#idk I live in a country with strict naming laws
Instead of saying it’s spoilers when people ask him what book names are safe to name your kid after Sanderson should really just start saying “well I named mine after dalinar”
And all the people who named their kid after kaladin because he told them it was safe can start sweating
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
College Resources
hey y'all so I have a degree in math, and have been tutoring college level math, stats, physics, and study skills for a few years now and I have several certifications as a college level tutor and in my years tutoring I've picked up a lot of absolutely essential things you NEED to know to pass math classes (and others!) if you have a hard time in math class, which unfortunately most schools will not teach you
so if you're in college (or high school, but some of these will be college specific) and you would like to hear my Professional Tips for how to survive math in college I have compiled a list of things I think you should know below the read more! I'm going to put a couple general tips at the top though for people who aren't taking a math class
alright, welcome to the read more! let's start with some general things
ok I'm starting with a kind of tip before the tips: if you are disabled, talk to disability support services at your school. a lot of times they provide services to attain a diagnosis if you don't have one, but if you do it's typically pretty easy to get accommodations and if your teachers try not to follow them, they will get in A LOT of trouble (I'm in the us so idk how disability laws are in other countries but here this is a big deal for universities bc public funding etc and if you make a complaint they will be FORCED to comply). I'm not saying bad experiences never happen, I've not been to every school in the us and I'm sure there are places that suck abt this, but I literally would not have been able to get a degree in math without accommodations (I'm autistic and have dyscalculia + memory issues) so it was worth every annoyed sigh by a dumbass teacher (which honestly rarely happened. most of them were cool). some possible accommodations include, extra time on tests, separate testing locations, formula cards, ability to use notes etc etc
I work in a free tutoring center at my local community college. while I won't say these are definitely universal, every college I have encountered (in the US, where I live) has one of these. Google the name of your school with tutoring. there is a very high chance you have free tutors available in a variety of subjects who are ready to help you. you should utilize the fuck out of this bc ur already probably paying for it in ur tuition
my favorite resource ever is one you may have heard of but I'm reminding you of it anyway. the Crash Course YouTube channel! it has free comprehensive videos about various subjects (including anatomy, physics, biology, economics, statistics and lots lots more). the videos are about 10 minutes each and they're incredibly easy to understand. they're an amazing way to study for finals. trust me on this one. they actually now have real introductory college courses that you can take for credit (tho I think you have to pay for that?) through YouTube so check into that!
take notes!!!!!!!! for real. seriously. even if you've never had to before. trust me. and don't just copy exactly what the board says, write what your teacher says out loud as well, that is often the most important stuff. I highly recommend investing in a few colored pens and/or highlighters. anytime the teacher says something important (such as formulas in a math class or a grammar rule in an English class) either write it in another color, or highlight it. color coding your notes even the tiniest bit will help you tremendously when you're studying and doing homework later. this doesn't mean having a color code so elaborate and strict that you're spending more time and energy figuring out the right color than listening and writing. I usually do the bulk of my notes in black then things like formulas or whatever in one bright color and extra bits of info from the teacher in another, this way it's easier to find the important stuff later on
if you've got a couple extra bucks, invest in a mini stapler. you'll be shocked how often those lil bitches come in handy
DO NOT EVER purchase your text books before the classes start (unless you get like an email before class starts telling you you need the book, but this is pretty rare tbh). half of your teachers are going to tell you on day 1 that they don't use the book at all. and honestly almost all of your books can be found by googling the name + pdf. just triple check that you have the correct edition!
speaking of emails, CHECK YOUR FUCKING SCHOOL EMAIL. I am so dead serious about this one. set up notifications on your phone. if you do not check your email you are going to show up for cancelled classes, miss assignment corrections, and generally not do nearly as well in your classes. I know this sounds fake but holy fucking shit please for the love of all that is good and holy check your fucking email. seriously.
the best way to study for your finals is to look at past tests and homework! if your teacher isn't a total dick they'll give you back your tests and homework. when studying for your final, go through and redo any that you got wrong, and look over the ones you got right. teachers usually take final questions from old tests and homework so if you do this it's very possible you'll study your exact finals questions. if they won't give you these back, reread your notes (in a way I'll describe in a moment)
reread your notes the same day you take them or very soon after so the lecture is still fresh in your mind! when you do this, grab a colored pen and take notes on your notes. I know this sounds ridiculous but it's actually a very important study tool. if you come across something you wrote that is confusing, write out an explanation. write down extra things that will help you understand the material. if there's something that you don't understand or don't remember PLEASE ask your teacher. some of them won't answer email so catch them in office hours or after class if you can. at the end of the semester when you're studying for finals, do this all over again but through your whole notebook for the semester (not all at once. pls take breaks lmfao)
if your teacher doesn't offer it up at the end of the semester, ask "can you please tell us some of the topics we should emphasize when studying for our finals?" (you can also say this in a far less pretentious way but I've found that professors are more likely to give you a real answer if you talk like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I'm ngl, some of em will be assholes about this. they may laugh at the idea and snarkily say "look at your homework" or some shit equivalent. roll your eyes at these old bitches and move on. but many if not most will at least give y'all some idea of what to expect. and crucially: write down what they say and use it as a study guide
okey dokey!! that concludes the general section. now I'm gonna talk about some math specific stuff that will help you a lot if you struggle with math!
starting with an easy one: get a good calculator. please for the love of GOD do not get the TI-30X IIS unless you love it and are EXTREMELY familiar with all of the different operations. I'm sorry but this calculator sucks ass and it will hold you back. for about the same price you can get my personal favorite the Casio FX-115ES Plus (1st edition only, I haven't tried the 2nd edition bc I don't like change) or an FX-991 EX. if you're a Texas instruments guy get a TI 30XS or if ur doing calc and shit I'd get a 36X pro. I just prefer Casio personally lmao. in all likelihood your math teacher will be a calculator nerd who can teach you how to use any of these but there are also lots of videos made by calculator nerds on YouTube as well
so next I just want to emphasize how important your notes are. you cannot pass a math class without good notes unless it's a class you've already taken or something, and honestly even then I'd recommend you write some stuff down because the thing about math is there are a lot of different ways to do the same thing. which brings me to my next point
pay attention to the process your teacher uses to solve problems (I'll give an example in a sec) and especially to how they write the process down. if you're like me and you have trouble with the whole "show your work" thing this will help a lot, because you can use what your teacher writes down as a guideline for what you should write down. for instance, you may have learned about a math concept like permutations and combinations in high school one way, and then be taught a completely different way of performing the calculation in college. if this happens, ask your teacher about your way. sometimes their way is better for a specific reason and it's really important that you learn it. sometimes they'll say it doesn't matter just do what makes the most sense to you. sometimes you will also not get full credit if you do things a different way too so be careful and pay attention to what your teacher says abt it. you may have also been taught to show some steps in an operation but not others and your new teacher may want all of them. or none. or different ones. unfortunately math has a lot of variations
similarly, if there's a concept you don't understand, start by asking your teacher about it first bc they may want you doing a specific thing. if they're not helpful and you don't have access to a tutor turn to the internet. here are my recommendations for resources: Khan Academy has videos and examples explaining concepts in pretty much all types of math. usually really helpful because they'll show you several different methods and use different explanations, MathWay for classes that come before trig/calc. you can use it for those but it's a little more annoying lol specifically in regards to graphing and solving integrals and shit. this tool has A LOT of stuff in it but is best as a calculator to check your work on stuff and for showing you graphs that have transformations and shit like that from college algebra. it's got settings for different math types and even chemistry tho!, for more complicated graphing I'd use Desmos. you can use this in all classes but it's just a bit more complicated imo and it's more made for complex operations so I prefer to use MathWay as much as possible bc it's just more user friendly., there's also Symbolab which a lot of my fellow tutors really like but I personally tend to use the others more, Wolfram Alpha is a pretty well known one. tbh I find it kind of hard to use sometimes so i usually use it as a last resort lmfao but it is really good!, this last one is calculus specific (including things like calc based physics ofc) but derivative calculator and integral calculator are everything to me. could not have gotten through calc 2 and 3 w/o these mfs
OK THIS PART IS REALLY IMPORTANT!! we're going to talk about how you can make your math tests WAY easier on you and massively improve your chances of passing. here's what you're going to do for every test
1. when studying for your test, go through and find ALL formulas that you used in the unit(s) your test is over (this includes formulas you learned previously but used in this unit as well!!)
2. commit them to memory. easiest way to do this (besides practicing using them!!) is to rewrite them a few times including what you use them for and what all of the symbols and letters stand for
3. when you go in to take your test, spend like 5-10 minutes beforehand, right up until they make you put everything away, studying and rewriting these
4. the SECOND the test hits your desk, flip it over and write down every single formula immediately (including as much extra info like when to use and variable definitions as possible). now you won't have to try to remember them 30 minutes in when your brain is frying!!
5. go through the test and read each question carefully. if you can't remember how to solve it within 30 seconds skip it. you might only do 4 or 5 questions (maybe less depending on the length of your test) after the first pass, but just go back to the beginning and do it again, giving urself a little more time w each pass. this will ensure that you're not spending 45 minutes on problem 4 and having no time to get to the rest of the test. additionally with math it is extremely common to basically find the answer to how to do one problem while you're doing another problem. doing the ones you know first will also boost your confidence and help prevent anxiety from wiping ur brain. this is a really really important part of math tests
6. before you hand your test in, make sure you've written SOMETHING down on EVERY SINGLE QUESTION. even if you have absolutely 0 idea whatsoever what to do, there is always a chance for partial credit. a lot of times, you also know more than you think you do. so even if you can only do half a step of the whole process, half a point is better than 0!! if you really have no clue what to do, make something up. I know this probably sounds ridiculous but I'm so deadass. once I was taking a physics test and could not for the life of me remember what formula to use so I just made one up based on my vague idea of how it worked lmao. I wrote off to the side "I know this isn't how physics works, but I can't remember that so just pretend I'm god for a second" and I got like 75% of the points bc the teacher appreciated the effort!! there were fucking countless times when I was taking a test and I got to a point where I knew the steps of what I was supposed to do but could not figure out HOW to actually DO the math. so I wrote in words my understanding of what the next steps were. even though I didn't finish answering the question, I always got points for trying. this is what teachers are wanting from you. effort. so PLEASE write literally anything even if you're just making that shit up (just explain your reasoning in words to the side, as long as you're using logic you're really getting the essence of math anyway). you would not BELIEVE how fast your grades will improve by doing this. I tutored a girl who went from Ds to Bs within literally 2 weeks of starting tutoring just because she stopped leaving any questions blank and started getting partial credit
that's all the important stuff I can think of for now though I'm sure there's much more so I may update this in the future!
of course everyone is going to have a different experience and relationship with math. so adjust all of these tips to fit how you learn best. please try to remember that learning math is a very important part of developing your critical reasoning and logistical analysis skills. these are essential to understanding and interacting with the world and math is just a way of exercising those muscles. trust me when I say I know how infuriating math can be. I have dyscalculia and a math degree. I've spent so many hours crying over math you probably wouldn't even believe me. but it's worth it! and frankly, if you're in college, you're paying a lot of money for this class. you deserve to get everything you possibly can out of it
above all, if you're having trouble ASK FOR HELP. ask your teacher, ask your classmates, ask the head of the department, ask student services, ask Google!! and if you need help you can always ask me! :) I love helping people with this stuff and even if I don't know the answer to your question I'm pretty good at knowing where to look for them!
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pub-lius · 2 years
all of the hamilton children for @thereallvrb0y
this post is my personal FUCK YOU to alexander hamilton for having so many kids. fucking whore. not eliza though, she's a miracle.
also apparently these historical figures are too obscure for my regular secondary sources, so i had to use peoplepill.com for like all of these, besides like. two. also @yr-obedt-cicero 's posts have helped so much i cannot thank you enough bestie
okay here we go
Philip Sr.
Philip Hamilton (the First) was born January 22, 1782 in Albany, New York. He was sent to Trenton Boarding School at nine, and later joined Colombia College. He went on to study law. Robert Troup described Philip as "a sad rake and I have serious doubts whether he would ever be an honour to his family or his country," which is tough talk for a guy who was gay for his dad. Other than this, people described him as having a lot of potential.
Apparently, he was one of Hamilton's favorites, if not the favorite. As the eldest, he was responsible for carrying on the family name, and was therefore the most "valuable". Hamilton was heavily strict on him, possibly because Philip had rebellious tendencies, but he was nevertheless a good student. I also wanted to include these two letters, this one from Alexander to Philip and this one from their dad to both Philip and Alexander Jr.
In 1797, Philip became deathly ill, but was cured by David Hosack.
After the whole political clusterfuck that was the year 1800, George Eacker decided that Alexander Hamilton was a piece of shit, and he was right, but Philip got pissed and called him a bitch, basically. Eacker insulted Philip and his friend in return and Philip challenged him to a duel because men never learn. Philip was fatally wounded in the duel, an Lin-Manuel Miranda decided to take this personally.
Alexander was so distraught by Philip's death that he had to be held up by two men at his funeral. He became much more religious after his death, and it's really the only part of his life that I think he genuinely believed in god.
Philip was buried in Trinity Church Cemetery with his parents.
Angelica <3
@yr-obedt-cicero made an amazing post on Angelica, which goes much more in detail than I will, as to not be redundant. thank you again <333
Angelica was born on September 25, 1784 in New York City. She was described as sensitive, lively, and fond of music and dance.
She studied French and practiced the harpsichord, which she was gifted by her aunt, Angelica Church. Her and her father would sing together as she played the harpsichord. They were very close and ow.
After her older brother's death, she entered a very poor mental state, described as "eternal childhood" and she couldn't recognize family members (this symptom could have just been after Hamilton's death, but sources vary), also speaking of Philip as if he was still alive. Her family dedicated a lot of time to her health, but her condition worsened, and she spent the rest of her life under the care of Dr. MacDonald.
She died on February 6, 1857 at the age of 72. She was buried at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Tarrytown, New York.
Alexander Jr.
Alexander Jr. (who I am going to call AJ bc it's easier and I think it's cute) was born on May 16, 1786. He attended a boarding school in Trenton at 8, then joined Philip studying with William Frazer.
Like his brother, he later attended Columbia College, and graduated in 1804, several weeks after his father's fatal duel. Sources also vary on this, with the St. Andrew's Society of New York (which AJ belonged to) he "did not graduate on account of an accident" so idk. Either way, he started to study law not long after.
He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm, then was admitted to practice law.
He sailed to Spain in 1811 or 1812. He joined the Duke of Wellington's forces fighting Napoleon in Portugal. He returned to America to serve in the War of 1812. He was commissioned as Captain of the 41st Regiment of Infantry in the United States Army in August 1813, though doesn't appear to have seen active service. He went on to serve as an aide-de-camp to General Morgan Lewis in 1812 until June 15, 1815.
He resumed his law practice after his military career ended, and married Eliza P. Knox in 1817. He took office in July 1818 as a member of the 42nd New York State legislature for a one-year term.
In May 1822, James Monroe appointed AJ as United States Attorney for East Florida. As someone who lives in the East Florida parishes, I'm shitting my pants, we never get mentioned in history besides that one time. In 1823, he was appointed to be one of the three Land Commissioners for East Florida, and received the military rank of Colonel.
AJ ran unsuccessfully against Richard K. Call to be the Florida Territory's delegate in the House of Representatives. He returned to New York where he became successful in real estate, and was one of the leading names in Wall Street.
