soonyoung finished his dinner and got up to leave when Joshua asked him, “Hey hoshi, can I borrow your phone for a minute. I’ll give it back to you in your room.” “Okay” he says as he hands him the phone and leaves. 
Joshua’s phone camera had stopped working this morning. He needed to send himself some photos of documents he had. He took hoshi’s phone and opened his gallery to send himself the photos when he came across something that surprised him. There were pictures of him with a girl that he didn’t know. As he was staring at it, trying to recall if he had ever seen her, he felt someone leaning over his shoulder looking into the same screen he was. “Who is that with hyung? She’s so pretty.” Hearing Seungkwan say this, Seokmin and Mingyu rushed towards Joshua to get a glance too. Joshua hurriedly turned off the phone and stood up, “Don’t mention this in front of Soonyoung. You know him, he might get mad. I’m going to return the phone to him, I don’t want a single word coming out of your mouths. Understand?” 
The younger ones nodded their heads and looked at each other excitedly. Joshua headed back to his room and returned the phone to hoshi on the way.
 “Okayy guys, let’s take a water break.” Soonyoung announced to the rest of the group. They all stopped, panting and making their way towards their water bottles. Soonyoung sat down as he downed his bottle when he heard his phone ringing. 
____ Calling..
____ never calls in the middle of practice. He had made sure to tell her he wouldn’t be coming over today due to practice. Worried, he picked up his phone and rushed out of the studio to answer the call.
He heard your sleepy voice on the other line asking, “Why aren’t you here yet? I’ve been waiting.” “Baby, I told you I wouldn’t be able to make it today. Have you not slept yet?” “Oh yah. I completely forgot. I fell asleep watching Tv and woke up suddenly and I guess I just felt sort of disoriented. Sorry to disturb you.” “It’s okay, go to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Byeee” 
He hung up the phone and went back into the studio. The rest of the members were sitting and seemed to be in a deep conversation with each other. 
“What’s going on here?”
“Oh nothing, just discussing that pretty girl whose pictures you had on your phone.” 
“SEUNGKWAN! WHAT THE HELL!” Seokmin yelled as he smacked him on the back of his head. Seungkwan’s eyes grew big as he realised what he had said aloud. 
“OH NO! FORGET WHAT I SAID.” Everyone sighed and looked at Hoshi, expecting him to blow up.
“Let’s get back to work now.” Soonyoung said gently and everyone hurried back to their positions, slightly surprised that he didn’t react they way they had expected.
“Hello baby, what’s up?” You answered the phone. “___ why don’t you come over to the dorm today. The members have all gone out to do their own stuff.” “Oh really? It’s been a while since I’ve been over. Okay, I’ll see you in a bit. Byee” You hung up the phone and got ready to leave.
You were lying on Soonyoung’s chest as he played with your hair. You looked up at him and rested your chin on him as you asked, “Are you hungry? I’m starving. Let’s order some food?” 
“Sure” As soon as he said that you turned to the other side and put on his T-shirt. You got up and rushed out to call the restaurant as he followed while simultaneously pulling on his boxers. 
Once, takeout arrived, you both started gobbling up the food. “Sex really does make you hungry ___” Soonyoung laughs. “Shut up will you? When are the members coming back? I’ll have to leave before that” 
“They texted me and said they’ll take longer.” He said and picked you up, making you straddle him. You looked at each other and slowly kissed. The kiss soon turned hungrier and sloppy when you heard a bunch of footsteps walking towards you both. 
You suddenly stopped, shocked and tried to get off his lap as fast as you could. Soonyoung’s grip grew tighter as he forced you to stop moving.
You turned and looked at all the members staring at you absolutely gobsmacked.
“What the fuck did I just see?”Minghao says.
“Aren’t you the girl who we saw on his phone. OH MY GOD ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS??” Seungkwan screamed.
“Okay, I guess it's finally time to çome out and just say it. Im sorry ___ I didn’t tell you first before taking this decision” He put you aside and stood up, pulling you towards him by the waist.
“Guys meet ___, ___ meet the guys. We’ve been dating for two years and that’s it”
The guys and you looked at each other with eyes wider than the sun.
“Uhmm Hi” You gave them the most awkward wave.
“Hi- Sorry for interruping your- uhh whatever that you-- uh- were doing” Dino said
“Okay, we are done for today, let’s talk about this over dinner. Shoo Shoo.” Jeonghan said and everyone moved away, whispering to each other.
Soonyoung and you looked at each other, “Playtimes over I guess” you giggle as you peck his lips and move to finish your dinner and get to know his friends for the first time. 
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kyunsies · 4 years
things i love + appreciate about my closest moots  💖 (obviously no particular order bc you all hold such a special place in my heart)
i was going to wait and post this when i hit 400 followers but that has passed and i wasn't ready in time and i didn’t really know when to post this ;; so i’m just going to do it now to remind everyone that it is truly a blessing to be here in your presence :) i don’t want to get mushy ALREADY sdlkfjsd but pls know you all mean so much to me <33
@theyoungflexer — my person, my rock, chelle you’re super special!! we have such a quirky relationship that somehow works extremely well; idk how but i had this feeling from the moment we spoke with each other i was like “omg this gal is so funky and sweet!!” i was really excited to get to know you, and we’ve talked everyday without FAIL since we became moots :) v grateful for you chelle, you’re my home girl!! (even tho we live across the states hehe) 💘💗 also i just respect you on so many levels like the way you just attend one of the most amazing colleges in the US and is thriving?? not to mention your equally as smart brother also going to an amazing college too???????? speechless. ALSO BIG SHOUT OUT BC  you are also the reason for inspiring me to start giffing so,,,,,,literally wouldn’t be here without you GOD chelle i’m so mushy for you :’((((
@softhyungkyun — 1/2 of my mom friends!!! my monmomma, my calming energy in this chaotic world!! victoria, my sweet vic how i love u so!! not to mention the BEST canadabebe around 😘 truly don’t know what i would do without you hun!! do u know how special u are to me?? how much i loved ur lil bunny pics whenever u went on a run; your CONSTANT surveillance of my many typos; and most importantly your scalding of me whenever i show my ~alter ego nasty mädch who is a simp for kyun~ (huh?? who said that, certainly not me!!) i literally look up to you in so many ways, and i’m glad i have someone like you in my life 💗💘💖
@ckyunoirs — you’ve all seen it coming but my actual soulmate!! the best kyun soulmate ever 🥺 i honestly can’t remember how we became moots LOL but i just know i thought you seemed like an absolute sweetheart (which you are) and i was so nervous to talk to you!! i was like “ah omg she has so many anons and everyone associates her w kyun i would like to be at that level” but look at us now!!! we really do share the same (thirsting for kyun always 🤝) braincell and i love that i can tell you what’s on my mind always!! you are such a nurturing soul suni, always stressing how important it is to take care of ourselves 🤧 angel behavior i think!! i don’t even have to elaborate anymore bc i think (i hope) you know truly how much you mean to me suni!!!!! thank you for being such a great friend <33
@memehyungwon — nessa!!! my love whom i get extremely excited about whenever i see your name pop up in my inbox 🥺🥺 get yourself a nessa!!!! so sweet, so supportive, so kind, and just all around LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY!! the cutest, my emotional support bub really 💘💗💖💓💞 so much love for you, plus you’re a multi-talented queen with the moodboards + edits like hello you are LEGENDARY!!! also a multistan extraordinaire, what more could u ask for?? aaaand you call me your “cariño mio” like.......,,shush i’m sobbing just thinking of it 🥺
@pansynight — i think ezra is a fallen angel I SAID IT!!! srsly THE most supportive, trustworthy, and down to earth person in the whole wide world. such a hard worker i mean moodboards, audio edits, writing on the side sometimes, AND gifmaking???????? incredible!!! and is just as a hopeless romantic as i am (cue us crying over how much we love Love together,,,,,i need a moment 😭)!! one friend who i can feel totally comfortable + stripped down with 💙💙 did i already say supportive bc ezra is the Most Supportive Bub if you didn’t already catch that 🥺
@sohcean — bee!!!! a fairly recent moot but one i love very much nonetheless!!!! i looked up to you a lot akdbdjdkjdb like you were one of my “it” monsta x blogs imo hehe but i remember i tagged you in a post where an anon asked me who my fav blogs were and 🥺🥺 you sent me an ask something along the lines of “ty v much i’m glad we’re moots now!!” AND WHEN I TELL YOU!!! i was crying 😭😭😭 anyways, always checks in on me once in a while and you’re always super duper sweet and caring (and thank you for submitting sweet kyun pics occasionally; they are SO desperately needed);; plus you are so extremely eloquent with your writing -- when you post something particularly long i kinda just space out into dreamland  bc you just take me to another place with your words omg *chefs kiss* love ya hun!!! 💙💜💙💜💙
@burnitupmp3 — ah ADRY!!! honestly i was really scared to talk to you too for some reason DJFLSDJ but i think that’s bc you’re so extremely hilarious :’) but now that we are certified CLINGMATES 🥺 i literally thank my lucky stars for you everyday :( always and i mean ALWAYS supporting not only me but all of your other moots too ITS SO AMAZING TO SEE!!!!!! never being shy and always starting a conversation with everyone like i’m starting to get the feeling that maybe you DO in fact know every monbebe on this site HEHE but!!!!! grateful for you, if there is one singular constant on tumblr it's you and you're humor, kindness, individuality 💘💗 1/3 of my joobebes, but my ONLY rujoobebe :’) alSO TY FOR FEEDING ME J.SEPH CONTENT <33
@minhyukie — LISTEN if you don’t follow amy you’re missing oUT!!!! but srsly amy i’m going to get really mushy on you jfsdlkfj  🥺🥺 i’ve been following you ever since i made this blog in january (obvi bc u make High Quality content) and i just need to get this off my chest but when u popped in my messages telling me what i was doing wrong in ps about the smart object thing I LITERALLY SCREAMED I JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT I MESSAGED @theyoungflexer AND WAS LIKE OMG OMG OMG AMY JUST TALKED TO ME!!!!!!!!! jeez like i was so embarrassingly excited :’D !!! man, am i SO happy we are moots <33 the best minbebe around, always providing me with advice and so many resources,,,not to mention we kinda (??) live relatively close-ish to each other so that’s also very cool LOL but srsly!!! amy you are such a backbone for the mbb community here and i look up to you SO much,,,smooches to u 💘💗
@leejooheons — aj!!! 2/3 of my joobebes!!! we are only recently moots but much like amy, i’ve been following you since the beginning of my blog’s existence!! gosh i look up to you in sooooo many ways and again LIKE AMY when i finally found the courage to talk to you i kinda freaked out when you responded LOL !! your gifs are absolutely AMAZING STUNNNG WONDERFUL; you inspire me to really improve my skills, and you always always ALWAYS give me such helpful advice all the time when i don’t even ask for it :( if anything i can't imagine how annoying it is to see me complain about all of my ps troubles but you still take time out of your day to always give me the best tips ever. and for that??? i’m SUPER grateful for all that you do for not only me but for monbebe tumblr too !!! 💘💗
@chaelight — fern!! my other resourceful monbebe moot 🥺 even though we don’t talk all the time, you, like aj, are always providing me with such amazing content advice!!! seriously idk why you all are so incredibly nice to me it’s so touching 😭 and just like bee, you also give me such a calming vibe; you’re just an overall delight to see on my dash because your content is SO well thought out too <33 love you fern!!
