#idk i just like drawing him with comically round cheeks
pyr0frnzy · 14 days
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Some things never change
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uncouth-the-fifth · 3 years
Okay I am a Damian fan, but Jon is just too soft not to fall for.Just something about him is soo.............idk attractive?
Like he's innocent and oblivious to so many things it would automatically make the other person a dom no matter who they are. Like tying a silk blindfold on his eyes when he knows he can look through them, or cuffing his hands when he can snap them off like a pocky stick.
So you decide to tease him by tying him up in shibari ropes and making him watch finger yourself WHILE stroking his cock. But here's the catch. YOU get to pleasure and get off by yourself watching him desperately trying to beg you to fuck him BUT HE doesn't get to have an orgasm and gets edged for Rao knows how long.
When he decides he finally has had enough, he will snap his ropes open pounce on you and start pounding into you like he's been sexually starved for decades. He gets to have his fun, you get fucked dumb because you kept getting yourself off before he went on this rampage and he starts growling into your ear "I can be a dom too you know" or "You kept me from cumming for three hours straight while you had your fun. Wanna cum so bad huh? Then you'll go it all night."
Safe to say you liked this side of him much better😉
Jon gives off major brat vibes to me, but with how powerful he is, a part of him has to enjoy not holding all the cards for once. his soft puppyness 🥺 ily king. also since he's superman in the comics rn I kept that in mind <3
here's your smutty drabble cutie >:)
Jon was so aroused, he swore he was sweating.
Kryptonians didn't sweat, but the patch of ice on the back of his neck, the slickness between his bound wrists and the rope - he felt like he was dripping. He was almost short for breath watching you writhe on top of him. In desperate, crazed circles you touched yourself through your underwear, squeezing Jon's naked sides with your knees each time. He could feel the tempo of it as you moaned and rolled your hips into your fingers, but definitely not in the way he craved to feel it.
You were saddled nicely in his naked lap, hovering over his cock. The bed dipped with your dual weight, blankets twisted and folded from Jon's squirming, and two pillows were shoved behind the headboard to soften it's racket. Your knots kept him right where you wanted him. They pressed into Jon's dewy abs and his round pecs, which he could tell was just as sexy to you as it was to him - your eyes clawed up his naked, pliant form as you fucked yourself, face steaming with bliss.
Jon mewled, trying to twist his hips against where you had them trapped. His pink, lip-gloss stained cock bobbed at each pass, aching for friction. "P-please, please, Y/N - I'm so close , j-just use your hand, oh please!"
"Hmm..." You brought your slick palm around his shaft, testing his weight in your warm hand. The other dove into your sopping panties. Your juices mixed between your fingers, and mixed further when you pumped him bottom to top, dribbling pre-cum down your knuckles. Jon shuddered like he'd just gulped down his first piece of food in weeks. "I don't know, boy scout. You haven't been a good boy... only good boys get to cum."
He threw his head back against the pillows, trembelling all over. The rope bulged against his muscles, threatening to split. Jon clamped down on his tongue and breathed, knowing how many orgasms he'd lose if he dared to use his strength. "B-but I have! Please, please Y/N, I'll be such a good boy—"
You stroked him in slow circles, choking another gasp from Jon's wet lips, and leaned over him a like a predator towering above her catch. "I told you not to use your powers, baby. But you've been watching me through that blindfold this whole time, haven't you?"
Jon shook his head until his bangs flew around his face, but it was a blatant lie. Your little moans, your mewls, the sizzling of your fingers inside your tender cunt... It was too tempting to ignore.
"Liar," you purred, sharp grin grazing Jon's ear. His cock couldn't help but twitch. Jon's jaw was cupped in one hand and he was kissed, passionately, with plenty of tongue. "You'll get this pussy when you earn it, Super-Blow. Next time you disobey me, it's thirty minutes. This time, I'll be nice and leave you for fifteen."
Jon whined, but it was too late. You released his cock with a sloppy kiss and began to slip off the bed, away from where Jon - without his x-ray vision - couldn't feel you. His cock throbbed at just one little kiss. Blood pounded through his ears and under his cheeks, and soon, that cozy knot in his loins would be dissolved. It was the fifth time you'd edged him. It would be the last.
There was a harsh ripping sound. Then, Jon threw you face first into the bed and hiked up your back end like you weighed nothing to him, which you did, and plucked off your underwear in one tear. It happened so fast that you didn't even have time to squeal. When his superspeed caught up to you, you were on your back and spread open for him. Jon's massive cock laid on your belly, and a whole megawatt of electricity shot down your spine when you realized his tip almost touched your belly button. He could easily tear you in two.
"I'll fuck you when I want to." Jon husked. His grin was vicious, and turned up at the corners almost impishly. He pressed his fingertips into the soft flesh of your waist like he was reminding you what he could do to you. What he wanted to do to you.
The soft, soaked tip of his cock stroked your sensitive folds and pressed in, pressed in, until your breath catches in your throat and your knees lock. He's not even an inch in yet, and already you've hit the widest part of him. You trusted him not to lose control. But nothing flooded your pussy like the instant where his strength was a little too crushing, or when his cock felt a little too big. Your hands jump to hold his, wanting him closer, deeper. Jon audibly swallows.
When your gaze clouds over (with lust), Jon draws back into his normal self. His smile turns nervous and soft. "...Oh. Too much?"
You wet your lips, hissing at the throb of his dick. There's still so much to go. "Not enough. Not nearly enough. Fuck, Jon, put it in me..."
Jon does.