In the mid-1830s, Alexander Hamilton Jr. represented Eliza Jumel against Aaron Burr during their divorce proceedings, which were finalized in 1836 on the day of Burr's death. *copy and paste joke here*
In 1833, AJ used funds from his mother's sale of The Grange to buy the townhouse on St. Mark's Place, where he lived between 1833 and 1842 with his wife, mother, sister and brother-in-law.
He um. Met Abraham Lincoln???? in 1835 when he was on a trip to the west. Lincoln was an Illinois legislator and was apparently just in a grocery story "lying upon the counter in midday telling stories." ... GET HIM OFF THE COUNTER???? GET HIM OUT THE GROCERY STORE???????
Anyway... After the death of his wife, AJ moved to New Brunswick, New Jersey then to New York City. He died on August 2, 1875 at 83 Clinton Place, in Greenwich Village.
James Alexander (my detested)
Bitchbaby was born on April 14, 1788 and graduated from Colombia in 1805. He studied law with Nathaniel Pendleton (and the doctor that he knew).
Shithead was admitted to the bar in 1809 and practiced in Saratoga and Hudson. He married Mary Morris on October 17, 1810. And yes that is Morris as in Gouverneur Morris. They had five children, three of whom died before their father.
Apparently, he lived in extreme poverty in the early years of his legal practice.
"I now look back upon this event as not only the happiness, but the most fortunate occurrence of my long and eventful life. My poverty, with its burdens and responsibilities, nerved me to exertion, and necessity taught me the value of economy and self-denial." -James Alexander in his Reminisces.
He served in the War of 1812 as a brigade-major and inspector of the New York Militia, and relocated to New York City by June 1815.
He built a home in 1828 called Nevis because he's unoriginal. He also kept a portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, which was originally painted for his father in 1798, in his home.
"The Hamilton mansion was famous in New-York society 40 years ago, and has been the scene of many a distinguished gathering" -New York Times obituary, 1878
Okay, now its time for his love affair (/nsrs) with Andrew Jackson.
Fuckhead joined Jackson's ~entourage~ in Nashville and traveled to New Orleans in December 1827. He served on Jackson's "Appointing Council" after the 1828 election. He agreed to serve as Acting Secretary of State until Martin Van Buren assumed the post (March 4-April 4, 1829). He helped Jackson draft his Inaugural Address.
Slimeball was nominated by Jackson on April 23, 1829 as District Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Jackson told Shitpants he had wanted him "to always be at my command" and when Smartfeller returned to Washington, "I want you to be near me." This was, in historical terms, sussy.
He served as a confidante to Jackson while serving in this position, working on national and international matters, which wasn't in the job description. His 1869 (ha) memoirs is mostly his correspondence, including the discussions of the National Bank (._.) and the Nullification Crisis of 1832 (basically South Carolina disagreed with the government again and did too much).
As Pisspants was leaving for New York, Jackson told him to "Make as much money as you can" and he did by continuing his private practice AND serving as District Attorney, in true Hamilton fashion. He and his younger brother Philip were both involved in the trial of Charles Gibbs. Hamilton left in 1834 to return to his private practice, and now we don't need to talk about Shitty Diaper Andrew Jackson anymore.
He uh. Won the first America's Cup (previously the Royal Yacht Squadron Cup) in 1851. So that's. fun. Queen Victoria also congratulated him on winning so. I guess the Hamilton's just know everyone.
James and AJ served as vestrymen of the Zion Protestant Episcopal Church from 1843 to 1853, and got a little plaque in 1953 and all the years end in 3's. Both were members of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations - the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1853 and that name gives me indigestion.
On March 6, 1862, James chaired and addressed a meeting at Cooper Union in favor of emancipation. And met fucking. Abraham. Lincoln. Lincoln also asked him to draft a proclamation, and when he returned, he had already issued the Emancipation Proclamation. So sux 2 suc.
James published his memoirs in 1868, which end in 1866, including his trips to Europe, the 1848 revolutions and the Civil War. He stated his intent to "do justice" to his father, and published several pamphlets defending him. (The Public Debt and the Public Credit of the United States and Martin Van Buren's Calumnies Repudiated: Hamilton's Conduct as Secretary of the Treasury Vindicated)
James Alexander died on September 24, 1878 at 90, and was buried at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytown, New York. His home was remodeled in 1889 by Stanford White. In 1934, it was donated to Columbia University where it now serves as one of the largest arboretums in the country.
Johnny C was born on August 22, 1792. He wrote a lot about his dad, and here’s one thing he wrote about the duel which literally stabs my heart out of my chest and rips it apart. 
“I recall a single incident about it with full clearness... The day before the duel I was sitting in a room, when, at a slight noise, I turned around and saw my father in the doorway, standing silently there and looking at me with a most sweet and beautiful expression of countenance. It was full of tenderness, and without any of the business pre-occupation he sometimes had. ‘John,’ he said, when I had discovered him. ‘won’t you come and sleep with me to-night?’ His voice was frank as if he had been my brother instead of my father. That night I went to his bed, and in the morning very early he awakened me, and taking my hands in his palms all four hand extended, he said and told me to repeat the Lord’s Prayer. Seventy-five years have since passed over my head, and I have forgotten many things, but not that tender expression when he stood looking at me in the door nor the prayer we made together the morning before the duel. I do not so well recollect seeing him lie upon his deathbed, though I was there.”
In 1809, JC graduated from Colombia University and then studied law. He began serving in the army during the War of 1812, eventually becoming second lieutenant. He served as an aide-de-camp to Major General William Henry Harrison. However, he retired without seeing battle in June 1814.
According to his obituary, “He did not apply himself to the practice of law... having strong literary tastes, [Johnny C.] devoted himself to the study of history, with a view to writing his father’s life.”
Between 1834 and 1840, he went through his father’s letters and papers, and wrote a two-volume biography called The Life of Alexander Hamilton which was published in 1840-1841. Unfortunately, nearly all the copies were destroyed in a fire during the process of binding. 
He edited his father’s collected writings under the authority of the Joint Library Committee of the United States Congress and took out the gay porn, publishing The Works of Alexander Hamilton: Containing his Correspondence, and His Political and Official Writings, Exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military in 1850-1851. He also wrote a seven volume biography, published between 1857 and 1869 called Life of Alexander Hamilton: A History of the Republic of the United States of America. This combined a biography of Hamilton and a history of the US “as traced in his writings and in those of his contemporaries”. He worked closely with his mother in the preservation of this history, and she encouraged him to write the comprehensive biography.
Also in 1869, he published an edition of The Federalist with historical notes and commentary, and I want it.
JC was a member of the Whig Party, later Republican, but never held office. He lost a run for Congress to represent part of NYC. Also, both Ulysses S. Grant and Chester A. Arthur asked him for his opinions on economics so that’s pretty rad. 
In 1880, he presented a statue of Alexander Hamilton to the city “though preferring it were the act of others”. On November 22, 1880, at the unveiling in Central Park near the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he said that after a century of the nation’s existence, time had shown “the utility of [AH’s] public services and the lessons of polity” and that he trusted “that this memorial may aid in their being recalled and usefully appreciated.”
Throughout his life, John Church married Maria Eliza van den Heuvel, and together they had FOURTEEN CHILDREN. so here’s a list of their kids that I didn’t write lol.
General Alexander Hamilton (1815–1907), a major general in the Civil War, author of Dramas and Poems (1887).
Maria Williamson Hamilton (1817-1822), who died young
Charlotte Augusta Hamilton (1819–1896)
John Cornelius Adrian Hamilton (1820–1879)
Schuyler Hamilton (1822–1903), who served in the Mexican War
James Hamilton (1824-1825), who died young
Maria Eliza Hamilton (1825–1887), who married Judge Charles A. Peabody (1814–1901)
Charles Apthorp Hamilton (July 23, 1826 – November 29, 1901), was educated in New York, England, and Germany. After clerking for a New York law firm, he practiced law in Wisconsin. He enlisted in the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry at the start of the Civil War in 1861, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. A severe battle injury to both legs compelled his resignation in March 1863, and he returned to practicing law. In 1881, he was elected judge of the circuit court for Milwaukee.
Robert P. Hamilton (1828–1891)
Adelaide Hamilton (1830–1915)
Elizabeth Hamilton (1831–1884), who first married Henry Wager Halleck in 1855 and after his death, married George Washington Cullum in 1875.
William Gaston Hamilton (1832–1913), a consulting engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Laurens Hamilton (1834 – July 6, 1858), an 1854 graduate of Columbia College, who died at the age of 23. He had served for one year as a private in the Seventh Regiment of New York, and drowned accidentally while serving as part of a military escort aboard a ship returning the remains of President James Monroe to Richmond, Virginia.
Alice Hamilton (September 11, 1838 – September 15, 1905)
Shout out to Laurens Hamilton for accidentally drowning, really taking after his grandfather.
John Church died on July 24, 1882 at 89 Stockton Cottage, on Ocean Avenue in Long Branch, New Jersey due to jaundice and catarrh. His funeral was held at Trinity Church.
William Stephen Hamilton
For the sake of my own entertainment, I will be calling this man Stinky bc he probably smells like my dad (shout out to my dad for having the worst genetics). So Stinky was born on August 4, 1797. He entered the United States Military Academy in 1814, then resigned in 1817. 
He moved to Illinois, living in Sangamon, Springfield and Peoria, then in 1827, moved to the lead mining region around the Fever River. 
He was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives from Sangamon County in 1824. He sponsored a bill that imposed a statewide tax intended to fund road repair and maintenance, proportional to property value, to be paid in labor or money. The bill passed, but was met with opposition, and was repealed in the next legislature.
Stinky served as an aide-de-camp to Governor Edward Coles, and worked for the General Land Office as Deputy Surveyor of Public Lands. He was also an incorporator of the original Illinois and Michigan Canal Company. 
In 1827, he served during the Winnebago War in the Illinois Militia as a captain. He commanded the Galena Mounted Volunteers under the command of Henry Dodge. 
After the Winnebago War, he moved to the Wisconsin Territory and established Hamilton’s Diggings, later Wiota in 1827. It was later turned into a fort during the Black Hawk War, entitled Fort Hamilton. Juliette Kinzie described the conditions in 1831 as “shabby” and “unpromising.” She also described the foul language used by the miners, the “roughest-looking set of men i ever beheld.” Theodore Rodolf contrasted the settlement’s rough exterior with small, finer details in 1834. He particularly liked the fact that Stinky had the writings of Voltaire at Hamilton’s Diggings.
Elizabeth Hamilton visited her son at Hamilton’s Diggings during the winter of 1837-38. During this time, Stinky also owned the Mineral Point Miner’s Free Press, before he sold it to a group from Galena, and it became the Galena Democrat. 
Stinky volunteered in the militia again during the 1832 Black Hawk War. He was often in charge of the militia’s indigenous allies, including many Sioux and Menominee. He was sent to the Michigan Territory to recruit more indigenous allies, leaving successfully with several more parties.
In 1842 and 43, Stinky served as an elected member of the Wisconsin Territorial Assembly, from Iowa County. He lost an 1843 election for Wisconsin Territory delegate to the US Congress. In 1848, he lost another election for the Wisconsin Constitutional Convention. He was generally unable to achieve political fame. 
Gold was discovered in California in 1848, and Stinky was there by 49. However, this would prove a disappointment and he later regretted the move. He told a friend he would “rather have been hung in the ‘Lead Mines’ than to have lived in this miserable hole.” This seems to be an accurate description of California. 
Stinky never married and presented a rough, garish appearance. Which, good. Fuck beauty standards. 
Stinky was ill with dysentery and “mountain fever”, which was likely cholera, for two weeks before he died from “malarial fever resulting in spinal exhaustion terminating in paralysis superinduced by great bodily and mental strain.” He died in Sacramento, California on October 9, 1850 at 53, and was buried in Sacramento Historic City Cemetery, in a section named Hamilton Square. RIP Stinky, the real MVP.
Eliza Holly!
Eliza was born on November 20, 1799. You can tell her apart from her mother because Eliza is her full name, and Elizabeth is her mother’s. She was a sick infant, and Alexander frequently worried about her. He was staying with the children without Elizabeth once, and he wrote, “Eliza pouts and plays, and displays more and more her ample stock of Caprice.” Eliza did not attend Hamilton’s funeral, but saw him with the rest of the kids on his deathbed.
She married Sidney Augustus Holly on July 19, 1825. He was a merchant from a prominent family in business and local government. They lived at The Grange (not James Alexander’s), and remained close with Elizabeth for her entire life, who described Eliza as being like her father.
“You don’t know how important you are to me. You step in the steps of your father’s kindness, and the more you are with me, the more I see that you are like him.” -Elizabeth Hamilton to Eliza Holly
She moved in with Elizabeth in East Village, Manhattan at 4 St. Mark’s Place along with AJ and his wife. 
Her husband died on June 26, 1842 and moved in with her mother to 63 Prince Street in Lower Manhattan. This was previously the house of jAmES mONrOe and Samuel L. Gouverneur.  She and her mother also moved together to Washington D.C. where they lived near the White House on H street and entertained many guests. Eliza continued to care for her mother until her death in 1854. 
Eliza potentially influenced or expedited the creation of John Church’s biography of their father, and chastised him for his overdue writing. 
Eliza died in Washington D.C. on October 17, 1859, and was buried in Westchester County, New York, at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery with Angelica and later James Alexander. 
Philip Hamilton (the Second) “Little Phil”
Little Phil was born in New York on June 1 or 2 in 1802. According to his son, Phil “manifested much of his father’s sweetness and happy disposition, and was always notably considerate of the feelings of others, and was punctilious to a fault in his obligations.” He was also almost six feet tall. Idk how.
Because of the poverty that afflicted his family after his father’s death, Phil “was denied those advantages accorded to his elder brothers, and had, in every sense, to make his own way.”
Phil practiced law in New York, and served as an assistant United States Attorney during the 1830s under James Alexander. He achieved notable success as a prosecutor in the case of pirate Charles Gibbs.
Phil moved to San Francisco during the Gold Rush in 1851 to practice law as a partner of his brother-in-law Robert Milligan McLane. He returned to New York after one or two years. 
He assisted the Underground Railroad in helping enslaved people escape at least once by concealing them in his cellar until they could resume their travel to Canada.
At the end of the Civil War, Hamilton served as Judge Advocate of the naval Retiring Board at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and “led a quiet life” after 1865. He characterized his career as a “hard, up-hill professional life” working with a “very great” number of the poor and most of his time was “given up to unselfish acts”.
He married Rebecca McLane, who died on April 1, 1893, and they had two sons together, Louis McLane Hamilton (1844-1868) and Allan McLane Hamilton FRSE (1848-1919). 
Louis served in the US Army during the Civil War. He enlisted as a private in the 22nd New York Militia in June 1862, then the 3rd US Infantry as second lieutenant in September 1863. He served with the Army of the Potomac, and was brevetted twice fer gallantry, including the Battle of Gettysburg. In July 1866, he became a Captain in the 7th US Cavalry. On November 27, 1868, he was killed in the Battle of Washita River, being posthumously brevetted to the rank of Major.
Allan was a psychiatrist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His books included a biography of his grandfather, The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton. 
Little Phil died “comparatively poor” on July 9, 1884 in Poughkeepsie, New York.
And that is all the Hamilton kids. This post put me through the five stages of grief. I’ll include my sources now, and sob my eyes out bc existence is pain. I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!! i’m doing my best to get content out so I will try not to take multiple months to post again HSKSKFHLS love you all <333 (f in the chat for stinky)
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
As someone from Massachusetts, I feel like a lot of non-Americans REALLY don’t understand that we have places like MA with extremely strict gun laws. A lot of people want gun control and some of us are lucky enough to live in states that are able to implement regulations. I wish every American could feel as (comparatively) safe as I feel.
