#if i feel bad it’s whatever i just don’t want to get anyone else sick
daisybees · 1 year
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museenkuss · 11 months
Spn blogs in my recs and they WILL NOT LEAVE.
#they’re even on my main blog now#at least for me#and like yeah I get it blood and rot and family and whatever#I think I’m getting my period soon because it usually doesn’t annoy me like this but GOD#I don’t WANT these here.#but tbh I just don’t like the fandom. it’s all very clique-y and I am so so lonely#like genuinely I haven’t felt good about a single thing I posted for that in way too long#I like WRITING but posting?? in that fandom? it’s terrible. I hate it#& I’ve taken to writing out all my frustration and anger and grief in a separate doc to be deleted before posting the main work#which is fucking. just. it’s bad. I’ve never had to do that for ANY fandom I wrote for.#and I geeeeeet that it’s because it’s such a big fandom so people know each other and it’s not like my small communities where you#parallel play in peace. but I don’t like it. it’s deeply uncomfortable and isolating and I’m so sick of it#but I also like the writing I do so I try to just stay in my niche and not look at anyone else#I think I unfollowed every fandom blog save for two? three? so I could be alone instead of lonely#but it still washes over me whenever I post something.#oh an! sometimes I’m tempted to just do something super mass appealing so they’ll like me but that just makes me feel worse#I’ve been tempted to delete my blog so many times because I lost my friends from the old fandoms and this one is the poorest substitute#but I also feel like that won’t make me happier either. I wish I’d just never started engaging w that show tbh#okay done. just. I’m going through it
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 4 months
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Pairing : Boyfriend!Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader TW : angst ; Hyunjin is just sad (which is honestly relatable) ; reader thinks they're pregnant ; reader might be pregnant ; symptoms of pregnancy ; fluff ending ; Word Count : 2.0k Request : Annony : Can I request and angsty fic Where Hyunjin has just been going through a really rough time and y/n tries her best to be there for him and keeps waiting for the right time to tell him she thinks she’s pregnant. He just keeps crying and he doesn’t know why he’s so sad, but slowly he gets out of it a bit. One morning he wakes up because y/n is having morning sickness and showing other symptoms so she has no choice but to finally open up and tell him everything. They take a test and well…I’ll let you take creative control after this. I’m really excited I’ve thought this request through a lot and I hope you decide to write it
“Hey, you okay?” Your coworker asked as she walked into the breakroom. Your head had been resting against the table, your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you tried to count your breaths. “Feeling dizzy again?” She asked when you didn’t answer her first question, and you gave her weak thumbs up in response. “Maybe you are… you know… the p word.” She whispered, and it’s not like it was a bad word to say, it’s just that you didn’t want anyone else that you worked with to know. 
“I’m too nervous to test…” You mumbled, and she knew exactly why. She was your only confidant at this point, especially since Hyunjin was going through his own personal problems. You didn’t want to stack anything else on top of whatever else was bothering him. All you did know was that, no matter how much you tried to help him or console him, he’d be right back to crying soon after. “Plus, it would be too soon… I don’t want to test too early or anything…” 
To be honest, home life wasn’t really the best right now. It’s not that there were any arguments, there was no fighting, but it was obvious that Hyunjin was stressed about something, and you were mentally stressed about potentially being pregnant, so the last thing you needed was triple the stress for both of you if a test came out positive. Even just thinking about it felt like too much right now.  
“Well you can’t wait forever. I mean… With his job, he gets stressed very easily. What are you gonna do? You can’t just hide potentially important things from him every time he gets upset or stressed out.” You rolled your eyes at your coworkers' sudden nagging, and while you knew that it came from a place of concern and care, you didn’t need that right now. You didn’t need to be parented, you needed someone to just be there for you. 
“He doesn’t get stressed easily, and you make it sound like he’s like this all the time. I’m not hiding things from him either, I’m giving him time to get in the right place mentally before dropping something like this on him.” You quickly defended your boyfriend, silently wishing that you hadn’t told your coworker anything at all. “He’s a good boyfriend, and just because he gets stressed and upset sometimes doesn’t change that.”
“I’m not saying that he’s not a good boyfriend for you… I just feel like you cater to him and his feelings a lot because of his job and your feelings get pushed to the backburner.” She tried to explain, but she couldn’t be further from the truth. 
“I’m not having this conversation right now. I appreciate you caring and trying to look out for me, but my relationship is fine. He’s a great guy… Okay? I have to get back to work now, enjoy your break.” 
Hyunjins moment seemed to last longer and longer. He’d lock himself in his room the moment he walked through the front door and you’d hear him cry for hours until things went silent, and the only reason things got quiet is because he’d cry himself to sleep. There was nothing you could do to help him because he wouldn’t even talk to you about it, and a part of you wondered if he’d ever get out of the funk he was in. 
With the time that passed, the symptoms only grew stronger. Your headaches were getting worse, the nausea was almost unbearable, even your boobs hurt. You wanted to excuse it as reading into the symptoms too much, you thought that your mind was playing tricks on you. You wanted to find any reason you could to hold off on testing until Hyunjin got better because you didn’t want to be alone when you found out, no matter what the result was. 
When Hyunjin was around, you tried to hide the symptoms from him. If you started feeling sick, you’d quickly go off to the bathroom and turn on the sink, hoping that you wouldn’t actually start throwing up. The tiredness that you felt was written off as working too many hours and being on your feet too long. Luckily he was none the wiser to the soreness in your breasts because you hadn’t been with him in any physical way since he had been in his funk. You missed him, and you wanted to blame the potentially surging hormones for the tears that would be shed when you’d lay in the same bed beside him at night without a single kiss or those three words that would make you feel like he did still love you. 
The longer it lasted, the more you would think about what your coworker had said. No matter how much you tried to get those words out of your head, they would constantly pop up. When you would hear him crying in the room and you’d try to help him, but it was like he was shutting you out. Not only did it feel like he was pushing you away, but it felt like you were by yourself. He wasn’t the only one going through something right now, and you wanted so badly to tell him, but for some reason you were trying so hard to protect him that you weren’t even worried about yourself. 
Even still, you didn’t want to give up on him. You loved him, and you truly believed that he just needed time, that he’d get better sooner or later, and no matter what, you’d stick by him, even if it meant pushing your own stresses, your own worries to the side until he got better. 
He was starting to feel better, he really was. It had been a week since the last time he had cried, and while he still doesn’t fully understand himself why things had gotten so bad or why he was so upset, he was thankful that he had you by his side the entire time, even if it didn’t seem that way. He wanted to take you out today, to show you that he appreciated you and everything that you do for him. He wanted to show you that he truly does love you, and that he’s grateful that you didn’t give up on him through this entire thing. 
The bed was already empty, which wasn’t rare as of lately considering he always seemed to sleep in, but one look at the clock on the bedside table made him fully aware that it was too early for even you to be awake. He could have sworn you came to bed last night, that he had felt the warmth of your body beside him underneath the covers. Had you gone to the couch at some point in the middle of the night? Were you finally pulling away? 
Just as he was pushing the comforter off of his body, he heard what sounded like gagging and choking and he never moved so fast in his life. Tripping over his own feet, he rushed into the bathroom to find you doubled over the toilet, sweat beading up on your forehead and spit dribbling down from the corner of your mouth. It’s like you didn’t even realize he was there, or maybe you just didn’t want to acknowledge him as you tried your best to seemingly catch your breath. 
“Baby… What’s wrong?” He whispered, kneeling down beside you to try to get you to look at him, but you only shook your head, pushing yourself up to your feet with the help of the side of the bathtub, leaving him on the floor and even more worried than before. “Are you mad at me? I’m sorry… Do you want me to leave you alone?” 
“No…” You said, your voice slightly raspy, and he could only assume that it was because of getting sick, but you sounded so tired too. He didn’t know how sick you were, he didn’t know what was going on or how long you had been feeling like this, but he wanted to be there for you now, no matter what was wrong. “I think… I might be pregnant…” Your head lowered, as if you were ashamed to be telling him that, although he wasn’t sure why. 
Of course, he wasn’t ready to be told something like that, he was sure that no man was ever truly ready to hear that, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t ready to step up and be the man that you and his potential child would need. “Okay… Well, I can run to the store and pick up some tests and we can find out if you are…” 
“I… Already have the tests. They’re in my purse…” You admitted and he nodded along slowly, trying not to get too upset that you had potentially been going through this for longer than he thought. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay first. I didn’t want to do this alone…” Alone… He had left you all alone to deal with these worries and these thoughts and these fears. “You… You are okay… Right?” 
His head nodded swiftly, his eyes that were brimming with tears of guilt glistened in the fluorescent lighting of the bathroom. “I am… I’m okay. You’re not alone, I’m here and no matter what happens… I’m going to stay here with you. I love you…” He finally got up off the floor, scrambling to his feet just to stand in front of you, his eyes finally meeting yours for what felt like the first time. “You have nothing to worry about… I’ll always be here… I promise.” 
“Out of the way! Out of the way! Move it! Excuse us! Make room! Pregnant girlfriend coming through!” Hyunjin shouted as he walked with you down the halls of the JYPE building. He was so loud, you were sure that even the people the next floor up could hear him coming, he was like a damn fire truck with its sirens on. You rolled your eyes at the rambunctiousness of it all. “What? I just don’t want anyone to bump into you or anything. I’m trying to keep you and baby Jinnie safe.” 
Your eyebrows arched at the little nickname that he had given the baby, you hadn’t heard him say it before. You had had an ultrasound the day before, and the doctor had asked if you wanted to know the gender of the baby, but you and Hyunjin had both agreed to keeping it a secret until the birth. “Baby Jinnie, huh? Where’d you come up with that name?” You quizzed, wondering if maybe his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had just asked the doctor what the baby would be on his way out of the exam room. 
“Isn’t that what they do for sons in America? People name the baby boys after their father? He can be little Jinnie Jr. right?” Hyunjin asked, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at you. His arms were wrapped protectively around you as you rode the elevator up to the right floor, and as cute and innocent as he looked right now, you couldn’t help but be a little suspicious. 
“Hmm… A son? Are we having a boy?” His lips were drawn in, turning into a thin line and you could read the guiltiness on his face. He nodded his head slowly, clearly trying to read your reaction after having basically spoiled the surprise. “You just couldn’t wait to find out, could you?” You teased, and he let out a little sigh of relief when he realized that you weren’t angry. How could you be angry though? He wanted to know and you weren’t going to get mad at him for finding out. 
“Maybe we can do like… A baby shower, and a surprise gender reveal for everyone else!” He proposed the idea, and he sounded so excited, there was no way that you could turn him down, plus it sounded like fun. “The guys really want to know whether they’re getting a niece or a nephew, they’re gonna be so happy to find out!” He had been talking so loudly on the elevator, but once the doors slid open, his voice dropped to a whisper, his lips lingering right beside your ear. “This is our secret though, don’t tell them.” 
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thoughtsforsoob · 5 months
hiii! if its okay w you, could u do txt giving u princess treatment pls ? written imagine or texts idc! whatever u are most comfortable with. thank you~ 🩷 feel free to disregard if u aren't up to writing this i understand! <3
Giving their s/o princess treatment - TXT
A/n: thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy this and that it meets your standards! This is gonna stay sfw because there was no specification so I’ll just stay on the safe side. Thank you once again. As always, requests are open!
•His form of princess treatment is holding you close all the time and making sure you’re feed/have enough food
•One way he does this is by keeping snacks in his bag and also sneaking snacks in your bag
•You’re out driving to get to an amusement park and suddenly you start with “binnie! Im hungry”
•He points to his bag and smiles, “I packed you a little baggies with goldfish and one with cereal.”
•He sees the heart’s in your eyes and feels your appreciation
•Another way he does this is by taking you to eat/cooking for you every single time you two see each other or go out on a date
•Having a casual home date? He’s making sure to buy your favorite ramyeon and toppings to cook it for you when you arrive.
•Went for a couple day get away in Japan? He’s making sure to feed you your 3 meals a day and getting you snacks at konbini at night! (Buys you onigiri and coolish if you’re still hungry at night :)
•I would say yeonjun, at least in my opinion, is within the top 2 most romanic members of the group
•This guys would do anything for you
•When I say anything, I truly mean it
•There would be days that you tell you you’re sick or your period is causing you horrible cramps, he would drop everything at work and come over to your place
•I would say his designated ‘princess treatment’ act would be always asking you what you want or need and buying you those things
•He wishes he could care for you more in a financial way but you don’t let him (slayyyy girl! Independence is so sweet)
•So, he loves to surprise you with essentials you were running low on (shampoo, fruit, toothpaste, skin care, etc…) and with luxury gifts :|
•He comes home all the time with something in his hands
•That most outrageous things he’s done is come home casually with a Birkin hand bag for you
•He’s all giggly “here you go baby! I thought it would be perfect for our trip to jeju this weekend!”
•“WAIT! We’re going to jeju this weekend? WAIT WHY DID YOU GET THIS BAG? Omg yeonjun I love you”
•His definition of princess treatment is doing anything to make you smile.
•He tells you bad jokes when he sees you frowning, sitting alone in your bed
•“Hey baby…what do you call two ducks and and a cow?”
•“What :(“
•“Quackers and Milk :D”
•Smiles once you start to giggle and he’s just happy you can feel better because of him
•Anything things he does is make a fool of himself in front of anyone
•One time, you two were taking a nice walk in the evening. He saw you just kind spaced out. He knew exactly how to snap you out of it.
•He pretends to trip, shrieks and falls on the ground dramatically…embarrassingly
•“BEOMGYU are you okay???” You kneel down to help him up and he smiles
•“Do I have you attention now, cutie pie?” Smack some sense him :| dummy
•His ultimate card…doing aegyo for you in front of his members
•They all start to practically piss themselves laughing when they see beomgyu making silly faces and baby talking.
•He’s never gonna live it down but he doesn’t care because it’s gonna help lift his girls mood
•His definition of princess treatment is protecting you in any way he can
•What else are his muscles for (lmao his muscles are sooooo secy :(((
•He does that thing where if you’re walking on the sidewalks, he makes sure you’re on the side thats away from the road
•He wants to keep you safe from the cars :(
•He also get’s defensive when guys start looking at you 
•For example: you two went to a club once and tyun had to go to the bathroom
•He whines about leaving you alone but you push him away so he doesn’t hurt himself holding it
•A guy shorted than taehyun comes up to you and starts trying to talk to you, asking you questions about yourself (homie rlly thoughts his was a razz master 🙄)
•you’re trying to let him off easy by being short and not saying much but this dude is DETERMINED to speak to you more
•“I have a boyfriend. He’s in the bathroom right now. You don’t wanna be here when he come’s back.”
•“Doll, no the guy is gonna scare me away from talking to you.”
•He’s trying to put his hands on his hips and taehyun comes back, grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him back
•“Try making any sort of contact with my wife again and I’ll kick your ass”
•That guy runs off, scared out of his mind
•“That guy’s shirt was so fake. The material was so horrible.”
•“Wife :((“
•“Yeah, my wife. Let’s go get new drinks. On me.”
Huening Kai
•This man practically worships the ground you walk on
•So so sweet and caring
•He loves taking care of you both physically and financially
•He gives you a nice massage every day and helps you take baths and stuff
•Buys you all the skincare items you want and buys lots of masks so you two can have self care nights
•Speaking of self care nights…he does this silly little act where he pretends to be a butler for you “yes miss, I will go get you a ‘yummy drink’. Whatever you want”
•Rushes around to get you whatever you need during your self care nights so you don’t have to get up until you’re ready.
•He also loves to buy you things, kind of like yeonjun
•Takes you on surprise vacations to different places around the world
•He takes you to different cities for the weekend
•He also buys you souvenirs everywhere you goes or everywhere goes on tour
•He loves taking you to the arcade so you two can play games
•He’s the type of boyfriend that will stay at the claw machine with the prize you like until he get’s that prize for you
•He love’s you so much and your little plushie family
•He also loves late night drives especially when the weather is nice
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beenbaanbuun · 1 month
Mug w/ Jung Wooyoung
this has been in my drafts for months and i’ve always wondered whether or not i should release it since the material could be triggering to some people. i guess i’ve finally settled on putting it out there, so please heed the warnings before reading it. i don’t want this to affect anyone negatively.
warnings: mentions of past abusive relationships, self doubt, slight dissociation, panic attacks, blood, self harm in the form of skin picking. i think that’s it but please let me know if it’s there’s anything i forgot to mention
“I’m not mad,” Wooyoung said, as if that made anything better. The tension was still there, eating you alive from the inside out. So was the guilt.
“But you’re disappointed, right?” You countered, knowing how this sort of thing goes. They tell you they’re not mad, but you have to face the consequences anyway. And there were always consequences.
Wooyoung just stared at you with unreadable eyes. They looked almost pitiful in a way, but why would he pity you for what you’d done? He should be screaming at you, throwing things around just to prove his point. Just to make you submit to him once more. That’s how it normally went for you.
But Wooyoung had been kind up until now. He was a gentle soul who preferred to steer you in the right direction if you ever misstepped. There was never any shouting within the four walls of your relationship, nor was there any placing the blame on you being ‘useless’ or any other such word. He was just… nice.
But there had to be a day when that ended, right? You’d fucked up big time this time and he must’ve realised that his kindness isn’t working by now. He had to know that the only way to get you to learn was by putting you in your place.
“Baby, what’s going on?” You were desperate to answer, fumbling over your words trying to find a suitable answer that would reduce your punishment. Perhaps you could tell him you were sick! That always worked when your last partner was mad at you. It would at least postpone whatever was going to happen for a few days. Wooyoung, just frowned. “Calm down, sweetheart.”
But you couldn’t. You knew this was the breaking point so how could you be calm about such a thing? No matter how gentle Wooyoung had been up until this point, you knew it wouldn’t always stay that way. If you’d been taught anything it’s that you were a bad girlfriend, and the only way to make you good was to hurt you. Fear was a powerful teacher, afterall. Fear wouldn’t let you be so careless about your actions.
It would hurt to say goodbye to this version of Wooyoung, you had to admit, but you always knew it was coming. He couldn’t stay his annoyingly loving self forever because you couldn’t stay well behaved forever. You only had yourself to blame for what was to come, really. Did you even have the right for it to hurt?
No, you decided rather quickly.
Wooyoung stared at you, unsure of what to do as you seemed to completely depart from reality. Your eyes were glazed over as you stared off into the distance, and your fingers picked at one another so bad that it fetched blood. You didn’t flinch as the crimson liquid beaded up on your fingers, though, almost as if it didn’t hurt you at all.
Your breathing was heavy and ragged and Wooyoung could tell you were barely staving off a panic attack. He’d done it often enough himself to know exactly how to recognise it, but for some reason, he didn’t know how to help. Something told him you didn’t want to be touched, but he wasn’t sure of how else to get your attention. He’d been calling your name with no success, but the last thing he wanted was to raise his voice. If he was in the slightest bit angry with you, perhaps he would’ve, but he wasn’t. Not at all.
