#if anyone votes the hate one i will kill them
nalascat · 2 years
this is a very important poll okay
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list of things that made me scream in pjo episode 3
Percy picking grover because he trusts him not to betray him!!! THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS OK
Luke still comes off as so likable and inconspicuous that whole convo he had with percy and the shoes i just
annabeth staring at the different flavors of candy in the gas station and not being able to pick and just buying all of them. Thats the annabeth we deserve
uncle ferdinand foreshadowing……………
When annabeth and percy start arguing in the woods and grover tries to change the subject by talking about his uncle and they both completely ignore him. I LOVE GROVER SO MUCH
the bickering in this episode is ON POINT by the way
like the stuff theyre arguing about makes sense. Yes i would be concerned about those things too
ESPECIALLY since theres such a focus put on trust (esp after percy learns that someone is going to betray him) and percy and annabeth are arguing about stuff theyve lied or havent told each other about???? Sorry that might be skipping ahead a bit but GOD is that the good stuff
i love that they changed how the three of them ended up going into auntie em’s because before it was a little concerning that none of them figured out it was medusa. Plus having a fury outside just adds to the tension a perfect amount i think, because it really traps them in there
all the discussion about the gods and what medusa talks to percy about in the kitchen - YES MAKE ME HATE THEM!! All of this is adding up to lukes motivations making so much sense in the end
ALSO!! Them harkening back to sallys line in the first episode when she tells percy that not all heroes look like heroes and not all monsters look like monsters - they brought it back so perfectly. Percy wanting to trust medusa because of what his mom said, medusa calling Poseidon a monster, ALL OF IT is so good
When theyre down in the basement and grover puts on the shoes and then just fucking. Flies away and disappears into the darkness yelling a little. and annabeth and percy just kind of helplessly watch him go before being like - welp i guess that plans not working. That was peak comedy
them using annabeths hat on medusa and then using it to kill alecto THEY WERE SO SMART FOR THAT!!! Also percy just the invisible severed head was a hilarious concept to me
when percy suggests burying the hat in the ground with the hat on to make sure no one bad finds it and annabeth just!!! Agrees!!! And then grover has to be like no that hats important to her its a gift from her mother!!! And then percys like well we’ll find another solution then. That whole scene was good yes i liked that
also annabeth revealing that grover was her protector too and percy asks about it and grover just changes the subject and doesnt answer. He is the KING of avoidance
also grover finally interrupting annabeth and percy when they start fighting and giving his whole speech about getting along. That wouldve felt a little cheesy and preachy and out of place from anyone else but considering grover tried to get them to sing the consensus song a few hours earlier i fully believe that he would say that
Why the fuck wasnt there a lin manuel maranda jumpscare warning. I couldve used one of those
but actually all the jokes in this episode were so on point. Like percy calling drachmas chuckie cheese tokens. And him arguing about voting on the bus. Anyways
10/10 episode i will be rewatching like eight times before next tuesday.
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la7ma-mafrooma · 9 months
I hate it when some Americans make something such as the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians about their shitty politicians or themselves. "wELL iF pEoPle jUSt VOted fOr tRUMp-"
Not a single American president helped/was even willing to help any of the countries they DELIBERATELY destroyed and destabilized! Y'all are fools if you think the US is a democratic or a 'civilized' country. The US is just another fascist and imperialist country with glitter on top. No matter who's in power, that person actively participates in multiple genocides in the world! It's not about you, an American, most likely white citizen who's living in safety and doesn't have to worry about being bombed/killed any second. Stop making it about you and your shitty presidents that never do anything to actually help.
If the people in power's aim is not to decolonize Palestine and stop meddling in ANY Middle Eastern affairs, or any country's affairs actually, THEY'RE NOT GOOD! No one needs to be 'saved' by the US. Wanna know why? Because the US doesn't want to save anyone! They see a chance to exploit a country, and they take it and pretend they're 'saving' the 'oppressed'.
The US has the blood of millions of innocent men, women, and children on its hands!
Anyone who tries to defend the US government or any of the fascists they call presidents will simply be blocked. I stand by what I said.
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one of the things I see the most in any fandom space is pearl clutching people saying how “shocked” they are when it turns out a “problematic” ship or a “problematic” character is loved a lot in said fandom.
the most recent example for me would be from this poll where it asks people to vote which ship they like the most, thousands of fans have voted, and the results happen to show the ship that is — according to these people — most problematic has won. needless to say, hundreds of these “noble people who usually harass real people, who just want to ship their little ship in peace, over fictional characters in the name of being morally superior” are so shocked that such a “harmful and problematic” ship is the one that is most liked within the fandom they’re in.
I mean… I don’t know what to tell you, but just because you’re “loud” and you like to “witch hunt” people who enjoy fictional things that you think is Bad, doesn’t mean the ship or the character you deemed Problematic is actually hated by the majority of the fandom you’re in.
sure, you are allowed to hate these ships and these characters for any reason, but other people are allowed to like them. and surprise surprise, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your mindset that Liking Bad Fictional Things Equals Condoning Bad Things in Real Life.
shocking, I know. but most sane people can actually distinguish the differences between fiction and reality. and that’s why people who like fictional villains aren’t actually serial killer in real life.
fandom is and has always supposed to be a safe and fun space in which anyone can like and enjoy whatever they want. it never is, and it’s never supposed to be a courtroom where someone’s moral compass is judged based on how they enjoy Fictional Things. because the whole point of enjoying a ship or liking a fictional character is that it’s fictitious, it’s not real. no one in real life is getting killed because a hot fictional villain is loved by hundreds and thousands of fans.
I hope you feel better soon though 🤍
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4pfsukuna · 8 months
Kings get jealous too
Yall voted and honestly the thought of Jealous!sukuna was tooooo good to not write. Reader is black (happy black history month btw). Sukuna does not like to share… or have anyone touch whats his why would a king have to?
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The vibrations of my phone for the 3rd time was finally begining to annoy me so with eyes still closed i reach around the bed only to slap something warm and firm.
“Still here sweetheart” i hear the raspy voice of sukuna i dont need to look at him to know hes smirking and my eyes shoot open making direct eye contact.
Finally reaching for my phone hoping to get some sort of clarity i see 100 missed calls, 43 text messages, 17 instagram post. The safest option was to go through my messages as i try to gain memory of why this idiot was in bed next to me.
“Oh sweetheart do you not remember?” He chides cockily and i sit up seeing a picture that nearly killed me. My tongue out… against Sukunas sternum in a secluded corner of the club with him smirking devilishly at me and the next of him carrying me out his hands firm on my ass.
The club.
The club!
Housing yuji had been no problem at all, owing a favor to Gojo i was glad when this was all he needed. Yuji itadori was sweet kind always cleaned after himself and was a genuine pleasure to have around even cooking when away on missions.
The issue? The fact that he was a vessel for a 1000 year old king of curses that was a complete pain in the ass who gets a thrill out of you especially finding out i was kazumi Honoka and had i not resented my family could easily match Gojo or top him . The Honoka clan known for the most powerful flame and fire weilding sorcerers every few generations, squeaky clean image rich and arrogant just as the other powerful clans.
“Sukuna the only reason your not dead is because i havent found a way to exercise you from yuji i know for a fact i could kill you” i seethe only to be met with silence. I hated being ignored and he would do it on purpose as if his pathetic ass being housed by a child was better than me. Growling i pull a dagger from my waist band and swing it at Yuji necks who looks at me in fear but Sukunas mouth breaks through his neck biting the dager making it crumble into a million pieces as if it was nothing more than a cracker.
“You dont even know how to fully weild your cursed energy sweetheart, i could have you dead in 10 seconds and with the remaining 9 dance over your corpse” his mouth cackles from the side of Yujis neck.
This was a typical tuesday morning for us.
“Yet you’re only a pathetic excuse of what you used to be. King of curses yet you’ve been trapped inside of yuji for years how lame” i degrade a sneer on my face as i adjust my shirt.
“I— should we do something about this” Megumi ask from next to Nobara on the couch who looks concered and ready to break us up but not sure how plates of breakfast getting cold. It wasnt even 11am yet.
“No. This is a typical Tuesday it’s kind of like foreplay for them. Usually she ignores him or teases back unless she had a difficult mission” Yuji informs them before shoving another pancake in his mouth and of course he noticed the differences in our interactions i was the only one Sukuna really interacted with anyway.
“How was it?” Nobara looks at me and i sigh. I nearly died because i lost my footing tripping over my own tube of fenty lip gloss, how could i ever admit that.
“Pffft, struggling with a puny curse yet you think you could take me on? You make me laugh, brat” and thats what makes me lose it and ignite the fire flames on my hands my eyes matching as i do cause a groan from Yuji.
“I havent even finished breakfast yet can i atlea—“
I cut him off.
“Release him” i fume cracking my knucles making the flames bigger my breakfast completely forgotten about.
“Yeah release me brat so i can finally have my moment with her” he snaps back at yuji and this time I smirk the fire on my hands dulling.
“If thats what you wanted that’s all you had to say, it’s childish to be mean to a girl you like. Unfortunately you’re not my type” i grin patting Yuji cheek where Sukunas mouth was only to feel his sharp teeth nip at my hand.