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mymarifae · 3 years
favorite thing about them
i think he's a fun, dynamic character! i appreciate the depth he's given. he's not brushed off as some sort of poor excuse for comic relief. he's just as much of a whole, well-rounded person as any of the other characters! what you see on the surface isn't the whole story - which is one of the biggest takeaways for all the main characters. i love that he's genuinely brave and that he has a good heart, and how much he cares about noelle. he's just a kid, y'know!!
the pretty divisive response to his character is just kinda like... i think on the older side of the fanbase, we were all more or less teenagers when chapter 1 came out. and i think some people forgot that these characters didn't grow up with us 😭 "he's annoying" "he's embarrassing" yeah he's a teenager. that's kind of. what teenagers are. idk i mean i might just have a higher tolerance level for insufferable teenager attitude? but i mean. i adore all the kids with my whole heart but there are moments with all of them that i kinda just pause and pinch my forehead and sigh. and i mean this so positively!
as an adult observing a cast of older teenagers, you should feel some fucking secondhand embarrassment. because "oh my god once upon a time i was this kid. oh my god. oh no." but it's with a certain fondness, too, you know? like idk let's all just relax... he'll grow up and mature. it's fine. he's still a good kid. pinches his cheek
also i do like his design a lot! i know i over-redesign him when i draw him but it's not because i dislike how he looks in canon or anything. it's just fun for me to add all those extra markings and stuff ^^ and i want him to look like his mama i like how unironically cool he is in the dark world <3
least favorite thing about them
ok taking everything i just said into consideration. i am annoyed by how little he listens to noelle. and i think he deserved and needed that furious shaking moment from her. and it's only chapter 2 so i'm not too miffed, buuuuut i kind of wish the wrap up on his character development there didn't end with him just finding a new trait to flaunt and brag about. like, i wish there had been more of an understanding that it's not a competition; he doesn't have to be the best, and not being the best doesn't make him the worst. he can just simply be and exist on equal footing with his peers.
BUT AGAIN. it's only chapter 2. and that's clearly like, the path he's heading down. so it might be a little unfair for me to complain that that process wasn't rushed because it's probably paced throughout future chapters. he's got a tough mindset to unlearn and it's natural for it to take time.
but still it's hard to change my feelings here when the rest of the game isn't out and i can't see his development arc come to its full conclusion yet *grumbles and kicks a rock or hwatever*
favorite line
honestly everything he says makes me want to throw my computer into the ocean (affectionate). but i'm kind of obsessed with:
"Kris, you're tired of being the class No.3, gazing distantly at Noelle and I's fruited figures..." because what? what are you fucking talking about? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU JUST SAID
but i think him calling kris "fellow bluebird" is genuinely cute
i will never shut the fuck up about him and noelle being besties. i stand by this being their dynamic when no one else is around
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also susie and berdly friendchip forever. he says something a little snarky that she genuinely finds funny and she GUFFAWS and slaps him on the back and sends him flying. i think also that he and jockington are friends, because i'm Insisting that he does cross country too. he relaxes a little bit around jockington - not as much as he does with noelle. but, y'know
still him and kris they're sillies
anything else
random headcanon
okay so i don't fucking have anything because much like with susie if i experience a berdly thought it's an immediate brain-to-tumblrpost pipeline SO. i guess i can share this itty bitty thing that was never worthwhile enough for me to mention:
i completely ignored that lions and most other big cats can't really purr due to the structure of their skull. cartilage. whatever it is. and i made an executive decision that giselle can purr like ages ago, because it's cute. and *throws up my hands* whatever, berdly can have little a purring, too. as a treat
he doesn't do it as easily as giselle will. he's usually gotta be like, half asleep already. and it's very quiet. the first time kris ever hears him do it is during a sleepover at noelle's. the four (susie's there too. but she passed out like 5 hours ago) of them are in her room playing video games, and berdly RESIGNS his controller after losing like 20 consecutive rounds of mario party and he watches while noelle and kris switch over to something two player and eventually his head drops onto kris's shoulder. and he's just softly purring... and they're like furiously whispering "n. noelle? noelle?? what's happening??" and noelle pauses and listens for a second and she's like oh ya he does that sometimes. and then she's like >:), but only when he's completely happy and comfortable... wonder why that is!? and it spirals into a mini bickering match between her and kris. she can be merciless with her teasing.. they're trying to be very quiet so they don't wake berdly or susie
(it doesn't work. berdly wakes up. the moment is ruined. susie on the other hand could probably sleep through the entire roaring)
song i associate with them
six feet - patent pending
musician - porter robinson
bad trick - jetty bones
math - iris lune
favorite picture of them
my own art
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love and light.
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fotiathymos · 3 years
Idk if I'll ever draw the Gueira and Meis prequel story comic I have in my head but here have snippets I wrote of it and tell me if it's any good lol
uh warning its kinda long, three separate moments and not written like a book as I am more so plotting out how I’d draw it or envision things. Also has a lot of Gueira crying. Like he’s always crying. I’m sorry Gueira.
Meis grumbles and ups the volume on their music. Staring into their mirror, make up dark and black and bad. Angry singing along with a brush comb and then using the same comb to tease at their hair violently. Hair visibly comes out. Their bedroom window bursts open due to the wind. Meis jumps, startled.
The dust storm is rolling by hard and Meis notices the stable door open in the backyard. Their eyes go wide and quickly climb out their bedroom window running towards it.
(Continue in color)
Meis runs inside the stable closing the doors behind them and the storm gets worse. They glance around and count three horses, Ophelia is outside of her stall yet everything else seems fine. They sigh with relief. Meis walk over to Ophelia. "Did you open the doors again cause you were nervous?" Meis pats the horse's nose. Their hand leaves a dust print on the horse. Meis crouches down to look at themselves in a mirror nearby thats leaning on the floor.
Meis is covered in dust and their hair and make up all messed up. They grumble a bit and smudge their eyeliner down their cheek.
Through the mirror Meis sees a foot from behind them poking out of a hay stack.
Meis bolts up. Their first instinct is to kick the hay, hard.
Gueira screams. Followed by Meis screaming. Every single horse starts acting up.
They both are screaming at eachother at the same time.
Meis, "Who are you?! How'd you get here? Get ya fuck out of here!!"
Gueira, "Wait! Wait! Please don't kill me! I can't stand up! They kidnapped me! I had no where to go!"
Ophelia is pushing herself to get in front of Meis. Meis steps aside and the horse goes right for Gueira. Gueira lights his hands on fire and reaches out, "Please no!" Ophelia panics backwards. Meis gets in front of her this time. Gueira's still lying on the floor with his hands aflame, he doesn't attack.
"You’re fuckin’ Burnish! You stupid Burnish! Everything here is flammable don't even fuckin’ dare!" Meis screams and suddenly Gueira has a bucket of liquid tossed on him. His flames don't go out but are duller. He hugs his legs to himself and the light glow of flames surround his body. "I'm.. I'm not in control of this. But I.. won't.. I won't burn the place down.." he stumbles over his words as his body shakes.
Meis stops and takes a better look at Gueira and sees how distressed he is. They calm down Ophelia then look back towards Gueira.
"You're just a kid."
Gueira sniffles, “I’m not a kid!” The flames brighten.
“How old are you?”
