#if anybody wants a link to eps
Thank you for all the Charles Edwards Under the Vines gifs!! I'm still waiting for the episodes to be available where I live 😭
My pleasure, bestie 🥺 It's such a Comfort show. Nothing groundbreaking, but Charlie looks probably the best he's ever been, and he's delightfully silly and charming.
Must be the New Zealand weather helping with that ☺️
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Charlie’s Intentions
Awhile back I made a theory about why Charlie and Sev broke up(her secretly using him to try to find Lilith) and how the hotel could be a second attempt to reach out to her
Not trying to say she’s never done good things that help others or atleast tried to….but when you think of it, they’re often still to or for her benefit(for the hotel to work). Warning this goes DEEEEEPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!
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Helping Sir Pentious even after the reveal(fav moments) Even after beign revealed to be a Vee spy, Charlie forgave him and let him have the chance to be a real guest….but that would be to her benefit(having more guests, especially those willing to go along with her activities). Many have pointed how quick she was to support Sir P, making Angel feel left out(I get both sides, on the one hand she def put a lot of attention towards Sir P and perhaps couldve been more supportive towards Angel like in the roleplay, but on the other hand, Angel at that time often made it VERY clear to their faces he didn’t believe in the plan or was interested beyond having a free room and going on the idea the pilot events still happened, AFTER THAT whole stunt at the terf war & News station, he’s pretty lucky Charlie didn’t just kick him out, like Vaggie probably would’ve wanted(can’t blame her though Angel def is not easy to her especially).
But that begs the question, did she let Angel stay and puts up with his behaviour as she genuinely didn’t want to give up on him, understanding redeeming him wouldn’t be easy or because….he was their ONLY client and didn’t want to risk losing that but now that there’s another and seemingly easier to work with client, ready to focus solely on him…was she just being innocently insensitive, not understanding how that hurt Angel or…was she honestly just more focused on making progress with anybody.
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Was her putting Vaggie in charge of the trust activities out of a well meaning but misguided spur of the moment decision thinking they’d relate better to Vaggie as not jsut a sinner but also someone learning to trust them and vice versa…or was it to avoid screwing things up herself, as none of her past attempts seem to work a lot and figure Vaggie would have better luck as she’s able to control things, or if it didn’t work wouldn’t really cause any more damage to Vaggie’s already distant relationship with the gang. And only intervened when things were getting out of control and apologized to Vaggie as th least thign she’d want is her biggest help to go…
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I don’t think we need to really get too deep into how she handled didnt go so well Ep 4. She never really thought much of Angel’s work situation and situation in general outside the hotel and the main motive for her going to Val was to get Angel more time for HER project(which wouldn’t have been so bad had it not ended how it did). During one of the sets she was advertising the hotel to a camera guy WHILE FILMING! And though the fire was an accident and careless OSHA, had she have just waited and focused on talking specifically about Angel to Val or had waited to talk with Angel when he returned, I think it’s safe to say a lot would have been different atleast. She did atleast seem, genuinely remorseful and wanted to make things right for unintentionally getting Angel hurt….or was it more about Angel being mad at her(not about making someone u care about angry at you via doing something to upset or hurt them and more about him not trusting her and potentially would reconsider being her client). Perhaps a mix of both?
Valentino-For all you know Amorcito, part of her screwed things up on purpose just so you wouldn’t try to get her to help beyond her stupid hotel 🏨 😈
Not 100% sure of the afternath(how fully aware she and the gang r of the situation, just know Val SUCKS and it’d be ideal to get him away). Did she talk to him about it after, did she ask the gang on what could be done, is she looking for ways beyond jsut the hotel to get him out, is she figuring that the best thing for her to do for Angel is to help him redeem and get into Heaven….or just focusing on her main goal, now seeing more motivation for Angel.
Was she really inspired by her father and his “dreams”, or figured by connecting to him in a way, he’d at least listen cause of his ego, being the King of Pride. She did still say “my people” not “our”.
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Charlie was under the belief her dad was only in contact with her “when he was bored or needed something(not sure what bored could mean, maybe her not realizing he did want to check up on her). Didn’t call in over 5 months…whos to say she figure turn the tables. She only had gotten him involved when they were desperate and it was Vaggie who suggested his help.
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Was Charlie just angry about the higher ups not knowing what gets someone into Heaven because of the potential implications of people who aren’t necessarily pure evil being damned to eternal blaze or even death because of this system….or also because she realized all the stuff she was trying to do to begin with could’ve been all for nothing, wouldn’t change things. Heck one could argue she was defending Angel from Adam because she had allowed him and the others to go to the club, perhaps wanted to give them a lil reward for the help so far and though it would’ve also kept them from being in or causing trouble(especially since she’s paying) while she and Vaggie were gone( another thing is perhaps her wanting to make up for ep 4 by letting angels friend take him and the rest out for a fun night, appease her own guilt)loss
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Did she come to forgive Vaggie because she genuinely wanted to despite what she did and lying to her and that it’s part of her principles she promotes in the hotel like Rosie said(second chances) or because Rosie reminded her Vaggie’s been the one helping her throughout the story and coudlnt afford to stay angry with the war coming(Vaggie also brought weaponry too). Heck it was VAGGIE who explained things and made it clear to the gang this wasn’t their fight and had no obligation to risk themselves while Charlie ran off with Al, not even explaining what they’re doing.
