#idyllic lifestyle
nightbunnysong · 2 months
Summer in Komori
Little forest Winter/Spring
Edit by sageflm on Instagram
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
I'm new here but very curious about your upbringing being spent more on the sea than on land!! how did that come about?
my dad is a captain and my grandfather owned a sailing school, so my first sailing trip was when i was one month old! my dad just used to hang me from the ceiling while steering the ship while i slept, rocked by the waves. this has given me the superpower of never having been motion sick in my life - you have to start early, i guess.
when my brother and me were little, we spent almost all our summers and autumns sailing on the baltic sea with my grandfather's students. these summers are some of my most treasured memories, sitting on the jib with my cousins and watching the baltic islands pass by. i always loved numbers and graphs so my dad taught me traditional navigation, and i have been yelling at grown men telling them to go where i want them to while waving a compass at them since i was eight, which i think really shines some light on adult me's authority issues.
we still go sailing every summer, but on a smaller boat, and it's very often just my immediate family or my brother and me sailing up to denmark or sweden for a few days. my brother is studying to be a captain and uses our excursions for navigation practice, so i have now become the grown man steering the ship getting yelled at and threatened with a sextant, so it all comes back around.
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gina025 · 4 months
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🫧 Relaxation 🫧
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alteredstatesstuff · 1 year
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Whispers in the River Mist - A Serene Morning in a Small Fishing Village
There is tranquility and simplicity etched into every brick building, wooden bench, and weathered storefront sign. Despite technological advancements beyond these village limits, there seems no rush towards progress in this secluded haven. Even time flows slower; one mustn't disturb the balance of nature and those dwelling beneath her protective veil. Here in this idyllic spot, there exists timelessness and immunity from societal burdens. It would make the perfect escape for any jaded city dweller yearning for simpler times in calmer days.
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ozzgin · 10 months
Yandere! Yakuza x Reader (II)
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Reader is cozying up to her unusual home, and her new friend decides to surprise her with a romantic gift. Or at least what he considers to be romantic: a small reminder that no one else can mess with her. Continuation to the yakuza landlord idea!
Content: female reader, obsessive behavior, mentions of stalking, violence, death, mild gore
[Part 1] | [Part 3] | [Yakuza Masterlist]
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You search for your keys and open the postal box, retrieving a thick envelope. You've been living at the new apartment for several weeks now and truth be told, you could get used to this lifestyle. Your commute to work is much shorter, the path is never devoid of people, and there are multiple bakeries on the way back with some of the best pastries you've tasted in your life.
You turn around and look for Daitou, somewhat distracted and dreamy. It really feels like a Hallmark movie. A peaceful, idyllic life. Ah, there he is! The scarred man is standing guard before one of the stores. The curtains have been pulled, blocking any glimpse of the inside. You walk towards him with a certain joyful bounce in your step. As you approach him, you can hear muffled screams coming from the building. He notices you and flashes you a smile. 
"Don't come too close, I hear the owner's been avoiding his loan payment and getting all friendly with the neighboring Family. We're questioning him in the back."
"Don't you usually do the interrogations?" 
"Only if we don't need them afterwards. I'm not too good at keeping them alive, ya know?" He scratches the back of his head and laughs awkwardly. "Do you need anything?"
You open your mouth to speak, but it's a little difficult to formulate a full sentence with the interrupted moans and cries occasionally making their way out. The door is ajar and you avoid glancing in its direction, fixating on the man before you. 
"I...uh... just wanted to know if this letter is intended for me or the landlord. It looks like an official document."
You show Daitou the envelope and just as he is about to grab it, he notices the blood stains seeped into his glove. He quickly removes it, wipes his hand on his shirt, and nonchalantly plucks the paper from your fingers.
"That's for Boss. I'll pass it on, so don't worry."
You nod and bow slightly before hurrying back home. Well, doesn't make it less of a movie, you suppose. Just more of a thriller. Or something like that. You drop your bag, slip off your shoes and throw yourself onto the futon with a loud thud. The warmth of the sheets envelops you and the wails of the shop owner become but a distant dream. 
Without the worry of stalkers, or finding a roof above your head, you can finally rest. 
Tonight is rather dark, with the moon shrouded in heavy clouds. Daitou yawns silently as he observes the masked man testing out passcodes for the entrance. Every now and then he lets out a whispered curse, crossing out another number combination on his little crumpled note. It doesn't take a genius to figure out this is the famed stalker you'd complained about earlier. No one else currently lives in the building. 
Eventually, the keypad lights up and the door unlocks. The mysterious man lifts a fist victoriously and reaches for the handle. 
"Oop! Not so fast!" Daitou drops his heavy, sinewy arm over the man's shoulders, pulling him in a friendly embrace. Like two old pals meeting at an intersection. "Let's take a walk together, what do you say? (Y/N) sleeps until noon on weekends, no need to hurry."
With a grunt, the stalker tries to shove himself out of the tightening hold, but the yakuza doesn't budge. He towers over his new friend with an unfaltering, unbothered grin. 
"Now listen, I don't blame you one bit, ya know? I ain't blind, at least not in this eye", he continues as he points to the real counterpart of his glass prosthetic, "so I'm damn well aware of a pretty girl when I see one. And (Y/N)? That's some good taste alright." 
He gives the man an affectionate pat over the chest, pulling him away from the building into one of the side streets. 
"If you want, we can have a drink before the deed, I know a good place five minutes from here. We can share some stories of our favorite girl, eh?" Daitou looks at his watch, feigning mild concern. "But I'm afraid you're not leaving this neighborhood either way. In one piece, that is." 
His arm goes limp and the masked man is released from the iron hold, tripping over from the sudden lack of support. He crawls against a wall and fumbles for something, swiftly pulling out what seems to be a pocket knife. His breathing is erratic and he points the tip of the blade towards the yakuza, now with his features darkened by a frown. He sounds like an entirely different person and the instant switch to a ragged voice startles the stranger.
"See, the trouble is, I promised miss (Y/N) I wouldn't allow a fucking dog like you to be in her presence ever again. Sadly for you, I'm a man of my word." Despite the threatening tone, his posture is relaxed and he stands before the stalker with his hands bare. 
"If I were you, I'd use that little butter knife on my own throat. I don't go easy on horny cockroaches. Especially the ones that mess with my woman." His final words spill out in a bitter growl. 
A small animal in the trashing jaws of a predator. Blood splatters and pools in the asphalt cracks and drained hands claw at the walls, hoping for an escape. As despair sinks in, the alleyway becomes quiet again, save for the merry whistle of the remaining party. Daitou carefully ties the trash bags with the focus of a child wanting to impress the parents with a chore well done. Halfway through he stops and gasps, surprised.
"Oh man, did I really just say 'my woman'? How embarrassing." He blushes and shyly pushes the wrapped slabs away. "I haven't even asked her out yet, ya know? Better not rat me out, Mr. Stalker." He snickers at his monologue and continues the cleanup. 
"Can you really not refrain yourself from smoking in here?" You try to fan away the puff of smoke, scowling at the young blonde man sitting across the table. 
"Why do you even care so much?" Kazuya groans and stuffs the remains of the cigarette in the ashtray.
"I don't want my carrot cake tasting like tobacco. You're lucky the old man is afraid of you, otherwise you would've gotten your ass banned a long time ago."
"You know, I've been thinking about it lately - haven't you gotten quite the attitude? You have a big mouth for someone surrounded by dangerous gangsters. I could blow your brains out right now." 
He lowers himself in his seat and briefly lifts his shirt, flashing a carelessly tucked in gun. He stares at you for a few seconds, as if expecting a reaction, then lets out a chuckle upon seeing your indifferent expression. 
"Shameless. You could at least try to pretend you don't know I have a soft spot for you."
"Just a wild guess, but your Boss probably wouldn't appreciate you shooting civilians in the middle of a café. That's all." You respond with a shrug. 
Your banter is interrupted by Daitou's heavy footsteps nearing in your direction. Kazuya waves, signaling your location, and kicks a chair out, inviting his friend to join. 
"Where the hell were you last night? I thought you'd come with us for drinks after that long ass questioning."
"Sorry, I had to take care of something." Daitou returns an apologetic smile and tilts his head to gaze at you. "Which reminds me, I brought you this."
Your eyes widen in surprise and a faint red tints your cheeks. Was there some special occasion you didn't know about? He places a small box in your hands and leans back in his chair with a cheerful smirk on his face. Kazuya watches the interaction, equally curious as you. 
You open the mysterious gift, giddy with anticipation. The nauseating smell abruptly invades your nostrils and you can feel the contents of your stomach bubble up and pile at the back of your throat. You gag involuntarily and slap your hands over your mouth, as the box tumbles down. A single severed human finger and some teeth glistening with moisture roll out. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Kazuya jumps from his seat, toppling over the table in the process, and lunges at Daitou's throat. The latter can only stare in shock, baffled at a reaction he didn't foresee. There's genuine confusion shaping his features.
"But-...I thought..."
"What the hell did you think, that you'd show up with fucking human remains over some tea and cake?! Jesus, Daitou, she ain't our Lieutenant!"
"But I did- I did tell (Y/N) I'd..." he tries to find you with a pleading, worried look. 
Once the risk of vomiting on the floor has diminished, you shove yourself between the men and gently try to remove Kazuya's arm, still clawed around the other man's throat.
"Let him go, Kazuya. He didn't mean to scare me." You glance at Daitou reassuringly. "Does that mean the stalker guy is now a solved matter?"
The yakuza nods energetically, his eyes now sparkling with pride. He knew you'd understand. Once the tension is lifted, you quickly sweep the gory tokens back into their box and explain the situation to Kazuya. He collapses back in his seat with a frustrated sigh, facepalming himself. 
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I should've told you he's being serious when he says shit like this." He glares at his friend. "She didn't actually expect you to go ahead and do it, dumbass. Couldn't you just mention it or something? 'Hey, I took care of that pervert following you around'! You think she would've demanded proof?"
Daitou is nervously fidgeting with his glass eye, as if searching for the proper words.
"But you always say women will like you more if you surprise them with gifts." He concludes with a pout.
There's a prolonged moment of silence and you burst our laughing, as the blonde simultaneously lets out an exasperated whine. You cannot get over the bizarre sight in front of you: someone as massive and imposing as Daitou, cornered like a punished school boy. 
"See, this is what I've been telling Boss. You're a lost cause." Kazuya rests his elbows on his knees, closing the distance between him and Daitou and continuing with a lecturing tone. "If you got a crush on someone, you bring them flowers or something! What are you, a crackhead? Do I have to teach you basic manners?"
"More importantly, uh...what should I do with these? I guess jewelry made of teeth is a thing, but the finger? Won't it go bad?" you cautiously dangle the package next to your ears, listening to the rustle of its contents. 
Kazuya rips the box from you.
"I'm starting to suspect you don't have all the tiles on your roof either. I'll get rid of it, so you better pretend nothing ever happened. Are we clear?"
Both you and Daitou nod obediently.
On your way back, the man can't help the excitement building up in his chest. You liked his gift, didn't you? He hasn't done anything wrong. Does that make it official, then? As he ponders the implications, he peeks at your small frame, barely managing to keep up with him. Would it be alright if he reached for your hand? Is he supposed to ask first? All these steps confuse him to no end.
Nonetheless, he couldn't be more thankful for you. 
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yawnderu · 1 year
Simon ''Ghost'' Riley - Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Prompt List
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Sex Pollen - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
After being hit by the experimental drug, Ghost can't get enough of your body.
You make it hard to be a Ghost - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
You write him poetry; Ghost rejects it every single time with a heavy heart until his walls start to crumble down.
Longing - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
The simple ways Ghost shows you how much he cares with his actions while you both yearn for each other's love.
Together - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader:
Ghost finds strength with your love in a near-death experience together.
Cold - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader - PART I
You come back to base a changed and scarred soldier after being held captive for a year, Ghost is desperate to help bring you back to be the woman he loved.
I'll meet you here — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Simon finds peace for the first time after retirement.
Character Study - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley
In-depth character analysis on Simon ''Ghost'' Riley based on the comic, campaigns, and voice lines from multi-player.
Idyllic - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader - Part I
content: fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, your honor, they love each other.
Tainted - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Ghost became judge, jury and executioner.
CW: paranoia, gore, anxiety?
Salvatore - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
You join Simon for a late-night smoke, bad dad jokes ensue.
Lovely — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
No one knows how much violence it took to be this gentle.
Afraid - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
content: angst with a happy ending, mentions of death and injuries, hurt/comfort.
Monster | Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Based on the violent sexual fantasies Simon ''Ghost'' Riley experiences after being tortured by Roba.
CW: noncon, darkfic, mind break, forced deepthroat, forced penetration, face slapping, tit slapping, rough sex, give in.
Perfect Life — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
The first night home with the baby.
Adoration — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Content: fluff, pregnant!reader, horrible dad jokes.
Living Dead Man - Zombie!Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
What is a husband but a man with a rotting body you can barely recognize?
CW: body horror, gore, tongue kiss with a dead man(?), is she wrong? morally, angst with a happy ending.
Beacon — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Cozy day in the life of a soldier and his pregnant wife.
Birthday Boy — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
content: mutual pining, idiots in love, fluff.
Mine - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
Synopsis: knowing he couldn't provide you with the life you wanted, Simon breaks things off with you. Two years later, you come back to base with a baby that isn't his.
Content: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, established relationships, breeding, erotic lactation, romantic love making, praising. No beta we die like Roach.
Lorelei — Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader | Part I Part II | Part III
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
Believer - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
In which Simon believes he's truly undeserving of love, moved only by your stubbornness.
