#if anyone has a link send it this asker’s way!
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sycamore-labs · 1 year ago
Hey, I was wondering if there's any new invites for the PerfectWorld Server if it's still up? The invite from the original post has expired.
hey there! you may have sent this to the wrong blog, i’ve never heard of this server + don’t host any :-p unless i rb’d a post about it and don’t remember it (which is very likely)
either way, i hope you find what you’re looking for!
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galaxyhanart · 2 years ago
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I made a playlist for your Cabinet Man Au!
The playlist is still a work in progress. It also has most of the songs from your official Cabinet Man playlist but I added some.
Oh wow cool!! I'd love to know what songs you added :D
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months ago
:/ Not feeling super great about you guys posting the wayback link in the text of the reply to the ask about the author that orphaned their fic. I get the intentions and wanting to answer a well-meaning question, but as an author myself (thankfully not that one) I'd hope people would respect that if I orphan a fic, I *do not want my name connected.* I get it's in a reply, but idk. It's bad form to make copies of deleted fic public, and similarly feel this should have been a dm/left in replies.
I completely understand, as an author myself, if I ever orphaned a fic, I wouldn't want it connected to me. So I understand if the author wants to stay anonymous, which is why I didn't post the author's name like I usually would when linking a fic.
But Wayback is a public source and the link is already in the comments (which is why I linked it instead of keeping the full comment with the link showing). If the author ever sends us a message asking to delete the post/doesn't allow fic sharing, we will 100% delete it.
I even added in the post asking if anyone knows if the author was okay with fic sharing, because there are a variety of reasons for someone to orphan a fic, not just because they don't want to be associated with it anymore.
I'd like to think the asker will be respectful and not bother the author, just go look at their other fics, if that turns out not to be the case, then I will take full responsibility for it.
Again, if the author ever publicly states/ed, or DM's us, that they don't allow fic sharing/are uncomfortable with people knowing who wrote the fic, we will delete that post.
I apologize if we made you feel like we are being insensitive or disrespectful in any way.
- Mod C
Update: The post has been deleted. - Mod C
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lilacthebooklover · 10 months ago
@staff after thoroughly reading and examining tumblr's terms of service and community guidelines, i can say with absolute certainty that @theinkbunny has done nothing at all that's worthy of being banned.
you claim that tumblr is not for:
Hate Speech
Harm to minors
Promotion or glorification of self-harm
Sexually explicit material
Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation
Non-Genuine Social Gesture Schemes
Deceptive or Fraudulent Links
Misattribution or Non-Attribution
Username/URL Abuse or Squatting
Account Dormancy
Mass Registration or Automation
Illegitimate Promotions
Themes Distributed by Third Parties
Copyright or Trademark Infringement
Impersonation and Non-Genuine Behavior
Privacy Violations
Disruptions, Exploits, or Resource Abuse
Unlawful Uses or Content
Election Interference
Human Trafficking and Prostitution
i understand this, and agree wholeheartedly. and that is precisely why it is impossible to understand why @theinkbunny's blog has been suspended.
inky is one of the sweetest people on here, and has never once promoted terrorism or hate speech. he is himself a minor and has done nothing to harm anyone else on here, underage or adult. any mention of self-harm on his page is treated with the seriousness it warrants, and is appropriately tagged to prevent users from viewing it where they have no desire to.
he has been harrassed for months by anonymous askers intent on sending him sexually explicit material despite the fact that he is a minor. he has never once posted any of those asks as he is aware that it is against the community guidelines, and despite reporting it, the abuse has continued. his blog is entirely sfw, and i am certain that it is in no way whatsoever disobeying the terms of this site.
again: any mention of violence or threats he's posted has been frustration and upset over the stream of vicious anons intent on sending such things to him. it is by no means his intention to expose violent material such as gore to those who do not wish to see it, especially as he too does not want to see it in the slightest.
his asks are infrequent and sent to people he already follows/is mutuals with. there are no "follow trains" or excessive asks, and as his blog is oc and fandom based, there are very few sources needed to be provided (those which are are reliable, and with no malicious intent). his posts are original & he consistently reblogs rather than reposts.
he has one username (excluding side blogs with very different handles) and has not done anything as ridiculous as hoarding those similar to it. i find that he posts almost every single day, as well as using tumblr as a way to message those he has befriended here by being such a genuinely wonderful presence here.
ink's blog has never been used as a platform to promote anything, his tags are accurate and relevant. his ocs are his own, he gives fandom content full recognition & appreciation to its owners/creators. he has never claimed to be anyone other than his brilliant self, even posting occasional pictures of himself on here. there is no imitation involved, and there is nothing about him or his content that would incur a ban.
i reiterate: all and any harassment on his blog is the result of others (hiding behind anonymity) harassing him. he has no ill intent and has continuously proved himself to be a respectful individual. he makes use of tumblr to befriend and encourage people & to share his phenomenal artwork: all of which is firmly within community guidelines and completely legal.
he is too young to vote and is a canadian citizen with no intent or attempt to interfere with u.s. elections. finally, it goes without saying that he has never once promoted sex trafficking or illegal prostitution. his blog content is wonderful, innocent and obeys every rule put in place by your staff.
your terms of service say directly, and i quote, "If we conclude that you are violating these guidelines, you may receive a notice via email. If you don't explain or correct your behavior, we may take action against your account. Repeat violations of our Community Guidelines may result in permanent blog or account suspension. We do our best to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our services, infrastructure, users, and community. We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforc, these guidelines in our sole discretion, and these guidelines don't create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act in any particular manner".
despite having absolved yourself of the obligation to justify your decisions in banning without notice, you have also stated that it is for "any reason". however, for this to apply, it is necessary that there must be a reason in the first place. ink has not received any notice, nor has he violated any guidelines; let alone on repeat occurances. you claim to ban blogs to protect your users, and yet situations such as this are arising more and more frequently- in which said users are being suspended for seemingly no reason and with no explanation.
i, among many others, have begun to notice a disturbing pattern in the banning of transgender individuals on tumblr who have done nothing that would even imply that they have violated this site's guidelines. tumblr is supposed to be a platform open to everyone, not only cisgender users.
having read the terms of service in full, i understand that users are able to "report violations of these guidelines to [you] directly". however, having taken into account the persistent influx of hateful asks inky receives on a regular basis, presuming that those transphobic, discriminatory anons were the ones to report him is a more than reasonable conclusion to make. they do violate the community guidelines due to their persistent harassment, hate speech, sexually explicit material and violent content & threats.
i am aware that you most likely receive many reports per day, and that it must take a while to go through them all. on the other hand, there is far more harm than good done when not even the most basic of fact-checking is done to ensure that reports are valid and warranted. i'm sure the tumblr staff placed in charge of such matters possess enough rational thought to understand how jumping to conclusions about whether or not a trans minor may have violated the terms of service without even checking their blog would create the wrong impression.
i am appalled, disappointed and shocked at what is demonstrably unfair and unwarranted condemnation towards a user who has done nothing in violation of your terms. i urge you to rectify your mistake and focus more on suspending those who are actually causing harm than on causing undue stress and dismay to people who are just trying to enjoy using your platform. a reputation of suspending people with no due cause is hardly going to make for a welcoming site, i promise you.
restore inky's account (@theinkbunny if you needed a reminder) and return it to him lest further action be taken. it is the only correct and reasonable response here, and as you have assured in your TOS that your intention is to make users' experiences here enjoyable, i am sure that you will be eager to fix this issue before it becomes even more prominent. tumblr ought to be a safe place for people everywhere to connect over topics they enjoy. as conditions are at the moment, it seems like nothing more than a cesspool of discrimination, ignorance and unreliability.
i thank you in advance for taking my words into account and returning ink's blog to him.
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prokiathepro · 1 month ago
just in case anyone was serious about that thk prompt list (because i absolutely was):
SEND ME YOUR PROMPTS! anon is on if you're shy!!
it will be added to a list with the asker credited, and any prompt fills will be linked on said list with authors linked as well! want to fill a prompt anon? slap that baby in my ask on anon too, i got u! otherwise feel free to send me a link or tag me in your post so i can add your prompts and fills!
prompts from me to get started below, listed by pairing~
@prokiathepro: wedding approaching, fadel goes a touch bridezilla with all the planning. style reigns him in and calms him down the way only he can. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: still trying to find himself, bison gives tattooing a real shot. on kant. again. except they get a lil...excited by it all. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: fadel can't stop getting in kant's face to threaten him. kant's issue with this gets more complicated over time. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: the first time they met they were gonna hook up at a motel...until style saw kant's car. it HAD to be right there. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: bison introduces style to his nightstand drawers. style has to give things a test. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: fadel has to make bison his prison boo before someone else can. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: they all return to bison's mansion after the events of the show and live a big happy gay orgy life. keen and thanon even drop by sometimes. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: fadel and jay help clean up the garage for style, and have a chat about everything that's happened. fills: n/a
@prokiathepro: kant and bison on what being a brother means. fills: n/a
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conkers-thecosy · 7 months ago
My ask about asks I forgot to send you.