He spared a quick glance towards the trash can, his favourite mug resting at the top in shards. It was really the only one he used, the weight of it just feeling… right. You’d bought it for him when you first started dating a few months ago and although the saying on it made him cringe a little, he’d learnt to love it. Of course, he was sad to see it go, but it was only a mug. He could always get another one. It wouldn’t be the same, but then again, was anything ever the same as the thing it replaced? And you never know, maybe he’d end up preferring whatever mug he got to replace it.
With a sigh, he turned back to you. There were bigger issues to deal with than a mug. You were still barely keeping away a panic attack and your blood from your fingers starting to smear grotesquely across your hands. He briefly wondered where he kept his first aid kit before realising that too was a problem for later.
“Sweetheart,” he mumbled as he walked closer. He didn’t lay a hand on you but instead spread his arms as if he were herding a scared animal. He felt stupid doing it, but you started to back up and eventually landed upon his sofa. He tried to ignore the pang of pain that shot through his chest when he thought too deep about the implications of the situation, but it was hard when you were backing away from him like he was going to hurt you.
His stomach lurched and for a moment he was sure he was going to throw up. He begged for it not to be true, but it fit way too perfectly not to be.
Someone had hurt his baby.
Wooyoung couldn’t help the rage that filled him from head to toe.
He wanted to scream, and throw things, just to get his rage out, but he couldn’t. To risk scaring you even more would be a cruel thing for him to do. Even if he were sure it would make him feel just a little more calm, he couldn’t bear to think of doing anything that would make you afraid of him. He simply had to hope that his anger would eventually peter out, and he wouldn’t be reminded of it every time he looked at you.
Deep breaths, he told himself as he took himself over to the sofa to sit beside you. One in, he shuffled closer so he was almost pressed up against you. You shuddered and Wooyoung frowned, but he didn’t move away. He couldn’t move away.
One out, he said your name in the softest voice he could muster, finally bringing you out of the trance you’d found yourself trapped in. He wondered why this time it worked when all of the other times you ignored him. Perhaps it was his proximity. It was a long shot, but perhaps you felt a little safer with him so close.
One in, he asked if you could hold you in his arms.
One out, you gave him a shaky nod and crawled into his lap. He hated to think that you were only doing it because you thought he’d be mad otherwise, so he let you know that you didn’t have to.
You did it anyway.
“Sweetheart, I need you to tell me that you understand that I’m not angry,” he whispered into your ear, wrapping his arms around you tightly. When he was fresh out of a panic attack, he always liked pressure. With the way you seemed to go limp, he assumed you felt the same. “Not disappointed either. It’s a mug, baby.”
“Your mug,” you replied as if that made your reaction seem any more normal, “I broke your favourite mug.”
Wooyoung sighed. Whilst it was the truth, it was nothing to be angry over. He wondered how many times he’d have to clarify that to you before you understood? Whatever. It didn't matter. He’d tell you as many times as you needed to hear it, just as long as you knew you were safe.
“We’ll it’s only my favourite because my favourite person got it for me,” not a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. For some reason, though, he felt as though ‘it was a nice weight in my hands’ wouldn’t have been so effective in trying to get you to calm down.
“But I bought you that mug?” His heart broke a little, but he couldn't let that show. He refused to give you another reason to throw mental punches at yourself.
“Well then, I guess that makes you my favourite person.”
There was silence for a few seconds as you considered his words. There was no trace of a lie in his voice, but you still found it hard to believe that he was telling the truth. He was surrounded by so many wonderful people who didn’t fuck up nearly as often as you did, and yet he still chose you to be his favourite? You doubted it, but you would never call Wooyoung a liar.
“And I want my favourite person to know that I would never do anything to hurt them,” he continued, voice suddenly a little more solemn, “because why would I ever want to hurt someone as lovely and precious as you?”
“I’m not lovely,” you hid your face in his neck, partially to cover the blush, partially because you were afraid of what may come at the inadvertent accusation. He merely chuckled, bringing a hand to cup the back of your head.
“Yes you are, you little liar,” a kiss, warm and chaste, was placed to your temple, “and I don’t know how anyone could ever tell you you’re anything less than the most wonderful person to ever walk this planet. You’re so kind and thoughtful and even if you do mess up sometimes, that’s okay because you’re human.”
You just nodded into his neck, no longer wanting to deny his compliments. Even if they were just being used to butter you up, you let them sink in. As long as they came from Wooyoung’s mouth, you told yourself you would believe them, for his sake. He’d yet to prove himself to be anything but a good boyfriend, the least you could do was believe him.
“I love you,” he mumbled into your hair, “so incredibly much.”
“I love you too, Woo.”
“Will you let me patch you up?” He asked, pointing at your fingers but placing his hand over your chest where your heart was beating deep within. You couldn’t know for certain that this relationship would be different, but the look in Wooyoung’s eyes made you feel like you could trust him. It would be a long process, you knew that, but you knew he would put in the work.
You knew that he could make you feel safe.
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bloatedandalone04 · 9 months
The Only Reason
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➪the one where leon finally gives you some much needed closure after four months of feeling nothing but regret from what he did.
Warnings: angst, fluff, making out, swearing, mentions of cheating, cheating, toxic relationships, mentions of a bad past, mentions of weight loss, all the ada slander in the world because i actually cannot stand her, mentions of unwanted sexual attention (from ada to leon), unwanted intimacy (from ada to leon), eating disorders (implied)
Word Count: 5.2k | Part 1
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
The loud music and thumping of the walls were the last thing on Leon’s mind as he scanned every single room of the house. Chris decided to throw a housewarming party for Claire at her new place, and of course Leon was invited. 
Leon refused the initial invitation, but quickly changed his mind when Chris told him that you would be there. It seemed as though the brunet had long since grown sick of his friend’s moping and knew he had to do something about it. 
Pretty much everyone that Leon knew was here, yet he couldn’t seem to find you. The house wasn’t big, and it didn’t have very many rooms, but it seemed like it was still impossible to locate you. Not that he even had a right to. 
If he does manage to find you, what would he even say? “I’m sorry for everything, and for letting you leave without trying to fight for you. Also, I don’t blame you for ignoring my calls and not texting me back, I deserve that.”
He couldn’t remember the last time he sounded that desperate. Back when he was a dumb twenty one year old, he supposed. 
Leon has been here for over an hour now, and he still hasn’t seen you once. He was beginning to think that Chris lied to him just to get him out of the house he used to share with you. While he wouldn’t put it past him, Leon wanted to give Chris the benefit of the doubt and believe that he had good intentions when he invited him to this thing. 
Nearly giving up on his search, Leon heads back to the kitchen, where Jill hands him a bottle of beer. She leans against the counter and he does the same, his eyes still expertly scanning the room, just in case.  “Hey, Kennedy,” she greets as she sips on her own beer. “Haven’t seen you in a while. Been busy with work?”
Leon shrugs, his face almost emotionless. “Yeah,” he lied. Of course he had been going to work and successfully completing missions, but he hadn’t left the house outside of that. Work usually took up a good portion of his time, and the rest of it was spent thinking about how badly he fucked things up with you. 
It wasn’t even worth it. Ada. 
He hadn’t seen her since he broke off their little agreement a month before he confessed to you, despite her texting him and asking to meet up so he can fuck her in exchange for information he thought was worth more than you. 
It really wasn’t. 
He’s been ignoring her texts for months now, just like how you’ve been ignoring his. 
Leon had never blocked someone’s number ever in his life, but Ada was about to be the first if she didn’t take the hint and leave him the fuck alone. 
As much as he wanted to put all the blame on her, he knew it was half his own fault, as well. He couldn’t believe he had gone back to Ada Wong when he had you, his entire world, waiting for him at home. 
He knew he would never forgive himself, even if you somehow managed to move on and forgive him for the worst mistake he had ever made in his twenty nine years of living. 
Four months. 
It’s been four months and he was still beating himself up for what he did to you. 
“Yeah, Chris and I are looking into this new virus that is spreading down in Oxford. The cases have been going up daily, might be something you can help out with,” she offered, leaning closer to him so he could hear her better over the loud music. “You’re more experienced with viruses than anyone else I know.”
Leon gave her a tight lipped smile. “Sure, Jill,” he replied. “Whatever you need.”
“Great,” she says as she finishes off her beer. “You staying long? I never took you as the party type.”
He really wasn’t. He hadn’t been to a party since he was nineteen. Even the frat parties he was invited to were boring, so he never had the urge to go to anymore after the age of twenty. Until now, because he was told that you would be here. 
And he wanted to see you so badly. 
“I’m not, really,” he agreed and brought the bottle up to his mouth. “I just thought someone I know would be here-”
He wasn’t able to take a sip of the alcohol before his eyes landed on you as soon as you entered the room. 
All words had died on his tongue and the bottle was raised half way before his hand froze. 
You looked beautiful. Your cute white dress fit you well and showed off the concerning amount of weight you had lost. He hadn’t seen you that small since the beginning of your relationship, back when you didn’t know how to take care of yourself and listen to your body’s warnings. 
Leon felt his heart constrict at the thought of you going back to your old ways of ignoring the signs your body tried giving you. You were barely getting by when he met you, and you hadn’t gone completely back to that since leaving him, if your makeup and pretty hair were anything to go by. 
You hadn’t given up on yourself entirely, and that gave him enough hope that you would be okay. Even if he was given the chance to talk to you and explain things, he knew you weren’t completely broken like you were when you first started dating, and that you would be fine if you decided to never forgive him. 
Looking as shy as ever, you inch further into the room, seeming to have not noticed Leon yet as you ventured over to the bottles of booze that had been set out on the counter. “Oh, shit, is that Y/n?” Jill asked as she squinted in your direction. “I didn’t know she was coming, but that pretty much explains why you’re here. Are you okay?” 
Leon watched as you browsed through the drink options, dropping his arm back to his side and not caring about the beer that splashed onto his hand at the quick movement. He didn’t take his eyes off you as he slowly shook his head, a quiet “No,” leaving his mouth afterwards. 
Jill looked between the two of you, unsure of what to say. “Do you want to move to another room?”
Leon shook his head again. “No. You said it yourself, Jill. This is why I’m here,” he muttered and watched as a younger guy moved to stand next to you. He helped you pour a large amount of vodka mixed with ginger ale into a cup, and he quickly recognized the guy as one of the new agents Claire had befriended named Kegan. 
Kegan stepped closer to you and Leon could instantly tell that you were uncomfortable. He knew you like the back of his hand and could tell when you got nervous or anxious, like how you are right now. 
Leon stood up straight and placed the untouched bottle of beer behind him on the counter before making his way across the kitchen. 
Within four strides he is behind you and towering over Kegan, who noticed Leon long before you did. “Kennedy? Leon Kennedy is actually at a party? Wow, never thought I’d see the day,” 
Leon glared at him and it was then when you realized who was standing behind you. “You don’t know me,” Leon stated as you turned to face him, but he just kept his eyes on Kegan. Leon had quite the reputation at work, and he was well known as the guy who is more than capable of completing any mission, no matter how tough it may be. 
That being said, his superiority often annoyed the new guys as they tried to live up to the high expectations and standards of Leon Kennedy. 
“And you don’t know her, but I do, and I know she wants you to leave her alone but is far too nice to actually say that to you, so I’ll do it for her,” Leon continued and felt his heart skip a beat at the quiet gasp that left your lips. 
Kegan looked between you and Leon, and more specifically the protective look in his eyes, before backing away with his hands up. “My bad, man,” he shrugged. “Didn’t realize she was with you.”
He disappeared in the crowd as you turned completely to face your ex. “You didn’t need to do that,” you muttered and Leon could feel his face heat up at the fact that you were actually talking to him. You wore an annoyed look, but still, you’re talking to him. “I could’ve done that myself.”
Leon forced a grin to form on his lips. “But I bet you’re glad I did it, instead,” when you just shook your head and began to leave the kitchen, Leon stepped in front of you, refraining from grabbing your hand like he so desperately wanted to. “Wait, please.”
“What, Leon?” You asked and you sounded so exhausted, it made his heart physically break a bit. “What could you possibly have to say to me right now?”
“Everything,” he answered instantly. “I want to say everything I didn’t say the day you left. Please, give me a chance.”
You narrow your eyes and cross your arms. “It’s been months, Leon,” 
“Four,” he confirmed, watching the brief shock that flashed across your face. “And I’ve thought about you everyday for every one.”  
You give him a conflicted look that is quickly followed by a sigh. “There is nothing you can say that will fix what happened, just so you know,” 
Leon nodded and held his hand out to you, surprise filling him when you actually took it. “I just need you to know that it wasn’t your fault, and that it’s all on me,” he promised as he led you towards the front door, missing Chris’ look of relief as he passed him.
While he didn’t know the full story of what his friend did to you, he knew Ada had been involved in the reason you were no longer together. Chris was never a fan of Ada and how she treated Leon whenever the two crossed paths, and he was sure the blond felt the same way after being her little pet for years. He was sure the two of you would end up getting married, so he could not fathom how the fuck Leon had let Ada get in the way of what you and he had. 
All in all, he was sick of Leon’s bad moods, and wanted his friend to go back to normal. Well, as normal as Leon Kennedy could be. 
Leon led you out onto the front porch, and with one look from him, the two guys who were standing out there quickly scampered back into the house. Once you were alone, he turned back to face you with guilty eyes, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to figure out what to say to you. 
He had wanted the chance to talk to you again for months, and now that you are actually here in front of him he was blanking. 
But he wouldn’t let his inability to form a proper sentence be what cost him his once chance at explaining to you why he did what he did.
An apology would be a good place to start, right?
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly as he finally allowed himself to look into your guarded eyes. You looked at him as if he were a stranger, and he supposed he kind of is now. The person you both thought he was would’ve never done what he did to you, no matter how important those fucking files were. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
You nod and lean back against the railing, crossing your arms as you stare at him with a soft glare. “I’m really glad we agree on that,”
He knew he deserved that. He deserved worse, actually, but you were simply too kind to completely go off on him, and he simply never deserved you in the first place. “That’s fair, you’re being hostile,” he mumbled and felt his skin begin to heat up under his dark leather jacket. “I know I have no right to even be talking to you right now, but I just need you to know that what I did with Ada was the worst thing I have ever done, and I’ve done a lot of bad shit in my life. None of them cost me you, though, so they’re not very high on that list.” 
You tense up at the name you’ve hated since the second you heard it, and the mention of her sent your insecurities right back to the front of your mind. “Yeah, well,” you trail off, kicking a stone that was on the porch away from you as you avoid his stare. “I hope she was worth it, because I haven’t been able to wrap my head around the fact that Ada fucking Wong is the reason the best relationship I had ever been in ended.”
“She wasn’t worth it,” he said instantly, taking a cautious step towards you. “She was never worth it, even back when I was a stupid twenty one year old and trying to start my career. She never cared, and I wasn’t smart enough to see that. I’m not smart at all. If I had half a brain I would’ve never gone back to her ever again.” 
You shake your head. “You can say that now, but it doesn’t change anything,” you mumbled. “You cheated on me with the one person I’ve been worried about since day one. You promised me that she was in your past, and that you were over her. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe that. Guess we’re both fucking dumb.”
“No,” he said sternly. “You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. Ada hasn’t had control over my heart for a long time now, it’s always been you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day we met, and that was years ago. I know I fucked up, but I’ve never stopped believing that you’re it for me. I don’t want anyone else, and that was clear after I met you.”
Your lip was quivering just slightly and you blinked back tears, trying to stick to your promise of never crying over the man in front of you ever again. You weren’t sure how much longer you could keep that promise if you were to continue to talk to him. “Then why did you do it? Why did you ruin what we had?” You regretfully ask and quickly add, “And I want the truth, not some bullshit story you always seem to come up with. Be honest with me, Leon.”
Leon really felt pathetic at this point as he felt his heart jump a bit at the fact that you said his name. He missed you so much, he missed hearing your voice, and he missed the way his name sounded when it came out of your mouth. 
He knew his answer wouldn’t satisfy you at all, but he said it anyway, “It was just about work,”
“Oh, don’t give me that,” you say angrily, wiping under your eyes before he could see your tears. “Don’t waste anymore of my time, Leon. I refuse to spend another second with you if you’re just going to lie to me. You’ve done that enough.”
Leon shut up after that, shifting from one foot to the other and beginning to feel anxious. He shouldn’t feel this way around you. He had known you for four years and been with you for three, he should feel comfortable around you, but he supposed he lost that right, too. 
At his lack of words, you turn away and are about to head back inside when he grabs your wrist and pulls you away from the door. “Y/n, wait,” he begs, blue eyes clouding over with desperation as he stares hopelessly down at you. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am. There are no words that could ever describe it. I hate that I hurt you and I hate that I fucked up the best thing I had going for me. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
You fell silent as your eyes flickered from his lips then back to his eyes. 
What if….for just one more night…what if.
“I should’ve never let you walk out that day without explaining to you that it was all my fault, just like how I should’ve never let Ada come anywhere near me. But I’m weak,” he was saying all the words he should have said to you the day he confessed that he had been seeing Ada. God, even her name made a feeling of disgust creep into his bones. “I’ve always been weak when it comes to you and my job and everything. I’m not cut out for this kind of thing, but you made me feel like I was. I can’t believe I took that for granted.” 
Your eyes burned once again and you moved to lean back against the railing when he inched closer.
“You’re everything to me, sweetheart,” he sounded so genuine, you almost thought you could believe him. He placed his hands on the railing behind you and leaned down so his face was close to yours. “You always will be. She is, by far, the biggest mistake of my life and I promise that I haven’t seen her since. I can’t stand even thinking about her-”
He wasn’t able to finish that sentence as you leaned in and pressed your mouth to his.
Just one more night. 
You just needed one more night with him, one where you could pretend you were still happy and still in love. One where you were still oblivious to the affair he was having with his ex…or whatever the fuck they were. 
Just one more night to fuck him out of your system, then you’ll never have to see him again after this. 
Leon got lost in the feeling of having your lips on his for the first time in months. His hands immediately grip your waist and his body presses right up against your own. 
He missed you more than anything else in the entire world. Every single inch of you, he craved it everyday. He was so fucking angry with himself for how he destroyed your relationship and for how he hurt you after he swore he wouldn’t. After he swore he was different. 
Really, he wasn’t far off from the assholes you had given your heart to in the past, even though he tried so hard to be. 
His fingers bunch up the fabric of your dress and he wanted to take you right there, right against the railing of his friend’s new porch, but you deserved more than that. He wanted to give you more than that. 
Your hands slide up to tangle in his hair and he never thought he’d ever get to feel your soft yet firm touch again. He couldn’t help but melt into it. 
Your lower back pressed against the cool metal and the contrast of it had you gasping against his mouth. 
Leon groaned at your quiet sound of pleasure and couldn’t deny how it went straight to his dick. Sometimes he really hated being a man who had no control over that part of his body. “Missed that sound,” he mumbled against your mouth. “Missed everything about you, pretty girl.” 
