#if Will gets sidelined
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months ago
so there’s gonna be a sequel to tsats.
…good god no. what is even left to tell????
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ambrosiagourmet · 1 year ago
I think one of the biggest tragedies of Laios & Falin and their relationship is how much his actions impact her life. But like. Specifically how much they WOULDN’T impact her life as much if they weren’t both stuck in such a shitty abusive situation.
This part of the Falin-tries-makeup daydream hour comic is what got me thinking about it again because truly it just... it seems like such a like an offhand comment that I'm sure Laios didn't mean to be cruel or anything. That's just like. A little kid not thinking about what they are saying. ESPECIALLY when the kid in question is Laios.
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But man they depended on each other SO much as kids. Too much. It really feels like they didn't have any other source of positive reinforcement, or anyone else to share themselves with. So of course an offhand comment like that has a huge impact on Falin.
Or this little bit from one of the flashbacks:
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This tears me apart. Do you think it tears him apart to think about? I think it does. I think Laios holds every small failure to care for Falin against himself.
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And then there's the Bigger stuff. The way that him coping with his own trauma ended up impacting her.
Like his interest in monsters. Like him going to find a ghost, and accidentally revealing Falin's magic to the whole village in the process.
Like him needing to leave. And leaving her behind.
He shaped her life so much, and he carries so much guilt for it. And again, there should have been other people there to help. The same things that made Laios need to leave home are the things that made his leaving so hard on Falin. She ate alone after that. She shouldn't have had to eat alone just because Laios wasn't there.
She was 9 when he left for school, and he was 11.
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Nine. And Laios feels like he failed her because he didn't stand by her through this better. As an eleven year old.
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Both of these kids deserved so much better from the world.
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
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RIP Michael Afton, you would of LOVED Foxy’s log ride
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iamlostandinneedofcoffee · 26 days ago
I like to imagine that every once in a while Red Hood just goes off comms for long stretches of time and comes back bruised as shit and exhausted before logging off for the night and the rest of bat brigade is trying to figure out which villain of the week keeps jumping him.
Eventually they, cause communication is a skill no one learned, just start harassing hood’s men to find out whose turf they are invading only to find out they thought the bats were beefing with Red again cause he keeps mumbling about brats.
Now they are trying to find out which one of them is lying about fucking with Jason and no one is owning up, the trackers they keep putting on him are fizzling out, no one as any idea and Jason ain’t saying shit. But like he’s never properly irritated about it or asks for help nor can they find anything out so they let it go for now (read keep trying to track him to no avail).
And then one night Red Robin comes across Red getting chased and then fighting off a feral looking teenager on the roofs of Crime Alley and just when he looks like he is getting the upper hand another drops down from above (how the fuck the nearest taller building is not anywhere near close enough to dive into the fight from what the fuck?!?) and joins the brawl.
Tim is about to rush in to help Jason before the two teens’ heads turn in unison to him with Lazarus green eyes and look like cats when they see a red dot. Jason panics and before he can grab them, they leap and now Tim is in a cartoon brawl dust cloud and all and Jason has joined in and is calling them all brats and how his gunna whop their ass- and there is a foot in his mouth.
And yet through it all Tim never feels afraid. In fact, as he fights he realises they are keeping up and beating him all whilst smiling and punning(?!? They must never meet dick SHIT DUCK) and that won’t fucking do, so he brings out all his tools and tricks and is getting matching by two raccoon twins. 20 minutes later they are all grinning bloody smiles and just as he is about to slam his bo staff up into into the female looking twin, a whistle is blown.
They all freeze and look over in unison as if they all became shining quadruplets at a giant shit house built fucking man. And like Tim has seen big men. Bane is a big mother fucker. Superman is a big mother fucker, and is also shaped like one. Bats is big but this guy even though his is maybe not as large he feels infinitely more terrifying and that’s before you get to the flaming(fucking literally, how does that even work or stay in the pony tail) white hair.
