#idk if that makes any sense haha
angelmush · 3 months
i think culinary school is a portal to hell :) i would strongly advised against it :)
i appreciate u being real w me haha. i ended up going with a community college culinary arts AAS program because $$ and also if i hate it it's easier to change to something different.
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relaxxattack · 1 year
every time someone calls moirallegience just an alien qpr i wilt a lil like YEAH thats more or less the CLOSEST human thing but its also Literally Not That. like a qpr is fundanmentally not romantic and thats not even going into moirails whole Actual Purpose of calming ppl down. its just. aughhhhh pisses me off i see the confusion but, as aformentioned, aughhhhh
OH MY GOD THIS HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME TOO.... but i don't want to get petty at the people in my notes always saying "moirails are QPRs!" because in some ways that is the closest human thing so it's hard to be mad...
i think there's definitely some overlap in some ways. but NOT because moirallegiance and qprs are the same at all really, but INSTEAD because both relationships have unconventional boundaries defined by the people within them.
you know... like every relationship.
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like the only reason the two have overlap is because they are both partnerships that emotionally care for each other but can choose to not bang (which is true for any romance anyway, even if it's considered abnormal). they're both just romances* that are unconventional to human norms, which makes people view them as the same thing when they're not.
i think the REAL issue here is that humans insist on using human words to understand things that are just, fundamentally, alien. can't we just appreciate alien romance for being... alien romance?
no, it's not platonic, it's romantic. it's just romantic in a way you aren't quite wired to understand, is all.
*in generalization, most QPRs are not romantic, because they are made up of aroaces who are life partners in a non-romantic way. however i want to disagree with you that none of them are romantic, because that is up to the partners in question.
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purplesweetpotatoes · 6 months
Stopppppp I just realized that Aziraphale probably has a fascination with Jane Austen characters falling in love through dancing because angels don't really dance (as per that whole sequence of explanation in season 1), so when Crowley says "we don't dance" and Aziraphale grabs his hand, it's like him allowing himself to do things that are against his nature like falling in love in the intimate manner that humans do
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
Japan’s concept of confession and why Ochaco might not confess
“Confession” is a big deal in a country as subtle as Japan. Not all people have the courage to confess, but when starting official relationships confessions are often expected. This is what I know confessions to be like in the world of manga: Person A talks alone with Person B and shares with them the secrets of their heart. “I like you please accept my feelings.” This usually ends either with them going out or A being rejected by B. The usual reason for the rejection is “I like someone else.”
I’ve been having some more ideas about the day Izuku fell into Kacchan’s arms and how what Kacchan did for him was almost confessional in a way. He told Izuku what was in his heart, why he bullied him and that no matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t escape him. He called him “Izuku” and we saw the impact this had on Izuku’s face. 
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Izuku just couldn’t believe that Kacchan was calling his name properly for the first time in 12 years, it completely shocked him, and after apologising for everything, he told Izuku, “Come home, let’s do this together. We need to help each other in this fight against AFO.” 
The conclusion of this confession was that Izuku acquiesced to 1-A’s request for him to return, but it was only really possible because his attachment to Kacchan triumphed over his motivations to stay away. It was Kacchan who broke down his walls with his apology. It was Kacchan who filled him with hope that things would be better, and Kacchan who finally hammered into Izuku how important it was for him to be part of the collective. That his inclusion was very wanted and needed, and that he in turn can rely more on everyone as well. That together, they can push forward, trusting in and helping each other.
I think what hurt Izuku the most during his solo arc was being away from his friends, but especially Kacchan. Because that day in the rain, he literally gave up on his solo vigilante mindset for him. After hearing Kacchan’s unbelievable words he had patiently longed to hear for years, it was impossible for Izuku to stay away from him any longer. As he passed out, he stumbled a few steps towards Kacchan who, without missing a beat, caught him in his arms and gently held him. This embrace told us “From now on it’ll be different. I’m gonna be here for you, Izuku.”
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So to recap all of that... Kacchan became vulnerable and spilled what was in his heart, Izuku accepted his desires, with it all culminating in them becoming closer. Which is just like a successful romantic confession!?
I think after watching this all go down, something inside Ochaco clicked. A lot of the class are rushing over to Izuku when Kacchan catches him because they’re just so worried about him, but a few of them, Ochaco included, stay standing back. It doesn’t make much sense at all. But we’re given a zoom in of her without knowing any of the thoughts going through her mind.
