korueagle-blog · 10 years
Hi there. It may be obvious but I discontinued posting here.
I’ll be continuing posting WIP updates on my FB Page (refer to the link below) and it would be awesome if you’ll be following me there also. :D
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
I haven't posted anything for a while. Hmmm, which I think...  is a problem. XD
But no worries tho, I'm still working on RX-78-2. Scribing panel lines and stuff. Yeah, I should post stuff. Prolly, later.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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20141006 I've been away from doing WIPs since I was busy doing other stuff. *coughleagueoflegendscough* Anyway, to kick myself in doing my WIPs again, we went to GBWC. We also got a chance to meet and greet Meijin Kawaguchi! Hype, hype everywhere! I got my SD Neo Zeong manual signed and shook the Meijin's hand. I feel like the happiest kid in the world!
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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UPDATE 10: More panel line stuff! Obviously, I made a lot of mistakes, hence the putty overload. I’m using Tamiya’s Basic Putty and it’s great for covering seamlines, but not so great for filling up things like the back of the skirts, etc. Part of the reason my spear is taking forever to get finished is because the putty isn’t that good at filling in the “sandwich” in the spear.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
Taking a break from Gunpla to clean up all the styrene dust! It was a good time to clean my room, too since my F’N HARD DRIVE FAILED ON ME. Ended up spending stuff allocated to my next Gunpla :(
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Yeah, It was pretty sad but It can’t be helped. Anyways, There were a lot of mess in my...
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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WIP in Progress™ 20140801-31 RX-78-2
I'm almost finished with detailing-up the legs, the only thing left to do is the triangle-thingy behind the legs: not sure if I'll scribe it or put a pla-plate on it.
Speaking of pla-plating, I tried something on the torso. =V
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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UPDATE 9: First time scribing and some ended up uneven. I have to putty the thing and try again. The one on the knee, I think I scribed it too deep? We’ll see. I also started working on the new wings, starting with its inner frame. Hopefully, I finish all the panel line work this week.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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DAY 7: (Which isn’t really done within a day - more like a week. I should change the format to weeks, I guess since I don’t do gunpla stuff everyday anyway).
A lot of closing seam lines and boring stuff. I decided not to post about those things too much, since they’re not really that interesting. I mean, personally, I wouldn’t want to watch someone close seam lines either. Anyways, I also had to sand down the wings to make them fit the backpack. I still need to sand/trim the edges to make room for the “GRIFFON 2” beam blade, but so far, I really like it.
As you can see, I also started drawing panel lines and stuff. I’m also filling up the hollow skirts with putty, but I just remembered that I still have a lot of styrene work to do - THE SPEAR. I don’t wanna work with styrene anymore since it’s really hard to work with them without having a proper cutter (especially for the thick ones) but I guess it can’t be helped. I’m rethinking the design right now and hopefully, I get to finish the spear within this week so I can start scribing panel lines.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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DAY 6 (which was actually 2 days worth of pics) of my WIP:
I am terrible at sealing panel lines and most of the things I sealed have to be treated with putty (the good seals that I made are hidden in other parts, like shoulder armors and stuff). Hopefully, I sealed them properly. Otherwise, my first time painting with primer will be a very emotional experience. Sealing also takes up a lot of time (12hrs to cure plastic cement) so I started working on the Fatum’s custom wings.
The idea is to do layers to make it look 3D-esque. Cutting that wing pattern out of a 1mm thick plate was a lot of pain! I’m really happy how it ended up, though. As for the layers, not so much. I used thinner plastic plates and they bend as soon as I try to sand them. I glued them on the main piece one side at a time, so that I have a good POV and reference when I try to align them.
Oh, that white stick is actually the stack of styrene plates that I was going to use as the new pole for the spear. Since I fixed the original pole with a styrene tube, I just put it on storage for a different project. Probably a Thunderbolt-like launcher. I’m gonna work on the spear’s tip/particle thing with the clear plastic plate I bought at a local art store the other day!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I haven’t eaten in 2 days (I feel full tho IDK why. Probably ate all that plastic dust that I inhaled). Gunpla resumes on Monday! (or Sunday, if I finish my composition homework early)
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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This is my current WIP, Gundam Double X “Ω”
The idea of this project is to create a Double X with a “GBF feel”, The unit can also utilize a variety of weapon configurations such as mounting the Launchers on the back pack(More powerful pew, body can absorb the recoil) or mount them on the forearms for smaller, weaker pews, and more articulated use. Launchers can also be used as a beam saber[watchout for it haha]), Large beam axes can also be mounted on the harpoint Mounted on the forearms, as well as other weapons that I might make for him in the future.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
That was embarassing.
