#idk im just really excited about making this pie lol
2demon2slayer · 1 year
favourite kny ships? any ships (not minorxadult or victimxabuser) you dont like?
i love the kamaboko boys! i think they're very cute and stupid together. i'm fond of both sabigiyuu and sanegiyuu, albeit for very different reasons. … and i'm gonna be real with you, those are the only ones i really care about. obamitsu is also cute, but my joy in it is more … background, i guess?
as for stuff i don't like, well… besides the obvious ones, i don't really like giyuushino unless it's in a super antagonistic sense? they're mlm/wlw hostility to me, y'know? i also have . many issues with the kamaboko boys' canon ships. tankana is fine . like i'm cool with it, whatever, but zennezu has always rubbed me the wrong way and inoaoi just feels so . nothing to me.
all this should be taken with the knowledge that i actually care very little for shipping in the kny fandom. i mostly prefer gen content :)
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miupow · 5 months
hi sorry long ask im coming out of the wood work (i logged into tumblr for the first time in weeks lol hi lia !!!!) to deliver a certified puppy anon cannot shut the fuck up ever take so pls take it w a grain of salt if i am wrong and a smooch on ur face.
tee bee aech i really dont think it matters if an audience can tell if a writer has had sex or not - and this comment is more like a general message on ur post + all the mooties who expressed insecurity 😔🫡 i do nawt want this to read as an attack and if i came off as um acktchually 🤓 ☝️ i would kms
like you said porn is about the fantasy of it all and imo whether or not you can deliver a cohesively written story/porn/smut etc is more important than depicting it accurately or with the fear that the sex being portrayed isnt good enough. i think sex is about passion as much it is about logistics and its a combination of the two that achieves good storytelling in porn - idk maybe this is the "idk but this guy Fucks" thing u were talking abt !! 🤔 its why theres so many background workers in like actual professional video-type porn; u need to get the right aesthetic shots, make sure the actors stay ready for hours and hours of filming, and make sure the editing is compelling enough that the audience stays.
as a writer and an audience member if two writers, one virgin and not, both wrote like idk breeding doggy style coming together with dirty talk and aftercare one-shot for the 40th time each the contents would be similar enough that like i do not think i would care if i could tell someones history based on how fast someones cock goes flaccid post nut because i was invested in the rest of the story. That and bc their sexual history is personal to them and its not my place to speculate based on like idk kpop idol porn lol. 😎😔🫡 its v reminiscent of irl fears of being s virgin/ not being a good enough partner at sex bc being good at it is something so intrinsically personal to a lot of people and their worth. so much so that we've made hierarchies out of it!!! 😭 but maybe i dont care about it in the same way others do so its importance is lost to me.
anyways thats my long long long comment and pls feel free to disagree or push back where im wrong i looove talking and thinking 💔. but. hi!! how r u!! i hope work isnt ruff 3: its been like two weeks i was in exam hell and while i am not free i am letting myself back onto tumblr for like approx 24 hrs bc my ults r at coachella and i need 2 see that 🫣
- 🐶 non
hi sweetie pie!! i missed you lots <3 it’s good to see you back!!! i’m working lots but i have the weekend off i’m so excited… i hope you come out of exam hell unscathed
i completely agree with you that it doesn’t really matter whenever or not a writer has sexual experience when writing smut. i didn’t mean anything critical by what i said and i’m really sorry if it came out that way; i just find it so interesting how so many nsfw writers are virgins lol i wonder if there’s a reason for that
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feralseraph · 3 years
It's no problem, thanks for answering my question to tell me you don't know rather than just ignoring it in your inbox. I got real excited bc the womyn's community in Ft. Myers is super affordable and it's just a regular neighborhood instead of a farm. I have health problems so I can't really do hard labor. Have you looked at Sugarloaf? It's gorgeous! Do you feel like the governor's decisions affect you a lot as a citizen? I can't imagine moving to Florida. I'm currently in a purple state but Florida is like moving backwards politically and Idk if Ft. Myers is any progressive.
that does sound cool, im gonna have to look into the one in ft myers. i’ve though about visiting sugarloaf (from what it seems, it’s not a residential community, it’s just open for visits. which is still cool). honestly tho, i was put off by it being in the keys. but not all of the keys is just endless tshirt stores and key lime pie everything so i shouldn’t be so prejudiced lol. but also the keys are hot as hell all year long so i haven’t really like planned out a trip there.
and i mean yeah, i hated when desantis decided covid was over last summer and just opened everything up while people were still dying left and right. he’s also like super happy that trump lives in the state now and just ugh, yes he makes choices that i disagree with. also that whole thing where a covid researchers home was broken into by police because she exposed the state of obscuring the reality of covid deaths was insane and i feel like people just breezed past that and desantis was just like oop i had nothin to do with that!
honestly, florida is very mixed politically. even in the cities you will see about an equal amount of trump and biden stickers on cars (and yeah lots of people still have trump signs and flags on their homes). also something that a lot of people are shocked by when they move here, people absolutely will fly Confederate flags. even in popular tourist areas. at this point i would eventually like to move out of florida, mostly bc of the weather it’s just a little too tropical for me, but i do think i’d stay in the south because i just can’t live in a place where im the only black person around. looking at where ft myers is, i’d say it would probably be pretty mixed, but i doubt there would be much outright hostility about being gay there if that’s a concern.
red state vs blue state doesn’t really mean much to me, bc if i moved to like oregon, i’d be in a red state if i was anywhere outside of portland basically. idk i feel like as long as i find a moderately progressive place to live in the south like where i live here then it doesn’t really bother me. i mean, the actions of republican governors still are garbage, but if blue georgia and blue arizona happened last year then who’s to say it couldn’t happen elsewhere.
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shakingsphere · 4 years
this is not my questionnaire lol 
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
i literally just told him that i dont want to hu anymore lol
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
nope! ive been blocked for a year :)
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
no  4. Is trust a big issue for you?
no 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
im not really interested in anyone 6. What are you excited for?
spring semester 7. What happened tonight?
i watched pokémon and ate dinner 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no i just worry about them 9. Is confidence cute?
yes ofc 10. What is the last beverage you had?
diet coke  11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
4 or 5 idk this one is dumb 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
no they broke when i was jumping a fence in january  13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
probably nothing 14. What are you going to spend money on next?
probably coffee 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
no lol 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes i think people are constantly changing 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my best friend 18. The last time you felt broken?
idk 19. Have you had sex today?
no 20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i dont think so 21. Are you in a good mood?
im neutral 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
no lol 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
theyre a brighter shade of blue 24. What do you want right this second?
to have gone to bed earlier 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
its none of my business bc im not seeing anyone 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
no its a couple shades darker 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no ew 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
something my friend said yesterday 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yea.  30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
no 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no i kinda just pity him 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
i dont have feeling for anyone rn  33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
no i drink diet coke like literally everyday 34. Listening to?
nothing rn, i honestly only listen to music to concentrate 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
no not even for my russian class lol  36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
yea at his house... 37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no 38. Who did you last call?
um my best friend i think 39. Who was the last person you danced with?
some random kid 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
sex 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
idk i hate cupcakes 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
no 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
ofc 44. Do you tan in the nude?
i dont tan 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
no  46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
no i took a trazodone 47. Who was the last person to call you?
probs my dad 48. Do you sing in the shower?
no but i talk to myself 49. Do you dance in the car?
no but i sing sometines 50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
i dont think so, no 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
my senior photos.... so like 2 years ago 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
yes.  53. Is Christmas stressful?
i hate christmas 54. Ever eat a pierogi?
i’m eastern european studies major and they were v popular at pitt... so yes lol 55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
ummmmmm apple? 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
animator 57. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
no 59. Take a vitamin daily?
i take antidepressants daily.   60. Wear slippers?
nah 61. Wear a bath robe?
nah 62. What do you wear to bed?
t-shirt n shorts 63. First concert?
LMAO it was a bob dylan concert my dad had an extra ticket and im his favorite 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
target, walmart is too chaotic  65. Nike or Adidas?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probs nike 66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
fritos 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
neither 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
uhhh love story? 69. Ever take dance lessons?
yes when i was little i was awful 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
lol yea i can see me being w someone in academia 71. Can you curl your tongue?
yee 72. Ever won a spelling bee?
no 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
no i am rarely ever happy 74. What is your favorite book?
uhhhh the bell jar? 75. Do you study better with or without music?
with 76. Regularly burn incense?
i have never burned incense 77. Ever been in love?
no i dont think so 78. Who would you like to see in concert?
mitski or doja 79. What was the last concert you saw?
lorde on the melodrama tour 80. Hot tea or cold tea?
cold 81. Tea or coffee?
coffee 82. Favorite type of cookie?
um oatmeal raisin i think 83. Can you swim well?
i used to swim very well but i havent in a long time tho i can swim and not be scared of drowning so im gonna say yes 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
no? 85. Are you patient?
usually but not when im in a mood 86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
i hate weddings 87. Ever won a contest?
yeah once when i was like 8 88. Ever have plastic surgery?
no im pretty 89. Which are better black or green olives?
black ofc green ones are nasty 90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
its fine i think waiting until marriage is obnoxious and out dated 91. Best room for a fireplace?
living room 92. Do you want to get married?
yea but its not like a life goal of mine i really just want a good relationship
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for the question thing... 1, 13, & 22
yee Thank You al :)
1. What were your favorite things to draw when you were a lil kid?
i know i drew things besides random animals but it’s gonna take a second to recall what any of them are.......tf was i doing back in the day. sometimes i drew horses and once there was some classic moment in elementary school where i’d doodled one like. in a band?? horse playing the drums? idk. and a couple other people got into a back and forth abt whether i could draw a better horse than that or not. luckily they did not feel the need to consult me on it like, why would i be holding back my true horse drawing powers??
13. What’s the best thing you can cook?
a lemon meringue pie isn’t that hard to make Actually but i’ve made homemade ones before, but also i am not very enthusiastic about Any pies, personally, but like, i guess objectively that’s somewhat fancy and people tend to like it. wait we also had a really solid fine-tuned recipe for choc chip cookies that we’d make pretty frequently, of course i managed to never memorize it or anything, and it is not as fancy / potentially challenging / involved to make, but i am a lot more excited abt that than the pie. wait i do enjoy Separating Eggs for the meringue, where you crack an egg and pass the yolk from one half of the shell to the other so you can Isolate the eggwhites....u can also do it with a little strainer thing ig but not as fun. and like, the meringue is good, but that’s not difficult b/c it’s mostly just Sugar given a v nice texture lmao......