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They got Izuku back, but she doesn’t really seem all that happy. Momo says to her “this is just the first obstacle we aren’t done yet” and she agrees. Ochaco knows that there’s still more they as a group need to do for Izuku to make his return happen. But the fact that there’s a few panels dedicated to zooming in on her staying put, her almost emotionless face (mirroring Shoto’s) while she’s watching Kacchan save Izuku and his new unbridled intimacy he has with him - could be telling us that there’s something else she’s processing.
Is this moment somber for her because she realised the person Izuku needs the most is none other than the person he has openly admired since she first met him? The very same person who always bared his fangs at Izuku because he was scared him getting close?
Was Ochaco witnessing the beginning of something new between them and suddenly finding herself sidelined as a contender for Izuku’s affections?
Somehow… this could be what it was all about. And that’s why I think there’s a good chance Ochaco gave up her crush on Izuku for good when she witnessed Katsuki return his love and embrace him after that emotionally-charged apology. After this, a more defined distance between her and Izuku appears visible in their next scene together. A respectful distance of Izuku’s own choosing.
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It was like a definitive line had been drawn out that can’t and perhaps shouldn’t be crossed. Maybe they both understood that the person Izuku wanted close by his side has always been Katsuki. That desire wasn’t simply a pipe dream to Izuku anymore, it had become reality. And who is Ochaco to get in the way of that?
And then it’s almost like she is bookending Katsuki’s confession to Izuku with a confession of her own about Toga, putting a close to the Izuocha chapter and she makes a comment which feels double in meaning. “I guess that means we are the same.” or You love a boy, just like I might love a girl. (To put it bluntly)
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And Izuku remembers this line again after he gets separated from Kacchan and Ochaco is telling him to go. Go back to Tenko. Go back to your Kacchan.
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The concept of “knowing how someone feels because you love them and always watch over them” comes up from time to time in manga. In a way, that’s also a reason why Kacchan and Izuku understand each other as deeply as they do and they aren’t afraid of showing it off. They were always watching each other from a safe distance and learning things about each other in this way. I think during chapter 322, this concept is what was happening to cause such a realisation in Ochaco. (And it’s also for this reason Tsuyu, who never had feelings for Izuku, still doesn’t get it.)
It was hard for her, knowing everything she does about Izuku’s deep attachment to Kacchan, to learn that Izuku’s affections for him weren’t one-sided and they were now closer than ever before… That’s why I don’t think she’ll want to get in the way by confessing anymore. If Kacchan’s apology was intended to be compared with a romantic confession, then Ochaco is probably aware that Izuku already “has someone he likes”… and that person isn’t her.
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I just found out Fyodor's cello piece from the 3rd season is called "Bird of death" and I find that interesting for a few reasons.
First of all, is it connected to Nikolai? They work together and -shipping aside - if they're actually friends, it would make sense for Fyodor to write a piece either for him or simply inspired by him. Not only are birds associated with Nikolai, but death as well since he was supposed to die by being cut in half. He also kills people, so if we combine all those things, they kind of make him a symbolic bird of death.
Secondly, it would make the cello scene have a slightly different atmosphere as Fyodor would be playing a piece he associates with his friend who's going to die after commiting a series of murders while a different murder is taking place. Also the situation would be even weirder for Katsura because it would mean he was kidnapped by a guy who didn't just play cello for him, but play a piece he associates with his friend. Of course Katsura would have no way of knowing, but still.
Thirdly, does that make Fyodor a bird of death? Because if it's not connected with Nikolai whatsoever, then it's most likely connected with Fyodor himself. It would make sense because he kills people as well, but would also accidentally make both Fyodor and Nikolai be associated with both birds and death (#matchingimagery).
Lastly, how much does studio Bones know?? I checked the dates of manga volume releases and Sunday tragedy chapters did come out back in 2017, so the team working on the anime would have enough time to integrate this title as an easter egg if they wanted to do that (as the 3rd season began in April 2019), but then again it seems like a random idea to allude to a character from a future arc that they weren't animating at the time. Either a member of the team was/is a fan of bsd or they're getting extra info on future events. Bones also seems to be making surprising decisions when adapting the material (such as putting Fyodor in Untold Origins), so I think it's possible they know something we don't.