@joosgf — lulu!!! 3/3 of my joobebes who also takes the time to tag me in kyun content 🥺 we do not message often but :( omg you’re such a freaking cutie :( i knew i wanted to be your friend when i found your blog bc 1) everyone loves u and 2) you are so incredibly nice <33 i really hope we get to grow closer in the future!! you are so supportive even though we aren't close, and just know that you can always come to me for anything!! also i just love your adoration for our joober it’s SO SWEET, i love to see you geek about him bc it really is the cutest thing <33
@haoranghae — jill!!!!!!! my eastern standard time pal!!!!!!! <33 honestly i think you're the only moot where i DONT have to think about you being asleep while i’m up bc i know we’re on the same time schedule :’) my multifandom buddy who shares my love for victon and honestly a lot of other groups too!! surprisingly we don’t message often but like, i feel like when we DO talk we always pick up where we left off, if that makes sense? i always feel at home talking with you <33 and you’re so freaking SUPPORTIVE always saying nice things and going out of your way once in a while to pop in the inbox!! jill dear you are such a joy, thank you for being you 🥺
@morkyun — carly my sweet angel!!! one of my most precious fellow kyunbebes!!!! idk why you’re so darn SWEET TO ME!! just the sweetest; always asking how i’m doing, always crying over changkyun with me, always participating in ask games sdkjflskdfjslkf how can i ask for anything more than you?? super DUPER grateful to have u in my life, literally such a blessing <33 AND U HAVE ME IN YOUR BIO <33 IM MELTING PLS I FREAKING LOVE U!!!
@hohyuk — everyone LISTEN UP AS A TALK ABOUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!! my ma, 2/2 of the mom friends!! you aren’t as active as you were when i first started to talk to you (bc u are a wonderful working WOMAN) but gosh, you made such an impact on me ma :( you are such a caring and nurturing person like the only way i can describe you is motherly :( i remember we would always talk about our days + weekends bc we never really messaged a lot HOWEVER we would always touch base at the end of the week and catch up!! although we don’t talk that often anymore, i want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart for being exceptionally kind to me 💘💗 and for that i am forever thankful for you ma!! love you!!
@kihyunsgf — kass my cutie patootie!!! we have been moots for a long time it feels!! ( i mean long for me since i’ve one been here since january lol) but you are such an amazing monbebe friend!!! we don’t really private message each other but it seems like we always participate in each other’s ask games so it’s always fun to get to know a little bit more about each other every time we ask questions!! you always reblog not only my work, but every other content creator moots’ works too and i just think you are an extremely supportive friend in general <33 thank you for always being so approachable and warm, and i hope we only grow closer as time goes on 💘💗
@kkyuns — okay aminah OMG so,,,,,,,,,idk if you even want me to consider you a moot yet or anything but 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 can i pls be your moot LOL srsly 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and if you don’t feel comfortable that’s okay and u can just consider this an appreciation post dksfjslkdjf but!!!!!! aminah i’ve already told you i’ve sent you so many asks anonymously and i only recently found the courage and come off bc i feel really comfortable whenever i talk to you <33 literally the KINDEST soul in the entire world;; you might not answer asks quickly ALL the time but you always find a way to make time for the people who look up to you and honestly?? that inspires me to be a kinder more gentler person!! my FELLOW NURSING GAL working your lil BOOTY off, a queen really :’) and not to mention one of the most TALENTED mbb gif makers on the entire planet i’m not even stretching that i truly mean it angel <33 thank u for making me (and others ofc) feel incredibly appreciated, and thank you for being a blessing to mbb tumblr :D
@changkynie — sian angel!!!! you have been with me since the beginning of this blog it seems like!!! thank you for always being my secretive cheerleader on my blog, i really adore you for that! you are such a cutie and you ALWAYS make time to send in little messages to both me and our lil family on my blog!! it’s really the sweetest thing; you are truly SUCH  blessing and i love waking up/falling asleep to your kind words <33 together forever bub i think <33
@tsunpan  (idk which blog you’re comfortable w me tagging so i’ll just do this one dsjfsjdf)—RATCH!!!!!!! i know a lot of ppl on your blog don’t know your name (and oddly enough i’ve never asked either bc i thought u wanted to be secretive LMAO) but then you plugged your twitter @ a while ago and u said it had your name there HEHE SO!!!!!!! i’ll keep it private :) but HOLY CRAP!! my actual first moot on here :( like my FIRST first moot ever :( says i’ve been following you for 8 FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!!!! and wow look how far we’ve come <33 i know i don’t message u as often as a should but just know i cherish this friendship like my life depends on it skdfjlksdjf and thank you for always indulging me with you’re changkyun writings (shout OUT to safekeeping kyun UGH my heart) + also sharing my love for mr. park junhee + ALSO being my astrology guru WOW u really do it all <33 ;; every time i message you i’m always like wow i wish i were as carefree and funny as my gal !! love you to the moon and back dear, thank you for putting up with me 💘💗💖💓💞
@monpabebe —lastly but CERTAINLY not least is my dear RIKA!!!!! again i have this running theme of being scared of the ppl i love LMAO but yes rika i’ve been following you too for a very very long time (i have actually sent u some anonymous stuff too hehe) but i think i fINALLY revealed myself when u mentioned your height!! SHORTBEBES OUT HERE PROTECTING EACH OTHER <33 but on a serious note, you are amazing :( i’m so glad i came out of my shell to finally talk to you; thank you for supporting my work, it means the absolute WORLD to me and thank you for also being a backbone here on monbebe tumblr as well :) i love seeing your interactions with your anons, it always puts a smile on my face 💘💗💖💓💞 whether you're arguing about tomatoes, geeking over shownu, or just giving your opinion on everything monsta x related, i always look up to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i know i don’t really talk to you often (bc i’m still a lil intimidated IM SORRY skdfjksd) but i would love for our lil friendship to bloom in the future rika!! :)
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Resident Himbo: Operation Heartbreaker
Lee Jeno x Reader + Kim Doyoung x Reader
Summary: You were whipped for the senior in your PE class, and one of your classmates catch on, designating himself as your personal wingman, unprompted. The resident himbo teaming up with a love sick puppy could only mean one thing: events will end horribly.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, university au,puppy!jeno, cool kid!doyoung, fluff, pining, jealousy, typos, angst etc.
A/N: I havent written anything for kpop lately but since i recently read a frat fic, it made me miss making uni aus and im about to do something about that. Tagging: @pinksirensong hi bestie lol idk if you even know/like kpop but i'm tagging you anyway HAHAHAHH jeno is the one on the left and doyoung is the one on the right and that's all you need to know <3
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I was crouched down, hands on my knees, catching my breath as I watched the dudes on the court duke it out in the most intense game of dodgeball I have ever had the displeasure of ever being part of ever.
"So," the voice of the meathead I knew as Jeno calls from my side. I turn to him, lips parted as I heaved. He grinned as he looked down at me, the crescent moons on his eyes endearing as ever, "Doyoung, huh?"
I knit my brows at him as I pushed back the feel of butterflies in my stomach at the sound of the name he said.
He crosses his arms, his toned muscles on full display in his muscle tee, "you totes have crush on him, doncha?"
