#idk why but it makes me so happy when people have faves from the cast AAAA<33
foxglovesound · 2 years
hawthorn/nightthroat is back! my sweet baby,he was my favorite of the og characters!
hahbabab THANK YOU so so much !!! hes one of my faves too, im glad to be drawin him again >wo!!
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yoru-no-seiiki · 1 year
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TW/CW: mdni, yandere themes, masturbation.
Have some headcannons while I wait for my henna to dry/watch the first season with my cousin.
I wish there were more who wrote for Canon! Eren. Like don’t get me wrong, Modern AU Eren is hot but I mean, fuckboys can be seen everywhere.
But Canon! Eren is batshit insane and that’s exactly what I love about him. I wish they at least add that to his modern counterpart instead of making him a basic bad boy but I mean if that’s what they’re into 🤷‍♂️
Anyways Exhibit A of why Eren in all eras is my fave AOT character:
Like I said, he’s batshit insane.
He has directly killed 2 people by the age of nine, and assisted in killing the third. Although this is out of self defense it still can’t be denied HOW HE TReateD THE SECOND DUDE HOLY SHIT- THE AMOUNT OF TIMES HE STABBED HIM.
Normal kids would just be terrified, maybe be even fight blinding and/or cry, probably even run tf away. But ya boi brought a knife and even deceived the person at the door.
He’d be a great yandere.
Let’s say that we age up our cast and make 18 the minimum age of enlistment (making him 21 around the attack of Trost).
Trainee Eren has the will of fucking steel. He’ll do whatever it takes to wipe out titan-kind, to make the cruel world he lived in finally know true peace.
To be with you in that new world he’ll build.
You were one of his fellow trainees. Someone who unconditionally believed and supported his desire to see the outside world. You didn’t treat him like a child as Mikasa did, and you weren’t so oddly distant when it came to his help and presence like Armin.
At first it started as a crush. An infatuation towards your looks and kind demeanor which morphed into a twisted sense of love.
You were the only one that understood him, that resonated with his wavelength.
He definitely frequently masturbated to your image. Stress was a known issue amongst trainees and soldiers alike. Many drank to rid themselves of such a problem. But to him just the thought of you two becoming one gave him relief and pleasure that any form of alcohol could never give. In the aftermath of the Trost incident, when faced with your unconscious, battered body he pulls a Shinji and jerks one off. Covering you with his release.
You think you’ll leave his mind once he gets busy with being a titan-shifter and the future of Eldia and such but nope.
Eren only has you and the new world he promised in his heart, body and soul. And that’ll never change.
Eren believes in freedom first and foremost.
So none of that kidnapping. At least in earlier years. He just wants you to be happy and safe. He’s more of the type to hurt others for your sake rather than be abusive and take away your rights.
Eren in later seasons has the capacity to keep you isolated, and that he will.
Like in other (unfortunately rare) fics of him, he keeps you in a farm land with a bunch of loyalists. If reader is afab! or has the ability to bear a child (for those with abo ocs or something idk) he’ll tell them that you are bearing his child and the future inheritor of his powers.
Otherwise he’ll come up with other excuses like having you as a tactician or war-hero they have to pay respects to.
He’ll give you as much freedom as he can provide while keeping you away from danger.
Though one might argue that his version of freedom for you is just an illusion.
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escarlatafox · 6 months
Okay now from the POV of STANNING CHARACTERS… (kfp4 spoilers)
So first off. My condolences to Tigress fans + people who are big fans of the Furious Five. And I mean – the Furious Five are were (?! 😭) core cast members, they’re great and fun characters, so I can absolutely understand the outrage of them just not being there AT ALL. In fact… idk their absence is weird in that it does feel less like kung fu panda without them. I take the view that what Matters is the movie being good, so if you have a movie that’s good, you can get away with certain characters* not being there if they wouldn’t serve an otherwise good plot. You can’t really say that’s the case with this movie though, because its pacing etc had much to be desired. So… yeah. You kicked them out but then the movie still wasn’t even good?? 😭And they didn’t even get a little scene they got nothing!! 😭No speaking scene I mean!
*Certain characters when I’m not completely obsessed with them (LOL). Because I, like anyone, am BIASED, my point here is that’s the “objective” take, but subjectively it absolutely sucks when your personal fave isn’t there so I really do sympathise. If shifu wasn’t in the fourth movie at all, I, too, would be extremely upset and furious. So fans of the Five have every right to be personally unhappy with their absence. For example if Shifu was absent from a Good kfp movie because he wouldn’t contribute to the Good plot, “objectively” that makes sense from a writing pov. Subjectively, I would still be personally unhappy with it.
ANYWAY. So now for analysis/discussion from a more character-focused pov/being biased in terms of my focus!
I mean, Shifu’s my fave, put him onscreen and don’t completely mess it up and there’s a good chance I’m just happy to see him again. And I was pleased to see him again. Ahah… What can I say? I’m a shifu fan… XD
Anyway. He’s SO not having a fun time dhsdjhsdsd I’m. god. Still getting my thoughts together about this. I have sorrrrt of mixed feelings/am of two worlds.
I did really enjoy his scenes. He’s actually kind of a mess honestly omggg. It kinda took me by surprise and I was actually very amused. I can’t help it he’s why I’m here LOL.
So like yes on the one hand I absolutely did accept and enjoy his scenes. On the other hand I was a bit surprised because… Well. Movies 1-3 did seem to have him on a clear trajectory of getting better and becoming more chill. He’s very Not Chill in this. You could make an argument that the whole “Oogway choosing Po as his spiritual successor” is a/the major issue that’s set back his progress in this movie, is why he’s clearly Not Fine (however much he might claim otherwise ckjdjkdsjk), etc. Because he only gets hit with that knowledge/information at the end of movie 3. The whole fact that he’s been kind of “overlooked” by Oogway (or at least, kind of skipped over technically…) and is now technically “surpassed” by Po, etc etc.
However, the above is all Watsonian analysis. From a Doylist point of view, I doooo think he has been Flanderised a bit. Feels like he’s just kind of been stuck/shoved into the box/role of grumpy “least-zen zen master” without much room to move about. It does feel like he had a lot more room/leeway before with his character/characterisation than he seems to have now…? And idk how to feel about it. Because like… I still really enjoyed his scenes in this movie, I loved it. So I don’t actually have any personal issues/complaints with it, I guess I do just feel like it can be “overdone”, if he really is thoroughly boxed-in like this. If his character has been simplified down/exaggerated… There are potential concerns with that but like, again. I loved him in this movie.
I mean I guess it just comes down to some mixed feelings on my end. Because I was getting this sense of “okay this kind of seems like… a bit overdone on the characterisation. But at the same time… I still love this characterisation” dhsdhjas? Hmmm. Still mulling over it. But I had fun! On an analytical level, I recognised that this movie had flaws, and that Shifu’s characterisation can be symptomatic of an overall downgrading of writing quality/handling of the characters in general. On the level of Being A Fan, I am a little baby being mesmerised by car keys being jangled in front of me.
It's also just kind of Funny to learn just how badly he’s doing. I thought he was Fine I really overestimated how well-adjusted he was at this point sdhsajksdakjsad god I. Mixed thoughts but I truly did love his scenes for the most part. Oughhh.
The fact that he’s now officially confirmed/clarified In Canon that he’s a red panda is hilarious. It took them four movies to do it. It’s been MANY years. But people having no clue what kind of animal he is over and over again, piggybacking off that… Man I loved it.
Hhhhhh yeah. Gonna keep mulling it over.
& I did feel catered to as a Shifu fan, by virtue of the fact that He Was There (I am the baby looking at the jangling car keys). So like, that would have affected my overall experience of the movie As A Whole in ways too! Because you can’t completely separate subjective from "objective". The movie itself could be lackluster but I could still be like “yesss Shifu” if I enjoy his individual scenes, etc. So tbh I had a great time, if only for that. I wanted to see him again and I did, LOL.
And like idk, if I fine-tooth-comb comparison his characterisation in previous installments vs this one, maybe I will come up with discrepancies or whatnot, and I guess one of my concerns is like, even if I was totally fine with how he was written in this movie, it raises concerns about how he might be portrayed in any future media, etc, so I’m just kinda wary? Idk. But tbh I had fun. That’s what matters.
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fandom-panda · 2 years
Live Blog-ish of Critical Role C3 Ep 43
i wasn't in the mood to watch it when it came out, but i saw some spoilers so i need to watch this now
(time stamp of slightly after what im talking about) my thoughts/questions/reactions. just so its easier for you to read/know what im talking about :)
(13:00) OMG I FORGOT ABOUT SHITHEAD!! i genuinely thought that this was a bit, not a real thing!!!
(21:00) ok wtf is up with Shithead?? is it some undead thing?!?!
(couple seconds later) I WAS RIGHT!! it is undead!
(25:40) lol i love how Laudna keeps just chucking pâté
(47:00) omg i cant believe fearne is continuing w the professor thing
(51:50) WTF WHY IS A REPRESENTATIVE OF VASSELHEIM THERE?!?! does it have to do w anything that the professor studying ruidus being missing? cause the thing where there were documents in vasselheim about there beings some more gods other than the prime dieties and the betrayer gods...?
(53:10) ok so couple things (about judicators). 1) hunters?!?!? wtf does that mean?!!? are they hunting said professor...? 2) oh my gosh!! i love history (real or fake, like exandrian history). my fave arc in campaign 2 was the aeor arc, so learning more about this history of judicators = learning more about the history of exandria = SO COOL!!!
(58:30) i have a feeling that, if given a class, judicators would be monks. idk they just give off the vibe of hand to hand combatants
(1:04:58) OH MY GOD FCG CASTING FAST FRIENDS. ugh i kinda hate that spell, and other similar ones, it makes me very anxious
(1:17:59) when matt said "Lucent Spire" i thought he said "Lucien" spire at first
(1:35:00) oh thank god, they pass the group deception check
(1:40:02) why does this professor have alarm set up? (at least thats what i think it is). is it bc the judicators?
(1:42:26) ah so i guess it was the alarm spell, and the guy was there and got alarm-ed. notified... that sort of thing
(1:47:19) "no offence, but i can smell you" lol
(1:54:16) is it possible that the guy left before bells hells even showed up...?
(1:59:40) lol chetney didn't check to see if the desk was trapped
(2:03:38) OH MY GOD FCG!! YOURE STEALING (cooking stuff) FROM THIS PROFESSOR!?!?!
(2:13:48) oop lol they do a steppy into the teleportation circle. where do they go? only continuing to watch will tell
(2:34:11) OH MY GOD! I was so confused, i was like "who is planerider ryn?" and then we find out they're the one who gave yussa the thing to get to the fire plane in c2?!!?! but have we met them before...?
(2:36:38) also i dont remember who or what the grim verity is :p
(2:43:54) oh my god the fire elemental has a name!! niles!!! :D this makes me ridiculously happy
(2:51:00) im gonna be dm-ing call of the netherdeep soon for a couple friends of mine, and some of them watch cr? and i fear that there might be some spoilers for it in c3 so thats fun /s
also (def spoilers for call of the netherdeep) in the intro to the campaign book, it says something along the lines of how ruidus wasn't always in the sky; and how the prime dieties made up the superstitions to try and get people to fear it/not research it. so... that definitely ties in to c3
(3:01:39) this is gonna be me repeating stuff we learn bc OMG HISTORY (excitement) and some theories and thoughts as i slowly watch this lore dump. ok so there are 2 lost dieties: ethedok "the endless shadow" and vordo "the fateshaper." ethedok's domain is darkness and winter (no thoughts about that one except "oh my gosh! more history!!), and vordo's domain is fate and order. i bet vordo is the luxon, the the beacons/diety the Kryn Dynasty prays to. the text also gave proof that ruidus wasn't always there (which i already knew), but it was created by the gods. I suppose i should have known that, but i didn't realize is. "the gods showed fear. something from beyond the stars that they recognized arrived here..." this is like,,, Tharizdun's lore. "... and they called it Predathos..." is this referring to both Ethedok and Vordo? also this post by blazingstar24 talks about the possible connection between predathos and Alyxian/creation of the Netherdeep. ive only skimmed this so far, bc i wanted to finish this episode first, but my mind is blown. this is all so cool!! "this predathos resisted their miracles and hunted them. spawning its own twisted life in its wake as it did. ... it is said that it devoured ethedok... and then vordo" ok so ethedok and vordo can't be apart of predathos... so is vordo not the luxon then...? but if they are, then how come the luxon beacons/dunamancy still work...? or at least clerics who draw their power from the luxon still work. (not writing the quote) but matt says that the titans and gods worked together to make Ruidus, which is the prison where predathos is. soo... Ludinus you fucked up bastard, why are you trying to free them?!?! cause im pretty sure thats what he's trying to do.
side note: im def gonna have my campaign be set before all this happens... or like push it back bc i dont want to have to think about this happening at the same time as the events of the campaign. ill def keep the info in mind... and try to pretend/hide the face that c3 and call of the netherdeep are prob connected from my players...
(3:10:06) so before, we heard that there were three possible places where the leylines align or whatever, one of them was the Hellcatch... I think bc, as the scholar i forget the name of said, people are being called to the Hellcatch valley, that prob means the apogee solstice is gonna happen there out of the three possible locations
(3:11:05) "and otohan found [imogen's mother], and so did the assembly." oh shit. is imogen's mom working with them?!?!?! i hope not
(3:12:24) i kinda love planerider ryn. i like their vibes
(3:13:42) lol ryn can see chetney. also i kinda really want niles and mister to interact...
(3:28:40) ohhhh ok so when ethedok and vordo were eaten, or "consumed" or whatever, their domains got split up and spread around the rest of the gods... interesting. i wonder how the luxon ties into all of this. unfortunately, i doubt that any of the players could in game ask matt because their characters dont know about that
(3:31:00) i wonder if the ruin that ryn is talking about is molaesmyr or aeor or another floating city... also i wonder how the people of avalir are going. like are they still alive, did they turn into something like the cognoza ward?
(4:03:05) oh my gosh Mori sounds terrifying... i hope that if bells hells does go to her for help, she actually helps and doesn't mess with anything like she did to make fearne be over 100 years old
(4:04:34) lol they forgot about leaving ashton behind
(4:13:00) FUCK OH FUCK WHO WHAT. ok so yk how the episode ends? with them getting teleported back to the basement, and then someone breaks into the house and then the weird voice being like "you sure theyre here? smell them and find them". WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?! WAS IT THE PERSON FCG CAST FAST FRIENDS ON?!?! WAS IT SOMEONE ELSE?!?!? IS ASHTON OK?!?!?!?
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cubedmango · 10 months
aw thank you again too 🥺 and you're welcome as well, i'm also really happy to know you appreciate my ramblings ❤️❤️❤️ and even though i only just got into it this year and ofc it has its downs and flaws as well, there's a lot to love about kr and toku as a whole, and i can see why characters from the other japanese media i like (i totally get you now, edgeworth) are portrayed as fans of the medium/genre 😅 speaking of that, i forgot to mention what maya's thoughts on build might be - like with edgeworth, idk if build would be her fave kr show, but i still think she'd enjoy it, and while she definitely has some similarities to misora, idk if that would be enough for maya to deem misora her fave character, and for some reason, instead i think either banjou or [redacted] (i'll tell you more about this person once you get further into the show) would be her fave. and i think she'd find sawa really cool in terms of her mysterious multiple skills and would want to emulate said skills, and she might find it cute that sento basically has a rabbit fursona fjgnkwjds
*maya voice* come on mr. edgeworth, you don't have to tell me he's gay when i can literally see he's a rabbit personified and obviously rabbits are gay animals. like duh [1/?]
