#if i dont want to talk about it i dont have to
jaylalolz · 3 days
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,, YOUR MINE ‘‘ nicholas chavez
warnings : smuttttyyyy
a/n : this is so long i’m sorry
summary : a virgin meets her new priest, charlie, and has unholy thoughts about him.
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Maddie sat in the pew, her hands clasped so tightly in her lap that her knuckles had turned white. She felt the cool wood of the church beneath her and inhaled deeply, trying to focus on the familiar scent of incense and the soft flickering of candlelight. The nave was quiet, save for the low murmur of a few others whispering their prayers. It was late afternoon, and the sunlight streamed through the stained-glass windows, casting hues of red, blue, and gold onto the marble floor.
She knew she needed to go to confession. Her stomach churned with guilt, and her heart raced every time she thought about what she was about to confess. It wasn’t her first time in the sacrament of penance, but this felt different. This was something she had never admitted to anyone, not even herself, until now.
She glanced toward the confessional, its dark wooden frame both inviting and intimidating. Her eyes flickered up to the crucifix above the altar, and she whispered a silent prayer for courage. Her new priest, Father Charlie, was in the confessional today. The thought of facing him in that small booth made her throat tighten, but she had no other choice. The weight of her secret was becoming unbearable.
Maddie had only known Father Charlie for a few months, ever since he had arrived at their parish. He was younger than she had expected—soft-spoken but with a presence that commanded attention. There was a warmth about him, something that made people feel at ease. But for Maddie, that ease had quickly turned into something else. Something she didn’t want to admit to herself, let alone to God.
With trembling hands, she stood and walked toward the confessional. Each step felt heavy, as though she were wading through water. Her heart pounded in her chest as she reached the door and knelt down inside the small wooden booth, closing the door behind her. The familiar smell of wood polish and candle wax filled her nostrils, calming her for a brief moment.
Through the mesh screen, she could see the outline of Father Charlie sitting on the other side. She heard him clear his throat softly, then speak.
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he began, his voice low and calming.
Maddie crossed herself and whispered, “Amen.”
He waited a moment, allowing the silence to settle between them, before he continued. “How long has it been since your last confession?”
She swallowed hard, her mouth dry. “A month, Father.”
There was another pause, and Maddie could feel his presence more acutely now, even though she couldn’t see him clearly. The confessional felt smaller than usual.
“Go ahead,” Father Charlie said gently. “What do you wish to confess?”
Maddie’s heart hammered in her chest, her hands trembling in her lap. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She had rehearsed what she was going to say a dozen times in her mind, but now, in the quiet of the confessional, her carefully planned words scattered like dust.
“Father,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper. “I…I’ve been having impure thoughts.”
There was a moment of silence on the other side, and Maddie wondered if he could hear how fast her heart was beating. She clenched her hands tighter, trying to stop them from shaking.
“Go on,” Father Charlie said gently, his tone encouraging, as though he could sense her fear.
“I…” She swallowed again, her mouth dry. “It’s not just impure thoughts, Father. They’re about…someone.”
Maddie’s face burned with shame knowing she is talking about Father Charlie. She wanted to melt into the floor, to disappear and never have to face this moment again. She had never felt more exposed, more vulnerable, than she did in that instant.
On the other side of the screen, Father Charlie smirked His breathing remained steady, and Maddie wondered what he must be thinking. How could he not be shocked? How could he not recoil at her words? But there was no reaction. No sharp intake of breath, no awkward shuffling. Just silence. Maddie couldn’t bear it anymore.
“I’m so sorry,” she blurted out, her voice breaking. “I don’t know why this is happening. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but every time I see him, every time I hear his voice, I…I can’t help it. These thoughts, these feelings, they just…they won’t go away.”
Her chest tightened, and she fought back the tears that were threatening to spill over. She had never felt more ashamed, more humiliated.
After what felt like an eternity, Father Charlie finally spoke, his voice steady but softer now.
“Thank you for your honesty,” he said, his words careful. “It takes great courage to confess such things.”
Maddie let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, but her heart still raced. She had no idea what he would say next. Would he condemn her? Would he tell her that her feelings were sinful, that she was wrong to have them?
“What you are feeling,” he continued after a brief pause, “is not uncommon. We are all human, and we all experience moments of weakness, moments when our thoughts stray in ways we wish they wouldn’t.”
Maddie nodded silently, tears beginning to blur her vision. She hadn’t expected compassion. She felt a flicker of relief, though the weight of her shame still pressed down on her.
Maddie wiped away a tear that had fallen, her heart feeling lighter now. She didn’t know what she had expected, but it wasn’t this—a gentle reminder of her humanity, of their shared struggle. It wasn’t condemnation, but understanding.
“Your penance,” Father Charlie said quietly, “is to say three Hail Marys and to spend some time reflecting on the love that God has for you. He knows your heart, Maddie, and He forgives you.”
She nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over her for the first time in weeks.
“Thank you, Father,” she whispered.
As Maddie stood to leave the confessional, she paused for a moment, her hand on the door.
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A week had passed since Maddie’s confession, and though she had tried to focus on her prayers, her thoughts kept returning to that moment in the confessional, her voice trembling as she admitted her feelings to Father Charlie. She avoided eye contact with him at Mass, ashamed of what she had shared, but there was something else too—an undeniable pull toward him, a curiosity about how he had handled her confession so calmly, so compassionately.
After Sunday Mass, Maddie lingered in the church longer than usual, kneeling in prayer but mostly trying to gather her thoughts. The church was quiet now, the soft shuffle of feet and the rustling of coats fading as people slowly filed out. The sunlight streamed through the stained-glass windows, casting a golden hue over the altar.
She was about to stand and leave when she heard a voice behind her.
Her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t have to turn around to know it was him—Father Charlie. His voice had become unmistakable to her now, carrying a warmth that both soothed and unsettled her.
She turned slowly and found him standing just a few feet away, his black cassock crisp and formal, yet his expression kind and open. He wasn’t wearing the confessional mask of formality. This was just Charlie now—no screen, no distance.
“Father,” she said softly, her heart pounding in her chest again.
“I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment,” he said, taking a step closer. He gestured toward one of the pews, and she nodded, sitting down as he joined her. There was a moment of silence, and Maddie could feel the weight of it hanging between them. She kept her gaze lowered, studying her hands in her lap, unsure of what he was about to say.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about your confession,” Charlie began, his voice steady but softer than usual. “And I believe there’s more to discuss than what we could cover in the confessional.”
Maddie’s heart skipped again, her stomach twisting. She didn’t know where this was going, but the tension in her body made her pulse race. She looked up at him, his eyes calm but serious.
“I want to help you, Maddie,” he continued, his voice gentle. “But I think it would be easier to talk in a more private setting. Not here, where everything feels so… formal.”
Her pulse quickened, and she felt the awkwardness rising inside her. Was he inviting her to…? No, she shook the thought away before it could fully form. He was still her priest, and this was still about her spiritual guidance. There couldn’t be anything more.
Charlie cleared his throat, his eyes shifting slightly as if he could sense her discomfort. “I was thinking,” he said slowly, “if you’re comfortable with it, maybe you could come over for dinner. We could talk more freely there, without the pressure of the confessional.”
Maddie blinked in surprise. Dinner? The idea of sitting across from him in a more intimate setting—without the screen, without the anonymity of the church—made her thighs burn. Her immediate instinct was to refuse, to put up a wall and protect herself from what she knew could happen if she let her guard down.