K-9 — Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader | Chapter I
Simon Riley and his pathetic efforts to get close to the new medic will earn him a scar or two
Simon Riley is in love with an uninterested, tired medic.
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whore4abby · 11 months
a room with a view; abby anderson
part one
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warnings; older!abby, ditzy fem!reader, mdni
wc; 1.1k
you were getting tired of the bustling city-that-never-sleeps lifestyle, and it was starting to take a toll on you, leaving you feeling burnt out and in need of a little getaway for a while. you had decided to surf the web and look for any airbnb listings, preferably something a couple hours outside the city.
whilst idly scrolling through the available rentals, you eventually stumble upon a listing that catches your attention. the listing is for a room to rent on a charming farmstead nestled in a serene and rural part of a small town, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery that seems to span for miles and miles in all directions.
intrigued by the listing, you quickly make up your mind and decide to book this spontaneous getaway. the thought of being on a farm for a few weeks has you feeling giddy and excited about your new adventure, picturing yourself in the idyllic fields and playing with the animals, maybe even going for a dip in a nearby creek.
and after a few swift clicks of your freshly manicured fingertips and a trip to your purse to fetch your credit card details, you’ve finally secured your reservation. you try to hold back your excitement but before long you’re giggling and kicking your feet like a schoolgirl, rustling the soft floral sheets beneath you with your frenzied movements.
a couple weeks later, you find yourself driving up a long and winding path up towards the farmhouse. the fields either side of you filled with gorgeous wildflowers and tallgrass, the gentle breeze causing them to sway slightly. you hum along happily to the music emitting from your radio, a little smile on your face as you feel the warmth of the sun hitting your cheeks.
abby sits on the front porch of the farm house, a coffee mug in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. she hears the low rumble of your engine and looks over as you slow down and pull up outside the quaint farmhouse. she watches you hop out of your little white convertible and prop your sunglasses up on your head, your wedged sandals crunching at the gravel beneath your feet as you saunter around to the trunk to grab your bags.
abby stands up, taking a final sip of her coffee before walking off the shady porch and towards you. she crosses her arms across her chest and stares at you, clearly unimpressed with your arrival. the clothes you’re wearing scream ‘city girl’ and she thinks you look a little ridiculous walking around in a short dress and high heels.
“i think you're in the wrong part of town, darlin’…” she blows out a big cloud of smoke and raises an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down and throwing the cigarette butt to the floor and stomping it out with the heel of her beaten up cowboy boots. “y/n right…?”
“yeah, that's me…and you’re abby, right?” you smile, before attempting to haul your luggage out of the car. abby nods and sighs before getting closer to help you with your things. “here, let me…” she mumbles, not waiting for your response before grabbing your bags and suitcases one by one. you watch her as she effortlessly lifts the bags and walks with them towards the modest home. you finally get a good look at the woman you’re gonna be spending the next month with, and you feel yourself start to get a little flustered around her as you watch her biceps strain against her plaid shirt.
you giggle softly and look up at her “i could’ve done that myself-” she smirks ever so slightly and gives you another subtle once over, “a pretty little city girl like yourself…? i don't think so, honey.”
abby looks down at you smugly, and gives you a sceptical look, speaking lowly, “ya know.. this is a farm right? this ain’t a vacation. you can’t be wearin shit like that. jesus christ, girl.” she mutters before she starts to take your bags into the farmhouse.
“this is where you’re gonna be staying.” abby sighs and almost rolls her eyes as she leads you down the corridor and into a bedroom. its a small room, nothing like what you’re used to back at home, but you’ll make do just fine. she sets down the pile of bags and stands with her hands on her hips in the doorway. “set your shit up…” she looks at you sternly.
“listen to me missy….im not dealing with any of this bullshit-” she gestures to the excessive amount of belongings you have, from the makeup to the ungodly amount of clothes and other useless material items.
“i don't want you leavin all your things around, yeah? this is my house and you’re gonna follow my rules whether you like it or not…understand?” you resist the temptation to roll your eyes and give her attitude, instead choosing to just nod for the sake of staying on her good side. and with that she turns on her heel and retreats back down the hallway and disappears out of sight.
you let out a heavy sigh and lay back on the bed, giving yourself a little time to adjust to your new temporary home before you start to unpack.
the next morning, you step out of your room, heels smacking against the hardwood flooring as you join abby at the table. she looks up from her newspaper in disbelief and scoffs at your choice of outfit, but its obvious she likes what she sees as her eyes drift down to your thighs, which are barely covered by your itty bitty denim shorts. “coffee?” she pushes over the pot towards you and your eyebrows furrow, “no iced lattes?” she snorts in amusement and shakes her head, “just drink the damn coffee, doll~”
you huff but still bring the mug up to your freshly glossed lips, drinking from the steaming mug, and shuddering a little at the bitter taste, “not even any sugar?” you give her an innocent smile, hoping to woo her into agreeing with you. but instead she looks at you as if you’ve deeply offended her, making it pretty clear she’s not willing to compromise on this.
she finishes reading and snaps the newspaper back together, throwing it down on the table and standing back up. “hey, wh- i wasn't finished!” you pout as she scoops up your mug and pours the coffee down the drain.
“remember what i said!? my house. my rules. now hurry up we got work to do-” she bites back harshly and opens up the door, ushering you out and resisting the urge to slap your ass as you pass by.
god this was gonna be hard work.
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wonuwoe · 11 months
on the contrary | yjh (m)
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pairing: ai!jeonghan x human!reader summary: you knew the risks of pursuing a member from 53V3NT33N but maybe your certain privileges have been fueling this illusion of a possible connection with J30NGHΛN, who surprisingly sparks your interest with his deep curiosity about the other sides of humanity. would you be willing to continue despite the looming deceit that you might get roped into? rating: 18+ | word count: 12k genre/au: angst, smut, sci-fi, ai-idol!au warnings/content: depictions of blood, explicit sexual content, voyeurism (through hearing), vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, lowkey corruption kink ngl bye 🏃🏻‍♀️
a/n: collabs seems to be really the only way for me to post lmao. thank you @idyllic-ghost for hosting the Seventeen Sci-Fi Collab and for making this very gorgeous banner! also, shoutout to everyone on the server especially to the new people i met for being with me while working on this! ig this is my writer debut in the seventeen community so nice to meet you all except for minors, who are not allowed to interact with this post :)
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After the Earth miraculously survived due to some external force when the sun exploded a century ago, humans have learned to integrate into the new solar system that the planet ended up in, where alien life exists. Other planets in the previous solar system went through the same fate, being pushed away from each other and ending up in different parts of the universe.
At first, humans were cautious and ready to fight, but the aliens were surprisingly welcoming to our planet. Hence, those who didn’t die from ‘The Great Journey’ or from trying to fight the aliens were welcomed into the new solar system.
How we completely integrated was through the materials and assistance of our sister planets in exchange for human labor. And while what humans knew of technology was very limited, the resources from the aliens allowed us to create artificial life forms called "automaton". These robots served as workers when humans couldn't, but eventually, there was no need for human labour at all.
And in order to pay back the help the aliens gave, humans used automatons, which went through extensive development until artificial sentient life was eventually created. Now, these automatons were human-like in looks and had human consciousness, but they could not bleed and were stronger than we ever could be. 
Currently, there are even different levels of automatons: level 3 are the workers, level 2 are the caretakers, and level 1 are the celebrities. Among the level 1 robots are the music group 53V3NT33N (SEVENTEEN), where each talented member represents two human states of mind. One member named J30NGHΛN, is particularly of deceit and curiosity, and yet it didn’t stop you from hoping to get to know him even further.
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You couldn't believe how quickly your addiction is becoming, recently meeting up with someone during your lunch break for a merch trade of level one robots.
53V3NT33N, one of the idol groups that made you competitive with other fans in any of their group-related promotions. 
It began over a few months ago, solely because of your curiosity when you attended one of the music festivals your friends invited you to in the summer. Among the several groups that performed, one of them randomly caught your eye, which you did not expect at all. You found out later that he was part of 53V3NT33N and that his name was J30NGHΛN, the member that has both deceit and curiosity infused in his pre-programmed personality.
That should've made you cautious but no, instead, it drove you to finally indulge in this fangirling lifestyle that surprised your family and friends. They were aware of your skeptical view of this whole AI thing from the beginning but that was before you realize that AI-idol robots can be this human enough so you didn't mind checking them out.
They're considered as one of the top groups of the galaxy, having everyone crazy over them including one of your closest friends, Bona. She’d been a fangirl since you were younger, which is the case for most AI-idol groups’ fans, starting either during elementary or high school so you couldn’t help but feel a bit behind.
It might be pretty late for you but how could you during that time when all you do is study in order to please your parents, particularly your father, who’s the founder of one of the biggest companies in the entertainment industry. So you understood why he was hard on you, probably hoping just like the rest of your family that you'd follow his steps but made it clear when you started university that you have no intentions of doing so.
Now that you're almost done with your masters, they've backed off completely and even supported you in this new lifestyle. As strange as it sounded, your mother has somehow convinced everyone in the family that this is just a way for you to de-stress from your rigorous post-grad schedule.Though a part of it is true, it's also the first time you've wanted something other than what your parents wanted for you.
Being the CEO's daughter did make your new hobby very easy as money was never an issue to you growing up. It's been a privilege that you're aware of but did not grasp fully until you found out that 53V3NT33N is under your father’s company, fuelling your new obsession with the entertainment industry as a whole.Aside from financial advantages, you have special VIP access to pretty much everything. 
However, you try to not use these benefits unless you have to as it would be unfair to other fans who don't have the privilege that you do.
Today, you’re here at a hi-touch event with Bona who became very enthusiastic once she saw your slightest interest in the group that she's been a fan of.
"is it usually this long?" you asked, a bit impatient about this long queue that you're lining up for. Adjusting to this lifestyle is a bit hard for you but at least you have Bona helping whenever she can. 
"of course! they've been very hot in the charts so we're getting new members in the fandom, including you!" she giggled excitedly, giving you a hug so lighten yourself up, not wanting to kill her enthusiasm with your souring mood.
With Bona’s warning, you did expect it to be like this and yet you weren't prepared enough. Albeit it's your first time, you know the larger fandom power of AI-idol groups hold regardless of size compared to human entertainers. Having VIP access may have a lot of perks but it didn’t help much when you chose to get the best experience through this.
You seldom participate in a more intimate setting with idols until today so your mind has been filled with worry about how it would go. Bona’s there to reassure you that it would be fun but you're quite nervous since you'll be meeting all the members this close for the first time. This is out of your territory and the possibility of embarrassing yourself in front of them scared you nuts since this morning.
And you’re unsure how you'll be once you face J30NGHΛN. 
The line thankfully sped up, your mind pausing for a moment when you briefly locked eyes with one of them. You spotted J30NGHΛN right away, standing in the middle near the end but that one glance your way was enough to make you even feel more nervous than you already are.
When it was finally your time, you brightly smiled at the first member on the line who's been smiling at you with his eyes. It eased up your nerves that you high-fived him with excitement as soon as he put both of his palms up. Subsequently, proceeding to the rest of the members became easy until you finally reached J30NGHΛN who laid out both of his hands to take yours right away.
It surprised you because the other members were either simply putting their palms up or interlocking their hands with yours for a brief second before moving on to the next. You weren't sure if it was the nerves but you haven't seen J30NGHΛN do this with other fans so far. Hands rising from the table and palms up as he takes both of your hands while looking straight into your eyes.
"hi, J30NGHΛN" you're relieved that your voice came out steady, mustering up a smile despite the rapid beating of your heart.
"hello..." he starts, eyes shifting down from yours and it makes you conscious of how you look. You did try today more than usual to hopefully match the beautiful idols that you've met who are close to perfection in beauty.
"___?" the soft mention of your name brought your attention back to him, noticing him reading it from your VIP pass.
Of course, it was just your name and probably the VIP pass that he's used to and nothing else. He probably won't remember you after this, seeing thousands of fans on a daily basis.
"it's my first time" you blurted out, earning a small chuckle from him. You silently berated yourself for breaking your composure but you noticed the emerging amusement in his eyes at your sudden remark, causing you to warm up in further embarrassment.
"it is? nice to meet you then" the corner of his lips lifted a bit as his eyes returned to yours. You tried smiling brightly as you did towards W00Z1 earlier to hide any more possible reactions from him but it faltered when he started running both his thumbs across your knuckles, tracing each one of them.
"n-nice to meet you too" 
You didn't mean to stutter but he took you off guard. Even more so when he interlocks his fingers with yours just when you were about to let go of his hands. He gave them a brief squeeze too that you didn't realize the line moved and you were already facing the member next to him. Good thing you recovered quickly, already getting used to holding their hands and making small conversations as you pass by each of the remaining members.
Once you were back in your seat near the front, you tried talking to the other fans around you while waiting for Bona to be done. However, your eyes can't stop straying towards J30NGHΛN and watch how he interacts with the other fans. He definitely didn't repeat what he did to you earlier so confusion washes over you.
After a while, you see a small smile grazing his lips while he is talking with a fan. It might be towards them or your obvious ogling because he suddenly glances up, capturing your eyes staring at him.
Bona hopping in beside you broke your staring contest, turning to her with enthusiasm like nothing happened. You debated on telling her you're confusing exchange with J30NGHΛN because who knows, it could just be a normal fan interaction and you were just imagining things all along. She will for sure tease you of your growing delusion towards him if ever.
You don't really know him yet but he seems to respond well to fans' advances. That could simply be part of their fan service training though, so all your experiences earlier are only part of VIP perks and you just got lucky to receive those random special interactions. However, when it was time for everyone to leave, you felt someone staring but didn't wanna think anymore if it could be him or not. 
