#if i wanted to work in a restaurant i would skip school and just. go work in a restaurant bc the experience is much better
angelmush · 3 months
i think culinary school is a portal to hell :) i would strongly advised against it :)
i appreciate u being real w me haha. i ended up going with a community college culinary arts AAS program because $$ and also if i hate it it's easier to change to something different.
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babydollmarauders · 6 months
luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which luke is pining for the girl he knows he’s destined to be with
notes: 4.3k words. this is a new style of writing for me and i truthfully don’t know about it but it felt right for this fic.
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Luke Hughes knows a lot of things.
he knows hockey. he knows history. and he knows that in this moment, drunk on cheap beer and lip locked with the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, she and he are destined to be together.
but life and love are never simple. drunken hookups between best friends don’t just automatically make them a couple. and no matter how badly he wants to scream that she should be with him, he knows he has to wait it out; give her time to come to the same realization that he did two years ago.
her back digs into the armrest of the battered couch, her legs draped across Luke’s own as his fingertips grip her upper thigh. their faces are drawn together, her hands tangled beautifully in his curls, pulling him closer toward her vodka soaked lips.
“Lukey,” his name rolls off her tongue like a whispered prayer, causing a singular beat to skip in his heart.
“what do you need, doll?”
and her singular word is the driving force that brings Luke to his feet, her hand laced with his as he leads her to his bedroom. the people in his apartment cast away from his mind, only one person occupying that space.
surely, Jack can handle the party that he threw, no one would miss Luke.
and that thought is what leads them to his room, their bodies pressed together in mere minutes. the next few hours spent tangled between cotton sheets. his feverish touch making her body shake, and her soft sounds causing an intense sensation of need within him.
hot breath mingles, their lips rarely straying from each others. sweat coated skin sticking together as they christen his bed for the umpteenth time. neither mind clear, they find solace and pleasure with her legs wrapped around his waist and his sloppy thrusts bringing them to the highest points.
and when they call it a night, Luke’s hand slamming the car door shut after she falls into the backseat of an uber, he falls back into the same spot he started the night.
waiting for fate to bring her home to him for the final time.
the restaurant feels suffocating, her dress itchy, causing her to wiggle uncomfortably in her chair.
her date doesn’t even seem to notice, rambling on once more about how cool it is that she works for the New Jersey Devils.
“i mean, you must get to be around the players all the time, right? how did you even get that job?” what was this one’s name? Carter? Carson? it started with a C, right?
“i went to University of Michigan. graduated a year early with a degree in sport management, and after working with the hockey team there, i was able to secure a spot working for the Devils.” she smiles, a weak timid thing that barely even reaches her cheeks, “but yeah, i do spend a lot of time around the players. kinda my job to get content of them, ya know?”
maybe-Carter chuckles, nodding his head, “so are you like, friends with any of them?”
‘oh, here we go’ she thinks.
“i went to school with Luke Hughes, he’s kind of my best friend.” it was an instinct really, an involuntary reaction; for a smile to creep across her lips when she talks about Luke, “but i can’t really say much about him or the guys, they’re people too and they deserve their privacy.”
“right, totally respect that,” he nods, his lips falling into a tight line, and she can’t help but notice that they aren’t as pillowy as Luke’s.
his lips don’t nearly look as comforting to kiss. and his curls; they don’t… curl the way Luke’s do. rather he has a head of tighter curls, unlike Luke’s unruly mess of loose curls and waves mingling together. his eyes aren’t the right color either, erring on the side of a blue closer to Jack’s; which makes a shiver run down her spine, discomfort settling within her.
“are you cold?” he asks, catching sight of the goosebumps that spread across her skin. he huffs a condescendingly toned laugh before continuing, “maybe you should’ve brought a jacket, restaurants run cold.”
that was where she drew the line. with his obnoxious attitude combined with his interest, which only peaked when discussing her job, y/n was surprised she lasted as long as she did.
and if the fact that he wasn’t similar enough to her best friend played a small part in her leaving? well, could she really be blamed?
after all, it was Luke’s fault.
it was Luke who made the first move his freshman year of college, both of them tipsy on drinks made by Dylan and his heavy hand with rum. it was Luke who made the sophomore girl fall for him two years ago. it was Luke who drunkenly tells her he loves her as he buries himself inside of her, knowing exactly what to do to tip her over the edge. and it was Luke who has her going on at least five dates a month, trying to force the Devils rookie out of her heart.
or at least, she blames it on Luke; because she couldn’t allow herself to admit that she fell in love with him of her own accord. she can’t allow herself to confess how quickly their drunken hookups turned into something more for her. and she certainly can’t dwell on the fact that she hasn’t put a stop to them. how could she? those are the only moments that she can let herself believe, even for a moment, that she could be his.
because despite how badly she wanted it, she could never be Luke’s. not in the way she wants to be. no matter how hard she tries, she can never find the words to express how much he means to her. how much she loves him.
Luke laid on the couch, the springs digging into his back uncomfortably.
“dude, we really need a new couch.” he huffs, “and why am i laying like this? i don’t think people actually lay down in therapy outside of tv shows.”
“shut up, i’m taking notes.” Luke’s eyes drift to his older brother, who occupies the space of the living room chair.
“notes on what? i haven’t even said anything!”
“you don’t need to. i’ve listened to you bitch and moan about y/n for two years, i’m writing what i can remember.” Jack explains, his brows furrowed in focus as his pen scribbles messily across the notepad on his lap.
“why did i let you talk me into this?” Luke rolls his eyes at his brothers antics.
“because you’re pussy-whipped and you’re playing like shit.” Jack looks up from the notepad, straightening his posture and settling his focus on Luke.
“is that a medical diagnosis?” Luke jokes, his brow raising as he chuckles.
“no, that’s brotherly criticism. you get that for free, courtesy of the nine months we each spent in mom’s womb.” Luke cringes at his brothers words, shaking his head.
“don’t talk about mom’s womb.”
“just speak, dude. what’s going on in that curly head of yours?”
Luke sighs, his eyes drifting towards the ceiling. his hands fiddle with the cellphone that lays on his stomach, impatiently waiting for the text that he knows will come through.
it’s 10pm on an off day, he knows she’s got a date tonight. he also knows how her date will end; soon enough she’ll be texting him a long paragraph about how men suck and asking him to remind her why she can’t become a nun.
“well, i told you, i know she and i are meant to be together. i can feel it.” Luke starts, quickly cut off by the familiar grating voice he’s known his entire life.
“yeah, yeah, you’re a simp. move on.”
“has anyone ever told you that you’d make a horrible therapist?” Luke questions, head turning once more toward his brother.
“i can’t say anyone has, no.”
“yeah? well then, i’ll be the first.” he glares, “stick to hockey.”
“just keep talking, Lukey.”
“i think it’s getting harder to wait for her.” Luke confesses, and it feels like a small weight has been lifted off his chest; progress.
“so you wanna move on?” Jack asks, his pen scrawling along the paper again.
“no!” Luke huffs, sitting up on the couch to turn towards his brother, who quickly strikes out whatever he just wrote down, “i’m just saying that- that this whole waiting game is fucking with my head. Phil said i had to wait it out. he told me not to pressure her. practice my patience and let her come to the realization on her own.
“but, what if it goes on too long? she’s always going on dates, what if she meets someone else? what if it takes her ten years to realize what i realized like a month after we met?! what if she gets married before she realizes?”
“too many ‘what if’s’, dude. you’re hurting my brain.” Jack groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Luke, already in an emotional spiral, rolls his eyes, “what brain?”
“hey! i’m trying to help you here! don’t insult me!” Jack stands up, notepad falling to the floor and his hands drawing to his hips as he glares at the rookie defenseman.
“well you’re not much help.”
“you want my advice? either keep waiting and playing like shit and making easily avoidable mistakes, or say fuck it to your friends advice and tell her how you feel.”
“i’m going to bed.” Luke grumbles, pushing past the shorter man to go to his room.
“don’t forget, no morning skate tomorrow!” Jack calls out as Luke’s door clicks shut.
as Luke strips down to his boxers, his phone lights up on his bed, vibrating amongst the cotton sheets. and as he sees her name flashing on the screen, butterflies flutter in his core, making him swallow harshly in attempt to stop them.
he doesn’t even get a word out after accepting the call, her voice filtering through the speaker, “men suck.”
“oh yeah?” Luke can’t help but laugh at the repetitive cycle, “tell me more. how do we suck?”
“you just do, okay?” her tone is biting before she takes a sobering breath, “all he wanted to talk about was the team. i could practically see the walls shut down around him once i told him i couldn’t dish out the hot goss on players.”
“i’m sorry, y/n.” he’s not sorry. not even a little.
“remind me why i can’t be a nun?” her voice is distant as she takes the phone away from her ear so that she can unlock her apartment door.
“no tiktok and no sex.” Luke echoes for what feels like the hundredth time.
“right.” she kicks off her shoes, bumping the door shut behind her as her cat darts around between her legs, rubbing against her nylon tights, “you ready for the game tomorrow?”
“yeah.” no.
“good. i’m gonna go eat my weight in ice cream and scroll tiktok. goodnight, Lukey. thanks for the reminder and for listening to me rant.”
“any time. goodnight.”
as Luke lays in bed, he falls asleep with Jack’s advice echoing in his head.
keep waiting and playing like shit and making easily avoidable mistakes, or say fuck it to your friends advice and tell her how you feel.
meanwhile, y/n slumps on her sofa, a pint of ben & jerry’s in her hand as she looks down at the little ball of black fur that’s taken up residence by her feet.
“have you ever been in love, Sir Nightingale?”
the cat blinks back at her, patiently waiting for her attention. which comes in the form of her fingernails scratching lazily under his chin.
“i have.” she continues the one sided conversation, “it fucking sucks. never fall in love.”
the game was an absolute shit show.
Luke had taken a shoddy penalty in the first period; for delay of game, out of all things. which lead to a power play goal by the opposing team and leaving the Devils down by two.
it was only about five minutes later that Luke got an assist on a goal of Jack’s, but ultimately, the game still ended six to two, not in the Devils favor. not only did the team get yelled at for their lack of adequate effort, but Luke was singled out for at least two turned over pucks, which lead to opposing team goals.
and to make a bad night even worse, when all was said and done and Luke was finally showered and ready to just go home and wallow in the loss, he left the locker room to find y/n chatting with one of the equipment managers, Ben.
her hair twirled around her finger as she laughed at something Ben said, a red flush on her cheeks. Luke felt deflated, to say the least.
it was always someone else.
never him. never Luke.
he felt overlooked, and perhaps even unnoticed. it was like she never even saw him as an option, only ever the object of her desires when they were both tipsy and horny and already together.
and yet the feeling was still there. settled low within his gut, he still knew; he’s the one for her. he knows. he’s fairly certain that deep down, she knows it too.
is it his age? it’s only a year’s difference, surely it doesn’t matter, right? it was something else. it had to be, but he truly didn’t know what.
“y/n.” his voice carries through the hallway, settling in her ears and catching her attention.
turning towards him with wide doe eyes and parted lips, she smiles, “hey!”
“am i still giving you a ride home?” Luke’s expression is stony, giving nothing of his feelings away. though, he can’t help the way his eyes gravitate to the man behind her, Luke’s blank stare making the man cower just slightly.
and Luke almost felt proud of that. almost.
“actually, i think Ben and i are gonna go for some drinks. i’ll catch up with you tomorrow, yeah?”
his shoulders slump, his posture crumpling the same way his heart did in his chest.
“yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Luke barely gets two steps closer to the arena exit before her voice calls out, stopping him in his tracks. her heels click against the floor as fast as she could move, before she pops up in his vision.
“you played good. a few mistakes are normal, it’s your first full season, the most games you’ve ever played,” her voice is gentle, her eyes peering up at him softly through her wispy lashes, “i’m proud of you. don’t be too hard on yourself, alright?”
her arms wrap around his torso before he can even respond, her face buried in the chest of his suit. and before his heart can reach a normal pace again, before he can wrap his arms around her in return, she’s pulling away.
with a wave of her hand and a small but awe-strikingly beautiful smile playing upon her lips, she’s walking away. back to Ben, who waits for her by the arena exit now.
and once more, Jack’s voice is back inside Luke’s head. driving him absolutely insane as he watches the love of his life walk out of the building, giggling at something another man said.
keep waiting and playing like shit and making easily avoidable mistakes, or say fuck it to your friends advice and tell her how you feel.
keep waiting and playing like shit and making easily avoidable mistakes, or say fuck it to your friends advice and tell her how you feel.
tell her how you feel.
tell her how you feel.
tell her how you feel.
“tell her how you feel.” Luke wakes with a startle, his head knocking against his brother’s, who was leaning over him.
Jack curses, hissing in pain as he holds a hand his forehead.
“what the fuck are you doing in my room?” Luke groans, voice groggy as he takes in his surroundings.
“i got up to take a piss and i could hear your phone blowing up all the way from the bathroom,” Jack explains, “shit, you have a bony ass head.”
“it’s called a skull. i know yours doesn’t house anything inside of it, but even i assumed you’d know what it is.”
Jack huffs, rolling his eyes. “ya know what? just for that, i take back my advice. fuck off and die alone, what do i care?”
“why were you giving me advice at-” Luke slides his phone off his nightstand, checking the time, “two in the morning?”
“she’s blowing up your phone.” Jack scowls, “something something men suck something something maybe being a nun is worth the no tiktok?”
Luke feels an odd sense of relief as he looks at his recent texts, finding exactly what Jack had described.
well, without the ‘something something’s.
“pretty sure you were saying her name in your sleep too,” Jack smirks, backing away towards the bedroom door, “tell her how you feel, dickhead. put you both out of your misery so i can get some sleep and not listen to your incessant whining.”
with that, Jack leaves, the wooden door clicking shut in its frame behind him.
reading through the texts, Luke gathers that she and Ben didn’t get very far into the night together, seeing as her messages were still legible, something drunk her could never accomplish.
the thought brings him an unnecessary amount of joy. but then he’s hit with an overwhelming sense of annoyance, remembering he’ll have to go through this process all over again soon.
truthfully, he doesn’t know how much more he can take. he’s not giving up on her, on the contrary, maybe Jack is right. maybe Phil couldn’t give advice for all women and maybe Luke should just stop waiting.
she wasn’t coming to a realization quick enough and honestly, Luke is fucking tired. tired of drunken hookups. tired of listening to her rant about failed dates and sucky guys. tired of being overlooked as an option. tired of his feelings going unnoticed.
the dial tone was ringing in his ear before Luke even realized that he had made a decision, like his hands were working on autopilot. like his heart knew what he would decide before his brain did.
“hey! did i wake you?” her words weren’t slurred, Luke noted. that’s good, she doesn’t even sound tipsy. she’s in a sound state of mind for his confession.
“no,” he shook his head, despite knowing she could see him, “well, yes but no? you didn’t wake me up but Jack did, he could hear my phone buzzing.”
“oh shit, i’m sorry! we can talk tomorrow if you wanna go back to sleep, i’m just about to-”
“i love you,” immediately, Luke is regretting this decision; the silence on the other end of the phone making him bite his lip in anxiety.
“what?” her voice cracks as she giggles, “Luke, are you drunk? did you drink before you went to bed?”
“no,” he groans out, his head dropping back in frustration, “i swear, i haven’t touched any alcohol tonight. just listen to me.”
“i’m always listening to you, Lukey.” her eyes widen as she sits on the edge of her plush bed, “i just don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“i love you,” he repeats, rolling his shoulders in attempt to psych himself back up before he takes a deep breath.
“i’m in love with you. i have been since freshman year. i think that somewhere deep down, you know just as much as i do, that you’re meant to be mine. and i’ve waited two years for you to realize it. i’ve been patient, i’ve held back, i’ve waited on the sidelines while you go out on dates and i’ve listened to you rant about men. and that’s no problem; when i’m done, if you decide you’re still not ready, i’ll continue to wait for you. because even if you’re not mine, i’m yours, y/n. but, i need to get this off my chest and i need you to know that i’m in love with you. my life isn’t complete without yours. and when you’re ready, i’ll be here waiting for you. i’ll always be here. when you’re ready for the drunk hookups to turn into sober love, i’m gonna be right here. because i think that’s our fate. i think that we were destined to find each other and i think we were meant to have this storyline in our love story, and i know that one day you’ll realize it too. you can tell me i’m insane, you can tell me you don’t feel the same, you can even tell me to fuck off, if that’s what you wanna do. i’ll back off, i won’t say another word, but i’ll still be waiting.”
y/n is silent, her hands shaking as she breathes through the tears that roll down her cheeks. in return, Luke is quiet too, patiently waiting for her to digest everything he just confessed. every built up feeling that he just let slip out of him.
“i love you too.” it feels like all the weight she’s been shouldering has been listed off of her with the utterance of those four simple words.
“you do?” he feels like he can’t breathe, like he’s just been knocked against the boards and his lungs forgot how to take in oxygen.
“yes. Luke, why do you think i go on those dates? have you not noticed that almost every guy i go out with resembles you? i didn’t know if you felt the same way, i didn’t know how to tell you how i felt without risking our entire friendship going up in flames. Luke, i’m so fucking in love with you and it hurt. for two years, i’ve reveled in our drunken moments because i thought that was all i’d ever get. i dreaded the day that you would meet someone and tell me it has to stop. i fell for you so hard and it was so scary and i just- i had to try and move on. i had to try and meet someone before ultimately, you did. because i knew that if you told me you met someone, and i was still in love with you? i would never recover from that, Luke. i wouldn’t. and now you’re saying this and i, god i feel so fucking stupidly in love with you. you don’t have to wait anymore, because i realized i love you a long time ago.”
Luke pushes out of his bed, any interest in sleep lost to him. pulling on a hoodie and an abandoned pair of sweatpants from his bedroom floor, he doesn’t even bother telling Jack that he’s leaving.
“god, i need to kiss you.” he slips on his nike slides, his fingers nimbly plucking his keys off the hook by the front door, and as quickly as he could manage, he was out of there.
