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grapecaseschoices · 6 days ago
10 People I'd Like to Know Better Tag
Tagged by the lovely @pinayelf
Last Song: Hands by Jewel
Last Movie: ??? MOVIES?? well ... i dont know.
Last Book: hahaha. don't stone me greek mythology lovers but: Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. It is part of a 'dark olympus' greek mythology retelling [heard it got a few people pissed lmao]. anyway it is full of smut and has some kink, moderately threaded with plot that connects a series but i dont really care about that because i was only there for the polyam.
Last TV Show: Um, i started love game in eastern fantasy. does that count.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Hmmm. i just had some birthday ice cream cake, so sweet. i like them all but of late the order has been savory, sweet, and then spicy.
Relationship Status: mama said i was a rolling stone [she said no such a thing] ... single.
Last Thing I Googled: i usually use duckduckgo, but funnily enough before starting this i was googling dellamortes like a fool clown and comparing skin tones bc i felt like i played myself.
Looking Forward To: actually tagging people back for the fic im working on with them. i sure would like to write again. some day.
Current Obsessions: manhwas. and also bg3 mods.
Tagging: @megaeratheefury @itsmistyeyedbi @nat-seal-well @risingsh0t @gauntlings @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal @thecryptidenthusiast @agentnatesewell @wayhavenots @quaxorascal and anyone who wants to! i want to know more about you all.
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qbebou · 2 years ago
leonardas admin is so good at acting <3 they’ve really got mc body language down it’s so cute when they show foolish they’re tired by nodding off and foolish always picks up on it so quickly it’s very sweet
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minnieposting · 5 months ago
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pics i found in my folder, i rlly like them
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pansy2005 · 8 months ago
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boyskissing time (OCs)
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batautism · 1 year ago
i'm reading the canterbury tales and this is actually way better than i expected
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loveydoveykirk · 1 year ago
applied for library job. blease city let me work for u again
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ittybittytoostormy · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @wingsonghalo <333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 8
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 109,654 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Stanley Parable
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The Romance Ending, The Holiday DLC, The First Date Ending, The Human Narrator Ending, and The Stanley Button Ending
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!! It may take me a while to get to it, though, because it's hard for me to put my feelings into words, and comments make me feel so much!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write or read sad/angsty endings, just not my cup of tea
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them!!
8. Do you get hate on fics? My anxiety makes me worry pretty bad about that happening literally every single time I post, but I've luckily not gotten any yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do have a couple of wips but I'm very shy so I don't know if I'll ever post them
10. Do you write crossovers? Don't really have any interest in crossovers no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Every ship I have ever loved is genuinely my favorite, I really honestly couldn't choose. But, if I had to choose one right this moment,, then stanarrator is the one. They're very special to me for so many reasons, too many for me to even begin to explain in this already long post tbh
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started one where they escape, but I go back and forth on whether that's really what's best for them or not. I do enjoy some of what I've written so far for it, though, so I'd still like to get back to it one day maybe, but I know it'd just be such a tricky one
16. What are your writing strengths? People have complimented my writing of bickering and bantering a lot. And those are my favorite parts to write!!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I know I've always needed to work on my grammar. And I also know I don't write very pretty and flow-y or anything like that, so my descriptions probably look a little simple compared to more seasoned writers
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think that's very cool if you can!! I've not read a fic where that's been done but I wouldn't mind it
19. First fandom you wrote for? I don't remember, I think it was Sonic or Kirby when I was a kid
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Ahhh all my fics are very special to me for different reasons. But The Romance Ending was my fav for a while. Lately I've thought most about The Holiday DLC and The Surprise Ending, so those are high up there. However, I guess if I had to choose just one out of all my fics then I think it would be Design Mode DLC!!! That was some of the most fun I've had writing a fic and I also feel it might be the first fic of mine where I finally got their characterization more to where I've wanted it to be
I tag @evievigilant , @nicandragon , @exquisitefrogprince and anyone else who wants to do this should do this!!!