“Just turned 16.″
“Thats a toddler. How’d a toddler get into my backyard?”
“I don’t need this from someone looking like that!” Gueira motions to Meis, still covered in dust, half teased hair, shirt torn and barely on and smeared make up. “How old are you?!”
“Gonna be 17 in two weeks.”
“Also toddler!” Gueira points and grins at Meis, his flames disappear for a moment.
“I’m pretty much an adult!” Meis waves their hands in the air. Then stomps a foot towards Gueira. “And you still haven’t answered me!” Ophelia acts up again as Meis is yelling again. Gueira recedes back, nervous.
“Please don’t call Freeze Force on me..” Gueira hugs his legs and hides his face.
“You’re in the wrong place then kid. My pa is training in Freeze Force.”
Gueira’s head shoots up, eyes wide.
Meis plops a seat down next to him. “I’ll hide you for the night though.” Meis leans their arm on their knee and rests their head on their arm. Eyeing Gueira carefully.
Gueira stares at Meis, tears forming but trying not to cry again. “Seriously?”
“I’m not gonna call the feds on a kid.” Meis pulls the nearby mirror close and starts fixing themselves up. “You're lucky my pa didn't catch ya, you'dve been swiss cheese.”
Gueira hides his face into his legs and arms again. “Can you just help me get home.. I don’t recognize any of this place.”
“Sure. Probably for the best you head out after the storm. It gets extra hot after a sandstorm passes ‘round here, even at night. Where you live?”
“Uh, near the Liberty apartments.. maybe you could just point me to a bus or I could hitch hike.. somehow.” Gueira is talking into his arms.
“...I don’t know of that apartment building. Most places near here are just horse people’s homes.”
“...horses?” Gueira’s head peeks out.
Meis points at Ophelia. “That?”
“I know what a horse is!” He glares at Meis. His expression softens as he looks down towards the foor. “Am I not in Miami?”
“Miami?” Meis stops what theyre doing and whip their head towards Gueira.
“Yeah!” Gueira looks happy.
“You mean like Florida?” Meis’ expression is really confused.
“Yeah?” Gueira looks concerned.
“You’re in Texas, kid.” Meis finishes fixes themselves up and pushed the mirror away. Gueira is silent for a moment.
“...how?” Gueira looks back at the ground again.
“I should be asking you that.” Meis pulls out a cigarette and lights it. “You ran from the Foundation real far you got lost, huh?” Meis takes a drag and doesn’t look too concerned till suddenly Gueira’s shaking again. Meis lowers his cigarette. “What.. happened to you, kid?”
Gueira squeezes hard on his own legs. “They...they just bagged my head and threw me in a van. I didn’t know where they were taking me. They talked about the other city states but.. but how'd I get into the middle of the Burnish desert lands..”
Meis frowns. “We’re not in the middle of the Burnish desert lands. we’re in  human civilization.”
Gueira starts crying again and leans back towards the hay. His flames grow. Meis panics and grabs Gueira away from the haystack. 
“Can you stop that!” Meis grips onto Gueira’s shoulders. “You are surrounded by tinder!”
“I won’t burn things! I swear!” Gueira yells back at Meis through his tears.
“You’re currently on fire!”
“And you’re not burnt are you!?” Gueira screams it this time. Flames spark off him. Yet Meis is still unharmed. Meis finally notices how they’re grabbing Gueira and the flames are on their arms as well. 
“See!” Gueira grabs Meis’ hands. “I’m not some monster, please. I’m just... just a kid.. like you said.” Gueira stutters through tears more. Lets go of Meis’ hand and falls backwards into the hay. The hay is unaffected as the flames around Gueira’s body persist. Gueira goes back to hugging his knees and crying. “Please don’t turn me in.. I just.. I didn’t want this.. I..”
“Okay, Okay hey!”, Meis moves towards Gueira. They hesitate reaching out towards him. Then Meis touches Gueira’s shoulder again. They take a moment to register how the flames aren’t hurting. Gueira’s still crying and hiding his face. Meis then grabs Gueira’s other shoulder and pulls him into a hug. Gueira’s surprised. 
“I’m not turning you in. I promise, okay. You can stay here as long as you need.” the focus is on Gueira’s face as his scared eyes soften and he hugs Meis back, tightening his grip and starts sobbing into Meis’ arms.
Both of them are laying on the stable floor, smoking lazily. Meis is letting Ophelia nibble at their hair.
Gueira takes a drag on his cigarette and coughs it up violently. Meis laughs a little. Gueira huffs, "You know,” cough “I always thought it funny how my parents can.." .....he sighs....  "..could look at me and not see I'm gay."
Meis ignores the hidden implications in Gueira's words. "Heh. My family sees me all the time looking like this and still thinks I'm a cis male."
Gueira shifts to face Meis and takes another drag of his cigarette, blows out smoke properly. Meis looks a little proud. "Yeah but you don't know what you are anyway." Gueira picks Meis' hair out of Ophelia's mouth.
Meis ponders a moment.
"I'm.. I'm an unlit match in a haystack. Full of potential to destroy it all but stifled and buried alive."
Gueira raises an eyebrow "Poetic. Is that a song lyrics of yours?"
Meis laughs, "Hoho-noooo. You think I'm that kind of song writer?"
"It's just... if you keep talking like that you'll catch the Burnish from me." Gueira snickers and puts out his cigarette on the barn floor.
Meis smiles falters, "I always thought those things weren't human. I mean.. not that you're a thing. Or not human.." Meis turns to Gueira now. "You can't catch the Burnish.. right??"
Gueira smirks "Come closer and find out for yourself."
Meis flicks Gueira's nose.
Meis puts out their cigarette and stands up, dusting off themselves. "I better get back before Pa comes pounding on the barn door looking for me." Meis kisses Ophelia on the nose and pats Guiera's head, ruffling his hair. Gueira doesn't bother to fix his hair and mutters under his breathe "fuck that guy"
Meis pulls a match out of their pocket and flicks it into a nearby haystack. Gueira rolls his eyes at the gesture, unamused.
Gueira's talking fast and stifling sobs. "It's so lonely and so crowded. It's feels like my head is inside a fire. Numbing and loud. These voices just talk constantly, scream at me to burn. Burn. Burn. Burn. They’re real. They’re my thoughts. But I don’t like them. And I don’t want them to be real.. I.. I understand why the Foundation wants me. But what do they want with me.. why did they choose me. They make me want to burn you alive, Meis." He sniffs and Meis seems unfazed at the concept.