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's you want to talk about
art/drawing do you draw and like to get asks about it?
your writing
blog specific only is your blog specific to a fandom or something that you only want asks about related things
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hi there!!
I'm sorry this took me so long to answer - I know there's no pressure (which I appreciate immensely!) but I really want to answer them, I'm just super slow!
Self, Job/Work: Honestly I'm super happy to talk about anything like this! With all my social links on my pinned posts it wouldn't be too difficult to find out a lot of stuff about me and my life anyway! Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Okay so while I enjoy all of these fandoms, and more besides, I get real single-minded about my special interests. Right now it's Bagginshield, and that's really all my brain has room for! OC's: I would genuinely loooove to talk about my OCs, so very much! As I said above, bagginshield is really my main focus right now, but I have two half-written original novels that I really hope to pluck up the courage to share one day. Honestly I would love so much to have the opportunity to talk about them more here, but I know there's not a lot of interest. Folks are here for the bagginshield stuff, and that's totally fair! But, I'm going to write these stories either way and I really would love any excuse to gush about them and my OCs! art/drawing: I don't draw, I'm afraid! I wish I did, I'm always in so much awe of people who have that skill! I paint a bit, but not often and just for fun, and it's always some weird abstract stuff, haha! your writing: Love to talk about writing! It's all that keeps me going some days, and any excuse to chat about what I'm doing, what I'm planning, ro even giving advice to other writers is just so much fun to me! blog specific only: Nah, this blog is a mish-mash of everything! Happy to talk about whatever! Pets: So I have a dog! His name is Wilfred, and he was a rescue! He's my boon companion, and I love any excuse to show him off, haha! Garden and Hobbies: So I do garden, but I'm new to it! I never had a garden before until about 3 years ago, and it's been super fun to learn as I go! Other hobbies are funny, because I do a bit of everything. I'm fairly crafty so I've done pottery, sewing, jewellery making, painting as I mentioned, a bit of knitting, etc. I also used to have my own small business, running a perfumery, so I've made all sorts of bathing products, soaps, bath salts, candles, etc! Like being tagged in things: I do, but you may have noticed, I'm a bit slow at responding! I do try to keep on top of them and I never mind being tagged, but it ebbs and flows, for sure!
Okay, I think that's everything!!
Thank you so much for sending this! I will answer your others at some point, but my alarm has just gone off and now it's writing time, haha!
Thanks again for these lovely asks you send to people, it's really such a wonderful thing you're doing!
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monstrouslyobsessed · 1 year ago
…tumblr can you go and soak yourself in a burning pit of hot sauce…i never even got notifs of any of the older asks i got…
so very sorry if you've been waiting for like two months on my answers;;; and here i was wondering how dead my inbox was last month…rude, tumblr, very rude. all the asks are under the cut!
just a quick note, to the super sweet asker who send in two very long asks v recently, ima answer them separately after this one, if thats okay!! <3
tw / tags: dirty confession, monster fucking, breeding mentions, implied noncon, brief pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: lady hyena, the lioness, conservative lion, papa bull, duke, cerelos, father fox, velarius
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I love Daddy Bull and Duke, (along with so many other of your works!), do you have any plans on doing a confrontation between the two bulls and the reader? My thirst is dryer than the Sahara for these two bulls. I need more content. I’m a desperate whore… 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 —anonymous
hm i'm STILL chewing on how this saga should go tbf because it really could go any way!!! i might just bite the bullet and write au's of papa bull and duke saga, even if i feel a little weird making varying storyline au's of my characters.
it was just supposed to be a bull daddy enjoying his little human, how did duke end up there lol
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I know everyone is dying over Baldur’s gate rn but have you heard of Lustful Desires on itch.io? I just got into it and I’m dying to talk about it. They literally let you have a poly relationship with 3 different werewolves it’s so good —@flameshadowwolf
i've never heard of it! ima have to check it out now, thanks for the rec <3
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Sorry if you consider this a request, but I'm very interested about your OC's yandere MBTI types (from @ddarker-dreams), so if you feel like it, can you identify them in this system? —anonymous
i…ah, am kinda bad with these mbti things. idk if its because i'm older than most writers i know (hi lock my love!! hope you're doing fantastic!), but i guess i can make my best attempt…? i'll just pick a few characters and list them for ya. if you want more specific characters or want me to make an official post with expanded explation, lmk and i'll make my best attempt
here's the link for anyone who are interested
lady hyena: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative (?), lenient, rdml the lioness: reverent, aware, honest, and strict(?), rahs conservative lion: cruel, aware, honest, and strict, cahs papa bull: reverent, delusional, honest, and strict(?), rdhs duke: cruel(?), delusional, manipulative, and strict, cdms father fox: reverent, aware, honest, and lenient(ish), rahl valerius: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative, and lenient, rdml
that's just a few! and they're all beastfolks since they're more fresh in my mind, aha. i tried my best hhh
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Thirst chat thought: Have you ever thought that Cerelos could just find a way to tie up his wife underneath him as a cock sleeve, gag her, and just walk around a bit for the day doing royal duties and stuff? The man already has a equine skirt he wears, so he can easily hide everything underneath… (Also I’d happily give this man a dozen babies because I am a simp for him 💕) —anonymous
i think i touched upon that at one point! i wanna say he did that during a large meeting, maybe with his darling magically gagged? lemme see if i can find that post…
found it! its super brief but still
well, now i wanna write that…that's one more to my long to-do list, aha.
also you're valid
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I am a simple man all I desire is your happiness. Tis all. I noticed you were feeling sad lately and I thought man next time I have extra money I'll kofi MO but recently I acquired a small fortune and I was happy to find a way to repay you for the time my friends and I giggle and go horny over your works Re-Reading your works is payment enough ….but if you wish to repay me I wouldn't mind maybe a dilf monster vampire (kinda like what you did for wolf pack? but Victorian times) or sequel to snake movie star or sequel/prequel dragon But I would rather you do what you are passionate about! Share your creations with the world! Rejoice in your delights! —anonymous
hi i love you and i swear i answered this before
i did the snek boi just for you <3 i hope you (and your friends!!) enjoyed it! he's a difficult boi to get through but i had fun writing him and his weird camera hobby
Also increase your kofi goal —anonymous
im…okay. i didn't really have a goal target in mind so i hope thats sufficient??? sdfkdfj
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Which of the beast folk are most likely to mate with humans? Like what about big cat beastfolk? —anonymous
it'd be fangedfolk, since they're canine (dogs) and are most attracted to the humans'…hm , simplicity and openness, i suppose you could say? and possibly treefolk (primates). i based my beastfolks' basic common grounds with irl animals, as canines are pack animals and dogs are more emotionally connected to us. as for primates, humans have evolutionary connections, similar social intelligence, and the shared abilities to solve problems and such.
that said, while fangedfolk are the most likely to have a human "companion", they are also most likely to have a poly pack with their human. whiskeredfolk (feline) are probably in the top-middle of that list, if we were to have a most-to-least likely ranking, with toothedfolk (rodents) due to their prey/nervous natures and seafolks (aquatic) on how dangerous/rare they are to communicate with, at the very bottom. the reason why i feel the whiskeredfolk being in the top-middle is that they can be fairly arrogant and being independent, but adores the complete attention their human can give them and how easily they are to manipulate.
that said, this is extremely generalized list, since the list is not really factoring in specific sub-groups under these categories, such as lions being social animals and are more likely to acquire a human lover, cheetahs more likely to need a service human pet to help with their anxieties, maned wolf being solitary type, etc. and other facets, like countries/areas, cultures, when/which eras, political affiliations, etc.
hope this answers your question, love!
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Hello, I've been binging your Masterlist and I just want to say your OCS are exquisite —anonymous
i think you're exquisite as well, love! <3 thank you~
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Are you eventually going to do more father fox content?? He's my favorite and I love him so much ♥️ —anonymous
ye! i have couple requests for more hcs for him~though they're all kinda pretty broad. if you have anything more specific for a hc request, hmu! i'd love to write a full piece of him someday too, since i think his quietly manipulative personality is fascinating to work with.
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Daddy Bull and Duke content soon? I NEED these two fine beasts in my life!!! And can’t wait till the cute baby arrives!!! And hopefully many more…😋🥰 —anonymous
send in a request then~! preferably something a bit less broad, aha, but yes!
i especially would love to write a full story of those two someday, maybe as a book?
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Hi hey sorry to bother you, hypothetically if I wanted to make an ai bot of one of your beastfolks, would that be alright? If not I totally understand, I just want to make sure! —anonymous
as long as there are proper credits included, go for it! just please be sure to link back to me if you do make one &lt;3
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whewwww, i...really hope i didn't miss anyone. most of them were (or looked like) a request of some kind and two i wanted to put into their own posts for me to answer soon.
hope yall are doing wonderfully and are having at least a decent holiday season!! ima try and get something nice out by christmas so heres hoping!! just...gonna decide on which i wanna do...lol.
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fruit-kick · 1 year ago
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated
***hey, i'm pretty sure is a scam.*** the origin of this scammer's pfp comes from haya orouq who has both a gofundme (link to their gofundme) and a tiktok account. (link to their tiktok)
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the asker's paypal is under the name of "fred odhiambo" who is not mentioned anywhere near the gofundme.