“you can kiss me tomorrow, Lukey.” she smiles, finally rising from her bed to finish her nightly routine.
that is, until she hears a key turn in her front door. her eyebrows pull together as she wonders out of her room, greeted by sight of a disheveled Luke in her apartment doorway, who looks like he just ran down the stairs to get there.
hanging up the phone, she grins back at the tall boy.
“or i can kiss you now.” a playful smirk pulls at the corner of his lips as he taking wide glides over to her.
his hands find her cheeks, his thumbs wiping gently over the supple, tear stained skin. the apartment is silent, their heartbeats racing as she gazes up at his beautiful eyes.
“or you can kiss me now.” she echoes, her words mumbled and low.
that’s the final straw, the confirmation Luke desperately needed, and finally, he allows his head to dip down. her lips were warm and soft, tasting faintly of mint ice cream, and warmth spreads across his body, starting at his chest and almost blossoming across his body. Luke feels at home.
her hands desperately cling to his hoodie, as though he’ll disappear if she lets go, and his slide back to cup the nape of her neck. she has no desire to pull away, but her lungs spread with fire until she’s forced apart by the need to breathe.
“i love you.” she whispers, eyes closed as she rests her forehead against his own, teeth digging into her bottom lip as she bites back a lovelorn smile.
“i love you, sweet girl.”
“please don’t go back home. spend the night?” she finally opens her eyes, her head tipping back as he straightens up.
a pink hue glows upon his cheeks, and she can’t resist letting the backs of her fingers gently graze over the heated skin.
“not going anywhere, baby. staying right here.” his lips brush against her forehead, leaving a fleeting kiss in their wake and making her heartbeat flutter within her rib cage.
it feels right, the way they go about a new bed time routine. luke’s arms wrapped around her waist as she brushes her teeth, his eyes boring into her reflection. her head on his chest as they fall asleep, his alarm on for them to wake up for morning skate, together.
and if they were holding hands when they walked into the rink, if they were a cheesy couple who kissed before he entered the locker room, if his smile was a bit too wide in the tiktok she filmed for the Devils socials, if she chose the question ‘do you believe in fate?’ solely because of him, could they really be blamed?
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syrupfog · 2 months
AU where Sanji can’t go to college because his dad is way too rich for him to qualify for FAFSA, but Sanji’s estranged so he can’t go to him for financial assistance. 
He wanted food science. Still does, someday. But in the meantime he works at Zeff’s restaurant. 
He meets Luffy because Luffy and Ace are notorious dine n’ dashers, and the Baratie is about the only place that doesn’t ban them, because Zeff’s secretly got too soft a heart, and because Luffy and Ace at least TRY to work their bills off, although they never last long.
Ace and Luffy drag him back to “their place”, which is a four person dorm room that’s technically home to Chopper, Usopp, Franky and Zoro. 
At six, it’s a squeeze. And it stinks. Sanji complains the whole time he’s there, forces them to open a window for godssake.
But he comes back every time they invite him. He brings food. 
He’d bring food anyway, but he noticed that Zoro’s clearly an athlete and he’s surviving on JUNK. Slim Jim’s and microwaved eggs and unseasoned chicken. Sanji’s disgusted, and he voices that disgust loudly.
He and Zoro get into arguments about it, but Zoro doesn’t complain when Sanji brings meals. 
Sanji’s also really satisfied when he sees Zoro eat everything without even attempting to turn it down with a “you shouldn’t have” or “I’ll leave some for someone else”.
He eats everything Sanji gives him, without comment, and Sanji gets a thrill from that. A bit because he can recognize someone else who also must have gone through food insecurity. 
Ace and Luffy also clearly have, but their trauma manifests in stealing right off his plate.
Which Sanji allows, of course. He’s a pushover. 
When the group of six come to the Baratie, plus two new people (Nami and Robin), Zeff initially turns them away because “I can’t afford for eight people to skip out on their bills you lunatics”. 
Nami pays for them in advance.
Sanji hears her telling Zoro she’s adding it to his bill. 
The few high school friends Sanji had disappeared off to college at the start of the semester, so he’s happy that he seems to be adopted into this group, right up until he comes to serve their table and hears Nami call the “meeting” to order. 
Sanji looks over her shoulder as he’s pouring waters and sees spread out call logs and texts and letters. Threats. Nami’s words go in one ear and out the other but Sanji hears the key; Vinsmoke. They come from Vinsmoke.
They’re all getting them, he realises. His hands shake as he listens. They’re being targeted, threatened. They don’t know why. 
HE knows why. 
How long has his dad known where he is? What he does, who he sees? 
He backs up. Gripping the jug in a vice grip. Runs for the kitchen.
He tells Patty to cover him because an emergency has come up, and he runs out the back. 
Runs for a long time. 
Just runs.
He stops responding to Ace and Luffy’s attempts to contact him. He can’t talk to them. He’s going to cause them trouble— HAS caused them trouble. They’re his friends. They didn’t know what they were signing up for. 
He calls off as many shifts as he can while still making rent
(which honestly isn’t a lot) and if Ace and Luffy show up he demands to be on dish duty. 
Zeff sees this, but he doesn’t say anything. Sanji’s grateful. And ashamed. 
He’d liked having friends. Liked that terribly crowded stinky dorm room.
It’s almost two months of hiding, although the texts from Ace and (especially) Luffy don’t stop coming. 
And then, one day, he gets a pounding on his door. 
Pulling it open, expecting a pissed of neighbor maybe, he finds— 
Zoro looks at him flatly. “Come on,” he says.
“Uh,” says Sanji. “No?” 
Zoro grabs his wrist (when was the last time someone touched Sanji?) and veritably drags him out the door. 
“Shit, Mosshead, stop!” 
“No,” says Zoro. “We’re tired of you hiding.” 
“I’m not HIDING,” Sanji hisses, at least pulling the door closed behind him
“Yes you are,” Zoro says. “You think I don’t know hiding?” 
Sanji would be surprised if Zoro knew hiding. The man is nothing but bold. “How did you know where I live?” 
Zoro, dragging him down the stairs, says “Your old man told me.” 
“That cook. The grouch.”
“Stop shouting, dumbass.” 
Sanji fishmouths. “I can’t believe he told you,” he says eventually. 
“He’s not an idiot,” Zoro says. “He knew you were hiding for dumb reasons.” 
Sanji was hiding for legitimate reasons. He doesn’t say that.
Zoro drags him all the way out of the building and to an idling old van with painted windows. Oh, is he going to MURDER Sanji? 
He pulls open a back door and throws Sanji in. 
Sanji kicks him as he goes. Zoro curses at him. 
There are no seats in the back of the van.
There’s a lot of pillows. It smells like the dorm. There’s also several six sets of eyes staring down at him from where everyone else is apparently just chilling in the back of the van. 
“Uh,” Sanji says, from the floor. “Hey, guys?” 
Zoro jumps in and pulls the door closed.
The van is thrown into reverse and everyone curses at Ace. 
“Hey,” says Luffy. “You’re back!” 
“That was the plan,” Nami says. 
“Took you long enough,” Usopp says. He’s looking at Zoro though, not Sanji. 
“Couldn’t find his floor,” Zoro grunts. 
Sanji lives on the second floor.
“Uh,” says Sanji, still lying down. Shifting with the turns of the van. “Am I being kidnapped?” 
“That would piss off your dad, wouldn’t it?” Nami muses. “Especially if someone files a missing persons report and he gets dragged in.” 
Sanji gulps. They know he’s a Vinsmoke, then.
“I still say we just fight him,” Luffy says. 
“We’re not fighting an ADULT,” Usopp shrieks. 
“Usopp, buddy, we’re adults,” Ace says. 
“Except chopper! Chopper put your seatbelt on!” 
“It’s on!” 
Sanji’s spiralling. They know who his dad is. Do they want to blackmail Judge? Or—
“So we’re planning a party tonight and we want you to cook for us,” Luffy says. 
Sanji splutters. “Wh—“ 
“Yes, we were planning on driving to the store first before going back to the dorm,” Robin says. 
“Here.” Zoro throws a dirty piece of printer paper and a pen at him. “List.”
“You want me to… make a list.” 
Zoro settles back against the van wall, unfazed by the sharp turn. “Yeah.” 
“You guys want me to… cook for you.” 
“Duh,” says Luffy. 
“You don’t… care that my dad was sending you death threats? Or have you just not gotten to that part in this discussion?” 
Luffy laughs. Bright. Free. “Yeah that was annoying,” he says. “But my guy Jinbei’s on it! He used to work security.” 
“Uh… huh.” Sanji feels sceptical. It feels too easy. 
“Come on, cook,” Zoro says. “I don’t want to have to talk to your old man again. He’s mean.”
Sanji’s never had anyone refer to Zeff as his old man. He doesn’t want to object, though. “Is this not just… too much work? For just me?” 
“Oh, Franky says he can help with dinner if that’s what you’re worried about,” Luffy says. 
“No,” Sanji shakes his head. “I mean like. I’m not worth all this trouble. You guys were getting threats just for KNOWING me. My dad’s…” 
“Just some bastard you happen to share blood with,” Zoro says, arms crossed. “Who gives a fuck? Chopper’s dad is a reindeer.” 
“He WORKS WITH REINDEER!” Chopper squeaks.
“Luffy’s grandpa has tried to get us arrested, like, ten times,” Usopp says. “It’s all good.” 
“Uh,” says Sanji. That doesn’t sound good. 
“Don’t worry, we can outrun him,” Luffy says sagely. 
“Plus he’s a bitch,” Ace yells from the front.
Sanji looks at the dirty piece of paper in his hands. There’s a boot print on it. He starts writing a list. “Fine,” he says. “But only because I don’t think you guys would leave me alone even if I tried.” 
“Obviously not,” Luffy says. “Zoro’s been moping for weeks.”
Sanji’s head snaps up to meet Zoro’s. 
Zoro shrugs. “I don’t like having to count macros,” he says. 
“Right,” Sanji agrees easily. “Makes sense.” 
He takes note that Zoro’s the one who talked to Zeff. Zoro’s the one who dragged him out. Zoro’s the one who eats everything Sanji gives him like it’s a gift from the gods. 
When they arrive at the store, haphazardly parked in the loading dock, Sanji follows Zoro out. 
He grabs onto Zoro’s sleeve. “You’re pushing the cart for me.” 
“Whatever,” Zoro scoffs.
He does, though. 
And he sits on the kitchen floor while Sanji prepares the food for this so called party. 
The party is the same group that’s always there in the dorm. Sanji finds out, when he’s done cooking, that they’re celebrating his return.
He cries in their bathroom, briefly. 
Then he sits next to Zoro and watches everyone make fools out of themselves as they fill him in on everything he’s missed. 
It’s good.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
choso x reader who skipped school (college) and hung out with her friends and was lying saying she was going to school everyday until her grades came in the mail and she got dealt with
you knew your boyfriend didn’t play that lazy shit. you were to be up every morning, dressed, ready and on time for your classes. it was a tight schedule and you felt like you were having no time to relax, so you just stopped. now of course choso wasn’t just going to let you stop going to class so you continued to make it seem like you were going just to keep him off your back. you’d wake up, get dressed at the same time you used too, and be out that door by 10:30 just like usual. the only difference is instead of you making your way to campus you would make your way to the mall or starbucks, or a fancy restaurant with your friends.
you didn’t mean for it to drag out for so long, but you were just so tired and drained when it came to all the lectures and papers so each time you thought about it the farther away you turned from it.
“gimme a kiss fore you go baby” choso mumbled, his chest bare to you as he sat up on the bed. his job blessed him with a day off today and as much as you wanted to just stay with him, you knew it’ll blow your cover. “f’course papa” your lips caressed each others briefly before you were walking out the door. you quickly skipped towards your car, giggling as you pulled out your phone to see where you and your girls were hanging out today. choso was going to go back to bed, but decided to stay awake and do some work around the house since he hasn’t been home like this in awhile.
a couple hours have went by and he noticed that you haven’t called him between classes like you usually did when he was off during the week. a flush of embarrassment running through him as he thought of his clinginess. “miss my girl” he mumbled as he pulled out his phone to send you a quick text. halfway through his message he heard the doorbell ring, his head instantly turning towards the front door as he rose from the couch in the living room. choso quietly looked through the front blinds, waiting for the mailman to be completely gone so he can come out and get the mail without having to throw on a t shirt.
as he sat back down on the couch, papers in hand, he read through each piece of mail he got. “bank, insurance, insurance again, victoria’s secret…..academic office? wha-” choso cut himself off as he slowly opened up the envelope, the sight of your grades along with the notice about your attendance made him almost rip the paper in half. you haven’t been to your classes in two weeks and your grades were a damn mess. “the hell?” he mumbled, thoughts of you leaving everyday clouding his mind as choso tried to think of what the fuck you possibly could’ve been doing these past two weeks.
he knew you weren’t cheating on him, the thought not even crossing his mind as he clicked on your location. he tried to refrain from doing this, not wanting to seem like a control freak, but since you wanted to act up he was going to have to be a little stern with you. as he looked at where you were choso could help but chuckle. “the damn mall, f’course” he mumbled as he looked at your little bubble moving towards what looked like the parking lot. he knew you weren’t going to come home right now because he was home, but since it just so happened to be the time you’d take to have lunch between classes he decided to give you a call.
as you looked at the picture of your boyfriend on your phone, a small smile graced your features. you had no idea what he knew. “hi babyyyy” you yelled, making choso smile on the other line. “hi mama, miss you” you giggled, throwing your bags in the car before sitting in your seat. “maybe i could come see you. just got outta class” you lied through your teeth. choso’s anger only grew as he listened to you lie to him like it was nothing, his jaw tightening as he kept a straight face while he talked. “i’d like that, been thinkin bout you all day” his deep voice made you smile, a tingle running up your spine as you quickly started your car. you told choso you’ll be home soon before the two of you hung up and you started your journey.
as you were on the way choso made sure to put all the mail away, only leaving the slip he got from your school in his hand as he waited for you on the couch. you rushed to the house, happy as you made every light and there was zero traffic since you didn’t even have to take the highway like you did when coming home from class, the mall was literally right there. as you walked towards the front door, you didn’t even have to knock since choso opened it for you. “hi papa!” you squealed before giving him a bunch off kisses on his cheeks. he wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a tight hug. he inhaled your scent already knowing you were spraying yourself with different perfumes in the mall because of the mix of aromas coming from your shirt. “got here quick baby, usually would still be on the road right now”
your heart dropped at his words, a quick lie flying from your lips to get him off your tracks. “i just missed you so much i might’ve drove a little fast, don’t be mad at me” you looked up at him, chin on his hard chest as you gave him a pout. choso smiled down at you, his anger already shooting through his arms as he began to squeeze you a little tighter. “never” he said before letting you go. he watched you prance over to your room, not a care in the world running through your mind as you lied to your boyfriend for the second time today. “how was class? learn anything new” he mumbled, his body leaning in the doorway as he watched you plop yourself onto the bed. “boring as always learning the same old thing” you were on a role with these lies today.
choso finally couldn’t take it anymore, slowly walking up to you before leaning both of his hands next to your thighs. just from the look he gave you, you knew you were in trouble. “so when are you gonna stop lying?” his deep voice sent chills down your spine as you looked into his tired eyes. you were too scared to lie, opting for some waterworks instead which made him scoff. “i-it was getting t-to hardddd. i couldn’t keep uppp” you whined, earning yourself a quick hand around your throat as choso stood up to his full height. he slowly dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out the paper, showing you your horrendous grades as well as the attendance notice at the bottom. “so instead of asking me for help, you skip class for two weeks?” you looked up at his angry face with watery eyes, your throat already getting dry as you tried not to cry anymore.
you knew you were wrong and choso knew you were actually never planning to stop, so he was happy he caught you when he did. “turn the fuck over” he grumbled, his hand lightly pushing you back by your neck as he released you from his hold. you whined, slowly turning over in the bed and raising your ass high in the air the way he liked. choso ignored the praise he’d usually give you, getting straight to the point as he began to rub the flesh of your asscheeks through your tights. “you lied t’me three times. lied about being in class, about driving home from class, and about how this imaginary class was boring” you listened intently to what he was saying, taking notice of the way he was slowly pulling at the top of your tights.
“i’m feeling nice today so i’m not gonna count the amount of times you’ve been lying t’me for the last two weeks, but you still getting a punishment for it eventually, understand?” you internally whined, your face going into a frown as you looked straight ahead. “y-yes” choso gave you a quiet “good” before gripping the back of your tights with both hands and ripping the fabric down the middle. you gasped at his strength, letting a whine slip as you realized he just ripped up for favorite pair. his big hand landed a hard smack on your ass, making your body jolt forwards before he used his other hand to quickly grab your waist. “ima spank you three times ‘kay?”
you nodded your head while giving him a quiet “okay” before choso continued on. “that first one was for your whining so it doesn’t count. you don’t get to be upset when you get caught being bad y’hear me?” you slowly nod your head, your cheek squished in the sheets as you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the consequences of your actions. choso kept his eyes on your ass, knowing the sight of your teary face would weaken him. he slowly raised his hand, letting each day you woke up and lied to him play through his mind before landing a rough slap on your ass.
you immediately moaned from the contact, your pussy soaking your panties as you tried your best to hold still for him. “what was that for mama?” he asked, his rough palm rubbing around the area as he awaited your response. you had to take a deep breath before you spoke. “f-for lying about being in c-class” a smirk adorned his features at your obedience. choso didn’t expect you to be able to speak, but the need for forgiveness always seemed to get you to do unspeakable things. “good girl” he mumbled, his deep voice sending more wetness through your underwear as you felt his hand leave your ass again.
the second slap was a bit harder, making your entire body jerk forward as you quickly tucked your lip behind your teeth to keep you from screaming. “unt uhh baby i gotta hear you. how you gon talk t’me while biting your lip like that huh?” you slowly complied, freeing the glossy skin from the confines of your mouth as you felt his hand begin to rub up and down your back. choso slowly released himself from his sweatpants, rubbing his thick dick along the fabric of your wet panties as he spoke. “tell me what that one was for baby” he groaned, the feeling of your arousal sending shivers down his spine. “was f’lying ab….about driving home f-from class….please daddy m’so sorryyy” your moans were music to his ears. choso slowly moved your panties to the side, a low “mhmm” leaving his throat at he looked at your glistening folds connecting to your panties with strings of your arousal. “what’s this last one for mama?”
you opened your mouth to speak, but were cut off by the feeling of his rough palm colliding with your ass. the sound so loud it bounced of the walls as he sunk his dick deep inside your entrance. a loud moan escaping your mouth as you felt inch by thick inch of him being sheathed inside of you. “ooohhh fuckk i can’t” a rough slap was brought to your ass again at your words. anger ran through choso’s veins as he listened to you lie to him again. “stop it baby, yes you can” he started at a slow pace, letting you feel each and every part of him as he kept a tight grip on your hips. his dick dragging in and out of you, touching everywhere all at once as he let you moan and whine into the air. “why you makin me do this t’you, huh? why couldn’t you just ask me for help?” his deep voice caressed your ears as you felt his pace begin to quicken. you wanted your words to come out, but the faster he fucked you the harder it got for you to think. coherent words being replaced with mumbles and whines. choso chuckled at the state of you, his dick twitching he put his hands flat on your back to deepen your arch.