“Youre nothing like the women i had keeping my bed warm just like you’re silly little technique you wouldnt know what to do with me” he chides back the two on the couch getting whiplash from how fast our conversation changes and how quick our comebacks are for another.
“See, foreplay” Yuji utters to them as he finishes his plate of pancakes satisfied with his belly being full leaning back on his seat.
“Well we were going to celebrate you getting back and figure you could use a night out since returning from your mission, but it looks like you definitely need it” Megumi speaks up motioning between myself and Yuji.
Giggling with Nobara as we take a 6th shot of casamigos to see who would tap out first watching a woman try to flirt with  Megumi who's completely oblivious or just awkward at flirting.
“What's the deal with you and Sukuna? Girl to girl like i didn't even know he spoke unless he had full control” she prys bumping my shoulder which i roll my eyes at.  “Please Yuji told me how he always has an eye on you, always ask about you when you're not around and flirts with you relentlessly”
“He also pesters me” i add sipping the lemon drop the bartender placed infront of us mentioning it was on the house.
“Anything to keep your attention” she smirks while taking another shot. “It’s why he’s taken over Yuji yet instead of burning the entire world down he’s watching you”.
And he is, black tattoos adorned his body as he sits on the sofa eyes piercing through the crowd focused directly on me. Maybe it was the curiosity maybe it was the alcohol but i was tempted to test her theory. 
Swiping another coat of lipgloss over my lips and adjusting my shirt so my boobs were perked up with a quick hair fluff i turn to the guy at the end of the bar Whos been covering our tab for drinks.
“Hello handsome” i grin taking the stool next to him watching the instant lust build in his eyes. I could still
Feel his eyes on me and its only right to give him a show.
The man on the stool looks over at me, double taking before adjusting his posture to give me his full attention.
“My my tonight must be my lucky night an angel like you gracing me with your presence” he praises the strong smell of alcohol on his breath as he twirls one of my dark curls around his finger releasing it with a spring.
“Move” and Sukunas glare is deadly biceps rippling under the club light his shirt long gone.
“Hey pal” the man says setting a hand on Sukunas shoulder unaware of just what was about to happen and i couldnt even warn him my eyes never left the king of curses. 
Without breaking eye contact he grabs the mans hand crushing it the sound of bones crushing couldn’t be hidden by the loud music but i still could only focus on sukuna.
“Wipe the smug look off your face” he grumbles stepping closer the heat of his body rolling off onto me.
“Lord Sukuna, king of curses the almighty and powerful isnt… jealous?” I giggle watching as he takes the shot left behind by the man scowling as he takes the shot next to it as well.
“Dont humor me, he was weak and undeserving. Plus if something happened to you Yuji would never shut up” he… rambles? Oh he was so jealous. Fire literally comes out of my hand unless that man controlled water and in copious amount what harm would he truly bring me.
 “So if i were to go home with him and sleep with him you wouldnt be jealous in the slightest? And i mean hours of letting him have his way with me—“ to which he scoffs rolling his eyes in disgust.
Sukuna wasnt a man of many words more so action so i could talk all i wanted but the best reaction id get was from action. And i knew just how to pull it from him.
“Not even if i did this?” I ask but before he has a chance i bend down coming eye level with his abdomen and drag my tongue from the begining of the black mark to where it ends on his chest smirking when i come eye level with him watching as something dark ignites in his eyes.
When we get home theres not a surface left untouched that he doesnt have me against. Pressing me into the front door as he bites down my neck licking and sucking over my pulse.
“Suk—mmmm” the moan comes out of me as he tugs on my earlobe with his mouth his hands feeling like hot fire on my body. He begins to pull me further in but i pull back giggling at his look of dissatisfaction. 
“I gotta take m’shoes off” im sure i slur my words slightly only to be picked up and placed on the top of the black velvet couch my feet on the seat cushion giving him easier access. Im shocked by how gentle he is untying the straps from around my calfs before he gets frustrated ripping them off.
“SUKUNA!” I yell watching the coy smirk on his face and he leaves a kiss on my calf.
“Whaaaat?” Before another kiss is placed on my knee followed by my inner thigh and right when i think hes going to go under my skirt he switches to my other leg the warmth spreading in my core and i wanted him to stop teasing. 
“Sukuna” i groan but it instead comes out as a sigh feeling his thumbs massage into my inner thigh extremely close to my core as i feel his breath over my underwear.
“Tell me.” He grunts against my core the vibrations shaking my whole insides and maybe my body was just sensitive to him because i could definitely cum just like that. “Tell me what i want”
And hes placing kisses over my pussy through my underwear moaning and something about him wanting me so bad he would kiss me through my underwear turned me on even more. I’m sure he could tell because its not long before his tongue is poking at the sides making me shiver.
“Give me what i want” i counter to prideful to beg alcohol be damned the arrogant grin on his face doesnt budge as he pulls me down so im on the seat easily throwing my legs over his shoulders. Long fingers brush my wet folds as he hooks his finger in my underwear, a lewd comment about me being so wet for him my thongs were clinging to it in a way his tongue would replace.
And hes not lying, he places one long lick from my hole all the way up to my clit, a light swirl around before placing a peck and I feel electric. My head luls back as he uses two fingers to spread my lips open giving easier access to my clit which he sucks kisses licks and moans against.
“Fuck” he groans against it placing a wide open mouth tongue kiss on my pussy and i arch into him? Away? Im not sure my eyes slam shut when i realize hes kissing my pussy the same way he was kissing me against the door and the pure lewdness of his mouth being full of me. The wet smacking sounds were being drowned out by my moans and cries of his name and with a particular flick of his tongue on my clit i launch forward squeezing my thighs around his head which seems to entertain more than bother him.
“Eyes on me” he moans against me tapping my thighs twice and i couldnt even remember shutting them. His lips apply more pressure as my hands get lost in his hair holding him in place which seems to egg him on his motions becoming filthier with every flick of his tongue.
He pushes me back before his wide palms squeeze my thighs grunting as he continues his assault licking me in ways that would leave a mark on my mind before tongue-fucking me which is what sends me into the spiral of cuming for the first time. (And embarassingly fast)
“So delicious” he murmurs licking up every drop and i can feel my heart pounding in my ears as i try to catch my breath. It took him less than five minutes to have me in a puddle, figuratively and literally and my brain scrambled. 
Pulling me forward by my chin he places an aggressive kiss on my lips leaving me dizzy as i taste myself on his lips until he quickly pulls back standing up beckoning me to follow him.
“We need to get you to bed” he speaks and i miss the taunt in his voice taking it as being scolded instead which makes me stop the cold of the hallway floor settling on the pads of my feet.
“What?!” I snap and he raises a brow facing me the taunt evident on his face.
“Unless you want something from me, tell me sweetheart” And it’s nothing more than an attempt to get me to beg but i was entirely not going to. I would never, no matter how mad i wanted him to rearrange my insides.
“No?” He ask cupping my jaw roughly his thumb grazing my bottom lip rubbing the juices on my lip— the moment he fucks up.
Using my tongue to wrap it arround his thumb before sucking it into my mouth watching the desire come full force in his eyes. I release it with a small pop sound a string of saliva connecting his finger to my lip his eyes never moving from it.
“I mean i know you like when i lick your marks up your chest but what about down?” I whisper before my tongue drags down the black lines down to the waist band of the pants pulling them down watching his dick spring out yet the weight, length and girth stops it from springing completely against his abdomen. 
My mouth waters at the sight and i feel myself sink down to my knees keeping eye contact wrapping my acrylic fingers around it. Theres a drip of precum as i slowly begin to pump that i chase with my thumb smearing it against the tip.
Removed from my trance i feel his large hand cup my jaw roughly and the other replace my hand over his length giving a few slow pumps so i eagerly stick out my tongue knowing exactly what he wants to do.  He taps it on my tongue twice before slowly pushing it in my mouth keeping direct eye contact the whole time listening to the way his breath stops as he hits the back of my throat. He feels heavy in my mouth in the most delicious way causing me to moan and give a slight suck.
Its the soft groan that he makes that encourages me to take control pulling back slighty before pushing him all the way down my throat one hand at the base making a twisting motion while the other massages his balls this time earning a “fuck baby” and i almost tease him about it but my mouth was… full.
Pulling back once more for air i swirl my tongue around the tip collecting every drop of precum before licking my way down to his balls and taking them in my mouth. His leg twitches and his eyes are on me with a blown eyed gaze as i swish them around my mouth sending him a wink the smirk coming back.
“Youre such a— fuck… brat taking my dick like this in the…” he stops for a second going to reach for my hair and i almost send a glare until i realize hes just moving it off my shoulders. Hollowing my cheeks and sucking hes brought back to his words. “In the hallway, so hungry for me arent you” he growls 
Moving my mouth back onto his length taking him 4 more times down my throat my hand replacing where my mouth previously was before continuing a bobbing motion. The pace of my bobbing matching the pace of my hand twisting before his hands start caressing my cheeks using it as leverage.
“Such a good girl” he begins stuttering eyes rolling back head falling against the wall. His hips began moving and im not even sure he realizes it and hes fucking my face at a quick pace muttering words in a language that i couldnt identify— maybe something prehistoric.
“Throat so.. mmf… so good, such a good brat. FUCk” he growls when i gag but doesnt stop for a second just continues his rambling. “My brat, youre taking every inch so fucking… so fucking” he holds my head in place as if hes trying not to cum to quick.