But then she remembered his kindness, the way he had listened to her confession without judgment, offering compassion where she had expected rejection. Maybe this was an opportunity to finally get clarity, to face the confusion and temptation she had been wrestling with.
“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” Charlie added quickly, his voice sincere. “This isn’t… this isn’t about anything inappropriate, Maddie. I just think it would help to have a real conversation. I understand if it’s too much, though.”
She met his eyes for the first time since that day in the confessional. There was nothing predatory in his gaze, no ulterior motive—just concern. He genuinely wanted to help her, and despite her fear, she trusted him. That trust, however, made it even more complicated.
“I… I think that might help,” Maddie said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
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They ate in silence for a few minutes, but Maddie barely touched her food. She could feel Charlie’s eyes on her every now and then, and the knot in her stomach tightened with each glance. Finally, he broke the silence.
“Maddie, I’ve noticed something,” he said, his tone gentle but serious. She looked up from her untouched plate, her heart skipping a beat. “What is it?”
“You’ve been… distracted. During Mass.”
Her heart sank, her breath catching in her throat. She knew what was coming. She could feel it in the air between them. Charlie leaned forward slightly, his eyes searching hers.
“I’ve seen the way you’ve been avoiding eye contact with me lately,” he continued. “And even before your confession… I could tell something was on your mind.”
Maddie’s face burned with embarrassment, and she dropped her gaze to the table, unable to meet his eyes. She had hoped he hadn’t noticed, but of course he had. He was her priest, after all—attuned to the nuances of the people in his care “I… I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Charlie didn’t say anything for a moment, waiting for her to continue. The silence hung between them like a heavy weight.
“You’re right,” Maddie admitted, her fingers trembling as she played with the edge of her napkin. “I’ve been distracted. I haven’t been able to focus during Mass, and it’s… it’s because of you.”
Her last words hung in the air, and the room seemed to grow even quieter. Maddie dared to glance up at Charlie. His face remained calm, though his eyes darkened with something she couldn’t quite read.
“Because of me?” he asked softly, his voice steady .
Maddie’s chest tightened, and she took a deep breath, knowing she had no choice but to confess the truth now. She had come here to confront her feelings, to address what had been eating at her, and there was no turning back.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you in a unholy way” she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. “Ever since you came to the parish, it’s been… difficult. I know it’s wrong, I know you’re my priest, but I can’t help it. It’s like you’re always on my mind, and it’s affecting everything—my prayers, my faith, my peace.”
Charlie’s expression didn’t change, but his hands clenched slightly around the edge of the table, his knuckles whitening. He remained silent, giving her the space to continue.
“I thought maybe talking to you tonight would help me figure out what to do,” Maddie continued, her voice barely above a whisper now. “But being here… it’s just making it harder. I don’t know how to stop feeling this way.”
Her confession was out now, laid bare between them. She could hear her own heartbeat in the silence that followed, could feel the tension radiating through her body, as if the air between them had thickened with unsaid words.
Charlie’s eyes flickered with something—sympathy, perhaps, but also an understanding that ran deeper than she expected. He exhaled slowly, as if gathering his thoughts before speaking.
“Maddie,” he said, his voice soft but firm, “I understand how difficult this is for you. And I need you to know that what you’re feeling isn’t unnatural. These thoughts, these feelings… they happen. To both of us.”
Maddie’s breath hitched. Both of us? Did that mean…?
Charlie leaned forward, his eyes never leaving hers. “I mean that maybe it’s better to… release some of the tension. These thoughts, these feelings—you don’t have to hold onto them so tightly.”
Her breath hitched, and she felt a cold wave of shock ripple through her. “Release the tension?”
Charlie nodded slowly, his voice low and calm, but his words held a gravity she hadn’t expected. “I know you’ve been trying to resist it, Maddie, but sometimes resisting only makes the desire stronger. It’s human nature. Maybe… maybe it would help to let yourself feel it. To stop fighting against it.”
Maddie’s face flushed hot, her heart racing as the implications of his words sank in. She felt a lump form in her throat, and her hands trembled slightly in her lap.
“You mean…” she started, but her voice faltered, unable to finish the sentence.
Charlie’s gaze didn’t waver. “What I mean is… it’s okay to acknowledge your desire. There’s no shame in it. It’s natural to have these feelings, especially when there’s such strong tension between us.”
Maddie’s eyes widened, her stomach tightening with a mix of shock and something else—something dangerous that she had been trying to push down since the moment she walked through his door.
“Have you ever…?” Charlie hesitated, but the question hung heavily in the air. “Have you ever touched yourself while thinking about me?”
Maddie’s breath caught in her throat. The question was like a punch to the gut, but it was also the very thing she had been dreading and hoping he wouldn’t ask. The truth was that she had—more than once, in the privacy of her bedroom, late at night when the thoughts she couldn’t suppress became too overwhelming to ignore. The guilt had followed her like a shadow, but the need had been stronger, overpowering.
She dropped her gaze to the table, her hands trembling as she gripped the edge of her napkin tightly. She couldn’t meet his eyes, not after that question.
“I…” She started to speak but hesitated, the shame and desire warring within her. “Yes,” she whispered, barely able to say the word aloud. “I have.”
The admission felt like a weight lifting from her chest and, at the same time, a heavy anchor pulling her deeper into the dangerous waters they were treading. She had crossed a line, and now she was standing at the edge of something she couldn’t undo.
Charlie exhaled slowly, leaning back in his chair as if he had expected the answer but needed to hear it from her. His gaze was intense, but there was no judgment in his eyes, only a strange understanding that made her feel both relieved and more vulnerable than ever.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Charlie said quietly, his voice softer now, almost soothing. “You’re human, Maddie. We both are. And these feelings, these urges… they’re part of that. Trying to deny them only makes them stronger.”
Maddie’s head spun, the room suddenly feeling too small, too intimate. She had come here seeking clarity, hoping to calm the turmoil inside her, but this—this was only making the storm stronger. She had confessed her desires to him, and now he wasn’t telling her to resist them. He wasn’t telling her to fight back. He was telling her to let go.
“But…” she began, her voice shaking. “You’re a priest. This… this isn’t right.”
Charlie sighed, his gaze softening. “I know. Believe me, I know. But right and wrong aren’t always black and white. There’s no sin in acknowledging desire, Maddie. There’s no sin in being honest with ourselves.”
Her breath caught as he began to run his hands up her thighs. He kisses up her neck and says, "Tell me you want this, tell me you want me." She pauses to consider whether doing this was the best course of action.She then recalls Charlie claiming it wasn't a sin, so why would he lie about that? Eagerly nodding, she says, "Yes, please, I want you."
Her eyes roll back to her head as he moves to her private area and begins gently massaging her covered clit. He whispers in her ear, making her thighs burn, "I remember those times when you wore those short skirts. It's like you wanted me to bend you over in front of everyone and punish you."
Once more, he begins to kiss up her neck, but this time he sucks part of it. Leaving a dark spot, she groans loudly at the strange sensation. He smirks.
His hand begins to go toward her breasts, giving her skin shivers. He unbuttoned her blouse and said, "Every time I saw you in church, your blouse always unbuttoned around me, it's like you wanted it to happen." She says nervously, "I did it on purpose to get your attention."