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if you would like to donate to help palestinians, please considering sending your money over to haya orouq, since at the time of writing they've only raised about 14 thousand dollars out of 35 thousand. you can also check out operation olive branch (link to the google docs) which has a list of fundraisers for many families in palestine.
please make sure to double check every fundraising ask you receive, i've seen a few ppl fall for it before. there are many resources like duplichecker and pimeyes to pinpoint the origin of specific photos. a simpler way is also by entering their url into the search bar and seeing if anyone else's called them out for being a scammer. donate wisely.
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13atoms · 2 months ago
I'm the person that said that the spymaster x reader fic links weren't working, hi again ‼️
Last I checked Reciprocal Pleasure, interrogated and a few other didn't work 💔
And I am on mobile so maybe that's why 💔💔
Thank you so much for checking again (and to the other asker who also worked out which ones were broken!) - I was looking for Dhawan!Doctor links being broken because I simply cannot read haha
Unfortunately the lovely wonders-of-the-multiverse wrote the first half of artifice in silver, but has since deleted her blog (and I miss her every day) - so I’ve linked the AO3 copy instead! Go show her part 1 some love over there.
The other three that seem to be missing:
Calling for a Doctor
Reciprocal Pleasure
I have absolutely no idea about! I can’t find them at all. I used to write in Google Drive, so looks like they’re probably there.
I never named anything in those files, but I’ve had a guess at what I think those fics were, and managed to find Calling for a Doctor and Interrogated, I have truly no memory of 'Reciprocal Pleasure' but if anyone has a reblog/copy, please tell me!
I'll post 'Calling for a Doctor' below, and repost and link 'Interrogated'.
I don’t think they’re my best work, reading them now, but I can’t imagine deleting them? Not sure! Either way, apologies! I’ll cut them from the master list, but here you go! (I think? Sorry if these are reposts!)
Calling for a Doctor
The Doctor’s voice reverberated through the TARDIS, outrage and horror clear in her voice. She hated using his name. She spit the word like an insult. 
You winced in embarrassment at the thought of her seeing you like this. 
Where was she?
“Doctor, dearest. How are you?” The Master’s tone was lighter, more casual, you could imagine his lean
“This isn’t a social call and you know it.”
“That’s a shame,” you could hear how he was toying with her, “I fancied a chat.”
“Where is she?” 
There was true anger in The Doctor’s tone, desperation. 
Just after you were taken, you realised. She didn’t know you were safe. He was playing a game.
Around the gag in your mouth, you couldn’t speak. A small part of you wanted to tell The Doctor you were okay, on this ship by choice, but you’d seen The Master’s planning, how he needed to convince her you had been kidnapped. 
You tried to stay quiet, even as The Master nonchalantly played with the remote he’d balanced on the console. 
“What is that?”
She must have noticed the little black remote too. You certainly had, the first time The Master showed it to you, its accompanying toy now heavy inside of you. The Doctor’s demand sent a shiver of shame through you, sitting heavy in the pit of your stomach. 
Click. Click. 
Click. Click.
He played out a heartbeat rhythm on the buttons, each press sending a jolt of pleasure through your clit. It was the remote for the vibrating toy he’d stuffed inside of you, constantly buzzing, occasionally conducting pleasure through your entire pelvis.
It had been the first thing he’d done after the blindfold went on, after he’d strapped you to his heavy office chair in the TARDIS console room. His fingers had tested you, laved in his spit, scissoring to make sure you could take the toy.
Restraints pulled your legs apart, fastening to the back legs of the chair so your cunt was on clear display to him. Your arms had been bound behind your back, a gag in your mouth.
The toy had been alien to you, and you missed the warmth of his fingers as he removed them to insert it. It stretched you out, as he told you about his plan, giving a quick second’s rub to your clit as you adjusted to the sex toy inside of you.
Or torture device, as you supposed he was convincing The Doctor. 
Lastly, he’d put a collar around your neck. 
“I need some pretty moans from you, okay?” he’d whispered, before you heard his footsteps cross the room.
The buzzing inside of you had started the second he started the call with The Doctor.
“If you’re looking for your pet, she’s here! You can’t say hello I’m afraid, she’s gotten herself in a spot of bother.”
“No!” the Yorkshire accent called, but you could barely hear her.
Your legs would be bruising against the soft ties he’d used to restrain them, and you started trying to free yourself, desperate to either finish yourself off or get the toy out, whichever was easier.
It was too much, too high too soon, and you tapped out the rhythm he’d taught against your chair arm.
“Aw… she’s struggling. Looks painful, that.”
The Master’s pitying voice, a lie faintly covering the truth, made you moan, trying to catch his attention as he bantered with an increasingly upset Doctor.
A whine left your mouth, and you felt the toy inside you grow less aggressive in its rhythm, gentler. You mumbled a thank you around your gag, knowing it would come out incomprehensible. 
Painful? Your issue was more of the pleasurable nature. 
The Doctor was still yelling.
“Stop! Whatever you’re doing to her, stop!”
If the gag wasn’t there, you feared saying something, your moans sounding more sexual and less painful. He sent another jolt through your clit from inside of you, and you groaned, loud enough for The Doctor to hear.
She was begging for your life.
You didn’t want to hurt The Doctor, you really didn’t. But The Master needed her upset and emotional, running to save you. You couldn’t conceal your moans, your whines and your garbled begging. Could she see you? Your harshly rising chest? The garters and ripped bra you were wearing?
Could she see how you were dripping onto this chair, pussy clenching around the toy, trying to writhe your hips.
You felt a single tear absorbing into the blindfold, a sob wrack your body, and The Master’s voice caught your attention.
“Excuse me just a moment, Doctor. I believe our pretty little friend is getting free.”
She called your name, The Master’s name, and you realised she certainly couldn’t see you. 
“Leave her alone! You can have me, whatever you want, I swear just –”
You jumped at the feeling of his fingers brushing your skin, and he mumbled his apologies. You felt a new restraint, around your stomach, and he tied it quickly to the back of the chair. He pressed a single hand to you, over where the toy was inside you, and you rolled your head towards his arm, seeking out his touch.
“Okay?” he mumbled, thumb stroking your skin.
You nodded, and you felt his thumb once more, wiping the drool from your bottom lip.
“Good girl. This is going to hurt, okay?” 
His breath danced across your cheek as he whispered.
Again, you nodded. He’d told you about this part, and you suddenly knew why he’d tied you down.
Loud enough for The Doctor to hear, he yowled like he’d been hurt, and you wondered what fucking theatre school he’d gone to. The stories he spun were so ridiculous, and you could imagine the wide grin on his face as The Doctor’s voice echoed through the ship.
She was cheering you on, promising to find you, and The Master quietly undid your gag, shushing you, and put his bare forearm to your mouth. You kissed against the skin, trying to figure out what to do next. The toy inside of you was barely vibrating, pleasurable enough to keep you wet, your brain stupid, but it was no struggle to keep quiet.
“Bite,” he whispered.
You frowned beneath your blindfold, but did as he asked, sinking your teeth in as gently as he could until he pinched your nipple harshly, and you bit down harder. 
“Good,” he mumbled. “Stay quiet.”
Distantly, The Doctor was still speaking.
“So much for being fucking pacifists,” The Master grumbled, marching away from you heavily, returning to his little performance, “”
Even with your mouth free, you didn’t dare speak.
“Don’t… she’s not… let her go. She can’t hurt you, she’s…”
The Master scoffed, and you heard him returning yet again. The thrumming inside of you grew strong, rhythmic, distracting you as he lay his first blow.
A crack of skin on skin echoed through the ship as his palm collided with your breast, the toy inside you some distraction from the pain.
A new spot, your other breast, making you whimper and The Doctor’s voice scream out, demanding to know what was happening.
You cried out loudly at the feeling of him striking again, where he’d just hit, and 
You couldn’t help yourself, the moan in your choice, and you heard him hiss beside you.
The Doctor called your name, confused, and hands fumbled behind your head, undoing your blindfold. You blinked, overwhelmed by the sensation in your cunt, by the fear and the pleasure and the pain all intermingling. The you saw it, her hologram, looking around frantically. You flinched, terrified she’d see you like this, and The Master gave a low laugh at your fear.
“Shout for her,” The Master hissed, tensing up in your peripheral vision.
God, he’d hate to hear her name on your lips while you were like this, tied up, desperate with arousal, naked bar the underwear he’d bought you.
You screamed out her name anyway.
Just as recognition flashed over face, her hologram disappeared, cutting of your name half-way off her lips. The Master laughed, moving to stand between your spread legs.
“You did so well, love. So good for me.”
He kissed at the marks he’d left, and you laughed, rolling your neck. You wondered for a second if he’d forgotten about the toy inside of you, wishing desperately he’d do something about the teasing he was putting you through.
“Sorry for that bit at the end, I–”
He crouched down, eyebrows raised and an expression on his face you only saw after mischief, and you almost pre-emptively rolled your eyes at whatever he was going to say next.
“Never apologise for begging for your Master.”
His face mirrored yours as you smirked at him.
