wiltarrow · 10 days
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My girls' sleeping arrangements
Daisy's used up all her energy and can't bring herself to do any more than flop on the bed
Ashley splays out, the smallest one somehow taking up the most space. despite this...
Kanaya almost always ends up holding Ashley like she's a huge teddy bear
and Mimi...
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Ghosts don't need sleep
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wiltarrow · 14 days
reblog if the first musical you listened to was not Hamilton
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wiltarrow · 27 days
Ask and you shall receive.
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Oh, I did one with the outfit recolored to match Chole's normal outfit too
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The upcoming seventh season of Totally Spies (yes, really) has an episode where during an undercover mission that has the girls pretend to be villains, Alex risks going full Shego, because she has too much fun being evil, and this possibly her villain outfit
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Someone redraw Chloé in this
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wiltarrow · 28 days
I don't usually have my OCs in relationships with each other, but it's not like they can't be in a polycule. At the very least most of it could probably work for their platonic dynamics
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there are many ship dynamic memes out there but strikingly low amount of polyam ones so i made two variants for ot3 and ot4 
 a lot of this is taken from pre-existing templates so i take no credit but i’d love to see if anyone uses them!
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wiltarrow · 1 month
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@princess-of-the-corner Eris reuniting with her daughter
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wiltarrow · 1 month
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I love the incredibly fair and functional justice system in Ace Attorney
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wiltarrow · 1 month
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there are many ship dynamic memes out there but strikingly low amount of polyam ones so i made two variants for ot3 and ot4 
 a lot of this is taken from pre-existing templates so i take no credit but i’d love to see if anyone uses them!
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wiltarrow · 2 months
Updated it up to Season 4, including Sentimonsters
Based on some asks to @princess-of-the-corner earlier, I've started plotting out the abilities for a theoretical LEGO Miraculous Ladybug game.
Definitely still WIP, as while pretty much everyone that's used a Miraculous is there as both a hero and a civilian, I've only gone through the first season's worth of Akumas. I used LEGO Dimensions as the basis for returning abilities
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wiltarrow · 2 months
Based on some asks to @princess-of-the-corner earlier, I've started plotting out the abilities for a theoretical LEGO Miraculous Ladybug game.
Definitely still WIP, as while pretty much everyone that's used a Miraculous is there as both a hero and a civilian, I've only gone through the first season's worth of Akumas. I used LEGO Dimensions as the basis for returning abilities
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wiltarrow · 2 months
I would actually love a Lego Miraculous game. And just. Aauagh. My brain immediately went to the abilities and.
Rena Rouge, Volpina, and Sandboy all having an illusion type ability. Only Sandboy can fly, Volpina has a charisma ability shared with Chat Noir, and Rena has a camera ability shared with Alya and Chloe.
Multimouse, Polymouse, and Mr. Pigeon all having a minion summoning type ability. The heroes have a grabble ability thanks to the jump rope, but Mr. Pigeon has a sound ability thanks to his whistle.
Ryuko and Stormy Weather having wind and lightning abilities but they don't share the water ability. Syren has a water ability tho, along with a bubble ability shared with the Bubbler.
Just aaaughhhhh it makes too much sense!!!
Like just!
GOD it'd be easy to make ya know?
Like as soon as y'all mentioned Lego games that slammed my brain with exactly what it shoudl be like?
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wiltarrow · 2 months
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wiltarrow · 2 months
If he's saying it before it comes out that his class is mostly Quirkless, 100% he would say it. if it's after, I'd think he'd wait until he's alone with Deku, with the chance of him saying it at all decreasing as the year goes on and his Quirkless classmates continually prove quirks aren't everything
Would it be more in character for Bakugou to saw something vaguely Quirkist (aimed at Midoriya) and get his shit knocked in, or for him to realize that doing so in a class with a Quirkless majority would be stupid and elect to wait until they're both alone to do so?
It could honestly go either way if you ask me.