Shit thats exactly what hes doing!
Tapping his thigh to gain his attention, the same way he did to me I internally smirk the moment his eyes meet mine and I know exactly what kind of thing would make him release. Slowly pushing down until my nose hits his pelvis as I pull back I give him the longest blink I can exaggerate without looking crazy letting the tears prick my eyes without falling giving the base of his dick and balls a slight squeeze moaning the entire time.
“You fucking demon— nnghhhh”he moans as ropes of his cum shoot down my throat his hips twitching as he holds me in place trying to keep his eyes on me. after hes satisfied everydrop is in my mouth not a single one gone to waste He finally lets my face go before im being pulled up by the front of my shirt. His lips are on mine as hes groping me like my clothes dont exist his hands running all over my body pulling me in closer. 
His tongue swirls in my mouth and its like a mix of both of us before i playfully bite down on his bottom lip feeling him harden against my hip making me grin. He likes it rough i could be as rough as i wanted and hed probably just love it even more.
My legs wrap around his waist the moment he picks me up walking the rest of the way to my room and placing me on the bed pulling me shirt over my head and to inpatient for my skirt and underwear he rips them off. Climbing over me he places a few teasing bites up my neck marking up what hadn't already been marked before pulling back slightly to line himself up with my entrance.
I assume hes going to tease but the squelch and sudden burn of him pushing in makes the corner of my eyes prick with tears only brought back by the sounds of his grunts.
“And you fucking thought id let you go hone with another man and hed have this view of you cock drunk already and all ive done was slide halfway in” he chuckles darkly and i look at where we are connected.
“Eyes on me brat” and my leg is thrown over his shoulder before he leans forward giving me a bruising thrust. Well clearly i bit off more than i could chew. His thrust are fast and heavy but not painful. He rolls his hips and my hands fly up to his chest.
Hold on what was this. He sends a handful more thrust just like that with the same force… no not force pressure and i can feel my mouth watering. These werent the quick hard and fast strokes i was expecting. Sure they were rough but—
His large hand throws my other leg over his shoulder pulling a high pitched moan from me and he was entirely to deep inside of me. Its a particular thrust that hits a spot deep inside of me causing my eyes to cross and i nearly push him off of me had it not been for our position.
“Ahhhh looks like i found that sweet spot” he taunts thrusting into it again and i bite my bottom lip trying to hold in the moans. “Cute attempt” and before i could ask what he means he leans forward so were chest to chest and if he wasnt deep before he definitely was now.
“Fuck” he growls against my ear continuing his assault my eyes only catching the way every muscle ripples in his back. He was making his mark and not just sucking and biting but engraving his self in my memory. Every thrust every roll of his hips its like he was trying to make sure i wouldnt forget drunk or sober. Its slight caresses that turn to grips, hip rolls that turn to strong thrust that rattle my whole body bites thats followed by his tongue flicking over them.
The orgasm begins to build and i feel the wetness already sliding down making him grunt picking up the pace. 
“S-sukuna!” It rocks through me before i have time to warn him but he doesnt stop just continues to fuck me through it his chuckles a distant thought it my head.
“You were so jealous” i mutter through heavy pants the only thought i could hold onto before he's pulling out and i'm flipped onto my stomach his length pushed back in this time his hand snaking under me to play with my clit his strokes different this time. 
His fingers are going fast yet his strokes are slow are taunting his balls slapping against me the contrast sends me into another orgasm my brain telling me to fight back. 
“The next time you think IM jealous of another man some puny mortal remember i can make you cum in 30 seconds” he grunts in my ear and i know theres a glare on his face. But he doesnt stop he alternates the pace of his fingers and thrust making me moan out trying to hold back long forgotten.
“You look so delicious” he moans and the sound has my toes curling. He drops half of his weight on me as his other hand comes around grabbing my neck lifting me up so I can see our reflections in the mirror. His maroon eyes were dark and getting darker with lust as we made eye contact through the mirror and for a second my mind turns to mush the only thought was how good he felt with every thrust and pinch of my clit.
“Look at you… fuck falling apart under me” he grunts a smile building on his lips before he licks them gripping tighter on my neck. “You look so perfect taking my cock like this. Getting so… youre making such a mess on me. Youre pussy is so tight and warm and the way youre clenching when i talk… shit. You must like my voice” his grin grows and i look away but the way i clench around him gives me away im sure.
His hand moves from my clit leaving three stinging SMACKS. His grip grows tighter on my throat forcing me to look at him again in the mirror, his hand squeezing over my cheeks.
“Sukuna” i snap or try to but it only comes out as a stuttering moan which satisfies him. 
“Don't look away” he growls and when hes sure im not going to try again he places his hand back on my clit.
“Im not jealous,” he tries to prove his point but it was lost on me i didnt even care i was in complete bliss.
“I can fuck you better than him. He was just going to turn into a boy and jackrabbit you. He wouldnt know what to do with all the woman you are. Me…JEALOUS? No im leaving my mark youre going to remember every touch, lick, bite, shit and thrust. Thats real punishment. Ruining you for every man after me. They couldnt fuck you like this” he rants a deranged look in his eyes before his speed increases and of course.
He wasnt some 20 something year old guy he was a 1000 year old curse with years of experience in torture. Brute force was a mere quick thing and nothing about this was quick.
“Sukuna im going to…” i whine kicking my legs feeling the pressure build up and it was becoming to much for me. I try to thrust back to push him off but that sinister smile grows the widest ive ever seen and instead he pulls me to my knees by my hip. It instead becomes leverage as he uses his other hand to push my back down creating an arch as his pace comes to the fastest its been all night finally pushing in all the way the tip hitting the spot that made my eyes cross again.
“Oh… OH” he chuckles as he watches my fist curling in the blankets the moans no longer quiet but loud screams im sure my neighbors would complain about tomorrow but i couldnt care. 
“Feels good doesnt it, i should make you beg to cum, i should edge you. I shouldnt even.. fuck.. youre lucky youre so pretty i shouldnt even let you cum for even entertaining him. Were you trying to piss me off?” He growls but it all falls on deaf ears. My own shrieks of pleasure are the only thing i can register.
“But since youre here… under me and that stunt you pulled? At that silly little club? Ill be nice just this once brat.” He moans his thrust becoming sloppy as if the thought of me licking him turns him on. 
“Cum for me” he pinches my clit sending me into my demise the hot ropes of cum from him shooting inside of me as his grunts get louder while he rides out our orgasms. 
“Good girl” is the last thing i hear before darkness takes over.
Sukuna isnt prepared to glance at the clock at 4:37am. Sure he wasnt fully sleep but being prepared for the brown skinned fire sorceress to wake him up 10 minutes ago for another round was the last thing he expected.
Sukuna loved every second of it. She wasnt like past women who wanted to made sure they just pleased him oh no she wanted to conquer him.  find every kink, every sensitive spot any twist of her hips or clutching of his core that made him putty for her and exploit it. Biting him, sucking on his neck, hair pulls and even slight chocking— ok it was nothing slight about it at all, even when she pins his arms above his head he was losing his senses because everything was her.
She had the audacity to try this and look so fucking good doing it. It was no longer him fucking her but dhe was fucking him and damn did it feel good. She was marking him every inch of his body stating her claim and he nearly felt pride, his brat, fuck did she know how to get him going. So prideful she wouldnt even cum again until he did even if that means he did have to snake one of his hand down to pinch her clit watching her tears come down her face as she fights so strongly.
Sukunas proud and for a moments forget this isnt his body just a mere vessel but hes so proud of her he wants to drop his whole load and really claim her as his own but things are a bit complicated right now. But hes so prpud of her being so strong taking every inch and seeing the lengths of her stubotness but fuck does he want her to cum. He needs to feel the way she cums arounds him and watch as the cream builds up at where their bodies meet, he needs to see that pure look of bliss and feel the desperation as her body clings to his. But he can talk her through it.
“H-hey sweetheart, look at me” he growls angry she had him stuttering and with a sharp thrust upward to meet hers she whines looking down at him.
“What?! Y-youre —-mmmm fuck… youre fucking up my pace” she seeethes through clutch teeth pulling roughly on the hair at the nape of his neck his moans unable to be hid at the pure pleasure.
“Sorry sweetheart” he falsely apologized repeating the thrist again feeling her clench. “Just wanna say youre doing so good, taking me dick so good just like you should” he sits up watching as she adjust using his shoulders for leverage.
“Listen to it… every sound, squelch— youre gripping me soooo tight. I could fuck you all night, loose myself in it. Its so wet and warm and your taking every inch like a good brat for me, my brat” he breathes in her ear before bringing her jaw so theyre eye to eye once more.
“I cant wait to watch you cum for me again, make a mess all over your dick.” He tells her watching as she tries to close her eyes and he sends another rough thrust forcing her eyes back open.
“You have 5 seconds to give it all to me” he tells her darkly left hand going to her clit as a threat not rubbing or moving just pressing into her.
“4” and she presses her forehead against his
“3” he smirks as her hips become erattic the whimpers increasing from her mouth.
“Sukuna!” She snaps digging her nails into his back holding on tighter to him. He grins kissing the side of her head thumb not moving from her clit but pressing harder.
“2” and the wet sounds increase  letting him know he was more than capable of talking her… counting her through it.
