#or less than 2 at least since they don’t show lower
Instead of saying it’s spoilers when people ask him what book names are safe to name your kid after Sanderson should really just start saying “well I named mine after dalinar”
And all the people who named their kid after kaladin because he told them it was safe can start sweating
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cherryrikis · 28 days
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ONE LESS LONELY GIRL - 010 ! you + me = serotonin boost
PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
previous <> masterlist <> next
authors note can u tell we’re approaching the end :,( 5 more eps left (+ a bonus chapter i have planned for my bday in 2 weeks🤷‍♀️). i havent been updating lately bc i had a big project for school but its okay bc i finished it!
you almost felt bad for ignoring riki throughout these last few weeks. especially since it wasn’t necessary, considering you had already talked about your feelings and he knew to give you space.
but riki decided it was enough. now that you expressed yourself, he wanted some room to talk about his experience too. or at least, just to hear a little more about yours.
as always, you were rushing off stage after thanking the artist for coming onto the show, just to beat riki to go backstage. but he had caught onto your pattern, catching up sooner than you’d expected.
gently, riki grabbed your arm and dragged you into his dressing room.
when he wasn’t looking, you nearly escaped, but you were barely caught in time. riki pulled you back onto the couch as he stood in front of you, with his hands on his waist.
“y/n.” he sighed. “as much as id love to give you your space, and i don’t mean to push, but don’t you think it’s been too long? i mean, are you okay? are you even taking care of yourself? i just want to know if you’re ready to talk.”
you pouted at his worried expression, watching as he examined your face for any sign of drowsiness or discomfort.
“i’m fine riki. and i’m sorry for ignoring you, i really am,” you reached for his hand, guiding him to sit next to you. “ive just been so overwhelmed with everything going on. and i just needed time away from that, i almost even considered going on hiatus. but i should’ve known better than to hide it from you.”
“my poor y/n. you’ve been through so much. maybe even more than ive had to endure.” he mumbled as he began to carefully play with your hair.
slowly, you reached for his fingers to pull them away from your scalp, before looking into his eyes. riki smiled as he began to lean closer. you were able to feel his breath right against your mouth, before he pressed his lips against yours.
he brought his hand up to hold the back of your neck as you moved to grip his bicep. you could feel riki sigh into the deepened kiss, before pulling away to catch his breath.
riki moved lower to press light kisses from your cheek, down to your neck and right above your collarbone, before leaving one last peck on your lips.
“missed you. good to know you aren’t running away from me again.” he joked.
“oh shut up!” you gently slapped his chest. “glad you aren’t tripping over yourself for my attention. even though you’ve always had it.”
“smooth,” riki laughed. “did you learn from sunghoon?”
“..sure.” you smiled, tilting your head to the side.
you had your riki back, and that was all that mattered. it was over for the mean time. you were just glad you could actually look forward to music bank from now on.
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TAGLIST (italics = couldnt be tagged) @hannicorpse @luvvhaerin @chaevibes @en-verse @ren2jay @choppedballoondetective @heartheejake @imanalien143 @istglevi-gotmesimping @yndairy @eleanorheartschishiya @lonelylandofan @gweoriz @jaemified @onlyhyunjin @softpia @frecklesbrownies @riksaes @wensurr @rikifordmiami @brideslit @ant-onie @yumilovesloona @aeminju @hoonics @catecita @clampclover @rei4sunoo @addictedtohobi @rikidaze @baekxo07 @xotyla @melancholy-z @rikisgeef @jung1w0n @tocupid @onlyseung @i03jae @iheartshopping @istphanie @queenriki7 @academiq @1117promises @nctislifue @haechansbbg @rairaiblog @nabia-bia @pkjay @lixiebokie @hiekoo @r1kizerr @d-dilemma @kingofthekards @iilwji @hoonatic @woorcve @enhaz1
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 8 months
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Pairing : Dad!Han Jisung x F!Reader TW : reader is pregnant ; reader and soobin panic ; Jisung is pretty pissed off ; arguing ; Jisung groveling ; mentions of previous cheating ; manipulation ; it's still angst! Word Count : 2.5k Request : It was definitely asked for and you all shall receive even more angst!! A/N : I hope you all are enjoying these! Only 2 more angsty dads to go!!
There was no time to prepare, although you weren’t sure how you were supposed to prepare for something like this when you weren’t planning on it happening at all, or at least not in the near future. This surely wasn’t how you planned on Jisung finding out that you were pregnant though, You didn’t even plan on him finding out you were pregnant, you were going to tell him after you already had the kid and settled into parenthood yourself. 
To say less, you were absolutely freaking out, and so was Soobin. “What are we supposed to do?” He asked, his eyes wide as he looked around at all of the baby necessities that filled the small dorm. “There’s nowhere to put all this stuff! Oh my god!” If you were in the right headspace, you’d be able to tell him to calm down. Sadly, you weren’t, and you were unable to calm yourself down. 
You didn’t know how long it would take for Jisung to come over. You weren’t sure if he knew where their dorms were, but you were sure it would be easy for him to find out considering he was famous as well and he could say literally anything as a reason and people would be none the wiser as to what he was really up to. “Fuck, I don’t know Soobin! Maybe… Maybe I can keep him out in the hallway or something. It’s not like he has to come in… Right?” You were nodding along with your own words, hoping that Soobin would follow suit and nod along with you. 
But, Jisung is quite unpredictable, and even if you wanted to stay out in the hallway the entire time, he’d find some reason to make his way into the dorm, and upon second thought, maybe it would just be easier to get the blowup over with first and hope that it dies out quickly. 
A loud rap at the door had you and Soobin looking up, but neither of you moved from where you were sitting, contemplating whether the person at the door was Jisung at all or just some random delivery driver leaving another package of baby supplies. “I know you’re in there! Answer the door!” Jisungs voice made its way clearly through the wood of the door and gave you the answer to the question you had been asking yourself, although it wasn’t the answer you were hoping for. 
It’s not like he would do anything, he’d most likely just cry while talking to you even after seeing everything, but for some reason both you and Soobin were hesitant to let him in. “Y-You open the door…” You whispered to Soobin, nudging him lightly off the couch as you curled up into yourself. It’s not that you were showing, not a lot really, but now with the eyes that you knew would soon be on you, you felt like you looked a whole lot more pregnant than you did a week ago. 
There was no way to prepare yourself for the way that Jisung would be, mainly because you weren’t sure how he would be. Would he be sad or angry? Would he even notice all the items in the dorms or would he just run over to you and try to beg you to come back? Would he notice something different about you, something that not even you or Soobin or the rest of the guys could pick up on since they were always around you? These questions kept running and running through your mind until you heard the click of the lock and Jisung came running in. 
“Y/N!” His voice came shrill and loud through the front hall, and in a blink he was standing right above you, looking down at you, but you kept your head lowered and your shirt pulled over your knees to try to make a tent over your stomach. “Look, I know that right now is… weird, it’s a weird time, and I know that what I did… I still regret it… I feel awful and…” He took a deep breath, and then there was silence. You didn’t want to look up, you didn’t want to meet his eyes, but a quick glance had you finally understanding the silence as you watched him look around the room. “What… What’s all that… What’s all this stuff for?” 
“I don’t think that right now is a good time…” Soobin murmured, walking over to the couch and trying to put some space between you and Jisung. “She’s kind of tired and stress isn’t really good for her right now. She’s been dealing with a lot lately and… It’s kind of just… Like a respect thing. If you could just respect that… You know?” Soobin stammered, rambling on and on, trying his best to keep things calm, but you could tell that Jisung was getting agitated. The way his breaths picked up in pace, the way he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and almost aggressively shoved his twitching hands into his pockets, as if he was trying to keep himself from doing something that he would regret. 
“This is stuff… Stuff for a baby… For a literal baby. That’s a whole fucking crib box right there!” He pointed to the discarded box in the corner of the room. “And there’s… There’s diapers and… Who’s kid is it?” He asked, quite sternly now as he pointed his focus back at you, but you didn’t answer. You were silent, much like you should have been when Jisung had called Soobin earlier. “Who’s kid is it? Did you even have it yet?” He continued questioning, and you could tell that Soobin was getting antsy, rocking back and forth, from one foot to the other as the tension only grew. 
“I didn’t want to tell you…” You mumbled, wrapping your arms tighter around your legs to pull them closer to you. “It doesn’t even make a difference… You still fucked up, and it’s not like I’d ever take you back.” And for the first time since he’s been there, you looked up at him. His mouth was slightly agape as his eyes blinked rapidly, as if trying to process and understand what you meant. “It’s yours… But that doesn’t mean that I’m getting back with you… I’ll-” 
“Mine?” He asked, as if looking for reassurance that what he had heard had been correct, and you nodded your head to affirm it. “So you’re telling me that… You’re pregnant… You must be really pregnant if you’re already buying stuff… And you didn’t even tell me!? What kind of shit is that?! I might have fucked up and cheated on you, but what you’re doing… That’s majorly fucked up! You’re trying to hide my kid from me?!” 
“Hey!” Soobin shouted, finally stepping in once Jisungs voice had risen to a volume that was unacceptable to both him and you. “She didn’t even know until a week ago! Don’t come into my house yelling at her about it! I’ll kick you out! I’ll have you escorted out!” Soobin threatened, and it was strange to see him like that, he was usually so quiet, especially in comparison to the other guys in the dorm. He was quite protective over you, like a brother would be with their sister. He wasn’t going to just let Jisung yell at you without doing something about it. 
“So you found out a week ago and what? You were just going to hide it from me? You could have told me when you found out but you didn’t. How far along are you, huh?! When were you planning on telling me?! That’s my kid! Fuck!” Jisung ran his hands through his hair, turning around to pace back and forth between the front door and the couch you were still sitting on, clearly pissed off and shocked from the sudden news. 
“Telling you would have been the easiest fucking thing for me to do, Jisung!” You shouted back, on the verge of tears now. As if you weren’t going through enough, he just had to come here and make it worse. “I just found out that I’m 5 months pregnant, I have to figure out what the hell I’m going to do and where I’m going to stay and how I’m going to take care of the baby! The last thing I thought of was calling you and delivering the news because I still had to fucking come to terms with it!” You were breathless, your words, although meant to be shouted, sounded more like choked off sobs, and by the time you were done the attempt at yelling you were full on crying. 
Jisung paused, and now both you and Soobin were glaring at him, although Soobins look was far angrier, while yours most likely looked a bit pathetic as the tears streamed down your face. “5?” Jisung whispered, clearly trying to do the calculations in his head. “How did you… How do you not know that you’re pregnant for 5 months?” His voice was so quiet, you weren’t sure whether he was asking himself the question or if it was meant for you. “Do you know what it is?” He finally spoke up, looking directly at you, although it was Soobin who answered. 
“It’s a boy. She’s having a boy, and while what she said might worry you, her and the baby will be fine. They’ll be able to stay here until she gets back on her feet. Myself and the guys will help her in any way that we can, and she knows that.” Soobin finally dropped down on the couch, placing a hand over yours in an act of both comfort and support, but the gesture was looked at in a completely different way by Jisung. 
“Oh?! So you’re just gonna let her stay here? That’s what you want me to believe?!” He was once again shouting, but there were obvious tears forming on his lashes as he stared between you and Soobin. “Like you haven’t taken enough from me?! You’ve taken my fiancee! I know that I messed up there, I know that I made the biggest mistake and I regret that, I’ll regret it until the day I die… But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you take my son away from me too!” 
Soobin looked completely shocked and you were absolutely mortified by the assumption that Jisung was making, and although he hadn’t verbally said it, you knew just what he was thinking. “Nobody is taking anything away from you, Jisung.” You said flatly, pulling your hand away from Soobins only to cross your arms over your chest. “I never said that I’d keep him from you. But you’re not going to go around making accusations that I’m with him-” You motioned to Soobin before continuing. “Just because you can’t have me back, and that’s one thing I’m dead set on. I will never go back with you.”
Jisung nodded his head slowly, as if trying to process what you had just told him, but you could see him struggling to fully grasp it. “So… our son has to grow up with separated parents? He has to spend his life wondering why his mother and his father aren’t together…? You really want him to question that? That’s not fair to him…” 
If you were foolish, his words would have had you thinking, maybe even second guessing staying apart from him… But you knew better. You weren’t going to let him use your son to guilt trip you into taking him back. “No… It’s not fair to him… It’s not fair to either of us that you think that you get to go out and cheat and have all the fun you want and still come home to a perfect little life. So yes, he has to grow up with separated parents, and he has to grow up wondering why we’re not together… And you are to blame for that, and you can deal with the guilt and the burden of his questions when he’s old enough to ask them. It’s your fault, and you will deal with the consequences of it.” You finally got up off the couch, the loose shirt you were wearing slightly flared around your stomach that had become just big enough for Jisung to notice the change. “Now, I will do what I feel is the right thing to do, and I will notify you of doctors appointments, I will update you on how the baby is doing, and I will call you when I finally go into labor. After that, I will contact you only in regards to the baby and how he is and when you can see him. Other than that, I do not want to talk to you, I do not want to see you, I don’t want anything to do with you unless it’s regarding our son.” 
“So that’s really how it’s going to be? You don’t even want to try? Not even for him?” Jisung took a step closer to you, his eyes practically glued to your stomach. “I haven’t even… I haven’t been with anyone. I’ve just been thinking about you… About us… And now with a baby on the way, we could have a family… We could be perfect. Just a chance, a second chance, that’s all I’m asking for… I won’t mess it up this time, I swear. I only want you… You’re all I’ve ever wanted, baby… You know that. I made a mistake and-” 
“And I really think it’s time for you to leave.” Soobin jumped in, noticing the way your body was tense and your breaths had become more rapid, although he wasn’t sure if it was because you were upset or if you were just becoming more and more pissed with every word that Jisung was saying. “Thank you so much for the unannounced visit and the unnecessary added stress. It’s been nice seeing you and I’m sure it won’t be the last time, but Y/N needs some rest now.” Soobin ushered Jisung to the door, his hand pressed against his back to try to push him out. 