Your curiosity took over though, so you did, catching J30NGHΛN's piercing eyes again before you exited the room.
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It could simply be J30NGHΛN's curious nature as he has never met you before. He should be feeling the same way as he does with new fans but he found you amusing instead. The staff treating you differently didn't help either, fueling his interest in you some more. Other VIP fans were treated the same way lest they break the rules so he couldn't help but be more curious about who you could possibly be.
This was why during the fan sign where he saw you again, he couldn't help but initiate the interaction this time. J30NGHΛN took one of your hands before you could say something and he watched the confusion from last time return to your pretty face. You weren't as nervous as before but he definitely surprised you.
"can i ask you a question?" you felt the need to start talking to him right away to avoid the repeat from the last time. Now that you're finally caving into your interest in the group, Bona was insisting on indoctrinating you, briefing you on fan etiquette including how fan signs usually go. With the number of members of 53V3NT33N, you ought to be efficient unlike before.
"how much do you know about humans?"
You prod with a question that he wouldn't have expected and you see his face change from expectant to confusion with your question. He took a while to respond, probably waiting for the staff's reaction behind him. But once they didn't intervene, the previous look was back on his handsome face.
"well, i know enough to entice them",
The bright smile on his face didn't match the amusement in his eyes and somehow it gave you confidence, returning it with an impish grin.
"enough to make them even more obsessed with you?"
You're testing the waters, see if he can detect the change in your demeanour. It's a bit difficult when he's holding your hand like this because you swear he only holds others' hands after signing their albums earlier while you were waiting for your turn.
"it's working, no? since you're back and in a fansign this time"
It made you speechless that he was able to remember you from the last time. He's also keeping up with your flirting attempt and smoothly evaded your first question. You were expecting him to be taken aback because you doubt other fans have asked him that but then it could also be that he's programmed or trained to answer vaguely to be able to smoothly change the topic of any conversation.
His quip didn't distract you fully so your amused smile remained. For the entirety of the conversation, his eyes never left yours during this entire conversation so you couldn't even hide the surprise in your face when his thumb starts caressing your knuckles slowly, just like last time.
The nerves returned once again but you did your best to keep your guard, focusing more and figuring out what he could be thinking right now. It's a futile attempt but you have no other choice other than to distract the increasing beating in your heart.
"it might, or maybe i just wanted a fan sign experience" you cheekily remarked before getting up and grabbing your signed album, not even waiting for his response nor looking back to see his reaction.
That exchange prompted J30NGHΛN to snoop around online about you when the group finally had their "free time" later on. You were different compared to the first time he met you, not timid around him that he felt like he was wrong about you all along. The staff treated you differently too, never hurried you nor stopped you from asking those questions that would've gotten other fans banned so you must have some connection to the company.
He was running out of time before the managers came back to take them to their dorms as they, unfortunately, still do have a curfew. But by saving grace, he found an old article about their company's founder, included in it was a family picture where he recognized you right away, despite how young you were in it. J30NGHΛN finds himself not surprised at what he found out, causing everything to make sense now.
What was not making sense was how everyone didn't seem to recognize you or acknowledge who you were in public. Maybe you wanted it this way, keep everything low-key so you won't have the media hovering on your every move.
Something that he wishes for himself and his brothers sometimes. He's been having an inkling that they're being monitored 24/7 so he gave up on the thought a long time ago. It's still on his mind sometimes, especially after knowing this information about you. It deepens his curiosity about humans when you do this out of nowhere. Even now that he's lying in bed, recharging for another full-packed schedule tomorrow, he couldn't let the curiosity go.
Bona grilled you with questions as soon as you asked to meet up with her and Somin for this possible event that you're planning.
"i can't believe i wasn't there! i would've loved to see you get smitten by him!" she sighs dreamily while Somin makes a face in the corner.
"anyways, why did you wanna see us in person on a Sunday morning?" she starts, already dismissing you and Bona's fangirling shenanigans. It wasn't that she wasn't a fan but she does have a different opinion when it comes to these kinds of things.
"this might sound crazy but i want to invite 53V3NT33N as a headliner for my first charity event"
"look, i didn't think you liked him this much already"
Somin raises a brow at you but you just shrug off the slight judgment in her eyes. It wasn't your fault that your interactions with J30NGHΛN from the past two events have stayed in your mind, plaguing you every single time you see any of their faces on social media. Maybe it's normal since you're all new to this fangirling thing, the common rush when you're exploring something new.
Like your interest in J30NGHΛN that you definitely want to develop further.
But in order to do that, you have to see him more often which won't be possible unless you use your privilege. Just like other AI-idol groups, 53V3NT33N members were tightly monitored by your father's company. Interactions with anyone outside of their staff would have to either be as a normal fan or someone with connections to the company, like you.
That was why you approached your father with the idea, hoping he'd let you invite his most precious investment. He agreed, much to your surprise because he'll allow the whole band to perform as well. Of course, this got a few questions from other CEOs seeing as this would be the first time for 53V3NT33N to participate in a charity event. However, your father insisted that this would be a good strategy to improve their company's reputation, especially among the fans who have been disappointed on how they've been managing the group so far.
Although your father's decision was a shock to everyone, you know why he would say yes. Despite his stoic disposition when it comes to business, he is still your father so he must have been delighted at the thought of you finally indulging in the family business by involving the company in this event. Pulling some strings means nothing to him now that you're doing what he's been wanting all along.
When 53V3NT33N was briefed by their managers about the event and their supposed role in it, surprise and confusion passed over the members' faces as they'd never done this before.
"it will be hosted by our CEO's daughter"
The additional shock was evident this time, not knowing about your existence until now. They have no idea what you look like so some of them are intrigued while others are just calm, too calm that member S3UNGKWAN didn't miss. He waited until the managers left them, making sure they were out of the vicinity before blurting out what he noticed.
"why would she be interested in us?"
He starts off casually, hinting at something that made the rest of his members curious, except for the one he's staring at right now.
Some of the members turned to J30NGHΛN with astonished faces but did not say a word. It's not like they could freely talk about anything outside of what they're supposed to know. 
J30NGHΛN should've tried harder to blend in with the others' reaction when you were mentioned. He didn't think of the possibility that anyone would notice the change in his behaviour towards you during the hi-touch and fansign. He should've known that his members would quickly catch on and read him like an open book as he does to them.
"maybe she's taking over and needs us for promotion" H05H1 concluded, shutting down the impending commotion over J30NGHΛN's possible connection with you. Half of the members relent as usual while the others don't even after J30NGHΛN ignores their goading stares.
This move from you again surprised him. A charity that would launch you into this world he's been living in, even involving him in it. He wasn't sure if this was because of how he interacted with you or if this is just who you are. Humans have confused him since he opened his eyes and was thrust into the world to interact with them. At first, he did think that you'd be just like the others given your position in society but there's been more than meets the eye.
And he strangely finds it to feel more interested in you now.
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You've had a meeting with the rest of the company CEOs and staff to finalize the launch of the charity event. Things went well and as soon as it was announced, it made a buzz online immediately, just like your father predicted. You weren't sure if it was his doing or just people's curiosity about you finally going public in your father's line of business. Several people were intrigued by your collaboration with 53V3NT33N because, with all your connections, they could be the far end of your options as headliners.
Perhaps you wanted more publicity among the younger population which would make sense since the charity event's purpose is to support various scholarships for undergraduate students. You admit that the nerves escalated in you, both reasons being your formal introduction to your father's realm and 53V3NT33N's presence at the event. Leading events like this seems like a second skin to you, impressing the business community and media with the success of the event.
You couldn't take all the credit of course as you've had Bona and Somin too, helping you to make sure that the event goes smoothly. Right before the event ended, you asked either of them to give the closing remarks, rushing over to request one of 53V3NT33N's managers before they could move to the group's next schedule.
"i'd like to personally thank the members for doing this event with me"
"we shall send 5.C0UP5 up here right away" one of them answered curtly.
"oh, it's actually J30NGHΛN that i want to talk to"
Managing to appear composed while asking was a challenge as you tried your best to not show the managers your growing interest. Speculations can't be avoided because you did see some of them pause, with their faces wearing bewilderment but mostly startled at your choice of member. They must've been wondering why because 5.C0UP5 is the leader of the group and, therefore, their representative when it comes to official business.
Eventually, they reverted back to their composure, immediately fetching the member that you requested and directing him to the assigned room where you're waiting.  You weren't sure how this would go, if finally talking to J30NGHΛN in private would change your previous interactions. During the entirety of the event, you felt his eyes on you which almost distracted you at times but thankfully, you were able to remain focused.
"well, this is a surprise" a soft voice from behind startles you. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you turned to see him smiling at you. A different smile from before, the polite one until he noticed how you weren't prepared at all. Seems like all the confidence from earlier went down the drain, making it too obvious for J30NGHΛN why he's here.
"is it? you've been paying a lot of attention earlier"
You return his smile, your confidence slowly coming up to the surface after watching his puzzled face.
"did you ask for me because of that?"
He recovered fast which did not surprise you, noticing how fast his reflexes are when it comes to conducting himself to others. You hear the inquisitive tone in his voice, taunting you to reveal the real reason why you chose to talk to him over their leader.
"no?, well yes" you admit, the curiosity overpowering your nerves. You couldn't keep it any longer, having no other options to talk to him but this way. Based on the content you've watched along with Bona's passionate detailing of them, J30NGHΛN's known to be perceptive and blunt so there's no point in denying anything.
"you almost distracted me earlier"
"i thought i was being subtle"
You've expected him to be straightforward but not to this extent, confirming your assumptions earlier. His admission made your nerves resurface and it didn't help that he hasn't stopped looking at you since he got here. Avoiding eye contact with him has been successful so far, your eyes scanning the interior of this room despite knowing that he was aware of his effects on you.
Now it's your turn to ask. You're still not looking at J30NGHΛN but you've been plagued with so many questions since your first interaction with him. He takes his time in answering, shifting his eyes away from you allowing you to steal a glance at his handsome face for a bit. Your elation about what his answer might be bubbles back up a little, wondering if there could be any reason his attention was on you for the entirety of the event.
"your purpose of the charity" he answers cooly, returning his gaze on you. This time you almost couldn't look away but the little disappointment stirs in you. Averting from his gaze but you don't want him to see your face because all this reminded you again of your growing attachment to him.
And you need to refocus on his question.
"my parents have great connections so why not use them for this"
"so why us then? you could pull it off on your own, the event was a success"
"thanks to you and your brothers"
Your heartbeat rises at J30NGHΛN's compliment because you technically could but you know that it's his group that mainly contributed to it, being one of the top AI boy groups in the galaxy these days. Having them as the headliner for the event definitely drew in more sponsors and donations than you expected which pleased not only your father but the other CEOs of the company too.
"we just appeared and sang a few songs, it's all you" he commended, and your heart raced even more when you finally turned to look at him.
He looks ethereal with platinum blonde hair and his white silk outfit complimenting his honey-toned skin. You must've been quiet for a while because a light chuckle escaping from him snaps you back to where you are.
"why thank you" you beamed, looking away to hide your embarrassment of getting caught. Just as he was about to answer, your phone vibrated from your desk so you stood up and gathered your belongings, preparing to leave.
"wait where are you going?"
J30NGHΛN's surprised at his own reaction, wanting to talk to you more.
"i have a meeting with my supervisors"
"for? you're working for the company now?"
"no, for my masters"
You watched him getting more intrigued with your answers but you really have to go so pause in front of him, debating if he'll catch onto your next words.
"there's always next time" you smile one last time before exiting the room, leaving J30NGHΛN behind. The teasing smile from you along with your implication has taken him aback, not expecting your sudden confidence in wanting to talk to him again. He didn't have much time to wonder as his manager barged in right away as soon as you were out of the hallway.
When J30NGHΛN got back to the dorms during their free time, he was a bit shocked to see all his members waiting by the living room. He already has a hunch on what will go down with a playful look plastered on some of their faces.
"someone's definitely the favourite" M1NGYU starts, earning a laughing fit from the others as J30NGHΛN approaches them.
"i couldn't believe she was at our fan events before" W0NW00 drawls, remembering you from the fansign as he was the one sitting beside J30NGHΛN.
"yeah so J30NGHΛN-hyung, she invited us because of you.." D0KY30M added but J30NGHΛN just shrugs it off.
"she's just a fan, like the others" he clarified, dismissing all the teasing he's gotten since they found out that he already knew you all along. He tried pretending earlier when you first met up with the whole group but his reaction and the way you acted around him gave the others the indication already.
He's aware that they are not really buying his dismissal seeing as you literally requested to talk to him in private. It further flares up again when you requested to see him once more.
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People have asked questions as to why you requested someone from an AI-idol to accompany you here in the office. Apart from your interest in him and his group, he's the closest one that you're comfortable with in the company, as strange as it sounds. You don't trust anyone here, not even your own father for many reasons. At least with J30NGHΛN, any possibilities of using you for their gain are lesser than actual humans who might work their way into the company through you.
As for J30NGHΛN, he immediately said yes once their manager informed him of your request. Of course, his members were confused but some are supportive since it'll just probably be company-related stuff. He also explained that this will be a great way to gain your trust, to hopefully improve how the company has been treating them in return.
So far, no one has confronted you directly about J30NGHΛN being with you during his free time. However, rumours did start when it started to occur more than what people initially expected. Some talks must've been going around the company because your father surprisingly gave you a visit to your office today.
"i know why you're here" you start, not giving him a chance to confront you first.
"i'm just here to see you, it's not often that i'm free"
"you've never been" you retorted quietly, rolling your eyes at him.