“I hate you” she moans releasing all over him sending him into an orgasm as well thrusting his hips so they can both ride it through only stopping when he feels her body slump against his.
“I hate you so much” she speaks through ragged breaths as he leans back never pulling out and he chuckles kissing her head again pushing her hair out of her face.
“So youre telling me…” i trail off completely speachless when all the memories from last night come back and i can feel everywhere he touched like it was burned into my skin.
His arms rest behind his head the holds that cocky smirk and lazy look in his eye as if i forgot his moans.
“You fucked me like that because you were jealous?” I giggle once more watching as his glare comes back
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grahambaham · 18 days
Controversial opinion, especially for any Jason Todd fans out there (I'm one of them), but I completely understand why the fans in, the 80' I think, voted to kill him off. Hear me out, okay?
Jason was at first a literal Dick Grayson copy, was legit given his backstory and personality with the name being the only change. And for a while that was all they knew about and, rightfully so, hated about him. Now I'm not sure whether he was given the whole Alley kid who tried to steal Batman's tire story before or after his death but either way, in those fans' minds, Jason Todd was just a boring replica of Dick Grayson and no one liked him. If I was alive and a fan back then, I honestly would have done the same thing.
Jason immediately after getting brought back to life was a villain. He wasn't misguided, he wasn't an antihero, my man was a Villain with a capital V. He didn't protect workings girls or children from any drugs or anything, he just made one off hand comment to a guy not to sell to kids and that's it. One of his only interactions with any prostitutes is to mock her for her past and decisions that led to her becoming one. Bruce did not abuse him or attack him unfairly. Jason had not only tried to kill Joker or other horrible villains, he killed anyone whether they were rapists, or robbers, or petty fucking thieves and he didn't do it for justice or whatever the fuck but because he was angry and taking it out on everyone he could get his hands on. He stopped Batman from going after Nightwing after Bludhaven blew up with him in it. He blew up a school. He beat up Tim in his little Robin panties and was a fucking villain.
I love Jason. But I love him as the messed up asshole he is. Not as some misguided wittle antihero. Which is why I despise the fact that the fandom latched onto the completely inaccurate version of him, because the writers of DC had started writing him the way the fandom wanted and he is now irreversibly ruined. Aside from the already mentioned stuff, they made him into a copy of Dick Grayson (for the second fucking time) and Helena Bertinelli.
Helena is the one protecting women and children, the antihero that often uses violent force. She's the one with the reluctant sibling relationship with Tim. Jason was not Tim's Robin by the way, Dick was. Tim does not like Jason one fucking bit and spends most of their forced interactions roasting him so bad he has to buy burn salves. Also her personality was taken and given to Jason in some ways too, like her manner of speech and stuff, but I'm willing to let that slide as accidental.
From Dick Grayson, they mostly took his relationships, romantic and platonic. Jason slept with Barbara and Kori both, which aside from just being dumb as hell is also weird and creepy because Jason is six years younger than them at least and they knew him as a fourteen year old when they were at least twenty, and they would never date someone so much younger than them, they aren't fucking creeps. Then they took Starfire and Arsenal and made them forget their own lives to join Jason's little antihero team (neither of them are antiheroes what the fuck) and act like the sun shines out of Jason's ass and he's their leader or some shit when they would never follow him before that, especially Roy who has led so many other teams and does not deserve that shit. Some fans also ship him and Jason, which is both creepy and character assassination for Roy's entire character more than him being friends with Jason and in the Outlaws already is.
Also, Pit Madness is not a thing you fucking brainless losers. Stop trying to justify and erase the flaws that make him an interesting character. His anger has always been due to the trauma of being tortured and dying and the misguided feeling of betrayal he felt for Bruce. He was unwell and taking his problems out on others. So, repeat after me: PIT MADNESS IS NOT A REAL THING!!!
Thank you for reading <3
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Honestly I'd really like to see a mxtx3 story where wwx and xl work with Sqq to reveal sqq's true backstory and the system to lbh.
I mean, think about it!! One of the biggest problems with scum villain is how even though they get together, unlike the other couples bingqiu is still left with all these huge secrets that massively affect them both. Lbh is left believing he married his mercurial abuser, that his suffering passed some sort of indefinable test that proved him worthy of basic rights. That Sqq threw him in the abyss of his own volition. That Sqq was really sacrificing his life and not faking his death with intent to survive.
Sqq is left knowing all these things but unable to act on them, unable to tell his husband about his own past, unable to explain his actions, never able to fully let his guard down because he's supposed to be shen qingqiu. He can't even tell his own husband his original name!! If he could have, he would have, even if only in the extras!
But can you imagine???
A meeting of bingqiu, wangxian, Hualian, for whatever reason, and as the three (actual) protagonists chat and gossip and get to know each other, as they talk, Sqq is at ease enough to slip up and finds out he can talk about the system to anyone from outside pidw! Not just sqh!! Maybe not completely, but he can mention some, and the other two, concerned for their new friend, are clever enough to tease the rest out. They're horrified. Sqq is resigned but freshly hopeful.
And so begins Mission: Save Sqq's Marriage!
(Sqq would very much like to contend the title but he is out voted.)
I'd just love to see the three of them (with unquestioning aid from their husbands) get up to hijinks and face existential horrors on a quest to help bingqiu get the closure they need. And moshang too, I guess XD.
It'd also be very, very funny to have them all in the middle of the latest traumatic and/or mortifying scene look around at the other two like 'hey, aren't you supposed to be freaking out now? This is normally the part people start screaming' and the other two are like 'I mean I guess?? We've got things to do though' like kings of unflappable repression right there.
(and lbh and lwj having vinegar-offs while hc is sighing dreamily watching his husband make semi decent friends for once)
Like there's a bunch of crossovers but none really scratch that itch, you know? The main characters of all 3 mxtx?? There's so much potential for Truly Unhinged Shenanigans!! Wangxian visiting pidws wife plot filled world and disappearing into the wilderness for a full week, coming back with every single piece of clothing they brought ruined. Hualian go visit mdzs and and no one believes xl is a diety and hc chomping at the bit to kill them for the injustice. Bingqiu going to tgcf and lbh getting mistaken for a calamity, or Sqq falling into the one wife plot kidnapping or something intended for a diety.
But seriously imagine Sqq complaining about something and wwx and xl immediately going 'that's not right! You deserve better!!' and Sqq is like 'no it's fine I'm used to it' and the other two slam their fists on the table like 'no!!! If [husband] was forced to keep that kind of secret I'd hate it!! You two deserve to be properly happy!! Let us help! We can fix this!' and start working with zeal and vigor while Sqq trails along embarrassed half heartedly muttering 'it's not that bad >:/'.
And when it works (presumably some clever loophole they stumbled on) and bingqiu are tearfully kissing they share a low five without looking. Or that one meme where the person getting kissed holds their hand back and their wingman enthusiastically high fives it but there's two wingmen XD!
I don't knowww but it'd be such a good premise! Ripe for character interactions!! Fluff! Crack! Angst! Daytrips and pouring their hearts out to people who'd really understand! Xl wwx and Sqq bestie team up! Meeting moshang! Wwx info dumping about his monster index categorisation to an enthralled Sqq! Xl and Sqq bemoaning etiquette while wwx laughs at them! Xl and wwx having intense discussions about morality and righteousness! All three of them laughing at how oblivious they were about their husbands, each trying to one the other two for Dumb Moments They Should Have Realised (Sqq wins by horrifying the other two)!
Forget cross country kidnappings and being locked in a room! Where is my protagonist trio getting into trouble on a self imposed mission to help their friend! Let their magnetism for insanity shine!!
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
I hate the people who say the final battle in Ragenarok was too easy. It wasn't easy, it was a hard battle, but the Bad Kids/Intrepid Heroes did everything right.
There were 8 combatants on the field at the start. 6 of the rat grinders, who had low health but the high level abilities of their classes, and 1 high level full PC, and 1 high level paladin/barbarian multiclass with resistance to everything, legendary actions and resistances, who could deal force damage.
On the Bad Kids side, they were level 14 who had just gone through a battle that exhausted a lot of resources, Fig and Fabian used a couple of spells and bardics and their limited amount of spells, Gorgug used a couple of his rages, Adaine used all of her portents and a bunch of spells, and between ice feast, healing, and removing levels of exhaustion, Kristen and K2 were love on spells. Riz was the only one who was looking pretty decent because he can use sneak attack all day, and even he used one of his 2 3rd level spells.
They were smart though, they Ice Feast was a broken ability for the final battle that Brennan didn't think through when he home brewed it for Ally. Not only did it block Porter's stun which would have been devastating, it made them immune to fire damage on a map with a lot of lava. He didn't think it through and the Intrepid Heroes used it to full effect. Still, it was good for them, but Ice Feast is still just a reskin of Heroes feast with better options but more detrimental effects.
As for the battle itself, the Bad Kids played it smart, it was only due to good initiative rolls that they managed to stomp the rat grinders so hard in the first round. If Oisin got a chance to go, if Mary Ann was outside the range of slow, things would have been different since they had low stats, but level 20 abilities and spells could have wreaked the Bad Kids. It wasn't an easy fight, but it was a fight with an intentional purpose, the Bad Kids are good at being adventurers while the Rat Grinders took the easy way out and showed the different between being powerful and being strong. They took out the primary caster first as you should do in big pc vs pc battles like this, they made sure to target groupings of enemies with AOEs and crowd control, they made sure to support each other and disrupt their enemies support. It wasn't easy, but they are good at dnd so they made it look easy.