(rest below)
(though that makes me think that edgeworth might criticize the fact that they cast a skinny prettyboy to play a former pro boxer and then he'd type up a whole essay ranting about how the actor should have been someone with actual beef like will powers instead and discoursing about toei's prejudice against bears in-depth lol) and oh wow i'm also really happy to hear that you actually started watching it!!! :D and you're already on ep. 8... get ready for the stakes to keep rising bc boy does this show do its best to keep its foot on the viewers' collective neck 😭 eps. 13-16 are some of my favorites so far, and ofc no one is ever prepared enough for the shit that infamously goes down in ep. 21 😔 there are ofc moments to take a breather here and there, but there are basically no filler episodes so yeah it can be A Lot jlmdjfjkhs. i'd love to know if you have any theories or speculations for some of the mysteries and questions the show has set up so far, because while i obviously can't discuss them in-depth atm, it's still fun to see other people's takes especially when they're going into build pretty much un-spoiled 👀 [2/?]
and oh really djwdjfnks i guess it's true that i didn't actually talk about the comedic aspects of the show in my previous messages, and the post i linked also didn't give off that impression since it mostly brought up the serious elements, so sorry for accidentally misleading you 😭 but i'm glad to know it's worked out for you so far! :-) i actually really like build's humor for the most part (other than a few things like the previously mentioned uncomfortable aspects of a male character having an intense parasocial crush on misora's mii-tan persona, where ngl it was a bit funny to me at first when it didn't come off as that bad yet but then it just kept going in a very 'why are we still pushing this' way - though tbf to that guy, even though i compared him to larry, i do think he has a lot more going for him in terms of an actual arc and his interactions with other characters can be compelling and fun, he just needs to stay 10 feet away from misora for 10 years and learn to be normal), and the comedy is definitely needed in these first several episodes since well, the show does get kinda dark later on, particularly when it gets to the war parts (though to my knowledge, it's never too edgy beyond the boundaries of what's allowed for ostensibly a kids' show) - like it still does retain humorous moments, but it's generally fairly more sobering compared to the early parts of the show 😔 [3/?]
if i remember them correctly, some of my fave funny moments from the episodes you've already watched include when sento was trying to drive off on his phone bike while he was still in the cafe, banjou attempting to explain his backstory when sento asked but he started from his birth and an exasperated sento threw the visual of baby banjou away, the satou taro stuff (which iirc actually became a popular enough meme in japan at the time build was airing due to the way inukai delivered the "let's eat yakiniku tonight!" part, to the point that non-toku ads apparently referenced it lol), sawa excitedly following around an annoyed sento as build for her news stories, the whole chaining back-and-forth between banjou and misora, sento getting excited at hearing about the bottles misora purified but then becoming sad that banjou figured out a best match before him, sento immediately trying to test out that sword invention thing of his on misora and a 'sleeping' banjou but the latter was actually awake and threatened him instead, isurugi making increasingly dejected facial expressions when the others rejected his shitty coffee one by one in favor of their canned coffees, and the recurring gag of banjou having to put on a silly disguise whenever he goes out in public (shoutout to the literally contextless random clown costume) bc of how he's still a fugitive at large lmao (also not specifically meant to be funny but i cracked up at banjou's first appearance being shirtless in the sewers - i know it's supposed to be a fanservice-y moment but instead it proved to me just how nonexistent those 'sweet pecs' he loves to brag about are 😭) [4/?]
in general i like the whole gag of sento having a bunny ear ahoge that sticks up whenever he gets excited about science, even as a lot of fans jokingly call it a hair boner instead because well. i guess it's not exactly wrong hdjfjnkwjs sento being horny for science is probably the least surprising thing about him though... and a lot of the episode recaps are funny too, like when they explain how isurugi came to give sento his name (idk if you've reached this episode yet though) and when sento loves overemphasizing the way he says the 'genius'/'tensai' part of 'genius physicist' lmao on a side note, i do like how anime-ish many of the fashion choices and character quirks are, like sento's ahoge ofc and also his mismatched sneakers, and banjou's shrimp braids (i've seen a few other people think they look uncool, and while i understand that they can be pretty jarring when you're not used to that kind of hairstyle, i personally have come around to them by now and find them one of his charm points tbh), and in general the way banjou dresses like a delinquent-type lesbian jock in high school fjskjwkajs [5/?]
also i only realized later on when i saw other people pointing it out that it's weird that misora doesn't seem to have an actual schtick or something as an online idol, like singing and/or dancing or even playing video games (and later episodes do nothing to correct this assumption), and when they're not giving her info on what's happening in the country/touto re: things like smash attacks, instead she just. asks her viewers to essentially doxx people 😭😭😭 like even if that was for a good cause in the end and it worked out okay, it's still pretty weird to say the least in hindsight 😭 also let me just say that banjou being a bit of an ass to sento in these early episodes to the point of knocking him out twice to get away with his own plans, plus that part where he duked it out with sento in the nascita basement after the tatsuya incident made me go :O at first like wow okay yeah, i get where he's coming from wrt wanting to prove his innocence asap but also he definitely needed to chill somewhat (and that convo between sawa and misora where the latter was genuinely worried that the tentative friendship between the guys was over for real but sawa said she was sure they would get over it or something along those lines... queen of being supportive hfjsmkws). i'm glad he at least apologized for what he did to tatsuya in the end (also sento making that dragon bot companion for him was really sweet, even if banjou found it annoying at first lol), and the rest of his character development will definitely be cool to watch :') [6/?]
and yeah the range of their acting is amazing hwjsfkrds especially since both of their characters in cm and odt have that anxious and easily startled prey animal vibe 😭 though banjou's otherwise shouty aggressive persona is at least offset by goofy stuff like that running gag of him getting jumpscared by the microwave, and ofc the fact that he has very few functioning braincells (i hesitate to use the word here since it's become oversaturated in the past few years, but i guess you could deem him a himbo) lmao also in general, i think toku actors deserve a raise purely for being able to constantly maintain their composure while doing actions that would be otherwise goofy (e.g. i can only imagine how it looks to be cranking that lever on build's driver belts without any of the special effects added in yet) 😭 iirc inukai actually talked about that at some point, about how hard it is to insert the two bottles when he's not supposed to be looking, so even if he gets the first one right on the first try, he might still mess up the second one, so he often has to do multiple takes and said that bc of that issue, he was planning on buying one of the belt's toy versions so he could practice with it at home (idk if he went through with it in the end though) [7/?]
i'm also happy to hear about how endearing you've found the characters already - that's definitely one of build's strengths imo even if some of them end up not being developed to their full potential 👍🏼 and ahhh i'm so glad you're seeing the narumitsu vision this early!! i knew i could count on you 🙏🏼 if you're liking them thus far, trust that it's gonna get even better - you're gonna see just how much this was practically preliminary training for their later respective bl dramas ^_^ and sento and banjou may not be of the 'estranged childhood friends where one of them was adopted by his dad's murderer and then molded to follow in said murderer's footsteps and the other changed their whole career path just to see the first person again and save them' variety but they end up having quite a few Insane moments of their own later on that i feel are narumitsu-coded too so it makes me go T_T and about banjou's instinctive knack for figuring out best matches - yeah iirc it does appear a few more times after that, though sadly it doesn't figure as much anymore at the point in the show i am now. who knows though, it might still make a comeback in later episodes 🙏🏼 and yep that dialogue between isurugi and banjou... that sure was Something. ofc sento's issues will come into play more prominently as the show goes on, and i'm looking forward to seeing your reactions to how they pan out 👁️👁️ [8/?]
hdkfjskjs i'm glad you like both misora and sawa too!! misora is truly a #relatable sleep-loving icon for threatening to cut people who disturb said sleep <3 and you don't need to worry on the fronts of misora's powers and both women's backstories - they'll definitely get delved into at some point (in fact, since you mentioned being on ep. 8 already, parts of misora's get brought up in ep. 9 iirc)! my main issues are just that certain aspects, or the effects of those aspects on both women, of their backstories and the relationships they have with certain other characters in connection with that, and even their personal friendship with each other (even as i like the content we do get), could have been expanded on - ngl as i'm writing this, i'm getting flashbacks to capcom's treatment of aa female characters like maya and trucy, so once again the aa comparison seems apt here - but oh well, you'll see when you get there. ultimately it feels like a case of 'it could have been worse' considering how too often female characters can get the super short end of the stick in stuff like these, but still. that doesn't stop one from wishing it really could have been better 😔 [9/?]
and oh yeah, i hadn't brought up them up yet because i wanted you to experience them for yourself, but both gentoku/night rogue (that reminds me of the funny scene in ep. 2 where sento was like "the batman..." and he was like "it's night rogue, actually" and sento just snapped back with "i don't care what you call yourself!" or something to that effect 😭) and blood stalk are interesting and compelling antagonists and their cringe evil toxic yaoi dynamic is very fun to watch ngl <3 and about stalk and his drama-loving ass in particular - you're definitely in for a treat re: learning more about his whole deal, i promise 😌 me 🤝🏼 you 🤝🏼 other fans on akaso eiji: what is this man cooking sometimes djfjkahgs. and gah i know, he definitely comes off as smart enough (certainly smarter than the character he plays in this show) to be aware of the implications of saying stuff Like That so like. come on dudeee. and the comment i mentioned him making at that post-series promotional event is probably the cherry on top as the most out-of-pocket thing i've heard him say wrt this show to date (looking forward to both of us finishing this show so we can talk about it for real) like... seriously thank you so much for speaking your truth but also it's a wonder the toei snipers didn't get you in that moment 😭😭😭 also i imagine this is what the build actors felt like reading the script they got with every new episode: 🏳️‍🌈❓ and that was just amplified as the show went on 💀 [10/?]
and i actually was able to find again the video for the first promotional event - youtu . be/OW1y8FNibDU?si=bezKLuvqfYvSSDJq, and akaso starts talking at the 1:02 mark, so you can finally see it for yourself (it's also at this event where inukai jokingly introduced himself as satou taro instead of sento, complete with the 'yakiniku' pose that got turned into a meme, and akaso had to 'remind' him of his actual character lol). and re: this event, this was done for the crossover movie 'kamen rider heisei generations final: build & ex-aid with legend riders' or heigen final as it's commonly abbreviated, which i mentioned in my previous messages in passing, so here you can see iijima (where he looks far more baby-faced compared to his appearance in odt, even though iirc he's only 2 years younger than inukai and also akaso) and the rest of the main ex-aid cast too like i've said before, it's not strictly necessary to watch because it's not really meant to be fully canon, plus other kr protagonists - namely ooo/eiji, fourze/gentarou, gaim/kouta, and ghost/takeru - you wouldn't be familiar with also appear in supporting roles (though tbf to those other riders, since this is generally meant to be a standalone, it doesn't delve that much into the stories of their respective shows, so some cursory reading of their synopses and who these protagonists are should be good enough, but yeah i guess it does contain some spoilers for how said shows end, especially ex-aid since that's the other main rider here). the pros to watching this though is that it apparently shows some nice banjou development, which is still included within the main series but other elements are just elaborated on here, and contains additional foreshadowing for some later twists and reveals in the main series (build's head writer shogo muto was definitely on a roll while co-writing this) - and by that, i mean that the continuity is such that heigen final is technically set in between eps. 14 and 15 of the show, so there are stuff in episodes afterwards that get further set up here [11/?]
so if you don't mind some spoilers for the other seasons, especially if you're not planning on watching those anytime soon, and the fact that this isn't strictly canon, you can watch it on the toku . fun site (since the page i linked you to contains all the spin-off stuff for this show already) once you're done with ep. 14 :-) on my end, i actually started watching it a while back, but i didn't finish yet and i proceeded with my main series watching instead and now i'm 20+ episodes in, so if you're too impatient like me, it's still okay to skip it for now and just go back to it another time 👍🏼 and there's also an interview with iijima and inukai as promotion for the movie that you might be interested in, though you should also definitely only read it after finishing ep. 14 since it contains spoilers for that and a couple of episodes before it, and ofc spoilers ahead for ex-aid too: docs . google . com/document/u/0/d/1gV0D6WhKQiV8Hi3OhOk1XNUD3hB2uF4f9j1tWTYXE3g/mobilebasic?pli=1 [12/?]
also since you got past ep. 2 already, i was reminded of how build does pull the 'dead girlfriend for manpain' thing which is. not a great trope as a whole, and kasumi could have stood to be a bit more developed before her death and even in the later instances when she's brought up by banjou and co., but from everything i've heard, this + how kasumi is shown haunting the narrative is still generally handled with more grace compared to how ex-aid did a similar storyline, so this is definitely a tolerable enough case. and yeah while i don't think it was that many so far, kr definitely has had a bit of a track record of featuring dead girlfriends for men's sad backstories (though tbf, there have also been plenty of backstories here involving dead male friends so there is some equality at least ig??), the quality with which they were written varying, but welp are we really surprised considering how men-dominated this franchise is ofc lol [13/?]
and i do think the mysteries pay off well for the most part, so i'm glad it reeled you in too and ofc i'm interested in hearing your future thoughts and reactions :-) and don't worry about your posts/answers getting long, bc i can assure you that whatever i send to you will almost always be longer fjkhfsws. and feel free to independently liveblog it in separate posts too if you like - you can just tag them and/or put them under a 'read more' so i can more easily find them and your other followers can also filter the tags if they don't want to see those posts, though hey, maybe it will inspire them to get into build as well and there'll be a resurgence in build fans 5 years after it ended?? lol and yeah i think that might actually have been an aa reference fr! (even if he didn't exactly point like phoenix and co. haha) i'm pretty sure it's like the most well-known mainstream franchise involving lawyers dramatically yelling 'objection!'/'igi ari!' in japan atp so i wouldn't be surprised. just another thing to add to the list of aa-build parallels ig! [14/?]
akshfjfkas that's definitely one of the few things adachi and banjou would have in common at least 😭 also i'd definitely like to see any build fanart you might make!! no pressure though, draw them only if you actually want to and at your own pace :-) though that reminded me, have you ever considered redrawing narumitsu (or any other big m/m aa pairing actually, like klapollo, asoryuu, or even langworth) as the 'heated drama between men' picture (since that tagline definitely applies to those duos)? i always thought that was prime redraw material for other media, so it saddened me to see very few actual redraws or edits of it so far 😔 (though maybe there were actually more back then, but since this show aired 5-6 years ago, those are long-buried now or something). no pressure again ofc, it's just an idea so feel free to draw or not draw it hsfjwkflds [15/?]
