#idk i think it would be nice if they were already together. old married couple vibes
reallyhardy · 2 years
me @ miracle workers: end times hey will dan & geraldine's characters be in an established relationship this time... 👀
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
I was talking about this earlier with an anon, and now that I've found you, I am intensely curious: How would you make Gus/Willy work?
Gus and Willy are cute. I like this, I can work with this.
They quietly find comfort in each other. The kind of couple that no one really knows is a couple, big “they were roommates” energy, except for the fact that Gus has always been a little loud and fruity (look at his clothing! The mustache?!). But to anyone outside of the loop it could just look like Willy is a very dear friend.
But how does it start?
I feel like I have to plot their romantic pasts to get my head around it.
Gus grew up in the city. Part of the down-low queer scene, he had a few boyfriends. A couple of them felt like they could have been true love until reality hit, and there was nothing true about it.
He found love in his passions instead, in cooking and found family in a place where life moved slower.
I like to think Willy was married once (idk if we ever get any lore to confirm or deny this, im just a silly little fic writer I’ll slap an AU tag on this baby and call it a day if I have to). It was a good, practical marriage but they were never able to have kids, and his wife passed from cancer a long time ago. He left his life behind when she died. The house had always felt more like her’s anyway. He took his boat and sailed away to start a new life in a small town.
He arrived there long before Gus did, but Gus made himself a fixture in the town so much more quickly. What had taken Willy years took Gus mere days. Everyone in town knew his name and smiled when they saw him. Everyone loved his food. A man might’ve been envious at that, but not Willy. He just found it interesting.
So when Gus made his way to the bait shop it was no surprise. What was a surprise was the fact he had brought Willy food.
“Cookies? Shouldn’t I be giftin’ you somethin’, seeing as youre the new neighbor?”
Gus laughed. He had a bright laugh from deep in his chest that made the air around him sparkle. “Sorry! It’s the ultimate way into people’s hearts, I can’t help it.”
Willy hummed in contemplation, looking down at the plate of cookies. “I’ll take these on one condition.”
Gus shifted uncomfortably, uncertain if he was being serious. “That is?”
“You come in and try some of Willy’s famous trout soup!”
Gus laughed again, feeling relieved, and nodded. “Sure. Nice to meet you, Willy.”
“Pleasure to meet you as well, come on in.”
Conversation flows easily between them. Willy is chattier than people think, but especially to Gus. He likes how Gus reacts to his stories, his eyes widening at the good parts. And Yoba, his laugh.
But eventually they see the darker sides of each other, too. Sometimes, Willy gets sullen thinking of the past. Sometimes, Gus gets moody and short-tempered, and needs to be left alone for days. They always come back together, though.
They’ll sit in front of Gus’ fireplace warming themselves. Willy likes that it feels more like a proper home here than his shack. He likes how Gus wears soft cardigans and keeps his house smelling like cinnamon.
They don’t know if this is true love. It might be. Maybe it’s just the closest they will get in this life. But at least it’s warm.
Ow my heart
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
rank the canon love interests for each turtle, gO (i can't remember if you have already lol)
*cracks knuckles* It’s time for a lightening round of ship ranking!
Disclaimer: I’m rating these girls based on their romantic relationships with the Turtle that crushed on them/had a relationship with. This is NOT a ranking of their individual characters.
Unnamed Women/Yumi’s Mother (Mirage)
She was just a figment of Leo’s imagination so does she even count?
They have a daughter together which is nice, but also HOW DID THAT WORK??
Raven Shadowheart (Mirage)
Seems like a good ship
F in the chat for Leo, even when he has a GOOD relationship it can’t last long.
Lotus Blossom (1987)
The overall BEST Leo love interest.
The fact she gave him a flower to remember her by <3
Lotus deserves to make a comeback!
Can’t believe Nickelodeon chose INCEST over her!!
Karai (2012)
Koya (IDW)
I can definitely see the appeal and aesthetically they look good together but the CONTEXT of their relationship is BAD.
Lita confirms they get together in the future, but WHY?? They have no romantic chemistry or hints that they like each other romantically. Maybe SHOW us instead of TELLING us!!
Toxic 95% of the time
April (Mutant Mayhem)
I usually heavily dislike April x Turtle ships, but I can’t deny that they were cute.
Leo’s moment of falling for her was actually kinda cute and funny.
His crush on her is not shoved down our throats like OTHER April x Turtle ships *cough* 2012 Apritello *cough*
I like that they went  to prom together <3
But again, I don’t think April should be shipped with any of the Turtles and I don’t see this ship lasting in the long term…
Seems like it’s a one sided crush like Dipper and Wendy from Gravity Falls, so I’m not convinced this will last in the upcoming show/sequel
Ninjara (Archie Comics)
They’re cute but it’s not a really interesting ship
It looks too much like a cheap OC x Canon pairing
Mezcaal (Archie Comics)
The first and only time one of our Turtles boys have been married, congrats Raph!
A badass married couple
I hope her and Raph are forever happy together running that bar
Mona Lisa (1987)
Her kissing Raph then calling him “doll” is so cute!
She IS the ideal Raphael love interest. Her and this ship truly left a major impact on the fandom.
She is the go to Raph love interest people think of in any iteration (2003, Rise & MM fans all wanted and made their own version of her in the show)
Joi (2003)
Idk if she counts but I added her cause some people shipped them
She is Raph’s only human "love interest" and it doesn’t feel right to me. 
Out of all the Turtles, Raph being with a human feels weird, the other Turtles I’m fine with being with humans. Raph has always been known to date non human characters so this ship doesn’t look/sit right to me, and doesn’t feel like a relationship that would go anywhere.
Alopex (IDW)
I just don’t like it
I guess it’s because I was introduced to Alopex in the 2012 series where in that she’s a 30 year old woman and Raph is a teenager, so this relationship feels weird to me.
Kinda toxic at times tbh but still cute when they need to be (which is rare)
She’s 17 and Raph is 20… But that was apparently “retconned” so Idk what to think
Y’gythgba/Mona Lisa (2012)
The ONLY GOOD and HEALTHY relationship in the show!
“What a woman…” ICONIC!!
Raph was loyal and Mona was devoted to him!
He falls for her because she punched him in the face. That is both hilarious and very in character for Raph XD
She’s as much in love with him as he is with her!
Badass warrior power couple!
Short King x Girlboss
Jhanna (2003)
Another “Meh” ship to me.
Similar to Joi, does she even count?? Apparently she does to some people and its a ship for 03 fans.
Fan versions of her and this ship from different interactions (1987 & Rise) are more interesting than the actual canon version of them in 03 tbh
I guess I’m just not convinced of this ship and I don’t like how they look together. It’s hard to explain.
April (2012)
Could’ve worked with a cute “friends to lovers” story but the writers ruined it.
Kinda cute in season 1, got worse after that. Season 5 was them at their best but that’s only because it wasn’t shoved down our throats by that point.
The love triangle brought out the worst in them (and Casey).
I like them better as best friends.
Hottake: Donnie was more of the problem than April.
Like I said in Leo’s ranking, April should NOT be a love interest for any of the Turtles.
Big Foot (2012)
Why did this happen??
Batgirl (Batman Crossover Comic)
Got a thing for redheads, huh Don?
Not a huge fan of big crossover shipping like this, but his crush on her was cute so I’ll admit that. 
It was sweet she gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. So good for you Don!
Mona Lisa (IDW)
Obviously not my cup of tea.
The Nerd x Nerd trope… wow, so original…
She’s a bitch to him at times and invalidates his trauma. 
I really thought her and Jennika were gonna be a thing (which I would’ve preferred more tbh), so her with Donnie as a massive disappointing surprise and feels so forced.
Princess Seri (Mirage)
Tragic. She betrayed him. That bitch.
Kala (1987)
Two party loving teens who just wanna skate and have fun!
They keep pictures of each other as mementoes. THAT’S ADORABLE!!
Much like Leo x Lotus, we need this ship to make a comeback.
Buffy (1987)
Sara Hill (Image Comics)
I’m a sucker for the Turtles dating alien lizard woman.
I like the “friends with benefits” relationship they have. Feels like a Mikey thing he would do regarding his love life. 
I love how they bonded over their love of cartoons. Very cute.
She left him for another man though… WTF SARA?!?! YOU BROKE MIKEY’S AND MORE IMPORTANTLY MY HEART!!
Mitsu (TMNT III)
Bland and boring (Just like the movie!)
Princess Trib (IDW)
Cute, but in the end I prefer him with Kala.
They are the only good Turtle ship (not counting Jennika and her girlfriend Sheena). But that ain’t saying much from me cause they’re still bland at times with little to go with.
How are they one of the better ships in IDW yet they are the most bland and uninteresting couple??
Renet (2012)
Very adorable!!
Works well romantically and platonically.
They’re both goofballs who are misunderstood by their peers.
Would be a 10 but Mikey was unfaithful...
Renet confirms they have some kind of future together.
I personally can’t see them staying together in the future, maybe having a friends with benefits relationship like him and Sara.
Shinigami (2012)
I like their dynamic, but not as a romantic one.
“Someone will die…” “OF FUN!” vibes.
Shini is obviously a lesbian and is dating Karai so…
Headcanon: They have playdates with their cats.
April (Bayverse)
The one Mikey crush that literally gives me the ick. I don’t like it.
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tigertofu · 1 year
Hii!! I saw your requests were open and inbox was empty, and I really love your writing, so if you have the time would you mind share some pre-Ludendorff headcanons or a short fic (whatever you prefer) about Trevor, Michael, and Brad? 👉👈
Thank you!! And no rush at all! 💕
yes yes yes so glad u asked for this TY !! 💞💞 been actually thinking abt the north yankton era a lot lately 🤧
pairing: none (kinda sorta little a implied trikey tho?)
summary: headcanons about trevor, michael, and brad during north yankton
cw's: drugs/alcohol mention
wordcount: 844
• ik i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again: brad and trevor def played pranks on (aka BULLIED) lester. building on that tho: michael would get pissed as hell about it (most of the time. sometimes he wouldn’t bother giving a fuck). this would lead to arguments between trev/brad/michael, usually ending with trevor insinuating that michael and lester were secretly gay lovers and that’s why he defended him, causing michael to throw his hands up and just give the fuck up or remove himself from the situation so things wouldn't turn physical.
• ice skating !!! trevor already knew how to skate before joining the crew cuz of playing hockey when he was younger, and on one particularly boring snowy day he tried teaching brad and michael how to skate, too. they both sucked at it tho and neither of them skated again after that day. like just imagine trevor skating circles around them, laughing and making fun of them for falling on their asses.
• continuing on abt snow-related sports: ice fishing. when he wanted some peace and quiet, michael would go ice fishing at whatever nearest frozen body of water he could find. most of the time he wouldn't catch anything; he just did it as an excuse to be away from everyone else for a while. can imagine him inviting lester along a handful of times too tho so that they could gossip/bitch about how annoying trevor and brad were.
• michael would sometimes try to host Movie Nights. he'd make a big fuss about showing trevor and brad some old-ass classic film. he'd make microwaved popcorn and then get everyone to sit around the shitty tiny TV of whatever hotel or safehouse they were staying in at the time and pop in a well-loved VHS tape of one of his favorite movies. both trevor and brad would interrupt the movie with loud, inappropriate remarks though and michael would eventually lose his temper from telling them over and over to shut the fuck up. once he met and started dating amanda tho, he finally got a nice and peaceful movie-watching partner.
• lester fucking HATED brad and tried to interact with him as little as possible. can't quite remember right now if there's anything in canon to confirm or contradict this.. but i feel like lester would've had even less of a tolerance for brad's dumb ass than michael did.
• trevor and brad were like,, the world’s most volatile toxic married couple. one day they’d be best buddies, just having fun drinking/getting high/goofing off together. next day, they’re getting into yelling matches and throwing hands over like the last slice of nasty three-day-old pizza in the fridge or smth else equally stupid. idk why but i imagine brad had a temper almost as bad (or equally as bad) as trev’s, and that he was not exactly the brightest guy, so those two personality traits combined would be enough to frequently piss off trevor (and michael even moreso).
• trevor and brad def shared clothes.
• trevor and michael would occasionally have deep, late–night conversations that would last into the early morning hours. probably over beers and cigarettes. probably while sitting outside, probably on the snow–covered balcony of whatever shithole motel they were staying in. though trevor considered brad to be the more “fun” friend, he really appreciated these more serious talks about their pasts, their presents, and their futures with michael. those nights are both michael and trevor’s fondest memories from this period of their lives. 
• i think there are some interesting implications in the game about trevor and amanda previously being friends, or at least being mildly friendly towards each other during the north yankton days. i imagine that this is largely because his drug use wasn’t nearly as bad as it became later on in his life, so even though he was loud/inappropriate/a bit chaotic, he wasn’t exactly dangerous nor too disgusting for amanda to be okay with spending time with. maybe she even let him babysit little jimmy and tracey occasionally (IMAGINE how cute....). brad, on the other hand, (even though amanda does admit that she “”“liked””” him in the game), was not allowed around the kids. 
• i like to think that when they first met and for a while after, trevor really genuinely looked up to michael. like admired his leadership abilities and his skills at pulling scores (and i’m applying the popular headcanon that michael is a few years older than trev here but also srsly,, where does that headcanon come from?? is there any actual evidence for this or is it just a headcanon that became popular in the fandom pls someone lmk if u have an answer to this !!). as time went on though, this admiration gradually waned. michael started making decisions that trevor just wasn’t on board with (namely marrying a certain stripper and having kids with her), arguments became more frequent, trevor started to distance himself from mike a bit and spend more time with brad.
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weaksspot · 12 days
happy wincest purgatory ! there has been contention in the fandom recently regarding deans characterization in relation to wincest. the main two being the mommyfication of dean (nurturing sam, spoiling him, reprimanding him, etc.) or the wife beater allegations (abusing him, controlling whose hes with, etc.) and theres probably some more tropes, but thats the ones i picked up on. where was i going with this. . . what is your preference, if any? also i say "contention" as a joke because wincesties are very nice to eachother even if they cant agree. and for me the variety is probably my most favourite thing about the fandom
happy wincest eternity sweet anon <3 this is such a good questionnnn thank youuuu :D
you can probably tell from my posts i don't especially love either of these readings of him, not because i think either is wrong or bad* but i just personally don't get much out of trying to slot him in to an archetype outline like that. if that makes sense. i think he has traits of both those things, but i don't think either fits him completely.
perhaps one of my most controversial opinions in this fandom space is that i don't really see dean as ever being sam's parent. i think DEAN sees himself that way sometimes, definitely, and it is indisputable that he was given far too much responsibilty for looking after sam and i definitely consider it parentification to a degree. but i don't think their relationship ever really shifted from brothers into a parent/child dynamic, maybe in part because their age gap isn't big enough, maybe because john WAS very present, even if we were mostly shown times that he was absent. that is part of it as well, like, i think the show gave us a lot of "here's what happened when john wasn't there" but that doesn't mean he was never there. and i think his influence was always very strong, i think dean was almost always working under "what would dad want me to do" in a way that was very much Big Brother.
i do also feel that gender comes into this in a way where my feelings on it differ from popular fanon - i can't see dean in a "mommy" or "eldest daughter" role because him being male makes the dynamic very different to what it would be if he was female.
as they get older though i think the parenty vibes fade a LOT and they really... honestly do settle into more of an old married couple type dynamic. lol. but it's a BROTHERS dynamic before it's anything else. like when they fight, say when dean scolds sam for something, it is so sibling fight-y. i can't really think of an example where it's like a parent telling off a child. TO ME at least. in the flashbacks as well, like the infamous lucky charms scene, it's purely siblings. idk, i don't know how to be succinct about this lmao, it's all feelings and very little logic 😭 sorry. i'll think about it some more.
the wife beater thing i have talked about a lot already dfkgjhdfg i just don't see it. i see shitty, sometimes even cruel, older brother and that's it. i definitely do think his behaviour can be abusive, but i don't think he is Sam's Abuser in the clear cut way he's sometimes portrayed in current meta.
please DO NOT misinterpret this as my feelings on any real life abusive relationships, but regarding THEM SPECIFICALLY, to me that would require more desire from sam to get away from dean and dean preventing that from happening. and when people talk about sam being ground down by dean to want to stay i just do not see that at all lol. i don't think dean coerces him in a general sense (in specific situations, maybe sure), i actually think most of the time he is very upfront about what he wants from sam - which is for him to stay and be alive, basically - and leaves it in sam's hands whether to do that or not.
in my mind i always go back to scarecrow where sam leaves and dean lets him. sam makes the choice to go back to dean and stay with him after. if there's anything forcing them to stay together, it's their external circumstances, it's not dean. i just do honestly think he loves sam and wants him to be happy more than anything else in the world and i think he demonstrates that consistently throughout the entire show and i don't think that's a facade, just because he is not normal or healthy about it much of the time lol. neither of them is normal or healthy. sam was willing to frankenstein them both forever. sam fights to keep them together just as much as dean does.
so yeah ummmm. sorry i'm sure that's all totally incoherent. but ultimately i think they love and need each other in equal measure. there are a lot of things i fucking hate about dean if we're being really honest but the way he treats sam ON THE WHOLE is not one of them <3
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Hi. How are you? I'd like to ask you something, an opinion so to speak. Feel free to not engage if I am being inconvenient. It's just you seem really really fond of Sergio. You mentioned you're married and you display a very mature approach towards all subjects. I'm 37 and can't talk much about him with my friends. They look at me like I'm the second season of The Last of Us yet to be shot😅 The thing is I like Pilar a lot. I see many differences between her and Sergio but this is healthy and, besides, I believe they coincide in the real important life values. Otherwise they would not be raising 4 happy children together. However, she seems completely disconnected from his family. It seems to be getting worse. I think he doesn't give 2 fucks, pardon my language, keeps going strong between the 2 of them, but it sure must be a source of tension. Do you have any thoughts on that, any understanding of what the reasons are? I remember Mirian being glued to Pilar, all of them going fishing on sales in Madrid. And since he decided to make their union official in the church the relations derailed. When they released the clip, there is Pilar coming down the aisle, Sergio was crying and Paqui was looking at her as if she were going to commit murder... Idk. I just needed to vent after Alex's bday. Idk if it is possible for you to answer privately. Don't want to bring drama to your page which is hyped, good humored and full of easter eggs - La Cibeles tattoo was a killer ♥️ I let out a little uhuuu and came here to check if you had already seen it 😅 Have a great week.
Hi 😊 I'm gonna try to answer this somewhat coherently, but i can't promise anything 😉
So first of all, i'm gonna say i'm in a somewhat similar situation with my mother-in-law or family-in-law for that matter. She's a perfecty nice woman, i just don't have anything in common with her, like our personalities and our outlook on life are so different, that honestly i don't think she really knows what to do with me or how to talk to me (and we've known each other for almost 20 years). It's just what happens sometimes and granted my husband isn't nearly as close to his family as Sergio is, but at some point you find a way that works for everyone and it's really not that much of an issue. It's a bit sad maybe, but some families just aren't that close.
As for Pilar's relationship with Sergio's family. I agree, it doesn't seem to be all that close, but i don't think there's any bad blood between them either. They do spend most holidays together, they went to Paris for New Year's and so on.
i actually think there are two reasons why it might seem lately that they don't get along anymore.
One, Pilar is generally very aware of how she presents herself on social media. Most of her posts are for her career and even the more candid ones are usually from photo shoots or are staged in a way to portrait her in a certain image. I'm mean it's what social media is for when you're basically an influencer. But if she's in Sevilla with Sergio (and his family) she probably doesn't want to get dressed up and put on a full face of make-up, so sometimes i feel like she deliberately steps out of the pictures and videos to keep her privacy (if that makes sense).
And they've never been a couple who did everything together. They've always been pretty independent with their own circle of friends and their own hobbies and i guess it wasn't that much of a problem when they were still in Madrid and Pilar had all her friends and family close (I remember Sergio saying once how envious he was of her that she still had all her old friends around), but now that they're living in Paris, with their jobs and the kids, they only have so much time left for their friends and families, so i guess it's easier sometimes to just spend their days off separately with their own circle of people.
And i totally agree on the values part. They definitely seem very similiar in how they want to live their lifes and how they want to raise their family and in my opinion that's way more important for a healthy relationship than sharing the same hobbies or tastes. You're gonna have to agree on the big things and at least from the outside it looks like they do.