22. What song(s) from your youth/teenage do you still secretly really like?
hm i don’t really Dislike any of them i don’t think lol like....what’s that post about “wtf we gotta get back to the club!!!” about like circa 2010 Pop lmfao......i’ve never like “secretly” liked anything, but also, i never had A Phase where i was into fuckin pop punk emo my chemical blink 182 at the disco or anything to feel cringe about, although sometimes there were songs from back then that i’d be Surprised to later learn was like Oh that one was emo bop 32 actually, like lmfao oh if i’d ever seen the music video for “shake it” rather than it being someone’s Youtube Outro or smthing i surely would have realized lmfao..........the other day i was thinking “is liking simon and garfunkel like, my version of how all these lgbtqs i know are all into the mountain goats whom ive listened to like one or two songs by and am just Not interested,” which is relevant b/c i mean i heard it occasionally growing up thanks to mainly listening to whatever my parents put on, but then there was sure like, a summer / year or so where i was like “im gonna listen to this simon and garfunkel Compilation album/s like 239 times” plus some paul simon solo stuff but. not Released back then certainly lmao and i like it openly All Along (again #tbt my college roommate was once like “never pass milo the aux” after they were like “u can put on whatever you’re listening to like, on speakers” and then rescinded b/c they didn’t enjoy Baby Driver i guess, but then a decade later they like that movie??? smh) but like, shrug
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Hey, I'm 19 and I'm majoring in abnormal psych, I plan to be a family therapist! I'm 5'5", and I have brown eyes. I'm a girl and I dye my hair often, there probably isn't a color I haven't done yet, but for now it's purple. I love experimenting with different looks or ideas, I'm also down for experiments and adventures else where~ I love the macabre, scary books/movies/video games are my jam for sure. I also love cute things like unicorns. I'm a switch but I can dom, so would you date me?
In love with the dye? You might be a carbon copy of G-Dragon 😂 Adventure sounds good. Purple, too. Ye know what. You sound like a good buddy and @siedhr’s left hand.
Im 5’6” and indian to the fucking core. I have tan skin and breast length dark wavy hair. I like reading and coffee on late nights and i have a slight obsession with voices (idk they just calm me like music does) i love writing and always carry a journal with me. I like warm blankets and talking with people (the stories you can hear are so cool!) i am a scientist at heart and love to discuss video game theory with anyone willing to listen and ignore my obsession with thinking. music is a must
Wait a minute… oh come on girl… I know who you are 😄 Sure we could date. 
Hi.. I’m 4'11" (tiny, I know, it works well since I’m a sub in 99.9999% of cases and love being held and kept safe), I have dirty dishwater blonde hair (basically the dullest, ugliest blonde out there), I’m trans and nonbinary (they/them pronouns, I hate being called a girl), and I’m very scatterbrained sometimes. I’m very shy until I get passionate about things, and then I get very excitable. I love writing poetry and fiction and I love animals a lot. Oh, and I adore music. Would you date me?
Let’s give it a shot. You sound cute! I’m the back hugs type, that sounds compatible. We might look like Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet, that’s a height difference of 25cm like wow.
Hey, I’m 5’4” and black. My hair is pretty long and I’d say I’m a little overweight mainly because of my thighs but other than that I look bomb 😤 I love listening to music 24/7 but I also love to cook . And I think that’s about it for me.
Cook! It sounds like we might be business partners to co-chef our own restaurant or something 😂 I spend a lot of time learning to create dishes, too 🍴Yesterday I tried to make some borek but it needs some adjusting, it was too crispy on the edges. I try circulating air next time.
Soo… German gal, 21 years old (born in 98), 164cm, naturally brown and kinda wavy hair but I cut it short (like pixie cut short) and dye regularly (atm it’s dark purple), grey-ish blue eyes, a couple tattoos, a couple ear piercings, might fuck around and get my lip pierced soon. Finishing my bachelor’s in English and American studies this summer (hopefully). I like reading, writing, horror movies and music. Main love languages are Acts of Service and Quality Time, would you give me a chance?^^
I would! Cuz language interest and pixie cut. Also, tats.
Hello there! I’m 5'3, pale af, I have dark hazel slanted eyes, brown hair, and a dimple on my left cheek. Scorpio dominated chart. I’m bi, a switch. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. I can play some instruments, I like to read and paint. I love puppies but I can’t have any so I spend a lot of time watching cute videos :( - would you date me? 💝
A dimple! Now I’m interested. We’ll get along, I can already tell. You’re my cutie pie. I like you.
if you’re still doing the dating thing: I’m 5'2 and a little chubby (and finally learning to accept it). I’m a trans dude so he/him. I like collecting a lot of things, but my guitar collection is probably the coolest. I practice witchcraft but I’m not really with any particular group or path. I have dimples similar to Hoseok’s, and my smile is a similar shape, but a little crooked because of an accident when I was younger. I also love learning new languages. I sound a lot like the other anon lol
Witchcraft AND dimples... approved! I think I can hand you my electric guitar for the collection, Stagg, yellow-black gradient. No longer in use after wrist injury.
I’m a tiny little Latina lady like barely 5'3 and I want to domme the f out of RM. And I blame you for this. Like namjoon wouldn’t know what hit him. He wouldn’t see it coming. Everyone thinks I’m too cute (until they get to know me, my Latin fire is kind of dampened a bit by my British upbringing but it’s there!!!) 💃🔥
Wow. A sub!Namjoon stan with Quicksilver puns! I take full responsibility, I endorse this. And! I have no doubts you’ll sweep the guy off his feet. Now: I think you might be the type to manage the restaurant I’ll open with anon #4 😄
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aljenata · 5 years
Questions 1 - 92 😈
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? yes 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? no 3. Have you taken someone's virginity? yes 4. Is trust a big issue for you? definitely, the basis of all relationships 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? i have to like the person to hang out w them 6. What are you excited for? being in control of my own life and being stable enough for that 7. What happened tonight? researched dissertation topics for university 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? no lol 9. Is confidence cute? 100% 10. What is the last beverage you had? water, stay hydrated kiddos 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? not enough lmao 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? more actually 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? go out to drink 14. What are you going to spend money on next? probably another cute notebook or pin (i have too many) 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? yes 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? i fucking hope so 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? my girlfriend 18. The last time you felt broken? quite recently, gone through some pictures of my old friends 19. Have you had sex today? nope 20. Are you starting to realize anything? i don't owe people shit, they don't owe me shit either 21. Are you in a good mood? meh 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? yes they look like smooth cool fuckers 23. Are your eyes the same colour as your dad’s? yep 24. What do you want right this second? peanut butter 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? gtfo 26. Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour? yes, i wanna dye it blue asap, but dont have enough balls (or money tbfh) 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? nah that shit is boring 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? i cracked my back like a glowstick and it made me giggle 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? yes 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? no 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? nah 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? yes (let people know about that, bc life is too short and it will consume you if you keep prolonging it trust me lmao) 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? YES that shit is nasty and fucks up my stomach 34. Listening to? alot of lofi atm 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? yes, all my study notes are in pencil, i think it looks softer and nicer 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? yep 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? no, you grow to love a person as love is rooted from trust and compatibility 38. Who did you last call? my dad lol 39. Who was the last person you danced with? one of my best friends 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? bc she had food on her lips lmaoo 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? TODAY 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? nopeb 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? well in front of my girlfriend, all the fucking time 44. Do you tan in the nude? i don't even tan, this bitch is pale af 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? nah 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? yes 47. Who was the last person to call you? my dad hahah 48. Do you sing in the shower? nah 49. Do you dance in the car? i don't drive rip 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? yes, i completely suck at it 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? around a month ago for a show 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? THEY'RE A BLESSING (thespian) 53. Is Christmas stressful? yes 54. Ever eat a pierogi? had to google them, but yes i think so 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? raspberry 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? an actress or an air hostess 57. Do you believe in ghosts? yes scary boys haunt us 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? actually no 59. Take a vitamin daily? no but i should hahah 60. Wear slippers? nah 61. Wear a bath robe? no but i have a very fluffy harry potter one 62. What do you wear to bed? an oversized t shirt 63. First concert? it was a concert with multiple people; jess glyne, jason derulo and wiz khalifa mainly 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? tumblr is so americanised lol idk 65. Nike or Adidas? nikee 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? im a clueless european 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? sunflower seeds 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? she's not really my thing 69. Ever take dance lessons? yes, i actually have certificates and experience and all 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? songwriting 71. Can you curl your tongue? i think so? 72. Ever won a spelling bee? it was never like a competition for us, but i used to do well 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? yes 74. What is your favourite book? difficult to say honestly 75. Do you study better with or without music? yes with either chill music or asmr 76. Regularly burn incense? nope 77. Ever been in love? yes 78. Who would you like to see in concert? the 1975, billie eilish and p!nk atm 79. What was the last concert you saw? it was a mess 80. Hot tea or cold tea? hot fruity teas are amazing 81. Tea or coffee? i can't drink coffee 82. Favourite type of cookie? the ones with nutella stuffed in them 83. Can you swim well? used to, now i just float 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? nope 85. Are you patient? yes 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? band, they're cool af 87. Ever won a contest? don't think so 88. Ever have plastic surgery? nope 89. Which are better black or green olives? if whole; black, if sliced; green 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? if ya want to, go for it 91. Best room for a fireplace? living room 92. Do you want to get married? yes
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 1: "I'll either flop hard or finally fucking win so let's see how this game plays." - Ian
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season starts in t minus eleven minutes and I'm SO READY TO FLOP WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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give me an idol thanks
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Hi!!! Im back on tumblr survivor omg I thought I would never return cuz I am so inactive on skype but here I am with the best hosts ever seamus and drew even tho seamus bullies me... This time now that I actually have some experience I hopefully wont be first boot and can play better rather than be a sheep LOL
So far I like my tribe, Ali and mitch are prob my favs so far both kings
The only people I have ever heard of before is willow one of my bffs from FB orgs and jones bc shes jones but both on the other tribe so hope I can meet them at swap or merge!
But apart from that no clue who these ppl are, kinda nice tho and refreshing since on fb its always the same people so this should be fun
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Bro we got 2 sandwich artists. And a sandwich related challenge. If we don’t win I’ll be mad
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Okay so right now I don’t know anyone or anything what the fuck. This is so different from zwooper everyone is here to play. Right now I’m getting good vibes from Caleb and I think I’m gonna make him my go to. I know Noah on the other tribe but I know he doesn’t like me and I really don’t like the way he plays games. I heard Jamarcus was in this game but I guess not :(. But yeah so this is gonna be one wild ride!