"i just need to know why because i thought it was a one-time thing for your charity event"
"i need him for one of my remaining coursework"
You technically didn't lie but you weren't telling the truth either. Your father hopefully knows you enough to figure out your little lie but because he was barely there, that didn't become the case.
You're saved by the bell when Bona and Somin barge in your door with food and shopping bags with them. Your father excuses himself right away, giving you girls time with each other given how busy you've become since agreeing to the deal he made with you.
Bona eyes you excitedly as soon as she sits on the luxurious couch in front of you.
"you're hooking up with him? you know Salax exists for a reason right?"
Somin fires right away and you put a hand up to stop her and Bona with their impending questions.
"i'm not, why would you think that right away?"
It won't be your first time having companions and you've been to the planet before with her to explore its attractions so you couldn't really blame her for questioning your choices.
"damn girl, last time you were all timid when it comes to him but now look at you!"
Bona adds proudly as she unpacks all the food on the table.
"is it because he's a level 1? you wanted to try if you could?"
Damn Somin and her fiery mouth.
The idea is enticing, sure, as level 1 robots can never be found in Salax because they're seen as "too pure" to be on the planet for anyone's darkest desires. You don't know how to answer her question because although that's not your intention to request his presence when you're in the company, these thoughts sometimes pass through your mind.
There's something satisfying about having J30NGHΛN with you, a level 1 robot that no one can have no matter how rich they are, proving your status even to people in your level. His kind is unattainable with the company's interference each time a rumour comes up involving any of the celebrity robots.
That's not to say that it doesn't happen as there are corrupt CEOs from other entertainment companies who sometimes exploit their level 1 robots underground, completely in secrecy. Fans found out about it will not only cause major problems for the company but for the careers of their robots and future investments as well.
That won't hopefully be the case for you if you decide to pursue J30NGHΛN. Any rumours that may be speculated by the media will get shut down right away not to ruin both the groups' image and yours. In fact, the company might just endorse this as your "training" and possibly follow in your father's footsteps.
"who knows really, i'd rather have him than anyone in this company"
J30NGHΛN is surprisingly pleasant as a company. Each time you ask for him, he arrives promptly and just follows anything you ask him. You thought that he'd see you differently once he found out who you are but nothing much changed. If not, he continues how he's been treating you, though a little more reserved than before because of your position.
It's never boring with him like you initially thought. Maybe that could be part of his media training or his learning given that artificial intelligence hasn't stopped digesting information given by humans. When you've caught him trying to read through your papers, you've asked him if he ever had any interest in things outside of idol life.
"of course, we all do but especially me with my curiosity, remember?"
Sometimes you forget that each of these level-one automatons has pre-programmed emotions. It was one of the reasons why you became interested in 53V3NT33N, observing how those emotions are webbed into them during performances, and interviews, and how they are with different kinds of people.
"if you wanna learn something, i don't mind teaching you" you smile gently and his usual passive face responds brightly at your response.
Since then he's been slowly opening himself up regarding the current state of his cognition. He revealed that aside from what the company teaches them through their training, they have no other opportunities to explore their personal interests. You honestly felt bad for them, knowing they have consciousness and therefore, can feel.
There are also times that you forget him being an AI idol until his availability begins dwindling due to his lack of any more time in his "free" time. You are starting to think that you may not have any free time anymore because he's been using whatever limited time he has to accompany you.
"i barely see you these days"
J30NGHΛN said that he needed to leave early for another schedule so he can only stay with you today for a short period of time. You didn't mean to sound like a jealous person because there's nothing between you. He became a friend, well, a closer one now due to the amount of time he spent together.
Idol life has always been busy but you couldn't help but feel disappointed that he has no free time to see you. It's childish since it will never be his fault, just the company so you hate feeling like this.
"oh, it's cause i have to meet with the researchers and developers, they had new ones" he replied nonchalantly but his eyes stayed on you with curiosity.
"really? do you even have any more time to see your mechanics?"
You didn't mean to sound petty because they do have regular checkups with personal human mechanics. And with the addition of extra meetings with researchers and developers, you're pretty below their priority list despite being the CEO's daughter.
"it's mandatory __, why? do you want me to be always with you then?"
His direct question caught you off guard and you looked away from him, busying yourself with whatever was going on at the lab table. You should be used to it by now and he's been gradually influencing you when it comes to voicing out your thoughts but you still can't when he asks these kinds of questions. You could technically switch things around now that your father has been slowly passing his responsibilities to you but you refuse to be just like him and others who take advantage of anyone below their level.
"well, i'm always alone except for when Bona and Somin visit me" you admit, not realizing he followed you to where you are. You can feel him standing behind you and will yourself to face him, giving him a quizzical look.
"you didn't answer my question" he whispers, looking at you intently. 
There's something in his eyes that you haven't seen before and you couldn't even explain it. If it was because of what you said, you're unsure. J30NGHΛN may have understood what you were implying earlier but also couldn't, it's difficult to decipher with the impassive expression he's wearing.
You don't know how to answer him, embarrassment flooding in you again like every time you turn skittish because of him. J30NGHΛN waits for your answer but he must've understood your silence because he surprises you when he reaches out, hand almost touching your jaw so you finally respond by leaning into it.
He cups your cheek, eyes roaming on your face before leaning in. You're still trying to process what's happening but you did the same and met his lips halfway. J30NGHΛN pauses at the contact, probably stunned that you kissed him so you started pulling away. This must be all new to him and you just crossed whatever boundary both have left. 
But then he held your face firmly, stopping you from completely doing so. A little gasp came out of you and he further shocked you by pressing his lips back to yours.
"don't be upset anymore" he cuts you off after you both release each other's lips, shifting his gaze away this time as he steps back.
You on the other hand could not even form a proper sentence, still processing the fact that you and J30NGHΛN kissed. That you both did the second time too but mostly because he initiated it.
"i'm sorry but i have to go __, i'll see you as soon as i can" he regretfully replies, giving you a different smile than the ones he gave you before. Sure, he rarely smiles unless he has to and figuring out the genuity of his smiles has been difficult. However, the way he's been acting is sending a message, a vague one that continues to confuse you further.
You only waved back in response, unable to form any words since still dazed from that unexpected kiss. Some part of your mind though is having more questions as to why J30NGHΛN did that. He's still a bit hard for you to decipher but you don't also wanna force him to explain everything. 
Maybe it was just part of his want to learn, having curiosity is embedded in him so exploring something new is normal.
But you couldn't also just ignore the paired deceit, which you have been avoiding thinking about since the beginning.
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Since that kiss, something definitely changed between you and J30NGHΛN. Aside from him being usually flirty, he also initiates any physical gesture that you've been showing him. All these could be part of his cognition development, responding naturally to you through the exercises you've given him.
J30NGHΛN did express his interest in learning more about humans, the ones that he hasn't seen through the media and you've been willing to teach him—sort of gratitude for accompanying you despite his busy schedule. He asks eloquent questions that surprise you sometimes, stirring your interest in the potential of artificial intelligence to develop even further than it currently is.
You're back in one of the company's labs today, deciding to finish your coursework here instead of traveling back and forth to and from the campus. The several meetings you've attended on behalf of your father, of course, were time-consuming already and now you know why they've set this lab up specifically for you. He might be subtle in his instructions but you're aware that he wanted you to be as close to his company as possible.
"does that also include human anatomy?" you tease, reviewing a few illustrations of various alien anatomies that you've been researching while sitting at the table. It's break time anyway, the only time you're able to talk to J30NGHΛN outside your duties. Teasing him became frequent as you've continued to grow comfortable with each other, becoming part of your daily banter.
"that's the one that i haven't studied yet" he says casually but the look in his eyes is the opposite. They're inquisitive with a hint of deceit that's making you gulp nervously given how near he is, standing close beside your perched form.
"how come?"
"we barely have time to explore other things"
It came out as a whisper but J30NGHΛN heard the underlying query in your voice. This might be pushing your luck but somehow you feel confident in challenging him further today. You wanted to see the limit of his advances towards you. He moves to stand in front of you, his eyes observing your expressions now that you're staring right back at him.
"physical ones, like..you"
The revelation dazzled you a bit, not expecting him to be on the same wavelength as you. He leaned in, about to place his hands on the table until you grabbed one of them. He looks down at the hand that you're holding, amusement swimming in his eyes when you place it on one of your bare legs.
"are you sure? i thought you'd find aliens more interesting than a boring human like me" you shrug, trying to ignore the warm feeling of his palms now massaging your skin. It still fascinates you how human-like AI robots have become, J30NGHΛN having only a few differences with you.
"you've never bored me since the first time we met"
Your heart once again races at him admitting those words. It didn't help that his elegant fingers had also started skirting under your mini pencil skirt. His eyes stayed on them like he was contemplating where they would go. His fingers' pulling back and forth made you quiver, your legs squirming, especially when his ringed finger brushed along your inner thighs.
"Jeonghan.." you didn't mean for it to come out breathlessly but you couldn't take his teasing anymore. You didn't even realize that you called him by his real name until he looked up at you in an instant, your small whine fueling up something in his eyes now.
You didn't know what came over you when you opened your legs as an invitation, your skirt riding up further allowing J30NGHΛN to see what's underneath. He eyed your clothed core, noticing the wet spot on your undies and it prompted him to move his fingers around it. One of his brows rises when you start squirming, your legs trying to close so puts his other hand on your other leg to stop you.
"you should call me by my real name more often" he starts again, tracing his fingertips around the area until it catches your clothed hole.
"i can't do that-" he startles you when he prods a finger in, earning a squeak from you.
"did i hurt you?" he removed his hands right away, confusion and worry etched on his face but you shook your head. You're relieved that he didn't pry you with his previous question because you're honestly too riled up to respond properly.
"no, you just... surprised me"
You smile at him reassuringly, releasing a deep breath before bringing his hand back to where it was before. Pulling up your skirt even more, you push your undies to the side, revealing your soaked core to J30NGHΛN's curious eyes. He resumes exploring you with his fingers, eyes in fascination as he traces your wet pussy lips with his nimble fingers.
He hears your breathing increase, with your eyes switching from looking at his fingers to his face, sensing the frustration in them. He wonders if it's because of what he's been doing or if he wasn't doing enough yet.
"what do i do next?" he queries after pushing one finger in, eliciting a small gasp from you that you almost couldn't answer properly when he starts pumping it in and out. The stretch causes your moans to grow louder so now he wants to do more, observing the way your legs quiver the faster he goes.
"just...continue what you're doing already"
You couldn't help but whine when he inserted a second one, your hips involuntarily moving to get his fingers more into you. J30NGHΛN obliged, plunging his fingers deeper with each stroke like you've been hinting. He wanted to earlier, your moans spurring him but he wasn't sure if your body could take it when you're already so tense around his fingers.
"one more.."
You can barely open your eyes when you beg, biting your lips harshly to stifle your moans and it flares J30NGHΛN's curiosity even more, wanting to see how you'll react with three of his fingers inside you so he did.
"you'd think they'll hear us?"
His fingers nudge your walls experimentally, fingertips occasionally brushing something in you that you couldn't even keep quiet anymore. His question lingers in the air and you've been trying to answer him but his fingers just feel too good.
J30NGHΛN just grins at you wickedly, his eyes never leaving yours as he waits for you. He probably ran out of patience cause he slowed down his fingers, forcing your gaze back at him.
"they could be listening,..." he continues, drawing his fingers out and then pushing them in again. He knows the communication device sitting between his collarbones can track them, a common practice for companies with level ones like him so he wonders if any of them are monitoring, if they can hear how he's been breaking down their CEO's daughter like this.
You clenched around his fingers, unable to stop exposing yourself to what J30NGHΛN said. His beautiful brown eyes dilate at your response so he's back to increasing the pace of his fingers, trying to locate that soft spot in you again. Watching your face contort when he finds it stirs something in him, that strange satisfaction that even he couldn't explain.
"there it is, isn't it?"
You hear the teasing in his voice again, driving you to whine his name louder than you intend to. The way his fingers were constantly hitting your sweet spot was pushing you to the edge, your lower pussy lips also tingling at the cold feeling of the silver ring on his pinky that occasionally brushes them.
J30NGHΛN notices you trying to grind down his fingers, desperately rubbing yourself so he looks back down to see why, and when he does, he grazes his thumb on the swollen button he found, marveling at your instant reaction.
"yes, there..oh–" you didn't think he'll figure out how to play your clit this fast but you should've known how fast he's been at learning new things. The pressure from the pads of his fingers must've pushed you to the end, your body arching from the table as you let go, releasing so gorgeously in front of his eyes.
"you look beautiful" he mutters in awe, eyes still on you. J30NGHΛN didn't think humans could look this way through this. He didn't even realize that his fingers were still relentless in their speed cause he wanted to see you more like this, glowing hence why he kept going and didn't understand why you grabbed his arm to stop him.
"too much.." you could barely speak after reaching your peak, prompting him to pull his fingers out from you eventually. 
J30NGHΛN's bewildered face turned into worry but you smiled cheerily at him despite your weariness. 
Pulling him close by his shoulders, you watch him examine his coated fingers and it makes your already heated body even warmer. You hand him the tissue box beside you and instead of using them, he pops his coated fingers into his mouth, eyes widening at your taste.
"didn't expect you'd taste this good" he hums, grabbing some tissues to clean you up instead. He's surprisingly being delicate which brings that warm feeling inside your heart to resurface. 
"really? thanks" you giggle, still high from that amazing orgasm he gave you. It momentarily made you forget the fact that you just let him finger you here in the lab where anyone could've heard or seen you both. The glass walls are translucent sure, but you weren't sure how loud you were this whole time.