" ..just consume you.. in all of this fire.. all the flames in me."
Meis reaches out to grab Gueira's hand. They're both still not looking at each other. Just staring at the barn on the floor.
"I'm an unlit match in a haystack, Guiera. Maybe I just need to be set aflame."
Gueira starts crying harder. "You don't want this.. you really fucking don't."
Meis drops Gueira's hand and grabs his face to look at him sternly. They’re both facing each other now. "You don't speak for me. I could be a Burnish!"
Between sobs "You don't need this."
"Stop it"
"Burn for me Guiera."
"Shut up"
"Burn me alive"
Gueira pushes away and stands up. "Stop it! Stop it! You don't want this! You don't need this burden! It's useless! It's just trouble! It's just crying and running away and ..and.. I could get you snatched up and killed! Why do you even care about me!!"
Meis slowly stands up. "So we're not talking about the fire anymore, huh?"
Gueira's tears are little fires. He's shaking and trying to hold himself by wrapping his arms around his body in a grip. Legs wobbly and feet shifting to try and stay standing up. Meis doesn't approach him. A gentle smile appears on their face and they reach out a hand.
Gueira closes his eyes tight and suddenly bursts into flames. The flames stay around Gueira’s body and don’t spread.
“Breathe in the fire for me, Gueira!” Meis holds out their arms. “Burn properly!”
“It burns my throat!”
“I can’t! I’ll really explode!” Gueira opens his eyes to look at Meis. Meis looks excited.
"Burn this whole barn down!" Meis’ eyes are wide and is grinning big. 
"You're losing it too now. You're not even Burnish and you're a pyromaniac." Gueira looks concerned for Meis.
"You think I care about this place?" Meis’ laugh is almost evil.
"You care about Ophelia! I'm not gonna burn her house down just cause I'm being whiney and having a break down! You sound like them. Don’t make the voices in my head external! You shouldn’t encourage this!” Gueira’s yelling and the flames aren’t stopping. His hands are in fists and close to his chest, holding back.
Meis walks up to Gueira and puts a hand on his cheek. Their voice is calmer now. “You need to actually let it all out. You need to burn or it’s all going to eat you up inside. Just scream and burn all your fears away.”
Gueira’s eyes shut tight. His hands open up and to his sides as flames burst around him. Two flame like horns are above his head. He screams. His eyes are enflamed and he glares at Meis, smacking Meis’ hand off his face. 
“You want fire?!” Gueira practically growls and smoke comes out his mouth. Meis is smiling big. “I hate you Meis. I can’t stand this fucking barn. I smell of horse shit.” He’s throwing flames with every sentence. Meis doesn’t move away still. Gueira’s anger starts leaning into his sadness. “I can't just be lazy around here forever on you. Just because I'm scared. Just because I’m so fucking scared!” Gueira roars flames. “I always felt so fucking useless and lazy. I was always a burden on somebody. And I ruined everything for my family, their hopes, their dreams, all their money went to their goddamn useless hospital child. I ruined everything for them! I ruined my own dreams! I can’t even kick a fucking football!” Gueira’s sobbing. “I already lost everything. I can't.. I can't even have you, Meis. When I know this will all be lost too."
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
SU Movie Liveblog
I had this open in one tab and the movie in another and wrote down my thoughts, let’s go! so sorry to people on mobile.
Yeah, makes sense that two years still isn’t really enough to sway them from thinking he’s still pink in some way- especially considering even the crystal gems had that problem after thirteen years.
his big grin when connie kisses his cheek.... SO good
steven getting a song about being proud of himself and knowing he’s grown into a good person is also SO GOOD
and pearl! pearl’s part! also so great!
oooh, they’re all getting a piece!
garnet referring to her first fusion with terms like parents talk about a baby is PRECIOUS
AAAAA FIRST GLIMPSE AT BBY AMETHYST.... and she comes out with weird limbs like one of those drawing pose dolls, what a nice touch!
DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE THE BETAS THERE.... but no jasper, hmm....
maybe it’s because I know what’s coming but making a song called ‘happily ever after’ is just asking for disaster, honey...
Steven Regrets Tempting Fate
steven looks younger when spinel asks who he is and that HAS to be by design.
hmm... is the gem drill connected to her form somehow, with how she formed her hand and it came out?
oooh boy, I’m gonna guess.... spurned member of pink’s court?
and ‘other friends’? yeah, definitely part of pink’s former court.
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuuuck
‘holy s-he really got everybody!’ the boy is 16 greg, he can hear A Swear
well, THIS is uncomfortable, but it is always nice to hear pearl sing
the expressions seem... idk, extra cartoony here? pearl’s face is so round and everyone’s eyes look extra big. idk if it fits, but it’s probably meant to be a bit unsettling.
huh. someone smarter than me at analysis will have to talk about amethyst’s mimicking.
damn, they really did try to pacify pink with gifts of gems, didn’t they? I can already see so clearly what happened.
‘it took me MONTHS to stop trying to kill steven!’ peridot is so good
and then bismuth and lapis just build on it, NICE
that pose, with him having a hand on his face and looking back at the injector.... I swear either him or greg have had that EXACT pose in some other episode.
okay, pink was hyper and childish, but even she would have gotten bored and annoyed with spinel. I bet spinel was commissioned specifically by blue, but the pink that blue thought she knew, not the one that actually existed.
wow, about fourteen minutes. pretty short turnaround time for a ‘well shit that went bad fast’ reprise.
spinel’s little squeaky shoes during the reprise is... wow
‘hijinks will ensue’
if I was new!garnet I’d be scared and confused too... cmon, steven. she clearly looks really disjointed rn.
the first time I actually said ‘oh my GOD’ out loud in this movie was pearl rolling out the stairs and the red carpet
oh geez. boy do I think I know exactly why pink ditched her.
okay, we are.... about halfway through the movie. I do admit I didn’t think this would take this long.
also sandals as tap shoes?
the comic timing of amethyst opening her eyes and look over made me wheeze with laughter.
‘I’m back, you dip.’
also having amethyst be the first to come back was probably a good call.
holy shit is that ACTUAL BLOOD
‘you’re going to die ANYWAY’ gee thanks peridot
oh hey, rebecca as an extra, I think!