Anyway, i hope this makes at least some sense 😊
I hope you have a great day too and thank you for enjoying my blog 😘
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intentionallyjoyful · 2 years
February 23, 2023
Hi. I haven't "blogged" in years, not quite sure what's compelling me to now. I don't know who will even read this anyways. I've got a lot of my mind, as I've spent the last 2 days in thought whilst puking my brains out with a stomach virus and laying down in a fetal position. Yay for stomach viruses.
Little background on me: Almost 29 year old mom of 3 boys (5 and under), married for 10 years now, Christian, politically incorrect, Texas, SAHM, and homeschooling. I feel like that info alone will deter most people who find this blog.
So what's on my brain? Well, about 2 weeks ago I took Instagram & Facebook off my phone. I've checked it a couple times because groups/businesses, but not scrolling or going through stories. I initially removed the apps to focus more on prayer, particular when it comes to us finding a house. The house we finally committed an offer on recently did not work out mind you...which disappointed, God, but I'll trust something better is coming up. Regardless, it was good for other reasons too because social media definitely has a negative effect on me. I should probably remove TikTok too, tbh. Anyways, the biggest lesson I've learned thus far is that Not that many people give a fuck about you, and you also don't give a fuck about them. Yet social media gives this illusion that you all do. I also take less pictures/videos because even though I mostly did it for myself, I evidently was also doing it for others and because why? I don't know, like I need to prove I have a nice life or something, boredom, hoping someone will start a convo so not so isolated, Idk. I have a list I'm forming of people who actually reach out to me and who I think to reach out to and after a full month, these will be the only people I will actively dump my energy into, because obviously that's where it naturally fell. I keep finding myself being way too good of a friend to people who really don't care that deeply for me. It's really a shitty realization. On the flip side, I've noticed people who I hardly paid any mind to or would even call a friend insist that we're good friends, lol. Weird.
Speaking of energy, being part of a homeschooling co-op has been a total energy sucker. I'm not a group person, I knew this going into it, and yet I tried to go out of my comfort zone and continue to try to stick it out when I'm truly not enjoying it whatsoever. The kids love it though, we all get along great with similar values, it's just..... people are inconsistent and not as committed to the group. With me being the organizer, this leads to me constantly feeling frustrated by turnouts or lack of input/response, etc. I can't even fully explain it. I just keep praying for guidance on this and I know that if I was to just end things that it would end potential great long-term friendships for not only the kids, but for me. At the same time, I'm like if this isn't working out seamlessly already, why keep trying so much, especially when the effort is almost entirely on my part or people working through me, which I also dislike. Especially if I end up relocating further away from everyone since that's where our housing price-point keeps leading us.... shouldn't I be more involved in a community there?
Lastly, I wish my parents would move closer already. My grandma needs to pass, this poor old woman is miserable at 97 and barely hanging out. It's been thing after thing after thing. I hope and pray she passes soon and that my parents feel peace over it all. They are in desperate need of a break. Back when we lived closer to my parents, there were far too many issues. My brother was mentally unstable, my mother was in a terrible place physically and mentally as well, but fast-forward 5 years and things are so much better and now I just wish we could have simple family dinners or attend church together, get the cousins together for a playdate, or go on a nature walk with my mom. I always feel unsettled. Forever feeling like I don't belong where I'm at and that I'm missing something or supposed to be somewhere else. I don't know how to reconcile that.
And there's my first blog post. /end
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piscesgirl87 · 10 months
since burzek were already kind of together before becoming canon in s10- do u think the show will treat them as new exciting couple in 11 or old boring married couple? i worry it will be the later and we will not get many scenes of them as we did when they werent canon. its what happen w upstead. we got less upstead after they become canon. we had more scenes of upzek in s6 when they were together than of when upstead dated in s8. though upstead did have more romantic & heartfelt scenes than upzek ever did but not enough & it didnt last long. bc then came s9. 9a was mostly tense & angsty for them, mid season finale of 9 they got married, then 9b focused mostly on burzek so we didnt get much of upstead then s10 happened them. then they get married mid season finale & after that we get nothing from them. they were given the boring married couple treatment. then he leaves in 10. its possible the writers & gwen were planning to make 10a about upstead married life but then jesse choice to leave. idk. i know burzek isnt really married but they kind of are? theyre more of old married couple than new couple imo. the only thing i see changing about their rs is they make out & sleep together on the regular now but other than that everything else is same no?
I’m honestly not sure what they’re gonna do
They are more of the “old married couple“ now
But they did just get back together
Also, they’re kind of the only couple on the show right now anymore
So we’ll see what happens
I’d maybe like a little mix of both because I don’t want them to be totally in the spotlight because then they’re just gonna give them trauma after trauma ….again
But a little spotlight would be nice
And yeah, I agree. The only thing that’s changing is that they sleep together on the regular now 
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toges-wife · 2 years
For the request i said i would make: because of the movie i was thinking: of what would make them realize you are the one. Like the moment the cupid arrow hits them.
Could you write for inumaki, yuuta and kazutora ( tokyo revengers) please?
Thank you!
¦ Hello! Thanks for requesting! :3 idk i feel like I've messed up with kazutora's part 🥲
¦ CW: murder/crimes in kazutora's part.
¦ toge x gn!reader ; Yuuta x fem!reader ; kazutora x gn!reader
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࣪ ▸ ִֶָ TOGE INUMAKI :
It was the first time you both made a sleepover. This man planned the whole sleepover. He prepared the bed, the food, movies, literally everything.
It was 12:30 pm when you came to visit him. He was already waiting for you and really excited. You came with the snacks, although he already prepared some, and also with some pyjamas. His parents were happy to see you visiting too!
They all were warm and welcoming. You were just more than glad that they accepted you as a part of them. Although toge was embarrassed since you started explaining about how his first kiss with you went and how he confessed yet he was proud of himself to have you.
His parents even praised him for it! They even called you their "daughter /son in law" it felt really great and smooth.
Later at night you and toge were standing together on his balcony watching the stars. “they look pretty don't you think so?” you smiled looking at him as he just got closer to you laying his head on your chest.
You lifted his head upwards to make him face you, it was just then were toge realised how nervous and excited you got him. He closed his eyes trying to look away yet you couldn't be ignored. Your soft hands just trailed down to his waist gently holding it.
Wind started flowing in the place where his hair became messy. Oh how much you loved seeing his hair messy! You were smiling like an idiot admiring him. At that second toge just pulled your head down and pressed a kiss on your lips. It was adorable!
It wasn't so long till toge fell asleep in your arms. It was one of the places where toge felt safe.. It felt warm. Smelled nice and is soft... Just perfect for him.
Later that night his parents came and placed a blanket around you both. They really liked how you treated toge with love as they were hoping you would get married someday.
It didn't feel much till toge woke up and saw himself in you arms wrapped with some blankets. He was just disappointed that the first day of the sleepover went without doing anything from his plan list.
Yet he was happier to know that his parents supported your relationship and more than glad to have you in his life.
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“Can you take care of my child, just for a few days ? I want to spend some time with my wife since it's our anniversary :( pretty please! ” Toge texted yuuta. It was a new experience for the both of you as a new couple. But eventually you both agreed since you can't reject a favour for Toge after all.
Yuuta got some experience with taking care of children because of his younger sister, yet toge's child, haru, was still very young. Like nearly three years old.. It was such a responsibility.
After toge dropping his son at your place you couldn't be more happier! Even though the kids his age are a bit energetic, he was the same just like his father. A troll. It wasn't easy to deal with him too! He needed time and attention! But thankfully you knew how to deal with such kids!
“look at me! I'm a big monster. BAAH-” you were wearing a dinosaur costume to entertain Haru. Suddenly yuuta opened the door getting scared. “Ah!,!” he screamed in fear then he realised it's you after the laughter of haru filled the place.
Yuuta looked at you and started giggling. “Don't worry haru! I'll save you from this monster!” he jumped at you tickling you. It was fun to be playing with a child. You must admit.
Meanwhile yuuta just admired how you were playful and caring! At that moment he felt like you're the one for him. He knew that you would be a great mother for his children.
After haru fell asleep yuuta immediately started ranting about how much he wants to raise a child with you! “we will someday... Don't worry love” you hugged him ruffling his hair “awh! You are the best !” he smiled pressing a kiss on your forehead.
He was just happy to have such a caring partner in his life. He could never loose you!
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It was just that you and kazutora knew each other from the neighbourhood. It wasn't much contact between you both. The most contact you both have done was probably while he locks up himself in his room.
You always were there to just wave at him from your house. You understood what's happening since you were familiar with him. He just usually stares at you without saying a word and closes the curtains.
One day something unexpected happened! You were in an alleyway trying to sneak into a shop. You spotted a familiar face trying to do the same. “hanemiya- right? ” you mumbled as he suddenly responded “kazutora. Yeah it is just kazutora.” he whispered back. It was probably the first time you heard his voice.
“Get out if my shop!” suddenly a man came running towards the door. You were scared fir your parents to find out yet kazutora immediately told you to go on his bike as he drove back home.
“Uh... Thank you for saving me i guess” you said walking to ur place. “don't mention it dumbass. You got something on your face” he started giggling as you immediately wiped it off.
Ever since that day you and kazutora got closer. You both always sneak out together from that day. But something unexpected happened. You and kazutora got arrested because of murdering mikey's brother. Your heart dropped as baji starts telling you both to stop after telling you that it's Shinichiro.
You and kazutora were carried together to the police car as they released baji. “I'm sorry...” you apologised. “if it wasn't for mikey...” you mumbled. Kazutora realised at that moment that you were the only person who was willing to go into the jail with him.
Definitely you were the one for him.. Since that day he couldn't stop thinking about you and how you both will get together when you get out. You did think the same about him hoping one day you will be alone together out of the cell.
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azucanela · 4 years
Hi! i’d like to request a Zuko x Reader oneshot please and it takes place a few years after he’s crowned as the Fire Lord: Zuko is entering suitable age for marriage and yet he has no one that he likes enough to take as his queen, what if Uncle Iroh hired the reader whom is a famous matchmaker that usually arranges the courting & marriage between nobles, but instead of all these ladies that she threw at him he ended up falling for her instead but he’s just so awkward and inexperienced Thank u
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SUMMARY: after a few years of being Fire Lord, Zuko still hasn’t found a companion. so naturally, when Iroh comes upon a matchmaker, he does what he does best and helps Zuko out by hiring her to help him find someone. and inadvertently... iroh ends up playing matchmaker himself. 
WARNINGS: mentions of death, death threats, kissing, pining, very mild innuendos, blood, injuries, crying
A/N: this is literally art omg i feel kinda honored to be seeing this ngl and i ended up researching matchmaking and they’re basically therapists that help you find love?? kinda. the profile thing is something that some matchmakers do and idk i have fun analyzing zuko so
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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After years of being the Fire Lord, Zuko had come to realize the job was pretty basic if you thought about it long enough. There were just a few major things to deal with. First, there’s the internal relations, like the civil wars and uprising he deal with at the start of his reign because people disliked his ways. Then there’s the external relations, Zuko worked alongside Aang to repair those, helping the Southern Water Tribe rebuild itself from the ground up, and hosting meetings between the nations, friendly and work related. Those are the more diplomatic aspects of the job, and sadly, even as a ruler who sought to end a war, there was still violence in the world. 
When Aang and the rest of Team Avatar ended the One Hundred Year War, that only exposed a variety of other problems within the world, problems that the team seeked to end. There were people out there who disliked this line of thinking, and similarly wanted it to end, but ending the lives of Team Avatar.
Zuko was used to the death threats, and the assassination attempts. He’d had a security detail in place to ensure he lived to rule his nation, this was especially necessary since he lacked an heir and the only other people eligible for the throne were an old man who ran a tea shop and a psychopathic teenage girl in a mental institution. This is where the social aspect of the job came in, the part that Zuko had never been good at. The Galas and the girls who threw themselves at him, the nobility of all nations that approached him offering their children’s hand in marriage. Zuko was an enigma, a young and powerful bachelor, and now all the nobles with children were lining up for a minute alone with him to try and sell their own kids.
It disgusted him. The way they treated their children like cattle reminded Zuko of his own father, how willing he was to get rid of Zuko since he had a replacement on standby. Though, Zuko sincerely doubted he ever would’ve gotten the throne if Ozai had a choice, even if he hadn’t been banished. 
Alas, even Zuko could recognize the urgency of it, the death threats weren’t letting up, and the assassination attempts were only getting more and more elaborate, leaving Zuko wondering when they’d no longer be attempts. He needed and heir, or at least a wife who could rule alongside him and take over entirely in the event of his death.
The problem was, he didn’t want this.
He was in a unique position, where the person he married would have an immense effect on society, on politics. If it was an Earth Kingdom girl, then maybe the years of violence against their people could be mended sooner, and they could begin working together to combat a variety of issues. If he ends up with a Fire Nation girl, it could be viewed as strengthening the traditional ideals of Fire Nation independence and sovereignty because the Fire Nation is “supreme.”
Dating was political now and he hated it. It wasn’t like Zuko wanted to be alone, it’s just that now everything mattered far more than it used to. Of course, even as a prince it had been the same, but now that he was the Fire Lord, things seemed to be ten times worse. Perhaps it was excessive but Zuko couldn’t help but feel paranoid whenever a new person entered his life, he couldn’t help but assume that they were just using him for some other agenda.
Of course, his friends had tried to assure him this wasn’t always the case, and they’d even made attempts to set him up with girls. All of which had failed. Zuko knew he wasn’t an easy person, much less an easy person to date. As Fire Lord, a lot of his time was taken up by meetings, and diplomatic missions, and not-so-diplomatic missions alongside Team Avatar. That and he was rather awkward when it came down to most social interactions, though he’d improved over time, especially as the ruler of a nation, his speeches were elegant and so was the way he negotiated with other kingdoms. 
And yet he struggled to talk to strangers.
Iroh seemed to be tired of this as well, he’d sent Zuko several letters in regards to his lack of romance, insisting that he was a “handsome young man” that had “lots of potential” and he was “wasting” his prime with so much work. Zuko didn’t consider managing a country as a waste, though he understood where Iroh was coming from, Zuko probably should’ve been spending time with friends, going to clubs. Not saving the world.
Regardless, there wasn’t much he could do about, he didn’t have time for dating, and Zuko wasn’t willing to compromise his morals and beliefs just for an heir in the event that he got brutally murdered. He refused to raise a child just for that purpose. He learnt the hard way that you should only have kids if you intend to cherish them. And the idea of marrying someone just to strengthen his nation felt wrong, though he could see the benefits.
God, he hated being Fire Lord sometimes.
On the other hand, Y/N L/N liked her job. Amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom, she was a rather famous woman, Y/N had brought together some of the most powerful couples in the country. A lot of people owed her favors, and the money that came with the job was more than satisfactory. If Y/N had to guess, she was one of the richest people in the kingdom, considering how much people were willing to pay to fine “the one.” Her business had been rather successful since she’d gotten renowned in the inner ring of the city, and now, Y/N was considering expansion, to the Fire Nation. The borders had long since reopened, when the new Fire Lord came into power.
A whole new set of nobles for her to profit from. 
She’d decided to head to a high end tea shop in celebration of her choice to expand her business. Y/N had heard it was only for the best, since the tea shop served the best. One of her clients had insisted that someone of her esteem try the tea there, given that she was the best in her own profession.
So, here she was. It was a nice place, she wouldn’t deny, and Y/N had heard of the shop before. The Jasmine Dragon, run by some old guy who’d appeared in Ba Sing Se just before the war ended with some major talent when it came to brewing tea. The interior was fancy, but not excessive, several people were already seated within. Y/N even recognized one of the couples there, who waved at her enthusiastically, “hello! Lady L/N, how lovely to see you!” One of them called out.
Y/N smiled at them, “how are you two?”
The other beamed at her as she responded, “oh we’re just lovely! Preparing our wedding invitations and one of them has your name on it.” This wasn’t abnormal, most of the couples she’d brought together attributed their love to her. In actuality, Y/N found that if you found two people with compatible personalities, then they’d work things out on their own. All she did was introduce them. 
“I’m excited!” Y/N assured, moving past their table, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to try this famous tea. But, I’m looking forward to the invite.” 
The pair nodded, before returning their attention the friends seated across from them, and Y/N made her way to the front of the shop, bag of coins in hand. An older man stood behind the counter, a smile on his face as he brought his attention to her, “what can I get you today Miss...”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.” She replied, small smile on her face as she looked at the menu, “what’s your name?” Y/N asked, meeting his eyes to see the flicker of recognition within them before returning her gaze to the menu.
He nods slowly, “I’m Iroh, and you’re a matchmaker, no?” He’d recognized the name, her business had begun gaining traction amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom shortly after the war, and she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the nation. Iroh himself had looked into her business, seeing as his nephew was yet to find love in his chaotic lifetstyle. 
Y/N smiled at him as she nodded, “indeed.” She placed the menu down, “any suggestions?”
“Perhaps, Jasmine tea?” He suggested.
Y/N nodded, “sounds good.” She places extends a hand with coins, dropping them into his palm, “so are you looking for love?” Though she was certainly famous for her skills, Y/N tended to work behind the scenes, and she was surprised to find this man recognized her.
A small laughed escaped him at her words as he shook his head, “no. I believe it is a little too late for that.” He was working on her tea beyond the counter, and Y/N began to wonder how he was steaming the tea pot when she noticed there was no stove beside him.
“Don’t say that! You seem like a fine man that anyone woman would want.” Y/N assured, though she now wondered why exactly this man knew who she was in the first place. It was rare for those outside of nobility to know who she was.
Turning around, his hand pressed to the pot that Y/N was positive had to have been burning his hand in some way, “oh, you’re too kind.” He replies, a small smile on his face as he poured a bit into a cup, “I was looking to help my nephew find love actually.” 
“Really, now?” Firebending, that was the only explanation for the way this man was handling the tea. “I was looking to expand my business to the Fire Nation, perhaps I could help him out.” He didn’t hold himself the way most Earth Kingdom citizens did, and coupled with the possible Firebending, he was likely from the Fire Nation.
Iroh raises a brow at this, “what gave me away?” He stirs the tea a few times, before placing it on the counter for her to take. 
Y/N shrugs, “it’s my job to know people well enough that I can find them a match.” Taking a sip of her tea, she smiles, “so this nephew of yours. He wouldn’t happen to nobility, would he?”
He laughs at this, pouring himself a cup of tea as well as he sighs, “actually, he is nobility. In a way.”
Now Y/N did not expect the nobility Iroh spoke of the be the nobility. As in the Fire Lord, the actual ruler of the entire nation, though this would certainly be great for business. Once the world hears of how Y/N found the Fire Lord, someone who had been notably difficult to woo apparently, a match, her business will be set. 
“Isn’t this exciting, guys?” Y/N exclaimed, looking to her assistants, they were both on the younger side, Marcella and Evelyn. She’d brought them along since this would definitely be a valuable learning experience, and Y/N figured she’d need a lot of help if the Fire Lord was as difficult as they made him out to be. That and Y/N didn’t want to leave them alone in the Earth Kingdom, both of them had been orphaned at a young age. Y/N couldn’t help but relate to them, so when she’d come upon her newfound wealth, brought about by her job as a matchmaker, she’d taken the pair under her wing. 
With a bag thrown over her shoulder, Evelyn simply nodded while Marcella exclaimed, “yes! I’ve always wanted to see the Fire Nation. Do you think we could find a client in one of the Water Tribes next?” 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the young girl’s excitement, “if this goes well? We’ll be able to find clients anywhere.” She wasn’t wrong, Y/N had never had the opportunity to work with the actual Earth King, the true ruler of the nation. Now she was working with the ruler of a nation she’d never stepped foot in, entirely new customs and traditions to research, a new social structure, new everything.
What a fun challenge.
With a smile on her face, Y/N followed closely behind Iroh, the palace was stunning, she couldn’t deny it. And compared to the crumbling infrastructure of the lower rings of cities like Ba Sing Se, Fire Nation cities were prospering Fire Lord Zuko’s rule. From what she’d heard, things weren’t always this way.
“Y/N and I are going to wait here,” he gestured to the open space before them, dozens of paintings within it, “these two will take you to your rooms.” He explained to the pair of young girls, nodding to the servants beside them, who began to guide the young girls away.
Y/N’s eyes found their way to the paintings, the newest one being of the current Fire Lord, Zuko himself. She wondered how accurate the painting was, and seeing as she would be meeting him soon, Y/N figured she’d find out as she sighed, turning to Iroh, “so how does the original heir to the throne become the owner of an infamous tea shop?” 
Iroh smiles to himself at her words, “age brings wisdom. And tea is a nice substitute for alcohol.” He jokes, though Y/N can see the pain in his eyes, along with admiration as he stares at Zuko’s portrait alongside her.