I've seen people say, 'Brennan should have x' and no he shouldn't have. He created a hard combat encounter, but his players did everything right this season, a DM shouldn't punish or railroad their players just because their players are good at the game. No, the players stop the big bad from being released so they don't have to fight them, the DM shouldn't just make the Ancient God break through the bindings just because they planned for that encounter. The players won before it started and they should be rewarded for that.
'the rat grinders should have had a back up plan.' The Rat Grinders did have a backup plan. The initial plan to get Kipperlily fairly elected failed, and the back up plan, when that didn't work, the backup plan was to get Kristen expelled so she couldn't run. When that didn't work they sent the Bad Kids, their allies, and anyone who would vote for Kristen into the sky, flew them miles away, and sicced a horde of dragons and a goddess on them to kill them or at the very least get them out of their hair for 1 night so their plan could work. The Bad Kids beat their plans every time so no, there was no reason to have a 4th backup plan in the final battle. Brennan is a good DM, he didn't make the Rat Grinders and Porter's plan work because it was stopped before it started with the fake goddess name. He didn't punish his players for being good at the game and their strategy is great.
Things could have gone so differently with a slight change or a big change. If Fig didnt' decide to try and be a paladin on a whim, things would have been completely different, they wouldn't have had a connection with Ankarna. If Adaine didn't take Legend Lore they wouldn't have found out about Porter, maybe they would have still gotten the background on Ankarna, but not about his family revealing the Big Bad early on. If they chose to do something else with the power they got from the pride armor, they wouldnt' have the gem to free Bakur or save Lydia meaning no back up in the final fight. What if Gorgug rolled lower on one of his artificer tracks, they might not have passed the last stand. What if Fabian choose to keep pursing Ivy instead of Mazey, would have have been killed by the Rat Grinders or would Mazey have been compelled to their side if he didn't try and romance her. If Riz ran for president instead of Kristen would he have been less stressed or more inclined to focus on that instead of mystery his true love. What if Kristen didn't eat the eye of the Vulture king at the right time and catch Kipperlily about to murder Gavin forcing her to change her target to Buddy.
And it worked against them too. What If Fig didn't inspire Cassandra and knock her out leading her to become the Nightmare King again? What if Adaine didn't counterspell Grix's disintegrate on Ruben, he might have been a pile of dust that would have been hard to impossible to bring back to life disrupting the Rat Grinder's plan. What if Kristen decided to not get upset at Cassandra forcing the Goddess to recreate Kalina. What if Adaine didn't say Ankarna's name outloud the first time she saw it? What if Fig didn't make the deal to have a second chance sealing the Night Yorb? What if Riz and Gorgug did relationship tracks with their families making it harder to do their other tracks. What if Fabian cleaned his house even once and got rid of the pingpong balls that Oisin enchanted to screw them over. What if Riz had time to focus on mystery from the start instead of running Kristen's campaign for her and taking more stress.
There were so many times that things could have gone so much better or so much worse, but that's what the game is. There is no script that says the good guys have to keep losing until they win. It's decisions and dice, luck and wits that make the game. It was a very hard season, the battles were very hard, just because they made the right decisions to make things easier on themselves doesn't change that. It doesn't make the season bad. You're welcome to not like it, but nothing about it was easy and people shouldn't pretend like it was because they don't like it
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emperorpalpatittay · 1 year
The Break In
Simon “ghost” Riley x wife!reader
As voted on
Angsty, some swearing
Simon remembered the first time he’d taken his mask off at the door tempted to leave it in the car. Shut the ghost completely out of his home life. You’d never seen him with the mask. He’d always been your Simon. You knew about ghost of course but had never seen him.
He wanted to leave the damned mask in his car. To not let ghosts tainting presence near you. His beautiful, sweet wife. Then he thought who would stop an intruder, who would keep you safe. Simon couldn’t. Ghost could. Ghost could and would kill anyone who broke into your home without a second thought. Neck snapping, sinew tearing, bullet ripping pain is what ghost was for. Simon was simply yours to love to dote as he did you.
He hoped he was being silly in letting ghost into his home. Just a stupid mask sitting by the back door. It comforted him in an odd way. The mask was almost like a guard dog. An entity and omen to ward off harm, at least in his mind. For four years. The mask by the back door had sat serving as nothing but a symbol of safety.
You were walking hand in hand back to your flat. Simon shortening his strides so you could keep up.
“Do you think they’ll make a sequel?”
“Ah fuckin hope not, film was complete rubbish.”, you chuckled at his straightforwardness. Never one to mince his words which was something you adored about him.
“I didn’t think it was that bad. Maybe just a bit hard going at times.”, he squeezed your hand and smiled at you. Responding like this was something he often times did.
You came up through the alley to the back door of your flat. It was the entrance you most often used due to it being where the garage was. As you got closer you noticed the back door swinging in the breeze. Wide open.
“Simon, did we forget to close the door. I could have sworn I locked it.”, your expression was puzzled. Simons immediately jumped to worried. He walked up to the open door and saw scratches all over the door frame. A piece of wood broken off behind it. Indicating it’d been broken into.
It was like something had taken over his body. All of the sudden his back was perfectly straight. Eyes alert. His stance was tense but athletic, ready for a fight. His eyes. His eyes had lost their warmth instantaneously. They were now cold and calculating.
You tried reaching for his arm. “Sim-
“Stay. Here.”, he interrupted. In a gruff and authoritative voice.
He walked through the door and grabbed his skull mask off of the side table. Without looking back he put it on a ventured further into the house.
He could hear footsteps from upstairs. From at least three sets of feet. He took the knife that he always carried strapped to him out and carefully creeped his way upstairs through a path of destruction where they had torn apart the house in search of valuables.
The floor boards quietly creaked under his weight, but the intruders remained unaware until it was too late. He came into the door way and there they were.
Three men all dressed in black covered in his wife’s jewelry and his watch. One of them dangling a pair of his wife’s panties in front of the other laughing as he sniffed at them. The pictures from their honeymoon broken on the floor. Broken glass littering the hardwood flooring. The room was absolutely ransacked.
It made him see red. These people came into your home. Tore apart your things. What if you had been home? What if he had been away? What would they have done to you? He watched them sniff your things laughing at the delicate lace.
Anger and hate seeped into his veins like venom. How could you hate three people you had never set eyes on before this much. His hate was deadly.
He leaped from the door armed with a knife and righteous hate.
His kills were done with perfect precision. No blood splatter on the warm white walls or ceiling. Just three pools on the floor. Where two men lay still and glossy eyed, while a third lay gasping for breaths that he know he won’t be taking for long.
“You thought you could break into my house. Why?”
“We didn’t know, we didn’t know! I’m sorry please I’- AHH UGH. Please! Please! I’m sorry!”
Then, silence.
“Simon! Si! Darling!”, you stopped in the doorway and let out the beginning of a scream before muffling it with your hand.
There he was. The Ghost. Eyes cold behind the mask. Drenched in blood. The flooring you and Simon had worked so hard to put in ruined. Three bodies lay crumpled on the floor. Fear written forever on their faces. As much as you feared the ghost he was still your Simon and you needed to make sure he was fine.
“S-Simon? Are you okay?”, you tried taking a step towards him only to have him out his hand up.
“Stay there, lovie. I’m covered in blood. I don’t want to get any on you.”
His breathing became erratic and you watched him fall to the ground. You rushed forward to him and got on your knees to be on his level.
“Simon. Oh my god. Are you okay? Are you hurt? My love talk to me please.”
“I’m so sorry, dove. I never wanted you to see this.”
He dropped his head into his hands.
“Oh darling. Look at me.”, he picked his head up and looked at you. Taking his face in your hands you placed a gentle kiss upon the hard plastic of the skull before taking it off and placing a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you, Simon. With or without the mask. You are my husband. Nothing will change that.”
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tthesongofachilless · 4 months
Max Verstappen - Geography Teacher
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— Randomly quizzes students about which country is in which continent
— However he can take jokes
— Randomly trauma dumps (one student even asked him if they should call Logan)
Sergio Perez - Spanish Teacher #1
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— " You used Google translate for that... tsk tsk.. "
— Oral assessments every friday no questions asked
— He and Fernando talk in Spanish in the teachers lounge to avoid eavesdroppers
Charles Leclerc - Music Teacher
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— Has a pictures of his dog as his pfp on Google
— Forces everyone to listen to his newest piece before class ends
— Rumoured to have kissed Max outside of school (he denies it)
Carlos Sainz - Spanish teacher #2
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— Seen teasing Lando during lunch and blushing
— Hates basically every student who refuses to learn any Spanish
— His favourites tease him about Lando in Spanish and he curses at them to stop
Lewis Hamilton - Art Teacher
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— Really passionate about his job
— " Did you hear about Logan and Oscar? " " WHAT?.. oh... what..? I can't discuss this with my students. "
— He actually gives you tips on how to improve your work and doesn't mess up your work by drawing over it!