“Just think about it!” Jisung shouted as he was led out into the hall. “I don’t want you to do this by yourself! He should have his real father around! Think about what I said, baby! I love you! I love you so fucking much!” He was still shouting to you as the door was shut in his face and quickly locked. It was only when things had finally grown silent that Soobin walked over to you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder to try to comfort you, and you quickly melted into his warmth, crying silently against his chest. 
“What did I do? I didn’t want this… I just… I had to tell him… right? It was the right thing to do… Wasn’t it?” You whimpered, looking up at Soobin with tear filled eyes, and he quickly wiped away the stray tears that fell down your cheeks. 
“You did the right thing… It was… But you won’t have to deal with him by yourself. You know that myself and the guys would never make you do that. We’re here for you… Always…” Soobin murmured, gently pulling you against his chest once more, his chin resting atop your head. “Things are going to be fine… I promise.” 
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ssinboo · 11 months
Couture Kisses
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summary: You've been in love with your best friend, Kim Seungmin since forever!
in reply to this lovely ask!
pairing: Fashion student!Kim Seungmin x Fashion student!F!Reader
word count: 4k (25~ minute read)
warnings: weight insecurities and mentions of body image issues that aren't resolved, author has very limited knowledge of fashion, making out, oral (f rec.), unprotected sex
a/n: This ask has been marinating in my inbox since june ... OTL I apologise it takes me absolutely forever to write TT I couldn't bring myself to write him as exactly asked, so this is very vanilla!
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An entire collection by the end of winter. 
That’s your final project for fashion school.
Needless to say, you were panicking, hard. 
Not that you didn’t have plenty of sketches to pick and choose from, but it being your final assignment it had to be special. Twelve pieces, all able to stand on their own and at least one that you would model on your own and steal the show. 
Even though you tried to shimmy your way from the spotlight and just stand backstage, your professor was very insistent on you modelling at least one of your pieces. 
You absolutely dreaded the stage and the attention. 
Shy by nature, is how you were described by those close to you. And growing up larger than everyone around you took a toll on your self-esteem. 
Your sister was more than up for the modelling, she loved you and of course, loved all your work. Always your number 2 supporter.
Who was number 1? Oh, well, none other than Mr. Kim Seungmin. 
Unfairly handsome, Seungmin stood at a gorgeous 178cm with jet black hair and flowy bangs dyed a platinum blond. He had the most gorgeous almond eyes, which would adorably cross anytime he was a bit too tired. His nose was button shaped and a deep bridge that only accentuated his gorgeous eyes and the faintest little bump along its length. And his lips, gosh, his lips, you could go on and on about his perfectly shaped cupid’s bow or his exquisitely plump lower lip. (which only made his lip ring phase harder on your mental sanity). 
Not that you had a crush on your best friend or anything, of course not!
On other news, Seungmin was a lot less worried about this final assignment, given that you actually agree to his maniacal request: model for his collection. All because you had asked him to model yours.
There were models available, of course, but you could also bring your own and being able to take multiple measures, and do as many fittings as you wished helped ease your anxiety. 
“Come on, don’t be such a meanie!” You whine as he once again insists on this deranged idea.
“It’s only fair, we model for each other. Also, I introduced you to my friends so you could use them as your guinea pigs, you owe me one.” 
“That’s… different,” You shrug. You were grateful for his friends’ willingness to help and the sheer quantity of them was a perk. But you would not get up on that runaway, no way!
“No, it’s not.” 
“You know it is! You’re gorgeous… And I–”
“You what?” He interrupts with a thorny rasp. 
You jump at his sudden jab, suddenly self-conscious about your self-consciousness. 
“You know… I’m gonna make your clothes look ugly.”
Seungmin runs his tongue along his metal-clad teeth and slaps his hand over the cafeteria table.
“You’re gonna walk for me or I won’t do it for you. Don’t think of contacting me until you’re ready to give me the ultimatum.”
Harsh, yes. But he cared about you, more than he cared about anyone or anything, ever. You were the most gorgeous, caring, funny, intelligent, charismatic and talented person and his eyes. And everytime you put yourself down, it took every inch of restraint in his body to not grab your shoulders and yell just how much he loved you. 
Although, he regretted his words as soon as they left his lips. As soon as the anger subsided, he was ready to call you and take it all back. But you came running to your shared apartment, ready to apologise and agree. 
He was your bestest friend in the whole universe, you would do anything for Kim Seungmin. And it was about time you started doing it.
And all was forgotten by the time sketchbooks were splattered across the dining table and you exchanged ideas back and forth over chinese takeout. 
You were crazy about holidays and especially valentine’s day. It was only fair for your final assignment to reflect that. You had plenty of lovely sketches that were fitting for your early february deadline. But you racked your brain over the clothes that would fit Seungmin. 
Just what could possibly do his indescribable beauty justice? Any of your designs felt unbecoming of him. 
It’s when you’re splayed out on your sofa during your weekly movie night, watching Pride & Prejudice for the thousandth time over, that you get an idea. 
An idea so great you’re jumping and throwing the blanket over your half-asleep best friend. 
Seungmin, the poor fella, thinks something might’ve happened. So he waddles into your bedroom, blanket wrapped around his shoulders. 
You’re scrambling around for paper and pencils. 
“What’s up?” He asks, voice drenched in sleep. Had you not been entranced by your sudden burst of imagination, you certainly would’ve melted at just how adorable he looked.
“I’ve got your outfit,” is all the context you give him. 
“What?” He leans against the doorframe, fighting against his sleepy eyelids. 
“Mr. Darcy! How could I have not thought of it before! It was right underneath my nose!” You’re gesturing and your thoughts run all over the place, but you’ve got the brightest smile across your lips. 
And he stands there, watching you try and bring your vision to life, mumbles and grumbles coming out every now and then. Though his love-stricken smile is invisible to you.
Fabric shopping was always fun, especially when your best-friend tagged along. Seungmin had been keeping his inspiration a secret so far, despite your attempts, he was good at being quiet when he wished so. 
You looked at different textures and colours all day, leaving behind a good chunk of your savings at the chain store. But all for a good cause. 
There was plenty of cheaper fabric for mockups at home, so that’s where you started out. Since you didn’t want to bother Seungmin, his fit should be the last one – also, part of you was terrified of his look and how intricate it would be. 
You were still in the warm-toned shades of autumn by the time you had your collection ready for next february. 
All you needed were his measurements to get started on your Mr Darcy modern valentine’s day sort of look. It sounded strange to say out-loud, but the sketches looked great. 
Seungmin comes out of his room in a tight tank-top and loose boxer shorts and you gulp, tightening your fingers around your measuring tape, this would be the longest day of your life. 
Here he stands, in the middle of your room, surrounded by the fabrics you insisted he picked, with his arms stretched out and his chest available to you. 
Starting off easy, you run the tape from his shoulder to his wrists, fingernails lightly grazing his bare skin. His eyes don’t leave yours for a single second, especially when you’re standing so absurdly close. 
And when you have to basically almost wrap your arms around his chest to reach behind for the tape, he feels the odd urge to hug you and not let go.
You hugged often, of course, you did. You were best friends. 
However, standing in your strawberry lotion scented bedroom in summer pjs, feeling weirdly warm for the current temperature outside, Seungmin feels his skin burn every time your fingers meet his body. 
Seungmin is so beautifully proportionate, you think. Studying his slender arms and long legs, his torso, just perfectly built. In every way, he was destined to be the main character of a timeless romance. 
This is way past your normal antics of going all obsessed with the bodies that would fit your designs. Thinking about making the outfit Seungmin would wear for all to see. 
It’s like he would carry a piece of you. 
You’re chewing at your lower lip, revising all numbers and doing the maths in your head to gauge out how much of each fabric you’ve got left and how much you’ll need. 
“You got it?” He asks, startling you away from your thoughts. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Great. Your turn now,” He smiles, stretching out his hand for your sparkly, strawberry-scented pen and notepad. 
So came the dreaded day he would take your measurements.
You haven’t done your own sizing in over a year now, an irrational fear of the tape finds you each time you think about it. 
And part of you is totally ready to call the whole thing off and just beg Seungmin to please find someone else. 
But he gives you no window of space to talk, pushing you to stand in the middle of the room and pulling your arms in the right position.
And you feel extremely exposed. 
You’re so entangled in your spiral of self-hatred, you completely miss the sweat that threatens to pool at his forehead, or how often he’s gulped in the past five minutes. 
Though he constantly craved close proximity to you, this time might be enough to kill him. 
Your chest has always been the bane of his existence. Squishy, soft skin always pressing up against body whenever you hugged him happily, practically pouring out of any piece of clothing with a tighter fit. Rubbing around his arm when you’re walking hand-in-hand at the shopping centre. 
And he feels horrid for being such a pervert, he does. 
You’re his loving, kind, best-friend and he’s always ogling your body with his dirty male mind. 
God, your waist. Abundant flesh folded over in adorable rolls, so perfectly shaped for his hands and his hands only. He imagined himself grabbing handfuls of your ass, running his hands all over your hips and waist.
Your thighs, so full and creamy; in particular when you wear the one summer dress your sister gave you on your last birthday. That dress drives him absolutely crazy. Floral linen with a wrap-around layered cut that leaves his mind running around thoughts of undoing those flimsy ties and finding that gorgeous body you’re so intent on hiding. 
“Minnie?” You ask, a bucket of hot water over his flames. 
Your voice is so soft, dripping in affection as always. 
“Have you got it?”
He gulps, immediately shying away from your body lest he be corrupted by any evil thoughts. 
“Are you alright?”
Seungmin nods. 
“It’s bad isn’t it?” You scratch at your nape, eyes avoiding his.
“Wha- What?”
“My measurements,” You shrug. 
“No– No. Absolutely not, you’re fine, you’re perfect. It’s just– I’ve been rethinking my collection lately– Nothing to do with you,” He loses track of his words, rambling on and on while your love-stricken heart hangs hopelessly onto the word ‘perfect’.
“Well,” You fidget with the hem of your pyjama shirt, eyes slowly prodding at his reaction, “Anything I can help with?”
Seungmin finally smiles and your heart blooms in warmth, “Not yet, but there will be.” 
And so on, your days are consumed with the mindless routine of class and working on your project. 
Work went great with Seungmin’s friends, they were all so friendly and outgoing, you felt right at home. And everything looked perfect. Just missing one final look. 
Though Seungmin was more than willing to do as many fittings as you’d like, you both scheduled a double try-on day. Which would also be the first time you’d see his design. 
You keep fidgeting with your fingers, anxiety gnawing at your brain with every passing second. He’d locked himself in his room for ‘last-minute corrections’ and you were almost going crazy.
An hour later, Seungmin finally emerges from his room, a plastic cover draped over his design, keeping you from peeking. 
“So?!” You inquire, he keeps avoiding your eyes, for some reason. 
“I’m ready,” He nods and so do you. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, loser goes first?” You ask.
“Please,” he nods fervently and you smile nervously. 
So you stand before him.
He calls it out. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot.
You put out Scissors.
And he put out Rock.
You go first.
Seungmin seems all too relieved, still psyching himself up to show his design. 
You pull your creation from the plastic covering and hand it to him. A creamy white button-up with flowy sleeves, a velvet crimson coat with embroidered details following its length and black leather trousers in a high-waisted cut. 
“Good luck, I guess,” You joke and he laughs.
“No need for it. It’s gonna be the best,"he says. 
Though when he finds himself changing into the set in the privacy of his bedroom, Seungmin is astonished, admiring every single detail you’ve poured into it. His fingers caress the handmade lacy collar, feeling the hours spent in every thread and stitch. 
And it fits his body perfectly; white linen drapes across his chest, hugging his pecs but flowing down freely down his torso. 
“You ready?” He calls out and you gnaw at your fingers in anxiety. 
Seungmin pads through the hallway, eyes scanning the living room until they meet yours. You smile, eyes glistening in adoration, taking in this moment as if it would end too soon.
He smiles, “I know, it’s amazing… You’re amazing.” 
“No– It’s– You look so… Handsome,” It wasn’t uncommon for you to compliment each other, but this once felt too intimate. 
Seungmin blushes, scratching at his neck. 
“So… My turn, I guess?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Oh, how you dreaded this moment, not that you doubted his abilities but with your luck, you’d ruin his hard work with your subpar looks.
Seungmin hands you an opaque plastic cover, he notices your hesitation, but gives up on saying anything lest you actually give up. 
He plops onto the sofa as you leave for your room, chewing on his own lips. He hoped this dress could convey everything he felt for you, even if a little bit. 
It takes you excruciating 5 minutes to finally come back into the living room. 
Seungmin stands up, letting the cushion he’d held fall to the ground and match his jaw.
His work, – an asymmetrical white dress with a poofy skirt and a translucent layer of tulle decorated with snowflake shaped beads over its length – hugs your body perfectly.
You look absolutely ethereal standing before him with a shy smile, wearing the clothes he made with his own hands, every stitch done with thoughts of you. 
“You’re breathtaking,” 
You laugh quietly, “The dress is doing most of the work. It’s beautiful, Minnie, I don’t have any words–”
“No– You’re… Gorgeous.”
He’s serious, dead serious. 
And you’re stuck in a staring contest, standing five feet apart in your living room, time comes to a standstill. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“You’re lying.”
“I wouldn't– Not to you.” 
You study his expression, searching for any, absolutely any sign of jest, but he’s serious. He truly thinks you’re… pretty?
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Yes,” Seungmin takes a step forward, “The prettiest.”
“Since when?”
“Since forever…” 
You want to believe his words, Gosh, you do. But it’s hard, it’s hard to believe anyone would look at you and think anything even remotely positive. 
“Minnie– Seungmin, please,” You breathe out, “Please, tell me you’re not joking about this– I won’t forgive you.”
“Every day and night I think of you and I can’t take my mind off how you manage to steal my breath away every damn time.”
Your heart skips a beat or ten; he steps forward and you wish to close the space between you for once but your body doesn’t move. 
You can’t take this, not if he isn’t serious, no. You would never recover from something like this. 
“Say something, please,” He pleads. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” 
Seungmin freezes.
And you curse at yourself, there, you’ve done it now. You’ve gone ahead and ruined everything.
