#idk I still am very critical of this game and I know lots of fans are young but let’s exercise some deep thinking
saki-nemeiko · 6 months
“Why is kaito being so meannn??”
Bc he’s a reflection of mafuyuu who spent the first ten chapters of the main story being honest to a fault and alienating people who wanted to connect to her.
When a character changes like that it’s pretty normal for the author to have them see their own behavior from an outside perspective to illustrate their lack of self knowledge.
Yeah she’s scared of him. It’s the voice in her that won’t let her forget how tired she is of holding her own opinion and self in. It’s the voice of discontent and change that she’s continuously rejects in herself. Me too girl.
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batsplat · 14 days
welcome back casey stoner !
asjddkh SEE this is what I'm talking about!! something about those incredibly neurotic ducati champions, eh. in the post linked above, pecco's talking about how he deals with media pressure... which, yeah, pecco and casey really do share a fair bit of competitive dna there - from the insistence that it doesn't affect them whatsoever to how they do in fact get extremely pissy whenever they feel misrepresented by the media. very sensitive to that kind of thing, those two are... but at the same time they're also both their own harshest critics. from casey's autobiography (all quickly nabbed from this post, which ofc expands on casey's perfectionism):
I got a lot of criticism over the years for being honest because I always felt I could do better. Even if I won the race, if I had made mistakes it was important for me to admit them and address them for next time instead of congratulating myself for being the best on that particular day.
Whatever challenges I take on now I am still driven by the same quest to improve - I can’t change who I am. As a personality trait this is both a good thing and a bad thing. I like that part of me but it would be nice to not be like that sometimes, to enjoy something without being obsessed with getting better at it. I am sure you can go through life a lot happier if you don’t analyse everything.
versus pecco:
The strength that I've proved in various situations comes from the fact that I am extremely critical of myself, and so it only takes a little bit for me to put myself down even more.
like yeah I suppose that's one way of looking at it - nobody else can get to you if you're already tearing into yourself. it's a motivational process that's very much built on negativity, right, on the need to live up to their own exacting standards. both pride themselves for their ability to put failures behind them quickly - to be able to immediately bounce back because they tell themselves they only care about doing better in the next race. plus, there's that interesting dynamic where both are like... pretty big on this idea they're not making excuses for themselves, committed to honestly assessing themselves and all that,, BUT also have reputations for being whiny to the press... because people for whatever reason end up thinking they're constantly blaming everything but themselves for their shortcomings. again, very prone to feeling misunderstood!! neither of them are necessarily terrible communicators - but there's a certain reluctance there (obviously more so from casey) to even play that game at all. mix in a learned wariness because they feel like they've been burned before.... that whole pecco episode last year where he said one reason for the increased injury rate is probably because the field is tighter now (which, yes! seems logical!) ,,, and then some unholy combination of clumsy phrasing, media framing and an ungenerous fan response ended up translating that to pecco saying he wanted satellite bikes to be slower again... gave me real casey vibes lol. casey had a fair few of those episodes himself - though at least the news cycle and social media fandom weren't quite as bad back then. in a lot of ways he'd struggle even more nowadays
also,, you do have to mention - they both end up defining themselves against valentino specifically when it comes to their public personas. casey might be the rival and pecco the mentee, but both of them have been clear that they do not desire to be the next valentino rossi. kinda what I said here, right
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idk, obviously pecco had a heads-up a little earlier than casey did that sensibly communicating to the media WAS going to be a big part of the job. but there's still a wariness there, an unwillingness to be something they're not, knowing that they'd be miserable trying to match valentino's particular brand of flamboyance... it is key that it is a choice they're making. they just don't want that for themselves, never have. there's only ever so much outreach they're willing to do
also this
“Stoner and Bagnaia are two different riders, but they have the same mental attitude,” Tardozzi told AS. “I think Pecco is still growing. He already took a big leap by winning the championship, but the biggest jump in his head has been done this year, after the two falls in Argentina and Austin. “He is an intelligent boy and has spoken a lot with the team, and what happened has made him take another step to make him even more of a champion. Now he has the right mentality. Pecco will become one of the greats. Right now it is showing that he is growing, as I told you before."
'resilience' is I think a word I associate quite strongly with both of them. they take their fair share of punches, do tend to get called mentally fragile a lot - but in truth there's a steel there that serves them well. did talk a little bit about the similarities of their motivational processes here too:
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and one other thing I've been thinking about is that this... y'know, use of spite, of self-criticism, of how annoyed they get at others' criticisms - for both of them, it is also paired with a determined refusal to countenance they could be mentally affected by anything. with casey in particular, it's a bit of an overcorrection in response to how often he was described as mentally weak; it's understandable you might get extremely sensitive about the whole thing, if you weren't already. a lot of it is also stubbornness... a bone-deep contrarianism that immediately makes them push back if somebody suggests they might struggle for any reason related to psychology. where this really jumps out is how they talk about their rivals. obviously, nobody is going to say that their opponent's mind games work on them because that'd be deeply stupid to admit - but there is something about pecco's firm insistence marc's mind games don't have a hope of working on him that is really reminiscent of how casey has talked about valentino. it's that dynamic of ,, well, they're not wrong in that they're stronger than people give them credit for, but obviously they are also. like. extremely defensive, past the point of necessarily being reasonable. sometimes, what your rival does will affect you. that's kinda how rivalries work lol. but both of them are very committed to this narrative that their working process is super self-directed. casey's whole thing about how he's never gotten obsessed with rivals, pecco's 'we work in silence' schtick... it comes back round to the relationship with the media, right, where they have a natural inclination towards framing that as an oppositional dynamic - and automatically chafe against any narratives that might be externally imposed on them. actually, you see, rivals don't affect their performance at all, they don't need to constantly slobber to the press to hype up their performances, they'll do their talking on-track... but the unspoken truth there is that all of those things do matter, they are paying a lot of attention - and in the end, 'proving a point' to someone becomes a central part of the motivational process. they hear all the criticisms, they seethe in 'silence' (often involves a fair bit of public complaining but let's allow it), and then they determinedly show how all their critics were fools and losers. rinse and repeat
anyway yeah apparently that's part of the ducati magic - a dash of neuroticism, a heavy dose of self-flagellation, inject a desire for authenticity that might at times read as whiny, stir in the makings of a persecution complex and top it off with a sprinkling of spite. probably not the easiest type of guy to handle, but clearly there's something to the formula. a compelling approach to be sure
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whenthechickencry · 1 year
Umineko Ch1. Replay 4
The fact she calls out to her mom when she is the one person who isn't gonna figure out a calm way to deal with this hurts, ouch. Even amongst all the hatred she has for her mom she still trusts her.