You moan into his mouth and he swallows it like the greedy man he is. “Take me home, Leon,”
It was like a switch had been flipped. He pulled away but kept his hands on your hips. Now that he had gotten a taste of you again, he never wanted to let you go. But he needed to focus on why he sought you out tonight. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he trails off, noting the brief look of embarrassment that flashed in your eyes. “I don’t want you to think that this is all I wanted out of-”
“I want it, Leon,” you cut him off, pulling him closer by his jacket. “I want you. I know you don’t want me anymore, but-”
He shook his head and pressed another kiss to your lips, against his better judgment. “I do still want you, baby,” he promised. “I want you, always.”
You bite down on your lip and don’t miss the way his eyes flicker downwards when you do so. “Then take me home,” you pressed, watching as he seems to have an inner battle with himself. 
You weren’t sure what result you wanted out of this; him agreeing and getting you off one last time, or him rejecting you of what he so gladly took from Ada. 
 Either way would provide you with some closure, you’d hope. 
A few more seconds pass before he’s moving away and taking your hand. He leads you to his car and drives the familiar road to the house you lived in with him not too long ago. 
As he guided you through the very door you walked out of the day he told you what he did, he gave you a conflicted look as he said, “Just so you know, this isn’t all I want from you. I meant everything I said before,”
You give him a blank look as you move closer to him. “I don’t care,” 
Leon looked like he was in agony as you grabbed his jacket and pulled it from his body. “Don’t say that,” he begged. “Please.”
You don’t say anything else as you pull on his hands and walk backwards until your knees hit the edge of the couch. Sitting on the armrest, you run your fingers down his toned chest and try to remember that this will be a one time thing. He wasn’t yours and this wouldn’t be like all the other times you and he had been intimate. 
“I don’t want to talk anymore,” you whisper, grabbing his wrist and guiding his hand to your chest. “So please, don’t say anything else.”
Leon could only nod, regret filling him at what he knew he made run through your head. You thought this was all he wanted, when in reality he just wanted you back. 
He leaned down and gently grabbed either side of your face as he kissed you deeply, pushing you back against the very couch you broke up with him on four fucking months ago. 
It was too much, but he couldn’t stop. He was too afraid you’d leave him forever if he did. He really was fucking weak when it came to you. He was selfish. 
He wanted you back so badly, his brain couldn’t keep up with his body. His lips were placing kisses desperately to your mouth as he felt your legs wrap around his waist. 
Leon wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to function again if you were to never talk to him after this. He didn’t even want to think about it. 
But it seemed as if you were doing the opposite. 
He kissed along your neck for a few seconds before hearing a sharp intake from you that was followed by the push of your hands against his shoulders. “Wait,” you nearly gasp, sitting up when he instantly pulls away from you, proving to you that he is at least a little better than your past boyfriends. They would have ignored you and continued touching you until they got what they wanted. 
Leon stood back and put a bit of distance between the two of you, his eyes guilty and his heart on his sleeve. “I’m sorry,” he says and you just shake your head, straightening your dress back out. 
“No, I initiated this. I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me,” you apologize and stand up. “I should go. This was a mistake.” 
Leon felt his heart break as you quickly stood up and made your way to the door. He got flashbacks to the day you left him, and he knew he wasn’t prepared to see you walk out that door for the second time. 
Maybe he didn’t have to.  
You passed by the counter and abruptly stopped, your eyes fixated on something on the granite. Leon held his breath as he watched you move towards the island, your hand reaching out to grab his keys. “Leon,” you gasped quietly, your fingers gently moving something on the chain. He knew what was on it. The ring haunted him every time he used his keys, and that was the exact reason why he attached it to the chain in the first place. 
He stayed still when you turned to look back at him, his keys held tightly in your hand.
“You kept it?” You asked in a hoarse voice. You would recognize that ring anywhere, even after only seeing it one time. You couldn’t believe he kept it instead of selling it, and you were heartbroken to discover that he saw it every day whenever he entered or left his house. 
Your question offended him, but he’d never show it. “Of course I kept it,” and yet another flashback flickered in his head. 
You weren’t sure you wanted the answer, but you asked, anyway, “Why?”
Leon hardly moved as he answered, “As a reminder,” 
And it was the truth. 
And then you broke your promise as the first of many tears began to fall. 
You wished you never met him. Never said yes when he asked you out on a date, said no when he asked you to move in. You wished you didn’t agree to come to that stupid housewarming party, because now you felt lost all over again. 
Setting the keys loudly on the counter, you turn to face him fully. “Why?” You asked, your voice angry and shaky as you tried to keep your cool. “Why did you do it? I loved you more than anything else. You saved my life, Leon. Why didn’t that mean anything to you?”
Leon felt his own eyes burn as he stepped away from the couch but made no move to walk over to you. “It means the world to me, Y/n,” he promised, his heart begging his body to take you into his arms, but he held back. “So do you.”
Your lower lip trembled as you moved to stand in front of him. “Why?” You ask again, much quieter this time around. You reach up and push on his chest just slightly, knowing damn well it wouldn’t faze him one bit. And it didn’t. “Why did you go to her?”
Leon refrained from taking your hands that were still on his chest in his. “Because she had something I needed,” he regretfully answered. 
Your brows furrow and he knew he accidentally offended you with his poor choice of words. “What, I wasn’t good enough? Didn’t put out enough for you?”
“No,” he said immediately, going against his better judgment again and wrapping his fingers around your wrists. “You’re more than enough for me. You always have been and you will be forever. The thought of doing that with her made me sick and I hate myself for it, but it was the only way she would give me the information I needed for my job.”
Your eyes softened a bit but your whole body was still guarded. “Your job you can’t tell me anything about?” 
“Yes,” he whispered, his face twisting up in agony when more tears fell from your eyes. “That’s the only reason I went to her. She had something I needed, but if I ever had to do it all over again, I’d tell her to fuck off and I’d get it some other way. I can’t stand the fact that I hurt you like that.”
You tried to process his words, but you didn’t know what to think anymore. 
You believed him, and it was clear he felt awful about all that came out of his encounters with Ada. But you also weren’t sure what he wanted out of this encounter with you. Yeah, it appeared he wanted to fix things, but who’s to say he won’t shatter your heart again? 
You couldn’t take much more. You knew that. 
“It was just for work?” You asked quietly, avoiding his eyes as he pressed your hand flat against his chest. “You’re not in love with her?”
“No,” he said quickly, shaking his head to further get the point across. “No. I don’t love her, not anymore. Maybe I never did. She never made me feel the things you did and still do. My heart was never hers. It’s yours. Even after tonight, I’ll still be yours, even if you aren’t mine.”
Your eyes were begging for a break, but the tears kept coming. “My heart is yours, Leon. It’s yours to break,” you whisper. “And you did.”
He couldn’t stop himself from taking you into his arms. He wrapped you up and let out a sigh of relief when you let him, and even held onto his waist. “I’m so fucking sorry,” he says, kissing the side of your head. “So fucking sorry. I swear, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I’d use my last breath for you, baby. You’re my entire world. You’re everything.”
“Leon,” you beg, bunching his shirt up in your fists. “Don’t do this to me again. Don’t hurt me again, I-....I can’t take it.”
“I won’t,” he promised, cradling the back of your head in his hand as if you were the most frail and fragile thing in the world. “I love you so much. It’s you who I want for the rest of my life. I never doubted that. I never want you to doubt that.”
You nod and press your head to his chest. “It’s going to take some time,” you begin, your voice barely above a whisper. “Maybe a lot of time-”
“I’ll wait forever for you,” he swore, leaning back and pressing a kiss to your forehead. He was shaking now, disbelief filling his entire being at the fact that you were letting him hold you like this again. 
You look over at his keys before meeting his eyes again. “I won’t forget about what you did, Leon,” you murmur, watching the guilt seep back into his blue orbs. “But I’m willing to forgive….I just need time.”
Leon nodded, wrapping you back up in his arms. “I’ll give you all the time you need, I promise,” he rasps. “Just don’t leave me again.”
He had no right asking you that, but he also had no control over his words at this point. 
But you just pressed your lips to the side of his neck. “Don’t give me another reason to,”
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hrts4kyo · 3 months
Hands Off. — ♤
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♡ dom!intak x fem!reader x keeho (??)
♡ genre: smut. strictly, mdni. (wc; 3.6 k)
♡ sypnosis: at last, it was time to celebrate p1harmonys debut anniversary. And what better place to celebrate than at a club with all the members? You were content with the idea, excitement creeping up on you as you began to pick out outfit options. Despite Intak agreeing to go to the club, he started to have second thoughts the moment he saw what you planned to wear. Would Keeho even be able to take his eyes off of you? Intak felt sick at the thought. When you saw his expression, you knew that it was going to be a long night . . .
♡ warnings: degration (whore, slut — etc), semi-public sex, pet names, rough manhandling, mean!dom intak, unprotected sex, hair pulling, marking (hickeys, bites, etc) humiliation kink, alcohol, public masturbation, jealousy, arguing between reader and Intak.
♡ song recs: All mine — brent faiyaz + The party and the afterparty — the weeknd. ✭
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“Intak, what do you think baby?” You smiled, stepping out of your walk in closet and doing a small twirl for your boyfriend that sat on the edge of the bed.
Intak looked up from his phone, his stray blonde hair swaying with his abrupt movement. The moment he laid eyes on you, he traced every inch of your body, looking all the way down from your shoulders to your ankles. His face was rather emotionless, seeming unfazed yet different from his usual reaction of “that looks beautiful sweetheart”. Right now, he was just silent.
You stood still, second guessing your own outfit as you patted down your tight black skirt and top, looking down at your tall heels.
“You look nice baby, but, your skirt is a bit short, no?” Intak looked back up at you, making piercing eye contact as he stood up to spray some cologne.
“Oh…I don’t think so? I thi—“
“It was a rhetorical question. Your skirt is short y/n.” Intak glared back.
You rolled your eyes, expecting Intak to just brush it off and ignore it for the rest of the night. Yet, looking back at it now, you wish you had just changed to save yourself.
“Whatever tak, it’s not like anyone else is going to care, It’s just you and the members.” You fixed your hair, putting in your gold hoop earrings as a finishing touch. You admired the combination of all your jewellery one last time. You were confident with your outfit, you didn’t see what Intak saw so you didn’t feel the need to change. He’d get over it.
“You’re saying that like it makes the situation any better. Do you want me to remind you of what Keeho tried to do the last time we were at the clubs?” He questioned, a mild tone of aggression settling in his voice.
You groaned, sick and tired of how Intak brought it up every chance he got.
“He was drunk. He didn’t even do anything! Stop using it against him likes hes a bad person, tak. You know how much he apologised to me, and he still does.” You sighed, grabbing your clutch and waiting at the doorway.
Intak followed right behind you, grabbing his keys off the counter.
“Yeah, and he’s going to be drunk again today. What makes you think hes not going to tell you to suck his dick tonight either?”
Your eyes widened, staying silent as Intak looked down at you. He shook his head and scoffed, opening the door for you both, allowing both of you to leave the house and head to the clubs. You decided to not bring it up once again, not wanting to get him in a worse mood than he already was in. And so you got in the car, changing the conversation to a whole other subject.
. . .
You both arrived at the club with a whole new personality, pushing aside the previous discourse that happened at the appartment. You didn’t want to ruin the night for Intak and his friends, so you chose to stay quiet, sticking to Intaks side as you both walked in and saw the other members near a booth located to the left of the club.
You were greeted by the other 5 boys excitedly, all of them already on their second drinks.
“Sorry we were late! There was a lot of traffic” You smiled, squeezing Intaks hand tighter. He looked at you, going along with the lie.
Afterall, you didn’t want the members to know how Intak was nearly at your throat for wearing your ‘slutty’ outfit.
“No dont worry, it’s okay. We’ve got some drinks on the table, come on, we have the whole night ahead of us” Jiung added, signalling towards the booth where Theo and Keeho were pouring shots down each others throats like a couple. You laughed seeing them two, causing Keeho to notice and look up after hearing you.
He stopped immediately, making Theo’s head turn as he did a little nod of approval. Keeho on the other hand was still in his seat, looking you up and down briefly while Intak wasn’t looking. Once he made eye contact with you, you cocked your eyebrow, questioning his stare. Keeho could only laugh, putting his glass down as he finally spoke up.
“Dont worry Y/n, I dont plan to get that drunk tonight.”
Before you could respond, you noticed Intaks glare at Keeho, tension building up in the air.
“Yeah you better not” Intak smiled menacingly, seriousness evident in his voice. Keeho played it off easily, nodding and offering a drink to Intak as he sat down beside him.
You followed along, sitting on the other side of the table next to Jongseob and Soul who were too busy talking to each other about some game that you had no idea about. They were still the two youngest of the group, despite them both being legal adults now. They definitely still behaved like the two teenagers you knew before, and you loved that.
You turned your head back towards tak, who was no longer staring at you and instead was chatting to Theo and Jiung about their upcoming album. Intak was too immersed to notice you sitting there in silence, awkwardly looking around the club and trying to find somewhere to go to. The booth reeked of strong alchohol, and you would definitely be lying if you said it wasn’t starting to make your head hurt.
You excused yourself quickly, telling the others you were going to make your way to the bathroom, only to get up and go to the bar so you could get yourself a glass of sparkling water. Soon after, Keeho excused himself as well, saying he was going to the bar to get some more shots for the table; part of it being true. Truth is, he knew you were going to the bar, and he could easily tell something was off. He desperately needed to know why.
You sat down on one of the stools that was hiden by the crowd; trying to make sure you were as secluded as possible in the busy club, and ordered yourself a glass of water, resting your head on your hand ss you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your instagram feed mindlessly.
Within a few minutes, you were broken out of your trance by a quick tap on your shoulder, causing you to lift your head up to see who the person was.
“Can i sit here, y/n?” Keeho asked, leaning in to your ear to make sure you can hear him over the excruciatingly loud music.
“Of course Kyo” You responded, urging him to sit down beside you.
He quickly ordered himself a virgin mary and soon turned to face you, an expression of worry plastered across his features.
“Y/n, Is everything okay with you and takki? I know he’s an amazing person so dont get me wrong, but you look…how can I say this nicely…awkward? You aren’t normally like this,” Keeho questioned, cranking his neck slightly as he tried to read your face.
You were shocked at how quickly Keeho was able to read you, especially because you thought you were hiding it really well.
“I’m fine Kyo. Tak and I just got into some discourse before we got here, that’s all.” You took a sip of your water, breaking eye contact because of the discomfort.
“What was it about?” He immediately added on, his tone slightly changing, which took you off guard.
“Well, he said my skirt was too short. And I told him it wouldn’t matter because it was just going to be us and the other guys, and well..—
“He brought me up again?” Keeho cut you off.
“That fucking dickhead..God I dont know why hes making you suffer when it wasn’t even your fault. Look, I’m so sorry I got that drunk, I genuinely didn’t mean anything like that y/n.” He apologised profusely, once again turning pink from embarrassment.
You began laughing,
“Keeho, I know. I tried to defend you but hes super super sensitive about it for some reason, Maybe it’s because hes insecure” You quickly joked, making Keeho join in on the laughter aswell.
Before you knew it, conversation began another conversation, both of you spending a good 30 minutes just joking around with each other and talking about several different subjects. Now, this scenario would’ve been fine if it was just you two, but 30 minutes with two people missing from the table was more than concerning. Especially for Intak. And to make it worse, it was you and Keeho
who weren’t there.
Intak immediately got up from the table, anger building up at the pit of his stomach. He didn’t know what he’d do with you if he saw you with Keeho, and much to his expectation, there you were grabbing onto Kyo’s bicep while both of you laughed together away from the crowd. Intak somehow convinced himself that what you were doing with Keeho was intimate, and so he quickly approached you two, grabbing onto your arm harshly as he excused you and took you away before either of you could say anything in return.
Your legs tried to follow behind Intaks quick pace, dragging you through the hundreds of people that stood on the dance floor and infront of the toilet. The only place that didn’t seem to have a whole crowd infront or near it was the unisex bathrooms upstairs; hence being the place that you ended up being taken to.
As you quickly got barged into the bathroom, Intak let go of your arm roughly, making you stumble on your high heels as you straightened your posture. He locked the door and turned towards you.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!” You yelled, finally gathering your composure as you stood tall.
“No y/n, What the fuck is wrong with YOU? leaving the table to talk to Keeho? God why can’t you just sit your ass down and not talk to that bastard? is it that difficult to not be a slut?” Intak retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why the fuck are you so insecure?! I don’t want Keeho for fucks sake! Maybe i should though because I know damn well he wouldn’t be this toxic and sick in the head!” You yelled.
And that’s where Intak snapped.
“Oh yeah? Maybe you should y/n. If im so insecure, why dont you just go suck Keeho’s dick then? Just go fucking do it if you want to that bad.” Intak unlocked the door and looked at you dead in the eye. He jerked his head, signalling you to go out, but you didn’t budge.
“I don’t want Kyo. I wan’t you to stop bringing him up every chance you get though. It’s getting repetitive and you’re seriously embarrassing yourself getting all pissy over him” you smirked.
Intak immediately shut the door behind him and locked it, going up to you quickly as he pinned you against the wall, his hand wrapping around you neck. Your legs gave out underneath you, letting you be dragged by him once again as you found yourself gasping for air underneath his touch. Yet…you disgustingly were starting to enjoy it.
“Maybe I should put you on a fucking collar and treat you like the bitch you are then, yeah?” Intak leaned into your neck, his breath fanning across your hot skin.
His words were starting to get to your head, heat washing over you, suddenly making your skirt seem tighter than it already was.
as his grasp loosened, you found yourself mourning the loss of his touch. You wanted to feel his hands all over your body, and you wanted to give in to him and him only.
Before you could say anything, your thoughts were immediately cut off by Intak scoffing.
“Actually…if you want to play like this, how about you call Keeho here? Let him watch you while I have you all to myself?…would you enjoy it you whore?” tak planted a kiss to your neck, tracing down a line with his tongue to your nape.
You whimpered from the sensation, a puddle of arousal lining your panties. Intak continued to lap at your neck as he slowly brung his hand to your waist and then to your skirt, putting his hand in your pocket as he grabbed your phone out.
He halted his kisses as he dialed Keehos number; bringing the phone up to your face as he put him on speaker.
The ringing of the phone was starting to get excruciating, and the wait was starting to get you impatient. Intak noticed the way you were rubbing your thighs together, and swiftly brung his free hand to lift your skirt slightly. The cool air hitting your core only aroused you more, causing you to suck in air from between your teeth.
With one last ring from the phone, you heard Keehos voice on the other side of the line.
“Y/n?? Are you okay? What the fuck is going on with Intak, are you safe?” Keeho hurriedly questioned, worry building up in his voice.
You looked at Intak dead in the eye as you opened your mouth to speak up. Right as you were about to say something, Intak pressed his thumb against your heat, taking you off guard and making you let out a moan instead of words.
Keeho went silent.
“Kyo….come up stares to the unisex bathrooms,—shit” you groaned, throwing your head back as Intak pressed his hand further into your clothed and throbbing pussy.
“Fuck, okay” It seemed as though Keeho got the memo, hanging up the phone abrputly.
Intak clicked off the phone and threw it to the side, not caring whether or not the hard tiles would damage your phone. He was clearly angry still, and you did not know what this would bring you.