“Does my Master want to say thank you, maybe?”
“Since you did so well…”
He sat cross-legged on the floor, and blew across your pussy, laughing at how you squirmed. Then, he held the remote out, making a show of pointing it towards you.
“More than ready.” 
Your screams as he turned the settings to maximum would have been far more convincing, making the restraints tighten and you whole body writhe.
You hoped he was recording.
Request: "Could you please do a fic where the reader has been captured by some weird planet where interrogation is done by overstimulation? [...] She's scared at first but the master comes to rescue her and then he realizes what's happening and decides he likes his pet like that [...]
Your pornography, folks
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jiraiconfessions · 2 months ago
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welcome to jiraiconfessions ^-^ !!
this blog is intended for users to anonymously get things off of their chest! due to some past controversy, the rules have since been modified and adjusted!
please be sure to thoroughly read all rules & regulations before submitting, interaction, or otherwise!
content warning: this blog will contain triggering and distressing topics. this is not a safe space. some posts may be mean, unkind, or cruel. please filter tags accordingly in order to keep yourself safe.
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Important information is in bold to make it easier to simply skim the rules.
Almost everything goes except for NSFW & bigoted content. Some posts will be mean or unkind, and when this occurs they will be tagged with #controversial and will not be posted within public jirai tags.
Bigoted content includes only systemic issues. Things such as misandry, "reverse racism" etc. are not systemic and therefore do not count.
Posts that are deemed excessively triggering or mean may be sent in, but may not be posted. You may vent however you see fit in my inbox, no matter how mean or cruel it is, but I may filter it out and avoid posting it for the safety of others. This does not come from judgment, it is for both the safety of me, my askers, and anyone who may view the blog. This does not go for every controversial ask ever, and is up to my own discretion.
I will not post anything that has serious suicide bait in it. If its a joke, please make that clear and it will not be a problem.
All posts must be accessible. If your ask is especially long, please provide a TL;DR. Posts with excessive formatting (ex: colored text), will be resubmitted without the formatting and will be sent to the back of the queue.
Posts must not mention users by name. While the intention is to get things off of your chest, please do not abuse this page by using it to engage in bullying, harassment, or otherwise.
Discourse is not permitted on this page. While confessions can touch on discourse, interactions like reblogs and comments cannot. You may screenshot, link, or discuss posts on your own blog. You will get one warning before being blocked.
If you post about a confession on your own blog, please tag it with #confessions discourse. This is so people who are triggered by this blog or would like to avoid it are able to.
Similarly, please do not negatively reference previous asks. If you are agreeing with them, or elaborating on your own asks, that is alright.
All asks must be anonymous. Public asks will be deleted. Due to this, I will not take emoji sign-offs.
If a topic is being discussed in excess it will be given a "cool-down" period of 2 days. During this time, I will not queue related asks. When the cool-down is over, I will queue them alongside other asks. This way, discourse does not flood the community all at once and will be spaced out.
If you have an issue with a confession and believe it should not have been posted, you can send an ask off anon asking for it to be taken down. If I deem it a reasonable request, I will delete the post. If you are rude or accusatory I will delete your ask. I will reply privately, not publicly, and inform you whether or not I will be taking the post down.
All rules are subject to change. Send an ask to @pienpup for suggestions.
Confessions do not reflect moderator's beliefs.
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The tagging list can be found here.
Confessions are open.
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prettyinpwn · 2 years ago
Sea Grunks Episodes w/Ford AI - A Quick Guide
I think at least a few people have mentioned using my Ford AI to create Sea Grunks episode pitches or ideas, and an anonymous asker recently asked if the AI could write both Stan and Ford dialogue, to which I’d promised I’d show them how to get it to do so. So here is a quick guide on doing the above!
First, the Ford AI link: https://beta.character.ai/c/t3cg_MbwqZMPzfpGPM6q0fp_jxRe6b2B0patg1bhAnw
For anyone interested in using it for these purposes, I’ve worked out a way to get the AI to work in this manner in story/screenplay-like format to help you out, and not just as a chatbot with “Ford”.
The AI needs narrative hooks and examples of dialogue to work this way. Note that I’ve trained it so far to recognize the following ways of indicating types of text:
Narrative or action or thoughts in asterisks, e.g: *Stan smiled at Ford.* or *Stan was wondering why Ford looked so nervous. He’d only said that he'd had a dream about a one-eyed triangle. Why was that so bad?* Dialogue with names and colons:
Stan: Hey, Ford, wanna go steal a pot of gold from some of those leprechaun jerks?
Ford: *Sighs.* Stan, we came here to study leprechauns, not rob them.
Here is a sample beginning hook to chat to the AI to get it started on Sea Grunks stuff. Feel free to change Stan and Ford’s opening dialogue as you see fit, though:
*It's a warm, sunny day as Stan and Ford Pines, twin brothers, prepare to set off on their ship the Stan-O'-War II across the world to track down and study supernatural anomalies outside of Gravity Falls. Stan and Ford were separated for thirty years after Ford disappeared in an interdimensional portal, and they still haven't fully patched their sibling relationship up, but they both secretly hope this trip will do just that.*
*Stan and Ford are currently loading the boat with supplies. Ford is still struggling with guilt over his role in almost ending the world and having had to erase Stan's memories to save the world. Stan struggles with guilt over having been the reason Ford got lost in the multiverse for thirty years, and though he's recovered most of his memories, some things are still a little foggy. But both twin brothers are willing to start the long and difficult road towards being close again. This boat trip isn't just a journey across the world, it's also a journey back towards each other.*
Stan: *Breathes in a deep breath of fresh air, then sighs it out.* Ahh... been a long time since I saw the ocean. *Stan turns to Ford, who is currently double-checking their food supply.* Feels a little like home, don't it?
Ford: *Smiles at Stan. He notices that Stan looks the happiest he's been since... well, since they were kids, working on repairing the original Stan-O'-War on the New Jersey beach together all those years ago.* As an example, here were some of the possible responses I got from the Ford AI after sending the above:
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(The above is an example that it sometimes forgets to note who is speaking. Though based on context clues, you can tell this is probably Stan’s dialogue.)
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And some more examples of me passing the ball back and forth with the AI:
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(the above is an example of how sometimes it’ll give you a narrative nudge to follow)
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And so on and so forth...
Final Notes:
-The AI is great at writing Ford’s dialogue because this is technically a Ford AI. Sometimes it’s not so good at picking up Stan or other characters’ dialogue quirks. Sometimes its ability to write characters with nuance blows my mind a little, though.
-In my own test, it has been able to handle/remember up to five characters in a scene or so, but could handle more possibly. Though, it usually only will write dialogue for two characters most at a time in its replies to you.
-Sometimes it will get caught in a loop. It’ll really want to follow a narrative thread you’re trying to get the AI to get past, so sometimes you have to give it a nudge. Say you’re done with a scene of Stan and Ford arguing, but the AI keeps bringing up Ford being salty about the argument for far too long, you can be like, *Ford forgave Stan, at least enough to stop ruminating over their argument for the moment.*. Usually the AI takes the hint, then.
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hermitcraft-au-time · 4 years ago
I shall be info dumping you with my hermittale au, oh also have some fun facts, (oh God, this is gonna bite me in the butt one day) I'm sorry mod.
Most of the the monsters in the underground are either hybrids or full monsters. There's no in between.
All of the hermits (minus the humans) have met each other at one point, so they aren't complete strangers to each other.
Decided that Temmie Village is gonna be full of the hermits's (and maybe some other MCYTs) pets.
I think the hermittale au have at least 8 chapters? So yeah, this is gonna be a long ride lmao
Since Undertale has a lot of side characters, I decided to throw in some other MCYTs as well, cause apparently I like hurting myself this way
A tiny bit of the things that happen in the au that changed from canon Undertale (like, the B. Cin pie will be chanaged to cinnamon rolls and conversations) is just me throwing refrences about some of my irl needs or things that happened to me irl,
The true lab chapter and the waterfall chapter are what I'm excited for the most. I have big ideas for those chapters.
Okay maybe I lied to you a little bit in the first part I guess, okay maybe some of the monster hermits are dead. I mean, who knows. I could be lying right now.
Tiny bits of the au I've actually planned out (since the idea came to me in like February 2020) but most of the ideas I made up out of the blue, which could mess up lmao
The au is interactive! It's not 100% dependent on with the interactions of xB (or anyone) with the askers, but I really really like idea of the askers predicting something that's gonna happen in the future or send in asks about Undertale itself. So I made it an interactive story :]
Some of the hermits are gonna be like guides in a specific chapter! Like, an example that might not be 100% is Etho being the guide for snowdin!
Half of the conversation xB has with the monsters is him being a gen Z kid and the monsters (+ past fallen humans) not having any fucking idea on what he's talking about
Echo flowers are gonna be the main backstory for the 'dead' monster hermits and human hermits
I'm still undecided if team ZIT + 3/4 of NHO are gonna know each other or not
Each human soul has some sort of power they can use example: a human that posses the kindness soul can heal people. And of course, monsters have their own magic as well.