George Russell - English teacher #1
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— " Girls can we please put the eyelash curler away. And the makeup brush... and the hairbrush, gosh how do you fit this all into your pockets!? "
— Deffo dating Alex but doesn't admit to it
— Homework every single week, will report to your parents if not handed in
Lando Norris - PE teacher
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— He doesn't know himself how he got the job
— Basically lets the students play dodgeball all year
— Giggles and kicks his feet whenever Carlos pops by to say hi
Oscar Piastri - English teacher #2
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— Has been seen napping in the teachers lounge multiple times, Logan sometimes acts as his pillow
— " Guys can we not.. Nando is going to kill me if he finds out I'm giving out sweets. "
— Voted most gay teacher by the students
Fernando Alonso - Head of Year
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— Brings the teachers snacks to their lessons
— " What the skibidi .. " " Mr. Alonso never say that again. "
— He deffo doesn't have favourite teachers (wink wink)
Lance Stroll - Woodwork teacher
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— Definitely not suited for his job
— Just eats his lunch in the middle of lessons because he doesn't wanna be with the other teachers (Estaban isn't there)
— Watches on as students try and hammer in screws and does nothing about it
Daniel Ricciardo - Science Teacher
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— He only applied because he wants to do cool experiments
— " Follow the instructions. " " Sir these are in french.. " " uhmm.. does anyone wanna watch the martian? "
— Everyone loves him
Yuki Tsunoda - Food Tech
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— " That looks like if Mr. Norris tried cooking. "
— Randomly gives out snacks while he's doing instructions
— Disses the other teachers but when someone mentions Pierre he gets all excited asking how his lessons are going
Kevin Magnussen - History/Religion Teacher
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— He just wants to go home after the first hour everyday
— He has shelves dedicated to historical Lego builds
— Has no favourites (" You always let Fred go early. " " Fred is doing the work. ")
Nico Hulkenberg - Cover Teacher
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— Laughs at dad jokes that weren't even funny
— Probably wants to apply for a different job but can't
— Dressed up as the hulk for Halloween
Valtteri Bottas - Maths Teacher
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— " Guys.. I know you miss Kimi but I'm basically him but, more ass, you know? "
— Bff's with Lewis and Zhou
— Let's the class play blooket every Friday instead of work
Zhou Guanyu - Textiles Teacher
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— Voted most fashionable teacher of the year
— Randomly gives out sweets to his favourite students
— Actually puts work into grading
Alex Albon - Science Teacher
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— " Sir, are you dating Mr. Russell? " " I have a girlfriend. " " Show her then!! " " No. "
— Never gives back tests
— Gossips with George and Lando in the hallways
Logan Sargeant - Guidance Counselor/Cover Teacher
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— He needs therapy himself instead of giving students it
— Follows Oscar around like a lost puppy, it's rumoured he's absolutely whipped for Oscar but is too shy to do anything about it
— His favourites edit him and Oscar to 'Lacy' and he can't hear the song anymore without crying
Pierre Gasly - French Teacher #1
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— Him and Estaban have BEEF
— stares into your soul when you awnser a question
— " But the other class didn't have to do this! " " That's because Mr. Ocon doesn't want his students to learn proper french. "
Estaban Ocon - French Teacher #2
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— " I don't understand what I did to Mr. Gasly. " " You snitched on him giving out sweets, sir. " " I don't see the issue. "
— Only talks in french in the lessons
— He himself gives out sweets and such
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football-in-tuxedos · 7 months
I dunno if there's anyone I have more contempt for than the liberals who spinelessly whimper about how much they support queer people, as they work to maintain the systems of oppression that hold us down. It's an odd sort of contempt, one I have to work to never let leave my mouth.
I guess I hate the people who are trying to actively harm us more, but that's an anger I can express, a hatred I can give a name to. But the pathetic centrists, the people who gasp and clutch their pearls when I say I want the people who are actively trying to kill us gone, the people who say "Well I support LGBT rights but-" at every opportunity?
There's a contempt there, one I have to swallow at every turn. Because I have to bite my tongue. Because I can use them. Because my people are dying, because they have votes and access to the laws of the country, because I need them. Because they have the reigns of power and I'm just some random tranny no one will listen to.
But every time the consequences are worse for a queer person than their abusers, I swallow more contempt. Every time I have to bite my tongue and then smile with my blood in my teeth, I swallow more contempt. Every time I have to reassure a straight person while I mourn a dead trans person, every time I have to hold back an insult or a threat aimed at my attackers I swallow more contempt. How much can I swallow before I vomit it on the floor?
This is not about predstrogen. This is not about the tumblr CEO. It's bigger than them, it's bigger than the moderator tools that exist only to punish us, it's bigger than the bigots in my asks and the systems of power that exist to make sure my responses to them are always polite.
I just need to bleed off some of the contempt before I vomit it on the floor of some spineless liberal who values his floor more than his stated principles.
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thehotgrandparent · 6 months
Doppelganger & Doorman headcanons since majority vote
Note: This is in an AU where the Doorman is a doppelganger called ‘The Resedent Doorman’ on AI3.
Also please note: TW for mentions of c@nib@lism. They are found below the cut
- They can basically turn into anyone that exists. Although, obviously, there’s inconsistencies, something small like a mole missing or changing places to something a lot more obvious like additional eyeballs.
- They don’t need as much sleep compared to humans
- Doppelgangers do have names, which is hard to say on human tongue.
- A lot doppelgangers are hot headed, and they absolutely hate it when people find them out
- Many of them rather prideful about their abilities
-Their powers include: super strength, shape shifting, stamina, etc
- They, however, cannot shape shift into someone/something that doesn’t exist
- They also don’t really have shadows/reflections - Doppelgangers do have names, although they are hard to say in the normal human tongue.
- Their skin is like a murky green
- Doppelgangers also have sharp teeth
- Doppelgangers do, in fact, eat humans
- Doppelgangers can make communities to help each other with killing and eating humans.
- They are carnivores
- The doorman has their own ways of dealing with other doppelgangers (they mainly kills them, but is willing to eat them)
- They get enjoyment of hunting
- The Doorman believes that they don’t care about the neighbors, but they don’t realize that they do, in fact, care about them
- The neighbors often talk about the Doorman
- They don’t even hide the fact that they’re a doppelganger. To them, if they find out, they find out. It’s pretty easy to figure out if one is looking
- The Doorman in which the neighbors see them in is actually a D.D.D personnel with a few noticeable differences, namely with the mouth and hair color
- The Doorman doesn’t really have a preference on what meat they eat
- Since starting their job, the Doorman has been starting new things since they don’t have anything else to do
- The name ‘Doorman’ has quite seriously grown on them
That’s it for now since I can’t think of any more 😋
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Man, the Russia/Ukraine war has led to a lot of terrible takes from far leftists. I have a mutual from Brazil, a self identified socialist, who is convinced that Ukraine is full of nazis. While they don't support Russia, they questioned why they have to be "pro-Ukraine" or "pro-Russia". They call Ukraine a "nazi hole" but call Russia merely "fascist". Am I wrong in thinking that they've been influenced by Russian propaganda? I know Ukraine does have a nazi/far right problem, but so does the US? And most European countries? idk they strongly hate the US/US government too, and it seems to create some kind of brainrot. at least they don't blindly support China or Russia like tankies do (nor identify with them), but it's still frustrating to take a neutral position on a pretty black and white situation.
I don't want to confront them 1) cause I'm not the type to argue over serious things like this and this may break our long friendship and 2) I'm not super educated on the nazi situation in Ukraine.
Anyway thank you for letting me rant in your inbox.
Yes, Russia has specifically focused its propaganda efforts on Latin America, Africa, and other regions that HAVE suffered from Western/European/American imperialism and are thus predisposed to take the worst view of them/believe that this situation is their fault somehow. This is similar to what the USSR did in newly postcolonial Africa in the 1960s and 1970s, positing themselves as offering the shared hand of communist brotherhood from Western oppressors. Because of more recent events like the invasion of Iraq, which was fully as unjustified as the invasion of Ukraine, Russian propagandists and their eager tankie/leftist foot soldiers have also got a lot of mileage out of "whataboutism." This is likewise an old Soviet propaganda technique designed to deflect any criticism of the actual situation by disingenuously asking "what about this other one!!!"
Likewise, the idea that Ukraine has a "Nazi problem" is itself propaganda. In the last election, far-right/Nazi-identified parties won barely 2% of the vote and AFAIK, no seats at all in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament). This is far lower than the nearly half of the USA voting for the far-right/Nazi-sympathetic Republican Party, and as noted, the far right elements in the UK and Europe. The idea that Ukraine is "full of Nazis" (with a Jewish president who just celebrated iftar with the Ukrainian Muslims/Crimean Tatars during Ramadan and instituted observance of Muslim holidays nationwide, very Nazi of him) is a line used by Russian propagandists to "justify" their attack and appeal to national memories of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) and the struggle against the Nazis, which is the central cultural grievance/memory in modern Russia. The Putin regime has referred to anyone they don't like, but especially the Ukrainians, as "Nazis" for a long time now, so it's supposedly their holy duty to kill them/commit ethnic cleansing/forcibly reunite the "fraternal" people of "Little Russia," as Ukraine has been called since the 17th century, with "Great Russia." And yeah, no.