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This line always stuck with me because of how insane it reads on the outside. She's 9! A whole 9! She's an infant what do you mean old! I guess it shows her toxic environment meant she was never allowed to act like a child and is bitter about it.
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Hurts to read this. Clearly, they want to stop Rosa's abuse but don't know how. It's easy to judge them as cowards but realistically what can they do? Yell at Rosa who will then take it out on Maria more?
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Honestly living on that island seems like abuser heaven so at least Jessica's parents aren't the worst, comparatively speaking. She has very limited contact with the outside world and every exit is very tightly controlled.
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Setting up the "who gave Maria the umbrella" mystery I see Kanon!
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It's really hard to not read Maria as autistic me, with her taking orders very literally, her word repetition, and her hyper fixation on magic stuff. Just makes the way Rosa blames her for getting bullied and not having friends even more horrific.
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Kumasawa laughing at the prank she helped pull, lol
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idk battler It could be the worst day of my life but if I'm getting a 5-star meal I'm mowing that down happily
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It's a bit sad how clearly Battler holds Kyrie in high regard and obviously does kind of consider her family even if he denies it considering that Kyrie fucking hates him
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I am using the Umineko Project version of Umineko, and you know, the console sprites for Umineko are a lot more varied than the 07th mod would led you to believe (not that I am criticizing them, I am sure there were technical reasons as to why they had to be removed) there are some with Eva holding her unfolded fan that I didn't screen earlier too)
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Nanjo going along with the script and getting jumped on by everyone lol
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Wow, way to talk about your child Rosa
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Oh here is the portrait I was talking about earlier, also everyone's tune immediately flip flops about the letter when they realized its beneficial to getting money lmfao
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It's kinda cute how much Jessica tries to prove she really is the one who hates her parents the most when she probably has the best relationship with her parents out of the cousins
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Yeah yaeh you are so mature and understanding than your cousins George, not like you are the one most willing to cut off your parents when their money or status obsession gets in the way of your goals or anything
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Doesn't work as well for a game where the opponent isn't really trying to win and doesn't always do the most logical moves, does it?
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Kyrie's correct though, if they had simply asked her on her terms who Beatrice is from the start (Something along the lines of who was Beatrice possessing) she probably would have answered!
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Well, it's more like she realized you were the best one to get the information she wanted, but you do love her too much to consider that.
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He's so fucking scared of Kyrie and he should be, to be honest! Though it's partly your fault she's like this.
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This is also probably R07's way of telling you to look at the heart and not just the murder mystery!
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Obviously, Natsuhi doesn't believe this because she knows Kinzo is dead, though I wonder if she thinks this was s will he left to the servants or something?
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i wanna punt this man
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I think Natsuhi and Jessica is probably the only parent/child relationship in the game that probably would heal itself with time... they both understand what is going wrong but aren't sure how to fix it, and I think with Jessica going out of her parent's house soon she probably would have been able to understand her mother more and makeup once they saw each other again... it makes me a bit sad to think about how the tragedy made it impossible for that to happen.
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I'm already crying fuck. They are both extending their hand to the other. They are making steps towards repairing their relationship! And it's all getting destroyed!
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I wonder how many times conversations like this happened in reality. Genji trying to convince Yasu to allow themselves to live their life normally but Yasu thinking that they aren't worthy of that, and feeling deeply guilty when they did interact with others...
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I wonder if George has ever really tried to engage with Shannon's own interests, knowledge, and likes, instead of just assuming because she is a servant that everything he tells her is new and exciting to her
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so i just finished campaign 2
in 6 months pretty much to the fucking day. and what a half a year it was. i don't know how to write down how much i love these characters, just... watching them evolve from the very beginning of the journey was just so special. i started campaign 1 in the briarwood arc (and i honestly should probably rewatch that just bc i was so confused about what was happening still at that point) and i loved seeing these characters from their first meeting as a group and how their experiences and relationships formed them into the people they were a year(-ish??) later.
Although c3 is the one that got me hooked and will always be special bc of that, and c1 felt more of a idk how to say it a story because of the separation and a more clear path (going from the briarwoods to the dragons to vecna just felt more natural to me instead of what mostly felt like side quests next to the war storyline and the lucien storyline), i feel the most connection as a group with m9. their individual development but also their group dynamic in which each of them felt like an integral part to the story and all were important to each other and had special moments together... idk something so very compelling and i will be thinking about them for a long fucking time.
As for the numbers, this means that on average i spend over two and a half hours a day for the past half a year watching critical role and i honestly cannot say i regret it. i don't know if i will ever play d&d myself as i think cr has set such a high bar of expectations and i don't really know the right people for it (at this moment) but i have grown to see the value in role playing games. though the stories might be fantasy, the emotions these people bring to the table each week is are just raw and real and have made me work through some of my own issues, i can't even imagine the impact on their own lives throughout all of it.
in the end, i would have loved to see more of essek and caleb interacting. liam and matt's interactions in the final part of 141 broke me and made me yearn for more. i haven't seen the wrap up of the reunion eps yet but at least for the reunion i don't think we see essek until the last few moments, which is bittersweet; while we don't see it directly play out, we get a good glimpse into their combined futures and i think that open ending does leave for a lot of own interpretation (and def a lot of great fan art!). overall, the characters i enjoyed most were caleb (i adore liam and his faithful representation of a bisexual disaster) and jester (do i need to explain? wonderfully chaotic and the kind of enjoyment of just life and its beauty i admire and aspire to), but even the characters i had less of a personal connection with (for me ford) i really loved for their interactions and relationships with the others.
i laughed and cried so much while experiencing this campaign, and i am just feeling full with love for the cast and crew and their incredible work and play. this is just a rambling of my thoughts at the moment and kind of a time capsule for myself, but if you are a critter and read all of it, thank you to you as well <3 the community (i mostly only interact with the one on tumblr) makes the experience def more valuable and i'm happy we're on the same journeys together!
