#idk why they’re my blorbo but you know
razs-archetype · 1 year
Stupidest ultrakill hc I have is that something wicked is just playing with you to make 0-S a little less scary for me :)
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bludmd23 · 2 months
What's your favorite form/shape/look for Martian Manhunter?
OMG OMG HI You asked me the question I didn’t know I was dying to answer!!!! Thank you and pls enjoy my ramble<333 under the cut in case it gets too long heheheh
So this can be answered from multiple angles (and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do)
First would be my favorite art style for J’onn!!!
No argument here it’s definitely dcau’s design
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This skrunkly blorbo has the most perfect face ever, so very well balanced features in between human and alien, my favorite thing about it are those black patterns on his eyes and his lil mouth shape <33
And his natural form in this style is perfect too, love the bio armor looking chest plate thingys on his chest and his heels, gives him a bug vibe and how can I not love that!!!
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Other styles I like would be:
J’onn from Justice League Action, a bit skinny but he’s very cute and I love his overall silly vibe
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J’onn from Justice league Crisis on two earths
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Alright next I’ll talk about my fav uniforms for him!!
Gotta love the classic one ya know, very effective, real fun seeing him walkin around with his tiddies out and in his lil hot pants
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N52 J’onns outfit is pretty cool too, I kinda like it when they go in between too little coverage and too much, plus loincloth fits him (idk if that’s what it’s called) , bonus point for claws and spikes on elbows
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Justice lords J’onn pretty cool too!!! Kinda wished there was more red tho
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In general I like seeing the red X on his chest, the big cape with collar and the boots with a part folded down, so if a design has all three it can’t go too wrong really
Anyways, finally I’ll talk about my fav form/shape for him!!
Apart from his hero form (Martian manhunter), his natural Martian form is my fav, especially when they make it insect like, honestly it’s no fun when you see Martians and they just look like green humans with red eyes, like why!! They’re aliens!! Give them alien features!! Make them look weird!!!
Things I like to see when it comes to his Martian form would be pointy head, long and (comparatively) skinnier limbs, claws, spikes, and I’ve seen some artist give him tree like patterns which is really cool since I associate him with plants a lot, but otherwise smooth or slightly scaly skin does the job too
Here are some interpretations of his Martian form that I enjoy and haven’t been shown, from JLA, adventures in the dcau, JLA act of gods, and Martian Manhunter 1988 (pls go read it excellent story and beautiful art)
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That’s it for now! Will gladly yap more if anyones interested, thank you for coming to my ted talk<33
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hi its @riveracheron you all know the drill by now. murder time.
inspired by @the-joker-of-musicals and just the . act of putting tumblr tropes onto musical characters i decided i wanted to host a bracket for my personal favorite trope:
the failgirl/girlfail/girlfailure/pathetic woman, whatever u call it.
women who are just so messy and pathetic and maybe a little evil but kinda bad at it - yknow your. sasha waybrights and your toralei stripes and your helene bezukhovas
there are So many in musicals and so. they should kill eachother
aaaanyway. here are the rules:
- right now i am . going to accept only female characters - malefailures are their own trope and the flavor is much different than girlfails, at least to me. i’ll probably do a malefail bracket after, because musicals have a lot of those.
- because of the openness of the trope, i will also accept characters from other types of song-based medium, whether thats cabaret, song cycles, operas, musical movies, concept albums, etc. stuff like razia’s shadow, repo or even mechanisms albums are fine here! they’re not technically musicals but. idk the tropes a little niche and i want spots to fill. basically if it uses singing to tell a story, it works here.
- i will be selecting characters based on how much they embody the trope and number of submissions, not how much i like them. this isn’t a popularity contest, and id rather people vote based on their tropeyness and propaganda as well. also,
- i also have the right to refuse any submissions that i find in poor taste, which will not Exclude any musicals from general submissions but i will be screening all of the submissions.
- please. think about what you submit and the real world ramifications of it. i would not feel comfortable calling someone from say, Parade, a failure girl because of the subject material. i know a lot of musicals are dark and talk about real world situations and issues, but there’s a difference between the way history is portrayed in Six versus how it’s portrayed in the aforementioned Parade.
- as always there is room for propaganda! please tell me about why your blorbo should win. i’ll be looking into the ones i don’t know, but i would love to hear anything straight from the source.
Submissions will be open until Sunday, August 6th, 12:00 AM, EST.
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Some replies! A couple about today’s comic from ko-fi, a couple about our stuff and fandom stuff in general.
Starting with the ko-fi ones…
Anonymous asked:
Another ghost behind the ghost guard: “Um, is the jar mandatory or, you know, optional.”
(Give them a break, they’ve had a dry spell for CENTURIES)
Anonymous asked:
Same ghost: “Oh noooo! Don’t RAVISH me!!! I’m sooooo helpless!!”
Oh my god, that’s one desperate ghost!!
That ghost should change its strategy though, or rather, start pretending to run away instead – I think this would trigger Rook’s “gotta catch it, gotta hunt it down, gotta make love to it” instinct. 
I think the jar is mandatory though, but I don’t think anyone would have the courage to ask Rook why…
(I’m sorry, people with no context)
Anonymous asked:
Can I just say how much I love the kisses you draw? They’re so sexy and sensual and full of passion.
And tongue. Love the amount of tongue lol
AhhHH I am so happy…! Thank you for your kind words.
To be honest, I still feel a bit weird whenever I draw kisses a lot of times, mostly because when I spend too much of then they start looking weird in my eyes. So I really am very happy to hear that you like how I draw them!
Anonymous asked:
I love how you write/ draw Lilia. I want this old fae man to take care of me. 😭😭😭😭
Omg Anon! If anything, the way I write/draw Lilia should make you not want this old fae man to take care of you… 😨
In any case, thank you so much! I am super flattered and happy to hear that <3
Anonymous asked:
I saw a post and it made me think of your art
YES this is me sitting down to write wholesome hcs and ending up with another cursed post. Thank you 😭
This is so true though..! Sometimes the best way to express love to your blorbos is to make them suffer.