My spirit leaves my body in this moment. I could not hide it.
I straighten up at his words. I look at him with wide eyes as my mind raced, wondering wildly, racking my brain intensely, at how Lee Jeno, with all his muscle mass and lack thereof in brain power, managed to put that together.
Poke me in the eyes and smack me in the throat was I that obvious?!
Jeno watches me tense. He begins to frown at it, not expecting the reaction. He begins to feel bad. He drops his arms to the side and opens his mouth to start apologizing. He doesn't have the chance to however.
"Am I that obvious?" I question, turning to him, grabbing his toned bicep.
Jeno immediately beams, raising a finger at me, "no, I'm just really quick with these things!"
My face drops. He cannot be for real right now.
Jeno recognizes my look. He raises one hand, his other darts to his chest, "I swear. I might be stupid but I have a pretty good gauge on these sort of things."
I frown at his words as he calls, "scout's honor!"
"Jeno," I sigh, "you're not stupid. Slow, yes, but if anyone ever called you a meathead in anyway other than affectionately, you tell me and I will chew their head off."
He snorts, dropping his hands, nodding.
I suck in a deep breath as I turn back to the court where the 4 seniors were still very much screaming at each other; the poor 2 remaining freshmen, caught in the frenzy of it all, were fighting for their lives.
Jeno's eyes crinkle at the sight. He claps his hands and cheers, cupping his mouth as he called, "GO JOHN! CRUSH YONGIE LIKE A PANCAKE!"
I scowl at his simile and side eye him, eyes darting back to the apple of my eye, Doyoung, who throws a ball at poor Minji, who gets hit on the shoulder and sadly retreats to the side with the rest of the class.
"Sorry, pretty girl!" Doyoung calls casually, the way he does with everyone.
The group of girls, Minji included, squeal at his words. Oh, to be called pretty by Doyoung.
Jeno turns to me, nudging me with his shoulder when he catches my face, "duddddeee, you're so whipped."
I shoot him a glare. His face beams brighter than the damn sun.
I huff. He throws an arm around my shoulder, "don't worry, doll face," he crushes me against him, "I got a plan for you. We'll call it-
I furrow my brows at Jeno, who pulled back and jumped, raising his hands up at me excitedly. The corner of his lips are pulled from ear to ear, his teeth are on full display.
I release a sigh as he straightens up and throws an arm around my shoulder again, beginning to go into detail about his plan for me.
Sweet lord and all the angels in heaven, how long has this boy been thinking this through?... ... ... I didn't know he could think this hard...
Operation Heartbreaker: Phase 1 (Soda Bottle)
"Jeno, please, this is so first grade," I sigh as I grip the cold can in my hands and repel Jeno as he pushes me from behind, "also, who drinks soda when they're thirsty?"
Jeno, who was all at once using his strength against me, yet also obviously holding back from using his full force, manages to make me step a few more paces towards Doyoung, who was seated next to Jaehyun, watching the rest of the second round of dodgeball play out.
"You do!" he says, just as I jolt forward, making both Doyoung and Jaehyun turn to me.
My eyes widen at the attention. I turn back and shake my head, "no, I dont, no, I don't, no, I don't--"
"He does!" Jeno stops me, grabbing both my shoulders, "look, let's just casually sit next to them, and then you say, 'hey, Do, wan'a soda?' If he says no, no biggie! Say, oh ok, 'can you just open this for me then'."
"Okay, first of all, no one calls him Do-"
Jeno sighs, placing his hand on his waist.
"Second of all, I-"
"Second of all, if you don't do this, I'm going to use you as a human shield in the next round of dodgeball."
I narrow my eyes at him, "you wouldn't."
"I don't know," he dramatically looks around, "I've been feeling real unathletic because of you."
I punch his arm. He grips it as he chuckles, making a fake pained face. The next thing he does, he grabs my free hand and drags me against my will.
It's happening.
"Hey dudes," Jeno calls casually. Doyoung and Jaehyun greet Jeno with a high-five handshake.
I follow suit, greeting the two seniors, who proceed to smile at me and say my name in regard.
Jeno motions that I sit next to Doyoung. I awkwardly clear my throat as I do so, hands probably colder than the soda I was cradling for dear life.
When Jeno sits next to me, he elbows me so roughly I crash onto Doyoung. The latter turns to me in concern. I quickly apologize to him as I feel my face heat up at the encounter.
Doyoung's eyes fall to the soda in my hand, "oh, that's my favorite flavor."
I blink rapidly at him, stomach in a whirlpool at the sight of his smile.
"Want me to open it for you?" the absolute love of my life offers, unprompted.
My jaw slacks. I make an unknown sound. I dumbly offer him the object, wishing offering my love to him was just as easy and simple.
Jeno turns away as he watches the encounter, unable to hold the pleased giggles that leave him over the fact his plan was going well.
Doyoung takes the can from me, moving it away from us as he opens it cautiously, in case it explodes everywhere.
Jaehyun stands to his feet, hollering in amusement when at Donghyuck was hit by a ball to the noggin.
Doyoung hands me my drink with a soft smile as he breaks into a loud laugh, joining Jaehyun as he stands and points at their friend, who was dramatically sprawled out on the floor, waving his hand out as he asked someone to call an ambulance for him, or that he gets a 100 mark in this activity.
I nearly choke on the soda I was drinking when Jeno turns to me and nudges me once more. I pull the drink away, some of it spills on my clothes. Jeno throws his arms around my shoulder as he mutters excitedly under his breath, "you did it, dude! You did it!"
Operation Heartbreaker: Phase 5 (Lunch)
Jeno cranes his neck. Mark and Jaemin watch him, giving him weird looks as he does so.
"Dude, what the heck are you doing?" Jaemin asks, popping a french fry in his mouth.
"Who are you looking for?" Mark says as he cranes his own neck, looking in the direction Jeno was.
"Shh," Jeno presses a finger to his lips, "I'm watching to see if- homaygosh- it's happening, it's happening, everyone shut up, it's happening."
"Bro, what are you talking about?" Mark turns to Jeno.
Jeno merely shushes him louder, eyes locked on the situation playing out in the other side of the cafeteria, just past the crowd flocking by the food stall.
"Hey, Doyoung," I huff, willing my shoulders down as the tall, dark haired man, wearing the sweater I absolutely loved on him, turns to me. Doyoung smiles in his blue top, "hey."
Lord, take me now.
I ignore his friend, Taeyong, who looks at me then looks away, muttering something to Taeil beside him.
Shut it, they are so not talking about you. Overthinking anxiety begone!
"What are you thinking of getting?" Doyoung asks, snapping me out of my trance, as he turns tries to steal a look of the food on the food stall a few feet away from us.
I suck in a breath then sigh, "I, uh... I'm not sure... but uh..."
My breath hitches when Doyoung turns back to me.
I grip my fists tightly, biting my lower lip before I continued, "do you mind if I eat lunch with you today?"
Doyoung blinks at the question.
I begin to panic when he immediately does not agree like what Jeno told me he would do, "I... I-I-I just- I don't have anyone to eat with, so I thought..."
Doyoung knit his brows then turns away, proceeding to scan the room. His lips curve into a soft smile. He points behind me, "isn't that Jeno?"
I think I went into the next life when Doyoung grabs my shoulders and spins me around, "Jeno. Your best friend?"
Jeno looks at me with wide eyes from the other side of the room.
My heart races, "he's- he's not- he's not my best friend."
"Oh," Doyoung pulls away, "what is he then?"
I turn back to Doyoung, unable to answer when I find he is slightly leaned over, and his face is so close to mine. He straightens back, face contorting to that of mischief, "no, wait, don't tell me. Is he your boyfriend?"
I am mortified.
"Yo, what?" Jaehyun busts out out of nowhere, "you're dating Jeno?" He comes to my side, extending a hand out to me. I take it, against myself, as he bro slaps me on the shoulder, "hardcore, dude." Jaehyun pulls away and the rest of my braincells are taken with him, "that dude is whipped for you, man," he says, "bro follows you like a puppy. It bemega cute."
Doyoung turns to Jaehyun, lips slightly curving at his words. His expression falters when he turns back to me. He calls my name in concern, "are you alright?"
I turn to Doyoung, faking a smile. I don't note on the matter as I push him back when the line begins to move. I evade the question altogether, "oh look, they have pasta!"
Operation Heartbreaker: Phase 7 (Volunteer)
"Look," Jeno sighs, "just because phase 5 backfired, doesn't mean you should give up on him."
"Yeah, phase 6 was iffy, but it happens when you throw pickup lines. You never know what's gonna work. Phases 1 through 4 were stellar though!"
I stop in my tracks, heaving slightly, since we were in the middle of running laps in PE. I throw Jeno a look, making him halt a few steps in front of me. I begin to jog again as I rant, "phase 2 nearly cost me my head."
"Ok, that's a little dramatic, considering you barely did anything while being on Doyoung's team."
"Johnny spiked a ball to my face," I quip, "you know, Johnny, the six foot tall giant that was on the highschool volleyball team!!"
"And your prince charming saved you!"
I roll my eyes, "yeah, and phase 3 was anything but stellar, considering I tripped on my way over to ask Doyoung if he wanted to walk together to the gym."