“Alright enough for tonight or foods gunna go cold. Inside.” A voice bellows across the roof before the man disappears??!? At the mention of food the one top of Tim almost starts drooling, gets up and starts dragging Tim’s still prone body across the roof and off of it OH FUCK AND INTO A WALL WHA and they went through it… well
A couple second later Jason and the other dude stumble in. Jason picks Tim up as he is coming down from that mini adrenaline rush at and puts a arm around Tim, half hug half chokehold, saying “say nothing and you get to join once a week. Say shit and you’re haunted.” And walks off to the kitchen and starts bringing out food.
… safe to say the rest of the bats are now confused why Tim of all people is now turning up bruised as well with Jason, cause if it was him to start why has he started loosing all of a sudden??? And he says fuck all but his weapons and fighting style has got more chaotic and terrifying.
Oh and he seems to be eating… well you win some and lose some
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sunderwight · 3 months ago
Bingliushen scenario. Was thinking about how funny it would be if one of the few times SQQ flagrantly utilized his sway over Luo Binghe, was in defense of Liu Qingge.
Like if some soap opera-esque series of contrived situations from the backstory arose and some god or something descended from the heavens like "actually I have a Plot Contrivance that says I can take Liu Qingge" (readers choice if that's in the sexual sense, the murderous sense, or the indentured servitude sense), and Shen Qingqiu upon hearing the matter through just snaps his fan shut and is like.
I see.
Unmake this fucker.
The emotional clusterfuck that would ensue. Luo Binghe does it immediately of course, like he's so incredibly into this but also it's only happening because of how much his shizun cares about Liu Qingge, which is infuriating but also he's kind of into it? But on a level he's struggling to define even to himself. Honestly it would be a lot simpler if he was just experiencing normal jealousy, but 0.2 seconds before Shizun told him to nuke that dude the idea had actually already occurred to him.
Then there's Liu Qingge's end of it. Furious. He's not a damsel in distress! Although actually despite his reputation as a war god, he probably wouldn't have been able to handle this alone. Which just grates even more. Except that it as Shen Qingqiu who so instantly and ruthlessly defended him. But he did so through Luo Binghe, who is currently dismantling the problem with the kind of sheer power and ruthless efficiency he rarely gets to show off, and Liu Qingge, despite everything, is not unaffected by the display. In fact he's so not unaffected by it that several things he's been trying to repress for a while now are becoming impossible to ignore.
In fact the only person who is being normal about this is Shen Qingqiu, who is just pissed. The non-pissed part of his brain is too busy thinking about the logistics of a war with the heavens to focus elsewhere. Yet.
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megamyceted · 11 months ago
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THE LORDS & MOTHER MIRANDA pachislot BIOHAZARD village, 2023
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shizunitis · 3 months ago
i’m not the biggest bingliushen truther but instead of bingqiu pursuing liu qingge, what if bingliu had to suffer as they try navigating coaxing shen yuan into not imploding every time he thought one of them had impressive forearms, together.
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tani-b-art · 1 month ago
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the most Blackest of Black American moments in sports history!
Allen’s momma re-braiding his cornrows in the Finals & Serena crip walking after getting her gold medal at the Olympics
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weebsinstash · 1 month ago
Omg more Viktor and Jayce pls that was so good
I keep gravitating back towards the scene where they have their first huge disagreement, the whole "I'M from the Undercity" conversation, and I still feel like a disabled Reader who is from the Undercity is one of my favorite routes to go to pair Viktor up with
I keep feeling drawn to scenarios where Reader meets Viktor but not Jayce and you inadvertently, unintentionally, cause a big rift between the two of them because Jayce says or does something fucked up to you that stabs Viktor in the back in the same way as that conversation
Like could you even imagine if Viktor is already forming feelings for you and here's Jayce, talking about how he doesn't trust you, you aren't like the two of them, you're too anxious and twitchy like you're planning something, how Viktor needs to stop letting you hang around. Just envision in your mind Jayce just REALLY REALLY being riled up and saying something like, "I'm tired of having to worry about them stealing something while they're constantly just limping around--" and here's Viktor immediately coming to not just your defense but his own, "'Limping around'?LIMPING AROUND? Is that really what I heard tou say just now?!" like he's absolutely furious, because uh, what the FUCK is that supposed to mean, Jayce?