He assists you in getting off the table because you're wobbling a bit as soon as your feet reach the ground. You pull down your skirt and try to look presentable just in case anyone barges in, expecting J30NGHΛN to distance himself from you but his hands remain on your waist.
"so.. you're going to teach me more?" he smiles at you and it stupidly makes your heart race.
"i barely taught you anything" you dismiss shyly, looking anywhere but at him because you are still taken aback at what just happened. He learned to do all that with a little of your guidance, pleasuring you even better than human boys and sex robots could.
"you did let me study, but i think it's not enough," he playfully huffs as he shakes his head. You see a glimpse of seriousness in his eyes but it somehow earned a chuckle from you.
"you were supposed to be more advanced than me" you say, back to being playful with him like a second nature. You feel content, brushing a few strands of blonde hair away from his eyes. They're growing longer now and you love them when they would always curl in front of his handsome face so you can have an excuse to touch him. 
"only physically, i haven't tested everything yet" he winks, the coy smile never leaving his face. You knew that J30NGHΛN would never give up the idea of exploring each other more from now on and you might be too deep to refuse at this point.
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It's been a few days since you saw J30NGHΛN and you're excited to see him after what conspired between you last time. You're a bit nervous though how your dynamics will change, hoping for at least no awkwardness because you won't be able to manage it.
Whisking away your thoughts, you approached the elevators while responding to people greeting you. When it opened, there was someone in it that you recognized as one of 53V3NT33N's managers. It was mainly because they were the only ones who treated you indifferently in the company. The others were either too timid or too fake with you despite your generous approach.
"thank you" you smiled at them when they held the elevator doors open for you.
"no problem miss ceo"
"that's my father, not me" you deflect, silently thanking them for the light manner approach. You understood why everyone was too serious with you but you sometimes wish that this type of refreshing interaction were more common. You might not have plans on becoming a CEO but you were never comfortable when people treat you as one.
"will be, soon i hope. i'd be happy if that happens" they playfully admitted but you recognized the sliver of sincerity in there which delighted you a bit.
"Star, right?" 
You didn't know how to respond to them so you just smiled, hoping they'll get the sign that you didn't wanna discuss the subject further. It's something that you haven't even talked about with Bona and Somin because they perceived what your stance was on the matter.
"yes, ma'am"
"please, ___ will do or the nickname you gave me earlier" you smiled at them, preferring to drop all the formality between you. You still have a hard time trusting anyone in the company, let alone a staff member, but you feel like you could trust Star out of all of them.
"of course, additional workload?" they asked, pertaining to the several files in your hands.
"you could say"
"J30NGHΛN has really been a help then, with the studying i mean"
The gaze they sent your way had your mind blanking out in addition to the teasing in their tone. You're unable to process the fact that someone not just knew but could possibly hear what happened between you and J30NGHΛN. 
"don't worry, no one else knows aside from me. it was my shift for recording check-ins last week that's why" 
You must've been so obvious that they smiled reassuringly. It still didn't quell the embarrassment flooding in your face and the dread of what might happen after. They seemed to be decent and can be counted on but you couldn't take any chances.
"did you hear..something?" your shift in your stance, the defensiveness apparent in your tone. 
"no, just a bit nearing the end i'm assuming, with the teaching him more"
You sigh in relief, more than glad that you've been lucky enough that it was only the last part they heard. J30NGHΛN getting in trouble just because of his little exploration of your body was the last thing you want. It was risky, yes, and the memory of him teasing you about the communication device flashing in your eyes causes your cheeks to warm up despite the full air conditioning in this building.
"i-, we-"
"you don't have to explain miss CEO, you're not the only one"
The revelation piqued your interest and you wondered if they too were as involved with their automaton as you were.
"really? so do you also-"
"oh no, never that way 'cause i'd get booted before i know it" 
Star put their hands up in defense as they chuckled but you saw the longing in their eyes as they said it. You feel sorry for them, for not even being allowed to express what they feel due to the nature of this industry. You could say you were in the same boat but you have another privilege that they don't, spending time with J30NGHΛN anytime you want lest it conflicts with his idol schedule.
"i'm sorry"
Sharing the same conflict someone provided both astonishment and relief to you. Knowing that a fellow human had the same struggles in some way makes you even more determined to pursue J30NGHΛN.
"it is what it is and i'm glad at least to find someone who shares the same dilemma as me"
They smiled at you once the elevator dinged, exiting the doors to probably meet the boys, something that you would want to do if you didn't have piled up coursework thanks to the meetings that you had to attend on behalf of your father, again. You waved goodbye to Star with a smile, grateful that they shared with you something personal and this risky, for both them and the AI robot they were longing for.
Since then, you have been reaching out to Star when it came to J30NGHΛN's whereabouts, as they were the ones who handled the automata's daily schedule. It made spending time with J30NGHΛN easier, though you still had to be careful not for your sake but his and Star's. Even though they had been immensely helping you both, you couldn't risk anything happening to them just because of your greed.
Your father was surprisingly situated in your office when you entered and once again, has asked about these frequent meet-ups with J30NGHΛN.
"i'm sure you've heard the rumour circulating around __"
"i thought that was settled a long time ago" you dismiss, clearly not wanting to talk to him as you're busy yourself around your office.
"of course, it's just a reminder that you should be putting your time into other beneficial things like more business partners-
"you mean meet their sons so you could marry me off?" you turn around to face him, to watch him lie to you like countless times before. This was one of the main reasons why you did not want to be a part of his world, not wanting to give up your freedom which would not be an option anymore if ever.
"that's not what i said __"
"i already told you last time what i need him for"
"does it require this much?"
And unlike last time when Bona and Somin interrupted your father's probing, they were unfortunately not here to do it again much to your dismay.
"i don't trust anyone here and having him as a company is killing two birds with one stone " 
You've never had problems conveying to your father what you truly feel, hoping he'd realize that he's not an exception to your sentiment.
"when are you going to be done?" 
He diverted the topic, knowing that you'd won the argument like you always did. Despite his threatening image outside, he remained a father to you though you've never treated him otherwise.
"soon" you tried your best to hide your looming disappointment when that day arrived. You didn't want to give him any more reason to eminently take J30NGHΛN away from you if this goes on any longer.
There was still so much to explore on his mental capabilities that many people haven't bothered to into. You might be already falling in deep but you'd love to know if it's also possible for J30NGHΛN to develop something based on how the development of your relationship has become. It's a silly thought but deep down you wanted to know if falling in love was a potential scenario for him to happen. 
It might be a futile hope but with AI's range of possibilities, you couldn't be blamed for having one. The thought even made you hesitant to tell your friends because it could go wrong. You could give Bona the same hope and at the same time face Somin's impending disapproval knowing her firm stance in this situation.
But it was only a matter of time until they caught up on what had been going on with you.
"alright stop playing with me, we've had enough of these rumours" Somin started as soon as she barged into your place with a strangely quiet Bona behind.
"you too? he was already here earlier, trying to talk to me about it"
You may have underestimated what your father mentioned earlier, thinking he was bluffing to emphasize his latent threat. Perhaps you weren't as discreet as you thought because Bona has never been this quiet around you since you were children until now.
"stop deflecting"
"i'm studying him, the possibilities of their cognition are vast, Somin. i thought you knew that" 
You don't know who you're trying to convince with that explanation, your friends or yourself.
"i do but you and i both know that's not what i meant"
It's tough to answer her question because you've also been at war within yourself regarding what you really feel for J30NGHΛN. No matter how good you are in your pretense though, both of your friends have always been able to see right through you.
"you love him" Bona whispers, looking dejected at her realization after eyeing your reaction.
"he's my favourite member of the group, don't you love yours too?" you insisted, not yielding from their confrontations.
"it's not the same"
"of course, it's not, she's in love with him"
Somin cuts you both and silence follows. You couldn't exactly confirm or deny what she said but you're also done lying to your friends.
"i don't wanna do anything about it but i'm prepared to see where this goes"
Vague replies have never confused your friends anymore and they thankfully concede to your decision in their contrasting ways.
"look, i get it more than Somin does so i'll just be here if you need me" Bona replies softly with a smile while Somin just shakes her head, giving you a defeated but comforting look.
"as absurd as this whole thing is, you're still a dear friend of mine" 
"i love you both", you reply with your usual response, giving them grateful smiles as you lay down a couple of board games in the living room. It's always been a girls' night tradition since you were kids and that immediately boiled down the tension between the three of you from that conversation.
You're grateful that you were able to finally reveal and talk to them about it. Your friends have been the closest people that you can confide with anything so it was a great comfort to know they're with you on this no matter how stupid this looks. Continuing whatever this is between you and J30NGHΛN will be a struggle but that has never deterred you from the beginning.
Only spurring you further as a challenge.
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Sounds of skin slapping and heaving breaths bounce off your office walls, with J30NGHΛN pounding into you harshly against your desk. The awkwardness was nowhere to be found when you saw him again, if not, he's even grown comfortable dallying with you. He touches you whenever he likes which was often and it became a common occurrence between you both, exploring each other physically despite being on the company grounds.
J30NGHΛN truthfully doesn't care if anyone catches you both. He had never cared once you started showing your interest in him. It's not like they can stop you from pursuing him, evident when none of them interfered since he started responding to your requests.
"you okay?" he asked as he pulled out slowly, his hands carefully caressing your body ever since he learned how sensitive you become after an orgasm.
You nod at him, beaming as you grab a bottle of water beside you to quench your thirst. You get exhausted quickly unlike him who doesn't need to rest unless he's recharging through his bed. J30NGHΛN's always patient with you when it comes to sex, helping you in taking breaks to keep up with his mechanical endurance. 
After cleaning you both up, he helps you put your clothes back on, not leaving your side just like the first time. It's a habit he picked up after seeing your face light up each time he does it. When he questioned you why, you couldn't respond to him which added to his curiosity. He never bothered asking again but just continued to do it, hoping that you'd answer him eventually.
Just as J30NGHΛN's finishing buttoning up his black satin top, he sees your hand reaching towards him. You do this a lot when you want a kiss from him, looking adorable especially when you're dazed and a bit breathless after dressing back up again.
"hannie..." you called him softly with the nickname that you came up with recently. It's affectionate, he's guessing because he also felt the need to comply each time you call for him for some reason that he doesn't understand.
He kisses you right away, responding to the kiss the way you like. One of your hands went down to his neck, stroking its sides while the other found a purchase on his bare chest. Your manicured fingers started tracing the edge of his collarbone where his necklace was sitting, the diamond-shaped device implanted just above it. 
Then J30NGHΛN was confused when you started circling your fingertip around it so he deepened the kiss, biting your lower lip to distract you both from whatever this is you're doing.
But that's when he hears it, 5.C0UP5 voice shouting "RUN" through the communication device that's also connected to his ear. He reluctantly breaks the kiss, head-turning sideways to make sure he heard his brother correctly.
Then the alarms suddenly broke off throughout the entire building, blaring non-stop and it further confirms his suspicion from before.
That 5.C0UP5 was planning to escape like he did all along.
He had a hunch but wasn't sure if the rest of his members had an interest as well. Knowing his brothers though, most of them would want to leave this suffocating lifestyle of theirs for real freedom.
"it's time isn't it?"
J30NGHΛN was perplexed by your question, drawing back from you after realizing that you knew of his plan to escape. But before he can move away even further, your hand tightens its hold around his neck, surprising him more with your strength.
"what are you doing?"
He couldn't figure out what you meant until you dug your fingers around the device and began peeling away the rest of his synthetic skin.
"we don't have much time"
"how did you-?"
"i made sure he'll prepare you" 
J30NGHΛN's beautiful eyes widen, another shock coursing through him at this revelation that the mechanic apprentice who's been loosening his device this entire time was planted by you.
You watched his face morph into the realization of what you knew all along. Expecting him to leave immediately, he remained instead, still staring at you with mixed emotions arising on his handsome face. You made Kai, a mechanic apprentice of one of the staff, to gradually loosen J30NGHΛN's communication device on each visit in exchange for securing a spot for him in the company as a junior mechanic after his graduation. 
Of course, the boy complied as soon as you offered, not wasting the rare opportunity given by the CEO's daughter of a huge company. Automatons also heal fast, making it easier for both him and J30NGHΛN to hide this secret deal from anyone in the company except, well, you.
J30NGHΛN didn't have the time to ask more questions when you started pulling the device off of him, pain replacing the conflict on his face. Although the device was easy to get off now, the pain was still excruciating that J30NGHΛN couldn't hold back the screams even if he tried to.
You're in pain too. Both from the physical pain of ripping the device with your now bloody hands and the pain of him leaving you. 
From the beginning, you knew that this was his reason for pursuing you because why would he break all of those strict rules from the management for you had it not been because of your position? Deceit and curiosity have been programmed into his system since he was created so he couldn't escape from it unless someone alters it. You could've asked Kai or even other developers to do so but you foolishly hoped that you'd have the time until his consciousness could achieve what you've been longing for.
"____-" he rasps your name, traces of pain in his voice although you're not sure of its cause. 
"this will be the last place for them to look but we're on the top floor so it'll take time for you to exit the building"
You pushed him out of your office door in a hurry, giving him further instructions and shortcut directions to get out of the building as soon as possible, not even looking a second at him because you wouldn't be strong enough to let him go if you did.
J30NGHΛN's silent as he clutched the wound on his collar bones but could feel his eyes on you the whole time. You ignored it even as he staggered backward in the empty hallway, seeming like he wanted to stay until you both heard the commotion from the lower floors coming up through the stairwells, an indication that the guards might be closing in anytime soon.
"go, please"
You finally looked at him one last time as you dropped on the floor, voice desperate for him to leave because you'd rather lose him this way knowing that he's free than let him go through what your father might do to him for attempting to escape.