"But he said yes though!" Jeno calls, "I'm 99.9% sure he thought it was cute. I saw the whole thing from the bushes!"
"Hey, I thought it was cute."
"Please, you think anything is cute," I whine, "because you're a meathead!"
Jeno purses his lips.
I tear my gaze from in front of me to my right when he does not answer. I nudge him, "affectionately."
He huffs, "I know."
Part of me feels bad when he pouts.
"Don't even get me started on phase 4, Jeno."
"Look, I'm sorry he thinks we're dating, but I'm telling you, this is going to work. Doyoung always gets called back to do the attendance because Mr. Kim is his coach and he's the captain of the football team. So, just go up to him while he's doing rounds and volunteer to help."
I sigh, shaking my head, "I don't know, Jeno."
"Just, just, please, trust me on this."
Jeno watches me sigh. He breaks into a grin when I agree under my breath.
Operation Heartbreaker: Phase 7.5?
"Hey, Jeno," Doyoung calls just before Jeno could leave.
He was in the middle of wiping his sweat when he turned to Doyoung, "oh, hey, Do, what's up?"
Doyoung cringes, pointing a finger, "I told you not to call me that."
Jeno smriks, shrugging, "I think it's cute."
Doyoung rolls his eyes at the thought. He turns over his shoulder when he hears laughter behind him. Jeno looks out too, smiling at the sight of you and Jaehyun messing around with Donghyuck.
Doyoung turns back to Jeno, curved lips flattening into a line. He motions vaguely, "are you two dating?"
Jeno snaps out of his trance, face falling from the amusement as he turns back to Doyoung, "what?"
Doyoung tilts his head, shifting in his spot, "Jaehyun said you were and it got me thinking, although, he is pretty thoughtless."
Jeno snorts, "lol."
"I just-" Doyoung asked, "I mean, it's become quite clear to me that I'm being doted on and... I don't know, I've been catching myself enjoying the attention."
Jeno perks at the admission, "what? Wow. That's great!"
Doyoung chuckles, narrowing his eyes, "is it?"
"Yeah, dude! I'm so happy for you both."
Doyoung is taken aback when Jeno moves over to give him a side hug and a pat on the shoulder, "I'm glad you finally caught the puppy dog stares."
Doyoung watches Jeno. He hums in thought for a moment before asking, "and you haven't caught your own?"
Jeno tilts his head. He clearly doesn't get it.
Doyoung sees the pure disconnect in his face. He sighs, "forget it, dude," he pats Jeno on the shoulder, "see you next week."
Operation Heartbreaker: Phase 10 (Ask Him Out!)
I slam my milk tea cup on the table, "I'm going to do it."
Mark, who was sat next to me on my left, slams his hand on the table dramatically, "hell yeah!"
Jeno, who was sat in front of me, looks between us in utter confusion, "wait, what? What's happening? What are you going to do?"
"Phase 10. I'm going to ask him out!" I beam, nodding my head firmly.
Jeno's confused face contorts into a pout, "oh. Oh, okay."
Jaemin, next to Jeno, in front of Mark, throws me a look, "aren't you two dating already?"
I feel my face catch on fire at Jaemin's words.
"Dude," Jaemin rolls his eyes, "you've been hanging out with him so much that I nearly forgot about your stupid phase-phase bullshit, considering how long you've put it off too."
"Yo," Mark calls, "no but like Jeno was a total genius for that thoughhhh!" Mark extends his hand out to Jeno, who cautiously takes his hand into a high-five handshake, "you gotta set me up with someone too, bro."
Jeno evidently looks bothered by the idea. I swat Mark away, making him recoil his hand.
Jaemin narrows his eyes at me, "why are you even hanging out with us today? Don't you eat lunch with Doyoung now?"
"Jeno asked me to eat with him."
"And you said yes?" Jaemin questions.
I give him a look, "yeah. Do you normally just invite yourself to people's lunch tables?"
"I don't need an invite because Jeno and I are friends," he says, throwing an arm over the said man.
"Are you saying we're not?" I raise my brows at him.
"Exactly," Jaemin points, pulling his arm away from Jeno.
Jeno turns to his right, "hey!"
"Yeah," I agree, "hey! We are totally friends."
Jeno nods.
Jaemin rolls his eyes, taking a big scoop of his yogurt, "ok, morons, whatever you say."
Mark narrows his eyes at Jaemin. Something was up with that dude and his tone, Mark could feel it.
Later that day, I was running through the halls, with a singular thought in mind, finding Lee Jeno.
I bolted through the crowds of people that were eager to get home. I release a huff when I get to Jeno's classroom. I curse under my breath when I find it's empty.
I rack my brain, then the next second, I think I know exactly where he'd be this moment.
I break into a grin when I spot him, Mark, and Jaemin, hanging out by the benches under a tree, "Jeno!"
I chuckle to myself when I catch Jeno practically perk to life upon hearing my call.
He stands from his spot on the bench when he catches me running over to him. He looks at me in concern, walking a few steps over to meet me as I near.
"Hey," I sigh, stopping once I'm before him.
"Hey," he says in a much different manner, brows furrowed in concern, "is everything alright?"
I nod, knitting my brows at the sight of him. I place a hand on his shoulder, "yeah, no, everything is fine, don't worry."
Jeno shakes his head, "aren't you supposed to be hanging out with Doyoung?"
"Yeah," I purse my lips, "but I have something really important to tell you."
Jaemin, who was listening in on our entire conversation, as was Mark next to him, leans on his lap and narrows his eyes, "you ditched Doyoung?"
I turn to him, but then back to Jeno who lights up and mutters, "really? You wanted to see me? I... what is it?"
I take in the glimmer of his eyes and break into a smile, feeling my heart soar at the sight of him. I take both of his hands in mine as I blurt, "I asked him out!"
Jeno blinks. He stills, then his eyes widen.
I huff out a chuckle at his confusion, then clarify, "Doyoung! I asked Doyoung out!"
One of Jeno's eyes narrow, "oh!" he says awfully flatly, "wow!"
I knit by brows at his reaction, releasing his hands, "yeah. I actually caught him after lunch and asked him on a whim," I laugh to myself when I recall the encounter, "he threw his head back in laughter and said he was about to ask me later today," I shake my head in excitement, "I guess it all worked out in the end!"
Jeno's lips part. He says nothing for a moment then he pulls his lips into smile, and yet his eyes don't form the crescents they normally do, "oh, yeah. Wow... that's totally wild," he chuckles softly, "good for you... bro."
I raise my brows at his reaction.
Jeno mentally curses.
When Jeno raises his fists and finally beams at me, I feel reinvigorated. I beam back and throw my arms around him, sealing him into a tight hug. I feel him tense against me, but I did not want to pull away yet, so I allow myself just a few more seconds.
Jeno catches himself and how he reacts. He jolts back when the embrace is cut short just when he was about to lean into it. He clears his throat to play it off.
"Thank you, Jeno," I smile, "I... I couldn't have done any of this without you."
Jeno feels his chest constrict in a manner that was both sweet and bitter. Jeno catches himself again. He really was a meathead. His lips break into a soft smile. He nods his head slowly, "anything for you."
I chuckle at the sentiment, punching his shoulder playfully, "don't say that, or else I'll abuse my power and make you buy me, like, 100 doughnuts."
Jeno turns to his feet as muttering to himself lowly, "I'll buy you 1000."
"Well," I purse my lips, "I'm gonna get going now. Doyoung is gonna drive me home."
Jeno turns to me, forehead wrinkled.
"I told him to wait for me, since I had to talk to you."
Jeno doesn't react to this. Jaemin does though, "how sweet."
The sardonic tone is muted out.
I tent my hands in front of me, "isn't he?"
Mark leans back on the bench, "oof."
I look between the three of them, face contorting at the grim looks on their faces. I decide not to note on this and raise my hand out as I wave them goodbye, "see you kids tomorrow then."
Jaemin and Mark greet me goodbye. Jeno only nods as he smiles softly. I smile back at him before walking away.
Something settles in Jeno's gut once he is left standing alone.
Jaemin sighs, standing next to Jeno, placing a hand on his shoulder after he deflates.
Mark stands too, mimicking the sentiment, "duuuuuuuude."
Jeno straightens up.
"I told you you weren't friends," Jaemin says.
Extremely unlike him, Jeno feels standoffish, "I don't know what you mean, Jaemin."
Jeno rolls his shoulders back. Jaemin and Mark pull their hands away because of it.
Jeno sits back in his spot, releasing a heavy sigh.
Mark and Jaemin turn to each other, the former says again, this time sadder, "dude."
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suhfleur · 5 years
dear, my dear • jaebeom (3/4)
Tumblr media
• pairing: soulmate!jaebeom x reader
• genre: romance, angst, smut
• warnings: cursing, sexual content
• word count: 3.3k
summary: in a world where a touch can lock the doors of the heart, his voice opened the doors to your soul as he filled it with joy.
a/n: i was just listening to dear, my dear, now im emotional. anyways. hope you guys enjoy, as usual forgive if there’s typos i’m too lazy to review.
• • •
The next day, anxiety had become your last name. Nothing else lurked in your head but "Jaebeom, Jaebeom, Jaebeom".