Anonymous asked:
From talking to my friends, it seems the main concern (for them at least) is when pro-shippers don't make clear that they don't support this stuff irl. I think it's obvious, but they said that people can do this sort of thing because their into it irl? idk. You've made it repeatedly clear that ur not though, so the antis ur dealing w/ r just dicks. If they don't like a ship, just ignore it. I personally feel uncomfortable with Deuce/Crewel, so i blocked the tag and I enjoy the rest of your work. If they have a specific issue with a ship, they should just block it or block you. You're not hurting anyone, so their is no reason to interfere. That is my opinion or relationships irl too. If it is consensual and not hurting anyone, than its fine, regardless of what society says.
First of all, thank you very much for understanding and being polite about stuff that you don’t like. I am very happy you could enjoy this blog despite the fact that there are some ships that you are uncomfortable with. I also absolutely agree with you that there is no reason to do anything when a person isn’t hurting anyone, and that goes for relationships too.
Second of all, while I can understand where your friends are coming from, I kind of have mixed feelings about the idea that proshippers don’t make clear that they don’t support this stuff irl. You said yourself that it’s obvious, and yes it is absolutely obvious. No one owes anyone an explanation or a declaration of not supporting this stuff irl because it’s the very foundation of proship/dead dove/anything related to this type of fiction: as long as it’s fictional, it’s okay. Fiction is not reality. This idea (that keeps being repeated by everyone all the time, including conversations proship people have with antis) pretty much states “I love this as long as it’s fictional and because it’s fictional, I would not be doing it irl. This is fiction, reality is reality”. It’s the default condition.
I think it’s unfair to state that all proshippers have to explain themselves because there are people among them who support this kind of stuff irl, because yeah there are, and there are people like that among the antis too. There are hypocrites who groom kids and cover it up by making it feel like they’re teaching them something good and unproblematic. There are bad apples everywhere, and thinking by default that a group of people is a bunch predators unless they specifically state “I don’t’ support irl incest” is kind of… not nice? And while this is probably not what your friends are doing, it sounds like a very convenient excuse to harass someone. “Well they didn’t make it clear enough that they are not a creep” type of thing. And it’s not like actually saying that you don’t support it irl helped anyone to avoid harassment. It surely didn’t help me at all, and I believe it worked exactly the same way for every other soul.
It’s one thing not to trust these kinds of people personally and to avoid them because you get bad vibes from them that make you uncomfortable, but in that case one would just block. It’s the mature thing to do. You shouldn’t fully trust people on the internet in general because you don’t really know them. But then again, not vibing with someone while ignoring them and harassing are two completely different things.
Once again, thank you for your support and understanding, as well as for sharing this perspective with me.
Anonymous asked:
Not the same anon but incidentally, trolls was the first fandom I saw Antis in and that was when they wrote a callout post which I thought was for actual grooming and when in fact it was referring to a drawing.
Boy, was I pissed.
The third movie just unleashed even more with how popular it was. The funny thing is, the music producer specifically said he was trying to channel 50 Shades of Grey in the soundtrack and that the main leads had sexual tension 😂😂😂
Oh no the antis of the trolls fandom…! Anon, I’m so sorry. No idea about what kind of situation there was and I know nothing about trolls, but still.
But yeah, I think everyone had this experience. When you think that something truly horrible happened, and then it’s just… drawings. Sometimes it’s drawings from 10 years ago. People really love this whole adrenalin rush of maybe ruining someone else’s life with just one post and a bunch of “proofs” that is always just a huge nothingburger.
The trivia about 50 shades is hilarious though lol Now this is going to be the only trolls fact that I know!
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
since it’s almost Hyrule Warriors anniversary…do you have any lttc warriors facts you’d like to share 🤲 also I’m going to draw him as part of my drawing links from different links meets thing I do for each game’s anniversary. It will happen I promise you so uh. idk if you have additional facial descriptors for him that you left in the other posts 🤲 but I’m pretty sure I can draw him accurately enough with the information already provided 👍 anyways, hope you have a good rest of your day!
- Zelda keeps trying to promote him and he keeps refusing and she’s so frustrated by it, but he refuses to accept a promotion for something he doesn’t believe he accomplished
- He genuinely thinks he’s so sneaky with the lifts he has in his boots, he’s genuinely convinced no one knows
- Proxi can acknowledge how much he’s grown, but she still sees him as her wet cat son who just desperately needed someone to look out for him. She’s very proud of him, but she still thinks he’s ridiculous
- It took him a hot minute to become fluent enough in ‘hyrulian common’ (english) to be able to understand fast conversations with slang in them and to be able to speak back and converse with other soldiers at that level because it’s not his first language (this is why he sometimes stares at people with an incredibly blank expression during the war, he doesn’t always understand what they’re saying). Proxi continued to speak on his behalf until he’d perfected a castle town accent as well because he didn’t want anyone knowing he didn’t grow up within Hyrule kingdom
-Regularly abuses the fact that the general public has a certain image of him in their minds, and when he does not meet that image he can literally walk around wherever the hell he wants without being recognized and it’s so good for his mental health. He’s still paranoid and worried, but people just don’t recognize him because they hear all the tales of a strong, confident young man and Warriors is actually fairly quiet and comes off as a bit shy, plus people just aren’t expecting the hero to randomly be walking around on his own. Without the make up, fancy clothes, and boots and all that, he can just walk around markets like a normal person, and without the green tunic, Mask can too. So he’d pretty regularly just take Mask around towns to buy sweet treats and they both got to experience what it might’ve been like for an eighteen year old to shop with his little brother
- During the war, he and Ravio got quite close. They’re a dangerous combination and make each other worse
- He and his Zelda are incredibly close, they’re extremely good friends and they like to get together every so often and just YAP
also for any additional descriptors: LTTC Wars looks pretty much exactly like how I headcanon LU Wars. He was deadass created from You’re A Part Of Me Wars when I one day sat back and went “oh my god at this point I’ve just made my own guy-” the main difference between LTTC Wars and You’re A Part Of Me Wars is that LTTC Wars grew up outside of Hyrule Kingdom surrounded by a different culture and he struggled a lot more with a language barrier when he went to Castle Town (while my version of LU Wars grew up IN Hyrule Kingdom and had to struggle with learning his mom’s side of the family’s culture while being unable to fully interact with it), and a few details of the war. But physically they’re the same guy, so my pfp pic could be used as an additional ref if you needed :) THANK YOU FOR DRAWING MY GUY I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH
i love to stick lttc wars and you’re a part of me wars in a room and see what happens, they’d both hate it but I think theyd have so much to say
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fanby-fckry · 7 months
Who’s Who of The Little Demon AU:
Hi, I wanted to brainstorm and share it with you guys, so here’s my (very rough) running list of who’s who in my Hazbin Hotel/The Little Mermaid Chaggie AU.