unfortunately, because this has gotten very long again, once more i'll have to relegate my thoughts on the f/f and canon lgbt+ stuff to other messages some other time... just know the gist that toei has for sure been taking baby steps in terms of the rep, and afaik most of it has ranged from decent to good or at least i don't think any of them have come off as blatantly offensive caricatures, but some other moves they've pulled here and there have also been frustrating, and while it's true we shouldn't actively be seeking authentic diverse rep from these corporations in the first place, it still would be nice to someday get a respectfully written canon gay and/or trans kr protagonist of any gender (though given it's kr, it will likely be a guy anyway) without a single no-homo or "it's up to interpretation" type of official statement you know? 😔 aaand that's all again for now, thanks again, and goodbye and talk to you next time :-) hope you enjoy watching the rest of the show! <3 [16/16]
also sorry to add on to this hours later but i just suddenly got struck with new ideas for other m/m duos in aa to possibly redraw the 'heated drama between men' picture as: the actual toku characters like steel samurai/evil magistrate, or even nickel samurai/jammin' ninja just bc of the engarde vs. corrida drama (even though the characters are actually from different shows and i don't genuinely think of engarde and corrida's relationship as romantic wjdekjfsjh)
anon hi again and thank u again for the asks !!!! sorry for the wait i didnt get to watch much these last few days (only caught up to ep12 now) so i was waiting until id watched enough that i could update u on the live reacting a little bit kajfkdsjgd but its been rlly fun !! the plot twists keep getting me but theres the silliness to balance it out but then the emotions and the stakes oh god oh fuck-
gonna start w misora and sawa again immediately bc 1) i care them So much and 2) WHAT THE FUFCKKFDJFK I DIDNT EXPECT THE SAWA STUFF???????? when they showed her being in kahoots w the weapons guy i was literally >:0 at my screen i was so betrayed i thought that was for It for her...... but then her backstory and how she came clean abt everything and still wants to help the gang out ooughghhg i wamt to give her a hug so bad...... and her friendship w misora too im gonna Cry!!!!!! also speaking of the misora lore is also intriguing (7 yr coma....... i keep saying this smth abt jp medias and their 7 years) and her getting to go out after so long and have fun was so sweet 🥺 the idol thing is still wild tho but u know what. valid bc the concept of a doxxing idol is so funny kdfjkgjkdfjg
also sento and banjou oh my god . I DIDNT KNOW OTHER GUYS COULD BECOME KAMEN RIDERS TOO???? tho when stalk mentioned the hazard levels earlier i had a Feeling but it failed last time banjou tried so i thought that was it but omg what the hell .... the design for him is so cool too im glad he had that chara growth moment !! tho the kasumi stuff is def #manpain flavored so far (did those two only ever meet at that one sakura tree goddam let them have other flashback scenes??) im glad at least they didnt just drop her after ep2 and actually have her death impacting banjou (and sento too w him taking the blame for it himself) and that driving him to work on himself and become more selfless its so [chefs kiss] i do hope she gets mentioned again tho bc that "i hope you can forget me" in the letter was Not helping
also yeag . they are NOT beating the nrmt allegations for me!!! its about the trust and belief babey!!!!!!!! what the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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AND WHAT IS THIS . WHY. (for some reason it reminded me of krdc in that one scene in ep5 fkdjksjg)
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but seriously the progression of their relationship is so neat to see (esp at the moments they give each other a push to do the right thing those always get me ough) they are becoming Friends!!!!! now im super curious tho what akasos other out of pocket comment mightve been bc canon is already pushing the ship so much how could he have possibly added onto it 😭
as for theories hmmmm i dont rlly have any solid ones rn?? the sawa plot twist already threw me off for a bit and the whole govt/faust stuff is going p standard villain plot-ly so no speculations there...... tho stalk is still confusing me bc hes clearly helping out and he even says it but im gonna assume he has his own goals (tho actually since u mentioned redrawing the heated drama pic i went looking for it again + looking for chara refs in general earlier and uh . i mightve seen a spoiler abt stalk ?? [nervous laughter] ha ha what the fuck 😳 gonna try to forget that in case its real)
also ty for that info on the movie it sounds interesting i didnt know they did crossovers like that :0 still have to reach ep14 so ill think abt if i wanna watch it then or afterwards but looking forward to the banjou content i will take All of it (and seeing iijima again too maybe itll even get me interested in his season jkjdkjg he does look v babie in that vid i almost didnt recognize him help)
the aa/kr crossover potential rlly is there tho im seeing ur ideas abt the aa charas watching the show since theyre already toku fans 👀 i thought abt seeing if theres crossover fics on ao3 or smth but nope im going to learn from my mistake im going to Wait i dont want to get more spoiled kfjdkfjg me making fanart is also gonna have to wait but soon. maybe . if i can keep a good pace to watch and not take one billion years-
0 notes
Ayo this is unedited notes from Misha’s panel excuse the emojis (except for the one after Misha said “what are they gonna do, fire me?” because that one was warrented)
* Watching the finale was tough because it represented the end of a chapter of his life but he has a palpable feeling that the spn family isn’t going anywhere
* Favorite memory making a recipe w/kids and Vicki? Pasta with jam sauce 🥺 bizarre and totally disgusting 😂
* Projects in mind? Yes, worked a lot on US election which was pretty invigorating for him, plans to do more work on Georgia runoff elections. Publishing a book of poetry, close to closing a deal with a publisher for that. Couple of film projects he’s trying to get off the ground, one he wouldn’t be in or direct, other interested in directing and possibly acting.
* What do you think happened when Jack brought Cas back and what’s he doing? There was a different ending that COVID made impossible to shoot. Not supposed to talk about it but it was big crowd scenes. In the original iteration, he didn’t go to recreate Heaven, he had a different ending. Didn’t read the last two endings and watched them as they aired. Knew in the abstract what Cas and Jack’s fates were but he doesn’t really know what the answer is.
* What was West and Maison’s experience of watching Spn for the first time? They can’t watch scary things at all so they haven’t ever watched a full episode. West and Maison asked him to tell them when a scary part was coming up and Misha said “well unfortunately, I don’t really know”. Kids looked totally shellshocked at the cold open 😂 Spn may have been good for his career and the fandom but has irrevocably scarred his children
* Screencapping chat because they’re typing too fast 😂
* Will you go to Russia again? He’d love to but he’s said a lot of bad things about Putin so he might be arrested 😂
* What qualities do he and Cas share? Over time, the character melded with Misha and became softer and more sensitive and tried to do the right thing and be a good person.
* What’s the one thing you’ll take with you from playing Castiel? He thinks a lot. On a professional level, it was fascinating to play a character for so many years, (discussed recently with J2) the characters really became a part of them. Watching Dean’s death he cried, but because “that’s Cas’s friend Dean dying”. Cas will always be will him, an aspect of his being forever.
* What’s your favorite thing to bake with kiddos? Loves to bake pie, fave is strawberry rhubarb.
* He teared up watching 15x18 🥺
* Have other cast members disclosed what the original ending was supposed to be? Doesn’t want to be the one to reveal state secrets but “What are they gonna do, fire me? 😏”
* We saw a version of Heaven that was populated with all the people from their past. But they couldn’t do that due to COVID restrictions.
* Fave BTS memory from set? Don’t have one, they’ve been close friends for 12 years. They’ve had laughing fits, fights, gotten pissed off at each other, but some of his fondest memories of work are of Supernatural.
* Why did Cas’s trench coat stay intact? He can magically mend his clothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When he went in, they wanted him to look like Constantine-suit was way too big, had to fold his shirt and tuck it because it was too big. He got a new suit at first which wasn’t explained, lost the tie and then brought it back, which wasn’t explained, and once season they just started him in a new wardrobe and said nothing 😂
* Stole trench coats from set, will probably wrap them around himself and cry at some point
* To get in the zone for Cas’s confession and death, he went and sat in a dark corner of the set and Rob Hayter stood guard over him so no one would bother him 🥺 and when they were ready for him on set, Rob would come over very gently and say “Misha they’re ready for you”
* How did you feel when you read 15x18? He knew that ending was coming for a long time, been talking to Berens about it, and was really happy about it. It was the ending he wanted for Cas. Felt risky and brave for the show to do and he was proud to be a part of that. Seen people complaining about bury your gays trope and he doesn’t feel that’s what happened with Cas’s ending. He’a glad Cas got to have that moment and he’s proud the show did that.
* Do you think you’ll get an SPN tattoo? Doesn’t have any, was thinking about getting some for his children. Should he get tats of Jensen and Jared’s faces? 😂 Get a tat of Cas’s face on his abdomen? 😂 Probably no tattoo re:spn for him but he totally supports anyone that does.
* The last scene he shot as Cas was the last scene of the day on Friday. He, Alex, Rich, and Jensen all had to get to Vegas for a con. They shot late into the night and finished around 1:30-very teary, Misha’s goodbye to the show- had to get a chartered flight to get there on time. One of the engines exploded and they had to circle back, plane was shaking, really scary. Texting their families, didn’t know if they were gonna crash land. It was such a strange night, super intense.
* He misses the pimpmoble.
* What non-hunter job would Cas be good at? Security guard, he never sleeps and never gets bored. Not a great teacher, architect, or artist. Handy in the kitchen, maybe a cook?
* What color are Cas’s wings? Shit, idk, I always thought they were black. Ah! They’re rainbow colored, how about that?
* When he was directing, Jared would take the canvas off his director’s chair and lay it over so it looked like a real chair and Misha fell for that probably 5 times. Jared kept messing up lines so Misha cut and went to see what was wrong and Jared pied him in the face. Jensen brought him another shirt with was nice, went for lunch and Jensen pied him in the face 🙄😂
* Real story behind the handprint in 15x18? He doesn’t remember but it was a really nice touch.
* Fave thing about panels? He and Jensen have had a lot of fun panels in Rome 👀 Brought up the resume-off 👀👀 Had pizza delivered to a panel once.
* Fave version of Castiel to play? Had fun playing Lucifer. Loved playing human!Cas, was fun to explore what it would be like. Just regular Cas was his favorite. Wouldn’t have wanted to trade regular Cas for any other iterations 🥺
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starfire-s · 4 years
here’s a list of the best, mediocre and worst kdramas i watched in 2020
no one asked for this but it’s happening because i have thoughts (also all opinions are my own if you disagree then get well soon i guess... no i’m kidding make your own posts about it don’t hate me please) ahsjsj anyways click to read a lengthy post and if you actually read the whole thing then thank you i hope you enjoy this wild ride! 
mystic pop up bar - this show had everything i ask from a kdrama literally i can name it all found family (to real family), well thought out characters, a mystery plot, special effects, soft romances that were well written, a happy ending! no show in 2020 even comes close to how good this one was! the writers literally guided you throughout the whole thing so you could come up with theories and didn’t do a ‘aha! gotcha’ thing where they want to prove the audience wrong but they wanted us to be right and satisfied! the worst part about the drama is that it’s still so underrated and people just brush it off as some random fantasy show but it’s so much more than that! 1000/10
flower of evil - who doesn’t want to see lee joon gi being the son of a serial killer, living with the name of a man who is in a coma, and hiding his real identity from his wife who is a detective? this show constantly had me at the edge of my seat on a weekly basis so the emotions i went through while watching this are unparalleled! the writers also did such a good job on writing a coherent story that made sense and tied up all the plot points in the end. just a really satisfying show to watch! 10/10
where your eyes linger - i literally bought a $8 viki pass to watch this show so it should tell you everything you need to know about how i feel ahsjsj the episodes were 10 minutes long but we got a good story with well written characters who got character development in a total of 80 minutes it’s insane! honestly it’s still hard to believe this show had rookie actors because they were just so emotive that you could feel all the happiness, sadness, yearning and pining! probably one of my fave kdramas this year because of the acting that i always constantly rewatch! would recommend 10/10
crash landing on you - okay so this drama was actually released on my birthday last year and it was a time in my life when i was going through a lot so maybe it’s the comfort this show provided me through that time this is why i have such a soft spot for it? like the romance was good, it was funny, there was found family, the nk soldiers were all softies, there were strong female leads, soft male leads!!! ahh!! no other show on this list made me think about the unification of south korea and north korea irl because i wanted se ri and jeong hyeok to be together 4ever! but the only issue i had with this show was the ending they gave seung jun if they didn’t do that i’d give this show a 10/10 but just for that they get a 9/10
psycho but it’s okay - this was one of those shows where you’re literally like ‘wow everyone here needs therapy’ but this show was amazing i loved the story telling and how each episode related to children’s book/fairytales! the writers also did a good job with how carefully they talked about mental health in depth without villainising their characters but actually tried to make the audience understand why they were this way which included all the side characters too who had a well thought out story in each episode! also the dynamic between moon young, kang tae and sang tae was everything to me the actors all did an amazing job portraying their characters, it truly was a healing drama. the only thing i didn’t like about this show was the whole plastic surgery plot with the mother like that was very far fetched but it provided drama so i’ll let it slide because the rest was amazing. this show is a solid 8.5/10
18 again - another underrated gem! who would’ve thought a remake of that zac efron movie could be this good!! lee do hyun stole this show for sure the way he portrayed his character and gave heart eyes to his kids (when he’s only 25 irl was the best thing i saw this year ahsjs) i loved the family dynamics in this show, i loved how it talked about what it’s like to be young parents and how society still think it’s taboo to be divorced! it’s a show that makes you laugh and cry at the same time and that’s why everyone should watch it! however, the biggest clown thing this show did to me though was that i got sls for the first time while watching a kdrama... hwang in yeop if u’re reading this i love u and u deserved better 🤡 that aside this show was a 8/10
itaewon class - i actually didn’t watch this drama as it was airing because i thought i wouldn’t enjoy the plot but when i watched it i binged the whole thing in 2 days and my biggest regret is i didn’t watch it sooner! everyone knows i have a soft spot for park seo joon since he’s my favourite actor i’ve literally watched all his dramas like he could star in the trashiest drama out there and i’d still watch it and be like wow (looking at she was pretty 👀) this show aside from the acting had one of the best revenge plots in a kdrama! just watching a character realistically hustle his way to reach the top while fighting the corrupt man whose son killed his father was so so satisfying to watch! however, the love triangle in this show was questionable idk what they were trying to do with that but it personally annoyed me! but still i’ll give this show a 7.5/10 because i enjoyed it a lot!
