#if anyone has suggestions lmk
anonmothgod · 2 months
Idea: New Aphmau Wiki
I have one hell of an idea here folks. But I'm committing to it.
I'm not happy with the general state of the fandom wiki for Aph's content, as there is alot of information completely missing. I also love highly-detailed wikis and pages that are miles long. It sucks trying to have to find a specific quote or line of dialouge and it taking forever to find.
Because of that reason, I said fuck it, and I'm making "Aph's Enhanced Wiki", (name work in progress)
This wiki is for soley Aphmau countent, and will be a MASSIVE expansion on everything given. From scene-by-scene of episodes, to all triva information, this is meant to be able to give people easy acess to any information needed without having to re-watch a particular episode. I plan on starting with MCD and Mystreet, but eventually all of Aph's other content will be there too.
Currently I am working on the fundamentals and bare basics atm, but that comes into the fact of money for hosting the site so it may take a while before I can post anything more about the site. I am also the sole person doing this right now until I have enough to get other accounts in.
I will not put ads on the website at all, and this will all be community based. I am determined to make this site into a reality, so off I go learning how to make a good acessable wiki.
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Poolverine oneshot
Summary: they're making their way downtown, walking slow because their dog has very short legs
Warnings: foul language, deadpool and wolverine are in this, consider yourself warned
"I'm going out with Mary, might stop by the store or something, you want anything?" Logan asked as he clipped a leash on Mary Puppins.
"Oh, sure. Well, I do need some things, it'd probably be easier if I just came with you though."
"Hurry up then and let's go."
"Let's fucking go," Wade snickered under his breath.
As they made their way out of the apartment, they bumped into a neighbour, with whom Logan exchanged a polite smile and a 'good morning'.
"Hey, peanut, can you pinch me real quick?"
"Oh, nevermind."
"Hey, peanut, you looked so cheery earlier. I would've stayed home if you didn't want me tagging along on your morning walk."
Logan didn't ease up his frown. "You got a problem with my face, bub?"
"No, of course not. But your resting bitch face was a little less severe before we left the house."
"Keep talking like that and you won't have a face."
"Man I love our threat of great violence banter."
They carried on walking in silence. There were no more goodmornings. In fact, nobody gave them a second look. Quite on the contrary, they seemed to be avoiding looking at them.
"This is weird," Wade said, more to himself than anyone else.
"Well, I'm sorry I don't feel like smiling and engaging in small talk all the time, bub." Logan sounded increasingly irritated.
"No, it's not- I'm used to you being an off-putting grouch, what I'm not used to is-"
Wade looked back and forth between Logan and the people who quickly looked away the second they saw his rather threatening countenance. And they didn't look back. That's what was weird, Wade was so used to people staring at him or giving him a double take when they walked past, he barely noticed it until it was gone.
Wade gasped and let out a muffled squeal of delight.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, bub?"
"I've got scary dog privilege," Wade told Mary Puppins, crouching down to give her ear a good scratch.
"Mary is tiny, who the fuck could possibly be scared by-"
You could almost hear the cogs turning in Logan's brain.
"Did you just fucking-"
"You know, a lot of people could be scared of Mary Puppins, don't diminish the experiences of people with animal trauma, peanut, you'll make the proofreader feel bad."
"What are you talking about?"
"Now be honest, peanut, were you making yourself look scary on purpose?"
Logan's nose twitched and he bared his teeth a little.
"You were! Oh-my-fucking-rom-com, you were being scary on purpose, you big softie."
Logan humphed but didn't argue. Wade skipped along all the way to the grocery store.
"I have to pop by the pharmacy real quick before we can head home. Blind Al wanted me to pick up a prescription for her."
"I picked up Althea's meds for her yesterday."
"Oh, well these are different ones."
"Oh, OK. Well I might as well go in with you, say hi to the pharmacist, we've gotten quite friendly, seeing as how I always go get Althea's prescriptions for her."
"Fine! Enough with the mind games and light guilt tripping! I was going to- well the lemon and seltzer water weren't doing enough so I figured I'd try something else. I read on the Internet that-"
"What blood stains, Wade? You haven't gone on any missions recently."