“papa pleaseeee” you whined, your walls tightened around him as you felt his dick begin to push into your stomach. you went to reach for his abs, lightly trying push some of his inches out, but you were met with a big hand around your wrist. whines flew from your lips, your tears continuously soaking the sheets as you tried to plead with the man behind you. “p-please i can’t ch….cho-” “s’not my name mama. if you finish that sentence ima make you go to your next class after this. with my cum leaking down your thighs” he roughly threw your hand back in front of you, continuing his brutal thrusts as he watched your pussy take each and every inch of him. “why couldn’t you jus ask for help? you know i’d never tell you no to somethin like that”
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your mind all over the place as you confessed the reason for your actions to your boyfriend. “d-didn’t wanna bother you. y’work too much….work too hard and never rest….just wanted you t’rest papa” choso’s eyes softened at your words, his thrusts slowing at he pulled you up to him by your neck. his broad chest pressed against your back as he spoke deeply in your ear. “that’s not the way t’look out f’me mama. cause now i gotta do even more work to catch you back up” a low cry left your lips as you realized how right he was. cries if “m’sorry” and “please don’t be mad at me” flew from your lips like a prayer as you felt choso regain his quick and deep pace.
“s’okay tho baby, papa’s gonna be off work for a couple weeks since the building is under construction. ima get you right on track” at that you felt his thick fingers rub quickly on your clit. his thrusts deepening as he continuously hit your g spot. your body melted into his arms as you felt your release begin to approach you. “d-da m’gonna cum…can i?” everything in choso’s brain was screaming at him to tell you no, but the sorry, far away look in your big, brown, glossy eyes weakened him to the point where he felt his release approaching him as well. a low groan escaped from his lips as he quickly nodded his head. “yea mama give it t’me. don’t worry about a thing jus let papa handle it okay?”
without a reply the both of you chased after your orgasms. your hips moving back onto choso’s dick, clenching around him tightly as he continued to rub quick circles around your clit. “c-cum in me p-please” you whimpered, tears running down your face as you and choso connected your lips together. he sloppily kissed you, moaning a “mhmmm” as he let both of your salivas mix together. before long neither of you could focus on the kiss as your releases crashed through you. your lips parting into each other as you felt your juices squirt all over the bed as well as choso’s cum shooting deep into you. “fuckk baby” he moaned, his head falling back as he clenched his eyes shut. “m’sorry pa” you breathed, your hand slowly moving back to caress the back of his sweaty neck.
“i know mama, jus don’t do it again”
you practically sprinted into the house, your slides flying off your feet as you went straight to your room to your boyfriend. choso was just getting out of the shower, towel wrapped tightly around his wet, muscular body as he used another towel to dry his hair. “baby baby baby baby babyyyyy” a smirk grew on his face at your excitement, his tongue swiping over his pink lips as he gave you a deep “hmm” you skipped towards him, your hands behind your back as you looked up at your beautiful boyfriend.
“lemme see mama” he said, a chuckle erupting from his chest as he watched how quickly you pulled your phone from behind your back. choso inspected your screen, scrolling through the different grades you’ve been getting in each of your classes. “an A in anatomy, A in psych, A in sociology, ooouuu a C in stats? wassup wit that i thought we was doing well?” choso gave you a confused look, waiting for you to let him know what was going on. you sighed, eyes reverting to the ground. choso opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sight of your latest exam from your stats class. the big 95% being exposed to him in red ink.
a smile grew on your face as you spoke. “he said he was a little behind on grades so once this is in i should have a B!” a smile spread to choso’s face now, his big hands grabbing at your waist before giving you a light kiss on the lips. “m’proud of you, good job” a hint of mischief twinkled in your eyes as you gave your boyfriend and expecting look. “sooooo….can we?” a chuckle flew from his chest as he gave you a sexy smirk, his pearly white teeth peaking from his lips as he looked you up and down. “on your back mama, spread your legs real wide f’me” his deep voice rang in your ears, making you move almost instantly towards the bed.
you quickly removed your pants and panties before laying on your back in just your pretty pink crop top. choso made his way to his dresser, pulling out the black vibrator he promised to use on you if you got all your grades up. he slowly walked towards you on the edge of the bed, his towel wrapped securely around his waist as he leaned his body over yours, his hands right next to both sides of your head as he leaned down to plant wet kisses on your neck. “been working hard, huh mama? been doin all your work like daddy said?”
you quickly nod your head yes, your eyes already rolling just from the sound of his deep voice. “yes sir” choso slowly kissed down your body, moving to his knees until he was face to face with your glistening pussy. “what’s this for baby?” he asked, the sound of the vibrator powering on making your walls clench in anticipation. “f-for being a good girl” choso lowered his mouth to your clit, letting his wide tongue run up and down your folds before moving two of his fingers towards your entrance. he lowered the vibrator down until it was only mere centimeters away from your clit.
“that’s right ma. s’for being a good girl”
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gucciwins · 1 year
hi angie :) i was wondering whether you could write a little blurb based off an idea i’ve had recently? so harry and (yn) are a new couple and every time they go out (yn) is super conscious of how she acts and what she’s wearing/doing because they’re in public and harry just wants to calm her down :(( i feel like new boyfriendrry would be so gentle and kind :(
hope you enjoy this 2k blurb, sweets 🤍
Y/N really liked Harry.
He was funny, charming, and intelligent. Harry loved discussing the books she was reading and, to her surprise, would go on to purchase them so he could also share his thoughts with her. They were introduced by a mutual friend, stating they would get on well because of their love for poetry. Y/N wasn’t one for meeting new people–let alone being set up but Dezzie promised she wouldn’t regret it. Harry was told he’d be meeting his perfect match, and Dezzie was not wrong. Y/N had been someone straight out of a storybook with her perfect hair and a laugh that made his heart skip a beat every time he heard it. Harry was absolutely smitten. 
They started with one date that turned into three, and soon enough, Y/N and Harry were talking every day, trying their best to work their schedule to fit each other in. One time a week was not enough for either of them. With more dates, there was more time together, and before they knew it had been a month of dating. 
It’s not been three months since they met, and they’ve never been happier. Harry feels secure and loved in his relationship. He knows Y/N protects him as he does her. Y/N came in with her heart guarded high, but Harry crumbled her walls too quickly, and she knew she had no chance against him, so she let herself go into this relationship with an open mind and heart. Y/N knew that while Harry shielded their relationship, it wasn’t impossible to stop random fans from taking photos even when Harry asked them not to or to be trailed by paparazzi on a date night. Harry did his best to protect her, and Y/N knew he was doing everything he could. Being a new couple and someone no one knew about, it’s as if everyone was trying to find the skeletons in her closet. They were all waiting for her downfall. 
Harry had promised her it would die down, but it seemed overnight there were articles of her everywhere, from the shops to every social media outlet. Y/N didn’t actively look for them. She knew it wasn’t good for her, and family members would send them her way. Old high school friends who still had her number began asking to hang out with her. Her parents sent her the articles because a nosy neighbor would text them. It’s as if no one was watching out for her. 
She felt it was her against thousands and felt herself beginning to lose. 
Y/N had a bad day, and all she wanted to do was wallow in bed, though she had already planned a date night with Harry. She would hate to cancel on him, so Y/N dragged herself to shower and got ready. While Y/N loved dressing up, the article she got sent today was about how outdated her style was and that it all looked well-loved–which meant worn out. Y/N made a decent income enough to keep a roof over her head and indulge in gifts occasionally, but she was conscious about the clothes she bought. Y/N didn’t support fast fashion; instead, she loved trading clothes with her friends or spending a day at the thrift shops with her grandmother, who always loved a good bargain. Today, all her clothing did not feel good enough, and she decided that her well-loved oversized leather jacket and black flares would do. A simple black top underneath when she got too hot in the restaurant. Y/N was lost in her head that she didn’t hear her doorbell. She broke out of her trance when her phone rang. It was him asking if everything was alright. 
It would be now. 
Time with Harry always healed Y/N because she knew he was worth it. It was still early days nearing the three months of dating, but Y/N knew she saw a long future with Harry. She opened the door and found him with a bouquet of bluebells. Her absolute favorite, she thanked him with a kiss and told him she’d only be a second. 
The drive to their favorite restaurant was quick, the chatter about their day making time go even quicker. Y/N always loved hearing what Harry was up to because their lives were very different. Y/N worked in the publishing industry, where she edited manuscripts daily in an environment she enjoyed while Harry was world-known. He was working on his next album, and with no future tour insight, he was available to spend more time with her. Y/N’s family, specifically her older sister, would ask why Harry doesn’t post her online because, quoting Heather, “if he doesn’t post you, he clearly must not like you.” Y/N would defend Harry to her dying breath. Most of her family didn’t realize how much Harry deserved privacy. Yes, he’s a public figure, but doesn’t owe anyone anything. Harry had told her he would if she wanted him to; honestly, Y/N was fine living in their own world with Harry’s closest friends knowing. 
Everything was usually good, with Y/N being in public. She’d order her favorite food, sometimes a burger or pasta. It always filled her up, and she’d take the leftovers for lunch the next day. Y/N never thought anything of it, not even when she was with Harry, but fans of Harry began to take photos of them in restaurants. They criticized her meal choices, how she held her fork and even her posture. It’s as if everything she did was something to laugh at her for. Y/N wasn’t the most confident person growing up, but she learned about self-care and respecting herself over time. Y/N grew to explore her fashion sense, began to speak her mind, and saw life with a brighter outlook. It wasn’t until she had what felt like a million eyes on her that she began questioning her every move. Suddenly, everyone had become someone to be wary of, and she hated thinking like that. 
Their waiter greeted them with a smile, showing them to a table. Y/N frowned because their usual waitress, Karla, was out tonight. Harry squeezed her hand in assurance, and Y/N knew it would be fine. 
“Uhh–I’ll do an iced water,” she smiled timidly at the waiter, not wanting to order alcohol or soda.
Harry looked at her confused but didn’t question it. When they returned to take their order, Y/N ordered a Caesar salad, stating she had a late lunch at work. Harry ordered her favorite pesto pasta and a plate of tilapia for him. Harry began worrying because he noticed she kept looking around and was fidgety with her hands. She kept slipping the ring she wore on her pinky that Y/N got gifted for her fifteenth birthday on and off. It’s a sign she’s nervous. He hadn’t seen her do that with him since their first date; she excused herself to the restroom before he could ask her. 
He sits back in his chair confused, until he sees a quick flash in the corner of his eye. 
A camera. 
It would be minutes before that made its way online. Harry waved down his waiter, asking him to make their food to-go as quickly as possible. Harry stood up to go to the bathroom, needing to check on Y/N.
“Y/N,” he knocks on the door. He hears the sink, but no reply. Harry tries the next one. “Y/N, sweetheart. It’s me.” The lock of the door turns, and she lets him in. He finds her eyes red, but her mascara looks intact, almost as if she had reapplied it. Harry feels defeated. He knows this hurt is his fault, even if partially. “Oh, my love. I’m sorry.” 
She shakes her head, brushing off his words, “what are you on about?” 
Harry places his hands on her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, trying to comfort them both. “Baby,” he sighs. “Don’t have to pretend with me. I’m supposed to be taking care of you can’t do that if you’re not honest.” 
Those words are enough to break her open. Y/N sets forward and falls into his arms. She forgets everything outside, all those people looking at her and judging her because she knew she’d be safe here with Harry. “It’s been a hard day,” she whispers. 
“That’s okay,” he assures her. “We’ll go home. Make you a cuppa and eat dinner in bed.” 
“But the crumbs,” she mumbles, remembering his dumb rule.
“Fuck it. It was a stupid rule.” 
Y/N giggles, and it lightens the tightness in his chest. She’s calming down and feeling better. “I only got a salad,” she pouts. 
“Got the pesto for you, silly girl.” 
Her eyes lighten up, “you’re perfect, Harry Styles.”
“Only for you.” 
Harry gently kisses her lips, knowing she’s still sensitive. Y/N surprises him by replying eagerly, but he slows her down with a slight nip of her bottom lip, and she moans. A simple kiss wasn’t supposed to get this heated. He pulls away and sees her pout on full display instead of giving in like he usually would; he pecks her lips and guides her out of the restroom after slipping her bag on his shoulder. 
“My bag looks good on you,” Y/N teases quietly. 
Harry smiles at her, “yeah, think I should model for Baggu?”
“Only if they let me take the pictures.”
“No work would get done with your pretty face.”
“What’s that mean?” She looks at him with a sly smile, already knowing his response. 
“That you are a pretty distraction.” 
Before she can respond, Y/N realizes they’ve made it to the hostess stand, where their food awaits them all packed up. Harry slips out two hundred dollar bills and passes them forward. “Have a good night.” Harry walks them to the car, and she’s thankful no one is outside. He opens the door for her and lets her slip in. Harry sets her bag on her lap and reaches around her to buckle in her seatbelt. Y/N softens at his actions because he’s always been gentle and careful with her from the moment she met him. It’s never changed. 
“Harry,” she calls for his name softly. 
“Yes, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” she tells him honestly. 
“Nothing to thank.” Harry presses a kiss on her cheek. Then, he puts away their food and drives them to his house. Y/N turns in her seat to look at him. He sends her a wink at a red light but keeps his eyes on the road. Y/N rests her hand on top of his, resting on the clutch. Harry feels the butterflies return, and Y/N’s touch makes him feel grounded. 
Harry knows what he feels for Y/N is not something he’s ever felt before, which makes him want to protect her even more. His feelings are growing, and it’s why he knows what Y/N is growing through is something they have to deal with together, or he might end up losing her. At the end of the day, he will do whatever is best for her. Even if it means Harry not being in her life anymore. 
He ushers her inside from the clothes, telling her to get comfortable while he gets dinner sorted out, but she tugs on his hand to stop him. 
“Y-y-ou don’t want to talk?” Y/N asked, confused.
“You sure?”
Y/N knows she needs to stop keeping everything tucked inside. She wants to share how she’s feeling because if anyone would understand, it would be Harry. They walk over to the couch and sit next to each other. If Y/N moved another inch, she’d be in his lap. Y/N can see Harry is itching to pull her into him but is holding back. She appreciates it and does the next best thing: hold his hand tight. 
“Being in the eye of the public is something I’m sure no one can prepare for, but right now, it’s all gotten too much. I don’t go online anymore because there always seem to be new photos of me. My phone constantly blows up with texts from people I stopped talking to after secondary school. My family sends me photos of every headline, asking me if they’re true,” Y/N blurts it all out. Harry listens intently as she shares how she only feels comfortable around him and her three friends from university. That support keeps her going, but he knows it will only break her down if she continues to listen to everything around her. 
Harry pulls her into his arms, letting himself comfort her, but he knows it’s also for himself. He repeatedly kisses her temple as he whispers he’s got her. “Sometimes even the people we love hurt it. It’s okay to take a step back from them.”
“But they’re my family,” she defends. “I can’t.”
Harry knows it’s hard, but he needs her to understand she’s hurting more because of it. “Listen, sweetheart. We can talk to them together and set boundaries, but what they’re doing is hurting you. I-I can’t take that.” 
“What do I change?” 
“Nothing, you live normally. You can keep everything online private if you want. You’re allowed to live your life. Not a single person has a say in it. Not even me,” he emphasizes. “Your phone number would be good, though.” 
“Was thinking of that,” she confesses. “Do you think the media will die down?” 
Harry grins, “Of course. We're such homebodies. They’ll forget we even exist.” He kisses her nose. “Together. We’ll do this together if you want?” 
Y/N wants Harry in her life. She never once thought of letting him go. “Together.” 
“Good, now give me a kiss.” He pats her ass. “We’ve got food to eat and movies to pick.” 
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thebearer · 1 year
the milestones menu: nonna berzatto's homemade pasta
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prompt: yours and carmen's first "i love you".
contains: fluff, general fluff. some mentions to dead relatives, carmen's self doubt, but very minimal bc it's very fluffy :)
2 cups of flour- Semolina. 
4 Large Eggs 
Pinch of Salt
Put flour into a mound. Make a center, and add the eggs to the middle. Whisk slowly with a fork, gradually working it in little at a time until nice and thick. Knead the mixture for about ten minutes. Let it rest in the fridge for thirty minutes. Put it in a ball, and roll it out very thin. 
“Can’t believe you never had homemade pasta.” Carmen shook his head, blue eyes peeking out from under the mess of curls. 
“Nope.” You shook your head, grinning over the crystal wine glass, sipping your riesling slowly. “Strictly a boxed pasta girl.” 
“Fuckin’ criminal.” Carmen grinned, a playful, lopsided smirk that had you blushing.
The counter was covered in flour, stopping just where you rested, propped up on the granite while Carmen worked. Your eyes trained on his hands, hands that stirred the eggs into the flour, kneaded the dough until your thighs were clenching. 
“My Nonna is rollin’ in her grave right now, you know that?” Carmen pulled you from your gaze, rolling out the dough. 
