#idk what im doing :')
akisauthority · 2 days
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first post!!!!!!!hii!!!!!
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AFTG TikTok is cursed and I don’t post fan stuff on my Twitter so Tumblr is where my self indulgent Floozie edit goes hehehe
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My try at @dynamicsimp 's DTYS, I kinda missed the deadline cuz timezones, but here it is!
also this is my first post on tumblr!! super exited to share my art :D
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I’m back from my break and also. . . Here’s An Apology to my followers and friends.
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Before you all get upset with me, I’m just back from my break, and NO, I’m not leaving Tumblr and by telling you why I’m apologizing, it’s because. . . . . . I just wanted to stay at tumblr than going back to that hellsite Deviantart. . . . . . I know DA has like almost 99% contreverisial stuff like AI, Making DA User go on Eclipes, and furthermore, DA is own by Wix, A company from Israel which I HIGHLY don’t Support . And forgot to mention of how awful I treated my friends, followers, and random people on both DA and Tumblr. I just want to improve on myself, but I acted immature and I
@nicky-toony, I just want to say that I’m am sorry, I just wanted to stay at tumblr, Because if I got back to that hellsite, I’ll be even more stressed, and unhappy, so I’m better off at tumblr than that awful DA. . . . . Like you know, and the way we act so immature to others, the others don’t please us, so Nicky, if your reading this, I’m sorry for being a bad friend to you, I understand why I was so controlling over you the whole time, we are the ones acting like immature teens on the internet.
and to everyone from here and DA. . . . . . . I so sorry for being such a huge jerk and how I acted in front to everyone, I was so dumb and immature I could’ve just listen wisely to everyone around me, but instead Im always so angry and selfish to others and how I treated them. and BerryBoyHub was right about me, I have lied and manipulated all of you just because it’s doesn’t mean I’m a attention seeker, I just wanted not to be alone again, so I have to just make “friends” with random strangers who don’t give a damn about me. I’ve always been alone, I somehow don’t talk a lot IRL, My mom always says to me to find friends exactly like my age, I found some on the internet, like all of you, who are teens like me or young adults but the thing is that I wish I can improve my actions and I should think before I acted to all of you, I wanted to act like a mature teenager with autism but instead, I was acting like a immature teenage bratty 17 years old who makes really wrong choices. . . . . . . Like an infamous example of faking death, lashing out on others, and being selfish and a liar according to everyone. . . . . . Me and my friends also act like immature and ignorant losers and many user out there on Tumblr hated on how we don’t act like proper teenagers and young adults. I wish I can improve on my behavior more and become better at dealing with myself and my own problems both IRL and the internet . . . . . . . I just wanted to make people happy for me . . . . . . . . . . . . . And I know everyone is still upset with me for what I did. . . . . . I’m sorry for acting like a problematic and immature child. . . . . . I want to stay at tumblr, to enjoy, to make friends, to continue on making fun arts, improve more on being a better person, and make people happy for me. . . . . . I hope you understand.
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mothpel7 · 2 days
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cherries-in-wine · 3 days
u lowkey look like a Blythe doll omg
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OMG hehe I've been told I have a "doll stare" because this is literally how i make eye contact tysm anon yipeee 🎀
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mariee-luvs-u · 2 days
POV:your tired and want coffee
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me rn 😭
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creepylittlebookworm · 19 hours
my dad just told me to mow the lawn straight.. i tried and failed now the lawns gay
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evilgoosegoose · 3 months
It was a tough battle, and they were losing, they needed help, it didn't matter how powerful, but they desperately needed it, the Justice League called upon every hero and rouge that had the possibility of helping them.
Danny arrived first, making record speeds using a portal made by Wulf to get close, he rushed over to help and assess the situation, after getting the absolute snot beat out of him, he announced "This is a problem for Future Me!" before pulling out his phone and calling someone, leaving the heavily battered Justice League stunned. He had a brief talk with someone named Dan, whoever that was and hung up, turned to them and said in the cockiest voice they had ever heard from someone that had bones sticking out of them "Now we sit back and enjoy the show."
Another portal formed right in front of them, this one was blue rather than green, and out stepped, or rather floated, an absolute monster of a 24-year-old.
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lobstercity · 1 month
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sorry danny 😿
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tom-is-online · 10 months
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anyway. alternate and original
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feyooons · 9 months
hello helloo im fey and i make art!! currently hyperfixating on good omens rn so here's some of the fav art i made so farr
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(i come from twt pls idk how to do this HAHAHAJAHAH)
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oliverthegr8 · 4 months
we need cash!
(i appreciate the comments and reposts, thanks guys)
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theangelcatalogue · 3 days
Making a chain cause why not!? Hdisiwisjs
Put your name/nickname in the Character Headcanon Generator and see what you get!
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@starsinthenigth @mxnaceo @duckp0t + Anyone who wants to do it! (No pressure)
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madalenadrops · 3 months
"Are you there?"
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Guys, words can't describe how sorry I am for not even letting you all know that I'll be doing a... "small" pause, let's call it... Things got soooo messy here, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
But of course, I still try to keep myself updated with how everything's rolling around (yes, I've seen teh update and I LOVE IT!!!!).
Still, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say...
I"ll do my best to be active here yet again, like I was before.
Remember that I love you all, and I remember about you no mstter what 💜💜💜
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calistra1star · 1 month
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just this
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