Jayce getting jealous when Viktor sidelines a project they're working on together because he wants to help you with a brace or he's inventing some sort of mobility aid for you, and Jayce being absolutely convinced you're taking advantage of Viktor and will stab him in the back. Jayce being jealous and feeling replaced when Viktor is constantly spending time with you to troubleshoot the aids he's built for you. Jayce really itching to work on this project but he can't find Viktor anywhere and he's running all over town and he catches you two... having lunch together. He's jealous. He's angry. He's feelin' a lil possessive for sure.
But also like. Reader feeling... insecure when Viktor heals his leg. I was just reading that this man is 5'10??? So you go from seeing him using his cane, kind of slouching at times, to having him stand at his full height before you, completely healed? It has you feeling... small in more ways than one to see that he's just... gotten better while YOU haven't, or maybe never will. Absolutely 100% you're happy for him but... you just wish you weren't dragging him down more than ever before now that you and him... are on even less equal footing than before
But then I also think of how Viktor's journey slowly corrupts him, or distorts his thoughts, and how a yandere obsession could... pile on top of that
He's healed his leg, he's feeling the rush and the high of running and having a fully functional body for the first time in his life. His chronic pain is gone. He keeps his cane but he's no longer REQUIRED to use it. He's high on life itself, like the entire world has opened up to him all over again. There are so many possibilities now. He feels like he can do anything he can put his mind to. And, of course, YOU are one of the first things he can think about. Now he can do so much more to help you! Protect you! Eliminate any dangers to you!
I couldn't decide if Viktor would want to heal the Reader's leg much like his own or if he would just keep you as you are. I mean, like if he could choose, make a distinction between helping that one singular part of yourself versus what he was doing to people like Salo. Maybe, through some sort of means, you were also touched by the Arcane, and you're able to keep your sanity while it heals your fragile body
(Mmm.... yandere Viktor who can remember you across timelines or gets glimpses of other realities... I love me a good timeline/multiverse "I'll keep going through this loop as many times as it takes to save you" oh wait shit you know what just happened, unlocked a new love for Ekko, we're gonna come back for him later)
Reader meeting Old Viktor or meeting him much in the same way young Jayce did because Viktor still loves you across timelines and he wants to keep every possible vestige of you safe, maybe with you even meeting a version of him who only learned the error of his ways after you had died. Old Viktor giving you something for protection from your current Viktor, maybe even giving you the rune or key to keeping your sanity to be safely healed by the arcane. It being Reader's destiny that meet Viktor and you both change each other's lives. But. Also. Old Viktor giving you something that actually helps young Viktor capture you or something though, too 👀 old Viktor needing to keep the loop going and being the first step on your long journey of becoming the apple of his own eye.
The absolute timeline fuckery potential of the catalyst to you meeting Viktor, being fucking Viktor. Old Viktor gives you some trinket and when you meet "your" version for the first time, the trinket is the first thing he notices, or something like, you drop The Thingy and it's while you're chasing that thing as it rolls or bounces or whatever, that's what causes you to collide with Viktor and meet him for the first time
Ngl.... the slightly mentally broken version of Jayce that's all scruffy and lugs that hammer around is kinda the only version of him I find like, HOT hot, and god 🥴 he has, juicier plot potential than the earlier versions of Jayce as well
To just spit it out, Viktor going through his whole Glorious Evolution and having his takeover but, deciding to keep Jayce and yourself as you are. Mentally broken newly born gods can have their beloved humans for forced companions/pets, as a treat. You and Jayce growing closer in your captivity. Jayce with everything he's lost developing new unhealthy attachments to one of the only things he has left: you. Viktor who may or may not be varying levels of indifferent or outright approving if Jayce were to be physically affectionate with you, developing to outright intimacy.