“Noooo, don't say that.” You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re making me feel bad, Carmen. I swear I thought Olive Garden made fresh pasta.” 
Carmen laughed, a little shy but louder now- more himself. He’d blossomed with you lately, unveiling new parts of himself every single day. “‘M just kiddin’, baby.” Carmen hummed, eyes cutting to you a little skeptical. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to sound like an asshole. That sounded douchey, right?” 
You smiled, setting your glass behind you. “No, I was just messin’ with you, bear.” The nickname- his nickname. Hearing it more and more roll from your tongue, each time his heart skipped harder than the last. 
“Is this her recipe?” You asked, picking up the faded recipe card, looped cursive on the aged paper. “Your Nonna’s?” 
“Yeah,” Carmen nodded. “I, uh, so when I left to go to culinary school, right? She was sick, and… and I think she, like, knew that when I went to New York that would be the last time she saw me.” Carmen’s face dropped, slow and sad, it made your own heart sink. 
“So she-she gave me all these recipe books and-and cards that were hers. We used to cook together a lot. She taught me how to cook, y’know? My mom and dad were always at the restaurant and didn’t want to cook when they got home. They didn’t want me in the restaurant either so I spent a lot of time with her.” Carmen muttered. You could see the memories playing behind his eyes. 
You liked to picture that version of Carmen, a little boy with wild curls, helping his Nonna cook. Happy memories. 
“That’s sweet.” You smiled, leaning against the cabinets. “She did a really good job. You know she’s so insanely proud of you.” 
Carmen snorted, shaking his head lightly. “Yes, she is. Everyone’s proud of you, Carmen… I’m proud of you.” You hesitate, eyes scanning his features. It was true, of course, but handling Carmen sometimes was like handling a frightened animal. You were never sure what would make him scatter away in fear. 
Carmen swallowed thickly, cheeks flushed red, lips in a tight line. “T-Thanks.” Carmen muttered, wiping his hands on his apron, tossing the flour back into his clammy hands. 
“She, uh, she woulda loved you, y’know.” Carmen’s eyes met yours, intense and piercing. “I wish you coulda met her.” 
“Yeah, me too.” You nod. “I would’ve loved to hear all the baby Carmen cooking stories. I bet she had some good ones.” You smiled, bright and wide- perfect. It made Carmen’s brain numb. 
“Yeah, she would.” Carmen nodded, hands stilling, still buried in the dough. 
He felt it in his bones, his heart, consuming his thoughts. The overwhelming need he’d felt for weeks, since the first time you kissed him really, that he’d been fighting- too scared to say. What he felt every time he looked at you, when he thought about you. 
“Um, I-I wanna say something, and-and I don’t know if I should even fuckin’ say this or-or if it’s… fuck, if you-you feel the same or I just, I don’t wanna fuck this up because this is like the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and-and I’m workin’ on not ruinin’ good shit in my life and bein’ ok with it like-like my therapist says ya know, but-” Carmen rambled, words spilling out in fast, overwhelming bouts that took you by surprise. 
Carmen flustered, reaching a dough covered hand to his face, the sticky batter catching on his brows and hair. He flushed deeply, hands shaking in embarrassment, cursing under his breath. “F-Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I-I, nevermind, it’s not… I don’t know why-why I would-” His hands trembled, body shaking with anger and embarrassment. Way to fuckin’ go, Berzatto, you fuckin’ ruin it. That’s all you ever do, Carmen thought bitterly, wiping his hands off on the cloth. 
“Carm,” You said softly, your voice a beacon in the raging sea of his mind, pulling him out of his own harsh thoughts. 
Carmen turned, a fury flush of pure embarrassment that burnt all down his cheeks to his chest. Eyes soft and wary, hesitant like he was doomed, destined for the worse. 
You slide off the counter easily, grabbing the spare towel, bringing it to his eyebrows, wiping the dough off gently. The softness of your touch soothed Carmen, lulling his hammering heart- he didn’t see your own shaking hands, filled with your own adrenaline nerves. 
You stood in front of him, eyes on the other, careful and watching- unsure. “I-I love you, too.” Your breath hitched, squeezing the words out in a nervous tumble. Carmen didn’t move, body going rigid, heart stopping entirely. The ringing was back in his ears, clouding his brain so loudly he was sure he heard you wrong. 
“I’ve wanted to say it for a while, too, but didn’t…” You shook your head, heat in your own cheeks, eyes casting down to his dough covered hand. “I didn’t know if-if you felt that or if- I don’t know, I didn’t want to seem crazy or obsessive if it was too soon, and-and scare you.” 
“No,” Carmen croaked, tongue thick in his own mouth. “No, I-I mean- fuck,” Carmen shook his head, looking to the wall. He needed a second, words jumbled in his mouth, heart racing, so high off the adrenaline he felt like he could combust at any moment. 
“I-I was gonna say that too.” Carmen nodded, the quirk in your lips making his heart lurch. “That I love you. I was- yeah, I love you. I-I have for a while.” 
“Really?” You whispered, voice tiny and excited, like it was a secret just for the two of you. Maybe it was. 
“Yeah, fuck yeah.” Carmen let out a breathy, shaky laugh. “I love you, and-and I just love you so much it makes my brain hurt sometimes.” 
“Me too.” You grin, a hand pressing to his cheek. “I love you.” The phrase you’d repressed for so long, deprived yourself of saying now spilled out of you like a mantra- like that was all you could say now. 
Carmen grinned, brain bubbly and light. He let you pull him into a kiss, head tilting down, lips molding over yours so they fit perfectly. 
Later over plates of Bologonese, you grinned across the table from Carmen. “If I didn’t tell you I loved you before, I definitely would now.” You moaned, pointing at the plate. “I really was missing out.” 
Carmen beamed under your praise, gooey and love drunk off your words- off you. He knew Viola Berzatto, wherever she was, was boasting with pride. 
And he knew his Nonna would have loved you too. 
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bbobpul · 8 months
my youth is yours — jeno
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NOTE. hey 😮‍💨 sorry for ghosting
PAIRING. jeno x reader
GENRE. hurt/comfort, angst
SYNOPSIS. entering adulthood with you long-term boyfriend, jeno
WARNINGS. dis might hurt bc iz lil realistic 😫
W/C. 3.1k
masterlist ⟵⁠(⁠o⁠_⁠O⁠)
Is love something you can learn, or is it engraved in your bones the moment you open your eyes to the world? Is it something you master, or something you feel on a random Thursday night after spending the day with someone who made your heart skip a beat? Is this something you develop after years of spending every moment of your life with the same person?
Because, to you, love means only one thing. Love can only come from one person. Love can only be felt with Jeno.
No, you didn't grow up together or meet in a special way. He was merely there, but it suddenly felt like more.
The two of you met in high school. It was nothing special. High school brings you into contact with a large number of people. You create a lot of friendships in high school. But it was Jeno, and one day you were paired up with him on a minor project set by your teacher because she would be gone for a short while.
Before long, a bond formed between you, blossoming into a friendship that extended beyond school hours. You'd hang out after classes, help each other with homework, and share late-night thoughts, and the absence of each other during the day would leave the day incomplete.
Everything proceeded at exactly an appropriate pace—it wasn't rushed or fast, nor was it painfully slow. It was just right with Jeno.
Looking back at your first few years with him, it seemed so natural and carefree. Seeing him was like having a ton of weight lifted off your shoulders—of course, the same is true for him. You appear as though you wince at his corny antics, but deep down, you both know that you feel the same way. He kept telling you, "Your love fills me up with so much happiness," at every opportunity he gets, and you love it every single time.
He radiates joy and warmth, and despite his kindness to everyone, he always makes you feel uniquely cherished. In his eyes, you're not just anyone; you're everything.
And it hasn't changed from high school to this point in college. As you approach adulthood, the love that accompanied your growth as an adolescent lingers.
Jeno's voice stops your thoughts with, "Bub, what do you want for dinner?" Glancing to your side, you notice him fixated on the road. After a long day at the university, you are currently headed home to your shared flat. Because you both decided to attend the same college and because it is obviously less expensive to stay in the exact same place, you both saved money for the apartment you are currently residing in. You both agreed that returning home under the same roof is the best choice for the two of you because you will both become busy over time.
When the red light came on, he looked at you and said, "Should we drive by your favorite restaurant and just order so we could go to sleep early?" after noticing that you were spacing out for the nth time.
"Huh? Oh, okay, bub. I'd love that," you replied upon hearing his voice, feeling as though you were suddenly snapped back to reality, anchored by the sound of his presence.
"You must be so tired, hmm? Is it Mr. Chua again?" he asked, his tone filled with understanding.
You chuckled at the mention of the infamous professor you often vented about. "No, he wasn't around today, actually. I was just really tired from all the lab work I did earlier," you replied, appreciating his attentiveness to your daily struggles.
He acknowledged your reply with a hum, and he skillfully threaded the steering wheel through the drive-thru. He ordered you your usual and gave you an affectionate smile. The vehicle filled with the soothing sounds of the radio and the faint hum of the air conditioning as the sun started to set. You felt warm and cozy even if the temperature inside the car was very cold because you knew that you were heading home with the love of your life.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, he reached out for your hand, and in a tender whisper, he said, "I love you," as he began parking at your apartment's parking lot. The simplicity woven into every second spent with each other, filled with love and care, is the kind of love that is true and right.
Your evening flew by, and your early bedtime goal was quickly abandoned as you spent the entire night watching movies with Jeno. However, when spending time with him replenishes you more than a peaceful slumber, what good is sleep?
Sleep is what your body needs, and you just ate your own words when you fell asleep on Jeno’s shoulder.
He noticed that and chuckled lowly. He reached for the remote and quickly turned off the television before positioning himself to properly carry you back to your shared room. He knew that waking you up would be of no use because you are a very heavy sleeper, and you hate it when your sleep gets disturbed, so he tried his best to be as gentle as possible so you would stay in your peaceful slumber.
He laid down on his side of the bed after tucking you in and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
A lot of your evenings went by like that. Spending a quarter of your day in college and going home with him. It has become your perfect daily routine. Although there are times where Jeno fails to drive you home because of how demanding his course is, you end up going home alone, and commuting is an extreme sport. Sometimes, it will be too hard to hail a taxi because of the rush hour and all the other students going home at the same time who are also desperate to rest. Sometimes, even if it was Jeno who said he would come home late, you end up arriving home later than he did. But what is adulthood without a bit of suffering?
‘Love won't make you rich,' that's what you heard from your mother when you said you were dating Jeno. Of course, your love hasn't always been a pleasant sight for everyone. You began dating in high school; of course, people would think you're foolish to enter into such a commitment at such a young age.
There are times when you wonder if your mother was right, especially when you and Jeno fail to pay rent on time, struggle to find part-time jobs to feed the both of you, and add your stressful college work to the mix.
But all your worries will soon disappear in the wind because it's Jeno you are facing those problems with, and eight years of sustaining yourself doesn't seem so hard because there is Jeno, who is your lifeline, your anchor, and your foundation. And even if the world turns its back on you, there is Jeno ready to face all of your worries, your fears, and your doubts because it's Jeno, the one who loves all of you.
"Good morning." You heard Jeno talk from the hallway.
You furrowed your brow in confusion. 'Why is he still here? ' you thought to yourself. It's Saturday, and you both have work, but your shift is at noon, so you didn't bother getting up early, unlike Jeno, who has a 9 a.m. shift.
Jeno has been waking up late several times since last month. If he is not absent, he will be late. It's always been like that. You haven't spoken to him about it yet. You have developed an unspoken rule in your relationship that there are situations that you can tackle on your own because you are both adults.
"Why aren't you at work?" You tried to sound as considerate as possible, but it's his life at stake and your apartment. If he doesn't come to work on time or at all, they will deduct his pay and, in the worst scenario possible, fire him.
"I don't feel well." He simply answered.
"You haven't been feeling well for a month. Wanna go to the hospital?" you suggested.
"It's not really that serious for a hospital, bub," he reasoned out.
"But it's serious enough for you to miss work for a month?" You said without looking at him, not being able to contain it anymore.
You heard him sigh before he headed to the bathroom, and you shook your head. Jeno, on the other hand, thought it would be best not to say anything.
You took your last sip of the coffee before heading to the sink, and you saw the overwhelming tower of unwashed dishes. It's 11 p.m., and your work is 20 minutes away from home if you are lucky enough to hail a cab the instant you come out of the building. Washing these plates will take a lot of your time, but if Jeno doesn't have the energy to wash them today because he is not feeling well, then that leaves you no choice. Good thing you already took a bath and wore your work clothes; you wouldn't have to rush later on.
It's times like these when you realize that you two are no longer the teenagers you once thought you'd remain forever. Those teenagers have now grown, with bigger responsibilities and greater disappointments to confront.
You finished the dishes and gathered your belongings before preparing to leave. However, as you reached for the doorknob, you noticed Jeno standing in the hallway, simply gazing at you.
"I will make it up to you," he said, and all you could do was smile at him before heading out.
All day at work, your thoughts were consumed by him—wondering if he had enough food at home and if he was resting well. This wasn't the first time you'd encountered issues between the two. Despite the absence of major fights and screaming matches, deep down, you knew that things were not okay between you.
After long, tiring hours at work, you received a text message from Jeno that said, 'I'll pick you up from work, bub. I love you.'
You smiled at the notification. He really was making it up to you, and you couldn't even be mad at him anymore.
And he's really there. As you closed the shop, not very far from where you stood, you saw him immediately. Suddenly, you are ready to face everything again because he is there.
You walked up to him with a huge smile, as if you hadn't worked for hours without a break. It was worth it when you're coming home with him.
The drive home was eerily quiet, with only the sound of your breathing audible amidst the corny jokes from the radio DJ. Despite the windows being open and the air conditioning turned off, the chill of the night air seeping in was enough to send shivers down your spine.
As the red light halted the car, you turned to gaze at him, only to find that he was already looking at you with the same love and contentment that had been evident in his eyes since your first year of high school. Now, after eight years together, you were both getting older yet still together, sharing each moment with him by your side.
You had hoped the problems were behind you, believing that your love and understanding would be enough to overcome any challenges that came your way. However, a week after your minor argument, Jeno attempted to return to work, only to find that his employer no longer wanted him back after a month of slacking. This turn of events took a significant toll on both of you, adding to the weight of your existing concerns.
"I'm sorry, bub. I'll look for another job next week, I promise."
The rent was due on Monday, and luckily you saved up enough money for three months after working extra hours since the start of the year.
"I told you to tell me if you have problems, didn't I? For a month, I didn't hear anything from you, and look where it got us? Jeno, it's our finals! We also have expenses for school, not just here at home! If you were too exhausted to work, then you could have just told me." All your pent-up frustrations spilled in an instant.
"I didn't want to burden you, love."
"Jeno, since when have you ever been a burden to me?"
He walked over to you and enveloped you in a hug, and that was when your tears began to flow. Both of you were graduating students, each with your own set of responsibilities and numerous financial challenges to navigate. In the face of it all, you couldn't help but wonder: Is love enough?
"Jeno, it's like I don't know you anymore." You began
"Bub, don't say that."
"I just want you to talk to me. Tell me your problems. I know there are things you can handle by yourself, but at least include me. You have me. I am here for a reason."
Both of you became even busier after that, balancing the demands of studying for final exams with juggling part-time jobs. Jeno faced the added challenge of finding work amidst his other commitments.
Your schedules became so hectic that you no longer went home together, and there were nights when Jeno arrived home so late that you would already be asleep, only to wake up to his departure in the morning.
Your entangled nights became two parallel lines. Quiet and comforting evenings grew even quieter without the presence of others. Every night, you realized that you and Jeno were both growing older and, simultaneously, growing apart. It's something inevitable, something you never wished for, yet something you are currently witnessing with your own eyes.
But growing apart is not contextually synonymous with loving each other less. The love is still there, and the care is still present. That is the reason why both of you are working so hard—because you love each other.
Both of you became so busy to the point where your only connection was coming home to the same house. Suddenly, home felt like nothing more than four walls and a mini fridge, lacking the warmth of four limbs and lips to kiss.
But surprisingly enough, after many weeks, he offered to pick you up from work.
"Keep your eyes on the road," you told him when you noticed him stealing glances at you.
"I love you, bub," he said, prompting you to look at him.
You smiled and replied, "I love you more."
"When is your oath-taking ceremony?" he asked, trying to make conversation amidst the silent drive home.
"I don't know yet. Maybe a few months after graduation."
And then it died down again. But does the silence matter to you when, after so many weeks, he is here beside you again?
He is here.
And that's all that matters right now.
"Should we take the long way home?"
But even a single beautiful night couldn't alter the looming storm heading your way. It's a heart-wrenching inevitability—the painful reality of growing apart.
With each "sorry, I can't pick you up" message and every missed call accompanied by a new excuse, the weight of disappointment settles deeper into your heart. Gradually, you find yourself numb to the ache, accepting it as the new normal.
"Bub, please respond," you pleaded, your voice trembling with emotion, as you left yet another voicemail after he missed your calls for the nth time. It's Saturday, and the rain outside matches the heaviness in your heart. You figured he must have finished work earlier than you, so you were counting on him to pick you up. But his cell phone remains unattended, and it's been 20 agonizing minutes of waiting in the pouring rain.
You hated the rain, and he knew that all too well. After a few more minutes of waiting in vain, you were left with no choice but to reluctantly take the train home alone since there are no cabs at this hour. The frustration and disappointment welled up inside you, reaching a breaking point.
"I'll sleep at my mom's house just for tonight. To cool off," you murmured to yourself.
At the train station, your phone buzzed incessantly, and when you finally answered, it was Jeno calling you countless times.
"I'm here; where are you?" his voice came through, accompanied by the sound of the rain.
"I took the train," you replied simply.
"You could've waited," he said, frustration evident in his tone. "I drove all the way here from work; it's almost an hour drive."
"I did wait, Jeno. What are you trying to imply?" you countered, feeling a mix of irritation and hurt.
You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line, and you pursed your lips in frustration.
"I'm tired, Jeno," you said wearily.
"So am I."
"Is that so? Okay, I'm sorry for making you drive in the rain. It won't happen again. And just so you know, I won't be coming home tonight."