Ok so while yea, that's good to acknowledge, I feel like this is also fundamentally missing my point.
I grew up in Illinois which is a blue state with relatively strict gun laws (not as good as Mass but great considering surrounding states) and I feel like that is a particularly unique Blue State experience because 90% of the state is pretty small town rural but the Chicago-area dictates politics bc it is the second largest city in the country. And I know that's a dynamic in a lot of states but I feel like Illinois is a more extreme example because these conflicting interests have fucked the government up so significantly.
Where I'm going with this is, the United States is essentially 5 or 6 different countries all under one umbrella culturally. The state culture of Massachusetts (an extremely lovely but very, very small and politically homogenous area) is worlds different than south-central Illinois, or Maine, or Georgia, etc. What works there doesn't necessarily work elsewhere, each state has to figure out it's own equilibrium.
To that point, Illinois, a politcally non-homogenous place, has a horrible gun violence problem despite the restrictions. I mean I fucking hate to make this point because it's often used as a Republican talking point but it's true, there is an illegal gun issue in my home state and a terrible gun violence problem even outside of Chicago. I can name 3 people I know who've died of gun violence in the last few years and 2 from illegal weapons.
So all that just to hammer home the point, we need to acknowledge the different regional cultures of the United States when we talk about this because one solution doesn't work for everyone. And that with all of the other factors that affect our gun violence problem feel like too much nuance to include in these responses to foreigners bc you basically have to start from scratch. 
Idk this is more ranty than I want it to be but my point/tldr is, foreigners, educate yourselves if you actually care. There is so much at play here that blanket legislation on its own probably will not fix. If you can find someone who wants to explain it all to you great, but don’t assume that’s everyone and don’t assume that your country’s experience can be replicated in a humongous and culturally bizarre place like the USA.
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skullstarz · 4 years
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the princess of the sea
-> royalty!au iida tenya x fem!reader
this is the literal bane of my existence. here you go, part 1 of my iida royalty au fic. very loosely inspired by raya and the last dragon and genshin impact, but you can barely tell.
IF THE KEEP READING THINGIE DOESNT WORK PLS TELL ME!! ++ there is a paragraph that gets repeated. im sorry, but every time i fix it, it happens somewhere else. idk what to do at this point. sobbing.
warnings: language. also its long and ends on a cliff hanger oops
word count: 4.8k words
check out my masterlist for more of my works!!
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the sound of your heels hitting the shiny floors bounced off of the walls nonstop as you ran. you were a princess, one that was late to the ball being held to celebrate the alliance of four nations that had fought against one another for over a century. as you round the corner towards the banquet hall’s doors, you make eye contact with a tall, blue haired, handsome man- and then fall flat on your face.
it wasn’t often countries came together to make amends after hundreds of years of wars, attacks, and disagreements- yet here you are, making a fool of yourself in front of the prince of lupusvine, the northernmost nation. you rush to pick yourself up, muttering a quick “damn it, y/n,” whilst fluffing your dress back up to its once cloud-like form.
“are you alright? it’s y/n, no?” the man you had seen before now much closer, offering his hand out to greet you.
“are you alright? it’s y/n, no?” the man you had seen before now much closer, offering his hand out to greet you.
quick history lesson- the planet was named xenos centuries ago, by four gods. what their names were is hard to decipher; by the time humans were capable of writing and recording history, the gods had many names. there were more countries on the planet, but the most important (to you) were the four nations that were named and ruled by the four main gods, all sharing borders. ruritania, ruled by the goddess of nature, has the perfect climate for farming, raising livestock, and taking trips from the other nations. it was considered a utopia for those who liked peaceful, cottage living.
lupusvine, ruled by the god of wind, was cold. the citizens tend to be either extremely wealthy, or dead, really, as being homeless in the brutal cold would be a slow and painful death. they tend to be strict and uptight, and worship their god’s every word. ambrosia, ruled by the god of fire, on the other hand, was scorching hot most of the time. it was mostly desert, and ambrosians tend to be strong, rough, aggressive towards outsiders, yet loving towards their families.
lastly, oceania, ruled by the goddess of water. oceania, being the nation you were soon to rule, was perfect, like ruritania, hot in the summers and cold in the winters, but not unbearably so. it was the wealthiest nation, not because the rich keep getting richer, but because the nation helps and nurtures those who are struggling. it was seen as a sort of idyllic place, and because of that, the other countries often envied oceania.
one last, probably important bit, before you remember the prince of lupusvine is waiting for you to give him your hand- hybrids are common in xenos. which is why, as you stare at the prince, flustered, you barely notice the wolf ears on his head.
“it…it is y/n, correct?” he hesitates.
“oh, yes! i'm very sorry!” you put your hand in his, greeting him. “you must be tenya, prince of lupusvine!” you attempt to compose yourself while the wolf man before you reaches up to adjust your small crown as he breathes out a soft “yes.”
you blush due to how close he is and he apologizes. “sorry, but i'm sure that with the rush you were in, you wouldn’t have had the time to notice your crown was barely hanging onto your head for dear life.” he chuckles and as your eyes meet once again you freeze- you never knew why people were so wrapped up in rumors and gossip, but you had heard one a while back… that the prince of lupisvine’s eyes were as cold as ice, like the land he came from.
while whispers of his frightening gaze and sharp features may be based in truth, his eyes soaking in yours made you feel as if you were melting- the warm, relaxing smile he had contrasting his straight posture and tense shoulders.
“if you’d like, we could enter the ball together” his voice pulled you out of your trance, and as he awaited your answer you thought of all of the consequences entering together would have. your mother and sister’s worry turning into squealing, eager to have you marry the poor man was one. your father upset that you had never mentioned someone was courting you (which the prince was not doing) while he was searching for suitors was another consequence.
oh, and most importantly of all- what you two walking in together, arms linked, would do to the political state of the four nations. you were the precious princess of the sea! you were oceania’s lovely, pure heir to the throne; if anyone were to lay a hand on you they’d be dead before they could take another breath! little did they know that you had a tendency to be anything but elegant, with a foul mouth and two left feet.
and prince of lupusvine- well he… he was perfect. a respectable gentleman who gives his all to his nation, who works to make their nation a better place. the other three countries may whisper and mock; thinking him a serious, scary soon-to-be king with a devotion to law and order, but he was a far more gentle and loving prince than that. everyone in lupusvine was aware of the truth, and you, placing your hand on his arm, now also knew the truth.
“yes, i would, in fact, like that very much.” you flash him your charming smile that everyone in oceania was in love with and enter the hall together.
the consequences you had thought up in your mind paled in comparison to the reactions of everyone as you two enter. shocked expressions, gasps, and even what sounded like a glass shattering filled the room as you make your entrance and walk down the stairs. hushed tones greet you at the bottom, and as you and tenya part ways, you are greeted by the royal family of oceania- your mother, father, and sister.
“you do realize what that looks like, right?” your sister, isla, barked at you. she had a knack for showing her care and love in the worst ways possible, but you knew her words weren’t meant to instigate some sort of argument.
“no, i don't, actually.” you shrug, before your father gently grabs you by the arms
“the prince of lupusvine is no husband for my daughter, i will not allow it until i know more about that boy and what he might be scheming”
“scheming? oh for the love of our goddess, dad, i'm not going to marry him! we simply entered together” you shake his hands off of you.
your mother cut in with a huff, worsening your family’s freak out. “with how late the both of you were it looked like some sort of… surprise marriage announcement!” often, when your mother becomes flustered, or worried, her extensive, fancy vocabulary is thrown out the window.
“its like you were telling all of xenos ‘hey, look at me put my hand on this big strong rich prince oh also remember how we’re both looking for other royal families to marry into, mostly for political reasons?’” your sister rambles on, mocking your manner of speaking.
“oh, whatever, it’s not really like it matters. the four nations are allies now anyways, what’s the issue, even if i were to be seeing him?” all three of your overprotective family members scoff and walk away, clearly getting the message that their worries wont get through to you. spotting the prince again, you make your way over to him before frantically attempting to walk away as the crowd parts for you only to reveal his very serious and scary family having a discussion with him. instead of walking away towards your sister, you turn and smash face first into- actually, you don’t even realize you just walked into the prince of ambrosia, todoroki shoto, until you look up at him.
“oh my goddess, i'm so sorry” you bow at him deeply, and his father tells you not to worry about it as they continue walking towards the royal family of lupusvine. while the four nations all had their issues with each other, lupusvine and ambrosia have made deals with one another before, and oceania and ruritania were on decent terms. as king enji spoke with the king of lupusvine, shoto gave you a quick wave, before standing next to tenya rather than his father.
you’ve already just about had enough with the party when you decide it’s better for everyone if you were to just leave. you leave the ball and head to lucerne’s garden, a small garden and pond built right into the center of the castle, named after a dragon (which have all since vanished from xenos) the goddess kept as a companion. sitting at the edge of the pond, you’re lost in thought as a hand touches your shoulder.
“it’s nice to see you again, princess.” tenya’s voice just barely over a whisper as he sits next to you.
“no, you’ll get your suit dirty-” you start, before he shakes his head.
“perhaps, but the servants in your castle seem to be extraordinary at their job- i don't think i saw even a drop of water on the ground as i sat down.” he laughs, continuing to look around at the spotless scenery, none of the plants having even a speck of brown, and not one part of the ground dusty or dirty.
“well well well, and here i thought mr. prince of lupusvine was supposed to be a stickler for rules! i’d expect a ‘no sitting on the ground with your gown on!’ from you.” you smirk, messing with decorations sewn onto your dress.
“I may be a little uptight, but i don’t quite think there's a rule for sitting on the ground with a dress on..” you laugh as he trails off in thought. “is that lucerne? companion of kirai?” he asks, pointing at the statue of a dragon looming over the pond.
citizens of lupusvine tend to refer to the goddess of water as “kirai”, due to their god calling her that every time he mentioned her, as recorded on slabs from ancient times. that, along with other reasons, is why many researchers and history professors believe that the goddess of water and the god of wind were in a romantic relationship, whether permanently or just for a certain period of time. you nod and face him as he continues “i wish dragons still existed. i learned, when i was younger, that dragons went extinct due to humans.”
your eyes widen, flickering towards the statue of lucerne. “because of us?”
“yes.” he whispers, before the two of you fall into comfortable silence. soon, footsteps can be heard behind the two of you. turning around to see who is coming, you see todoroki shoto, prince of ambrosia, as well as the princess of ruritania, uraraka ochako.
“thank goodness we saw you out here! our parents are so professional and uptight at these things, it's almost suffocating.” ochako gasps the fresh air in, sitting next to you as shoto sits at a nearby bench.
“i dont get why they hate each other so much.” shoto muttered under his breath and everyone let out sighs and nods. while all of you knew the history behind the nations’ feuds and didn’t quite know each other, you four could easily bond over your general disdain for the grudges your families had towards each other.
suddenly, you picked yourself up from the ground and stared at the other three determinedly. “we should find out what happened to lucerne and the dragons! it would be so fu-”
“we already know what happened to the dragons.” shoto cuts you off
“well then what is it?” you huff, annoyed that you were cut off.
as shoto shrugged, tenya started telling the story. “the four gods gave a box each to the inhabitants of xenos and told them to not open them, even if they’re curious about what’s inside.”
“oh no, they opened the boxes” you gasp, shaking your head.
“yes, they opened the boxes. the first three boxes they opened had beautiful things we couldn't even begin to imagine the world without, so, without thinking, they opened the last box. a puff of smoke came out the box upon opening it, and then every dragon on xenos turned to stone. there’s no cure, no answers, no reason as to why the gods would do that, especially when the dragons were so loved by the humans and gods alike.”
“how cliche” shoto sighs.
“do you think the dragons can hear us?” ochako gets up, trying to get closer to touch lucerne. “lucerne, do you think i should marry izuku midoriya, from ylvern, or bakugo katsuki from angria?”
todoroki scoffs, and you note the jealous glint in his eyes. “lucerne’s not gonna come back to life to answer which royal family you should marry into” he gets up, ready to head back inside.
“speaking of marriage…. tenya, y/n, what was that entrance~?” ochako skips back to your side, crouching down.
“nothing, we just met before walking inside and decided to enter together; it's simply none of your concern” you ramble on, refusing to face either tenya or ochako, opting to stare at a lily pad floating on the water.
“oh really?” ochako squints, before getting up. “if you say so, y/n”
“yes i do say so” you nod violently, ochako humming as she walks towards shoto to walk back inside together. exchanging quiet ‘see you later’s, they leave you and tenya alone again.
“would it really be a bad idea for us to get married?” his words making you choke on air. “not like that! it was just a question!!” he flails his arms around, the two of you so very flustered.
you both collect yourself and you think for a bit before answering “i think our parents are probably just suspicious of each other, still. i mean if you think about it, you could say we’re already fated to be” you half joke, expecting more arm flailing, only to receive a hum.
“ah, you mean the theory that kirai and the god of wind were lovers?” he tilts his head.
“some even say they were married, not just lovers, tenya. what, are you suggesting we be lovers?” you joke.
another round of arm flailing passes as you laugh, before he clarifies “you know what i meant, don't act a fool. i personally believe it too, there’s plenty of evidence for it.”
you nod, agreeing with him “that, and because citizens of oceania often think i look like our goddess, and your citizens say your personality matches your god. wouldn’t you say we’re- a- match?” with each pause in between your last words you get just a bit closer before pulling away, laughing once more at his flailing arms and beet red cheeks, finding your new favorite hobby.
one last moment of silence passes as you both stare at the clock in the garden, waiting until it hit 10 to join the others back inside for a speech from the nations’ kings and queens. you stole peeks at his face, your eyes quick to flicker elsewhere when they make contact with his. a minute before it was time for the speeches you two got up and walked together, checking each other for any specks of dirt (there weren’t any, head maid marina would never allow such a thing).
you stop right before the doors, facing him with a smile on your face. “after you, mr. prince, we can't go in together after the entrance we made before.” you motion towards the door and he steps closer to you, waiting. “wha- oh” you realize what he was waiting for and nod, expecting a kiss on the cheek. what he really did, was give you a light peck on the lips, before turning away and returning to the ball.
“your majesty, if i may, i don't believe that’s an appropriate way to say goodbye to someone.” head maid marina places a hand on her hip, a clipboard tucked in between her arm and the side of her waist. she tapped her foot expectantly, brows raised as you stutter, attempting to find the right words.
“please dont tell my mom!!” you blurt, and run into the banquet hall.
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“you kissed prince tenya!?” the servants in the dining room all come to a halt, turning to your family, that was supposed to be having dinner.
“ugh maid marina told you!” you put your face into your hands as your sister stifles a laugh and shrinks in her chair.
your father looks like he might explode as he yells “you WHAT?”
“to be fair!! he kissed meee~” you gushed at the thought.
“how is that supposed to make me feel at ease?!” your father stands up.
“dad sit down and eat your unseasoned roasted potatoes-” you pause to raise your voice loud enough for those in the kitchen to hear, “if head maid marina wasn’t busy gossiping about my love life maybe the potatoes would’ve come out properly seasoned!” your words earned you a light whack with a handful of napkins from said maid. “and what if i choose to marry tenya? i assure you he is up to nothing but good.”
your father shook his head. “how can i be sure of that, darling?”
“cause i really like him!! pleaaaaaaase?” you beg, putting your hands together as you give him your best puppy dog eyes. your father was visibly crushed by your strategy before he straightened up and cleared his throat.
“well, if you insist, i suppose i could send the iida family an invitation to a dinner, where we can discuss this matter more in detail.”