Now, he had more than a nickname, more than an artistic name. His name sounded like a sea of ​​relief to you, it confirmed that it was really real and you had spent a lot of time putting yourself in dark places, thinking absurd things, you wasted too much time. Nothing else mattered now. Not even the fact that he is predestined to someone else and so are you. Nothing could break that absurd bond that you felt with him, and only with him.
You woke up anxious, agitated, the sun had barely set and you already thought to yourself "oh, what a beautiful day", nothing would be enough to take away your good mood. Not even the absurdly crowded and noisy subway station.
Your headphones were turned up loud enough, you were just absorbed by Jaebeom's voice, with a smile on your face. A smile that never left your face, since yesterday.
You were so out of orbit that you didn't even hear it when somebody called your name, you just realized what was going on around you when someone put a hand on your shoulder, making you turn around quickly, making you face the most babiest smile ever; of LA and Seoul.
"Mark!" You exclaimed excitedly, throwing your arms around the American's broad shoulders. He looked a little bit different, dyed his hair in a bright red color, wearing sweats, as usual.
"Hey, long time no see!" He replied, laughing and tightening his arms around your waist as he swirled you in the air, trying not to hit anyone who passed by. As soon as he released you, you slapped him hard on his right arm. "Hey!"
"Don’t you 'hey' me, Mark Tuan. You said you were only going to spend 2 weeks in Thailand, why the hell did you stay there for more than 3 months? Huh? And why didn't you tell me you were coming back? I spoke to you yesterday!" You asked sulkily, putting your hands on your hips, in your best angry-mom pose.
"Look, I had no intention of staying there for so long either, ok? But you know... My soulmate is from Thailand and I didn't want to be without her, but I also didn't want to leave Korea and everything I built these last 7 years, so, I spent these months trying to bring her here... And I did it. " He informed, rubbing the back of his neck, while his cheeks were flushed. "And I wanted to surprise you, I just didn't think I would meet you here on the subway..."
"What? And why didn't you say anything to me? I hate you so much! I will finally meet her. I have to meet her, because even though Yaya sounds like a loving person, just talking to her on the phone doesn't confirm my blessing, ok? You will only marry with my permission, I’m not going to give you away just because, not even because she’s your soulmate. She has to pass the test." You said, jokingly, hugging your longtime friend again. You missed this. "What train are you going to take?"
"Actually, I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to get off at the station... And now, since my plan to surprise you with my return didn't go very well, how about we go out tonight and celebrate?" He asked, hugging her head against his chest. "Me, my Yaya, Jaehyun, Sunny and you, how about it?"
"I... I meeting with somebody today, I don't know if I can go..." You answered feeling a little guilty.
"Can't you meet that person a little later?" Mark asked with a fake sad look.
"What time do you want to make this meeting?" You asked rolling your eyes, feeling defeated.
"You and Sunny leave work around 5pm, right?" You nodded. "So, let's get together at Jaehyun's apartment, which is very close by and, if you don't want to, you can stay there for just a few minutes... But if you also want, you can call this 'person' to stay there with us." He replied, with a suggestive look, arching his eyebrows.
"I don't know if... the person is going to want to, you know? It's the first time we've seen each other in person. But, I promise I'll come and stay with you for a while." You responded, blushing.
"I think it's really good for you to actually show up, because I want to know more about this guy that you never really explained anything to me, okay?" Mark's look was emanating an order and you no other option but to say ‘yes’ to that.
"Ok, sir." You saluted, making him laugh.
The unmistakable noise of your train arriving made you get out of that bubble with Mark. You had to say goodbye for now.
"Okay, I have to go now, Markeu. See you later." You opened your arms one last time, hugging him tightly, receiving a simple kiss on your forehead.
"Be careful, okay? See you later." He said, stroking your back quickly, as you watched the train doors open and you said goodbye to him, walking backwards towards the door.
And it all happened again.
As you turned to pass the train door, someone who was leaving ran into your arm and made the coat you carried in your hand fall. When you were about to bend down to pick it up, someone else did it first, reaching out to you. You gaze went up from the floor to that person, and you saw him.
The subway guy.
And he was stunning. He was like that everyday, but man, today it was something else, you thought. He had a new piercing, which was just placed under his eye. He was so close that you could quickly appreciate his beauty and the two small moles below his left eyebrow.
You said a small and very low 'thank you', hoping that he would’ve listened, while taking your coat from his hands and that's when your body collapsed for the second time that week. When you took the coat, your fingers lightly touched the back of his hand and you felt it again. 
Your chest throbbed, shivers ran down your spine and the feeling of an absurd happiness got through your chest. Felt like your heart was screaming again, and you were static.
Of all people that could possibly be your soulmate, you were comically doomed to the guy you watched every Thursday.
He didn't seem so surprised by that feeling, he just looked at you cryptically while you stood stupidly still, until someone pushed you into the train and you saw the doors close in front of your face, again.
His eyes never left you, until the train started to move and you lost sight of him.
It felt worse than the first time because now, he had a face. You knew who your soulmate was, finally, and you didn't know how you were going to deal with that. That information ended up with everything you thought you knew, with everything you thought you could handle.
You didn't know how to deal with that. You definitely didn't.
Now, more than ever, it was all real. And it was happening to you. Like it or not, you actually don’t know how you feel about this.
And those thoughts followed you all day, without you being able to breathe for a second without thinking "it's him". Your head hurt. And the day that you thought it couldn't be spoiled, was troubled and distant. Your cell phone was forgotten again, until the moment you stopped to eat and remembered that you needed to talk to def.
When you took your phone out of the pocket, you saw messages from him.
[07:07 am] def: i’m still see you today, right?
[07:07 am] def: tell me you haven't changed your mind, please...
[07:07 am] def: i really need to see you.
[10:01 am] loftv: Of course we will see each other, I just think I’ll meet you a little later than agreed. I have to do something before that.
You thought about talking about what happened with you, but it was pointless. It shouldn’t matter to you, neither to him.
[10:02 am] loftv: Did something happen? You look strange. Idk.
[10:05 am] def: a strange thing happened today that i don't want to talk about. it doesn't matter to me. none of that matters.
[10:06 am] def: I'm fine.
[10:07 am] loftv: So, why didn't you say good morning? ):
[10:08 am] loftv: Uneducated prick! *insert angry emojis here, because I don't feel like using them*
[10:10 am] def: forgive me, madam of the valley. to make up for my lack of education and professionalism, here's a series of 'good mornings' in different languages.
[10:10 am] def: 1 - good morning.
[10:10 am] def: 2 - buenos dias.
[10:11 am] def: 3 - bonjour.
[10:12 am] def: 4 - buongiorno.
[10:13 am] def: 5 - *insert here ‘good morning’ in russian because it’s really hard and i don’t know how it is spelled*
You laughed at his nonsense. And that part of the day relieved your confused chest. At the end of the day, he was the only one for you. And anxiety knocked on your door once again. The day went by so slowly that you keep looking at your watch every 15 minutes. When it was finally time to leave, you were almost jumping of joy.
"Take it easy, Dorothy. The road to OZ is almost there." Sunny said sarcastically.
"I just want to do this soon, to meet with him." You said, opening her car door and getting in.
"Speaking like that, you look like you hate your friends." Sunny replied pretending to be hurt, placing her hand on her chest, fake crying, while starting the car.
"Shut up, actress. I'm just really looking forward to seeing him." You answered, looking out the car window, which was now moving, thinking about how you could hardly wait for that moment.
Arriving at Jaehyun's apartment, Mark was already there, talking to someone on the phone.
"Come on, man. It's only a few minutes, then you can go and do what you want!" Mark insisted to the person on the other end of the line. "I swear, if you want to stay just 10 minutes, no problem, but just show up... Okay. I'll be waiting for you." He said at last, putting his cell phone away and giving you a big smile. "Here you are, my little sweet pie full of poison." He said childishly, squeezing your cheeks.
"Do you want to die?" You questioned, punching him in the arm.
"Ouch! Why do you always want to kill me? I'm just being sweet!" He protested, as you squeezed your eyes at him.
"You are pathetic, where’s the lady that has your heart, by the way?" You asked hugging him. You missed that. Punching him and getting out unscathed, just after.
Yaya showed up from the bathroom, looking stunning, just like a Disney princess, and you looked at both of them together feeling like a proud mother. Not only was Yaya a sweetheart, turns out that she was funny and a great cook. Mark was a lucky son of a b...
It didn't take long for you to get together on the balcony of Jaehyun's apartment, talking about all the crazy events in Mark's life in Thailand over the past three months. From insane rides in a tuned Tuk Tuk with a high driver, to the perfect trip through Maya Bay, showing pictures of a place that looked like heaven itself on earth.
"My god, I really need to go to Maya Bay! Check this out!" Sunny said hysterically, while you agreed, starting to talk about ticket prices and everything about this place.
"We have to go on this vacation, and Mark, I know you just got back, but you are going too!" You said pointing at him, as you took out your cell phone to look for Maya Bay, that's when you looked at watch and saw that you had spent a lot more time there than you had planned and you needed to find Jaebeom. "Oh shit, I have to go!" You said hurriedly. While reading Jaebeom's message.
[10:10 pm] def: i'll take a while, too, but after that I'll be on my way to your house.
"But already? My friend is on his way, just wait a little!" Mark pleaded, sitting on the floor, putting both hands together in a gesture of prayer. "You'll like him, I swear! Jaebeom is so cool!"