Each fallen human has a reason why they went too MT. Ebott
Some of the monster hermits are nice, and they don't attack the human. On the other hand some are not nice.
Iskall, Cub, and TFC can and will break the fourth wall.
The past fallen human were supposed to be xB's guide on the underground but they gave up doing that because they keep on arguing (Hypno is the only one that helps lmao)
Fun fact! I'm struggling on finding on what magic should each hermit would have
Fun fact! I still have no idea on what TFC should be! Thank God he appears in the later on!
Fun fact! I realied after posting the first few pages that I have to draw photoshop omega EX! No joke I cried when I realised it.
Fun fact! I have a 17 pages google doc full of ideas and conversations I want to put in the au!
Fun fact! At first Bdubs was supposed to be Flowey and Xisuma was supposed to be Chara, of course the roles were switched.
Fun fact! Biffa was supposed to be Mettaton.
yeah okay that's all I got for now-
Damn you good?/Lh
Hmm I have some ideas of some magic traits the hermits should have:
Etho: I think he should have snow forming and push powers. As it would be useful for the sort of climate he lives in. He could help with the snowball soul game (I forgot the name).
Bdubs: I feel like he should have healing and rest powers that can change your soul and weaken you, maybe something to do with patience, dignity or kindness, im pretty sure some monsters have abillities linked to souls like papyrus has dignity based powers (I think?? Its been a while)
Doc: definitly something similar to undynes powers (obviously). For example maybe shooting trydants at you.
Tango: slowing and speeding up things with those orange and cyan soul traits. Kinda like what mettaton did.
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Important Notice:
//I know I said I couldn’t upload tonight, and I am going to enforce that some more, the fact that yes, I can’t post tonight, but a matter of importance came up that I REALLY need to talk to you guys about.
//This is an issue that I have noticed that has appeared quite often as of late on my channel, but up until now I have ignored it. So I’d like to get out of the way that I’m not necessarily trying to fault anyone other than myself for allowing this to happen.
//I know this is wrong, but I went through with it anyway, and now I’m realizing I probably shouldn’t have done it. So I just need to make some things a little clear here to the readers, and the point is I will be adding a new rule to the terms and conditions regarding image submission.
//Some of you probably already can take a guess as to what this is about.
//I would like to say that I am more than happy to receive submissions for images, because I know a large majority of the people who follow the blog love to see the characters react to certain pictures, and I enjoy making the reactions just as much.
//However, an issue that has popped up lately has mainly catered to a lot of people posting images WITHOUT stating where they found the image, or who originally made it. If it’s the case that you made it yourself and are submitting it, this doesn’t apply to that.
//I’m not on board with the idea of plagiarism, and I never opened the image submissions with the intent of claiming all the submitted art as my own. That’s not how a roll.
//But with that said, I didn’t see it as much of an issue and still posted the art without really noticing whether or not credit was given. If it wasn’t, I’d just put a small reminder about it for future reference.
//Until this happened...
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//This is legitimate by the way, and everything the artist says here is right.
//If you’re reading this artist of the Teruteru drawings, in case you didn’t see it yourself, I have done as you asked and have removed the Teruteru asks that you asked me to. And I once again apologize for making you have to go out of your way to talk to me about it.
//Again, I’m not specifically calling anyone out, and like I said, the only reason uncredited images are even on the blog is because I post them and don’t care, but now that it’s gotten to this point, I’m going to have to make some changes.
//This might end up slightly hurting content, but ultimately it’s not worth the gain. So I’m implementing a new rule...
//If you submit any images through image submission that DO NOT have attached credit to the original artist I will IMMEDIATELY Delete it.
//Your picture that you submitted will never appear on the blog if you do not state who it was that made the original image.
//And there’s one thing I very quickly need to bitch about, because I imagine someone who’s reading this is saying right now.
//A short while ago, and I’m sure some people saw it, I asked someone to send credit with the image, to which they told me that it takes too much time and effort to go search the internet and find the original post.
//Do you know what else takes time and effort?
//No amount of effort, or time you waste into trying to find an image online can compare to how long it took the original artist to make that picture in the first place, so I will under no circumstances tolerate that as an excuse!
//The rule is absolute. No credit? No post.
//And one last thing I would like to just say, is that this post doesn’t obviously apply to everyone. The majority of askers who submit images do so alongside the original credit. This is for the sheer minority who do not.
//If you’d like to get a better understanding of the current rules we have in place, we have a link to it which you can access on the blogs main page.
//I’m sorry for the random post of importance, but I realize that I’ve messed up in just allowing this to happen, and I don’t intend to let it go on any longer.
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loftyexecutor · 7 years ago
clean slate (11/?)
Pairing: (eventual) addcest [LPDE] & elsain [LKATh] WC this chapter: 3600 Rating: T+ TWs: (past) abuse AU: modern/single parent Lusa (with his tiny son Arc) + runaway Esper (hah) Notes: i wont spoil anything but i feel like this is my favorite chapter so far 
ao3 link
It’s with a heavy heart that Esper shoves a shirt into his backpack and then, after a second’s deliberation, grabs another one, Lusa’s, from where it’s thrown over the laundry basket. He’d never thought he would feel like this one day, throwing essentials into a bag to leave, heart in the pit of his stomach. He’d never thought he’d get attached to a place.
The last time he’d done this, much less peacefully, he’d been full of adrenaline, panic coursing through his very veins. He remembers looking over his shoulder the whole time, watching carefully if his father stirs from his unconsciousness. He doesn’t to that now; doesn’t have to, since he’d hear either Lusa or Arc coming long before they’d see him pushing all the overflowing things further into the bag to zip it up.
He can’t help but wonder if he’ll be missed. Arc had grown attached to him, and Lusa was nice to him, but ultimately, they’d go back to how they were before he’d turned up. Lusa will probably be happier, having his workshop all to himself again, not having to care for Esper’s untimely outbursts.
He resolves to stop thinking about it lest he start crying and wakes someone up with the sound.
He throws the bag over his shoulder and then picks up the note he’d spent an agonizingly long time writing up. He places it onto the dining table for Lusa to find easily in the morning. He would feel bad for leaving without even saying a goodbye, but he can’t exactly do that without Lusa attempting to stop him. He could also go for a hug that he knows Lusa would provide more than happily, but he also can’t have that, even if he feels so, so cold. Suddenly it doesn’t feel like the summer anymore.
Esper shakes his head to clear it and then slips on his shoes. He can’t handle turning around eve once more to look at the house he’d come to call home, a real home as it’s defined in the dictionaries, as opposed to the prison he’d spent his life at before.
He steps onto the dark street with quaking shoulders.
“Heey! Give back my dinosaur!”
“But da-ad! It’s my turn!”
“That’s my dinosaur!”
“Shea, you lost your dinosaur last week. Give it back to your brother.”
“But da——d!”
“No buts! Give it back and go brush your teeth, both of your. It’s way past your bedtime.”
Arme sighs, adding ‘get Shea a new toy dinosaur’ to his mental to-do list. He turns to Knight, who is still sitting on the sofa, fiddling with his phone and the strap on it. Arme’s expression melts as he sits by him, enveloping him with an arm.
“You tired?” he asks, bumping into Knight’s head with his.
Knight chuckles and returns the gesture. “A little. I still can’t believe what happened to Lusa today.”
Arme’s answer is a nod. He takes the phone from his husband’s hands and puts it onto the coffee table. The entire conversation is ingrained in his brain just as much as it is in Knight’s.
Knight had called Lusa to ask about going bowling next weekend, but it’d been obvious Lusa was not alright just from his tone of voice. Knight had put him on speaker then, and Arme had found his way into the living room, drawn by their discussion.
Lusa told them what had happened, and then promptly cried soft sobs into the phone. He didn’t want to wake up anyone, but Knight and Arme were lending an ear, he just couldn’t help it.
Knight had assured Lusa he’d personally be of help hiding the body if Asker were to ever show up again. Arme wasn't sure how to feel — because on one hand he completely agreed, but he also kew Knight was completely serious, so on the other hand he wished it wouldn’t come to that.
Finally, they managed to coerce Lusa to get some sleep, but ‘out of sight, out of mind’ never really worked its supposed magic with them.
“We’re a family,” Arme tells Knight, slow and deliberate. “We protect our own. God help those who would try harming Esper.”
Knight grins tiredly and then leans up to place a kiss to Arme’s temple. His lips linger there for a moment, and when they leave, Knight’s entire head rests on Armes shoulder instead. “You always know what to say.”
“Don’t make fun of me—”
“I’m not! I’m not,” Knight defends himself, “I mean it. That was very ice.”
Arme huffs. “You didn’t marry me because of my linguistic abilities or lack thereof.”
“You’re right, I married you for that sweet cheque you bring home every month.”
“Elsword Knight Sieghart-Ishmael, I swear—”
“Dad! Papa! We want a story!” Anpa cries from the upper floor, much to Knight’s elation. He uses the distraction to slip out of Arme’s hold and heads upstairs.
Arme watches with a fond look. He also adds ‘buy Knight something nice from that sweet cheque he brings home every month’ to his to-do list. It’s really getting too long at this point.