“this is becoming more and more like an arranged marriage by the second-” you whine.
the following days were rather uneventful; helping out maid marina as an apology for offending her potatoes, polishing the statue of lucerne (which you’ve found out is essentially lucerne’s corpse) for maid veronica since you let ochako get close to it, and reading up more on xenos’ history. eventually, the day to have dinner with the iida family came and you dreaded it, as your mother told maid marina to find and dress you in a ‘lovely, light blue dress with intricate detailing’ days beforehand.
“and just why do you like prince tenya, of all princes? why not prince shoto?” with every ‘why’ that left marina’s mouth, she pulled on your corset, tightening it.
“for the love of our holy goddess please maid marina please show me mercy” you plead.
“i did show you mercy, when i made extra of your favorite side dish because the main dish of this evening is the royal jade carp, which i know you hate with every fiber of your being” you whine at her rebuttal (and another tug at the corset) before she finally ties it off at the end.
“done. let maid veronica finish getting you ready while i finish the preparations. your future husband should be here soon.” she smooths out her uniform before leaving the room.
“this feels like an arranged marriage, y/n.” veronica sighs, readjusting your hair.
“it wasn’t supposed to be” you groan and attempt to slouch, the corset compressing your insides not allowing you to.
“well, you both seem to like each other, so at least you’ll be marrying someone you might actually grow to love” veronica shrugged, tying a bow on your dress.
“you know, you’re right, vero! it isn’t all that bad, considering some people don't have that luxury.” you smile at your new found confidence.
“oh goddess, like that poor queen of ambrosia. i heard her marriage to king enji turned sour such a long time ago yet they stayed together for political reasons, you know?”
you gasped at veronica’s words “is veronica gossiping on the job?”
veronica smacks her lips annoyed. “its small talk, young lady, not gossiping.”
you quickly made your way down the stairs and towards the dining hall before tenya and his family arrived. your sister, isla, stood at the doors, surprised to see you so dressed up. “this is a dinner to possibly discuss a marriage, not the wedding day itself” she chuckles, leading you to your seat and sitting down in front of you. “i, myself have found someone to talk to as well.”
“oh really?” you raise your eyebrows, amused.
she nods, smiling “a prince named mirio to-” the doors open and the two of you stand up to greet the iida family, led to the dining room by your parents.
“its nice to see you again” tenya greeted you with a kiss to your hand as the rest of your families mingled. you all ate, discussed feelings over the nations becoming allies and you and tenya’s plans for the future.
“wanna see something?” you grab tenya’s hand after the dinner ended, the rest of your family deciding to continue to chat away as you showed tenya around the castle.
you lead him to your room, and as he starts to stutter, telling you “perhaps this step can wait? a bit?” you shake your head.
“that’s not why i’m bringing you in here, but i like the way you’re thinkin” you tease, before stopping in front of a tank.
“is that an axolotl?” tenya gasps, his free hand gently pressing against the glass.
“yes, that’s pudding.” you nod, before leading him over to another tank. “and this is noodle, she’s an oceanian black kingsnake.”
“you like snakes?” he questioned you.
“not really, but when i found her in lucerne’s garden she was in pretty bad condition. she took a liking to me so i just toughed it out and took her in.” you shrug, before leading him to your bed.
once again objecting to any dirty things you’d try to do to him, you stop him. “first of all, i wouldn't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and second, that's not why i brought you here, okay? now this little man right here is nugget!” you lift one of the many blankets on your bed to reveal a tiny, black poodle with long legs. “and thiiiiis,” you move to another side of your bed “is pepper!” a white cat’s face peeks out of the blankets it's piled under, reaching a paw out to greet the prince before returning to its sleep hole.
“i didn't expect you to be such an animal lover.” he says on your walk back to the dining hall.
“it isn’t really that i'm an animal lover, the axolotl was a gift from an organization that keeps endangered animals safe after i made a large donation. the other three were strays that the maids found in lucerne’s garden. something about the lucerne draws animals to her.” you shrug, pondering what might be the reason animals were often found in the garden. Something that you had noticed before but never fully paid attention to was the way tenya’s tail wagged when you two were alone. during both the ball and dinner his tail was stiff and straight, as if he was making an active effort to not draw attention to it. it was nice to know that he didn’t care much about little things like that alone with you.
it was still a bit frustrating how quickly your families wanted you two to get to know each other and get married. while dating for civilians can last many years before even mentioning marriage, sometimes royals have all their wedding preparations read before their first meeting.
“at least we enjoy each others’ presence.” tenya’s words cut through your cluttered mind.
“what?” you blurt, and he laughs softly.
“at least we like each other, you know? we could’ve been forced to marry snooty, arrogant people. instead we get to be somewhat forcefully married to each other.”
“it’s almost like you can read my mind” you suggest jokingly, before leading him to sit down for more quiet time together. “it sucks that we’re being rushed into things, but we can go at our own pace, even if we may be wife and husband while we’re still just going on our first few dates.” he nods at your words with a smile, sighing before getting up, with his hand in yours, to head back inside the dining room.
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“you’re getting married to the prince of angria? oh poor thing” various princesses reacted to ochako’s words, wishing her luck on her marriage to bakugo katsuki, another prince.
“it's not all that bad!” she reasoned with them, only for them to disagree.
“not all that bad? the boy’s got anger issues and will probably be a terrible ruler! oh sweet girl he’s going to ruin you, and not in the good way.” some random princess teases. you were currently at a tea party being held in ruritania, by the princess, ochako. you noticed the way her shoulders lowered at their words, each time they insulted him only making her more upset.
“you never know, perhaps he’s actually nice if you get to know him. besides, it isn't our place to judge, seeing as most of us have rather terrible fiancées as well.” you comment, drinking your tea. you notice the smile growing on ochako’s face, a small, silent thank you for sticking up for her.
“of course you’d know about terrible fiancées, soon-to-be mrs. tenya iida” the fiancée of prince sero (oh, poor poor sero) laughs out.
“and i'm sure prince sero knows a lot about terrible fiancées as well.” you insult back.
“did you see the face she made after you said that?!” ochako giggled as you two were walking to her room. the tea party finished rather quickly after your response to princess ophelia’s insult had her running out in rage.
“that’s what she gets. i mean come on, she’s one to talk about me having a terrible fiancée when she is a terrible fiancée” you shrug, the grin on your face slowly forming as you hold in a laugh. “i can’t believe you and bakugo are getting married though! i thought that your parents would surely choose midoriya of ylvern!”
“well, ylvern’s nice n all, and i'm sure midoriya’s absolutely wonderful-” there was the tiniest bit of yearning in her voice when speaking of the prince. “-but angria has more resources. its a better choice in almost every aspect except for the fact that it’s bakugo katsuki that i'm marrying.” she realized what she said and shook her head quickly “no, i'm going to be optimistic! i know everything will turn out fine, and my marriage to him will end up being a better idea.”
“you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself, ‘chako.” you sit on her bed and watch as her cheeks grow redder and redder
“no! i’m! not! don’t do that y/n!” she pouts “i was one hundred percent supportive when you announced you’d marry tenya!”
“and i'm thankful for that-” you raise your hands up in your defense.
“so don't tease me about my marriage!” you laugh, patting her shoulder
“okay, okay, relax!” huffing, you and ochako continue to talk the night away; about marriage, wedding preparations, and anything else you two could think of.
as the days go by, you see more of tenya, each time falling in love with him more and more. you also see ochako more, meeting her fiancée bakugo, and more of todoroki, who’s been spending much of his time rejecting princesses and enjoying the presence of the prince of ylvern, midoriya. one of the worst days was the day your mothers dress was modified to your size and changed to be more modern, head maid marina threatening to poke you as she sewed if you didn't stop slouching. the worst day, however, was the day maid veronica, maid marina, and maid yalani sat with you and talked about what would happen on your wedding night (goddess have mercy on your soul, they thought you didn’t know a thing about sex).
but, as preparations went on, and as you spent time with tenya, you couldn’t be happier. he caught you whenever you fell, which happened many times while learning dances, and he laughed with you whenever everyone else found you unladylike, like when you spit out food while trying to figure out what would be served to the guests, not realizing what you had tasted was made with your least favorite food, royal jade carp. he was traditional, strict, yet had a soft side to him that took you step by step through everything, never failing to whisper compliments in your ear or reassure you that you’re doing great.
everything was perfect, every effort made filled with love and pure intentions, every moment nothing less than a beautiful experience, until the night before the wedding, when everything took a sharp turn for the worst.
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
30 Questions About Me
THANKS FOR THE TAG @bugaboo-n-bananoir ILY!!!!
(Nick)name: Cadence
gender: cis female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: uhhhhh I am not sure, it’s taller than 5ft at least
Time: night! (Well I wrote most of this last night, but now it’s the evening of the next day!)
Birthday: well I’m a Pisces, so my birthday is between Feb 19th and march 20th!
Fave band/group: Pentatonix! Or For King and Country. Or the piano guys, the vitamin string quartet, Voctave.....also Phineas and the Ferbtones👌
Fave solo artists: I really like Lauren Daigle, and Jackie Evancho used to be my FAVE. Aaand idk if this counts but Michael Giacchino! love his scores, especially the score for Inside Out. There’s also this guy called Clay Kramer on YouTube who makes KK Slider covers of popular music, his stuff gives me so much seratonin😅
Song Stuck in my Head: Well I’m listening to music rn and “I’m Me” from Phineas and Ferb is on so I’ll say that! (I’ll revisit this one when I finish the list and update it with whatever song i’m listening to/is stuck in my head then) (ok the music has since been turned off and now I have “Status Quo” from High School Musical stuck in my head so! There ya go!) (now it is the next day, and I’ve got “when the party’s over” stuck in my head...i think these three songs are an accurate reflection of my taste in music🤣)
Last Movie: uhhhhh oh yeah, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice! It was SO GREAT because Jay Baruchel plays the main character (and the main character is super awkward), so I felt like I was watching Hiccup from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise learn magic and it was GLORIOUS. And also Nicholas Cage is great. And I liked the love interest in the movie as well!! She had a role to play in the story and felt authentic and genuine, which I appreciated!
Last Show: ok well the last show I watched by myself was Phineas and Ferb! Specifically, the episode with the Mardi Gras block party and then the one where Candace and Stacy compete in an obstacle course against Isabella and Ginger (omg wAIT ginger and Stacy are sisters and Isabella and Candace are GOING to be sisters mY HEART I—AH🥺). I hadn’t watched those episodes in forever, so they were really fun to revisit! I think the last actual show I watched was Kids Baking Championship or something, lol. (Those kids are AMAZING. So skilled!)
When i created this blog: November 2019! It was riiiight after the season 3 finale of miraculous aired and absolutely wrecked my emotions. I had some fanfic written that I’d never posted and had been thinking about making a tumblr/ao3 for awhile, and seeing the finale made me finally go, “.....you know what, yeah. The finale is aired, no more spoilers.....it’s time to make a blog.” So I did! And I posted my first fic! And I’m so happy i did :)
What Do I Post: a bunch of multi fandom stuff XD. This blog started off as 90% Miraculous, 10% other fandoms I like...but now it’s just kind of a hodgepoge of my favorite fandoms (with a focus on Phineas and Ferb, lol). I reblog a lot of posts, and then I post original stuff too! I write fanfic, nowadays for Phineas and Ferb but for Miraculous in the past (and probably in the future!), I draw art (mostly Phinabella art because I’ve been drawing them since i was 11 and it feels good to return to my roots), and OCCASIONALLY I will write an analysis post (I’ve got one in the works rn actually 👀), attempt to make a meme, or dip my toe into salt just SLIGHTLY before quickly backing away, lol. If I were to list the fandoms I post about in the order of how frequently I post about them, I’d probably say: Phineas and Ferb, Miraculous....and thennnnn everything else is pretty random and depends on the day, lol.
Last thing i googled: Jay Baruchel 😂. Couldn’t remember how to spell his last name!
Other blogs: this is my only blog! Sometimes I think about making a separate blog for my art and writing, but I am not sure if I should or not....maybe I will someday, but idk. I also have an AO3 for fanfic and an Instagram for art! All are under the name “authenticcadence18.”
Do I get asks: sometimes, yeah!! Sometimes I reblog ask games/prompts and get some asks for those (I’ve got so many prompts in my inbox I want to write/draw things for...ah it’s fine, I’ll get to it eventually😅), and sometimes lovely people will leave thoughts or nice messages in my inbox🥺💕. I’ve got a specific tag for all those nice messages so I can read back over them whenever I need a boost!
Why this url: it’s a music pun! When a song/section of a piece of music ends with a dominant chord resolving to a tonic chord (if you’ve read a certain fic of mine you should know allll about dominant and tonic chords👀🤣), it’s called an authentic cadence! There are different kinds of cadences, and authentic ones are my favorite. One example of this is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I also use this blog to be my authentic, fandom-loving self! So I like authentic cadences, and also, I’m Cadence and using this blog to be authentic! Woo! (And 18 is just my favorite number, lol) I’m glad I ended up choosing a name that doesn’t tie to a specific fandom becaaaaaause this ended up being a multi fandom blog!
Following: 232!!
Followers: 292!!! (THANKS SO MUCH Y’ALL ILY 💕)
Average amount of sleep: wellllll for the past week and a half I was sick so I was probably getting 9ish hours a night (because I would sleep in really late, lol). but NOW? In my immediate future? I suspect my average amount of sleep is going to go down because I’m really bad about staying up late even when I have to get up early😅. Hoping to be good about getting at least 7ish hours a night!
Lucky number: 18! But y’all probably already guessed that, lol.
Instruments: my voice, piano, ukulele, viola (but it’s been a HOT minute), aaaand i used to be able to play guitar but then I got a ukulele and forgot all the guitar chords. (I also dabble in songwriting! I primarily use voice and piano when writing music.)
What I’m wearing: my favorite sweatshirt (that was last night, rn I have on a tanktop), some leggings, and socks!
Dream job: I’m currently learning to be a teacher, and I LOVE teaching and working with kids so that is definitely a job I’m really excited about!!! I would also love to portray characters at Disney or something (well, maybe not at Disney because I hear they’re strict, but like....I want to be Rapunzel or Anna or something, that would be so fun). OR, I would LOVE to work in tv animation somehow, be it voice acting, writing scripts/music, and/or story boarding. basically if I could do what Dan and Swampy did for Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy’s Law, I would LOVE THAT. (Especially the writing music part. Getting to write music for established characters and get PAID for it would be SO COOL.!.!.!) Also I think it would be so fun to write Disney storybooks! Like, those books that are about Cinderella baking a cake or Ariel befriending a seahorse, stuff like that. Those brought me a ton of joy as a child!
Dream trip: I want to visit alllll the Disney parks someday😅. (Not right now because, ya know, Covid...but someday!)
Fave food: uhhh i really like pizza. And popcorn. Also hummus and guacamole!
nationality: American
Fave songs: “Times” by Tenth Avenue North; “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (I made an entire playlist of just this song when I first started writing my fic of the same name, so I like the original and a ton of covers of it!), “Show Yourself” from Frozen II, “What Might Have Been” from Phineas and Ferb (and lots of other songs from that show, i made a whole post about that once but I can’t find it, oof); “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle; “Thank You” by Pentatonix; “I See the Light” from Tangled; “Your Hands” by JJ Heller; “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran.....i like a loooot of songs so this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think that’s good for now, LOL! (As soon as I post this I’m going to remember another song I love, lol)
last book: I got the book Unbirthday for Christmas! It’s basically Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but if she’d never gone to wonderland and things went horribly wrong there. (I think, I’m not that far into it yet, lol)
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. DANVILLE, PLS. Especially as a kid, I SO would’ve loved to hang out with Isabella and Phineas and the rest of the gang! Danville is so vibrant and unique and people are always randomly breaking into song there, that’s my kind of place! 2. Fairytopia (from the Barbie movies!) because I could be a fairy OR a mermaid OR BOTH and eat seeweed to breathe underwater even if I wasn’t a mermaid. Like, that’s the dream right there. (I’ve always loved mermaids and fairies, lol!) 3. Maybe San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6? All of the technology in that universe is really cool! And I would love to eat a noodle burger, lol .