His eyes darkened and he looked up at her. She yelps as she felt him clutch her throat. He exclaims, "You're such a slut for me," and presses his lips to hers. Even though she has a million things on her mind, her heartbeat is happening ten times quicker than she is. His thumb resting on the side of her jaw, as he pulled her hair back behind her ear with his other hand.
A fast kiss was exchanged between the two. As their tongues swirled together, he inserted his tongue into her mouth. Maddie felt as though her fantasies were becoming true. His movements sped up till he came to stop and pulled away. Maddie lets out a gasp. "Lay on the bed," he insists.
She approaches his bed nervously and crawls to the middle of it. She spins around to face him. He looks her over. Her stomach churns as she looks at her from top to bottom.
He moves toward the bed and crawls on all fours to her. He looks at her between his eyebrows as he begins to kiss at her legs and continues all the way up to her thighs.
"Hey. I won't do anything that you don't want me to.” He whispers, "Tell me if you're not comfortable” She considers it for a brief moment. concluding that she wants for him to continue. She tells him, "Don't stop," he licks his lips and smirks.
Eagerly he tugs at her skirt. As he tries to slides it down, he realizes there's a zipper on the side. While unzipping her skirt and pushing it until it reaches the bottom of her legs, he maintains eye contact with her.
He presses his nose down into her thighs, planting little kisses on her closeted clit. He groans as she pulls on his hair with a deep moan. He gives her an intense look as he gradually begins removing her underwear. She glances away from him as butterflies begin to flutter in her stomach.
He comments, "You're so gorgeous.. in every way," as he surveys her figure. To prevent her from leaving, he grabs her legs and pins them to the bed. What he provides her, she has to accept. He makes her back arch as he licks her slit.
As if she were the last thing he would ever eat, he puts his head down and begins to devour her. She groans aloud as he gives her a passionate kiss on the clit. He groans louder as she tugs at his hair more forcefully than before.
He approaches her hole and begins carefully putting his finger inside of her. She puts her head down on the cushion, shuts her eyes, and her jaw lowers. He begins to eat her out while fingering her. Sucking on her sensitive clit, he pushes in and out with his finger.
Her tummy begins to feel strange, and her back arches. He smirks as her pussy tightens around his finger. "It's alright, sweetheart.” He comforts her, let yourself go," as she comes undone with a loud groan.
She catches her breath as he emerges from her privates, covered in her juices. He pulls her to him by grabbing a strand of her hair and gives her a kiss. Allowing her to taste herself.
“Your mines now”
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mywritersmind · 22 hours
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summary : She’s a popstar who’s being oggled by the same grid who doesn’t believe Lando has a chance with her. In a simple quiet conversation, Lando fixes that.
listen up : lando norris x popstar!reader. mentions of sex. reader wrote bed chem!!
word count : 629
“You hear who’s in the paddock today?” Oscar eyes Lando as he joins the group of drivers. They all look suspiciously giddy.
“No…?” Lando eyes them, It’s Carlos who’s grinning and speaks up first.
“Y/n L/n.” the spaniard whispers.
Lando raises a brow as Alex nods to his girlfriend talking to you, “She’s a super famous singer right? Lily loves her.”
“Very pop.” Charles adds in.
“Very hot.” Franco says as they all turn to him, “What? You were all thinking it.” a surge of jealousy goes through Lando. Obviously he knows people think you’re hot, he’s the fan club president. But Franco saying it makes him want to go over there and kiss you in front of the young driver.
Lando watches you move your hair behind your ear, assessing the little black dress you’ve got on. “Fuck.” is the only think Yuki can say.
“Hasn't she been to a couple races?” George adds, “For any reason or…” Lando wants to yell at them that you’re there for him.
“She’s a fan.” Charles says, “Hangs with Alex in the garage sometimes.”
You wonder if they know how obviously the group is looking at you. You turn and give them a little smile. Most of the guys look away except Lando, who waves.
“What the fuck?” Carlos makes a face.
“Dude-” Max laughs as Lando looks around at the group.
“Give up now.” Alex shrugs.
“Excuse you?” Lando crosses his arms over his racing suit, “You think I don’t have a chance?” They all start laughing, “Fuck you, lot!”
Alex grins, “Don’t let netflix hear.”
Carlos slaps his hand onto his friends shoulder, “Mate… she’s just so- and you’re so… it’s not made to be.”
Lando just scoffs, “Don’t pout!” Max laughs, “I’m pretty sure she’s the only girl out of your reach.”
“You don’t know about Nadia?” Alex grins.
Max gives him a confused look but turns back to Lando, except when he does, he realizes he’s already gone and walking towards you.
You smile when you see Lando, he slips his arm around your waist and pulls you in for a quick hug, “Hi.” His eyes linger on you before smiling kindly at Lily.
“I’ll be back, Y/n. Lando keep your distance.” She points to the driver before walking away.
“The guys don’t think I have a chance with you.” He whispers into your ear, his hand still on your waist.
You laugh a bit, glancing at the men who are all staring at you two. “So naive.” he laughs a bit, tilting his head down.
A curl goes into his face and you resist the urge to push it back. “I’m happy you’re here.” this makes your cheeks go a bit pink. Funny, you’ve been sleeping together for months and he can say the tinest thing to get you to blush.
“I’m happy I'm here too. Win for me?”
“What do I get if I do?” His hand backs off your waist a bit, clearly aware of the eyes on you.
You look up at him, his eyes greener than ever, “Whatever you want?”
His brows go up, “Whatever?”
The corner of your mouth quirks, “Within reason.”
“Not much reason between the two of us.” You roll your eyes and back away from him so you’re no longer touching.
“Go run back to your friends and giggle about how a pretty girl kissed you.”
“But you didn’t-” He gets cut off by your lips on his cheek. He’s grinning ear to ear as you walk away, waving a bit.
When Lando walks back to the guys they’re gobsmacked, “Tell me you didn't just meet her today.” Charles practically pleads.
He laughs at their faces, “Have you ever heard the song, bed chem?”
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bigfatbreak · 2 days
"bfb why dont u have a discord channel for ur aus" i dont have the time to maintain it in a way that would be fun and fruitful for everyone involved, esp since i work fulltime on top of trying to render out this comic, and also because people would have very skillful introspective questions about like, theories and symbolism and what i intend with certain motifs, and my ghostly ass would just be like
hey look at how much this moose wants to kill this cameraman
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seriously look at that gaze. who tries to talk to a bull moose like its a dog. anhyway sorry folks i dont have the resources for a discord channel but maybe one day ill hop into a public one and u may see me.........adrift and at large
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90 notes: I’ll post some random shit I’ve been planning to post forever
160 notes: I’ll post a chapter of a fic I have drafted on Ao3 (y’all if I don’t post it before Oct 2 it’ll automatically delete itself so please save my fic before it’s too late oml)
250 notes: I’ll start going on walks at least once a week (I really need motivation)
370 notes: I’ll tell my best friend some big news about my identity (why am I so scared? Idk)
530 notes: I’ll post an audio of me singing something (you can wish for any song in the comments if you like!)
1660 notes: I’ll post a lot of shit I have in my Tumblr drafts + I’ll gather the courage ask my friends for a little money so I can buy myself my own phone (I need a second one in case anything bad happens to me and I have to run away from home. No, I won’t elaborate.)
1850 notes: I’ll take more time to do the things I love this winter.
2000 notes: I’ll wear my lesbian pin in front of my mum and hope she sees it.
2300 notes: I’ll tell my therapist a lot of things… things she probably needs to know but I’m scared to tell her.