Within a few minutes, You heard someone knocking on the door. Intak turned around and made eye contact with you, his piercing gaze sending shivers down your spine. He looked you up and down before sticking his tongue in his cheek, one of his signature memos he made when he was mad.
He swung open the door to see Keeho standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest as he ignored Intaks stare and instead immediately brung his eyes to you, slightly moving his head in a way to ask ‘are you okay’, you nodded.
“Is everything alright?” Keeho asked, Looking back at Intak while his voice dropped octaves.
“Everything is fine. Infact, more than fine for you. You can finally see your pretty y/n getting fucked just how you wanted. Isn’t that just fine, Yoon?”
Your eyes widened at the vulgarness of Intak. You had never seen this side of him, and weren’t even sure what to think of it anymore. Setting your thoughts aside, your mind started whirring as you wondered what tak meant when he said something about you getting fucked infront of Keeho just like he wanted?….Was this something Keeho had mentioned before? You definitely didn’t remember him saying that when he was drunk.
“What?” Your mouth gaped open, wondering what Intak meant.
“Oh? I’m guessing Keeho didn’t tell you what happened just last week then, no?” He responded, looking in between you two as he let out a snicker.
“Well y/n. I’ll do him the favour. Pretty boy Keeho here was on the phone talking to one of his friends when I overheard him saying he would enjoy watching you get fucked. word for word.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.
“To make it even better, he was sober. Isn’t that just enlightening y/n?” Intak said as he approached you slowly, making his way to your back.
Keeho shut the door behind him as his gaze dropped to his feet.
Intak’s hand wrapped around your waist, the other snaking around your neck once again as he tightened his grip, He bent down till he was right next to your ear.
“Why don’t we give him what he wants baby?”
And that was all it took for you to surrender to his touch.
Keeho found himself on the other side of the room, Sitting down on top of one of the counters as he finally found the courage to look you dead in the eye once again. And there you were, giving yourself in to Intak’s harsh touches, His hands toying with the hem of your skirt.
While Intak teased you, you made sure not to break eye contact with Keeho. You needed to see his reaction. More than anything else right now, you needed to know whether or not Intak was serious.
In just a short few seconds, you found Intaks hand unzipping the back of your skirt, causing it to drop and pool around your tall heels. You were now standing bare infront of Keeho and Intak, your panties being the only thing that covered your pussy.
Slowly, taks hand traced down, his fingers latching onto the top of your panties as he brung them down along with your skirt. His fingers slid down your cunt ever so slightly. You were yearning for his touch, his cold and big hands making you buck in to them as your eyes shut tightly.
“Ah, slow down sweetheart.” Intak whispered, breathing on your collarbone.
He dragged his long fingers down your pussy, bringing them up and down as you began to shake from his light touches. He was going to drag this out as much as he could.
“Please…Do something Takki…Need you so bad” You moaned, resisting the urge to rub on his hand like a bitch in heat.
“As you wish my love” and without a second thought, He began to slide his two fingers into your puckered hole, causing you to arch your back into him as he stood behind you. You sucked your breath in, your hands finding refuge on Intak’s neck as he stretched you out oh so sweetly.
“Fuck, so good” You whined. He begun to speed up his movements, his hand gathering your heat and pushing it deep into you. You could only moan at his swift movements, your body feeling to weak to press into him further. With your remaining energy, you opened up your eyes to look at Keeho, who was now slowly palming himself over his black jeans.
The sight was exotic and undoubtedly turned you on more, you found pleasure in being someones muse.
Consequently, you started to get close to your high. The feeling of having Intaks fingers plunging in and out of you while Keeho started to get breathless from looking at you was for more than you could take.
“Shit—‘m gon cum” you groaned, tightening around his fingers.
“Pretty lady wants to cum? cum for me sweetheart”
You didn’t need him to repeat his words, you immediately found yourself cumming around his fingers, your heat dripping out from between your thighs. You moaned loudly, sweat now gathering at your forehead.
“So good for me…all for me” Intak smiled, pushing his fingers into you one last time as he pulled them out with a slight ‘pop’, a string of arousal connecting his digits with your glistening pussy. You felt bare without his touch, but you didn’t have enough time to think about your loss as he brung his fingers up to his mouth, swirling his tongue around them as he swallowed your cum that had gathered on his fingers.
“So fucking sweet”
Your legs felt weak as you watched him lick every last drop of your arousal off his fingers. You craved for more, and so you asked him for more.
“Fuck me, Intak.”
And thats all it took for him to start unbuckling his pants, dropping them to the ground as his pants joined your panties and skirt that remained on the floor. You felt his hard dick press up on your ass, making you flinch slightly as he positioned himself to your dripping hole.
“Might sting a bit sweetheart.”
“Give it to me tak.”
With a slight groan, Intak begun to slide his length into your pussy, causing your hot body to latch onto him and suck him in tightly. Within the corner of your eye, you continued to watch Keeho palm himself, his breath getting caught in his throat every now and then. He looked so hot, his siren eyes staring deep into you.
Intak slowly pulled out, only to push straight back into you and press right into your gummy walls.
“Fuck, so tight baby” Intak groaned, resting his forehead on your shoulder as he continued his momentum.
You could do nothing but whimper, feeling the overwhelming heat of your previous orgasm creep up on you.
“Shit, god you feel so good” You muttered, trying to gather the energy to speak up.
Your second orgasm washed over you with no warning, causing you to tighten around Intaks dick as he groaned, reaching his own high.
“Gon cum, where do you want me” Intak grunted, pressing into your cunt one last time.
“Cum in me—please”
And then you felt hot spurts of cum pour into you, his white liquid filling you up. He fucked his cum into you harshly, making sure to breed you well.
As both of you finished, you both tried to catch your breaths as you completely forgot about the existence of Keeho. Your mind was too fogged to remember how he watched the entire thing go down, and right as you were about to say something, Intak spoke up.
“Got what you wanted, pervert?”
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Please reblog and like!! — lmk if you enjoyed it, and remember, requests are always open <3
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violetarks · 2 months
HIII can i req for an alnst guys x mua!reader (afab) ? i want to touch their faces ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯
“you like the pretty boys, with the pretty voice!”
show: alien stage
characters: till, ivan and luka
summary: he doesn’t just need to sing his best, he has to look his best too! producers have decided on pairing you up with him, meaning you would be spending lots of time tending to his physical appearance.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used, till has never felt the touch of a woman before
↣ till
the door of his room opens, making till stand up cautiously from his bed. he was already forced into his outfit for today’s photoshoot, and now he awaited the dreadful makeup process.
you show up in the doorway, a girl around the same age as till, with a bag of items and a few electronics. “morning, till.” you say, walking in and placing your things on the desk. he visibly relaxes. “don’t you look good today.”
“shut up…” he mumbles back, walking over to you. he sits down in the chair you pull out, seating him in front of the mirror.
“okay, so i got told that you need a more bold look for the photoshoot today.” you claim, placing your hands on his shoulders, “you gonna’ let me do my work or are we gonna’ have another argument?”
“you can do whatever, i don’t even care anymore.” he groans, sick and tired of all these brand deals. his owner was running him dry with everything he was made to be doing recently. “do your magic.”
“good.” you say, opening your bag. you pick up one of the devices you brought with you, tossing it up into the air. it blossoms, opening up to show a ball of light coming from the centre. you point it towards till, getting a proper view of his face. “seems like the skincare routine i gave you is working.”
“isn’t it bad to keep putting all these things on my face?” he grumbles, feeling you grasp his chin. he averts his eyes while you inspect his face, gentle hands on his cheeks.
“not these ones.” you claim, feelings his cheeks heat up under your touch. you smile at him. “but it’s not like you really needed it anyway. the producer just said to get you on them. i thought you were already quite handsome.”
he closes his eyes, pulling back and running fingers through his hair. “anyway, what are we doing now?” he clears his throat, trying to calm down his heart.
“oh, right.” you say, taking the other device and turning it on, making a swivel stool for you to sit on. you move closer towards him, knee bumping with his. “okay, close your eyes for me, pretty boy.”
“stop it…” he mutters to you, doing as you say and leaning forward into your hands.
he’s patient with you, in a way that he isn’t with anyone else. which is why you were matched with him, he didn’t swear at you or thrash around. you made him out to be a tamed puppy, sitting as he waits for your touch. you found it cute.
you brushed your fingers against his jaw, making him itch closer to you. his hands grip the bottom of his chair, breath hitching as you dragged the brush along his face. you were delicate with him, holding his face and turning it when you needed. and he was willing to let you do whatever you needed.
“okay, that looks good.” you hum, retracting your hands. he always follows, but opens his eyes to stare at you. “let me do your lashes now. just some mascara, that’s all.”
you see the sour look on his face, making you roll your eyes. as you do your work, till sits quietly, careful not to move. you hold his jaw in your hand, focusing on your hands. but his head is running with how close you are to him. if he were to lean any closer, you would be kissing the guy…
instead, you lean back, bringing the light closer to his face. “ah, sorry, i got some on your cheek.” you huff, taking out a makeup pad.
you brush it against where you had smudged mascara on him, holding his face closer to yours. he’s entranced by your beauty. how your eyes are so focused on him and nothing else, how you smile at him after finished a part of his makeup. you were the most beautiful person to him.
he feels your knee knock against his inner thigh, making him look at you sheepishly. you were digging through your bag for the eyeliner and eyeshadow, claiming that he needed dark colours.
“i think we should go with black.” you say, holding out some palettes, “pick one, any will look good on you.”
he doesn’t even look at them for long, just picking out the one in the middle. you smile at him and nod your head, beginning the next stage. it takes a bit longer, till unable to keep still with how your legs are touching his, and your hands are tenderly holding his cheek. his brows knit unconsciously and you stop.
“till, relax. i can’t do your makeup like that.” you sigh, tilting your head, “i’m nearly done, promise.”
he tries to do so, resulting in upturned brows. your hold was too much! “i’m sorry, y/n, i’m just… i don’t know.”
“hm. it’s okay, i’ll be coming with you to the photoshoot.” you inform him, making till perk up a little. you do a few more touches before setting down the brush, inspecting your work and nodding your head. “there you go.”
he open his eyes and looks in the mirror. he looked pretty good, you were so skilled. “thank you, y/n.”
he turns back to you, seeing how you were already staring back at him. you were still so close, not wavering at all.
“you’re welcome, handsome.” you chime, grinning at him. you caress his cheek for a few seconds before beginning to pull away.
but till lurches forward, pressing his lips to yours. his eyes are squeezed shut, so overwhelmed with emotions. the electricity built up with every single touch you gave him, lingering or not. you had to have known what you were doing to him, you were so purposeful!
your hand returns to his jaw, gently holding him as you kissed back. till’s hands sit just beneath your waist, on top of your legs as he drags you closer. he needed more of your touch.
till goes from eager and rough to smooth and calm in a few seconds, slowing down and pulling away almost hesitantly. he is still in a daze, staring at your lips as you both gather your thoughts. and when he does, he widens his eyes and pulls away hastily.
“i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to!” he yelps, covering his face. he couldn’t believe himself, when did he have that much courage around you? his voice is muffled behind his hands, and his eyes are squeezed shut. “that was a mistake, please forgive me—”
you smooch his knuckles covering his mouth, a short but sweet one. he stops, freezing up at your warmth.
“it’s fine, till.” you say, grinning at him, “i liked it a lot. but i… i kind if ruined your make up a bit. let me fix it, okay?”
he drops his hand and lets you hold his face again, picking up your brush to do your touch ups. but he squeezes his eyes shut again and has to look away as soon as you’re finished. you looked even more beautiful! how could this be happening?
“till,” you say, putting your things away in your bag, “don’t be embarrassed.”
“i’m not!” he mumbles back at you, standing up, “let’s go now!”
you have to chase him down after packing away your things, seeing how red his face was. till swears he will never look you in the eye ever again.
↣ ivan
“oh, there you are.” you say, leaning against your makeup desk. the door shuts behind him, making the sound of people on the other side quiet down. “took you long enough, ivan.”
“the costumes were mixed up.” he explains, tugging at his collar to loosen it up.
you pull out the chair for him, letting ivan sit down before you set him in front of the mirror. “you know you’re not supposed to keep a girl waiting.” you joke, sitting on top of the desk and unlocking the box of makeup.
“you say that as if she isn’t obligated to wait for me.” he huffs at you, leg over his knee. he glances at your irritated face. “so what are you doing to me today?”
“clean look.” you reply, popping open the foundation.
he nods his head, watching as you take a sponge and begin to apply it on his face. you were gentle with him, slowly moving his chin to face where you needed him to face. you eyes barely strayed from him, and to say he didn’t enjoy the attention would be a lie.
one of the reason he was happy to be paired up with you was because you paid such close attention to him. when trialing to be his makeup artist, you brought him some tea to help with his throat. he asked you how you knew he liked that flavour, and you told him you saw him drink it last week. from then on, he had been stuck to you like glue.
the guy lets you do what you need to, staying as still as possible. but he opens an eye when you let out a groan. “what’s wrong?”
your fingers leave him face, almost taking all his warmth with you, as you crane your neck. “no, nothing. just hurts my neck.” you explain, hopping off the desk.
ivan blinks as you come closer to him, holding his chin in your hands to make him look up at you. you stood in between his legs, makeup brush in your other hand. ivan leans back in his chair, putting out his other leg as you come so close that his chest is nearly touching you.
“close your eyes again, okay?” you mumble out, going back to your work. you hold the back of his neck to soothe the position of his head, picking out a good colour for him. as you finish, you feel ivan’s warm hands place themselves on your waist, holding you in position. “is something wrong?”
“hm? oh, nothing.” he replies, brushing his thumb against the hem of your shirt. you shiver at the touch, hastily placing a hand on his to stop him. he opens his eyes again, seeing your flustered expression. a smile tugs at his lips. “are you alright?”
“y—yeah…” you mumble out, carefully taking your hand off his. you sigh out, trying to finish off what you needed to do. ivan is quiet, smile still on his face as you work. “okay. i’m done.”
your fingers leave his face. but you don’t get very far before he takes your hand in his. his lips press against your knuckles, gently and cautiously. you freeze up, holding your breath and staring at him. his other hand holds you in place, keeping you close to him.
he peers at you from his seat, a certain glint in his eyes. “thank you, y/n.” he mumbles against your hand.
you hold your hand close to your chest as he releases you. “what’s going on today, ivan? you’re more touchy than usual.”
“is that bad?” he asks, tilting his head.
“no, it’s not bad.” you explain, taking your brushes and putting them in the box. you could feel your face flushing, you couldn’t turn back to him. you knew he would be wearing that clueless smile. and you would be stammering for your words. “so, um… is this the only thing you’re filming today?”
“yes.” he replies, watching as you carefully put everything away. even in the mirror, you don’t look at him. “are you busy for the rest of the day?”
“no, actually. i’m heading back after this.” you say, grabbing your jacket and tugging it on. after taking a breath in, you turn to him. “i’ll tell them you’re ready.”
ivan stands up, running fingers through his hair before stepping closer to you, his hands finding your jaw. you freeze up, shivering under his touch. your lower back hits the desk, making you lay hands on the wood. he makes you feel like you’re going crazy.
“you’re gorgeous, you know.” he mumbles out, staring at you with piercing eyes.
“uh, thank you, ivan, i—hmph!”
he captures your lips in a single moment, holding onto your shoulder gently. your hands find his face again, caressing him as you slowly melt into him. your eyes flutter shut as his do, feeling overwhelmed with such warmth that you find yourself chasing after him when he pulls away.
ivan chuckles, leaning forward once more to peck you on the lips again. you open your eyes, stunned. “why did you—”
“i should go now, it’ll be starting in five minutes.” he says, checking the clock. ivan leans away, gathering himself and fixing his hair in the mirror behind you before moving to the door. he stops with his hand on the doorframe as it slides open. “i’ll see you after, okay?”
you nod your head slowly, gulping down your nerves.
“good.” he smiles, walking out of the room, “see you, y/n.”
↣ luka
“good job, luka.” you compliment him, waiting in the wings for him to come off stage. he pants, wiping sweat off his brow. you smile, holding pit a towel. “ready for makeup? full dress rehearsal today.”
“right.” he huffs out, patting his face dry. he follows you to his dressing room, feeling a little tired. “what have you been up to?”
“waiting for you.” you respond, opening the door and closing it behind him. he sighs, tiredly sitting in the makeup chair by the mirror. you blink at his state, walking over and placing a hand on his cheek. he stirs. “oh, luka… how much sleep did you get last night?”
“not much.” he groans, rubbing his eyes. you furrow your brows, retracting your hand. “it’s fine. let’s start.”
you blink at him before nodding, beginning your work. luka was probably the best one of your clients when it came to makeup, he cared a lot about his appearance, and he appreciated your work. the only difference with now is that he isn’t giving you some snarky remark or flirting with you through his eyes. he was genuinely sleepy.
“lift your head up higher, luka.” you say, taking the brush away from his face. he only hums out to you, eyes still closed. “luka.”
sighing, you step closer to him, taking his face in your hand and holding his chin up higher. he doesn’t make a sound, only leaning into your palm. “you seriously need to take a nap.”
“mhm.” he says, placing his hands on the back of your knees gently. you squirm in your spot, making him peer open an eye. “i have practice though.”
“it’s a shame.” you sigh, brushing your thumb against his cheek, “you look so pretty when you’re sleeping.”
“creep.” he mutter out.
you roll your eyes, moving the brush tip around his eyelids. he stills for a moment. “i think i overheard one of the producers saying you were losing your voice and that you’re on vocal rest.” you claim, “so shouldn’t you be keeping quiet?”
he nods his head at that after you pull away, his thumbs drawing on the sides of your legs. his blue fingers dance along your pants, listening to you move around. you were delicate with him, no matter how much trouble he caused you. the first time you did his makeup, he complained that he didn’t like it and refused to perform.
but now, he was astounded by how you carefully pat your thumb against his temple, as if soothing him.
“you’re much more bearable when you’re quiet.” you sigh, “it’s such a shame that you’ve got such a pretty voice, and you use it to be annoying.”
he furrows his brows, lifting his head away from you. his eyes open to see your smile. luka rolls his eyes at you, running fingers through his hair. you turn away to grab something from your bag, popping open the bottle and getting ready to use it.
“since you can’t talk, i’ll let you know that i was at mizi’s practice yesterday.” you explain, being careful not to smudge your work as it dries. luka lets out a small sigh. “she was telling me about how she misses homemade food. i told her that she and sua should come over to mine and i’ll make something for them.”
he peeps open an eye again, giving you a look. you raise a brow and sigh, “you said my cooking was good.”
you lift your finger from his cheek, applying the most palest pink you have on him by a loose brush. his skin was so smooth, making your job a lot easier since it wouldn’t take much to make him look presentable.
“it is.” he mumbles out, suddenly moving his arms to lay atop your hips. you sigh through your nose, annoyed at how he ignores his orders to keep quiet. “why’re you cooking for them? they don’t know how to?”
“i didn’t say that, luka.” you huff, pushing his hair off his forehead, “i actually heard from till that mizi is a great cook.”