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20 Questions
thanks for the tag! @displayheartcode
tagging @takearisk-ao3, @corneliaavenue-ao3 + anyone else who'd like to participate :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
40 little bitty bits of my brain
2. What's your total AO3 words count? 73,518
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly HP, but I've been dipping my toe into RWRB.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i think he knows (he doesn't) (shoutout to RWRB popularity)
just the (three) of us (the people love canon and sometimes I oblige)
you are beautiful (sweet bi-racial Hallie learning self love in 90s britain as a witch)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (a personal favorite) (everyone lives but Hallie's still a hot mess sometimes)
oh, and it kills me (first story for several sunlit daylights!!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to respond to every comment. I love external validation, but also love hearing how people have interpreted what i've written out of the little ideas that come into my head. It's very exciting and I've always been a fan of community so to share that with people in the comments is really special to me. I've admittedly been kind of bad at it because life was really "life-ing" but now that I'm on the other side of my mental breakdown I'm trying to get back into writing and engaging with people :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh - you mean the story that wasn't supposed to have any follow up?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uh.....i think all have fairly happy endings idk if I can pick one that's happier than any other? maybe Crazy Little Thing Called Love?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a sorta mean comment on FFN so I stopped uploading on there because why you gotta be mean to Hallie? What'd she do to you?
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
I've alluded to it. But I'm frankly terrified to write it. Love to read it though lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone feels moved to do so, I'm just a DM/comment away!!!!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not. I'm just a baby (fanfic writer)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there are way too many that I may never get to, but never say never I guess. Once I finish 'Chaos' there might be time for a lot of the other Hinny fics I have thoughts about.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I answered 17 first so, in the opposite vein while I want to write more prose I do like my ability to get to the damn point sometimes. Like, in the last line game I just did a lot of people really like "Whoever said falling in love made you feel at peace, lied." and like I think that's really powerful and sets the stage for what I want to convey emotionally for the rest of the fic?? idk. I'm really bad at celebrating me and seeing my strengths.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?'
is it a cop-out to say: "lots of things"? I'm obviously my biggest critic and I am constantly working to get better with things in terms of pacing, story arcs, and description, I love reading prose/flowery writing and I want to be able to sprinkle that into my works but I'm a flowery(?) person by nature (I'm working on my whole mindset on things needing to be productive to be "worth it") so if one day i can spend a paragraph or two just describing a single moment and gut punch someone I'd love to be able to do that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I tend to not do it just because slang, grammar, dialects are all different and I'd be damned if I mess up and say something totally outta pocket lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
the two weddings and an owl funeral universe (RIP Pig)
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Hello friend! I'm so sorry for my ramblings... Regarding your 'Levi rewritten as the Avatar of Gluttony' post: I think it just boils down to Beelzebub's fucked-up writing. I mean, all the characters have been destroyed and lost all significance (and because solmare is too lazy to fix it and support the OG game, we've now got a lazy isekai within an isekai to milk the whale players even more ((((::::: fun but anyways), but Beel's particularly bad. Gluttony, mainly, means over-indulgence and »The Lord of Flies« is obviously mostly tied to food, however, the actual sin as per mentioned in the Bible is often associated with alcohol. This is a goofy example but no matter the circumstances, Shane from Stardew Valley could be the Avatar of Gluttony🤡. Disregarding fasting or Sabbath is also linked to Gluttony, which is probably why they've written Beel to be dense-ish, I think? Desiring delicacies and being picky etc. is considered gluttonous as well, but Beelzebub eats everything, even plates and stuff lol Like, they could have made him desire Celestial Realm food because that's what he was used to and he would get sick otherwise, but no. The most well-written characters in terms of their sin are, in my humble opinion, Lucifer and Levi. Belphie's solid in terms of essence but the writing🪦 Asmo and Beel are so bad though. Especially Asmo, who's slowly been fixed by the fandom but... but canon Asmo is the epitome of terrible writing and missed opportunities. Enough pessimism!!! I loved reading your thoughts, you articulate yourself very well and it would have been a powerful piece, but would an Otome Game with a gacha system really criticize consumerism and the apathetic, clinical nature of modernity and absence of satisfaction like that? You're a treasure in this fandom❤️
Hello!! Firstly, never apologize for your ramblings! We accept ramblers in this household (<- is the biggest rambler of all)
Secondly, I haven't actually played the original obey me game in so long I think I've sanded down a lot of the bad writing bits lol. Like, I remember the complaints and out Satan just be reduced down to his love of cats, but that's about it?
I'm actually pretty optimistic about Nightbringer. I think that the writing is really solid, I know we haven't gotten much, and I'm still stuck at level 6, but I think (hope?) That Solmare has a solid vision of what they want this game story's to be. Something I think they lacked in the original game.
I like the idea of Beel being picky about what he eats, and him desiring Celestial realm food! I can't blame Solmare too much for taking the food route with Beel, as Gluttony is so often associated with food.
I think Beel's biggest flaw is a lack of secondary characteristics. Every character is pretty typical with their sin. Mammon is Greed, so he's constantly scheming on how to make money and steals things. Which sounds shallow, but it's what Solmare did with Mammon outside of his sin that made him interesting. He's a Tsun, he's overconfident, he has a secret soft side, etc.
Even Asmo has an identity outside of his sin. I know you don't think he's well-written, and maybe I've forgotten his bad writing and am just remembering his fannon characterization, but I think he's pretty good. His egotism is a cool touch, as well as his need to constantly be desired. I do think that fans have done way more with his character than Solmare even did, exploring how Asmo is terrified to gain weight, and how he feels like he's only good for his looks, something that's only been hinted at in game. Overall though? Idk, I think he's neat.
(Of course, ignoring his creepy tendencies in game. Because, yikes, does Solmare make some uh.... bold writting decisions sometimes)
Beel, again, lacks a strong character voice. Besides his hungry, what can you describe him as? A gentle giant? Very chill and blunt? On a houseful of outspoken demons, he's definitely the most chill to be around when he's not hungry. Which can be a rather of fresh air to some, but can also leave him lacking.
In the first 18 lessons, this was harder to notice because Beel's section was actually very well done, in my option. Hearing him talk about his guilt about saving Belphie while you're secretly helping Belphie was very interesting.
It's a shame that Solmare didn't do more with Beel.
If I could tweak Beel, instead of changing his whole character, I would lean into Beel's kindness. Beel's kind heart is a rarity among demons, and with how quick he was to befriend Luke, and appear to hide him in his room was really sweet. Beel has a really good sense of right and wrong, and characters even remarked how loyal Beel is.
Leaning into that, making him the most angelic brother who does a 180 when his hunger is out of control. I know they already kinda did this characterization with Satan, how he's normally pretty polite unless he's angry, but I think it would be possible to pull off.
Beel could feel very ashamed when he snaps out of his Gluttony inflicted rampage, vowing to do better next time, even though it's a Sisyphean goal. Because, unlike the other sins, hungry is a physical feeling you can't fight like being prideful or not stealing something. This makes him like his twin as both of their sins are physical, which would explain why they're so close, as they never blame each other for their sins taking control and making them do things.
