#idk if I'll actually write it
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aparticularbandit · 8 months ago
Figured out how I want to Junko/Tsumugi cosplayer prompt.
It deviates sharply from a couple of details Tsumugi mentions in her FTEs, but I think because it also uses them for its base, that's okay.
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biblically-accurate-dca · 2 months ago
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i just wanted to post something before the year ended
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sleepy-grav3 · 2 months ago
DCxDP Prompt
Danny and Phantom were always separate beings, and Phantom becomes the Ghost King.
BUT Phantom's ghost species is a phantom, which Danny didn't know when naming him (inviting him to the Fenton family thing through a ghost pun)
And phantoms collectively haunt a region in the infinite realms. Specifically, what DC calls The Phantom Zone.
The cherry on top? Phantoms are genuinely malicious ghosts; Phantom just favors Danny enough to act like a hero. He only seems innocent and kindhearted when Danny looks his way, then second he turns his head, he's all creepy and evil looking.
And it all comes to head when there's a summoning.
Bonus: Danny is edging closer to insanity.
Mad scientist, traumatized to villainy, one seriously bad day away-
Meta or just a genius?
Extra bonus! Phantom doesn't care about mortals and he's the one holding Danny back and keeping him from falling to the deep end.
If this prompt has been done before, please comment some recommendations :)
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ranticore · 2 months ago
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nothing else to do so i work on my birdies
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pixiealchemist · 9 months ago
You cannot be her friend. That's the worst part of this job. In order to protect the princess, she cannot form a positive emotional attachment, nobody likes to see the people you care about get hurt. There are other rules, some are obvious: Stay by her side at all times, Do anything she orders you to do, Always put her life above your own no matter what. Then there are the rules I don't fully understand: Do not start any conversation, she must speak first; Do not take off your armour in her presence, especially the helmet; You cannot be her friend. I've been thinking about these rules a lot lately, wondering whether other knights in other kingdoms have similar rules, or if they all still apply outside the city walls. I've decided it's better to continue to follow them, even to the princess' insistence that I may do such things as removing my helmet or being on a first-name basis, but I cannot bring myself to do anything of the sort. I'm just a knight, and that's all I can ever be, a faceless guard, a nameless guardian, just a hollow suit of armour to her.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months ago
Does anyone else hc that Nightmare can like, absorb his tentacles back into his body sometimes? Like the way Stitch does with his extra arms?
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muirmarie · 14 days ago
something just reminded me of an AOS Uhura/Spock/McCoy post-Beyond idea I had like a week ago, and this time I'm NOT gonna tag spiral in some poor person's tags, so:
I think this was actually part of a dream, tbh? But specifically, McCoy and Uhura were captured, and they were being their normal badass selves together, and then Uhura was going to be released for some reason - I think maybe they wanted to keep McCoy for his medical knowledge? That's how I'd write it at least, so the Enterprise couldn't manage to secure his release. And Uhura, who had been told the entire story about her necklace by Spock (McCoy is unaware of this until Right Now) is basically like:
let me say goodbye to my boyfriend (McCoy, gulping: boyfriend?)
goes up to McCoy and kisses him - like. really KISSES him.
without turning around is like "I want to give him something to remember me by"
all the captors are like, hootin' and hollerin' at the smooching, and are like, yeah, we get that, you two are obviously passionately in love, go for it
she puts Spock's necklace around McCoy's neck, ensuring they can track him
like three weeks later they bust down the door to his cell and bring him home, and McCoy's far too aware of the way both Spock and Uhura's gazes keep going back to the necklace still around his neck
after he's healed up and released from Medbay and everything, and he tries to give it back to Uhura, she pulls a chain out of her shirt, and is like, oh, Spock already gave me a new necklace - if you don't want to keep that one, that's between you and him, but I think it suits you.
he tries to give it back to Spock, kind of half-heartedly trying to also, like, apologize for kissing Uhura or whatever, and Spock's like "the necklace symbolizes affection and love, and my girlfriend gave it to you, are you trying to say you don't accept her love and affection, because that is illogical"
and McCoy is just "...."
and Spock, with lots of determination and extremely poor skills, soldiers on like, "in fact, given that I first gave it to Nyota, your refusal to accept it is also by transitive properties refusing me, as well"
and McCoy is just "what the fuck are you talking about"
and Uhura leans into the room like "he's doing an extremely bad job of propositioning you on both our behalves"
and McCoy is "WHAT"
and Uhura's "take off your clothes and leave the necklace on, what's not making sense, chop chop"
and Spock just, like, nods.
and McCoy drags his hands across his face, and then, y'know.