“that boy only ever sings praises about her.” luka rolls his eyes. you chuckle, knowing he was right. the blonde hugged you closer to himself, cheek squished against your stomach. “what has she ever done to deserve it?”
“don’t be mean. so jealous, luka.” you say to him, smiling softly. he peers up at you before tilting his head.
“me? jealous of her?” he scoffs at you, shaking his head and pulling himself off of you. you were done anyway, now beginning to pack up you belongings. “that’s outrageous of you to say, y/n.”
“seems like it though.” you admit, shrugging your shoulders. when you turn back around to him, luka looks upset. he crosses his arms, pout playing on his lips as he stared at the ground. you sigh, patting his shoulder, “it’s fine, you’re still the world’s favourite human singer.”
“yeah.” he huffs out, barely audible.
you furrow your brows, leaning over and placing a plan on his shoulder. “look, you’re a great singer and you’re handsome. what more could you ask for?”
he mumbles, looking back at you, “do you like me?”
“of course i do.” you reply, scanning his face. he only gives you an unconvinced look. you roll your eyes.
leaning forward to him, you press a chaste kiss to his lips. he stills for a quick second, but soon enough you feel him melt against you. his palm rests against your cheek, pulling you closer. he feels warm when you hold yourself away just enough to kiss him.
his hair has always felt silky smooth. it brushes against your forehead, kissing your skin. his whole body felt like it was pouring itself into you. he wanted to belong.
you pull away before you ruin anymore of his makeup, blinking your eyes a few times at his dazed expression. “i like you, luka.” you say sternly, looking him dead in the eye, “i’m not lying. promise.”
luka thinks to himself for a moment before sighing and standing up. he looks back at you with the tiniest smile. “thanks, y/n.”
“good. now, let’s go. i’ll watch your rehearsals.” you say, patting his back as you walk him to the door. you fix his sleeves, smoothing out the creases.
“good luck, luka.” you chime, standing on the sidelines.
he stares at you for a moment before replying, “thank you.”
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
hcs for tokio hotel when they’re jealous? i know george would be clenching his jaw SO hard and gus would have such a hard ass side eye
Tokio Hotel when they are jealous headcanons
Bill Kaulitz
•hes literally looks like this 🤨
•obviously not at you, but at whoever hes jealous of.
•he sees someone else ‘stealing’ (in his words) your attention away for him and he immediately comes up behind you and hugs you from the back
•pda is not usually his thing, so yk somethings up. You can practically feel his jealously radiating off of him
•if you continue the conversation with the other person, he’ll get impatient and start to leave wet kisses down your neck. And hes making eye contact with the person while doing it
•loves getting you worked up by whispering in your ear
• “babyyyy~ lets go home so I can play with you, hm?”
• “ive been thinking about getting you alone all night…why dont we ditch this asshole and go back to my house?”
Tom Kaulitz
•if anyone’s getting jealous its definitely him
•You’re his. He doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
•definitely takes a more passive aggressive approach
•he wraps his arm around your waist and grabs you by your chin to kiss you right in front of the other person
•then he’ll just casually look at them after and go “oh hey. I didnt notice you here, my bad.” AND HES SMIRKING WHILE SAYING IT. HES SUCH A LITTLE SHIT
•he’ll ask them such ridiculous questions
• “arent they so pretty? Im lucky, I get to date this angel.”
• “wouldn’t you like to take them out on a date? They’re a real sweetheart, very nice to go out with.”
•will randomly stop talking to make out with you?? The other person ends up walking away because they were just sitting there watching Tom shove his tongue down your throat💀
Georg Listing
•silent type of jealous
•he’ll just watch the situation unfold. UNLESS they start getting a little too bold, then he’ll step in
•his jaw is basically locked shut. Hes sucking his cheeks in with frustration every time he sees you smile or laugh at whatever the person said
•eventually he gets sick of watching and hell walk over to where you guys were standing. He wraps his arm around your neck lightly and pulls you to rest your head under his chin
•then he turns the attention away from you and starts a conversation with the person instead
• “hey, who are you again? I don’t think I recognize you. Oh me? Yeah, Im their boyfriend.”
•he wont let anyone flirt with his s/o, especially when its right in front of him🙄
Gustav Schäfer
•literally giving them the biggest stink eye anyones ever seen
•if looks could kill, they would be long gone
•he stands next to you with his arms crossed, occasionally scoffing at whatever the person’s talking about
•he’ll chime in every one in a while to correct them on something just to make them look stupid. Again, hes petty😭
•after a while the person is still not getting the hint that you’re taken, so he’ll put his hand on your ass and lead you away from them before you could finish talking
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lonleydomcatalog · 4 months
Warnings: Msub, Dacryphilia, Afab reader, Pet Names: Love, Pretty Boy, Mommy kink Degradation, Praise, Like one Dick Slap, Mind break, Masochism, BDSM, Mean Fdom
Synopsis: Leaving your subby bf at home tied up with a prostate vibrator shoved up his ass while you go to run errands.
Subby Boys!~ Who pull you back down into bed with them voice heavy with sleepy questions as you try to get up and get ready for the day
Where are you going love~
Subby Boys!~Who try and convince you that you don’t actually have to leave, by kissing you and whispering filth into your ears -speaking a bit too haughty for your liking- when you fall back down into bed with them
“You know you don’t really have to leave Mommy~ you could always just stay here and let me serve you instead, doesn’t that sound sooo much more fun than errands~”
Subby Boys!~Who get upset with you when you tell them no, who immediately turn bratty when they don’t get their way, who start bitching about how you’re no fun and how they bet anyone else would be leaping with joy if a man fell at their feet and offered to serve them
“You’re such a cock block why can’t you skip just this once you can’t you do whatever is soooo- important that you have to leave me, later. Anyone else would be exploding with joy at the thought of using a pretty toy like me~
Subby Boys!~ Who finally realize that you’re not impressed by their teasing and let you get up a pout staining their lips while they follow close behind you -as you continue to ignore their antics- still not ready to accept the fact that you can’t just lay in bed with him all day
Common babe it’s just one day let me be your good boy yeah? I’ll do whatever you want Mommy~
Subby Boys!~ Who try to follow you into the bathroom when you finish gathering everything you need for your shower. Who whine and complain when you push them back out the door only for them to sit there obediently waiting for you to get out anyways.
“Why can’t I come in with you?! I promise I won’t try anything too scandalous~ FINE BE THAT WAY THEN ILL JUST WAIT FOR YOU TO GET OUT.”
Subby Boys!~ Who are just now realizing that they’re losing this battle while sitting outside of the bathroom listening to the pattering rhythms of the shower and are now willing to try anything to get you to stay
Subby Boys!~Who watch a little closer than they should when you exit the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel who whisper
under their breath feeling a hard-on growing in their skin tight shorts as they watch you prance about in your makeshift dress
Subby Boys!~Who can’t resist you anymore, who walk up behind your curved figure pressing his needy cock into the swell of your ass to start grinding against you while he whimpers into your ear
“Mommy p-please don’t f-uck leave me I-I need you s-so bad”
Subby Boys!~Who are willing to take a punishment right now if it means you would pay him even the tiniest bit of your attention who would take anything you do to them with a shit eating grin if it meant that you would stay home with him and touch him
Subby Boys!~ Who know they deserve it and quite frankly deserved it much earlier in their teasing but still aren’t expecting it when you finally snap and give them what they’ve earned.
“You’re so needy that you had to act like a horny puppy and hump my ass. Honestly are you so much of a slut for me that you can’t even behave yourself bitch.”
Subby Boys!~Who let out a deep moan when you turn around and squeeze their cock to stop them from getting off who’s cock still twitches even when held so tightly in your grasp because of the names you call him who reply to you through heavy breaths
“Y-yes ma’am I-I’m your horny fucking bitch I-I love being a slut just for you p-please mommy I need you s-so bad right now”
Subby Boys!~Who wait for you to call them names just so that they can get some sick pleasure from it who want you to order them around who would really do Anything you asked
“You wanted to be my dumb fuck attention whore so bad right? Then how about you back this slutty cock up and strip for me then”
Subby Boys!~Who whimper when you let go of their throbbing cock so that they can strip for you who moan as they do so because they think that they’re finally going to get exactly what they wanted
“So obedient, mommy knew that you could be a good little cock~”
Subby Boys!~Whos face flushes res as he mewls when you slap the tip of his cock watching it bounce back into place before turning back to the closet but this time its not for clothes
Subby Boys!~Who look at you with pleading eyes when you turn back around and he sees what you have in your hands (rope, a prostate vibe and a small bottle of lube) who question
“Mommy are you going use those to punish me”
Subby Boys!~Who groan enjoying the stinging pain of you pulling him down to your eye level by his hair to put him in his place and mockingly give him your next set of instructions
“Shut the fuck up bitch a “pretty little toy” like you shouldn’t be talking. Now go get on the bed and spread that pretty ass for me pet.
Subby Boys!~Who love how harsh you’re being with him who loves how you spit his own words back at him who crawls on the bed arching his back while still on his knees putting himself on an embarrassing display for you
Look at you I knew that even a slut as stupid as you could do it good job~
Subby Boys!~Who thank you for praising him even though your tone is dripping with condescension who moan as you slap his ass making sure to teasingly rub your fingers around his hole
Th-thank you Mommy~
Subby Boys!~Who continue obediently spreading their ass for you while you take your time spreading the lube on your fingers who have to bite the sheets to quiet their moans while you prep their hole for the prostate vibrator
Subby Boys!~Who’s ass is so slutty that when you press the vibe into his hole it goes in with no resistance
Subby Boys!~Who sit still as you start tying the rope into intricate knots that bind his arms behind his back and keep his legs bent so that he can’t clamp them together to get any friction for his poor leaking cock
Subby Boys!~Who let’s out the lewdest noise you’ve ever heard when you finally turn the vibe on
Subby Boys!~Who’s already forgotten that this is a punishment and before long is begging you to cum which you happily obliged
“M-mommy ‘m c-Clos-e can I-i please c-cum”
“Of course~”
Subby Boys!~Who cum hard and loudly when you approve his request who notice that the stimulation isn’t stopping as he starts building up to a new high who don’t notice that you are fully dressed and ready to leave him there until it’s too late and he hears the bedroom door shutting behind you
Subby Boys!~Who still cry for you even after he hears the front door close as well knowing that you can’t hear him
Subby Boys!~Who are still in the same position you left them in when you come back who’ve cum more times than they can count who’s milked dry and broken by the time you get back
Subby Boys!~Who hear the bedroom door open and immediately start moaning for you to help them
“p-pl-ease mom-my mommy m-mommy mommy”
Subby Boys!~Who you shush looking into his pretty crying eyes after you finally turn off the vibrator that has been abusing his prostate for the last three hours, who you comfort for being so good for you
“Shhh it’s okay pretty boy mommy’s here, you did such a great job for me love let mommy get you cleaned up okay?”
Subby Boys!~Who let you take care of them after you’ve removed the rope from his bruised skin and pull the vibe out of his abused hole
Subby Boys!~Who’s tear stained eyes still gaze into yours -while you clean him up- like you hold the world in your hands, even after you subjected him to such torture
Literally mind empty I just wanna ruin someone ☠️
All content was written by lonleydomcatalog~
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astraysimp · 6 months
Heeeyyyyyyyyy. I’m back with another chapter of 9mitm! (This is also me trying to push through my current wave of depression and do something productive instead of cry….hehe..ye) HAVE TISSUES READY
<3 Summary: Chan was nervous about being a dad. Sure he knew he loved you, but you weren’t a couple (yet). But, seeing you with your newborn, introducing her to his band mates ,made him not nervous anymore
Warnings: fwb! To lovers , nervous channie, rest of skz meet baby Haneul, fluff, talk of hospital room(you’re still in hospital since you just had baby Haneul), baby talk, crying(HAPPY), talks of labor/delivery of a baby,fem!reader
Sorry if this is kinda bad…..I’m on the verge of tears as I’m writing this
“I’m pregnant……and it’s yours. That’s all Chan could hear before he blanked out. You were pregnant and it was his baby. “I love you.” Was all you could hear, as you sat across from him on your couch. “What?” You had both said in unison, your jaws dropped. He took a deep breath in, not expecting that news. “H-how far along are you, y/nnie ?” He asked, looking down at your stomach. “About a month.” You whispered, nervously fiddling with your shirt’s hem. “How long have you been uh- in love with me,channie” You asked, looking up at him.Chan knew his answer, though. He’s loved you since the moment you agreed to be friends with benefits, seeing it as his only way to be intimate with you, without having to confess. He knew friends with benefits were supposed to be no strings attached, no feelings. And, that’s why he was scared when he felt himself fall for you. He was petrified. Softly, clearing your throat , you nodded. “Wow…..so it’s been a while,” you whispered. “I -i understand if you don’t feel the same. I just need to get it out there, it’s been eating me alive. I’ve loved you for so long, I want us to be together, you mean the world to me and I don’t want to lose you. He rambled and gently grabbed your hand.
Little did Chan know, you felt the same way, and like him you were too scared to confess.
Smiling, you reached your hand up to caress his cheek, taking him aback. “Oh, Channie. My sweet boy, I love you too. I’ve loved you since we made love for the first time.” You smiled, leaning to kiss his cheek,before pulling back. “Can I tell you something, my love?” You asked, running your thumb over his bottom lip. He nodded, pressing a kiss to the pad of your thumb. “Of course. Want to know everything you’re willing to tell me,” he smiled. “I have only been giving myself to you, and you alone. There is no one else, for me….ever.” You smiled, seeing his light up, a dimpled smile gracing his features before he pulled you in for a long kiss. “Oh honey girl, I haven’t been with or thought of anyone else, other than you. You’re it for me, and now we have a baby.” He smiled, whispering against your lips.
Not just a baby…….his baby.
Pregnancy wasn’t easy. The first trimester was aggressive on you, constantly hitting you with morning sickness, food aversions, mood swings. It was tiring on your body. You and Chan thought that it’d get easier , the further along you got. Some things did and some things didn’t. The further along you got, the more your body would ache, the less your normal clothes would fit. It was a rollercoaster. However, Chan was there through everything, suggesting you move in with him. So you did, when you were 5 months in—but, he practically moved you in with him right after you told him you were pregnant and in love with him.
The third trimester was,probably, the hardest. Moving was difficult, your bump making your back ache, with its weight . Your cravings were all over the place. You asking him, “Baby, can you get me pickles and ice cream,” at 3am or whatever weird combination you wanted. But,every time he smiled, placing a kiss to your bump, “what baby wants, baby gets,” was his reply and 5 minutes later, he’d return with your request. He thought he wasn’t nervous, until your water broke and you cried out, “Channie!The baby’s coming!”
He was nervous on the drive to the hospital, constantly glancing at you as you cried in pain. You writhed, “Channie, hurry, it hurts.” Speeding, he pushed the gas, weaving through traffic as his heart raced. “Okay, baby. I’ll go as fast as I can.” He said, nervously tapping the steering wheel.
Chan was nervous as you were administered into your room. A baby bassinet in the corner, birth certificate on the table, and you were in the bed, a fetal monitor and heart monitor around your stomach. His heart was pounding…..he was really going to be a dad. But, suddenly you cried out as a contraction coursed through you, causing you to hunch over in pain.”Channie! Chan it hurts!’ And he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. “I know, honey. Just squeeze my hand, okay?” He cooed, as you tucked your head into his chest, feeling another contraction coming…
7 hours 28 minutes, that’s how long your labor had been.
7 hours of it being contractions, getting an epidural and you crying, writhing in pain as you waited to be the full 10cm dilated.. Chan was there through it all though. Holding your hands when you groaned in pain, as every contraction ripped through your body, an immense amount of pressure felt in your pelvis. He held your hand as you got your epidural,but seeing the needle made him nervous. It was a big needle, leaving a catheter in your back to administer the medication. The sight of the needle alone made him wince. How were you getting through this?
28 minutes
Then came the pushing and he was suddenly more nervous than before. In a matter of minutes, your baby would be here. You would be parents and he would be a dad. He was nervous. Chan was by your bedside the whole time, his hand —tightly— locked in yours. Your legs were held up, head burrowed into your chest as you cried. “Chan! I can’t do this, I can’t!’ You wailed, the pressure feeling too much. Whimpering softly, he kissed the top of your head , “you can do this baby. Our baby will be here soon.” He soothed, pressing a cool cloth to your forehead. You shook your head, looking up at him with tear filled eyes. “No , it hurts too much, Channie. Can’t do it,” you cried as he frowned at you. “My girl, you’re so strong and you’re doing so good. I’m right here and soon so will baby wolf be.” He smoothed your hair, as another urge to push came and you tucked your chin to your chest.
28 minutes and 10 pushes later, shrill cries sounded through the hospital room and a crying baby girl was placed on your chest. “Congratulations, you have a healthy beautiful baby girl,” the nurse smiled at you and Chan. All you could do was, cry, you hand coming up to rest on her back. “Hi angel, it’s mommy. I can’t believe you’re here,” you cried, as the nurses whisked her away, recording her length, weight and footprints. Soon enough, the nurse brought her back , swaddled in a soft pink blanket and a hat on her head. Gently laying the baby in your arms,”what’s her name?” With teary eyes, you and Chan replied. “Haneul.”
Haneul Bahng, 23 inches, 7lbs 10 ounces.
“Baby Bahng is here.”
He texted his group chat with his band members. He smiled and sat beside you on the bed.You placed Haneul into Chan’s arms, watching as he looked down at her,.She looked so small in his arms. Gently humming, Chan rocked Haneul in his arms. “Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she precious , less than one minute old.” He sang, looking at you before continuing. “And i never thought that we’d be making one as lovely as she. Isn’t she lovely,made from love?” He smiled. He sang that same song to you when you were still pregnant, feeling it fit you and him so well. He never thought he’d get to call you his, or father a baby with you. Sure, he’d dreamt of it, hoping it would someday happen but now it was reality.
Gently pressing a kiss to both yours and Haneul’s foreheads, he sniffled before he passed her back into your arms. “Hi my angel. Welcome to the world,” Chan whispered, as Haneul’s eyes opened, taking in the world around her. “Such a pretty girl, you are, Haneul.” He cooed, her big brown eyes looking back at him. You smiled as Chan reached a finger out to her, letting her hold it in her hand. “My precious girls.” But he still felt nervous. This was all so new to him.
20 minutes later, soft knocks hit the door and his band mates were peeking their heads in. “Hi. Can we come in?” Minho asked, with a soft smile on his face. Han nodded, holding a gift bag filled with baby stuff in his hand. “Yeah, I heard a special someone is here,” he added. Chan smiled, looking at you, where you were cradling Haneul in your arms. “Come in, guys. Be quiet though. Y/n is tired.” Chan said, as they all shuffled in. Hearing them enter, you looked up and smiled,”Hi guys. We have someone for you to meet,” you giggled. They all perked up, seeing the bundle in your arms, they set all their gifts down and rushed to your bedside.”Wah, she’s so tiny,” Changbin giggled, tearing up. Jeongin nodded, “she’s precious. Look at her little nose.”Nodding,Chan walked over, sitting on the other side of your bed.”Meet your niece, bros.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead. You smiled, sitting up and turning her to face them. “Guys…..meet Haneul Bahng.” You smiled, rocking her in your arms.