Having Beel be so angelic, so perfect, could also make the other characters jealous. Because he's a shining example of not falling and becoming corrupt like his brothers. Even Lucifer fall and became monstrous, but Beel refused to sink to that level.
Having Beel be so ashamed of his hungry would make a good arc, as Beel could try to train himself to have restraint over food. When you and he have a pact together, he could ask you to force him not to eat food when it's right in front of him. He could try to beat his sin and get it under control.
Having Beel be so ashamed of his sin is also very interesting when you think about his relationship with Lucifer. On all accounts, Beel should hate Lucifer for causing them all to fall, to dooming him to his life, but because of Beel's loyalty he never voices this opinion, so he and Lucifer are stuck in this awkward spot with Beel being willing to follow Lucifer anywhere, and Lucifer knowing how much Beel is ashamed of his sin and how he tries to overcome it. When he was the cause of his sin, and how he is unable to fight his own sin.
"Would a Otome Game with a gacha system really criticize consumerism, and the apathetic, clinical nature of modernity and the absence of satisfaction like that?"
No, no they wouldn't 😔 which is a shame, because it's a pretty neat idea!
Creating an Otome game where the 7 sins are used to criticize capitalism, and modern trends would be really interesting, in my opinion!
I don't have many ideas, besides what I already talked about for Gluttony, but I'm interested in doing something with "pride before the fall" for Pride? Lucifer in the game is basically perfect, so we don't see much of him getting overconfident and failing because of his hubris.
Having a character whose fatal flaw is hubris would be interesting!
Lust is also an interesting sin to play around with. Maybe link it to egoism. There's this new trend, idk if yall seen it yet, of people using Hr speak when talking with their friends. Like "are you in the right headspace to hear bad news right now?", "don't ask me to help you move.", as well as cutting off friendships coldly because "we seem to be on different paths at this moment of time". How detached people have become, and how they believe that they're the main character of the universe.
This isn't like, a complete misdirect from Asmo, I think Asmo is very egotistical and this wouldn't be a complete change. But I think it's still a good jumping off point for an Oc.
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Fallout if you need a Topic but anything else will be fun also
i don’t want fnv 2.
i don’t want them to have to fuck around and decide what courier routes are and are not canon. no game can ever be as good as the fnv2 in our heads and it will be critically panned no matter what. not everything needs a sequel. fnv got in, stated its thesis in a straightforward and defendable manner, and ended. i am much more interested in what people inspired by fnv go off and make. loving weird west, very excited for the full release of death trash, always intrigued to see what obsidian does next but i find it unlikely they will return to fallout.
but i don’t know what’s likely for fallout 5. this is a franchise that prints money so they’re going to make it eventually within my lifetime. my fondest wishes are for either fallout alaska and the aftermath of the aleutian campaign, or a boat-based fallout hawaii, or a death of the outsider style side game about the death and fall of the moon base just after the bombs fell, but idk i trust anyone enough to deal with alaska and hawaii in a thoughtful manner. most other west coast locations are right out bc of how they would buck up against 1+2+nv, unless they want to retcon the bos tactics game chicago is out. there are already large fan projects set in miami and New Orleans. unless we do fallout new york and go meet the morlocks or whatever that live in the subway system? canonically manhattan is like. still glowing by the time of fo4. fallout quebec would be delightful, but you run into a lot of the same problems with fallout: alaska in that you have to come up with a lot of sensible backstory about the canadian annexation that simply doesn’t exist rn.
unless you do like fallout the dakotas and a big cult around Mount Rushmore? with a heavy enclave presence from the missile silos? i am uninterested in a enclave-focused game
i think fallout: st louis and a mississippi-based game would be doable and have enough going on there, but going from fallouts Los Angeles-ish, DC, Las Vegas, and Boston to,,,st louis is very funny.
putting my marker down on alaska tho even tho i do not trust beth to do a good job
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Hey, what's up with Norman hate? I'm pretty indifferent about him and I don't really follow him or check out what he's doing or saying, but did he do something wrong? I only know people are upset that Melissa won't be in Daryl's show and they blame him for it. Idk if it's justified or not tbh. I know the show takes place in France and Norman lives in France so it's pretty convenient, but it's not the only reason the show is set there. I'm sure they wanted to film it somewhere in Europe to expand TWD universe beyond USA. When it comes to how he pictures Daryl I only remember him saying that "Daryl has no game" and that "Leah thing was rushed" and I agree with both so I enyojed that he understood Daryl as a character. Can you give me some source where he says something that doesn't fit Daryl as a character? And what are the "bad ideas" that Norman had that you mentioned in your post?
Hi, so I’m not super up-to-speed with the Norman controversies (I try to remain ignorant because I don’t want my illusion to be broken, but it’s kind of already happened unfortunately), but there’s kind of a lot.
I know Norman has hung out/supported known creeps (e.g., Marilyn Manson, Terry Richardson), and he once mentioned in an interview that he found it “hot” when he was doing a makeout scene with a co-star and she was nervous. He also has used the “t” slur (tho tbh I think this was more out of ignorance than hate) in an interview. I think there might be more things but that’s the gist of what I know and what particularly bothers me. Also Norman has just said a lot of weird sexual stuff that was unnecessary/sexualizing women in a very immature way. All in all, that leads me to refer to him with the term “douchebag.” Also the fact that he wrote a book and used the phrase “helium-filled balloon ass” to describe a woman’s buttocks. I don’t have any receipts rn (not because they don’t exist, but because I’m lazy and most of this is my opinion and I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion so I don’t feel like I need to show receipts).
At best, Norman is just cringey and ignorant. I don’t think he’s harmful really, just kind of a douche lol. I mean, he’s also really nice to his fans and has done a lot of good stuff with his fame, but it’s good to be critical of things that are deserving of criticism. Celebrity worship is a real problem and they should be held accountable if they do/say something fucked up. Everyone makes mistakes, but how hard is it to just not say weird shit or hang out with creeps?
I don’t think I can point you to exact sources as to why Norman doesn’t understand Daryl, but that statement was mostly just my personal opinion anyway. I think the best example is when Norman said Daryl would “fuck you but wouldn’t cuddle afterwards.” That seemed very inaccurate to me lmao but that could just be me projecting my affections onto Daryl.
Norman’s bad ideas include pushing for the show to be called Daryl Dixon (lol) and also (allegedly) pushing for the show to take place in France. Those are both bad ideas, in my opinion. Basically most of that post was just my opinion.