The mention of that name made you hang up and take your eyes off your phone.
"Jaebeom?" You asked in an almost inaudible whisper, feeling your hands tremble. Sunny watched you without understanding, since you haven’t mentioned that little detail of his name to her, and Jaehyun kept eating pizza like he never ate in his entire life.
"That friend of mine that I always try to introduce you to, but it never works." Mark said, laughing and slapping Jaehyun's arm. "Do you believe that I tried to introduce these two to each other for a whole month and it always went wrong? I’m trying since May, we are in August already." He laughed harder, and Sunny chuckled, as if remembering something, still not noticing your static expression.
"I remember that. The first time was when we were at the mall, we were going to see that horror movie, Mark had everything planned to leave you and Jaebeom alone and he would disappear into the world, at end, Y/N didn’t show up and Mark was disgusted. He spent the rest of the week saying he was going to get the two of them to know each other, before he went to Thailand." Sunny laughed harder, stealing Jaehyun's piece of pizza, which he complained about with his mouth full.
"I tried every day when I was still here in Korea, but the two never collaborated. Aish..." Mark said frustratedly, messing up his red hair. "The last time I tried, it was the day before I traveled, I went to Y/N's apartment when Sunny was there, I made an excuse that I needed to talk to Sunny and Y/N just opened the door, greeted me, said a quick hi to Jaebeom, didn't even look at his face and ran to the bedroom. It was frustrating. He is a dumbass also, he was always on that damn phone. Both of them are frustrating. He was right there in your living room and you were locked in the bedroom." Mark said, looking for something on his cell phone.
Every word from Mark made your stomach turn and you felt like you were going to throw up at anytime now. You didn't know how to absorb that information.
"Ah! I found it. Look at him here with me." Mark said excitedly, crawling over to you by placing his cell phone screen in front of your eyes, showing a picture of him with the said Jaebeom. And you felt the air in your lungs disappear, and were on the verge of crying.
There he was.
The subway guy was Mark's friend. 
Your soulmate was Mark's friend.
And maybe, he was...
"He has an amazing Soundcloud account, you know? He's a great singer, I swear. You should listen to his music. You'll like it, I know it's your type of music. Search for Defsoul, later."
After that, Mark's words grew more and more distant, as you shifted your gaze from the screen to Sunny's face, who stood still, with a piece of pizza in her mouth, looking directly at you, as astonished as you, while understanding what was going on.
Your chest tightened in an absurd way and you felt numb. The tears came hard and you got up off the floor quickly, running to the apartment door.
"I need to breathe… Just give me a second..." You said in a low, almost strangled, voice. Your chest seemed to want to explode, your breath was messy. You walked down the building's corridor in slow steps, barefoot, leaning on the walls. Your hand was shaking like never before and you could barely see the keyboard as you typed on your phone.
[10:20 pm] loftv: Mark.
[10:20 pm] loftv: Do you know Mark?
[10:20 pm] loftv: Please.
[10:20 pm] loftv: Tell me that you’re the one that it’s coming here. That you are Mark's friend.
[10:20 pm] loftv: Tell me it was you on the subway.
[10:20 pm] loftv: Please.
You typed while tears fell on your phone screen.
[10:21 pm] loftv: Please tell me that you are my soulmate. Please, I can’t spend the rest of my life with somebody that is not you. I don’t want to.
[10:22 pm] loftv: Please. 
[10:22 pm] loftv: Tell me it's you.
The minutes passed and no answer came, and everything just seemed to get worse. Your chest was unable to rest and your legs felt weak. Nothing had prepared you for that, not even your best dream. He was always there, all the time, crossed your path several times and in different ways; nothing could make you believe that this was the reality.
The noise of the elevator doors took you out of your state, making you realize that you were in the middle of a building's corridor, crying, while looking at the floor. Quickly, you tried to pull yourself together in the best way possible, drying your tears with the sleeve of your black shirt, but it was all in vain when you saw who was coming out of the elevator.
In a dark blue shirt and slightly ripped jeans, his hair was messing up, his chest rising heavily fast, as if he had been running for miles, his face was all red while holding his phone. When his eyes met yours, you felt like you were about to die, drowning in so many feelings. He came to you in hurried steps, but they seemed absurdly distant from you. He stopped inches away from you, his eyes scanning every single piece of your face, every emotion hidden in your eyes, he was absorbing everything.
"Return of happiness." He whispered, incredulous. "The lily of the valley usually blooms on the 1st of May and in some countries where it grows, tradition says that offering the plant brings good luck. It is such a humble flower, but so, so beautiful." He went on, reaching out to touch your cheeks with his fingertips, and that shiver, which was becoming something habitual to you, ran through your whole body again. Your heart had never beat so hard like this. "It is a source of inspiration for a better scenario. In the language of the flower, the lily of the valley means 'return of happiness'," he continued, as he raised his hand to the back of your neck, tilting his face so that your foreheads were glued together. You squeezed the fabric of his shirt between your fingers, pulling him closer to you. He never stopped looking at you; so intense that it just made your heart slowly unravel. "That's what you mean to me. From day one. You brought back everything I didn't know I had let go of. You brought back my happiness. You are the return of my happiness."
He whispered those words, as if he had been telling his most precious secret, then pressed your lips together, while holding your face in both hands, as if he was afraid that you would disappear. Every part of your body warmed and trembled at his touch, as if his touch was the trigger for all the feelings you once suppressed in your life.
Nothing but happiness emanated from your soul.
You could feel yourself crying without even realizing it; felt like your heart was shaking saying 'thank you, you're finally here, my love'.
"I love you," he said after pulling away from your lips for just a second, returning to kiss you with fury and passion.
And again, nothing had prepared you for reality.
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randomoneshotsblog · 5 years
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆
Summary: Leon is acting quiet, but Y/N gives his space (idk 😂)
Warnings: smut, dirty/ filthy language, kinky (whatever Leon you want)
Words: 1902
Author's note: so it's late here and I was super horny so I wrote this, hope you like it (yeah, its kinky shit) sorry if there are any typos
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Leon wasn't in a good day today. He is so quiet and he doesn't want to get out of bed and I feel like he doesn't care about life anymore. But one thing I'm sure, when he's ready he's gonna come to me and tell me, I don't need to push him. Don't get me wrong, I'm worried but that's how our relationship works. We give each other space.
It's 10am and I'm washing dishes and then I'm gonna make lunch. While I'm thinking about Leon's condition, I hear footsteps getting closer to the kitchen.
I look behind my shoulder and see Leon, with sleepy eyes. I continue doing this dishes, but something tells me that Leon was surprised by my action.
I feel Leon getting closer to me. He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me.
"Hi, babe." I hear him whispering in my ear, with a sleepy voice.
I smile a little.
"Hi, how're you doing?" I ask finishing the last dish. I dry my hands and Leon turns me around. I put a strand of his hair beside.
"Not good..." he hesitates a bit before continuing. "I'm sorry angel, for avoiding you. I just had a full day yesterday, with the BOWs. This whole zombie apocalypse again. It's not you, it's not you. I just needed a time by myself." He says serious, afraid of my reaction.
"I know. You dont need to apologize. I knew sooner or later you were going to tell me. I know this whole situation is tough for you." I say looking at his eyes.
He hugs me tightly.
"You're looking so tired, Leon. Are you sure you dont want to rest more?" I ask worried.
"No, I'm good. I just..." We stay like this for a few minutes, me softly rubbing his back and him just feeling the warmth of my body.
Suddenly, Leon takes me bridal style. I let out a squeal, surprise.
"What are you doing, Leon?" He doesn't answer and take me to our room.
He lays me on the bed and he climbs on top of me. "Let me show you how much I missed you, baby. Please." He pleads, looking intensely at my brown eyes.
I nod and Leon immediately closes the gasp between our lips, in a deep kiss. His hands roam down my body, passing from my shoulder to my thigh. I put my thigh around his waist, to keep him close.
I put my fingers under his shirt, feeling his hard muscles on my fingers. I arch my body while he puts his hand under my back.
"Leon." I moan getting impatient. Leon comes back to my mouth. He nibbles my upper lip while giving my ass a squeeze. I gasp making entrance to Leon's tongue.
He starts to leave kisses down my neck and going to my stomach. I put my hands on his hair, wanting more.
"I missed you so much." He goes back to watch my face, he raises his finger and caresses my cheek. "You're so beautiful. So beautiful." He gives a very sweet kiss on my lips and then he takes my shirt off, leaving me in my bra.
I'm already all flushed and my hair is messy, but Leon is not caring at all.
He backs away and takes his shirt off, giving me a full view of his body. God, hes perfect. He climbs on top of me again but I got on top of him, being in control.
"Ohh how i like when you take the lead." Leon says, his eyes shining at me and at my body. I start kissing his lips and going to his neck. I nibble and bit his neck, making sure it stays a hickey. Leon lets out a growl, when I kiss his weak spot. When I finished exploring his neck, I start to kiss his chest while he raises his hands down my back to unclip my bra.
He throws the bra somewhere in the room then he puts his big hands on my waist. I can feel his bulge under me and I gasp making Leon to be on top of me again.
Leon starts unbuttoning my pants, slowly while playing with my nipples, he's pulling and sucking it. This man is killing me. "Please, Leon." I beg him. I cant anymore.