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submitting this before i forget/decide not to do a video on it: 
http://bit.ly/2ZoKSiK <- Jason’s First Impressions
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Hie Montenegro,,, im here,,, and full of existential fear!! I wanted to do a full video cast assessment but my phone storage truly sucks on this night at 3:00 am and I have shit to do tomorrow so :) gotta write!! Myfeelings!!!! David - has said Hewwo when we were revealed and vanished. Hopefully he can deliver in a comp Bc rn he’s kinda irrelevant :( holding out hope tho Willow - queen of being busy,,, we talked in pms but for like a minute,, she knows some of my friends from an FB game I watched her play tho! So that’s SOMETHing, but not a lot. I’ve heard not the greatest things about her social game in the past tho, so I’m not shocked rn Evan - I think I’ve actuallh played w him before assuming this is the same Evan from  erinsborough? Big shrug, he was inactive that game tho and would’ve striked out if we didn’t vote him,,, hopefully things are different tho? His picture is Gavin from DP and I appreciate it greatly,, Tom - I just got off of a 5 hour call w him and he seems really chill!? Haven’t talked in pms yet or anything so hopefully we can do that soon? But he seems like a great dude!! His dog is super fucking cute too. JJ - I think of my entire tribe, he’s the epitome of extra. He has 50 fucking sugar gliders like??????? Ma’am?????????? Also he’s from tengaged and MORE IMPORTANTLY he knows keaton apparently!! So,,, probably a crackhead knowing my luck w Keaton. He’s very outgoing and friendly tho and definitely seems like someone i COULD work with,,, but I wanna see how everything plays out, Caeleb - adopted him as my grandson. Bc he called me his grandma. He seems like a sweetie pie it’s his first org ever though so go him!! Hopefully grandma can take him under her wing hehe Mo - literally one of my first close friends in the community,, an angel whom owns my heart, I feel like he’d wanna work w me but I’d never know fully until we prove our loyalties yk? So I’m also holding out hope for him,,, king. Alex - I love him!!!? So much???? He said he stans me I love him sm Bc I remember stanning  him when I first started playing Bc he’s all I’d heard about art in the community lolol but I’m v excited to actuallh play with him I fucking called him being here :) Jules - my love my light we just clicked real quick, she’s legitimately an angel whom I adore??? It’s her first survivor game I’m rooting for her. But ya I’m exhausted so that’s it for now UwU gn bois
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okie I feel like I should do a cast assessment of my tribe, just as a starter. my opinions will like 1000% change so this is by no means final but woo I'll go with this! 
In general... this cast is... pretty good? Like I was very very worried since I'm so annoying that everyone that hates me would reappear for this season, but I think(?) only like... one person in the cast would dislike me/gun for me for preseason stuff. Anywho:
Benj: Okay he seems super super nice! Like he seems really friendly, we have a lot in common already and I think since we are both in weird timezones we could work really well as allies! He seems super like chill and would work with just people he seems to get along with, so I feel like... that could be a real potential alliance in the future ahhh!
Ian: Ian I haven't spoken to all that much yet (he was towards the end of the cast reveal) but he seems really really chill! He has also come 2nd twice which is something I can relate to, so maybe we will be on a similar page as players? 
Jared: Okay first fellow newbie. We haven't spoken much or had the chance to really like have a good conversation so far! I feel like since its 12-8 for newbies, maybe its a good idea for us to group up tho, idk if it can happen since at least for me, I haven't really connected to the newbies as much?
Jason: He is so so fun! Like I've really liked talking with him so far, he was on the CAH call yesterday and was getting along with Julia which is really good too, since I defo wanna work with them both!
Julia: A QUEEN. okay I was very worried seeing her on the cast reveal since both times I've played with her, I've voted her out very very early.... BUT, she seems interested in wanting to work with me and I'd love to because such a wild time, and I feel like... me and her strengths/weaknesses can kind of counterbalance in a way that'll work really well! She could always be playing me, but tbh... its what I deserve anyway, and I'd LOVE to see her do really well this season.
Madeline: I really like her! I've spoken to her probs the most of the newbies and she seems really nice and social which is super good! I feel like she'll fit in for a while and have quite smooth sailing
Michael: I'm sure he is great, but we haven't really.. been able to talk all that much? I feel like if I had to predict who would go if our tribe lost, I'd... probably say him?
Mitch: omg this cast is so big I'm not even through my tribe AHH. anyway mitch was on the first cast reveal like I was. I get ok vibes from him, he seems like... he is here to play the game hard which makes me nervy, but hopefully I can like fudge that to my advantage?
Noah: okay he is super fun, I feel like... our conversations have been very dry, but also that its 100% my fault. idk the ability to be interesting just kind of _dropped_ out of me but I'll try and redeem that today
okay the other tribe I'll just skim through and do the ones I know:
Alex C.: he seems like a king! I've been in VLs for seasons he has been in, I feel like he will not like me but I'd love to meet him!
David R.: okay he will 10000% not remember me, but he was in my first season ever! he was very inactive and his only like... confessional was about me being annoying KJSLDAD which is maybe a.. bad sign! lets see how it goes this time
Jones: She seems SO nice! I have been in VLs with her before, and she seems so so so nice! I'd love to play with her down the line, but I think she is also probs here to WIN which is scary.
Jules: A LEGEND! I love Jules, would love to work with them if possible! They're probably the person I am closest to pregame but can hopefully keep that hush hush...
Mo: a king! I hosted him for his first season, and he was SO much fun. I feel like he has gone off me, but I'm super excited to see how he does!
Tom: he is... probably the biggest problem for me in the cast? Like he was in the only season I won, and saw me play a snake game which I do not intend to play like this time? But I feel like if he still dislikes me (which he might), he could like... tell people how snakey I was! I would love to like work with him if he wants, but I feel like he wouldn't trust me at all KASDLF
Willow: A queen! I haven't spoken to her in ages but used to around her first season a lot! so so nice.
Yeah so overall thoughts on each tribe:
Durmitor: Almost everyone I knew preseason was on this tribe, which is probably to my advantage, that'll hopefully help out in like... a swap situation? Worried about Tom but am cautiously optimistic about Willow/Mo/Jules! I feel like this tribe is gonna do very very good on challlenges which... AHHHH i don't wanna go to tribal
Budva: Okay I really like my tribe! I get the best vibes from Benj, Julia & Jason who are all people I'd love to work with! I think(?) I could be okay for now, like I feel like I've already got some good ties, and that there are other people that would go... before me... maybe? Its probably only like 2 rounds on these tribes so I maybe don't even need to last that long aksfda
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Ugh honestly why am I back and like... I DON’T ANYBODY HERE? Nicole G is my spirit animal.
Well except for Jason and Julia. I do know them as well as Alex and Rob. Basically I don’t know anyone post chamonix and I feel like a fish out of water. I’ll either flop hard or finally fucking win so let’s see how this game plays.
My tribe is idk, quiet? But like we called and played cards against humanity which was fun but like idk Anau and Monte Rosa were just more active and fun and all.
Julia - fellow oldie, I might work with her since she’s quite social and all. Witchcraft and all.
Jason - I wanna work with him because 1) oldie 2) fellow runner-up and 3) he knows josh. And if my TS career hasn’t proven me wrong, people who I play with who know josh are a huge BOON to my game so yeahhH
Benj - he seems nice. He lives New Zealand so we will probably be the only ones awake at our respective time zones so that can be grounds for something :D
Ali - seems nice as well. We talked about the weather and all so that was fun.
Mitch - we had a short convo so idk him very well to get a good read on him.
Jared - We only started talking now so we will see hmmm
Michael - I’m 50% sure he’s a robot. Just because he sends messages like a robot but I could be wrong. Idk it’s hard to get a read on him but we talked some and I hope he is good at challenges
Madeline - She told me she was a returnee but the wiki says she ain’t? What is the truth. Seems nice?? Idk
Noah - we haven’t talked
Tbh this is probably the most quiet starting tribe I’ve been on. Nicole G is my sprit animal btw 
(hi plss add this to the first confessionals i sent) Asya - haven’t talked to her as well. But she did briefly joined the tribe call
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Here's a Video Confessional that details what’s on my mind:
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America I think I fucked myself over on this one. I told JJ and Tom last night that I got 155k in sandwich stacker the last time I played it and now I think they’re expecting me to recreate that score?? And like,,, do better?????? But it turns out I’m unexpectedly very busy today and I can’t even do it when I get home Bc I’m not gonna have a laptop to play it on,, so I fucked myself over on this one chief. Not only am I most likely not doing this challenge, but I set myself up to look like a challenge threat!! When I can’t even back it up???? Love that for me :)
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okay so I've now had a chance to talk to pretty much my whole tribe more which is fun. I LOVE THEM ALL AND REFUSE TO EVER. GO. TO. TRIBAL.
So my favourites atm are defo Julia, she is SUCH a legend, and her hex powers will carry us to success. I'm also really liking Benj & Jason on a personal level, they are super fun, and like chill on a game level which I really like!
Of the rest, Jared approached me to work with me which AHH exciting! But it was kind of unprompted and outta nowhere, so I'm worried he could play a bit too hard too fast, so will try and keep an eye on him. Madeline is super fun, I'm really liking talking to her, and I'm more reassured about working with my fellow newbies now, since Jared/Madeline I'm really liking! Michael is super sweet, he sent me this long nice message about how to pronounce my name which was super sweet, I haven't spoken to him too much yet! Noah I've spoken to the least, he is my biggest ??? so far, which ahh but I'll figure that one out. Mitch is quite quiet but I really like him! Ian is a king!
AHH I LOVE EVERYONE THIS IS A PROBLEM. I always do this where I make friends with everyone and then have to betray someone every round. I'm determined to pace myself this time. Julia is my Number #1 rn, she approached me first and I think we are a great balancing pair. I also really like Benj/Jason, would love to maybe be in a bigger alliance with them? Jared I'm like... apprehensive that he is gonna play really hard, but also wanna work with him. Those are probably my top four rn? I'd then put Madeline/Ian on the next level, Mitch the level below and Noah/Michael on the bottom level as my biggest unknowns!
otherwise this challenge is so demonic, and one day I will get revenge on seamus for making us endure this. I think I'm doing pretty good, and like... can't face the bread anymore, so will probs stick with my score. I really don't wanna go to tribal so hope my tribe can pull this out wooo!
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Hi it’s Mo, I’m the dumb bitch who thinks he needs a Gatorade after walking up a flight of stairs. At the moment I’m feeling very distressed because I sat outside for a good hour or so and some mosquitos decided to take it upon themselves to go to town on my legs. But game-wise I’m feeling very comfortable on my tribe. I think I made some good connections on the tribe call last night and I got to know everyone really well and literally I have no complaints about anyone at the moment. They’re all super chill. My biggest fear is letting them down so I’m doing my best to get a good score on sandwich stacker.
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Wow It's great to be back and not know like a single soul! I will kms because of that! Also wow my boss sprung a double on me today so I didnt get to talk to anyone! In the first 24 hours! I love this for me! Im on call right now so hopefully I can do SOMETHING and get good with people!!