do you like brahms? - kim min jae and park eun bin.. that’s all you need to know about why this is a good kdrama! i’m usually not a big fan of melodramas and everyone knows i prefer rom coms but this show was just so perfectly melo that i loved all the angst and pain we got!! also just watching two introverted people awkwardly fall in love was amazing! the characters story arcs were also handled pretty well with song ah finally learning to speak up for herself and joon young learning to express how he truly feels! but... the love square? was probably the most annoying thing the rest in my opinion was nicely done! i know people had mixed feelings about the ending but i loved that after all the pain joon young and song ah went through they got a happy ending together! 7/10
find me in your memory - okay this show started off very slow and it was confusing at the start but as it progressed everything in the plot started to fall into place! i mean this show really took opposites attract to a new level where the male lead could remember every single detail from his life but the female lead had to forget some of her traumatic memories to help her cope with her life! they were also tied together through a mutual character who was a big part of their lives in a different way! just an interesting melodrama with interesting characters i liked it! and moon ga young... i love you queen!!! 7/10
more than friends - was the storytelling in this show groundbreaking? no. was the acting decent? yes. also probably the main reason i stuck with this show until the end! i think we can all agree lee soo had the best character development on this show he started off as a bad boy who wore one ear stud to actually becoming a well liked character... who else did it like him? no one. also the chemistry between the mains was 🔥 but the second male lead was so annoying is there a opposite word for second lead syndrome because i had that for sure! i think the best part about this show was the people i watched it with on here... shoutout to the five of us ahsjsj also this show introduced me to a talented actor/singer like ong seong wu (y’all know my kpop knowledge is nonexistent so no i didn’t know he was in a band called wanna one) all in all a predictable show but i had fun watching it so 6.5/10
tale of the nine tailed - i didn’t actually watch this show i watched it through gifs and instagram posts ahsjsjs so am i qualified to talk about my opinion definitely no... will I talk about it anyways yes lmao. lee rang deserved better that’s all goodbye and take care. 5.5/10
start up - probably one of the most awaited opinions. y’all thought this would be in the worst kdramas section but i decided to give this show some rights. the show started off strong, lost it’s way after episode 6 and then the last episode gave me what i wanted so i have mixed feelings. the writing was not the best i think we can all agree, love triangle as a plot device? wow so groundbreaking 🤡 the characters on the other hand... i loved every single one of them i mean ship wars? i don’t know her. the show had a lot of potential that was wasted but we also got some cute moments between the characters so there was really no winning or losing with this show? but in all honesty you can’t put a talented cast together like this and then just decide to give the audience a mediocre plot but the writers did exactly that! i think i can redirect y’all to my ‘crimes this show committed’ post for a in-depth analysis. lastly nam do san was a GOOD and REFRESHING male lead and ji pyeong was also a GOOD and FUN second male lead!!! this show gave me the ugliest ship war ever that i was transported back to my high school tvd days so thank you for that!! but the cast was loveable and all had a lot of chemistry together so here’s a 5/10 maybe that's too generous but... i think the reason why i didn't enjoy watching this show as much was definitely because of the tag on here lmao
the king eternal monarch - i miss clowning this show so much. the amount of braincells i lost while trying to understand this plot... i should be compensated by the writers. however, woo do hwan was a treat to look at on a weekly basis... however the writers kept decreasing his screen time even though he had a dual role... make it make sense? and i cannot comment on the plot of this show because i still don’t understand anything? also in my opinion tae eul and lee gon were the most bland couple of 2020, there was no chemistry between them and there was just a random kiss in episode 5 and they randomly said i love you... where was the development? also lee gon was soooo boring and such a one dimensional male lead! literally all the side characters were so much more interesting and the cast was good... but this plot. 2/10
do do sol sol la la sol - i wanna fight the writer who decided that the plot twist on the show would be that jun is a minor? i had no expectations from this show but it looked cute and nonsensical but that plot twist made me run the other way so fast that i never looked back! just because jun is a boy they really thought this would be excused like lmao we all have critical thinking skills???? the clown behaviour. a solid 1/10
record of youth - i hate this show so much. imagine not utilising park so dam who just starred in the biggest oscar winning movie to her full potential. imagine just making her a love interest to park bo gum’s character in the year 2020. i watched it up until episode 6 and i kept waiting for her character to get development... but it never happened so i dropped this show. also this show featured the MOST useless love triangle i have ever seen in my life like what was the point? also park bo gum’s characters family was straight up annoying (minus the grandpa) but they got so much screen time like that should’ve been given to park so dam... also villainising a gay side character for no reason at all in the year 2020? this show was a waste of my time i want the 6 hours i spent watching this back. -100/10 
backstreet rookie - i watched one episode of this and literally wanted to rip my eyeballs out of my head. idk what ji chang wook was thinking when he signed this drama i think he lost his ability to read because that's the only reasonable explanation for why he chose to star in such a dumpster fire show! this show had a racist character... had a high schooler kiss an adult... sexist jokes... just the worst things you can think of in a drama... this show had it. i still can’t believe so many people watched this show to the point where it had better ratings than pbio... really made me question everyone’s taste? but sorry can’t relate my taste is excellent so here’s the rating this show actually deserves -1000/10
if you made it this far... thank you for reading. let’s continue to love some kdramas together and get clowned by others in 2021! looking forward to it 😅
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
yet another ask dump yeehaw!
do you ever think that jay's mother was one of those bitch who believes in horoscope and tarots and things like that and so he believes in these things too, or it is just me projecting?
sheila haywood took one look at jason's birthchart said 'nah this won't do' and left.
Wait, but what happens when the justice league does find out that Bruce and John fucked? Lmao it sounds like it would be hilarious, really, I don’t want a justice league that doesn’t make fun of Bruce for like his entire life.
barry runs out of the meeting immediately and comes back with an entire sti testing kit. diana fully seriously wants bruce to get tested while bruce is sitting there like 'come on guys, you're being ridiculous, i already checked twice'
john is standing in the corner clearly offended while bruce is just like 'don't even say anything, constantine, you fucked a shark'
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
on the one hand, good for him, on the other hand, bro, how do you still have a secret identity when your superhero name is just your last name,,,,
Your fic on ao3 was GOLD PLEASE CONTINUE I loved Dinah's cameo btw ( @purple-vixen
thanks so much! i already continued but this ask is like 10 years old because i'm a notorious procrastinator (also yes! i love dinah so much aahhhhhhhhhhhh)
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
bruce internally: holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit holy fuck holy shit bruce externally: get out of my city, alien
AHHH ur multimedia fic is the only thing that brings me happiness anymore continue it forever pls
uhh thanks, but can't continue it forever because my attention span is that of a toddler on crack on a good day and i can't function without at least 10 things going on at the same time and music in the background
Oi, so I'm getting into dc and watching batman the animated series, and they use fruitcake a lot. Which I thought was very funny and wanted to share w you - Denilla
wait like fruitcake (food) or fruitcake (derogatory) ?
young justice 🤝 teen titans slut shaming batman
tim drake and dick grayson to their respective teams 'you guys stop it, that's my dad'
Happyhoganon: If an eighty year old Batman had fought crime in Gotham City for decades and the only threats to him and the city lately are a wheel chair bounded Penguin, your usual purse snatchers and a few con artists popping up every now and then, how well could the Dark Knight do in maintaining the peace in Gotham despite him being just somewhat fit to do that as an elderly man (which says A LOT given how old he is)
uhh he'll probably do what my grandpa does and that is ruthlessly prank them until they die of shame.
in the death in the family interactive movie there's an ending where Jason is tasked with raising Damian and he decides he's gonna raise Damian to take down the waynes and al ghuls which uh maybe isn't great BUT the idea of Jason raising Damian... PRICELESS. CHAOTIC. I just need more people to know about this :)
yes i saw that wow holy shit but jason would accidentally drop damian on his head one (1) hour in and jason just yeets him into the lazarus pit.
Headcanon: The Penguin has a really hard time fighting any of the Robins because of his avian obsession means there's always a small part of his mind that's like "Birb. Child. Protect" ( @subspacecadet )
as soon as dick becomes nightwing the penguin is like 'you know what, fuck this dude' and shoots at him.
Y'all talking about King Shark dating Constantine, let's not forget about John literally hooking up with Satan
listen there's a clear difference between monsterfucker and satanfucker in that king shark is literally a shark and satan still looks like a normal dude
Does everyone in Gotham think Batman is a teen dad?
everyone in gotham thinks batman has been around since gotham was founded, but they do think that bruce wayne is actually a teen father and dick grayson's biological dad.
why. why would you do that fancast when you know it will only hurt people
what? i loved my fancast it was really well done. i did it with good representation in mind and i really managed that with alfred pennyworth being ✨italian✨
Seeing james charles a jason gave me psychic damage how dare you i need to wash my eyes
well that's a you problem isn't it?
do you think dick grayson thirst tweets about nightwing just to annoy his family/cause problems on purpose in general?
he thinks nightwing is hot, next question.
holy jiminy cricket batman, its as cold as the good lords ass crack in here!!
i- what? this is why i don't fuck with english expressions it's way too goddamn weird
Brooooooo, your teen dad!Bruce au is soooo good. I've got brainrot.
Honestly if you ever write anymore, I'd read that shit twice. Sign me the fuck up. Good stuff, Good Stuff.
uh yeah i'm thinking about writing a fic, but i have exams coming up and i don't wanna fail because that would suck. but after i'll certainly be writing more tho
your teen dad AU is so great! bruce acting like a big brother for all of like a week before he's telling everyone about his son. what if in the AU dick meets the JL because they need to rescue him? maybe he's in trouble/kidnapped at a gala and bruce starts calling for JL. clark finds him and has to fly with dick to bring him home - that's how dick and clark meet and superman becomes dick's fave hero. he goes around the manor thinking he can fly with a red blanket draped around him like a cape.
actually- if you want a young dad! bruce fic with like that kinda stuff(just with damian) go check uhh- in for a penny by cdelphiki. it's really good and bruce is like 24/25-ish. (and dick's there!!!)
This account has solely convinced me that Tim is a trash goblin ( @hamilcat-and-magic-turtle )
because he is. that boy has slept in dumpsters on multiple occasions even if he is the son of a billionaire.
Okay but when you said victory dance I did think of the whole justice league defeating the big bad and then they all start flossing
well that's exactly what hal jordan does and that's why batman uses a gun now. no but the victory dance in my opinion is like the 'we're all in this together' dance from high school musical.
The horrors in Invincible s1 was nothing compared to the comics, I cant wait for s2
oh well okay, i mean i personally react to horror and violence by laughing awkwardly so i can't wait to be called a monster for accidentally laughing at a mass murder.
I'm currently watching Batman: The Brave and The Bold and- Bruce is just talking about Oliver like he's an old love (@nightwings-kid)
okay im going to watch that lmao that's totally and completely in character for him tho.
The invincible comic is like super gratuitous with its violence so much so I'm shocked the show was able to adapt it in a faithful way! Anyway had the show been live action it absolutely wouldn't have the same impact as it does as an animated show and I'm so glad so many people agree with me on that
also because a live action casting would've been like uhh amanda stenberg for amber, the dude- the guy from the supernatural but with a mustache for omni-man, and scarlet johanssen for debbie grayson
Debbie grayson is a milf, yes. You're welcome for the invincible propoganda, now you can questions your life. Bruce def seems like the perfect father next to Omni-man. Like they really took a rip off justice league and I was like well, now I'm attached even tho I was like hah I know who they're supposed to be. And then bam- death gore death gore gore gore sad Mark grayson just had to have daddy issues. Why does every character have daddy issues. I'm sick of the attacks
because daddy issues make a person arguably funnier, that's why i'm not even remotely funny (haha good dad flex). i liked that it was dark contextually, but not in the colouring, bc i hate when it's like 'uh yeah graphic murder and now a shot so dark you have to sit in a dark room and squint at the screen to faintly see the characters. (like dcau ugh)
About the Wayne insurance, for a moment I thought you would put the video with moans over the waves.
i mean- i could've done that, but rick rolling seemed more family friendly.
Its the first time in forever that im surpise rickrolled, i usually expect it. Congratulations (i really should know better this is tumblr)
i get rickrolled so often but i actually like the song so i dont really give a fuck
Actually, my information about Damian and John's kids is outdated because it was revealed that the old men telling the kids stories about the Supersons were actually Jon and Damian the whole time. I was blinded by my thirst for Grandpa!Bruce Wayne but I was wrong... I liked my version better, tbh (@artemisa97)
fair enough. but i'd honestly like to see damian and jon getting together, just because it's a really fun dynamic and their friendship was really cute when they were kids. (also idk maybe it would be nice to have one (1) main batfam/superfam character that's not cishet)
How am i JUST finding your blog skdskfkd you're so fucking funny and ur takes are hot
i thought u were calling me hot :( but youre not :( crime detected (but lmao thanks)
So I have depression and I swear that your memes are one of the few things that have made me laugh so thank you 💛🥺 (@katekanebadass)
aw you're welcome, and i hope you're doing okay!
The metropolis memes are so funny, I love them 💀😌
i think metropolis is also so fucking funny it deserves more attention imagine having your entire police force being upstaged by an alien from kansas and his kids
as an american i feel your complete lack of knowledge of us geography is just so sexy (platonic) ❤️
thanks so much (i also don't know any other geography, i'm not kidding, like you can tell me you're from hungary and it will just blank, there will be nothing that comes to mind)
In the DC universe they don't say "Can't have shit in Detroit" they say "Can't have shit in Gotham"
this just reminds me of that guy whose porch got stolen like the steps to his door, and i'm thinking of people living in gotham and waking up without a front door and going "can't have shit in gotham"
honestly all i know about chicago is the bean, so. what would gotham's famous sculpture be?
gigantic gargoyle statue in front of one of the police precincts because a villain thought it was a smart way to keep the police inside, but it's too heavy to move.
why tf do people go on about how batman "works alone" or how he's the "lone wolf" when he like 38290202 members in his family
bc people think it's cool that a grown man in his 30s has no friends or family instead of calling it what it is (sad)
Bruce is gotham's sugar daddy
why would say something so controversial yet so brave.
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
dick: gerard way are you in position, gerard way are you in position
tim: for the last fucking time, my codename is 'totally not count olaf' this week, abbafan 3000
dick: shut up my codename isn't 'abbafan 3000'
dick: it's 'abbafan number 1' and you know it
I have a feeling Tim drake is ur favourite batfamily member but okay u don't have favs if u say so ok
i mean he is, i won't deny it. but i love each and every one of the batfam just the same, i just have a weak spot for short dumbass nerds, because i'm a short dumbass nerd.
Omg i fuckin love boy meets world too fam shsjkfk
bro boy meets world was the shit!!! it was just fire and awesome and so fucking great like bro. it was so good im not even going to be accepting criticism
you know I find the whole "joker completes batman" thing a bit disgusting considering the horrendous stuff the batfamily went through because of the joker and let's not get started on the "joker has a point" thing like yeah he's this cool complex villain but he's absolutely batshit crazy
like yes! i get what you mean the joker just fucking sucks man he doesn't do shit for batman's character or the batfam he's literally just annoying as fuck. like the joker has a point' shit is so stupid. i will accept 'magneto was right' because he fucking was and i think he didn't do anything wrong, but joker? he's just like that. he's not even cool and complex he's just a weirdo with a bleach kink at this point.
thanks bestie, i'm glad you agree.
in today's essay of why I think cass should become batman- I was thinking Tim would probably be the most efficient batman in many ways but I also think he wouldn't want to be batman tbh none of the batfamily members would want to be batman because they're trying to outgrow him but cass is the one who wants to represent the symbol that is batman
absofuckinglutely i will say it again and again that cass represents the batsymbol more than anyone in the batfam, in batgirl (2000) she literally didn't care about anything else than bruce's oath to not kill, she thought the batsymbol was more important than anything in gotham. she's just an excellent character because her motivation to not kill is not 'i'm scared i can't come back from it' or 'well my dad says no murder so i'll go along with it' but that she's killed somebody as a young child and she never wants to kill a human ever again and that's so fucking beautiful for a new batman like yes.
need more cass, duke and tim inclusion in gothamite memes
yes yes, a tall order of cass, duke and tim coming up in 1-14 business days
oldest to youngest batfam members cus I'm confused as shit
okay order of being taken in: dick, jason, tim, cass, damian, duke order of age: alfred, bruce, dick, cass, jason, tim, duke, damian (though cass and jason are around the same age general consensus is that cass is a little older)
I'm so confused Steph is a redhead?? like how was it that hard to get this right? the source material is literally right there and free
cw is jared, 19
do you receive anon hate? if so, how do you deal with it
uh no, i'm not remotely popular enough to get anon hate and i also don't say a lot of things that would attract anon hate, but i do send anon hate to @the-real-peter-parker because he forgot about the specialists from winx club
Wait how many languages do you speak??
uhh- 5 if you include latin, but that's a dead language and i'm really bad at it. but english, my native language, german, and french also, tho german and french not fluently.