But he lets out a sigh of relief and his hands find your jaw, pulling you toward his body at once. 
Your fingers run up the soft fabric, gripping at the freshly overlocked edges, his pale skin teasingly on display through a tiny heart-shaped window which would later be adorned with blood-red rhinestones, though some had already been placed. 
And your breath gets caught on your throat, threatened with the lull of proximity and his minty breath fanning on your lips. Nails digging into the velvet fabric of the overcoat, your eyes are stuck to his enticing chest. 
He smells of baby powder, chalk, and of the blueberry-scented shampoo you bought on sale last month. And you let his perfume lure your stupid heart into an erratic rhythm. Let the heat of his body find your own, setting your cheeks on fire. 
When your lips meet his, it’s as if a current runs through your bloodstream, awakening every cell and fibre in your body to the taste of the man you love. 
“I’ve waited for this for forever, it seems–” He whispers against your kiss-reddened lips. 
His fingers are tangled in your hair and his lips crash against yours once again. He’s forceful, desperate. All-consuming and ravenous. 
You can only melt into his touch and seep into his body, hoping to become one and never be apart ever again. Oh no, you couldn’t stand another day away from his gorgeous lips now you’ve had a taste. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and let him guide you, taking the smallest of steps back until your legs meet the sofa and you both fall down with a loud ‘poof’.
His hands cup your cheeks, tongue ravishing your mouth with relentless want, he drinks every moan and sigh before it even makes it past your lips. You’ve barely made out for five minutes and you can feel the volume of his hard-on poking at your hip bone. 
Oh, it’s an incomparable rush of dopamine to affect someone so much. 
Seungmin kisses at your lips, cheeks and jaw, nipping and sucking at your skin until he leaves behind his mark; his claim on you. His teeth graze along your skin, erupting goosebumps over its path.
“Don’t– Don’t want to ruin your dress–” You sigh, willing yourself to push him away. 
He smiles against your collarbones.
“Wanna take it off, then?”
An indescribable heat flushes your body.
“Seungmin!!!” You yell. 
“What? Take it off…” His hand reaches for the hem of the dress, toying with the soft tulle. 
“Let me see your body, hm?” He hums, puppy-eyed and all.
“It’s–” You look away. You could barely fathom the idea of standing naked before anyone let alone the guy you’ve loved for ages. 
Seungmin licks his lips, “Look, I’ve– I’ve been dreaming of this– You, under me…” His fingers ghost against your bare thigh. “I– I… You have no idea what you do to me, now, do you?”
You shake your head.
He reaches for your hand and then places it above the leather-clad bulge that rages in his trousers. As soon as your hand barely grazes the fabric, Seungmin gulps. 
You’re overtaken with a desire to pleasure him.
You’re rid of the dress, – even with your pleas to treasure it, Seungmin throws it aside, eager to feel you bare. 
You attempt to cover your modesty, but he solves that issue by pinning your hands atop your head. As he truly sees your body for the first time, you watch his eyes glisten in true adoration, a dark hint of lust behind them. Your skin burns hot under his attention.
“You’ll be the death of me, y’know…” He jokes, but there’s a hint of truth, his heart pounds against his ribcage. 
He peppers kisses along your chest, tongue licking at your skin, watching you squirm and sigh at his every touch, how your nipples stand hardened and kiss-bitten. Trailing down your stomach, he makes sure to nip at the abundant flesh, to marvel at how plump and absolutely perfect you are. 
Oh, and he mumbles at every move just how ethereal you are.
His lips graze your inner thighs, licking at your skin but not where you need him the most. Every time he breathes against your aching pussy, you practically jump. 
Though he planned to tease you endlessly, Seungmin can barely hold back his wish to do nothing but lose himself between your gorgeous thighs. 
He licks a long, torturous strip along your core.
You squeal. 
But despite your squealing and squirming, Seungmin’s got a strong grip on your hips and he is making sure your pussy is all his for the tasting. And he finds it, he might be the one most affected, after all.
You taste absolutely divine, liquid euphoria flowing through his lips and eager tongue. He eats you out like the world is ending; as if this is all a dream and he will wake up alone and hot in his bedroom. 
And you moan his name with each syllable sounding more tempting than the last. 
Only once you come on his tongue, does he rest; but not for long, no. 
If it were up to him, he would get a couple orgasms out of you, lay in between your legs for hours. 
Seungmin leans back on his knees, admiring just how absolutely fucked-out you look with messy hair and heaving chest. And you look up at him with glossy, swollen lips and teary eyes. He can’t resist you, after all.
He kisses you again and again, fingers fidgeting with his trousers; Goddammit, why didn’t you put a zipper in this finger? Historical accuracy be damned when you want to fuck someone!
After his trousers are off, you urge him to lose the shirt as well and he complies. Seungmin is gorgeous; milky, unblemished skin with a slender build. 
“Look at you, so perfect– So eager– Just for me–” He breathes out, tip teasingly rubbing along your dripping core. 
You mewl, hands reaching out for him.
“Come on, baby, tell me– Tell me what you want.”
“I– I want you… I want you to fuck me.”
He curses a thousand bad words under his breath. 
When he finally slips it in, his fingers dig into your love handles, leaving behind tiny crescent moon shaped marks. You arch into him and he holds you firmly, arms wrapped around your body. 
He manoeuvres your legs over his thighs for a better angle and you feel him reach the deepest parts of your body. And you sigh, letting yourself feel full, stretched beyond bliss. 
It’s only when he notices with a devilish smirk how you’ve started to grind against his hips that he starts to move.
You are bathed in pleasure and lust.
His hands run up and down your leg, worshipping your thighs and your stomach that jiggles with every powerful thrust of his hips. Oh, and your tits, how hypnotic is it that they bounce up and down?
You moan his name over and over, mind hazy with pleasure and he lavishes in that feeling. Of rendering you cockdrunk, providing you with inconceivable bliss.
Seungmin pounds into you relentlessly, skin slapping sounds an obscene symphony that fills your ears, only accompanied by the breathy moans; Oh, the sweetest of sounds were the way he sang your name.
You clench around him, greedy and lovestruck. 
“Minnie– I’m gonna–”
“Shit– Come on, baby. Let go–” He groans out, hand reaching to rub your clit. 
Your second orgasm crashes into your body with an unstoppable explosion. You squirm and Seungmin leans forward to capture your lips in kiss, to drink your most euphoric moans. 
Hands wrapped around his back, you pull him flush to your heaving chest, letting the pleasure find your fuzzy brain. 
When he finally reaches his own climax, he pulls out, painting your skin with translucent ropes of white. Draping over your stomach pale strings of his seed, a claim. 
You’re smiling when his eyes meet yours and he is filled with immense relief; That’s you’re happy and well. 
He lays by your side, pulling you on top of him with a smile that mirrors yours. 
You lay on his chest, drawing figure eights along his soft skin to the stable sound of his heartbeat. Your own heart is draped in joy beyond comprehension. 
“I think the clothes look great,” Seungmin jokes.
You laugh. “Yeah, I think they do.”
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gretavanmoon · 2 months
A Perfect Ten - Part 2
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Josh x Female Reader FWB
10.9k words
+ After befriending your coworker Josh at your new workplace, the both of you realize you need each other in more ways than one. Things might get a little cloudy as an ongoing judge of actions takes place, leaving the both of you wrapped up in a back and forth neither of you saw coming.
Warnings: Drinking, Cursing, Mention of Breakups and Heartbreak, Allusion to Homophobia (dude being an a**hole), Sadness. Smut: Kissing, Touching, Dirty Talk, Praise, Heavy Flirting, Oral F!receiving, Fingering
Read Part 1 here
“...Sure, why not? If you want to, of course. Might be fun to have a little situation we’re both comfortable with… no strings attached type thing…”
It’d been a week since your heated hookup with Josh on your couch, and though initially you thought things were going to be awkward back at work once the two of you were on the same shift again, surprisingly they were the opposite. Day to day activities had gone back to normal, the both of you working your tails off slinging pizzas and beers at Angelo’s.
Since that night, though, you’d found yourself in a constant state of unsettle, your mind and body going through the waves of being attracted to him while also wanting to slap him on the back of the head like a real friend would. His boyish charm continued to shine through his albeit tough-guy exterior, and the smiles he normally would fight to stave off began to show themselves a little more often in your presence. 
The more you worked with Josh, and the more that you began to feel completely comfortable in your work position, the more you began to notice the subtle feeling of his hand on your lower back as he’d reach above you to grab the pizza box on the top shelf, or how he’d tell the line guys to fuck off when they’d take back of house banter too far. You’d also noticed how he would hold your gaze as you finished up a story to your coworkers, his perfect white teeth nearly glittering in the low light reflections of the restaurant. It wasn’t hard to miss how his chest would visibly rise and fall with bated breaths until he broke eye contact, shaking his head as though he was physically clearing away his intrusive thoughts. 
You know you’d agreed upon this… arrangement with Josh, and though you hadn’t outwardly discussed the details since that night at your house, you knew that the time was drawing near as your pull to him began to come back full force. That same exact notion of wanting to be the holder of all his attention, to be the one that took up space in his mind whether he wanted it to or not, began to consume you once again. You didn’t know where it had come from, and you didn’t know how to make it go away. You were almost embarrassed of yourself to even think it, as strangely possessive as it was to want to be someone’s muse this wholeheartedly. 
You caught yourself staring at the way his arm muscles stretched under the tight black fabric of his t-shirt, his hands quickly and expertly spinning roll upon roll of silverware. 
“Ya know if you’re going to stare like that, you could at least make it a little less obvious, sweetheart,” he said under his breath as he smirked at you from across the bar.
You blinked away your dry eyes, focusing again on your own pile of flattened napkins in front of you as you cleared your throat. “I wasn’t staring,” you choked out.
“Oh really?” he perked up, sliding his eyes to your fellow coworkers at the other end of the bar finishing up their own side-work for the night. “Then what would you call someone else’s eyes taking in your every movement while you do nothing but mind your own business?” he stuck his tongue against his cheek as he slammed a roll into the basket.
“Shut up, Josh. I was just watching your um. Your technique…” you lied, taking note of your messy and loose rolls of forks and knives haphazardly piling up in your own basket. 
“God, you do suck at rolling, don’t you? I never noticed,” he bites back a laugh as he shakes his head, and you suddenly feel extra embarrassed at your lack of one of the most basic skills of serving. “Here, let me show you how I do it.”
“No, I’m fine, I’ve got it. I just– they’re just ugly. But they’ll do the job,” you argue as he comes around to your side of the bar, wiping his hands off on the white towel hanging off the back of his belt. 
“No no no, if bosslady sees this shit job, she might actually fire you on the spot. Actually surprised she hasn’t seen this, yet,” he says as he brings himself to stand behind your bar stool, his arms encasing your shoulders as he grabs your wrists, positioning your hands on either corner of the napkins. 
“Josh, I swear to god, you’re making me feel like an idiot.” And he was, no doubt. Thinking he can come over here and school you in front of everyone, making you out to look like a fool at your own profession. But you had to admit, you needed a lesson. And you couldn’t ignore the feeling of the warmth of his body pressed against your back, his hands subtly running against the backs of your fingertips as he took them in his own, leaning down to show you how to tuck the utensils down into a pocket before forcing the sides in. 
“See? Like this…” his breath was on the shell of your ear, warm and familiar as scenes from a week ago on your couch began to make their uprising again, your body stiffening at his simple touch. “Gotta use some force, little elbow grease to get them where you want. Then… tuck the edges, and roll…”
You huffed an aggravated breath as you accepted the fact that his hands had just helped you to roll the tightest, most perfect roll of silverware. “Show off,” you murmured.
“Hey, I’m just trying to help,” he laughed as he pulled away, his hands squeezing at your arms as he detached himself and stepped away. The loss of the feeling of him was more disorienting than you’d thought it would be; feeling him so close again had taken all the breath from your lungs, and you hadn’t even noticed that you didn’t even take a breath the entire time he was behind you. 
“Will you two just get a room already?!” one of your coworkers, Jackson, suddenly yelped from the end of the bar, sending the rest of the group around him into a fit of point-and-laughs. “God, just do us all a favor and break the tension and get it over with, why don’t you?” You could feel your face turning a bright shade of red as you shied away, listening to the laughs and howls of your coworkers who had now become your friends. You had riled up enough gumption to retaliate with something, right before you realized Josh would undoubtedly be the one to take up for you, anyway. 
“What makes you think we haven’t, Jack?” Josh asked as he rounded the bar back to his own station across from you. “Think you fuckin’ know it all?”
Jackson was walking toward you, laughing as he placed a heavy arm across the back of your shoulders. “Nah, I don’t know shit. Just thought I’d be the one to break the ice if the two of you haven’t yet, huh?” he bellowed as he forcefully shook your shoulders side to side. You knew he was joking and speaking all in good fun, but it still didn’t stop you from thinking about decking him in the face if he said another word. “Might be a nice little thing for you to try out, huh Josh? Little bit out of your normal practice…”
“That’s not any of your business, Jackson,” you said as you tried to shove his arm off our shoulders.
Your eyes glanced up to Josh from under your awkward stance, finding him clenching his jaw closed as he rolled his eyes. “Leave the girl alone, Jackson,” he warned.
“Or what? You gonna call your boyfriend to come and kick my ass?” Jackson spouted to Josh, making the group beside you cease all their laughter, while sending a shot of rage straight through your stomach. “I don’t think so, pretty boy.” The room fell silent as everyone gawked at Jackson in disbelief of his words. His arm suddenly felt ten pounds heavier on your shoulders, and you felt a burning fury rising up in your throat at his completely rude and unwarranted display.
Josh, though, kept his cool, returning all his attention to the task in his hands. 
“No, but I will tell everyone at the end of that bar that you’ve been pocketing tips as you bus their tables,” he said under his breath, leaving Jackson unable to speak. 
“The fuck are you talking about?” Jackson refuted, his arm still heavy across your shoulders, making you more and more uncomfortable by the second. 
Josh’s eyes confidently skidded across the bar to everyone else before landing back on Jackson, his hands never ceasing rolling his silverware. “You heard me. I’m not stupid, Jack. Matter of fact, why don’t you tell them right now, all by yourself? Go ahead…” Josh raised his voice a little at the end of his sentence, pointing his chin to the group. 