Charlie -> Ariel
Charlie is mostly still herself, except instead of her impossible dream being to redeem Sinners, it’s to go find the angel that she saved.
Vaggie -> Eric
Vaggie is an angel who got injured while in Hell. I haven’t quite figured out why she was in Hell, because idk whether or not I want the extermination to still be a thing.
Angels still need to present a sense of danger, but it feels a little wrong for Charlie to have a love-at-first-sight reaction to Vaggie while fully aware that she’s an exorcist and was just slaughtering Charlie’s people, ya know?
Alastor -> Ursula
The one we’re all here for. Alastor, AKA the Radio Witch, once terrorized Hell… But he’s turned over a new leaf! Or, so he says.
He’s fairly open with Charlie about the fact that he started helping poor unfortunate Souls because Sheer! Absolute! Boredom! but he’s less open about the fact that his entertainment comes not from watching them achieve their goals, but from orchestrating their failure and taking their Souls as collateral.
Of course, like Ursula with Ariel, he has a vested interest in obtaining Charlie’s Soul in particular. I haven’t quite hashed out the details on why he’s so interested in Charlie’s Soul.
It could be because she’s just a very powerful demon and a nice pawn to have, or Alastor could have history with Lucifer and/or Lilith. Maybe Alastor has a grudge against one of them the same way Ursula does with Triton? Just not in a familial way. Might work the Lilith Holds the Leash theory in there, idk.
Husk and Niffty -> Flotsam and Jetsam/Poor Unfortunate Souls
Husk and Niffty are largely unchanged.
Husk sold his Soul to save his power, and he’s just as resentful and done with Alastor’s BS as in he is canon.
His Poor Unfortunate Souls parallel is the mermaid who, “longs to become thinner,” except I’m using, “longs to be winner,” or “longs to save his power.” Unsure which.
I like the idea of Alastor throwing around the word “winner” both because it rhymes with the original lyric and because it references Loser, Baby. Alastor is taunting him for trying so desperately to cling to the minor victory of saving his power and winding up a loser anyway.
Alastor aquired Niffty’s Soul while she was human; this is a headcanon of mine that I’ll be exploring in the UHverse and generally extends to most of my Niffty portrayals.
She did it for a man, as a parallel to the merman referenced in Poor Unfortunate Souls, who “wants to get the girl.”
Unlike Husk, though, Niffty has no regrets. She’s arguably just as crazy as Alastor and she’s happy to be along for the ride.
Where is her husband? Idk. I assume he either lived a normal life and went to Heaven or hurt Niffty and faced Alastor’s wrath. Reader’s choice, ig.
Angel Dust and Sir Pentious -> Flounder and Sebastian (Blurred Roles)
Flounder and Sebastian’s roles and qualities are split between Angel Dust and Sir Pentious.
Angel Dust:
Angel has Flounder’s role in that he’s Charlie’s friend in more of a peer way than a hired mentor way. He has Sebastian’s STREET SMARTS! and at least one of Sebastian’s musical numbers: Kiss the Girl.
Both Sebastian and Flounder are fiercely loyal, and I’d say Angel takes the lion’s share of their combined protective nature in this AU. Charlie got him out of his Deal with Valentino, and now they’re ride or die.
Sir Pentious:
Pentious has Sebastian’s job and Flounder’s cowardice. He was hired by Lucifer to keep an eye on Charlie and maybe tutor her in inventing or something, idk.
I’m 90% sure he gets Sebastian’s role in Les Poisson, because I can’t put Angel through that.
Sorry, Sir Pentious fans. Or, I guess, depending on how pathetic/covered in blood/running for their lives you like your blorbos, you’re welcome.
Lucifer -> Triton
This one feels pretty self explanatory.
Lilith -> ???
I can’t decide whether I want to leave Lilith out of this entirely or if I want to make her a major plot point. Either way, I don’t think she has a direct parallel to The Little Mermaid.
She’s definitely not comparable to Ariel’s idolized dead mom, Queen Athena.
Adam -> Chef Louis
I want him to sing a version of Les Poisson with the “excuse my french” kinda french.
Which is to say, I want him to chase Pentious around with his axe while singing about how much he fucking loves killing and dismembering demons with a kind of vulgar, sadistic, vaguely sexual (did anyone else get those vibes from the chef?) glee that makes you question how the fuck this man is still in Heaven.
Lute -> Grimsby???
In sort of a personality-swapped but serves a similar narrative purpose way. I’m not turning Lute into a no-nonsense old fuddy duddy.
I like the idea of Lute and Vaggie having been friends before Vaggie Fell – or rather before Lute pushed her.
Now, imagine something happens to Vaggie while in Hell, Lute finds her, and she’s talking all sorrs of nonsense about remembering a woman singing after pulling her out of danger. Ok, weird, Lute thinks. “You clearly hit your head. Come on, girl, let’s get you back Upstairs.”