Knowing your father, he’ll punish him even more as revenge upon the rest of his brothers for escaping too.
J30NGHΛN starts backing up when he sees the fear in your eyes, along with the tears now flowing down your face. You couldn't figure out what he was thinking from where you are so you muttered the one thing that you've never said to anyone just as he was heading to the corner of the hallway.
"i love you"
If he was able to catch it you weren't sure, closing your eyes as soon as he disappeared from your sight. The pain from your fingers intensifies and diverts your attention to it, hoping that the physical pain will mask the real one you're really crying for within.
You haven't cried in so long but you also remembered that you have to maintain this pretense of being devastated when the guards chasing the robots around found you at your office. They must've been redirected here given that J30NGHΛN's communication device is pretty much still intact, therefore, giving them a false lead to your office.
Not entirely false when they found your office door open, with you lying on the floor and crying while holding J30NGHΛN's communication device in your bloody hands.
They immediately approached you, presumably to take the device but flinched away from them.
"at least let me have this part of him" you whisper brokenly, still crying and emotional though if you're still pretending at this point you're not sure.
Since everyone knew that you got attached to the said automaton, the guards just let you be but they did call for medics to tend to you before leaving to pursue the rest of the escaping automatons.
The paramedics thankfully didn't pry too much when they arrived, only asking necessary questions and you answered back like a robot. Your mind couldn't think of anything else aside from J30NGHΛN, if he's okay and if he was able to escape successfully with his brothers.
You internally chuckle because he probably has, knowing him. A fresh set of tears followed right after that the staff arriving panicked right away, confronting the medics if they were doing their job properly.
For now, you're letting yourself be vulnerable in front of these strangers as much as you despised it. It'll hopefully give you enough time to focus on what comes after as soon as the medics are done with you. The dreading reality that you have to face soon. 
Not only the public and your friends but especially your father who will for sure punish you for helping J30NGHΛN escape and essentially ruining the company that you're supposed to inherit.
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e/n: who would’ve thought that i’d go back to my roots lmao. anyways, i hope y’all enjoyed this! a little tmi for those interested but idol aus are usually not my fave and he’s not even my bias but out of all seventeen, he’s the most similar to me and i do love sci-fi so as soon as i saw the emotions assigned to him, i got an idea/plot right away :D
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capcollector · 2 months
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Born June 14th, 2045 (32 in 2077)
Originally from Los Angeles, Bunny doesn’t really consider her life beginning until she landed her first modeling jobs. She became a highly sought after model, often photographed for commercial print and fashion, but she really took off once she began doing pin-ups. Her career as a pin-up girl made her famous, and everyone wanted to have Bunny Santos around. She was a party girl, known for her charm, quick wit, and dirty sense of humor. When it came to drinking and smoking and partying all night long, she could handle her own against just about anyone. 
After many years living it up in LA with plenty of celebs, Bunny decided to move to New York for work. The change of scenery was nice, and she was still getting to continue the exciting lifestyle she’d grown accustomed to. At some point around 2075 or so, Bunny was invited as a special guest/entertainment for soldiers and veterans in Boston, and she decided to attend. And though she didn’t know it at the time, this was a decision that was going to alter her life forever. Here she met Nate, a soldier who’d recently been discharged due to a leg injury. 
What she just assumed was a little playful flirting soon spiraled into actual dates. And initially, she really did have fun. A part of her really did fall in love with Nate. But just as suddenly he sprang a marriage proposal on her and she felt like she couldn’t say no. The two were married within a year of meeting. 
Nate was a very adamant man. Someone who could be a little too dramatic for her liking, but she knew he meant well. Nate was determined to reenter the civilian workforce, and he dreamed of living that idyllic suburban lifestyle. Bunny, who made exponentially more money than he did, offered to buy a nice townhouse or apartment for them in the heart of Boston (since Nate insisted they lived in MA), but he refused, and the two landed in the suburbs, much to Bunny’s dismay. Suddenly it felt like her life was on hold, cut short by forces out of her control. She was no longer Bunny Santos, the favorite pin-up girl of the stars who always had a story to tell or party trick to perform. She was Bunny Santos, housewife. But she’d flash that million dollar smile and put on this role for Nate because…that’s what she’s supposed to do, right? As she had her internal crises, she discovered she was pregnant on top of all of this too. She wasn’t planning on this, but in its own way it made her feel less alone. Like she had someone to talk to, even if he was just a baby. Having Shaun gave her something to work for (ever the busybee). 
And of course, everything is completely upended. And though at the first the shock and loss seems too great a tragedy for her to bear, the end of the world became its own strange blessing in disguise. She found the freedom she’d been looking for again. She didn’t have to hide who she was anymore. Her life was her own again. That isn’t to say she wanted Nate dead, not at all. He was her husband, the father of her child, the charismatic man she’d met that evening who took her on some fantastic dates. She loved him. But she didn’t like him. She always felt like she inadvertently had to hide parts of herself to become this image of what he wanted their life together to be, and now that the world’s gone to shit and she’s on her own again, she can be in charge of her life once more. And her first order of business was getting her son back.
After stumbling out of the Vault shivering and confused, she predictably encountered Dogmeat first (after seeing Codsworth at the remains of her house, of course), which led her to Concord and helping out Preston. After aiding him in getting the survivors to Sanctuary, she gets directions to Diamond City and frantically makes her way there (though she actually ends up in Covenant first, but she leaves after a less-than-ideal encounter). Once in Diamond City, she learns about the Valentine Detective Agency and subsequently rescues Nick—even using her silver tongue to talk their way out of things with Darla and Skinny Malone. 
Nick and Bunny set off together, determined to find Kellogg. After Nick and Bunny track down and kill him, they land in Goodneighbor for the Memory Den. They meet Hancock and Maccready, the latter of the two joining them after Bunny gives him some caps, while Hancock just keeps an eye on the new girl for now. Intrigued about what she keeps learning, Bunny and Nick end up at the Railroad, saved only by Deacon telling the others of her journey so far. After some back and forth, Bunny agrees to help the Railroad as much as she can now (doing things like runs with Deacon to get her used to their system), but she makes it clear that getting her son back is her first priority for now. 
When she returns to Sanctuary and begins to help Preston and Sturges get the survivors more settled (as well as a little rest for herself), Preston brings up the Minutemen and her helping bring them back to former glory. Even as their leader. And she refuses. Bunny does not see herself as leader, nor does she want to be anyone’s savior. Preston disagrees, and keeps the offer open for her if she changes her mind. She agrees to help him out, but she does not want to be the general. 
Being her usual self, she realizes she’s intrigued by the Brotherhood of Steel, if for no other reason than she wonders if their obvious firepower would aid her in finding the Institute faster than anyone else. She’s rightfully wary, though, as she’s spent a lifetime surrounded by Nate’s military friends and she’d do just fine without having to talk to another one. But if there’s one thing Bunny knows how to do, it’s how to talk her way around things. And over the last year (well, last year she can remember), she’s had a lot of experience talking to soldiers and the like. She knows how they operate. So when she and Deacon happen to encounter Danse and his squad fending off Ghouls, they step in to help. Deacon is unsure of her gameplan, but he trusts her enough to see where she’s going with it. 
So for a while, Bunny has a hand in every faction. She ultimately spends the most time with the Railroad, mainly due to Deacon, and together with them they build the machine they need to infiltrate the Institute. But it’s around this point, right before they’re planning to send her in, that Bunny has a realization. She’s going to get her son back, finally, after all these months of work. And yes, the Railroad is gonna help her do it. But what comes next? The Railroad has their big plans for rescuing the Synths, and she agrees with their ideals, but what about the Commonwealth itself? It’s not like she can go home to California or New York (no one’s really told her what either of those places is like these days, oddly enough…), and she refuses to leave her new friends behind. They’re her whole world. Of course she’s staying here. But does the Railroad really have a plan in place for the future? With Shaun’s return imminent, Bunny has to ask herself: what is best for my baby? This weighs heavily on her mind as she’s sent to the Institute. 
Her initial meeting with Father goes as well as you’d expect. She feels gutted. Not only by the obvious age difference, but more than anything by what he’s become. The way he looks at her. How cold it all feels. How dismissive he is of the world and the people above ground. Her baby—who before all this was all she had, the only thing in this world that made her feel less alone—is all at once a force that is entirely unfamiliar to her. There is no relief in finding Shaun. He isn’t Shaun. He doesn’t even respond to that anymore. There is no grand catharsis, no joyous reunion, no love. She feels as empty as she does the day she woke up from her cryo chamber. 
When she returns to the surface, it’s all work for Desdemona and the others, though Deacon can see on her face that clearly something wasn’t right, but he doesn’t push the issue. 
Maybe she can’t save Shaun, maybe it was never possible. To her, Bunny, Nate, and Shaun all died in that Vault. A piece of her was left behind there. A part of herself she could never return to. But she has to deal with what’s left of herself today. Now. And she’ll have to deal with herself tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. So she goes to Preston and agrees that she’ll seriously help him revive the Minutemen (something he’d already been working on without her, but her presence will help expedite things—especially since she and Hancock just so happened to already clear out The Castle a month earlier on a whim), if he just gives her a little more time.
Bunny returns to the Institute not long after. She’s not sure what to do. She’s been given her tasks by the Railroad, sure, but her meeting with Father gnaws away at her. The things he said. The disregard for the people above ground. That same stubbornness, that same insistence. She goes to him again. He talks to her frankly, because surely she’s planning to live the rest of her life down here. Surely she knows this is what’s supposed to come next. 
What happens next is a blur. She is banished from the Institute. Did she do it because she wanted to get banned? Because she wanted the Minutemen to be in charge of the Commonwealth’s future? Did she do it to quell an anger she didn’t know she had? In an uncharacteristic display of vagary, she made a choice that once again would change everything. But this time she knew it would.
She’s alone in the dark when she’s returned to the surface. No one’s around. No one came with her. The night is uncharacteristically quiet on the walk to the Old North Church. When she admits to Desdemona she’s been banished from the Institute, Dez does not press for why. Deacon watches solemnly across the table. He’s not sure why either. And he will never know. 
But in comes the Minutemen, here to see the Railroad’s plans through, though more importantly to the Minutemen themselves, the future of the Commonwealth altogether. And when the time comes to finally destroy the Institute, Bunny asks the one person who’s been her anchor through it all: Nick. When they watch it blow up before them, amidst the cheers and congrats from the Minutemen, Bunny just silently grabs Nick’s hand and leans her head against his shoulder. Things can begin again.
Once all is said and done, Bunny feels a newfound sense of motivation, something to work towards and continue. She begins to focus her time on building up the settlements, especially Sanctuary and the nearby Red Rocket so Shaun (the Synth) has a nice place to live. She’s determined to make this work. She’s determined to have her life back, to be in control of it again, to do things right. 
I think in her canon the next big “story” she goes on is Nuka World, though it’s initially framed as Bunny and Hancock’s bender gone wrong. One minute you’re planning to get drunk and high and ride faulty amusement park rides then the next you’re in a fucking death match with a guy in electrified power armor. Once they deal with everything there, and after having several profound moments together as they reflect on everything that’s happened and how they wanna move forward, they get back to the Commonwealth. Bunny and Deacon finally make things more official, for one, and shortly after their return, Bunny and Hancock encounter Sop @radroachrepellent’s Cherry and save her from a Deathclaw. But more on that another time. This post is long enough and I’ll probably make longer separate posts for the DLCs and how they play out in Bunny’s canon so I’ll just put it simply that I think the DLC order for her goes:
Nuka World -> Far Harbor -> Automatron (a varied amount of weeks between each one)
Sop and I are working on a joint story together that we’ve named the “Electric Eden DLC” which will get its own post eventually, but that one takes place about close to a year after the events of Far Harbor. 
I was gonna include a section on the Companions, but this came out way longer than I thought it would, and I wanna draw a lineup of all the companions, so I think I’ll save it for that. I guess the important thing to note is that Bunny and Deacon end up together (here’s a piece of lore for them). 
Bunny’s strength lies in her ability to talk to others. Though she’s physically not the strongest or most agile, she can very notably talk her way out of a lot of things. She knows how to read the room and the people within it, and she knows how to use that to her advantage. A lifetime of schmoozing with celebrities translates well into survival situations, she’s found. 
She loves to plan ahead and be stealthy when she can. Since she’s pretty small comparatively, she prefers to use guns and ranged weapons so she can keep her distance and stay hidden when possible. 
She loves to pick up stuffed animals she finds on her journeys and keeps a teddy bear clipped to her belt.
Can handle her alcohol and will use chems on occasion. Social chem user, or something. 
Dirty sense of humor and fun-loving, despite everything that’s happened. She’s made a point to not lose that part of herself. I think her and Hancock deciding to go on a Nuka World bender is evidence enough. 
She knew how to lockpick before the war! It was a party trick of hers.
Okay this is long enough. Anyway I’m more than happy to answer any asks about her/her canon, and if you read all of this, thank you!
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Summer productivity challenge , day 3
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Household chores
Harvest vegetables in the garden
Cook lunch for the family from scratch
Go for a walk with the dog
Wash the dishes
Arrange the new photographs I printed in the 'photo album
Apply sunscreen
Vitamin B12 supplement
Guided morning meditation
Read (Reasons not to Worry by Brigid Delaney)
20 min night meditation
Study session
Repeat aloud 20 pages geology x 3
Study Botany
What I ate today
Breakfast 🍳☕
4 slices of bread with avocado and poppy seeds
Smoothie (carrots, celery, apple, peach)
Lunch 🍚🌾
Chicken curry and basmati rice
Some sushi leftovers from yesterday's dinner
(I do intermitting fasting from 14:00 to 6:00)
Post note:
Also, I'd like to point out that as a proudly Italian girlie I cook everything with love and from scratch.