Through days, weeks, and months of hardly seeing or talking to each other, you both somehow made it through college. Despite everything that happened, there's this overwhelming sense of pride you feel for each other. Maybe, just maybe, it was all worth it in the end.
The high school love you both shared has now transformed into something more significant. The youthful days you once had together are now just memories as you step into this new chapter of your lives.
It feels right with Jeno, but amidst the familiarity, there's a subtle shift, a tinge of bittersweet realization that things have changed.
Both of you have accomplished your dreams, reaching the destinations you once only dreamed of. You've arrived at where you wanted to be.
"Hey!" Jeno called for your attention. You turned and saw him adorned in his gown and cap, and a profound sense of pride washed over you.
You embraced him, exchanging whispers of 'I'm so proud of you' and 'You did well'. Yet it wasn't the same; it was different.
Both of you have grown, realizing that your teenage dreams have come true, and here you are, all grown up.
The love you once held so dearly in your youth has gracefully reached its final chapter. Staring into each other's eyes, there's an overwhelming sense of emotion, an unspoken acknowledgment that what once was no longer is—it's over.
"Thank you for loving me," he said. "Your love brought me here, bub."
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gluion · 5 months
[TEASER] finger trapped (ripped to its seams) ➵ ji changmin
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ji changmin x reader
with an unexpected reunion, you and changmin relive the memories of cheongju—and confront what could’ve been between you two.
inspired by ➵ "seasons" by wave to earth, the last five years
general genre/warnings ➵ friends to almost lovers, angst, fluff, the last five years story-telling method aka present will be told going backwards while past will be told moving forward (i hope that makes sense), missed chances, unexpected reunion, keeping secrets & lying, hurt/comfort, jealousy remains but love triumphs, tiger parents, journalist reader (u kno i had to do it), reader is a nerd and changmin is a student-athlete, kms jokes from jongseob (all /lh), finger traps aren’t efficient after all
word count ➵ est. 10-15k [now available! read here]
playlist ➵ end of beginning by djo // high school in jakarta by niki // i know it won't work by gracie abrams // no big deal (i love you) by dodie // keeping tabs by niki // no one knows by stephen sanchez & laufey // so what now by renee rapp // i wish i hated you by ariana grande // the 1 by taylor swift // seasons by wave to earth
a/n ➵ shhhhhhh.... i know that i'm still writing this but a lil motivation and accountability goes a long way SOOO !!! this is just a lil teaser for the upcoming jichang fic for the deoboyznet event <33 thank you again to my lovely @hcuyk for beta reading !!! (i've only written 1/4 please understand.) but i'm dedicating this to my lovely @sungbeam whose love for changmin is one i'll forever feel even to my ribs and @wavesmp3 who forever remains an inspiration in the way i write </3 plus, i've posted these snippets anyway so :P if ure interested in this fic, feel free to ask to be part of the taglist for this! and dont forget to always leave feedback <3
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlists
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it’s a late night on a tuesday, about to be a midnight wednesday, and you’re in a convenience store as you scout for your dinner. all hauled up in the newsroom, the idea of ordering food during a time where restaurants would still be open slipped your mind. now, you’re left to scan through the same options you’ve eaten for the past years since you started living in seoul.
the convenience clerks are familiar with you, both kim jongseob and kim jiwoo. with your constant late-night meals at the store, you’d talk to whichever one had a shift. jongseob is saving up to upgrade his setup at home to record more music. with all the stories he shares about his time in underground rap battles along with the short verses he’s performed for you, you’re positive that he’ll get signed to a label soon. as for jiwoo, this is one of the many jobs she has in order to save enough money for fashion school. you’ve seen her sketches and outfits she’s put together and you’re hoping that she’ll get accepted.
a sigh leaves you. you didn’t have a problem with eating the food here but you were craving for something new in your life in seoul. the perpetual cycle of eating takeout food and unconsciously skipping meals for work needed to be disrupted just for a moment. but you weren’t seeking michelin-star food—all you wanted was home cooked, something from home.
the spice of tteokbokki, the burn of freshly fried hotteok, and the sweetness of homemade peach iced tea—mr. kim’s convenience store had it all.
your tastebuds long for cheongju.
“planning to beat your record of spending 23 minutes on deciding what to get?”
you roll your eyes before looking to your right, seeing jongseob stocking up the drinks in the fridge. “i hate you.”
“what? i’m just saying, you’re taking a lot longer to decide today.” he chuckles before placing the last bottle of sweetened probiotic milk in the fridge. “none of the options look good to you?”
“sort of,” you hum before you scan through the aisle of packaged meals. “i think i’m craving for something different.”
“i get it. the food here can get boring, which is why i’m planning to order pizza if you want to split the costs.”
your eyebrows shoot up at jongseob’s suggestion. “really? you’d share pizza with me?”
“yeah, as long as you pay for your share.” he shoots you a smile before grabbing on a trolley carrying empty boxes. “unless… you want to pay for the whole thing.”
you bite back a smile as you shake your head. you should’ve known the guy would ask you to buy him food, but you knew that he needed the money and you at least had a stable income to keep you comfortable. “fine,” jongseob’s smile grows as you fish out your wallet from your pocket and pull out a couple of bills. “just order enough for us two.” 
“of course,” he says as soon as you hand him some money. “i’ll make sure to order the most expensive thing on the menu.”
you scoff at his joke. “just make sure to treat me to something.”
the bell by the door chimes. “sorry, can’t hear you over that! need to attend to a customer!” jongseob quickly runs away from you while dragging the trolley. that little shit just knew how to press your buttons, but you love the kid, anyway.
still, you stand in the middle of the mart and your heart longs for home.
then, you shut your eyes, and you’re transported back in front of the familiar aisle filled with bags of potato chips and sweet corn. the noisy fan along with the soft sounds of mr. kim’s korean drama fills your ears. a mix of yellow and orange hues paint every corner of the mart, including you—and you’re not alone.
your best friend stands on your right, wearing the unbuttoned school uniform polo over a tank top along with jogging pants. he’s lost in thought as he scans through the options of snacks you two can have for today’s afternoon. he starts to giggle to himself, probably from a silly thought he’ll share with you in the next second or a memory involving you, and the dips in his cheeks appear—your heart thumps in your ears.
and just like how quickly you were transported back to cheongju, your surroundings transformed into the cool-lit convenience store found in seoul. all you have left is the image of him bathed in the sunlight.
but he fades away like the ink on old receipts, never gone, because the glowing image of him warps into a different version who stands next to you in the cold mart. he’s grown a few inches taller and his hair doesn’t get in the way of his line of sight. while he wears a green sweater, you notice that he’s gained some muscles. his eyes scan through the aisle behind you filled with different brands of instant ramen.
but he bites the inside of his cheek, and his dimples appear.
it’s a tornado that brews within you, enough to uproot trees and displace buildings, all because of an unexpected reunion with changmin. why did the universe decide to bring two ex-best friends on a random tuesday night? what brings him to the convenience store at the same time you’re there? and why did it have to happen a day before the interview?
you weren’t going to commit the same mistake; keep your eyes off of him and make your way out of the store. it didn’t matter if you had an empty, growling stomach, or gave free money to jongseob. you need to leave without the distant, familiar face noticing.
your feet act fast, and you're almost certain that might’ve caught his attention, but it didn’t matter as you see jongseob standing behind the cashier with his phone out. “i just ordered the pizza. it should arrive in about… 20 to 30 minutes.”
“yeah, about that…”
“don’t tell me you’re taking your money back.”
at the sight of jongseob’s pout, you roll your eyes. “no, keep it. i just—i need to go.”
“what? why?”
you peek behind you. it seems like he didn’t recognize you, after all. “i’ve got… work!”
“but don’t you only have your interview with the bo—”
“hey!” your fingers snap at him. “you cannot—i mean, you just… just take the goddamn money.”
“but we’re supposed to share the pizza. you haven’t eaten.”
an exasperated sigh leaves you. “jongseob, just treat me next time. i can eat at home.”
and you’re ready to leave the convenience store, bid farewell to jongseob and a delicious pizza made for two, and never greet or say goodbye to the living fragment of what you last know of cheongju—
and the plan failed.
when you meet his gaze, you’re able to take in the different version of him. he’s grown so much—it’s such a pain that you weren’t there to witness it. his eyes are a pool of emotions; you can’t identify them.
all it takes is one breath from you. “changmin.”
a beat passes.
“i’m just gonna… go through the storage,” jongseob points his thumb at the back of the mart, “and maybe kill myself afterwards. i don’t know.” before you can protest, he’s already gone. (and he still has your money. that fucker.)
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taglist ➵@winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
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formulawonu · 1 year
mingyu & dinner
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summary: dinner with best friend!mingyu. you know him and he knows you – except for the little secret you both are hiding from each other :')
a/n: this is -kinda- related to this short blurb but it could also be read independently hdusikfjh i’ve been thinking a lot abt this dynamic!!!! and this is annoyingly fluff. the tension in the room whew is it hot in here or is it just me??? mingyu attending the louis vuitton show threw me over the edge
wc: 709 
tagging @friedparadiseprincess <3 feel free to ask to get tagged in future works/send in requests!
“open wide.” 
your eyes narrow at your best friend from across the table. he’s attempting to feed you part of the food he’s ordered with a cheesy grin on his face. he knows you get flustered whenever he attempts any kind of public display of affection with you. he finds it endearing.
“kim mingyu, i am not three years old.” you say, making an excuse. 
“come on, baby, open up.” 
his words go directly to the pit of your stomach, making you shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
“can’t you put it on my plate like a normal person?”
“then i don’t want your food.” 
you’re lying, and you both know it, because you had spent the last five minutes glancing at mingyu’s plate longingly. he does not break eye contact with you as he feeds himself the spoonful of food he was offering you a few seconds ago. he dramatically shuts his eyes, letting out a near-pornographic moan as he swallows. you reach over and slap his arm, glancing around the quaint restaurant to see if anyone heard him. 
his eyes fly open, laughing as he watches you hide your face in embarrassment. “see, it wouldn’t have been me making that sound if you just took my offering.” mingyu doesn’t know why, but he loves getting different reactions out of you. he would make a fool out of himself any day just to see what you’d do. he wasn’t afraid of looking stupid or managing his reputation when he was with you – he knew you would accept him for who he was. just as you always have. just as you are right now. “it would’ve sounded better coming out of you.”
you grimace at how he inches his face closer to you, smirking because he knows you won’t retaliate. you break eye contact, sighing as you shove another spoonful of your food into your mouth. “you’re frustrating, kim mingyu.” you hope he doesn’t see the small tinge of pink that has colored your cheeks at the near proximity of him. 
you hear mingyu chuckle then see a portion of his food getting moved onto your plate. “eat up,” he casually says. “i actually ordered this one because i knew you were choosing between this or the one you ordered.” you murmur a ‘thank you’ back, heart fluttering at his thoughtfulness.
he likes watching you – in general – and he’s never done anything to hide it. “stare any longer and we’ll end up switching bodies.” you say, taking a sip of your wine. you’d told mingyu a million times in the past that it wasn’t nice to stare at people and each time he would reply saying he only liked staring at you. he simply leans forward and continues staring at you, a small smile on his face. 
“i don’t mind switching bodies, but i just like looking at you.” 
“i know.”
“actually, i think i just like you.”
“i know- eh?”
he leans back in his seat after watching you, smiling. “of course i like you. who else would put up with you?” he says, raising his own glass of wine to toast you. you clink your glass with his. 
“mingyu, you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not,” you say, taking another sip and emptying out your drink. “we’re both stuck to each other. we made that clear ever since we skipped class that one time and got caught skipping.” he smiles at the memory. you were having a bad day at school and all he knew was he wanted to make it better for you – whatever it took. he had grabbed your hand and walked straight out of school. it makes you smile whenever you think of how silly you two had been then, thinking everything would be okay as long as you two were together. 
mingyu finishes the rest of his wine in one big sip, setting his glass down and getting up. “and i would do it again.” he says, holding out his hand for you to take. you knew leaving the restaurant didn’t mean going home yet. there was always room for dessert with mingyu. 
“and i would too.” you reply, grabbing his hand and walking out of the restaurant with a smile on your face. 
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igotanidea · 9 months
Sous chef : Sam Winchester x reader cook AU (part 1)
sous chef fr): works directly under the head chef 
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Request: Sammy has his own restaurant, he is a Chef, he works in the administration almost always and usually cooks once a week at the place, he falls in love with the reader. Age gap but everything legal, he cooks for her, she falls in love with his food! and the excellent sex with him (played with it a bit, hope you'll like it anon :)
Before we start this story we have to make one thing clear.
Y/N was not a silly teenage rom-com heroine.
Did she watch them? Yes. Did she read them? Yes, absolutely.
But only for the funsies.
It was not like the “To all the boys I’ve ever loved” plotline.
Not like she was only living the fantasy inside her head, too scared to act on her own feelings.
It was not – god forbid – like the After plotline and Y/N was not the good girl focused only on her school stuff not wanting to have anything to do with the bad boys and boys at all.
No way in hell.
She had her own amount of love drama and with the slightly wild character she was more than ready for a new chapter in her life.
Parties, boys, skipping classes and making out in the toilets, sneaking under the professors’ nose.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk reality.
She was a nice girl. A kind spirit. A dreamer.
With a vision, sharp tongue and good priorities.
Not a pushover but also not the most popular. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, but street smart. If you asked Y/N Y/L/N how she classified herself she would probably answer in the middle. She could get lost inside her own head trying way too hard to figure things out instead of just letting it unravel and go with a flow. Dead set on putting some sort of label on herself to find out where she belongs. Which was still  bound to happen.
She has just moved to the new city to college and what was better way to get acquainted with the surroundings and fellow students than –
- having a little trip? (I’m pretty sure you thought party, huh?)
 In her defence – she tried partying, but seeing her college friends drunk dancing and throwing up because they actually wanted to let loose and have a big opening of the year was a bit too much. Therefore, she grabbed her girls, completely ignored their whining about ruining the mood and baptized as Y/N, the destroyer, dragged them out into the city.
That’s how they found this little nice restaurant in the suburbs. Nothing too fancy nor too expensive for a students’ budget but good enough for a group of young adult women who just started living (almost) on their own.
It was nice to have a ladies’ night. At least until the door to the restaurant opened and a representative of the opposite sex entered causing all the females to raise their gazes. A little rascal definitely noticed the sudden commotion in the henhouse cause he shot them a teasing gaze and winked in a flirtatious manner before heading towards the counter smiling widely at the other man standing there.
“Is he gay?” Y/N asked, barely holding back a chuckle, while observing the whole scene
“That guy who just entered!”
“What?” her friends laughed  collectively “Dean Winchester being gay? Damn Y/N. He had more girls in his bed in last two months than any of us will have in our whole life!”
“Are you a lesbian then, f/n?”
“You said he had more girls than any of us-“
“oh shut it! Slip of the tongue, you know what I mean!”
“so not gay?”
“who’s the other one then?” Y/N took a sip of her drink pointing out behind her back.
 “yes he! Do you see any other good looking guys around?”
“That’s Sam.” f/n replied and went quiet teasing Y/N on absolute purpose.
“Care to elaborate or are you too busy foaming at the mouth while checking out that Dean guy?”
“Can you blame me? Damn, have you seen his-?”
“face! Have you seen his face?” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration. “they are brothers. Obviously. Sam’s a chef and Dean ... well, I am not sure what he does for a living but I’m all up for the bad boy style and attitude.”
 “dare I ask?”
“you better not. I see that little blush on your face so enjoy your little teenage rom-com moment.” f/n laughed sipping her drink though the straw purposefully making it loud to get the man’s attention and be the eyecatcher on Y/N’s behalf.
“stop it!” Y/N shushed suddenly feeling eyes on her back, almost burning the hole and – ironically – do making her blush.
“and what if I don’t?”
“you’re crazy!”
“and you’re too shy for your own good. Come one, live a little. Have a hot, steamy romance. Free yourself! Burn the bra!”
“It’s a figure of speech!”
“I know what it means!” Y/N laughed and shook her head at her friend’s stupidity. However, instead of leaving or making  a scene she just raised her own glass in a celebratory gesture “cheers!”
And now – tell me, in your honest opinion, don’t you think that few  young woman in an almost empty restaurant at the very late hour, laughing and acting the way young carefree girls should, would get some looks, even if covert?
Once the academic year got off the ground the time seemed to pass in an accelerated speed. Before anyone noticed the beginning of October turned into November and then everyone started slowly thinking about actual work and getting some work as a source of income.  
Y/N was no exception to this rule. Between mingling, being a  socially engaged person, going out with friends, studying, preparing for exams, finding little time for her hobbies and currently fighting for an internship, her life was simply crazy.
So she wandered around the city alone to get at least a bit of peace of mind. Not having any specific destination in mind, just letting her feet lead her to whatever place she might find herself in. Just being and floating in space, allowing her imagination and creativity run free, unrestrained by a rigid schedule.
The old bookshop looking like it was taken straight from the Harry Potter universe might have been a spot where she’s been spending most of her time, to such extend that the owner learned her name. moreover, she even started helping him in running the business which was quite good practice given the fact she was studying business and economics. And for one more reason too.
“I’m here, sorry for being late! Bus was delayed due to the weather and –“ she walked through the door shaking of the snow not realising that there was a client present and Bobby was nowhere to be found. That meant she was supposed to serve the man standing by the counter, whose face she could not see at the moment. “Morning sir. What can I help you with?” swiftly she hung her damp coat and hat on the hanger and approached him. “Sam?” the name escaped her before she bit her tongue.
“Hi. Do I know you?” the man frowned in confusion, but it was not a confused expression of someone offended by being called by his given name, rather a sympathetic question of someone trying hard to refresh his memory.
“No.” she shook her head with a smile of embarrassment “no you don’t, not really. But my friend got eyes for your brother, you should warn him about a feisty female sharpening her claws.”
“I am pretty sure Dean can handle- wait, you’re that girl from the restaurant.”
“Good memory. Surprisingly good, actually.” She reached her hand towards him “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s only fair to tell you my name since I already know yours.”