Oh! That’s the last one! Wow! This was so FUN!!!!!!! Thanks again for the tag, Maddy!!!! :)
I’ll taaaag @sketchy-panda @macaronsforchat @simplynewyorkbound @inkjackets and anyone else who’d like to do this! (And pls don’t feel pressured to play at all, or answer all of the questions! I was definitely vague with a few of my answers, lol)
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usagichanp · 4 years
*rubs hands together* I was hoping someone would ask me that
This is gonna be a long one folks.
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Life long partners, babey.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I think they had crushes on each other for a while. They didn't officially say "I love you" till a few months into their relationship, but they thought it sooner.
How was their first kiss? - I wrote a lesbian Lexthan version of their first kiss, though I don't think canon Lexthan's first kiss was like that. I imagine it to be not really planned out; just like they're talking to each other in the car and lock eyes, then slowly lean in and kiss. Since they've had kisses before, it's not a catastrophe, and it's actually fairly soft.
Who proposed? - Ethan. Wrote a whole ass fic about it.
Who is the best man/men? - I know who the best man is in my fics (it's my man Marsh, for those who have read it), but idk about the canon Ethan's best man. Maybe Danny (the Smoke Club Boy) but I'm not sure if they'd be friends enough to be his best man. He might not have one.
Who is the bride's maid? - Hannah. Duh.
Who did the most planning? - Ethan, but Lex chipped in too. Tom might help as well if asked lol
Who stressed the most? - Ethan. Though their ceremony isn't big, he still wanted it to be a good memory down the road (it was)
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
First they had just a courthouse wedding where they signed the papers, then had a tiny wedding ceremony with only close friends. Even if they could afford a proper wedding (Canon Lexthan prolly couldn't afford it) I don't think they'd want a big affair anyways. It's be exhausting.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Lex's mom. Obviously.
Now we're getting to the good part lads
Who is on top? - Ethan is a fucking switch. You can't convince me otherwise. He tops maybe like... 60/40 or 65/35. But when Lex tops, she tops bitch.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Ethan likes instigating things since he's a horny teenage boy, but it Lex doesn't want to, he stops. Sometimes Lex instigates, but usually when she does she's in the mood to top.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I'd give it a 7.5, depending on the situation. While they try to tone it down around Hannah, when they have alone time they'd totally go for it. Ethan's glovebox in his car has a box of condoms in it at all times. What can I say, as I said before, they're horny teenagers
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
They don't like seeing each other hurt so they wouldn't like BDSM. They're not vanilla but nothing too crazy- blindfolding, light bondage (aka tying hands up with rope or cloth), scratching, light spanking, pegging
How long do they usually last? - It depends on how much time they have to have sex. They've done quickies in bathrooms or whatever before, but if they have all night then they're pretty good at prolonging it.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Absolutely. It is said in multiple fics (I think?) of mine that Ethan makes sure Lex has the same amount of orgasms as he does. Always.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
They certainly can have slow, soft, romantic sex, but Ethan is also 100% capable of rocking Lex's world so hard she can't walk right for a week. (That happens in my first fic, Cassieopia, albeit off screen)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
1) I fucking love that metaphor 2) They don't get much physical affection at home, so they fucking love snuggling and cuddling- whether it be after sex or just hanging out. Sometimes they cuddle as a form of stress relief after a shitty day.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2, maybe 3.
How many children will they adopt? - I think they might prefer to have children naturally, but in my California series they gain custody of Hannah when she's 12. Does that count?
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Lex forces Ethan to learn how to change diapers. That being said, Lex isn't half bad at changing them either, since she helped change Hannah's when she was a child.
Who is the stricter parent? - They're not exactly strict parents, but both Lex and Ethan can definitely scold the kid. ("hAnNaH! tHaT bEtTeR bE fUcKiNg fLoSs!!!!!") That being said, both take care to not be abusive to their child, especially Lex. She doesn't want to be like her mom, so she tries to keep her temper in check.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Ethan has good reflexes, and has stopped his kids from falling and hitting their chin on a playground structure more than once. (Fun fact! That happened to me when I was 3. I fell from a steel elephant shaped jungle gym at a German zoo, hit my chin on a steel bar, and bit through my lower lip/knocked 3 teeth out. I still have the scar years later lol)
Who remembers to pack their lunches? - Lex. Though the lunches aren't always the healthiest.
Who is the more loved parent? - I think they're both loved, but maaaaaybe Ethan a bit more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Neither would attend PTA meetings out of the goodness of their hearts. If Lex or Ethan would go to a PTA meeting, it'd most likely be because they wanted to yell at a teacher or principal. They might go seperately or together depending on the severity of the issue.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Ethan wouldn't admit he cried, but he did. So did Lex.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Oh bitch, Lex and Ethan both said fuck the law. If it was just like, an overnight jail cell for some stupid misdemeanor, they might try to break their kid out. Otherwise, Lex would probably the one paying the bail because Ethan would try to punch the cop in the face if the cop talked shit about Ethan's kid. That reaction is not exclusive to cops.
Who does the most cooking? - Neither of them are exactly 5 star chefs, but they can hold on their own. Lex is better at cooking breakfast and Ethan is better at cooking dinner- but if he's exhuasted from work, Lex can cook dinner for him.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither are picky. Both of them grew up young scrappy and hungry just like their country without really the chance to be picky. They had to take what they could get.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Lex. She's good at calculating totals in her head. I wrote that in an unrealeased fic.
How often do they bake desserts? - Rather rarely. Perhaps on special occasions or to bond. Ethan has ruined the kitchen with his kid trying to bake a cake for Lex at least once. Maybe more.
Are they more of a meat lover or salad lover? - Meat lovers, babey. Fuck that fancy plant bullshit.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Ethan. I wrote that in the proposal fic.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Depends on what you count as "going out". Lex likes going to McDonalds, but Ethan is the one who suggests eating at actual restaurants.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Ethan, but both have had near misses.
Who cleans the room? - Both had fairly messy rooms as teenagers so they're not super anal about having sparkling clean rooms. That being said, when someone comes over Lex does try to tidy the place up a bit. At least enough to make it seem like they have their shit together. Ish.
Who is really against chores? - Ethan can be a bit of a lazy bones sometimes, but Lex isn't exactly a huge fan of chores either. However, she is used to doing chores since she practically raised herself and Hannah.
Who cleans up after the pets? - They take turns. Both hate it.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Ethan, because he doesn't want to incur Lex's wrath.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Lex. As I said above, she actually actively cleans the house beforehand. Not to the level of that freaking out mom from the comedy video who's name I can't remember tho.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Ethan. He has a nack for finding random bits of money. Score.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Lex, though both take relatively quick showers to save water.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They actually like doing it together. It's nice to get some fresh air, and they enjoy each other's company.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Ethan goes over the top, partially to annoy Lex. You know that Christmas tree Chris Pine vine? Yeah, Ethan would fucking do that.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Live a better life together than they did in Hatchetfield. White picket fence and California dreams shit.
Who is more likely to sleep till noon? - Ethan, but Lex is known to sleep till 3 in the afternoon if she's really tired.
Who plays the most pranks? - Ethan. That's literally canon.
I can babble about them all day lol
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
If sasuke and itachi belonged to an academically inclined family in our world, do you think they would be the type to attend oxbridge? I just wanted to know how you see them in an academic setting. What kind of students they would be.. what habits you think they'd have? The kind of departments they'd choose? I had a random hc about them being roommates. But, yeah.. thoughts?
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uh sorry I don’t know what oxbridge is, I’m not from an english/american/australian/other english speaking country with that kind of culture and I get it’s something university related but putting it in universal terms, even tho my country is not as small and influential as english speaking ones it would be as if I told you about dams lol
In an academically inclined family: this is a good premise you made, it’s important because I think that first of all it depends on their family’s and specifically their father’s academic choice. 
Following their canon dynamics, their father would have a great influence on them, and they would be a traditional family, where the elder would be pushed to follow his father’s footsteps, to take over the family firm/activity for example, to keep the family name and reputation high, and Sasuke too would be pushed in that direction, and he would be proud of it, but he would have good but less stunning results compared to Itachi. This might either bring him to just keep doing what he’s supposed to, or choose something else, as once that his father has lower expectations on him he would lose self esteem but paradoxically gain more freedom. This kind of AUs are a modern kind of non massacre AUs so I don’t see Itachi revolting against his family for whatever reason.
So if Fugaku runs a business, Itachi and Sasuke would study economics, taking some specialization because they’re brilliant; then Itachi would effortlessly be given some cool director role where he would have out-of-the-box ideas that his father would be a little suspicious of, being traditional, but would support, while Sasuke would have a lesser role compared to Itachi but he would also have eclectic ideas and solutions, that Itachi would support, unlike their father. 
So if Fugaku has a law firm or a business, Itachi and Sasuke would study law, I can see Itachi as one of those cool lawyers involved in controversial cases, with his manipulative rhetoric and manners going from polite and respectful to cold and talking down-ish (sorry for my bad english explanations here). I can imagine Sasuke putting his personal opinions aside for a job because he did it in canon many times, but I can also see him leaving the firm (in the case ) and becoming a prosecutor, as he has his personal ethics and he believes in justice.
If Fugaku is a successful doctor, or better the head of the hospital, Itachi and Sasuke would study medicine. Itachi would specialize in surgery because ofc, Sasuke would maybe try it too but he would end changing, like doing internal medicine or specialize in some rare stuff because he’s close to underdogs and minorities, included those who can’t find a cure for their illness. Or he’d become a veterinarian, as he loves animals, and he protects those who don’t have a voice.
(also consider animal right activist Sasuke with Team Taka pls)
If Fugaku was a successful scientist, phisics, astronomy, biology, but also archeologist, historian, journalist, literary critic or whatever, Itachi and Sasuke’s behavior would follow the same scheme, Itachi would be pushed to follow his father’s footstep closer, and Sasuke would too but not being as good (but still amazing!) as his older brother he’d be ignored and he might decide to change subject/department/specialization.
If we want to consider this with more freedom of choices for them I think there are two options: that Fugaku/both parents are dead for some reason, or that he/they are in the field of humanities, as usually people in this field are more open minded. So if Fugaku’s profession was in this area, or in social studies area, he would be strict but less imposing, and his sons would have more freedom of choice. 
And, about the roommates thing, they are brothers and since in my country the default option is NOT to live in a student residence or a dorm, but to either stay at home or, if the university is somewhere else, rent an apartment or a room, I automatically imagine them staying in their house, with or without parents depending on the context, or even if they’re not dead renting an spartment closer to university or smth, so ofc they would live together, since they’re brothers. I prefer this to being roommates. Privacy is important lol
And they would be good students, being quick learners enough to not even have to stay up all nights to finish studying in time for exams.
Itachi might choose psychology, psychiatry or anything brain related, not because he would want to help people but for academic interest. Sasuke instead might choose something that would make him help people in a more practical way, not like becoming a therapist though, I don’t really see them this way.
Itachi might choose philosophy (idk elsewhere but in my country it’s history and philosophy which would be perfect) and Sasuke literature, or art, or music something, as in official illustrations he’s shown with instruments, which show an artistic sensitivity, that could also be related to art, art history or literature.  Or cultural antropology, since he’s open minded, more than anyone else, and he respects others and different cultures and habits.
I was following Sucker Love by ShurikenX where Sasuke studied literature and Itachi art, and he painted too. It’s a cool combination, I never thought about Itachi as an artist because he’s closed off about his feelings and art is self-expression but in a calm and safe context it would be cool that he had art as a channel for his inner states. And Sasuke as a literature student is really cool imo, since he has a deep sensitivity and the kind of independent thinking that goes well with humanities.
Anything can go actually, with the proper context.
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shunshin3 · 6 years
For the asks: all of them!!! ٩(๑òωó๑)۶💖
You’re mad.
Completely insane.
But then again...So am I XD
1. what would your parents have named you if you were another gender at birth?
I have no idea
I asked them once but can’t remember
So I chose Elijah for myself :)
2. netlix or hulu?
3. favorite dog breed?
I love Jack Russells since I have one
And pugs are cool
G E R M A N  S H E P H E R D
4. a show/movie that you love, but everyone hates?
i always find people who enjoy them too so...
5. favorite musical?
The Count of Monte Cristo
Although Hamilton and Chess are not for
And Les Misérables too
6. what high school clique did you fall into?
I was a loner 8|
7. top three favorite actors/actresses?
Benedict Cumberbatch
Maggie Smith
Ian McKellen
(Although Jude Law and RDJ are not faaaar~~~)
8. wine or beer?
I love red wine
But since it is expensive, I drink beer on a more regular basis
So both 8|
9. ever had a celebrity encounter?
Nope :P
I think I’ll die if I ever do
10. what’s your most unbelievable true story?
I got my first hangover at 3 yo
Dad put vodka in my Champomy
And I drank the whole bottle on my own
At 3 yo
11. what song defined your teenage years?
Defined ?
But I remember ‘Get Out Alive’ by Three Days Grace the most
Like I have a bunch of memories attached to it
12. star wars or star trek?
None XD
But if I had to chose, Star Wars
Cuz I’ve never seen Star Trek
13. what makes a person attractive in your eyes?
Physically : eyes, smile, butt (YEAH WELL)
Personality-wise : kindness, honesty, open-mindness
14. favorite comedian?
Arnaud Tsamère
15. coca-cola or pepsi?
16. what’s your opinion on the whole ihob ordeal?
wtf is ihob ?
17. what’s your favorite savage corporation twitter response?
18. denny’s, waffle house, or tim horton’s?
what are those things
19. what’s your opinion on harry potter?
Harry Potter shaped me to be the person I am today. Perhaps I wouldn’t even be here without it. I owe it everything.
20. can you play any instruments?
I play guitar
And I have a few notions in cello, piano and flute
21. what’s your favorite thing to drink?
Hot chocolate
22. what’s your favorite meme of all time?
My very own ( @tookette ‘s cat)
23. have you ever had a near-death experience?
I nearly starved to death the day I was born
24. what drew you to tumblr?
My crush
25. what social networking site do you use the most?
26. are you avoiding anyone at the moment?
My bad grades 8|
And my teachers 8|
27. what day of the week did your birthdate fall on?
Yes I checked
28. how long was your longest romantic relationship?
I had none 8|
29. do you have any crazy teacher stories?
In primary school, a teacher grabbed a student and smashed his head against the nearest stone wall
30. if you could redo your bedroom, could you describe exactly what it would look like?
Oh wow
Well, it’d be bigger 
The walls would be covered with my personal library
Near my window I’d place my bed, under which would be stored all my clothes and necessities for cosplay
Surrounded by books would be my desk, with my computer, my games and my notebooks in it
Near the bed would be my coffee table, where I’d place a television with a PS4 so I can play :P 
31. what’s your opinion on the classic, controversial teen television shows (i.e. supernatural, doctor who, sherlock, etc.)?
I find them enjoyable
I watched SPN but abandoned it for now
Same with DW
I still love Sherlock though
But yeah I like them a lot :)
32. do you have any crazy/funny stories about working in a retail/customer service/fast food setting?