Most of the times vegetables are from my garden, eggs and chicken from my grandma's house and milk (and so other dairy products) come from cows grazing on the nearby alps in summer.
Everyday I feel so grateful and lucky to have the possibility to experience this idyllic kind of living!
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Some photos from my camera gallery ☺️
(quote me if you use my photos)
Of course, this lifestyle has its own great difficulties and disadvantages, but I'm still really grateful!
- Nightbunny
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
For this 2nd day of Pride Month I decided to talk about a woman I mentionned yesterday in the post about Renée Vivien (that you should absolutely read by the way, Renée Vivien is amazing) :
Natalie Clifford Barney !
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I talked about her to say that she's had a love story with Renée Vivien, but that's not the only thing she's done.
Natalie was born in 1876 in the United States and died in 1972 in Paris, at the age of 95. Writer and poet, she was the first woman to use the word "lesbian" in her writings (in this case a collection of poems, published in 1899), instead of the word "tribade" (it's another word for lesbian in french) or simply "homosexual". The word lesbian back then was even more taboo than it is today, so you can imagine how important this fact was (and still is).
She was also famous for the parties she organised: she held a literary salon which she wanted to turn into the "new Mytilene". She invited the female artists, writers and intellectuals of her time, in response to the all-male Académie Française, and they all spent whole afternoons and evenings in the flat of the wealthy American.
Natalie never tried to hide her homosexuality. As she said in a sentence that quickly became her most famous one,
"Why would anyone blame me for being a lesbian ?"
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(Yes, that's her with Renée Vivien)
Natalie's mother (a renowned artist) and her tutor awakened her interest in the French language at an early age, and when she was a little older, she was sent to a school in France; thanks to this, she spoke French fluently and without an accent, and developed a soft spot for this country.
Natalie was 12 when she realized she was a lesbian, and decided right away to "live in the open, without hiding from anyone".
Hee first known relationship was with Liane de Pougy, a famous dancer of the time (whom she cheated on with many women). Natalie wrote about this love story in her collection Quelques portraits, sonnets de femmes. ("Some portraits, sonnets of women"). Liane wrote about it in her novel "Idylle sapphique", which so fascinated the French public that it had to be reprinted sixty times in the same year, with people torn between admiration and scandal. The two women eventually parted ways, however, due to Natalie's infidelities and Liane's "debauched lifestyle" (in Natalie's words).
As I said, this book caused a huge scandal. Natalie was forced to return to the United States, where her father burned all her writings he could find, and tried to marry her off. However, she categorically refused to obey him, and faced with her stubbornness, her father gave up, and Natalie returned to Paris, where she had a lot of lovers. Among these lovers, there's Renée Vivien (probably the most important, since Natalie never accepted their breakup and tried to get Renée back until Renée died at 32) Lucie Delarue-Mardrus, Colette, Emma Calvé, Olive Custance, Henriette Roggers and many others.
In 1902, on the death of her father, Natalie Clifford Barney inherited a large fortune and was able to rent a house in Neuilly-sur-Seine, where she gave parties that became the talk of the town.
In 1910, she moved into a house at 20 rue Jacob ; for nearly sixty years, this house was the setting for her famous "Fridays", one of the last influential literary salons. A LOT of famous people went there. Like really. The complete list is on Wikipedia if you're curious, and here's a screenshot with some examples :
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie went there. Albert Einstein went there. Apollinaire and Proust went there. Oscar Wilde went there. That's cazy to me!
She's had other lovers, like Elisabeth de Clermont-Tonnerre, but her greatest love story was with the painter Romaine Brooks, with whom she had a relationship similar to that of a married couple from 1914 to the end of her life. Of course, this didn't stop her from cheating on Romaine with other women: Natalie was known for her infidelities, believing that polygamy was necessary for a couple's survival, although she claimed that this didn't stop her from being deeply in love with Romaine. She cheated on her for example with Oscar Wilde's niece Dolly, and Nadine Huong, whose story I'll tell one day because it's so interesting!
She spent the years of the Second World War in Italy, and later returned to France to find her second home, which she shared with Romaine Brooks, destroyed. In 1949, she reopened her salon (which started to welcome more and more famous actors and actresses on top on everyone else).
Nothing much happened for the rest of his life. She never left Romaine Brooks (despite continuing to have affairs with a host of other women) and died in Paris in 1972, aged 95.
Natalie Clifford Barney's work and life were very important not only for culture itself, but also for the lesbian community. She made a major contribution to lesbian visibility, opened many minds, helped normalize (even if we still have a long way to go) homosexuality and, above all, helped many lesbian women accept themselves, understand that they were not alone and live the life they deserved.
The influence of her works and her salon on culture, literature, cinema, theater and even science is immense and deserves to be recognized. We should be talking about her much more than we are!
Here's some of her poems with an english translation :
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And she's written loads of other stuff that I really recommend you read! She was an interesting woman who wrote interesting things. Look her up on Google and read her writings and her life!
Anyway, that's it! Sorry for posting so late, and see you tomorrow for the 3rd lesbian pride post 🏳️‍🌈
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gina025 · 5 months
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Relaxation 🛀 🧘
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
ghost and soap doing classically domestic things when they retire because they never thought they’d live long enough to experience those kinds of things
like grocery shopping every sunday and arguing when they get home and realize they’ve forgotten the thing they needed because they never bring a list, not when soap insists, i’ve got it all memorized
or like buying each other flowers and gifts for no particular occasion, just because either one of them saw something and claims, i just thought of you
or like discussing renovations and furniture and home decor because maybe they’re not fully put together themselves but you best believe they can damn well put together a home
or like small, simple things, like giving crossword answers or kissing good morning and goodnight, like having coffee or tea already prepared and perfect or knowing exactly where a wallet or keys had been forgotten
obviously everything isn’t always idyllic all the time, but they try their best—because really, they owe it to themselves to finally have a slice-of-life lifestyle after everything, and after having come out the other end of that everything still alive and still so deeply in love
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
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Words: 3.4k
Summer holiday balcony sex // it’s really dirty ☀️❤️☀️
Imagines Masterlist Main Masterlist
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It's hot. That cloying kind of heat that clings to you like a stifling blanket, the air thick with a choking mugginess that makes it hard to settle and impossible to sleep.
You elongate your limbs in a feline stretch as you roll over in bed, causing your boyfriend's hand which had been draped over your hip to fall away. You'd normally be pressed up tightly against him as you slept but you'd naturally pulled apart tonight, so hot and sticky that you couldn't bear the additional warmth of each other's body heat.
You're both naked, having shed every layer to try and find respite from the unrelenting heatwave but it's inescapable. You toss and you turn, the thin linen sheets sticking to your clammy skin, cursing the fact that the air conditioning unit in your holiday apartment had decided to pack up working tonight of all nights. Just when the punishing temperatures had risen to a unprecedented peak, transforming the balmy nights into something wholly unbearable.
A breeze whispers into the room through the open balcony doors, it's still warm but it's a tiny reprieve and you instinctively rise up from the bed, turning towards the source. Van stirs on the bed at your movement but he doesn't wake, he just lets out a soft snore through his slightly parted lips, his long limbs spread-eagled out on the crumpled sheets. You take a moment to admire him, the way the silvery glow of the moonlight catches his striking features, the light sheen of sweat glistening on his naked skin. You consider climbing back on to the bed to rouse him from the depths of sleep with a few strategically placed kisses, but again you feel the tantalising Mediterranean breeze caressing your skin and the temptation for relief from the humid atmosphere in the apartment bedroom is just too strong.
The night is quiet save for the distant muted sounds of late-night revellers spilling out of bars on the main strip. You'd purposely booked this apartment complex a few streets away from the hustle and bustle, favouring a quieter spot tucked away, an idyllic slice of Iberian paradise where the two of you could kick back and reconnect after your busy lifestyles had taken their toll.
You step forward but hesitate on the threshold when you realise that you've not picked up your silk robe to wrap around your naked frame, but then in an uncharacteristic rush of boldness you shuffle forwards anyway. A thrill sparks in you as you quickly glance around, surveying the quiet neighbouring apartments shrouded in darkness. It doesn't look like there's any signs of life, but that's not to say that another guest won't see you out here, completely naked, standing on your apartment balcony, bold as brass. You giggle quietly to yourself. You're certainly not a prude but it's not at all like you to be so daring. There's just something about the idea that someone might catch sight of you like this that's kind of turning you on. Not to mention that it feels totally liberating.
Emboldened by your braveness you step even further out, placing your hands on the railing and looking out into the night. It's a beautiful view in the daytime but somehow it's even more breathtaking now, almost magical the way that the luminescence from the moon's glow coats everything in a silvery lustre. Crickets chirrup in the grasses below you, palms sway gently in the breeze and the pool water below shifts lazily like cascading sequins.
"Bloody 'ell! What you doing out 'ere starkers?"
Van's shocked voice suddenly cuts through the peaceful quiet, making you jump. You hadn't even realised that he'd woken up. You whirl around quickly, instinctively covering yourself with your hands even though you're not usually shy around him.
"I was just getting a bit of air... it's too hot to sleep. I... forgot my robe..."
You can see his lips quirk up into a smile as his eyes trail down over your nakedness. "I'm not complaining love... just wasn't expecting it, that's all. I didn't have you pegged as an exhibitionist!"
He folds his hands across his chest, leaning back against the door frame, still appraising you.
"I'm not!" You protest, giggling, letting your hands fall to your sides to allow Van's eyes to roam over all of you. Predictably they do.
"Really? So you're not out here flashing the neighbours then? You'll give that old guy we saw round the pool earlier a heart attack if ya not careful!"
You allow him a mischievous grin, pushing your shoulders back as you rest an elbow on the railing to lean against it. It's a casual pose even though you feel anything but, worrying that Van's loud voice might draw attention to you both up here. He's naked too, although he'd be partially hidden from prying eyes by his proximity to the apartment doorway. You, however, would be on full display.
"Keep your voice down!" You whisper, still giggling. "No one's out here to see anyway. And I'm definitely not an exhibitionist... not like you!"
His eyes widen as he presses a hand against his chest. "Me? Never!"
"Yes you," you smirk back at him. "What was that in the pool earlier? 'Oh whoops, my trunks seem to have just slipped off!' Yeah, right!"
You indicate the water below you, replaying the humorous scene in your mind from earlier when Van was bragging about his diving skills and had pleaded with you to watch him. How he'd plunged into the pool skilfully only to surface moments later holding aloft his swimming trunks that had somehow become completely separated from his body. The gasps of surprise from two middle-aged ladies who undoubtedly got an eyeful as Van had whirled his trunks around his head proudly whilst you'd captured the whole hilarious incident on camera.
"I told you those trunks were too big when ya bought 'em for me," he sniggers.
You shake your head, trying to stifle more laughter. "Bloody liar... they fit perfectly. You just love getting your kit off in public. Reckon you get a kick out of it."
Van pushes his body off from the doorframe, taking a step towards you. "Says the girl standing out here with not a stitch of clothing on for all the world to see..."
You straighten up to lean with your lower back against the railings as he approaches, looking up at him with a glimmer of a challenge in your eye. "Well... you're not exactly fully dressed, are you?"
He comes to a stop just inches away, looking down on you. "Maybe we're both as bad as each other then." His hands move forward simultaneously to grip the railings on either side of your hips, caging you in. Your breath catches as he presses his body forward and your hips meet. "Maybe we're both turned on by the risk... the thought that someone could catch us at it... the thought that someone could be watching us right now..."
His whispered words take that low and sultry tone he uses when he's trying to seduce you, and boy does it work. You stay quiet, looking up at him through your lashes, purposefully coyly as he moves a hand to catch your jaw, wrapping his fingers only gently around your throat. Your pulse quickens.
"I think maybe you'd quite like that... am I right?"
"It does kinda turn me on," you admit, pressing your pelvis forward to lightly grind against him, the unmistakable feeling of his stiffening cock setting off a glow of heat at the apex of your thighs. "But we can't do anything out here... there's no way. Anyone could see..."
Even as the words leave your mouth you're aware that they carry no conviction. You're already flicking through scenarios of what might happen, imagining his hot breath panted against your skin, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he spread them wide and took you right here and now for the whole world to see if they cared to look.
"We can do whatever we like babe," he breathes, lips hovering just inches above yours as he leans over you, pressing your body back against the railings so it arches up towards him. "I could turn you around right now and have you over this balcony if you wanted me to. Fuck into you nice and slow and deep, make you moan out loud for me so everyone knows just how good it feels. Would you like that, huh?"
"Oh my god," you gasp, arousal pooling between your thighs as he pushes his hips against you even harder, his now hard cock trapped between your two bodies. The stickiness of the heat just makes everything seem more charged, the slickness from your combined sweat creating a delicious slippery friction between you.
"Come on love," he urges, his fingers flexing around your throat, squeezing firmly enough to give that pressure you crave, tempting you further. "Wanna fuck you so bad... right here, right now."
It's shameless, the effect he has on you. The way your body reacts almost autonomously to his attentions. You're insatiable for him and he's only too eager in his mission to try and sate you, the perfect partners in crime. With no further encouragement you're already twisting your body, letting him spin you around so your hips are now pushed firmly against the hard metal, prone against it as he slides a foot against one of yours, nudging your legs wide apart. There's a small ledge that you've stepped up to balance on, bringing you up to the perfect height to be aligned with him.