“Tell us what, what are you saying down there?” one of them asked, all of their interest suddenly piqued. 
Jackson’s head snapped back to look Josh in the eyes, which he returned with an overly-confident expression that said try me. Jackson’s arm slowly slid off the back of your shoulders as he sulked away, mumbling some really nasty words under his breath that you chose to keep to yourself. 
Maybe it wasn’t all in good fun.
A full-body chill ran through you as you finally felt his touch leave your body, an overwhelming feeling of disgust overtaking you as you finally made eyes with Josh again once Jackson was far away. “What in the fuck was that?! Is he fucking crazy?” you asked, the rage still heavily present. 
Josh shook his head as he rolled his last utensils, sliding his basket to the side as he pulled your pile of napkins to sit in front of him. “Yeah, no, he’s a fucking asshole. He puts on this funny-guy persona, but underneath it, he’s fucking piece of work,” Josh explained. He was keeping his cool, but you could tell that his words hurt him a little. 
“Josh, that is not okay, it’s not alright for him to speak to you like that, especially in the workpl–”
“Just drop it, Y/N, okay? I appreciate your concern, but I’m used to it. From all angles. It just rolls off, now,” Josh said with the smallest hint of sorrow in his voice. “He tries to show off what he thinks is male dominance but all he does is make himself look like a fool. Plus he forgets that I have wayyy more seniority than him.”
“Yeah well, that’s all true but you don’t deserve to be spoken to that way. I’m going to say something to him,” you began to stand up, feeling the sudden overwhelming need to stand up for Josh.
“Stop, Y/N, stop…” Josh grabbed your arm, pulling you back down to the stool. “I’ve already taken care of it.” His eyes were telling you to calm down, but his hand on your arm said things were everything but calm. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, fighting him off while also trying to flip through your categories of comebacks you could throw down Jackson’s throat.
Josh gripped your arm even tighter as he forced you back down into your seat, leaning over the bar as he brought his face close to yours. His face was hot as it came into your proximity, his hand still gripping hard on the muscle of your arm. “I slipped an anonymous note onto bosslady’s desk telling her I saw him sliding cash tips. She’s probably back there watching the security footage as we speak…” he whispered lowly, his eyes bouncing from your lips and back.
You plopped back down into your seat as he released your arm, sending a quick look back down to the group as they now looked just as uncomfortable as you. Josh resumed his work, acting as though nothing had happened as the redness left his cheeks. “Did he take any of mine?” you asked, suddenly curious.
Josh nodded. “I’ve been suspecting him for weeks, but I just tonight watched him do it. Now you know why I don’t let anybody else bus my tables…” he whispered, shooting his eyebrows up. 
“Wasn’t he up for the assistant manager position?” you asked.
“Yeah, he was. He’s been here for a long time. But hopefully she is back there taking this seriously, who knows how much money he’s actually stolen,” Josh went on, running his tongue over his lips. You crossed your arms across your chest, feeling exhausted from the adrenaline rush of wanting to slam that guy’s head against the bar for calling Josh such horrid names and making fun of him like that. You could tell you were still seething. 
“Let his karma take it’s course, Y/N. Don’t get yourself too worked up over it, or I’ll be forced to help you relax,” he said with a buttery-soft grit to his voice, almost as if Jackson’s actions hadn’t bothered him in the least bit. You admired his way of staying calm in situations where the normal person would panic and act out… it undoubtedly was the reason he has been at Angelo’s the longest, and why he always has the largest section in the restaurant. He’s level-headed, and probably always has been. 
But the insinuation in his words didn’t go unnoticed. Suddenly your adrenaline rush to protect was overtaken by another kind of rush, one that Josh had brought on to you more and more over the past few weeks. “And how would you do that?” you asked, purposefully lacing your voice with the same sweet venom he had just used. The unabashed flirting had finally come to a head, where neither of you could hold it back any longer.
He shrugged one shoulder up. “I dunno, I’d figure something out,” he said with a wink that you almost missed. “Maybe I could let you be the judge this time, hm?” he suggested, circling back to the nearly perfect ten he gave you on your performance just a short week ago. Your chest surged with nerves at his insinuation, the blush rushing to your cheeks as he confidently slid the now full basket of perfectly rolled silverware right in between you. You sat back in your seat as you tried to push down the swirling in your stomach. 
“Maybe so. We going to the bar tonight?” you asked with more boldness in your voice than your actual body was feeling. Your entire body was actually already buzzing with anticipation to feel him near you again, and you were eager to get a move on with the night ahead.
Josh shook his wrist as he glanced down at his watch. He rolled his lips into his mouth as his deep brown eyes shot back to yours. “You off tomorrow?”
“I am,” you responded.
He licked his teeth, taking in a sharp breath. “Me too.”
Just then the swinging double doors to the kitchen swung open with force, and your manager, Heather, burst through them with madness dripping from her aura. “Jackson, can I see you in my office, please? Now.”
Oh fuck.
Jackson shoved the broom that was in his hands into the corner, shooting daggers at  Josh as he made his way toward her, the group again falling silent as they disappeared into the back. 
“Shit, karma hitting a little sooner than we thought, huh?” you said, holding back a vengeful laugh.
Josh chuckled as he untied the ties of his waist apron, pulling the straps from around him as he huffed a breath. “Guess so. Let’s get the fuck out of here?”
You followed closely behind him and the rest of the group as everyone made their way down the street to the bar, watching as he lightly conversed with a few of your coworkers as they questioned him about what the hell just happened back there, and what Jackson could have been talking about. You couldn't really hear the conversation, but you knew that he was likely handling it with ease, just as he handles every other situation he’s faced with with ease and grace. 
You’d watched him talk to many-an unsatisfied customer as they yelled in his face about an incorrect order or a mishap, diffusing situations with the charm he had naturally built into him. You knew he probably kicked the most tips out of anyone that worked at Angelo’s, and for good reason. He was a pro.
You watched as Josh’s left hand slipped behind his back as he spoke to them, wiggling his fingers as he searched for your hand to hold his. You followed through, gripping the ends of his fingertips with your own, just to let him know you were there. He squeezed them tightly as he continued to talk, and the sweet gesture let you know that you were on his mind even though he hadn’t been able to speak a word to you since you clocked out.
You and Josh took your normal seats at the bar while everyone else retreated back to their designated booth, the night settling in even though it had only just begun. That inherent craving you had for Josh was always amplified with alcohol, and you knew that it would only be a few strong drinks before you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from letting your mind wander with the same thoughts that were probably already surging through his. 
Roy approached you at the bar, laying out two white bar napkins in front of you. “Evenin’ guys. It’s been a while, where ya been?” You and Josh both exchanged a confused glance, realizing that it had indeed been a while since you’d been here. 
“Uhh, just been a few long nights at Angelo’s, most of the time we’re all too tired to function after we leave, you know how it can be,” Josh said as he removed his old flannel and draped it across the back of his bar stool.
“Understandable,” Roy nodded. “Ok so, Josh, last time you were drinking the hard stuff. Want a beer tonight?”
Josh snickered. “Yeah, please. Whatever lager you have on draft is fine.”
“Be right up,” Roy offered as he knocked his knuckles on the bar. 
You leaned in to Josh, catching a whiff of the cologne he must have thrown on as you both stuffed your aprons in your lockers. “Has it really been a whole week since we were here?”
He nodded slowly as he knitted his fingers together and leaned on the bar. “Yeah, I guess so… since the night I uh, stayed over.”
“Huh,” you mumbled as Roy set your drinks in front of you. “Why did we go so long without coming back?” A week was actually a good chunk of time to be gone from this place. 
Josh hissed through his teeth as he plucked a toothpick from the tiny blue glass container on the bar, sticking it between his lips as he gazed at the TV above you. “Guess we just um… knew where the night might go if we did this again so soon. Wanted to wait it out, give it a few days.”
His admission made you feel all kinds of emotions at once– excitement, confusion, regret… Give it a few days? What does that even mean? The both of you downed your first round as if your lives depended on the alcohol within the glasses, both of you sure of the fact that you will need liquid courage for whatever escapades the rest of the night will hold. Or won’t hold…
You signaled to Roy for another round as Josh avoided your gaze, and you suddenly felt a little uneasy at what he’d said.
You slipped your hair behind your ear, feeling conflicted. “You don’t… You know we don’t have to do that again, Josh, I know we agreed to it, but–”
“No, Y/N, I want to,” he stopped you mid-sentence, bolting his head to the side to look into your eyes. “Believe me, I want to keep to that agreement.”
You sat back a little. “Okay, then… why did you want to wait it out? Are you sure you want the arrangement to be with me?”
His eyes ripped across you again before looking back at the TV, the toothpick still rolling between his thumb and fingers as he gnawed on the end of it. “Of course I want it to be with you… didn’t you want to drag it out a little? More fun when you can make it last, right?”
Again, his words stole all the breath from your lungs, almost making you choke on your refilled fizzy drink. “Um, yeah… I guess, I guess you’re right…” you choke out, unable to hide the fluster that had already overtaken you simply from him saying the words ‘make it last’.
Suddenly he’s laughing at you, gripping your opposite leg in his hand as he turns your body in the stool to face him. Your knees land between his legs as he holds you there, setting his toothpick down on his napkin as he takes a long drink of his new beer. He sets it back down as his eyes land on yours, his hand still gripping the thickness of your thigh. 
“What’s with you, baby?” he asks quietly, leaning in as he cocks his head sideways. “Last time we were here you were knocking me over with your wit and confidence. Now it’s like you’re a baby bird who hasn’t found its wings yet… what’s got you all wound up?”
You, Josh. You’ve got me wound up tighter than a banjo string.
Your knees are jutted up into his groin and his face is only inches from yours, the smell of the hoppy beer on his breath mixing with the cigarette smoke from your coworkers on the walk over. He’s right… he’s managed to reduce you into a shell of a woman in the matter of a week, and you have to remember that you are only just friends.
You clear your throat as he forces you to find your true self again. “I dunno, I wouldn’t account it to you teasing me all fucking week, though.”
“Teasing you?!” he all but shouts, causing you to slap a hand across his mouth to silence him. He playfully bites at your hand to make you pull it away. “Is that what you think I was doing?”
“I’m no stranger to passing glances and subtle touches, Joshua. You may not have been teasing me, but you sure as hell acted like you missed the feeling of your hands on me,” you said with a little bit of sass in your tone. “Brushing your hand against me every chance you got, lingering stares… you aren’t slick.” 
Josh could hardly help the grin that was growing on his face, his expression now plastered with a look so playfully sinister that you wondered how it was only a week ago that you were tempting him to come over to your house simply by offering to share a blunt. 
He pushed his tongue up into the corner of his mouth, amused at your boldness. “There you are. And the funny thing is, I wasn’t trying to be slick, Y/N. I was doing that with all intents and purposes of flirting with you. Outright.”
You lean your body in closer to his, challenging him as you sipped from your skinny straw. “And friends can do that? They can flirt with each other openly?”
“You had your mouth on my cock seven days ago, sugar. I think that constitutes my right to flirt with you,” he replies with an emblazoned growl in his voice, making you feel like you’re melting into putty. 
“Did you think it would make me want to invite you over again?”
“I fucking hoped it would, just wanted to put a little time between visits, ya know. Make you miss me,” he says, gripping his hand onto your thigh a little harder now.
“Make me miss you?! Don’t flatter yourself, Josh. I see enough of you at work,” you say with a wave of your hand. His hand sneaks higher on your thigh, and you find yourself thanking yourself for choosing to wear your slitted slinky black skirt to work today. The slit is exposing most of your thigh, of which Josh has wasted no time in reveling in. His hand is warm on your skin as the alcohol suddenly hits your system, immediately swirling your brainwaves with nothing more than thoughts of his hands traveling all over you, gripping at wherever he could get. All his attention locked in on you. The memories of your face between his legs again.
You smile at him as he leans in, shaking his head at you once again. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about last weekend every single waking moment since it happened, Y/N…” he growled into your ear. Your entire body shuddered at the feeling of his breath traveling over one of your most sensitive spots, making a slew of chill bumps arise on your skin against your own will. 
The music in the joint suddenly got ten times louder as he pulled away, that damned sly smile still plastered across his face. You took a second to really look at him, the way his lips curved, the curls that balanced and framed his face, the way his eyes twinkled no matter how much darkness filled the room. He’d become a man you respected. Not only personally, but professionally, as well, and the respect was slowly but surely morphing into an emotion with a lot more weight to it. You were beginning to truly admire him. 
“I have,” you whispered, covering his hand on your thigh with your own, forcing him to squeeze you even harder. Your heart rate had picked up so much speed, you were sure that he could hear it pounding over the sound of the music, but you didn’t care. His fingertips were burning into your skin, surely leaving behind marks that would be singed into your skin for weeks from the mere heat of them. Your actions were becoming blurs, desire overtaking your entire being as you craved the man sitting in front of you. A craving that would indeed be your downfall if you didn’t keep your head on straight.
Suddenly, Josh’s phone was buzzing on the bartop, two or three text messages coming through at the same time and catching his attention. The both of you looked at the screen as he picked it up, announcing it was messages from Heather.
His eyes scanned across the messages as you waited for him to finish reading, his face falling into one of such disappointment that it shocked you. 
“What’s wrong, is she okay?”
He nodded as he locked his phone and put it face down back on the bar. “Yeah, she’s fine. She fired Jack.”
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Seriously?! Good! That asshole got what was coming for him! What else did she say?”
Josh shook his head as he sipped his beer again, “Ah, nothing.”
“Not nothing,” you said, lifting his phone from the bar to unlock it and read for yourself. “I know that look you just had.”
“Stop, Y/N, I swear,” Josh said as he tried to wrestle the phone from you. “Don’t–”
“How bad can it be?” you pressed, managing to pull the phone from his grasp and unlock the screen as you began to read aloud. 