“Nice to meet youY/N. You work here?”
“More like volunteer. Full time student, part time bookseller. Doesn’t seem like a match made in heaven, does it?”
“Well, I bet you wouldn’t expect to see a chef searching for a book, will you?”
“I’m not judgmental.” She shrugged taking a look at the pile of volumes in his hands “but choosing modern sci-fi crime and mythology books is a bit surprising. For a guy in general.”
“It’s just side interest. And actually I was hoping Bobby would find something that would be more complex than a manifestation of the author's exuberant and non-realistic imagination”
“Wow, now that’s the wording.”
“for a chef?” Sam smirked.
“For a person. Anyone else would just say the book was fucked up.”
“Thought you weren’t judgmental?”
“I wasn’t.” Y/N shrugged and grinned at him “till you said that you’re pretty much looking for fantasy book with no fantasy in it.”
“Then why do I get the feeling you know perfectly where to find one?”
“Challenge accepted Mr. Winchester.”
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Crutches and Crushes
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Chapter Three of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Four
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.9K
TW: Unhealthy relationship and mentions of cocaine
Chapter Overview: You run into Frankie while you are out shopping.
Notes: Hey everyone ! I love that I'm still going to say no set posting schedule even though I have been consistent in my posting schedule. I just don't want to give a day and then miss it and blah blah blah. ANYWAY I'm absolutely beside myself that people wanted to be on the tag list for this series (i could cry) so thank you to the people that are investing time into this just like me (: my asks are always open if you want to chat about this series in particular or literally anything else !! happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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With a whole week of work at Brass Knuckles now officially under your belt, your dad wanted to celebrate. He called you and asked if you would come and eat lunch with him on Sunday afternoon. You knew that this meant you would be the one selected to go pick up and pay for lunch at some restaurant, but it was the fact that he remembered in the first place. Your dad was the kind of man that remembered globally recognized celebratory events: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Thanksgiving. However, he struggled a bit with remembering ones that hit closer to home: your birthday, his own wedding anniversary, and any school function you had. You knew that he never did this with any malice or bad intentions, that wasn’t in his nature, but that didn’t ever numb the pain when it inevitably happened. 
“Did you really have to get me a salad?” 
You already knew that he was going to ask this. “Yes, I did.”
“Well could you have at least ordered me one that is topped with fried chicken and not this skinless bitch chicken.”
“Fried meats are one of the main foods that you have to avoid because of your diabetes,” You narrow your eyes at him. “So eat your ‘bitch chicken’ and be happy.”
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry, Sweet Pea. Thank you for bringing the food and for putting up with me.” 
“Of course, dad, but speaking of putting up with you…how has your physical therapy been going with Miss. Maggie?”
“I have my good days and my bad days. I actually managed to hold myself up on the uhh…what’s that thing called again? The one that has those horizontal poles on either side of me?”
“The parallel bars?”
“Yeah!” He snaps his fingers together. “I managed to hold myself up on the parallel bars, but I used all my strength focusing on not falling over which meant that I didn’t have much left in me when it came time to try taking a step.”
“I’m still really proud of you! Doing everything that you’re doing isn’t easy. All that anyone can ask is that you take it day by day and to try your best.”
“When did you grow up and get so smart?” His voice sounds airy. 
“When you blinked.”
“Is that so? Okay, smarty pants, what’s the first thing that I’m going to do when I can walk on my own again?”
You lean back in your seat and ponder his question. It wouldn’t have anything to do with playing cards, since he has that poker tournament every Sunday evening. It wouldn’t be going on a date, although you suspect he might have a little thing for Miss. Maggie. As you rack your brain for the answer a car fires up its engine in the retirement home parking lot. Got it.
“The first thing that you’re going to do when you can walk on your own is go to a car show. Then after you’re done, you’ll probably go get the greasiest burger you can get your hands on just to spite me.” 
“Fuckin’ hell. You got me all figured out.” 
“How about this? We go to the car show together, but skip the burgers.”
“Or we go to the car show together, skip the burgers, and get a basket of fries instead?”
You know when you're in the middle of a losing argument. A frustrated sigh comes from you as you nod your head at his counter-proposal. 
“Deal, dad.” 
You should have known this was a bad idea. You should have turned your car around the moment you saw how packed the parking lot was. Days like today were the reason why online shopping and curbside delivery were invented. Unfortunately for you, you had no better way to spend the afternoon of your day off than braving the hectic crowds of IKEA. Your desperate need for items inside the store outweighed your hesitation to go inside. You have only just grabbed a basket when your phone starts ringing.
“Thank fucking god you called, Robbie. I just got into IKEA and I need someone to talk to so I don’t get completely overwhelmed here.” 
You spend the next 45 minutes wandering in and out of different furniture sections while filling Robbie in about your new job and friends. You tell her about Benny and how he has become your closest friend so far down here. She audibly gags when you mention Brunson and how he acted when you first met him. Although you reassure her that Benny stepped in and shut him down, she still has a few choice words that you hope the family standing next to you can’t hear through the phone. 
By the time you finally bring up Will, Pope, and Frankie your basket is quite full. You found all the kitchenware you needed: pots and pans, cups, plates, bowls, utensils, etc. Then for your room you got a nightstand, a dresser drawer, a lamp, decorative throw pillows, and a full length mirror to hang on your closet door. You wrote down the item numbers for some of the items that are too big to cart around, kitchen table and chairs and a couch, so you could order them on a later date. 
“So, Santiago is Pope, Will is Ironhead, Frankie is Catfish, and Benny is…just Benny?” 
“It’s weird, I know.” You laugh. “They’re all really sweet, but Frankie is by far the most attractive one in the group.” 
“What did I fucking say?! I knew that you would have better luck finding a boyfriend in Florida than back home!”
“He’s not my boyfriend! I just think he’s cute, damn!”
“Tell me about him! I need a good mental image.”
“He’s a few inches taller than me, maybe 5’11? His hair curls at the end and is this beautiful brown which matches his eyes. Broad, and I mean broad, shoulders.” Robbie squeals on the other end of the phone. “Big nose and probably 10-15 years older than me?”
“I told you that you like ‘em older.”
You playfully roll your eyes at her comment as you walk into the section of the store that carries the bed frames.
“But I think you would really like Will. He’s tall, ruggedly handsome, has a sexy southern accent, and seems really smart.”
She’s quiet on the other end of the phone while you explain more about him to her. You love Robbie, but the men that she has dated in the past couldn’t match her on any level. She needed a partner that could challenge her intellectually and push her out of her comfort zone. Will is the kind of man that could do that for her. 
“Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that you should date men that are actually men.”
“Well, it looks like I’ll have some homework to do when I come down next month for spring break.”
“Just give him a chance, that’s all I’m asking. Hey, I should probably go. I’ve already been here way longer than I intended and if I keep talking to you there's no telling when I’ll finish.” 
The two of you make plans to talk later and you hang up the phone. Now to find a bed frame and get the fuck out of here. You survey the room to see if anything catches your eye and something does. The only issue is that it's not a piece of furniture. Familiar curls peek out from underneath a black cap. He’s facing away from you which allows you to read the lettering on the back of his shirt.
B.K.B.G Sponsor of the Month
Tire Town Auto Body Repair Shop
When you first met Frankie, Benny had accidentally cut it short. You have been embarrassingly hung up on the fact that you didn’t get to talk to him the way you had with the other two men that evening. Now the universe has allowed you a second chance by placing him just a few feet away. You find yourself stuck in between feeling excitement and apprehension to approach him. Would he think you were weird if you came up and talked to him? Would he see you as Benny’s little receptionist and nothing more? These questions and countless more plague your mind as your feet guide you over to him. 
He turns around and looks down at you with those enchanting eyes. The wrinkles that form around them when he smiles softly at you echo the photo you saw of him. The front of his shirt has ‘B.K.B.G Friday Fight Night’ written in a large font across his chest. 
“Hey! What are you doing here?”
You shily gesture to your very full basket. “Turns out that one of the many consequences of moving quickly is having to buy all new furniture because you didn’t have time to bring the stuff you already owned.”
“Oh God, I’m sorry,” he chuckles and scratches the nape of his neck. “That was a stupid question.” 
“No, no it wasn’t! At least I have a job now so I can pay for it all.”
“How is that going by the way? You just finished your first week, right?” 
You try to convince yourself that him remembering how long you had already been working at Brass Knuckles for wasn’t a big deal. He had come into the gym on Monday and since today is Sunday, a logical person could conclude that you had completed your first week. Try as you might, you couldn’t stop the balloon-like swelling you felt in your heart. 
“I did! It was pretty good, honestly. I feel like I’ve got the hang of everything I’m in charge of. Speaking of Brass Knuckles, I like your shirt.”
He looks down at the shirt he probably didn’t think twice about throwing on this morning. 
“You don’t have one of the fight night shirts yet? I think this is the one my job sponsored.” You laugh as he tries to look over his shoulder to read the back of the shirt.
“No, I haven’t been to the fights yet. You work at Tire Town Auto Body Shop?”
“For the time being.” His eyes drift away while he says. You can tell that there is more to the story than he is letting on.
“Well it’s comforting to know that you work there,” His gaze falls back on you. “I have the worst luck with cars so it’s only a matter of time before I’ll need to find a shop.”
“I hope nothing goes wrong with your car, but if it does, just bring it over to me and I’ll take care of everything for you. Wait, wait…did you say that you haven’t been to the fights?”
“In my defense I have only known about them for a week! Benny is the only one I know there, but he is either preparing the fighters or organizing the event as a whole. I would feel out of place if I went by myself.”
“Well now you know me and Will and Pope. Come with us.”
“Yeah,” he rests his hand on the edge of your cart. “It’s actually a pretty fun time. I would love it if you went with me- me and the guys.” You watch his fingers pick anxiously at a piece of tape on the end of one of your boxes.
“Sounds like a plan to me, Frankie.” 
Upon hearing you agree to go with him the corners of his lips curl into a smile. It’s so infectious that you find yourself beaming in the middle of the bustling store as well. His shyness makes you yearn to know what makes him tick. Makes you want to know how to coax that coveted smile out of him. Because maybe doing that will help you smile more as well. 
It looks like he is opening his mouth to say something when he’s cut off by the blaring of his ringtone. He easily takes the device out of his pocket, but falters when he sees the name that's displayed on the screen. His once relaxed demeanor has now been replaced by something tense and foreign to you. 
“I’ve uhh I’ve gotta take this. I’m so sorry.” He hits the answer button and places the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“No worries,” You whisper to him. “I’m sure I’ll see you later.” 
You watch as he nods and starts to walk deeper into the store. Before he gets out of your ear shot you hear him say the name ‘Rochelle’. Leave it to you to be into a man that already has another woman first in line.
“Why do we always have to come to this dump? They don’t have any good drinks and the music sucks.”
Frankie sits across from Rochelle at a random table in The Barrel. He knew better than to let her sit at the guy's designated table. He didn’t want her to corrode them the way she had done with him. 
“Why do you want to get back together, Rochelle? We never made each other happy. Our whole relationship was a coked out blur.” 
“But you liked it.” She places her hand on his. It was cold and wet since she had been using it to hold her beer bottle. 
“I’m not the same man I was before, Rochelle. I can’t do shit like that anymore. I don’t want to do shit like that anymore.” He forces himself to look her in the eyes. “You know what it cost me.”
She meets his plea with a scoff and brings her drink to her overlined lips. She never seemed interested in conversations where she wasn’t leading or the center of attention. 
“You were fun. I was fun. We were fun. So what if we needed a little bump every now and then to get there?” Her fingers curl tighter around his hand. “I miss you, Frankie.”
He missed having someone ride shotgun. He missed having someone there when he needed to vent about the shitty day that he had at work. He missed having a warm body to sleep next to at night. He missed having someone to care for. He just didn’t know if he missed her. She gave him a distraction when he needed it in the past, but could she give him the support he needs now? The support he would inevitably need in the future?
“The only way I would consider revisiting ‘us’ is if it's just us. No more coke.”
He can see the annoyance in her eyes as he lays out his boundaries on the table. She slowly retracts her hand from his and coils it back around her glass. 
“Fine.” Her tone is flat.
“I’m not kidding. I want a fresh start. If we are going to try again I want to do it right.”
“Then let's start with that woman’s voice I heard on the other end of your phone today. Who was that?”
“Are you serio- I ran into Benny’s new hire while I was out shopping for stuff for my place. She’s new to the area and doesn’t have a lot of friends here yet. It was just a friendly conversation, Rochelle.”
"Well,” Her voice is syrupy sweet. “You don’t need to be her friend because you’re already mine.”
He really wanted to believe her when she said that. He really wanted to believe that she cared for him enough to change and grow as a person. He really wanted to ignore the sound of the water calling his name the longer he sat with her. 
By Wednesday, you felt completely at ease working in the gym. You recognized and chatted with regulars, became quite the sales woman for both memberships and Friday tickets, and were able to kick the washing machine into submission without Benny’s help. Your desk was also coming along nicely too. You had posted notes in your favorite color, a photo you and Robbie took together in a photobooth shoved into the top right corner of your computer, multi colored pens, and even a small filing basket so you could better organize your paperwork. Your new found confidence in the job gave you the push you needed to officially pitch the idea of gym wide air fresheners to Benny.
“I don’t want this place smellin’ like a fruity little spa.” 
“You do know that they make dozens, if not hundreds, of different kinds of scents right?”
“People come here to workout, not pretend that they are on a tropical vacation.” 
“People can’t workout if the smell suffocates them.” You retort.
“It’s not even that bad!”
“You’ve gone nose blind, Benny! Please know that I say this out of the kindness of my heart, but it is fucking rancid in here.” 
“Now you’re just bein’ mean.” 
“Listen, what if I buy some, only the most manly smelling ones of course, and let you test them out? It’s a win-win because you won’t have to charge them on the company card and if you hate them I can just return them all.”
“Alright, but you promise that I will get the final say?” 
“You’re the boss, Benny. Oh, what should we eat today?”
The two of you have been eating lunch together during the week. There is a good window of time right after the gym’s lunch rush and before the after work rush. You even made sure to block off at least an hour in Benny’s schedule around that time so he could have a much needed break. 
“Have you tried that burger place up the street? Goddamn, they’re so good.” 
“Burgers it is then. Text me your order so I know what to get you.”
What? Just because your dad has to be on a strict diet doesn’t mean that you have to be on one.
Benny had wheeled his rolly chair all the way from his back office and crammed it behind your desk. Both of you sit snugly with your feast of burgers and fries littered in front of you. The silence is only broken up by the occasional ‘can you pass the ketchup?’ or ‘are there extra napkins in the bag?’. When you have eaten half of your burger you decide to set it down and bring up what’s been on your mind. You know you can’t just come out and ask it so you opt to bring it up gradually. 
“I saw Frankie the other day while I was out and he suggested I come to the fights this Friday.”
“I’ve been askin’ you to come since you got here!” His mouth is still full from the last bite he took. 
“Gross, Benny!” You swat him in the shoulder. “I know you have been asking, but you’re busy helping organize things! You’re the only one I know here.”
You can’t tell if he chooses to keep his mouth shut because you’re right or because you just reprimanded him.
“Frankie said I could go with him and the other guys. Plus I have no social life and it's starting to feel like the walls of my apartment are closing in on me.”
“Regardless of who convinced you to go, I’m happy you’re comin’! You’re gonna have a blast! Fish and the guys throw down pretty hard at these things too so you’ll be in good company.” 
“Yeah I think I will be too.” You have to shove a fry in your mouth to hide the smile you can feel making its way across your lips. Only once you have finished chewing, you don’t want to be a hypocrite, do you bring up what you really have been wanting too. “Can I ask a question? It might not be my place though.”
The man across from you motions, burger in hand, for you to continue. You take a deep breath and rip the band-aid off.
“Well, Frankie and I’s conversation was actually cut short when he got a phone call. I wouldn’t have said anything except- except he looked so tense when he got it? I don’t know, maybe I’m imagining things.”
“No you’re definitely not imaginin’ things. I don’t want to get into Frankie’s business because that's his own shit to talk about, but long story short, a woman is tryin’ to come back into his life that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”
You pick your burger back up and take a bite as he carries on with his story. 
“The guys and I all found ways to cope with comin’ back to reality after dealin’ with the worst of the worst in and out of the service. Mine was openin’ this place, Will’s was helpin’ other vet’s, Pope’s was bein’ a military consultant, and Frankie’s was…well Frankie’s was Rochelle.”
“Rochelle.” You wanted to feel how her name felt on your tongue. “I heard him say that name when he was walking away.”
“Damnit, Fish.”
“So, remind me again why we are here?”
Frankie pulls into Brass Knuckles’ parking lot with Pope in his passenger seat. He knew he should have done this without him. If anyone was going to sniff out that he had a small thing for you it was going to be Pope.
“Benny left some clothes at my place last week and since we were in the neighborhood I figured I would just drop them off.” 
“As opposed to giving them to him on Friday? Which is only two days from now, might I add.” He looks in the backseat and grabs the small cardboard box. “I think he would have made it until then without a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.”
“Shut up and get out of my truck, man.” 
Frankie takes the box of clothes out of Pope’s hands when they both round the bed of the truck and start walking towards the door. He can see you entranced by something on your computer screen through the windows. 
“I also invited her to come to the fights with us this week.” Frankie flicks his chin in your direction when Pope looks at him. 
“You already have her number? Damn, Fish. I thought I worked quickly.”
“No, man,” He groans. “We ran into each other while I was at IKEA on Sunday. I just thought it would be fun, you know? It’s not like that, Pope.” 
“Fish, you were a bad liar when we served together and you’re a bad liar now.” He turns to look at Frankie. “Come on, you think she’s cute don’t you?”
“She’s just cool.” He should have never brought Pope.
“Whatever you say.” 
The chime of the door bell pulls you from your emails. You’re shocked, but not unhappy, when you look up and see the two of them coming through the door.
“Hey guys. I didn’t know y’all were coming by today.”
“I would have texted you, love, but I haven’t got your number.” Pope flashes his signature beaming grin in your direction. 
“Well you never asked, love.” You tease. 