But it's also possible that Bird of Death has a different meaning that I'm not aware of or it's all just a coincidence haha
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Send me an ask from my WIP List and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
Christian lights a match, frowning when it doesn’t feel right, and discards the match, reaching for another to try again. He knows that he’s being wasteful, knows deep down that this isn’t actually doing anything, but the knowing isn’t enough to make him stop. He needs this, needs the way it makes his world make sense again, needs the way it brings order to the chaos. His world turned upside down the moment he met Satine, and it hasn’t stopped spinning since. But this? This makes sense. There are rules to the way the world works, or so Christian had once thought. If you strike a match, it’ll light. If you touch the fire, it’ll burn. If you meet someone you love, she’ll be here forever. She won’t— Christian moves to strike another match, the pit of anxiety in his stomach only growing when this one snaps in half in his too-tight grip.
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
Dogs of war sounds awful
I didn't plan on listening to the song tbh, but this ask actually got me to do it lmao
I wouldn't say it's awful but it's bland for sure. There is better stuff out there. Definitely not a song I'd want to listen to again; once was enough.
The music video was kinda fun tho, in a clunky 2000s video game animation with modern AAA game graphics slapped on top way. I'm a sucker for that stuff haha
...I'm wondering if the team behind the video was forced to let the crüe have too much creative freedom 🤔 To me it has that surface level general edgy "People Don't Like Us but We Don't Give A Shit :P" vibe with lots of their usual pentagrams and skulls and tits and ass, with over the top gore and people in suits with dog heads and spiders with women's legs thrown in for funsies. The visuals were a bit all over the place. Like, none of what went down in the video made me think "Dogs of War", who exactly was/is against them? Why were they shot into space in the end? Why was Vince hit by that random car? Why are they still clinging to the notion that it's stereotypical conservative out of touch old people against them because they think their music is too satanic and they're too sexual and vulgar, corrupting the youth? I don't feel like that applies to the current day view of the Crüe anymore.
No cohesive storyline, if you will. Didn't really connect with the song title imo. But what do I know, I only studied media/graphic design for 4 years lol
Ultimately, I'm lowkey frustrated because this could've been a decent song and decent music video, SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!, but all of it squandered... like, IT COULD'VE BEEN THAT DEEP IF ONLY THERE HAD BEEN A BIT MORE OUTSIDE GUIDANCE AND CREATIVE DISCUSSIONS WITH PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEIR SHIT (<- definitely just speculating here but I'm 90% sure because they're known for their volatile tempers and decent amount of power and prestige, no one wants to oppose their creative vision. To the detriment of the end product)
...anon, you sly dog. You got me to ramble about something I don't really enjoy. Kudos to you 👉👉
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caffeinatedopossum · 8 months
Haha what if all the overwhelming rage I'm suddenly feeling is actually just 21 years of accumulated injustices that I'm only now starting to feel because my self esteem is improving. But then because it's so overwhelming that it feels genuinely unsafe to both myself and those around me for me to express it, I have to repress it further and the only way I know how to do that is to lower my self esteem again so that I don't feel angry cause I no longer feel like I ever deserved better
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spectrearia · 3 months
Hiya! I've seen you reference Eggs Benedict, but I don't think I've ever heard anything more about him except that he's a cat! (I may have missed posts, potentially.) Can you tell me more about him? :o
oh of course!! I've mostly posted about him on my art blog, but I can't help but tag posts that remind me of him here on this blog as well xD here's a link to his tag for all the chaotic sketches that I've done over the past few years: [link]
basically, Eggs started out as a silly sketch of a weird cat that I drew once and then he evolved into an actual Character once I found a cat like him in Minecraft and named it Eggs Benedict. my friend Cookie and I turned it into this running joke that he's a fae entity of sorts trapped in a "cat's" body (in quotations because he's got this... unnatural appearance to him that's not Quite a real cat but is still Just Enough like one to count). he likes to torment Khalan for fun but Aya is fooled by a glamour that conceals his true identity from her, so she thinks he's a normal cat and doesn't understand why Khalan vehemently insists that he's Not and claims that the cat is out to get him. (they fight about this A Lot. Khalan has had Enough of this demon cat and wants it out of the house but Aya claims that Eggs is just -baby- and is mad at Khalan for saying otherwise lol)
the name Eggs Benedict is one Aya gave him (since she names all of her pets after food), but no one knows his true fae name because if anyone did, I feel like they'd just instantly die idk xD he was put in a cat-like body as punishment for horrible crimes against the fae council and is forced to stay with Aya as part of that punishment because we just thought that would be a hilarious idea lol (she absolutely babies him - which is incredibly demeaning and patronizing for someone of his status). what did he do to deserve that...? we have no idea. it will always remain a mystery.
anyway, sorry that's a lot haha. i've just put a decent amount of thought into this silly character over the years because I Wanted To and it's Fun 👍
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milkcrownonsonechka · 2 months
ouuugh i just had. an idea . this is going to Haunt me until i can Do it
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lieutenantselnia · 2 years
Some thoughts on the choice of Carina Smyth's first name
Ngl even though there are many things I don't like about DMTNT, I think that Carina is like one of the best names that could be chosen for Barbossa's daughter. It sounds like a pretty regular name at first, but I think the backstory is what makes it actually a really great choice.