“Uncle!” A voice exclaimed, joy clear in his voice as he called out. Y/N watched as Iroh spun around, a broad smile on his face as he moved forwards to embrace the person.
He looked better in person, Y/N quickly decided, though the portrait did its job just as well. She wouldn’t deny he was attractive, but she already knew looks weren’t the issue. Iroh had informed her of the situation, Zuko’s constant rejection of any and every single person that approached him, and the stress he experienced because of the politics of it all.
“Nephew, it is good to see you,” Iroh said, releasing him from the hug, “how are you?” Initially he seemed fairly comfortable at the sight of just his Uncle, but as the Fire Lord’s body seemed to stiffen, Y/N realized she’d been spotted.
So, he wasn’t comfortable with strangers, “I’m alright Uncle... who is this?” He asked. There was an edge to his voice as he spoke, sizing Y/N up, not in the way you did for someone you were attracted to, but for an enemy.
Uncomfortable with new people, clear trust issues, and his mind was always alert. She’d have to write these things down and take them into consideration prior to finding him a potential partner. Though it was starting to look like he was completely unaware of her purpose there as she extended her hand out to him, “Y/N L/N. Professional matchmaker.” She explained with a bright smile, though, based off his personality, that would likely ward him off more.
He was polite though, shaking her hand despite his clear suspicions of her, “Zuko.” Y/N couldn’t help but raise a brow at this, he hadn’t mentioned his title in his introduction. Zuko turned to his Uncle, brows furrowing as he said, “you hired a professional matchmaker?”
With a shrug Iroh responded, “we met by chance! So, it must be destiny.”
Zuko gives him a tight lipped smile, nodding slowly before returning his attention to Y/N who stood away from the pair, examining the decor of the palace. It was minimalistic, truly basic if she was honest, despite the clear amount of riches they possessed, it lacked evidence of them. Bringing her eyes back to him, he spoke, “you don’t need to be here. You can receive your pay, but I personally see no purpose for a matchmaker.”
Iroh frowned at his words, “Zuko, you need to give it a chance! Unlike all those ladies who keep throwing themselves at you. Besides, she seems rather good at her job.” His gaze was on his nephew as he sighed, giving Y/N an apologetic look that she simply waved off.
“Oh, it’s fine. It just won’t be for long.” Zuko raised a brow at her words, and Y/N watched his feet shifted, “no need to prepare for a fight, your majesty.” She hummed, rolling her neck, in the corner of her eye she could see shock flash in his own. “You see, as a matchmaker I do several things, including developing a little... profile of my clients. Now we just met but I can already tell you a variety of things about you that’s making your love life rather trivial.” Even before she had to develop the profiles professionally, in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se, being capable of reading others was a necessary skill.
Zuko’s eyes narrowed at her, “and what have you determined, in the very short time we’ve known each other.”
A small laugh escaped her as she extended her arms and cracked her knuckles, “well. You have major trust issues, which is why you are desperately trying to keep me at arms length. That’s one reason why you have yet to find someone.” Turning her attention to the decor of the large room, Y/N closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Given the lack of interior design, I would say you’re struggling with social aspects of your job, and you need a partner. One that I can help you find.” 
“See! I told you she’s good at what she does.” Iroh exclaimed, moving forward to clap a hand onto Y/N’s shoulder, much to Zuko’s dismay. 
Y/N gave the older man a small smile before looking back to Zuko, who eyed her wearily, “you keep avoiding the portrait of your father. But you can’t bring yourself to take it down.” She said, and Y/N could practically feel the tension building with each word. “He’s one of the reasons you’ve yet to find a lover-”
“Because he gave me the scar?” 
Y/N paused, brows furrowing at his words, her eyes found his, “I’m sorry, was that a joke?” She asked, and Iroh stared between the two, amused. “You’re actually rather attractive, which is why I know this is a personality thing. Probably tired of the whole fancy court thing they have going on here, which I’m going to need to research...” Y/N pursed her lips, failing to notice the clear shock on Zuko’s face at her comment, and red flushing his cheeks. Waving off her thoughts, she looked back to him, “anyways. My assistants should’ve already cleared out about an hour in your schedule each day for our sessions. I’m going to be asking you some very personal questions. So, be ready!” 
And with that, Y/N waved to the two, bowing rather questionably shortly after, before heading off in the direction she’d seen Marcella and Evelyn go in. Effectively leaving behind a baffled Zuko, and a rather satisfied Iroh, who began to laugh at Zuko’s reaction. “I really like her, quite the character she has.” 
“Yeah, quite the character.” He brought a hand to his temple, “is this really necessary, Uncle?” 
Iroh simply sighed, looking to his nephew, “whether you want to admit it or not, she was right. Ruling a nation is difficult, and ruling it alone is even harder.” A small huff of laughter escaped Iroh, “and she figured that out by your lack of interior design!” 
Exhaling deeply, Zuko reminded himself that this was all part of the job, the job that consumed his entire life. The life that this girl had analyzed in a matter of moments. 
Yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to their meetings.
Though his morals and his disagreement with practically selling your own child were a major factor in his lack of a love life. There was also the simple fact that there was no love in many of the interactions he had with potential suitors, much less genuine interest. They all wanted the power he could give them should they get married.
There was also the fact that Zuko had very little relationship experience, a fact he was trying to ignore. At the end of the day, he couldn’t bring himself to approach anyone, and if he did, he wouldn’t know what to do. Zuko also doubted that people would act... genuine around him, especially if they knew who he was. And all he really wanted was something real, considering his entire day was surrounded by fake smiles that belonged to both him and others.
It seemed that Y/N wasn’t prepared to ignore this piece of information though, since the following morning she’d seated him down and begun to speak of it, “so. You’ve been in two relationships.”
His brows furrowed, “one actually.” He and Mai had broken up about six months into his work as Fire Lord, “Mai.”
Raising a brow at him, she leaned back in the seat. Zuko couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to decorate the place in such a short period of time, as he could’ve sworn there hadn’t been a desk here the previous day. Then again, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d toured his own palace. “Well, I’ve heard rumors of you and a Southern Water Tribe member, but I’m not sure which one so I just-”
“Okay! That’s enough.” His cheeks were flushed red as he looked away.
Y/N grinned at him, leaning forwards, “then let’s discuss Mai. You two were pretty on and off, right?” 
Zuko grimaced at the thought, they were. He wouldn’t deny that he’d gone back to her a few times during his time as Fire Lord, “yeah.” 
Y/N began to write into her notebook, “tell me about her.”
“I don’t see why that’s important.” Came his response, looking at her quizzically as he frowned.
Tilting her head at him, Y/N gave Zuko a look, “come on. Let me do my job, I need to know about her to gauge what types of personalities you like while also determining why the two of you broke it off entirely.” She placed the book down, and Zuko could very clearly see the words ‘commitment issues’ underlined. “The goal isn’t just to find you a suitable wife that can help you rule, but someone you can be happy with.”
He’s silent for a moment, eyes on Y/N, her words seem honest. And this was her job, “she was blunt. Honest. Kind of mean at times, but she could be sweet as well. Pretty stoic, expressing her emotions was always... difficult for her.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, scribbling a few more things down, “okay. And what’s your favorite color?” 
“What type of question is that?” Zuko asked, brows furrowing in confusion. 
Crossing her arms, Y/N shrugged, “well. Favorite colors can tell you a lot about a person.” Came her response, “mine is green. Maybe that’s because I associate green with the Earth Kingdom, where I lived. Or maybe it’s because I happen to like nature quite a bit.” Looking around, Zuko could see that she’d already gotten a variety of plants native to the Fire Nation, most were succulents due to the almost year round heat.
At the mention of colors, his mind immediately went back to his first experience with the dragons, when their fire encircled him and Aang. “I.. don’t know how to describe the color- colors?” Zuko’s brows drew together in thought, and Y/N looked at him.
“How would I not understand a color?” The confusion is clear in her voice as she looks at him. Y/N can practically see the nostalgia in his eyes as he looks to the balcony.
Sighing, Zuko shifted in his seat, “these dragons I met ended up making a circle of fire around me and there were just... so many colors. But together it was just,” he paused, searching for the right word, “beautiful.”
Y/N’s mouth gaped open for a moment, “you met dragons?” She exclaimed, nearly throwing her notebook aside. Y/N had never seen such creatures, in fact, the general consensus was that they were still extinct
Zuko seemed to forget about this fact as he straightened himself, eyes meeting hers, “you can’t tell anyone about them!” He exclaimed, “they were hunted to extinction, though I intend to outlaw such things it’s just...” 
She nodded in understanding, “people break laws.” Y/N leaned back into her seat once more, “you owe me a dragon story.” She said, before crossing her legs in her seat and continuing, “favorite food?”
“Well, Aang took me to Avatar Day, and they had these weird Avatar shaped dough things.” He explained, recalling the time he’d gone with Aang and the others. Apparently they used to burn his statue, but now they worship him for some reason.
Y/N brought a hand under her chin, “I have no idea what that is.” She began to scribble something down on her notepad, “but okay.”
“What about you?”
Y/N hummed in response, “what do you mean?” 
Zuko felt his cheeks warm, “this just feels like an interview.”
“Probably because it is an interview.” Y/N said, gesturing for him to elaborate.
Looking away, Zuko frowned, “it’s weird.” Sighing, he spoke once more, “so, what’s your favorite food?” 
Y/N was silent for a moment, staring at Zuko, who was trying his hardest to avoid her gaze. This was a rare occurrence, seeing as most nobles were rather self-centered and liked talking about themselves. She’d never had a client who felt uncomfortable with this portion because it was basically a one-sided conversation. “Jennamite is a good rock candy.”
Zuko turns back to her, a small laugh escaping him, “my friends were nearly killed in Jennamite by the King of Omashu once.” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
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Y/N wouldn’t deny how odd it was, to be sharing as much information as she was learning about Zuko. She’d never really considered just how personal some of the questions were until she found herself answering them. But, after about a month, she had assembled a pretty good array of potential suitors for Zuko. Along with a few of her own clients, Y/N had found some girls that from the Fire Nation that seemed pretty acceptable.
That’s what she had thought at least.
“What do you mean, you already rejected her?” 
Turns out, Zuko had met half the women, and rejected them. The other half were either from the Earth Kingdom, or yet to attend one of few Galas that Zuko hosted. Seeing as he handed off most of that work to his advisors, it was rare for him to remain at Galas for an extended period of time. 
He grimaced at Y/N’s words nonetheless, his Uncle had informed her of his situation, but clearly not the extent of it. “She was more interested in her guard than me. It was a power grab her parents likely forced her into.” He remembered the girl, she’d been kind to him, but she clearly didn’t want him as much as her parents did.
His words brought about a new level of understanding for Y/N, who nodded slowly, of course it was the parents that Zuko had a problem with. It wasn’t uncommon for nobles to practically throw their children at potential suitors as though they’re a bag of coins. It was something that disgusted her as well, her job found people companions that they liked while these people simply wished for an addition to their power.
Zuko was the ultimate power grab. Y/N could only imagine how many times this had happened to him, random people he’d never met approaching him, offering their child’s hand in marriage. 
Bringing a hand to her temple, Y/N sighed, “but the rest are fine?” 
He nodded slowly, flipping through the pages he had yet to remove, Zuko skimmed what Y/N had written. Taking note of her handwriting, he wondered if she’d written his profile like this. “Yeah...” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, and Zuko sighed, removing a few more pages from the binder she’d presented him with. 
Exhaling deeply, Y/N brought a hand to Zuko’s shoulder, “be honest with me. I’m not gonna yell at you for removing them Zuko, this is for you.”
Sometimes he forgot it was her job to be nice to him. 
“Right.” He mumbled, trying to shake off the feeling he got as she removed her hand. “That’s still... a lot of people. Some of which aren’t even in this nation.” Zuko pointed out, a queasy feeling within him as he looked at her.
Y/N plopped down onto the couch in the common room they’d met in, sprawling her body across it, “you’re right, there is a lot. But,” She twisted her body so that she could see him, wiggling her brows suggestively, “it’s been a while since you hosted a Gala.” 
Zuko’s face dropped at her words, in his years of being Fire Lord, he’d had about three total, and hated every single one. But given how rare the Galas were, people got pretty excited when he threw them. “I hate planning those, it’s a waste of time and-” 
A small smile was on her face as she interrupted him, “and you suck at planning them? I can tell by the decor of your palace.” Glaring at her, Zuko watched as she shifted so that her head hung off the couch upside down, “well. This will be the best Gala yet, you’ll impress all the ladies that you can’t meet in the immediate future in about...” Y/N looked to the watch on her wrist, brows furrowing, “eight months. And I’ll help you plan it, since you desperately need help-”
“Alright, I get it, I’m horrible.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he leaned back against his seat across from her after placing the binder on the coffee table between them. “Eight months isn’t a lot of time,” traditionally, Gala’s took at least a year’s worth of planning and preparation, especially since Zuko was so busy he barely had the time to assist in the process. Eight months was no where near enough.
Y/N was still frowning at his words, “no self-deprecation.” She ordered, taking Zuko by surprise, before continuing, “regardless. I’ve planned Gala in less time with less resources. It’ll be fine.” Pursing her lips Y/N sighed, “now we need to discuss your inability to talk to people in general due to your immense trust issues and constant battle field mentality.” 
Zuko’s mouth gaped open at her words, “excuse me?”
Bringing her hands to rest on her stomach as she laid upside down, Y/N spoke, “when we first met you looked like you contemplated attacking me. And when you met Marcella and Evelyn, I’ve never seen someone so awkward.” Zuko is silent and looks away, only proving her point as Y/N continued, “so we need to practice your people skills, and flirting for future reference, seeing as your first date is in about a week-”
Almost immediately, Zuko straightened his posture, sitting up and looking to her as though she’d thrown a bucket of ice cold water onto him. “A week?” He winced at the way his voice cracked.
“Yeah, I spoke with one of the girls, not her parents, and asked her to meet with you later in the week.” Y/N explained, “her name is Elara, she’s in there.”
Frowning, Zuko reached for the binder and began to flip through the pages, “how’d you know I wasn’t going to get rid of her page?” Only to find the girl’s page, details on her personality, skills, hobbies and more on them.
A smirk spread across Y/N’s face, “she was one of few I was sure you’d keep.” With a sigh, Zuko looked back to Y/N, who still sat upside down, “now. You need to practice your romance skills, so come on.” She twisted her body, her legs falling to the side of the couch, and then moving onto the floor, Y/N stood. As the blood rushed to her head, a wave of dizziness came over her, and Y/N found herself stumbling slightly.
A hand came to her back and forearm, steadying her, “you need to practice walking.” Zuko laughed slightly, a nervous edge in his voice as he eyed her. 
Y/N brought a hand to her head as she laughed as well, “oh my...” Y/N blinked several times as the wave of dizziness passed, her hand gripping Zuko’s arm as she grounded herself. Looking up to him, she quickly realized how close they were and cleared her throat, releasing his arm.
He followed suit, removing his hands from her, “sorry-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Zuko.” 
The look her gives her almost hurts. Because Y/N can see the shock within his eyes as he nods slowly in response. She wonders what he’s thinking of as he she gives him a tight lipped smile, clapping her hands together as she turns back to him, “practice.” She repeated, mostly for herself.
And maybe offering to be the person he practiced on was her first mistake. 
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Y/N had learnt a lot about Zuko in the past four dates he’d been on. One of these things being the fact that Zuko was a wild card when it came to dates, and they seemed to either go very well with the girls contacting Y/N to let her know they wished for a second date, only for Zuko to reject the possibility. Or, they went very bad. And Zuko returned with some sort of drink splattered onto his clothing.
So, Y/N decided that the best course of action was to discover what exactly Zuko wasn’t mentioning, and to follow him with a disguise. Evelyn had suggested it, Iroh supported the idea full-heartedly, though Marcella had believed it would be a huge invasion of privacy, Y/N didn’t really care, seeing as it was her job to be involved in Zuko’s love life. She was getting paid to ensure he found love. 
And she was curious.
That’s how Y/N ended up dressed in some very suspicious Fire Nation clothing alongside her assistants and the apparent Dragon of the West, famous tea shop owner, and member of the royal family. 
What a wonderful assortment of people.
Marcella and Evelyn had separated from Iroh and Y/N, sitting in another booth across from them, it was a feeble attempt to keep them from sticking out. The girl had chosen a rather upscale restaurant, so dressing appropriately while also maintaining a look that prevented Zuko from recognizing them. 
Y/N pulled her hat further down on her face as she looked to Iroh, who was browsing the menu. She wouldn’t be shocked if he entered the kitchen just to make himself a ‘decent’ cup of tea. He’d been rather helpful during the whole process, anything she didn’t find out from Zuko, Y/N had learnt from Iroh. “See anything you like, Iroh?”
He smiled at her, nodding slowly, “I think I’ll just take some tea.” 
Looking to Marcella and Evelyn, Y/N smiles, the two are speaking with one another like they aren’t supposed to be spying on the Fire Lord. But Y/N doesn’t mind, this was more of a recreational activity anyways, and she was glad they were having fun. Since they’d gotten to the Fire Nation two months ago there had been an... adjustment period to put it simply.
Y/N nodded at Iroh’s statement, and her eyes fell back onto Zuko and his newest date, Amaya, she was a simple girl. She’d possessed organizational skills that Zuko lacked, planned dozens of events, had the expressive qualities that Zuko yearned for in a partner. Amaya was one of few that Y/N was sure Zuko would take a liking to. Especially since she also had training in a variety of fighting styles, and was quite the Firebender. She’d been a little skeptical when she first contacted Amaya, the girl seemed hesitant, but she agreed.
And from the looks of it, he had. The pair was laughing along with each other, but Y/N could see the way Zuko stiffened at any physical contact, in general he’d yet to relax. If Y/N was honest, it was basically like any first date, awkward.
Zuko didn’t really know how to feel about Amaya, she was what he should be looking for in a girl, everything he needed if he was honest. She had an interest in the art, something Zuko had never taken to and the main reason his palace looked, ‘dull’ as Y/N had put it. And she was expressive, the main issue he’d had with Mai was her lack of expression. But, for some reason, Zuko just couldn’t see her as anything more than a good friend. There was something... off about her.
“When that Earth Kingdom girl approached me, I was skeptical.” Amaya explained, taking a sip from her glass, “you know how most Earth Kingdom folk are...” She gave him a look as Zuko listened in confusion. “The Fire Nation citizens simply have more class.” Amaya settled for with a shrug.
Zuko laughed nervously, “I’m not sure I understand. I find Earth Kingdom citizens pretty pleasant actually, and Y/N, the one you met, she’s actually very resourceful and kind.” His mind went to Toph as well, who had invented an entirely new type of bending. She was an impressive young woman from the Earth Kingdom, and Y/N was as well, she’d started her own business at a young age and turned it into something incredible.
“Really? She didn’t seem too smart when I met her, but who can say no to a meeting with the Fire Lord?” 
Zuko was pretty sure her words were meant to be taken as a joke. But Amaya wasn’t the first person Zuko had encountered with this mindset, she was just more subtle about it. The supremacy of the Fire Nation was still an idea that ran rampant in some people’s minds, though Zuko had dealt with most disputes regarding his peaceful relations with other nations. Many still missed the time when the Fire Nation practically owned the world, where Fire Nation citizens could treat the people who had their homes taken from them however they pleased.
It was a dark time in his nation’s history, nonetheless, several people missed it. This was something rather prevalent amongst Nobles though, they were the ones who lost an immense amount of land when the war had ended. Many of them were bitter about what had happened. 
If Zuko was honest, she’d probably had these ideas drilled into her since birth, and simply hadn’t grown out of them, which was a shame. But as the ruler of a nation, he couldn’t rule beside someone who looked down on others simply because they weren’t from the Fire Nation.
Zuko shook his head, “Y/N built her business from the ground up. And now she’s helping the Fire Lord get dates.” He knows he sounds defensive, as though he’s prepared to fight her, something his Uncle would likely scold him for, but he doesn’t care at the moment.
“All she does is set you up with people.” 
Zuko’s brows furrowed at this comment, and he raised a hand to get the attention of the waiter, “excuse me, could I get the check please?” The young man nodded, heading off to get the check, and Amaya looked at him incredulously. 
Y/N had done far more than set him up with people, she’d helped him begin planning a Gala, she’d tried her best to find a good assortment of people that would fit both Zuko’s needs and the Fire Nation’s, and that list was probably very difficult to narrow down. Zuko had seen the work she put in for formulating profiles of the potential suitors, and throughout all of it she had done nothing but support him. 