I’m not trying to say Charlie’s some bad person who’s manipulating everyone. It’s clear she does have legitimate care for the gang and has had moments showing that, but you can’t deny there’s a lot that could be interpreted of having….ulterior motives. People often run by a bit of self motivation, we all need a little of that, it’s only a problem when u don’t consider how it could affect others, only focusing on your own goals and desires.
She’s not only not really thought a lot of the gang and their stuff beyond the hotel, but also def unaware how sinners are and hasn’t seem to done really solid research on humans or the concepts of redemption and rehabilitation. I don’t think she’s even asked them WHAT THEY DID TO COME DOWN TO HELL! She def didn’t seem all too interested in Missy mentioning how she knew Al back when he was alive. She also didn’t give her the same kinda introducing she did with Sir P. Granted she was busy with her dad but you’d think she’d have been atleast more interested.
Could one of the reasons that her methods and activities are kinda childish just simply because she’s very sheltered and naive… or that’s she’s simply scratching the surface to make the sinners seem good enough for Heaven so news will spread and Lilith…for all we know the day she helped Vaggie could…be more than meets the eye. Was she already out with the intent of trying to help sinners(her moms people) from the extermination or was there something else…(I like to imagine she was trying to help sinners💖)
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Is her heart completely in the right place and just goes about things the wrong way…or could even her good intentions have an under layer of selfishness she doesn’t even realize that compromises the hotel’s goal of helping and healing souls. If this could be the case, could this reflection help Charlie grow and learn how to help sinners, being able to properly connect with them….or could this realization drive a genuine wedge between her and everyone
….perhaps leading to
What do u guys think? Could their be a bit of dark in her sweet apple core? really love to know💖🍎🍏
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wuxiaphoenix · 26 days
On Writing: Upcycling
I don’t know if this holds for every writer. But for me and no few I’ve traded emails with, our brains and accumulated libraries of books/notes/articles/stray neat things off Tumblr is a vast collection of “it could come in handy someday.”
This holds for less-than-great movies and TV shows, too. See something you think is kind of meh, but there’s a character, setting, or worldbuilding aspect you like? Write it down. Toss the note into your collection of ideas. Maybe let it marinate a bit. Then take it out, check that you can file the serial numbers off and make that bit original, and see if it slots in as a neat piece of an Idea.
Note, a piece; not the whole thing. If you want to rewrite The Acolyte so that Jedi Master Sol gets out alive and with his morals intact, instead of that... confused mess of characterization shift between the first eps and the last that reviews say happened-
If you want to, go to; but that will be fanfic. (Nothing wrong with good fanfic!)
If, however, you like the idea of a Korean space wizard traveling the galaxy and getting mixed up in a murder investigation... that could very well be original, and vastly entertaining. A wuxia wizard and a cop; together, They Fight Crime!
(Am I a smidge grumpy that this was the premise the Acolyte advertised, and then neglected completely? Yes, yes I am. I also predicted that takeoff of The Fugitive scene minutes before Roommate showed me the relevant review clip. I predicted, in fact, no less than three bad Plot Twists in the review that way. I may have made my roommate a tad nervous. So yes. A smidge. Or more.)
Picking up snips of ideas can be particularly helpful if, like me, your ability to visualize people is... ahem, not your strong point. Seriously, change your hat and I probably won’t recognize you the next time we meet. Faces don’t stick in my head. So giving a character a physical appearance can be daunting. I mean, they have... two arms and a head? Hair? Human-ish shape?
But as the internet saying goes, if you can’t make it yourself, sometimes store-bought is just fine. So I look at actors. Anime characters. Comic books and manga. “Does X look like the kind of person in my head?” And then, yes, alter some details. You don’t want a copy. Just a general model. And since writing is a verbal media instead of visual, that should work out fine. Your readers are going to picture their own versions of your character anyway, even if you do get lucky with your cover.
Also note, watching people in motion can really help with action scenes. I’ll take all the help with those I can get!
So never let anybody diss the, ahem, less than perfect stuff you watch or read. If you like it, there’s something good in it. Make a note.
It could come in handy someday....
Unrelated side note. If you used to love lemon meringue pie but turned up allergic to eggs, search for this recipe: Sweet & Tart Egg Free Lemon Bars, by Safely Delish. (It’s been a few years since I got the printout, so searching for the link is probably best.) This recipe is not only egg-free, it works with GF flour! Though the crust is a tad crumbly. Sometime I’m going to do some experimenting to see if I can fix that....
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telomeke · 2 years
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(above) Ep.9 [3I4] 9.00
This little shared moment between Tinn and Gun is also MSP playing its part in Thai BL's collective support for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Thailand. The country is moving toward it, with Parliament having ratified a bill that will make this a reality, but they're not at the finish line yet and there are still hurdles to be overcome (i.e., it could still be pushed back at any time).