Because the West and Europe has been pretty solidly on Ukraine's side, Russia has therefore cultivated countries like China, India, Brazil, etc, who have all suffered from Western interference and are looking to move into the first rank of global superpowers. This is, as noted, similar to the competing systems of influence built during the Cold War, but it also relies on much deeper Russian grievances that go back to the medieval era. Anybody who knows a thing about actual Russian history would therefore know that every single word it says about the Ukraine situation is a lie, but because that lie is useful for many other countries and fits into their own understanding of themselves, it is easy to repeat and act like it's a so-called superior moral position. This is also why US/American tankies so eagerly lap up Russian propaganda, because it plays into their moral sense of themselves as far better than the rest of the West and "righteously" discovering that the West is responsible for all the evil in the world etc etc. While non-Westerners are just helpless misunderstood puppets with no real agency or ability to make complex choices. This totally makes sense!!!
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starriri · 3 months
Danganronpa Despair Time is a artistic masterpiece.
When I first stumbled upon DRDT, I didn’t see it as anything else but another danganronpa fangame, a simple derivative of the mainline series created by a admiring fan like all the other Fanganronpas invented (not to put shadow on other fangans, as they are all unique and also level to despair time. the skill and work put into them can’t be overlooked. take a look at Heartless Deceit and Brave Danganronpa for example!!! holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!). However, it did not take me long to realise that, in fact, Despair Time, is much more than that.
Danganronpa Despair Time is an amazing creation, a hidden gem with quite an alluring charm to it. What else is there to say? (there is a lot more to say.)
Ever since the prologue, the prelude, the start, the calm before the storm, released, Danganronpa Despair Time has never failed to deliver a beautiful and extremely compelling narrative. It doesn’t take a genius to tell that there has been an enormous amount of effort put into it.
The art, for one, is absolutely stunning. It’s level to the likes of famous games like, for example, Fortnite Battle Royale and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare IV. Both games have multiple artists, unlike Danganronpa Despair Time. The fact that it’s just one singular individual working on such is almost unbelievable.
The sprites mimic the Danganronpa style to a verisimilitude, looking extremely realistic. The cutscenes seem to also be similar, yet subtle hints of DTDev’s personal style are shown (eg. The lineweight), creating something that cannot be described as anything but perfection. It’s amazing how it works so nicely.
Let’s not forget the scriptwriting. The characters are extremely realistic, their struggles, goals and motivations hitting quite close to home for many individuals, including me.
For example, let’s take our protagonist, Teruko Tawaki. She is first introduced as someone who has no sense of belonging, not knowing who her parents are and being separated from her only (known) sibling at a young age. This, coupled with her amazing design, displays how Teruko is much more than the Ultimate Lucky Student, much more than simply the main character of Despair Time.
During chapter one, Teruko begins to feel more comfortable around the people around her, enjoying more of her time and even making friends. She builds trust with them, and forges bonds, just like we do.
However, when she meets up with Xander, things start going immediately downhill when he stabs Teruko, causing her to become unconscious and indirectly causing his own death in the process.
Once Teruko wakes up, she’s in the middle of a crime scene: Xander’s now a bloodied corpse, and she’s the main suspect for his murder. Because of this, everyone around her (who, mind you, got along with her extremely well before) began to move away from her.
This is exemplified even more during the first trial, where the spotlight ends up on Teruko, everyone seeming to believe that she was the one that killed Xander even though *he* was the one that attacked her first. Because of this, Teruko ends up flipping out in the middle of the trial, daring the others to vote for her, breaking down in anger and frustration for being betrayed by everyone in such a manner.
In the end, when Min is revealed to be the culprit and promptly executed, Teruko states that she hates everyone and says that she’s never going to trust anyone ever again, moving away.
A lot of people have said that they dislike Teruko for this, but I don’t share the same sentiment. In fact, I think it’s extremely realistic for her to have such a change in nature and breakdown. After all, consider:
- Someone she trusted immensely (Xander) tried to murder her and broke her trust through doing so. Infact, Xander was the first person Teruko met, so his bond with Teruko may have been stronger than the others.
- Min may have technically prevented Teruko’s death, but she also caused Xander’s and framed Teruko for it, making everyone think that Teruko was the one that killed him.
- Even though Teruko was clearly injured and frightened after being stabbed, the others kept seeing her as nothing but a potential murderer who’s proof of guilt would save their own lives, throwing heartless accusations at her without even letting her defend herself. Teruko had grown to like and trust most of them, so what do you think she’d feel if those people began to avoid her and think of her as a bad person who’d murdered someone out of cold blood?
How would *you* react if this happened to you?
Personally, I’d also react the same way as Teruko, throwing a fit and breaking down, perhaps even in tears. I don’t quite see why there’s any reason to hate her for such if you’re going to do the same thing in her position.
Then again, I’m not implying that Teruko is in the right, either. Especially since what she does in the Daily Life segment of Chapter 2, forcing Charles to take his clothes off and holding J at knifepoint among other things. However, there was a reason these occurred, that being the others’ betrayal of trust. Everyone’s technically in the wrong, and that’s the best part.
To elaborate on my last point in the previous paragraph- humans are not perfect. Pardon me for getting into a bit of philosophy and ethics, but there can never be a truly ‘good’ person as there is no true definition of morality, either. For example, someone stealing your copy of Persona 5 Clash Royale Silver isn’t nice, but so is yourself getting angry at them and burying them seven feet underground. Let’s all be honest here: We’ve all done something morally questionable in life at least once.
It’s also the same for the opposite end of the spectrum. In evil, there is still a hint of good. Your teacher in middle school may have been painfully strict, but he still had a soft spot for kittens. Criminals of all sorts have harmless hobbies, like gardening or cooking michelin star meals, that do not harm any humans in the process.
Danganronpa Despair Time understands that concept and utilises it with all the characters, not just Teruko. For example, Arei may seem quite rude, but in chapter two, when Arturo threatens Eden, she immediately jumps in to brutally roast Arturo to make him leave, but offers Eden to become her friend. She, like Teruko, is a extremely well-written character with many dimensions.
However, I digress. The point I’m trying to justify is that all of the individuals that make up the cast of Danganronpa Despair Time are beautiful characters that have clearly been well thought out.
Additionally, the story of Danganronpa Despair Time manages to sprinkle in the perfect mix of humour, drama and realism in its plotline and characters. Even if only two chapters have been released, you can tell that the future chapters will also be beautiful works of art. It’s just that sophisticated and fantastic. I’m surprised that Spike Chunsoft hasn’t contacted DTDev to make DRDT a real installment to the canon Danganronpa series.
Ultimately, to summarise, I’d like to reinstate that Danganronpa Despair Time is a gracious, absolutely splendid work of art this clearly has a lot of thought put into it. It’s characters, plot, story- everything, works together piece-by-piece to form an exquisite piece of media.
I’d like to thank everyone that has worked on DRDT- DTDev, Gen, Hydrator, Haru-Suwan, the voice actors, and the translators- for working to create such a sophisticated and sensational video series.
If anyone that I’ve mentioned above is reading this, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for creating such a wonderful masterpiece. I cannot reiterate it enough. Thank you so much.
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islandtarochips · 2 months
Obsessed!Makarov x Female!Reader
Arthur’s Note: Talofa everyone! I hope all of you guys are doing well! I am still going on with my break but I can’t wait to post this one. For I know I promise to share this with you guys from the post that I did asking for your votes. So…here you guys go! And I hope you enjoyed it!
Words: 1659
Everyone around the world. Around the Country. Around the Mother of Russia. KNOWS about Makarov.
A cold hearted, ruthless, murderous man who will kill ANYONE in his path. Or killed anyone who DARED wrong him.
That is until he met you.
It was very strange of him when he first saw you into the battlefield. Seeing you fighting with full force and strength. And seeing how you managed to kill his men with NO hesitation. The rage in your eyes as you face your enemies and leave every body behind you. It had come to his senses and his soul.
That you are PERFECT for him.
And THAT is when his obsession for you grows. He doesn’t know why of all the women that he had met. Why does it have to be YOU? The woman who is part of the Task Force 141. His SWORN enemy.
Why YOU?
He kept questioning himself. He was supposed to HATE you, he was supposed to DESPISE you, he was supposed to be the man that KILLS his enemies!
But whenever he sees you…he somehow feels needy of you. He HAS to take what’s his. And they should know Makarov.
He TAKES what’s his no matter what the cost.
So he planned on making you follow some clues that’ll lead to HIM. And as expected, it works.
You had been drawn away from your team and got caught by one of his men. You have tried to get out of their grasp before they covered your mouth and nose with a cloth of chloroform on it.
So you were knocked out.
Until, a small pain in your brain had made you groan once you woke up. And then saw you were being cuffed up on a chair while being in an empty room. With only a light lamp on the ceiling above you.
You also saw that your gear and weapons were gone too. You were looking everywhere for it.
You kept scanning around your surroundings before hearing a door open.
Two soldiers walked in with their black uniforms and mask covering their face but only their eyes weren’t covered.
You just watched them as they stood aside from the door before you glared to see the person walking in.
“Makarov…” You mumbled.
Makarov smiled just a little to hear you mumbling his name out. Which he practically enjoys.
He slowly walked up to you while giving you a satisfied look. As he was enjoying the view. “It’s good to see you being awake, мой дорогой. Thought you’ll NEVER wake up.”
Makarov stood in front of you while leaning towards you. You just give him a dagger glare as you wanted to pounce on him. Wanting to finish him off.