“We wanted to drop some things off for Benny.” Frankie says as he comes up and places a cardboard box gingerly on your desk.
“Who's ‘we’?” Pope gabs. 
Your attention stays on Frankie as you speak. “Oh, sure! He’s in the back office doing…actually I'm not really sure what he does back there.”
When Frankie doesn’t immediately move, Pope reaches over and slides the box towards himself. 
“Hey, what are you-?”
“Let me take this for you, Fish. Why don’t you stay here and get her number for me? Strictly for scientific purposes of course.” You can see a playful look in his eyes when he turns back to his clearly panicking friend. 
“Wait, no it’s-”
“It’s no big deal, exactly.” Pope whisks the box off your desk and starts walking into the gym, but not before tossing you a wink. 
It suddenly feels a little harder to breathe when it’s just the two of you up front. You want to compliment the soft, yellow jacket he is wearing, but no words come. The only thing you can selfishly focus on right now is your heart and how it's beating so hard in your chest that he can probably hear it. 
“It’s nice to see you again.” You think you can hear his voice shutter a bit.
“It’s nice to see you again too, Frankie. Still alright for me to come with everyone on Friday? I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re not imposing!” The words tumble out of his mouth. “You’re not imposing. I invited you, remember?” His tone settles.
“Thanks again for that by the way.” 
A silence falls between the two of you. You both must have been racking your brains for something to say because you speak at the same time.
“Did you-?”
“Were you able-?”
Comfortable laughter blossoms and it dawns on you that he might be just as nervous to talk to you as you were to talk to him. 
“No, no you go first!” You choke out while trying to catch your breath. 
“Did you end up getting anything else after I left the other day?” 
“I actually did; thanks for asking! I found a bed frame I liked. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to put it together though.” 
Frankie has never been more grateful for the front desk than in this exact moment. Images of your naked, writhing body cuffed to a bed frame flood his mind. God, he could do anything he wanted to you. He would take it slow at first, not wanting to leave any part of your body undiscovered by his tongue. Then, only when you were begging him, would he give you what you wanted. 
“I-I’m sorry what did you say?”
“I asked if you were able to find anything? You didn’t have a basket when I saw you.”
“No, I didn’t. The thing I wanted was just out of reach-stock! The thing I wanted was just out of stock.” He corrects.
“Oh, that’s too bad.” You pray your voice doesn’t give away the curiosity you have about his little slip up. “Here. Let me give you something to make up for it.” 
You take out a pen from its holder and move your stack of sticky notes in front of you. His eyes capture your every move. You write out your number slowly on the small piece of paper as you revel in the knowledge that you have his undivided attention. When you’re finished you sign it with your name and a tiny heart and pray that you haven’t misread this situation. 
“I know Pope was the one that asked for this, but I want you to hold on to it.” 
Your cheeks burn as you hand him your proverbial olive branch. When he takes it from you and reads what you had written he laughs quietly to himself. 
“You know, so you can text me about this Friday.”
“Not for scientific purposes?” He mimics his friend's earlier statement.
“Unlucky for Pope, I was never really that into the sciences.”
“Lucky for me then.” 
He folds up your note and carefully places it into his front shirt pocket. His timing couldn't have been better because Benny and Pope emerge from behind the brick wall as soon as he’s done. 
“I hear that you managed to convince our girl here to come with y’all to the fights, Fish! Good on you!” He comes up and claps his friend on the back. “I’m not at all jealous that you did it when I couldn’t.”
“Benny.” you chide.
“Why don’t you make it up to Benny and come to the bar with us?”
“One step at a time, Pope. One step at a time. I do have something for you though.”
He comes over to you as you start writing your number out again. Out of the corner of your eye you see him give Frankie and Benny and thumbs up. Oh you poor, sweet, incorrect bastard. You nonchalantly pass it to him and hope Frankie see’s that there is no heart drawn on this time. 
“Your reward for being such a big helper today by returning Benny’s clothes. If you text me in the middle of the night and wake me up I swear to God I’ll kill you.” 
“What bliss that would be.” 
“Hey! Unless y’all are gonna workout y’all better get a move on. Just because we are friends doesn’t mean y’all can take up valuable lobby space in my gym.” 
“We’re going, we’re going.” For a man that is getting ushered out of a building, Frankie sure looks happy. 
“Bye, guys!”
They both wave and say ‘bye’ to you and Benny as they open the door and head into the parking lot. Benny heads back to his office before they reach their truck, but you keep watching. As Frankie’s hand curls around his truck door, he looks back at you, and pats over his shirt pocket. Then he disappears inside and drives off with Pope. 
Frankie could feel the note he placed in his pocket burning a hole through his chest the whole ride back to Pope’s place. It made it hard to carry on a simple conversation with him because that fiery sensation was all he could focus on. It was the type of heat that seeped into his very bones and made him feel as if he was glowing from the inside out. He knew you had unknowingly seared yourself onto his heart and that feeling scared him.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
{tag list: @pimosworld @c-justhere @javicstories @saltybutteredtoast @hoeslingz @avastrasposts @bitchwitch1981 @smol-beb @cutesyscreenname }
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nevernonline · 11 months
✧.* remind me; wjh
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remember when you spent the night with your best friend? or do you need a reminder of what it was like all these years later.
✿ paring: junhui x afab! reader
✿ genre/s: the one that got away, friends to lovers to strangers.
✿ warning/s: smoking, reader has female genitalia, smut, swearing, mentions of drinking. minors dni.
✿ word count: 2.3k
✿ note: not much, just me thinking of junhui. especially after the 5:26am teaser photos iykyk. also def not edited, srry lol.
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Over the course of five years the thought running into Jun had become basically nonexistent, sometimes you'd go into your favorite coffee shop or book store imagining him bowsing along as you not so casually run into him. 
His smile felt like it was fake now, something you’d imagined in your head. Maybe your ex was a made up character in your life. 
You were so casually shopping in your favorite sweat suit when you thought you caught a glimpse of his perfect side profile, but you knew it was just your imagination. Thinking some other guy in the store was him. It could never be. He left you, he left town, when he skipped you knew it was over with the both of you from the start. 
Jun had always been a bit of a nomad, but so you were you. It was just another thing in common you had put in your pros and cons column of some document you titled ‘The Perfect Man.’ He left his home town to move to a big foreign city in pursuit of a dream, for him it became reality for you it became many years climbing a corporate latter you weren’t sure would end in your favor due to, well one, being a woman and two how competitive your field was. 
The day you had met as interns you clicked right away, both working for the company's CEO one of you always grabbing his sugary coffee drinks and one of you running his investment numbers, based on your bosses tastes you always were the one running ‘wife tasks.’ like picking his kids up from school, grabbing his dry cleaning, booking him dinners that he needed you to attend for the company, but mainly to look like his much younger girlfriend to appease his clients. 
Jun was the only person who made you feel real at your job. I mean, he was the only shining light in a stepping stone to what you really wanted, because he understood. He always felt bad leaving you with the boss's dirty work. 
To be fair you never blamed him for getting the real jobs, even after you both graduated university. 
He was perfect. He was competent, smart, and well liked. But, you were those things too, it just so happened half the office was obsessed with the fact that they could fuck you that they paid no intention to how good at your job you were. 
A night spent out nearing your final days of your internships and graduation on its tails, you both decided to take the chance to get a luxury dinner from your boss. Jun texted saying you’d be a fool to miss expensive wine you didn’t have to pay for yourselves. 
At the restaurant you remembered the feeling of being the only female intern, especially once the rest of your so called class got more and more waisted, you were just a face, you were just another person for them to fantasize as they worked ‘hard’ in the office. 
Jun changed that, he fought for you, fought for your chance to be seen as more than someones ticket to a luxury hotel bedroom fuck that they didn’t have to tell their wives about. He was the only one who saw you for you. 
That night you had your first kiss, you had your first taste of his lips on yours. Not because he was the only person who understood you, well, maybe that, but also because you had a crush on him too. 
You and Jun had a romantic night in a hotel room paid by your boss, you fucked, you kissed, you even ordered food on his tab just to spite him for the way he had treated the both of you during your intern year, but the moment you woke up he was gone. 
You never could understand why he left, until you saw him on the local news being promoted to the company's CFO nearly seven years later. You had tried to move on, but did he? 
It really didn't bother you as much as you thought it might, he was successful, he was kind-hearted, came from a decent family, he was really the picture perfect person for a job like that and you knew it. 
The one thing that really bugged you is that maybe you felt like a victim, like your old boss said you didn’t deserve the job for being too distracting. 
After the news you were out with your friends, trying to avoid anything to do with the one person you never seemed to be over. But, he was here. 
Him, Wen Junhui, the boy you once knew with his perfect side profile, his perfect laugh, his charisma that went for days. 
The odds? I mean, none really. The city was big enough that you both could never run into each other, except for tonight. 
You watched him silently while your friends drank and celebrated across the room, he was confident and happy as ever. And beautiful. 
Maybe the buzz of too many tequila soda’s make you confident or maybe it was your taste buds suddenly remembering how his plump lips tasted against yours, that you were reminded of him. 
Some girls surrounded him in flocks, but you noticed how disinterested he seemed in their advances just waving them off in the most polite way he could.
Not being able to watch him much longer, you excused yourself from your friends and headed to the back door to take a hit of the joint burning in your purse pocket. 
After a few minutes of being alone in the cold post winter air the heavy metal door opened, revealing Jun. 
“Y/N? I thought it was you?” 
You weren’t sure how to respond, taking a long hit before handing it over to him. 
“Uhm, Hey. Here.” 
He took the perfectly rolled object from your long manicured fingers, nearly grazing them with his hands. 
“I haven’t seen you in a long time, I’m sorry.” 
Sorry? So he was sorry for leaving the morning after you hooked up. Isn’t that a convenient thing to say?
“Right, I’m sure.” 
Jun was taken aback by your coldness as he breathed in a deep pull into his lungs. 
 “I am. Look, I kind of chickened out. I really liked you, but everyone told me that being with a company girl was a bad look, that I should be a bachelor for a while. I guess I just took it to heart a little too much. Just, I guess trust me. I haven’t been with anyone since you.” 
Anyone? A perfect, rich, beautiful guy hasn’t been with anyone in seven years? It was heard to believe, but his expression was one you remembered, one of his sincerity. 
“In seven years? Not one person?” 
“Well, maybe for needs I couldn’t handle myself. But, there's been nobody like you I’ve met. I really tried for a while, it’s just nobody compared. I know this is so stupid, I’m drunk and I don’t care.” 
“Jun, you don’t mean that.” 
“No. I do. You’re the only person I can’t get out of my head. I think about you consistently to the point where seeing you in the bar tonight I just assumed it was some random aura, I came out here to get some air actually when I found you. You’re my youth, y/n. That intern party and finally kissed you, it stuck with me. It’s like since then I’ve only looked for people who reminded me of you, like, I guess doing myself a disservice?” 
“Me too.” 
Me too. The only words passing through the lips Jun had missed. 
“I miss you, I miss the way you felt in my arms. I miss the ways you fucking held my hands, I even miss the way you stoke french fries off my plate when you told me you didn’t want any. I was so in love with you, I think I still am. I’m sorry.” 
Jun’s body turned back to the metal door paned into the brick wall, suffocating the sound of loud club music coming from within, but before his hands could open it, you grabbed him. 
“Look, I don’t know if this is stupid or if it’s just because I’m cross-faded, but I was in love with you too. The reason I came out here was just because I saw you, I wished for so long we’d meet randomly and when it finally happened I freaked out.” 
Jun couldn’t believe his ears, the sweet sound of your love for him coming out of the mouth he so badly wanted to plant kisses on and well, do other things with. 
“Will you leave with me?” 
“Won’t all your girlfriends be mad you picked up a company girl” 
“No, fuck them anyway. Why’d you leave the company after we hooked up if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Why did you leave me the morning after we hooked up?” 
“I asked you first.” 
“Well, I overheard some of the guys talking about us. I just felt like I was being kept around because I was a good fuck or something. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I just used my new corporate business experience and opened up a bakery. Feels good to not be a suit I guess.” 
“Wait. You actually did it? Wasn’t that your dream since you were a kid?” 
“Yeah. Sweet you remember me so well.” 
“I would’ve never forgotten you anyway. That morning, I got a call from the CEO asking me to come straight to the office because of a complaint and I panicked, but really he offered to train me to be the new CFO if I became his assistant, the only catch was he told me I couldn’t date within the company and that I should forget you, get myself a basic girl that just wants to stay at home and tend to me, because I’’ll be busy. It was stupid, leaving you, but I just thought it was the right move at the time. I’m sorry, you believe that right?” 
“Yeah, I do. I’m not mad at you, you know. I just wished you would’ve told me why.” 
“Hate me?” 
“I’d never hate you, Jun.” 
“Good, let’s go.” 
Jun’s hand wrapping around yours gave you deja vu and here you were together at last. 
“Where are we going?” 
“My place.” 
“Trying to fuck and forget again, Junhui? I thought your mom taught you better.” 
“Nope, trying to bed and wed.” 
Needing to feel him closer to you, you stopped in a narrow alleyway and pushed his white collared covered back against the cold bricks of a building to your right. Placing a feral kiss onto his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt one by one. 
“Someone’s desperate.” 
“I can’t wait to get back into your apartment, just fuck me here. Please.” 
Without another thought Jun traded his position against the stone with you, now stripping you of your panties that were hidden below your skirt and putting them in his back pocket. Kneeling now, revealing his perfect face between your thighs as he went in and placed soft kisses on your soft skin, before reaching the aching spot of your pussy. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” 
Jun just mumbled into your wet center as he continued pleasuring you. You missed the way your hands felt in his hair while he ate you out so sweetly.
“Can you just fuck me already, I mean the head is great, but I need you to be inside of me so badly.” 
“Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets.” 
Jun now crawled up your body just to the point of pressing his clothed cock onto your leg, sucking on your neck, causing you to moan louder than you ever thought you had as he slowly unzipped his pants in the process. 
He was teasing you now, rubbing small circles against your center with the tip of his penis before finally entering bliss. 
“God, you feel the same.” 
“Fuck, thats kind of hot but you’re bigger than I remember.” 
“Probably the implant.” 
Your laugh rang in his ears, he missed making you laugh while he fucked you, he missed seeing the way your eyes were glazed over in pure euphoria from him being inside of you. 
His movements gained momentum, placing his hand behind your head as he fucked you faster, making sure it didn’t hit the brick wall too hard behind you. 
“I don’t think I can last much longer, Jun.” 
“It’s okay baby, you can finish. We can always go for more later.” 
WIth a few final soft kisses and thrusts you held on as long as you could before he reached his peak too, releasing himself inside of you and cleaning you up with the panties he stored away into his pocket. 
“Wait, how far do you live? I don’t think I should walk around with no panties for too long and I have to pee.” 
Jun’s hand pointed to the brick wall he just fucked you against. 
“Here actually.” 
Your cheeks grew hot and you placed a hard smack on his arm. 
“Oh my god, you mean we could’ve just went upstairs?” 
“Yeah, but where's the fun in that.” 
“Touche, cutie.” 
“Cutie? Still? I’m not like hottie, sexy, handsome?” 
“Nope, just a cutie forever and always.” 
“Not even sexy when I wrap my hands around your neck?” 
Entering through Jun’s front door, he jokingly wrapped his pretty fingers around your neck to give you an idea of how he would take you later since you provoked him by calling him cute. 
“Pulling out all the big moves tonight?” 
“Mhm, only for my girl.” 
“I’m still your girl?” 
“Yeah, my one and only. If you’ll have me.” 
“Remind me, what's your name again?” 
Suddenly your feet were pulled off the floor as Jun carried you into his bedroom where he’d remind you all night long. 
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legoiscrying · 1 year
Since you guys liked my first k2 analysis so much, I've decided to make a second one and mainly focus on things that I mentioned in the last paragraph there: how I see their romantic relationship. This is probably going to be more headcanons than analysis but we'll see lol (it ended up not)
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As I mentioned before, I don't really see k2 having some sort of special feelings for each other when they're young. Meanwhile it can kinda work with Kenny, it's probably won't work with Kyle: Kyle already has two strong sources of emotions. His bond with Stan and his sort of rivalry with Cartman clearly means more to him. And to get myself more clear: No, I do not erase everything I said in the previous post about their interactions, they're still very sweet and in my personal opinion important. But if we analyse Kyle's relationships with others and give everyone some sort of a status, Stan would be "best friend", Cartman would be "frienemy" (it's not so obvious when I say it like this but we all should agree that Kyle cares a lot about the shit Cartman says, not necessarily in a good way but it's still a huge source of emotions for him). And Kenny, as I believe, would be just "friend". Not much to add.
But if we're looking a little bit further...Time skip for a few years. Or not a few. High-school maybe?? Or adults?? Whatever you prefer more
From this part it'll be mostly headcanons because different people can see the future relationship of the main four differently. I'll talk about my personal point of view here (I think it's the most popular one in the fandom anyways)
So this is where Kyle's previous sources of strong emotions are kind of fading away. With Stan...I'm almost sure that no one is going to argue with me for this. Stan, as a depressed individual, would probably at some point of his adulthood change his relationships with people. He'd cut contact with some and just sort of change his attitude to other. And although I believe Stan and Kyle would still be friends (close friends??) when they grow up...There's not going to be the "bond" as strong as it was before. This is debatable, but even if you don't agree with my statement: One source of strong emotions is definitely not enough.
With Cartman my point of view is much easier to explain: they're not kids anymore. I believe their rivalry won't dissappear, but. They're not kids and not gonna fight 24/7. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this properly, but I think it's just not gonna take all their time. So yeah. It's not enough
Kyle feels a bit more lonely. So he hangs out with Kenny, who pretty much feels the same. They spend time together, talk a lot, remember some things...And realize how similar they are to each other (this part is also analysis btw, I didn't come up with it from nothing). They realize that back then they both were trying to act kind to people around them, but no one seemed to appreciate it as much as they wanted. They were doing it differently and was getting treated differently, but in the end both ended up being lonely without much people around. You. You can feel my thought here. right
They realize how similar they feel, so they decide to try to help each other. Just make some company. It won't hurt, right?