With this as the context, many Thai BLs recently have made it a point not just to raise awareness of the issue, but also to keep marriage equality in the forefront of public consciousness lest support for it lose momentum.
I think Not Me and The Eclipse also did this, but I'm not sure exactly in which episodes though (let me know in the notes, if you will, and also which other BLs/GLs joined the party).
I know Bad Buddy definitely did step up to the plate for this, with PatPran spotlighting the issue of LGBTQ+ marriage when they went through their Ep.10 khan maak on the steps of the Archi Faculty (and with a subtle callback too in Ep.11 – see this link here).
So this is MSP's turn at bat, and they're doing it with a sweet little flourish by the sea (maybe nodding at Thailand's popularity as a venue for beach weddings? 😉). Tinn is expressing his hope for them to marry one day, and Gun is radiant (if a little embarrassed and cheekily dismissive) at the prospect.
And in doing so they're keeping the issue alive in the public eye, while at the same time their joyful, puppydog innocence is helping to tear down stigmas and normalize what many still seek to demonize, by showing up the baselessness of othering smears on the simple issue of two people in love wanting their union to be recognized like anybody else's. 💖
A brief note on the Thai linguistics here though – Tinn IS being irredeemably cheesy, but his comment about switching from songwriting to marriage isn't quite as headslappingly klunky as the English subtitles would have us believe.
He's playing on the word แต่ง (pronounced something like dtaeng) which has several meanings, including to write/compose and to marry.
So at Ep.9 [3I4] 9.00 when Tinn talks about switching from dtaeng phlaehng (แต่งเพลง, songwriting, where phlaehng means song/music) to dtaeng ngaan (แต่งงาน, a colloquial term for getting married), his line is not quite as semantically dissonant in Thai as it is in the English subtitles (even if it is a bit corny 😂).
I think it would have been a better fit if they'd translated his comment more along the lines of "switching from writing songs to writing our marriage vows" instead. Ah well. 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, a tip of the hat again to My School President for finding a way to squeeze in a socially responsible (albeit very subtle) comment on the weighty topic of marriage equality amid all the light-hearted gamboling in this episode.
Neither the comment nor the context in which it's delivered detracts from the other. Even though they're making a political statement, there's nothing obnoxious or in your face about the delivery at all, which is the best way for a potentially-divisive message to land.
I do love this show! 😍
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frogsofdeath · 1 year
A few days ago, @tdjulia asked me to share the CC I used on my Total Drama Sims, so I decided to create a masterpost in case anybody else wanted to know! :)
Side note - in-game, some of them may look different, as I did some touching up and editing in photoshop for the final pictures. I'll link everything I used to make them, and I'll also include a downloadable zip with CC I made myself along with some pieces I made some edits to.
The Ferocious Trout
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Hair - Included in file | Shirt | Shorts | Leg | Socks | Hat
Hair | Hoodie - Base Game | Undershirt | Pants | Shoes - Get Famous EP
Hair | Shirt | Pants | Shoes - Get to Work EP | Earrings - Base Game
Hair | Hairline | Top - Base Game | Jacket - Included in file | Pants | Boots | Earrings
Hair - Cool Kitchen SP | Jersey | Undershirt | Shorts/Pants - Base Game | Socks | Necklace | Facial Hair
Hair - Base Game | Jacket/Shirt | Pants - Discover University EP | Shoes - Incheon Arrivals Kit | Socks | Hat | Necklace | Earrings - Base Game | Facial Hair
Scary Girl:
Hair | Dress | Socks - Dream Home Decorator GP | Boots | Gauntlets - Vampires Pack | Choker
Hair | Black Tank | White Tank | Pants | Boots | Earrings/Nails
The Frogs of Death
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Hair | Top | Shorts | Shoes | Necklace - Outdoor Retreat GP
Hair | Sweater | Skirt | Shoes
Hair - Included in File (May Need Mesh) | Tops - Included in File | Pants | Shoes - Base Game | Necklace | Earrings - Included in File
Hair | Jersey - Included in File | Shorts/Socks - Base Game | Shoes | Side Burns
Hair | Hat | Jersey - Included in File | Shorts | Socks | Boots - Base Game | Facial Hair
Hair | Shirt | Jacket | Pants | Shoes | Beanie
Hair | Shirt | Pants - Discover University | Shoes | Earrings - Base Game
Hair | Shirt | Pants - Base Game | Shoes | Necklace
Original/Edited CC- Download
And if anybody wanted them for their game, here are their tray files! - Download
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canonicallysoulmates · 9 months
Jacob was on the Graham Norton Show yesterday- I will say I had never seen a full episode of this show, I'd only ever seen clips, the vibe is very different from the US late-night programs I'm used to and I don't know if it was just the lineup for this ep or if this is the norm for this show but I found myself laughing through almost the whole thing it is very entertaining that being said I wish the time among the guests had been divided better because, at least to me, Jacob is the one who got the least amount of attention and talking time which was really disappointing. I wish he had gotten asked more questions and had the opportunity to talk more about the show, and just gotten more focus/attention in general.