“What are you doing?” Amaya asked, shifting in her seat as she stared at Zuko quizzically.
The waiter came over and handed Zuko the check, and Zuko placed a pouch of money on the table, “thanks. Keep the change.” He explained, nodding to the boy, who’s mouth gaped open in surprise as he took the pouch of money, bowing to Zuko repetitively, though Zuko wasn’t paying much attention to him as he spoke to Amaya. “I don’t think this is going to work out, I’m sorry.”
Amaya is still seated in shock as Zuko rises from his table, and Y/N can’t help it when her mouth gapes open at the sight of him simply abandoning his date. She makes eye contact with Iroh, who raises a brow, and they both sit up. She moves to follow Zuko, only to bump into someone. 
“I’m so sorry!” Y/N exclaims, moving down to help them pick up their hat, that had fallen when they collided.
“No, that was my fault entirely!” He responds, shaking his head as they both leaned town to pick it up.
“Aang, come on! He’s leaving.” The woman behind him exclaims.
Y/N’s brows furrow in recognition as she looks up to see a blue arrow tattooed on the man’s head, and her eyes widen in realization. Zuko had described Aang several times during their conversations, he and the rest of his friends came up often. But Y/N did not expect the first time she met the Avatar and his friends to be when they were both following Zuko on his date.
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Y/N simply sighs as she opens her door to see Zuko, in the outfit she’d helped him pick out. “What was it this time?” He’d been on thirteen dates thus far, and Y/N was slowly realizing that Zuko was likely one of her most difficult clients. This was purely because he’d yet to get a second date, though there had been offers, Zuko had declined all of them. 
“She was just-” His hands gestured rather broadly, he was practically throwing them into the air, “she was so rude to the waiter.” This had always been a dealbreaker for him, since he’d worked as a waiter in two different tea shops, Zuko had come to understand the importance of treating a waiter with kindness and how difficult the work could be. 
His eyes dart between Y/N and her door, she’s rubbing her eyes due to the exhaustion and Zuko can’t help the guilt that floods him. Nonetheless, she opens the door wider, heading inside her room and signaling for him to close it as she falls back onto her bed. “You were a waiter once, yeah?” He’d told her a fair share about his life in the Earth Kingdom, she’d inquired quite a bit about that part of his life. 
He asked about her life in the Earth Kingdom too, and she’d told him how poor life could be the in the outer rings, something he’d experienced for himself. Zuko listened as she describe living after her parents had died, working for a matchmaker only to discover she was actually good at the job, making a name for herself in the outer rings and then making her way inwards until she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the kingdom. Y/N spoke of how she’d met Marcella and Evelyn, and how she’d taken them in when she’d discovered they were both orphans, living on the streets as pickpockets.
Zuko wouldn’t help but laugh at this, he could imagine Evelyn as a pickpocket, but Marcella? She was a sweet girl, he couldn’t imagine her in a life of crime. Of course, desperation made people do questionable things. Zuko knew that much from experience. 
“Yeah, I was.” Came his response, taking a seat in the chair by her desk. 
Y/N sat up in her bed, bracing herself with her elbows as she raised a brow at him, “what are you doing?”
Zuko frowned, shifting in the chair, “sitting...?” He moved to get up but Y/N waved him off.
“Just lay with me, idiot.” She allowed her head to fall back onto the bed, patting the spot beside her. Clearly, her suggestion wasn’t bothering her, but Zuko felt his face flush at the possibility.
If he’s honest, he’s not even trying anymore when it comes to dates and women and love. There were three reasons for this, one of which was the fact that he simply wasn’t connecting with any of the women he had met thus far. Sure they were nice, and they probably would be his type has it not been for reason two. The fact that Zuko had realized he had feelings for Y/N, what feelings? He wasn’t sure, but they sure as hell weren’t platonic, if they were he would not be blushing this much. He wouldn’t get that weird feeling in his stomach whenever he spoke to her.
Then there was was reason three, if Zuko succeeded in finding love, then Y/N would leave. It was selfish, but he already knew he wouldn’t find anyone considering he pretty sure he loved someone else already. So now, Zuko was basically procrastinating letting Y/N know that this just wasn’t going to work out, mostly because he didn’t have a plan.
He was debating just firing her, but that likely wouldn’t go over well, and he wanted to see her business succeed. If you get fired by the Fire Lord, that just looks bad. Now Zuko wondered what the best way to go about this was, since there was no point in working for him, even if she was getting paid. He was a waste of time. 
He couldn’t help the smile graced his lips as his own thoughts reminded him of the time she’d scolded him, telling him to quit being self-deprecating. 
Zuko sat up from the chair, making his way over to her bed, Zuko found himself simply plopping down onto it face first, earning a laugh from Y/N.
He rolled over onto his back, turning to look at Y/N, only to find her eyes were already on him, bringing a blush to his cheeks as he mumbled, “what?”
“I’m just trying to figure out why you haven’t gotten a second date yet.” Came her response, propping herself up on her forearm. “You have a nice personality, you’re attractive, I’m sure at least one of the girls caught your eye.” Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to wonder if she’d incidentally allowed her own feelings to get in the way of her work. Maybe that’s why this was going so badly.
This was a problem. 
Zuko simply shook his head, his face on fire as he listened to her words, though he couldn’t help the hand he brought to the scar on his face. Y/N had pointed out before that he was allowing his Father to control his actions even now that he was imprisoned, and Zuko was beginning to see what she meant. 
Removing his hand from his face, Zuko sighed. Though he didn’t have much time to dwell on his thoughts as her hand hesitantly came to his face, placing a hand on his cheek and allowing her thumb to brush against the scar. Zuko jumped at the sudden contact, and Y/N moved to withdraw her hand almost instantly, but Zuko’s hand came to hers and held it there. Looking to her, he couldn’t read the look in her eyes as she gazed at him, and suddenly he wished he was as good at reading people as she was. 
“No self-deprecating thoughts.” Y/N mumbled, “bad Zuko.” She removed her hand from his to flick his head, causing his brows to furrow.
He pouted, and Y/N let out a laugh as he spoke, “how come you haven’t found someone?” Zuko looked to her, “you’re beautiful, and smart, and just... perfect.” He didn’t notice when her cheeks warmed, “you’re a literal matchmaker, surely you’ve considered who your perfect person is.” 
Y/N fell onto her back, running her hands over her face as she shook her head, “how have you not gotten a second date?” A sigh escaped her, “I haven’t had time for love before, and I just haven’t found that,” looking to him, she pursed her lips, “perfect person.” Growing up in the lower rings, she didn’t have time for an actual relationship, and her business as a matchmaker grew incredibly quickly. At the end of the day, long term just didn’t work out, Y/N barely had for herself, much less another person.
“I guess we both suck at love.” Zuko said, his tone was serious and Y/N couldn’t help but burst out into laughter as she swatted at his chest.
Too bad they couldn’t suck at love together. 
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Smoothing over her green dress, a sign of her citizenship in the Earth Kingdom, Y/N moved to answer the knock on her bedroom door. Given how long she’d been in the Fire Nation, Y/N wondered if the Earth Kingdom would still feel like home when she returned. The idea of going back felt odd, and though that time likely wasn’t soon unless Zuko met the love of his life tonight, it was inevitable.
And it horrified her. 
Holding the edge of the dress slightly to make it easier to walk, Y/N sighed and opened the door, seeing Zuko. A small smile on her face as she eyed his Fire Nation robes, “you look nice.” She complimented, tilting her head at him as she allowed her eyes to travel over his figure.
Zuko nodded, a blush coming over her cheeks, his mouth gaping open as he looked at Y/N. “You look beautiful.” She did, the dress looked amazing on her, her hair styled just right, and bracelets adorning her wrists.
“Thank you, Fire Lord Zuko.” His nose crinkled at the use of his title, coming from her it felt even weirder, wrong almost. But she continued, “mind helping me out?” She asked, moving back to her desk and taking a necklace in hand. Y/N had been struggling to put it on for the past few minutes, and now she had someone to do it for her.
He nodded, closing the door behind him, he took the necklace from her hand, and when Y/N ensured her hair was out of his way, Zuko brought the necklace around her neck. He secured the clasp, hands lingering as he adjusted it to the center of her neck. Zuko couldn’t help but notice a small scar on her shoulder, hand brushing over it.
Y/N looked over her shoulder and to him, brow raised, “how’d you get this?” He asked, brows drawn together. His hand traced the raised skin gently, Y/n could feel her cheeks warming at his touch, inhaling deeply. 
She grimaced, “a knife fight I almost lost my life to.” Was her explanation. Y/N didn’t like to think back to the days when she’d resorted to several... questionable actions to stay alive. But she pushed those thoughts away as she turned to face him. “You ready?” Y/N asked, they had to get to the Gala soon, considering the fact that Zuko was the host, Y/N was shocked he’d even stopped by her room in the first place.
Zuko was silent, simply nodding as he extended his arm for her to take. And Y/N did, looping her arm around his as she smiled, “you are gonna woo so many Earth Kingdom women tonight!” Y/N exclaimed, more confidence in her voice than Zuko had.
Shame the only Earth Kingdom girl he wanted to ‘woo’ was her.
When they’d arrived at the Gala, descending the stairs together, they were greeted with the claps of the other guests. Zuko would feel the anxiety flood him, but he paid it no mind. Though Y/N could feel the way he stiffened as he ended his speech to the diplomats of all nations, “let this be a peaceful, and joyous night!” 
They all burst out into cheers before the party continued, the music starting once more, and everyone returning to feasting upon the buffet, dancing along the ballroom floor or speaking with one another. All while Y/N led Zuko down the stairs, dragging him by the hand, “come on. Enjoy your own party, meet some girls.” She winked, and Zuko swore his face heated up even more than it already had. 
Y/N wasn’t a fool, she knew that if she’d stuck by his side the entire night, she would serve as a repellant of any potential suitors. So naturally, much to Zuko and Y/N’s dismay, she removed herself from him, playfully shoving him towards a group of Earth Kingdom girls she’d mentioned earlier. Though there were several other clusters in the ballroom.
Zuko simply sighed, giving Y/N a small smile before making his way to the group of girls. If he was honest, he would rather be spending the Gala by her side, but he had to put in some effort. He owed Y/N that much. Besides, this was an entirely new group of girls, maybe he would find someone tonight. 
“Hi there.” Zuko greeted, waving awkwardly at the girls. 
This action earned him a few laughs, and he was unsure if they actually found it funny or felt the need to laugh since he was the Fire Lord. Shortly after they began introducing themselves, speaking like there was no tomorrow. 
If Zuko was honest, the number of women here was overwhelming. So, as he excused himself from the conversation, much to their chagrin, he placed his cup down on the platter of one of many waiters. Making his way outside, Zuko couldn’t help but feel relieved at the fresh air that hit him on the balcony. Though he contemplated heading back inside when he noticed another girl was already there, eyes shut as she faced the sky, she turned to see him, eyes widening a fraction. “I’m sorry, I can go-”
“No!” She exclaimed, cheeks flushing in embarrassment due to her outburst, “no... it’s fine.” She turned back to look at the sky, hand clasped together, fidgeting.
Zuko stepped forward, finding himself situated across from her, leaning against the railing, “so why are you out here?”
A small laugh escaped the girl, and she ran a hand through her hair, “it’s rather stress relieving. You have a lovely view in your palace.” 
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he realized she recognized him, though Zuko nodded along, “what’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking?” It was a stupid question, and Zuko nearly facepalmed as he pursed his lips.
“Aileen.” Came her response, and Zuko realized he recognized her name as well. She was the child of one of the more well known members of Fire Nation nobility, her parents had approached him in the past in hopes of arranging a marriage between the two of them. He had declined almost immediately. And now that Aileen turned to him, he had a feeling he made the right decision, “you’re Zuko, right?” 
He exhaled deeply, nodding, “that’s me.” Sometimes, Zuko wondered what his life would’ve been like if he wasn’t Zuko, perhaps things would’ve been simpler. No, things definitely would’ve been simpler. There would be no diplomatic meetings, no wars, no idiots trying to hurt other people, no more assassination attempts, no more fake smiles and no more Galas. Of course, if he wasn’t Zuko, he never would’ve met Y/N.
“I heard you’re looking for a partner in crime.” Aileen prompted, “why aren’t you in there finding that future love of your life?” 
Shrugging, Zuko looked up at the sky, “I found her. She just doesn’t want me.”
He can feel Aileen stare at him, she’s silent for a moment, and Zuko wonders what she’s thinking. Though he doesn’t need to wait long to find out as she responds, “I understand.” Aileen focuses her gaze on the glass she’d placed on the thick railing of the balcony, “the person I love probably doesn’t love me back. And even if they did, my parents disapprove.”
“Did you ask?” He felt hypocritical, Zuko himself had never spoken with Y/N in regards to his feelings, and he likely never would, but he wanted to know. “If they love you?”
Aileen laughs slightly, shaking her head, “I couldn’t bring myself to. I’m scared.” She replied, looking back to him curiously, “did you?”
“No.” He responded lamely, tapping his fingers against the railing with a sigh.
Aileen laughed at this, “I guess we are both cowards then.” She pursed her lips, “I didn’t ask because I was scared, why didn’t you?”
And then the words come spilling out, “whoever I end up with will greatly impact the whole world, whether I want to acknowledge it or not. And she doesn’t deserve that burden, nobody does.” He laughs bitterly as he continues, “she’s also the person that was hired to help me find love in the first place.” Zuko pauses, looking away from Aileen, “and I guess I’m scared too.”
“Ironic.” Aileen mumbles, bringing her eyes back to the sky, “let’s make a deal, Your Majesty.” 
Zuko cringes at the use of that title, almost asking her to simply refer to him by his name, though he simply responds, “what deal?”
“We both confess. And if it goes horribly wrong, we can get married.” 
Y/N can’t see the shock on Zuko’s face, but she can see how comfortable he feels with this girl, Y/N hadn’t seen her before, but she was just happy Zuko was connecting with someone. Except she also wasn’t, a bitter feeling enveloping her as she turned away, looking for something else to focus her attention on, something that didn’t hurt. 
She turned to see Marcella and Evelyn in the distance, speaking with each other. Y/N supposed if she wouldn’t be finding love tonight, then at least they would. She was no fool, she saw the way they looked at each other, the glances when the other wasn’t looking. Maybe it was dumb, but Y/N found herself feeling jealous as she moved over to the buffet with a sigh. Food solved everything in her experience, after a client had a particularly bad day, food made things better.
“Perhaps some tea?” Iroh stood beside her, a kettle in his hand, he had insisted he serve tea at the Gala, though Zuko had assured him it would be just as easy to find someone else to do the job.
Y/N smiled at him, nodding as she took a cup from the array of them within the buffet, allowing Iroh to pour her some tea. “Thank you, Iroh.” Her voice is quieter than normal, and it’s clear that Iroh can tell something is wrong.
“You know, you deserve to be happy to Y/N.” His words catch her by surprise, though she doesn’t have much time to consider their meaning before flames lighting the room begin to move erratically, causing her brows to furrow.
Something was wrong. 
Iroh nods to her, placing the tea kettle down as his brow furrow and she nods back, Iroh disappearing into the crowd of people. Y/N’s eyes fall back to Marcella and Evelyn, and she quickly moves to their side of the room, ignoring the hush that had fallen over the room, panicked gasps amongst them. Her hands fall onto both girl’s arms as she nods to them, “Y/N, whats going-”
Y/N is already dragging them in the direction of the exit, “get out of here, find the guards. I’m going to find Zuko.” The girls didn’t have much time to argue, as Y/N was already working her way through the panicked crowd, back to the balcony where she’d last seen Zuko. But, people were already pushing against her movements, making it difficult. Raising her head above the crowd in an attempt to see what’s going on, Y/N realizes whats happening. 
Firebenders were trying to force them together, and Y/N couldn’t help but panic as she wondered if Marcella and Evelyn managed to escape and find the guards. 
This was an ambush.
No, this was an assassination attempt. Zuko already knew as he watched the atmosphere of the party begin to shift, that and the person who stood before him in all black, brandishing several weapons. Alongside four others who stood by her side. 
“You know, it wasn’t until I met you that I realized how bad it had gotten.” Aileen stood beside Zuko, eyes meeting his in horror as they exchanged looks. Zuko simply hoped the nod he gave her provided some semblance of comfort as he returned his attention to the person before him. “I mean, defending some lowly Earth Kingdom matchmaker? What type of career even is that?” 
Her voice is almost maniacal, and Zuko can’t help but wince as he feels reminded of his sister. But he recognizes it nonetheless, Amaya. It had been months since he’d seen her, but he could still remember her voice. Her face was covered by a mask, and she wielded a sword, and if Zuko remembered correctly, she had been trained in dozens of fighting styles and was a talented bender herself. Alongside the four other men, Zuko couldn’t help but panic internally as he spoke, “Amaya, why don’t you put the swords down, and we talk about this.”
She laughs in response, ripping the mask that covered her face off and throwing it aside, “people have tried to talk to you about this. Your-” She grappled for the word, a hand yanking at her hair as she gestured to him with a sword, “your radical ideas!” 
Zuko didn’t find having morals radical, but he wasn’t going to say that, not while Aileen’s life was on the line. Zuko suddenly realized why having an heir was important as he shook his head, “Amaya, look. Why don’t you let Aileen here leave, and then you and I can talk.” 
Aileen looks like she’s going to protest, but Amaya glances at her red robes, a sign of her Fire Nation citizenship, and gestures for her to leave. “Get out. My problem isn’t with you.” 
When Aileen doesn’t move, Amaya quickly grows frustrated, calling out to one of the guards she’d brought along that lied inside, “take this fool away.” 
There’s no response, and Zuko can see panic flood Amaya’s face. And looking behind her, he quickly realizes that most of the guards have been subdued, Y/N holding one of them in her arms as she knocks them to the ground. Moving towards the balcony stealthily as Amaya’s hands begin to shake, fire sparking in her palms as she focused her attention onto Zuko. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to our nation.” 
But Zuko wasn’t looking at her as he shook his head, hoping Y/N would understand. There was no way she could overpower Amaya, not with her bending. Y/N didn’t even have a weapon.
Now, Y/N knew for a fact that no matter how talented Zuko was, he wouldn’t put the girl beside him in danger. His priority would be keeping her alive, and given the training Amaya had as a noble, in both Firebending and fighting, she might even be as good as Zuko in a fight.
Meaning she had to be taken out of the fight.
Everything happened pretty fast after that. Zuko was shielding body coming forward to shield Aileens as he extended his freehand to Firebend at the people who’d surrounded them, only for Amaya to move out of the way. The girl was practically screaming bloody murder as she lunged at him, now wielding her sword. 
Zuko didn’t have to figure out what to do next because Y/N moved faster than Amaya did, tackling the girl over the railing and down below as he began to scream. 
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Zuko’s knee is bouncing rapidly as he sits beside Iroh, who knits a scarf of some sort despite the blistering heat of the Fire Nation. He’s insisted that when Y/N returned to the Earth Kingdom she’d need it, and Zuko didn’t have the heart to disagree. Iroh had started stress-knitting about four hours ago, when Y/N had entered the room they all sat before, anxiously awaiting news of her condition.
Marcella and Evelyn are to Zuko’s left, Marcella’s sobs had quieted down, but Zuko wouldn’t be shocked if he looked over and saw tears silently streaming down her face. The girl hadn’t taken it well. Evelyn remained composed, doing her best to comfort Marcella, but the wait was clearly getting to her as well as she fidgeted with Marcella’s hands.
Seeing as Y/N had fallen from several stories up off the balcony and into the water below, Zuko didn’t really think it was possible to take the news well. But he was trying. 
A pang sounded from inside the room, and Zuko practically shot up onto his feet, moving to knock on the door to discover was was wrong, only for Iroh to grab his wrist, shaking his head. Zuko exhaled deeply, beginning to pace across the hall. He found himself wishing that Katara hadn’t been busy with Water Tribe business, she was an excellent healer. Alas, Katara wasn’t there, and Zuko had to settle for one of the skilled Water Tribe diplomats instead, alongside a few others skilled in medicine. 
As he paced, Zuko could feel Evelyn’s eyes on him, and it became clear she was itching to speak and he sighed, “what’s wrong?” There were dozens of answers to this question, the main one being the fact that Y/N could die today, so he hoped she understood what he meant.
The girl is glaring at him, and Zuko can’t help but feel uneasy. Because maybe she blames him for this as much as he blames himself, and maybe she’s going to tell him off, blame him for everything. Because if Y/N dies, she and Marcella will have no one again. 