2800 notes: I’ll try to talk to my crush in school. Small talk, okay? Nothing more. I’m so scared don’t make me do it-
3100 notes: I’ll finish reading Art Heist, Baby! (No. Please.)
I won’t be tagging anyone because y’all are insane and I’ll be forced to keep my promises… sigh
ONLY TWO NOTES PER PERSON!!! Edit: Yup only 2 notes. Can y’all tell I really don’t wanna do all this lol
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simonsrileyhusband · 20 hours
Hihi!! Is it okay if I requested Simon Riley trying to solve an argument with reader(gn, please) with sex (poor boy havs good intentions. It worked with previous partners!! Surely it would work now too?) but reader gets more upset instead because they feel like he’s just try a shut them up and he panics. Communication actually happens and things get actually resolved
Of course you don’t have to write this, it’s very self indulgent. I just feel disconnected from fics where conflict gets resolved with sex as I’m on the ace-spectrum
I hope you have a great day/evening, remember to always prioritise yourself!!
simon isnt used to being in a serious relationship, with someone that loves him more than they want him. so when he fucks up he does what he is used to do.
"come on lovie..." his voice is low against your ear and his hands try to lift up your shirt.
"go away simon." he is frozen in place when you shove him away and walk angrily to the bedroom. his heart is shattered, what would he do now? did he fuck up that bad? his mind is racing and his heart starts beating faster.
he takes his time to calm down and then goes to knock on the half opened door. "lovie... can we talk? please" he hears you hum softly and walks in, sitting down on the bed. "im so sorry darling... sorry for not listening to you, i wanna... i wanna know what should i do to make things better, please, let me make it better." he ks fidgeting with his hands, trying his hardest to not shake his legs.
you sit up besides him. "i dont like the way you try to make it up to me."
"i want you to ask me, i want us to sit down and talk about it..."
"i get it... what did i do wrong?" he turns to you slowly. he listened to you talk and explain your feelings to him, his eyes always on you, a look of regret in his eyes. "im sorry lovie, i really am."
"i know si, i know." it was all you needed to say, you wrap your arms around him and he melts into you, the fear of losing you still pounding into his heart.
"i love you" he whispers repitedly, like a spell he is casting on you, so you never leave his side.
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pinkprettycure · 2 days
its crazy how feet have been memed into being seen as some hardcore freaky shit when its all things considered one of the most Nothing fetishes out there so now we get ppl clutching pearls and bein like "omg i just saw an account that has some freaky shit i cant tell you tis too fucked up you dont WANT to know 😨😨😨" and then they finally tell you and its someone talking about wanting women in heels to step on them like erm okay.
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d3stinyist1red · 1 day
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴄʜᴏʟᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
(cholo basically means a hispanic boy who dresses with baggy clothing(search up cholo outfit), and like has a diff speech pattern, btw imma js make him kinda like an edger bc why not they fine asfff)
(his name gon be miguel bc yes)
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yan cholo who is ur hb, who you met freshman year in homeroom.
You were busy on your phone before getting your leg kicked by someone beside you. You looked at whoever did that with narrowed eyes, why did this beta js kick a sigma like you..???
He had an fluffed up edger cut, with a slit eyebrow. He had some baggy clothing, proclub grey sweatpants with a black T-shirt with a silver necklace. He was attractive to say the least.
"Put your phone away, chica! (girl or chick)"He said playfully, nodding his head to the teacher making you look, he was helping to you to not get your phone taken by that old ass dusty teacher
you quickly put your phone in your pocket and thanked him. "No problem, hermosa. (beautiful)" He smirked at you, you could hear his accent very well. You tilted your head at him before looking away, not really understanding what was the last word he said (UNLESS U DO, IF U DO PRETEND HE SAID IT UNDER HIS BREATH OR SUM SO U COULDNT HEAR))
yan cholo who began talking to you the whole homeroom after that, and soon you realized he switched his classes to be matched up with yours.
yan cholo who is now ur besty westy hb, who u tell to put u on to someone
put me onto on of ur friendssssss
ma, dont start with this bullshit
none of those assholes deserve you, alr mami?
yan cholo who buys you cutesy shit even tho he never did that with any of his ex gfs, only you. But he isnt even dating you too!
"hey ma, got you a lil sum" He said as he wrapped his arm around you, interrupting a convo you were having with one of your friends who js stared at him with heart eyes. He gave u a kuromi plushie that had some pocky taped to her hand. You quickly thanked him making him rub his neck sheepishly,before tapping his cheek .
"cmon baby, give me a peck for it, yeah?"
yan cholo who tells you all of the drama and whenever theres gonna be a fight, grabbing your hand and leading you to someone getting pressed if u want to see a fight. But if you dont like ppl fighting, he'll drag you away from it, and distract you with something else
yan cholo who is possesive of you, always following you around in parties, arm either around your shoulder or waist.
There was this one time, he wasnt on your tail or following you since he was grabbing snacks for the both of you guys and some fool from another neighborhood took this as a chance to started talking to you at a party. The guy was laughing, leaning in too close.
For you, it was someone actually wanting you and u were mad excited bc miguel greedy ass wouldn't even put u on to his friends, but to miguel? It was a threat. His fists clenched, his blood boiling as he was walking to you, noticing the guy talking to you.
He stormed over, stepping between them with a cold stare. “You got somethin’ to say to her, you say it to me, homie.”
The guy backed off instantly, giving miguel a dirty look before mumbling something under his breath and walking away. You raised an eyebrow, "Boy, are you fr? I was gonna finally bag someone bruh"
"Ma, you have me. You don't need anyone else."
yan cholo who talks about you to his homies, absolutely gushing over you like u were a celebrity. And his homies were mad confused bc the man has NEVER been obsessed with any girl, not even his past gfs. He would barely even mention his gfs!
yan cholo who whenever you guys hung out, whether it was grabbing a bite at mc donalds or cruising through the streets with the windows down, he treated you like a queen. He’d make sure you had everything you wanted, always checking if you was comfortable, if you needed anything. He'd make sure to pay for everything, not letting you even touch your wallet, He'd open doors for you, give you flowers, on valentines day he'd give you hello kitty bouquets with money, and hot chips
yan cholo who was jealous of any man who got into a 500 mile radius of you
“Yeah, I ran into Alex today at the store, yk that guy that fought with eric? Yeah, he saw me and said hi” You said offhandedly as miguel drove
His hands tightened on the steering wheel. He tried to keep his voice calm. “Oh yeah? Did you say hi back? Don't talk to him, princesa(princess). Hes no good for you. ” he finally said, his voice low, like a warning.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, catching the change in his tone. “Relax, it’s not like that. He’s just a friend.” Miguel furrowed his eyebrows and kissed his teeth, not bothering to respond knowing he'll start raging.
yan cholo who every morning, he’d be at your locker, waiting for the moment you'll walk down the hall. His eyes would lock onto yours the second you appeared, his heart pounding harder than it ever did during a fight. You didn't notice the way he would glare at anyone near you to back off, and leave the two of you alone.
When you finally made your way over, you dapped him up, and opened your locker. “Hey, you got the notes from yesterday’s class?” You asked him, finally looking up at him.