Also I don’t hate Norman Reedus, but I am critical of him and I think he’s pretty cringey (like why did he have to write a book anyway? I mean he had a ghost writer for sure but still). I don’t think he deserves online hate because no one deserves that, but also, he’s a rich celebrity/grown man who can definitely take the heat lol. I don’t support coming after his family (tho Diane is also a public figure soooo I mean she’s kind of fair game to some extent). I also think a lot of the Norman hate is just c*rylers being upset that he wanted the show to be in France (allegedly) and that ultimately led to Melissa dropping out, but that’s kind of a stupid reason to hate him since there are plenty of other things he’s done/said that are worth criticizing him for.
So my ultimate point is that there are valid reasons to be critical of Norman, but being upset that he may or may not have done something to curtail your favorite ship that has been long dead anyway is a silly reason imo. I think a lot of Norman hate recently is from c*rylers wanting someone to blame, and Norman is there. Blaming the decline/direction of the show on one person is a stretch.
My other point is that it’s okay to be critical of Norman and to dislike him or even hate him if that’s what you wanna do, but Daryl is a different story. I think c*rylers are also projecting their hatred for Norman onto Daryl, which sucks because Daryl is a good character, even if he’s not always the best character.
I don’t hate Norman, but I also don’t worship at his feet. Ok yeah, I run a server called Norman Reedus Whores, but that’s purely to sexualize him ok? I have a right to sexualize cringey middle aged men.
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idontdanceisit · 1 year
So uhhh… I made this. No I’m not making a fnaf fan game idk how to code, I only know how to draw. (Barely.)
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The summary is that Withered Freddy finds out that most of the animatronics are missing and looks at the console where he saw Toy Freddy. Toy Freddy found it from a dumpster so of course it’s cursed and so Withered Freddy gets sucked into the survival horror game console. There are multiple worlds like a haunted house, abandoned hotel, a lost ship, a totally not dangerous carnival and some glitchy world idk. Fighting some animatronic monsters 👺 I guess. So this is my first out of 8 playable characters in the game (characters are Withered Freddy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, and Withered Foxy. Some of them which you have to save in certain worlds and levels). Withered Freddy finds Toy Freddy, later Withered Freddy goes missing and Toy Freddy has to save him. Okay. Now I summarized the story I will explain the pictures too. Ouch.
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This is Withered Freddy’s character selection picture. The brighter one represents him being unlocked and still alive. The darker represents him not being unlocked yet or he ended up dying.
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Now I will explain whatever this image means. And No it is not a Game Over. (I’m not making the game over screen till I have done all the playable characters.) You See the characters act as lives. If your character dies (unless u only got one) you have to continue the level you’re on with a different character. The game over is when all your playable characters die. Then you lose all of your items /(Including collectibles hehe yes I am evil.) and you Have to start the level you’re on all over again, so just don’t die. (Unless you got a game over and you only had one playable character, you can keep your items I'm not that evil :)) The only way to get the character back is to complete the level your on, find a very rare item that brings them back, or you know, get a game over.
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Heavily inspired by this lol. (I tried okay?)
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This is Withered Freddy’s character description. If you can’t read this don’t worry I’ll re write it here. Sigh.
“Withered Freddy-‘The Broken Bear’
Withered Freddy, the once beloved stage singer of Freddy Fazbear was now replaced his Toy counterpart. Despite being a Worn-out looking animatronic, he has lot’s of strength and is great at hiding in the shadows. However…sometimes his almost constant stress gets the best of him. It doesn’t get any better when he has to fight back to survive…”
Yea there is another version where it explicitly shows his strengths and weaknesses. I’m thinking that for my none existing fnaf fan game there would be an explicit description that you could turn off and on. When it’s off you must figure what they do in game and maybe description. When it’s on, it tells you straightforward what their weaknesses and strengths are. This is the explicit description turned on,
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I hope y’all can read it cause I don’t wanna re write it rn. I literally am going to repost this because I didn’t like the time where I posted it. Aka at ONE AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING. So yea…
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Well I hope y’all didn’t cringe that badly. Anyways congrats on making it to the end I heavily appreciate it. If you have questions, ideas, and criticisms I would appreciate it in the comment section! I’m gonna need it lol. Thank you all and have a good day/night.
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icharchivist · 1 year
i completely relate to your feelings for the ff7 remake. its so crushing when you love something and then the remake/sequel/whatever carries its name but butchers the themes so thoroughly that you feel like they didnt understand what made the original so great to begin with. it just feels like a lazy cash grab. looking at every disney remake specifically. or i love this manga that has been going for 1000+ chapters and i wish it would end. i love it dearly its so nostalgic and it was like the first manga i ever read but the characters have become 2d caricatures of themselves and have lost their personality and it just kind of makes me sad. and i agree that a choice like killing aerith hurts because you love the character but it was meaningful and gave characters depth and raised the stakes and just not doing it in the remake because shes so beloved is missing the entire point. i just completely get it and while im not that attached to ff i completely get how youre feeling and why youre so annoyed. it looks great but whats the point if the story doesnt match? themes are so so important and your explanation of how ff7 is about the conflict between nature and industrialization and how aerith represents the planet itself sort of makes a lot of sense. its a really deep story with a lot of thought put into it and her death is so symbolic and important to the story itself. yes shes adorable and beloved but killing her feels like the only right move. its so integral. so yeah jail for square enix for disguising their fanfic sequel as a remake. jail for 1000 years.
aaah nonny thank you 😭💞
while i'm sad the feeling is all too well known it is reassuring at least to find people who relate to it, so thank you for sharing that thought.
the Disney remakes are also a huge pet peeve of mine in term of missing themes or fixing things that don't need to be fixed, but honestly i've given up caring about them at least, and the original always still stand very well on its own even now that it's just *shrugs* whatever yknow, if some people want to connect with the remakes so be it.
for the ff7 remake it irks me a little more since i know people tend to not like getting into older games in general. and with 7 having had many entries to the saga, the original game clashed in gameplay and designs, which threw a lot of people off from playing it.
And it's wild bc i can't exactly call the remake lazy, the amount of work is seen everywhere, but it does feel extremely cynical. Like idk the moment you bring a meta textual level criticizing the fans for wanting to keep the story like it was before, it ends up feeling personal rather than an actual thoughtful approach on the story.
As for like, super long sequels that ends up ruining the spirit of the original, gooood yeah. sometimes it's good when a series can properly end. Fans can do the "keeping the story alive" part just fine we don't need to milk it until the characters are no longer enjoyable...