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So I have yet to do a formal confessional but let me just tell you my tribe is so cracked and I love it. I'm gonna give y'all my thoughts on the players of my tribe because why not. Ok so first off we have Julia. Julia is so cracked but I LOVE HER. She is the good luck charm of the tribe because she is involved in witchcraft and honestly I find that hilarious. Then we got Ali. He seems super sweet but I have yet to get to know him well. I think he has been in the tumblr community for a while but I'm not sure because im not in that community (whoops). Jason and I have meshed pretty well together over the love for the cowboy emoji, Madeleine seems like an easy number for me, and same for Jared. I think if we ever go to tribal I might try to connect us three with Benji who I also think I can trust really well. Then we have Ian and Noah. Honestly my conversations with them have been pretty awkward??? Idk if that is just because they are busy but like I don't rly mesh well with either of them. Then there is Michael who literally talks like his username: A Big Blue Robot
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someone literally said they were worried that me being so into astrology would influence how i viewed other people and i told them that it wouldn't but the tea is it will, try to stop me
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Heya its me. Rookie here on survivor Montenegro. Never played before. Kinda nervous. I'm trying to keep it light and airy with my chats with all the tribe members, because I don't want them thinking I'm trying to create drama too early. They seeeeem to like me and I think I really like them too. Evan kinda has latched on to me, and I like having an easy go to for talking shoppe, but he's super paranoid and thinks he has no shot at this. Even said that everyone else is fully bonding without him. And thats fine of course, I can handle supporting him especially if it seems like a surprise friendship, but his scaredyness might be rubbing off because its making me a little afraid that people are talking shoppe much more than they're letting on with me. Alsooo, low key a tiny bit annoyed with how much we love to call. Like y'all are nice but it seems to be the same person (eyooop) every time and the same person talking in the tribe chat. hehe peace out
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hi okie i would've filmed a video confessional, but i look DISGUSTING so you will have to settle with type type typing!
so lots is happening REAL fast and my head hurts so i need to talk it out. We won reward which WOO, and the reuben sandwich also gave me 3 free checks for bridge steps for the idol so GOOD NEWS. I also used it to build trust with Benj & Julia, and told Jared who kind of put me on the spot and asked me about it (more on Jared later).
So I now have my chart to map idol progress titled 'Bridge to Terebeth-idol' and I'm using all the info I get to slowly get an idea of idol progress, the idol is MINE and I'm determined to play it WRONG. otherwise, I'd love to see Benj or Julia get it, love 'em both.
Anywhomst back to Jared. he is VERY forward with game stuff and is like... going 0 to 100 waay too quick, and its making me and Benj nervous. We are both going to keep an eye, I could see Jared burning out quite quick akdlfas. For the rest of the tribe, I really really like Jason he is such a king, Madeline is super nice but I think quite quiet so could potentially go if we lose. Michael is great at challenges, but his social game is a bit ahh (he like.. told Julia she would be a target for making a mistake in the challenge akjsdfaslfladfjla). Noah I really like, but we are kinda out of sync with timezones which is no good. Mitch filled in for me in teh challenge so I owe him bigtime.
ANYWAYS. this is already waay too long, the summary is WOO JULIA AND BENJ, woo (at a slightly lower volume) for Jason and Jared. Love the hosts, loving this game so far, only thing I'm not loving is sandwiches (unless they are reuben sandwiches asjdklfa).
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Okay so little recap of the first night on Montenegro Durmitor Beach.... I really felt worried! Like from the first impressions and the intro's I thought okay i have nothing in common with any of these people, this is going to be so hard to get in a safe spot and go far in this game!
After jumping on call with the likes of Jules, Jones, JJ and Mo I felt a little bit safe as they were laughing at some of my jokes and i felt like i could contribute to the conversation which is nice. I really tried my best in this sandwich stacker challenge to show the tribe that i can perform in flash games and help win immunities for future rounds so it gave them a reason to keep me and potentially the stronger players on the tribe would want to add me to an alliance...well i mean that didnt happen but hey who knows its only day 2
So i recognised that JJ was from Tengaged and i had played with him a little bit whilst on that site so i tried to connect with him and make conversation with him and that dramatic little boy decided to drop his vocabulary and use his silly little boy one word responses which wasnt very uhm reassuring. HOWEVER I feel like over the past 2 days JJ and I have formed some sort of bond and i believe its mutual that we want to work together and help each other out in this game. MY ONLY CONCERN about working with JJ is that I dont want to be seen as in a duo with him so him and me need to stop bullying each other on calls and staying on tribe calls when no one else is on them. He helped me out in the idol hunt as well so he is already giving me some information showing he is down to work with me
Okay so overall i feel like my tribe is full of very big personalities and thats concerning a fight will be had for majority i reckon.
Jules: She is so nice, and we connect pretty good, i know she is one bad ass game player though and definitely a threat down the line so keeping her on my side is beneficial for now and hopefully if she does become seen as a target i can use that to my advantage and she can be a meat shield.
Mo: Mo is cool and chill to talk to, we dont really speak that much on pms however i want that to change i get a very loyal vibe from him so yeah something i am willing to explore
Willow & Evan: They both have similar standings with me in this tribe, i feel like they both want to work with me, Evan has said he does and that he gets a good vibe and wants to work with me which is good and i feel like willow is also leaning towards that as well. The only issue with working with these two is they arent very big personalities so i will be targeted before them however i feel like they could be very loyal. Its going to be hard to integrate them into a large alliance unless one of them start because others will be closer to people that isnt them.
Alex: So Alex is a weird one for me, he seems super emotional and honestly someone i just cant really relate to or connect with. I may be wrong but thats my first impression of him, he seems to be all up in Jules/Jones grill which is something i will have to keep an eye out for.
Jones: Jones is a big big big big threat i think everyone on this tribe can already tell this woman will be hard to get out, socially she is impressive and she said she is pretty good at challenges as well so........i'm just going to try and act really dumb around her and make her believe that im willing to work with her till the end as a loyal sheep. However for now i would like to work with her (even though probably everyone does)
David: Well i mean he is like not active very much, he came on call and i have a fear of drag people and he is a drag people so i hope he doesnt rock up to tribal in drag because it is a serious phobia..... wouldnt mind if he went first just because we dont really talk!
JJ: already spoke about him
Caeleb: Everyone is very nice in this cast but i feel like caeleb is a little bit uhh reserved, i feel like hes a little shy at the moment but i think he can be a gem to work and play with. Idk what type of player any of these people are so just gotta test the waters.
All i know is that this tribe is ready to play....and play hard so survivors ready: game on bitches! #STAYLOWANDGOGOGO
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Oh wow this twisty twist twist, hate it!! So anyway now that we have to go to tribal Idk who the heckie to choose to vote! The only people I feel like I have absolutely no connection with so far are Evan and Caeleb, everyone else ive at least talked to a bit?? Jules is cool (also havent talked to her that much) Mo and Jones are the people ive talked to the most so far and I really wanna work with them I think, we will see DREW YOU HAVE MESSED ME UP
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This twist is very fiendish and I love and hate it!! More stress ensuing the more fun for drew hmmm
Anyway, right now I want Madeline gone. I feel she’s not putting her all into this game and in the challenges. Plus she told me she was a returnee but the wiki says otherwise grrrr
For now I think I’m gonna work with Julia and Jason. Might also wanna work with Benji and Ali. Ali is very intuitive because he noticed that it’s important to keep any voting plans under wraps because if word got out of the plan and we’re not actually going to trial, oh hell will be loose!!
So far Julia and Jared are eyeing Madeline as a target and I am here for it! She may have sealed her fate by like going to sleep at this hour but let’s see! She might be faking it lol
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Okay fuck you guys for this twist my anxiety is running RAMPANT I know everyone is gonna wanna Vote me for being the youngest I hope you all die and literally choke on your own liver. Anyways my day has been GREAT, thanks for asking!! I feel confident with my comp performance, so hopefully they choose to keep me in?? If not it was nice knowing you guys except Johnny
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Oh this- this is terrible. I did so bad on my sandwich tray thing even though at the time I was like IM FUCKIN SPEEDY GONZALEZ WERE GONNA WIN and I scored like 48 but then I find out that everyone else scored somewhere in the 90’s and now it’s just kinda... fuck.
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Blind Tribals? What kind of tomfoolery is this. Im surprised my tribe came up with a consensus of voting off someone this early even though we still have a full 24 hours. I was fully prepared to take charge but I guess I don't have to anymore.
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^ Video confessional not letting me post tho
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So everything has been like a legit clusterfuck and I see this tribes dynamic starting to play out. I think socially I have done my job and excelled. I would say I feel as if I have established a good personal relationship with most of my tribe members except two of them- Madeleine and Michael. Both of them talk very little and it's honestly very frustrating for myself. Not to mention Michael last night sketched me out very bad after we had finished playing the role call part of the immunity. So I had found an error that I had made, and it scared me and I thought I could talk to him about it. I was like, well I hope this doesn't put a target on my back. He responds with this: we can make sure you won't be. will just take some work. Hold the damn phone. It will take some work? Why would it take work period? It just freaked me out so I went to Jason and I told him about it. Jason made me feel more comfortable and I decided to tell him that I trusted him and I was on board with him. So after immunity is done, and the whole blind round twist is revealed I decided to go and talk to basically everyone on the tribe. But Jared stuck out the most to me. He is playing the most aggressive game at this point which I respect. Also, forgot to mention, I trust Ali the most. 100% Ali will be my ride or die person this game. So nothing will come in between the bond we share. Jared decided to throw out Madeleines name out. And I am totally okay with this. He also subtly hinted that Michael would be a good option. But lets be real, I am not a fool and I will not make a big move this first round. This is a tribe of 10 people, not 6 like I'm used too in my prior TS I have played. It is more difficult to rally all the numbers. So this would be the exact reasoning behind my social game I am playing at the moment. I have Jared than tell me he wants to work with Ali, Benj, Himself, and I. This, I can enjoy. I don't have to struggle to protect from this alliance I knew Jared was bound to create, and I didn't have to suggest to include Ali, possibly exposing my relationship with Ali to Jared. On the other hand, I have Ian and Jason who I feel like I can trust in this game. I proposed to Ian I would not vote him out this round, and he said he would do the same for me. I tell Ian that I trusted Jared and we could possibly work with him, and that Madeleines name is being thrown out as the vote. Ian was vague with answering me about working with Jared which sussed me out. But Ian later tells me he wants to work with Jason, Himself and I. So this puts me in TWO potential alliances already in this game. Literally fuck this twist. I am glad my social skills have finally paid off and I am seriously learning from prior mistakes I have made in my orgs from being too abrasive, being too loud, being rude. I had such little self awareness of the way I communicated with people. I would talk and be this extremely social girl but I always left a bitter taste in people's mouth because of how I said things and I had no clue. So I am playing this better game and it is totally opening up new opportunities and all these people I can work with but on the other hand, puts me at a serious disadvantage. If this tribe will be an ultimate flop tribe which I am seriously hoping is NOT the case, I am going to disappoint someone. And that is how you become a target and lose all the hard work you have built up. So even though socially I am totally preforming beautifully compared to my prior three tries at TS, and strategically I wouldn't say anything about that I mean.... it's the first few days of this game. I would say competition wise, or the more physical part of the game I need to get it together. I'm hoping I can motivate this tribe into playing extremely hard for the immunity wins because who freaking knows what could happen? In the best case scenario, I would love for immunity to be brought to my tribe. This would mean that for the next round the target would probably remain the same, and I don't have to get so worked up about who is the new target of the tribe.
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https://youtu.be/qsjQtYfiCec <- Video Confessional; Not letting me post
Editors note - I think I’m 80% sure my name’s not going around Bc I think everyone’s under the impression I got us the win for the flag making? Big shrug
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Damn this twist has really screwed things. At this point in the game I have some strong (I think) alliances. I'm worried that I have put a target on my back for playing too hard though, and it might be all for not if we find out we won immunity.