“Hey Josh, sorry to bother you this late. I’m sure you noticed when I pulled Jackson from sidework tonight that I wasn’t in the best mood,” you read. “It came to my attention that he had been sneaking cash tips for some time now, and I was able to catch him on video this evening doing just that. I’m sending this message to all of you to apologize on Angelo’s behalf and to let you all know that Jackson and I had a conversation about it and he will no longer be working with us. I apologize for not learning of this sooner, and for the fact that I cannot repay or reimburse any of the money that was taken from you or any of the other employees. I told Jackson that if he had any heart that he should find a way to make this right with each and every one of you, so I am in hopes that he does,” you went on reading quickly, taking a breath before continuing.
“On that note, I’m sure you know that Jackson was next in line to be promoted to assistant manager. Since that is no longer the case, I want to offer the position to you, seeing as how you have been here the longest and always show nothing but the best work you can. You’re my most trusted employee, and know this business inside and out. I know this has been offered to you many times in the past, but I thought I would extend it again. Think about it, and let me know your decision at your Sunday shift. Thanks again, Heather.” Your eyes nearly burst from your head as you realize that Josh was just offered the job that Jackson would no longer be taking.
“Josh! Babe! Why do you look so sad?! You just got offered a promotion!” you wailed, waving his phone around in the air. 
He stretched his jaw as he ripped the phone from your hand and shoved it in his pocket. “Because, Y/N, I don’t want to be a manager. I want to serve my own tables, make my money, and go home.”
“But Josh, you’re so incredibly good at your job! Heather is right, you always give 100%, I swear sometimes I think that you could run that place better than our management could…” you relayed honestly. 
He shook his head. “Nah, they’ve offered it to me time and time again, and I always give them the same response. I’m happy where I am, Y/N. I swear.”
“But I bet you you’d make more money, and you wouldn’t have to work as many shifts, and you wouldn’t have to be on your feet as much and you’d have the opportunity to engage more with customers and actually have time to talk with the regulars–”
“I told you, I don’t want that. I’m content,” he argued, seemingly wanting to end the conversation. “Can we just drop it?”
The disappointment you felt put a hole through your chest. If anyone deserved this promotion, it’s him. And he knows it. “Will you just think about it?” you asked, placing both hands on his shoulders as you gazed into his eyes and pouted out your lower lip. “For me?”
You felt his entire body relax, his shoulders slump and the corner of his mouth tilt into a tiny smile. His eyes locked in on yours once more, making your stomach begin to turn over on itself again. “For you?”
“Yeah, for me,” you nodded. “You deserve to give something like this some thought, Josh.”
He laughed through his nose. “Fuck, alright, alright. I guess. I don’t like how you just did that, though…”
“What?” you played innocent. “Are you mad that I’ve got you wrapped around my little finger?” You hold your pinky up in his face as you sip down the rest of your drink, really feeling its effects, now. He pulled your hand into his, forcing your whole body into his chest. 
“No, that I’m beginning to have a harder and harder time telling you no,” he said. 
You laughed as he poked a finger into your side. You were absolutely reeling at the fact that all of his attention was yours again, finally. It gave you a high you could hardly contain. You set your drink down and leaned into him, both of your hands rested high on his thighs as your knees still dug into his groin. “Oh, is that right? Then how about we have one more drink. Then we go back to your house… so you can let me be the judge of–”
Josh cut you off with his lips crashing into yours, hot and heavy enough to stop your breathing altogether again. After a second, you inhaled him, the feeling of his tongue running along your bottom lip sending a surge of excitement straight to your core. You kissed him back, but only for a short-lived second as the fuzziness in your brain reminded you that you’re in a very public place. You let your tongue brush against his quickly, tasting the sweetness of him for the shortest second before ripping yourself away. 
You’re both breathless as you catch each other’s eyes again, red-faced and tensioned as you fight to put your lips on him again. 
“One more drink?” he asked.
“One more drink.”
Thankful that Josh’s house was only a few blocks down the road, you pulled into his driveway behind him, throwing your car in park as you yanked down your sunshield mirror and assessed the looks of yourself. “Not too shabby,” you whispered as you wiped the fallen mascara from under your eyes and ran some fresh chapstick across your lips. You flipped the visor closed just as Josh was opening your car door for you. 
“Welcome to my humble abode, my lady,” he announced with an accent, holding his hand out for you to grab to step out of the car. You pulled the keys from the ignition and grabbed your purse before taking his hand, strong and sturdy as it pulled you from your seat. As your eyes adjusted in the darkness, you saw that Josh’s house was small, but quaint, a tiny front porch lined with white Christmas lights and covered with hanging plants. He had neighbors, but they weren’t too close at all, and a rather high wooden fence line surrounded the whole property. 
You followed him up to the front where he pulled open the swinging screen door onto the porch, revealing a bunch of old mismatched furniture covered in colorful patio cushions that looked surprisingly comfortable. There was a small radio playing a staticy old country station, and an old blue cooler making a rusty buzzing noise. You watched as he sauntered over to it, lifting up the heavy silver lid. “Want a beer or a seltzer or something?”
“Um, sure. Seltzer, please,” you responded, still taking in the overly-adorable front porch and taking notes as to how you could make yours look the same. He tossed you the can and you cracked it open, watching as he kicked his shoes off onto a rug by the front door. You followed suit and removed your own, not wanting to be rude as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.
The air conditioning hit you in the face in the same way that hotel room A/C does when you’re on vacation, cold and bitter but welcoming all the same. It’s an older home, but you’d never be able to tell it with the way he had it decorated. Salt lamps and old art covered the white plaster walls, white tile underneath all his oriental rugs. A giant couch sat in the middle of the room that connects to the kitchen, filled with cookbooks and open shelves on the walls that were littered with colorful plates and cups.
“Do you have any roommates?” you asked, wanting to fill the awkward silence that had come out of nowhere.
“No,” he sang as he walked you into the living room. “My brother and I bought this place a few years ago, he lived with me for a year then he got a girlfriend and left me here all by myself, so.”
“Aw, Josh… I’m sorry,” you giggled.
He laughed too as he flipped on a lamp. “It’s okay. It was kinda the plan in the first place.”
You take note of the multitude of blankets strewn across the couch and the cabinet full of vinyl near the sliding glass door… the framed photographs of people and places alike that line the walls, and the lack of any television in his living room. 
“No TV?” you asked. 
“Nah, I’d never watch it anyway. Rather read or listen to music,” he said, his voice almost sounding a little nervous. “You wanna see the rest?”
You nod as you swallow a drink of your seltzer, following him down a short hallway. “Down there is the bathroom and spare bedroom… in here is just a room that catches all my junk… laundry room…” you smiled to yourself as you began to notice that he probably hasn’t had any visitors in a long while, and the last person that came was probably his now ex. 
“What’s upstairs?” you asked as you followed behind him, walking through a wooden bead curtain. 
“My room. The best room in the house,” he said.
“Oh? And what makes it that?”
He takes your hand in his, warm and soft as he pursed his lips together. “Come on, let’s get out of our work clothes.” It suddenly strikes you that you both still reek of pizza, are probably covered in sauce and spilled beer, sweaty and gross from your fairly busy Friday shift. 
“Shit, Josh, I didn’t bring anything to change in to, I didn’t know I’d be–”
“Shh, baby. Friends share clothes, right?” he asked as you both ascend the old squeaky stairs, turning the corner at the top to the A-frame finished attic section of the home. You followed him in the darkness through more hanging plants and across plush rugs before you smelled a sweet earthy smell overtake your senses. Your hand was still in his, leading the way as he opened his door to his bedroom. 
The walls were a deep plum color, lined with gold accents and more photographs and art, dim low-light lamps and a giant beanbag in the corner. It smelled heavily of incense, and you couldn’t quite put your finger on just what scent it was.
“Wow…” you whispered out, laughing a little as you did so. 
“What?” he asks. 
You walk further into the room, taking a seat on his full-sized mattress that’s covered in a plush olive velvet comforter and tons of giant pillows. 
“Nothing, I… this is just not what I thought your house would be like,” you say, still in wonder that you kept seeing new, precious things every single place you look.
Josh joined you on the bed, bouncing it a little as he sipped from his own can. “Yeah, I like to think my room is like my escape from the real world, ya know? Come here to unwind, mostly. Oh, I forgot…” he got up and began searching through the drawers of his armoire, pulling out an old t-shirt and pair of shorts for you. “I’ll turn around.”
You laughed as you set your can on his nightstand, quickly getting undressed and changing into the clothing he gave you, while he stripped and did the same. “No peeking,” you said as he pretended to turn around, both of you knowing that you most likely would be seeing more of each other as the night went on. You took a second to breathe in the scent of his laundry, clean and floral as you pulled the holey white t-shirt over your head.
After you’d both changed, Josh took the opportunity and closed in on you again, gently taking your waist in his hands. “Like seeing you in my clothes… you look good…” he mumbled as he let his nose drift down your jawline.
You felt that same familiar chill run down your spine, already imagining him taking off the shirt that you had just put on. His hands gripped into your love handles, pulling you closer as his mouth drifted from your jaw to your neck, lightly sucking on the soft skin and pulling it between his lips. 
“This okay?” he mumbled as your hands finally drifted up underneath his shirt, your nails lightly scratching at the skin. 
“Mmhmm… very much…” you breathed, rounding your hands behind him to scratch along his back.
He made his way to meet your lips again, catching you off guard in the kiss that got cut short at the bar. His hands were fierce and his lips were fiery, his fingertips pulling at your skin as you kissed him back, letting your tongue push through his lips to show him how much you want him, too. The both of you worked to keep things cautious, knowing that you were pushing the borders of becoming too intimate for an agreement that is based solely on friendship and pleasure. 
You broke away, mirroring his earlier actions as you tiptoed just a little to take his earlobe into your mouth, biting at the skin just below it as you blew whispers into his ear. Your hands were wrapped around his neck and you could feel his chest heaving, his hips pressing themselves into you as you finally felt his length pressing up against your core. 
You let out a tiny pitiful moan, one that probably wouldn’t have been heard if the room wasn’t so quiet. He took you up in a tight embrace and held you there, your face caught in the nape of his neck as you both took a second to calm down, and breathe each other in. 
“You feel really fucking good, Y/N…” he said with a vulnerable tone. 
“So do you, Josh,” you agreed, your voice muffled by his shoulder. 
“No, like, you just… I don’t know how to explain it. You just… fit right here,” he squeezed you harder in his arms, letting you know that this is exactly where he liked you most. You squeezed him back to let him know that you were in complete agreement, but also felt the need to separate again, not wanting to let things drift too far into waters that you hadn’t even talked about exploring. 
So you pulled away, leaving your hands balanced on his stomach as you gave him a genuine smile. 
“You wanna see the best part of the house?” he asked, smirking as he ran a recentering hand through his hair. 
“Are we not in it right now?” you motioned up to the vaulted ceilings and hanging lights above you, twinkling away and casting warm shadows all over the room. 
“Not really,” he said, turning and walking over to a set of tall doors, pulling on the gold handles to open them. You walked up behind him, seeing that the door led directly onto a flat, concave area on the roof. He flicked on a switch, letting another set of string lights illuminate the small space, showing a slew of more cushions and comfortable furniture  nearly filling the floor of the whole thing. A tall spider plant took up most of the corner while the floor was littered with plush outdoor rugs, much the same vibe as was throughout the rest of the house. 
“Holy shit, Josh… this is, this is gorgeous,” you said, walking outside and up to the edge of the roof, able to peek down into his fenced-in backyard. A giant Oak tree extended its branches all the way above the roof, providing the perfect makeshift covering for the outdoor spot. The crescent moon was hung low in the sky, providing just enough light to make the scene all the more romantic. 
“This is the best part of the house…” he said, boasting a little as he removed the glass topper of a citronella candle, pulling a lighter out of nowhere and lighting the wick before replacing the tall glass cover. 
“I think I might agree with that,” you say, taking a seat on one of the oversized cushions. “Come back over here,” you beckoned him, suddenly needing to feel his hands on you again. He did just that, placing himself next to you as he took you up in his arms again, peppering your face with pecks. You could tell something was just a little bit off, as it felt as though he was holding himself back. 
“You alright, baby?” you asked, hoping that you calling him the pet name wasn’t overstepping too much. 
He nodded into your neck. “I’m good. Just trying to find my mojo again,” he laughed.
“Believe me baby, you still have it,” you said with utmost certainty.
He pulled away a little, meeting your line of vision. “Really?”
You nodded, “Ohhh yeah. You do, no doubt about it.”
He laughed again as he trailed a finger along the inside of your thigh. “Well thank you. It’s just been, ya know.” He huffed a heavy breath. “It’s been kinda rough. And finding you, and befriending you, it was a really welcome treat,” he said, adding a few more fingers as he drifted them along your leg. You felt another set of chills overtake your body, wanting more from him. 
“I’ll happily be your distraction, Josh,” you said, hinting toward being the person he used to fully get over his ex. “That’s not something I’m above.” 
The thought of being that person to him was extremely intriguing, even though it sounded a bit different upon hearing yourself say it out loud. 
“No, no, you’re not a distraction. You’re far from it. You’re… really you’re more of…” he struggled to find the words as his fingers drifted higher and higher to where you really wanted them to be. “You’re like a beautiful addition that I didn’t expect. And that might sound stupid, but… I really do appreciate your friendship, Y/N,” he admitted, biting his lower lip in. 
It didn’t take much for your hand to find him again, tracing your finger along the column of his neck as you both reclined on the cushions. 
“Not stupid, Josh. You’re the same for me. Finding you has been… an adventure, to say the least,” you smiled as you felt his curls fall onto your face, his head lying on your shoulder. And you were absolutely not lying; the day that Josh came into your life changed it for the better, giving you a whole new journey to embark on that you’d never once touched in your life, a new person to feel completely whole and trusting with, building a companionship from the ground up all while intertwining the needs you both had for the benefit of not only yourselves, but for each other. It’s been an experience of selflessness that you never even knew you needed, and if you had to guess, he didn’t know he needed it, either.
You enjoyed the presence of each other for a few more silent minutes, letting yourselves explore the potential of all that each of you held, but having enough self-control to not act on it, yet. 
“So, our deal…” he finally spoke up just as you heard the late summer frogs begin to chirp from the yard below. 