Nonetheless, I'm glad I watched it, if you didn't get the chance to watch it live somebody uploaded it online I'll leave a link at the bottom of this post just in case anyone wants to check it out but if you're in the US you will need a VPN to access it. It will also be up eventually on AMC+ so if you're willing to wait just keep an eye out for when it's loaded. He doesn't talk about s2 but he does talk about iwtv in general. He mentioned how the last time he was on the show he was there as the musical guest and one of the regular guests was Kirsten Dunst who played Claudia in the IWTV movie!
He says that Rolin Jones was able to adapt all of the books so he could bring things in from later on so Lestat on the show is bad but there's a little bit more pathos in him while Louis has a bit more backbone.
On the Loustat relationship, he says: "They fall very much in love but they sort of hate each other and love each other at the same time. They have this like really intense love affair that destroys both of their lives. And they decide to have a child!" He understands them so well.
They show a clip of iwtv it's of the moment Louis kills the alderman's attorney in ep 2. Jacob comments that the line "it was both random and unfortunate the man picked that night to dabble in fuckery" is probably one of his favorite lines he's ever said.
He also reveals the sound when he shows the vampire fangs was not intentional. When they were shooting they were trying to figure it out how to reveal teeth in a good way and he figured out one day the best way to do it was to do like a cat sound, to hiss so they did it and everybody else got on board except for Sam who was a little more reticent and wanted it to be taken seriously which is hilarious to me but at the same time I would expect nothing less from Sam 'actual vampire' Reid. So now vampires hiss!
He also talks a bit about Louis accent, he initially worked with a dialect coach who wanted him to do a French Creole accent which was apparently popular at the time but he didn't think he could do it so he just listened to people in cabs and shops.
And he says there were a lot of different variations of blood some of which were just for aesthetic purposes like the human blood which is dark, the vampire one is sparkly, but they made him a drinkable "blood" that was made of hibiscus tea, and raspberry but it was awful, it was like sour patch kids. Somebody from the iwtv crew drop the recipe cause I love Sour Patch Kids.
As a random note, this man is so cute, I wanna hug him.
Like I said I'll leave a link here for anybody who is interested in watching the full thing, a reminder if you're in the US you'll need a VPN or alternatively you can download it to watch:
Jacob Anderson on the Graham Norton Show
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lol-jackles · 1 year
Will really will go to any lengths to keep Jensen's hands and image clean huh? You can put makeup on a pig all you want... doesn't make it a supermodel, it's still a pig. The fact that he really doesn't even answer the question, just talks around it and then ends with "well, it doesn't really matter who ended it" but yea, it kinda really does...
I mean, I agree with him on the fact that we'll never know all the details, but that's about the end of it. I don't know why Will (and AA's) think that WBD would just "let him go"?? Do they think large networks and corporations do things in the best interest of the "little guy"? Do they think they just willingly let people out of contracts if those contracts are beneficial to them? No. If CMP and Jensen were making them money then you bet that they would still be stuck in that contract until Oct 2024. And if Jensen broke the contract he would be paying them a bunch of money. I guess they could argue his clear desperation for income over the past few months/years is an indication but I feel like no matter how many $1,000 FBBC "memberships" they sell, it still wouldn't come close. CMP and Jensen failed at WBD, simple as that.
I know AA's (and apparently Will) refuse to admit that Jensen is anything less than perfect but there really is no way to dress this up to make him or CMP look good. If he was fired (most logical and likely) then that's not a great look for Jensen. If they "let him out of his contract" that might sound better, but it still doesn't look good for CMP or Jensen because the only reason they would do that is if it was beneficial to them - aka CMP was losing them money and it was cheaper to let them go.
"plus he wanted a deal that would get him into projects he would be passionate about. He also wanted to do projects that would put him on camera and WBD failed to help him in that process." - I mean, the one project he claims to want is Batman and that's at WBD... where he just left. But I do love the addition of "he just wants to be on camera" which is the more accurate statement of the two. I haven't seen Jensen be "passionate" about a project in a while.. I guess TB but he didn't seem to put much into the role so I think he was more passionate about the publicity and exposure he was getting from it because he thought it was push him up a tier.
Link. Will makes Jensen sound like one of those employees who deliberately are bad at their jobs so that they get fired and collect unemployment benefits. Except he left out the part #SaveTheWinchesters campaigns, one of them during Walker, by Jensen as well as giving interviews.
Studios are getting rid of unproductive overall deals left and right, more so during the Writer Strike. Will seriously thought WBD/Zaslav wouldn't get rid of CPM who only produced one stinker?
It's not just that producing is not Jensen's passion, he's not good at it! Plenty of people are passionate about their hobbies but suck at the execution and output.
Jensen prefers acting to EP-ing? Gasp, you don't say! That's 99% of the actors. The main reason why actors have production companies in the first place is so they can continue to act by creating projects to star in.