I am also glad that my POV on Aerith's death and its thematical importance makes sense to you also 🥺 It's a death i feel strongly about because it's genuinely way better done than people give it credit for and i've seen too many takes missing the point that it's something i've been ruminating about for years. (i've read takes about how it's fridging women again for Cloud's manpain and it irks me a lot bc this is not what fridging is and while yeah Cloud suffers from it since yknow, he's the protagonist so we follow his own journey through pain - it's not about Cloud, not just about him anyway. There was also how in ff15 Lunafreya's death was compared to Aerith's by the lead developer and to me it really gives the perfect counter example on how meaningful Aerith's death was to ff7 if you compare it in details to Luna's.)
and of course Aerith is fantastic and i wish, on an emotional level, for her to be alive, but it's not the narratively satisfying ending imo, and any scenario where she doesn't die undo most of the story moving forward.
and honestly it's just. idk kinda sad, that they took back the original dev team from ff7 for this remake, and yet they went into this direction. I do remember that there were tons of interviews about doing right to the fans and honoring the characters the fans came to love so much (it was especially a Kitase's interview where he was especially talking about Sephiroth and Zack, two characters who shouldn't have appeared in the remake at the time, and that i found extremely noticeable bc i have an interview of Kitase in a magazine dating from 2015 where he mentions how much he was always pissed off by Zack's popularity and didn't understand why fans loved him so much.). And so it's like. is it really just fanservice for the sake of fanservice, wanting so much to please the fans you ignore the themes you put in the game? or were all of the themes genuinely accidental??? or the fact it was 25 years ago means it's too far away for them to be remembered as such??
Ad i do think it's even sadder considering how relevant the OG's themes are to our modern days in general.
So yeah, i'm sad the remake went in such a different direction, i feel a bit cheated, but especially i'm bewildered how much it betrays the original themes more than just being different yknow? like i said with the whole "the whole game was about coping with the denial that makes you rewrite your own life and be easily manipulable as a result, so why make the whole remake about "let's rewrite this timeline actually""
but HELP yeah that's definitely a fanfic alright *mumbles* and i've read better ones.
jail!!! jail for a thousand years!!!!!
thank you for your understanding nonny <3333
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dykeyote · 1 year
for the chnt 'choose violence' ask game :-)
YIPPEE i love games like this
7: character i hate not bc of canon but bc of how the fandom treats them ..... UP AND ADAM . i actually really liked adam i thought his aesthetic was really fun and i was excited for him but the way he overshadows other characters who are way more promiinent despite having no speaking lines and no personality yet and not having had literally anything to go off annoyed me . give me salem content!!!!!!!! no more of him!!!!!!!!!! ive seen enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no hate to my adam loving mutuals i dont shut up abt jedidiah and he takes up a lot of space too its just a certain kind of adam fans that grate on me)
8: common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about . taptap . usually how people kind of take away elijahs agency in his own actions? people tend to favor a portrayal of elijah that suggests that while his Actions were bad, his Intent was not bad . that he didnt know what he was doing somehow and was trying to do the right thing . which i think is pretty blatantly disproven by the fact that he was still weird towards sydney before the ritual ever happened and by how malicious his manipulation of sydneys disabilities is but eh . i also find people dont tend to understand what jedidiahs arc as a privileged individual .... Means? (this isnt gonna be femidiah discourse i swear pls pls) which is on two sides of the spectrum theres the spectrum that just decides hes a completely bad person without any rigorous analysis of his character that treat privilege as an unnuanced thing . OR people who refuse to analyze that many Many interactions jedidiah and sydney have automatically have an underlying of ableism to them and that most plot poitns in their arc you can look at and say this is about disability bc they like jedidiah and again, cant see privilege as nuanced, and feel like they hvae to avoid the everpresent fact of his ableism and privilege to be able to like him . both of which come from a lack of understanding of how privilege like . works . ppl struggle to be nuanced about jedidiah i find . and as a whole like to take the characters and decide if theyre good or bad based on how much they like them
9: "worst part of canon ..... oh thats hard i really like chnt its hard to pick out a Worst Part . most of the things i dont like are characters i want to see more of or things that are really well written but that *I* dont like cough cough elijah . hmmmmmm . this is hard . uhhhh . what do i DISLIKE in chnt thats not fanon . like id say i dislike that so far the main antags appear to be both young attractive sexymanny types and i hope they vary that later on? but thats like HEAVILY influenced by how annoyed i am with the treatment of adam and elijah in the fandom so idk how fair of a critique that is and we've also seem so little of adam and the show as a whole that it seems in poor faith to judge him absed on what is about 80% fanon . so my only gripe that i can think of immediately isnt really good media criticism .... maybe ill have more complaints as the show goes on" answer from another post (:(:
10: "worst part of fanon . may be predictable based on the above response but oh my god i hate fanon elijah so much . i HAATEEEE him more than i hate canon elijah and i HATE canon elijah . i hate him!!!!!! i hate him when hes sexyified i hate him when hes goofy and silly i hate him when hes just a little guy i hate him i hate him i hate him!!!!!!!!!!! it takes an incredibly interesting villain who is absolutely vile and it makes him boring as hell!!!!!!!!!!! add that to the fact that fanon elijah overwhelms literally any content for just abt any character you might actually care about especially the women and i am frothing at the mouth" also from another post >:)
21: part i think is overhyped . LET ME CLARIFY THAT I DONT MEAN THAT ITS BAD . i can think something is overrated and still like it . but VERY easily rowaniper..... i love rowaniper i think theyre very cute and all but people seem to forget that they interact in like ..... one episode ......... and its a cute episode!! but people act like theyr The Main Romance or something and its like can we calm down . and i wouldnt even mind so much but people tend to ignore like ...... everything interesting about their relationship? bc to ME . the sweetest thing about rowaniper is how juniper Tries for rowan how he acknowledges his own flaws and how he harms rowan and tries his best to improve tings . but people like to pretend that junipers done nothing wrong ever so you dont even get that most interesting part of their relationsihp </3
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vitaminwaterreviews · 3 months
STAYC - Metamorphic
My crackpot theory with Drama was that it was actually intended to be two single albums: a virtual half and a real world half. And then for some reason they smashed them together into an EP. That’s very much how this album felt: the first 10 songs were all one vibe, and the last four songs felt like a completely separate release with a completely different vibe. I vibed with the last four songs, the rest were extremely mid. Average score of 6.8, but really this album should get two ratings. The first 10 songs get 6.3, and the last four songs get 8.0.
Ohhhh maybe that’s that the title refers to. Because this album metamorphosizes from one sound to another? Maybe?