The Russian man just kept smiling to see a fire burning in your eyes. Oh how much he LOVES to see you like this. All cuffed up and being under HIS watch. He watched you struggling to get out of the chair.
“Ah ah ah. Behave, little dove. I don’t want to ruin your wings.” He said as he told one of the two soldiers to get him a chair.
One of them went and came back with a chair as they handed it to him.
You kept glaring at this Russian man when he took a seat in front of you. “Whatever you’re going to do. I will not tell you ANYTHING.” You hissed at him with a warning. And the only response he gives is just chuckled. As if he’s not being fazed by your “threats”.
“Oh, my dear. I know you meant well with those threats of yours. But I don’t think it’ll ever scare me to be away from YOU.”
You paused for a moment after hearing that last sentence. What does he mean by that?
Makarov smirked to see your confusing expression. “You thought I kidnapped you for some intel?” He shook his head before standing up and walked around you.
You’ve kept your guard up while trying to see him walking around you. And you flinched a little to feel his glove hand touching your shoulder and lowering down to your back. It gives you a bit of a shiver for some reason.
He just grinned to feel you shivering under his touch. He’s loving every second of it as he slowly leaned in from behind. And whispers to you softly against your ear.
“You thought wrong. I only kidnapped you…”
Then you felt both of his hands rubbing on both of your shoulders gently as you could feel his breath against your ear.
“Because I WANT you.”
Your eyes widened before glancing at him as you could tell he was smirking at you. Before feeling him leaning back from you. As he continued to walk around you and sat back down. While giving you the look in his eyes.
“You, my dear, have something to do with my feelings.”
You scoffed at this man’s confession. “YOU? Have FEELINGS? When do you ever?”
Makarov laughed a bit hearing your sarcasm. Oh this will be SO much fun for him. He kept smiling at you as you felt a bit uneasy by his looks.
“Yes. Of course, I am a man who is a war criminal. The one who was TRYING to start a war. BUT.” He stared into your eyes. “I don’t think I’ll do that if I don’t have someone by my side.”
You know who he was talking about. And you felt sick in your stomach. “I am not gonna stand by with someone who was going to start a fucking war.” And you stick with your words as you glared at him.
Then he started to sighed with disappointment before standing up. “Oh no no no no. You don’t have a CHOICE or CHOOSE your own fate.” He shook his head before walking up close to you as you tried to lean back.
He then leaned down at you again while gently lifted your chin up with his hand. As his face was getting TOO close to yours. Only three inches apart. As his eyes looked into yours.
And those eyes aren’t just cold or harmful. They’re OBSESSED.
And you weren’t even expecting that from him.
A man who you have heard of from many people. From many countries. A man who has no mercy or sympathy upon the weak. Had actually had his eyes on YOU.
“You’re MINE. All MINE.” He said as his Russian accent became low. Making you feel the shiver on your spine and your heart beats at a fast pace.
But you resist as you quickly lean back from his touch and use your head to hit his nose. Or make that…you BROKE it.
Makarov grunted at your attempt as he leaned back and groaned. While holding onto his bloody and broken nose.
The two soldiers were about to step in before seeing their boss lifting his hand towards them to stop. While his other hand slowly removed from his nose and saw a small amount of blood on his fingers. He chuckled to himself before looking at you.
Seeing your annoying glare as you started to speak. “I will NEVER be with you. I am NOBODY’S property and I am NO trophy to be held with you MANIAC!” You yelled at him as you were so annoyed and angry at this crazy man.
Him? Owning you? That is ABSURD to hear! Even for you!
Makarov laughed at this before he quickly grabbed your face and pulled you towards his. Got you completely off-guard as you looked into his obsessive eyes.
“You will always be MINE, little dove. No matter how many times you rejected me.” He grinned at you before he leaned closer and kissed your lips.
Your eyes widened at this as you tried to lean back. But feeling his hand still tighten around your face. From moving away from him. He kept kissing you before he slid his other hand behind your back to unlock the cuff and leaned back as he removed them.
You panted a bit when you felt him lean back and felt your hands were free. You looked up at him as you stood up and tried to hit him but Makarov had stopped your punch when he caught your fist.
“Now now. Let’s not go over ourselves, dear.” He kicked you down causing you to hit against your chair and fell onto the ground.
The Russian man is starting to enjoy this as he walked up to her and crouched down. Before looking at your face.
You felt anger in you as you gave him that look. “They will come for you, Makarov. And they’ll have you DEAD.”
He chuckled at your words as he laid his finger under your chin. Making you look up at him more. “IF they even find you. For you my dear little dove. Are in a very secluded place that no one knows.”
Your eyes widened as you could feel your heart slowly feel like it went down to your stomach. “W-What…?”
Makarov could see fear in your eyes as smirked more. “That’s right. You’re going to be STUCK here. With ME. FOREVER.”
He chuckled deeply as he stood up and walked away. Leaving you onto the cold floor. “So be prepared once I come to visit you once more.” He said as one of his soldiers opened the door for him.
And then he glanced at you with a grin. “Because next time I’ll CLAIM you as mine.” He then exited with his two soldiers and closed the door.
You could hear them locking it as well. Which means that you can’t get out.
Your confidence had suddenly disappeared after hearing him saying those words. Saying that your team will never find you. But…you still have that spark of hope that they WILL find you. And save you from this mad man.
Arthur's Note: Reminder. I'm still on break. For I'm still trying to finish up with the stories and clearing my drafts. Thank you for your patience! Love you, peles! And oh! There might be a Part 2! But I'm taking a break from this one now and move onto the next story!
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
7th love interest - cú chulainn!
yep so everyone who voted for cu chulainn in the previous poll (which was surprisingly a majority of you) got it right!
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for those who don't know, cu chulainn is a character from the ror spinoff: apocalypse of the gods, and he is a demigod. like, an actual 50% human and 50% god.
yeah so that means there are now 2 types of demigods in the ror verse: a human with the strength of a god (gained via drinking ambrosa aka, zeus' blood; ex: heracles before ascension) and now the actual half-blood that we're familiar with
BECAUSE I ALREADY STATED IN ARSENIC BLUES THAT BIOLOGICAL HALF-GOD AND HALF-HUMANS DON'T EXIST AND ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO CREATE, CU CHULAINN WILL BE LIKE PRE-ASCENSION HERACLES: a human with the strength of a god BUT he got this through drinking lugh's blood and was also blessed by him (hence why he will have some of lugh's powers too)
so..... why cu chulainn? well, he actually has a lot of similarities with percy:
both are mortal children of a god. percy being the biological daughter of poseidon and cu chulainn being the adopted son of lugh (for my fic at least)
both have doggies 🥺🥺🥺
both are heroes/warriors. 'hero' more for percy, and 'warrior' more for cu chulainn (i'll explain this later)
both started young. cu chulainn actually started at age fucking seven 💀 and twelve years old for percy
both have ungodly amounts of rizz. percy's getting bitches left and right in BOTH pjo universe and ror universe, and cu chulainn's a fucking whore. no fr, in a lot of his lore, men hated his ass cuz they feared he may "steal their wives and ruin their daughters". he was balls deep in everyone 💀
both have hilarious beef with war gods 😭 ares for percy and morrigan for cu chulainn (fun fact: morrigan actually tried to rizz him once but he rejected her and she's hated his ass since 💀)
both have A LOT of enemies 💀 percy's pissed off like half the greek pantheon in the pjo verse and is on every monster's hit list and cu chulainn literally got killed because the sons of the people he killed wanted to get his ass for revenge 💀
both are really really good at killing their enemies 😂 percy's kill mostly consists of monsters tho and maybe some enemy demigods whereas cu chulainn pretty much killed hundreds of people in táin bó cúailnge in less than five minutes cuz he went into goblin mode 💀💀💀 (and then he went on to terrorize the entirety of ireland)
HOWEVER!!!!! there are also some MAJOR differences between them that i can't wait to explore.
cu chulainn was born into royalty. his mother was a princess and the sister of the king. then there's broke ass percy 😭
cu chulainn is an arrogant asshole in the myths and in the manga and percy's an actual sweetie pie who was raised well by her mom 🥺
cu chulainn's basically the heracles of ireland, and by that, i mean he was a huge fucking piece of shit 💀💀💀 yeah, he's basically as much of a jerk as pjo!heracles 💀
you know how in greek myths, there's tons of heroes that we learn about (theseus, odysseus, hercules, etc), but then you read the non-sugar coated version of their stories and realize "omg these are horrible ppl"???? yeah that's the same with cu chulainn 💀 back in ancient times, they pretty much called anyone who can kick ass a "hero", which is very different from our modern definition where we think of good people who go around saving lives. cu chulainn was more of a warrior than a hero tbh 💀
also, the dude was a rapist too (so he's already fitting in well with the yanderes yaaaaay 🤗)
i'm gonna have so much fun writing about him and percy lmaooo they share so many similarities, but at the same time are so wildly different
anyway, cu chulainn will show up in ACT TWO, not in act one!!!
and for those curious to learn more, here are some links:
for the list of stories of the ulster cycle (some don't show up, so i suggest googling the title to read it else where)
someone's analysis of the sexism and misogyny in these stories with excerpts to back up the claims. they also go into detail about how much of a shitty person he was lol
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