“Yes…” you urged him, letting your fingers pull at the hem of his shorts. 
“I want you to be the judge tonight… if you want to,” he said with his voice low, almost as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear it. 
For whatever reason, his insinuation from earlier didn’t click with you at the bar. You hadn’t put two and two together that he wanted to return the same favor that you’d given him a week ago.
“Oh,” you muttered as you felt his hand creep higher. 
“Again, only if you’re comfortable with that…” he said. You mulled it over for exactly one second before you began nodding quickly. 
“I’m comfortable, but only if you are, too,” you said, wanting to give him the space to back out and not feel pressured. 
“I used to be somewhat of a legend when it came to this,” he said with a stretch of his arms, pushing you further back into the cushions. “But that was many moons ago. If you’ll let me, I’d like to see if I still have what it takes… let you give me a true rating, just like I gave you..” he went on. 
You bit your lips in, suddenly feeling a little shy, but also completely empowered at the comfortability of it all. “I think I can do that.” 
There was a light breeze in the air, stirring up the smell of the citronella and whatever candle or incense he had burning in his room, making for what you felt was about to be a very immersive experience. 
He took a deep breath, rolling to his knees as he knelt between yours. He hooked both of his fingers in your shorts and underwear, giving you another look of reassurance as you nodded his way. He swallowed hard as he began pulling them down until they were all the way off, and he tossed them to the side as his eyes finally landed on your completely uncovered lower half. You felt shy, but not in an embarrassing way; the way his eyes took you in made you feel as though you were the most beautiful wonder he had ever laid his eyes upon, soft and sweet and all for him, tonight. 
“You’re gorgeous, Y/N,” he whispered lowly again, the flicker of the candle flame lighting up his doe eyes. He pulled your ankles up to his ears, turning his head to kiss the insides of your legs as they balanced on his shoulders. He worked his way down, switching from one to the other as he laid light kisses and pecks all the way down to your knees, sending you little looks of admiration every few seconds. After a few minutes familiarizing himself, he bent down, bringing himself closer to your core as he got comfortable laid out on his stomach. 
“I’m gonna go slow,” he whispered as he placed his arms under your thighs, pulling you closer to him. You imagined that he was talking himself through it, so you went along with whatever he wanted to give you. You were fully exposed to him now, and though the feeling was a little uneasy, it didn’t feel wrong, in the least. 
“You do whatever you want, baby,” you reassured him, running your hand through his locks. “I can’t believe we’re about to do this on your roof…” you laughed, covering your face as you tried to lighten the mood just a little. You heard his high-pitched giggle fill the air, the one he only let slip out when he thought something was really amusing. 
“I know, I’m sorry…” he admitted, still laying wet kisses to the insides of your thighs. 
“Don’t be sorry, I’ve just never done this outdoors before,” you cooed, scratching your nails into his scalp as your body was already heaving a bit, in search of the connection it was so craving. You felt your hips buck up a little on their own as they sought him out.
“You’re fucking dripping, baby,” he said as his tongue ran one languid strip along your slit, not yet making its way inside yet. His words sent your mind into a carnal, visceral reaction, and suddenly you pushed all the comfort talk to the wayside as you imagined him fully, admiring the wetness that he created. “You really want me this much?”
“Yes, Josh… been craving you, please…” you pleaded, suddenly no longer able to hold on to anything besides what was in front of you.
“Craving me? That’s a powerful word, lover,” he went on, teasing his tongue around your lips.
“Haven’t you?” you rebutted. “You told me at the bar I’ve been the only thing on your mind since last weekend…”
You heard him hum a sweet laugh. “Patience, sweet thing, I’m getting there.”
His mouth finally connected to you, the thickness of his lips pulling you into him, his hands gripping hard on your asscheeks. Finally his tongue was exploring you, switching between long strokes and pointed pokes into your opening, flitting his tongue as deeply as he could inside you. “Oh, fuck, Josh…” you called out, your hands digging harder at his curls. 
He continued on, finally paying special attention to your clit as he brought his hand up to join his mouth, placing one finger on either side of it and alternating them as if he was pushing buttons. The indirect pressure was sending your mind into a frenzy already, even without the direct contact. He continued there for a few seconds before he licked his tongue up along you again, pressing it directly between his fingers and onto the sensitive bud. You felt the long-awaited and new overwhelming sensation, sending your head back into the pillows as he hummed onto you, vibrating his lips against it and sending an immediate convulsion through your body. 
“Oh my god?” you perked up, finally looking him directly in the eyes, your knees bending up to squeeze his head. “What in the hell was that?! Fuckkkk….”  you cried out, watching as he smiled on you. Cheeky fucker.
It was like he was starving for you, pulling you into him with heavy suction before extending his tongue back into you again, working your clit with his thumb as the top half of his hand added pressure down onto your abdomen. He was right, he knew exactly what he was doing. He just had to get familiar with it again. 
He pulled away, out of breath and heaving as you felt the devastating disconnection. “Switch me, babe… want you on top of me,” he barked, motioning with his hands for you to hurry. He helped you sit up to kneel as he took your spot on the cushions, pulling at your thighs for you to come and straddle his face. 
“Are you sure, Josh? This is–” you were breathless as you asked, already so close to orgasm and he hadn’t even shown off for you yet. 
“M’ sure baby, come on,” he commanded, slapping your legs as he repositioned. Before you knew it his mouth was on you again, pulling you down with force as you cried out in pleasure again, completely uncaring if the neighbors could hear your moans from their back porches. Your hands were balanced on the wall to hold yourself up, his tongue still doing whatever it wanted between your folds. The sensation was overwhelming, all-encompassing as you were sure you’d never felt anyone take care of you like this before. 
You could feel your wetness on his beard and mustache, the grittiness of his coarse hairs a bit grating, but you welcomed the bit of discomfort. You felt his hand come up, toying with your entrance as he paid special attention to your clit again, pulling it forcefully in and out of his mouth. 
“Can I?” he asked, wondering if it was okay to go that far as his fingers did everything but enter you all the way. 
“Yes, fuck, please,” you begged, the immense need to feel him inside you overtaking your decision-making skills. The next thing you knew, his two middle fingers were buried deep inside you, curling and twisting in a way that let you know that he had the fingers crossed, one right over the other. He pumped them in and out of you a few times, taking the breath completely from you as everything became almost too much to handle. You laid your forehead against the wall along with your hands, ignoring your own want to swirl your hips. 
“Come on baby, you can…” he growled from beneath you as he tapped your hips again, his free hand still gripped hard on your ass. He’d read your mind, so you did, swirling your hips in a figure-8 while his fingers and tongue continued their work. 
“Mmmhmm…”  he hummed onto you as your pitiful cries filled the air again, your body weight fighting to keep itself upright. Your mind was blacking out as you felt the pleasure overtaking you in waves, the constant realization that you were outside, on Josh’s roof, letting him devour you making you all the more dizzy. Just envisioning the visual of the scene made you want to cum right then and there. 
Suddenly he pushed you away from him, sliding his body down and out from under you, standing up on his knees again. He turned and pulled you backward by the waist as he bent you in half, pressing your head back down onto the cushion as he pulled your legs apart a little. You felt him maneuver himself again, leaning his head down as he gripped your ass in his hands again, connecting his mouth with you from behind. 
“Fuck!!!” you yelped at the sudden change in position, and for how downright confident he was being. Intimacy was suddenly out the window. You arched your back for him, giving him greater access to your most sensitive places. His hands worked to separate your folds as his tongue delved deep again, sending you so close to the edge that you almost lost it. 
Right then you knew that you needed more, you needed it all. Burying your face in the pillows for him was the only thing you wanted to do, from here on out. In whatever position he wanted… frontward, backward, upside down… You needed it. You needed to feel all of him. But you knew in the back of your mind that going all the way might not be in the cards. 
At least not tonight. 
Your cries were building up again as you swayed your hips for him, eliciting a heinous growl from somewhere deep in his chest. Every nerve ending in your body was lit up with electricity as you began to see stars, his constant attention directly where you needed it making all of your strings come untied. “Josh, fuck… I’m– close…” you cried out in a slew of breathless words. 
He pulled away again, gripping under your belly and flipping you back onto your back. “Errrghhh,” you complained as he edged you again, and you could feel your jaw clenched together with rage. 
“Don’t yell at me, baby,” he said. “Am I not giving you what you want?” His eyes were deep and hollow as the light flickered off of them again, making him seem more devious than he had ever looked before. He laid back down in front of you, pulling your knees to rest on his shoulders again. His fingers pressed into you again, and continued flicking deep inside of you, twisting up and curling as he pondered you. 
You gripped your hand around the back of his neck, pulling yourself up to kiss him, uncaring of your own wetness now transferred onto you. He moaned into your mouth as your tongue searched for his, his hand never letting up as your body began to tremble again. You could feel the sheen of sweat forming on your head and cheeks as he unraveled you, his fingers so perfectly deep and his thumb still expertly working your clit, you were positive that there was nothing else existing in the world right now, besides him. You pulled away, meeting his eyes with a question that he had no idea you would even ask. 
You didn’t even have to speak a word, he knew exactly what you were asking of him. 
He broke eye contact, looking down at the cushions as he continued with his hand. “I want to baby, believe me… I fucking want to… I want you, too…” he captured your lips in a sweet and longing kiss again, letting you know he was right there with you. “Just…give me this… let me have you like this… and…” 
You nodded, feeling the knot coming undone in your belly, anyway, unable to stop it even if you tried. 
“Promise me, Josh… you will, we will… want you, want all of you…”
He nodded hard as he pressed his forehead to your cheek, your body almost completely bent in half as the backs of your knees rested on his shoulders. “I promise sweetheart… one day…” 
With his promise and one particularly specific pump of his finger and thumb combination, you were falling over the edge, your whole body shaking and tremoring as you came undone for him, the sounds coming from your body almost embarrassing as you finally were able to hear your own wetness against the slap of his hand. 
When you finally came down, his tongue was on you again, cleaning up the mess you’d both made and swallowing it down. “God, you’re fucking delicious, Y/N, I swear…” he praised as he ran his tongue along you again, sending your body into a fit of shaking overstimulation. 
He pulled his t-shirt up over his mouth, wiping away any excess as he flattened your body back out, crawling up you to lay one last kiss to your now-soaked lips. 
You took a long, deep breath, cleansing yourself of being devoid of proper oxygen intake for the past few minutes. He finally joined you on the pillows, throwing an arm behind his head as he looked at you with a smug grin. “Told you I was a legend,” he said, adding a giant cheesy smile along with his boasting. 
“Okay, listen,” you said, slapping your hand onto his chest. “You can’t call yourself a legend, then ask for me to rate you. It doesn’t work like that,” you argued. “Unfair.”
“Okay, alright, whatever. Then what do you give me?” he asked, turning toward you and pulling your weak leg up over him.
You pressed your finger to your chin just as he had done when he was “evaluating” you. “Nine and a half.”
“What?! Now, that’s unfair, you can’t give me the same rating I gave you,” he complained. “Be serious, I’m a perfect ten.”
You swallowed hard, not wanting to tell him the real reason that you didn’t give him a ten was because the only way you know he could reach that level of perfection was if you could have him wholly and completely, though both experiences with him so far had been beyond stellar on all fronts, deep down, your thirst for him wouldn’t be satiated until that day. That, and the fact that you simply couldn’t let him beat you. 
“Sorry, that’s my rating,” you shrugged him off, reaching down for your underwear and shorts.
“Well fuck me,” he complained, rolling to his back. 
“I tried to,” you said in retaliation with a laugh, causing him to shoot his look your way. 
He met you with a look that you hadn’t seen from him yet, one that told you that there was something you were missing, something that he refused to divulge, but you were honestly too scared to ask. He bit his cheeks in and broke away from your stare, taking a choppy breath again. “I know we promised, babe, but… we’ve gotta remember that we’re just friends, yeah? Just friends–”
“Friends with benefits. Right,” you answered for him in a clipped tone, unsure how to take it. You wished that you could put it all out in the open and discuss things how they lied, but what Josh didn’t know was that you shared his same feeling of uncertainty, both of you so swept up in the idea of one another that you were too scared to fall. Too scared to take a leap that the other one might not want to share. 
Your feelings for Josh were growing. Sprouting new buds and new blossoms every single day, weaving themselves deeper into your bones than you had ever anticipated. But you could never tell him the absolute truth, it could ruin everything. It could turn your relationship up on its tail, causing the both of you to see the other in a light that neither of you even planned on shining in the first place. 
That’s the devastation of it all, the realization of the possibility you might be physically compatible while sharing little to no other characteristics with someone who could end up being more than just a friend. 
But the passion was there, you could feel it. It was almost tangible just now as he begged you to fly into oblivion for him, all at the touch of his hand. You couldn’t lose Josh, and he couldn’t lose you. Not right now, at least. The two of you had become dependent on one another, in all ways besides romantically. 
If you took that step… if you both let your guard down all the way… would things still be the same? Did he even want you in that capacity? You were too scared to ask, you were too scared to know. 
So, you cleaned yourself up, replaced your panties and shorts and followed Josh back into his lavish bedroom, letting him pull you up underneath his protective arm under his sheets and blankets, kissing you on the forehead as the two of you drifted off into a sleep that begged for more. The both of you lying to yourselves right where you were, waiting for the feelings to dissipate. 
Or worse, manifest themselves in a way that was much more gruesome than something a friend with a benefit could ever, ever give. 
xoxoxo jules
Taglist: @britney-gvf @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj@dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner@cassiesgreta @joopsandjangs @whimsiliz @kiszkas-canvas@whimsiliz @joopsandjangs @broken0mens @scoreofinfantryvines @whereiskeara @do-it-jakey-baby @miravanfleet @heckingfrick @gretavangroupie @dayumclarizzel @lilbitx
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
Some people have all the luck
Two-Face/Reader, 1.2K words Idk, writing that match-up with good ol' Harv sparked something in my brain and I haven't stopped thinking about him since. I just had to write something. Using his Arkham design in the divider but this isn't specific to that portrayal. [1/2] Already at rock bottom, Two-Face offers you the chance to test your luck. Rating: 18+
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CWs: Drunk reader, smoking, implied threats of violence, sexually suggestible themes - nothing explicit, swearing, Reader is kind of a dick - but hey, we all have bad days.