He’d play it cool, nodding and pulling out his notebook without a word. Inside, though, he was a mess. Every time you spoke to him, he wanted to say something—tell you how he couldn’t stop thinking about you, how you was the only thing that mattered to him, how he couldn't even sleep thinking about you and your gorgeous face. But he couldn’t, instead, he handed you the notes. “Yeah, here. Whatever you need, mami.” He said smirking down at you.
yan cholo who whenver you gave him a casual wave goodbye, he had to fight the urge to pull her into his arms and tell her she was his amor (his love) and no one else’s.
yan cholo who plays soccer only to impress you, every kick, every pass, was an excuse to show off for you. He could hear his teammates calling for the ball, but all he cared about was making sure Y/N was watching when he scored. And when he did—blasting the ball into the net with a perfect shot—he didn't bother to cheer. His eyes darting back to Y/N instead, seeing if she was impressed with his goal
yan cholo who daydreams about you before games, His teammates often tease him about his crush on you. They notice how he lights up whenever your brought up in conversations or whenever your around and how he tends to play better when he knows she’s watching
yan cholo who is a lil too obsessed with his hg y/n <333
yan cholo who is ur hb who hates seeing u with men <33
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firelightmlpoc · 2 days
I recently received a DM from a fellow who was a junior mod in the Shipping Container server, & they’ve been gracious enough to allow me to use their words on the current happenings, covering the events of the 0303Emily internal happenings of the server at that time.
Now, you may wonder why exactly I’m bringing up the 0303Emily debacle, much less in association with Pansear?
Well, besides the fact that the accusations leveled against 0303Emily are baseless themselves (One example of why at the bottom of this post, completely ignoring the fact that Azriel was only a month or 2 away from being 18 at the time of the accusation while 0303Emily was just 20.), they indicate a trend between both accusations that further shows minimal actual PROOF & deliberate misinterpretations of situations to then twist things into a more negative light.
Now, the statement from the junior mod:
“first off, sorry this isnt really that well worded. i dont even know where to start with all this. i wanted to offer my view on things from the internals of the SC server and some info that might explain the origins of all this. ive wanted to talk about this for a while but im not a very confrontational person and i didnt even have a tumblr or twitter
i was a helper (basically junior mod that had bare mininum perms) on SC during the entire event, and while I did not participate in the decision because it was really complex and i was busy with finals but i did lurk the convo and read a lot of it. i dont have any screenshots of this because i left a few weeks later after the entire mod team basically dissolved and the server lost all its users.
basically a while back before the grooming accusations some kids (like under 18) on the server were going around looking up artists on furaffnity, e621, and other nsfw websites and then reporting it to the mods of SC and i think mainworld too. the mods were pretty "this isnt really our business" about it and told the kids to stop snooping, and that was the end of it.
a few months later still before the grooming the issue resurfaced with the same users going after nsfw artists, they were again told to mind their business but a few weeks later came back with the grooming accusations on top of it. the key thing here is that the mod issue was heavily centered around the nsfw art that emily had been making, along with several other users who were in nsfw servers that these kids had joined to snoop around. they logged thousands of messages from multiple users and sifted through them looking for anything that could be added to this report.
again i just want to emphasize that this was not at all about Emily and Azriel at this time. The entire report was about NSFW people were doing in private NSFW sites and places that the kids had to lie and sneak into because they were LOOKING for dirt on these people. It was not just emily but around a dozen users in our server that had been perfectly fine up until this point.
there was a lot of delay with getting this report finalized and the grooming accusation came later. however given the context this seemed to raise a few red flags for the staff because the accusors had been so intense about their search for info and the fact that the conversation between them was months prior, there was some question of if the accusors had coached or otherwise convicned azriel about them being groomed just to get more dirt on emily.
Well the SC mods were tired of the NSFW artists being reported and considering the number of people being reported (again, more than just emily) and the methods the accusors had taken, decided that this was basically tantamount to stalking and kicked everyone involved.
What you see on tumblr is the response to that. They went and said "SC is run by groomer zoophiles" and everyone who had a hate boner for pansear jumped on board and it went nuclear.
I dont really know if this helps but i am just tired of sitting here being unable to speak about it because i dont have a following and i really miss pansear.”
I want to further emphasize this part:
“again i just want to emphasize that this was not at all about Emily and Azriel at this time. The entire report was about NSFW people were doing in private NSFW sites and places that the kids had to lie and sneak into because they were LOOKING for dirt on these people. It was not just emily but around a dozen users in our server that had been perfectly fine up until this point.”
Minors actively invaded adult-spaces, willingly & ACTIVELY exposed themselves to adult content EXPLICITLY to ‘dig up dirt.’
So, with that in mind, why would they stop at that? Why would they stop at something so trivial as faking screenshots? Multiple members have actively made threats to people accused & they care not about spreading a falsehood (Just look at Pansear’s old Tumblr handle!).
And here’s the example I said I’d give earlier. Azriel starts the conversation with mention of the horrors of some NSFW content from the fandom & then gives an example. 0303Emily follows up with a shared experience. This is some of the ‘proof’ that was presented in the doc Azriel & Co. put forth.
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This doesn’t even mention any of the other discrepancies in their own ‘proof.’ The ‘Zoophilia’ allegations are once again Anthro on Anthro characters engaging in sexual acts, just like the allegation against Pansear.
Don’t believe me? Their own google doc is right here on this chap’s post. Read through it.
And if you want to read more, read this. It further emphasizes on this matter.
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shouts-into-the-void · 20 hours
Just read screenshots of the Aaron extra chapter and I have so many thoughts, so here they are:
It's always so funny to me to be reminded of the fact that the animosity between Aaron and Neil is mostly one-sided. Like, Neil finds Aaron frustrating, but all the antagonistic stuff he does to him is ultimately in service of helping him in some way and while he's angry when Aaron provokes him, he otherwise regards him with disinterest and even expresses the desire to see what he's like when he's relaxed and enjoying himself during the party with the Vixens. Meanwhile Aaron just really hates that man.
I really appreciated Nora using this chapter to clear up some of the gripes a lot of the fandom has had with Aaron's character in the past and confirm that Aaron's comments to Nicky have to do with his cousin making graphic and unwanted sexual advances on their teammates, and his accusations towards Neil were from a place of concern for his brother. I also liked that it was pointed out that of course he would have at least some internalized homophobia due to being raised by religious zealots in a conservative area, but is unlearning it due to Nicky.
On a similar note, I'm glad that we were provided the context that Nicky's inappropriate behavior is a defense mechanism to weed out people who might hurt him rather than legitimate advances, because I think the fandom tends to forget that he is also a character with extreme trauma written outside of the "perfect victim" stereotype. His actions aren't okay, but the entire point is that they are the result of what he's had to endure just like every other member of the team
The implication that Andrew specifically signed with the Foxes so Aaron could go to college
Aaron and Andrew have the same nervous habit of picking at loose thread
It causes me physical pain to see Andrew clearly trying to open up to Aaron about his self-harm, but because his way of communicating is less straightforward (he doesn't lie, but he because he stuggles to confront and be open with his emotions, he presents the truth in flowery, vague language) and because the two dont really know or understand each other, Aaron can't fully grasp the implications of what he's saying
On the subject of things that cause me physical pain: baby Aaron telling his mom that he wanted to be a neurosurgeon like the people on TV and her laughing and saying he'd never make anything of himself. Fuck Tilda Minyard, all my homies hate Tilda.
Andrew is so uncomfortable, someone Get Him Out of There.