Not that Zuko would allow that. He’d grown attached to the girls as well, they were kind, and helpful. They’d help improve the interior decor of the palace, and if he was honest, it looked better than anything he ever could’ve done.
“You better tell her how you feel after this.”
Zuko’s mouth gapes open at the girl’s words, and he swears the breath leaves his longs, and its as though everything hits him then. 
He would never get to tell Y/N how he felt if she died. He’d never get to listen to her try and tell a story just to go off on dozens of tangents, he’d never get to watch as she attempted to cook again, and he’d never get to hold her in his arms once more. There would be no more late night talks, and he wouldn’t hear her laugh, she wouldn’t tease him anymore and they wouldn’t walk through the courtyard feeding turtleducks again.
She’d never know he loved her.
Zuko finds himself nodding to Evelyn’s words, frozen in place as he looks to her and asks, “was I that obvious?” His voice is hoarse, and its probably because he didn’t stop screaming, even when Y/N’s body hit the water. 
Marcella is laughing at his words, blowing her nose into a tissue that Evelyn hands her before she speaks, “painfully obvious.”
“For someone who’s job revolves around love, Y/N is one of the most oblivious people I’ve ever met.” Evelyn grumbles out, rubbing her eyes as she yawns.
It was late, Zuko knew that much, the guests of the party had gone to the infirmary in the palace, being tended to by doctors and any other available healers if injured. Otherwise, they’d all returned to their rooms to sleep, or more likely stay up in fear of another attack. Zuko surely would.
“Go to bed guys, it’s getting late.” 
Evelyn looks at him like he’s one of the dumbest people she’s met, and if Zuko was honest, he probably was. But he simply nodded to Marcella, who had started leaning her head against Evelyn’s shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. “Uncle, why don’t you take them back to their rooms?”
Considering the fact that Zuko’s guards were around the corner, he wasn’t scared for his safety, but their presence just made him want to remain awake. 
“Nephew, you should sleep as well.” His Uncle replied, though he rose from his seat, bringing the yarn and the start of the scarf under his arm. 
Zuko gave his Uncle a smile, “I will. But if anything happens before then, I’ll be sure to alert you all.” He assured, nodding to Evelyn, who eyed him wearily. But she relented, shaking Marcella gently before standing up alongside her and Iroh. 
When they were out of sight, Zuko plopped back down in the seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he brought his hands to his face.
And for the first time in the night he cried, his body racked with sobs as tears streamed down his face and he struggled to breathe. The pain of all that had happened felt almost unbearable. She had to live. Y/N had to live. Because Zuko was going to confess. 
His fear of losing her outweighed his fear of rejection.
Wiping his tears away, Zuko suddenly felt grateful that Evelyn had left the box of tissues as he blew his nose. He sighed, his eyes piercing the door, hoping that something would happen.
As though his stare had willed her to exit the room, the healer came out, a grimace on her face as she looked to Zuko, likely because of his bloodshot eyes. The woman simply sighed, the grimace becoming a more sympathetic look. “Miss L/N lost a lot of blood... several of her bones were broken when she hit the water, especially her ribs. Her internal organs were damaged as well and... well it wasn’t very likely for her to survive.”
She’s dead.
Y/N is dead.
“Wow, you look like a mess.” 
Zuko’s head whips up, his eyes meeting Y/N’s, she’s leaning against a wooden crutch, grinning lazily at him. The healer beside her looks rather apologetic as she frantically explains, “she woke up far quicker than we anticipated and only agreed to rest if we participated in her rather cruel prank.”
So, she wasn’t a ghost.
Zuko launches himself up from the chair, nearly tackling Y/N, but the wooden crutch she uses for support serves as a reminder of her fragile state as he asks, “can I hug you?”
Her smile falters at the sound of his voice, hoarse and jagged, so she simply extends are free arm outward. Zuko takes this as an invitation for a hug, gently wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in her neck, Y/N wrapped her free arm around his neck, hand finding its way to the hair at the nape of his neck. “Im s-”
“It’s not your fault Zuko. I swear if you say its your fault I will throw myself over the balcony again.” She threatened, hand tightening in his hair.
Zuko laughs quietly, inhaling deeply before he speaks again, “please never do that again.” 
“I make no promises.”
Sighing, Zuko releases her, “I hate you so much.” 
Y/N scoffed, “you love me.” She was limping over to the bed in the middle of the room, blood coating the surrounding area. Though the doctors in the room were moving across the room that they’d placed Y/N on, and dealt with her injuries on, Zuko couldn’t help but feel sick at the sight.
She could’ve died.
“Yeah, I do.”
Y/N pauses, turning to look back at him, her mouth gapes open. Zuko’s looking away, eyes on anything but her as he inhales deeply.
The healer simply sighs, “before we do this, I should inform the two of you that Miss Y/N cannot do any... strenuous activities for at least one month.”
Zuko’s cheeks are flushing red as he shakes his head rapidly, “ma’am-”
“We’ll be taking our leave. Have fun, but not too much fun. Please.” The woman closes the door behind her once the other doctors are out of the room, and Y/N can’t stop laughing at the mortified expression on Zuko’s face, despite the sharp pain she feels in her ribs.
Taking a seat on the fresh sheets of the bed, Y/N sighs, “so you love me?” She’s picking at the sheets, “as a friend?”
Zuko suddenly realizes just how right Evelyn was as he slowly shakes his head, “no. More than a friend. I think I inadvertently sabotaged half of the dates you sent me on because of it.”
Y/N laughs quietly, eyes falling on Zuko only to see he’s looking anywhere but her, she calls out to him quietly, “Zuko. Look at me.”
He doesn’t hesitate to bring his gaze to her, eyes meeting hers as he begins to fidget with his hand. Y/N simply reaches her hand out, and he takes it. “I love you too, idiot.” She mumbles, pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his waist. “I just wish you had told me sooner so I didn’t waste so much time trying to set you up with other women.” 
A small laugh escapes him as he brings his hand to her hair, “how do I know you weren’t purposely giving me bad matches because you were in love with me?” 
Y/N removes her head from his stomach, looking up at him, her nose crinkles, “unlike you, I am a professional.” Zuko flicks her forehead, and Y/N pouts at him, hand coming up to his face, “can I kiss you?”
She can feel his face warm, but he nods rather enthusiastically nonetheless, and Y/N finds herself smiling at his as she uses her hands to pull his face downward towards her. His lips meet hers, and Zuko finds himself feeling complete, hands coming to Y/N’s face in an attempt to pull her closer while hers move to his ball up his robes that he’d yet to change.
 Zuko pulls away first, forehead resting on hers, “you need to sleep.” 
Y/N scoffed, eyes narrowing at him, “you need to sleep.” Looking to the bed, she raises a brow at him, “wanna lay with me?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I could accidentally injure you or-”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N yanks him onto the bed, making her way to the other side and getting comfortable, “I’ll be fine.”
Yeah, everything would be fine. Maybe not for the Fire Nation, seeing as Y/N would potentially help rule a nation but...
Everything would be fine.
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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A/N: i hope this was good enough!!! i tried!!! and idk how it ended up over 12k... that’s crazy man um kjhdsajfhjkah omg i really liked this concept though i hope i did it justice
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TAGLISTS [lmk if you want to be added or removed via askbox or replies]
ATLA: @bubblebars​ @jada-cleo​ @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat​ @wemissyou3000​ @ajediherowitchrunner​
ZUKO: @outerxorbit @shawkneecaps @lil-lex1 @boxofteenageideas @izzieserra @eridanuswave @bigbuckyenergy @celamoon @savemesteeb @shephard17895 @ijustwannabecanadian @duh-dobrik @anime-simp @lammello  
5K notes · View notes
littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“Similar Tastes”
An enemies to lovers classic. You and Harry are too similar for you to ever get along...maybe
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Hi hi! This is for @majorharry’s 20k celebration writing !!! Hope you all enjoy, I always love to hear from you :)))
The prompts I used: “How about you get off my dick” and “Sorry, I didn’t know”
This gif bc Harry “oh god that’s TEQUILA” Styles is king
Fluff? Smut? But definitely angst? Idk how to describe it bahaha a little bit of everything
Word Count: 4.0k | Warnings: language (there are actually two slurs in this - they’re bisexual slurs and they’re said by the bad guy so just take that into consideration), mature content (not quite smut but y’know), alcohol consumption, girl kissing girl at one point
Pt. 2 is up!
Saturday night. It was finally time to go out with your group of friends and you couldn’t be happier. Well, you could, but what would make you that happy wasn’t possible. If one of the people in your friend group wasn’t there. That would make you the happiest.
Almost everyone has that one person in your friend group who you can’t stand. Like, at first you don’t really know them and then as you get to know them more you just can’t stand them.
For you that was Harry.
While neither of you would admit why you hated each other, it was obviously about how everyone would always compare the two of you. You had practically identical personalities, and had similar fashion taste. At first, everyone else thought you would end up together because it seemed like you were perfectly matched. But the first time someone said, “Oh, Harry, your jacket looks just like the one Y/N wore last week.” Both of you had seethed in complete dissatisfaction. 
Naturally, Harry took his jacket off early in that evening and you never wore yours again. You hated being compared to Harry, being told he had made a similar joke or said the same thing about something made you want to reevaluate your entire value system. Maybe it was because you both had such an individualistic mindset, but neither of you enjoyed being compared to anyone and that’s what made it all the worse when people chose to compare you to each other. It boiled down to both of you wanting to be the best at everything - the most unique, rather - that made you dislike the other so much.
So, tonight at the bar, as your group rattled in from the street, you stuck close to your pals at the front while Harry was chatting with someone near the back of the pack. Your eyes had met briefly when you’d seen each other’s outfits. Harry’s a half unbuttoned Gucci cream dress shirt, that was rolled to his elbows, tucked into high waisted navy trousers finished with cream boots and yours a navy bra top with a faux collar and a deep cut to show your cleavage paired with cream high waisted pleated pants and navy loafers. Not exactly the same, but if you had stood next to one another it would have looked planned. You rolled your eyes at him as he narrowed his towards you. You couldn’t wait to order a few drinks and let loose after a hard week at work.
As you all approached a booth, somehow the group shifted and Harry and you were suddenly side by side as everyone was getting in the booth. Then, you were sitting and Harry was right beside you. He tried to cover his groan of annoyance when he realized he’d have to be sitting next to you, once again regarding your outfit with disdain. Your only response was glaring at him. The friend who you had been talking to, Marie, placed her hand over your ring-clad one, that was now gripping the side of the table out of annoyance. “Play nice,” she said. You relaxed at her touch trying to refocus on the purpose of the night, fun.
Soon, a waitress made it to your table and smiled sweetly at all your bright faces. Harry and you were located to her left, and her eyes reached you last.
“Oh! You two are too cute! I love when couples coordinate their outfits!”
Harry’s eyes bulged out of his head and you gave a tight-lipped smile as you tried to keep yourself from having a blood vessel pop in your eye right then.
“We’re not” you began, Harry cut you off, “together, love.”
His expression changed as he smirked up at the waitress, trying to make it clear that he was very much single.
“Oh! My apologies...So what can I get everyone?”
As she began to take the orders, you shoved your elbow into Harry’s rib. You did it for two reasons, for him cutting you off when you were talking and for being so on top of you in the booth.
He turned to you, “The fuck was that for?”
“For being an asshole.”
“Excuse me?”
As you’re about to go off on him about being rude, Marie taps your hand and you realize it's your turn to order.
You clear your throat, trying to shake off your angry tone, “Tequila on the rocks, please.”
The waitress nods and then turns to smile at Harry, he gives you side eyes of disdain, “What’s your most expensive tequila?”
Her smile grew, “We’ve got Don Julio Real and Gran Patron for top shelf.”
“Don Julio on the rocks, please.” He winked.
She nods, scribbling something on her notepad, “Oh! Would you like Don Julio as well?” she returns to you.
You shook your head, “No. Jose Cuervo works just fine,” and glared at Harry once more.
Of course he would ask for top shelf, you thought. Harry couldn't have gotten through saying the exact same order as you, especially after the waitress had already pointed out the similarity in your clothes.
“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Being in such close proximity to Harry made you incapable of leaving the bickering alone. Everyone else always ignored when the two of you really got into it, because it honestly wasn’t that interesting. Like an old married couple, though none of them would ever dare say it.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Y/N?”
You scoffed as he turned in his seat to look at you. “Oh, please, you just couldn’t handle ordering the same thing as me. You had to flex that you could order Don Julio!”
“You’re just upset because you can’t.”
“Come off it! I could, but I don’t feel the need to boost my ego by showing off to the waitress that I can afford the expensive stuff.” You laughed at his attempt at snubbing you about what you can and can’t afford.
His eyes darkened and flashed at you and you could see it even in the dim lighting off the bar. “I wasn’t trying to show off, it’s not my fault you don’t care to drink the good stuff.”
“Okay, Harry,” you say sarcastically, waving him off.
He huffed, annoyed that you were the only person he was sitting next to. He had to call across the table if he wanted to speak to anyone that wouldn’t involve you being completely in the way. As he was about to call out to Mitch who was directly across from him, the waitress returned with everyone’s drinks.
“Jose Cuervo on the rocks! And Don Julio on the rocks!” She beamed at the group after finishing handing them out.
Everyone thanked her and she disappeared. You and Harry simultaneously took sips of your drinks.
You wrinkled your nose, “This isn’t Jose Cuervo…”
Harry placed his drink on his coaster and swallowed, licking his lips he said, “I think mine is, tastes cheap.”
“You’re really an ass,” you say as you shove your misgiven drink to him and snatch his from the table instead.
Harry growing tired of your arguing already, “Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he rolled his eyes and took a larger sip of the correct drink.
You take a sip of your own drink and sigh again, “This isn’t even tequila, what the fuck?”
“Ah, no wonder it tasted like shit. What do you think it is?”
“Well, considering there’s only, like, a handful of clear hard liquors besides silver tequila, probably vodka, idiot,” you breathed the last word under your breath, still Harry stared at you with daggers in his eyes. You weren’t actually sure how many other liquors it could be, but you were so pissed off by the whole situation you just wanted to make him shut up.
“Well that’s a bummer, kid. Maybe next time, order a better tequila and she’ll get it right.”
You shoved him, not wanting to wait for the waitress to come back to fix her mistake, “How about you get off my dick and then I can go get something worth drinking?”
Harry huffed as he slowly moved his body up from his seat, yet he stayed so close to the opening of the booth you were practically chest to chest when you slipped out. Due to that, and maybe a little bit on purpose, you knocked your drink forward to get a small amount on him. Not enough for him to be drenched, but enough to bug him for the rest of the night.
“Oops?” you tilted your head and held a sickeningly sweet smile on your face as you looked at his taken aback look. His prominent jaw had dropped as the cold liquid had pooled over his left breast pocket, some of his tattoos now much more visible. You quickly turned on your heel and bounced off to the bar. Harry grumbled and sat back down, Marie leaned over with a napkin, trying to dry him off a bit.
With a fresh drink in hand you weaved back to the table, all your friends were laughing together at something Harry had seemingly said. When you arrived everyone beamed up at you, far more jovial after a few sips of their drinks. Only Harry’s face was sour, but you chose to ignore it and smile at your friends, waiting for Harry to get up to let you into your seat that he had occupied in your absence. When he didn’t, your face began to fall from its smile.
“Are you going to get up?”
“No, just take that seat,” he waves his hand beside him, trying to go back to the conversation he was engaging in before you had arrived.
“But, you’re in my seat,” you pushed.
“You’re the one who decided to get up and leave it.”
“You cannot be serious, Harry.”
“As a heart attack,” he said flatly, and then turned his head to Sarah who was next to Marie.
You looked around the table for help, Mitch gave a slight sad smile like he felt bad, but everyone knew there was no changing Harry’s mind. You knew you didn’t have the strength to yank his large, muscled body out of the booth, so you resigned and took his old seat. There, you kicked Harry’s leg harshly and took a long sip of your alcohol, just wanting to get drunk enough to want to dance and then not be near Harry.
After a second round of drinks, this time the waitress getting your order right, you were feeling better. Harry and you were largely ignoring each other and laughing along with the rest of your friends to some story. Every so often his leg would open up and bump into yours and you’d hit back at it harder, his eyes sliding to your face for a moment and then looking away. He made you so hot with anger and the closeness of bodies in that bar already had the temperature way too high. You gulped at your drink, trying to cool down, but it only had the opposite effect, the alcohol mixing with your blood, heating up your insides, as well.
Then, once the third round of drinks were served, Marie suggested it was time to dance, commenting that some random song that was currently playing was ‘her favorite’. It wasn’t, but whenever she got drunk, every song was ‘her favorite’. However, you were all happy to oblige, feeling restless as the alcohol was buzzing in your systems.
Out on the dance floor, some of the couples in your friend group paired off to dance on each other while the rest of you spread out. You spotted a woman in the crowd wearing a sequin dress that looked absolutely gorgeous on her, her blonde hair reminding you of some rocker chick in the 70’s. While making your way towards her, Harry tried to get in front of you, obviously making his way to her as well.
Another thing Harry and you had in common, the people you typically went for - men and women. Shaking him off with a hand on his chest and a glare, you reached her first and she smiled at you as you complimented her outfit and began to dance with her. Harry resigned to staying with some of your other friend’s when he saw how the woman threw her head back at something you said to her. Soon, she was grinding herself against your front, your lips attached to her neck, hands on her hips.
Feeling particularly happy with yourself, your gaze flitted around the crowded dance floor. Eyes scanning those around you, you soon made eye contact with Harry, who actually wasn’t that far off. His eyes looked a more dull green in the light and he rolled them when he saw you looking up from your place against the beautiful woman. While he still looked on at your languid figures pressed together, you teased your tongue up her neck a bit, causing the woman to keen into your touch. As Harry was about to look away, shaking his head at your antics, he caught sight of a guy approaching you and the other woman.
He said something to the pair of you, but you couldn’t hear him. The woman had opened her eyes to look at the guy and you had removed your lips from her, shaking your head that you didn’t catch what he said.
He repeated himself, yelling this time, “Fauxbians out here trying to catch a real man! How ‘bout we make you total lugs!”
He was loud enough for your friends to hear, including Harry who had been watching the whole scene play out. He pushed through the crowd to get to your side, he might not like you, but he couldn’t stand someone who was homophobic, or biphobic, in this case. You pushed the woman off of you and to the side, she was clearly upset and you weren’t going to let what the guy said slide.
“What the fuck, man? You think it’s okay to say shit like that to people? What year are you living in, like for real?”
As you were about to start really ripping into him, you felt Harry’s presence beside you. You looked over and he looked angry, like really angry, not annoyed or exasperated as he usually did with you. Angry like he was about to grab this guy by the shirt and start pummeling him. Even with all the alcohol in your system, you knew that wouldn’t actually help the situation, even if you did want someone to wipe the smug look off this guy’s face, which had only grown worse since you’d started yelling at him. It was like this stranger was getting off on making these two women in front of him uncomfortable and upset.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Harry spat at the guy.
“Harry,” you turned your body towards him and put your hand on his chest, placing yourself between him and the rude guy, “I’m not letting you get into a fight over what he said. It’s not worth it.”
He had pushed himself almost against this guy, Harry easily hovering over him. Harry looked down at you and then back to the guy, who was chuckling to himself, stepping back from the scene.
He seethed, “You disgust me,” he looked at the man. “Just crawl back into whatever hole your sorry ass came out of.”
The guy just laughed and walked off. Harry looked down at you, his eyes softening instantly. You couldn’t exactly distinguish the look he gave you, you just knew it was something you’d never seen directed at you.
Your brow remained furrowed as you looked at him, then he said, “Let’s get some air.”
You looked around the room for your sequined dress woman, but she was nowhere to be found. So you let Harry take you by the hand out the side exit, to the bar’s alleyway.  
Outside, you immediately brought your hands to rub over your exposed arms, the tiny sleeves of your shirt not being enough to brave the brisk night air. The altercation had shaken you up quite a bit and immediately sobered you. Harry stepped closer to you out of instinct, seeing you were shivering, but having nothing to offer warmth except himself. The two of you leaned against the bar’s outer wall and took a few deep breaths.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked, voice slightly hoarse from yelling in the loud bar.
“Fine. You?”
Why was he being so nice, you were surprised he had stepped in at all, but now he was checking in on you past that, it was confusing.
“Of course. You didn’t even let me get a single swing in.”
You scrunched your face at his comment regarding violence. “Why did you even come over? I can handle myself,” you asked, suddenly feeling the normalcy of bickering settle between the two of you.
Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. His pectoral muscles slightly shifted and pushed around his cross pendant in the center of his chest.