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https://youtu.be/RR4BRMFKjDU <- Another video confessional that won’t embed lol
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What the fuck is this twist like okay sure, tumblr survivor is generally fucking stressful like a pig getting choked im always trying to gasp for air.....this season i am the pig on the spit roast just deceased. I'm a nocturnal pig throughout this game i guess because tribal planning starts like 6 hours ish before tribal and the last 2 hours is the most important and that would be from 4-10am so no sleep for the weak i came to win
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https://youtu.be/sarbjplslHk <- Another video confessional that won’t embed
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SO I think at the moment my closest allies are Tom & JJ which is a relief because I was intimidated by the two of them at first. The plan for now is to vote for David due to him being the most antisocial out of the bunch. He’s talked to me quite a bit actually but apparently he hasn’t talked to some of the others that much.
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The first few days of this game has been really fun. I'm enjoying to get to know everybody, and just dicking off on tribe calls all the time. So far I've really enjoyed looking at Tom & Alex, they're definitely the tribal eye candy.
It seems as though I've gotten myself into a really cute alliance consisting of Alex, Jones, and Jules. A group I've definitely enjoyed talking to the most. I think it'll really work in my favor.
Tom is really fun to talk to, he's giving me truthful information on what planks have been good and bad in the idol search. Which is nice, but it might be a cultural thing, but I can't tell if he likes me or not!?? There's too much sarcasm in his voice.
Mo & Caeleb are really nice, they've both talked to me on a pretty shallow level so far, but I'm enjoying them a lot.
Evan, David, and Willow have been fairly MIA. Evan is on a vacation, so I'm impressed by how much he truly has been able to contribute to the tribe.
As far as the vote goes, I'm debating between Willow, and David. Alex, who I'd really like to work with, really is pushing for David to go home, but David is better at comps, and a less dangerous social player, he hasn't talked to anyone. Whereas Willow is being a social butterfly in everyone's PMs. Seeing that she made runner up in one of her seasons is also a little bit scary.
This twist is scary, but considering my last ORG, its exciting. I felt like my downfall was not being able to forge game relationships with people because I was the last person to attend tribal. Winning every tribal immunity all the way up to the final 13 / 21. Once the merge hit, every time I tried to talk strategy, the person I was talking with would run, and tattle to the person I was trying to target instead of listening to what I was saying, because they had forged game relationships at prior tribal. Being forced to go to tribal regardless of the outcome of immunity should help me solidify game relationships much easier.
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I have one question for the twist. WTF DREW???
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Right as we found out that both tribes had to go to tribal, Evan was immediately concerned that his name was being thrown out. The boy needs to calm, but I think our connection is really strong and honestly he's fun to talk to. Today though, most people I have been talking to have said David which is perfectly fine, he barely had talked to me at all so I am happy to be a tribe player and vote him tonight if nothing changes. I think people are starting to make connections all around. I really like Willow and have like an on and off thing with Mo and Jules. Tom is the first person to let me in on the vote, and JJ said he'd work with me and not vote me tonight, BUT Tom and JJ and Jones are always in the calls and that's making me nervous they'll have a longterm close bond that could be disastrous if it turns into a Monica, Jervase, Tyson type thing. Also I don't fully trust JJ he's good at talking to everyone. I have my eyes and ears open and I'm just trying to get as much information as I can at this point in the game.
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okay I have thoughts and they are 100% NEGATIVE.
so dua lipa cave can CHOKE, i hate this twist so muchhhhh, its gonna give me an aneurysm. I just feel bad, I don't like voting people out and this makes the process so weird and awkward.
Okay like tonight, Madeline is... seemingly going home? And I'm so so sad, she is super sweet, but I think everyone was reluctant to throw out names except Jared who was super, super gung ho about Madeline leaving? Jared is stressing me out akjsldfaf, he is so forward and aggressive as a player, and I can kind of see him burning out and dragging me down with him asdfklaf.
Otherwise, I'm really liking working with Julia, she is super fun and a really savvy player, I hope our alliance can do super good long term! Otherwise, Benj is SUCH A KING, he is so friendly and fun, and we are like really on the same page for game stuff? Those are the only two who its not negotiable, on my watch they are going NOWHERE.
for the rest? I really like Jason, he is just super mellow, like I think if I had to make a winner pick for the season, I'd probably say him? I vibe with him on a personal level woo, could be an ally down the line. Michael I tbh expected to maybe be first boot, but he seems to have unexpected connections! I really like him tho, he is super sweet, its no biggie that he is staying? Mitch/Ian kind of fall into the same category, I really like them but I've not spoken to them... all that much, but I really like them!! Noah I really haven't spoken to too much, and if we do go to tribal tonight, I'd probs want him to go next (Mitch also threw his name out for this round, so it seems I'm not alone on that?).
I feel REALLY REALLY bad about Madeline JKLSADFLSAJFA, like already our tribe is being meninist we do not stan, but also she is so nice. I feel bad and kind of blame Jared for her going grrrr.
Okay I'm gonna wrap this up, hope we don't go to tribal tonight, Madeline stays and we WIN till merge WOO WOO WOOOOOO!
omg also julia is already at #46 for the idol her MIND! i hope she gets it, that'd be iconic. I feel like she must be working with someone to get that far already, maybe Jason? like the host, i need to (nancy) drew and investigate
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRd_z6-ycno <- another non embeded video confessional uwu
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Lol idk where this girl came from but Madeline’s a mess.
She vanished after the twist reveal because her “WiFi getting shit down” then suddenly she’s strong arming me to vote Mitch
Sweaty, compared to you I’ve actually interacted with Mitch over the course of this 4 days unlike you.
She claims she’s got Julia, Jason and Noah but I know where they’re really at. If we are going to tribal Madeline’s gone!!
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okay tribal is (maybe?) in 6 minutes and I have THOUGHTS:
1. Madeline is make me so nervous, she like says things in the tribe chat and its like AHH idk how to respond, I'm being so obviously shady and its INCREDIBLY clear I voted for her, but idk what to do or say asdkjflsafafjdaf
2. Benj is a king, we are like... on the same page a lot, and someone I wanna go super far with!
3. Madeline gunning for Mitch is weird because... she is targetting him for past placements, when... Ian literally made FTC twice akjsdfslafsa like wut? Also I am screaming at her like saying Mitch isn't denying that she is going home in the tribechat, when she is voting him? I'MMMMMM
4. If I go home, it's been super super fun, and first boot is a cute placement! Benj  & Jason have both been first boot before, and I love 'em both, so am joining a great club!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgF_VAczF2g <- Another non embeded video confessional
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fruitscoups · 5 years
I've decided to just send my asks from a different browser to make sure I don't forget to click anon alkdjfgh I can't believe I nearly screwed up on the second day! Ahh you’re a manager, cool! That does sound like really long days, yikes. But! If it brings in the money, you know. Joshua has pillowy hands? Now that’s something I didn’t know! If I ever get Hi Touch I’ll make sure to pay special attention to him. You held Coups’ hand omg how sweet!! I didn’t used to like him much but [...]
for the past year he’s snuck his way into my heart like damn boy take it easy?? Honestly he’s such a great leader, I have great respect for him. Not to mention his cute smile and damn he can be rude af too ugh what a man! My bias is Wonwoo! I’m smitten. I adore literally everything about that boy I can’t he’s just perfect in every way. What a doofus. I love him. Tbh everyone in svt has a special place in my heart. All of them are such great characters and they get along so well too and compliment each other. Not to mention that they’re hella talented and good at what they do! Lmao yes gyuhao would take all the aesthetic photos here in europe, haha. Yeah man, whenever kpop groups or even just bands are like ‘we’re doing a world tour!’ it’s only asia and the US rip. I did get to see a few kpop acts tho. I’ve seen DAY6, MX and Zico. Have you seen any others? -svt anon
im extremely bad at describing, but yea thats what literally came to mind when i felt josh’s hands hdhjghjhk omg u didnt like scoups??? why!!!!!??? im gonna be real w/ u, at first, i thought he was gonna be one of my least favorites. i was all abt woozi at that time!! cant u believe it???? i was riding the woozi train w/ everybody when svt first debuted lol but i watched more of their stuff n i slowly started falling for my boy scoups :’))) i fell hard for how much he genuinely cares abt his members and always puts them first. hes also rlly goofy n a lil embarrassing but thats what makes him so cute n lovable!! if u ever get to see svt live one day, u better watch out for scoups!!! his stage presence is absolutely INCREDIBLE! he’s easily one of the best performers in the team!! i’m being 100% honest!! watch out for him!!!
idk why, but u rlly gave me wonwoo stan vibes!! wonwoo is an absolute cutie pie!!! hes smart, funny, dorky, loves cats, has a soft spot for cute things, is extremely gorgeous!!! hes literally out there being everybody’s dream guy huh??? ur absolutely right!!! svt are all different individually, but they all become one amazing, powerful group as a whole. it’s like they were destined to be together!!! btw?? do you have any favorite svt tracks that u listen to a lot???
thats so cool!!!!! i’ve seen bap, vixx, shinee, svt and i actually saw bts 2 months ago!! i’m seeing monsta x early next month!! it will be my first time seeing them live!!! i’ve heard so many good things abt their shows, so i bought tickets for that experience!!! i’m very excited!!!! i didnt like their music that much before i’ll admit it, but i gave them another try and i rlly enjoyed their recent albums!! i’ve been thinking abt seeing DAY6, but i’m not too sure yet. it depends if svt will come back to my city or not. 
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ti2guhr · 5 years
All of them
aaalrighty lol
🌻: What’s your favourite type of flower? 
❤: Describe your favourite person. 
-the colour purple and home. comfortable silences. trust when you didn’t think you had any left. fruity scents. hilarious and soft, possibly the kindest person i’ve ever met and resilient as hell.
😊: What are some things you do to cheer yourself up when you’re having a rough day?
-i go for a drive or watch a comfort show or if it’s really bad i get a pie shake and fries. some rough days require a pie shake and fries.
🐾: What’s a fun fact about your favourite animal?
-most calico cats are female because genetically the calico coat can only be passed through xx chromosomes
📖: What’s a book/series you could read over and over again?
-tell the wolves im home is a great book i’ve read a few times and would be more than happy to read through again
📺: What’s your comfort TV show/movie that you watch to feel happy?
-bojack horseman, it’s not necessarily a happy show but it’s comforting for some reason. and the office lately
☕: What’s your favourite hot drink?
-salted caramel hot chocolate, i don’t do coffee lmao
🛁: If you could have a bubble bath with any scent in the world, what would you choose?
💕: What’s something you love about yourself?
-i’m good with kids and i love the effort that i put in for them. i love knowing that they know at least ONE person will listen and look out for them.
😍: What’s a trait you admire in other people?
-there’s this quiet confidence some people have and i think it’s admirable
👏: What’s something you’ve done recently (even if it’s a small thing) that you’re proud of?
-i’m still consistent with my greek lessons and have yet to break my streak, it’s been a little over 2 months
⏲: What thing (no matter how small) are you looking forward to?
-my best friend from high school is going to be coming down here soon!
👍: Name a skill that you’ve improved recently.
-does greek count lol
😁: What’s your favourite physical feature on your body?
-probably my legs. i don’t think they’re particularly nice like, beauty standards wise, but i like em. oh and my boobs are amazing
🍕: What are your favourite comfort foods?