Then, Vaggie shows up with an angel no one has ever seen before, claiming, “I might be going crazy, but I think this is the angel who saved me down in Hell!”
Uh, yeah. Lute is absolutely gonna think Vaggie’s crazy. The whole thing was crazy to begin with, but the one thing Vaggie remembered about her mysterious savior was her voice. And this bitch can’t speak let alone sing. So Lute is incredibly suspicious and does not trust Charlie one bit.
Lute’s role is the skeptic who adheres to tradition, like Grimsby.
Lute’s core beliefs in this AU are:
All demons are evil.
Vaggie was clearly having some kind of head trauma-induced hallucination regarding her mysterious singing savior.
The girl without a voice who showed up out of nowhere is not to be trusted.
Grimsby’s corresponding beliefs are:
Merfolk don’t exist.
Eric was clearly having some kind of oxygen depravation-induced hallucination regarding his mysterious singing savior.
The girl without a voice who showed up out of nowhere is not to be trusted.
They way they present these beliefs is very different, of course, but the parallels are there.
Bonus points if Lute has been trying to play matchmaker for Vaggie but is just really bad at it, and it becomes a small point of tension between them.
Lute: Why are you so obsessed with this new bitch? Come on, how’d the date with Sheila go?
Vaggie: Sheila was a nightmare, tbh. And before you ask, so was Tit. I swear, the only thing worse than your matchmaking is Adam’s names for us. How are you even finding these women? What are you setting me up with your ex-girlfriends?
Lute: …no…
(That is exactly what Lute was doing.)
People I Might Include, but Have Literally No Idea What To Do With:
Cherri Bomb
All of this is subject to change, of course. :3
I’m in the very early stages of planning this AU, and I don’t think I’ll be posting anything besides snippets and brainstorming for a while.
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quinloki · 4 months
Okay it’s like 5am and this is ping ponging around in my brain and I can just picture being so startled when you realize they know eachother, backing up, tripping over a shovel and taking down a shelf as you fall only to be booped in the head with an empty flower pot and you’re OUT.
Wake up later like omg I hit my head and had the weirdest dream, until both of them walk in and it’s like wtf I’m still dreaming this is wild.
My brain also went so if they’re both there…. What about izou and ace…. >.>
Why do you do this to me
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The last thing you see are two pairs of concerned hands and eyes trying to reach you before you get clobbered xD
And no scope creep - we're sticking to two blorbos. Sweet and Sweeter. Though... >.>
The idea that Izou and Ace are there two, but come in later.
Your "parents" want the property sold, and you aren't selling it, so maybe they hire someone to convince you. Enter Izou and Ace, willing to do some intimidation for money because this world is strange and they're really not sure yet about the lay of the land.
You're arguing with Ace at the door and Marco yanks the door opening looking at both of them in shock for a second. Everyone just stops and you're there like:
idk though, we'll see. A small cast would be nice. >.> but writing a fivesome long-form story would be nice too.
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Hey hello I made a thing! As perhaps a few of you know, I have spent the last half a year being completely unhinged about Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin books, and I’ve always been particularly interested in the character Stephen Maturin and his relationship to Catalonia. I saw that there was a lack of stuff about this part of his identity, and, being me, I felt the need to fill it in the only way I could: compiling music and yelling about it for thirty pages. Hence this playlist.
You really don’t need to know anything about these books to listen to this playlist. You also don’t need to know anything about Catalan (I hope). Catalonia and the Catalan Countries in general (including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and parts of southern France, Aragon, and Sardinia) have a really interesting musical and literary tradition, and I wanted to make that more accessible, so I put together a few songs I liked, translated them, and wrote a bit about each of their significance, including the most important cultural tidbits I could. Some things don’t translate super well, and I hope my Catalan followers will forgive me for trying to adapt them more for English-speaking audiences than perhaps would be preferable; I usually don’t choose to do that, but in this case I wanted to open the door, and not to intimidate people.
Now that that’s out of the way, here is a link to the PDF of the liner notes (graphic design is my passion, as they say): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MUpRM84W8aypznEIrt0eA1jG5OxaRZvz/view?usp=sharing
Under the cut I’ve included the ephimera and unnecessary commentary that you know and love, feel free to read or ignore it as you will
These roughly follow the order of the songs and are varying levels of seriousness
If you like "Sant Joan, feu-lo ben gran" then I'd highly recommend listening to the whole Tornaveus album. I almost included the “Stabat Mater de Sudanell” and the “Goigs de Sant Julià de Lòria”, which are both from western Catalonia, and they also have more cançons de pandero, in perhaps a slightly more traditional style. A lot of the other songs have interesting cultural commentary in them, especially on feminist topics, and they’re very well-researched because literally one of the members of the group is basically the ethnomusicologist of Catalan music at the moment. Anyways, if people would like the liner notes perhaps next time I’m home I’ll scan them, they’re in Catalan and English and very well-written. Also note the legendary Lluís Llach song which has been turned into a polyphonic piece lol (and I did not include the “Goigs de la Nostra Senyora de la Llibertat” but tbh that might have been a mistake on my part) (Blorbo side note that I think this fits Stephen’s childhood very well which is mostly why I chose it)
“L’Hereu Riera” is one of my favorite Catalan folk songs I love it so much and if you want to hear the Catalan version (as opposed to the Valencian one included here) and see the dance and also see a cobla, I am including a link to this version by Germà Negre which is tragically not on Spotify. I chose the Valencian one because (1) Al Tall and (2) I think it fits The Blorbo better (specifically I was thinking of his fiancée who dies before Book One who idk if anyone ever remembers shdjfhskf). That being said, Stephen would probably know the Catalan one (and almost certainly not the Valencian one). Also, on a memey-er note, Hereu Riera bisexual king and literal icon <3 love how he has to remind his girlfriend on her deathbed that actually he'd technically be interested in both her sisters AND her brothers if he wasn't so into her that he never wanted to marry anyone else
I literally did put in Roger Mas just so there would be at least one person with a Lleidan accent, #diversity win