It didn't. I see them a bit fast burn... They start to appreciate each other's company more. And more. They hang out in a lot of different places. Anywhere you can get your old buddy: like seeing some cool movies with him, taking him to restaurants so you can make sure he eats well, sometimes going to his ol' house with him to help his sister...At some point Kenny starts calling it "dates", and Kyle is extremely flustered about this.
Kyle falls first, but Kenny confesses first: so their relationship-thing happens not so long after that.
And yep. This is what I wanted to share from now. I really hope someone reads all that xD
Love k2, appreciate k2, enjoy k2, share k2. They're very lovable little guys!
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(If this gets 100 likes AGAIN I will write k2 headcanons. Go)
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Thank you so much!
Here's one of the requests Lucifer, diavolo, barbatos and Simeon, (maybe Satan and beel is if isn't to much) find out lover mc is suicidal, really badly, (separately if it isn't to much trouble! )
Hello, anon! I hope that this was the type of format you had in mind. Enjoy!
suicidal mc
-> lucifer, diavolo, barbatos, simeon, satan and beelzebub x mc
important: Remember your feelings are valid and deserve to be heard. If you or a loved one is dealing with suicidal thoughts, reach out to that hotline/person/etc. Suicide is never the solution.
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: suicide, crying, not eating, mild strong language, mc attempts suicide (overdose) in barbatos' part!!, spacing out, lesson 5/6 spoilers
he noticed the signs pretty early on in your relationship
lucifer didn't want to jump to any conclusions though, so he just kind of kept an eye on you to see whether his suspicions were correct or not
there were days when you skipped rad, and lately they became more frequent
it was literally a whole chore for you to even get out of bed, you stayed in it the whole day, not even eating, were you too tired to feel any hunger?
lucifer didn't waste a second when you didn't show up at school for the third day in a row, he made his way over to your room
'mc, I've noticed some worrisome behavior, do you mind telling me what's wrong?'
when you broke down crying and told him everything, lucifer mentally facepalmed for not listening to his gut before
he will find you a great therapist if you want one, lucifer hopes you'll gradually feel better, he's afraid there isn't much he can do on his own and it hurts his pride
he definitely thought it was a bit odd for a human to participate in kind of dangerous activities, like leaning really far back in a chair that wasn't made for those things
but diavolo didn't think those actions had concerning roots in suicidal thoughts
also when you'd seem frustrated out of the blue, he just assumed you had a bad day or something
eventually all these little worrying traits of yours piled up into a mountain of warning signs, that was when diavolo decided to talk about it
part of him didn't want to start this conversation, what if there's nothing wrong? or worse, what if something is wrong? what does he do? can he help?
the worst case scenario was true: you were actually suicidal
the prince wants to help, but what can he do other than show you gestures of affection, is that enough to help? do you need a professional?
even though barbatos is a really observant demon, he does tend to get consumed by his work, neglecting everything else
you were a little mentally unwell before, but lately it's gotten so much worse
it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel, every day you felt a little better, somehow you felt extra shitty the next day, the cycle never ended
you can't see hope, that's how you ended up in the demon lord's bathroom with some pills
luckily barbatos walked in on you because he had to clean in there, who knows how it would have ended otherwise
the usually collected demon has a hard time keeping his cool, he hates himself for not paying attention to you
could he have prevented this? what led up to this?
the butler doesn't know what to do
he thought you were just in a dip, suicide didn't seem like a possibility to him
simeon tried many little things to cheer you up, like bringing you your favorite flowers or cooking your favorite food
but nothing seemed to make you happy again, how bad is this dip?
it hit him what was going on the night he tried to take you to your favorite restaurant
you refused to leave your room, begging simeon to leave you alone and even insulting him when you got too upset
'mc, you haven't been outside in a week, and you haven't been eating well-'
he knows other angels who went through this, oh no are you depressed? he straight up asked you, but you blurted out you wanted to die
if you're not too mad at him, he'll come and hold you, offering to listen to all your frustrations, that's sadly all he can do
he's read a ton of books, suicide being a topic in some of them, so satan notices the signs really fast
you seemed to be spaced out a lot, and lately you experienced zero pleasure in things you used to love
you physically felt sick, your chest was heavy, there seemed to be no point in carrying on if it had to be like this
satan took you somewhere safe and let you know he's there for you if you want to talk, he also probably knows a therapist or two
when you confirm his suspicions, he genuinely doesn't know how to approach the situation despite all the mental health books he's read
if you want to talk to a trained professional, he can get you one in less than an hour
after the celestial war, beel probably had his suicidal moments from the guilt
he recognised his 'symptoms' in you immediately, and man he knows how awful those feel
but, how would you want to be treated in the moment? do you want him to ask you about it or would that upset you?
so beel tries to do little things that would make your day a little better
'mc, which flavor of chips do you want? I got sour cream and cheese'
eventually he will directly talk to you about it
if you're really hopeless, beel will tell you it always gets better, relapsing is part of recovery and he himself is living proof that things will get better
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
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Mentions of cheating below
Let’s Go Back Home
You were super excited to be spending time in your home city. It was everything you needed. You were especially excited because it was the first time you had brought your boyfriend Jimin with you. The two of you had been dating for a little over a year now. You had taken him to see your old high school, you drove past your childhood home, and introduced him to a bunch of your old friends. Now you and him were sat with a few of those friends at your favorite restaurant waiting for dinner to arrive.
You were listening to one of your friends talk about the new job she was working at when someone suddenly came walking up to your table, “Y/N is that you? You turned around and your heart skipped a little when you saw your ex boyfriend. You hadn’t spoken to him in over three years. Not after you ended things when you found out that he was cheating on you. This all being part of the reason you decided to take a job in South Korea, leaving shortly after you broke up. He still looked just like you remembered. He was tall being well over six feet and looked like he had gained even more muscle. You always thought he was your type until you met Jimin. Jimin was kind and gentle, he was there for you in your worst moments, and never once let you be insecure. He also had beautiful eyes that you could look into for days and soft lips that would kiss you all over, a smile that made you melt to this day.
It took a few moments for you to be pulled out of your day dream about how amazing Jimin was to realize your ex was still waiting for an answer. Not wanting to say much but also not wanting to cause a scene in the middle of dinner you simply gave him a smile while grabbing Jimin’s hand underneath the table. Your ex not taking the hint continued, “Where have you been? You like fell off the face of the earth.”
You couldn’t believe that he was acting like nothing had happened and that the last time you saw him he wasn’t naked on top of another woman, “I live in South Korea now. I took a job there. I’m just home visiting for a week with my boyfriend.” Your ex glared over to Jimin and Jimin reciprocated the action, you could feel the tension between the two of them beginning. Your ex was about to speak again when a woman came walking up to him and started pulling on his arm, “Baby come on. We have to leave now or we’ll miss the movie.” You instantly recognized her as the woman that you had walked in on while she was naked underneath your now ex boyfriend. “Well at least he didn’t break your heart for nothing”, you thought to yourself as he gave you a quick wave and walked off.
Thankful that he was gone you turned your attention to Jimin. You squeezed his hand and he gave you a slight smile, but you could tell something was off. After the bill was paid and goodbyes were said you and Jimin made your way back to the hotel, but you couldn’t help noticing his mood had significantly fallen since dinner.
“Babe did something happen during dinner or did I say something to upset you.” He thought for a moment then shook his head, “No Y/N I’m just tired. I’m gonna take a shower and get in bed.” Not wanting to push it, you quietly nodded and went to change into your pajamas. After sometime he joined you in bed and you waited for him to open his arms so you could cuddle together like you always did before falling asleep, but to your dismay he pulled the blanket over his shoulder and curled up facing away from you.
Now you knew for sure something was wrong, but you had no idea what. You thought the entire day had been great. After some time and noticing Jimin continuing to fidget as sleep was not coming to him you decided to speak up, “Hey, you know I don’t like playing games like this right. Did something happen today? I thought we were having such a good time. Please tell me if I did something wrong so I can try and fix it.” Jimin stayed silent for a while and you were beginning to struggle with trying to prevent yourself from getting angry. It wasn’t until you heard a few sniffles come from his side of the bed that all your anger instantly vanished. “Hey hey hey babe why are you crying?”, you said slowing pulling him to lay on your chest.
“Why are you with me Y/N?” Not sure where this was coming from you continued to rub comforting circles onto his back,” What do you mean why am I with you? I love you.”
Jimin took a few shaky breaths before looking up at you, “I am the exact opposite of your ex. He’s super tall and looks like lifting weights is his full time job. I overheard your friends talking about how they couldn’t believe the two of you broke up and how when you described your perfect man you always described him. They said that they didn’t think you’d stay in South Korea more than a few months before you’d want to go back home to him. I’m not good enough for you. I’ll never be like him.”
It was then you remembered that you never explained to anyone why the two of you had broken up. You just said it didn’t work and left it at that. You also felt terrible that Jimin was laying here crying thinking he wasn’t good enough for you.
You pull him up so you could look into his eyes, the same eyes you had been dreaming about earlier, “Babe you are more than good enough for me. You make me feel more loved than anyone ever has. You are just right for me and I don’t need anyone else. I don’t want you to be like him at all. I just want you to be you. Besides he was a jerk who cheated on me. I hope I never have to see him again.”
With some times the tension in the room started to lessen and you continued to dry his tears, the two of you started to relax. Jimin snuggled further into your chest, “I’m sorry for getting so upset Y/N. It’s just when I saw that guy I thought there was no way I could compete and I got scared. I don’t want to loose you and I want to be everything that I can for you. I love you Y/N.” You smiled and kissed the top of his head, “I know baby. I love you too. Let’s get some sleep. We have an early flight tomorrow. It’s time to go back to home where we belong.”
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blankwashed · 4 months
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Heartstrings (P6 FINAL) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Every morning, without fail, Satoru would bring you to work, always insisting that he was just helping a friend out. From the first day he brought you there, his bright smile was a constant source of cheer. You could remember the first day he offered to fetch you to work.
"Toru? What are you doing here? Sorry, I don't have enough time to bake pastries for you now, I'm kind of late for work..." you apologized, feeling flustered.
"No, no, it's fine. That's not why I'm here anyway. I'm offering to drive you to work since I won't be teaching until noon," Satoru replied cheerfully.
"You're too kind, Toru... Are you sure I'm not a disturbance? W-what if Yaga's subordinate complains about this?" you asked, fiddling with your feet, clearly shy at his kind gesture.
Satoru laughed, "I'm not worried about that, they can't function without me so you don't need to worry. I can take care of myself. I'm not the same fool from high school, okay?" His lightheartedness made you laugh as he helped you with the utensils you were bringing to work.
"Really Toru?"
You exchanged a few light-hearted jabs and jokes as he drove you to work. Satoru always had a witty comeback ready, making you laugh. "Did you dream about meeting Prince Charming in the kitchen, huh?" he'd tease, making the drive feel light and easy.
"No way! I wouldn't want to date someone who's in the same field as me," you replied softly, feeling a brush creeping up your cheeks.
"Whoever he’ll be, he'll be lucky to date you," he said, giving one of the heart softening Toru smiles.
His driving was always smooth and steady, probably thanks to the Six Eyes. It seemed like he didn't even need to open his eyes to drive! But to ease the other drivers on the road, he would pretend to be a normal civilian, not to freak them out. The car rides became a time you cherished the most, always looking forward to them as your friendship with him tightened.
Whenever it was time to go back, you'd see his familiar car (sometimes it’s a different car because Toru’s bank is as big as his house) pull up, and there he'd be, ready to take you home. On days when you left early, you'd see his familiar car pull up, and there he was, without you even needing to text him. "Thought you might need me to pick you up," he'd say with a wink, lowering his window. How'd he know?!
At home, he was equally caring. "Here, I saw these on sale today. Thought you might need them for work," he said as he handed you a piece of kitchen equipment. These small but thoughtful gestures made you feel incredibly cared for. As a way to return the favor, you'd set aside a few of the desserts you made at the restaurant for him. The look on his face whenever you gave them to him would make your heart skip a beat.
"Toru!" you called out to him, about to leave the house at night to Suguru's place for some boy's talk.
"I made these just for you, you can share them with Sugu," you said, watching as he peeked inside the dessert box. His eyes lit up at the sight of another batch of your pastries.
His genuine happiness warmed your heart as he said, "You're the best, y/n! These are going to make my night! I might not share them but thank you~". Moments like these made you cherish how much you loved having him in your life, even as a friend.
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On a day when the both of you weren’t working, an idea struck you. You've been harboring feelings towards Satoru for far too long. Yes, you've only been single but the feelings you've had for him were from high school, as cringy as that may sound. Today is the day you're going to confess. What other better way than to tell him during a dinner you cooked?
"Toru," you said, blushing as you saw him scrolling idly through his phone in the living room in only his boxers.
"Yes, y/n?" he looked up from his phone and at you, realizing how bare he was, quickly covering himself with his hands.
"I need to go to the farmer's market," you said shyly, hiding your face as you added, "I want to get some stuff to bake for an important person."
Satoru was stunned. An important person? Who could that be? Your family members?
"Oh, okay, sure. I'll go put something on and we can go," he said, feeling a bit confused. Who was so important to you that you needed to bake for them?
"I want to get some fresh ingredients for a new recipe I've been thinking about. Plus, it's been a long time since I went to the market. I remember the noisy loud-talking aunties," you explained, trying to sound as casual as possible.
He chuckled. "Sounds like a plan. Fresh ingredients, huh? Who is this mystery person that you're baking for?"
You laughed nervously, waving off his question. "It's a surprise. You'll see soon enough."
As Satoru went to get dressed, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The market held the ingredients to making something truly special for Satoru, and you were determined to keep it a secret until the perfect moment. In the market, you couldn't lose sight of him because of how immensely tall he is.
"Toru? Please look for fresh salmon for me!" you clung onto his sleeve, beckoning for him to use his height to your advantage. The market was filled with people, bustling with energy. Satoru shook his head with a smile and started to spot things for you, his height making it easy to navigate through the crowd. As he scanned the crowd, Satoru couldn't help but think to himself how lucky the person you were cooking for must be. He sighed, his heart sinking slightly, and secretly wished it was him who you were putting in so much effort for.
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After returning from the market, feeling excited to cook for Satoru, you started to prepare the ingredients right away.
"Whoa, is this person coming to our place?" Satoru asked, still wondering who the mystery person was that had you baking for them.
"Yes, and this person really love sweets. Just like you, Toru~" you said, as you measured the butter and sugar according to your memory.
Satoru was still puzzled, trying to figure out who this mystery person could be. "Is it someone from work? A relative?" he thought, trying to piece it together.
As you worked, Satoru hovered around the kitchen, curiosity getting the better of him. "Can I at least help? Maybe I'll get a clue," he suggested, flashing you a playful grin.
"Sure, you can chop up the veges," you said, handing him the sifter. "But no peeking at my notes."
He took the sifter and started working, glancing at you from time to time, his curiosity clearly piqued. "You know, you're not really good at keeping secrets from me. I might find out who it is," he teased.
You laughed, feeling a warmth in your chest. The anticipation of revealing the surprise to Satoru made the whole process even more enjoyable. "Just wait, Toru. I promise it'll be worth it." you wondered to yourself.
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It was time for dinner in the Gojo household, meaning that both Satoru and you would meet up in the kitchen.
When Satoru walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see a table full of his favorite dishes.
"Good evening, Sir Gojo. May you have a seat?" you greeted him with a playful, formal tone, like a butler in a high-class restaurant. For the surprise dinner date with Satoru, you wore a knee-length, A-line dress in deep maroon with subtle lace details, paired with a simple necklace and earrings. Your hair was styled in soft waves, complemented by natural makeup with a hint of blush and soft pink lipstick. He was still in shock but managed to say, "All this? Was for me?"
You nodded. "It's a dinner that I planned for you a long time ago. I haven't been able to do this yet because of our busy schedules," you said, sitting down directly opposite Satoru.
The two of you enjoyed the meal you cooked, sharing humorous stories from each of your workplaces. The atmosphere was light and filled with laughter.
"And for dessert..." you announced, bringing out a plate of kikufuku.
"Just like old times," Satoru said, making you blush.
You both savored the sweet treats, reminiscing about the moments you had spent together. Satoru looked at you with a warmth that made your heart flutter. "You really outdid yourself, y/n. This is incredible."
You smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment and happiness. "I'm glad you liked it, Toru. You deserve it."
Silence enveloped the kitchen as the two of you locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between you. The bond that had formed between you was unlike any other.
"Y/n," Satoru began, his voice soft yet filled with uncertainty.
You nodded, nervous of what he wanted to say. Was he going to confess? Was he going to make things easier for you?
He let out a heavy sigh, his words coming out in a rush, "I don't know if you feel the same way as I do, but..."
"I like you too, Satoru. More than a friend," you interrupted, your words filled with honesty and vulnerability.
"I... I never thought you'd actually like me," he began, his words stumbling over each other in his haste to express himself. "Since you came from a relationship where the man treated you like rubbish I figured you might lose faith in guys in general, and I..."
But before he could finish his sentence, you silenced him with a gentle press of your lips against his. It was a soft, tender kiss filled with all the emotions you couldn't put into words. In that moment, you conveyed everything you felt for him – the affection, the longing, and the hope for a future together. And as you pulled away, you saw the disbelief in his eyes give way to a warmth that mirrored your own.
"You thought wrong, Toru. Come on! You've known me for so long, I'm different aren't I?" you pouted and looked in his shining blue sapphire eyes.
"You sure are," he looked at you, his white eyebrows tilting up in curiosity after some time.
"Hold on, how is it possible? We came home, you cooked, and poof! It's dinner time? y/n, are you magic?"
"Shut up and kiss me, you talk too much Toru," you teased, pulling him closer, connecting your lips with his once again.
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FINALLY! ok i dont know if it felt a little too rushed? i hope not? (technically posting this right after the chapter yesterday but i wanna finish this asap) (uni stress ugh) but y/n has already been feeling things for Toru from the start, its just that she was married to a Naoya so she suppressed it.
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