You can mix aguaepanela with aguardiente 😈 and is tasty
okay but now i'm curious if the liquor deserves the 😈 emoji or if that's a you problem. but i googled it and it looks like something you'd take one sip of and then not remember the rest of your evening.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (3/4)
Yep yep yep, I'm liking this season a lot! 😍 Although I hope we'll get into a more frantic situation now, like with more battles and more bonding moments (Nya and Maya hopefully, but with Bentho too 🦈🦈🦈)! We got half a season to go, I'M READY!! 😎😎
Alright, here we go!
I do like the season a lot, maybe MoM was a little more cohesive? Idk but it's not a big complain, I still love it so far 😍
Also maybe I would've liked more interactions between Nya and Maya about how they've been apart for so long, they had a chit chat but I would've loved even more. Maybe with Nya saying that it was fine and she grew up only to realize she is still hurt by that, even though it wasn't Maya's fault. I still like how they did it, I wished there was more that's it 🤷‍♀️
While I do make sense to Maya's behavior, that while it seems a little different from Hands of Time it had its logic in my opinion, maybe Ray feels a little weird? He seems less courageous than before, and it was established that he is a hothead like his son so that came off as unusual 🤔🤔
But I do love the fact that he's here and he's bonding with his son, for real, I've been waiting for this for so long so I'm happy nonetheless 🤩
Maybe I'm just easy to please and I take all I can get idk 😅
Oh, are we gonna address the wind element? It feels like we haven't really seen a Morro reference since Hands of Time, that would be cool! 😍 I mean, why even mentioning the wind then 😅😅
Well what do you know, they tracked them, who saw that coming?... me, I saw that coming... we all did probably 🤷‍♀️
Jay took upon himself making a quick recap on how Ninjago will be destroyed this time, thanks Bluebell 👌
Yep nyeheh electricity makes Nya go crazy for sure ❤💙 ... wait it wasn't a Jaya pun?
Jay wear your seatbelt please, you risk you life enough 😅😅 Pff lol "are we there yet" and they are actually there, biggest plot twist I've ever heard of 😂
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And with someone who might as well join the League of Jay apparently 💙
I liked The Island yet it was not as exciting as I hoped for, but now understand the meaning of it. The ninja helped the keepers and they are all allies. Without The Island the moment where Mammatus gives Nya the amulet wouldn't be as meaningful
Is it just me or Nya looked even more gorgeous during that moment?... just me huh? Okay then 😂💕
Here I thought he was just messing around, he always makes things harder 😅 Or maybe better? I mean, they kinda missed a bullet on this one...
Jay somehow had his own TV show in the past and yet he's got that horrible acting skills wth 😂😂😂
Kalmaar is a very cool villain, like, deeply evil. Not only he's calculated and merciless, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. And the people that get in the way? He wants them to suffer because they had dared to confront him 😳
And yes the voice does help a lot, I'm sorry I'll keep saying it until the season is over 😂 (or even beyond? Please cast Giles again LEGO 🥺🥺🥺)
Awww Nya no my poor girl 😢 Jay wanted to hug her to comfort her he is so sweet my SHIP ❤💙❤💙
MOM PEP TALK MOM PEP TALK!!! 🤩🤩🤩 How cool was it?
Like, this isn't even Maya asking Nya to believe in herself, this is her saying that she KNOWS her daughter can do anything when she puts her mind into it. FINALLY SHE SEES HOW AMAZING WATER GODDESS IS 💜💜💜
MORE LEGO TEARS OMG THIS SEASON IS FILLED WITH TEARS 😱 Which... kinda makes sense considering it's a water based season 😂
Nice one, and now? NOW WE GO BACK TO KAI COLE AND RAY YAS!!! ❤🖤❤🖤
That is... surprisingly Egypt theme like? It feels like a title coming from the Fire Chapter of season 11... well we got two fire elementals so 😍😍
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I REPEAT SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! ❤❤❤ Lol Ray got old, but how can someone blame him? He did touch death while aging in Hands of Time, I'm just happy he is alive 😂
Yep, master prankster Wu, that's what I love 👌👌 I always thought Wu had become a father figure for Kai at the beginning, so seeing Ray and Wu in the same picture feels very wholesome to me 😚
Ah, uncle Powers, I both love you and hate you so freaking much 😌😌 But you make cool slides nonetheless 😂
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Oh no you guys are stranded on an island whatever are you going to do?? It's not like you had already before and managed to survive (Skybound) or you got stranded on a rock in a sea of sand filled with giant monsters (Fire Chapter) or you were on a freaking COMET in SPACE (Rebooted). Yeee, this is the worst yet 🙂
I'm starting to think these ninja are just a bunch of drama queens so no matter what happens, it's always hopeless 😂😂 I feel like I'm kinda right on this one honestly 😛
Aww I like that, while Ray told his kids stories about dragons and how they traveled through the Underworld, Maya told them about Nya the first water master that could summon whales 💙❤💙❤
Pff imagine if it turned out Nya was the master of fire, carrying a very water based name? Lol
Maya: I would know if it was possible!
Nya: Yeah, like she knows that I can control a bit of ice because it's frozen water
I find both interesting and very annoying that this explorers club thinks so highly of themselves, to the point the deny to aid even the FREAKING SAVIORS OF THEIR FREAKING LAND 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Misako got good reflexes after all, Kai was probably ready to melt this guy's face 😅
Oh, so a trial by Sphinx is a challenge? A mental one? A cultural one? A physical one? Idk but Misako is actually taking charge and that is cool I guess 🤷‍♀️
Okay this is kind of weird, how is Ray so afraid? Is it because there's fire?... did he... did he grow afraid of fire for some reason? Because it feels a bit off for now, but if there is a deeper meaning that could be interesting 🤔
Wait is that the riddle from Decoded? That's fire right?
Lol at least in this one Kai wasn't completely ignored 😂 I know my flame babe isn't the most rational person, but I do like that it was an answer connected to his element where he used his head!
Ah Clutch, you really got no backbone 😅 And apparently you're the only explorer who doesn't, dang look at the others go! I'm having a bit more respect for them now 😚
Kalmaar: I'm your conquerer
Wu: so after skeletons, the serpentine, nindroids, the Stone Army, Chen's army, ghosts, oni, more snakes but on fire and people from a game, that makes you the tenth. Have a free cookie
Wu: you're not special
Is this a little throwback to Possession too? Nya seems to always control better water when she doesn't actually think about it. When her feelings are free, so are her powers 🌊🌊🌊
Also this opens up more possibilities! Creatures connected with other elements might get summoned too! I would love something like that 😍😍
This was NEAT, or maybe I just missed Kai that much ❤ What's next??
ANTONIAAAAAAAA!!!! MY GIRL IS BACK!!! All my girls are back in this season, I'm so happy 😍😍😍 And if she is here, sweet little Nelson has to be around and I cannot wait! Bring in the purple ninja! 💜
Owww Antonia's last day as a papergirl? Nooo why??
She's got a job at the... DAIRY DRAGON??? OMG OMG OMG IT'S THE ICE CREAM PLACE BRAGI TOLD US ABOUT ON TWITTER!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I remember the post, he was asking about names for the place and ice cream flavors. Now I can't wait to see what did he choose 🍦🍦🍦
UNAGAMI BABY HI HONEY!!! 🙋‍♀️ I hope he's doing great 😘😘
This is so cool honestly, Antonia got her own character arc going on! Living in a chaotic city like Ninjago City must be pretty dang exhausting 😅
Was... was that Dareth in the garbage can? Am I wrong? Poor brown ninja 😅🤎😅
Their friendship is so wholesome, I'm so happy they are still together no matter what happens 💕
I thought Kalmaar wasn't much of a fighter but DANG he's got skills! Also the fact that he uses tentacles makes the fight very cool to watch! 😚😚
Well at least you tried Ray 😅
Ah, little cameo of the original Weekend Whip, always nice to hear it again... AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!! 🌪🌪🌪
I don't even know what is cooler, the kids being mad lads on their bikes, Kalmaar driving a TRUCK or Kai going full parkour on the buildings to follow them 🤯
I'm sorry... am I the only one that during the Kai and Kalmaar talk kinda thought of Jestro and Clay? I miss my boys from NK, they're even more at odds now 😭😭
Kalmaar just loves to make everyone feel inferior, gotta be his hobby 😶
Oh good Kai is back
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Antonia, Nelson, you guys are now my heroes. You saved my fave, I'll be forever in dept with you ❤❤❤ Am I being overdramatic? Most likely, but Kai is one of the few that didn't almost die or did die in a dramatic situation and he is also my absolute favorite character so that... kinda keeps my sanity in check in this show 🥴
I wonder... does he still not know how to swim? He saved Lloyd in Possession but I wonder if he was only trying to float on the surface... THAT'S TERRIFYING
This episode was so adorable, I love Antonia and Nelson so much 💜💕💜💕 It's nice to see what the other people of Ninjago do while everything goes mad 🤣
Wait hang on my Ninjajan is a little rusty
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"Ninjago City. City that never sleeps" well if that ain't the truth 😂
Like Master of the Mountain? Wait are we going back to Shintaro?? VANYA?? ANOTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS??? 💛
Hey hey hey, we got a full Nyad backstory! I really like when they do these little drawn shots, they feel more like legends! And... the ending sounds terrifying? Like, they wouldn't let Nya sacrifice herself and die... again... right? 😱
Bentho: and the world was in balance, until now because of my brother
Lloyd: and the Overlord before of course
Bentho: the what now?
Lloyd: the evil one my grandpa the first Spinjitzu Master fought?
Why do I like this offscreen "hiiiyaaa" that sensei Wu does before actually going into the scene? 😂😂
No matter if they come from the underground or the sea, these are all snake-like creature with the same intellect 😅 Kalmaar and Garmadon would have a lot to talk about, sea king dealing with his minions does remind me of Lord Garmadon in season 2 a lot 😂😂
OMG Kalmaar is such a brat and petty villain I love him so much 😂😂😂 Yes I didn't even mention his amazing voice!... AH DANG IT 😳😳
*Misako kicks Kalmaar and is actually useful* 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
*Misako gets taken as hostage immediately after* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
KAI LITERALLY JUST GOT SAVED FROM DROWNING WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!... and Ray and Cole and Wu of course, I care okay 😅
OMG that face 🤣🤣🤣
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That some meme material right there
Whoa Vincent that voice just got super up when the Unsinkable showed up, it kinda sounded like Jay's lol
Kai: Nya talks to whales now? (I snorted so hard at this 😂😂)
HECK YES NYA GOT THE AMULET!! 😍😍😍 ... we got, like, four more episodes to go so something needs to happen in between... do I need to be scared? I feel like I need to be scared 😅
Jay starting a fire then blaming Kai?... this is so in character I got chills 😂😂
SHARK BOY IS STAYING TO THE MONASTERY THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I want all the shenanigans and we need to write fanfictions about more shenanigans and AAAAHHHHH 🦈🦈🦈
Bless these two fire idiots
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They own my heart ❤🔥❤🔥 Also Vincent, this is supposed to be a fun little gag moment, your amazing voice acting is kinda distracting me 😭😭😭
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Maya learned that her daughter is capable of everything, I love that. Nya simply understood that she doesn't have to give up when something gets difficult. She is AMAZING and can do anything she puts her mind into. She simply has to hold on until the end 💪💪💪
Omg Benthomaar playing billiard with the guys I already love this 😍😍
I love how Vanya doesn't even question it. It comes from Cole and he said it needs to be protected? Done and done 👌
Wait what, did something fall?
Well dang, I didn't see that coming, now what Seabound? What do you have for me?
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 2-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
Ooooooh mysterious...
Oh so this variant can (at least briefly) cont people with a simple touch? No need for a scepter?
Oh this variant is taking that lady away? I wonder why
Miss Minutes is gonna move me to violence
Loki is me studying
Hahahahaha get her Loki!
Loki, leave Mobius’ magazines alone
Wow he got into the work force rather fast huh? Bit of a whiplash type scenario considering the end of episode one
No, YOU’RE a cosmic mistake! 😤 my boy looks hot regardless
Sooooo Loki is the most common variant? Why does this not surprise me?
Is... is he a football cup champion??? Omg 😂
Smart boy. Illusion projecting is different than duplication casting. Neato. LISTEN TO MY SMART BOY. RESPECT HIM.
Dude loves wheeling
Yea Loki. Work on getting to the time keepers. Overthrow the government.
Dude is smart with these questions.
Propaganda is INDEED exhausting so that’s fair
Fist hostage... maybe he’s (or she?) gonna use her as a body transfer like Loki in the comics with Sif?
Oh please let this be a genuine smart Loki moment and not just setting him up as a joke and embarrassment...
“Where there are wolf’s ears, wolf’s teeth are near.” Good to know basic mammalian anatomy is still applicable to Asgardian wolves...
Cmon Loki do something cool. Please. Please Loki. Please.
Preach my man, but please, do something cool. My anxiety that you’ll be turned into a joke is spiking.
Is he actually waiting outside or is Loki really just trying to mess with them and throw them off? Or is he just being too cocky for his own good and it’s gonna mess him up? Please please please don’t disappoint me. I have merch for this show already that I can’t return
Bargain baby, bar again. Do it.
Is he actually concerned for the time keepers orrrrrr
Dangit Mobius
Does... being reset... hurt?
Bye C-20 I guess... for now? We’ll see
Of course it’s a friggin theremin that’s playing
Mobius x Judge Renslayer? Oooooooh. Tsundere Renslayer.
Use a coaster my man
Oh her first name is Ravonna
Controversy is the best thing though
You can never understand this Loki. As soon as you begin to understand, he changes. He’s unpredictable.
“I know you have a soft spot for broken things.” Ah, so this entire fandom then?
“But Loki is an evil, lying scourge.” YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU WENCH!
“That is the part he plays in the sacred timeline.” Well you clearly haven’t been paying enough attention to the files then, hm? Here, let me redirect you to one of the many character analyses I’ve written. Now if you read here........
He doesn’t need to change. He’s already not evil
I don’t trust Renslayer or the time keepers... or Renslayer WITH the time keepers... I think she plays a bigger, antagonistic role than I thought.
You just TRY and delete him Mobius... just... TRY... I will find a way to break the fourth wall and no time keepers can keep you safe from the rage of a million fan girls. Nothing... we don’t need magic...
Omg Loki just sitting there in a chair outside the office like a kid while their parent is talking with the teacher about their “recent behavior”.
Cmon Loki, you don’t need to make excuses or impress him.
My poor boy is SOOO out of his zone.
Tbf mobius, you ASKED. You asked what makes him tick.
Hey hey hey, let’s not gaslight my boy...
The Loki is... uhhh something... gotta keep my hopes up. Trust in Tom Hiddleston...
Mobius showing his true colors...
Please Loki... be badass... not just a joke... please please please... PLEASE!
Mobius, play nice.
I hope this “superior” Loki thing, if it is a female, isn’t a desperate attempt at feminism pandering, chocking up her “superiority” to being female. Please give the characters real stories. Flesh them out.
Juice box time?
More homework?
The sass is off the charts
Librarian lady gonna get killed
Oh boy
I miss Casey.