Who knows, maybe Jayce is sent through some Inception-style Homura-level timeline fuckery where he either learns the importance to the timeline and fate of the world that you're kept safe (which he might take to extreme degrees in effort of trying to do good) or he may just be driven mad with grief seeing so many outcomes where you die, and it's through these branching choices and timelines that he develops deeper feelings for you
But also!!! The version of Viktor who is going around healing people who has not gone full evil borderline cyborg yet also had his own dynamic to him! Live with your yandere lover on his peaceful hippie commune while everyone, like, grows crops for the needy and does borderline habitat for humanity level charity stuff but also there's this constant underlying unshakeable feeling everyone is a little off and cold, like physically cold? Like imagine you and Viktor having a touch-heavy love language because he's been your friend and helping you with your leg and a lot of that involved him needing to touch you, but also for you to trust him and lean on him and the other way around, and once Jayce revives him, the very first thing you notice when you hold his hand again for the first time is how much colder he is. And thus everyone else in the commune has that same sort of... 'something is off' hairs on the back of your neck 'this is the kind of shit dogs bark at' just all around unexplainable bad feeling (because somehow you can subconsciously sense thst everyone is. You know. Kind of. Kind of dead and it's not entirely clear if these are the original people or somehow copies of their consciousnesses)
Wait what's that? You say you don't feel comfortable being boxed in all the time not being able to leave the area and the vibes are honestly just creepy bad here and you're not exactly sure you agree with some of the stuff Viktor is talking about anymore? Did I say "peaceful hippie commune"? Sorry, I meant to say, "dedicated cult hivemind where the second Viktor even remotely suspects you of ANYTHING he has both the people keeping an eye open and he is watching you through their eyes and if you make it known to ANYONE that you're going to leave or escape or whatever the situation is, everyone will drop everything to stop you like it's the fucking Truman Show"
Some HEINOUS fuckshit like, you've got precious items to help you survive or escape hidden under your clothes and you're about to make your getaway and, oh a voice behind you! It's a little girl Viktor healed :) and she's oh so innocently and sweetly asking what you're doing and how nervous you are makes it immediately obvious that you're up to something. You laugh and try and make up a believable lie as soon as you can, "oh, i was feeling really bored so I wanted to jog around!" and she's just like "oh okay! But the jogging paths are the other way, though?" and she's being completely innocent about it. But. You take like. Just a little toooo long to respond, and suddenly she's just, POSTURE SUDDENLY JERKING UPRIGHT, the voice of a full grown man rising up from her throat,
"Please turn back, my love. I would hate to have to chase you"
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boxofoxberry · 4 months ago
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secret life gem they could never make me hate you
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queenie-ofthe-void · 11 months ago
Robin: Hey Eddie, isn't Steve the best?! He's funny in a dingus sorta way, and fills out that sweater nice. Right? Riiiiight??? *nudge nudge* Dustin: Hey Eddie, aren't Robin and Steve such a cute couple?? You should hang out with them more, especially Steve, he talks about you all the time. And honestly he could use a little positive male influence in his life. You'd really like them just give them a chance! Steve: Hey Eddie, would you uh *blushing frantically* want to see a movie sometime? Together? Unless that's weird I mean I could totally invite Robin if that's... cool? If you'd want her there too? The three of us... or just us?? *dying internally* Eddie: ... Eddie: Am I being set up for a three way??
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thelilylav · 4 months ago
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And you never knew
How much I really liked you
Cause I never even told you
Oh, and I meant to…
angst feat. my favourite three person lesbian disaster throuple (they will never know happiness as long as I’m in charge of them)
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astral-veil · 2 years ago
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Mando final episode tonight
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taardisblue · 1 year ago
ok so I think I might just be really sad about all the Doctor Moments™️ we’re not going to get with 15? you know, with a new doctor there are all these Things you get: running around in the old outfit, the wooziness of the post-regen period, the first “I am the Doctor”, the first time they see their new tardis…… and here it was all. david tennant? I’m not even going to go back on the 13’s clothes situation bc everything has already been said but 15’s first moments having to do with comforting 14? 15’s first “I am the Doctor” moment being in response to 14’s? showing 14’s reaction to the new tardis instead of 15? idk man. feels bad.