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boyslit · 6 months ago
in severe gastric distress so I'm rotating dragon sampo au to distract myself, woohoo 🐉💣
time for dates! where are they going on dates? so far I've got Overworld bakery bc gepard doesn't treat himself and Sampo wants sweets, museum visit to see the new exhibits (unfortunately serval is there and gives her little brother a thumbs up of encouragement (she's less anti-sampo upon finding out he's actually a bored dragon who was doing crimes to help the underworlders)), and to the theatre house when Gepard gets an invitation with a +1 bc he's a Landau. Sampo gets to morph into a nice suit and hang off Geppie's arm in a fancy environment :3c
also just realized the Astral Express must be confused when they learn there's a dragon on Belobog bc *gestures to Xianzhou Vidyadhara*
i think in the back of my head the type of dragon sampo is, is also connected to Long the Permanence, but since those solitary type dragons don't form community there's not a lot of like culture and documented history other than what each dragon remembers and what the people on their planet document 🤔🤔🤔
much 2 think about... and pain has left me very tired so im going to go rotate them some more *puts them in the microwave*
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saphushia · 6 months ago
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btw. i made this quick guide of some of the natural size and proportion reference points in the human body. of course this all varies even irl, and you can stylize however you want, so ymmv but thought it might be helpful for some folks.
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emberglowfox · 2 years ago
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birds of a feather
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gaydelgard · 1 year ago
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themarchg1rl · 2 years ago
brainrot post I’ve been meaning to make for a while. long term mutuals pls look away I don’t want u to see me like this
I’ve been thinking a lot about ian/mickey and geralt/yen parallels and it mostly stems from geralt/ian being obsessed with how yen/mickey smells. but there’s also the constant fighting/fucking and how they can’t have like, normal levels of feelings for each other, it has to be 1000% all the time whether it’s love or anger
then I started thinking about how ian’s rituals of physical exercise are kind of like the witcher training, and there’s something about geralt and ian struggling with their identities as soldiers (sort of) and also having this huge focus on family, found family especially, and their purpose in life. plus both of them deal with being constantly objectified and reduced to their bodies and their physical/sexual abilities
and then you have mickey and yen who don’t have parallels in the same way, but they’re both fuelled by chaos and spite, have had to fight for everything they had. complete rejection from their fathers because of a core essence of who they are. struggling to accept something about themselves that they can’t change. and i love this so much about them but they are both so MEAN (geralt and ian find it funny)
also consider: yen has an enormous dick in a jar in her lab in vengeberg. i feel strongly that mickey would appreciate this
the main thing is though, destiny plays such a huge part in yen and geralt’s story, they are bound together first by geralt’s wish (which is that they are bound, like it’s magic but geralt is already in love with her and so his love is what binds them). and ian and mickey are separated so many times but always always always come back to one another. and maybe that’s fate or destiny in one of the stories but i think they just choose to love each other over and over again and that’s actually way more powerful
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xyrali · 4 months ago
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Now, die.
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hanjlsung-archive · 7 months ago
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endless bestie gifs 6/♡
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ingoodjesst · 1 year ago
one thing i really like about the apothecary diaries is how fluidly maomao moves between high- and low-class society, between the rear palace and the pleasure district, allowing us to see the parallels in the power dynamics. in both settings, we see women trying to make the most of their relative stations with whatever tools available to them, which are often shared. much of the politics of the series centers women and the ways they try to navigate the world through seduction, marriage, beauty, fashion, manipulation, etc, because these are the things they're valued for. their appearance, their social graces, their "purity", their marriageability, their ability to bear children, and beyond - these all lend political, economic, and social leverage to themselves and their families regardless of class.
the mystery angle in particular enables the story to closely examine what tools and motives are available to women in the apothecary diaries in a way that's contextualized and humanized. it's also how the series highlights said women operating with a keen awareness of society's expectations and systems. whether that's applying deathly white powder to maintain impractical beauty standards, faking illnesses to deter certain visitors, using parlor tricks to subtly punish callous men, or wearing ostentatious outfits to hide a certain truth, each mystery we encounter reveals more about what it means to navigate the world of the apothecary diaries as a woman in addition to revealing their cleverness (or lack thereof) in doing so.
maomao is no exception to the rule, often weighing similar questions of propriety and power before she acts - although she does engage from a unique position. she's a literate woman from the lower class with special circumstances surrounding her birth, versed as an apothecary, and favored by highly ranked members of the court. this, plus her marked lack of ambition beyond medicine, gives her a lot of mobility between and (relatively) unbiased insight into both the high- and low-ranked parts of society. in turn, we readers are given a fantastic protagonist to explore what i consider a core draw of the series: seeing how maomao chooses to move through the world, highly conscious of her own social positioning as well as that of all the other women around her
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leenfiend · 8 months ago
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what’s ur type first < prev next > full comic
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