- Twenty
Oh boy, this sound
Dude 20 years from now I’m gonna think of this sound in the same way that I think of the M.I.L.K sound
Surely they’re all older than 20 by now
Let’s check
Okay, their youngest is turning 20 this year
7/10, decent for an intro if that’s what it was, kinda reminded me of the old Fortnite menu music for some reason
Cheeky Icy Thang
I watched the MV for this when it came out and wasn’t really impressed
But now I have headphones on so let’s see if that changes things
The 12/8 makes this kind if feel like I Am to me
7/10, really not a very memorable title track to me
1 Thing
Stayc feel like futuristic Twice
Which … makes a lot of sense lol
That synth in the background kinda reminds me of Beautiful Monster
Actually, this feels like the one song off of the aespa album
Haha wait what is this Blackpink breakdown
Noooo it should’ve continued into the final chorus
Give it 2 Me
Not a huge fan of the vocal processing
…or really this vibe in general. It reminds me of … Red Velvet, in love with a ghost, that fromis_9 album, and some video games that I played a a kid, but not in a good way
(I understand that this is a ridiculous criticism that nobody will be able to take anything from, but that’s how I feel)
Still, I acknowledge that this is a well-made song
The rap break is nice
Actually, the transition from the rap bridge to the final chorus was kinda nice
Alright, we’ve got a couple of units and a solo, let’s go
(2:14 tho)
The little vocal pyramid there was cute
This song feels SO TikTok
(So does the album for that matter)
This outro section is really nice
Let Me Know
This vibe is really easy to get wrong for me, but I love when it’s gotten right
Like, Childish Gambino - Feels Like Summer is this vibe done really well
I don’t really care for this song at all though. It’s fine but I want more out of it
Okay yeah like right here. With the guitar. If they expanded on that, kept the guitar going, then had a whole instrumental break and another two minutes of the song, that would’ve been incredible!
Lol I appreciate talking in songs
Very minimal instrumentals here, very much talk-singing
And there’s that bass that makes me all uncomfy
I feel like if this was the only song that sounded like this on the album, I’d like it a lot more
That said, I do still kinda like it
Anticipating this one
Mkay, i like the intro here so far
Wait, that was the chorus?
C’mon, give us more than that
I think I’d need to know Korean to really enjoy this song, because the song itself does nothing and goes nowhere
Beauty Bomb
Cute songs where that Deep Bass is the primary harmony tend to be like, my least favorite thing
Imma be honest, I’ve completely stopped paying attention to this album, it’s all basically background music at this point
Gummy Bear
Wait, something different?
There’s a 100% chance that this was considered to be a title track
Cute harmonies in the second verse
Stay WITH me
Why did they wait until the last 4 songs to do something interesting with this album?
A pretty unconventional fan song, if that’s what it is
Mmmmm rap rock is so nice
Maybe the first 10 songs were planned to be an album together, but then they pulled some good songs out of the vault to … idk, add some depth?
Flexing on my Ex
Alternatively, maybe these were planned to be an EP together but that fell through
Woah that pre-chorus was cool
Trouble Maker
Haha wait what
This feels so good!!
Not a huge fan of the synths in the second verse here
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zehecatl · 4 months
2024 media thread part FEBRUARY
1st February: Cult of the Lamb
decided to replay COTL, since i haven't played it since i 100% it at launch, and tbh, my feelings on it haven't really changed? as a game it's rather mid, and the main appeal is, hands down, everything surrounding the game aspect. the art, the lore, the setting. it is SO fucking appealing, and interesting, and there is SO MUCH you can do with it, as a fandom. but as a game, COTL is... lacking
the combat is mid. the cult management portion is shallow, if interesting, and there is SO MUCH here that could be fantastic, but just. falls short of it. like, do not get me wrong- i've now officially clocked 75 hours into this fucker, so it's not bad, but it just cannot compete with its contemporaries. its main draw truly is the fandom
also i did 100% it again, which i'm only saying because i feel like it needs repeating. do you know. how fucking ANNOYING. IT WAS TO GET THAT LAST LORE PIECE... CRIME
14th February: TMNT (2007)
rewatched TMNT with the fiance for the like, i think fourth time? and i know people generally don't care about this one, but MAN. it is my favourite iteration, and i will die on that fucking hill
the CGI isn't that good, but i think the Turtles look fantastic, and the fact that it sometimes looks like a PS2 game is like, part of the charm, at least for me
also, i think the story is WAY underappreciated. like, there is some GOOD fucking bones here, with the parallel between the Turtles and Yoatl, and ngl, i DO love the whole. immortal wants to die bit. like that's tasty shut the fuck UP
also, yes. the Raph vs Leo scene is ICONIC. it fucking goes HARD, and i love it so much. Raph's whole deal in this movie is engrained in my head, like that is my sad self-destructive BOY!!
anyway, i just love this movie a lot, and all TMNT fans should watch it. for me <3
14th February: Hazbin Hotel
honestly, Hazbin Hotel is just a fun show. there's stuff to criticize, absolutely, but at the end of the day, it's just such a fun little season to watch. the characters are interesting, the plot is good enough to keep you engaged, and the songs are like- such fucking bangers. like, what the hell. did anyone see that coming??
i do wish the season had more episodes, more time to flesh out the six months the season takes place over, but it's. what it is. the animation can be kind of stilted at times, likely due to puppets use, and the colours is- well it's a choice. but idk, i had a good time with it. it's still in my head, weeks later (because i forgot to write this LOL) and i think that's, if nothing else, a mark of something interesting
i'm very much looking forward to season 2
15th February: The Amazing Digital Circus
so i've seen TADC before, but i wanted to show the fiance, so rewatch, and oh my god. i forgot how good this pilot is???
like the humour! the animation! the CHARACTERS!! everything about this pilot is a fucking hit, like it perfectly nails what it's going for, and i am so looking forward to the full season, like it is going to burrow into my brain
16th February: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
i might still wish they had picked a different animation style, but MAN. Mutant Mayhem was just such a good movie. it perfectly executed what it set out to do, and it's definitely a very... teenage mutant ninja turtles iteration. and that's good! that's what they set out to do! and i think they nailed it
i feel like i had a lot more to say after watching it, but looking back.. it's just a really good movie? and yeah, the animation style is not my thing, but it's well done, it suits the movie, you get used to it- etc etc. so really what can i say, except i liked it a lot, and i'm looking forward to the spin-off series?