Hey don’t ignore Loki. That’s rude.
Bell is the answer?
Poor Loki. Stop trying to fit in. You are best when you are genuinely yourself.
What’s to stop Loki from grabbing the other files?
Homework... I thought I escaped this when I graduated...
Whatcha seeing there?
Bye bye Asgard...
Cmon... not more feels.
Please allow him confirmation of Thor’s survival and beating of Thanos!!! He needs that confirmation! He needs that reassurance.
Hear him out Mobius.
“He’s hiding in apocalypses.” Sooooo is that why they go to presumably Mount Vesuvius? I assume?
Mobius, let Loki have your salad.
Rip salad
Casey’s juice box
Poor Casey and mobius salad...
Loki, your logic astounds me.
Well, pushing Hulk off of the bridge WOULD have an effect...
He hasn’t really stabbed anyone in the back... except Thor... but not 50 times
Pompeii, here we come!
Ooooooh we gonna see Loki dance with a lady? 😏 get ittttt
Well, if you do cause a branch, can’t you just reset the timeline?
I can die happy now
Loki... you look insane.
Uhhh run
Okay you’re good
Sleepy Loki
Let him sleep!
Soooo, I mean, technically, Loki’s actions would still cause the timeline to change, but said change wouldn’t have an impact on the future, just the current moment... so shouldn’t it still be detected by the TVA? At least as a little fleck?
Jet skis?
Omg I just snorted at Loki begrudgingly agreeing with Mobius that jet skis are awesome
Mobius offending my History Teachers for 50 minutes straight... that’s it. That’s the episode.
Mobius really in love with jet skis for some reason
We better get to see Mobius on a jet ski
Fighting for jet skis?
Lol mobius has a point about the magical Asgardians and Jötunns
Glorious purpose
Cmon Loki, destroy this man’s beliefs.
How would you know what the time keepers are doing when you’ve never met them?
How can you meet in peace at the end of time with no chaos?
“You see, I know something children don’t. That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.”
Mobius, don’t patronize my boy. Go jet skiing.
“I know.” Oh good, that point in the trailer was edited.
No candy on Asgard? Poor Loki.
May the best man win? Well that automatically means Loki.
Getting National Treasure vibes
Love you
Alabama will still exist in 2050? That’s disappointing.
Loki is very smart. Thank you show.
Renslayer, if you claim Mobius is your friend, trust him.
“For all time.” “Always.” TVA is definitely a cult.
no weapon...
Are we gonna see what this Loki variant looks like?
I have a feeling this variant is gonna be the female, blonde (I’m so sorry, at the moment I forget her name) in those pictures we saw. Guessing because 1) she was wearing a Loki outfit. 2) her and tom Hiddleston were wet in that picture as if rained on 3) the scene when they enter Roxxcart occurs when it starts to rain due to the upcoming massive storm. So I’m placing all of my money on the table the Loki variant is Lady Loki. Blonde, for some reason. (Or maybe she just didn’t have a wig on in the picture of her we saw?)
Yea please don’t prune this Loki.
Storms a brewing
Good to know Alabama, at some point, does get destroyed. That’s comforting. (Btw this is a joke. I have nothing against Alabama lol. Idk why my brain thought this was funny lol.)
All wet and rainy.
Ooh ooh! Is Loki gonna use powers to yoink the roomba here?
Uh oh. Forgot to take into consideration that most big businesses, especially stores, have security cameras, huh?
Times ticking...
Wait was that a reset charge?
Awkward silence
Poor dude lol
Or not
HUNTER (forget her number) IS THE LOKI VARIANT!!! When was she replaced? Or was she always the variant?
That or the other Loki is projecting herself into the hunter? Maybe used the shopping dude as a conduit?
Moment of realization
Smiling contest
No no, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is superior. I don’t care who else tries to play Loki, Tom IS Loki.
Oh no
Baby crying?
These poor people...
No need to be rough
Is Mobius genuinely caring
Oh... poor C-20
Team up please? Please?
Ah so they really can just send themself into any body they wish, huh? Just by touch?
Loki, learn that trick please.
Sooo, is the other variant Loki’s body tangible? Do they project their conscience into other bodies via touch, or do they not have a corporeal body and rely on others to exist?
Doctor Who vibes
Offended by Loki name?
Haha sympathy for Thor
Go randy.
Soooo what are you interested in if not ruling the TVA?
Who’s that planting charges? The real body of the other variant Loki?
You okay C-20? (Off topic her actress reminds me of the actress who played Ava Star aka Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp) what is real and what about it is so mind capturing for you?
Oh no
Poor girl
Cmon B-15
Reset charge
Oh? Bye bye?
That’s rude
I miss Randy too
Cmon Loki fight like the badass I know you are
Cartwheel WEEEEE
Oooh he swore
Lokis have a pattern of swearing only while taking other peoples forms
Cmon Loki. Go back to mobius. Help them. Prove your goodness. Please.
Poor trucker man
Fave reveal?
Is this actually a Loki variant or just sylvie? Or Amora?
Uh oh...
What’s happening
Is she absolutely destroying the timeline?
Poor Doctor Strange. I wonder if he knows about the TVA?
Loki is all alone? Why is he standing still?
Where is she going?
Cmon Loki... help them please...
Are they gonna be okay?
How is the variant traveling?
What is her goal?
Why is Loki going after her?
Why is Loki leaning towards the apparent evil side?
Is this actually lady Loki or sylvie or amora since her hair is blonde?
So much just happened in so little time. It’s like Marvel wants to slowly spoon feed us with the first 3/4 of the episode and then in the last 1/4, they waterboard us.
Why is this female Loki variant so much more powerful?
So Loki DID know what was going on at the Renaissance fair and was intentionally stalling for her... why?
Her horned helmet is similar to the one kid(?) Loki wears in the comics. One horn broken. How did that happen? Why does she still wear it, especially if she doesn’t want to be called Loki?
No end credit scene yet.
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koishua · 3 years
Oh I just stay up late talking with my friends and watching dramas, you're more suspicious as you have to study 👁️👁️ (should be getting those 8 hours beauty sleep)
Well, my studies are recognised here and as the problem in my country is not having experience, so my aunt could get me an internship that lasts a few years to get the experience I need, but of course, I would need to speak fluent French and... I'm a bit lazy.
🤔 I don't think so, I looked up the cast and no one was in Itaewon Class, it's about an homicide in a law school and all the suspects are in the same class, it's like any other criminal drama but it has a lot of twists 🤩 and yesyes I recently watched Train to Busan (bawled my eyes off) so I'm looking forward to it (although I'm not a fan of so much gore, it makes me want to vomit 😂)
We're watching Fruits Basket (kinda boring and cliche but gotta do it for my friend), HxH (I'm liking it so far, but I'm only able to watch it with my friend, otherwise it's boring 😂) and Domestic Girlfriend (I... idk what to say, it's the weirdest shit I've ever seen 😂, I'm watching it with my friend for the giggles). I've also seen Komi can't communicate (finished already, kinda weird but I liked it, the mc was really relatable and the last ep made me cry). And ohhh, I'M REALLY EXCITED FOR THIS SUNDAY'S AND NEXT EP OF AOT, I FEEL IT COMING 🤩 (I'm even more excited one of my friends is not a manga reader so I want to see her reactions) Uhh, what's the name of that anime?? I'm looking for more than what I'm watching with my friends (...my to watch list is eyeing me suspiciously 👀)
Don't say those things, you're gonna make me blush 😔.
I see, that's something you shouldn't have to get used to but you do, I can only imagine how much it hurts to having to constantly leave people behind just as you're growing accustomed to them (until you just don't, but that shouldn't be like that). I'm glad you're better in your new school, and don't forget you're precious and you deserve happiness, okay? Hoping that you feel better with the time.
I know Spanish people tend to speak really quickly didn't know it was also an Italian ocurrence 😂 and I hope you're feeling okay, how's it going for you? Is it like a fever? Damn those siblings 😤
I really like seeing your paintings, looking forward to more‼️ It's been a while since a read a physical book, I like criminalistic ones, like Agatha Christie's (had an hyperfixation with And then there were none when I was younger) but I'll be looking up those you recommended‼️
You too take even more care, and stay even safer >:( 💝 - 💐
don't mind me i have actual valid excuses 😩 we don't need a beauty sleep in this household. sleep is for the weak at night 💔
but that internship sounds pretty solid!! except.... French 💔 god knows the amount of stress learning french gave me. my classmates who are still stuck with it are walking traumabags after every french class 😭 man the language barrier sucks :( have you contemplated on it or are you sure you won't be taking up that offer for the experience?
also bahaha i saw your other ask and so I WAS RIGHT‼️‼️there is a cast member from itaewon class 😌 i love thriller/action/suspense type of things, so i'll be watching it soon too!! train to busan is downright devastating ;-; i sobbed by the end as well and the music, the cinematography, everything was so heartbreaking towards the last few bits and yeah it's just <//3
oooh.. if you don't like gore, then maybe All Of Us Are Dead might not be the best for you then 😭 because there are some pretty nasty things (far more gruesome than train to busan, at least 😔) so just be extra weary :(
omg fruits basket <//3 although... negl the only reason i watched the reboot was because of kyo 😭 but ahh hxh is one of my faves actually!! i sort of get why it can be boring sometimes though 😔 you're makin me wanna watch domestic girlfriend for the giggles too omg is it that weird 😭🤚 man i so wanna watch aot too but my braincells and emotional capacities are not up for the task these day ngl <//3
the badminton anime is named Salaryman's Club and the animation is SUPER neat and so so cool 😭 i just love love love sports anime so much like they always have a very special place in my heart.
ma'am i wholeheartedly mean everything i say, better get used to it </3
as unfortunate it is, you're right, i don't have any difficulties leaving ppl behind and don't get attached to anyone i meet at all, but it is what it is!! nothing much i can do about my parents' jobs 😔😔 dw though!! im not at all affected bahaha i get bored easily anyways, so a new place and a switch up is actually very very welcome 😭🤚 thank you so much :( i always find myself at a loss of words when you say kind stuff and don't know how to properly return them, but yeah just tysm. you're so lovely and nice :(
honestly it's either a european thing or i just talk slow in general 💔🏃 but yes whenever i watch interviews with natives in italy, i always struggle to keep up, but ig i'll get used to it in no time!!
im mostly all good now!! but yes, siblings are sometimes the bane of my existence 😐 it's such a wonder how i'd gladly give up my organs for them if the are ever to be in need of a donor but also feel like punching them every time they annoy me 😭
im not at all a good painter but i do enjoy smearing paint around on cardboards every now and then bahaha also omg the way i would love to tell you i adore agatha christie too, but i haven't actually read a single book of hers </3 what's your rec for an agatha christie beginner??
let me know if the books i mentioned before interest you haha and as always, make sure to drink water and enjoy yourself as much as possible and take care!! 💜
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katierosefun · 3 years
well, here we are! june basically flew by and it was a little rough, but we’re back with some long recs on cool things i’ve read/listened to/watched, and i’m about to force everyone to sit down and listen to my sleepover-esque ted talk in which i give unwarranted and unasked for rec lists. so here we go!
while you were sleeping
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okay, so i tried to watch this kdrama when it came out in like...2017, i think? but for some reason, i wasn’t able to get past the first episode. i don’t really know why? because it’s so beautifully shot, and i super love the premise, which is basically this girl and this guy are somehow able to see things that are going to happen in the future...but only in their dreams. this whole kdrama really handled the plot super well--each episode honestly felt like a movie in itself, and the filming was just stunning, and i think this has to be one of the most visual kdramas i’ve ever seen. each character is also super interesting and complex on their own, and i really loved seeing such a strong cast of characters interact with each other in this world. 
i think the only slight downside of this kdrama was that i couldn’t really get invested in the romance? i’m not quite sure why--i found both lead actors’ performances wonderful, and don’t get me wrong, i did think they were cute together as the drama went on, but i still couldn’t find myself buying into the romance until maybe relatively late in the drama (like...ep 11 or so? ep 16 was honestly when i realized that awww, wait, they’re actually super cute). but then again, i feel like the writers weren’t really prioritizing the romance either--i think they really wanted us to think about the beauty of dreams and redemption and how everyone can touch another person’s life in some significant way, so i can’t really be mad about it!
but anyways, overall i really enjoyed this kdrama and watched it all a lot faster than i thought i would! SOLID music, beautiful cinematography, good acting, mostly good writing, and some really memorable characters! def. a must-watch if you love suspense, aesthetics, and some wonderful characters.
the ghost detective
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i’m someone who doesn’t like horror or scary things at all, but i was so intrigued by the plot and whatever material i saw on tumblr, and...of course, choi daniel, lee joo young, lee ji ah, and park eun bin. honestly, this is just a really wonderful and really underrated cast, and they really all brought out their a-game for this 32-episode supernatural / thriller / horror drama. basically, this kdrama follows the story of a young woman who’s trying to figure out who murdered her younger sister...and of course, there’s something supernatural going on. 
honestly, this kdrama was such a ride. i loved the crime-solving aspect of it, and i was really in love with the interactions between all the characters, esp. that of eun bin and daniel’s characters. (guys...they’re so ride and die for each other. there’s also so much yearning. so much yearning in this kdrama, it just about killed me--) 
the villain was absolutely, appropriately, elegantly creepy, and like...scary beyond belief. basically, the villain (lee ji ah’s character) feeds her victims these harmful thoughts and ultimately get them to kill themselves. it’s sad and haunting, especially when you see that the victims tell their victims “don’t listen to the bad things. try only to listen to the good things”. and...yeah. themes of how to handle all of these bad feelings inside of you really came through in this kdrama, and there were a lot of themes of suicide and the kind of rage and sadness that comes with that. (also! if you’re a fan of lots of angsty/whumpy situations....this kdrama definitely does not hold back with all of your fave whump/angst tropes! literally! every! episode! i! had! to! lie! down! because! too! powerful!)
school 2013 
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(aww, look at this precious cast…as though they didn’t all make me ugly cry at least five times—)
yeah, yeah, yeah, i’ve talked about this kdrama ad nauseum, and i know i watched it last month, but as i was studying for the lsat, i really, really, really needed some comfort. most notably comfort re: studying life, academics, how difficult it is to study but also be uncertain of your dreams…and if you are certain of your dreams, how that sometimes requires studying but that just makes life all the more overwhelming…can you tell i’ve been thinking about this a lot
i’m not going to ramble more about this kdrama considering i already have done so multiple times, but i enjoyed this rewatch and honestly,,,my love for this show has just grown even more. there’s a good reason why people consider this a comfort kdrama, because. i consider myself deeply comforted. also, i’ve been listening to the ost for the whole month. it’s become a problem. but sometimes. sometimes you need to listen to songs that feel like someone’s patting you on the head and telling you don’t give up, set down your burdens, don’t think you’re alone and dream whatever you want to dream, go wherever you want to go. i’ll stop talking now, but god. when i say that i think everyone who has ever felt incredibly tired by work or school and just wished for someone to give them a big hug either then or now...god. this is just one of those kdramas that i think honestly touched so many people’s lives, and i’m very grateful for the cast and crew and writers for ever bringing this story to life. :’) (god, okay, now i’ll stop talking before i make myself cry i’m fine this is fine)
your honor
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so, i watched this kdrama thinking that it would be light and funny given that yoon shi yoon is the main male lead, but boy was i wrong--don’t be fooled by these happy little faces, this kdrama is heavy. this kdrama is about a young man (with a criminal record) who winds up impersonating his twin brother, who happens to be a judge. we also have a trainee who, after seeing the legal system fail her older sister, is on the rise to dispense justice through the courts the best she can.