Please: never apologise for being yourself.
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It had been a terrible, awful, shitty day, but somebody else’s was about to be worse. 
Perhaps because you were too drunk to even think of minding your own business, or perhaps because you wanted to see somebody else’s day ruined, you watch, lucid and transfixed as a strong, grotesque hand clutches the arm of another drunken bar patron.
You’d clocked him as soon as he’d entered; tall, dark, and intriguingly handsome in ways you didn’t care to decipher. His suit was crisp, hugging him in all the right places, a cigar situated cleanly between his teeth. 
The unlucky girl had been in a world of her own, dancing amongst friends. The poor thing hadn’t been looking where she was going, and hadn’t seen him coming despite his very noticeable presence. She’d spun around, colliding with his large frame, spilling her cocktail all over his two-tone suit. 
Their voices can barely be heard over the blaring music, but she looks to be begging, hunched over in a show of submission, trying desperately to reel back her trapped arm. 
When he drops his cigar to the floor, putting it out easily as he reaches into his suit jacket to pull out his signature coin, you sit up straighter. At least you try to, your intoxicated body only allows you to lean further onto your table, angling for a better view. 
The silver dollar glints under the spotlights as it flips through the air and lands back in his good hand. 
His lips move, either an omen of what’s to come, or a warning for the future and then… 
He releases his grip. She bows her head lower, and then she’s gone, disappearing amongst the crowd. Disappointing. 
That should have been it, you should have averted your gaze when it was over, nursed your drink, watched somebody else, someone less dangerous. In all honestly, you don’t even realise you’re still staring until he’s standing directly on the other side of your table, glaring back at you. Half glaring. The unmarred side of his face, the ‘handsome Harvey’ side as the paper used to bill him, with a sharp jawline and high cheekbone seems softer, sadder. It looks at you like you’re a lost puppy, begging your safety.
The other side not so much; It's still handsome, all the trademark features of his right side still there, under layers of sharp, twisted skin. It doesn’t seem so bad up close, strangely attractive even, if not for the veiny yellow eye that appears to be routing for your demise. 
You can’t help but wonder how much of your perception of his supposed conflicting expressions is real, and how much of it is fuelled by his portrayals in the media, by the uneven shapes of his face under the blinking lights, by your own dubious emotions. 
“What are you looking at?” His voice is low, gravelly, threatening. More of a growl that emanates from his puffed-out chest. 
Had you been sober, you likely would have let your panic show, would have stuttered over your words, would have uttered a thousand apologies, not unlike his previous target. Instead, you continue to peer up at him as you take a slow sip of your drink, struggling to find your coaster when you place it back on the table. 
“I just can’t believe she got away with that.” The words come out slurred, but more confident than you’d expected. “Some people have all the luck.” 
Maybe your statement, maybe your demeanour, but something about you seems to amuse him. The space where an eyebrow would sit on his left side raises, his head twists to the side, showing you more of his undamaged side. 
“Not you?” His voice is still gruff and husky, but his tone is lighter now, entertained. 
“Me? Nah. If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” You try to make some form of gesture with your arms, but all you manage to do is spill a tipple from your drink. Finally looking away from him, you grab way too many napkins whilst trying and clean up your spillage. 
Distracted, you don’t notice his rounding the table until you hear the sound of metal knocking on glass far too close for comfort. Your eyes dart to the noise. His hand is beside yours, tapping his coin against the table. You unabashedly track your eyes up his body, taking in his dexterous hand, muscular arms, broad shoulders, until you’re face to face again.
Even as you’re perched on the bar stool his standing frame still towers over you. Up close he smells like smoke and jasmine. He radiates authority and malice that should caution you, should send you running. But for some reason you find yourself intrigued, captivated by his formidable presence. 
Presumably satisfied to have your attention once again, he brings the coin up close to your face, turning it back and forth between his fingers, displaying its two sides. One clean and shiny, the other dented and scratched, a mirror image of himself. 
“Care to test that theory?” What a terrifying prospect, the answer is clearly no, but it’s obvious you don’t really have a choice in the matter. Your only hope is that it lands on his good side. 
“Not really, but by all means.” Your attempt to crack a joke seems to land. The left side of his face doesn’t have much of a mouth, but the muscles twitch upwards in a manner that implies a smile. 
You watch with bated breath, teeth digging into your lower lip as the coin jolts into the air. It lands in the palm of his hand, and he closes his fingers over it quickly, denying you a chance to glimpse the results. 
“This is the part where they usually try to run away.” He comments, and you really can’t tell if he’s trying to make his own joke or not. You tilt your body away from him, buzzed brain trying and failing to locate an escape path. Then you look at your feet, heavy and unbalanced due to the sheer amount of booze you’d been trying to drown yourself in. 
“I would but…” I wouldn’t get far, I don’t think I can, I’d probably just fall flat on my face. Warm, rough skin meets your chin, directing your slackened face back to his. When you look up at him, your heart races under his lurid gaze. “I don’t want to.” 
His fingers move deftly, opening just enough for him to glimpse the result before placing it back in his inner pocket. Still declining you a peek at your fate. 
The same rugged skin that had held your face now rakes down your body, dropping lower until it’s wrapped around your waist, easily hoisting you from your seat and onto unsteady feet. The crowd parts with every step, eager not to get in his way. You wonder how you look to the masses, like lovers heading home for the night? Like a father caring for his inebriated child? His vice-like, bruising grip around your body implies something far less tender. 
You spot the girl from earlier, pale and shaking amongst a group of girlfriends attempting to calm her. She offers you a solemn, pitying look. Perhaps this is your penance for routing for her downfall. 
“Wh- what are you- where are we…” You trip over your words, nerves finally getting the better of your vocal cords. His expression gives nothing away. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know.” 
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
I get mad thinking about Vivziepop’s questionable writing or dialogue choices sometimes—and then I just feel sad after because I really wish I could see her shows as something naunced and worthy of thoughtful discussion. I wish I could love these shows wholeheartedly like I use to, and its only the attachment I still hold for her works that keep me sticking around, but man, I feel so disheartened sometimes that I wish I could just let it go and move on already, but its hard.
I don’t see either of her shows being things that are going to be remembered as super amazing or have a fandom passionate about the work like 10 years down the line. I can’t look at her characters and think about their possible motivations or analyze them deeply based on interaction, or just general presence in the story, because there is no depth greater than a pond. With her antagonists she writes them in such a particular way that they serve less as actual characters and more as glorified plot devices and nothing more, and with her protagonists she leaves them as overdeveloped or underdeveloped at the same time.
What am I suppose to take when watching her shows? With Helluva Boss, I can’t tell what I’m suppose to gleam from it. Is the story about relationships and focuses on character interaction and characters more than the plot itself? Its not doing that great of a job at that. Theres no changes in character dynamics, characters dont really interact with one another meaningfully most of the time, and relationships arent explored enough outside of already established ones. Is it about fighting against a system that is rigged against you and standing up against the ones in power? No, it isn’t, because the opression our main characters face isnt relevant enough in the story outside of the ocassional reminder that, yes, Imps are the lowest in the system, yes, imps can be quite literally sold as property and serve as servants and the working force to the ones in power, and, yes, imps face discrimination. (Can you tell the supremacist line pissed me off yet.)
I.M.P—who are all apart of marginalized species in hell—do not talk about these issues they face. Crimson is literally a mafia boss in Greed and he doesn’t seem to have any problems being a imp in power despite the demons working under him being higher in status than he himself is. (Minus the money problems because it doesnt seem actually relevant to anything and isnt brought up afterwards) Why have our main characters be apart of the lower class at all if it isnt actually important to the show. By the end of this show, the hierachy isnt going to change because status quo is god, and the worst case scenario possible is that Blitz gets with Stolas and becomes a prince and lives a life where the same species he’s apart of literally serves under him.
And speaking of status quo, what on earth is season 2 of Hazbin going to even be about if season 1 ends in a literal war between Heaven and Hell? You don’t just change the status quo that drasitically in one season—unless if Hell and Heaven were at war since the start? But it doesnt seem that way. Would Season 2 focus on redemption—but if that’s the case, why make season 1 the war between hell and heaven when season 2 would be more fitted for it instead?
I never thought these shows would be on ‘Breaking Bad’ tier levels of writing, but I thought they were going to at least be something I could walk away from with a clear understanding of what message it wants to tell and how I can interpret it as part of an auidence, but maybe I was wrong to think the stories Medrano writes have something wonderfully insightful to give, and it really hurts to think about.
I know how you feel, Anon. A shame we can't all have just one day to look into the good timeline where Viv's the writer and person we hoped she would be, and these shows are everything we were looking forward to.
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domini-porter · 28 days
I Wrote You A Story: Hard Luck, Chapters 1-4
Rizzoli & Isles, F/F, Noir AU, Rated T for Tommy guns and Tommy's There, Too
You ever get dizzy for a hard-luck dame? A gumshoe with a gun on a storm-dark night? And also that they're Maura and Jane, and that they can't stop flirting? Well WELL.
Brains, bullets, bad people doing bad things; rich men found dead in their fiancées' beds; corruption, complications, and crackerjack intrigue, all wrapped up in a plot so thick you'll have to eat it with a spoon.
It's a hardboiled ode to hardboiled noir, and I offer its first four chapters to you <3
AO3 links and (spoiler-free) excerpts below!
Chapter 1: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
I haven’t set foot in a church in so long I’m sure God’s forgotten my name, but I know a sin when I see one. And I’ve never been big on prayer—I can talk to myself just fine—but I still remember the first thing that came to mind when the door swung open was my Ma, making me repeat the Hail Mary until she got sick of hearing it. Not because I needed God. No, what I was going to need—a realization as sudden and clear as the jagged slash of lightning that showed me her face for the first time—was forgiveness.
Chapter 2: Coup de Foudre
She gave me that tight, annoyed little pout again as she slowly turned around, hands sliding across the slinky black satin of her dress to prove there wasn’t any place to stash an iron. Made sure I got a good look, too, even dipping a digit into the tease of cleavage at her scalloped neckline. “Satisfied?” Literal and figurative darkness or not; if I’d been cooked before, now I was the full Christmas goose. Still. “You’d be surprised where some dames can fit a derringer.” “Would I,” she purred. “Even in a dress like this one?” “In even less than that.” One eyebrow up. Tongue flicking at her lower lip. Jesus H. Christ.
Chapter 3: Don't Let the Button Men Bite
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know,” she’d murmured, flickering yellow lamplight making her glow like a gilt Pietà tucked in a votive niche as she lowered her lashes, gazed down at the ground. “But not here. Please,” she’d whispered with that wobbly little quiver of both voice and lip that had me on the ropes every time. “Take me somewhere. Anywhere. I don’t care. Just . . . get me away from this place. Please.”
Chapter 4: Benny the Bunny
All that would have, should have been enough for one person to stew on, except that person was me, and I had even bigger problems. Problems thinking wouldn’t be able to solve. Problems I was going to have to face sooner rather than later, since Lomond had just slowed the Rolls to a smooth halt. “All right,” I muttered. “Let’s go.” Hauled myself out of the gleaming machine, glancing furtively for any early risers. So far, everything still seemed to be buttoned up tight. One less problem, at least.
see you next time, kid
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rosemaryreaper · 7 months
A collection of brief contextless snippets of Ros being…well, Ros.
Featuring Nick, Ellie, Nora, Haylen, and others.
* * * *
Climbing down took less than half the time it took to climb up. Near the bottom, she simply dropped the last ten feet, boots hitting the wood roof with a solid thud. Abernathy stood waiting for her with a grin. Connie had already left.
He clapped her on the back. “Quick work. Where’d you learn to climb like that?”
“Through an unexpected blessing following the most traumatically horrific experience of her life” would have been the correct answer, but Ros wasn’t about to go into detail about that. So, she simply said, “A stripper taught me.”
Abernathy raised his eyebrows. “Huh. Well, you’ll have to thank that stripper for me.”
Ros was fairly certain she was dead, but she mentally passed on the message anyway.
* * * *
“You’ve put me in your debt,” Ros said, as Connie secured the straps on the impressively full pack.
“Oh, quit your whining already,” Connie said. “I couldn’t care less if you never show your face around here again. Don’t have the caps to hire a merc.”
Ros eyed her warily, unsure if this was genuine evidence of a sense of humor and not a straight up threat. Connie didn’t clarify, which didn’t help matters at all.
* * * *
They could see well enough to point a gun at her, at least. She allowed herself to assume that the white diamond over their heart meant that they were, in fact, a guard and not a member of a gang, because if she had to fight the last hundred feet to the city, she would lay down in the street and let them shoot her.
Tiredly, she told the strangely-armored person, “Not a mutant.”
To her surprise, they lowered their rifle without hesitation. “Always good to hear,” they said cheerfully.
* * * *
“Noted.” He set the clipboard down, giving her a tired smile. “Your weapons are your business, but discharge them and Security will do the same. Chems are legal, but public use isn’t. Any disorderly conduct will earn you a night in lockup if no one shoots you for it first. If you need a place to stay, look for the Dugout Inn on First Street. Yefim Bobrov can set you up with a room. Any questions?”
“Yeah, uh,”—her grip tightened on the edge of the counter—“is there a doctor here, by any chance?”
Danny’s shoulders tensed. “There is,” he said warily. “If you’re sick, there is a quarantine procedure—”
“Not sick. Shot.”
Jamie said, “What?”
She removed the fedora from her stomach, uncovering the blood-stained holes in her new shirt.
Danny was on his feet, eyes wide. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He looked at Jamie. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Hell, I didn’t know,” Jamie said.
“I took two Stimpaks,” Ros said. “I’m not about to die.” She paused to double check her Pip-Boy. Three new warnings had popped up since she’d last looked. She dismissed them. “Yeah, no, not right this very second.”
“Are you sure that’s not shock?” Jamie asked. “Are you in shock?”
“I don’t actually know,” Ros said truthfully.