Many points about the “Cançó de pandero de l’Urgell” and “Jo no canto per la veu” so here we go:
I put these two songs in mostly because I got very obsessed with the cançó de pandero from Alcarràs (which is a great movie that came out last year about a farming family in a village near Lleida that is winning all the awards atm). Anyways, since Carla Simón has been too busy winning things to put up the gotdam soundtrack, I did a bit of digging and it turns out that it was written for the movie?? By her brother??? It's excellent and very anticapitalist and you can listen to it here and see the trailer for Alcarràs all in one! (Includes English subtitles)
The original “Canto per un amic meu que per mi daria la vida” is probably from a Valencian cant de batre, although I could not get any confirmation on that. But regardless everyone should listen to Pep Botifarra's version of it, which I would literally marry if it had a physical form it’s so so good. (I posted it here back in ye olden days but it's been long enough I think I can post it again)
Valencian music side note because I can’t stop myself: the second pair of verses in the "Cançó de pandero de l'Urgell" (starting with “vos esteu ben acotxada…”) are sung by Miquel Gil, who is a very famous Valencian traditional singer, anyways you should listen to this version of him singing “Del Sud” by Obrint Pas (you want to go down a Valencian music rabbit hole so so bad)
I firmly believe that Stephen would canonically be obsessed with Ausiàs March, and the fact that he has not yet recited any of his poems is Patrick O’Brian’s biggest failing in my eyes. Anyways I have more thoughts but I’m saving them for other posts shdfjsd
If you read this before listening to the playlist please just listen to "El testament d'Amèlia" and follow along with the lyrics in real time before reading the blurb, it's such a good experience to let that song hit you as it comes. I won't say more than that but you'll get it when you get it. (Also obligatory listen to Marala they're so good <3)
From the Càntut album, I also quite like the songs "El pomeró" and "El divino vull cantar", and Càntut in general is an incredible resource, it's a database of folk song field recordings from northeastern Catalonia.
Brief pause to scream about the fact that Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés WERE ON NPR??? AND NO ONE TOLD ME???? Anyways link in the sources section, also they're great and you should listen to their whole discography
As the #1 Roba Estesa stan blog on Tumblr, listen to Roba Estesa. And Ebri Knight. And El Diluvi.
I chose this version of "La presó de Lleida" because I like it but here's a more traditional one sung by Joan Manel Serrat, another Catalan legend. Here's another one in Catalan rumba style with Sílvia Pérez Cruz singing, the sound is a bit wonky but it's also one of my favorites. The Valencian version of this song is called "La presó de Tibi" and El Diluvi have done a very explicitly anti-monarchical rendition of it (the Balearic one is "La presó de Nàpols").
I'm sorry for never putting the Sílvia Pérez Cruz version of "Corrandes d'exili" but if you want it here it is. Also note that the statue of the Virgin in the poem is a reference to the Virgin of Montserrat, it literally all goes back to her shfjkshdf (also apologies for being very bad at Christianity and Catholicism, if I mistranslated things let me know)
Okay so I have a whole essay to deliver on this that I've been holding inside for the past like two months or so, I apologize in advance for my excessive pedantry on the topic.
In Master and Commander, Stephen delivers this speech:
"‘Then I must tell you that on Sunday mornings it is the custom, in that country, for people of all ages and conditions to dance, on coming out of church: so I was dancing with Ramon Mateu i Cadafalch in the square before the cathedral church of Tarragona, where I had gone to hear the Palestrina Missa Brevis. The dance is a particular dance, a round called the sardana.’"
I hate to be a hater but it is very, very unlikely that anyone would have been dancing a sardana as far south as Tarragona in this time period. The sardana as the symbol of equality and brotherhood emerged in the Renaixença and would not yet have been a thing; Stephen could well have heard sardanas in Ullastret, but they would have been a more typical folk dance, and not anything like the way they're described in the book. It's very ironic, then, that they've become THE Catalan music style for Aubreyad readers, but hopefully this playlist can change that a bit :)
(also sorry for being a sardana-hater on main, someone bring me to dance a sardana and maybe I'll feel better)
Songs that didn't make the cut: La cançó del lladre, Rossinyol que vas a França, La balanguera, La gavina - I'm always happy for more recs!
Originally, this list was also going to include songs in Irish; I quickly realized that I was in over my head with that one, but the working list of songs is here (may be subject to changes so save songs elsewhere if you like them!). Also I would add "Fé Bhláth" by Imelda May and Kíla if it was on Spotify but alas it is not; and "Amhrán na Leabhar" which I have not had time to add but was kindly recommended by someone. I'd love it if someone was interested in actually doing a proper playlist for Irish though—it's a gap in my knowledge that I'd love to start filling.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap. I hope. Final comment to say thank you to everyone who voted in the cover image poll, turns out you all won :) (Pirineus did win and take the cover of the liner notes though)
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tanjir0se · 1 year
There’s so many concepts I want to include in the demon!Kyo story and idk how to get through them all!! This story literally doesn’t have plot it’s just. One dramatic angsty conversation to another with some possible sex scenes between (if I can work up the nerve). So anyway
Drinking blood??? I truly do not understand how demons are made because I would have thought if someone drank demon blood that they’d turn into a demon but clearly Genya can do it and be (mostly) fine so. Kyojuro giving Giyuu his blood if he’s wounded in a battle to heal him???? His blood making Giyuu a little 🥴🥴🥴???
Vice versa? Kyojuro being weak and hungry and Giyuu having to let him drink HIS blood??
Something something men will construct intricate rituals that allow them to touch (with their mouths) the skin of other men
Some Tengen and Kyo alone time/conversation? I just love writing Tengen I don’t have another excuse. Just to explore what Tengen would think of the new Kyo. I think they’d eventually come to some sort of a mutual understanding. Or maybe Tengen would like totally hate him. … it’s hard to say. Open to debate on this one
I’m DEFINITELY throwing Senjuro in there at some point I just am not sure when or how. Maybe even Tanjiro having to lie to him for Kyojuro’s sake, and Tanjiro hates lying especially to his friend :(. Maybe Senjuro seeing through him instantly. Maybe Senjuro actually sees Him, his dead brother, all glowing and unnatural and so so familiar. I can’t decide if it’s more heartbreaking if Kyojuro doesn’t recognize him, or if he does ..