Takes off his clothes, but leaves the necklace on.
chop chop.
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fuckinart · 3 months ago
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local idiot dies in fursuit, more at 11
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disposal-blueeee · 5 months ago
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VARGASTOBER - day 1 : memories
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dangerous-advantage · 1 year ago
jin ling, having done some stupid shit: my uncle's gonna kill me!
lan sizhui, serenely: it's ok, your other uncle's a necromancer
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batbabydamian · 11 months ago
DC July 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Juan Ferreyra
Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Juan Ferreyra, Travis Mercer, Christian Ward (1:25)
Bruce and Damian plan the perfect father and son getaway…to DINOSAUR ISLAND?! When the dynamic duo uncovers a deadly family secret, their investigation takes them on a fun-filled adventure to rescue one of Batman’s greatest enemies!
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Khary Randolph
The cunning Tim Drake has always been the smartest of Batman’s sons…and the most comfortable matching wits with the most sinister geniuses on Earth. Damian Wayne doesn’t like feeling outsmarted—to him, no smugly-written insult could ever be sharper than his sword—so when he’s forced to infiltrate a super-villain gala alongside the sneaky Red Robin, the biggest danger the two of them face might not be Lex Luthor but Damian’s own temper!
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*John Timms Variant Cover appearance(?) + potential cameo
Written by Mark Waid
Art and Cover by Dan Mora
DC’s epic summer event kicks off with a bang, as the combined might of FAILSAFE and the BRAINIAC QUEEN has at last given Amanda Waller the ability to steal the metahuman abilities of every hero and villain on planet Earth. As chaos erupts in the streets and a massive misinformation campaign sways public opinion to her side, the founder of the Suicide Squad methodically targets each superhero dynasty one at a time, starting with SUPERMAN. But even in this darkest of hours, a resistance is forming…and BATMAN is out for vengeance. It’s a shocking blitzkrieg across the globe that is decades in the making—and will shape the course of the DC Universe for years to come! Brought to you by the superstar talents of MARK WAID and DAN MORA—it all starts here!
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*John Timms Variant Cover appearance(?)
Written by Leah William
Art by Caitlin Yarsky
SUPER NO MORE! With the assault on Metropolis’s heroes complete, Amanda Waller’s latest living weapon, the Last Son, sets his sights on the other most powerful supers in the DCU…the Marvel Family! Will their combined powers be enough to survive this terrifying threat? In this biweekly series we'll see the ABSOLUTE POWER event through the eyes of evil—as told from the point of view of the TRINITY OF EVIL!
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*Rian Gonzales Variant Cover appearance
Written by Tom Taylor
Art and cover by Bruno Redondo
Everything Dick Grayson has built is crumbling around him. His life is spiraling out of control and Heartless is at the center of all of it. Now Nightwing must leave his city. Can he take back the power he’s lost? Or will Blϋdhaven and its citizens be lost to Heartless forever?
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mochindayo · 1 month ago
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I found old art from last year! Why I didn’t post this, idk?
But I’m throwing more OC’s out there into the snzblr void.
Right: Oliver - he’s honestly a rework of my OC Arata if uhh any of you were following me 4 years ago lol -
Left: Nolan - not really rework of Matsuoka (another old OC) but like, somewhat is? -
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shisunflower · 1 month ago
i don't need to write norapinto just because i saw a picture that looks like them, i don't need to write norapinto, i don't need to write, i don't- *dies*
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angryjewishcockroach · 5 months ago
I have been thinking about this video nonstop since I first saw it on Instagram. I hope everybody has a very happy tuchus!
[Video ID: A Jewish woman (Rabbi Yael Buechler, @midrashmanicures on Instagram) speaks to the camera: We have reached a new low in holiday product fails. This treat box is for Sukkot. It's featured on Amazon and Sukkot is a holiday that doesn't get a lot of love so kudos for having a product for Sukkot. It says Happy Sukkot and in the Hebrew it says--wait for it--tuchus! Happy tuchus! Tuchus is Sukkot spelled backwards. The product clearly wasn't vetted in the Hebrew. This other treat box just says Tuchus. I'm thinking we should create some sort of governing body that "certifies" Jewish holiday products as being "kosher" because this is a new low. Anyway I want to wish you all a very happy Tuchus." The first box she shows is pale green decorated with images of apples, pomegranates, and branches and the words "happy sukkot" and תוכוס. The second treat box is pale orange with a similar motif and the word תוכוס. End ID]
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flieslikeamoron · 1 month ago
For the ask meme, if you're still doing it! I wish you would write a fic where either Eddie or Steve can read the other's mind, or feel their emotions, or are otherwise psychically linked in some way. :)
Hiiiii! At one point I was thinking about writing a soul bond type of thing where the bat bites create a hive mind that Steve and Eddie share. Your ask reminded me of the idea so I wrote a little bit of what that could have been like. Some dicks and stuff behind the cut.