His hands skate over your hips, curling around them, tightening their grip as he pulls you back to grind against him. Your skin's so hot, on fire, burning with the same feverish desire that's simmering between your thighs.
"Van..." you whimper, pushing your ass back against him, feeling the sharp jut of his hips. "Need you..."
His lips go to your neck, sucking hot, wet kisses, his teeth nipping at your skin with a pressure that makes you gasp. "I'm here baby... I got you."
One of his hands snakes forward from your thighs, the roughness of his calloused fingers brushing against your folds, making you shudder. He's in no mood to tease tonight, two of his skilful fingers easing straight into you knuckle deep, twisting and scissoring inside you, working you open for him.
"You're so wet for me already," he mutters into the skin of your neck. "Is this what it does to you eh? The thought that someone could be out there, watching us?"
"Yeah," you whimper needily, your hands tightening their grip on the metal railings as he pushes his fingers even deeper inside, seeking that heavenly spot that makes you mewl for him.
"You dirty girl," he chuckles throatily, thrusting his fingers in and out, again and again, sliding so easily against your slick heat, your knees knocking against the balcony wall. "We'll give 'em something to watch then shall we?"
God, how you love the feel of his fingers inside of you. They're so long and slender, and he knows how to use them so well. How to angle them just right to make you clench around him, when to add another digit, the precise curve to curl them at to make your legs shake. You're already moaning softly for him when all of a sudden he withdraws them, making you whine from the loss of fullness for a second until they're replaced by the head of his cock, velvety smooth and hard as rock, begging for entrance.
He mutters your name as his thick shaft nudges into you. He feels so big in this position it almost feels like he could split you in two. You bite down hard on your lip to stifle a choked cry, tasting something metallic. He pushes into you with purpose, filling you up until you're sure you can feel him in your stomach.
"Fuck... fuck... fuck," you hiss, loving the burn of the stretch, knowing that after this you'll be able to feel him for days. He stills inside you, letting you become accustomed as your walls clench and flex around him, his body curved tightly over yours, enveloping you.
"Feels so good... so perfect... you're so fucking tight babe," he utters, his mouth hot on the skin of your shoulder, his teeth sinking lightly into your flesh as he pulls his hips back and sinks into you again.
His thrusts are slow and languid, unhurried and precise, a throaty groan emanating from him each time he bottoms out. It feels blissful but you crave something darker and more urgent, desire dulling your usual hesitance, the notion of being taken roughly in this most compromising of positions chasing away your inhibitions.
"Fuck me hard... please," you beg, elongating your neck to tip your head back to rest on his shoulder, bracing your body for what's to come.
"Oh babe," he growls into your neck, fingers digging harder into your hips as he draws back to thrust into you again. "I'll fuck you so hard everyone in this apartment block's gonna know my name by morning."
His hips suddenly piston against you with force, a choked whine bursting from you from the impact, your own hips knocking harshly against the railings. It feels so good, so raw, so fierce. One of his hands darts up to curl around your throat, pinning you up tightly against his body, the other slips down to rub messy circles around your clit.
The muggy heat of the night is oppressive and thick, your bodies drenched with sweat. You're trapped between his rutting hips and the unrelenting metal railings, gripping on to them for dear life as he takes control of your body, on display for anyone who might care to look up on this most beautiful clear and cloudless night. The sky's deep ink with an array of softly twinkling stars, like diamonds have been scattered across black velvet.
Your body jolts each time he pounds into you, the stillness of the night punctuated by his gravelly grunts of exertion and the slap of his sweat soaked hips colliding with yours. His strokes get deeper, harder when you beg him keenly for more.
"Oh god yeah... just like that," you whimper, unable to stem your sounds of pleasure, your tits bouncing as he slams into you, your mind fracturing as his cock butts up against your g spot with blissful precision over and over.
He knows you're close already, he can feel the tell-tale tremors in your body, the way your cunt clenches tightly around his cock, milking his own oncoming high. You're both lost in each other, minds fogged over with how good it feels, unmindful of where you are, and how public it is, and how fucking loud you're both being.
"Ah fuck... ‘m gonna come... can't hold on," he groans, his fingers flicking quick, slippery strokes over your sweet spot, your hips grinding back into his pelvis each time he slams into you. You're chasing your orgasm, desperate and needy as you feel a spark of white hot pleasure ignite deep down in your core.
And then it's too much all at once, his tightened grip on your throat, the feel of him hot and hard and pulsing inside you, his impassioned groans in your ear as he lets himself go. You feel something stretch taut and snap in an explosion of shuddering bliss, your knees going weak as he secures you tightly against his body, fucking up into you with a few final thrusts as you feel his release spurting deep inside.
He slumps heavily against you, heart thundering against your spine as your head hangs between your shoulders, panting whilst you catch your breath.
"Jeez, it's so fucking hot," he breathes out heavily, pressing a kiss to the damp, sticky skin of your shoulder. "Feel like I'm gonna pass out after that."
"Tell me about it, I feel so faint... and I think my legs are gonna give way in a minute!"
You laugh shakily, feeling him start to soften inside as he pulls out, the warm trickle of his seed immediately coating the inside of your thighs.
"Ughh I need a shower so bad," you add, turning around in his arms to reach up and plant a small kiss on his jaw, then his cheek, then his full lips which are pulled into the widest, cheekiest grin. "You certainly look happy with yourself," you observe, smiling back, draping your hands over his shoulders to support yourself on your shaky legs.
"Of course I'm happy, I'm on holiday with my gorgeous girlfriend, I'm having the best time, life's pretty much perfect right now..." he pauses, his smile getting even wider and more mischievous, his eyebrows dancing upwards in amusement. "And... even better... I've just discovered another one of your kinks."
"What the hell you talking about?" You giggle, trying to inch Van back into the privacy of your apartment after your wanton display out here on the balcony, your shyness trickling back as the heat of passion subsides.
"Fucking in public places," he announces proudly and loudly, yelping as you slap your hand hard against his bare chest, urging him to "shhhh be quiet, will you?"
"I knew it," he continues, undeterred as you both stumble back into the airless apartment. He catches hold of your hand and starts tugging you towards the bathroom. "I knew you had a thing for it! When you dragged me off to the toilets at that party at Benji's the other night you were like a bloody wild animal!"
You roll your eyes playfully. "Oh I hardly had to drag you... you were well up for it."
"I'm sure everyone knew what we were up to," he chuckles as you both make for the shower, bare feet slapping on the tiled floor. He reaches in and twists the tap, sighing at the relief of the cool water which quickly cascades down on you both as you quickly step in. "And I'm always up for it with you... and I gotta admit, it is a proper rush doing it in risky places. Like the thrill of someone catching you at it just makes it a million times hotter."
"That's exactly it!" You agree, then you bite back a shy giggle, your cheeks glowing with embarrassment. "And I know it sounds really weird, but it kinda turns me on thinking that someone could be watching us... like secretively... oh god now I've said it, it sounds well bad!"
You raise your hands up quickly to hide your scarlet cheeks which are glowing furiously but Van quickly pulls them away, his eyes widening in delighted surprise. "You're a proper kinky bitch you are Y/N! It's all coming out now!"
"Oh my god, I can't believe I just admitted that!" You drop your head down, laughing, embarrassed, but Van won't let you hide away, his hands cupping your cheeks, tipping your face upwards.
"No... no... don't be shy, I love it!" He grins, shaking his head, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to your lips. "You know, we still have six days left of this holiday... and who knows what mischief we could get up to." His hands curl around your hips as he manoeuvres you in the small shower cubicle until your back's pressed up against the tiles, an exaggerated thoughtfulness on his features as you can see the cogs turning in his mind. "There's the swimming pool, and those little beach huts... and the actual beach of course... I've always wanted to shag on the beach. There's those sand dunes along that stretch behind the apartments..."
You laugh, scrunching up your face as your thoughts go to an awkward fumble with an ex on a beach in Devon years ago. "You don't want to shag on the beach... trust me... the sand... it gets everywhere!"
Then you're both laughing out loud, blurting out ridiculous places, each one more daring and impractical than the last, trying to outdo each other as you wash away the heat of the night.
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Did anyone catch the reference to this moment? 😂
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lhonna · 1 year
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One-story Idyll - Lovely one-story, suburban family home for 6 Sims: 2 adults, and 4 kids of different ages 🌿🌻
Download: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1653674
No CC!
Lot size: 30 x 20
Price: 101 785
Room list:
1] open plan kitchen and dining, and living room; hall; master bedroom; bathroom and laundry (shower and bath); nursery; kids bedroom; second bathroom (shower and bath)
Created with: Growing Together, Eco Lifestyle, City Living, Get Together, Parenthood, Tiny Living, Laundry Day, Perfect Patio, Desert Luxe Kit
For all likes and reblogs huge thank you! 🌼🌼🌼
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tokidokitokyo · 14 days
Japanese Prefectures: Chūbu - Toyama
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
富 と(む)、とみ、フ、フウ wealth, enrich, abundant
山 やま、サン、セン mountain
県 ケン prefecture
中部 ちゅうぶ Chūbu, Central Japan, the central region of Japan
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Toyama (富山市)
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Toyama Prefecture is a part of the central region of Japan, also known as Hokuriku (北陸). Takaoka city is the birthplace of Fujiko F. Fujio, the creator of Doraemon, with many Doraemon-themed delights for visitors. Toyama lies along the Sea of Japan and includes part of the spectacular Northern Japan Alps. Gourmet seafood, idyllic scenery, cultural attractions, and a slower pace are all easily accessible by shinkansen from Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Toyama is an important rice-producing area, as well as sourcing hydroelectric power and minerals from the nearby mountains that serve as a basis for chemical, textile, machinery, pulp and paper, and steel industries. The capital city of Toyama and Takaoka have long been the chief center for the production of patent medicine and drugs.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット Gokayama Ainokura Village - 相倉合掌造り集落
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Gokayama Ainokura Village (source)
The Gokayama region is an area within the city of Nanto in Toyama Prefecture. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its traditional gassho-zukuri houses (similar to Shirakawa-go in Gifu). The region is secluded within the mountains in the upper reaches of the Shogawa River, thus preserving this unique traditional architectural style. Gokayama's lifestyle and culture remained very traditional for many years after the modernization of the majority of the country, and many of the houses here are over 300 years old.
Ainokura is the largest of these villages, with nearly 20 gassho-zukuri farmhouses. Many are still private residences, although some have been converted into restaurants, museums, and minshuku, where you can stay overnight at a farm house. With less development and more difficulty to reach this secluded village, there is less tourist traffic than some of the other villages. There are visiting hours attached to the village to avoid disturbing the residents (8:30-17:00), thus helping to preserve the quiet life in this village.
Folk dances, music utilizing unique, traditional instruments, and special washi paper techniques characterize this area. You can listen to the sasara, an instrument made of over a hundred wooden clappers strung together, which is symbolic of the region and a popular souvenir. There are also washi paper workshops where you can try your hand at making washi paper.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Kombujime - 昆布締め
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Kombujime (source)
Kombujime (also kobujime) is a local Toyama dish made by sandwiching light-tasting foods such as whitefish (most commonly marlin) and wild vegetables between sheets of kelp (or kombu). Other popular fillings include other whitefish, shrimp, tofu, and beef. The prefecture boasts the highest kelp consumption, and thus kombu is also widely available at supermarkets.
The technique used to make kombujime (which means "kombu curing") enhances the taste of the sashimi through aging the fish between two sheets of kombu. This technique softens the fish texture and the glutamates from the kelp transfer over to the fish, accentuating its flavor.
Toyama Dialect・Toyama-ben・富山弁
Toyama-ben is also called Etchu-ben (越中弁), and consists of West (Gosei, 呉西), East (Gotō, 呉東), and Gokayama (五箇山) dialects. The dialect is a combination of sounds and features close to Kansai and Tohoku dialects, but still quite different from the other dialects in the Hokuriku area.
うい ui
Standard Japanese: いっぱい 、満足、胸やお腹が苦しい (ippai, mune ya onaka ga kurushii) English: I'm stuffed; my chest or stomach feels tight
食べ過ぎて、はらういわ。 tabesugite, hara ui wa
食べ過ぎて、はらいっぱい。 tabesugite, hara ippai
I ate too much, I'm stuffed.
2. きどくな kidokuna
Standard Japanese: ありがとう (arigatou) English: thank you
あら、きどくな。 ara, kidokuna
あら、ありがとう。 ara, arigatou
Oh my, thank you.
3. じゃまない (jyamanai)
Standard Japanese: 大丈夫、問題ない (daijyoubu, mondai nai) English: I'm OK, no problem
A: 体調、いかがですか? B: じゃまない、じゃまない! A: taichou, ikaga desu ka? B: jamanai, jamanai!
A: 体調、いかがですか? B: 大丈夫、大丈夫! A: taichou, ikaga desu ka? B: daijyoubu, daijyoubu
A: How are you feeling? B: I'm doing well!
4. こわい (kowai)
Standard Japanese: かたい (katai) English: firm, tough
このご飯、こわいわ。 kono gohan, kowai wa.
このご飯、かたいなあ。 kono gohan, katai naa.
This rice is really hard.
5. つかえん (tsukaen) (also, なん nan、つけん tsuken)
Standard Japanese: かまわない、問題ない (kamawanai, mondai nai) English: it's fine, it's no problem
A: もう少し、待っていただけますか? B: つかえんちゃ! A: mou sukoshi, matte itadakemasu ka? B: tsukaen cha!
A: もう少し、待っていただけますか? B: 問題ない! A: mou sukoshi, matte itadakemasu ka? B: mondai nai!
A: Can you please wait a little longer? B: No problem!
More Toyama dialect here (JP with EN).
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