Then Will says Amazon is a "step up". No not really in terms of brand and calibre. After Zaslav leaves, WB will still be the WB and Amazon will still be struggling to figure out its brand.
"[Jensen] found a better opportunity." We shall see if Kripke will handhold or let him coattail.
While my opinions on Solider Boy is well know, I wonder how his Big Sky role went. Was it good? Did he captivate the audience with his interactions? Was it a version of Dean Winchester that was just as compelling?
You're right that Will sidesteps the question, though I'm guilty of that as well lol, I just hope I'm entertaining at least, and my goal wasn't to make anybody look good or even bad per se.
Sure the WBD is currently a car crash that you can't look away, but every legacy studio and streaming services are going through the same bubble burst.
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upsetamphipod04 · 4 months
I've been a plethora of AMVs, animatics and animation memes capitalizing on the Nuzi angst from episode 7 and I am eating it up.
However, I recently found a song that would be PERFECT for a Nuzi AMV and haven't seen anyone use it yet. Therefore, I am chucking my idea out into the void that is the internet so some poor sap might enjoy it.
The song in question is "Anybody seen my baby" by the Rolling Stones. Here's the Link: (2) The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby [Official Lyric Video] - YouTube
The opening is a bit generic, but the chorus and the second half of the song is fire. And the ENDING?!?!?!?!?!?! *MWAH* Breathtaking.
I feel this song perfectly captures Nuzi's (and N's) current state and is RIPE to be AMVd/animation memed
I keep imagining at "maybe if I close my eyes", N and Uzi are dancing at prom like this:
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And then, at "I reach out and touch the prize" it suddenly cuts to THIS
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Forgive the rant, I just want to get this out there before this dies with me. Feel free to steal this. Use this song for an AMV, animation meme, edit, what have you, for Nuzi, eNVy, NVuzi, or any other fandom or character you think this song fits with. Go Nuts! Let your Creative Flag Fly!
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
what i'm listening to 9/5/2023 (song notes under cut)
spot. link//yt link
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Laura Les/osno1 - ditch a body in the laundry (feat. Dylan Brady): i'll make no secret of it; i've been a sad little dog this past month. and this song is like PERFECT sad little dog soundtrack material (the whole ep is, and lots of laura's work if we're honest... but more on that later). there's this absolutely ice-cold novocaine hatred instilled in it, the kind of agony that stings the skin because the very action of having to exist as a physical animal hurts so bitterly. i'm really terribly obsessed with it and have also cried a lot to it and i really like the addition of dylan because while his part is short it's very good. links to this post also
House Of Pain - On Point: i lovvvve house of pain omg ^-^ their second album is kind of a cult classic and while idk if i'd say i like it better than the first, it's still real good. and this is a banger single. that horn riff? awesome. we did this one for videos night (which i am still planning more of!!) and it was fun. there is a little surprise slur moment in the last verse which is. y'know. but as far as the sound goes i think this is basically unparalleled, i could listen to songs that sounnd just like this forever and ever
Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely: did i mention that i was sad. bc i was. this was another song i turned to when lying in bed late at night and just really going through it. the idea of being able to disappear off to somewhere, anywhere that wasn't where i was...... well you get it. tears a gal up. it's almost like this is a good song on a good album or something
Madness - One Step Beyond: yeah okay a couple songs from the skaugust WILT stuck around. i just adore that fucking deep growly riff that comes in after the spoken intro, i can never ever get enough of it. and it's so danceable but still maintains that narstyness. good good shit i love ska so terribly much and especially the rockingest rocksteady beat..... of MADNESS
Nirvana - Blew: this should probably be higher tbh but it's close competition. despite remaining relatively unknown when held up next to something like about a girl, blew is SUCH a highlight from bleach (and i do really like bleach). the way kurt's voice lays over the main riff makes it so chunky and layered but it also feels dissonant, like it was accidental or improvised. every day i become slightly more of a nirvana fangirl.... there's worse things to be
Ada Rook - UNDERNEATH IT ALL: GOD i fucking love this album. it can be really dumb sometimes but it's so just. grrrrrrrrrh. ada rook is one of those musicians who just Gets It, i've often said that her music is the type of music i wish i could make. and the addition of ash nerve on this one creates that nice balance between abrasive screaming cyber rage and prettier clean sung choruses and harmonies. kind of the same effect the two achieve on angel electronics projects but i prefer the overall sound of this a lot
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - See Me: does anybody have the video of that weird as fuck animation with this song over it....... i watched that and was like idk what to do with this but the song jams i wonder who this is. and i found it in the notes and was like ahhhh that makes sense. the glizzard. and yeah idk the descending melody that kind of quavers around the lead line is just really otherworldly and takes me in right away each time i hear it. it's cool
The Specials - A Message To You Rudy: i feel i've said pretty much everythingg i wanted to say about this song. it's just one of the catchiest damn things ever
House Of Pain - I'm A Swing It: hey they're back!!! this one doesn't stick in my head as much as on point but again the sound is just immaculate and there's always so many corny-but-actually-really-good lines. it also always interests me how much everlast referecnes rock musicians and the like. he knows the audience lol
laura les/osno1 - nothing just hanging out: less of a song really, but still so representative of that coldness that represents me. none of the cemetary stuff is gonna be available on spotify, those are my local bandcamp files, and i don't have an individual upload of this track on youtube nor the time to create one, so i just put in an upload of the full ep. just listen to the whole thing it's really good and not that long. but yeah sorry lol
Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack: i think this appeared on a previous WILT but i mean. talk about the catchiest things ever!!!!