-sweet potatoes, pie shakes, fries
🎶: Name a song that reminds you of a happy time, or of someone you love.
- lowlife by poppy and honey by kehlani remind me of m’gf :)
🎙: What’s your favourite song to sing along to?
-rn it’s “i love you” and “idontwannabeyou” by billie eilish
💖: What’s a goal that you’re working towards in terms of your self-improvement/personal growth?
-i’m working on going back to college
👕: What article(s) of clothing make you feel the most confident and comfortable?
-big sweatshirts and leggings are always a nice combo 4 me, love short shorts too
☀️: What would your ideal day be like?
-just chilling at the beach
🌍: Where in the world would you like to travel to?
🏠: Describe your dream home.
-q u i e t. we all use sign language to communicate.
☄: What would you like your life to look like in 5 years’ time?
-idk man i don’t even know what next month is going to look like we’re just takin’ things as they come. i wanna be stable mentally and happy with where i am in life. 
🕸: What’s something you used to be afraid of that you’re less afraid of/not afraid of at all now?
-talking to strangers and meeting new people
🏆: What’s a bad habit you have/had that you’ve managed to improve on or kick entirely?
-i peel the skin off my lips and Have And Will do it until they bleed. still working on kicking it lol
💞: What’s your favourite thing to do with friends?
-just chill. go to a coffee shop, sit out back with some wine, watch some tv. we’re all very exciting people.
😂: What always makes you laugh?
-vines i guess lol
☘: Name something thoughtful/kind someone has done for you.
-as you all probably know i am prone to migraines which can be triggered by sound, so it’s hard to be around kids sometimes because a lot of them just like making loud noises for the sake of making loud noises. i watched a handful of kids the other night and told them that loud noises can give me a really bad headache and they were the most considerate group of kids i’ve watched wrt that. they were really mindful of their volume after that. afterwards one of the girls even asked me if i got a headache, which doesn’t sound like much, but kids are kinda selfish. not in a mean way at all, they’re just figuring out their relationship to the world and are used to being the center of attention. 
🐶: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them. If not, are there any pets you would like to have?
-timothy scott is a precious sleepy baby and charlie is a precious chatty boi
🎀: What’s the best gift you’ve received? What in your opinion is the best gift you’ve given someone?
-em’s xmas playlist for me was really sweet
🛍: What’s something you’ve bought for yourself or been given recently that has made you happy?
-i got a super cute bike the other day! it’s yellow with floral accents!
💌: Tag 5 blogs it makes you happy to see on your dash.
um all of them i’m intentional about who i follow lol but off the top of my head @spudbutt @asafeteida @boxdfoxeninc @coffeeslorelai @nerdycatfish 
thnx boo!
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teael-archive · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by @gunthermunch mwah!
i tag: @dawsim @nightvy @sage-pie @faunakii @peachy-flesh and anyone else who wants to do this yes
traits: lazy, goofball, hot-headed
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to.
What is your full name? jadelynn
What is your nickname? jade, jadie, jada
Birthday? june 13th
What is your favorite book series? hunger games bc that’s the only book series ive ever read
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? both tbqh
Who is your favorite author? don’t have one lol
What is your favorite radio station? i mean if podcast count tiny meat gang and mile higher podcast yupyup
What is your favorite flavor of anything? cherry and blue rasberry 
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? lit 
What is your current favorite song? killer queen cover by 5sos
What is your favorite word? lit
What was the last song you listened to? thug life - bh
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? shameless
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? moana lmaoo
Do you play video games? yessir
What is your biggest fear? getting kidnapped
What is your best quality, in your opinion? my sense of humor
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my temper
Do you like cats or dogs better? i have a love hate relationship with both but dogs
What is your favorite season? spring or fall
Are you in a relationship? nope single and ready to cry
What is something you miss from your childhood? not caring so much about anything
Who is your best friend? i dont have a best friend bc the last “best firend” i had was super clingy lmao
What is your eye color? brown
What is your hair color? brown
Who is someone you love?  me
Who is someone you trust? me
Who is someone you think about often? me
Are you currently excited about/for something? CHRISTMAAASSS
What is your biggest obsession? watching imvu trolling lmaoo
What was your favorite TV show as a child? hannah montana and suit life of zack and cody bc i had a crush on dylan sprouse
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? uhhhh
Are you superstitious? not really
Do you have any unusual phobias? i have a fear of dropping my phone in water lool
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? depends
What is your favorite hobby? sleeping
What was the last book you read? catcher in the rye (for school)
What was the last movie you watched? unbreakable
What musical instruments do you play, if any? guitar and piano
What is your favorite animal? otters
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? - well i the ones i check frequently sre  @dawsim @gunthermunch @bratsims @ratboysims and @whiisker
What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation
When and where do you feel most at peace?  my grandmas house
What makes you smile? me
What sports do you play, if any?  hell no im too laaazzyyyyy
What is your favorite drink? coffee or gatorade anything thatll make me hyper
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? uhhh i dont think i ever have lol
Are you afraid of heights? a little
What is your biggest pet peeve? when people think i wanna fuck because i’m “being too nice”
Have you ever been to a concert? yupp
Are you vegan/vegetarian? naahh (srry)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a firefighter for some fucking reason
What fictional world would you like to live in? probably the marvel universe
What is something you worry about? dying alone 
Are you scared of the dark? nope
Do you like to sing? yeah but i sound bad soo
Have you ever skipped school? yeah way too much (i stopped now)
What is your favorite place on the planet? tgi fridays
Where would you like to live? japan bro it looks dope out there
Do you have any pets? no sadly :(
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? early bird tbh
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunrises
Do you know how to drive? no 
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
Have you ever had braces? nope
What is your favorite genre of music? hip-hop/rap, pop, alternative, and  a little kpop
Who is your hero? uhhhh
Do you read comic books? i read archie comics ig that counts
What makes you the most angry? ignorant people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
What is your favorite subject in school? statistics 
Do you have any siblings? yup
What was the last thing you bought? a hot chocolate from 7/11
How tall are you? 5′2
Can you cook? yee
What are three things that you love? music, naps, food
What are three things that you hate? ignorance, plain disrespect, horny teenage boys
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? males weirdly
What is your sexual orientation? recently i realized that i like girls  too soooo girls and boys 
Where do you currently live? merica the worst country in the world
Who was the last person you texted? my friend
When was the last time you cried? in july???
Who is your favorite YouTuber? CODY FUCKING KO and pryocinical 
Do you like to take selfies? as of lately no
What is your favorite app? this shitshow call tumblr idk if you heard of it
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? eh me and my dad bump head sometimes and i havent talked to my mom in 5 years
What is your favorite foreign accent? british or australian 
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? JAPAN
What is your favorite number? 23
Can you juggle? a little
Are you religious? not really
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no i dont like getting hurt
Are you allergic to anything? nope
Can you curl your tongue? yup
Can you wiggle your ears? nope
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? never i need to work on that
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? beach
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? dont just give up because of on inconvenience 
Are you a good liar? yes
What is your Hogwarts House? ravenclaw ( i only know that bc i took a quiz on it lol)
Do you talk to yourself? yes its the best therapy
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introverted as hell
Do you keep a journal/diary? nah im not 12
Do you believe in second chances? no
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? take it  finders keepers
Do you believe that people are capable of change? eh
Are you ticklish? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yuppp
Do you have any piercings? yes 3
What fictional character do you wish was real? finn the human
Do you have any tattoos? nope
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to actually make friends and stop being so shy
Do you believe in karma? hell yeah
Do you wear glasses or contacts? nope but i think i need glasses
Do you want children? no i wouldnt want spawns of me running around that would be hell
Who is the smartest person you know? uh
What is your most embarrassing memory? when i was 11 i asked my crush do date me and he laugh in my face
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
What color are most of you clothes? black or gray
Do you like adventures? ye
Have you ever been on TV? yeah
How old are you? 17
What is your favorite quote? “lifes a bitch and then you die”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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srrybabe · 6 years
all of the lovecore asks!
oh wig this is gonna b a long one boys!
💖 have you ever been in love? are you in love rn? yes to both......literally ive never felt more sure of anything in my life and ive never felt more love in my heart for one person......
🌹 what do you think are the most romantic flowers other than roses? any flower she’d give me tbh
🍫 do you have a favorite chocolate or sweet? i love icecream, strawberry laffy taffy, twix, reese’s, and cookies and cream hersheys!!! idk i love most sweats except a copious amount of chocolate
💗 how do you show you care? what do people do that makes you feel loved? i show i care by investing time into the person, listening to them, doing shit for them, and buying shit for them.........lots of cuddles and snuggles to!! i feel loved if you just listen to me and pay attention to me, remember the little things, do things for me if im too tired of stressed/help me with things.........calling me pet names...giving me physical affection
🕊 what do you think about marriage? how would you like to be proposed to? oh i want to get married so bad!! i’d love to be proposed to like in a rose garden or somehow have an animal b incorporated into the proposal.........(also i want a heart shaped engagement ring/wedding ring... cough cough)
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make? cupcakes are fun to make cuz i love decorating them but my fav dessert is like idfk cheesecake maybe??????? i like most desserts except pie!
💘 you would fall in love with someone who… is her. that is it babes!
⚘ what’s your have a type? her! that is all babes!
🍨 describe your ideal first date, what about it makes it perfect? i still want to go to niche shops in SF and thrift and then go to a cute cafe then a cute lil (vegetarian friendly) restaurant then we go to the pier!!!!!!!!!! oh and the restaurant is fancy. also i wanna go hiking and have a cute lil picnic. and paint. idk i dont know what i want as my first real date with her but i mean whatever it is itll b good but those are just dates id love to go on/will try to do with her this summer :3
💝 what gift would you like to receive? what type do you like to give? any gift is good. it’s the thought that counts
💌 love letters or poetry? love songs or mixtapes? make out sessions or snuggling? love letters, mixtapes, BOTH BAYBEE!!
💋 lipgloss, lipstick, or chapstick? LIPSTICK
🍒 which is better- a down to earth, comfortable love or an exciting, butterflies in your stomach type of love? both!
💓 what do people do that makes your heart skip a beat? what makes your heart melt? sending me cute shit idk kissing cuddling idk being there for me 
💐 how would you woo someone? how do you flirt? i send animal pics  and say “me and u” and just scream a lot. 
💕 vague about your crush or partner? id do anything for her and everything we went thru made us stronger but god i just.............she makes me feel so happy and good and is so supportive and lovely and beautiful and i want to b with her forever and ever and i really do see a forever with her. like she is my soulmate. the soulmate.