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velvetwyrme · 2 months ago
forever thinking abt a fic set in the background of a 2016 era sans/reader, where the fic is actually about papyrus falling for a background character
more rambling under the cut because ouaiduhsjshdj,,,,,,
they meet in a supermarket (sans and the mc are flirting and papyrus needed to be out of the way in order for sans to make a bunch of puns and endear himself to the mc) and papyrus is just like...
only for the reader/bgc to just take things in stride and reply with something that catches his attention. they too exist outside of the plot and thus have the freedom to say whatever they want when "off-camera".
but he gets pulled away early because the plot requires him to interrupt sans and the mc, and he either leaves or makes a commotion that causes the two main characters to say their temporary farewells.
they only see each other fleetingly because papyrus is at the whims of the other overarching story (which relegates him to emotional support for sans, while also having sans hide his emotions from pap).
a lot of the time papyrus is just loudly doing things in the kitchen, while sans is off angsting, which means for a while theres just a lot of phonecalls to bgc...
eventually, as sans and the mc get their shit together, papyrus gets sent off to culinary school (to make sans confront his emotions about the mc, ofc. papyrus only shows up in the epilogue of the sans/reader via video call, happy to see that his brother finally got together w the person he loves)
and so papyrus has to go to his friend, telling them teary eyed that he'll never see them again... and the bgc just goes "well... you'll need someone to take you to the airport. neither you or sans has a license."
and then they turn up with their bags packed, ready to get out of this town and make their own story.
DO YOU SEE MY VISION. i cant write it because i have a hundred other things going on but. AUGH.
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literaila · 11 months ago
what does reader think of all the students at jujutsu tech ? is she like a proud mum when she meets yuji and nobara and is like "my son made friends" ? does megumi come home kn the weekends ? are they all sad when he officially starts there ?
trust that reader is everyone’s mom figure. she is the only person with any common sense, the most sane out of them all. if there’s a question that needs to be answered, reader should be the first person anyone goes to (someone might say otherwise but still)
satoru might say that you need to be a little “crazy” to be a jujutsu sorcerer, but you think he’s just projecting.
and you tell him this when you’re discussing megumi, talking about him living away from home—because jujutsu is immersive. it’s something you’re supposed to devote your lives to and you know this.
you do. really.
i mean, you lived there. you went to class with other sorcerers—satoru—and you know that you can’t half ass a career in jujutsu. you know.
but still, you can’t help but lay in bed with satoru and talk about megumi and ask him “does he really have to live there?” you’ll stare at satoru’s face. his half vacant eyes, tired from a day of work and all three of you. “he could come home at night and eat dinner. he could drive over with us.”
“what would the other first years say?”
“they wouldn’t have to know.”
you know you sound a bit naive. like a kid. but, honestly, didn’t satoru fall in love with you when you were one. why should it matter to either of you?
“what do you think nanami and haibara would’ve thought if you went home every night when you came to school?”
you give him a look, half joking. in no world would that have even been possible for you.
“okay,” he rolls his eyes. “what do you think suguru would’ve thought about me? if i went home every night to the gojo clan? or shoko?”
“they both made fun of you anyway.”
“megumi wants to go,” satoru reminds you like you don’t already know it. “do you want him to feel separated from his classmates?”
“stop,” you tell him, groaning into the side of his head. his hair smells like gumdrops and plums.
“i’m just saying,” satoru kisses behind your ear, his go-to method of distraction. “he’s a man.”
“he’s not.”
satoru shakes his head against yours, not saying anything.
“he’s not. you’re not even a man.”
the boy in question grins like this is what he was waiting for you to say. “and i still lived in the dorms, a building away from you.”
you sit up suddenly, thinking. “what if megumi falls in love with a classmate?”
satoru laughs.
“no, i’m serious—“
still, when megumi moves into his dorm room, you don’t even attempt to dissuade him. he seems… as giddy as he can get, carrying his boxes around campus like he didn’t spend half his childhood following you or satoru around.
you’re immensely glad that you agreed to work there with him in this moment. satoru says he has no idea when the other first years will show up—as per usual—and you don’t want megumi to be alone for long.
so it’s fortunate that satoru can introduce him to the now second years, and you can stand along slide megumi all the while, grinning at your pupils and nudging megumi to be polite.
you don’t get to watch satoru smile at your overprotective tendencies or proud-motherly instincts. he finds it… slightly adorable (and insanely attractive) to watch you fuss over your son like he’s a tiny little doll you can dress up.
and really, you’re just glad that megumi isn’t afraid of all of this like you were. that he had someone—two people—to show him the reins. that satoru is going to be there beside him the whole time, you just a classroom away.
yeah, you think, for just once, it’ll all be fine.
and then you get to hear all about satoru’s teaching methods from your new students (which ensues a whole… months worth of arguments).
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