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wiltarrow · 2 months
Trying to Organize my writing brain, so writing this to get it out of my brain meats
When Izuku is (second/third grade age) he and his mother are caught in one of the early instant villain attacks. And the guy who was tagged may have had enough secondary mutations to look like he had a heteromorphic quirk, but his actual quirk was a warper. And dosed up on trigger it was enough to warp the two people closest to him (Inko and Izuku) clear to another world
Inko and Izuku are zapped to Hydaelan and are quickly found by a minstrel who seems to have some kind of precog quirk and a man with a cat quirk
The two explain that they're on another world, this has happened before and usually sorts itself, but they're happy to help
It shows no signs of sorting itself out. The adventurer mentions he at least has a house he doesn't use often in Limsa, so offers to let them stay there
Inko and Izuku are flabbergasted to discover quirks flat out don't exist in this world. Inko is literally the only quirked person on the planet.
Izuku realized in this world being quirkless wouldn't stop him from being a hero!
He's bummed to learn he still can't be a hero because that's not a job here. Like there's adventurer, but that can run the gamut from errand boy to god-killer.
The adventurer (Aki Sha'gai) helps them settle in. He teaches them about this world and things like using Aetherite travel, and listens when Inko reminisces about her old friends and Izuku talks about heroes and quirk theory. When it becomes obvious they have no way home Inko decides to get a job and he gets her an interview at the Bismark. Her knowledge of 'Doman' cuisine gets her in the door instantly.
There's a bottle of Fantasia in the house. Their host said they were free to use it as he had no use for it, but didn't want to sell a gift.
Izuku had body image problems. Nothing directly tied to appearance, but spending a lot of his formative years being told his body was wrong stuck with him. He knows at one point he's going to use it, but tries to hold out.
He eventually gives in and after playing with races and gender presentation in his dream, ends up becoming a Mi'quote like Sha'gai-san. (Roegdalyn and Hrothgar just felt too far from his image to himself, Elezen too close, and he didn't want to be short forever to Lalafell was out. He basically coin-tossed between Mi'quote, Veira, and Au Ra)
Upon waking up his mother inquired about the change and panicking (still doesn't want to tell her about the bullying) blurts out that he wanted to look more for that Dad that had to travel for work but always came back and listened and cared for him, as opposed to the man who abandoned him without a second thought.
Inko cries because she didn't realize her separation from Hisashi had bothered him so much. Aki was just 'He sees me as a father?' and immediately becomes full Dad. Izuku's okay with this.
It actually takes years for Izuku to realize his new Da is this world's equivalent to All Might. (He heard stories of the Warrior of Light, but never by given name. And none of Da's friends call him that.
It's not until he take Inko and Izuku on a vacation that they hear him referred to as such and Izuku needs a bit to cope
Aki and Inko are not in a relationship, they're just co-raising a kid
Izuku starts studying Red Magic and hope to be an Adventurer and a member of the Scions (aka his Aunts and Uncles).
Meanwhile All For One repurposes the quirk that sent them there to turn it into Warp Gate. The destruction of the original quirk reverses it's effect. Izuku and Inko are home
Neither are as happy about that as they thought they'd be. But at least between his magic and his cat mutation no one's saying Izuku can't be a hero
Bakugou: Why are you a cat?!?!
Izuku still end up in Class 1-A, doing much better as he actually knows how to control his powers here.
USJ happens. Izuku has hi rapier and is ready to fight to the bitter end to protect his classmates
The air opens with a crack and the Warrior of Light breaks through, having been trying to find his son since he and Inko vanished off the face of the Earth
The League of Villains have a bad time
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wiltarrow · 2 months
I think you can get away with keeping it the same in Hero Time. If Mido's only joining UA after the USJ, there might not be enough time to prepare events that could account for almost unlimited flight.
Then again, this is the school that went from no sign of on-campus housing to dorms for entire classes in, what, a couple weeks?
The best part about having two 1-B AUs where Monoma is also there is having Midoriya tell him how dumb his "hold back and watch 1-A" plan really is.
Seika will do her best to be polite, yet firm. Listing off the reasons it wouldn't work, chiefly that it could rob them of a chance to show off and have less overall internships.
Nana just thinks it's stupid, calls it stupid, and refuses to participate on principle.
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wiltarrow · 3 months
Destined Trials
Link frowned, concentrating ferociously, and considered all the information he had available to him.