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seeminglyseph · 7 months
Somehow I am getting so many more scenes with Astarion as Py than I did as Lake. I feel like I should just backtrack Lake a bit and have *him* romance Gale and have Py romance Astarion because Py is absolutely connecting with Astarion 100% better than Lake was. Though honestly Lake is connecting with Shadowheart the best and it’s completely by accident because I don’t know a lot of BG or official DnD lore, like I’ve said in the past my DnD knowledge comes from Critical Role so like. Even my knowledge of the pantheon is like. Idk, questionable at best. Making Lake a Drow Selûnite Cleric was a happy accident for twinning Shadowheart. I didn’t *plan* on Lake being like… Shadowheart’s weirdly intense best friend. But the idea that Lake and Shadowheart are best friends in that weirdly intense way that like. Makes everyone kinda uncomfortable and not really sure what’s going on especially since Lake isn’t into women and is dating someone else. Double especially since Lake is trans but like, not really transitioned because a) he’s very femme presenting and b) there isn’t a top surgery option. But also because I project certain traits into him, he has a sort of “I’m comfortable with using aspects of my femininity, and I’m used to finding power in these aspects of myself, I’m learning how to come to terms with what that means when my identity doesn’t align with many of the things I’ve learned to draw power from” and the whole. Moon Goddess Sacred Femininity thing worked for part of that. There are aspects to being a trans masculine person who is in some way used to drawing power from femininity and how that feels like a betrayal to self once you identify that schism in your identity and how you feel that I want to explore and Lake is an interesting character to explore it through. Making him a Cleric to Selûne was part of that. Having him have what would *appear* to be a very homoerotic friendship with Shadowheart despite not having sexual attraction towards women and also having complex feelings towards Selûne that I doubt will be explored in gameplay but that’s what headcanon and fan material is for. I don’t join fandoms to be passive. I join fandoms to create my own experiences for my blorbos.
Py is developing his own existence and I’m very much going to have to double check how long half elves live. And I’m very close to throwing in the towel and romancing Astarion with him and backtracking with Lake because Astarion is going significantly better on this run.
Plus it would probably be better for me to fix some stuff in my Lake run… I think I missed a bunch of stuff it would be better to go get… especially now I’ve figured it out. So. I think that might be the new plan. Because Py has had like. 3 new scenes with Astarion and I haven’t even done the end of the act and triggered a romance yet. I mean we’re still cooking at medium while Gale is at Very High but I feel like Gale is just. Easier to get to like you if you play a Good For The Most Part character. While Astarion is harder to find the Approval triggers for. Or there are fewer of them in the first act. I’m not looking it up right now, I don’t want to look at walkthrough levels of clarity.
Part of me is a little afraid like. “Meet him where he’s at” Bitchy talk like “can I convince you to kill someone less useful” will trigger as evil and send him on the dark path rather than come across as like… “seen some shit morbid humour” to which I am accustomed. Because the conversation feels like a weird Fuck/Marry/Kill flirting session. But I’ve been Glassed before and I just want these video game people to like me. And Astarion is very stubborn.
I’m sitting outside taking a smoke break so this has gotten quite rambling and disjointed, but. I’m also just. Really enjoying something to eat up my time and attention and I’m hoping to get far enough in the game I can enjoy some of the more meaningful and spoilerful stuff. I really am enjoying digging everything I can out of the first act so I don’t miss anything important
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
12-15 for the dr ask game?
12. Favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
as in the anime? i uhhh.....never finished it, lmao, and the parts i did watch i don't remember very well. i'm assuming this question is referring to characters specific to the anime so i'm gonna abstain from this one for now, i'll get back to you if i ever finish it XD ......actually, wait, i do remember liking chisa a lot. that'll be my answer for now, once again, i'll let you know if that changes lmao
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
well like i said i never finished it HGLKDSJF but i do remember thinking that it's not as bad as i thought it would be going into it? i do also remember thinking it was rushed, however, and i still think they could've spent far more time fleshing out plotlines referenced in sdr2 (you know, the things fans of the game would actually care about? it was weird how little they chose to expand on those given that that was kind of the point of the anime in the first place ghlkdjf). i do eventually wanna go back and finish it though, despite my criticisms here i do think there were some interesting ideas there, esp with the season focused on the future foundation, which i never even got to lmao. also, the title sequences BANG, and that alone makes me glad this thing exists hgkldjf
14. What do you think about Danganonpa 1 anime?
it's a good intro to the series, but, like.....not to be a pretentious fan here, if you really wanna appreciate the story as a whole, you really gotta play (or watch someone else play, let's plays are loved and appreciated in this household) the game, dude! you're missing out on so much if you ONLY watch the anime, which why i personally choose to see it as introductory/optional material rather than a proper part of the series.
15. Your absolute OTP?
tbh, as multishipper, i don't really believe in a one true pairing in a traditional sense, since there's a lot of ships in this series i really enjoy and a lot of them are polyships. that being said, however, i am coming out as a komahina enthusiast and i will never not be annoyed about their fandom mischaracterizations lmfaoooo (also idk if they do but if ot3s count here, make it komahinanami. they are literally the backbone of sdr2 imho and i Care Them)
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maganne-bonete · 2 years
Feeling emotional and having some brain worms abt the persona series again.
I am no expert nor have I actually done a full deep-dive on Jungian psychology but I am still holding out and hoping for persona 6 to be an actual thing despite Atlus's silence. The way the series is endrenched in the themes of the individual vs the bigger society is always a timeless concept, especially for many collectivist countries.
If the perceived trends of the persona series were to be expected, I'm hoping that it would be handled properly since atlus at this point should know how to write stories relating to rumors and conspiracies. And what better time to have a game abt conspiracies and rumors than this decade in the 20s.
It has been something my sibling and I have discussed a couple of times. Each game in the series has always been very timely on the time that they were release. Very timeless concepts on very period specific games.
My sibling has mentioned before that nothing could top P5 thematically for the next couple of year even to this decade but I would say otherwise. Yes P5's theme of rebellion does seem like the most timeless as it could and fully making use of Jungian criticism of the collective, but P5 itself is still very 2010s in environment.
Not that that's in anyway of a hindrance to having the game be timeless nor should we always box people's experience by the 10s. But the early years of the 20s in itself have already changed the world psychologically, politically, and culturally.
I doubt that the devs and writers couldn't find anything to criticize, dissect, or apply Jungian concept over the coming years.
BUT but but but, since Hashino left the writing team before P5R, I don't really have much faith in them. (I'm sorry but there's just a lot of things in P5R I didn't like 💀) I know a lot of people, especially older fans, always didn't like Hashino for making the series too anime, and that's understandable. But all in all, his games remained loyal to the main themes of the series.
The writers for Royal tried to write for the remaster in spirit of his work, but I didn't really understood what they were trying to do exactly but maybe I'll discuss that some other time. I'll give them another chance still and see what a none Hashino or none Satomi persona game would look like structurally and stylistically.
But that is if there'd be a 6th game to begin with. Idk, I just really want at least a confirmation that whether or not there'll be a Persona 6.
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