33. what are your top three favorite emojis?
34. apple or samsung?
35. what’s your opinion on skinny jeans?
I’d like to be able to wear them :’)
36. what’s one thing that you wish you could change instantly about your country?
The President
No but seriously
More equity
37. who’s your #1 role model?
I have none 8|
38. how do you take your coffee/tea?
With a dash of milk
39. what’s your favorite meal?
Pasta 8|
40. what about yourself do you love the most?
My lack of a constant clothing style
I have preferences, but nothing definite
I can switch how I want whenever 8|
I have no sense of fashion and I love that
41. favorite genre of music?
42. favorite flower?
43. what would you name your kids?
Boy : Cassiodore, Edouard, Casimir, Richard
Girl : Louise, Eileen, Erys, Marianne
44. do you know what your vocal (singing) range is?
I’d define it as Alto-
Mezzo-soprano is a bit too high
Soprano is a strict no XD
45. what color are your eyes?
They vary actually between green, blue and grey
46. do you think you’d ever want to get married?
I do
47. what do you use facebook for, if at all?
Mostly to repost shitty things
And to share my writings
48. what’s your dream first date?
Spend some time at the beach together
49. where would you like to live at?
Either Paris or London, in my cozy flat :’)
At least for now
Because later, perhaps in the countryside in my big house *^* 
50. what’s your favorite song right now?
I fell in love with ‘Rise Again’ all over again
You’re still mad @kotobukink
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Do you know anyone who works in a laboratory? As far as I know, no. What was the very first social media site you signed up for? It must have been Friendster. It was all the rage ten years ago, but I had to sneak out to make my own account since my parents were super strict and followed the age requirements for every single website. Can you see yourself marrying your current partner? Yes of course. If you were in a coma, who would be making healthcare decisions for you? My parents would as I’m pretty sure they’re the only ones legally allowed to. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? Yes pretty much. Gab and I are stark contrasts as stark contrasts can get when it comes to knowing what we want in life, but she’s said a bunch of times that my sense of stability calms her indecisive self so that’s okay.
Do you have commitment issues? Never really had those.
What was the last thing you had an allergic reaction to?  I don’t have any allergies. Have you gone out to dinner in the past week?  Yeah a bunch of times, since it’s Christmas week. I’ve had dinner in several relatives’ houses the last few days. If you were to start a business, what kind would it be? Probably a café. I sympathize with college kids/law students/med students A LOT and I’d want a café that’s studying-friendly. God knows how much I appreciate the baristas who don’t mind students who stay for like 8 hours having their faces stuffed in stacks of readings and textbooks. What was the last thing you felt nostalgic about? I visited my second-degree cousins yesterday. I regularly played with three of them when they were babies, but they’re 14, 12, and 10 now and are shy around me this time around. I met one once when he was a infant, but he grew up in New Zealand and I only got to see him again now - he’s 10 and had no idea who I am, and has a cheeky Kiwi accent to boot. Then there’s another cousin I’ve literally never met because she was already born and raised in New Zealand - she’s 5. It’s extremely surreal to think how fast they’re growing, and much more surreal realizing that I’m one of the 20 year olds now. What’s something you’ve done that sounds too crazy to be true?  My go-to story is always the one time that I licked off the toxic oils that was coming out of a malfunctioning battery, because I thought it felt like fried chicken oil and my insane 9 year old ass thought it would miraculously taste the same. Are there any flowers planted outside your house? Yep. What was the last thing you drank? Just water. What’s the weirdest decoration you’ve seen in someone else’s home?  I don’t think I’ve classified anything as weird. My friends all have some sort of pretty decor in their houses. Did you have your own bathroom when you were growing up? No. That’s like a first-world thing lmao. Do you live near the ocean? Technically this entire country does cos we’re an archipelago, but I live in the suburbs. What has been the worst thing that’s happened to you today? Nothing really, it’s been a decent day so far. Do you know anyone who never disciplines their children? Thankfully no because I’d spend so much time and energy judging them. What’s the longest you’ve gone without leaving the house?  Idk, it’s probably been weeks at a time. Are you more of a practical thinker, or more of an imaginative thinker? Practical, I hate imagination. When was the last time you were sick? What did you have? January 2017. I had a sudden high fever that took place after I went to the toilet and was the weirdest, randomest thing; but it disappeared in the middle of the night. Does anyone in your family smoke? I have a couple of uncles that do, but one of those uncles is the relative I’ve unofficially disowned so I don’t really count him. Name three random colors: Teal, maroon, purple. Color #1: what’s the nearest object that is this color? I’m not sure if there’s anything in this room that’s teal. Color #2: Would you ever paint your living room this color? Nah, it seems too dark for a house. Color #3: would you ever dye your hair this color? Sure! What’s your opinion on hunting?  It’s a fat-ass no for me. How well do you know your neighbors? I don’t at all...I’m not really sociable, and most of the people here have young kids that are rather disruptive and noisy so it’s kind of turning me off from making the effort to be friendly. How far are you into the book you’re currently reading?  Oooooh I can finally say I’m reading something! Hahaha I decided to reread AJ’s Crazy is My Superpower to help get me by during Christmas, and I’m around 50 pages in. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? Yeah my dog was really sneaky when he was a baby. Do any of your exes know each other? No ex. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? Pineapples on pizza. What was the very first election you voted in?  2016, presidential elections. Didn’t like how that turned out. Do you know how to make omelettes? Nahhh not really lol. Do you feel positive and optimistic about your future? Certain parts of it.
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codorcraft · 3 years
okay sorry for spamming here’s One More oc questions thing. with the humans in the story <3 hell yeah motherfucker
also since i don’t talk about these characters much i’ll give a brief description on who they are
How superstitious your oc? Do they end up following them ‘just in case’? Or are superstitions incredibly important to your oc? What are some that they believe? What about the ones they don’t?
crystal is a detective who specializes in angels and demons; they acquired funds for their department through the country’s government but unfortunately they’re pretty low because they aren’t taken very seriously. kaiden is their coworker who tackles the science part of things. crystal deals more with what angels and demons are up to, and they’re convinced that heaven is plotting something to destroy demons + humanity.
well... what crystal investigates is always related to angel and demon stuff… i wouldn’t say they’re really “superstitious” because they actually have proof that angels and demons exist (it’s not common knowledge among humans). but the belief of angels and demons ever since they were a teen has always been something important to them and it’s their passion to investigate incidents involving angels and demons, as well as researching them to understand them better. as for more unimportant superstitions, idk if this really counts as one though, they believe the moon isn’t real. i don’t know why i decided that but they just don’t think it’s real.
Describe your oc’s favourite environment. Urban or rural? Wild or controlled? What’s the climate like?
like mentioned above kaiden is the scientist in the angel and demon department of detective work. he specifically researches the biology of angels and demons, like their traits and how they’re decided and such. idk how else to really explain it LOL
kaiden is definitely a small town boy, so he’s lucky to already live in the town that the story takes place in LOL. he specifically likes small towns where most everyone knows each other, but still wants to live within a reasonable distance from big cities just in case he needs to go there. unfortunately for him, he loves hot weather, but alas, he lives in the north and it’s cold most of the time. summers can be hot but it starts snowing usually late september/early october lol
What is your oc’s vocabulary like? Does it match the way they talk? How would you describe their speech?
rhys is the government official that crystal and kaiden report to. he’s not really… a police officer per say, i still don’t know how the law enforcement system works in codorverse but i don’t think police are a thing, at least among humans. anyway, he’s their boss, but he’s kinda… strict with them and argues with them a lot because he doesn’t really believe the stuff they’re saying, and is adamant that “if heaven is bad why haven’t they already destroyed everyone” or whatever
well first of all he exclusively refers to people by their last name so jot that down. he also speaks as professionally as possible, although he swears a little bit too much. his voice is kind of monotone but can come off as angry or annoyed even if he isn’t; he’s just a very stoic person and doesn’t really express himself well.
How skilled at lying is your oc? How frequently do they lie? For what reason? What situations would be the exception?
Tw for child abuse
melanie is kyo and kit’s abusive mom who’s a huge religion nut and uses codor as an excuse to be a vile person lol
oh she’s definitely a big liar, she lies as often as she can to keep up her good image. she lies about loving kit despite her actually hating them and wanting them dead despite them being her child, because they’re a demon. she lies almost all the time, because she thinks that keeping up her good image will help her get into heaven, despite the way to get into heaven is to make efforts to be a good person not motivated by being rewarded and such. i don’t really know what situation would be an exception, because she lies even to her husband LOL she’s a shitty person
How does your oc view housework? Do they absolutely hate it? Do they enjoy having their surroundings neat and tidy or do they not notice?
riley is laine and haley’s half uncle and rosie’s step brother. he’s not way too important to the story, but he does Know Things that laine and haley don’t, and also he’s always been willing to take them under his wing even though he knows they have a better place in heaven. he’s aware of laine and haley being arbitrators.
he’s a tired science teacher at a middle school, his apartment is a huge mess. he doesn’t really have the energy to keep up with it unfortunately. the few times laine and haley have visited, it was… really bad. even for the two of them. i think riley would be a bit of a hoarder honestly. to be fair though, he kinda prefers the chaos because it reminds him of how chaotic rosie’s room was when she was alive so it serves as some sort of comfort
ok thank you i promise this is the last one For Now. thanks
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fandomiseverything · 6 years
Pros and Con of Countries - Written by two Americans (Who both live in Minnesota)
Marriage equality (the gays can get married!) (SINCE 2005!!!!) (YEAH!!!!!)
Free healthcare :0
People are truly friendly
Politics are lighthearted and easily run
Higher wages
They have a town called Regina
Money has little windows that when a laser pointer is shined through it, it shows the value on the wall
They hate Justin Bieber
I’m pretty sure Justin Bieber can’t go into Canada? So that’s good (that is good)
Avril Lavigne
AVRIL LAVIGNE (yeah shes great but why is she a pro 2 times) (cuz she’s a clone) (ohyea)
Its a themepark (what) (their money projects the amount on the wall, its monopoly money, its waterproof, and its a scratch and sniff….. Its a themepark)
Rei & Shane (and Rei’s cats)
Canada is one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Change of legal sex available in all provinces and territories
under varying rules without sexual reassignment surgery
Tim Horton’s (YEEEEE, now i want tim hortons, ive heard of it never had it, and now i want it) (it’s gooooood. One day we could drive down to Brainerd and get some) (THEY HAVE TIM HORTONS IN BRAINERD????/!111/1/1?1/1?!?!?!?) (ye) (WEEEENEEEEEDDDTTOOOOOGGOOOGOGOOO!!!!11!!!1!11!!!!!, LEAVE IT TO MINNESOTA OR AS WE KNOW IT, SOUTH CANADA, TO HAVE A TIM HORTONS)
Higher cost of living
Snow. lots of fucking snow.
Their money??? Is weird???
Consumer choice is low (especially with Netflix. The Canadian library is half the size of America’s)
Environmental impact (they’re one of the top oil producers in the world)
They spell Canadien with an “e” (its Canadian you matherfeker)
Its kinda hard to get into Canada
*Chloe voice* they are not French they just PRETEND to be for ATTENTION. (wow)
A lot of people only speak French (thats pretty much the same for any country, they speak a different language)
How do you speak French (very difficultly, lots of vowels, slightly similar to italian and spanish)
Its a themepark
It doesn’t exist (vtru)
It’s very clean. Like, seriously.
Most attractive people in the world
The locals are anti-social
The Gay has been legal since 1944
Right to change legal gender since 1972,
No sterilization required since 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Gays can adopt
Gay marriage legal since 2009
the first country in the world to allow transgender people to legally correct their gender
HomO, was the Swedish office of the ombudsman against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation (i think its a funny name)
after one year of abstaining from sex, gay and bi men can donate blood
Sweden is Europe's most gay-friendly country
Very high taxes
Can’t ask for directions no one will talk to you :(
The locals are anti-social (so am i)
Central hub makes it easy to travel to other european countries
Good healthcare
Very active, with fairs and parties
Oktoberfest is pretty lit i guess (you guess?) (I’ve never been to Oktoberfest but my friend from Germnay - fuck you - says it’s great)
Legal drinking age is 16
Furries (i’m not a furry i sWEAR) (are you sure about that??) (i dOnT kNoW)
Legal to be gay  since 1968 East Germany and 1969 West Germany
Gay marriage legal since 2017
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without required sterilisation and surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protection nationwide; some protections vary by region
Full adoption rights since 2017
gay and bisexual men have been allowed to donate blood, provided they haven't had sex for twelve months
83% of Germans support same-sex marriage
Nearly everything is closed on sunday
Legal drinking age is 16
Germans dont get sarcasm
They, unlike the Germans LOVE sarcasm
Very clean air
walk anywhere in nature at anytime
SEALS they have a special breed of seal native to finland
Very clear northern lights
They’re modest?
Good heavy metal music apparently
People say they’re kind
Some of the most progressive lgbt laws in the world
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage is legal
Legal to be gay since 1971
one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world and public acceptance of LGBT people and same-sex relationships is high (lots of gays!!)
Norway (Richie’s fave country besides Canada)
Snow is wet so you can actually do stuff with it (unlike MINNESOTA) (you CAN do stuff with minnesota snow!) (NO YOU CAN’T IT’S POWDERY AND WEIRD) (swhy you wait for wet snow or wait till it melts slightly, cause then its warm and thereswet snow) (NO) (yEEE) >:(
Norwegian elkhounds :0
People seem friendly?
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender
Sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, intersex status protections
Gay marriage legal since 2009, Gender-neutral marriage has been legally recognized since 1 January 2009
Married and committed same-sex couples allowed to adopt
Gay is legal since 1972
1 year deferral period was implemented, gay and bisexual men can donate blood
generally gay-friendly
Furry coats are nice
Furry hats called ushanka
Babushka means grandma but buska means bitch
The GayTM, Decriminalised in 1917; Re-criminalised in 1933; Legal since 1993
Legal gender change since 1997
But only after what they call ‘medical procedures’ (idk what they mean by that but i suspect surgERY)
No gays allowed
Religion is bAD
Religion is GOOD
Too much snow
They like to destroy things? I saw two Russian guys put a stick of dynamite in the sewer and explode the road? Why? (BAD but thins going boom is fun, but not important things)
Vladimir Putin (yee, but we have sarah palin to watch him) (o shid u right)
Government is weird? You can get killed if you say you don’t like the tsar?
If you gay and live in ‘Murica you can’t adopt from Russia (fuck russia)
Communism I guess (thought you liked communism?) (to a degree. I like the idea of it but it’s also bad? Like you can’t/don’t own anything? Your dog is not your dog it is everyone’s dog? I do not like that my dog is mINE)
No discrimination protections
No recognition of gay relationships
tends to be among the most hostile toward homosexuality
Sakura trees :0
Pretty colors
Gay is legal, it was legalized in 1880
Very strict gun laws
Never had a school shooting EVER
2015 opinion poll found that a majority of Japanese support the legalisation of same-sex marriage
sex among consenting adults, in private, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, is legal under Japanese law
Killer bees (we dont like killer beeeees, NOT THEEEE BEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!) (the killer bees will kill you in a heartbeat)(bad bees…. , NONONONONONNOTJAPAN) (they only live in the forests tho. I think)(ILIKEFORESTS!!) (me too)
No nationwide recognition of same-sex relationships
No gay marriage
Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
All the gay is allowed
They have their own website you know it’s legit when they have their own website
Government is gay (everything there is gay) (shhhhhhhhhggSTOPITgggg)(NO)
Im pretty sure you cant permanently live there
It was technically at war with Australia for a while
Dingos (I want,,, to pet them,,, but they will bite me,,,)(i was gonna put them in the cons too if you didnt)
Kangaroos (vdangerous) (they scare me) (THEY SHOULD)
Greece (i like greece)
Anti-lgbt discrimination explicitly banned (ooo nice)
Ocean!!!!!!! Ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean!!!!!!!!! (SaME)
Goats :0
Male homosexuality has been legal since 1951, female homosexuality has always been legal (nICE)
Hate crimes laws covering all areas incl. sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics
school  sex ed classes include segments on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, homophobia and transphobia (NICE!!!!!)