There had to be a weakness…
He glanced to his side, at Zelda, then glowered at Ganondorf… and, suddenly, he saw it.
Time slowed for a moment.
“What time did this take place?” Link asked.
“Oh, ah…” the Rito said, frowning to herself. “I suppose it was… yes, it was the day after the solstice. I remember I was very pleased with the balalaika my wife had got me. The window was closed when I went into my room, then I was playing the balalaika, and when I went into the room the next time it had been broken – I don’t know when.”
“The day after the solstice,” Link reiterated, looking up at Ganondorf. “And yet the previous witness said that my client was present for every meal during the solstice day celebrations, and for the three days afterwards. There simply wasn’t time for him to get all the way there and back during the time the crime was committed.”
“There are, of course, high speed connections between the cities,” Ganondorf said.
“Not during the day after the solstice,” Zelda spoke up. “That day is a nationwide public holiday and public transit is on a volunteer only basis. All long distance train travel on those dates is stop to stop only, which doesn’t leave enough time for the crime to be committed.”
Ganondorf glowered at them.
“Then who do you suggest was responsible?” he asked.
“That isn’t something we have to prove,” Link replied. “This is a trial of a person. It’s not a trial to punish someone, it’s a trial to determine if a specific person should be punished.”
Later, after the decision had been reached, Zelda approached Ganondorf with Link a pace behind.
“You knew the person you were prosecuting hadn’t done it,” she said, without preamble.
“That’s quite an accusation,” Ganondorf replied, urbanely. “If you intend to sue me over it, I can identify a very good prosecutor I suggest you use… of course, I’d need to be assigned a public defender team.”
He smirked. “And, besides, I’m a lawyer. My job is to argue in favour of my side. That’s it. When you’re defending someone, do you defend them any less well if you think they’re guilty?”
“It’s a lot harder to defend someone who’s guilty, but mostly because they did it,” Link contributed.
“Our job is to make sure that justice is served, and that means making sure you have to work for everyone who gets punished,” Zelda declared, then frowned slightly. “But… why are you a lawyer, exactly?”
She indicated the seven-and-a-half-foot, immensely strong man facing her. “I know it’s a bit off topic, but… you look like someone who should be a prize winning athlete.”
“Destined combat,” Ganondorf replied, blandly. “Make no mistake – you, and I, and the twink over there are destined to battle down the ages, again and again. The Princess, the Hero, and the Beast of Despair.”
Zelda and Link exchanged confused glances.
“But this time… I wasn’t feeling it,” Ganondorf continued. “Being slain is extremely painful, you know, and I didn’t much fancy being stabbed to death with eleven hundred arrows made of magic superlaser this time. I’d much rather do all the epic prophesied battle, then settle down to a retirement somewhere in the upper slopes of a mountain range overlooking Gerudopolis… and enjoy some wine, once in a while.”
“...so… you became a lawyer?” Zelda asked.
“Of course,” Ganondorf agreed. “Being stabbed to death with eleven hundred arrows made of magic superlaser is extremely rare in a courtroom, and I figured you two would end up following me anyway so being a prosecuting attorney seemed like the profession with the highest salary while involved in combat. Though do let me know what you think of the alternatives… I was wondering about archaeology, but that seemed to have entirely too high a risk of accidentally uncovering a magical artefact that would need to be destroyed and an epic non-metaphorical battle.”
His voice became distant. “Perhaps I should try a band, one of these lives. Ganon and the Dorfs. It might catch on…”
“Do you have any idea what he’s talking about?” Zelda whispered to Link. “Because if he’s trying to get me to question my life choices and why a royal princess is working in a public defender’s office, it’s kind of working.”
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wiltarrow · 3 months
Ok but guys hear me out
what if
Miraculous animated bloopers
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wiltarrow · 3 months
The second actually sorta makes sense in the SD versions. Savannah Citadel, the action stage for Mazuri, only exists in the HD version of the game, so the SD version jump straight to the boss battle. Eggman was expecting Sonic to need to run through a whole Act at least before catching up
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contender for stupidest fucking line in sonic history
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