Going off that and his nervous habits (that Aaron mentions he did often enough to be noticable as a habit premedication), I am highkey wondering if the reason Sober Andrew doesn't talk to anyone outside Neil is because he's just. Socially Awkward.
We get a little bit of insight into Andrew's "misogyny" (I personally think distrusting certain people as a result of extreme personal trauma is a little bit different than just being sexist, in the same way women distrusting men because they're used to being harassed and belittled isn't misandry, but that's up to your personal opinion) and that his distain for Katelyn comes from the fact that he thinks she's stringing Aaron along and will turn out to be awful like his previous girlfriends (there's also a notable implication that Aaron has the same self-destructive tendencies as Andrew, and may be why he went out of his way to get him into college and on the straight-and-narrow) also see that this extends to Bee as well despite their close relationship, with him being so afraid that she'd reject him for being gay that he can't even look at her while talking about Neil, probably made worse by the fact that she's a maternal figure for him, which is where this trauma response originates.
Aaron is the only person on the team who's aware that Andrew hasn't slept with Neil, and the only one to grasp the significance of the fact that they've gotten close to that point already despite Andrew's trauma, outside of Renee
It was overall really interesting to see inside Aaron's head (I actually wouldn't mind a book from his perspective, he has a similar way of thinking to Neil but much more grounded) and to see Andrew through the lense of someone who just views him as Just A Guy
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tallsc · 1 day
Okay something I'm noticing with the current Green arc (which I've found incredibly interesting as a whole btw, I've just been busy irl so haven't found the time or words to do a full analysis on or contribute to every amazing analysis I've seen by other people) is the glasses.
Note: I don't have Tiktok and don't really have the ability to view things on it, and I don't have an Instagram either, so I may be missing a few things. I'm mainly focusing on the Youtube aspect of this.
I've seen mention that Green's been losing energy, getting less involved with their friends, and generally doing more clickbait-y and iffy videos. But also they've been starting to wear these glasses more - and I think that's a pretty direct representation of when Green's behavior, energy, creations, and friendship have all been going downhill.
For the basketball, superhero saga, and most of the Minecraft vlog (also the Tiktok announcement, which I'm not sure where that fits in), Green has just been Green, no glasses or anything. And that's when they seem to have the most energy, and have been doing things with their friends. Sure it's silly and a bit over-the-top, but it seems like everyone's legitimately having fun, and everyone's involved. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the popups and stuff over the vlog video was done by other sticks just wildly tossing in effects like they did in the first official video.
But at the end of the vlog video, and for most of the recent things, Green put on these orange-rimmed sunglasses. And the end of the vlog video is when we first started seeing the rest of the CG looking less than pleased with the videos. And after that, Green's started doing things that not even they seem happy with - the couch challenge, or the eating grass.
So I believe the sunglasses are a symbol of that. Of abandoning friendship in favor of personal goals, and losing yourself and your enjoyment of the world in the process.
Because this isn't even the first time a similar pair of sunglasses were used to express that.
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Orange abandoned their friends so Orange could do something they thought would be better and make them happier. Until they realized it didn't, and realized they were wrong, then they put down the glasses and went back for their friends.
Hopefully Green learns to put down the glasses too.
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sangreprince · 3 days
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I wanna keep this brief (graphic design is my passion level effort but also it kinda works in a really funny way) !!! I wanna let you all know I appreciate the love you've given Zagreus and I'm so so happy to be here. You're all great and wonderful and I could say so many good things to say about each and every one of my mutuals. So fuck it, that's what I'mma do. Because you all truly deserve it. I'm super happy with Zagreus and being able to share my portrayal and have it be well received means so much !!! It's easy to say 'thank you all so much' but I want to acknowledge that I truly do appreciate and care about each and every one of my mutuals, even if my time / availability makes it tough at times. PART 1/4
@withinchains / @hercarnality : Elle you already know how much ily so I'm gonna keep this short. You're such an amazing friend and writer and you already have the screenshot about me gushing pinned so eat my shorts and play arams with me. Your Morgana is to die for and you write every character to a fucking T because of how you just interpret all their personalities and put them into words SO effortlessly.
@lasraichean : NEMO U SMELL LIKE BEEF and I think you're fantastic. You pour so much effort into all your OCs and that passion does you so much credit. You absolutely shower Annie with love in such a way that I shower everyone else with unrequested amounts of fromsoft lore so MWAH.
@blackrosesmatron : Lucy your LB is fantastic and you're so easy to talk to and communicate with. Genuinely every time we sit down and plot I find myself getting so enthralled in her antics and character. You do her so much justice
@avernusfuries : HAN You single handedly made me like Karlach and that isn't even a joke. Before we met and started writing I always thought her story was one of the weaker ones and you somehow managed to turn her into one of the more realized characters in the game. HATS OFF TO YOU and every day I beg for more of this big doofus.
@feuerwizard : Crys I know I need to get back to you for plotting things, I've just been so busy but I want to say: You and some of the other CR writers you write with are so talented and I adore reading your posts. Were it not for you guys I still probably wouldn't have any interest in CR and I'm so so excited to get started with more stuff and actually get threads going!
@soulcluster : Lilah I think all your portrayals are excellent. Your MM deserves all the attention it gets and I honestly couldn't pick a favorite muse if gave me truth serum. Plotting with you is a blast and I'm so thankful for all the ideas we pass between eachother!
@pitgritted : Your Sett, Taric, and Mutli are all so well done Jojo. I can tell you really care about all the people you write and it shines so brightly, right down the amount of detail you place into every reply and how you format things. Passion shows in the end and this is no exception!!
@palespawn : This sassy motherfucker. We've only just started writing and I still need to get to replies but you've showed interest since almost day one and I cant say how much I appreciate that. Courtney you do such a beautiful job with the twink, I almost dont wanna stab him. Almost~
@infinitysagas : I first of all wanna say thank you for writing such underappreciated characters. To see Damon get love brings me so much joy, I always take a second to read his posts when I see them come up. I know we haven't done a ton but please know that I see your writing and totally wanna do stuff, I'm just very busy skdjhf.
@deathdxnces : Irelia was a character I never cared about too much, but how you humanize her so much and have expanded on her character beyond what Riot's given us does SO much for me. I actually adore how you portray her, Mel, and I wish to get writing at some point soon!! I know you liked a starter a bit ago and I do plan to get to that, but please do not hesitate to hit me up for plotting in the meantime. It really does help and I promise I don't bite!!
@tealbeats : I know you're not super active on Ez (and I still owe you a lot of stuff actually) but I wanna say I love the amount of his personality you're able to paint into every interaction. You have such a way of making him the perfect amount of insufferable (in the best way) while still twisting it in SUCH an endearing light. I love that annoying little bug and I'm so glad you do too, because it really shows.
@agonizedembrace : Han it's been really nice to reach out and get into contact again. You're genuinely a really funny, interesting, and thoughtful person who cares about Evelynn in such a way that brings out every aspect of her character. The agony, the sex appeal, the sass, the confidence, you just nail all of it and I'm really hoping we can get stuff going soon!
@bendwill : Elder scrolls blogs are few and far between, but Miraak is absolutely one of those characters that deserves to be more written out. We haven't gotten to do a ton but please don't hesitate to hit me up and scream ideas at me, the idea of Tamrielic Zagreus is very fascinating to me. (And also I need somebody to ramble about my Oblivion D&D Campaign ideas with skdfjh)
@ofweave : First of all, trans gale is based as fuck and you have a vision. Second of all, I know you're on hiatus but once you come back I'd be so happy to get the ball rolling with this stinky wizard man!!