Crisis Sigil - Blood Semen Box-Elder: a favorite album cut from the new crisis sigil. this release my first proper exposure to the project and mannnn that shit is brutal. this one esp methinks. once again. rook music good
Nicki Minaj - Roman Holiday: was listening to this one because of worstsongever and being like whoever nominated this doesn't know shit. this slaps hard. i was never like especially a nicki fan but this just straight up goes. weird as fuck but that's kind of the appeal. if you want a REAL bad song, that will come later
The Front Bottoms - Au Revoir (Adios): no not this one!! well. maybe a bit. idk i like folk punk but never really cared about these guys that much? but i've met some people recently who do like them and was like yeah i could give this another spin. i do admittedly alwways think of the post that's like "this gif is silent but it still manages to sound like shit." it's not as deep of a song as it's probably supposed to be, but i still think there's something there. a lot of folk punk songs focus around character writing that acknowledge their flaws, including (and sometimes especially) the narrator and this is a good example without coming out and stating it. it piqued my inch rest
Roxy Radclyffe - Exemption's Dominion: i'll be real i don't exactly "get" what this song is about but it is freaky and cool. i was really interested to see the music video when it popped up in my subscriptions. the part of the song that does get stuck in my head is the little two-word pitchshifted phrases in one of the verses
Haggus - Uneducated Politician: someone recommended "mincecore" to me, and these guys in particular. weird as fuck sound but i think it's fun! maybe it's just the bad recording quality but the growls on this track in particular come out sounding reallll fucked up, which is what drew me to this selection in particular. still got a lot to learn about this whole scene but it's made it this far with me!
MC Boing - Car Song: tbh i don't tend to really like danny harle, i don't mind him but it's just not really my deal. this one got me, though, despite being dumb as all fuck. we are driving in a car car car car car car. mc boing indeed
Eminem - FACK: you did this to me, worstsongever (R.I.P.). it's annoying to me that i actually don't completely hate this thing.... it manages to be so stupid it loops back around to being funny for about a minute and then it just gets so old so quickly. but somehow still found itself stuck in my head :( many such cases
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qumiiiquinnquin · 1 year
I used to feel the same feeling like being into soul eater was cringey and shameful but then i thought why does that matter? its a harmless interest im having fun and im not hurting anybody and people have different tastes so if they don't like it that's their problem but if you are enjoying yourself and having fun in that interest then you just keep enjoying yourself!
thank you very much!! :)
i try to not get too affected by popular opinion on something i enjoy...i remember i had to pull myself out of the belief multiple times that im enjoying something stupid and ugly when id see slander about the art style of the links awakening switch remake
its harder with soul eater , because if im not seeing slander about soul eater in general , then im seeing complaints about how bad the anime was and how lifeless the ending ((ep 51)) was... i personally enjoyed it and i love both the story of the manga and anime , and i try to not let it affect me too much...
its really hard for me to not internalize things , so if i see just one person make a comment on something i enjoy , it feels like a world crumbling situation , y'know...? 😭
ive met so many nice people since ive expressed my enjoyment of soul eater , everyone is very nice 💕 besides soul eater just having me in a chokehold ((lol)) , the community here is very welcoming and i like making others happy with my art and headcanons and theories , so i want to stay for a long while! <3
and one friend of mine watched soul eater and liked it , im gonna show my close friend when i can because ive been talking to him a lot about it and dtk is his fav , crona being his second fav i think! and he sends me crona AND croma art whenever he sees it. so im very excited to watch it with him when we can!! :D
((i was very worried because...moments , but he isn't too concerned thankfully , neither was my other friend who has already watched soul eater...i want to show other friends and im trying to not prevent them because i really think they'd enjoy it , despite the aforementioned moments))
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slimeylee · 7 months
has anybody posted the hazbin eps to spotify yet ermm i kinda need to make a playlist of them to lsiten to on the bus !
( heressss the link if anyone wants the playlist of all helluva boss eps that i made ... all episodes that are currently out , in order from season 1 to season 2 )
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
thanks for my tag @deedoop, sorry it's taken me 17 years to get around to doing this xp
RULES: answer the questions then tag some folx you want to get to know better/catch up with.
never let me down again by depeche mode bc it's the last song i heard on my harringrove spotify playlist cherry bomb which i've been listening to today for some inspo.
among other stuff, i'm currently on a rewatch of twin peaks and i just finished s2ep7, lonely souls. oof.
i'm about to put sunday's ep of the last of us on the idiot box... i've managed to avoid spoilers, which is always nice! (the link is to my art on main bc i have no shame lol)
oh man, all the things! a wonderful book on mycology by merlin sheldrake called entangled life and a lovely book by poe @munsonboy called how to be autistic. i've STILL not started greywaren, lol, the last book in the dreamers trilogy by maggie stiefvater (and yes, the link audaciously takes you to more art of mine on another sideblog). i also still need to read the last two chapters of @witchsickness danae's brilliant harringrove fic adverse effects. oh and there's another harringrove fic called anti-body by v @aeon-of-neon i want to start and also their latest dreamling fic the zero hour!