I love seeing how sadie’s letting her hair grow out the dye- it makes such a cool effect. and yeah that was how service jobs felt.
steven is just ‘what did I do to deserve this...’
geez, even years after he’s accepted things, steven’s still got a bit of a tight spot regarding rose. not surprised, though.
I love how easy it is, same as it was for smoky the first time. steven fuses easiest with his family.
okay who the hell is that voice, I checked on imdb and it’s probably either chance the rapper or gallant since those are the unlisted named ones
yeah.... I don’t like his design. this is the first fusion I really didn’t like that of. ugh.
d’awww, garnet’s wearing steven’s jacket
they threw in the pilot design again!
OPAL SINGING, and admittedly, I do like the steven and greg fusion’s voice
ooooh boy heading for that ocean of poison ain’t gonna do him any favors
pink.... she recreated that garden, made it her sanctuary on earth. she didn’t have only bad memories of it- she must not have realized how much she mattered to spinel like she didn’t realize she mattered to the other diamonds.
the distorted almost circus-like music....
A SONG FROM PINK HOLY COW. wait... that voice sounds really different. is that the same voice actress?
yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. geez I see the reasoning here, holy COW.
‘actually, I can totally believe it’ yeah, as much as I like pink, boy did she fuck up a few times
okay, we got 24 minutes left, this can’t work, right? although spinel only cracked somewhat recently, it sounds like. so really, she’s not that far gone- and considering what we know, probably didn’t fully understand the consequences of her actions.
greg. greg. gross.
I... dunno really how to feel about the su movie being.... basically what everyone who misinterprets su says it is. spinel was made to be redeemed in twenty minutes. her backstory makes it almost shockingly easy. she’s technically the only villain to actually fall like that- like it’s been pointed out, peridot took months, bismuth was already sympathetic, and the diamonds took multiple episodes and still aren’t fully there yet.
I did kinda call that it wasn’t going to be that easy, but whoof. I don’t blame steven though, kid’s under a lot of pressure and is possibly literally dying.
wait.... we haven’t seen alexandrite yet, wasn’t she in the trailer....? and they’re all hugging...
the little crack in his voice between ‘please’ and ‘hurry’...
I love how spinny and magic fusions and gem reformations are in the movie....
wow, BOY did the song sound different when it was released out of context
he sounds so.... adult. I know it’s just that zach is 21 years old now and his voice has changed, but steven really has grown up.
‘well, I changed white diamond’s mind with a single absolutely raw insult so you can’t blame a guy for trying’
if this is how they fix it I’m gonna be a little annoyed, not gonna lie
I just realized spinel reacted to steg so much because it jumpstarted part of her memories- her friend left to become a ‘fusion’.
white being passive-aggressive, I see. 15000 year old habits die hard.
steven: thanks for insulting my home five minutes after getting here, grandma. bitch.
haha, diamond ex machina
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bubmyg · 6 years
hii!! i love ur blog sm lmao x could u give us all a lil 💞💝💗💓💕 moment and list reason why u love yoongi cos im ready to 💕💞💗💝💓💖 lmao
:-( okay strap in
his passion :-( not just for music but for uh everything, he works so hard and has worked so hard to get to where he is and i think without the unadulterated passion he has for any and everything he sets his mind to he wouldn’t be the person he is ya know
his strength? i guess is the word?? like i can’t imagine some of the hardships he’s struggled through and may continue to struggle with yet he’s still here doing his best without any sort of like idk resentment he’s just himself without having to put on an act and is unashamed in saying so which you don’t always get from someone in the public eye but yoongi is always so sure to remind everyone it’s okay to not be okay and is adamant in creating an environment where everyone thinks like that :-(((
he’s just like one of the most caring and sweet people ever and not in conventional ways like whether it be for his members or his family or fans or just people in general he’s so genuine in wanting to help and make people feel better with something as simple as making sure everyone has ate or something as complex as his lyrics like the boy uses his birthday to either hand write notes to fans or anonymously donate meat to children’s shelters like :-((((((((((((((((((((
boy also said he probably wouldn’t get tattoos bc it would prevent him from doing charity work in the future and was quick to answer that journalist who was like “you’re very interested in charity work then?” with basically a “of course i am”
he’s also so humble lmao like you look at his lyrics in idk mic drop or agust d or give it to me and yet he can’t look someone in the eye when they compliment him and he’s always so quick to acknowledge that they’ve worked hard or we as fans have worked hard like it would be easy for any of them at their level of success to get cocky and yoongi is just....the farthest thing from it like i know we joke about him predicting their accomplishments but i truly think he says these things like jokingly like “oh, we’re not here for the accomplishments we really are just here to make the best music possible that we enjoy and that fits our sound and that can give comfort to others but if we made it to the grammy’s then...” and those things stiLL HAPPEN even without intent :-(
idk how any of u find him intimidating/cold/emotionless tbh he’s so shy and sweet and soft and has a huge heart like he SCREAMED bc the maknae line said he sent them sentimental texts and he was embarrassed about it like ajfkdsjafld :-(
his big unabashed gummy smile :-(
or in photo shoots when he kinda kinda smiles and it’s all tentative and sweet
when he actually laughs and it’s so loud and cute and boyish :-(
when his big chocolate colored eyes look catlike but even more when they look round and innocent and attentive and s w e e t :-(
squishy cheeks :-(
pouty lips :-(
talking and using those pouty lips :-(
his voice is so soothing and calm and the infliction in his voice like how he draws things out and hums in between words and just carefully considers everything he says like i love listening to him talk bc he’s so intelligent and insightful and thinks about things in such a beautiful way
going off of how he thinks abt things i love how he’s always very critical of those dumb ideal type questions like writing ridiculous numbers for height and weight and circling all the options given to him for certain things or saying that he cares abt personality and who he vibes with and just really cares that they like music like idk it seems like the “ideal type” is such a big thing in kpop and yet he’s very indifferent to it and almost makes it comical (bc it is lmao)
the two freckles u know the ones :-(
he dances w so much passion like yeah he’s not technical like jimin or a literal noodle like hobi but he makes the choreo his own and he just has such a way of moving his body that is just cool as hell 
tummy :-(
those same three dances he does when he gets excited :-(
those loud squeaks he does when he gets excited :-(
nose scrunch :-(
when he touches the back of his neck when he gets shy :-(
going back to earlier a little bit but just how he’s constantly growing like he’s repeatedly talked about his anxiety and fear of crowds yet he’s still here still doing it even as things continually get bigger bc he says he always remembers he’s here for a larger purpose or how he said he’s not a very good singer yet he’s now singing or how he always says he’s a bad dancer but now he has his own choreo or how in burn the stage he said he was really only confident in his rap yet his entire like on stage persona just radiATES!!!!! or how he’s consistently been known as the “savage, cold” one yet he’s embracing being all soft and sensitive lately :-( 
“There’s nothing wrong, everyone is equal.”