💫 do you get crushes easily? what makes you fall for someone? yes and no..like if u pay attention to me ill prob like u
🍓 what are you doing for valentine’s day? do you have any self care plans? lol valentines this year was legit the worst day of the year so far for me but hopefully next year i can spend it with my baby even if its over like skype or something
🍦 what are ten things you love about youself? how caring i am, how i put love into everything i do and hav a relationship with, i love my hair sometimes, my titties(sometimes), my humor, my determination, my passion for animals, idk i cant think of ten
❣ red, pink, or purple? glitter or sequins? silk or velvet? red and pink, glitter, silk
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tulipgardens1 · 6 years
 1 2 5 6 7 13 14 20 24 25 32(both atww and arfe!) 40 41 (atww and Arfe) 48 (atww and arfe) 49! (IM SORRY IM JUST VERY CURIOUS) @kigamin
THANK YOU FOR ASKING, LOVE *heartssssssss* fdsdfsdf I'm going to answer this ask in two parts for both fics if that's oaky XDD
1) things that inspire you
HMMM!! Tumblr inspires me! I like seeing mood boards and quotes and match posts for each of my OC's aesthetics. Ironically, school and my studies also inspire me and sometimes I think up of snazzy ideas from them lol For example, Leorio's LP paper test was inspired by litmus tests used in chemistry lab XD and you dfsdf you inspire my doll *hearts*
2. things that motivate you
Reviews, fanart, and asks motivate me XD I love reading people's reactions to the fic and they always make me feel five thousand more times motivated to write! Also, when I feel down in the dumps about writing, I just say to myself  'Mars, believe in yo'self, you love atww, you have to finish it! Cuz no one else is going to write that father and son story, and no one else is going to write steamy ozumi fic, WRITE THE TRAGIC BL ROMANCE *^* fjghdfg WRITE THE STEAMINESS!!!!!!!' I am my own devil's advocate :DDDDDD
5. since how long do you write?
Like how long is a writing session? Ummmmmm When I'm really dedicated and I know I don't have any homework to do, I can go for hours ;) fdfsd (not that kind of going for hours YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN XD ) I haven't written much since school started, but I was writing a lot this summer and as a result I think I ruined my vision XDD I don't need glasses....yet. Yui!! How do you combat eye strain when it comes to writing?? ;A; I set a goal of finishing atww this summer, but that didn't happen and the plot only thickened more hahaha I'm happy about the turn out tho, there are more stories to unravel hehehe *^*
6. how did writing change you?
Writing was actually very therapeutic to me. It really changed the way I saw myself, that my voice and opinions are valid and I don't have to stay silent, that and I don't want to go back to being silent. Especially writing ATWW, this fic has grown with me so much, it is apart of me and incredibly precious to me. I love it a lot sdfgdfg And I hope I can continue writing stories in the future too.
7. early influences on your writing
Shannon Hale XD She's the writer who made me a reader then eventually made me want to write myself. I really tried to emulate her writing when I first started, but I'm slowly discovering my own style.
13. hardest character to write
Elodea :DDDDDDD you're probably wondering 'BUT HE"S YOUR MC!!!!' here's why, it's because he is constantly changing. Baby elo is different from toddler elo. Toddler elo is different from kid elo, kid elo is different from teen elo and so on :D he's leaning about the world, his perspective is changing, and he's experiencing new things. But this also makes him exciting to write. It's the shifts between these stages that makes it, not hard, but something I need to adjust my thinking about him. Elo is still elo, he's changing. For example, part 4 elo is similar to who he was in part 3, but he's changed and matured (and he's more open about himself and his adoption, not reserved, and goofier than before XD dear god I love him dfds )
14. easiest character to write
ELODEA :DDDDDD when I'm in the a certain elo mood, be it baby or teen, I can completely focus on him. It's just the shifts that make it a little jarring at times XD Also, Gen and Killua!
20. favorite character to write
My fav is ALWAYS going to be Elodea XD but currently Oz has asserted himself as my favorite hahaha
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
The train scene at the end of chapter 7 and there is a scene in chapter 39 (yet to be updated) that is HANDS DOWN my favorite. It's a scene I always wanted to write for elo and killua and I'm happy I was finally able to make it happen.
25. favorite line you’ve ever written
"You were born of my heart" this one is my fav :')
32. alternate title for (insert story title)
fgdfgdfg (they all suckedddddddd fgdfg) one title was 'Life of a Water Weed' or 'Lives of the Water Weeds' XD
40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
you bet your bottom dollar that I would want to bee ATWW as a tv series. let's pretend for a moment that my dreams can come true. I WANT AN ANIME OF ELO AND KILLUA *^* fgdfgdfgdfg
41. one song that captures (insert story title)
I love this question *^* THIS SONG IS THE THEME FOR ATWW ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tgJ5ht8u7E
this song here was the theme for part 1 ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyfYuWNBEbY 
48. three spoilers for (insert story title)
you sly little cutie pie :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I shall tell you dfsdfsdf but I'm going to be vague: 1) Five main characters die at the end of the story :D *sips tea* which characters, you wonder? (not including Oz) I ain't telling :D 2) Oz dies HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but you know that already HAHAHAHAHA but how? :DDDDD 3) Finally, the last spoiler......... Gen will never love cucumbers, it was just never fated to be LOL And.....Gen eventually becomes a brother :DDDDDD i'll give you a hint, he becomes a younger brother AND an older brother at the same time, i'll let you think about that ;)
49. writing advice
OMG to be in a position to past down wisdom for writing *^* idk what to say XDDD other than write the story you want to create, the one you want to read, b/c no one else is going to tell it better than you.   
THANK YOU FOR ASKING ALL THESE QUESTIONS <3333 I had a lot of fun, dear <3333
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toast-connoisseur · 3 years
All the Make Me Admit questions
Thanks for the ask, Anon😉
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? -She’s my girlfriend, so yes
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? -Hell no
3. Have you taken someones virginity? -Yes
4. Is trust a big issue for you? -No
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? -Yes
6. What are you excited for? -I have some days off coming up soon and I’m just excited to not worry about work
7. What happened tonight? -It’s 11AM, you tell me
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? -No, I just get scared for them. Sometimes their group won’t take care of them.
9. Is confidence cute? -Yes
10. What is the last beverage you had? -Fruit punch
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? -Like 1 maybe 2?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? -Yes
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? -Hopefully rest. I’ve had a busy week even though I know it’s only Tuesday
14. What are you going to spend money on next? -My surgery
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? -Yes
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? -For the better, one always hopes
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? -Selena, Jayla, Ashley, my girlfriend
18. The last time you felt broken? -The second I clock into work
19. Have you had sex today? -Not yet
20. Are you starting to realize anything? -Not recently, no?
21. Are you in a good mood? -I’m as good as I can be while on the clock
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? -I love adventure but I don’t think I’d be down. Idk I’d have to scope it out
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? -No
24. What do you want right this second? -A sugar daddy so I can quit working
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? -I’d want to know if it was worth it
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? -No
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? -Hell no
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? -My girlfriend sends me photos of her dogs throughout the work day and one of them made me laugh
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? -Physically, yes but they’re still very present in my life so idk if missing them is the correct term
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? -To an extent
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? -Nah
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? -Yes, we’re very much in love
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? -No
34. Listening to? -The Used on shuffle
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? -Sometimes
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? -Yes, her apartment
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? -No, but I do believe you’ll know someone will be an important part of your life at first sight
38. Who did you last call? -My surgeon
39. Who was the last person you danced with? -My girlfriend
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? -Because I love her
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? -I can’t remember, but I love cupcakes so maybe I can have one soon
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? -Not yet
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? -Hundreds of times
44. Do you tan in the nude? -I burn too easy for that lol
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? -No
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? -Yes
47. Who was the last person to call you? -A scam call
48. Do you sing in the shower? -No
49. Do you dance in the car? -Yes
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? -Not yet
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? -Never
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? -Most but they’re always fun
53. Is Christmas stressful? -No, I just start my shopping early November
54. Ever eat a pierogi? -Idk what that is
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? -Chocolate or lemon meringue
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? -Pediatrician, pyrotechnics expert, and to work at Disneyland
57. Do you believe in ghosts? -Yes
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? -Constantly
59. Take a vitamin daily? -Yes
60. Wear slippers? -Yes, the fuzzier the better
61. Wear a bath robe? -Sometimes, only if it’s cold
62. What do you wear to bed? -Usually shorts and a tank top
63. First concert? -Cobra Starship
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? -All 3 are good for different reasons but I usually go to the Walmart down the street from me
65. Nike or Adidas? -Nike (I only own 1 pair)
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? -Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?-Sunflower seeds
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? -I don’t really listen to her much tbh
69. Ever take dance lessons? -No
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? -Whatever keeps them happy
71. Can you curl your tongue? -Into a burrito only
72. Ever won a spelling bee? -No, we never had those lol
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? -Yes
74. What is your favorite book? -Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
75. Do you study better with or without music? -Without. I have ADHD.
76. Regularly burn incense? -No, my family hates the smell
77. Ever been in love? -Yes
78. Who would you like to see in concert? -I want to see The Used again because they released a new album last year that im dying to hear live
79. What was the last concert you saw? -A Day to Remember at Self Help fest
80. Hot tea or cold tea? -None, I hate tea
81. Tea or coffee? -Neither
82. Favorite type of cookie? -Can never go wrong with chocolate chip!
83. Can you swim well? -Well enough
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? -Yes
85. Are you patient? -To an extent
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? -Both. I’m Mexican.