“Wah, she looks like a perfect mix of you and Chan hyung,”Felix cooed, watching as her eyes opened, looking at all of them. Hyunjin nodded, “She’s so quiet and small.” He whispered, reaching out to stroke a finger over her hand. “C-can I hold her?” Seungmin whispered, looking at you. Nodding your head, you smiled and gently placed her in his arms. “Careful, Seung,” you whispered as he smiled, blinking tears back. “Careful, you’re holding my world, there.”Chan interjected, gently pulling you into his side. Seungmin nodded, awestruck of how someone so small could have such a grip on him. “Hi, Haneul. I’m uncle Seungmin. I’ve waited so long to meet you.” He cooed, gently kissing her forehead. “Me next,” Felix smiled, arms already ready to hold Haneul. Seungmin, then, gently placed her in Felix’s arms. “ Hi angel girl, I’m your uncle Felix, but you can call me bbokie or uncle lixie.” He smiled and ran a finger over her cheek, ever so tenderly.
The next hour was spent by the rest of the band members taking turns to cuddle baby Haneul. Finally, she was gently placed back in your arms, as Chan sat beside you, his arm around your shoulders. “How does it feel, to be a parent?” Han asked, as they all looked at you and Chan. “It feels surreal. We’ve waited for so long and now that’s she’s here? It feels surreal but so amazing,” Chan said, as you nodded. “Yeah, to go from feeling her kicks and talking to her in my tummy, to actually holding her and seeing her little features, in person…..it’s such a beautiful feeling. Seeing how she grew with ultrasounds tells you that hey..I’m having a baby. But, getting to see her with my own eyes,and feel her skin with my hands, is surreal. It’s unreal.” You added, tearing up. It was true. Seeing the ultrasounds and feeling her kicks was nothing compared to having her in your arms.
Suddenly, seeing you with your baby, Chan felt his heart stop racing. He wasn’t nervous anymore. His dreams came true, he got you and now you have Haneul. He was ready to take on the new role of daddy. He could do this, as long as he had you by his side. Chan wasn’t nervous about changing dirty diapers, or waking up at 2 am to feed her. He was ready for it, because you would be with him experiencing it together.
<3<3 Please do not steal,copy,translate, modify, repost, claim or paraphrase my works, you will be blocked <3 AStraySimp 2023<3<3
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heartsiez · 2 years
you accidentally confess to the boys without even noticing. but oh, do they notice.
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⌗ xiao, kazuha, ajax/childe x gn!reader (separate)
⌗ fluff
part 2 (albedo, diluc and scaramouche)
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- xiao
“why must you be so weak…” he sighed as he tucked the blanket up to your neck.
you had gotten sick while out fighting. apparently, cryo slimes actually carry sicknesses and now you were suffering from over-fighting them. you were so sweaty, yet you felt so cold and your head had a sharp pain like someone was stabbing at it repeatedly.
xiao placed the back of his hand up to your forehead as your eyes glazed over him with your eyelids struggling to stay open. “just sleep. you’re lucky i was here to take care of you,” he closed his eyes and leant away from you. “but now i must leave. i have business to take care of.”
“do you.. do you have to?” your breath was shaky as you struggled to speak with your throat burning. “yes, i must.” xiao replied standing up from the bed, walking over to your side. “just… call out my name if you really need me.”
you nodded opening your mouth to say something else before he shook his head. “it’s better if you don’t speak. if you speak it means you only get worse and that means more work for me.” you tried to give a glare to him but it only came out as a weak haze. “sleep. it’s what you really need.” he sighed.
as he started to walk away, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. “what?” xiao raised an eyebrow like he was annoyed at the action. truly, he could’ve just easily pulled his arm away with the weak grip you set on him, but he didn’t want to. plus, you were too sick to even notice the fact that he wanted to stay with you, so he took the advantage he’d been granted.
“do you care for me?” you whispered looking at him the fullest you were able to. “care for you?” he gave you a weird look. “of course i care for you i—… i care for most mortals. it’s part of my job to protect them.” xiao hesitated to answer.
you let out a chuckle, “yes.. protect from harm not take care of when sick.” you smirked. he cleared his throat, trying to think of an excuse to answer before he died of humiliation. maybe you being sick didn’t stop that curiosity that he hated oh so much (spoiler alert, he loves it). “i am merely protecting your health from harm.”
“would you do this for anyone else?” you questioned with a croaky voice, your eyes fighting for their life to stay open as you waited for his reply.
xiao stood there tensing. no, of course he wouldn’t do this for anyone else, only you, but he wouldn’t tell you that. though, nor can he lie to you either because you’d see right through him. “look, i have to take my leave.” his voice softened when he saw you on the brink of sleep.
you gave out a small smile to him and xiao swore his heart leaped inside of his chest. “i.. i love you.” your voice whispered out hoarse before your grip on his wrist loosened and fell to the side of the bed.
xiao froze in his spot and his eyes widened, heart feeling tight. you loved him? loved him? him? you reciprocated his feelings that you didn't know he felt for you? was this a joke?
no, it wouldn’t be. you wouldn’t joke about these things and you were too weak to even think about playing some joke right now. though, maybe that was the problem. maybe your mind was just fogged up so bad that you mixed him up with someone else.
but that can’t be. xiao watched you from afar to see if you had any love interests and there was nobody. so were you being true? did you actually love him back?
he needed to get out of the bedroom asap. it felt so suffocating that if he were to stay in there any longer, his body would’ve woken you up and he’d force all his questions onto you. xiao ran outside to the balcony and breathed in the nights cool air, feeing his shoulders loosen and his breathing become lighter and quieter.
he jumped up onto the railing and looked back into the room, you lying down on the bed dreaming about whatever wonder you were dreaming about.
xiao couldn’t help the small smile of joy that claimed his face. he didn’t mind your small confession, not one bit. maybe finally he could open up his heart and learn how to love,
with you.
- kazuha
“oh my y/n…” he muttered with a small chuckle as his eyes followed your sloppy actions at the table.
you had gotten into a drinking contest with venti, and somehow, won. he had gotten 7 intakes and you had gotten 8. though, once venti saw you were indeed a lightweight, he flew out of there faster than the wind leaving kazuha to deal with your drunken self. not that he minded.
“mmh, my heaf hurfts, sort ofh, i shink…” you slurred out, resting your head on the table right in front of kazuhas hands.
“sort of?” he smiled. “i’d say it would hurt a lot.. you did have multiple drinks.” kazuha lifted your head to inspect your face, angling his head to look at the different sides of you. you blushed at the contact he gave you and leaned in more, liking the feeling of his hand. "oh? you're turning red. are you hot maybe? let me get you a drink." he spoke out putting his hand to your forehead.
he let go of you and stood up from the table, going over to diluc at the counter. kazuha spoke to him for a few minutes, the two men looking over like they were talking about you. a few seconds passed and he was handed over a glass of water.
kazuha made his way back and sat down next to you, handing over the glass. "here, this should help sober you up a bit and maybe cool you down." he smiled as you took the water from him. "unfortunately, diluc didn't have any medicine that could clear you up faster, my apologies."
your mind blanked for a second seeing him smile and you spilt half the water down your body. kazuha quickly grabbed some napkins that laid on the table and tried drying your chest. he trailed with the napkin down your torso until he reached the top of your thighs, close to your crotch area where it was clearly most damp.
you could see how he was distracted drying this area of your body which shot a boost of confidence and tease into you, those feelings almost taking over your intoxicated feeling.
you held his collar and dragged him up to you, your eyes level with his. you just stared at him, gaze almost making him a bit scared if it weren't for the slight desire he could see swimming bigger in your eyes.
"you're cuteee... you know that?" dragging on your word with a smile. kazuhas ears turned red as he just blinked at you. words seemed to of disappeared from his knowledge. "i uhm— he cleared his throat. “thank.. you." he shifted a bit when he saw your smile grow wider.
you pulled away from him as you felt your body grow dizzy. kazuha noticed almost instantly by the way you gripped onto the table and your pupils grew wide. "you knoww.." your words started as you made eye contact with him. kazuha moved his arms around you so if you did black out, you wouldn't go slam right into the wooden table.
you put your hand on his arm which was around your waist area and moved your lips only a few from his. "i love you…kazuuuu'." you blabbered out as your body finally shut down.
your head and body had fell flat onto kazuha. you probably would've slipped onto the ground if it weren't for the way his arm had tensed hard around you.
he wasn't surprised, no. he knew you had feelings for him. but what he didn't know was that you loved him. of course he loved you too, too much at least, but he never confessed because he didn't know your feelings were as deep as his.
but then again you were heavily intoxicated and you probably didn't even mean your words, better yet even know what you said. he sighed at the feeling in his stomach. kazuha wanted to be happy, he'd be overjoyed if this were any other situation different then this one. but he just didn't know if you meant those words.
it only then hit him that there was pressure on his hand, kazuha looked down and saw yours entwined with his while your other was gripping onto his waist softly.
“kazuha..” you let out the muffled word as you drooled onto his shirt. his cheeks fluttered a light red and a small smile appeared on his face. how did he think otherwise? drunken words, sober thoughts.
kazuha tightened his grip on your hand and changed your position to be more comfortable. yeah, he had nothing to worry about. he thought as he smiled, picking you up to leave the tavern.
- ajax (childe)
"shit, did i really have to come with you?" you groaned out shivering even under the hundreds of layers you were wearing. "i appreciate that your siblings love me and want me to come see them, but i also appreciate them coming to me where its much warmer."
"ah, you'll get used to it quick y/n! you've just got to come with me every time i come back to snezhnaya." ajax replied, bumping into your shoulder.
you snorted at his words. "funny joke aj." you rolled your eyes until you saw that he was dead serious and your grin dropped slightly. "i am not coming with you to this region that's freezing my ass off while i can't even handle the cold in liyue." you deadpanned.
"what a shame, it would've been nice having your company in my homeland." you gave a quiet, 'uh-huh' and quickened your pace in the snow. "you do know i only bring the closest here right?" ajax spoke, running up to you to put his arm on your shoulder and pull you in.
"you bring your closest people to a region where its colder than cold and where there's danger spying on them in every corner?" you slowly moved yourself closer into the side of his body. to be warm of course, nothing else.
"no, i mean to see my family. they're very important to me and bringing you to see them in my home means that you're someone i can trust." he smiled looking at you. "so, have you brought anyone else to see your family before?" you felt a feeling inside you grow.
"of course i haven't, you've been the only friend i can actually full on trust. yeah i trust the traveller but its a different type of trust, y'know? it's not a close one." and you felt that awful feeling die down inside you as your face let out a smile and you nodded.
you were about to say something until an ice breeze hit you two, you felt like you were almost going to turn into a block of ice right then and there. "fuck, are you okay y/n?" ajax pulled you to his front to take a good look at you.
"can we.. can we go inside somewhere?" you questioned as your body was shivering hard. "yeah, yeah, but the closest place is some small hotel. is that okay?"
you nodded hesitantly and gripped onto his shoulders as he picked you up. ajax made his way quickly to the building he spoke about, the owners already recognising him, let him in with ease. he dropped you down on the bed and threw the blankets on your body. you glared at him for the roughness.
"wow, is that my thank you for saving you from frost bite?" ajax snickered. your glare decapitated and you let out a small groan and pat the spot next to you. "come, sit here. i don't know how you're even surviving standing away from this warm bed." you spoke.
he made his way over to the spot you patted for him and sighed. "years y/n, years have i been here getting used to it. where my home is and where my work is. i'm bound to become accustomed to this weather." he shrugged.
"don't. you sound like an old man reminiscing about the olden days you lived." you laughed out. ajax just stared at you until you stopped laughing. "you have a nice laugh." he smiled at you.
your cheeks turned a light shade of pink, shaking your head to get rid of this feeling in front of him. "you always hear me laugh though?" you questioned him.
"yeah, but this laugh is different." ajax tilted his head at you. "so you're saying my other laughs suck?" you raised your eyebrows with a fake expression to make it look like you're offended.
"well..." ajax trailed off with a teasing smirk. you scoffed and pulled the pillow from behind him into your hands and threw it onto his face. he turned around to you and glared, snatching the pillow and slamming it back onto you.
"you can't do that!" you frowned. "that was my karma to you, you can't do it back." rolling your eyes. ajax laughed at you as he threw another pillow flat into your lap. you were about to pick it up from its place on your legs until he smashed another onto your face and you flew back from the force. you were about to fall off the bed (that was unusually high) and started flailing your legs around.
ajax, realising what he'd done, shot himself across the bed and gripped onto your waist pulling you back. your shoulders to your head dangled off the edge of the bed as you kicked him in the gut making him grunt. “i hate you so much.” you said in a frustrated tone.
pulling yourself up to sit in front of him, you were met with his concerned eyes. “shit, that wasn’t meant to happen. you literally would’ve broken something if you fell off that high.” he broke out into laughter, not noticing the way your eyes were dazed by him.
and he was talking about your laugh? his laugh made you fall into these emotions you had felt for him even harder. “i don’t hate you.” you spoke out suddenly. ajax gave you a confused look. “well, i’d hope you don’t hate—”
“i don't hate you, i love you.” your mouth blurted making you gasp. you felt your body deflate as you saw his expression, wide eyes and his lips slightly parted. "pardon?" he gasped out.
you swallowed your fears. you've already said it so it's too late to back out now, you thought. "i love you, ajax." straightening out your posture. "i..." he just blinked.
fuck. he didn't feel the same did he? "look, it's fine if you don't have the same feelings. it totally is!" you pause, hoping he'd at least say something but he just sat in front of you like a deer in headlights. you looked out the window behind him and saw it was breaking out into dusk. "i should probably go now anyways.. it would be too late to visit your family and we can't really go anyways since its still blizzarding."
you were about to push yourself off the bed until a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. you turned your body around only to see your face inches from ajax. "are you o--" your words died down when he placed his lips up against yours. it was soft and warm, making you fall into him more.
he caressed your neck while gripping your mid-torso. when you pulled away he trailed after you. "want more, huh?" you smirked at him. ajax smiled, "maybe i do." he spoke shrugging his shoulders.
"so, i'm guessing you feel the same?" you asked him. "no i just kiss people on the lips out of nowhere in a friendly matter." he replied sarcastically. you rolled your eyes and leaned against him, pushing all your weight on him to try and topple him over (spoil alert; it didn't work). he wrapped his arm around your back, squishing you into his side.
"but yes, i do love you." ajax confirmed looking at you sweetly with a smile.
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⌗ why is kazuhas part such a flop... also this has been sitting in my drafts for a good minute so i decided to finish this during class and it was rushed SORRY
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mommymccabe · 10 months
Ooh, ive got one, Katie McCabe x reader, where Katie basically spends every bit of free time shes not training or with friends flirting with and trying to fluster the reader despite her stormy stoic nature and it turns out the reader is just a really big softie for katie but tries really hard to hide it in front of the others. That's not all I've got for it, but I'll leave it entirely for you to perceive and deduce the plot and stuff 😅
Pairing: Katie McCabe x reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
Summary: Katie is always getting under your skin, you finally get her back.
Word count: 800
an: i apologise for the wait, i’ve been sick and had no motivation but im working through the requests. hope you enjoy :) x
Training today had been exhausting and really took it out of you. As you and Leah walk to the change rooms, you feel someone run up behind you and wrap their arms around you. You jump and scream, trying to get away until you hear;
‘Calm down y/l/n, it’s just me.’ Katie says with a smirk.
You turn and face her with an unimpressed look on your face.
‘Katie stop fucking doing that. You give me a heart attack every time.’ You whine
‘But it’s so so funny to see you freak out.’ Katie laughs, Leah joining her.
You turn to look at your best friend.
‘Really? Rude!’ You yell.
Leah simply shrugs at you before continuing walking to the change rooms, you and Katie following closely behind.
‘You know, you looked really hot out there. Gotta say, watching you run around and just dominate. Very attractive’ The Irish woman states from beside you.
She always does that, makes comments like that to get under your skin, get a rise out of you. It always works. You always end up a blushing, shy mess despite trying your best to keep your composure. She just does something to you, it’s hard to explain.
You don’t make eye contact with her as you continue walking, you hear Leah let out a giggle in front of you and as you arrive at the change rooms, a loud bang is followed by a loud;
‘Shut it Leah!’ from you, confusing the rest of the team in the change room.
As the three of you walk in, all eyes are on you, making your scowl disappear as you walk straight over to your locker and sit down. A quick moment of eye contact with everyone has them averting their gaze and focusing on what they’re doing.
‘So y/n, you free tonight?’ Katie asks with a smile.
‘Nope, got a hot date’ You reply quickly.
All eyes are back on you. You never go out, maybe to a team bonding night once a week but you rarely go anywhere to anyone else’s knowledge.
‘Oh yeah? what a lucky lady’ Katie says with a wink.
‘Whatever McCabe’ you mumble paired with an eye roll before looking at the ground, a small smile taking over your face.
You and Katie had been dating for 6 months, yet no one on the team knew, not even Leah. You felt bad for lying to your best friend but you wanted to get to know Katie on your own before making a big deal out of your relationship. But her nonstop comments and flirting makes you feel giddy and so in love. You try your best to hide it from the rest of the team but it’s getting harder.
‘You’re going on a date!?’ Leah asks from your left.
‘Yes I am. Is that really surprising? Jeez thanks guys’ you mumble with a laugh.
‘Yeah! It is! You never go anywhere, must be one special gal’ Caitlin pipes up from across the room and her and Steph share a look.
‘Nah, she’s okay’ you say nonchalantly, watching Katie out of the corner of your eye.
You watch her roll her eyes before she quickly says,
‘I could treat you better’ with a cocky smirk as she makes eye contact with you, arms resting on her knees, showing off her muscular arms. The sight has you starstruck. You can’t help but admire her beauty and body. Damn were you lucky. A quick blush takes over your face before you focus on packing your bag. You don’t respond and watch as everyone laughs at Katie’s confidence. You both talked about telling the team last night, you just didn’t expect her to be so bold with it and she definitely wasn’t expecting you to say;
‘Well, considering it’s you taking me out, i’m not sure it works like that, love’ you say with a proud smile on your face.
You watch with amusement as Katie is now the one blushing and stuttering. The team around you erupts with questions and shocked looks.
‘You two are dating??’ Leah nearly screams.
You just laugh before walking over to Katie, pulling her in for a quick kiss before walking out of the room.
‘What the actual fuck just happened’ Steph says as the room explodes with questions directed at Katie. You continue down the hall with a smile on your face followed by a;
‘Y/n you little shit’ as Katie leaves the room as quick as she can and catches up to you.
At least the team knows now.
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jarofstyles · 11 months
Oh Baby, Baby! 4
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It’s been a very long time but 🤭🤭🤭 here we go! Oh baby, part 4!
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writing!
Warnings: pregnancy
WC: 3.6k
Harry was absolutely insane.