"Yeah, well, remember how you warned you might stab me in your sleep, you did, and I didn't want to say anything because that seems like a touchy subject and the stabbing doesn't really bother me, it's not like we haven't stabbed each other before, and I was worried you might-"
"Shit, Wade."
"Logan? It's not a big deal."
Logan felt his nails digging into the palm of his hand. It was true that he'd beaten the shit out of Wade before, and vice versa, and they were both fine, but damn it, he hated not being in control. He hated lashing out at the people who chose to be there, the people who chose to care. He thought he'd been getting better at that, but he hadn't even noticed-
"Logan, snap out of it."
Logan bit the inside of his cheek so hard he could taste blood.
"You warned me, and I was okay with it. I still am." Wade gently placed his hands on Logan's shoulders. "Look if the nightmares bother you that much, maybe you can find a support group for veterans or traumatised superheroes - god knows there should be one of those, a lot of problems could be avoided if superpowered individuals got the emotional support they needed - or I don't know, I don't think we can afford to get you therapy, but you have people now Logan. You have Blind Al, and Mary Puppins. And me. You can talk to us. But I am not letting you push me away, no siree. If you want off the couch you're going to have to fight me. Understood?"
Logan's frown seemed more confused than angry now.
"I may have to start sleeping shirtless so you don't ruin and more of my t-shirts, though. I hope you don't mind. Tit for tit or something like that."
All of Logan's energy was being used on trying not to cry at that point, but he couldn't help a small smile at that last bit.
"Now that that's sorted. Let's go home."
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someone-else-entirely · 3 months
Dumb playlist idea: "Newmann Numan".
A collection of Gary Numan songs that fit thematically with the ship between Newt Geiszler and Hermann Gottlieb from Pacific Rim.
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eerilywerollalong · 3 months
if anyone has fic prompts for autistic armand, i’m getting back into writing my autistic armand series (which you can read here)!
i have a preference for modern day armand/daniel but i’m open to any suggestions! please drop them in my ask box or leave a comment on here!
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Do Paul and Velvet have their own voices or do they just sound like Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons?
Good Question! :D
Paul still sounds normal no matter what, when I write or draw him I still hear his voice, it goes well ^^
As for Velvet, it's a seductive and sultry feminine voice. I don't hear her with Gene's voice at all, not even one of her lines in his voice.
Velvet is her own person with a voice that idk how explain it, but almost sounds like arachnid from prime.
just almost like that but not that entirely maybe a bit sweeter thrown in the mix ^^
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soraya-snape · 2 months
I made a Part 2:
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kit-williams · 3 months
UGH Masterlists
So my pure 40k part of my masterlist is getting unwieldy now that I've thrown primarchs into the mix so now I've got to make a better looking masterlist for that
a masterlist for the Husbandry masterlists...
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secretintoxxx · 4 months
i really wanna write a part 2 for the prom date story but i just have no inspiration for it 😩😩
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daisybellejpeg · 1 year
hi! this is regarding dr. shaw and the bright situation, so don't feel forced to answer this at all ^^ asking about 2 things
do you plan on rewriting the scp 963 article with dr. shaw? i know a lot of people say it's already not written the best, and i'm wondering if you'd give it some major rewrite or just sort of replace the character and leave it
the character dr. bright has been mentioned to be jewish, is dr. shaw as well? i'm not jewish personally but i know that, especially because he was such a well known character, a lot of jewish people (that i know at least) appreciated seeing that representation. ofc i understand that they're 2 separate characters so i don't expect them to be the same, but i'm curious because i've definitely seen mixed feelings on that aspect specifically
sorry for any poor grammar! i'm a bit sick atm but i wanted to send this ask in because i'd forget if i put it off. again, feel free to delete this if it makes you uncomfortable due to the situation, i've been through something similar and i get how hard it is to work through. wishing you the best!
Hey hey! Dw about asking, I don’t feel forced to answer any of my asks and love talking to people!