@kismetwilled : I'm not gonna lie, seeing how you pour effort into your headcanons and thoughtful replies kind of inspired me to do similar with my own. I also want to say that I'd love to plot more and yell ideas all day with you, your style is gorgeous and I find myself appreciating characters on your blog I've never even heard of or are barely familiar with. Seriously Dani, it's top tier and I'm so happy to be mutuals.
@enrogued : We haven't gotten anything started with but I'm so hyped. Rogue as a character has such fascinating potential with her powers, and that's not to mention her attitude towards others in general. Once stuff gets started I'm probably never gonna shut up in your DMs but like that's a constant sdfjkh STILL!!
@lunarrepel : Shadowheart my beloved. The aesthetics, writing, dialog, everything you do with her is SO on point and I can't get over it. I was already biased and liked her after Larian adjusted her a bit during the beta phase of BG3 but still. Man you just nail her and I'm so excited to develop these two out. They give wine aunt energy and THAT alone gives me so much life.
@dreadgloom / @cinderschild : I wont lie to you I was GIDDY when I found out you wrote a WoTR character. I honestly expected that fandom to have more of a presence on tumblr but I'll take what small fanclub we can get right?? And also can I comment on the takes you have from Salvatore are absolutely genius and play really well into WoTC's drow?? Genuinely fantastic worldbuilding and it's always a pleasure to see you crop up on the dash.
@nightsbloom : Your headcanons and replies have been gorgeus and I just want to say despite me being really busy and not getting around to approaching yet, I'm so excited??? Also a while back you reblogged a Qimir gifset and it's still living rent free in my head so thank you for the food chef--- Please though, if you have any thoughts or even just dynamic ideas - toss them at me at mach 5 and I will run with them because I'm HYPE.
@spiderwarden : I think you officially win the title of Minthara's #1 fan. Her performance (as I've mentioned) is absolutely captivating, as is your writing. I'm very excited to see where her interactions with Zagreus go and writing with you (or even just seeing your random hc posts and comments) is such a blast. I will always sit down and listen to you ramble about her, I think she's so fascinating and that's in no small part to how you manage to inject so much life and love into her despite all the cut content.
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sigsfigs · 2 days
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it's just the two of us, or that's what we swore
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anyone else feeling a little crazy abt them? no? just me? alright
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lk its not the usual advice you give but you do generally give advice and off that thread you reblogged earlier about like joining your local community could you answer, or know of somewhere that would have the answers on how to actually do the suggested actions like.
If you can identify local specific interest groups then how do you make contact with them properly so you dont come off like a creep or a tourist? How does going to clubs or gigs or just like shops result in one becoming part of a community or making friends through that? What do you even say to your neighbors to not seem like a creep when you may have nothing in common other than living nearby?
Theres endless advicde online that basically just says Get Out There!! but doesnt go through the process of making it work properly which is the actually hard part. Again I understand if yourr not going to answer the questions personally but just if you know somewhere else to ask or find things
okay so once again
find groups activities and events that are advertising publicly. groups that are advertising publicly are doing so because they want people to attend. you will not seem creepy for attending a thing that people want you to attend.
when you get there, you talk to people. about anything. the activity you are both mutually taking part in is a good starting point. again, that's not creepy.
you talk to your neighbors about anything you want. topics of neighbors I have shared with my neighbors include complimenting their pets, comparing notes on our yards, remarking on their Halloween decorations, and speculating about the house across the street where seeming 900 college students live together and do bad skateboard tricks.
I know it sounds scary or whatever but like. the way you become part of a community is by talking to people and taking an interest in their lives to get to know them.
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Teacher!Five x Teacher!reader
Synopsis: What happens when a grumpy stern history teacher meets the new sunshine teacher?
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Five was grumpy you could say the least. Always annoyed and always on the students ass’s about their school work and their grades. You never saw him without a cup of coffee and without a suit. He taught an advanced history class and most left and went to there normal history within about 2 weeks of being there. He was not offended since he decided if they cant handle it then its best they go. Thats not exactly said with malice or mockingly just staright facts. Kinda like if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Well he was having a normal day sitting at his desk drinking his cup of coffee and walking around the classroom monitoring his students as they did their assignment. All was quiet and peaceful till you walked into his life. Litterally. You came to his classroom with a big smile adjusting your cat eye glasses and shirt “Hello, sir! if you didn’t know i’m new here and i decided to come introduce myself!” When five looked at you he swore his bones turned to jello and his cheeks heated in a tinge of pink and his heart went faster. He looked at you in awe for a second till he cleared his throat and in a stoic almost disinterested voice he spoke “Yes im aware of you. Im assuming you are Mrs L/N? The new art teacher?” Now normally he wouldnt give two damns about art but if this what would come with the art, a woman he could only dream of? hell he would fake an interest just for you. You smiled “Yes and you must be Mr Hargreeves! Oh how lovely it is to see you, Mr.” He chuckled nervously but pulled himself together enough to look like that grumpy annoyingly professional man “Yes it’s a pleasure” he tried to act casual. From that day forward he tried to hide his absolutely racing heart and the damned pink tinge on his cheeks. He couldn’t help but notice how sweet you were. He would never admit it but he would purposely walk past your art room to just catch a glimpse of you. Whenever you could catch him you would always tell him a good morning which would make him internally scream which was hidden behind a mask of stoicism and grumpiness.
On a normal Monday five had entered the teacher break room to get his daily cup of coffee only to find you already there pouring a little too much creamer for his liking into the cup. he quirked a brow and went to the machine and poured himself a cup of black coffee. “You oughta slow down there. Have some coffee with your creamer.” five had said without even looking up at her and focusing on his cup. you looked at him and smiled and put the creamer back in the employee fridge “There is coffee in it! i just dont like the bitterness of just coffee. Makes me feel like my tongue wants to shrivel into my body.” Five snorted a little at that and laughing a little. You went a little wide eyed “I’ve never heard you laugh before.” you looked at him with this sort of curious and wondrous look like a child inspecting a butterfly for the first time. Five went red in the cheeks and looked to you “Wh-what? I-“ he was gonna get a little defensive since he thought you might be poking fun but you interrupted “I like it.” you said as you never broke contact and sipped your cup and then smiled at him. He was taken aback at first but then he had a small smile on his face. You and him ended up talking for a long time until you guys almost ran late to get to your classrooms. From then on you and him would always end up finding some sort of excuse to be around each other and talk. His students tried to poke fun and joke with him about it but usually it was met with a glare which immediately would trigger a fight or flight response the usual response being flight.
Besides from getting a hard time from the students the teachers around them rooted for there unfolding story. They watched from the sidelines and listened in hoping that one day the word would be out that they were dating. Lets just say group chats would be filled with the gossip about ‘Oh look at how they look at each other’ or ‘She brought him cookies today for him to try and he looked like he wanted to carry her to a courthouse right then’. Her and five’s relationship was something people were waiting and watching.