Pride has been held since 2005, and has been held in most other moderate sized cities since 2010
Trans people's can legally change their gender without having to undergo sex reassignment surgery (NICE!!!!!!)
a 1982 law that legalized civil marriage between "persons", without specifying gender, acted as a test-case for same sex marriage
Since 2005, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace is prohibited.
A lot of boat traveling
Quality of life is kind of falling apart
A lot of animals roam freely, which means LOTS of poop
Goat farmers (whats wrong with goat farmers) (they won’t let me pet their goats :( ) (really…. Thats why this is a con?) (yes. I’m a petty bich) (......) (i like goats. And i want to pet them. If you do not let me pet your goats I will be sad [and kinda mad because I want to love them])
Lots of fucking goat cheese
Too close to Italy (whats wrong with italy???) (too friendly. It’s suspicious) (OMFG SERIOUSLY???) (YOU PUT THE FACT THAT CANADA SPELLS CANADIAN WITH AN “E” IN THE CONS) (thats because it iS A CON!!!!! CANADIAN IS SPEELED WITH AN “A”) (NOT IN CANADA)
The Netherlands
quite strict gun laws, not seen as a right, but a privilege (????) (you wanted strict gun laws, they have really strict gun laws, its a privilege to have guns, and only for hunting and target shooting, not for self defence, or for other things at all) (nice!)
Homosexuality legalized in 1811 (holy shid)(yeeee)
Gay marriage legal since 2001 (i was born in 2001, they knew i was coming) (I was born in 2000)
The first country to legalize gay marriage (I approve)
banned discrimination on sexual orientation on the grounds of employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.
Lesbians can get IFV (???)(in vitro fertilization, they implant a fertilized egg so they can carry their own child, instead of just adopting)
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender, only after a diagnosis but without surgery or hormone therapy
. Amsterdam has frequently been named one of the most LGBT friendly cities in the world
Homomonument, was the first monument in the world to commemorate homosexuals who were persecuted and killed during World War II (this is so cool)
85% of the Dutch population supported same-sex marriage and adoption as of 2013
Cold? I think?
Republic of Ireland
Ireland (nice pro) (thanks)
first country to legalise same-sex marriage on a national level by popular vote
Affordable for any budget
Entitled to 20 days of leave
Yes, transgender people can change legal gender by self-declaration since 2015
Safe, with few guns
Less police
Lots of pubs
Speak English (this was a pro on a website) (IT IS A PRO I ONLY SPEAK SPANGLISH) (Spanglish) (YES SPANGLISH , DONT BE A DIC) (I can’t be what I don’t have)
Fear nothing and no one
Gay marriage legal since 2015
Low crime rate
In a fight with Northern Ireland because they don’t want to be ruled by England but Northern Ireland does. Now Northern Ireland is a separate country.
The potato famine (I like potatos) (exactly)
Bad weather
Less police
Not much of a non-alcohol social scene
Fear nothing and no one
The Philippines
Have to be at least 21, and pass a background check to be issued a Possession License for guns
If you’re a foreigner and you have a gun, you’re going to go to prison.
They are poised to make stricter gun laws
LGB allowed in the military
Low cost of living
The Family Code of the Philippines says that marriage is “a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman,” but The Constitution does not prohibit same-sex marriage
One of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Is the most gay-friendly country in Asia
Can’t donate blood if you gay. You will give them The GayTM. (don’t drink the tap water)
Drug problems
Healthcare problems in some areas
Tagalog is very complicated to learn
Transgender people can change gender with or without surgery
Homosexuality legal since 1973
Gay marriage legal since 2017
ban on anti-gay discrimination in employment
sexual orientation and gender identity protections
the first country in the European Union to prohibit the use of conversion therapy
Gay and bi men in Malta are not allowed to donate blood
Though there’s talk to change that law
In Warsaw they have a Hatsune Miku statue
Never illegal to be gay
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender.
one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood. (give them The GayTM, drink that dam tap water)
Apply to high schools
School is weird
Gay marriage is banned (wHAT) (I KNOW! Im sad too) (what if you’re gay married BEFORE moving to Poland) (idk are you planning to get gay married?, also … i dont remember waht i was gonna say) (no i’m just thinking about all the other gays who might move to Poland)
United Kingdom
The Queen (YEEEE!!!)
Always legal for women to be gay; decriminalised for men in: 1967 England and Wales, 1981 Scotland, 1982 Northern Ireland
Right to change legal gender since 2005
Gay marriage since 2014, not in northern ireland
All discrimination protections since 2010; some existed since 2003 for sexual orientation and 1999 for gender identity
Under the Gender Recognition Act 2004, transgender people who are married have been required to divorce or annul their marriage in order for them to be issued with a GRC. (??????? wtf????) (ikr, its kind of very mean)
The legislation of gay marriage also does not restore any of the marriages of transgender people that were forcibly annulled as a precondition for them securing a GRC
What time is it? ...ITS SEVEN BONG!! (you know they don’t actually tell time like this, right?) (IDONTCARE)
Still #salty about the Revolution (VERY)
BISCUITS (NO!!) (aka cookies in America) (FUCK BISCUITS)
Rains a lot
Baguette (noice)
Legal to be gay since 1791 (no wonder Lafayette was like how he was)
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender without surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage legal since 2013
amendment to existing anti-discrimination legislation, making homophobic, sexist, racist, xenophobic etc. comments illegal.
gay and bisexual men in France can donate blood after 1 year of abstinence
Transsexuality declassified as an illness
Lots of crime? (from what I’ve heard)
Gay is legal since 1933
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without a diagnosis, hormone therapy, surgery or sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Full adoption since 2010
Gay marriage legal since 2012
Gays in military since 1978
Lesbians can get IFV
Laws against hate speech for seual orientation
Lgbt sex ed and relationships taught in schools
Legal to be gay since 1940
Transgender people allowed to change gender without surgery
Gay marriage since 2010
No standing army
Sexual orientation protections
Both full joint and stepchild adoption allowed
2016, Icelandic President participated in the Reykjavik Pride Parade
the first Icelandic President to attend a gay pride parade
No standing army
currently unable to donate blood in Iceland
Though they are wanting to remove the ban
The GayTM has been legal since 1933
Sexual orientation protection laws
outlawed hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation
Gay marriage and full adoption rights since 2016
Cant donate blood
trans people cant legally change gender (fACK YA GENDA RULES)
This is all we got for now, but if anyone has any input or tidbits about these countries that wasn’t listed, that you think is important (especially if you live in said countries, send one of us a message, we’ll add it asap! (most likely me, because im on more often and as such am more likely to check my messages) Sorry for the extremely long post!
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Newt Scamander American friends
Okay so I have a solid headcanon/theory, whatever you want to call it, about some other American friends that Newt made while living/traveling/studying in America. I’m sure that he would want to travel the whole country to document magical wildlife and hopefully find other magizoologists to help him in his research.
So I have an idea as to whom that may be. Because I know of one other fairly prominent magizoologist that lived in the New England region who would only have been about seven years older than Newt, so he could mentor him and be his friend. Who is that, you ask?
Arthur Spiderwick
Oh yeah, this guy was totally a wizard. How do we have wizards named Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, Nymphadora Tonks, and Percival Graves but not Arthur Spiderwick? He was definitely a wizard, I’m going to say a Horned Serpent because he devoted his entire life to his work of also researching and documenting magical life. 
Their books are also really similar. Newt’s is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. Spiderwick’s is “Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You” like clearly these two collaborated on their work and published separately, probably because of the incredibly strict magical creature laws in the states at the time.
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This is a drawing from Spiderwick’s field guide and like I mean come on, these two had to be good friends and colleagues. Look at how he dresses!! A coat, trousers and boots, and a bow tie plus he has a little bag like come on this has to be canon. 
I’m kind of thinking of their relationship sort of similar to the relationship between Harry and Oliver Wood with Quidditch. Spiderwick would help mentor Newt on American magical beasts and they would work great together, Newt often reminding Arthur not to be so serious all the time.
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Like look at his eyes y’all this has to be a thing, idk if I should do some moodboards for these two or what but please comment any thoughts you have on this, thank you so much
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXIII
3201. What if this is as good as it gets? >> What if what is as good as it gets? 3202. Have you ever dated someone mostly or completely because of their looks? >> Most of the time, I dated people because they wanted to date me, and I didn’t find them completely repulsive. There really wasn’t much thought process beyond that. 3203. What does the word 'of' mean? >> I’m not a dictionary. 3204. What should you never forget? >> --- 3205. How many of the 7 Dwarves can you name for us? >> Sleepy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Bashful... yeah, that’s all I got. When it comes to shit like this, I always forget one -- it used to be the same way with the deadly sins, but I’ve gotten better with naming those.
3206. What animal does your mom resemble? >> --- 3207. Have you ever had a palm reading? >> No. 3208. What's a crazy thing you did that you got in trouble for as a kid? >> I got in trouble for everything, but nothing that would qualify as a good answer for this question. I just... had a really strict parent and got punished for every random child-typical mistake I made. 3209. What do you battle against? >> Myself, most often. I’m trying not to. 3210. Do pircings really make the pierced area dramatically more sensative? >> I’m guessing this is a “true in some cases but not every case” sort of thing, like... well, most things, I guess. I’ve never had this experience, but I’ve also never had any sensitive place pierced. Sounds kind of like this relates more typically to genital or nipple piercings? 3211. If you had put aside some money for a trip and the travel agent said he had 2 trips available in your price range during the week you want to go, which would you choose: a> a week in hawaii in a luxory beach resort b> a week in africa helping the red cross distribute food and medicine >> Here’s the thing. If I’m planning a vacation, then I want a vacation. A week volunteering for the Red Cross is not a vacation. If I was planning a volunteering trip, that’d be different. You can’t substitute one for the other. But also, luxury beach resorts are not my idea of a vacation, so I wouldn’t take either one of these options. I’d just keep my money saved and wait for another opportunity. 3212. Have you ever played with a dreidal? >> Yeah. 3213. Did you know that Kraft is owned by a ciggerette company? Does that bother you? >> I assume every brand is owned by one of a few corporate mega-conglomerates, because that’s the way this country works nowadays. That is bothersome for its own reason. 3214. With all the information constantly rushing at you, how do you know what's important? >> I decide what’s important. 3215. How is your life unlike a movie? >> In just about every way. It absolutely galls me that appropriately dramatic music doesn’t play when stuff happens to me. Ugh. 3216. Where is the most beautiful place you have visited? >> Hmm. 3217. What is never going in your mouth? >> Oh, you know. The usual. 3218. Are there realaly 5,000 different facts about you? >> I don’t know? 3219. Do you like banana bread? >> No, I don’t like bananas. 3220. Who are you the most gentle and tender around? >> Inworlders. 3221. If electrodes were inserted into your brain and a button was put into your arm so that you could push the button and stimulate an immeadiate orgasm would you forget about life and sit at home pushing the button until you died? >> Fuck no. This is completely counter to how I want to experience orgasms, thank you very much. This is not at all what it’s about for me. 3222. Is there a differance between being scared and afraid? >> No? I mean... is there? I assumed those were entirely synonymous. 3223. Are you scared and/or afarid of death? If yes, what is it about death? The pain? The seperation? the unknown? the fear of nothing? >> What I fear about death is the possible pain and not knowing how aware I will be when it happens. I don’t want to be painfully aware of my body shutting down. I also have a vague fear that it won’t just be a return to the void of nonexistence. What if I persist? What if I don’t get to rest at all? *shudder* Yikes. 3224. What is exsitentialism? >> www.dictionary.com 3225. SUCCESS is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag to-day Can tell the definition, So clear, of victory, As he, defeated, dying, On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Break, agonized and clear. by, Emily Dickinson What is Emily Dickenson trying to say here? >> I don’t know what Emily Dickinson is trying to say because I’m not Emily Dickinson. Or a mind-reader (a time-travelling mind-reader, at that!). As far as how it speaks to me... well, the first stanza made a bit of sense, and then I lost the plot after that. I’m not good with poetry. 3226. A college girl (maybe you?) blows a tire and pulls off the road in an unfamilliar residential neighborhood. She is having trouble changing the tire when a man in his late thirties-ish comes over and asks if she needs some help. He changes her tire and offers to let her go into his house to wash her hands. She is dirty from trying to change the tire. Should she accept? >> Not me, as I am not in college and am not a girl. I don’t see why I should care whether this nonexistent girl accepts his invitation or not, and since I wouldn’t be in this situation... don’t know what to tell you. She does accept and he gives her a tour of the house inclding the upstairs. The staircase in the livingroom leads directly into the master bedroom. The view out the window is beautiful. What are you thinking about this situation? >> I’m not thinking about this situation. Next. 3227. Are you too trusting of others? >> Not at all. I’m too distrusting of others, I’d assume. 3228. What's the difference between a den and a living room? >> I don’t know. 3229.Write a stream of consiousness sentance: >> No. 3230. Who is the hero of all kids? >> What? 3231. Who do you tend to show more of your best side to, your family or strangers? >> My best self exists Inworld. 3232. How do you think the harry potter series will end? >> Ha! 3233. Name three things that would make really bad ice cream flavors: >> Oh, I don’t know. 3234. Would you try a jelly bean if it's flavor was: toasted marshmellow? fried chicken? black pepper? vomit? grass? dirt? boogers? ear wax? sardines? >> This is just those Every Flavour Beans and I don’t want to eat those. Did you know that you can get these flavors of jellybeans at harrypotter.com? >> I knew they were available for purchase. Pretty sure I’ve seen them in, like, Hot Topic. Sparrow’s sister and brother-in-law also got them at that Wizarding World theme park place. 3235. What's at the center of the earth? >> Magma and shit, idk. 3236. have you ever wondered where holidays come from? >> I mean, no? I know where holidays come from. They come from people. 3237. Do you think there should be more movies shown in 3D? >> No. 3238. Are you just another brick in the wall? >> No. 3239. Write a haiku (a poem with 3 lines, 1st line is 5 syllables, second line is 7 sylabels, 3rd line is five syllabals): >> No. 3240. Are you cautious and tame? >> Er... 3241. Do you like to eat at Subway? >> I don’t. 3242. Is 42 the meaning of life? >> In one story in particular, it is. 3243. Would you agree that a blade of grass is nothing less than the journeywork of stars? >> That’s pretty, I like that. 3244. Do you want to die? >> I mean, no??? Not right at this moment, that’s for damn sure.Eventually I do want to be more accepting of this fact, but I still would rather that I got to live a few more decades before going into that good night. 3245. If someone was studying 'the humanities' what the hell are they studying? >> Google would be happy to tell you. 3246. Is this question REALLY is this question 3246? >> No, because a lot of these questions have multiple parts. For all I know, more than 5000 questions may have been asked already, lol. 3247. Do you want to dieT? >> Hmm, repeat question... 3248. What is colder, your feet, or the floor? >> I don’t know. 3249. What is older, your mouth, or the door? >> We might be the same age; this complex was built the same year I was born.