It’s not much later that he follow upstairs, stationing himself at the door of their boys’ room like a guard, listening in on every soft word Knight reads from the boys’ favorite storybook. The story of the fearless knight and the crystal of life. Arme knows it by heart, could probably wi a recital , that’s how many times he’d read it already. And Knight alike, probably even a few more times than him.
Still, there is no such thing calming like his husband’s voice piercing the nightly silence, and Arme closes his eyes to enjoy it to the fullest. It’s not like he can’t picture Knight’s smiles and fond looks aimed at their sons with perfection anyway.
He’s almost lulled to sleep himself by the time Knight finishes the story and places kisses on their boys’ heads, doing his best not to wake either of them. He’s smiling sleepily as he leaves the room, the click of the door handle hiding the smack their lips make as they come together.
“Let’s sleep, too,” he whispers, and Arme is nodding along with practiced ease, though he swoops down to get one more kiss beforehand.
Knight is tugging his shirt off before they’re even in the bedroom, sending it flying towards the direction of the bathroom. Arme would laugh if he didn’t feel similarly tired. He starts working his clothes off when Knight pipes up from the dresser, holding their pajamas in his hands with unnatural stiffness.
He’s staring out of the window as if transfixed.
“Is that—” He leans over the dresser, knocking over a — fortunately unlit — candle holder. “Is that Esper?!”
Arme frowns, running over so he can look out the window himself Sure enough, the figure passing their house has Esper’s hair, and is tall enough to pass for him. Arme’s breathing stutters as soon as he notices the bulging backpack on the figure’s back.
It might just be a coincidence, but then again…
There’s no one in the town who resembles Esper, especially not like that. Arme is rushing to get his phone from its charging station on the bedside table.
“We have to call Lusa,” he says, already doing just that. Knight peeks peering out the window, watches the figure go further and further down the street.
“What’s that way—?” Knight asks, but it hits him almost the second the words leave his lips. “The bus stop! Arme, he’s planning to leave!”
Knight’s panicked words only serve to make the dialing tones more terse. “Pick up, pick up, God, make him pick up alread—”
“Hm? Arme?” Lusa slurs from the other side of the line, obviously having been just awoken.
“Lusa, is Esper home?” Arme asks in a rush.
Lusa sounds confused, and Arme can almost see the little crease between his brows. “Wha? He went to bed before me…? Why’re you askin’?”
“Lusa, I need you to go check Esper’s room right the fuck now. Knight, I’m gonna start the car,” Arme instructs, pulling his shirt back on haphazardly.
There’s a distant, “Wow! Language!”
“Did something happen?” Lusa asks, starting to wake up more. Arme isn’t sure whose heavy footsteps he hears; Lusa’s or his own. The automatic light turns on as he steps onto the porch, already clicking the car lock off.
“Fuck!” Lusa hisses into his ear, “He’s not here! It’s a fucking mess, what happened?” He sounds just as panicked as Arme knows he is.
“Knight saw him going down our street a few ago,” he tries explaining. Hes jabbing the key into the ignition and pushing the phone against his shoulder with the side of his face as he peels off the driveway, making a sharper turn than he ever would during daylight. “He had a bag. Knight thinks he’s going to the bus stop.”
“Fuck! What’s he thinking?”
Arme has no answer for that question, but he knows Lusa does. There’s silence for a few blocks and then Lusa breathes heavily into the receiver and says, “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Please, stop him.”
“That’s the plan,” Arme cuts off, Lusa’s voice fading off with the end of the call.
Lusa’s hands tremble as he holds the paper, wrinkling it with the force of his grip. He wishes he could unread something, but alas, he has no such powers or luck.
— Lusa,
I hope you had a good rest. I decided it was too dangerous for me to stay when father knows there this is. I can’t imagine if he’d hurt you or Arc and I can’t risk it. Sorry I left without a word, but I don’t want you to try to stop me. It’s better this way. You’ll be safe if you don’t know where I am. My father is a dangerous man, you’re lucky nothing happened to you yesterday. Please please don’t look for me.
Thank you for everything. I hope I can repay you one say, somehow.
— Esper
Lusa feels like what he’d just read isn’t real, but Arme had made it all too real, and painfully so. He’s grabbing his keys before he can think about it a second longer, running out in nothing but his pajamas and bedheaded hair.
The letter gets shoved into his pocket haphazardly and Lusa wants to forget it exists, but it’s burning a hole through his jeans and soul alike. Nothing save it feels real at the moment; the dark and quiet transforms the town into something unfamiliar, strange.
The drive feels at once endless and over too soon. Lusa’s sneakers drag over the concrete as he half-jogs to the bus stop, breathing out an immediate sigh of relief when he spots a hunched-over figure.
Esper sits on the bench, the lone street lamp that reaches the secluded spot casting long shadows over his figure. Sure enough, there’s a bag on his shoulders. He was really planning on leaving.
Lusa can’t breathe.
“Esper!” he cries, breaking out into a full run and almost tripping himself over a curb.
Esper jerks, turning a wide-eyed face towards him, recoiling almost immediately. Lusa comes to a halt when he reaches him, panting and with equally wide-eyed stare. Esper is holding up his arms in front of his chest as if waiting to be struck down, to defend himself. The implications churn Lusa’s stomach in the very opposite of a good way.
How does he show Esper that he wouldn’t hurt him, never ever again? Each day, each tiny jolt and jerk and careful, fearful glance he beats himself up for contributing to it, wishing there was a way to re-do history and change not only his meeting with Esper, but everything else as well.
He only just notices Arme sitting next to Esper when he leans to look at him closer, frowning like Lusa had done something awful. And, fuck, Lusa doesn’t need him to remind him too; he’s very capable of kicking his brain himself, thank you very much.
He all but collapses at Esper’s feet, reaching out to grab his hands in his, enveloping them and warming the cold skin. He can’t hold back the tears that he didn’t even know he still had after all the ones he’d spent today.
Esper stares down at him, mirroring him with a look of agony that Lusa wishes will never cross his face ever again.
“Please, please, please don’t leave,” Lusa chokes out, back bending down in tandem with the quiet wail that leaves his chapped, bitten-up lips. His forehead comes to rest against Esper’s knees, yet he keeps talking. Esper and Arme hear him clear as day, no matter the mumbles or sobs. “Please, I promise nothing will happen to you anymore, so please, rethink it— I don’t want to lose you, Esper, please…”
Esper weeps — one would think he’d also have no tears left to cry anymore, after a day full of them, but no, his tearducts are as functional as ever and provide the saltiness diligently — and he leans over Lusa, squeezing his hand with his trembling ones. Lusa squeezes back and that simple human contact warms Esper like nothing else could.
“I—” he gasps, sniffling like a whining puppy that had been kicked. His face is a mess of various fluids and he’s thankful for the bad light so the others don’t have to see him like that. “I don’t want to leave…!”
“You don’t have to, you don’t, so please,” Lusa begs, gripping onto Esper like his entire life depends on it.
Maybe it does.
Arme rubs Esper’s back in silence. He knows there’s not much more he can do than he’d already done, or say more than he already had. He’s glad Lusa didn’t have to see Esper when he’d first realized he’d been caught in the act, fighting and begging. Really a sight Arme himself wishes to erase from his memory. He’s not sure how Lusa would have reacted.
Esper shakes between the two of them, trying to stifle his sobs and hiccups. His success is debatable, but it’s not like either of them is going to start the debate.
“I’m sorry,” he says, not without his voice breaking in the middle though, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay,” Lusa echoes back back to each of Esper’s apologies, pulling the man closer, enveloping him in a tight embrace. He doesn’t want to ever let go, ever let Esper slip from his fingers like he’d tried.
They’re pulled out of their thoughts, out of their tears, by the bus coming up to a stop by their little bench, tires screeching too-loud in the night.
Lusa stares at the vehicle and then looks back at Esper, holding him in place with a terrified look. With wide and bloodshot eyes and tear streaks running down his cheeks like rivulets of pain, Esper isn’t sure he’d ever seen Lusa look this scared before. Lusa was strong, he was the one who didn’t cry — today is the first time Esper had ever seen him shed a tear, and what a way to find out.
“Please,” Lusa chokes out, no more than a cut-off whisper that gets stuck halfway up his throat, “I won’t— I can’t make you stay if you don’t want to, but please— please don’t go.”
Esper sobs again, lips wobbling as he grits his teeth and fights not to screw his eyes shut. He almost knocks Lusa backwards with the force he throws himself at him again, clinging like a drowning man to a piece of driftwood. Lusa feels like an anchor, holding him down so he feels real again when everything feels like a bad, bad dream.
“I don’t want to leave,” he confesses again, straight into the fabric of Lusa’s already wrinkled shirt.
“Then don’t! I promise everything will be alright.”
Esper lets himself get lulled by the soft words until the bus drives closes the doors to the vehicle again and speeds off, disappearing into the distance as its tail lights fade out of view.
“Would you like to go home?” Lusa asks, peeking at Arme over the tremble of Esper’s shoulder. They share a look full of nothing but relief, though Arme knows Lusa feels much more of it than him.