It’s not that weird.
Sure, it’s a little strange Steve always seems to know when Eddie pulls into the parking lot at Family Video. Even if he’s in the back room, couldn’t possibly have heard the rattle of the van’s rusted muffler. 
And yes, he can tell when Eddie’s hungry. Thirsty. Tired. Can tell without asking if he’s craving a burger or spaghetti. Can tell where Eddie is in a room without looking. Can feel it like a magnet pulling. But he knows when Robin’s hungry just by looking too. Or when she has a crush on someone. He knows when Nancy’s fed up or trying not to laugh. He knows when Dustin’s about to go off on some nerd rant before he starts talking. 
It’s just because they’re friends now. That has to be why he feels so much better when Eddie’s around. Like something he didn’t know was missing clicking into place. That’s friendship, isn’t it? 
It’s not that weird. 
Not compared to all the shit they’ve been through. It’s nice, actually, the way Eddie smiling at him sinks deep into him like sunshine on his skin. The way Eddie’s pacing footsteps or the drumming of his fingers on the counter thumps in a rhythm against Steve’s chest. Even when Eddie’s pissed, it rattles like rain on a tin roof in a way Steve kind of likes. 
It’s just because Steve likes him. It’s not a big deal that he hasn’t felt exactly like this about any of the other people he’s friends with. Any of the people he loves. Different isn’t bad. There’s no reason to mention it. What would he even say? Do you know when I’m thirsty too? Do you feel like a lock turning when you touch me? That does make it sound weird. And what if Eddie says no. What if Eddie has no idea what he’s even talking about. 
No, Steve will just give him a Coke when he knows Eddie wants a Coke. And bask in the smile that gets him. There’s no reason to bring it up. To make it weird.
It comes out of nowhere, heat building low in his gut when Steve’s in the middle of putting his laundry away. He’s got the phone trapped between his ear and his shoulder, Robin on the other end giving him a play-by-play of her latest not-date with Vicki. He puts the rest of his jeans away, trying to ignore how turned on he is for no apparent reason. But there’s something fucked up about having Robin’s voice in his ear while he’s popping a boner. 
“I gotta go,” he interrupts. “Sorry, I forgot I have to-” He tries to think of something he could be doing that’s not jerking off.
“Am I boring you?”
“No I just-” He stops again. This time because he has the oddest feeling. Almost the feeling of a hand on him. Of fingers pinching into his nipple. It’s never really done much for him, having his nipples played with. But a pulse of heat goes right through his balls. He curls a hand thoughtlessly against his boner, feeling the needy weight of it. “I’ll call you in a sec.” He can hear Robin protesting as he hangs up and tosses the phone aside. 
She calls right back, but he lets it ring. Too busy tugging his pants down. He can’t explain anyway. That he just really needs to get off right now. It’s rude as hell. He doesn’t know why he’s- But he’s so turned on. He’ll make it up to her after he gets this out of his system. 
He tugs his underwear down enough to get his dick out, starting to stroke himself with one hand, the other braced on his dresser. He likes to start slow normally, get himself worked up, but he feels strung tight as if he’s already been at it for a while. He spits in his hand, spreads precome down the shaft. Watching his hand move, the head of his dick red and slick in the circle of his fingers. 
There’s something wrong with his vision, something sort of blurry like a double exposure in a photograph. He blinks. It’s like the almost there of another hand, that’s not his hand. Of a dick that’s not his dick. He can almost feel it ghost against his skin when that hand moves, off rhythm with his. It’s making his dick throb, gut snarled tight with heat. It’s making him dizzy. He closes his eyes, and tries to focus on the slide of his hand. Just his hand. Tries to picture Phoebe Cates getting out of the pool. Perfect boobs and a slo-mo smile. But the picture in his head feels impossible to hold on to. Feels like he can’t- 
And then he’s seeing himself a little hazy and far away like looking through clear water. It’s him pulling himself out of the pool in his swim team speedos. Muscles flexing. Water streaming off him. Hand running through his own wet hair, and a cocky grin on his face. 
And okay, he knows he’s a good-looking guy. But he’s not- His ego isn’t this big. This isn’t the him he sees in the mirror. It’s sort of- Everything a little better than he actually is. The him he wishes he was. 