"Carina" is the name of a star constellation which is also known as "keel of the ship". In the german dub of the movie this is actually made more obvious, as Carina says that she's named after said star constellation, whereas in the original she says the the brightest star in the north (which is part of the constellation) gave her her name. Being named after a star constellation which resembles a ship (or at least a part thereof), her name is connected to both the stars and the sea, two focal points in Barbossa's life as a pirate and as a captain. He's a man of the sea and an exceptional navigator, and I think it's safe to assume that he has a very good knowledge of astronomy, particularly for navigational purposes. As he said himself, he knows which stars to follow home.
I like to think that Barbossa consciously chose his daughter's name because of its meaning. However, we unfortunately don't know under which conditions it was chosen, since we simply don't have enough information about his and Margaret Smyth's relationship. How many months before the birth did he learn that he was going to be a father? Were he and Margaret able to prepare for the changes in their lives that might come with having a child, did they make any plans for the future? Did they think up names together, and he suggested Carina, should they have a daughter? Or did Hector just return to land one day to learn his partner had died while he was at sea, and left him a child, and he had to come up with a name on the spot and the first thing that came to his mind were the star constellations?
I kind of doubt that we will get any canonical answers to those questions, so they are left to the realm of headcanons. I personally like to imagine that Barbossa chose the name carefully, and because of what it meant to him personally. Even though he kind of said in the movie that he never wanted his daughter to be associated with pirates (which happens to include himself), I think as her father he still wanted to make at least one meaningful impact on her life, which happened to be the choice of her name. Maybe also, in that way he would never forget her, since whenever he observed the sky and saw the star constellation Carina, he would also think of his daughter.
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isekyaaa · 6 months
You know if I had to be 100% honest, I don’t really like writing. Majority of the times, it feels like more of a hassle and a chore instead of something fun to do. I honestly do not enjoy the writing process. It’s why I tend to avoid writing so much. The only reason why I write is because I love to read. I love to read so much that I’m willing to put work into writing things so I have exactly what I want to read at my fingertips. Any struggles or pains I go through writing is worth it in the end when I have a finished piece.
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akascow · 4 months
love laughing when i say all my g-parents are dead bc people are always like aww im so sorry but we rarely saw them bc my parents didnt really talk to their parents so that was a whole thing
but also my entire memory of them is just being nervous around them bc old people scared me when i was little also im wholly convinced my memories from early childhood w them are actually just made up as nightmares i had about my gparents and their houses
also 1 died before i was even coinsciously thinking and another died around the time i was starting to develop brain blasts so cant really miss someone u dont know HAHA
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keithbutgay · 4 months
your responses are totally fine dont worry :)
idk is there anything i can do to help i like dont want you to feel bad
yay that my responses are alright then haha
oh no sorry it's all good! today was just weird this happens a lot i've just been trying to find good ways to like actually ground myself because my current solution is just like. giving myself enough stimuli to keep me in my body without doing so much that i float away again?
(sorry i will stop talking about that it's probably super annoying and tmi)
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Make me write!! 20 sentences!! (nsfw-ish) (this might be the wrong number of sentences but!! i don't care) (gonna slap a mildly dubious consent tag on this fic as a whole)
She thinks about asking him to leave but knows she can’t; after all he’s just done for her she certainly owes him. Christian kisses her cheek. “Good night, Satine.” Satine’s breath catches in her throat. Is this what he’s waiting for? For her to fall asleep? Why does he want to hurt her like this? “Are you alright?” Christian asks, kneading the muscle of her thigh. “You’re very tense.” “I’m fine,” Satine lies smoothly. “Satine,” Christian says, kissing her cheek, “I love you. You can talk to me.” The words make her breath catch in her throat, the tears that she’s been fighting spilling over because how dare he say that to her when he—when he wants to—when he’s going to— “Stop it,” Satine says, her voice breaking in the middle. Christian’s hand stills on her thigh before it’s withdrawn. “Stop what? Touching you?” “Stop toying with me,” Satine says, sitting up. [...] “Stop lying!” Satine shouts, her voice echoing off the walls of her dressing room. “Just get it over with and fuck me already.”
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