“Because he was a dick,” he started, then sighed, “And because I can’t just let some homophobe say a bunch of slurs to my friend.”
Your eyes grew wide and shown in the street lamp, as they looked up into Harry’s green ones. He was slightly sweaty from the bar, but it was quickly drying and leaving a slight sparkle on his skin. His jaw was tensed, as he tried to maintain eye contact with you. You remained silent, unaware how to respond to his statement that he did, despite much evidence saying otherwise, care about you.
Harry decided to continue, “You might piss me off, like all the time, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for a random asshole to say that kind of shit to you.”
“I’m your friend?” you circled back to what he had said earlier. Your voice was small and also hoarse from yelling in the bar.
“Of course, Y/N, what the fuck?”
“I thought...I guess I never saw it that way.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know competing all the time and being annoyed with each other was friendship.” You shifted closer to Harry, your words dripping in sarcasm. Even now, as the two of you checked in on each other and talked about your friendship, you managed to fight.
“That’s just because you’re constantly infuriating me and getting us into fights,” Harry smirked, tapping a finger on your cold nose.
“I think you’ve got it backwards, there, Har,” you winked.
“No, I don’t think so,” he shrugged and pressed closer to you.
Neither of you were very clear on what your bodies were doing, slowly moving so that you had your back against the wall and Harry’s hips were pressed up against yours.
“It’s not my fault you’re always jealous of me,” you breathe, his face inches from yours.
Harry snorted a laugh out of his nose, his eyes slowly blinking and looking away from you, before staring directly at you. “Oh, please, now who has it backwards?” His right arm went up beside your head and his hand rested on the cold stone next to you. His breath, from his laughter and words, fanning over your face, made you close your eyes at the warmth.
You moved both of your hands up to his chest, and he looked down at the movement. One moved up to grip his shoulder and the other fiddled with the cross that had caught your attention when he had folded his arms.
After a beat, Harry said your name, barely above a whisper. Your head tilted up, looking up at him questioningly. You didn’t really understand the position the two of you had shifted yourselves into. “Can I kiss you?” Harry asked.
“Do you want to?”
“Kind of…” He ran a finger over your cheekbone.
Your eyes danced with mischief “Why?”
“Are you serious?” Harry asked in slight disbelief.
“As a heart attack,” you said gravely, throwing the words he had used earlier back at him. He sighed a slight laugh.
“Like I said, infuriating…”
Just as he was about to pull away, you reached up and connected your lips with his. Your hand cupped his strong jaw and brought him closer to you. His warm, wet lips pushed against yours with vigor. There was passion in the kiss. A constant push and pull for who got to be in control. You sucked on his lower lip, trying to get him to open up his mouth, but he declined.
He pressed you further onto the wall, while cradling your head to keep it from knocking against the concrete. His teeth nipped at your lip after a few more moments of fervent open mouth kisses without tongue. You resigned to not getting your way and let his tongue lick into you. Your tongue pressed against his as the two of you continued kissing. While his mouth was harsh, the rest of his touch was mostly soft. The hand that didn’t cradle your head was rubbing up and down your side, only venturing down to your bottom occasionally and squeezing quickly.
Finally, he pulled back, gasping slightly for air. He then rested his forehead against yours and you looked at him from beneath your lashes. One of your hands was now twisted in his curls, while the other was gripping his shirt, over the dried vodka spill from earlier. You smiled as you exhaled a big breath. Harry chuckled giddily.
“That was hot,” you said.
“Y’know, having similar tastes...might not be such a bad thing after all.”
“Knowing us we probably like all the same things…” you trailed off, blushing at the suggestion.
“Why don’t we find out sometime,” Harry winked before brushing his lips against yours once more.
Pecks weren’t possible for either of you though, both of you furiously pressing back together, hungry for more of the heat that came from you kissing.
“That’d be nice,” you whimpered against his lips.
“I think it’d be more than nice…” Harry brought his head down to suck on a part of your exposed cleavage, one of his legs pressed between yours, pushing slightly up into your heat. A strangled moan left your lips as you tried to stifle it. Harry chuckled, his face moved up to right beside your ear, “You’d probably love to have me take you right here, huh?”
His leg pressed up into you and your body automatically grinded down on the pressure. The alcohol and sexual grinding from earlier had gotten you horny and the making out with Harry had definitely heightened your desire.
“But we both know you can’t,” you gained your strength and pressed a little on his shoulders.
As much as you desired Harry right now and he seemed to desire you, as well, he was right. You two were extremely similar and would never actually have sex in a bar alleyway, as much as you might want to in the moment. You both laughed, releasing the sexual tension that was surrounding you.
“I know, but it’s fun to pretend we could...How about we go to my place and see what other fantasies we share?” Harry twisted a strand of your hair in his large hand.
“For once, I’m happy to be on the same page as you, Harry,” you grinned. He picked you up and spun you around, making you shriek in laughter, before heading back into the bar to gather your stuff.
You were quick to scurry out of the bar after telling your friends you were both leaving, tired from everything that had happened. Everyone simply nodded, but the minute you were far enough away they all snickered about the lipstick smeared on the corners of Harry’s lips and your terribly mused hair. Mitch even placed a twenty in the palm of Sarah’s open hand, shaking his head in defeat.
Tag list: @cronias13 @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @harrxier @harrys-cherrry @sltwins @awesomebooklover17 @harrys-stan
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softxsuki · 3 years
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Saeyoung's Confession Letter To His Friend
Valentine's Day Letter Event Masterlist (CLOSED)
Pairing: Saeyoung (707) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Letter
Word Count: 820
Summary: In which Saeyoung send you a package and invites you to an amusement park in his letter for Valentines Day as his way of confessing his feelings for you.
[A/N: Hey @thebookloverzz idk why tumblr won't let me tag you .-. . But Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy this letter from Saeyoung <3]
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“For Ms. L/N?” The delivery man read the package information.
“Yes, that’s me.”
You sign for your package and bring it further into your home, placing it on your dining table so you could open it. You see what looks to be a jacket with a letter on top of it. You put the letter aside and bring out the jacket, finally noticing the familiar yellow pattern as your heart jumps a little in your chest. It’s just like Saeyoung’s. Feeling hopeful, you reach for the letter and quickly read through it with anticipation;
.My Dear 606,
Happy Valentine's Day Y/N! As you can see, I’ve sent you a jacket that matches mine. You mentioned in the past how you’d find it so cute to have matching clothes with your future significant other, and well..I couldn’t help myself. I know how much you love jackets, and that one time that you wore mine when we were hanging out one night and it suddenly got cold, but your jacket wasn’t thick enough, I lent you mine and you commented on how soft and warm it was so I got you one. But also I like you…a lot.
Maybe it was the cute smile on your face that appeared whenever you went on about all the things you love like your favorite anime or how addicting the new fantasy novel you were reading was. Or perhaps it was your brown eyes that made me both nervous and thrilled to maintain eye-contact. I’m not sure, but I can assure you that I care deeply about you and I want nothing more than to be able to hug and kiss you and call you mine.
I can already envision our future together. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it and maybe I’ve gone a little overboard with picturing us getting married at a space station because we wouldn’t be an ordinary couple. I see us with a few kids, loving them and growing our family together, growing old together and watching our children grow older as they create a family of their own… have I scared you away already? I’m sorry if I did, but I can’t help it. Picturing my future with you in it as my life-long partner just fills me with so much joy–joy that I've been craving for a long time and I can finally picture it becoming reality with you.
I’ll be waiting tonight at the nearby amusement park for as long as it stays open, for you. If you’ve received this letter on Valentine’s Day like I planned and you feel the same way, then please meet me there. I’d love to spend a nice evening with you–but warning, most of our dates would have to be during the night as you know how occupied I am during the day. I’ll see you soon, hopefully,
Your Agent 707,
Saeyoung Choi.
Excitement coursed through your body at his confession. You thought Saeyoung only saw you as a friend, but knowing that he shared the same feelings you did, made you beyond joyous.
You took a quick shower, wanting to smell nice for your date and got dressed and threw on your new matching jacket to Saeyoung’s on your body before heading out the door to the amusement park that he mentioned in his letter.
The drive wasn’t too long and as soon as you arrived you saw him–pacing up and down in front of the entrance of the amusement park as crowds of people walked past him. Your heart sped up at the sight of the man who you now knew liked you back.
“Saeyoung!” you yell out for him as you briskly walk towards him.
He pauses and his head turns to you where a bright smile crosses his face at the sight of you, but that smile grows even wider as he sees that you’re wearing the matching jacket that he bought you.
“It looks perfect on you,” he whispers, looking down at your jacket before locking eyes again, “Does this mean…?”
“It does. I like you too, Saeyoung, and I have for a while now. I’m just glad that you feel the same way,” you reach forward and wrap him in a hug, soaking in the warmth that he was omitting
“So am I,” he lets out a breath of relief and wraps his arms around you as well, the both of you swaying back and forth together.
You stay like that for a while just enjoying being in each other's arms, but then he pulls away and reaches for your hand, interlacing your fingers together.
He raises an eyebrow in the direction of the amusement park, “Shall we enjoy the rest of our time here since we’re already here?”
“We shall,” you squeeze his hand and look up at him with a smile before he leads you both into the amusement park, tickets already bought.
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Posted: 2/14/2022
50 notes · View notes
duskamethyst · 4 years
de trop.
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a/n: idk why but i love creepy and asshole dabi. also, i noticed i just went slightly over 100 followers. thank you!
word count: 5.3k
genre: quirkless AU, smut, nsfw, mature
warnings: disgusting–  noncon, dubcon, pseudo incest, infidelity, forced breeding, degradation
pairings: touya x f!reader (with mentions of enji x reader)
summary: you and enji are married to each other. there is still tension in his relationship with his children and they are still in the process of accepting you as their new mother but touya takes the initiative to get closer to you.
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being married to enji todoroki isn’t easy.
you’re a sight for sore eyes. young with a body that’s to die for. to some people, you were considered as a trophy wife or a gold digger judging from the obvious age gap between the two of you and how wealthy he was. you and enji paid no mind to it, the love and trust you had for each other was more than enough to keep the relationship going and it was all that mattered. you enjoyed playing the role of a little housewife; cooking, cleaning and managing the household while he provided for the family. 
his children had a hard time accepting it but what child wouldn’t when their new (super hot) mom is around their age and the strains they had before you exist in their lives didn’t help either. it took months for any of them to even speak to you, and it’s usually only a couple of words throughout a week. deep inside you knew if they ever had a say in their father’s marriage with you, they would be quick object to it.  
you love them, though– with all your heart. you didn’t want to feel like an outsider. you hope to be in their good graces sooner or later so they could fully accept you into the family. you even tried to learn what their favorite meals are and how to cook it. aside from enji, you’ve never really gotten any compliments for your cooking but it’s okay, you took it as an opportunity to try harder! dinner time was always a bit racking and quiet, neither of you nor his children really tried to talk to each other and even when you tried, you were always answered with one word replies that entirely cut off the whole conversation. after dinner, they’d usually walk out from the room to be alone by themselves, leaving only you and enji by the table. nonetheless, fuyumi was nice enough to help you with the dishes. 
usually it'd only be the same faces you see around the house in the evening: enji, natsuo, fuyumi and shouto. all of them were usually occupied with their normal activities outside the house, leaving you alone to manage whatever there was that needed to be done and the only time you’d usually walk out of the house was when you needed to buy groceries. you’re aware that your husband had a total of four children, but you rarely saw the eldest around and you had no idea what he did for a living. all you knew is that you’re a couple of years older than him.
you saw him once at the wedding ceremony, though only for a short while. enji had introduced you to him; touya. if anything, he seemed rather uninterested about the whole thing but you were grateful that he made an effort to come to the wedding although he was also the first one to leave and you never heard from him ever again. like all people around his age, he probably had a lot going on in his life right now.
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turning the corner to the todoroki’s residence, you are suddenly met with a male sitting down in front of the gates. you slow down in your tracks as you try to identify the mysterious guy while your hand clutches on your phone harder in preparation to call the police in case it turns out to be some perpetrator roaming the neighborhood in broad daylight. 
however, the man notices you and turns his head towards you– immediately greeting you with his cerulean orbs; a very prominent feature of the todoroki family. 
“touya?” you call hesitantly as the male stands up on his feet, his hands shoved lazily inside his pockets. 
“yeah.” he simply replies as he eyes you up and down when you walk up to him with a grocery bag in one of your hands.
“it’s nice seeing you again!” you chirp as you look up to him in awe, unnoting the mischievous glint in his eyes and his lips quirk into a lopsided smile. “are you here to see your father?” 
“kinda, yeah.” he scratches the back of his neck as he steps aside to allow you to open the gate for the both of you.
“well, he’s at work right now.” you frown before smiling again when an idea pops inside your head. “but you can stay until he’s back. i’ll cook you something while we wait for him. you must be hungry!”
touya doesn’t answer but instead he follows you inside the house. after sliding into your house slippers, you put down your groceries on the table and swiftly put on your apron before taking out the ingredients to begin cooking. 
“i’m not sure what you like… but i can make curry or omelette rice for now.” 
touya snickers as he leans on the kitchen island, eyeing you as you fish out the vegetables from the refrigerator and the grocery bag, “don’t trouble yourself.”
“oh, i insist!” you wave your hand dismissively. “we’re family, after all.”
you turn to the sink to wash each of the vegetables and eggs thoroughly all while striking up a conversation. as you’re about to reach for the cutting board and the knife, a pair of hands suddenly rests on your shoulders, making you jump in surprise. you turn your head around to see touya looming too close behind you as his gaze boringly through you. 
“um, do you need something?” you ask nervously, wiping your wet hands on your apron that you only wrap around your waist and below. 
he ponders for a moment as he continues to stare at you before speaking, “just wondering how you ended up with a scumbag.”
your eyes widen in shock at the heinous word that rolled off his tongue. you’re well aware of the tension in enji’s relationship with his children but none of them dared to say such words about him– well, at least not in front of you but the mocking smile etched on his lips makes you fumed inside and you’re definitely not having it. 
“listen,” you shove his hands away and turn your body towards him. “if you’re here just to insult any of us, the door is wide open for you.”
touya whistles as he revels in the amusement of watching you play the role of a good little wife for his dear father. such pitiful little thing. throwing your youth away and devoting your life for the man that least deserves it. he finds it even more ridiculous how hot you are and his dad was the one that managed to land you, not him. where the fuck did he even find you? why did you even end up with him? you obviously made a mistake and he wants you to see it.
“how good was it? you got fucked dumb by his cock or something?” he jeers. 
you feel your cheeks begin to heat up from anger and embarrassment from his crude words that your hand instantly lifts up to give him a slap on the face. however, it never reaches his cheek instead he has caught you by the wrist– just a few inches away before he’d actually feel the harsh impact. 
“tsk,” he scowls before twisting your hand and making you turn back around and shoves you in front of the counter as you yelp in pain. “got some fight in you, huh? no wonder that old geezer likes you.”
“t-touya– it hurts!” you whine as you struggle under him. he notices how your ass subconsciously rubs on his groin with each movement and (as if he wasn’t already mid hard from seeing your ass when you bent down in front of the fridge) he feels his cock twitch inside the restraints of his pants. he notices that you might’ve realized it too since you suddenly stop grappling and freeze underneath him. 
“why’d you stop?” he chuckles. “such a tease, aren’t you?” 
a tint of pink spreads across your cheeks in shame this time and you quickly shake your head to deny the outrageous accusation. seeing how fast you change from being so uptight to suddenly becoming uneasy in front of him, he thinks you look like a puppy that just got kicked and trembling in fear. and boy, it sparks some sort of disgusting excitement in him. 
“you see,” touya’s fingers reach for the loose ribbon of the apron, easily tugging it as it comes undone before carelessly discarding it to the floor. “it makes me a little jealous.”
as much as your mind is spinning and how scared you feel right now, your eyes wander around to look for something to protect you since you still have your other free hand to reach for the knife. there’s no way you are going to commit murder but you still could threaten him to leave you alone, the very least. if only you could reach for it, though. 
as if he could read your mind, touya grabs a fistful of your hair that leaves a stinging pain on your scalp in order to pull your body back against his. your neck twists to the side as he forces you to look into his menacing eyes. 
“pay attention to me when i’m talking to you.” a sharp and threatening tone enfolds in his voice as he speaks. before you could retaliate, touya turns both of you around and pushes you down towards the kitchen island with his weight pressing behind you to keep you from escaping. he releases the clutch to your wrist and your hands quickly try to prise the hand that has been holding the back of your head. despite your efforts, his grip only remains tighter and makes you wail in agony. 
“shut up.” you don’t miss the rattling sound of a metal buckle coming from your back. when he releases the grasp on your hair, he swiftly pulls both of your wrists together and next thing you know, the texture of leather can be felt brushing against your skin. 
“touya, let go.” you muster all the courage you still have but your voice betrays you as it comes out weak and meek. 
“no,” he grins. “i like seeing you like this.” he presses his body down further, making you bend down on the counter and you gasp in surprise as he takes the opportunity to rub his hard-on against your ass. 
“fuck.” he growls in your ear. the friction feels like an itch that he finally gets to reach. almost. the soft flesh feels so good against his cock and he can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to be inside of you. you must be warm and tight. god, he hopes it’s tight. 
it’s wrong. it’s so wrong. you chant inside your head as you find your thighs already pressing against each other while touya is making himself busy finding relief from your back and the grunts in your ear don't help either. you want to cry, you want him to stop but the twisted feeling in your gut tells you otherwise. you feel revolted and disappointed in yourself.
the grinding comes to a halt as he pushes himself back to take off your jeans. the thick fabric is in the way and it isn’t enough for the ache in his pants. his bottom lip gets caught between his teeth as he relishes in the sight of your ass, adorned with a pair of simple red panties that seems to be provoking him further. 
“shit, you’re gonna make me cream in my pants.” touya smacks the flesh hard enough to see it bounce and you yelp in shock and humiliation. his fingers move around your thigh to reach your clit and to both of your surprise, your juices are already pooling and forming a damp patch on the flimsy fabric. 
your heart stops and your eyes wide open in horror as touya’s sinister laugh rings in your ears. 
“holy fuck. mommy is a fucking whore.” he mocks, voice laced with amusement on his discovery. 
“stop this, touya.” you plea but a sharp pain shoots throughout your body as a hand comes down hard on your ass again. he has one hand pushing you down on the island by the neck, your cheek pressed against the cold marble and one roughly spreads your legs apart before pulling your panties down, the slick forming a clear string from your sopping cunt onto the fabric and eventually splits as it slides down further to the floor. 
“why? you clearly enjoy this.” he breathes against the shell of your ear, making your body shudder in response. you open your mouth to retort, instead a soft mewl slips out from your lips when his fingers creep up on your slits and coating it with your essence. his thumb rubs circles on your throbbing clit and it got you biting your lower lip to stop any more shameful noises from escaping. 
seeing how stubborn you are is leaving him unsatisfied so touya props himself on his knees and pulls you closer to his face by the hips. he swallows almost too loudly when he sees how your pussy is glistening with your slick when he spreads open the folds with his fingers. immediately, he sticks out his tongue and begins to lap off the juices from your dripping cunny. 
“nggh– ” you try to push away but the firm hold he has on your thighs only pulls you closer to his face and cements you in place. you turn your head to look back at the male, but the sight of his face drowning between your ass cheeks only adds more fuel to your arousal. his eyes flutter open and catch you staring. he continues to lock his gaze with yours as he watches you whimper when he inserts his tongue into your wet, gaping hole. 
it feels so lewd, so dirty but fuck it makes your hips jerk desperately closer to his face, wanting his tongue to fuck inside you deeper and drool starts to trickle from the corner of your mouth. the kitchen is filled with nothing but the pants and squelching sounds that are borderline pornographic as he sucks and laps all your essence. touya revels in your flavor as his wet muscle moves in and out deliciously while his mind wanders and curses how enji got to be the one to taste you like this every night. 
“wanna cum already?” he audibly whispers as he realizes how your legs are already trembling. if it wasn't for him holding your thighs, you would’ve sink down to the floor. 
it shouldn’t be a question. of course you want to cum. he’s only asking because he wants to humiliate you and probably to boost his ego. so you remain quiet through the heavy breathing while painfully trying to deny your orgasm. 
a cocky grin quirked on his lips and you don’t miss how his chin and lips are shimmering wet with your juices. touya is strong-willed and he takes your stubbornness as a challenge. he actually prefers to deny you your orgasm but he’ll save it for another time because right now, he wants nothing more than to make you cum on his tongue. 