Oof ouch my bones
Giyuu and Urokodaki. I figure Giyuu realizes he’s a little in over his head and needs advice but is worried that if he goes to the Master they’ll want to kill Kyojuro. He knows Urokodaki will understand. Also I have daddy issues and want to inflict it on my blorbos
Akaza attacking Giyuu. He’s held off for Kyojuro’s sake but seeing how Giyuu makes Kyo more and more human the longer they’re together pushes Akaza over the edge because it’s undoing all his work trying to get Kyo more and more demonic
Grabbing him by the throat like “what’s so special about you anyway? Why can’t Kyojuro keep his eyes off you?” Kyo has to step in and split them up
There’s so much I want to do with this fic and it’s funny because I have absolutely NO idea where the plot is going. Truly I’m just here for the vibes and I hope you all are too
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e-adlirez · 7 months
Hot take, but I feel like the star / supersister artstyle has a much better taste in fashion compare to the rest. Idk something about the way they style the clothes for the sisters just hit right to me and I even dare to say it is a bit better compare to the older artstyles (including the 1 - 4 comics artstyle). Like, don't get me wrong the old artsyles has good fashion, but for me personally, the star artstyle fashion choice for the girls felt like something they would actually wear u know?
It is a hot take in the fandom, but I do agree with said take :D
You can hate on the snouts and the lips, sure
But the girls’ fashion sense?
Let’s be real the girls’ fashion sense in the previous artstyle was very general white person fashion sense, enough so that you can swap the color palettes of one of their outfits and you’d think it was for one of the other girls. Which isn’t a good thing when you think about it :D
Like seriously their fashion sense can be summarized thusly:
For all of them in general: if they’re not in a tropical climate, they can and will have sleeves. Usually long sleeves.
Colette: roll a d20. If the result is under 15, then she wears a skirt or a dress. Ironically she’s the one with the most hit-or-miss outfits of the five, either through color palette or just skirts being used when they shouldn’t be.
Nicky: if it doesn’t fulfill any of the given conditions: a variant of her old standard outfit, has a collar, is a green shirt paired with brown pants/shorts, is a jacket, is a jacket/coat with upturned collars, has green in it somewhere or everywhere, has orange in a strange spot meant to emulate the old outfit; then who the hell are you talking to that’s not Nicky
Pam: either it’s a shadow of her original red and olive palette, or it has the most heinous shade of lime green paired with her usual red or just have green where it legally shouldn’t be. If it can sweater, it will sweater. She’s been gaining drip lately in the Italian books tho I’ll give her that—
Paulina: she does go for a bit of cozy retro vibes in her fashion style, but I think 60% of them at least have some sort of scarf variant. I dunno, she’s doing fine but her fashion sense is nothing to write home about. If it can sweater, it will sweater.
Violet: Violet, I love you, you’re my blorbo but I’m sorry, you wear so much purple that sometimes I think your wardrobe just looks like Robin’s wardrobe in Teen Titans with the hundred copies of the exact same color palette. Bit classy, fluctuates from sweater child to absolute queen on a dime /pos. If she’s in a temperamental climate, roll a d20; any score below 15 means she wears long sleeves. Flip a coin; if you win, skirt, and if you lose, no skirt. IF IT CAN SWEATER, IT WILL SWEATER. Tho I will say I don’t think I’ve seen a single wardrobe L from Vi that wasn’t out of pure personal taste or the artstyle being weird (i.e. frills and/or lace), so that’s a dub for her :D also in-character but also good on Vi’s sense of judgment because apparently according to some extra Italian content, Vi’s the most experimental with her wardrobe. Minus the purple. God woman has so much purple—
With the newer style, at least the girls have more drip :D drip that actually looks like something they’d wear as opposed to being restrained to color palettes :D
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gentlebeard · 1 year
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
thank you, dear anon. time to spread lots of love:
@blakbonnet - what would i do without meow? she’s so smart & kind & funny & so fucking talented. writing, painting, making gifs, clowning - there’s nothing she can’t do. we have one and the same brain and often send each other almost identical messages at the same time. she’s my biggest fan and greatest supporter. team beard brought us together and now i never want to be without her!
@sherlockig - my soulmate, my sunshine, my rock. not only is she incredibly sweet and one of my best friends in the world, she’s also the backbone of the ofmd fandom. she graces our screens with fantastically edited screen caps of our beloved blorbos. we’d be lost if alexz didn’t put so much love and energy into picking the perfect frames! i’m so grateful for her presence in the fandom and in my life.
@saltpepperbeard - jodi. my wifey. my one true love. nothing brings me more joy than seeing her gifs or reading her insane tags on posts. they’re better and more entertaining than any newspaper or novel. every time she has an insanely brilliant (or angsty) thought, i wanna propose to her all over again. her writing makes my brain tingle in the best possible way. btw all of you are invited to our next wedding 🥰
@bizarrelittlemew - one day i saw one of ida’s gif sets and was like: hell yeah, i wanna see more of that. i came for the gifs but stayed for her love of rhys darby, her kindness, her writing, her amazing vibe, her creativity, and her lovely self.
@not-nervous-jester - jams is the hottest person on this hellsite. they’re just so effortlessly funny and amazing. their brain has the most wrinkles because they’re so fantastic and intelligent. i invite jams to make out with me regularly because i’m secretly (or not so secretly, i guess) obsessed with them. anyway, i’m smooching you and your brain, jams!
@skysofrey - kaitlin is the sweetest human ever. sunshine in a bottle. kindness personified. seeing her yellow hearts in the tags improves my mood instantly. she deserves to have a perfect day every single day.