"I really want to say that everyone in the world is lonely and everyone is sad, and if we know that everyone is suffering and lonely, I hope we can create an environment where we can ask for help, and say things are hard when they're hard, and say that we miss someone when we miss them." 
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Okay, okay, I've read a lot, I mean it, A LOT of scenarios, headcannons, stories, etc., about chocobros x reader and stuff like that, so... What if... The s/o confesses their feelings for a chocobro, he rejectes them, and then other chocobro developes, confesses or whatever, his feelings for them, maybe even a little fight or argument due to how the first chocobro could reject them. Am I expressing correctly??? PD. I like your writing so much!!! And... I love Prompto!!!
Okay, so this is round 2 and I really hope this is more of what you had in mind. I do seriously love me some sweet Prompto but I also love me some badass Prompto. So…idk I did both. Anyways, I hope you like this! 
Word Count: 2146
When you awoke that morning to the sound of the birdschirping, you inhaled deeply and reminded yourself that today was the day.Today was the day that you were going to waltz up to Gladiolus Amicitia andtell him once for all that you…liked him.
               Six,you were utterly hopeless.
               In allfairness, you thought to yourself as you changed from your pajamas beforeemerging from the tent, your hopes weren’t set very high. You had noexpectations for Gladio to return your feelings. He was the king’s Shield andyou both understood and respected that. You admired the young man’s dedicationand determination when it came to defending and protecting his friend and youngruler. However, you felt that by keeping your feelings from him you were onlycausing yourself more hurt. You were strong enough to continue the journey asfriends once you had spilled your heart. You had to tell him.
               Ignissat sipping a steaming cup of Ebony and pointed you to a covered plate ofbreakfast. You half expected him to chastise you for sleeping in late knowingthat you had plans for the day. However, the only conversation that emergedwhile you ate your breakfast was his polite questions about your late-nighthunt with the shield that had kept you out until that morning. Having finishedyour breakfast, you helped clean up the mess from breakfast before setting offin search of Gladio.
               Youknew him well enough after your weeks of traveling together to know that he wasmore than likely getting some early morning training in before they were topack up camp and set out for the day. Not far from the Haven was a smallclearing just beside the cooling river and you set your course hoping you wereright. Once you cleared the tree line, you were pleased to find the man inquestion doing push-ups, Prompto seated on his back as he scrolled through hiscamera roll. You waved to the cheery blond, the shift in his weight drawing agrumble from Gladio before he spotted you.
               Gladiolusmotioned for Prompto to get off his back before dusting himself off andoffering you a smile. “Morning,” he stretched and summed his broadsword,resting it on his shoulder.
               “Goodmorning,” you attempted to keep the stress and worry from your voice. Gladioseemed oblivious to any sort of change but Prompto shot you a curious glance. “CanI have a moment with the big guy, Prom?”
               “What’sup?” Now you had Gladio’s full attention. It was difficult for you to keep yourcomposure when he looked at you like that – amber eyes glowing like honeywhiskey in the morning light and filled with concern for you. Six damn him and his good looks.
               Nodding,you took a few steps forward and fiddled with a loose string on your shirt justso you could occupy your hands. “Yeah, everything is fine.” You paused for amoment as you tried to think of the correct words. You didn’t want to mess upyour one shot at being honest with him. “Actually, I want to talk to you aboutsomething.” Gladio’s brow creased in thought as he looked at you a moment.Finally, he nodded for you to continue. “First, let me say that I have lovedhunting and traveling with you guys. Really, it’s been amazing and I’ve learneda lot – mostly from you.” You ripped the loose string from your shirt andtwisted it through your fingers. “I don’t want to upset you with this, but I’vegot to be honest.” Taking a deep breath, you straightened your spine and lookedthe human mountain carefully in the eye. “I’ve developed…feelings…for you,” youtrailed off unsure of if you had said it correctly. There was no taking it backnow.
               Gladio’seyes widened slightly – the only indication that he had even heard you. After amoment of awkward silence, he exhaled deeply before sticking is sword into theground. “I…well,” he crossed his arms and looked away from you, his eyesclearly focused on something you couldn’t see. “Don’t get me wrong,” he finallylooked back at you, his expression not unkind, “you really are a great person.And one hell of a fighter, too. I just can’t…risk anything right now.” Hechewed on his lip for a moment. “Noctis has to come first. I can’t run the riskof caring for someone enough that they could jeopardize that and I think youdeserve someone that can give you his heart completely. That ain’t me,sweetheart.”
               You hadexpected that. You knew in your own heart that Gladio wouldn’t agree to anysort of a relationship with you because of who he was and you weren’t one ofthose girls he would whisk from the bar those nights in Lestallum. At least youknew he cared for you more than that. However, you felt the familiar prick atthe corner of your eyes and you hurriedly tried to turn your face and hide theoncoming tears. You didn’t want him to feel sorry for you.
               “Hey,”Gladio’s voice had softened. He had seen the tears and he was slowlyapproaching you. “I-I didn’t mean…I just –“
               “I getit,” you took a few steps back from the shield, refusing to meet his gaze. “Really,Gladdy. I’ll be fine.” With that, you spun on your heals and hurried from theclearing. You ran forward, not in the direction of the Haven, but to somewherewhere you could cry out your pained tears and then move on. That was what youhad to do.
               The onslaughtof tears had blocked your vision and you stumbled once before a steadying gripfound your wrist. “Whoa, easy there,” a familiar chuckle greeted you. Embarrassed,you tried to hide your face but a gentle grip from a leather-clad hand turnedyour face so that you were forced to reveal your sorrow. “What’s wrong?”Prompto’s voice was soft as he gently cradled your head. His violet eyes werefilled with so much concern that your heart ached at the sight – why couldn’tyou love him. The sweet, gentle,caring, and surprisingly strong and loyal photographer and best friend. Unableto say anything, you let Prompto pull you in so that your head rested on hisshoulder. He gently shushed you and whispered into your ear as the silent tearsmade tracks down your cheeks. You would be lying if you said you didn’t carefor the man holding you as you cried, you just weren’t sure how much.