Y/N was positive about that. She sat on the couch as she watched him bob about the kitchen, installing baby locks. Baby locks- and her bump was still little. Despite all of this, though, she found it stupidly attractive. His desire to be a dad, his dedication to the baby that was just a tiny little seed inside of her stomach, his already overprotective soul, it made her fall just a bit deeper.
The shift had been evident and obvious and neither of them had any awkwardness about it. It was no longer two best friends making a child- they were in it together. Harry was just as dedicated to Y/N as he was to their child. She had found that out relatively quickly. When they’d gone to the bar to meet up with their friends, Y/N and Harry both sipping on plain sodas as they caught up with people. He had gone to the bar to get her a bowl of cherries that she had been obviously craving since he had caught her looking at longingly in Sarah’s drink. He’d been approached by a very pretty girl that had her stomach twisting, seeing her place her hand on his arm which she had wanted to rip off violently. He had taken the slip of paper from her and nodded before heading back with the cherries he had paid a stupid amount for.
She had been quiet with his return, his heavy arm sloping around her shoulder like nothing had happened. He sunk back into his comfortable space, kissing the side of her head as she took one of the cherries to pop in her mouth. It felt bit hard to swallow when she did, the burning in her gut outweighing the sweetness of the cherry. Y/N hadn’t been able to hold back, turning to him after staying quiet for a bit.
“Are y’gonna go for it?” She asked,, trying to feign nonchalance. She had done a very poor job of it, though. Y/N was never one with believable poker faces. Harry could read her like a book.
“Who? Girl at the bar?” He asked with a quirked brow, shaking his head at her irritation when she nodded. Her slight pout and her irritated brows made him want to coo at her. She was so cute. “Why the hell would I do that when you’re right next to me? You’re the mother of my child. I dont need to look elsewhere. I adore you.” He turned her face, pinching her chin and pressing his lips to hers firmly for a chaste but loaded kiss. “Threw it in the trash on the way back. Told her I was an expecting father. Don’t need to go searching anywhere else.”
And that was that.
Now, doting dad and committed… boyfriend? Partner? Whatever their label was, he was exceedingly good at it. Phenomenal, really. He kept the fridge stocked with jars of the sweetened cherries and switched his cologne to a less spicy one because as much as she liked the other one, her pregnancy hormones absolutely could not stand it. He made sure to set up tea for her and get coffee if out because mournfully she was also sick whenever she smelled it. She was just hormonal and unhappy that someone else had hit on him.
Y/N had been grumpy lately. She didn’t mean to be, but with bouts of morning sickness and her breasts feeling a bit tender, a weird craving for fried chicken tenders with peanut butter, she felt irritated all the time. There wasn’t much anyone could do for that. That didn’t mean Harry deserved to be on the receiving end of her grumpiness, though. She felt a bit bad as she watched him walk back over to test out the locks, not seeming to be bothered by it visibly but… she knew he valued her a lot and the last thing she wanted was for him to think she was being mean in purpose.
Tears grew in her eyes, the sting making her even more upset. She kept fucking crying and she had been lucky to keep it from him this far, but it had only been a matter of time. A quiet sniffle was accompanied by rubbing over her eyes, not wanting tears to fall before she spoke. “I’m sorry, H.” She said, trying her best to keep her voice steady. Harry had quickly turned to look at her, concern etching over his features as he returned back to her side. “I shouldn’t have tried to start a fight. It’s not fair and you’re s-so lovely to me and I get scared you’re going to find someone who isn’t pregnant and whiny and eats weird things-“ she hiccuped, glassy eyes looking at his beautiful hands. It was hard to face him.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Y/N was full of emotion lately but Harry had thought he made it clear that he wasn’t ever going to leave. “Sweet girl… hey.” He grabbed her chin with his thumb, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. “I’m not upset. I didn’t even know you had seen that. I’d never do that. I don’t want to. What I want is right here.” He moved to cup her cheek, wiping away a tear that had fallen down her cheek. Her stuttered breathing had him squatting in front of her, getting them eye level. This needed to be cleared up.
As much as he had been thorough in telling her that she was his, he hadn’t been proper in his declaration of need for her. “Look at me.” His instruction got her to look right at his eyes, a harsh swallow taken as she held her breath. “There is no one else. Maybe it’s my fault for not being clear, but I’m yours. Your partner in all of this, if you’ll have me.” Gentle strokes of the damp skin and the shaky breath exhaled as she took another second to absorb his words. “We made a sweet little baby inside of you, we’ve bonded but… m’not just here for the baby. I’m here for you. You’re what I want, and I’m sorry that I haven’t outright said it yet. I thought you knew how much I utterly adore you.” He got on his knees between her legs, still able to look at her face on as he brought her face towards him.
Delicately, he kissed over her skin. Feather light, soft and breezy, he kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyelids as she closed them to feel his affection. He was so serious about her that it grounded her a bit. Finally letting her body unclench, leaning her face into the pecks when he finished off with her lips. “I adore you too.” She mumbled back, holding on to his wrists. “I’m sorry. I- I kind of knew but we never spoke about it and when I saw you talking to her my mind panicked a little bit.” It was silly of her. Harry was right in saying he had made it clear she was his- her still slightly over sensitive cunt was proof of that alone- but the lack of clarification had gotten to her.
“Don’t need an apology from you. I know that if I saw a man talking to you, flirting… handing you his number? I’d be very annoyed. Not at you, but.. the idea. It pisses me off and probably wasn’t fun for you to watch.” He sighed, pulling back slightly to stare at her. “M’here for you and little baby inside of you. You both are my world. And I don’t want you questioning it again. Alright?” He squeezed her cheeks slightly with his hands, making her laugh through the last of her emotional tears.
“Got it.” She sniffed, welcoming the kiss he paired it with. “I- I still don’t think we need baby locks yet.”
“S’called being proactive, my darling.” He chuckled against her mouth. “Keep up.”
Harry’s hand was threaded through hers as they left the appointment. Y/N was happy that as she was in her second trimester, but even more so, she was amused at her boyfriends antics.
He was diligent and doting on her, more than he had ever been before. The friend she had before had erupted from his cocoon, showing her a new side to him that she hadn’t anticipated. Protective, present, and so damn affectionate. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her. It wasn’t just sexually, either. The man always had his hand on her, lips pressing against some part of her body, fingers tangled with hers. It was very new, but very welcomed.
“So… soon they’ll be able to hear.” Harry mumbled as they walked towards the car. “So we’re going to have to play them some good music. Got to be careful what my child consumes because I will not have a kid with bad music taste.” He gave Y/N a look. “No radio for right now. I’ve got playlists, going to get the family plan for Spotify or something and then y’can use that.”
Y/N laughed under her breath, approaching his black SUV with a shake of the head. “Harry, I adore you, but please.” She gave him a look. “They’re going to be perfect. With a father like you, there’s no damn way our child isn’t going to know the ups and downs of rock n’ roll history.” Harry was quick to open up the passenger side door, holding on to her hand as he helped her get into the seat. “Besides, it’s mainly my heartbeat they’ll hear. They won’t start hearing a lot of external noise until the end of this trimester.” He had been on the baby websites.
“I know that. But we have to be safe, don’t we?” He was deadly serious, too. “We don’t know the exact time they’ll be able to hear it so…” he shrugged, making sure she was buckled before closing the door. Harry was already an active parent and Y/N couldn't fault him for that.
When he was in his seat and buckled, his hand moved the car into gear before finding its new favorite spot on her thigh. It still gave her little butterflies to feel him touch her so intimately, so casually. These adjustments had made her exceptionally happier in the last few weeks.
“What did you want for lunch, petal?” He asked softly, the music playing lowly after Harry adjusted the playlist. “Is it still chicken tenders? Or are you wanting something else?” The cravings had varied lately. Harry was never sure what exactly to get her so he waited for explicit instructions so they didn’t waste time or money.
“Can I have Taco Bell?” She asked, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. “Want one of the freeze things and.. maybe we get the taco box? With all the tacos so we can have it for later too?” Her stomach was growling, in desperate need of some food. “Want some of the chips and cheese too. Maybe 2. Your child is making me stupidly hungry.” The grumble made him laugh. It was very much his fault, and he wouldn’t change it.
“Course we can. Tomorrow I’m going to the grocery so I can get us some good food at home. Strawberries and greens for your smoothies.” While Harry was never one to dictate how she ate, he did encourage her to eat healthy when possible. He would cook for them since they’d basically moved in together, but Y/N was feeling too lazy to cook most of the time.
“Hm. Yeah, I think that’s good. I’d like some crisps and stuff to make dip… maybe some rice. I’ve been craving baby carrots with ranch a few times but we didn’t have it.” It hadn’t been so much that she would ask him to go out and get it. She was still able to go but Harry did like to take care of her so far. It had been a bit of an adjustment but she was learning to love it. “Y’know, you’re spoiling me. Going to make a monster out of me. I’m liking this ‘having Harry go to the shops’ thing.” Her grin was wide as she looked over to him in time to see him fondly roll his eyes.
“Well… I’m going to take care of you. You’re my girl, you’re carrying my baby. I’ve always liked spoiling you. Just didn’t do it as much because it would have been a bit weird.” He admitted. The sun was high in the sky and the clouds fluffy and white. The air was warm enough for them to have the windows down a bit as they drove, and Harry really felt like his heart was full. Just getting to experience this and spoil Y/N the way he had always had a weird itch to do? It was fulfilling a spot in his chest that had been vacant for a while.
“That’s good then. I like being spoiled so I think this could work out.”
The call of his name from across the house had him jolting, running from the kitchen where he had been preparing their meal, up the steps and down the hall to their bedroom. You never yelled for him like that. His brain had been on auto pilot, running over as fast as he could in his socks- dangerous- to find Y/N standing with wide eyes as their folded laundry sat in sorted piles on the bed.
Her hands were over her bump, visible in the cornflower blue dress that hung over her form. Her eyes were wide as she turned to look at him, mouth open as he approached. His hands immediately grabbed her face, looking her over. “What? What’s wrong?” He pressed. “Baby- y’cant yell for me like that and not tell me. Is there something wrong?”
“No! I don’t- I don’t think so?” She squeaked. “I felt them move! Like… s’not a kick or anything but it felt real this time! Not just the flutters. It’s like… squirming?” Her eyes were wide as she looked down at her belly, the shock of truly feeling their baby moving around inside of her taking her for a ride. “I didn’t mean to worry you but I just- I panicked and was excited. I’m sorry.” The woman hadn’t meant to worry him too much.
Harry felt himself melt in both relief and happiness at the clarification. His heart rate could finally slow down. Perching himself on the end of the bed, he was mindful of the laundry piles as he pulled her body in between his legs. “I’m not angry, Angel. Not in the slightest. You just scared me. Thought something was wrong. M’much happier with this result.” Hands moved from her hips to over her forming bump, stroking over it tenderly.
She had told him about flutters recently, how they’d made her excited- but this was a very new and exciting development. “I didn’t want you to miss out.” She peeped, looking down at him. “In case you could feel something. I know you love them a lot already and I didn’t want to keep the first couple times.”
Harry was in love. He knew that before, but her little moment now had solidified it even more. His lips pressed over the clothed belly, tilting his head up to look at her with his eyes full of fondness. “Thank you. I researched it and I don’t think I’ll be able to feel much until the end of this trimester, but I love that you wanted to tell me.” The moment had been more than enough for him. “What did it feel like to you, though? Tell me.” Holding her body to him and his chin against the bump, he listened intently.
“It was like… I don’t know exactly. They were squirming and bumped into the side of the wall? It’s hard to explain. It freaked me out at first.” A breathy left slightly moved his face as it rested on the belly. “Because I sometimes forget that there’s a real human in there growing. It’s incredible, isn’t it?” She placed her hands over his. “Like a little flower. Planted the seed and now the sprout is growing a flower.”
“Hm. Little sprout? I like that.” He turned to whisper into her belly. “Do you like that, Sprout? S’a cute little name your Mumma and I can call you. We’re going to find out if you’re a girl or boy later on but… it’s better than calling you ‘baby’, hm?” Harry more than liked that. “Can choose to be whatever you’d like, but think you’re going to be stuck with the Sprout nickname forever. S’already stuck. You’re going to be married with children and I’ll be calling you it.” He joked, rubbing her hips as he looked back up at Y/N.
She was so beautiful. Sometimes it struck him in the chest, like right now, how lucky he was to have been given her by chance. She had suggested this and they hadn’t anticipated this sort of thing happening, but it was the best thing to ever happen to him. She had that pregnancy glow, the beam of her smile. No more morning sickness and instead getting to enjoy her bump for a while. The leg cramps hurt a bit, but she and Harry worked on it with the massagers and vitamins. She was truly thriving, and he was elated.
“You’re so lucky, Sprout. Me and you. We get your Mumma, and she’s the most perfect woman. You will be grateful when you come out to meet her.” He felt her gentle hands stroke through his messy hair as he continued to speak. “Hope you’re nice to her the rest of the time you’re sprouting. She’s giving you some good genetics to work with here. M’gonna have the prettiest babies with her.”
“Babies?” Y/N rose a brow. “Who said we are having more than this one?” Her heart beat a bit faster as it did sink in. He meant it. He wanted the long haul. It was so exciting, so comforting to know. Harry reminded her often how how much he adored her, how he was proud to be hers, but that confirmation made it feel way more real.
“Well.. s’your body, so you. But I’d like to be the one who gives you more babies if you decide that I can.” He blinked up at her. “I’m more than okay with one, if that’s all you’d like. But… I would definitely like some more if that’s something you’d offer.” Obviously he would never pressure her into anything she didn’t want, but it was something he had been envisioning.
A full house. A dog or two. A set dining room table and sports practices, plays, dance recitals. Siblings spats and groans when Harry would kiss her. Picnics and beach days where he would remind the children to walk, do not run to the water. Applying sunscreen to grumbling kids and holding Y/N’s hand through all of their firsts. Perhaps it was a big dream to ask to follow through, but it was something he desperately wanted.
“You’d really want that? We haven’t even had this one yet.” She asked softly, surprise evident in her tone. “You like them that much?”
“Love them. And you.” He looked up at her again, pulling his lips from her stomach, letting the words sit in the silence for a second. “Love you a lot, Y/N. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Want to build a family with you, a home. Not just a house or a flat. Want to do it all with you. You’ve been my best friend for a long time but I love you a lot more than that. You’re the person I’ve always wanted to be with but didn’t particularly know it. Didn’t allow myself to think of it. Now that I have a chance, I’m taking it. Keeping it.” And her.
Eventually he would propose, but he didn’t want her to think it was just from the baby fever. He loved her wholly before this but it had grown and changed shape and color. She felt like gold. Bright, shiny, priceless. Better than anything else he had ever seen and she had him wrapped around her finger.
“I’d like that.” She caressed the tops of his cheeks with her knuckles. “You’re my best friend too… and- and I think that there’s no one better suited for the job as the father of my children than you. I’ve loved you for a long time and it’s changed the meaning, like you said but.. I like that idea.” Building a home and family with him. Something so perfect to them. It wouldn’t always be, but they’d love it despite the imperfections and hiccups. She knew his heart, and it was pure.
“But to be honest? To me, you’ve always felt like home.”
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
hey 👋 could you please do more of platonic yandere hawks x teenage bartender reader pls ? :)) I love your work
(Aw, thank you! I’ll go back and tag this series as “Teenage Bartender” since I’ve got a few fics for it now)
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Out of all the people you’ve ever served, Mr. Takami is definitely your favorite patron. The League of Villains ranges from outright bad to somewhat decent when it comes to personality, each causing you trouble in their own way.
Mr. Bubaigawara is also pretty alright, but you have to cut him off after a while so he doesn’t drink himself to sickness. He’ll switch from thanking you for looking out for him to criticizing you for being a “mood-killer” in the same breath. You like to believe that the kinder half of him is the “real” one. It always feels more sincere, in your opinion. You try to see the good in everyone around you, after all. No matter how hard it may be, or how dangerous or depraved the individual is.
Maybe you’re an optimist, Keigo Takami thinks to himself, nursing a non-alcoholic strawberry spritzer. Or maybe you’re simply too naive to see the dangers of the killers and criminals around you. Maybe it’s a case of feeling obligated to love the unloved, to accept the spurned, to try and save those dedicated to hurling themselves headfirst towards irredeemability. Maybe you sympathize with them, with what they’ve been through in their tumultuous and checkered lives.
No matter what the reason is, what really matters is that you, in spite of whatever horrid circumstances have landed you in the middle of these villains, playing caretaker and maid and nanny to drunk, belligerent murderers…
You’re still kind.
That’s why Keigo truly believes that you, more than anyone else here, can be redeemed.
Not only because of the way you treat him, but also the way you treat your “coworkers”.
When Toga gets immediately drunk off of whatever cutesy cocktail she begged you to whip up, you help her get to a couch and make her lay down, leaving a bin by her side. When Shigaraki is having another one of his tantrums, you line up all the broken glasses and worn down equipment you have onto the countertop so he has something to focus his aggression on. You listen close to all of Spinner’s rants about Stain, even if you don’t understand a word he’s saying.
You see something in them, clearly. Keigo isn’t quite sure what it is exactly, but he’d love to know. Do you care about them? Do you think they could redeem themselves? Do you think you can off-put their suffering and bloodthirstiness by being kind? Do you consider them to be family? Do you consider him family?
You’ve been around him long enough to see him as a friend, surely. You treat the winged double-crosser with the same forthcoming kindness that everyone receives when they sit at your counter, ensuring that he’s happy, hydrated, warm, and not-
“-hurt? Mr. Takami, did you get hurt?”
“Sorry, kiddo. Didn’t quite catch that one. Run it by me again?”
“That mission ran a little long, didn’t it? Usually you’re back a lot sooner, so I wanted to make sure that you were alright, Mr. Takami. You’re not hurt, are you?”
Keigo is a well-guarded man. He doesn’t give away too much and he’s good at hiding his feelings and thoughts. Still, he can’t keep himself from smiling right now. With a gloved hand, he reaches out to ruffle your hair.
“Just fine, kiddo. Things got a little troublesome- when don’t things get troublesome, huh? But i got the job done no problem, like always.”
You try to meet his smile evenly, taking his drained glass and giving him a fresh drink in turn. There’s a moment of strange silence, something’s there’s never been between the two of you.
“I’m really glad,” you quietly admit to him, breaking the lull. “I think you’re… you’re the only one who talks to me the way you do. I don’t…”
He leans forward, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his twined fingers. “Talk to me, pint-size. You’ve got my ear. I’ve got some time to kill.” He adds the last line just to make sure that you know he won’t mind if this takes a while. Even if he didn’t have the time… he would make it, for you.
“I really, really do like everyone! Really, I do! But it just feels… it all feels so endless, Mr. Takami. If someone isn’t mad at me, they’re puking on the floor. If they aren’t puking, they’re crying in the corner. If they aren’t crying, they’re picking fights. If they’re not fighting, they’re breaking things. If they aren’t breaking things, they’re mad at me for something. It just goes on and on, and I- I just-“
You pause, your breath hitching inwards sharply as you bury your face into your hands. You put your palms flat on the countertop, staring at your weary reflection on the polished surface.