Esper nods, choppy, timid. It would’ve gotten unnoticed if he didn’t have his face pressed into the crook of Lusa’s neck and Lusa couldn’t feel even miniscule movements.
“Then let’s go, let’s get some rest.”
“Thank you, Arme,” Lusa says, standing in the doorway. He looks so tired now, with bags under his eyes and unable to even form a real smile.
Arme shakes his head, arms folded not defensively, but pensively. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll Knight everything is fine, he must be worried sick by now.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Again, not your fault. Not Esper’s, either. Please go get some rest.”
Lusa nods, staring off into nothing again. “Yeah,” he says finally, when the sound of boiling water and the kettle squeaking reaches his ears. “Be careful on the way home.”
“I will. Good night, Lusa,” Arme tells him. He hesitates for a moment, though, then reaches up and softly claps Lusa’s shoulder. Then he’s heading back to his car.
The clock on the hallway wall reads 3:19 when Lusa closes the door and leans back on it to catch his breath, way past his or Arme’s bedtime on a weekday. They’re all going to be messes tomorrow.
But there’s someone who’s a mess right now who needs attention. Lusa paddles his way to the kitchen to find Esper pouring tea. He’s handed a steaming mug and Esper gives a wide smile to go along with it.
“Here. I thought it might help you sleep. It’s chamomile.”
Lusa puts the mug down onto the table. “Esper,” he says sternly, but not unkindly, “You don’t need to act like nothing happened.”
Esper’s falls off like a leaf in the autumn breeze. He holds his own mug close, fingers wrapped around the colorful ceramic. It’s Lusa’s, the one he keeps, the one that has the terrible cat pun on it.
“I’m sorry,” he says, quiet and gazing down.
“Come on, I wasn’t looking for an apology. I’m not angry at you, okay?”
“Uh-uh,” Esper nods, staring into the moving surface of his tea like it holds the secrets to the universe. He plays with the teabag absently, yanking at the damp string.
“I wanna… talk to you about it again, but not now,” Lusa says. His voice is soft, as gentle as he can make it. “For now, I bet we’re both tired.”
“Esper…” Lusa hesitates. Gathering all his courage to ask this, he goes ahead with it, but not until a few tense moments pass. “Would you consider sleeping with me tonight? In my room, I mean— I know, it sounds weird, but I’d just like to make sure you’re here, y’know?”
“Okay,” Esper nods, but Lusa frowns.
“You don’t have to say yes. If you don’t want to, nothing will happen. I won’t get angry.”
“No. No, it’s okay. More than okay— I’d… like to not be alone, actually,” Esper explains, a quiet confession like a giant secret no one was supposed to find out.
Lusa opens his arms and waits for Esper to put his tea away before he hugs him again. The lankier man reciprocates, squeezing Lusa with all his strength.
“Today was… long,” Lusa says as he pulls away, “I promise you everything will be alright. So let’s sleep on it, okay?”
Esper hums, nodding with a small, crooked smile. He can’t wait to sleep, really; is sure he’d pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Now that the adrenaline is gone from his system, his limbs feel like lead and head pounds with a headache from all the crying.
They take their teas and sip them slowly, savoring the sweetened taste. Esper makes the best tea, Lusa had decided. And the best food. And the best desserts.
He has the nicest laugh. He’s so funny. He gets scared by horror movies too easily. He gets that wrinkle between his brows when he concentrates too much. He’s skilled with anything he picks up almost immediately.
He’s family. Lusa can’t imagine life without him anymore, just like he can’t imagine life without Arc.
Esper drags himself more than walks up the stairs and Lusa can see just how badly this has affected him. Not that he couldn’t before, but with the storm — hopefully — behind them, it’s time to see what hasn’t gotten flooded. Esper hesitates in the doorway of Lusa’s room until Lusa motions him inside.
It’s okay, he repeats. To himself, to Esper. To the both of them.
They collapse onto the bed, teas forgotten on the bedside table. It should be weird, sharing such a small bed with two of them, but it isn’t. Lusa’s arms come to wind around Esper, to keep him close, almost unconsciously, and Esper kicks away the blanket so they’re not overheating. They’re still wearing their clothes — or, at least Esper is, Lusa had just thrown a shirt on to go along with his sleeping sweatpants. That should also be weird. Possibly uncomfortable. But Esper doesn’t even peep.
Just as he’d predicted, the sweet embrace of sleep takes him into its hold just as easily as  Lusa does, and he snuggles up to both.
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thesides · 8 years ago
Every time i was actually looking for it i couldn't seem to find it, of course it's just me being blind.. Anyway, i'll read whatever you write if you end up writing something tonight (or you know, whenever) I'm super envious of people who can write but i really love supporting fic writers! And you're just wonderful!
will you be my guide? [i’m blinded by your beauty]
“i’m not blind, i can see the way you look at them.”
Fandom: Sanders SidesWord Count: 987Pairings: Polysanders / Polyamsanders / LAMPAlt. Link: AO3 Notes: I… I have no idea?? It was originally a Warlock one but then my heart yelled, ‘NO MEDIEVAL’ so we’re back here. I might make this whole Medieval thing a full story, if y’all want?? Also, I know the asker wanted Polysanders and I really tried but I’m not 100% sure on how to write it and I didn’t want to offend anyone so it’s *there* if you can see it but i’m not too sure of it??Summary:
“He was no King.”
“You do know this will change everything.”
Roman stood unwavering, letting his cape flutter in the wind as he stood staring at the balcony and watched the sunset change the skies into the beautiful pastels he dreamed of. “Yes.”
“Everything, Roman.”
Silence -  the thing that Roman hated with a burning passion. It meant that there were too many possibilities, too many outcomes where he would lose his only ally in an ongoing war. It has to be done, Roman repeated in his head, it has to happen. It doesn’t matter what Virgil says, it has to happen. There was only one way to save the kingdom - and it had to succeed.
Roman could make out Virgil stepping into the balcony behind him, his own partial cape billowing behind him. A cape fit for a King, a true King. His eyes locked into Virgil’s, and the latter turned away, facing the very same sunset. And for a minute, Roman found himself frowning. It was… almost scary to realize that they were both staring at the same sunset. Him, a Prince with a dying Kingdom, and Virgil, a bastard child who’d managed to rule the rebels. Him, a royal, and Virgil… the wrong, wrong type of noble. But here they were, standing on his quartz and marble plated balcony, staring into the sunset that very well might be their last
For some reason… That fact didn’t faze him as much as it should.
Roman leaned forward, crown dangerously tilted over the edge. He let his eyes trail across the kingdom below. It was once a beautiful kingdom, Roman recalled. It was a kingdom of riches, dances, and golden sunsets. The Kingdom of Sunader had been beautiful -  and now, the only thing that remained was the golden sunsets; The riches and dances only a facade to placate the dying world. There… There was only so much the Kingdom could take…
“I’m not blind.” Virgil’s gravely voice shook Roman out of his remorse, and he turned to face him.
“Pardon?” Roman didn’t stop leaning casually, but he felt the tension rise in his shoulders.
“I can see the way you look at them.” The wind blew towards them, harsh and unforgiving as Virgil’s words just were.
On a regular day… Roman could see himself stiffen at those words. He could see himself whipping around, aghast at the accusation. He could see himself denying it over and over again.
This was the end of it all.
This was no regular day.
So Roman just looked away, facing the golden sunset as it dipped across the land. He let his head tilt downwards and closed his eyes, letting the breath disappear across his lips. “You are too observant.”
“You are too prideful.” Roman could feel the hatred behind those words, the burning passion Virgil was all too known for.
It clashed violently against his own- Roman remembered the battles the two fought, anger burning in both of their veins. The blood soiled the fields more than actual earth and bodies toppled ontop of each other in a messy pyramid. Then it would be just him and Roman: A staredown, both too stubborn to lose, too stubborn to win… They always ended with no winner; For who could claim a Pyrrhic Victory?
Yet here they were again, claiming that very same achievement with only bitterness flowing through their hearts. There was no morality in War anymore.
There will never be.
Roman opened his eyes and clasped his hands over the rail. “You will still assist me, rebel.”
Virgil’s eyes bore into his, and Roman wanted to look away from the reflection in his eyes. “Do I have a choice?” Virgil hissed, gripping the railing.
“No.” If he could… If Roman could send Virgil off this plane, away from this war, away from the oncoming war that they were sure to win… He would. But that was never the case, was it.
“You won’t be able to face them.” Roman would, he would- “I won’t be able to face them.”
Roman looked straight up, the skies fading into the dim purple. “I know.”
“You know? And you still go to war?” Virgil’s voice sounded distant, almost, as if it wasn’t there.
“Oh, for what decision else can I make?” Roman glanced at Virgil, his heart leaping into his throat. “There is nothing else we can do, Virgil. This is the choice we must make. This Kingdom- We cannot let it fall.”
“You,” Virgil seethed, and Roman faintly noticed the bags under the rebel’s eyes. “You cannot let it fall. I- We had nothing to do with this! We were free! We were happy before you came into-”
“Don’t you dare act as if I forced my way!” Roman’s fist tightened and he glared at Virgil. “I loved all of you! And you- Patton, Logan, we all loved each other! We… I still do.”