“can’t hear you, doll face.” he slides in two digits inside your cunt and groans at the way your walls are already milking his fingers. touya can’t wait to ram his cock inside your tight pussy so he sets up a new determination; pumping his fingers fast and deep to make you cum faster. 
an uncomfortable sensation is squeezing down in your core from the intrusion. it gives you some sort of relief and throb at the same time. it feels peculiar; something like you’ve never felt before and it feels so fucking intense. touya rubs deep circles on your clit and you’re no longer able to hold in the moans from your lips and your eyes squeeze shut as the orgasm continues to build until it dramatically crashes down– your vision turns white at your foreign but mind blowing release. 
you erratically pant for air and your eyes flutter open again to realize that you just squirted. 
“that was so fucking hot.” he pulls out his fingers and slaps your pussy. you whine at how your cunt convulses from how empty it suddenly feels. “don’t worry, doll. i’m gonna give you something better.” he coos and gets back up on his feet.
your body is already limp from your release and you’re feeling light headed that you don’t even fight back when touya carries you over his shoulder and walks out from the kitchen. your eyes wander from door to door, thinking that he’s probably marching towards his room. 
but once you land on a familiar large and bouncy bed, eyes staring up to the familiar ceiling– you know something is terribly wrong. as if to reaffirm yourself, you turn your head to the side and you clearly see the picture of you and enji from the wedding ceremony on the vanity. there’s no doubt that touya has brought you to the very room where you share your nights together with your husband. 
your stomach churns once touya immediately hovers above your body and caging you in, a smug and devilish grin curves on his lips. 
“d-don’t do this, touya– ” you whimper, the restraints from your back making you uncomfortable as you try to move. 
“ah, ah.” he shushes you. “after i made you squirt on my face, of course i have to feel your pretty pussy around my cock. bet he never even made you squirt before.” he knows damn well it’s true because he sees the hesitation in your eyes before you look away in embarrassment. 
your bottom part is already bare and naked when he kicked off your jeans and panties before carrying you earlier and he kneels between your thighs to keep your legs spread. touya kisses you before you can even utter another word and he easily slides his tongue inside your mouth when you gasp in surprise. 
while his tongue is roaming around in your mouth, sucking on your tongue and making you pant for air, his hand snakes into your shirt to grab a handful of your breast. he starts to massage your mound, fingers slipping into your bra to rub your hardened nipple with his index and thumb. the kiss breaks as you mewl underneath him and he leans further down and attacks the soft flesh of your neck with his teeth.
“don’t– it’ll leave a mark.” you say between pants. 
touya pulls away to look at you. his turquoise eyes flash between amusement and bewilderment. “that’s the only thing you’re worried about?” he cackles. “not at the fact that another guy is gonna fuck you on your husband’s bed?”
your cheeks burn pink in shame when you realize that he’s right. you’re worried about the wrong thing. your mind fumbles to find the right words, to make it make sense when you’re also trying to reason with yourself in this compromising position. 
touya realizes the question strikes something in you from the perplexed look on your face and he finds great pleasure in it. your attention draws back to him as he suddenly lifts up your shirt, a brow raises when he notices you’re sporting a front clasp bra. you’re really making this easy for him, aren’t you? it’s almost like you’re asking for it. 
“then i’ll leave a mark where no one can see.” he suggests nonchalantly, reaching to unclasp your bra before your breasts pours out from the confinements. touya leans down to suck on one nipple while he flicks the other with his finger, sending waves of pleasure down to your core. you squeal at the sensitivity, thighs unable to press against each other for relief because his own legs keep you nice and open. 
touya continues to suck and nibble harshly on the skin of your breasts, still intent to leave bruising marks all over your chest while you try to shake him away. while the possibility of having marks on your neck is bad, having them on your breasts are even worse. should enji wants to fuck you tonight, would he let you keep a shirt on? would it seem weird? his orders are absolute and you always listened like a good girl but what if–
“you’ll be sore by tonight, i don’t think you can take another cock inside your slutty cunt.” as if he could read your mind, he interrupts your train of thoughts.
touya stands on his knees and a sense of pride washes over him as he takes in the view of littering bruises on your breasts and the flustered look on your face. he continues to take off his jeans and boxers down to his knees before kicking them off the bed. his hard cock finally getting an alleviation as it springs free from the restraints of his jeans for too long. 
the tip is already flushed with a bead of precum and you swallow heavily at the girth– it’s not as thick as enji’s but the length makes up for it. touya begins to line his cock with your entrance, mixing the pre from the tip with the juices from your sopping pussy. a soft whine finds its way past your lips as he rubs his tip through your folds and teases your neglected clit. 
“are you gonna let me fuck this pretty little pussy?” he nudges your clit as his cold gaze pierces through you. “on your husband’s bed?”
the reason touya never stops pointing it out is simply because he likes it. he gets off to the thought that he gets to fuck his dad’s hot wife on his own bed and especially when she is this submissive and vulnerable. above all, enji is his least favorite person in this world. 
you seem reluctant but there’s a brief glint of lust in your doe eyes and it makes his cock grow impossibly bigger. 
“if you’re not gonna answer me, i’ll just leave you like this until he comes home.” the threat masks his impatience. he can’t wait to fill you to the brim and make you cream all around his cock. 
you shake your head, “n-no, don’t! i– please...”
“please, what?” he snickers, slowly poking his tip just by the entrance before pulling out and it affects your body just as much as his. “tell me what you want.”
“please,” you purse your lips flat, bracing yourself before the next few words. “f-fuck me.” 
touya pushes your legs back to your chest before pulling you back down closer to him. a hiss slips out from his lips as he protrudes into your warm cunt– it’s everything he imagined it to be and you’re already sucking him in. you’re so perfect for him.
“so fucking tight,” he growls as he inches in deeper until he’s in balls deep while you squirm underneath him. “i don’t think he fucked you right.”
that’s wrong. in fact, your sex life has been fulfilling. enji can be rough but he can be gentle when you ask him to. the only extra points touya gets is the fact that he managed to make you squirt once and nothing more than that! hopefully.
the current position makes you put your weight on your back and it’s causing discomfort when you have your arms tied behind you but the moment touya starts to pound into your pussy, the ache suddenly becomes the least of your worries and is replaced by the feeling of being stuffed full by his cock. you can feel the popping vein brushing against your walls each time he rams in. 
thanks to your dripping cunt, his pace is relentless and you quickly become nothing more than a moaning mess. 
“who’s fucking you– hah– this good?” he grunts, eyes watching you as your face contorts into a blissful expression with his every thrust. he smacks and bite your thigh roughly in an attempt to draw your attention to him. 
“y-you are!” you wail in a mixture of shame, pain and pleasure. 
“what’s my name, slut?” 
“t-touya!” the lack of resistance in your voice surprises not only you but also him.
he lets out a throaty chuckle, “don’t tell me you’re already dumb on my cock?” he rams deeper and you can feel the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix. “such a dirty whore.”
you find yourself not able to care about the crude names he’s throwing at you anymore. he’s right, you’re already drunk on his cock. touya rejoices in the sight before him and burns the image deep inside his memory. he wishes he could send a picture of you to his father, his mind already picturing the horrid look on his face and it serves as a fuel to the firing resentment inside him.
“you like me fucking you while your husband is out?” the thought of it is so revolting but it somehow makes your pussy throb. it’s as if there’s an ongoing war inside your head and your body seems to betray you.
he presses down on your clit and you feel your pussy clench tighter around his cock. the pressure that has been building overtime feels so tight and it’s threatening to snap. 
“ah– gonna cum!” you cry. you feel so close and your toes are already curled in anticipation for your next orgasm. 
but you’re suddenly pulled far away from your awaiting orgasm and you let out a pathetic whine when touya suddenly stops ramming his cock inside you. 
“if you’re gonna cum on my cock,” he grabs you firmly before rolling to the side so he’s laying on his back while you’re propped up above him with his cock still inside you. “then you gotta work for it.”
instinctively, your hips begin to roll desperately. you’re just so horny and so needy for his cock. 
“that’s a good slut.” he moans. his hands rests firmly on your hips to guide and help you from falling down as you wildly bounce on his cock. suddenly, the sound of a shredded fabric rings in your ears and you realize that touya has ripped off the shirt that you still had on earlier while your bra is already hanging loosely down your arms.
now everything is perfect. your back is arched and your amazing tits are bouncing up and down in front of him while you ride his cock in desperation to reach for your high. 
“tell me i fuck you better than your husband does.” he teases your clit with his thumb and your head lulls back from the intensity and tingling sensation in your core. 
you bite your lip so hard, it could draw blood. you don’t answer him but instead you try to grind closer and harder on his mere touch, your mouth agape as you whine like the bitch in heat you are.
“say it.” he presses his thumb harder but draws back immediately when your body starts to shake. you’re panting for air and the roll of your hips start to stutter though still aching for your release.
“t-touya, i want to–”
“then let me hear you fucking say it,” he smacks your thigh before gripping your hips to force you to stay completely still. “you had no problem screaming my name earlier.” he mocks, fingers digging into your flesh.
your slick is dripping down on his balls, your walls are already clenching on his cock and you’re just longing for some friction to fully push you over the edge. “you fuck me so much better than him, touya.”
“mmhmm,” he lets out a triumph sigh, guiding your hips to move agonizingly. “what else?”
what else? what else does he want you to say? your mind is already hazy with lust and the tight coil in your guts are begging to snap any time soon. 
“i-i want you so much! need your cock! want your cock to make me–  ah!” 
touya lifts up your hips slightly and slams deep inside your cunt. an overwhelming sensation aches deliciously in you core and it only grows more with every thrust. strings of curses escape from his lips and his fingers bury in so deep into your skin, you’re certain that it’s going to leave more marks on your body. 
his thrusts are so vicious and you can’t prop yourself up any longer and it results in you quickly melting down to his sweaty chest. his hands clutches the meat of your ass as he lifts up his hips higher and continuously rams inside your pussy while your hips buck to meet his thrusts. 
“ngh– fuck. right there!” you moan as your body quivers and there’s the presence of that intense feeling again. a feeling you can’t quite catch in the pits of your stomach but is begging to come out. with a snap of his hips and his teeth sinking on your shoulder, a potent wave of pleasure washes throughout your body and you could see stars. your hips shake brutally from the results of the impact and your mouth parts to a silent scream. 
your breathing turns inconsistent as you find solace in his rapid heartbeat. 
“you’re not lying, huh?” he muses. you look up at him meekly and confused but his eyes are concentrated where your bodies are joined together and he’s very pleased. “you really needed my cock to squirt.” 
the bed sheet is soaked now. the very bed where you and enji always cuddle up against each other and you ruined it. because of another man, and not just any man– has caused you to wreck it. 
“i’m not done with you yet.” touya pulls out his cock and pushes himself off of you so you’re laying weakly on your stomach. he positions behind you before lifting up your hips, forcing your back to arch and ass to perk while your cheek rests against the mattress. your body shivers as you feel his tongue licks a strip of your juices. a groan erupts from his throat as he mercilessly slides his cock inside your dripping cunny. you wail from the overstimulation but he pays no mind to it as he remains rutting his hips in pursuit of his own orgasm. 
“that’s it, doll. so– fucking good.” he breathes as he picks up his pace while you whimper underneath him. “you can take it, yeah.” you hope that he’s showing you concern but the tone of his voice implies that it’s a command rather than a question. 
the grasps on your hips are tighter each time he impales his cock inside you. his thrusts are so strong that you can feel your head getting closer to the headboard. the lecherous noises of skin slapping against each other reverberates throughout the huge room, almost loud enough to overpower both of your gasps and moans. 
“i’m gonna fill this slutty cunt with my cum,” he grunts, rutting his hips faster. “you want it, right? fuck– make you carry my children.” 
realization shoots through you and tears start to well in the corner of your eyes. “no, no. please, not inside!” 
his sporadic pace starts to falter before his cock twitches inside you and you feel warm, ropes of cum filling up inside you. touya breathes heavily and his semen drips along from your pussy as he pulls out his cock. he keeps your hips in place as he shoves back in the cum inside with his finger before untying your wrists and laying down next to you to catch his breath. 
“don’t worry your pretty head. the bastard will never find out.” he suddenly interrupts after a brief moment of silence. you both know what he’s going on about and it’s definitely not the bruises nor how messed up the bed is. 
“it’s gonna come out of you. he’s never gonna ask any questions.” 
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Akaashi x fem!Reader | Daichi x fem!Reader | Oikawa x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFic ]
Request:  🥺👉👈 if you could do more single mom headcanon-fic-things LOL SORRY IDK WHAT TO CALL THEM and w/ akaashi, daichi, and oikawa? THANK U i love u and your writing you're so sweet  —anonymous
a/n: okay so strangely enough, i thoroughly enjoyed writing oikawa's and it's probably my fav out of these three 😳 thank u for giving me the chance to write these and thank u for the kind words! i hope u like it 👉👈
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❀ he’s been noticing you more and more — sat on the corner of the cafe he frequents during his breaks
❀ you would always order the same drink and sit on the same table by the window, he would occasionally glance at you, admiring the way sunlight hits your skin and the way the cafe music seemed to be playing solely for you
❀ but you always left too soon for his liking, 15 minutes before 2 in the afternoon to be exact
❀ he never knew where you went or what you did outside of the little cafe he sees you in everyday
❀ but soon enough, he was given a chance
“excuse me, is this seat taken?” 
he saw your eyes look up at him in surprise and your lips curve into a small smile, “oh! no, go ahead”
“sorry for the trouble, i didn’t expect it to be this packed today”, he said in an attempt to engage in small talk
“it’s no problem at all” you assured him with another smile, “i often see you here, do you work nearby?”
❀ the two of you continued to chat until akaashi needed to remind you of the time
❀ but of course before you could even leave he'll ask you for your number saying
"i'd really like to know you more, if that's alright with you"
❀ of course it's alright with you sjckskdks
❀ the two of you would meet at the café everyday, except the weekends — same spot and same time, until it became part of your routines
❀ keiji took his time getting to know you and openly expresses his admiration for you
❀ of course you liked him back, he was sweet and considerate, he was everything you would like in a partner
❀ but you just needed to make sure of one thing before diving headfirst into a relationship
"keiji", he corrected, reaching out for your hand
the warmth of his hand helped eased your nerves of bringing up something that may potentially be a huge deal breaker
"keiji, we've been meeting for a while and i thought maybe it's time i tell you,"
❀ when you said you have a daughter, you never would've expected him to say "can i meet her?"
❀ you almost cried then and there— it had always been a big deal to the guys you met before, you being a single mother
❀ keiji sensed your relief and squeezed your hand in reassurance that it really was no big deal to him
❀ well it was, but it wasn't something that would easily shake up his resolve of being with you
❀ meeting your daughter for the first time was set in the same café, on a saturday half past noon
❀ he smiled seeing the quiet four year old on your lap, curious eyes and a small smile as he held out the little bunny plushie he got for her as a gift
❀ weekend café dates became frequent with the three of you and soon became home dates— alternating between your and keiji's apartments
❀ your daughter loved when he read to her, having her sat on his lap with a picture book in his hands
❀ more often than not, you would catch him fast asleep on the couch— picture book on the floor and your child snuggled up against his chest
❀ during these moments, especially, you couldn't help but imagine spending every day with them both without having to part ways by the end of it
❀ and of course, when he wakes up, keiji can't help but think the same thing when he wakes up to you smiling softly at him and the little girl who kept a part of his heart inside her tiny little hands
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❀ your son met him first
❀ he just got out of the police academy and was assigned near the elementary school gates
❀ kids would often come up to him with fascination in their eyes
❀ and it wasn't a different case with your seven year old son
"hey mister are you a policeman?"
"sure i am, why do you ask?" he answers with the softest smile, crouching down to the child's level
"that's so cool! mom said my dad was a policeman, maybe you're my dad?"
he watched the boy's eyes widen in realization and he couldn't help but chuckle
"sorry, bud, but i don't think i have a child yet neither do i have a wife"
"well do you want one?"
❀ that effectively painted his cheeks in red, standing straight up and ruffling the boy's hair, urging him to go straight home
❀ everyday your son would come up to him to ask him the same questions and saying the same things
"would you want to be my dad?"
"i think it'll be sooo cool to have you as my dad"
"let me ask my mom if you can be my dad"
❀ jesus help this man pls
❀ he found it all to be endearing and soon enough he looked forward to chatting with your son for a few minutes every afternoon on his way home from school
❀ your child would always brag about how nice you are, how pretty, and just how amazing of a mom you are
❀ an amazing lil wingman if u ask me
❀ it wasn't until one of his day offs that he met this wonderful mom that he always heard of— and boy was he stunned
❀ he was out grocery shopping, skimming the aisles when he heard the familiar voice of your son
"mama, it's the policeman i was talking to you about!"
before you even had the chance to react, your child bolted through the spice aisle and cling to this man's leg
you quickly caught up to him and was about to apologize to the stranger when you saw him get to your child's level and pat at his head
"oh hey, didn't know i'd catch you here"
"i'm with mama! now you can see just how pretty she is!"
❀ the comment made both your faces heat up but even moreso when daichi looked up at you, absentmindedly muttering a "she is"
❀ your son had the proudest grin on his face >:)
❀ the three of you went out for lunch then which you insisted to be for all the trouble your son has caused him— who so conveniently disappeared to the playhouse to leave you two to yourselves
❀ it didn't take a lot for daichi to be absolutely smitten by you— admiring how you could handle a child and a job all by yourself and still managing to have that pretty smile on your face
❀ he had to thank your son his little accomplice the next time they have their afternoon chat
❀ and maybe start planning on "Operation Get Mom and Daichi-san Together"
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❀ started as students sharing a class and later on became inseparable best friends
❀ you two met in college
❀ tōru would rave on and on about how much better you were than "iwa-chan" whom he never lets you see during their facetimes bec you "might fall for him and choose iwa-chan over me"
❀ he was there to witness you going out with an orgmate, there to listen about the first time you got laid, and of course he was there to comfort you when your ex left the moment you told him you were pregnant during your third year in college
"do you want to keep it?"
tōru held you close as you cried, his soft voice mingling with your sobs
"i d-don't know"
you buried your face on his chest, prompting him to hold you tighter and rub comforting circles on your back
"whatever you choose to do, i'll be here", he promised "i won't leave you"
❀ the moment you decided to keep your baby was the moment it was decided that oikawa would co-parent with you
❀ during your pregnancy, he came to your apartment everyday and stayed over on weekends
❀ he kept his promise and never left your side even after you gave birth
❀ he practically moved in with you, staying up late at night to care for your child so you could get some rest, he changed schedules and skipped classes to let you continue going to yours
❀ it was alright, he said, afterall a pro volleyball team was already eyeing him— he was set even before graduation
❀ the both of you fell into a steady rhythm of domesticity
❀ eating breakfast together, taking turns changing your daughter's diapers, cuddling in the same bed and having sleepy conversations about the future and how you're both thankful of the other
❀ it was never established what you two were— you just knew that you were each other's constant and that you promised to stay with the other until god knows when
"what're you planning to do then?"
"i don't knoooow~ iwa-chan help me out here~"
"well, for starters, you should go and tell her— y'know, about argentina"
there was a moment of silence between the line, tōru mulling over his options
"i don't want to leave her" was his quiet reply
"i know you don't, but this opportunity may never come by again, don't let it slip"
❀ it was a few weeks before your graduation, your daughter now more than a year old, when he received the call inviting him to play for argentina
❀ on one hand he knew it was the chance of a lifetime, but when he looks at you in his arms with your daughter on your chest, he couldn't even think about leaving you
❀ it was less about the promise he made and more about how he couldn't imagine his everyday without the two of you
you only hummed in response but looked up to meet his eyes
"if i were to get invited to go to the other side of the world to play volleyball, would you come with me?"
he held your gaze with hesitation
"i'll go anywhere with you, tōru, i thought you knew that by now"
a small smile of relief graced his face as he exhaled, closing his eyes and rubbing his face against yours, "thank you"
the next few moments were spent in comfortable silence before he broke it with a chuckle, "is it too late now to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
"tōru, we're basically a married couple for the past two years"
"so will you marry me for real?"
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Fractured Family - Matthew Tkachuk
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Chapter 1:
A/N: So this is the first time I have ever written literally anything. If you have any suggestions or feedback just let me know! I kinda want to make this a series, so if you are interested or have any suggestion on where to take this story I’m all ears!
Next Chapter —>
Summary: You and Matthew had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated. (Flashbacks are in italics.)
Word count: 3293 words
It was really late at night and you just wanted to get your son to sleep. Him being only 3 months old, it was hard to get a consistent sleep schedule going, especially when you were sharing custody with someone who lives a completely different lifestyle than you.