               Finally,the tears stopped and you pulled back wiping at your eyes. “Thanks,” youmumbled, slightly embarrassed from your emotional display. You did feel betterhaving cried your heart out, though. You were sure you could go on and pretendeverything was normal now. Or you would at least try.
               Promptonodded, his eyes hardening as he watched you try to compose yourself. Without aword, he rushed passed you back towards the clearing. You called out to him buthe barreled through the undergrowth of the forest with little concern. “Whatthe hell is wrong with you?” He screamed as he broke into the clearing. Noctiswas there sparring with Gladiolus while Ignis looked on appraising the king’sefforts.
               Gladioblinked at Prompto but didn’t say anything. When he caught sight of you stumblinginto the clearing behind him, you thought you saw his eyes soften. “Prompto,what’s up?” Noctis looked at his friend with pure confusion. Ignis cocked aneyebrow but remained quiet.
               “Whatis wrong with you?” Prompto repeated his words as he approached Gladio. Hishands were clenched at his sides so hard that his knuckles turned white. Younoticed a spark of blue light as if he were fighting the urge to summon his ownweapon. “How can you not see that you’re hurting her?” He was no longer screaming.He was so quiet, you nearly missed his words.
               Youlooked from Prompto, so angry his pale skin was flushed nearly paper whitemaking his freckles stick out even more, to Gladio who looked completelyfloored and…guilty, maybe. His eyes, always the most expressive part of him,were troubled and seemed to focus on you rather than the man shaking withanger. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just can’t be what she needs,” Gladioshook his head, his dark hair falling over his shoulders. There was a moment ofwhite hot anger than burned through your veins but it quickly fizzled out to a sadnessat the turmoil you saw filter across his features.
               Promptogroaned, raking a gloved hand through his aready messy hair. “What the helldoes that even mean, dude? You’re not the one that just had to hold her whileshe cried. Watch her while she’s tried notto flirt with you while you just kept pushing the situation.” He pointed afinger at Gladio’s chest before Prompto pushed it against his chest. “Now she’spaying for it.”
               Gladiolooked at Prompto – the height difference was nearly comical – for a momentbefore he replied. “And I’m sorry,” he looked at you as he spoke.
               “Sorry?You’re sorry?” Before anyone saw it coming, Gladio included, Prompto hadconneted his fist against his stubbled jaw. You were surprised Prompto was ableto pack a punch hard enough to force Gladio’s face to the side and have himstumble back a step, rubbing at the forming bruise. “That’s what I think aboutyour apology.” Before he could swing again, you grabbed Prompto’s hand andpulled him with you.
               Ignistook off his glasses to clean them as he watched the two of you disappear. “Wellthat was rather unexpected.”
               “Youcan say that again,” Noctis looked at both his Shield and his advisor.
               Promptostumbled along behind you. His hand obviously began to regain feeling as heshook it out between cradling it gingerly in his hand. “Prompto,” you sighedbefore finally pulling him down onto the soft ground within sight of the Havenbut still hidden in the shade of the large trees. You pulled out a low-levelblizzard spell and popped the bottle so that some of the magic inside pouredonto the ground. You gathered some of the ice and pressed it against his handthrough the leather of his gloves. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
               Thenormally bubbly young man nodded and chewed the inside of his cheek as hewatched you cradle his hand. “Of course,” he finally brought his violet eyes upto yours, a small smile tugging at his slightly chapped pink lips. “I can’tstand seeing you upset. It…it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces.” Usinghis uninjured hand, he gently cupped your face and ran his thumb over yoursmiling lips. Chuckling, he chook his head sending his blonde fringe out of hiseyes. “Gladio’s got one hell of a jaw, though.” He experimentally flexed histhrobbing hand.
               Thelaugh that broke free from your chest was true and happy. “At least it isn’t asharp as it looks,” you joked as you re-iced his hand.
               “Ha ha,”he chuckled as he watched you. You felt his gaze on you as you worked but youtook your time before you looked up. You watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed.You hadn’t realized he had gotten so close. “I love it when you smile,” hewhispered as he searched your eyes for something. Prompto carefully leaned inand you felt your heart hammer away in your chest. You closed your eyesexpecting to feel his lips on yours. Finally, you felt a warmth on yourforehead.
               Youreyes fluttered open as Prompto pulled you closer so that you were leaningagainst him. “I get it, I really do,” he promised and you knew he wasreferencing your feelings for Gladio. But that didn’t explain the way you heartwas still beating wildly at his proximity. “I’m just asking for a chance here.”
               Shocked,you pulled back to get a better picture of him. The earnestness of hisexpression and the light pink that tinted his cheeks was so adorable it washard for you not to smile. “Okay,” you nodded and unconsciously gripped his hand.
               Promptoyelped as he pulled his hand back but the broad grin on his face told you hewasn’t angry. In fact, you weren’t sure you had ever seen him so happy. “I canwork with that,” he jumped up and brought you to your feet with him. “I may notbe an Amacitia, but this plebe’s full of surpsies,” he promised as he pulledyou in for a hug.
               “I’msure,” you laughed. For the second time that day you found your head restingcarefully against his shoulder, tucked against his neck.
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schmugisby · 7 years
20 Character Design Questions!!!
 🕸 1. Who’s the oldest character of yours that you still use?
Oh, that would be Skarlet. I’ve created her in 2014 and she is still, like, the main character of my OC series. She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll kick you in the face.
 ⭐️ 2. Who’s the oldest character of yours, defunct or not?
Probably Rober, but now his name is James. He is Skarlet’s father. I created him as a joke, actually, but he started to become so much more. Now he is very secondary because I’ve started to keep more focus on my teens OCs. But he’s still alive, people.
 💡 3. Has creating a character ever made you realize something about yourself?
Yes. Actually, it wasn’t really when I created her, but Rose made me realize a few things about myself. She tended to follow her friends, not having an own opinion, and focusing on her dream (something I don’t quite do, but moving on). When they completely let her down, she realizes that she needs her alone time. That didn’t happen to me, but in any cases, it was building THIS lil story that I noticed how, sometimes, I’m way to attached to people. I want to be more independent, maybe someday, I think.
 🦋 4. Any minor characters that have either taken over or branched off into their own stories?