🍄 <- these lil guys!
unrelated? to what? lol. um i'm gonna go with learning sign language, bc i've finally gotten around to starting the BSL course i treated myself to about 4 years ago, aha, and i'm enjoying learning the language soso much!
tagging, play or nay, everybody i've tagged above plus: @stevewhoreington @chrisbitchtree @grey-sides @passivenovember @lovebillyhargrove @harrgrove @harringrovest and other mutual's i should be putting here but can't think of, plus anybody else who sees this and wants to play—consider yourself tagged!
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wuxiaphoenix · 7 months
On Writing: America’s Dumbest Inspirations
Okay, here’s a writing question for you: how do you write characters being stupid?
I’m not talking about your hero being up a week straight, wired on coffee, and bloodstream near totally adrenaline after the last monster attack so they miss things. That’s stress. Anybody can be stressed. Not anybody can be mind-numbingly, jaw-droppingly, oh-my-God-I’m-ashamed-to-be-the-same-species stupid.
And yet too many plots depend on someone grabbing the Idiot Ball out of - man, so many reasons. Greed, lust, envy, all the deadly sins are plausible. And yet. And yet.
Somehow, that just feels like... not painting the full colors of the human experience. Because a lot of the time people aren’t actively being evil when they do something dumb. They just didn’t think it through.
Really, really didn’t think it through. Like the guy who managed to fall down a trash compactor chute from the top of an apartment building, eleven stories over the course of several hours, winding up with casts everywhere... and then a few weeks later decides to get on a motorcycle to get around town. Still in all the casts. Resulting in losing control of the bike, being dragged along by part of the cast bandages, and beaten against the meridian so badly that without the preexisting casts he’d be dead. The emergency room doctor who saw him the second time was Not Amused.
Yes, I’m talking about America’s Dumbest Criminals. You can find all or most of it up free on YouTube, and I highly recommend it. A rewatch is never a waste of time, and if you’ve never seen it before... you’re in for a groaner of a treat. For example, Ep 4 has a bit of “Trial and Error” where the defense attorney is trying to say there’s no evidence linking his client to burglaries.
Prosecutor: “Your honor, my house was one of those burglarized. And the defendant is wearing my suit jacket!”
The grand fight of Good vs. Evil, self-discipline vs. our inherent sinful nature and selfish impulses, is always worth telling in stories. But if we want our worlds and stories to feel realistic, then sometimes your characters aren’t dealing with evil, or even someone actively opposing them. Sometimes there’s just someone who made one thoughtless decision too many, and you have to figure out whether to point and laugh, arrest them, or get out the fire extinguisher before things get worse.
It doesn’t have to be the main focus of the story. It could just be something happening in the background, or even a Noodle Incident. But if you want your readers to feel your story in their bones - well, everyone’s got a story about That One Idiot they had to handle, clean up after, or listen to everyone else rant about. Your characters should have one, too!
America's Dumbest Criminals - Season 1, Episode 1 - Return to Cinder
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measuringbliss · 2 years
tagged by @headgehug !
top four albums lately... with a challenge that I added for myself... HMM!!!
I'll try to put in albums i never mentioned on here, that's the challenge!
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...oh dear.
Metropolis: The Chase Suite (Special Edition) by Janelle Monae: I was aware of Monae's existence, but the first song I really paid attention to was Mushrooms & Roses. It was played in a certain Austrian fast food and I immediately loved the piece and thought I'd better listen to it without crowd noises. I added it to my playlist and that was it for a while. Then the following year (meaning, this year, right now), we got a class on Black Arts and had to do presentations. Ours is on Afrofuturism... and during my preliminary research, I found that she was linked to it. And I also recognized them as part of the cast for Glass Onion -a movie I heavily recommend. A queer artist? I had to delve into her production. So I listened to her first studio album, The ArchAndroid. I really liked it, one of the tracks (which is a reversed bit from her first EP) led me to listen to The Chase and I immediately fell in love with it. The album is short (26:13) so I recommend giving it a full listen, but otherwise, you should at least check out the Violet Stars Happy Hunting!!!/Many Moons diptych.
Halo by Hoops: The album was supposed to be released in 2020 for the band's return, but questionable stuff happened ("questionable" as in "I don't want to delve into this but you're free to Google this") and they disbanded. So technically, the album is only available as a leak. I initially only heard They Say, but the whole album keeps this shoegazy, low-fi, vaporwave, chill music. I think I heard that song in a store about two years ago, but I only just (an hour before finally making this post) listened to its corresponding album, and it's a real treat.