"We got a fisty one here. Patience, baby."
He says throwing my pants on the floor. Next, he throws his.
He comes back to my mouth, now he's tasting me. Something changed deep inside of him. His kiss is full of desire now. He pinches my hip making me arch for him, he starts to grind his bulge to my core. My pussy is so wet, I can feel it.
"Leon, stop with... the foreplay, please." He smirks seeing me at his mercy. He puts his hand on my panties, feeling my wetness.
"You're already so wet, baby. I cant wait to taste you." His dirty words are driving me crazy, those words make me shiver.
He starts kissing my stomach until my panties. He takes them off with his teeth, I look down and I see that he's staring directly at my eyes. God, that's a sight.
He kisses my legs, thighs and coming closer to where I need him the most. I can feel his breath, so close but I know he likes to torture me. He kisses my thighs to make me cry.
"Leon, please." I arch my back. Leon smirks down at me.
"You know, Leon is not my name here." He says, demanding. Leon and I have kinks and a word that turns him on is...
"Daddy, please, my pussy is so wet for you." That makes Leon get harder than he was before, his eyes full of desire.
"I'm so hard for you." He moans and then he attacks my pussy making me scream.
He licks all my lips in a slow motion. I put my hands on his hair making him face my pussy more. His breath is killing. I feel his teeth touch my lips. My moans are getting louder. Leon is loving my sounds.
"You taste so good, baby. Keep letting that sounds for Daddy." I cry out when he starts licking me faster and deeper.
"Ahhh.... Daddy!" I tug at his hair making him moan, vibrating my pussy. The pleasure it's too much for me. He's eating me out so good.
"Daddy... dont stop, please." Tears starts streaming down my face. I start to grind my hips on his face but he puts his hand on my stomach to keep me at place.
"Are you close? I'm loving these sounds so much. Keep begging and them we'll see if you deserve my cock." These words make my pussy hurt even more, and I can feel my orgasm getting close.
"I'm so close, Daddy!" I scream, probably the neighbors are hearing but I dont give a damn.
Leon takes two finger shove it inside my hole. He makes scissors motion, making my eyes roll down my head. His tongue eating me out, and his fingers inside me on a fast pace is enough for me to get closer.
"Cum for me. Cum for your, Daddy. I know you want to. I can feel your cunt squeezing my fingers." Leon fastens his pace on his fingers and tongue.
"DADDYYYYY!!!" I arch my back and let go on Leon's face. It was so good. My heart is beating so fast. It's all white. He's still eating my cum. God, he's so hot. I let out a few moans and then he comes back to my mouth. I can taste myself on his tongue, and that turns me on even more. I'm still in another world, he starts to kiss my neck. So good.
"Such a good girl. I'm gonna give it to you, so hard." Leon backs away and takes off his underwear. I see his hard and I start to drool. I cant wait to feel him inside of me.
"Eyes up here." He warns. "Now, turn around, ass up." I do as he says, my cum already leaking again. Leon puts his tip on my lips, teasing me.
"Daddy." I moan in frustration. He smirks and grabs a fist of my hair making me arch my body. I look at him and smile.
"You like it rough, huh?" I nod. I love rough and he knows it. "You're gonna need to beg for my cock, baby." He still teasing me.
"Daddy, please fuck me. I cant hold it anymore, please. I want to feel your cock inside my cunt. I want you to destroy me." These last words made Leon go crazy because he slammed on me. Not letting go of my hair, he spanked my ass.
" My little slut, begging to be fucked. You're mine." He spanked my ass, again, harder this time. I'm sure that when we're done my ass will be bright red, and I love it.
"Daddyyy." I moan louder. I love when he talks dirty to me. I can smell my cum in the air. I can hear Leon's breath. He lets go of my hair and put my head in the mattress.
"Let's see if you can handle this cock." With that, he slammed inside of me hard. He's building his pace to a quick one. It's so good.
"Keep talking dirty with me, Daddy "
"Yeah? You like when I talk dirty to you? My little slut likes that, right?" He fucks me in the mattress. I missed him. I missed our rough sex.
Leon is hitting all my spots right now, and I'm trembling. Leon takes his hand around my throat making my back meet with his sweating chest. I start to whimper.
"Tell me you're my slut. Only mine." Leon whispers in my ear making me shiver. I dont repeat, so he spanks me ass, hard. I cry out.
"I'm your slut. Only yours." With that he starts going faster letting go of my hair and throat. But I need so much harder.
"Harder, Daddy!!" He obeys my wish and goes harder and faster at the same time.
"Are you gonna cum again? For your daddy? My little slut. Only mine!" I start fucking myself backwards at Leon's cock.
He stops moving for him to watch the show, I start moving quicker on his cock.
"Ahhh, Daddy!!" His cock perfectly in my cunt, I can feel my release. Leon starts moving again harder and faster. He takes my throat and hair on his hands again.
"C'mon, cum for me. I want to feel your cunt milk my cock. I want to hear you scream, just like the slut you are. " I arch my back and explode on his cock.
He starts thrusting faster and deeper searching for his release. With a few thrusts, I can feel his seed milking my insides. He moans my name on my ear, making me whimper.
He falls beside me, he covers us with a blanket. I lay on his chest.
"That's how I love you, baby. I'm sorry. Im never going to avoid you again. I'm gonna talk to you." His eyes, softens, while he plays with my hair.
"It's okay, Leon. I know what you've been through and I totally understand. I'm here for you. I love you."
"I love you too."
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Publicity Stunt
Publicity Stunt | Part Six
Warnings: heh...a lot of swearing. like a lot of swearing. and violence, but like, not too much violence?? Pairings: Bucky x Reader .  Summary: Things get a little too heated for the reader’s liking. Reader is a PR/Fixer and longtime friend of Pepper Potts
PS: Im so very sorry for the inconsistency. I hope you guys are safe and that those you care for are safe xx please take care of yourselves xxx ALso, sorry for the typos, this hasnt been proofread yet but it will be fixed .
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You were gone when Bucky woke up.
The smell of you lingered in the air, but you were nowhere in sight. He thought he had dreamed the night before, that his imagination was playing sordid tricks on him. But it was still warm where you had laid next to him, still smelled like you, and that eased his confused heart for a moment.
His room bore the memory of you from last night, a night he wished he could extend – the man would travel the world, chasing the sunset if it meant giving you the longest night of your life. The blanket that he usually tossed to the floor in his sleep was now covering his lower body, the empty bottles that occupied his nightstand were missing, his clothes were folded neatly on the couch that you’d gotten him – because ‘It goes with the setting, Barnes’ – and a suit was hung over the armrests of it.
He groaned, burying his face into the pillow. It didn’t smell like you, he’d somehow managed to get you to use him as a pillow instead. Just as you’d managed to convince him to wear the suit for tonight’s event.
He would wear the ridiculous suit for you, he hated that damned thing, but he would because you had asked. You were as good as a siren, or as bad, when you flashed those eyes at him, dragging him into the depths of your affection as you asked. Knowing he’d regret saying yes in the morning and hating how he could never say no to you, he gave in, and he was glad he did – the look on your face was worth all the yes’s he could give. Not even Sam’s remarks could make him change his mind
“It’s not the end of the world, Buck,” he murmurs into the pillow, before getting out of the bed. “One night is a huge step.”
He was in the shower when a scream pierced through the walls, echoing in his ears. It was faint and far enough for him to know it was coming from the kitchen, and the pit that formed in his stomach spiked enough dread for him to know it was you.
“What the fuck?!” You were hysterical, throwing anything you could get your hands on at the floating thing. “What the actual fuck!?”
It was red and came out of literal air, alone and didn’t have the glow that came with Wanda’s powers.
You were frazzled and stressed and trying to figure out a way to tell Pepper about your plan for Tony’s memorial. It was more of a gala than an actual memorial, he was a man of the people after all and an event celebrating his memory was simply mandatory – if you didn’t do it, someone else would. Probably Secretary Ross, the opportunistic twat.
The event was to take place at the museum you had created in his honour, Tony was more than just a billionaire and more than an Avenger, he was—is a beacon of hope, a monument if you will. A simple wing or section in some museum wasn’t enough; he was an Era of the Impossible, of Excellence, of Miracles. He was the ultimate Ultron, the Shield he believed Earth needed, and you were going to make sure he was remembered as such.
You had barely managed to escape Bucky’s death grip without waking him up, one wrong move during your escape from his room could and would land you back in his clutches, leaving you absolutely no time to finish the last-minute details for tonight. You couldn’t risk going to your room, the door and movement would wake Bucky (his room was right next to yours), so you remained in his shirt and your leggings as you had tiptoed your way into the kitchen.
You were in the middle of making coffee, turning around with the steaming hot mug in your hands when a circle sizzled in front of you. The cup fell from your hand and you stumbled back as something flew out from the growing green. You squealed and throw the milk in your other hand into the hole, the red thing coming back into your line of sight as you did. It wasn’t Wanda so you screamed and reached for the nearest thing – the sugar basin – to throw at the thing.
“Get the fuck away!” Sam’s mug was next to shatter against the wall, then Wanda’s, then Clint’s, you were about to reach for Scott’s – but he’s been a sweetheart during your entire stay and he valued mugs as much as you did so – you reached for Bucky’s instead and threw it at the man.
Wait a minute.