John, oh my God, John. I made him “inspired” by an old friend of mine, he was… well, a dick. John was at first a total jerk, one of those lifeless fags who spend their whole day in the computer, writing shitty sexists speeches, 0 friends. He was supposed to be a web friend of Craig’s/Mark’s childhood best friend, but, as I created him, I started to attach to him and understand him. Man, he is my SON after all, I can’t just let him be a total dork 100% of times! So… that’s when I gave him a story, a will to live, problems, guilty pleasures… That’s when he really became John. Now he is one of my favs, and I regret nothing, he is super hot & indian tho.
 🐲 5. Do you prefer to make human, animal, monster, or _____ characters? Why?
Human characters. Because, well, I don’t have enough creativity. JK, but I don’t know. Sometimes I turn my human characters into /FANTASTIC CREATURES/ in my AUs!! But, like, nothing that hasn’t already been done before. Mermaids, centaurs and even… wizards? Idk, some gay shit, don’t judge me.
  🎨 6. When creating a character, do you come up with the visual concept or the written concept first?
Visual concept. I think the big majority of my characters started with a silly drawing. Some of them I created only to be another character’s partner, but they became SOOOO much more than that. Like Mark. I created him to be Terry’s BF only, now he is much wider than she is, that’s kinda… sad? Anyways, they don’t even end up together, so that’s just how things went, pals.
  📌 7. Do you have characters that you know you’ll never use, but can’t bear to get rid of/recycle?
Yes!! I have a mahou shoujo series, actually. There are some big personalities in there, however I don’t embrace their story very much… I like to draw my girls, but talking ‘bout their story… no, I don’t think I’m ever going to write about them, I’ve got no patience for anime girls, yo.
 💖 8. Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had?
That character surely is Jeff. He has curly brown hair, really slick body, amazing personality and the best friends in the world (no, wait, I have this one as well <3 ). I’m too shy to express myself the way he does it, he is truly passionate for life even with all the shit he went through. However, just like me, he cares very much about the people he loves and shows it to them constantly, hugging them and doing other kinds of embarrassing stuff. He screams a lot, though, another thing we have in common AND I don’t think that’s bad at all.
 🖤 9. Is there a character that embodies your bad traits? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
Hey look, Rose again. I tend to be really… dumb when the subject is LOVE. I fall so hard for people sometimes that I totally ignore all the bad things that person has in their personality. I usually put my /CRUSH/ over a pedestal and treat him like a God, fuck, I just wanted to be like those tumblr girls who don’t give a shit. I’m really perverted when it comes to men and so does Rose. She’s a weirdo, I’m a weirdo and we fall for pretty faces, that’s the truth.
 ♨️ 10. Is there a character that explores your interests or fetishes (orrrr is that just all of you characters)?
FUCK THIS QUESTION IS SO GOOD, Daphne is EXACTLY THAT character. She is one dominant mommy and REALLY confident, something I wish I was. She has literally my dream man as a boyfriend, they’re really kinky and sweeeet, so proud of my babies. There are some big taboos around Daphne, but I’m not going to talk about this right now. She also has a BODY GOAL body shape, big thighs, thin waist, regular sized boobs… She’s my queen and I’m gay bitch SLAY.  
 ✒️ 11. If you have characters that embody certain traits of yours—good or bad—has writing them changed how you view those traits? Has it affected you in any way?
Hoe literally the same question 3 times in a row are u fucking kidding me I’m not answering to this
 💭 12.   Do you fantasize about being any of your characters, or are you more detached? 
Yes, man. I think it would be very good to be any of them, to be true. But… some of them have crippling depression, anxiety, borderline syndrome… pedophilia fetishes… schizophrenia… Okay, I fucked with them big time, happy? I like being me, dude, I just wanted to make out with some of them sometime.
  🎵 13. Do you create playlists for your characters? 
No!! But I’m working on it. There are several songs who remind me of my characters, creating playlists would be pretty neat, but I need time, SO MUCH TIME.
  🎇 14. When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get into the right mindset?
Oh, it don’t really fits for “writing” but, when I’m drawing concepts I like to listen to music that reminds me of them!! It helps, I think?
  🌻 15. Which character is your guilty pleasure?
I know I’ve already mentioned him here before, but who cares right? Mark is one handsome mother fucker. Although he’s violent, fearless and mostly emotionless? But also REALLY emotional? He’s confusing. I love drawing him, drawing his little cheek mark, his messy hair and sloppy glasses. I’d love to have him as a talk bud. All kinds of bad things happen to him like he’s cursed… maybe… maybe I would like to give him a hug.
  🌩 16. Is there a character of yours who’s a real struggle to write/draw? Why do you think that is?
Almost all of them. I struggle hard when drawing Nath’s/Jeff’s/Terry’s/Stella’s hair and there are some characters like Craig who don’t even have a FUCKING HAIR CONCEPT, HIS HAIR IS ABSTRACT, YOU GUYS. My biggest problems are with their hair, actually, I don’t have any other BIG problems. Just body anatomy, but I’m working on it.
 🔑 17. Which character is the easiest to draw/write?
Scott is definitely the easiest to draw, his hair is short and his bangs are also short. His head is round and simple, and there are freckles all over his pinky face. However, he is not that easy to write about. I sometimes struggle with writing in my characters voices, because some of them are REALLY DIFFERENT from me. So… it is not easy for me to write about any of them.
 💎 18. Is there anything you really wish you could do, character-design-wise, that you feel is outside your current skillset? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
There are MANY types of concepts that I wish I could be more skillful to draw. I enjoy drawing monster characters, but none of them became a OC. Maybe one day I’ll be able to pull one off. Right now, I’m just gonna chill.
 🏆 19. What’s more important to you: visual design, unique personality, a trendy character aesthetic, etc? If you’re not sure, then what’s the first thing you usually nail down in a character? 
I usually pay my first attention to the a e s t h e t i c of a character, so that should be it? Not only in appearance ways, also in personality, likes and deslikes and even kinks. I think they are all important when the CREATIVITY FAIRY comes, you know? So… I even try to see if one new character of mine doesn’t look so much like some older one, I would hate to have people hating on me because I can’t do diversity, fuck.
 🎬 20. Do you ever plan to do anything (comic, animation, etc) with your characters? Or are you just happy to have them?
No man, I’m way too lazy to do stuff like this lol. I’m happy with them right now, but who knows? The future is uncertain. Have a good day.
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