#idk these are v silly
kataux · 1 year
Drawtectives Fake Tweets
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[ID: A series of fake tweets from the Drawtectives cast. They read:
Image 1: grandma [dog emoji] (@ grendma): normalise being a sleepyhead it's okay to be tired take a nap and be all tuckered out
2: PI Jancy True (@ pijancytrue): Rose made me a Twitter account.
rosé (@ nowayrose): MOM
grandma: MOM
YORK (@ halforcprince): MOM
3: rosé: adopting every cat i see on the street
grandma: adopting every dog i see on the street
YORK: our apartment has literrally 1 bedroom STOP
4: harper (@ harperjustice): am i missing out on piss boy lore did y’all teach him how to read
YORK: how do i block your words on here
5: rosé: the horrors
grandma: [three question marks]
rosé: got asked what my name was today
6: rosé: shaking their head like an 8 ball til i get the answer i want
grandma: rhino
End all IDs]
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andreycoded · 2 years
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SUPERNATURAL 5.18 (2010) / GONCHAROV (1973)
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thechibilitwick · 2 months
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i’ve been so obsessed with this song lately someone save me
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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some more shippy drawings :33 some polycule stuff n some w/ just abe n confucius bc i haven’t drawn just them yet.,,.
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mizodorito · 9 months
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theres no place like….I WANNA BE A WITCH
og image under cut!
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yrdnzz · 1 year
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something i started during blacktober but didn't finish until a few months ago
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willowkills · 3 months
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ze0wlartist · 10 days
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Sword go flame to kill vamps
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clouds-dont-judge · 1 year
heres an old comic i gave up on </3 it was a better idea in my head..
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its a bit incomprehensible but basically i like the concept of villian eating the sidekick of their hero nemesis to lure them into a trap. But also. I think it would be funny/angsty if the hero didnt even bother saving them and just assumed the sidekick was a lost cause.
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dessanta · 6 days
homophobic gta fans existing is so funny bcuz did they forget about the REAL secret ending where michael and trevor makeout and get married or.
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addie4ddie2005 · 14 days
Drew like an evil and wacky version of Opila Bird IDK… Fooling around w the Partly Human Thing. I like the veiny flesh-monster look that everything has 🙂
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Added a close-up I am sooo bad at art pics SORRY
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nyaskitten · 1 year
I present to you my newest crackship that everyone will love: Corruptednightmare shipping.
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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Kagami, Luka & Zoe!!  I can’t believe gay people are real,,,
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over-dvse · 2 days
fuucccck i love how you draw edward so much.......can you draw him and cody ..... broing out........pease..
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my hands are currently frozen its so cold in my room. anyways. xie ur the reason i draw edward still. keep sending me ed requests.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
sometimes i'm like "i don't get how people think professor's hard to play. he's literally so easy once you know what you're doing. and so rewarding too!! idk why more people don't play him, he's super fun and easy!!"
and then i actually get matched with a hunter who knows how to go against him and it's just. ah. yeah. right. it's not that he's easy. it's that most hunters just don't see him enough to figure out adequate counters to him. so once you get matched with a hunter who actually has developed tactics to counter him (faking swings w/ emotes, deliberately missing their attacks, getting really close but not swinging to mindgame you into blocking, etc.), he turns out to actually be really fucking difficult
basically what i'm trying to say is that i get cocky way too easily when playing luchino and have to occasionally be punished for my hubris a la icarus flying too close to the sun
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
okay a bit (a lot, tldr in tags) of rambling to gather my thoughts, but for the dog coded bucky fic <3 enjoyers i have tentatively decided:
i will finish chapter two so ik it's # serious lol, plan out the rest of the chapters so i make sure i don't need to change anything in the first two (bc i'm still not even sure how many chapters it'll be), and then, i think i will force myself to stop being a Coward and post ch1 🫠
but i DO want to warn you that i am a slow writer, i've said this before ik, but i haven't written a chaptered fic in about five years so i'm really not sure how my pacing will be, so i feel like it's fair to lyk in advance!
my ideal aim would be to get a chapter out once a week, but i'm gonna be so real, a more realistic goal is once every two–ish weeks because me + freshly–medicated adhd + writing is not conducive to productivity lmaoo :')) tbh i'd be happy if i even got one done a month but i'm hoping to be faster than that, i just also don't want to rush bc this fic is so close to my heart already, i don't want to put smth out where i feel like i let myself/readers down. <3
anyway. that's my yapping for the afternoon, very excited bc i made a lovely fellow fruit loop friend recently while in queue for a concert and we both accidentally found out the other wrote fanfic LOL u get close real quick when ur holding out for barricade all day 😭
but we have a writing day planned tmrw!! bc body doubling is a lifesaver. so i'm rly hopeful i'll get ch2/all my plotting done tmrw and if all goes well, ch1 can be posted this week <33 half of the reason for posting this is to hold myself accountable too bc i'll feel more pressure to work away at it so i don't have to eat my words lmfaoo
to the angels who have been following the (very slow) formation of this fic, genuinely thank u sm for being so patient with me and also for always keeping my spirits and motivation up chatting to me ab it, i don't think i would've ever actually ended up writing it otherwise so!! i am v thankful <33 it's 'just fic' but it's also a return to something i adore but haven't had the inspo or energy for in years so i'm very :'))
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