@stedebonnets - another 10/10 human being. how anyone can be so sweet and supportive is almost unbelievable to me. ara will make you feel like the most special person on this planet with just a few words and sweet emojis. i bet ara’s hugs feel like coming home after being gone for years.
@dickfuckk - i once called josh the bts king because he’ll know or find anything that is just slightly adjacent to ofmd. his dedication to @ourflagmeansbts is insane to me. on top of that: nice & funny dude, hilarious videos, my dj archive 😌
@rainbowcrowley - after just casually communicating over tags we have finally moved our relationship to the next stage (dms & laughing about shitty memes about politicians, apparently). addi will tell you they make “mediocre gifs” but that’s just a blatant lie. their gifs always look fantastic. a very sweet bean.
@darkinerry - marlena will come out of nowhere and throw spectacular taika gifs into your inbox or just make a straight up insane gif set of that man with clips they probably had to kill someone for. idk how else they do it or where they get them, it’s a mystery to me. excited puppy energy 24/7.
honorable mention goes to olivia aka @snake-snack-stede who is, hands down, the most hilarious person in the ofmd fandom. i’m looking forward to your s2 shenanigans as much as the episodes!!!
if i didn’t mention you, know i still love you. and you’re amazing. 💕
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fruitybashir · 27 days
🍊 and 🥭 for the ask game!!
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
jureeeeeee man i just. i feel like im majorly neglecting him in my writing and im sorry but i just. dont know how to write him, idk why its so hard
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
smut > fluff > angst > crack
although smut and fluff go hand in hand for me kinda lmao but i dont like writing angst i want them to be happyyyyy and i never tried writing crack? but i assume that ill be bad at it considering i need everything to make sense always
also smut being first here is so hilarious like when i was planning out holidate i was so intimidated by including smut plot points bc id never written before and was like can i even write this?? should i just keep it off camera?? and look at me now.
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ow-old-men · 1 year
Could I interest you in some info about these two idiots?
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Kassem 'Kass' H. Malik and Vermont 'Jaime' James are my very own homemade blorbos and for the next week starting today (April 19th), you could help them advance in the @original-character-championship! Go HERE to vote
And why should you?
Well, idk, but I will use this as an excuse to just talk about them so I can for once stop spinning them in my mind. They are also the main characters of a ... thing I'm slowly trying to write. In the simplest terms possible:
Kass and Jaime lead normal, regular lives. And that's easy enough for them, since they don't remember. Don't remember that they're actually immortal, elemental beings of great power who - in order to get out of having to fight in the great war of good and evil - burned away all their memories and powers and rendered themselves mortal. They don't even know that the memories will eventually start to return and that they've done this same thing over and over again; choosing each time to abstain from their responsibility and live on, in safety and hiding and in ignorance, and together
It's about memory, and about devotion, about loving to the point of destruction. It's about the decisions we have neither the right nor the choice but to make and it's about their consequences. It's about the things we must do, the things we are asked to do and all the things that fall between them. About responsibility and fleeing and being scared to death and beyond
And it is about two men who love each other because what else is there to do?
and if you wanna indulge me and simply read, well, the (very rough) draft of the opening to their tale can be found here:
As for their individual characters, well, let’s take them one by one
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Vermont, going mainly by the nickname Jaime, is the main instigator of their resets, the one who actually does it and yes, there is a lot of guilt built up there and then buried relentlessly. He’s connected to fire and especially the sun. He’s also kind of a lame guy?
Violently private to cover up a deep inability to connect with the people around him. Smart, but definitely not emotionally, kind but prone to defensiveness and isolation at the mere idea that he or the people he loves are being mildly inconvenienced threatened. He spends most of the time after their resets as a history professor but in a not insignificant amount of cycles he’s also been a carpenter or straight up a lumberjack
If Kass wasn’t around he’d probably be an unironic marvel fan and wear only beige polo shirts and fjällraven pants
Bonus info; on a meta level, he started his life as a spoof on Indiana Jones, that’s also why he’s named that!
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Kassem is in turn connected to water and especially the moon. It’s him for asks for the first reset, though he does start out opposed to the idea . On a personal level, he’s plagued by an endless curiosity that has driven him into every new turn of his existence. Kind of restless, filling notebook after notebook with flighty notes about almost everything. He’s a bit of a social chameleon, slotting in everywhere, at least for a while. He wants to understand and he’s good at getting to a place where he can but bad at every staying put. His heart eventually starts aching for whatever else may be out there
On a day to day though, he’s mainly just incredibly smart, and funny in a very sly, downplayed kind of way. Lightning sharp but not about to use it for anything nefarious . He’s an extremely prolific children’s book author (under a ton of pseudonyms) and does have a handful of longer, adult and extremely loose and poetic manuscripts tucked away in a drawer somewhere,. He’s yet to gather the confidence to pursue publishing
In short, They’re kissing on the mouth, they’re so unnormal about each other. They’ve got the world at their fingertips and they’ve never held anything that wasn’t each other. They’re the sun and the moon and they’re continually escaping heaven for a second more alone and together. Eventually they’ll have to turn and face the music, but love, what if we had time yet? There was never anything else they could have done.
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fanby-fckry · 6 months
Character Bingo about Vox and since I know you also like the Witcher, Lambert please :)
Original Here
Thank you for the ask!
For Vox:
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Defending my choices:
The reason I would kiss Vox and not Alastor is because I only want to do it once. I’m curious as to what kissing a TV screen with a mouth is like, ok? I already know what kissing a humanoid face is like, and it’s boring. Like yeah, the teeth change things, but that’s why I focused my energy on BITE.
The “beast unleashed” is in a different regard than Alastor. The beast in regards to Vox is his pathetic-ness, which is off the charts. I am unhinged about how pathetic this man is.
I hate Vox. And I love to hate him. The same is true for all the Vees to varying levels. They’re so terrible; I’m so glad they’re here.