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save-me-liar · 7 years
hi i would like to know about the angsty sequel
Hi! I really want to apologize for taking five years to answer this. I’ve been in a creative slump recently and very stressed about having to get my wisdom teeth removed! But my muse has been gracious enough to visit me again and I’m in the recovery process of getting my teeth out so I’m feeling much better!!
Alright, so, instead of jumping right into the angst, I thought I should probably say what stays happy and generally untouched by my cruel, cruel hands lmao.
1. Namjoon and Jin are still together and very very happy. No, they aren’t married, I don’t think they ever will either. It’s definitely not that they don’t want to, it’s just that there are very strict laws when it comes to the ‘rules’ of the weddings and the like. Therefore, outside of immediate friends and family, no one knows Jin is with Namjoon. Which, obviously sucks  but they learn to deal with it in the best ways possible. 
2. Around Jin’s thirties people start questioning and causing an uproar about him not having an heir. They’ve seemed to accept he’ll never get married but people recognize that if he’s not going to step down he needs an heir like yesterday. Let’s just say a baby comes into the picture and all the extra asses in the kingdom start rumors that he’s secretly seeing someone behind closed doors. (which, while its technically true, it’s only Namjoon and they mutually agreed to adopt a kid)
Okay now time for the angst I planned! I’d brace yourself this is probably going to be painful af. 
1. Tae and Jungkook break up. Nearly the moment I finished the fic I thought about break ups and how in fic you don’t really see that (for obvious reasons of course, who wants to read that heartbreak? lmao) and immediately knew I wanted to explore how it’d affect everyone involved. 
Jungkook is the one that breaks up with Tae and it’s mostly because of the clash in their personalities. Taehyung’s every energetic and social, which, makes him kind of perfect for diplomatic settings where its important to mend and strengthen bonds with leaders of other countries and such. You always want to leave the person you talk to with a positive thought about you in mind. 
 With Jungkook, it’s not to necessarily say he’s not energetic and positive but he would be very socially awkward in these settings. It drains him just going to one, but when he’s kind of goaded into these events three, four times a week it just gets to be too much. This mixed with Tae not always being around because he has other royal duties that don’t involve bringing Jungkook sort of leave him not in the best state of mind.
So, after having a lot of deep talks Jimin, Jungkook decides he can’t do this anymore and ends it. Taehyung is upset of course, he sort of felt like it came out of nowhere but forces himself to accept it. Jungkook wants to remain friends and Tae agrees but it’s sort of not an accident that they don’t really talk one on one anymore.
2. Right after being broken up with, there comes news that a certain neighboring kingdom is hounding Jin about not getting married. They have a daughter who’s completely eligible to become his wife and insist on the pair getting together. Gradually, tensions run so high that the threat of war is no longer just a fleeting thought. Seeing the utter despair in Jin and Namjoon’s face, Taehyung realizes that he would never be able to live with himself if he sat back and watched his brother get ripped away from the person he truly loves. So, he volunteers. 
Everyone is desperate to find him a way out of it, even Jungkook who heard about it through Yoongi.
At this point Taehyung can only laugh it off and insist that unless they want a pointless war this is the only way to go. What’s one sacrifice to save thousands, right?
The wedding’s rather abrupt and Taehyung’s forced to move to the other kingdom and start over brand new. 
Don’t worry, one day Tae happens across a gentleman roaming the halls by the name of Park Bogum and they get along tremendously well. ;)
3. Now, this part would have been a very, very slow burn but, after Jungkook and Taehyung break up, Kook and Yoongi surprisingly don’t cut ties. They have a lot more in common then you’d think and… Yeah. Sugakookie happens. Yoongi isn’t sure how to react to his feelings for Jungkook at first, considering he grew up with Jin and Taehyung and views the younger like a little brother. Gradually it grows from tension to sexual tension to just lots and lots of tension before Yoongi finally gives in. 
After everything’s said and done, they see Taehyung again as a couple and come clean. He just offers a (semi fake) smile and wishes them the best. (This would probably be right before he meets Bogum)
4. Jimin and Hoseok are doing well, but Jimin seems to hone in on how much time Hoseok spends with college bud Yoongi nowadays and leads him to getting very jealous. 
It gets so bad that without thinking clearly he forces himself to break up with Hoseok because he’s convinced they love each other more.
You can imagine his reaction when it comes out Jungkook and Yoongi are .5 seconds from shoving their tongues down each other’s throats every time they see each other. 
Needless to say Jimin does apologize and they work their issues out. So they do get a happy ending and get back together!
Wow okay i hope that wasn’t too wild of a ride. Lmao idk if anyone will even read this because I took way too fuckin long to reply to this. If you have any other questions about my fic feel free to send in an ask!
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purplesurveys · 7 years
Can you remember the first survey that you ever took?  I don’t remember taking it but it’s permanently on the Internet on my old survey blog also on Tumblr. It was in 2012 and I was a completely sociopathic person back then...I can’t even do a then-and-now version of that first survey because my answers were dreadful as fuck. What did you spend the majority of the last night doing?  I took forever to answer one survey that I ended up finishing just now, and then I watched a new episode of my show. Have you ever had a particularly disturbing dream? About?  I have had a lot but the ones that’ve been most disturbing are the dreams that involve me or Gabie getting shot. There was one time last year that I had a streak of dreams, all of them about Gabie being shot different ways. Safe to say I often woke up heaving and crying and having to call her. What goes through your mind when someone threatens suicide?  I panic, honestly. I’m not necessarily the go-to person for suicide threats, being suicidal myself. It’s just going to cause me to be overwhelmed; but I will try my best to be instrumental in convincing them not to, of course. Have you ever expressed that you wanted to kill yourself?  Yes. [trigger warning] The worst of it was a few months ago when I let my closest friends know that I had everything planned out, all their questions answered, have my things designated for certain people. It had to take some pretty persistent and harsh convincing for me to finally change my mind.
Should gay marriage be legalized? What are your reasons?  As common sense dictates, yes. I doubt it will ever happen in the Philippines any time soon though as we have, for the longest time, been a Catholic, traditional, and conservative country. If the tides ever turned, it wouldn’t be for a long, long time, and with brutal opposition from the Catholic majority.
As for my reasons, I mean isn’t it simply so that everybody has equal rights in marriage? It’s more than ‘people can love who they love’–at the face of the law it’s really just so that everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to marrying the person that they’re with, deeming discrimination useless. Traditional people are a huge pain in my ass for this.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?  If the baby was already in such a debilitating condition even before birth that there is no chance of them surviving childhood, yes. I don’t know about other cases and I’ll only ever know about how I would react if the situation was already right in front of me. What do you think of people who get abortions?  I can’t make a blanket statement about something like that. Let’s just say I believe it needs to stay legal and available. < Yep especially to the first part. I always just say to myself that every woman had their reasons. What was the last bug you killed?  An annoying one that kept walking all over my laptop screen last night. Do you ever argue or debate with people about your beliefs?  At the most minimal level. I don’t really like getting into arguments nowadays, plus it’s really helpful that all of my friends have homogeneous beliefs when it comes to touchy topics in the country like politics, religion, sex, etc. If yes, when was the last time?  Probably at the dinner table a couple of months ago when my dad unfortunately started defending our perverted murderous fascist of a president. When was the last time you felt turned on?  Two weeks ago... :/ Didn’t see Gab at all last week so. When was the last time you felt disgusted with someone/something?  A couple of hours ago. I was reheating my pasta when I unconsciously drooled... Do you typically finish all the food you put on your plate?  Yes. Do you continue eating even when you are full?  I do that in buffet restaurants so I could get my money’s worth. What is the most wasteful thing that you do on a regular basis? Coming from a school that was really strict about staying green and eco-friendly, I’ve always been more conscious about the things I use and how not to waste them. What is one weird eating habit that you have?  I dip everything in mayonnaise so long as there is mayonnaise available. What is something other people tease you about?  My chest. It was annoying as a teenager but I don’t mind it at all now when they brutally roast me on my lack of a chest. Does it bother you to be teased about this?  No, because to be fair the jokes they make about it are funny :(( Would you rather suffer from anorexia or bulimia?  What the actual fuck. < This is the worst question.  What is the worst question a survey could ask you?  The previous one is one of them. Do you think it’s okay for a survey to ask if you’ve been raped? Why?  It always surprises me to see it, but I guess survey takers tend to overshare anyway so maybe it’s not too far out there. < Agree. It just becomes concerning to me when it becomes a trigger to some. Would you answer such a question honestly, if faced with it?  I always have. If you are a vegetarian, do you look down on people that eat meat?  I’m not a vegetarian, but I wouldn’t look down on omnivores if I ever converted since I ate meat once too... Why do you think some vegetarians behave that way?  Dunno. Maybe because they’re overly proud and believe they’re on a whole other higher level that they were able to get over meat, something most people love to eat and live on. Kind of the same case with some straight-edge people who get very preachy about drinking, because a lot of people drink for fun and for socializing. At the end of the day I think it’s sometimes about the human tendency to think they are cool because they aren’t doing something popular haha but idk that’s just how I see it. Some vegetarians lay out respectable arguments and knowledge though; that I have no problem with. If you eat meat, what do you tend to think of vegetarians/vegans?  I have loads of respect for them for living such a lifestyle that takes lots of restraint and willpower at first. I like their dedication, especially if they are doing it for ethical reasons. I know I would have a reeeeally difficult time trying to change my entire diet, which I’m planning to do once I’m capable of sustaining myself. If you paint your nails, what color do you generally choose?  I don’t know. A nice shade of dark pink would be nice though. If you could spend a day as the opposite gender, what would you do?  Get a boner, masturbate, hahahahahahahahahaha. What are some good things about your gender?  We are generally more caring and warmer. I also like the fact that we are emotional, since it helps build relationships more. Most of the women I know are empathetic too, which I admire. What are some of the downsides?  Women love tearing women down. It has always baffled me. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to start life over?  Yes. Sounds perfect to me. What might you do differently?  The better situation would be if I lived a different life altogether, and not starting the same life over. All of the horrible things that happened in my childhood were not my doing and thus it would be pointless if I just had to relive another decade in a house that didn’t help my well-being at all. If you could spend a year living in a foreign country, which would it be?  South Korea. Why did you make this particular choice?  Just because I’m biased. And I’ve watched too many Korean programs to know how to survive there at the most basic level. What is the next big event you have planned, if any?  Not really an event and definitely not something I planned, but I’m going on a field trip to Pampanga with my art studies class this Saturday. What do you do to entertain yourself on long car rides?  A good playlist would help tons. I don’t like talking to my family so that’s useless. Occasionally I would bring my own movies to watch, but there are times that I get dizzy more easily than usual. What do you say to someone who is annoying you?  I don’t usually waste my time talking to them. How do you let someone know you don’t like them?  I don’t talk to them in the first place. If that can’t be avoided, I’m usually able to keep it civil until they do something that’d piss me off. When was the last time you felt insecure? What happened?  Last night. I don’t really want to go into detail about it. How did/do you feel about learning to drive? Who taught you?  I was scared and heavily convinced at first that I would never learn and never get past driving inside my village. My dad taught me, but eventually I got enrolled in driving school, where he paid for only three days’s worth of lessons. What do you think of people that like the Twilight series?  I think that we ought to talk about it together heh. I don’t like the crazy fans though, if they still exist these days. What do you think of using lyrics to express how you feel?  I have no problem with it. I use that on Twitter sometimes; coping becomes easier that way. Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? It doesn’t matter, whatever just looks best at that time. When’s the last time you had Sunny D? I don’t know what that is. Is there anything hot pink within five feet of you? My notebook. Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it? Nope. I said it to my siblings as a kid but obviously those weren’t meant. I’ve never said those words to someone in this age. Do you and your friends ever make up ‘code names’ for people? We did that in fifth grade for our crushes. Would you rather go out to breakfast, lunch or dinner? Dinner. Do you know how to work a barbecue? I don’t. Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? It’s the worst. I always, always put my phone away when talking with someone. What would you do if the last person you spoke to on the phone asked you to marry them? Yes, but get back to me in like eight years. What’s the longest you’ve ever been out of your state/province? A week and a few days. Do you know anyone who has written a book? Yep, my professors. Would you rather have eggs or waffles for breakfast? Waffles. I love eggs equally, but that’s what I have all the time so it’d be nice for a change. How many people could you fit (standing up) in your kitchen? It starts to get cramped by the time 20 people are there. How long would it take to walk to the nearest McDonald’s? Right now? It’s probably a 30-minute walk. Does your best friend have any pets? Yes, they both have dogs. Is there something that happened to you ages ago but seems like only yesterday? Yuh. A kid never forgets seeing their relatives in a drunken stupor every night. Where would you go if you wanted a fake ID? I don’t know any resources. I’m too honest to have my own made :// What would you do if the last person you laughed with dated your best friend? “Duuuuude. Why?” Who’s the last person you shot a dirty look to? Not a person, it was a stupid 10-wheeler. What was your second to last conversation about? Forgot. I haven’t opened my mouth to talk for a while now. Do you drink milk/juice from the carton if no one is around? [continued from a few days ago] No. Mostly because of an incident when I was a kid - I drank milk from the carton once and it turned out to be spoiled. Never tried it again. Do you know anyone who broke a limb from being in a car accident? No, but they broke their nose. Have you ever burned a photo of you and a person you were angry with? OMG no, that’s super theatrical though hahaha. Would you prefer working at a grocery store or an ice cream parlor? Why? I guess an ice cream parlor. It seems more chill and I like dealing with kids anyway. The grocery is always filled with rude old people. Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a realllly sweet way? Yes. Is there any ice cream in your house right now? What kind? We do have a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in the ref. What’s the best part of sleepovers? All the stories that come out of them. What’s the most comfy thing to sleep in? A blanket. Does the last person who sent you a message online wear makeup? Dunno, maybe? I don’t know her all that well yet. Would you rather have an overly cheerful cashier, or a completely silent one? Cheerful. It does wonders to my day. Do you cry at weddings? No...I was a kid for most of the weddings I’ve been to so it was just me waiting for it to be over. Still, at this age I still don’t think I would cry. Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night frequently? Yeah. I just wake up. Do you bring pillows on road trips? We already have pillows in the car so that we don’t have to take out the ones from the house.  What’s the most important thing for a road trip? For me, cellphone signal. I always want to be talking to my girlfriend when I go somewhere far away. Has a member of the opposite sex ever given you jewlery? No. Do you like camping, or would you rather stay home? Camping if it’s with a bunch of people I love and only if it’s well-planned. Other than that, I would rather be home. Do you know anyone whose name is your middle name? I have never met anyone with the same maiden name. Do you think Super Bad was as funny as everyone said? I haven’t even seen it. If you wanted a hamburger right now, where would you go? Burger King just across our village. What about a new pair of shoes? There’s a place called Just Things but their prices are outrageous, so I’d rather go somewhere a little farther but is more affordable, The Playground. Do you find sleeping in cars easy? That’s only posisble if I’m too tired. Usually I’m unable to. How long would your hair be if you cut off eight inches? My hair might just reach the tip of my head then... Would you do that? I’d rather fully shave my head than have an awkward chunk sitting at its tip. Have you ever woke up with someone you didn’t know next to you? Nope. Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why? No. I’d never want to do anything that would piss them off...quite the contrary. I would do everything they asked me to and more. Her mom has told me she loves me. Her dad is less affectionate but clearly approves of me. Have you ever been friends with a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s siblings? I was closer to them when they were younger. They’re now teenagers so they’ve been more shy around me these days, but I love them and am always working on getting closer to them. Who’s the last person you told to shut up? Probably my sister. Do you know who Blair Waldorf is? Only because of the media and my friends. Do you own any hot pink clothes? Nope.
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