87. Ever won a contest? -Couple times!
88. Ever have plastic surgery? -No
89. Which are better black or green olives? -NEITHER
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? -Yolo
91. Best room for a fireplace? -Living room/bedroom
92. Do you want to get married -Yes
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la-anarchy · 6 years
1-92 😏😏
well fuck me anon lmao thanks guess ill get to it hahahah
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? - ugh yea fuck it i prob would
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? - nope i did not
3. Have you taken someones virginity? - I have
4. Is trust a big issue for you? - It is
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? -nope
6. What are you excited for? - country fest on july 5th
7. What happened tonight? - went to my friends and played with his baby daughter
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? - not if its not an every day thing
9. Is confidence cute? - of course
10. What is the last beverage you had? - whiskey and coke
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?- honestly not many
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? - lmao nah
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? - ummm im not sure really prob gym and drink
14. What are you going to spend money on next? - um gas
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? - lmao no (also havent kissed anyone in months)
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? - I mean i guess so probably
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - my best friend kinda
18. The last time you felt broken? - about a week ago
19. Have you had sex today? - nope its been almost 10 months
20. Are you starting to realize anything? - oh yea
21. Are you in a good mood? - I am
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? - sure fuck it
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? - yes
24. What do you want right this second? - i could go for some cuddles or rough sex.. both ?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? - i dont know honestly
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? - yes
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? - no i dont think so
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - my friends baby
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? - always
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? - maybe not in the way they always want
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - na hes a good friend now
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? - yea id say so
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? - no but i try to not drink it
34. Listening to? - king of the hill
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?- yes
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?- i have a good idea
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? - no
38. Who did you last call? - my best friend
39. Who was the last person you danced with? - my ex
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? - we broke up and it was like a good bye kiss 
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? - i really dont know lol
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? - yes
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? - probably
44. Do you tan in the nude? - sometimes
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? -like as in not kiss the person, no i wouldnt take it back
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? - nope
47. Who was the last person to call you? - my friend
48. Do you sing in the shower? - every time
49. Do you dance in the car? - hell yea
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? - yurp
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - the Marine Corps ball52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? - nah
53. Is Christmas stressful? - hahha yea
54. Ever eat a pierogi? - yes?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? - peach or blueberry56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? -actor, doctor, teach, Marine, cop
57. Do you believe in ghosts? - yea i think i do
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - yea i used to a lot when i was a kid
59. Take a vitamin daily? - nope
60. Wear slippers? - only during the winter
61. Wear a bath robe? - i used to
62. What do you wear to bed? during the summer just boxers but in the winter pj pants and a Tee
63. First concert? - Brittany Spears lmao
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - wal-mart or target
65. Nike or Adidas? - ariat lamo but i guess nike
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? - cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? - ummmm idk the name of it but i did like one of her old “country” songs
69. Ever take dance lessons? - not professional but i did take a few line dancing ones and my ex was a dance teacher and she tried to teach me some moves
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?- i wanna become a cop now that ive already become a Marine
71. Can you curl your tongue? - yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee? - once i was 5
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - yes
74. What is your favorite book? - um i have a lot of favorites
75. Do you study better with or without music? - without
76. Regularly burn incense? - candles sometimes
77. Ever been in love? - yes
78. Who would you like to see in concert? - i really wanna see luke combs and upchurch haha
79. What was the last concert you saw? -ummmm i think it was FLGAL
80. Hot tea or cold tea? - cold
81. Tea or coffee? - coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie? - chocolate chip or peanut butter
83. Can you swim well? - yes
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - yes
85. Are you patient? - sure haha
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? - DJ
87. Ever won a contest? - yes
88. Ever have plastic surgery? - no
89. Which are better black or green olives?- black
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? - all the sex
91. Best room for a fireplace? - family room, basement, or if you got a big ass bedroom
92. Do you want to get married? - very much so
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prettysei-remade · 7 years
Tumblr media
graphic design is my passion actually the last time i made a graphic of any kind was when i was like 10 and i have sadly Not magically improved since then rip;; also dont worry the comic sans is ironic im not that awful......or am i 
hey there angels (instead of demons bc ur not demons ur all angels get it haha), it’s me, ya maknae! this is a very looooooong post so buckle in, my pals
exactly this time last year, i was probably laughing and/or crying at the thought of ever having mutuals here, much less having too many to do a proper follow forever in a rush the day before i post it (rip) so becAUSE i ran out of time and would probably give up in the middle, i decided to just talk abt how much i love everyone in the Stream Team gc and also make a shitty graphic so i could bless ur guys’ new years with ot13 and make it seem like i know what i’m doing :) 
ok im gonna get sappy for a sec and then u can all get to the part u actually care about (the part that’s also sappy but directed at specific people) 
my friends!! my loves!!! the bestest people on the planet!!!!! i love you <3<3 you guys are the sweetest, kindest, most understanding, most hilarious group of friends in the world and i’m so fucking lucky to know all of you. you make me laugh,,you make me cry (in a good way),,,,,you make me like myself when i dont feel like it,,,,im so?? blessed??? to have people to talk to and scream abt kpop with and be myself around. i’m more comfortable with u guys than probably anyone else?? like. even irl because 1) i’ll probably never come out, 2) none of my friends know anything abt kpop, and 3) none of my friends are rlly.....aware of the things my brain tells me about myself sometimes. which brings me to the last thing before i start yelling abt u all in alphabetical order: 
thank you guys for being the Good Brains to help out when my Mean Brain gets too mean. 
laura!! idk if u think abt this as often as i do (probably not) but like,, remember before we were friends and we had that ““discussion”” for abt .2 seconds regarding toppdogg going on the unit and then i thought u hated me for a couple weeks and then we became like the most amazing friends?? well reminding you of that is basically my long roundabout way of saying that our friendship is kind of a miracle to me, and i’m so so thankful that you’ve become someone i can trust with anything and not be judged for it :’) you always know what to say and you always make me feel special when we talk and just?? wow...don’t forget me when you become the biggest bts blog in the world......i saw one of your gifsets that had like 5k+ notes and almost shed a tear i was so proud of u.. i love you and thank u for being amazing all the time!! and for introducing me to twice and gfriend aka the most amazing girls!!! and of course....#laurjoo5ever <3
yo jo (that was lame im sry you deserve better) you havent been in the chat for super long but you’re One Of Us and also 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad so lots of love for you!! thank you for singing all star with me in an attempt to cleanse our chat of ******** (im just (all)starring out his name so he doesnt find this post and try to eat my heart again), thank you for being so nice and thoughtful and sweet and all the other amazing things youve been already, thank you for giving iz a shot and somehow becoming a fan in like 5 minutes (???amazing) you!! are a rock star!!! wow!!!!!!
ok alex i know you’re not tec h ni c a l ly in the chat but lets be real;;you’re still my Toppklass Queen ;; ur adorable! ur so kind! u work so hard! ur such a sweetheart! forget toppklass queen, u r the queen of my heart 💖 i cant believe we’re both hojoon stans AND yoongi stans it’s like we were meant to be friends or smth idk?? and you got me into winner and sent me the bEST videos of them holy shit im still laughing abt the one where theyre dancing to ‘hello bitches’ jshdkahds and mino’s duck song,,i cri :’( you have the best taste so i’m vv grateful to know you in the first place and! talking to you is super fun even tho we dont do it often <3<3 ilu <3
jess <3 our leader,,mother,,,resident Cutie Pie <3<3 i am so fond of you?? you’re loads and loads of fun to talk with and the chat would be so different without u, i’m not even gonna imagine it!! instead im gonna remember how you always cheer me up right away and help me remember whats good about myself and tell me that i’m not alone and give me great ideas for metaphors involving brains (like mental brains not physical brains)!!! our mutualness (mutualism? mutuality?? idk) goes waaay back, like, relatively, so thank you for following me in the first place bc it means we’re friends now !! love you <3 
kaliiiiiii!! my wonderful fellow scorpio (AHEM i mean what im not a scorpio who said that i’ll fight them) ur super fun and cute and as soon as you joined u fit right in even tho we’re all kind of weird and now you are One Of Us and it’s kind of hard to believe that you havent been since the beginning?? you’re such a cutie and i love love love talking to you and stuff <3 jdkjsldf dog pics are one of the many ways to my heart and your dog is amazing!!! thank you for sharing!!! you are amazing!!! tell canyon monroe i love him (again) and tell him from me to be nice to laura too,,anyway!! love u lots <3 
melia. you. are. the. best. my text posts never go noteless bc of you :’) you’re honestly truly just the greatest?? not just bc you like my text posts tho, youre genuinely sweet and suuuuper nice like,,i cant say anything bad about any of the Stream Team tbh but MELIA!!1! you would have to murder a man for a not-justifiable reason for me to say anything bad about you :/ i think you are an Angel and you’re so cute??how are u so cute i dont get it :(( thanks for being my friend and also helping me reject that guy that one time,,without you i definitely would’ve screwed things up tbh so seriously!! thank you and i love you <3<3 
minty i think i should tell u now that whenever i type “rip” on my phone the next suggested word is always “minty” :’) we’re always screaming abt kpop groups together like!! when clap was released u screamed about seventeen with me!!! when i told u i was getting into twice u screamed about twice with me!! when nothing else is happening u scream about toppdogg with me (and the rest of us)!!!! i love that youre as excited about your fave groups as i am about my fave groups because it helps remind me that it’s NOT weird to be really super extremely dedicated to things that make u happy and i still struggle with that sometimes so.... thanks for being you i guess?? also for getting rid of ******** from our chat with the power of ot13 :’)) love you <3<3<3 
kat!! my Superhero!!! the lifegiver for minsung stans everywhere;; i am so grateful for literally everything you’ve ever done in your life but specifically 1) translating every. single. one. of minsung’s often long and very complex posts, 2) being my role model for running an update-esque blog! like!! if kat can do everything she does for her blogs and translate stuff and be so efficient at everything, i can do it for my one tiny little blog!!, 3) working so hard but always being so so sweet to everyone and being so amazingly humble all the time and being somebody i admire not only as a blogger but as a person too <3 (wow that was che e s y lol) im love you!! <3 
hi kendall! another scorpio wowie!!! of course i say “another” bc i already mentioned how kali is a scorpio,,it’s not because i’m a scorpio. because i’m not haha. anyway. im sorry i let ******** come between us, i know you didn’t mean to create a demon that would eventually possess both you and your phone and try to eat all of our hearts. i know and i’m sorry and i love you!!! i also know that you still think those asks u sent were hilarious but i forgive you bc i know you love me too <3<3 i can’t believe my Ultimate Bias and the true visual of our group loves me!! wow!!! thanks for all your amazing selfies, they always make me smile :’) you rlly know how to cheer everyone up and get us in a happy mood and just,,,thanks for always being your lovely self! love u lots <3 
bella 💕 i love you, i love you, i love you 💕 idk if you know this or not, but you were actually my first tk mutual <3 i remember when i got the notif that you followed me back and i was so excited because this person!! this person with an amazing blog and who i already thought was super cool!! wanted to follow me!!! i still think it’s amazing that you wanted to be my friend but i can’t really say that i “can’t believe it” anymore because i can;;; you’re my friend and i’m your friend and i love you!! i’ll remind you of that every day if i have to. you’re the other 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad (along with jovano) and it makes me so happy that you’re a fan now too!!!! you’re just awesone tbh?? you help me with my shitty stuff and i try my best to help you with your shitty stuff and!! you’re one of my best friends!! i’m so so happy and lucky and blessed and thankful to know you! never forget how much i love you forever 💕💕💕 
jacqueline;; the awesome aunt that’s super nice and who helps people when they’re sad;;(i can’t remember jess’s exact wording but it was True);;;; you’re so cool and amazing and honestly i find it incredible how you’ve been with bts from the beginning!! is that a weird thing to say as a compliment?? shdfsdhkd sorry but sticking with a group from debut is really admirable, especially because bts didnt start out super big but you stayed with em anyway :’) you’re such a star and you reblog my selfies when i ask you to (btw ur tags on my latest selfies had me cryin;;find someone who will compliment you every day like jacqueline complimented my decent-ish selfies;;) and you’re so great to talk with and yeah!! i love u!!!! 
isaiah. i hope u believe me when i say, from the very bottom of my heart: you are the Meme to my Internet Connection, the Cherry to my Bomb, the Chanyeol to my.....You. idk. you take my worst text posts that i make at like 3am and add the best things to them and make them Good and i love our convos in the replies of my posts alsjdsfjjs also can i just say?? i’m still not 100% sure what the whole thing is with like the “kin” meme (i get what it is but i dont rlly Get It u know) but literally any mention of it ever reminds me of you :’) it’s actually astounding how many memes make me think of you tbh..anyway, ur very very cute and soft and nice and youve been mutuals with me for a Long Time so thanks for thinking im cool enough to follow!!! and for still following me!!! love you <3 
wow that took a long time but it was worth it!! tho i honestly wouldn’t blame you if you just skipped everything and only read the little section abt you lmao 
well, happy new year! i hope lots of really good, and happy, and lovely, and wonderful things are waiting for you in 2018 ✨✨✨
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