Somewhere in near the end of the year you and his relationship was very close now. Talking to each other and laughing together. Five seemed to loosen up a bit though still the stoic strict man he was, he did let some things slide more now. Today was the last week of school he entered the teachers break room only to find you there. He smiled as he saw you had your overly sweet coffee creamer coffee and a donut from the donut boxes the principal provided for them. He came on over to the pot near you “I see your having a ball with your coffee and donut.” you smiled and chuckled and sipped your coffee “Yeah you should get one. the principal provided them to celebrate our good work throughout the year.” you said while smiling at him. he chuckled and set the pot back down “I think i am okay. Sweets in the morning will only upset my stomach.” he sipped his cup . You chuckled and nodded “That is understandable but one piece wont hurt you will it?” she said looking him in the eyes. Five felt his cheeks heat up at the eye contact and suddenly his mind was all flustered and foggy. God he could lose himself in you if you let him. You were so beautiful and he might as well be helplessly in love fool though he tried to stay focused it never did last long when near you. He snapped himself out of his daze and cleared his throat “Y-Yeah. One piece shouldn’t hurt.” he mentally kicked himself for stuttering. You smiled and you took a chunk of your donut and you don’t know why or what came over you but you brought it to his lips to feed him instead of, oh i don’t know, handing it to him like a normal person. You just couldn’t help it. It was not an unknown fact that he was handsome and getting to know him this past school year has been eye opening to who he truly is behind that mask of stoicism and grumpiness. Five was a little nervous but he didn’t oppose like on autopilot he took the piece between his teeth and lips and ate it. He couldn’t help but look at your flustered pink tinged cheeks and your beautiful eyes that held so much life in them. His own cheeks heated and his head felt like it was on cloud nine. Before he could even think properly he blurted out “I think i’m in love with you.” Your own eyes widened along with his own. Your heart raced and he about wanted to rip up the floorboards and crawl underneath and bury himself alive. You were shocked “Wait…what?” you had to hear him say it again. One more time. just once more. he immediately said “N-nothing!” and started hurriedly walking out. You followed behind “No, no what did you say!” he had such a red blush you woulda thought he had been sunburned “Nothing absolutely nothing go away!” you and him both walked past a group of gossipy teachers. “You just said you love me!” you yelled to him following behind him “No no i didn’t you’re delusional!” he cried out to you. The teachers had stopped their conversation and listened in on yours and giggled. One of the teachers Maggie smiled softly “Young love. What a wondrous thing.” another teacher chuckled and he said “Yeah in no time we will see them together.” another teacher sipped her coffee and said “Besides that y’all owe me 5 bucks each. I told you he would confess first.” the others groaned and reluctantly handed there 5 bucks.
Hey guys! i hope you all liked this story! i hope y’all have a good day and i will see you in the next one! ❤️
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helinshi · 2 days
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pt.1 ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
๛ ๋ ׅ ˖ ꕮ fluff,angst,happy ending,cursed words,crying,first love,first kiss, misunderstandings,Christmas,sukunas a bad guy,satoru gets hurt,satorus just a baby. ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
a/n: english isn't my first language sorry if i made any mistakes:) and all the credits goes to the owner of these art i used here!
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next day was going well,until satoru saw you giving sukuna notes again..the cracking feelings all hitting him like a slap in the face. What can he say? You weren't the type of person who'd shoo away someone who just wanted some notes from you. Satoru didn't said anything about, spending his time with you and teasing you as always because he loves how you laugh at his stupid jokes, gripping his amr whenever your somewhere crowdy with him. not to mention that he had noticed that you don't hesitate to drink water by the side of the cup he drank from. Yet the thought of you still talking with sukuna bothered him to no end. Everyday when he came to school and sees you talking to sukuna or giving that bitch notes made him wanting to punch the smirk off sukunas face. since the Christmas party was near, satoru as always already had decided to go to the party with you,and you had decided the same. So when he sees sukuna pining you against the locker room asking you to go to the party with him satoru's heart sinks in his stomach. He knew you'd say yes.. because you rarely rejected people because you were too weak to be rude like that. He just walked away from there saying nothing. That night he cried thinking that he might lose you to sukuna and his first love might be left incompleted. Little did he knew he was your first love and crush too. Few days passes like that and for the first time satoru avoides you, making you confused why did he said no to you wanting to lunch with him together, doing homework with you. You were done with this. So much.
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(next day at school)
You approached satoru at lunch break,so when he looked at you his eyes have dark circles from no sleeping. "Satoru,can we talk?" You asked. Hoping that he will say yes. And he did,how could he not when you hand has grabbed his so softly and gently, looking at him with those cute eyes of yours. Almost making him forget that he was avoiding you,he lets you drag him by his hand to the corner of the school stairs, making sure there was no one.
"why are you avoiding me?"
He frozed, looking at you nervously and mindlessly getting his hand out of your grip. Your heart cracks seeing him acting like this,he had never took away his hand from you like this. Instead his arm had always wrapped around your shoulder, letting you stay close to him,your most safest place. Satoru sighs before speaking. His heart beating rapidly.
"you like sukuna dont you? Your going to the Christmas party with him right?"
You stare at him dumbfounded,a pout on your lips trying to register what he said,you and sukuna? How could he even imagine you dating sukuna, your just a normal girl and sukuna's a player who always dates new girls every month or even less than a month. You sigh looking at his angelic face
"you saw him asking me to go to the Christmas party with him right?*
Seeing satoru nod you smile softly
"i would never. How could you even think I'll go to the party with him? I don't wanna end up like other girls who ends up getting her heart broken after dating him. You know i always go to the party every year with you?
wrapping your arms around him pulling you into a comforting hug,tears were already running down satoru's face in happiness and over him being a dumbass like you. It didn't take too long for him to confess his love for you. making you both end up giggling and sharing your first kiss with him sitting on the stairs of karaoke on the day of Christmas.
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m00nst4rd0ll · 3 days
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Shrimpo was HORRIBLE at comforting people.
Of course he was, he was literally Shrimpo for god's sake.
You know, the rude shrimp who's never said sorry before ??
But when you start crying, he's a saint.
Like I said, he's bad at comforting meaning he's never comforted anyone before so he knows nothing about it.
But after all, you are his. . . Only friend. So he has to try and help you ! You literally helped him stop banging his head on machines and stop screaming so much!
Tears were rolling down your eyes, you were crying. Shrimpo's DUMBASS was just standing beside you, awkwardly standing straight, his eyes darting left to right, he was sweating. You can't really blame him, he's an awkward shrimp. Especially around you but let's not talk about that
"uhh. . . Hey, uhm, Y/n. Why are you- uh... Why are you crying. . . Friend." Shrimpo said, sounding like HES the one crying. Listen, he's trying his best. He's never done this before.
"I feel so ugly *sob* I also feel useless, I haven't extracted/distracted/healed anything/any twisteds/any toons (Depending on what role you have!) Everything is falling apart, I don't know what to do. . ." You say, sobbing inbetween words. And then there's SHRIMPO JUST STANDING THERE-
"Your not ugly, Y/n. Your actually uhh... The most prettiest toon I've ever met 👉👈 and your not useless!" Shrimpo said, trying to make you ignore how he JUST admitted you were pretty.
"you- *sob* think I'm pretty?"
"NO I DONT, BYE. Get better soon !" Shrimpo said, running away. You just kneeling down/crouching/sitting down there, confused.
Shrimpo has never ran more faster. Literally.
You were confused, like 'Confused II' confused. You swore you heard him say you were pretty, why did he run away ?
Was he nervous ?
He probably was.
The way he ran away actually helped you stop crying from how funny It was so. . . Technically he helped you !
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And we're done :D uhh then again, I'm JUST now going back to writing so this may not be what you wanted ! I was watching EPIC the musical while writing this btw :3
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