For Lambert:
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Confessing my sins:
I feel like Lambert is the kind of character I could become obsessed with if I learned slightly more about him, but I haven’t had an immediate pull the way I did with certain others.
Ok so some of my headcanons are just me accepting Lamden fanon, but fuck, I didn’t even play the games and I ship it!
Everyone goes in the salad spinner. I like my blorbos disturbed. They need to be tossed around a lil.
Both his game and show aesthetic are vibes, tbh. Different vibes, but both vibes I enjoy. Game!Lambert’s design is so edgy, and we all know I love an edgelord design. Show!Lambert’s aesthetic is just… idk I like it.
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losingmymarbelles · 9 months
i see you rb a lot of ppls ducksonas/ocs and i was wondering if you have one? if so id love to see it !! /nf
seeing this ask made me realise that yes actually, i do have dt ocs. however i forgot about all of them completely agksksjsk
so i looked through my old art to find some art of my forgotten ocs. you’re welcome (or my apologies. it depends)
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so first off we have trinity, my OLD DUCKSONA!!! and her magical mentors or something idk. (their names are tilly and tempest. guess who’s who) from what i remember i think these two are like. her two sides but also her older sister figures. at the same time. somehow. idfk know man. also the mentors aren’t real i think they’re like spirits??? they’re the source of magic for this super cool magical double scythe that trinity has (that i didn’t draw)
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^ something like this bad boy
idk the lore is confusing i think i’ll have to change it LMAO
yeah so my head already hurts so onto the next ones
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next up we have FANKIDSSS bc i’m the most original oc maker on the planet. their names are Jet, Turbo and Rebel (i like the idea of them getting the names Della wanted for her kids) they’re Dewey’s kids (as you can see i transgendered Jet bc i can) there’s also a weblena child lol her name is Seren/Reni i think. she’s a guitarist if i remember correctly. Lena calls her rockstar <3
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^ also we have these guys who are llewerius biological kids?? don’t ask me how idk. their names are Emerald (left) and Jade (right) they also have an adopted bear brother named Isaac who i didn’t draw because the thought of drawing bears scared me at the time. i like them tbh i might repurpose them. they’re cute. i’m probably gonna redesign them too cause 💀. yeah
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and lastly we have these fuckers: some white girl named Lissy and genderfluid icon Morgan. Lissy is a cheerleader who has a guy best friend i forgot the name of. Morgan is one of those quiet art kids who makes their own clothes. i don’t remember why i made them lol
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blorbo from my fic (you can read it here if y’all want) nicknamed soup simp bc when i asked my friends who were beta reading my fic for a placeholder name for him they said soup. so. soup guy
yea so i might redesign + repurpose most of these guys so y’all may be seeing them again lol. thank u anon for reminding me about their existence
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thatgirlwithasquid · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition 👻
tagged by @ratbastardbilly and @intothedysphoria (ty guys xx)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): CUNNINGWAY!!! They’re my girls. Chrissy and Heather my beloveds. I have never been so hyped for a ship before and this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into one, but if I don’t advocate for this rarepair then who will? (the answer is bambi. bambi will. but whatever, you get the point)
2. most annoying ship: there isn’t really a ship i find WHOLLY annoying. stancy maybe. i also think jancy and mileven have ran their course and jopper gives me a lil bit of the ick. obvi no hate to the ships or those that ship it!!
3. second favourite ship: ima have to say harringrove, but there are others i like a lot too!!
4. favourite platonic relationship: heather, chrissy & billy. the chaos trio. more should be done with them <3
5. underrated ship: there are so many!! argyle/chrissy (which i am lovingly referring to as pompompinapple, just try and stop me)? byergrove (billy/jonathan)? calicheer (billy/chrissy)??? how can i possibly choose????
6. overrated ship: uhhhh this feels dangerous. but steddie. dont get me wrong, i love this ship, but the boom in works for them was INSANE cause i dont think they have TOO MUCH chemistry in canon (tho there 100% is a good bit and it makes sense)
7. one thing i would change in canon: the blatant lack of care the main cast have for characters outside their group. no empathy for billy, barely anyone looking into heather, characters dying that no one mentions again…
8. something canon did right: I really liked steve and dustin’s dynamic. like, a LOT. they cocked it up a bit in s4 for the sake of ‘haha, dumb steve’ but yeah. theyre sweet :)
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: my sideblog @poolsidepanic . i know that its a niche ship but i hope i help other people who love them as much as me actually be able to enjoy their ship and not just… be disappointed when they come up empty handed. the art and little fics and such i make over there make me so happy <3
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldnt change a thing): heather. sassy, bitchy, yet kindhearted lifeguard? yes. the only thing id change is the DISSERVICE THE DUFFERS GAVE HER WHEN THEY KILLED HER AND IGNORED HER EXISTENCE.
11. the character i relate most to the most and why: steve. just how he responds to the offhanded comments the people he cares about make to him, that they never seem to realise hurt.
12. character i hate most and why: neil, karen, brenner. no explanation needed
13. something ive learned from the fandom: idk. ive always wanted to be a positive person but seeing some of the toxicity in the fandom has made me really want to keep my little blog as positive and safe as i can for everyone. some things we see SUCK but if i can make someones day a lil better id like to? so not really a learn but an encouragement to be nicer wherever i can
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i dont read a lot of st fanfiction, actually. i havent been in the mood for it for AGES!! but in general im a slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst kind of person. i love the occasional, agonising right person not enough time or some character bashing for the sake of compelling suffering (if done right!!!)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: ooooh fun!!! ‘Groan’, ‘Wet’ and ‘Maggot’ by Dazey and the Scouts are so Billy. ‘Drunk Walk Home’ by Mitski gives me Chrissy vibes, and ‘Maggot’ again for her tbh (billy and chrissy, my sad beloved blorbos). there arent any songs i associate with cunningway yet tho 😔
tagging: @bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @every-dayiwakeup and anyone else interested in sharing :)
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