“Who the fuck are you?!” You lifted the coffeemaker as you watched the man float out of the now ­large air hole and into the room. “Come any closer and I swear I’ll—”
“What the hell is going on?” Sam was the first to run into the room, shield in one arm and a lamp in the other, brown eyes wide and dangerous as they landed on your terrified form.
Bruce ran in through the wall, hulked out and battle-crying, heaving and ready to pummel. Clint had his crossbow locked and loaded – you were certain he slept with it – as he came in through the new doorway Hulk had just made. Scott landed and human-sized in front of you, ready to be used as your human shield. Bucky and Wanda slid into the room right behind Sam, Wanda’s hands were glowing and Bucky’s arm was twisting in anticipation.
“Is this how you welcome your guests?” Steven Strange began as he landed on his feet, carton of milk in one hand as the liquid dripped down from his hair onto his shoulder. “‘Cause I’d hate to see how you treat your enemies.”
The red terror mechanism floated back to the man and attached itself onto his shoulders, and you nearly lunged at him.
Clint looked around the room, everyone seemingly as confused as he was. Sam lowered the lamp and Bruce took a deep breath to calm down.
“Strange.” Sam acknowledged, narrowed eyes darting between you and the man. “What’s going on?”
“I was attacked by your current keeper.” Is the man’s simple response.
As if anticipating your rage, Scott ant-sizes just as you fling the machine at the man. “You were attacked?!” You shrieked, grabbing the fruit basket on the counter and throwing it at him. “I’ll fucking show you attacked, you creepy old fuck! You and that fu—”
“Woah—” Everyone was crouching behind something as soon as you yanked open the cutlery drawer, anticipating your weapon of choice.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” You were carelessly grabbing and tossing knives at him, and they kept disappearing mid-air. “You can’t just come out of thin air unannounced and expect to be welcomed with open arms like some kind of zit! Do I look like an acne prone teenager?!”
Strange rolled his eyes and extended his hands. “I’m getting tired of this—”
You quickly moved to pick up a bar stool and pointed the steel portion at him. “Move those fucking hands an inch and I’ll fucking feed you to Barnes!”
Bucky blinked from behind the kitchen doorway, turning only to find Sam grinning cheekily at him. “Is she speaking from personal experience?” He whispered, wiggling his eyebrows knowingly at Bucky. “Wham-bam-thank-yo—wooah”
Sam flew into the kitchen and landed at your feet, his groans stopping abruptly at the sight of Scott sitting on the broken handle of his gold mug. “Great landing, Cap.” Scott mused.
Bucky walked back into the room, aware of the confused expressions on your and Strange’s faces, as he stood over Sam. “Wham, bam, there goes Sam.”
You blinked at both men, then turned back to the source of your anger – only to be angered once again as you saw the red cape wrap around the chair. You narrowed your eyes at him as you gripped tightly onto your weapon. “I will burn you.”
“Okay—” Wanda’s hands wrapped around your wrists, “—how about we calm down and talk like rational adults.”
You bared your teeth at the cape. “Tell the witch to lower his little rug and I’ll consider boiling him alive instead.”
Steven frowned at that, eyebrows furrowing as he turned to Bruce – whom had just entered back into the room with Clint.
“She means ‘not’ boiling you alive.” Bruce smiles tentatively at the Doctor.
“No,” Clint shook his head, “no she doesn’t.”
You were fuming the remainder of the day, barrelling through rooms with smoke coming from your ears.
Dr Steven Strange, as you were later told by Pepper, was there to join in on the preparations of the event and help you in any way that he can. His magic fleece blanket followed you around every where you went and whenever you ended up in the same room as him and Pepper, she would conveniently excuse herself and leave you two to talk.
You knew her well enough to know she was trying to set you up, the tie of his suit matched your dress for the night – you had demanded to see it to make sure it was appropriate, and you were utterly disappointed that you didn’t have a reason to send him back home – and you currently trying to find a dress in Wanda’s closet that suited the night. One that wouldn’t match the annoying prick’s outfit or his cape.
“—me, match with that insufferable man witch?,” you argued as you rampaged through the closet, “I’m pretty sure men like him incited the witch hunt back in the old days—” you huffed as you pulled out a burgundy dress, “—remind me to take you shopping after this. I can’t believe I’ve been too busy to check the things in your—I mean who does he think he is?!”
You turned around to find Jonah staring at you blankly from Wanda’s desk chair, while she sat cross-legged on her bed eating away at her tube of ice cream and watching you with amusement. Jonah was supposed to finish the last details that you were to upset to handle and report back to you, while you insured everyone was dressed and ready – especially a certain super soldier, that you’ve been avoiding all morning.
“That’s a really nice shirt,” she mused, pointing at the shirt you hadn’t had the time to change out of. “Where did you get it?”
“It’s a little Buchanan for your taste, though.” Jonah added, head tilting to the side as he eyed you.
Wanda nodded, “too Barnes and Noble.”
“Is it imported?” He asked, leaning forward with wide eyes of feigned interest. “Romanian perhaps?”
“Christ—” You gritted your teeth as you glared up at the ceiling.
“I suppose there is a resemblance,” Wanda stated as she turned to Jonah, “hmm? What with the long hair?”
“And that annoying beard—” He quickly turned back to you, “—did it give you like a rug burn when his face was b—”
“For fuck’s sakes!” You threw a hanger at him before he could finish his sentence. “Since when did the two of you get along? You hated each other’s guts literally a few days ago.”
Silence filled the room. Wanda visibly tensed and looked down at the tub of ice cream, mumbling something in a language you couldn’t identify – hopefully, you thought, Russian. Jonah leaned against the chair and shrugged, deciding the file he had brought for you was suddenly far more interesting than the question you had asked. You frowned, eyeing Wanda’s reddening cheeks and Jonah’s uncharacteristically nonchalant behaviour. You knew Wanda well, but you knew Jonah even better.
Jonah was a passionate man in ways that didn’t need you being in his bed to know. Everything he had, did, was never dull or rational. In fact, you were the rational one in this duo. He was always filled emotion, very reactive, the only time he was ever indifferent about something – or someone – was when it had to do with Bucky or the occasional ex that you both ran into on one of your outings.
“Wait a minute—” Your eyes widened at the realization, “—You two—you and Wanda—you guys did the dirty? You did the deed? You got filthy with each other? Are you kidding me?!”
“I would have liked to turn it into something other than the occasional fuck,” Jonah retorted, then pointed at Wanda with the file in his hand. “But little miss mourning over here has commitment issues—”
“Holy shit!” You gaped at them.
“—Don’t turn this around on me!” Wanda fired back at Jonah, eyes flaring dangerously at him. “You’re the one that said you don’t normally do this—”
“—Yeah, sleeping with superhero clients is kind of not in my rule book!”
“Oh, but dating them is?”
“What can I say, I’m old fashioned!”
“You’re a pig!”
“And yet you still let me take you several ways to Sunday, all over this room—”
“Oh my god!” You nearly gagged as you threw the clothes in your hands at the floor. “Oh my god—” You cringed and shuddered violently, your eyes at the sight of your bare feet on the carpet and you made a beeline for the door. “Oh my fucking god!” You used the hems of the shirt to help you open the door.
Jonah rolled his eyes at you. “You don’t get to be dramatic—” He got up to follow, “—you banged Barnes into submission and now Pepper is setting you up with the Wizard of Oz, that’s more sex than I’ve had in less th—”
“I’m not going to sleep with that wannabe Magician!” You were storming down the hallway, with a hot shower and a thorough scrubbing in mind.
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You nearly fell as you blanched at the thought, groaning as your skin began to inch with disgust. Why did you constantly surround yourself with assholes?
Jonah merely laughed at your disgusted expression, enjoying this moment of your faded façade. In the time that he has worked with you, he has never seen you like this, so frazzled and responsive. You weren’t an open book, many had tried to woo you and failed, others tried to get under your skin, but it proved to be an impossible task. He knew where your buttons were, but he could never really press with them hard enough to get a powerful reaction from you. You got annoyed, but never ‘throw things at him’ annoyed. You got frustrated, but never ‘move into the room next to him’ frustrated. Maybe it was the fact that he was one of the few people you considered family – heaven knows how big that emotional distance is between you and your blood – or maybe it was the mere fact that he wasn’t Bucky (or the Good Doctor, as he had now realised). But he would gladly enjoy the you without the weight or the chip on your shoulder while he still can. While you’re both still there…
You were passing by the common room when Pepper’s voice stopped you.
“Y/N?” Her eyes were red and frantic as she waved the papers in her hand. “What’s this?”
Frowning at the occupied room, you made your way towards her and took the papers in your hand. “What is it?” Jonah asked from behind you.
“It’s a warrant of arrest for everyone.” You mumbled, skimming through the papers before sighing and look at the mother of your goddaughter. “Where did you get this?”
“I have a friend in the justice department.” Rhodes said from behind Pepper. “Apparently those warrants are to be issued an hour into the event, tonight. Funny how everyone’s names are on them except yours.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “What happened to trusting me?”
Pepper let out a sob. “Oh my god—” She gaped at you. “—You knew about this?”
“There is an arrest warrant out for Morgan and you didn’t tell me?!”
“She wasn’t going to get arrested, that’s not part of the pl—”
“—Your plan is to get my daughter arrested?!”
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