The Gone Girl soundtrack by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross: It wouldn't be right if no soundtrack made the cut, now, would it? My immediate favorite aspect of the movie was its score. It's electronic, but in a chill way. The melodies are muffled, the constant parasite sounds contribute to the delicate eeriness of the atmosphere, and yet it's a delightful album I regularly come back to. The movie is naturally also a favorite of mine. Recommended: Sugar Storm, Empty Places, Just Like You, Background Noise, The Way He Looks At Me, Technically, Missing. You should actually listen to the whole album (or at least its first two thirds) as it works very cohesively, but I think the above pieces form the core of the album.
Back in Business by Eartha Kitt: For some people, Eartha Kitt was Catwoman (meow!). For other people, Eartha Kitt was Yzma - and that includes me. She actually had a song for The Emperor's New Groove, and it's a banger! So one day, I decided to give her discography a listen. Immediately enjoyed BiB. It's the kind of album you listen to in the evening, in the lounge of your spacious flat, as the window lets the summer air fill your place. I heavily recommend listening to Moon River, as well as maybe Speak Low if you want another track. But naturally, you can't discover Eartha Kitt without listening to *the* track that fueled everybody on the dancefloor, forty years ago.
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tagging @frog-in-bog @sagegarnish and anybody else who wanna join in on the fun
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nutria--oscura · 1 year
Atonement- Anointment- an ointment? Atonyment (tony peperoni?)
~s2 ep 44 spoilers below~
ron and beth business idea? ron and beth business idea
"in fact, the only hard part my be finding someone to share it with" "oh" "..." "..." "ron... what are we?" "I dont know beth... i dont know."
"about 4 teens that got married" "4 teens?" im just gonna pretent anthony is saying it like that cause of hermie and dood
honestly, taylor as a barbarian would have been funny
goofy minmax? fuck yea
NORMAL AND LINK IN THE INTRO (sorry i loved when will and matt did that with henry and darryl)
stimming so hard cause of will
... i take it back- normal i love you but what the f-
time to update your normal designs yall
"scary doesn't run errands. she walks them... bitch"
what the fuck-
"hes[darryl] like a real zaddy" "no hes a daddy, you gotta be realistic here"
so the teens cant go to heaven, cant go to hell, where they gonna go when they die-
scary gets taken "no! my scene partner!" hermie gets taken "no! my future life partner!"
anthonys exhasparated "okay" when beth said scarys gonna look like a meatball is honestly a constant mood-
now being a ranger is useful- bhahah
"you know its not gonna be the time out room and its not gonna be good"
"no pwobwem fowwow meee"
"i wanna see if there's anyone who isn't supposed to be in heaven so i can tattle on them" "i feel like tattling as an act immediately drops you into hell" "they love tattling in hell though" "wasn't the bibles most famous snitch, like, kinda vilified for that?" "who?" "judas dude?" "judas my man. my man judas" "wait well, judas wasn't a snitch per se" "yea he was just bad" "he was a betrayer" "he was a betrayer" "he was a business man" "he snitched-" "30 pieces of silver in that economy can go a long way" "no no no no, they're-they're right Freddie. what did he snitch? like 'hey, that's Jesus' like they knew-" "YEA" "like they knew who Jesus was" "do you think the last supper was Jesus being like 'guys alright don't tell anybody don't tell anybody'" "'but we- we've gotta fucking move 10kilos of this, ok? just don't tell the authorities'" "'this is my body, let me see your body- you wearing a wire?'" "oh my god- like the last supper was like a table for 13 but then more people found out about it and they were like 'yea, i had a birthday party, the sweet 33 but you weren't invited' and Judas was like do not-" "'are you Roman? cause if you're Roman you have to tell me'"
yes, i did just sped 15 minutes to copy that section of the podcast on my first listen. yes, i do in fact now know it by heart
anthonys "yea" like "yea, no fucking shit" and then its a mens rights activist who podcasts about spaghetti who is in front of his setup eating spaghetti at the mic and only got into heaven cause he was an organ donor and all his organs saved the lives of great people who were from minorities that the guy did not like, each of which discovered the cure for a different type of cancer
im 23 mins in and ive been sat here listening for an HOUR
"taylor walks by and looks at him asianly"
"so you know how in a chirstmas story they have them say fudge so you don't have to hear the f-word?" "uh-huh" "yeaaa-" "uhhhhhhh-" "where are you going with this bro?" "careful my friend" "hes gonna say: *slowmode* 'oh darn, it's a pppppeeeeeeerrrrrrrsssoooonnnn' and hes going to say a slur, a horrible slur"
new narc type - narc on someone to their conscience
"do you[normal] really want to give me positivity? or do you want me to say thank you so you feel good about yourself?" "get him get him get him"
"im glad you got into heaven despite everything"
ooooo, new item! potentially!
love taylor asking how lincoln is doing cause of his thing with authority when he himself wont process his shit-
normal needs to go feral <3 please <3
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
does anybody have a link to a drive or mega folder w/ the dead end eps? ive watched it like 3 times over on netflix and want to add it to my video collection
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