He didn’t- The shape of it feels wrong inside his head, like it doesn’t fit right. But he’s watching himself sitting down now, at the edge of the pool. And there's someone still in the water. There are hands on his thighs. A mouth on his cock. He can’t see much of the other person but long, dark, wet hair. He can almost feel it, the heat of that mouth on his cock. The sizzle of it through his mind going straight to his balls. And every time he strokes himself it’s like he feels it in his dick, and then he feels it again somehow like an echo throbbing through him. An overwhelming feedback loop of want and need and how good it feels. God. Fuck. I’m gonna come. He is gonna come, but he hears it against the inside of his head, and it doesn’t sound like him. It sounds like-
“Eddie?” he says cautiously. Out loud and in his head too.
He feels a quick stab of shock, fear. It feels like the rest of it. Sort of the wrong shape inside his body, inside his head. And then it’s like he’s got a song stuck in his head, but it’s a heavy metal song he’s never heard before. 
“Eddie?” He thinks it harder. Tries to make it a scream, send it out past the inside of his own head. But the music keeps going, the noise of it so loud he can hardly think past it, can’t hear past it to whatever Eddie’s thinking behind it. That is Eddie behind it though, he’s pretty sure. That was Eddie just now. The things Steve was feeling. That was what Eddie was thinking about while he was getting off. He was thinking about Steve. 
Steve should be more weirded out by that, probably. Knowing he’s starring in Eddie Munson’s wet dreams is a bit of a surprise. He didn’t even know Eddie’s gay. He waits to feel shocked or upset, but outside of being kind of confused how any of this is even happening, he doesn’t seem to mind it. It’s a compliment, really. If that’s the way Eddie sees him. He kind of likes it, actually, in a deep down, self-satisfied way that makes him wonder if he does need to work on his ego after all. 
He feels vaguely guilty that he accidentally ruined the guy’s jerk off session. He looks down at his hand on his dick. He’s not sure if he should finish now. It’s like stolen valor or something. Is he even horny or was he just piggy-backing? However he got here, he’s still pretty close. He gives himself a couple careful strokes. Can Eddie feel that? Or was it just a one way connection? He heard it when Steve thought his name though. The heavy metal is still fucking blasting, so maybe he can’t hear or feel Steve past that just like Steve can’t hear him. He doesn’t know if he should risk it though. 
It’s pretty fucking weird.
The kind of weird he can’t ignore. 
He takes a cold shower, the heavy metal stuck in his head starting to give him a headache. Could you turn it down a little? he tries thinking. If it gets through to Eddie, he ignores it. Steve tries to figure out if there’s a way to turn down the volume on his end. Putting his fingers in his ears doesn’t help. He tries counting backward from a hundred and that seems like it does something, sort of. But as soon as he stops counting he can hear the music just as loud. Maybe Eddie will turn it off on his own if Steve gives him a little time to stop freaking out. 
He’s got to be freaking out. Having the dude you’re jerking off about pop up in your head has to be the nightmare scenario of all time. But how is Steve supposed to tell him it’s cool if he won’t stop putting up a wall of sound?
Or maybe Steve could try something a little less direct than whatever this head to head connection is. He tries calling Eddie’s trailer. No answer. He tries the walkie. No answer.
He wonders if Eddie can tell he’s pulling into the trailer park like Steve can always tell when he’s pulling up the street to Steve’s house. Steve can feel it. That magnet tug as he walks up the stairs. That feeling just underneath his breast bone that always seems to orient toward Eddie like a compass pointing north. He wonders if Eddie can feel that too. 
But maybe he can’t, because he looks shocked when he opens the door. Wide-eyed for just a second. The music breaks apart in Steve’s head enough that he can feel fear, just for a second. Less than that. Barely long enough to notice if he hadn’t been paying attention. And then the music starts up again, and whatever Eddie’s feeling is hidden behind it. Behind the easy laugh as he reaches out to thump Steve on the chest with the back of his hand like normal. Says, “You couldn’t call?” like Steve didn’t. Says, “You’re lucky I don’t have a life,” and tugs Steve in through the doorway. Like normal. 
For a moment Steve thinks maybe it was all in his head. Maybe he’s just like- Losing it. Maybe he's making up weird shit and thinking he and Eddie have some kind of psychic connection and hearing things that aren’t there and seeing things that aren’t there. Maybe none of it is real. And there’s nothing weird here except him. 
But there’s music in his head. And he doesn’t know this song.
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snowysaur · 2 months ago
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2024 year in review/art summary. i realized i never made these for 2021-23 either so here's all of them. i think i haven't been drawing as much these past few years, oh well support me on: patreon | kofi | redbubble
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