Onto what you’re asking:
1. As of now there is an article being made! Unsure if it’ll replace the original’s slot at the moment. I’m sure you’re aware kaktus put me on board with the project, he proposed strong arming staff into the article getting the original slot but I have no updates as to how that’s going as of now. It is to note that I’ve lost contact with him since late April. None of our mutuals know what’s up with him either. I’ve both quintupletexted him and asked around;;
I’m making my own version of the proposed article, once he pops up again I’ll cross ref with him and probably ask for help with formatting because I suck at computer stuff.
2. Ethnically Shaw is Mexican, specifically Chicano-Indigenous. I’m latine myself and live in a community with a Mexican kind of majority (lossa Haitian people too, unsure which demographic is more prominent). A ton of family friends are from Mexico with indigenous roots and I only have two other Mexican characters so I have the advantage of being able to ask my pals from my former parish alongside my usual deep dive research. As for the Roma aspect of his character I’ve been doing research on both Caló and Chicano Romani peoples for him and his mother (https://www.tiktok.com/@florida.florian?_t=8eDhq1agf51&_r=1 here’s a link to my favorite mainstream Romani content creator. His informative videos have been of major help for writing them as well as Dr. Carina and their mom. He even has vids on how to write Romani characters!!)
I don’t have a religion for him or Ansel yet? His mom, Dr. Soraya Zugasti, however, is a Muslim convert and is actually hijabi, not presumed hijabi like Evelyn was. At the end of the day to my knowledge Judaism is an open religion with the exception of some ultra orthodox communities and Shaw is the kind of person to be pretty open minded when it comes to spirituality. Statistically, as Ansel and Soraya immigrated from Mexico, the country has a Christian/Catholic majority, especially in the time that they lived there. There’s always the possibility that Shaw could be a convert like how his mother converted to Islam from being mostly agnostic. I’d have to think more on it but it’s a good chance that I’ll write that in!
I also have more Jewish characters if that gives you and your friends reassurance! Most notably Carina’s wife Commander Jezebel Diamandis and her kids, Dick and Rachel, as well as one of Carina’s Uncles, Agent Hannemann Charles. I’ll have to draw em up soon but I’d like to think they’re pretty cool 😎
Hope that answers your question! Feel free to pm me or reply to this if you have anything else to ask!
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bazpitch · 1 year
googles subtle ways to ask a white person for their thoughts on israel
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riflesaregood · 1 year
what’s ur favourite book you’ve ever read !! 🤓📚🤲💖
oh i love this question ..… my favorite book has to be coraline tbh its one of my special interests and i just think its so cool … the illustrations and descriptives are my fav . another book i really really enjoy is red dragon by thomas harris though 🤓
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trainsg1rl · 1 year
i need to find a website or something that gives me a form to fill out or a questionnaire or something abt my characters because like. i want to write more abt vidallas + my other characters but executive dysfunction is a bitch and filling something out makes it way easier (i did a shit ton of writing abt vidallas while filling out her TRP)
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wiltarrow · 2 months
Based on some asks to @princess-of-the-corner earlier, I've started plotting out the abilities for a theoretical LEGO Miraculous Ladybug game.
Definitely still WIP, as while pretty much everyone that's used a Miraculous is there as both a hero and a civilian, I've only gone through the first season's worth of Akumas. I used LEGO Dimensions as the basis for returning abilities
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radarscookies · 4 months
GOD i freaking love hugs but i would never ask for one sighhhh but hugs are the fucking best ngl
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k-is-for-potassium · 2 months
i feel like many people use "straight"...wrong
it's used a lot to mean cis, het, allo, perisex, etc.
basically just not lgbtq+ at all
but that's not true
trans people can be straight and lgbtq+
intersex people can be straight and lgbtq+
neopronoun users can be straight and lgbtq+
arospec people can be straight and lgbtq+
acespec people can be straight and lgbtq+
polyamorous people can be straight and lgbtq+
genderfluid, bigender, and other gender non-conforming people can be straight and lgbtq+
i know a few people who are biromantic and heterosexual or vice versa, and they are still lgbtq+
and there are so many more identities that can absolutely be both
straight does not mean not lgbtq+
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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congrats on baby #2!🥰👍 part 2 to this post bc seb is a smug ass bitch when it comes to getting clora pregnant. and ty @rednite-dork for sending me the original pic ages ago LMFAO... i knew as soon as i saw it that i had to redraw it eventually 👼
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