honestly, the first few episodes were rough, mostly because of the content. big trigger warning for rape, violence, and sexual harassment at work. this kdrama really didn’t hold back when it came to addressing how the very people who use the law can also be the very same people who manipulate and abuse it. because of that, i found this kdrama incredibly powerful. that said, it certainly had its lighthearted moments too. 
overall though, i liked this kdrama. the main characters were incredibly complex and genuinely the type to make me believe that for all the injustices in the world, there are still and always will be people fighting for the right thing. as someone who wants to enter the legal field, this kdrama was just uplifting. i was so blown away by the absolute rawness of the main two leads, esp. yoon shi yoon, who i’ve only ever seen in super lighthearted kdramas. so this was a really interesting change of pace, and i genuinely enjoyed watching this!
waiting for love
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so this kdrama is just two episodes, and what’s better is that it’s available on youtube! it’s about two college students--a young woman who’s been hurt by falling in love with jerks now just wants to date, not really fall in love...and a young man who’s excellent at giving dating advice except he’s afraid that he’s never going to actually fall in love, so he just dates a girl for the sake of dating.
now, i kinda thought that this show was going to be kinda lighthearted, a little shallow--but it was weirdly...comforting? idk, i found myself liking it a lot more than i thought it would be. this is far from the perfect kdrama, and i kinda wished that we got more than 2 episodes because i think some of the plot points could have been better expanded, but...there were genuinely a lot of scenes that made me think a bit more about what it actually means to be in a loving relationship--like how it’s not enough to just put on a happy smile and eat meals together, but like...you know. there has to be trust and actual liking and also, yeah, maybe a bit of frustration in order to actually know whether a relationship is real or not. and given that the characters were all discussing the pressure on getting married and romance esp. when you’re in your twenties...idk. makes you think about are you dating someone for the sake of appearances? or do you genuinely...like them?
there was also quite a few tropes that i personally adore in this kdrama, which helped balance out the stuff i found more tiring. there was a lot of the “right person, wrong time” stuff going on (you really want the two main leads to get together after a certain point, and you just keep holding your breath whenever they walk past each other and beg please please please let it be this time...), and also that good old “two strangers fall in love with each other purely over writing to each other” (god. first the half of it, then me & au, then greenhouse podcast...something about this trope huh). that said, there were def. some parts that made me “:////” because some of the characters were kind of frustrating, but i’m gonna chalk that up to good writing since i think i was mostly mad about how i knew people like some of the characters lol. overall, i think this might be at least semi-enjoyable--it’s probably not something i’ll watch again, but it def. made me mull over what it means to actually be in a loving relationship, esp. if you’re in your twenties and everyone around you seems to be in happy romantic relationships/getting engaged and whatnot. 
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i’m a firm believer that there are some movies that are meant to cheer you up, some movies meant to make you cry, and then there’s some movies that are just meant to...sit with you. and this movie is definitely one of them. this story follows casey, a high school graduate, and jin, the son of a famous architect. the two of them are both so incredibly exhausted with their lives (casey with her constant worry about her mother, who’s a recovering drug addict; jin with his surface-level lack of concern for his comatose father). in their small town of columbus, indiana, the two of them bond over architecture and just. being quietly there for each other.
this movie’s been compared a few times to lost in translation in the sense that there’s this not quite romance between the two leads, who have a bit of an age gap (john cho and haley lu richardson have about 20 between them!). to be honest, i didn’t really get the sense that there was supposed to be a romance. if anything, it just felt like...two really lonely people finding each other. definitely not a simple friendship--definitely not a familial kind of relationship, definitely intimate. 
idk. i think this movie might not be for everyone--i definitely agree with a lot of past reviewers that this movie is on the slower side. there’s some stuff here about complicated relationships with parents, a lot of cool architecture, really beautiful shots...and overall, it’s just...quiet. it’s lovely, and i can’t really stop thinking about it. it’s subtle, bittersweet, and oddly compelling. might not be the kind of thing you’d want to watch in the middle of the day, but if you’re a little sad and in the mood for something not to necessarily lift your spirits but...at least acknowledge them and sit with you, then...this is the movie to watch. idk. i felt kind of crummy the day i watched this movie, and i felt as though someone just sat next to me on a park bench until the sun went down. (mayhaps specific but hush, i’m writing this right after finishing this movie, so i’m...feeling a certain way.)
wish dragon 
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i watched this movie right after watching columbus because a) decided i was in the mood for something lighter, and b) i learned that john cho?? voiced?? the dragon?? (caroline your crush on john cho’s jumping out this month...) 
but anyways! i loved this movie a lot. it was so satisfying? like, just narratively speaking? and the animation was wonderful and also weirdly smooth and satisfying, and there were a lot of funny and touching moments. this movie’s about this young man named din who stumbles upon a magical teapot that holds the wish dragon long--long has to grant din three wishes, and yes, i know, very aladdin, but that said, this movie has so many original twists that it feels weird to call it an aladdin retelling. it really did feel like a movie completely on its own, which i applaud the writer and director for! 
i don’t want to spoil too much of this movie, but something i really enjoyed was that din’s main wish is just to see his old childhood friend again. idk, i think we all have that one friend from when we were really little that we miss--and this movie really dug into that, as well as themes about parents wanting to do the best they can to provide for their kids, and!!! and long the dragon gets his own storyline and amazing character development too!!! i was honestly just amazed at how this movie fleshed out the characters so well and had so many wonderful themes that just made me tear up. guys. this movie’s great. highly recommend for its wonderful characters and the power of friendship. just a grand old time in general. :’))
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yeah...yeah, i wasn’t kidding about my crush on john cho this month. yes, i watched three of his movies within 24 hours. this movie is about david kim who’s looking for his missing 16 year old daughter, margot. this film is honestly noteworthy for many reasons, one of them being that the entire movie is told through like...a laptop screen, as in we kind of follow david’s frantic search through facetime, facebook, tumblr...which i honestly didn’t think i’d be into, but whoo boy, i was wrong. it just added to the whole addictive quality of this movie, as it usually does when it comes to anything from the thriller genre. 
but besides this just being a straight up addictive thriller with absolutely mouth-dropping twists (but like...good twists, and smart twists, good god--), this movie was just...touching? there’s so many themes related to what grief does to a family (because we learn within the first 10 minutes that the mom died due to cancer), and there’s just...something really fragile about relationships between surviving family members. i was absolutely blown away by john cho’s performance as a tentative and grieving widower whose world just absolutely falls apart in his search for his daughter. this movie was just so...real because of that. like, yes, this movie has all of the suspense that you would expect this kind of movie to have, but there was also just...so many beautiful themes about grief and how far parents would go for their kids and godddd yeah no i started sobbing when the movie ended. god. 
also, my bias towards john cho aside, i...really loved his character. david kim is absolutely believable, and like? he’s not just the guy putting the pieces together--he’s also the guy who misses his wife and also the guy who wishes that he was there for his daughter. he’s also the guy who pauses and re-writes all his text messages because he’s trying to be a good dad. i feel like with a lot of these suspense / missing person movies, it’s really easy to have characters who are just the stoic alpha male types--and david kim definitely had his badass moments in this movie, but like...something i just loved was seeing the vulnerability that comes with...having a missing child. being a parent. god. this movie messed me up but in a good way. i can honestly say that this movie is now probably going to be one of my fave movies of all time. highly recommend, am literally obsessed with it.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
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ohohoho………where to begin with this book. this was one of those books where i was like “huh i kinda don’t understand why people are so obsessed with this book”, but then i hit like...page 20 or 30 and was like “oh god i Literally Cannot Put This Book Down Oh No” and wound up finishing it in like three days (mind you, i only read at like...midnight these days. i don’t understand why either). 
i finished this book at like 2 am and promptly burst into tears because this was just one of those books. it follows the story of evelyn hugo, a famous hollywood actress from the 60s or so and onwards. known for her intense beauty and her seven husbands, she’s now giving an exclusive interview to the young reporter monique grant, where she’s about to tell all about her life. this book had me dropping my mouth multiple times, and i think tjr can spin one hell of a story, with so many good twists and turns and intensely memorable characters. by the end of the book, i was actually mad that evelyn hugo wasn’t a real person, because i, too, fell a little in love with her and thought, i want to actually watch her movies. i want to learn even more about this remarkable woman. 
but alas! she’s not real, so i don’t get to see her accept an oscar or look up all the tabloids about her and her seven husbands or her speculated (and very, very, very real) relationship with celia st. john. basically...i just loved this book. the last line made me smile and laugh and cry a little bit (actually...cry a lot), and y’know...i’ll admit it’s not totally perfect, but i’m glad this book exists, and i’m glad that even though tjr isn’t bi herself, was very adamant in this book about bisexuality being real. just. like. god. once again. mad that evelyn hugo isn’t real. it’s fine, she’s real in my heart.
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angelmichelangelo · 3 years
eternals review! ⚠️ warning: spoilers ahead ⚠️
okay so here is my official unofficial review on the eternals movie !!
overall, i genuinely enjoyed this movie. it definitely makes it up there next to shang-chi as one of my all time favourite marvel movies of 2021 as well as even maybe my favourite marvel movies period.
i loved the characters. i think every actor really did such a great job in fleshing out their characters to make them interesting, more then one dimensional people that exist, and they were enjoyable to watch on screen. i love the weird slightly dysfunctional family vibe they’ve got going on there, and whilst i could honestly say they were all my faves, i think it’s a toss up between either kingo, phastos or gilgamesh. i want just an entire 2 hour movie about those three on adventures together pls.
i thought visually it was amazing. it definitely pays off to shoot more on location rather than just on a bluescreen like marvel has a terrible ugly habit of doing 99% of the time so i REALLY hope kevin feige watched this movie and realised how much more depth a beautiful backdrop for your scenes can give you. it really added to the gravity of certain situations that make it feel that more real.
the story i enjoyed. i feel like it was a bit jumpy on the flashbacks at certain times. in my opinion i’d have had all the ikaris/sersi scenes at the beginning: build up their relationship, give them some depth as to how they fell in love, get to the swell of it all when they’re getting married and then— hard cut to present day where sersi is off to her job. i just feel like it would be flowed a little better and made us sympathise with sersi a little better to understand how jarring his leaving was.
would love to have seen more gilgamesh. i was genuinely saddened to see him die so early on. i know the stakes where high and it was kind of a real moment that reminded us: hero’s can die too. but i LOVED the interactions between him and thena and i just wished we got more. their relationship was beautiful throughout.
loved the little running joke about how they were friends in college. that was really cute, idk why but that just made me smile every time they’d say it.
just. everything about phastos and ben. all those scenes at phastos’ home was so damn wholesome. it felt so domestic and loving and i just want more of them. the kiss !!! THE KISS !! so tender and sweet, i may have shed a tear or two lol
so now that i’ve rambled about what i loved about the movie…….
there’s honestly not a whole lot that i would have changed. the cast was great. the acting was good.
i think they could have fleshed sprite out a little. maybe it was just me but i just didn’t see the whole ‘sprite is in love with ikaris’ thing. they only did a little glimpse of sprite wanting to be an adult in one of the first scenes we see her in when she’s in the bar with sersi and dane. i think they definitely could have followed that a little more which would have made more sense to her wanting to age and be a human, to do human things instead of being stuck in a child’s body. i just don’t see how she was in love with ikaris. the only evidence is her following his plan but that was after kingo explained that she was in love with him.
harry styles. ooooh boy. look, i do love harry (hello big time directioner back in the day here - he was plastered over my walls when i was 13) but. hmmm. obviously we had the spoilers to prepare us but i really didn’t want it to be true. i’m willing to be fair and give him a chance but idk for some reason it really pulled my immersion from the movie, just because i knew it was harry styles. does that make sense? like i know they’re all actors but my brain was just like: HARRY STYLES instead of ‘oh cool thanos had a brother’ i think i just very much like the idea of marvel always getting ‘unknowns’ but as of late them bringing in big names kinda bursts that happy little bubble i’ve secluded myself in. part of me is willing to give him a chance where another part of me is like: i really hope he’s just a side character there for a gag. sorry harry ilu but it makes me all squirmy to see him on screen.
also… i complimented the movie on their amazing visuals and honestly the cgi was solid throughout…. until we got to pip. it felt like his character design was extremely rushed (which makes me wonder if adding harry was a super last minute decision) and it blows my mind to know that marvel, a film studio that uses cgi for everything, can make something look like it was ripped right out of a ps2 cutscene lmfao. i’m hoping that that really isn’t his final design and it was indeed rushed just to get out for the films release because yikes it make me recoil when i saw him.
i could have done with more Makkari also. loved her. maybe more backstory as to why she was hanging back reading all those books? why didn’t she stick with druig? just more of her please and thank you.
like i said, overall, i loved this movie. i had a lot of fun watching it and i think everyone on board brought something that really pulled it together to make it something a lot of fun. i’m really looking forward to seeing more of these characters and i am excited to see where they go to next!
these are just my own personal opinions, so if you feel indifferent to what i’ve written, that’s perfectly fine! let me know what you thought :)
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shawoluvs · 3 years
Another tag from the lovely @mykindofkpop​, thank you~~~
Name: Holly~
Pronouns: She/Her
Star sign: Taurus
Height: I’m not entirely sure, I’ve not measured my height or weight in literally years but last time I checked I was about 5′2/5′3 and I doubt I’ve grown much since then~
Time: 10:28
Birthday: 12th May
Nationality: British
Fave bands/groups: SHINee, Red Velvet, WJSN, LOONA, ONF, Golden Child, DKB, ASTRO, EXO, NCT etc. etc. and non-kpop wise it tends to vary but atm I’m listening a lot to Hurts, The Score, Les Friction, Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift (it’s such a weird mixed bag ejhrgbjere my music taste is all over the place)
Fave solo artist: Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, Onew (basically all of SHINee but poor Minho hasn’t got much solo stuff), Sunmi, Taeyeon, Eyedi
Song stuck in your head: Lana Del Rey - Without You (I’m doing writing stuff a lot lately and listening to dramatic, tragic songs ends up consuming all of my time)
Last movie you watched: I think the last movie I watched was Cast Away
Last show you binged: The last full show I binged was The Irregulars but I’m also watching lots of Gilmore Girls and anime atm~
When you created your blog: I have no idea! It’s hard to say exactly because I created this one after I lost access to my first blog and I can’t fully remember when that was?
Last thing you googled: Whether dandelions close at night (they do and when it rains!)
Other blogs: I have a fandom/literature/overall main blog at @lonesplendour and I have an anime blog at @kimitokara so if you ever see those random blogs in your notifications it’s me~
Why I chose my url: I’ve been through a lot of urls honestly, I finally decided I just wanted one that would stand the test of time (sort of ejhbhger) so I combined my two main kpop fandoms and here we are~
How many people are you following: 264 which is really not so many, I occasionally have like purges of inactive blogs/blogs where I’ve fallen out of those fandoms but atm I’m pretty happy with the amount I follow and the content on my dash~
How many followers do you have: On this blog I very recently hit 400 followers! It’s not something I check often but I do like a nice round number >.<
Average hours of sleep: Around 8 when I’m working, 9 when I’m off work~
Lucky numbers: I don’t think they’re lucky but I like even numbers, I like 5 & 7, and I like numbers with the same digits (33, 55, 66 etc.) y’know like a normal person...