I uploaded my photo sets in Queue since I haven't thought of anything to say about it, next thing I know, my queued posts were posted around in the afternoon! D:
I think I need to read more about Tumblr services and options.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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GAT-X105B/STv.ジャ Star Build Strike Gundam ver.ジャ
My first custom (painted) Gundam! This is also my entry for GKMC Philippines 2014. (I think I already made a post about this kit, go check that one out.) I had so much fun building and painting this kit. I felt the technology gap between a 1995 kit (Airmaster) and a 2014 kit (this one). The articulations, joints and the semi-frame structure are sooooo awesome. (I can't stress that enough, Good Job Bandai Research and Development Department).
I think the greatest challenge that I had on this kit is painting it white, especially over the red parts. The red part somewhat bleed through the white paint even though I applied gray primer before painting. The part is pretty obvious on the images so I won't point that out. XD
Anyway, I also think this kit deserves a new photo set! (Actually, I prepared another one! So please check that one out, too!)
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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PhotoSet 20140811 SBSver.ジャ
Ugh, I haven't posted any WIP in Progress™ in a while.
So last month, Star Build Strike ver.ジャ decided to nose dive from his stand to the floor, breaking his right V fins. I felt so bad when I saw this kit on the floor and felt even worse when I saw the debris of the V fins.
At first, I panicked, of course, who wouldn't? I grabbed my bottle of plastic cement and my cheap old tweezers and tried to fix the thing. I thought I won't be able to pull it off since the broken parts are so small and it seems that it's hard to align the pieces. After not breathing for a while just to steady my arms, thank heavens I was able to fix it properly. The crack marks are slightly visible if you'll look closely, but who cares. Battle damage.
Lesson for this story: Keep your kits off the edge, literally. :D
PS: Oh daemn, my Airmaster Photoset just reached double digit notes! Thank you very much, guys! It may be a small thing but it means so much to me. :)
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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GW-9800 Gundam Airmaster
This is the kit that got me started on doing GunPla. Actually, I didn't really plan to buy this in the first place. I just visited a toy store after buying my computer desk, then I saw this kit which was on sale. I kinda got that nostalgic feeling and the next thing I know, I'm in queue for the cashier holding the box of this kit. XD
This is also the first kit that I painted. Given that, I had many painting mistakes and stuff, but it turned out pretty well (for me). I want to give thanks to Sir Lean for giving me tips and advice when I entered the world of GunPla. \o
I'm really into Gundams that transform into aircraft (Yes, I'm looking at you, Zeta) because maybe I like toys that transforms into stuff. (Yes, I'm looking at you too, MG Unicorn)
Well anyway, this kit deserves its own photo set.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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WIP in Progress™ 20140708 RX-78-2
Scribing. Puttying. Sanding.Repeat.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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GunPla Photoshoot Trial V2.00 Instead of normal black cartolina as background, i tried to use that cloth-like paper and instead of using table lamp as light source, i used them sun light from my window and used mirror / aluminum foil as reflectors. Images were taken using my phone camera.
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korueagle-blog · 10 years
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Infinite Justice Custom: DAY 4
After school, I went around looking for stuff that I can use for the Justice. I got my hands on some plastic tubes, squares, and a clear styrene plate. I’m gonna use the clear one for the spear’s tip/edge, while the rest are pretty much in here as stock.
I realized that I can use the tube to (once again) try and revive the spear pole that snapped into two. It actually looks good, and adds depth and lines to the linear pole. The pole doesn’t fit completely inside the tube, so I had to putty the edges and stuff.
As for the eagle head, edges are still popping out. I probably didn’t glue it well so I had to redo the cement thing on the bottom side. Also, I rounded out the beak and head’s pointy corners to make it look less like a dragon and more of an eagle. Hopefully, I didn’t curve it too much to the point that it looks more like a parrot.
After all that stuff, I still had a lot of time left so I started sealing seam lines with the cement. I always end up touching the cement and I end up making so much mess. Hopefully, I get better at using the cement and handling glued parts so I don’t have to sand a ton of melted plastic anymore.
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