After spending two nights with his father, your sons usual 10 minute bedtime routine turned into a long, drawn out, difficult ordeal, that you would be trying to correct for the next week. And once he was finally adjusted back to your routine, he was off to stay with his father again to continue the never ending cycle.
You rocked Reign in his chair for almost 40 minutes and finally settled him down enough to lay him back in his crib. You reached over to the changing table and turned the sound machine on, hoping that it would put him to sleep for even just a little while. You needed a break from the loud crying.
Walking over to the dresser sitting by the door, you grab the baby monitor and walked out towards the kitchen.
You mindlessly stared at your phone as you made your way down the hall. Distracted by your new notifications, you hadn’t noticed the handsome young man still sitting at your island waiting for you to return.
“Oh my god, Matthew you scared me” you shouted, dropping your phone as your body jumped slightly from the shock of seeing someone unexpected in your apartment.
“I thought you left already, what are you still doing here” you continued as you picked your phone up off the ground, checking to make sure the screen wasn’t cracked.
You were caught off guard and slightly confused because Matt always left right after dropping your son off. You two had an arrangement that worked, minimal interaction that only revolved around your son. So when Matt was still lingering around your apartment almost and hour after dropping your son off, you couldn’t help but let your mind travel to the worst case scenario.
“Did something happen today with Reign?” You asked before he had a chance to respond to your first question.
You and Matt had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil-ish and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated.
“You should have been honest with me from the start then” you screamed at your boyfriend. You had been arguing for what felt like forever with no end in sight.
“I didn’t know what I wanted at the time y/n” he calmly responded “Fuck, I still don’t even know what I want, but I know its not fair to you, to keep going the way we are”. You two had been talking about where you see your relationship going in the future and this was the first time Matthew was really opening up to you.
As much as you begged Matt to express his emotions more over the course of your relationship, this time you wished he had kept them to himself.
“Y/n, you want to take the next step in this relationship and I’m not ready. I don’t know why I’m not ready but you are and I can’t hold you back.” Matthew sounded so sincere that you almost believed this was what you wanted too. “You need someone who is gonna take that step with you” key word was almost.
The past couple of weeks you had been hinting that you wanted to move in with Matt. You loved him and were sure you wanted to start the next chapter of your life with him. You never thought in a million years this would be his reaction but maybe you pushed him too much? Or maybe this was inevitable and he wasn’t looking at you as a long term investment. Whatever the reason, you now regretted even bringing it up.
“Okay, so two years down the drain I guess” you said as you rolled your tear filled eyes. His face fell at your words, he truly did love you and just wanted you to be happy. You were looking for forever and he admitted to not being ready for that kind of commitment. Instead of continuing a relationship that seemed to be at a stand still, the only option at this point was to end it. You weren’t going to sit there and beg him, you had too much pride to do that.
“I’ll just pack my shit and go” you walked past him to his bedroom to collect all the things that no longer belonged in his space. You almost expected him to follow after you, to fight for your relationship, but he didn’t, which hurt your heart even more. So you continued to pack up the things that had migrated from your apartment to his over the two years of being together. Your thoughts were now consumed with figuring out how you were going to move on and find someone to spend the rest of your life with, while he continued to live the bachelor lifestyle he was all so famous for.
Even though you rarely voiced it in your two years of being together, you were madly in love with him and broken hearted that he wasn’t willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work. You left his bedroom and made your way down the hallway, past the living room where Matthew was still sat, and out the front door with your bags in tow. You didn’t bother glancing back at him, out of fear you might do or say something you would regret.
2 weeks later…
You woke up and still hadn’t gotten your period. Your period had never been even a day late since you got it back in the 7th grade, so waking up for a 4th day in a row with no period, was worrisome. You didn’t think there was even a chance you were pregnant since you were on birth control, so you made an appointment with your gyno to ensure everything was okay. You were convinced it was just the stress of your recent breakup that was causing this irregularity in your cycle, but you couldn’t be sure without getting checked out first.
You pulled up to your doctors office for your appointment feeling extremely anxious. You just wanted to get it over with so you could stop stressing and go back to feeling sorry for yourself for getting broken up with.
You sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. You scrolled through Instagram and somehow found yourself on Matthew’s page. It was definitely an unhealthy habit you had picked up since splitting. You couldn’t help it though, he was following new ig models everyday and in a sick way, you liked to compare yourself to them. It was a reminder that you weren’t what Matt wanted and Matt couldn’t be what you wanted anymore.
“y/n y/l/n” you looked up from your phone as your name was called “We’re ready for you”
You followed the nurse back to a bathroom located right next door to the exam room you usually got checked out in. The nurse handed you a cup to pee in, as you usually did at these types of appointments, and instructed you to change into a gown in exam room #2 once you finished up in the bathroom.
After you changed into the gown, the nurse came back to collect your sample and left you sitting on the exam table as you scrolled on your phone again, waiting for Dr. Cooper to come in.
“Y/n, congratulation you’re pregnant” Dr. Cooper walked in holding your charts. You had been going to Dr. Cooper since you were 16 and you had built a nice relationship through the years, talking about your personal lives and future plans during appointments. He was aware of your long term relationship with Matthew and by his enthusiastic tone and happy energy, it was clear that he was unaware of your recent breakup. You obviously didn’t expect him to know, the breakup was new and you only see him a couple times out of the year.
You couldn’t even process the news or anything else Dr. C had to say after that. Everything went fuzzy and it felt like you were in some crazy nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. The only thing you did hear him say was that he expected you to be 8 weeks along from the information you told him and the ultrasound he performed.
You were a traditional person and always imagined you would be married or at least in a committed relationship before getting pregnant, so this entire situation had you in shock.
You were so numb from the news that you continued on throughout your day as normal, unsure of what else to do. But as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building, you rushed to get inside so you could finally breakdown and feel everything you had pushed aside for the past few hours.
You were silently praying your roommate wasn’t home when you walked through the door of your shared apartment so you didn’t have to face anyone. To your dismay, she was sitting in the living room calling for you when you walked through the door.
You hadn’t told her that you and Matthew broke up because you were so ashamed that the man you thought you’d spend the rest of you life with , didn’t feel the same way for you. The past 3 weeks you had been pretending Matt was away on a road trip or too busy with hockey to hang out whenever she asked about him. At this point you needed to get this off you chest so you walked right into the living room, sat down next to her, and unloaded the entire story before she even had the chance to say hello. As you spoke, her face turned from confusion to concern.
“Kay idk what to do, I don’t even want to tell him because I don’t need his help, but i feel icky when I think about having his baby and keeping it a secret.” You guys were talking through what you were gonna do about the situation.
Kaylee was the perfect person to ask because she also knew Matthew really well! Kaylee was the one who introduced you to Matt in the first place almost 3 years ago. They continually ran into each other while out at bars and talked so often they eventually became good friends. Being Kaylees best friend, you were later introduced to Matthew at a bar and you guys hit it off right away. You became really close friends and later started dating after a typical drunk love confession.
“And you’re definitely sure it’s Matt’s? Like there’s no chance it’s someone else’s right?”
“Yes of course I haven’t talk to anyone since the breakup, let alone slept with anyone!”
“I just want to make sure cause you didn’t even tell me you guys broke up, I wasn’t sure if I was missing any other important parts of the story” she paused for a second giving you a sympathetic look. The father was indisputable since you had only been with one man in the last two years.
“he’s a good guy y/n/n, I think he will be really understanding and a good father, it’s important you tell him, him and his family would want to know” She was right, she always is.
Before your talk with Kaylee, you fully prepared yourself to raise the baby on your own and expected nothing from Matthew. But when you thought about his family, a family that you had become a part of in the two years you were together, you couldn’t help but think of how disappointed they would be if they ever found out that you kept a part of them a secret. You had become extremely close with Brady and Taryn and their parents treated you like one of their own. They loved you and would unconditionally love your child, it wasn’t fair to them and more importantly, it wasn’t fair to your baby to keep them apart.
After a week of thoroughly thinking through all your options, you finally took Kaylees advice and reached out to Matt. You almost hoped he wouldn’t see your message or he would see it and just ignore it since you two hadn’t communicated since the breakup.
Hey Matty, it’s y/n, I’m not sure if you have free time in the near future but I kinda need to talk to you!
To your surprised he responded within minutes of your text.
I’m happy you reached out, lets meet up! Can you do lunch tomorrow? Our usual lunch spot?
This all seemed too familiar, why was he texting you like you had never broken up and why did he respond at all? He could have easily said he was busy or trying to move on and didn’t want to talk, but he didn’t.
I was actually thinking we could do takeout or something and eat at my apartment?
You figure a private setting would be better for the news you were about to spring on him since you weren’t sure of the reaction you were going to get.
Anything works babe
He had practice the next morning and a free afternoon so it was the perfect opportunity to tell him, giving him time to process since he had nothing going on for the rest of the day.
Matthew walked up to your apartment door the next day giving it his signature knock. You slowly walked to the door, opening it to find him standing there, carrying the to-go bags, filled with your favorite meal and wearing his perfect smile that almost made you forget why you called him over in the first place.
As you went to greet him, you caught a slight whiff of the food and the nausea that washed over you was so sudden and instantaneous, you almost didn’t make it to the bathroom.
On your run to the bathroom, you heard Matt’s footsteps following closely behind, but luckily you had enough time to lock the bathroom door before emptying the contents of you stomach in the toilet.
Matthew sat outside the bathroom knocking lightly “y/n are you okay” he waited patiently for your response.
When you felt the wave of nausea had completely passed, you stood up, flushing the toilet and making your way to the sink to rid your mouth of the taste that plagued it.
As you opened the door to the bathroom you were met with Matt’s concern filled face. If throughout your lunch date you wanted to change your mind about telling him, that option was completely off the table now. You had no choice but to explain what was going on and you just wanted to get it over with.
Matthew stood there staring, waiting for a response. “I’m pregnant” was all you could come up with.
He stared at you in complete disbelief but then realization washed over his face. “Who’s the father” was all he could manage, as if you would invite him over to tell him you were pregnant with someone else’s kid.
You wanted to roll your eye but they were so full of tears, you were scared that if you moved them, the tears would start running and you would fall apart in front of him.
“Yours” you whispered with a cold tone trying your best to keep your emotions at bay.
Matthew had alway wanted to be a dad and was great with his teammates kids, so you weren’t entirely surprised when he told you he wanted to be a part of your kids life.
You two spent countless hours and had countless lunch dates over the course of your pregnancy, talking about how you were going to co-parent and make everything work. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t secretly wish that you and Matt would end up back together, raising the family you always dream of having, but it seemed that ship had sailed for Matthew. His only concern was making sure his kid lived a happy and healthy life.
You were now waiting for a response from your ex on why he was still sitting in your kitchen so late at night.
“No no, Reign is fine everything is fine, I just need to talk to you about something” he said, not making eye contact with you. You were even more nervous now because you had no guess as to what he could possibly want to talk about.
“I’m talking to this girl” your entire world stopped spinning and your ears started to ring a little. You still weren’t use to Matthew talking to other women, you probably wouldn’t be for a long time, and now he wanted to talk to you about one of his hoes?
“Ummm okay” you said, unsure how you were even suppose to respond. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Things between us are getting a little more serious” you could literally feel you heart aching in your chest, but you continued to act unfazed by Matt’s admission. “I was just wondering what the appropriate time would be to introduce her to Reign”
You were almost stunned that he was even asking you such a stupid question. If it were up to you, Reign was never going to meet some trashy whore his father would bang every once in a while. Your son was only 3 months old, so to think that introducing him to a random, clout chaser was even an option for Matthew, made you extremely angry. Or maybe you were just jealous he had been seeing someone and it had gotten so serious that he was willing to introduce her to his newborn son.
You can’t even describe the feeling of the love of your life breaking up with you because ‘he wasn’t ready for commitment’, and then not even a year later he is in a serious relationship again but with someone else. You couldn’t help but think everything Matthew had told you was a lie, that he wasn’t afraid of committing, he was just afraid of committing to you.
“Y/n/n, did you hear my question?”
“Obviously” you spat “I just have to think, I wasn’t exactly prepared for this kind of question tonight or honestly at any point in the near future so I need time to think about it” you were bitter but you tried your hardest to not make it seem that way as you spoke.
“Take all the time you need, no rush, we’re obviously new to this whole parenting and co-parenting thing so we don’t have all the answers yet, but I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” He finally made eye contact with you for the first time all night. You forgot how pretty his eyes were.
“Thanks for checking in with me, ill let you know when I figure it out” and with that he got up and made his way out of your apartment.
“Goodnight y/n” he said as he opened the front door and pulled his car keys out of his pocket.
“Night” you responded as you close the door behind him. Just as the door closed, Reign’s screams came over the baby monitor, distracting you before you had too much time to think about how alone you actually were.
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Ask and ye shall receive ✨ polyship prompt okay. listen. AusHun x England.
I know I know but it can work. I think England would bring something new and exciting into their relationship while still being calm and experienced enough to fit into their pre existing relationship.
I’m not sure what exactly the prompt could be, maybe some Arthur being a little insecure about the situation when they just decided to give this whole thing a try cause AusHun have been together since forever and hes like the new guy here in this huge house that is his home now.. maybe them just talking things out over a piece of cake in the afternoon, the time where Arthur used to have his tea all by himself 🥺
Okay sorry I’m rambling, do with this as you please! Or don’t! Idk but I think you might like this polyship :)
Ie England has a mental breakdown because hes not used to being able to have nice things. And it's just too soft, diabetes warning.
shouldn't be treating me likee this, Erzebet is so kind and loving towards me, she tries to teach me how to cook and listens while Irambleabout books and whatnot, but why, why as she doing this, what am I bringing to the table that these two dont already have, Roderich is such an interesting man, he is prissy and uptight but he clearly tries, he puts up with me stealing his wife from him, he generally seems interested in listening to what I have it say, he puts up with me being around this house so much why, why ,WHY.
It had been quite some time since the old married couple of Europe decided to accept a new person into their relationship, in itself it wasn't that strange, they had done this a lot over the centuries that they had been together, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, but this was different, those were all diplomatic marriages turned personal, this started personally, with a very interesting night out and the successive dates cemented Arthur as one of a set of three.
But that didn't mean all the paranoia and fear of rejection that Arthur here has been impartial to since forfuckingever went anywhere, infact it actually got worse, you see, when a person is used to being betrayed whenever anything even remotely decent happened to them, they tend to grow suspicious about being in good circumstances, suspicion can every easily turn to paranoia as time wore on and nothing went ass up. Paranoia usually turns into either fear or anger; and Arthur couldn't muster anger against two people who had been so nice to him, even as he thought the two were planning some sort of great betrayal because that is just how shit works in his head.
No comment on whether he needs therapy or not everyone already knows the answer to that.
So it turned into yellow cowardice, as much as he hated retreating with his tail between his legs it was always better then anger, everyone had told him this, his anger was. Useless and made them dislike him more, and he did not wish to inconvenience Austria and Hungary more than he already had.
Being the absolute master of subtlety that he was rumoured to be, he started to be a bit more formal with the two, more than he already was in the first place, flinching a bit too much when one of them even brushed their hand on him than should be normal, there were a lot more closed doors and angry mutterings too.
He also started to speak less and less, claiming up when either of the two spoke to him, at first both Austria and Hungary thought it was a bad sign, maybe he didn't want to be a part of this anymore, but Hungary picked up him looking at the two longingly when he thought no one was watching, but averted his eyes immediately, he seemed to forget what he was talking about sometimes too when looking at the two in their odd nation form of married bliss.
"Arthur? Come sit down with us!" Hungary said cheerfully, trying to get Arthur to talk, said guy flinched as she rested her hand on his shoulder, she could tell he wanted to lean into it, so bad, but he seemed to be physically restraining himself from doing so.
He reluctantly allowed himself to be led to the kitchen table, which Austria was already stood at, icing a cake, not that it was any special occasion, he just wanted cake, which seemed to be a theme with him, no wonder he was tubby, but Arthur had to admit those desserts were fucking divine.
Finishing the final touches on the cake and patting his frosting smeared hands on that one incredibly crusty apron that he is sure would be at least 30 years old, not like he himself was any better, the current jumper he was wearing was a good 4 decades old but it was clearly in better condition than that apron.
The two sat him down opposite them, Austria looked far too good for his own good, even as his glasses were dusted with flour and icing sugar, and it stuck around in his black hair in a way that made him look like a bespectacled snow speckled raven with eyes made of amethyst.
Get your fucking head out of the clouds jesus.
Hungary, that perfect woman was no better for him, at least that's what he believed, she was wearing a very...how would you say this, homely outfit, still in her night dress with her hair standing up everywhere but still looking more human than Arthur ever could, and very pretty too with her soft expressions over her sharp facial structure, her bare and unshaven legs let out under her night dress for all to see, but she was here for business, he could tell by the way she seemed to be searching him. How he knew how to read her facial expressions was beyond him.
I should probably mention that it's like 10 in the morning, Austria just wants cake ok.
They're probably just going to kick me to the curb. Its what I deserve anyways.
"Arthur, what's wrong?" It was Roderich oddly.
He may have been a master of deceit and lies but he couldn't mask the quick expression of shock at being treated like a decent human being quickly enough for the other two to not pick up on it.
Looking like stone, with that unreadable face that not even France had learned how to decipher just yet,
"Nothing is wrong, what would make you think that."
"The fact that you are answering as so, but seriously what is wrong, you've been avoiding us both for some time?"
Hungary chimed in saying "and I know it's not because you're being you in general, so tell us?"
While Erzebet was looking at him and trying to decipher what the fuck was going on in that fucked up head of his, Roderich was cutting the cake, and putting them carefully in bowls for the three, completely disregarding the fact that it was 10 in the morning.
The largest piece was given to Arthur, something about him being too thin was probably the reason why the two seemed so adamant at making him eat so much, as if he deserved more than just what he needed.
(Once again no comment on the man needing therapy, we already know.)
Picking at his slice while trying to find words to describe him being a worthless piece of shit that doesn't deserve love without being just that blunt.
Both shared a worried look, they already had an inkling of what he was thinking, mainly because Hungary managed to ask around when they first started to date about his behaviour and habit around people who cared for him.
And apparently he was not good at all with dealing with any form of affection, believing that he either didn't deserve it or he was receiving it out of pity.
And when I say ask around I mean she asked Matt, who may have spent a bit too king phycoanalysing his family members when bored out of his ass.
When sharing this with Roderich, he found out that he had thought something along the same lines, being in on all of Europe's gossip and being in the exclusive class if the great powers did have its perks.
"I feel like an intruder between you two."
Arthur looked so vulnerable like this, keeping his eyes firmly trained at the table and forcefully keeping his hands from shaking under the table, even as he had a face as cold and hard as marble, the words were uttered softly and slowly, unsure.
"Oh Arthur, why would you feel like that?" Hungary inquired, looking not pitying but more concerned than anything else.
What how don't they get it?
"I, well, um...you two have been together since how long? Centuries. I just got here," breathing out slowly he continued "And you two are both far too nice to me."
There was a tense moment of silence in which the two conformed their theories and Arthur felt like he was about to shit his pants, fuck why are they silent, did I say something wrong?
"Dear, it is normal to feel a bit strange innate relationship when you've only just started in one, and I doubt you've had that much experience yourself in other relationships either, but why do you feel like we're too nice to you, we're only really doing the bare minimum."
Choking slightly, Arthur objected "The bare minimum is just about tolerating me, this is far more than the bare minimum, you put up with me more than you should, listen to me ramble about whatever and whatnot, don't question me talking to thin air, you try to teach me how to cook and even let me sleep in your bed!" Now panicky "That is far more than the mere minimum."
After a few moments where Arthur tried to regain his composure after that little outburst, he was suddenly hugged from two sides, tensing up instinctively as he did so, but the two didn't let go, and eventually Arthur let himself get swept into the soft embrace. He could smell the vanilla and various smells of baking from Roderich and that apron of his, he could smell the rose scented soap that Hungary used every morning without fail.
This was, this was nice.
"Arthur you should never have to think that were accommodating you out of pity or any of that sort. We love you, both of us, and don't tell your silly little self that we don't." Roderich continued, now sounding a bit like a 5 year old "Now eat your cake you asshole."
Feeling decently lighter after those dreadful thoughts were put to rest, he did indeed eat the cake, and as expected it was really fucking good, and he had a hankering for more before remembering it was now 11 in the morning, and they hadn't had breakfast other than cake.
Smiling fondly Hungary cleaned a bit of cake off both Arthur and Roderich, "Stupid boys."
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