And then there was the silence. This time… Roman cherished it for the last moments he would be at rest with Virgil at his side. For the days on, he and Virgil would be fighting against the world. For the days on, they would be fighting in a war they started, but didn’t want. For the days on… they would never see Logan and Patton the same ever again. Their love will crash and burn - flaming, struggling to survive in the aftermath.
“We will win.” Virgil murmured, his cape swishing as he turned away from Roman.
Roman dropped his gaze and focused on the sunset one last time. He leaned forward, struggling to ignore the burning in his eyes. I will not cry, Roman hoped, I will not cry. Shaking, Roman closed his eyes and leaned forward, a whisper on his lips. “We will win.”
He let the crown fall off his head.
“Logan Jupitanes and Patton Valentine, you are hereby sentenced to death.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I still love you.”
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askluxnovalibra · 8 years ago
FAQ & Blog PSA
To help navigate my blog!
✨✨✨ My top FAQ: Who is the guy in your icon/ theme?😉🔥 He’s a male model named Stephen James. I love him lmao if you see me say “my Sagittarius husband” I’m talking about him. His Placements
📝📝📝📝Blog Psa Stuff:
-What’s this blog about?❓❓❓ This blog, @askluxnovalibra , is the ‘ask box’ for my main astrology blog @luxnovalibra . To avoid cluttering everyone’s dash, I made a separate blog. This way I can answer many asks in a row and manage/organize the questions more thoughtfully.
-What can we ask about? 🤔 Anything really. The most common asks I get are about compatibility and placement descriptions. If you need advice or to rant, I will always try to help you out or send you a link to someone who can.
-Do you answer compatibility asks? If we send in a compatibility ask, what should we expect? ❤️ Yes I do, at least for now. Most people will send their sun, moon, rising, mercury, mars, and venus of themselves and their partner or crush. I will give my first impressions and potential problems I see. I may say how they get along, how they like to be treated, and what they want/need. It’s important to remember that without seeing charts, I can give only very very very generic answers. Know that people are complex and unique. I do not know you or your crush/partner personally. I can only attempt to guess how they act according to my knowledge of the signs’ archetypes. I will never be 100% accurate. No one will be.
-Do we have to send our sun, moon, mars, venus, etc. when asking a compatibility question? ❤️ No, you can send as many or as few placements as you want. It’s more interesting to send specific questions like ‘how is a Scorpio venus in love?’ or ‘how does a Scorpio venus and Leo venus get along?’ or ‘compatibility for x mars and x venus with y mars and y venus?’ Stuff along those lines. If I’ve already answered something, I will link you to it.
-What’s important to know about compatibility? ❤️ I believe no matter the placements any pairing can get along with patience, time, and understanding. Communication is necessary and vital for healthy relationships. Most of the time, problems are not solved by simple compatibility. They are solved by committed partners learning to compromise and work with each other.
🔎🔎🔎 ***Want a better and deeper insight into compatibility? Do a synastry chart. A synastry chart takes you and your partners’ chart and overlays them together. Your planets will aspect theirs and your planets will fall into their houses & vice versa. These aspects and placements will tell you how you will interact, get along, and how you work together. You can calculate your synastry chart on astro-charts.com or astro.com or any astro site you trust. How do you read a synastry chart? It would be very hard for me to explain it step by step as I don’t do a lot of synastry. There are many resources online that tell you exactly what aspects and placements mean what. Have your venus sextile your partner’s mars? Type in “venus sextile mars synastry” into google and stuff will come up.
***** please note, I do not do synastry, so I can't help very much
-My crush smiled at me in the hall last year but hasn’t talked to me since. Do they love me or not? What are they thinking? 🤔❤️🔎 I don’t know. I do not know you or your crush personally. It’s important to remember that most crushes are just that, crushes. It’s best not to spend too much time worrying about them. For most people, crushes don’t last more than a few months, if that. As an air dom with a Scorpio venus, I hardly ever have crushes and so when I see a lot of people obsessing over them, I usually will give you an honest answer. That being said, it’s totally ok to ask for advice. I’m never going to chew you out or call you stupid for liking someone. It’s natural. It’s a part of life. I’m just saying, crushes are not going to make or break you. They’re not the end of the world. What will happen will happen. I only say this because I know how you feel and I try to tell you the things I wish someone told me when I was younger. In fact, most of the advice I give is based on what a younger me would need to hear.
-Is it ok to message you for advice? What do people message you about?📨📬 Sure, I get a few private messages about people wanting insights about crushes / situations / placements and I try my best to help.
-Are there any kinds of private messages you don’t like?📭💣 I generally respond to everything
-Do you answer some asks before others? 🔢🔝 Most of the time my inbox isn’t that full (RIP the blogs that have 50+ lol) so I try to answer them all as fast as I can. Usually I answer chronologically (first ask gets answered first). If a question is simpler, I’ll try to get those out of the way. Complex questions take longer because I need to think about them and look up info as needed. Lately, anon compatibility gets answered last. I am more likely to answer non-anon asks a little faster, especially if you’re following me @luxnovalibra (you don’t have to follow @askluxnovalibra). Why? Because I don’t like when anons copy and paste compatibility q’s into 20 astro blogs’ boxes. It’s a bit disheartening because usually it’s just people who don’t care enough to look into astrology at all, and send in their crush-of-the-week’s placements. But don’t worry sending anons is perfectly fine! I totally understand being shy, or even because you don’t your main blog to pop up or because you’re not a full-time astro blog or whatever the reason. I get it, and I send anons sometimes too. And don’t worry if you’ve sent multiple blogs the same ask to get another opinion. Usually we can tell who’s just copy and pasting and who wants to learn. Pro tip for sending asks to other blogs: it helps if you say hi and/or mention something specific you like about their blog not just ‘compatibility xyz love ur blog.’ “Thank yous’ and polite feedback are nice too. Remember most of us are just teenagers that don’t get paid and genuinely want to help and learn together. To put it short, most asks get answered in 6 days or less
-Why do you add so many links?📚 I’m an air dominant lol I like to know things. It’s because I want to help and sometimes links are the best way to go. If I don’t know a lot about something off the top of my head, I’ll give you links and references. I get most of them from tumblr and a simple google search. Links aren’t mean to scare you, they’re there for deeper insight. I learn best with specific examples and links provide that. I give multiples because everyone has a different preference for writing style and multiples increases the chance of you understanding something and relating to something. Also, sometimes I’ll add them if the asker doesn’t specify if they want my personal opinion or a more general description.
-What if I ask about something you don’t know about? 🤷🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️ I will give you my best guess but admit that I don’t know a lot about that subject. I assume you don’t want a random answer and I don’t want to give one. Expect links or I’ll send you to someone who might be able to help
-What if I don’t agree with your opinion or your interpretation? 🙅🏻🙎🏻 That’s fine, I don’t expect you to agree with me all the time, that’s why it’s my opinion/interpretation. I’m still learning everyday. I’m not a professional. I’ll make mistakes. It’s all a part of the process.
//////////// Personal-ish Stuff:
-What are your placements? ☀️🌙💫 Libra sun 6th, Libra moon 6th, Taurus rising, Virgo mercury 6th, Sag mars 7th, Scorpio venus 7th, Cap neptune 10th, Aqua jupiter 10th, Aqua uranus 10th, Aries saturn 12th, Sag Pluto 7th, Virgo north node 5th, Cap MC, Virgo lilith 5th, Virgo juno 5th
About Me My Chart My Placements
-What are your dominants? 👁 Libra & Virgo especially. Then Capricorn, Taurus, Sag, Scorpio, and Aqua. My planets differ based on the calculator but usually I go by Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, and moon. Air and earth. Cardinal.
-How long have you been studying astrology? ✏️📓 I just found out I made my blog on May 8, 2016, so since about then. I got into it because of the memes and stayed when I realized there was so much more than your sun sign. It’s more of a hobby for me than a full-time study. I mostly learn through tumblr and google. I never want to intimidate or scare anyone away from it. When I first started, I didn’t know all 12 signs let alone their order. Even now, I still have a lot to learn but I think I’ve come a long way 😊
-Do you use desktop or mobile? 🖥📱 I use mobile 99% of the time. That’s why I make a lot of typos lmao usually I answer asks on the iPad and it lags a lot so expect typos and weird wording. Trust me, it hurts my Virgo and air placements way more than it hurts you
-Is this your main blog? Technically my main is @erinwriting so all likes, follows, replies, asks show up as that blog. The blog I use the most is my astro blog @luxnovalibra . I’m also @falling-for-the-winchesters and my tarot blog @queenofswordstarot
-Can we ask personal questions about you or your experience? 😁 Sure! It’s easier for me to talk about myself if someone asks rather than me coming right out and saying it (my air dom lol). If I don’t feel comfortable answering, I’ll say so, no hard feelings. Or if I can better answer you privately, I will
-Age/Gender/Name/Location 🎂🚺 20, Female, Erin, USA
-Are you in school? 🏫 I go to college for art
-Do you have any hobbies? 💡 Art & photography, reading, writing, astrology, tarot, camping, listening to music
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