Instrument: I canny play any, I would love to honestly, I recently had like a weird epiphany that if my sister and I started a duo band we could have some really clever pun names and I once had a keyboard but we got rid of it when we had no space for it... long story short I can’t play any instruments but in my head I totally can play the piano and the violin~
What I'm currently wearing: PJs~
Dream job: I’d love to be an author, I think if I could have published works, even if I made no money off it and worked anything else for the majority of the time, I’d be pretty thrilled with that~
Dream trip: I’d love to do like a European tour and an Asian tour! For me I’m not like a beach person so when I travel I want to see like museums and temples and arcitechture and stuff like that!
Fave food: I’m a full on carnivore but I also devour carbs and cheese like it’s no one’s business~
Fave song: Right now I’m really into Gold Rush by Taylor Swift, idk what exactly it is about it but it’s just in my head a lot and idk I think it’s the switch up from the opening/ending to the rest of the song, it just appeals to me and not to be emotional here on this random ask game but “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?” really hit me right in the self confidence pfftt
Top 3 fictional universes you'd like to live in: Oooooh this is a good question! And a really difficult one. I will totally steal one from Athena and say Middle Earth would be awesome, specifically I would love to be an elf and probably live in Rivendell! I also wouldn’t mind living in the Naruto universe like the Leaf Village is very pretty and I could be down with that~ Finally... the Fairy Tail universe! It’s probably joint with Naruto honestly because both worlds are beautiful but very different, I think I’d probably rather live in Fiore because as much as I love Naruto I really don’t think I’d ever make a good ninja, I’d have to just be like a village person where I would 100% dedicate my life to learning magic in Fiore!
Please take part if you wish: @userseokkie, @lilbubtaemin, @babyange1face, @ohmuqueen, @kibumf, @eternallys, @blingblinging, @anyhao, @ncityzen, @shineesbag, @taemirene, @babyseulgii, @confundo-on-cormac
(also I know I totally tagged half you guys in the last one but this one has a lot of the same questions so ejbgrjherge I just thought if one or the other has more appealing questions you could do whichever appeals more if you wanted to do either??? 😭😭 it makes sense in my head)
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incorrectspnforfun · 4 years
^^ nah, dw, it didn't ruin the show for me. thanks for your opinion. i just wanted to build on what you said, sorry it's long XD you're right that they did mention other characters, and there was the montage, and who knows, maybe the lack of other characters in 15x20 is just because of covid. the thing for me is that sam living this "normal life" and never mentioning hunting, and dean dying young on a hunt, those are the endings they would have gotten had they stayed on their respective paths 1/
at the beginning of 1x1, so it feels like doing all those things since then and changing their destiny (at least i think they did that? feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) didn't really matter. plus i always thought that dean’s line of "going down swinging, guns blazing" was just something to hide his fear of doing exactly that. dean was planning to retire as a hunter, he had managed to completely distance himself from being "daddy's little soldier", but in the end he still died his dad's case? he got out and then was pulled back in just to die, it's... sad. also, you're absolutely right that the core of the story is about the brothers' relationship. but i think this relationship evolved with time. in the beginning it was just the two of them, and it was "toxic codependency" (i think that's how other characters said it?), but as they grew up and met other people they... didn't exactly grow apart, but they took some distance, at least emotionally speaking, and their relationship became way healthier because of that. maybe i'm just imagining things, but this final episode, with a road trip case a la season 1 and barely mentioning other characters, felt like going back to the beginning (...which was probably the whole point ^^") and almost erasing the fact that they became different people since then. idk if that makes sense? also, the actors were always very vocal about mental health issues, but this final episode showed us traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead. i *do not* like this subtext. i know it's definitely not their fault, they said they didn't like the ending way before we knew what the ending was, but *someone* decided this was a good way to end a story that was, at its core, all about hope. sorry, it was even longer than i planned ^^"
Alright. I just cut all of them together so it was more or less consecutive lol. Let’s try to break all this down! (And no worries about the long response! I’m happy to talk about it, and I’m so glad you’re sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate you taking the time to type all of that out! <3) 
For starters, I’m really glad it didn’t ruin the show for you. I’ve heard a lot of fans saying that it’s their ex-favorite show now and they can never watch it again because they didn’t like the finale, and that makes me really sad, so I’m glad to see someone who still appreciates the show even if the finale wasn’t their fave. :)  
In terms of lack of characters because of COVID, I think that’s definitely true. I know the cast and crew had been saying that they wanted more guest stars in the last two episodes, but they had to take some of them out because of COVID concerns. Overall though, they did say that it didn’t change the core story they wanted to tell too much, so I think the Sam and Dean-centric ending would’ve still been like that, but maybe with a few more character appearances (like Shoshannah Stern, for example. I really believe that the reason Sam’s wife was blurred out was because they couldn’t get Shoshannah Stern back for some reason, but they wanted us to believe it was Eileen). 
When it comes to the boys’ destiny, to me--and, in my opinion, this is exactly what the show was trying to show us--their destiny was always supposed to be one brother kills the other. It was the destiny meant for them at the end of Season 5, and it was the destiny and final ending that Chuck had written for them at the end of Season 15. But, time and time again, the brothers’ love for each other and love for the world kept pushing against that destiny. In the end, by defeating Chuck, and by helping each other up and not backing down, they did write their own destiny and fight against it and, ultimately, give themselves free will. 
Now, in thinking about Dean’s death and the brothers’ codependency (yes, you were right, that’s what the angels and such called it), I see your point about Dean’s words being a mask for his fear, and while I agree that he often did use them in that way, in the end, I think his fear was less about dying on a hunt and more about dying alone, but also about making sure that he isn’t taking Sam down with him. His death scene in 15x20 says that loud and clear. Sam tries to leave to get him help, but all Dean wants is for Sam to stay with him, and then his last request is for Sam to come closer so that he can make sure his little brother is okay. That said, though, I do agree with you that they’ve taken some emotional distance from each other and had a healthier relationship because of it--which is why, despite Dean dying and Sam surviving, Sam let him go and didn’t try to bring him back, because they had achieved that emotional distance. 
All of that in mind, I, personally, feel like the only way this story could end was with Dean dying and Sam living to old age, eventually joining his brother in heaven--so basically, exactly what we got. 
I hear a lot of people saying that Dean deserved to live a normal life and live to old age--he had that job application on his desk, he had a dog, etc.--but while I agree that he deserved that happy life, I feel like it wouldn’t have been happy for him. Dean’s tried the normal life thing before, several times, and it’s never worked for him. He can’t stay away from hunting for too long, because he’ll always be looking over his shoulder, and/or he’ll always be worried about his brother. If Sam would have died, he also never would’ve forgiven himself or gotten over it and wouldn’t have been able to live a normal life. In general, as much as I would love for Dean to live a normal life and have a chance at happiness, it’s never fit his character. Even with the growth he’s experienced in the last several years, the way he’s grown up and the things he’s been through just won’t let him experience an apple pie life. 
Sam, on the other hand, has always had a connection to a normal lifestyle and has always had more of an ability to have that. If you ask me, a lot of that is because of Dean--since Dean grew up so fast, Sam never had to, so he had a chance to go through normal childhood experiences and learn how to live a life outside of hunting. As such, his attempts at a normal life usually were pretty successful, and it follows that any attempts he makes in the future could be successful too. The big thing that stops all of that, though, is Dean. While Sam, in the last several years, has said that he’s okay with his hunting lifestyle and happy doing what he’s doing, it’s less about the actual hunting and more about being with his brother. Sam, in general, is miserable in the hunting lifestyle. It’s not what ultimately makes him happy, but being with his brother does. Because of that, he accepts the lifestyle for everything that comes with it because it means bonding with Dean and seeing him happy. As such, he can’t live a normal life if Dean’s around, because he knows it’s not what Dean wants, deep down, and it would mess with the dynamic they’ve built through all these years of hunting. So, the only way Sam can live a normal life is if Dean dies (kind of like in Season 8. When he thought his brother was dead, he actually did live a normal life for a while, and he probably would’ve continued to do that for the rest of his life if Amelia’s husband hadn’t come back and if Dean hadn’t come back). 
Now, with all of that said, you’re right in that this does connect directly to how the brothers likely would’ve ended up in Season 1. However, what’s different is the strong bond that Sam and Dean have now developed over the years. Yes, if Dean hadn’t gotten Sam at Stanford way back in Season 1, Sam (probably) would’ve lived a white picket fence life, and Dean would’ve died on a hunt. The difference, though, is that both of those things would’ve happened without either brother being aware of what the other was up to and, frankly, probably not necessarily caring as much (in Sam’s case anyways). 
With the Season 15 ending, though, Sam lived his white picket fence life, but his entire life was built in tribute to his brother. He named his son Dean, he kept the Impala, he had pictures of the two of them all around his house, and his son even had an anti-possession tattoo. While Sam was able to live a normal life, he never forgot about his brother, and Dean was--just like he said in his death scene--always in his heart and always remembered, because of all that they had shared for the last fifteen years. 
The same goes for Dean. While Dean did die on a hunt like he normally would’ve, if Dean had died in Season 1, he would’ve gone up to heaven, relived his best memories (which all probably would’ve been with kid!Sam), and that would’ve been it. Instead, in Season 15, we see Dean go to a heaven that’s been re-created into something that he deserves by people who love him and who he loves very much (Jack and Cas) that he (and Sam) were able to influence heavily. And yet, with the entirety of heaven open to him to see anyone he wants (including Cas), what does he do? He goes for a drive and waits for his brother--the brother that he’s bonded with for the last fifteen years. He could see anyone, and in Season 1, if heaven had been like that, he probably would’ve. But instead, he just sits and waits for his brother, because ultimately, that’s who makes him happy. We never would’ve gotten that if it weren’t for the bond that Sam and Dean created with each other in the last fifteen years. 
As for the “traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead” subtext, that’s completely valid, and I can see how that would be upsetting. Personally, I didn’t see it that way at all, mostly because I feel like the characters weren’t necessarily happy after they were dead. Dean was only happy in heaven once Sam was with him, and Sam actually was happy throughout his life with his family, even if he was still mourning his brother, and ultimately, he was able to live a life and continue that happiness in heaven when he reunited with Dean. Cas was happy before he died (hence, why he died) because he finally admitted his love for Dean. While I fully acknowledge that not a lot of them necessarily got the chance to deal with their trauma in a prolonged way, I feel like their individual deaths helped them cope in some way. That’s just my opinion though, and I can definitely understand where you’re coming from. 
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, but I hope that all makes sense! (Also sorry mine was so long too! Lol.) <3 
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yuukei-yikes · 4 years
Headcanon roulette! What jobs do you think the kagepro cast would have?
(CRACKS KNUCKLES) LISTEN I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HEADCANON ROULETTE IS BUT IF YOU CAME LOOKING FOR A SHORT ANSWER I AM VERY SORRY i am going to give you so many headcanons youre gonna pass out i am going to tell you my headcanons and WHY i have them and i'll also be angry at jin for saying bullshit about their jobs. it's gonna be a good time SO. MY JOB HEADCANONS FOR THE KAGEPRO CHARACTERS: shintaro: jin says he'd be a teacher and to this i say (rolls newspaper and hits him in the head). WHAT THE HELL MAN!!! shintaro loves music bro i GUESS he could be a music teacher but EH i don't see him like the sort of person who'd enjoy being in a classroom so my headcanon is the obvious: song writer/composer. obviously. bro seriously why a teacher?? this guy's SISTER work(ed)s in the music industry, momo would absolutely use her contacts to help shintaro build a career out of music! and if shintaro's music are the kagepro songs we know then they'd have success lol and yes this is meta but he canonically wrote tomei answer SO... COME ON. writing songs inspired on the events? bro. bro. bro. b ayano: whatever she does i think she'd 100% wanna work with children. if anyone wants to be a teacher it'd absolutely be her! i like to think she becomes a social worker/kindergarten teacher? just anything she chooses to do would be around children tbh. kido: everyone always makes a big deal out of her cooking so i like to think she goes to cooking school!! so a chef!  i know jin said kido would have an orphanage but. 1) wh. why kido. ayano is right there?? ayano makes more sense to me than kido idk 2) why specifically the OWNER of an orphanage that's just weird kjrfksdhgds i GUESS it's not as ridiculous as jin's take on kano's job (i'll get to that next) but still... it's gonna be a nah from me kano: listen. listen. my job hc for kano is VERY headcanon based so i don't have any Canon(tm) content to support it but i assure you it makes more sense than jin's bullshit take on how he'd be a P*LICE OFF*CER. LIKE. EXCUSE YOU SIR WASH YOUR MOUTH YES KANO IS A DICKHEAD BUT HE WOULDNT GET TO THAT POINT!! SO my take is... hairdresser. WHY?? GLAD I PRETEND YOU ASK: again it's very hc based but i'm just gonna say kido hates talking to strangers bc she's #invisible and seto hates crowded places + when they move by themselves with mary i got the feeling they sheltered themselves from the world SOOO what if from then on kano has always done their hair for them im JUST SAYING... I THINK IT'D BE SWEET AND COOL AND FUN AND ALSO HE SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE. come on kido's green hair?? kano's doing. please. it'd be epic momo: she quits being an idol BUT momo adores 1) being silly 2) making people happy. what would she do? my most cursed but also my best take: fuckign....YOUTUBER.... she'd be her own boss and she'd make videos of whatever the HELL she feels like doing. trying to make art. destroying her hair. doing drag makeup. just whatever dude like everyone would know her as that one youtube girl who used to be a massively popular singer but now films herself bleaching her hair 5 times in one night and it'd WORK seto & mary: ok for once what jin said makes sense to me but i don't think he even said it, it just showed up in saiyuki's comic where they have a flower shop together. like i agree with that, they would! but maybe after a while seto would go work/maybe open a shelter of his own leaving the flower shop for mary haruka & takane: ANOTHER two that i'm not mad about what jin thinks (thankfully can you imagine how fucking mad i'd be if he said bullshit about my faves' jobs lol) i mean haruka has his whole thing of how he wants to be an artist and apparently takane is a streamer which i'm not mad at. i'll extend on them: i think both would be freelancers, haruka with art and takane  aside from her streams she'd like coding! like after being ene she for SURE knows some shit and she's super into videogames so she'd absolutely get into developing games and stuff. good for haruka and takane, their regular life is a quarantine hiyori: i don't have much to say about her but fashion designer/model would work for her i think. she's like that hibiya: HIBIYA HONESTLY I JUST... CANT THINK ANYTHING FOR HIM i think jin said he'd be an archeologist which i mean ok?? but ayaka was an archeologist and idk it seems weird he'd also be one with no connection to her at all for some reason but im not completely mad at the idea since i do think hibiya would have something that everyone considers to be INCREDIBLY BORING as a job. i want it to be a running gag that no one KNOWS what hibiya does for work and he's super offended about it but no matter how many times he repeats himself no one ever remembers what he does anyway those are my headcanons subscribe and comment click the bell to get notifications everytime i upload a new video i'll see you in the next one
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