“I’m so tired, Mr. Takami. And I feel like I’m never gonna get to take a break.”
“Okay, come over here,” Keigo guides, leading you around the counter by your hand and towards where he remembers seeing you head each night. Your personal room, he assumes. “The bar,” you try to argue as he pulls you along, “needs me at the counter. What if someone comes by for a drink?” Your words fall on deaf ears, it seems. “Most of the league is made of grown men, kid. Trust me, they can stomach a few hours without alcohol.”
He opens the door, giving himself the first view of your room he’s ever seen.
Knowing that you can’t see the face he’s making, the undercover hero allows himself to frown at the sight.
This isn’t a bedroom. This is a storage closet with a small bed and a nightstand. It’s barely four feet wide, and just about six feet long. The sort of room you’d put spare brooms and mops in, where you’d hide away a half-used gallon of drain cleaner or spare dish soap bottles you had gotten on sale. A place too claustrophobic and enclosed for anything except supplies.
But instead, this room had been given to you, a literal teenager who was giving their all to support the League in spite of getting nothing out of it.
For just a moment, his blood boils.
The League can pretend to be good. They can pretend to be heroes and freedom fighters. They can pretend that they’re fighting for a fair and just society. They can pretend that they aren’t monsters and murderers.
But this is how they treat their own. He’s always known this. The League of Villains prioritizes powerful, dangerous individuals above all else, prioritizes those who can spread chaos and mayhem in the name of their destructive goal. And you don’t fit into that powerhouse category, so you get shuffled away, tucked out of sight when they don’t have you serving them or playing babysitter to grown drunkards.
Keigo thinks he understands it, at least. But the truth is that some of the League do care for you. Twice, Spinner, Magne, Toga, Mr. Compress… all of them do care about you, as a friend or as family. And in turn, you care for them.
But he doesn’t think of that. As he helps you into the cramped bed, he thinks of “saving” you, and getting you out of here. Of bringing you home and keeping you safe from the harms and horrors of the world around you.
And there will soon come a day that you tumble out of the villain’s claws and into a hero’s talons.
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maximumkillshot · 8 months
"I Can't Lose You" Part 3
Warnings: This one is bad... Like bad bad. Uhm so please pay attention to these warnings. *Brings out a scroll with a solemn face.* Descriptions of Blood, Emergency medical procedure explainations, Shock, Grief, Chan gets shoved once, (IF YOU WANT NO SPOILERS AND KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE THE FIC CONTINUE) Child Loss, Descriptions of miscarriage.
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader
Characters: OC Doctor, Stray Kids, Reader
A/N: I know the cut is very high up but I needed to be sure that it wouldn't trigger someone would get triggered by the story. I am so sorry I am doing this to y'all. But here we are. Enjoy getting your heart ripped out? I guess. IF YOU WANT MORE TELL ME!
Also remember, this is a fan fic. All of the boys are so sweet IRL.
Stray Kids! Masterlist
Overall Masterlist
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You looked at Bin and Han and begged them to stay. Both of them looked at the doctor and said that whatever was happening, they weren't leaving. The doctor could see that you really needed them and as long as they were not in the way, it didn’t matter whether they were here or not. 
After the nerve block and the procedure, the doctor cleaned you up and draped a warm blanket over you, while the nurses hooked up a transfusion and closely monitored you. The doctor asked for Bin in the hall while Han went right back to your hand without the IV in it, so he could hold it properly.
Bin tried to ignore it during the procedure but the look that the doctor had on his face when he was doing the preliminary exam was haunting. Whatever he was called out here for… it wasn’t good.
Once both Bin and the Doctor were in the hall and closed the sliding door separating you from the bustling main hallway, Bin got that feeling again. That sick feeling that something was wrong. The doctor looked like he was trying to stay professional. 
It was then that Bin noticed the doctor's wedding ring. He wondered to himself if the doctor was like Bin. So deep in love that seeing anyone else doesn’t just feel blasphemous, but it’s so out of the question it’s nauseating. The doctor began.
“Are you her husband?” He asked.
“No…” Bin replied. He could feel the bile rising in his throat with that one question. He immediately thought, If I was this never would’ve happened.
“Are you family?” The doctor looked at him.
“Yes. Are they okay?” Bin looked at the doctor.
“She lost a lot of blood, through something called a hemorrhage. It’s a rare complication especially this early on. She wouldn’t have made it if this happened at home. But it’s under control now.” the doctor said. He seemed to be trying to be as sympathetic as possible, making the next question sting more.
“Okay, and the baby?” Bin asked as he was trying to hold on to the possibility, some shred of hope that you and the baby were okay. He didn’t want the answer to be…
“I’m sorry.” The doctor slowly shook his head as he bowed his head slightly. The doctor looked guilty, like this was the worst part of his job, not being able to save someone. 
“How? Why?” Bin asked as it felt like his heart twisted. He didn’t know how you were going to get through this. He knew you too well. He knew that the pain you were about to feel, the emotional pain, would spell your demise... Bin couldn’t wouldn’t let that happen. 
“There is a cause-and-effect relationship that stress, extreme traumatic stress, like what you described, can cause a mis--” “Please don’t finish that word.” Bin pleaded with tears in his eyes. That word. He’s never hated a word in his life, until now. A word like that, even the word Death is kinder. To die you need to have lived in the first place, breathe air, feel emotions, like happiness, fear, love… None of those things happened for your child, through no fault of their mother. The same woman he’s staring at, the very same woman he always stared at. 
“The fact that she went through the shock as well as the prolonged stress after that shock, and didn’t have any previous symptoms of that happening prior to that, rules out all of the other options.” he paused and looked at his ring. Bin could tell what he was thinking, the doctor’s jaw tight, I could never dream of doing that, then continued, “You know her better than I do. Will she need something to calm her down?”
“Yes… but I don’t think she’ll accept it.” Bin looked back at you and Han. You looked so out of it. Like you were and were not there simultaneously. He has never seen you like this. From what he could see it looked like Han was doing his best to distract you. He was playing with your fingers as he joked. 
It was convincing enough to relax you, but Bin knew better. His eyes are always so expressive, if he's genuinely relaxed, his eyes show it. Bin could tell that Han was many things at this point in time, and worry free was not one of them. 
“Would you like to tell her?” the doctor asked. That question made Bin think a little bit. If he did tell you, he didn't know if you'd believe him. It's easier to ignore reality when the person breaking the news isn't a doctor. You'd accept it if it came from the doctor. 
“She’ll believe it if you say it… Just have the medicine on standby. Also, what do we do to help her? What’s next?” He asked.
“Well like I said her bleeding was extensive... I want to keep her for at least a full 24 hours, in case the bleeding starts again. I’ll also arrange for her to meet with the OBGYN during that time as well, to make sure we got all of the tissue out, that way there’s no chance of another hemorrhage or infection. Sounds like a plan?” The doctor asked.
“Yes… thank you." Bin took a deep breath before he went in, the doctor trailing behind him. 
The doctor closed the sliding door as Bin looked at you, then at Han briefly. He lowered the guardrail and made eye contact with Han, who mirrored his actions shortly after. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N” the doctor began but you cut him off. 
“My baby. Please tell me my baby’s okay… please,” the urgency written on your face. 
Han's eyes were set on Changbin. The minute you asked that question, Bin lowered his head, jaw tight, and tears were already beginning to form. When Bin looked at Han, he already knew. 
The doctor looked at you and said “I...I’m so sorry.” 
Your face showed nothing but confusion… you had just gotten the first ultrasound. You had it done a week ago. No, you saw your baby.
“Y/N” Bin asked gently. He saw the look on your face, and it killed him. Seeing your brain reach for any other outcome other than the one right in your face. He tucked some stray strands of hair behind your ear as he watched and waited for the understanding to reach your face, it didn’t.
“No, it can’t be, I just got the ultrasound done. No,” you replied.
Han and Bin looked at each other. Han's eyebrows dipped, as he processed and tried to brace for impact. Bin on the other hand, was willing himself to take a step back, knowing that you needed to hear this. It had to get through, that's the only way you could start healing. 
The doctor looked solemn as he said, “Mrs. Y/L/N I could tell that you were and still are contracting. The reason why your body is doing it, from what I can discern, is because your body went through extreme stress and emotional trauma, when that happens this early, your body rejects the pregnancy. That does not mean that this is your fault, it's the opposite. It’s completely out of your control.”
Bin could see the cogs turning in your brain as you slowly started shaking your head. Reality starting to seep in. Bin wished that you didn't have to go through this. That you got the fairytale ending without the heartbreak. That you didn't have to face the death of your own child. That pain, anguish, and suffering. 
The doctor continued, “There is an even rarer condition in which the body rejecting the pregnancy ends in a condition called a hemorrhage. It’s a technical term for excessive bleeding, in this case, it happened because your body is trying to expel the tissues in your cervix. Because it was so sudden, your cervix didn’t have time to open. When I examined you, you weren’t even at half a centimeter dilation, and all of that tissue was trying to be expelled. That was why I had to do that procedure, to get the tissue out so bleeding could be minimized. I’m so sorry… but you had a miscarriage.”
Once that word was said the scream that you let out was something that Han nor Bin have ever heard in their lives. It was soul-crushing. Both of them could hear your heart breaking, shattered on the ground. Bin and Han wanted nothing more than to pick up those pieces and fix it. They knew that they couldn't, this is a hurt they can't fix.
Han held you as you screamed, begged, pleaded… You looked at Bin. “Bin please, look at me. Please tell me it's not true… Please you don’t lie to me, I know you'll tell the truth pleeease.”
Bin looked at you, “I can’t tell you it’s not true. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” The look of devastation on his face only sealed the fact. Bin has never lied to you so why would he start now? Especially with something as serious as whether or not you had a miscarriage. 
The look that painted his face, brows upturned as his eye contact was nothing short of empathetic. You could tell he wanted to lie. 
He wanted it to be false, that it was just some freak minor bleeding… that the baby was okay…he wanted it so badly… but you can't want something into existence. 
That realization hit you in a split second as the monitors that were connected to you, measuring vitals, started going off. You could feel nothing but pain. The involuntary gnawing, pulling pain. The blood, the cold from lack of blood in your body…The physical agony was nothing compared to what you felt in that split second. 
Your heart rate was literally too fast for you to register, pain surging through you as comprehension slammed into you like a tsunami. The baby is gone. Your baby. Your heart rate was through the roof and the doctor went to your IV.
“Y/N I’m going to give you something to calm you down okay? Your heart can’t take this stress, it’ll give out.” The doctor pushed the medication. 
“I want my baby…Bin I want my baby… Han please, my baby.” You sobbed as you held on to Han. 
All Bin could do was say, “I know you do, I’m so sorry. I’m here. I’m sorry.”
Han got on the gurney with you and cradled you. He cried with you. Prayed that it was just a nightmare. Han looked to Bin, only to find him trying to fight the tears that were falling down his face. Bin's soul was hurting for you, bargaining with whatever powers out there, to give himself up for you and your child. He knew it was irrational but if he could've, he would've. 
As soon as the medicine kicked in your breathing started to slow. You still whimpered and cringed as you felt your body bearing down, still shaking slightly and cold to the touch. Han draped his jacket over you, resting you against his chest, singing to you, to calm you. 
Every once in a while reality would crash into you again, you’d reach for Bin. You knew why you did, he was always there. He always understood you on a deeper level. Sometimes he knew what you needed when you didn’t even know you needed it. 
Eventually he pulled up a chair and laid his head on his forearm, hand in yours and close to his lips. as he gently rubbed circles into your hand with his thumb. As soon as you’d squeeze that hand he’d squeeze back as he nuzzled into your hand. His way of letting you know that yes, this is the reality, but he is still here. Wordlessly, endlessly, he’d be here. Sometimes you’d comb your fingers through his hair, the feeling somewhat comforting.  
You were so tired it went down to your bones. Sometimes only mustering a long blink at the pain. Eventually your vitals started looking good enough to transport.
The doctor came in with solemn reverence, like he was intruding on a funeral.“Y/N, we’re going to keep you overnight at the least, you’re going to have a visit from the OBGYN in the morning, okay? We have your bed ready so soon someone’s going to come to transport you.”
You just looked up at the doctor and nodded, “T-thank you” you hiccupped, “Hannie and Binnie are staying with me.”
“I’ve already put a cot in the room for them. I wish I could’ve done more,” he said with a sad smile. Bin got up and shook his hand, thanking him.
As soon as the transport nurses came to get you Bin said “I’ll see you in a bit. I just need to do something really quick.” you nodded and Bin kissed your forehead. He had to go back to the house. He didn’t know why immediately, just that he had to. 
He was on autopilot the entire ride to the house, except for the red lights.  He didn’t need to be strong at those lights. He’d scream where no one could hear him. Letting the pain out as images of you flashed. Smiling, then flashing to the scream you let out. Laughing, then sobbing in that hospital gurney. Cooking with him, to crying on Han. 
His screams were from mourning, pain, and frustration. He mourned the baby and you. The pain for you, the pain of realizing all of the things that you won’t experience. The frustration of not being able to see it before. To protect you, guard you. He wanted to rip something… someone… apart. There. That was the impulse that drove him back to the house.
At the last red light, he breathed deep, not even wanting to. He used whatever force that was left over as he screamed one last time. Everything he did, your child would never experience. Every scream echoed, redoubling the anguish he had for the both of you. Culminating into this, silence as he turned the corner to the house.
To his surprise, all of the other member’s cars were still at the house when he pulled up. When he parked, he looked at the clock on his dashboard, it was 2 a.m. Had it been 6 hours already? 
He felt his adrenaline kick up as he opened the door. He found everyone still wide awake, waiting for answers, but one look at Bin and they gathered what they needed.
Chan walked into the room from the kitchen and his jaw dropped upon seeing him.
“Bin…what happened?” Felix asked gently, hand’s slightly raised, as if approaching a wild animal. The aura on Bin wasn’t his aloof, goofy, self, it was the opposite; dark, threatening, dangerous. Bin’s eyes were trained on Chan, the closer he got, the more Bin felt his resolve slipping… Chan looked at him up and down, concern and horror written on his face. It was only then that Bin noticed he was covered in your blood.
His resolved snapped at that realization, upper lip ticking into a repressed snarl as he breathed “I’m… going to kill you.” He made a B-line to Chan. Felix, Minho, and Jeongin had to hold him back. 
Once Bin realized he couldn’t get to Chan, he screamed, “Was it worth it?! HUH?!!” His veins were popping out under his skin as he struggled to get free, “Was it?! Tell me! You hurt and nearly killed the only person I’ve ever loved. She’s dead inside now, all thanks to you!” More flashes accompanied that sentence, him picking you up and watching you go limp, eyes fluttering.
Felix looked at Bin and said, “What?... Hyung..” Felix's voice trailed off, trying to process what he heard. Felix knew that if he heard Bin correctly…he couldn’t even complete that thought.
Bin’s eyes snapped to Felix and he relaxed to the point where all three let go.
“The doctor said that because of the severe stress and emotional trauma she endured her body rejected the pregnancy.” He bum-rushed Chan and slammed him against the wall, while everyone was either in shock or processing. Felix was the first and only one to try to get Bin off Chan. Changbin was just too strong for the younger man, he ignored Felix as he tried wordlessly to pry Bin away from Chan. 
Bin continued staring into Chan's eyes, “The miscarriage was so sudden, in fact, that she hemorrhaged and almost bled to death because her cervix couldn’t open on its own in time. They had to scrape the tissue out just to stop it from killing her! And she looked at me to see if it was really true because I don’t LIE to her. Then they had to sedate her because her heart was going to give out when she realized that it was true.”
At this point Bin tightened his grip on Chan, “You are lucky that she asked for me to stay with her… If not I would kill you, right here. You are going to stay AWAY until or even IF she ever wants to see you again. I mean it Chan, if you come near her, I will end you. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise.” With that, he dropped Chan and went to the washroom. He washed off as much blood as he could and went to his room to change into spare clothes. He wanted to destroy everything in his room. His keepsakes, his picture frames of the boys all together. There was only one picture frame that he did smash to dust before he left his room… the one of himself and Chan, on Chan’s wedding day. He picked up his bloody clothes, stalked back out to Chan, and threw the clothing at him. 
He was shaking with rage as he said, “To YOU… this could’ve been a game or a thrill, fucking with her heart. But THAT!” he pointed to the clothing, “that is the reality. A child is dead, your child and it almost killed Y/N too. Next time you want to contact her, look at what you did to both of them while you do it.”
Before Chan could say anything Bin was slamming the door shut behind him with such force that the wall itself vibrated. Right as he made it to his car Felix ran to him. “Can I go with you?” he asked.
“I’m not leaving the hospital for the whole night, you know that, right?” 
Felix nodded and got into the passenger seat. The whole ride over Felix couldn’t help but to stare at Bin. He has never seen him like this. So enraged that he was three seconds away from crushing Chris’ windpipe. 
He also noted how Bin didn’t seem to know that he was covered in blood until Chris looked at him. Even now he could see Bin’s grip on the steering wheel was so strong his knuckles were white. He didn’t know exactly what happened in those four hours they weren’t given updates, and Felix knows just by seeing Bin, he never wants to find out. 
As soon as Bin entered your hospital room he heard you say “Binnie?”
Honestly, he could melt every time you call him that.
“I’m back…” he chuckled slightly… “And I brought some sunshine with me…”
The minute he looked into your eyes, you smiled just a little. That was progress. He kissed your forehead as Felix looked you over. 
Felix is like your little brother, so the minute you saw him and he saw you, you both started crying. Han got off the bed knowing Lix would want to be with you for a bit, for both of your sakes. 
This gave Han and Bin time to talk out in the hall.
“How’re her contractions?” Bin asked.
“They’re slower but still strong. The doctor says that it’ll be strong for at least 5 to 10 hours.” Han reported.
“And you? How’re you doing?” Bin asked. He knows Han has anxiety, seeing all of this and being as strong as he’s been is not easy. 
“I’m… Out of all people, Bin.” Han shook his head. Han has known Chan the longest and he would’ve never expected him to do this. 
“I know”
“Please tell me you didn’t hit him.” Han said.
“Nah… She needs me more than I need to beat him to a pulp… I don’t think he’ll be bothering her anymore though.” That’s at least what Bin hopes. Everything is so raw. A little over 8 hours before this you were at a restaurant to celebrate your 3rd anniversary. Now everything was all wrong, a nightmare incarnate and no one can wake up from reality. 
“Hyung… She can’t go back to that house.” Han said as he took a deep breath.
“I know. All I know is that we'll do what she’s comfortable with.”
“Agreed…Bin?” Han asked.
“It should’ve been you with her. From the beginning.” Han looked to Bin, a look of understanding and empathy for Bin. Han could always see the way Bin looked at you when no one else was looking. Everything you said would be committed to his memory, even the smallest things like which brand of sesame oil you like best for your bulgogi marinade. 
“I know. That doesn’t mean that I can’t be here for her from now on.”
Han just smiled and both of them went back into the room. 
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