“Jamie,” Danny said.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll show them to the doc.” Jamie looked at Ros in concerned disbelief. “Can you walk?”
“I walked here, didn’t I?” Ros said, which wasn’t actually an answer.
“You did. Good Lord. Just…just follow me.”
* * * *
Abruptly, Ellie let herself fall over into Ros’s arms, her head tucked beneath Ros’s chin. Ros held her awkwardly, startled by this more than the tears, at least for a second. It had to be more comfortable than being doubled over her knees.
“Okay, this is fine,” Ros said, because it was.
“Sorry, honey,” Ellie said into her shirt. “I kinda ruined your morning, huh?”
Ros said, “I want you to feel better,” because she did. She did, she did.
“Ugh, you and me both.”
* * * *
“We’re open. You don’t—” Nick broke off. His fingers scratched against the door, metal against wood. A godawful sound, really.
“Sorry to bother you, Mr. Valentine,” Danny said, “but I assume this belongs to you?”
Ros attempted a grin. She presumed it looked deranged, her hands being cuffed behind her back and all.
Nick gave her a flat stare. “Tell me why I should say yes.”
“Uh, I didn’t kill anyone?” she offered.
* * * *
“Ros.” Nora tilted her chin up, rag raised in her other hand. “You have blood on your face.”
Ros grimaced as the General aggressively scrubbed her cheek. “It’s not mine.”
* * * *
“Hi,” Ros said with a tired smile. “This mattress is disgusting.”
“Obviously. It’s two hundred years old.” Haylen set the first aid kit on the chair. “Do you always talk this much?”
“Not to people. I talk to walls. And my horse. Normally they don’t talk back, though, so this is a first.”
“Right…you weren’t kidding about taking a hit to the head.”
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ltstrikesback · 6 months
I know none of you like this show, but here’s more The Impossible Heir ramblings [spoilers ahead] because I do like it:
SO, I liked The Impossible Heir at first because I was queerbaited (lol), the main leads were all hot, and it had an ~eat the rich~ vibe.
Some shenanigans happened here and there that I didn’t love but I just attributed it to the writing and looked the other way. I’m willing to suspend my belief for entertainment and sometimes just want to turn off my brain. Mainly I was rooting for the main three characters and their plan.
WITH THAT BEING SAID: now that one of the main characters is a certified murderer, I’m rooting for the other two to continue their mission to eat the rich. Full stop. Fuck Inha. And if we’re being honest it was always Fuck Inha.
It is here however that I am having some trouble looking the other way. My brain will not turn off—this is directed towards the writers and the audience.
To the writers: asdfghjjk.
My main gripe is Inha. He was always characterized as arrogant. He picks a fight in school with multiple classmates in episode 1/2. He refers to his father as a God, and how that makes him more important than other people in society. He’s frustrated that his family won’t let him live up to his own potential. Because of this characterization, it’s not a shock that he has turned into a power-hungry person who is coming for the chairman’s position. In fact, this feels pretty consistent with the character; it was the plan he made with Taeoh all along.
I suppose that he turned on Taeoh, however, was supposed to be the twist. I’m having trouble with that because it feels consistent with how rich people are lol. Since I’m watching this through a Marxist lens (lol) his position in society was never far out of my mind. I wish that the writers kept his emotional characterization a little more consistent and treated his reach for power less like a revelation. Specifically, in the early episodes he was funny, dramatic, and comic relief. Now his facial expressions are all angry and aggressive. I’m guessing it’s because the show just revealed that he’s a murderer and abusive and now they’re trying to sell it to us. I think those choices would have hit harder if he was still funny, dramatic, “comic” relief through them! This is always who he’s been. It’s just now that he’s come within grasp of his power that he’s able to throw away his friends from a lower economic class. He’s finished using them. It’s a harder pill to swallow if the person who’s acting like a friend is actually fucking you over. I think that might be a more fun viewing experience and convey a more compelling message.
For this same reason (the idea that this was always who Inha was) I wish the writers didn’t treat the murder and abuse as a mystery. We saw cutaways of phone calls being made, and photographs being taken and feet in a hazy memory. When it’s revealed that Inha the one who called Hyewon’s mother, who killed his own brother, who set up his friend, it’s supposed to be a shock. I just don’t feel shocked that he would stoop this low. This would have been better for me if the story being told was that rich people are always going to be rich people. They shouldn’t be trusted.
To the audience: you know you hate women right?
I shouldn’t be surprised but here I am. I am going to quote my own post and reiterate: Taeoh and Hyewon were neighbors growing up. They’ve Seen each other with a capital S. They relate to one another and understand one another’s drive. The reason Hyewon says she’s too busy to date early on is the same reason Taeoh doesn’t pursue her. They individually have long term visions.
They are parallels in my opinion. They’re kind of the same person AND THEYRE BOTH EMOTIONLESS FOR THE RECORD. And it’s fine! Or at least it would be fine except you people hate women because they don’t smile at you. Or worse because a fictional character you’re crushing on likes her. I keep seeing comments like “why does he like her?” and you sound bitter tbh. Also I’ve seen comments where you think just Hyewon was using Inha. What?? They literally all say they’re using each other. You know what makes Taeoh and Hyewon different?? They haven’t sent their spouse’s abusive parent to harass said spouse. They haven’t assaulted their spouse. They haven’t killed anyone. They haven’t framed anyone for murder. They haven’t tried to get someone the death penalty. But you know who has? Inha. And Inha deserves to get used for the record. I hope the show ends with her as the owner of Kangoh tbh. Now that would be fun.
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l-coleart · 1 year
Sketchbook Supply Recs!
Hi y’all, Since I’ve been posting more sketchbook pages recently, I thought I would share some of my favorite supplies. My recommendations are tailored to creating a user-friendly, portable kit mainly focused on ink and markers. I’ve found that having a kit like this makes me more likely to regularly develop my sketchbook, which I view as one of the most important parts of keeping one. None of these recommendations are sponsored or affiliated, I just hope that by sharing what supplies I enjoy, others can find new things to try. Keep reading under the cut!
I often find that products marketed towards the stationary and note-taking/organization niches perform better at lower prices for frequent sketchbook use than products targeted specifically towards the art and illustration community. Don’t shy away from products in office-supply stores just because it doesn’t say ‘for art’ on it. 
I also recommend refillable pens whenever possible. They usually offer more customization in ink color and nib size. Refillable options produce less plastic waste than disposable options. Refillable designs tend to have more ergonomic designs, with larger barrels and better weight balance that minimize hand discomfort. If you draw frequently, this is something worth considering to avoid damaging your hand joints in the long term. In addition, they’re built with durability in mind, allowing them to be thrown in your bag or pencil case without worry. 
Darker ink drawing pens make up the core of my kit, so I’ve tried a variety of options and usually have at least a few of these in my bag. Currently, the Pilot Kakuno Pocket Fountain Pen (around $10-19 depending where you purchase from) is my favorite. I love the line quality this pen can produce– the barrel is a bit larger than most pens and the body and cap give it a good balance in the hand. This pen also takes cartridge refills, allowing you to easily switch colors between refills without the mess. There are a wide range of colors available for this pen, and the thinner water-based ink formula is easy to work with. The ink dries down matte, so it scans accurately without digital manipulation. It also comes in a few different nib sizes with different cosmetic options/color ways for the pen body. Though fountain pens typically have a slight learning curve in learning how to draw with them, I found this one especially easy to work with since the nib has an etched design that shows when you’re holding it properly. 
The Pilot EnerGel Alloy Body Ballpoint Pen (around $8-10) is another of my favorites. The metal body of the pen is a slightly larger barrel size with a nice weight balance which allows smooth lines without hand discomfort. They’re also refilled with cartridges, which come in a few different colors and point sizes; I enjoy the 1.0 mm the most for this pen. The water-based gel ink formula for this pen is one of the best I’ve tried, as it’s very smooth, dries fast which minimizes smudging, and scans well. The V5/V7 Ballpoint Pen from Pilot (available in multi-packs for around $1-2 per pen) has a similar ink formula in varied nib sizes. They aren’t refillable, but they last a long time. I think they’re worthwhile, especially as a beginner friendly, widely available option.
Muji Pens (available online for about $2 per pen) are another great ballpoint gel option. They come in an impressive range of colors, thicknesses, and cap types. They can also be refilled with cartridges. I think the finer 0.38 and 0.5 nib sizes are my favorites from this line. 
If you prefer a brush-tip style pen to ballpoint or fountain pens, I really enjoy the Tombow Fudenosuke or Pentel Pocket Brush. The Fudenosuke (around $3-4) is a felt-tip brush pen. The nib is a perfect firmness to get a variety of line weights with ease. I find that this makes it well-suited to thumbnails and other fast sketching. They come in a smaller range of well-formulated, pigmented colors, which consistently scan well. They aren’t refillable, but last a long time, which I think makes them worth it. 
The Pentel Pocket Brush (around $7 with two refills included) is a bristle brush pen. The fibers are very smooth and can achieve a wide variety of textures and line weights. It has a bit more of a learning curve than some of my other recommendations, but that’s mostly if you haven’t inked with a brush previously– it’s relatively easy to get comfortable with. It’s also refillable with cartridges and has a few different color options. This pen is one of my favorites for figure drawing. 
Though it’s not a pen, I also think the Rotring Mechanical Drafting Pencil (around $20-30) deserves a mention for folks who prefer sketching in pencil. The metal body and textured grip create a good weight balance that makes it write exceptionally smooth. It also takes standard graphite and other colorful options which give an equivalent level of customization to the previously described pens. 
Markers and colorful supplies are another important element of your kit. At the top of the list for me is a couple of different highlighters and felt tip pens. I love Zebra Mildliners, especially the double-ended ones with the super fine/brush tip combo (usually less than $1/pen when purchased in packs of 5 or more). They’re easy to draw with and can be a great choice for adding value or colors. The color range (mostly pastel and creamy colors) is also impressive. Stabilo makes a similar style of pen called the pointMax (M 0.8) (usually about $2 a pen, but also comes in packs) that comes in some darker, more vibrant colors. I prefer the thicker size since they tend to last longer, but they make some thinner liner versions of this pen (called point88) with the same ink formula that are also good. If you like a thicker marker, Chunky highlighters are the way to go. Stabilo Boss (about $1.50 in a multi-pack) and Staedtler Textsurfer (about $1.70) are great options that come in a variety of colors, with Stabilo coming in creamy pastels and Staedtler coming in more bright and neon colors.  
Within this category, novelty supplies can also be a good colorful addition. Mixed color pencils can be really fun for line drawing. Koh-i-Noor makes some of my favorites (about $4 but they last a long time) with earth tones, primaries, and neons. Gelly Roll pens (about $1.50 /pen) also are a nice novelty pen while still being high quality. They have a good color range with metallic, neon, glitter, and other finishes. 
On top of drawing supplies, some washi tape, stickers, double-stick tape, and cool paper also make fun additions. It’s harder to make specific recommendations for specific washi tape and stickers, however, supporting your local stationery/craft/paper good stores and favorite artists and designers who make and sell it is always a good move! I have some from Natalie Andrewson, Alex Tomlinson of Pigeon Post, and Starmint Art that I use all the time. The best ones complement the imagery and colors you use. Be curious, collect, and repurpose things that make you excited!
Hopefully these recommendations help you find something new and exciting. Let me know if there are other topics you’d be interested in! Thanks for reading :^)
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aeoki · 4 months
Blackjack - Gifts Will Not Arrive: Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Studio Characters: Arashi, Mika & Tetora Season: Autumn
TL Note:
A kotatsu is a low heated table with a blanket on top. 
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Arashi: Ehehe. Anyway, back on topic…
That’s why I said all those things to Ritsu-chan. Christmas is a day to celebrate with your sweetheart, so I told him he should just use that as an excuse to flirt with his beloved “Maa-kun”.
Mika: Ahh… That’s the best bait to lure him out.
Arashi: Right? But it didn’t work – Maa-kun was supposed to be my ultimate weapon but even that failed!
What do you think he said when I put it that way?
He said, “I bet Maa-kun’s gonna be busy… Work is more important than me in his eyes.” He just got even more depressed and less motivated.
Ritsu-chan has always called himself the advisor of “Knights”, but he’s not acting like one at all. Love sure makes one weak, huh. Gosh.
Mika: I kinda understand that… Christmas originates from the Western world, right? It doesn’t look like Oshi-san can come home this year for Christmas since he’s busy then.
He has to be in Japan for “SS”, so he wants to get as much of his work done in Paris, apparently.
Arashi: Ah… So that’s why you were feeling down today. Oh, Mika-chan.
Mika: I also don’t like the cold so there’s that too. I’m pretty skinny so I really can’t handle cold temperatures.
Arashi: I’d love to pass some of my fat to you.
Mika: Hmm, I’m happy just chattin’ with you. It, uh, how do I put it? Helps distract me.
Arashi: One of the reasons I called you here was because I was feeling lonely since none of “Knights” would gather.
Mika: “Knights” was a big family at one point in time, though.
Arashi: Yeah, In fact, I didn’t have the time to feel lonely and had to be super sociable to the point that I was left in a flurry.
Even so, it seems the new members were being considerate and didn’t really show up here. Either way, it still made me feel lonely.
Mika: “Knights” has their own ups and downs, huh~ Nothin’ has changed with me – it feels like we’ve been way too stable, so I’m kinda envious.
Arashi: You want things to be chaotic like last year? Oh, gosh – even watching from the sidelines was bad for my heart!
In the end, peace is best.
Mika: Yeah. In that sense, I’m glad that this year’s “Star Fest” is gonna be a peaceful one.
Arashi: And that’s exactly why I want to enjoy such a peaceful event with everyone.
Sure, it can’t be helped that Izumi-chan and Leo-kun won’t be here since they’ll be enjoying Christmas overseas.
But at the very least, I’d like Ritsu-chan and Tsukasa-chan to forget about the bloody battles and enjoy a peaceful Christmas.
Mika: You keep saying the same stuff over and over again.
Tetora: Osu! Merry Christmas! Osu!
Arashi: What’s with the new Christmas greeting?
Tetora: Should I not have? Apparently, this year’s “Star Fest” is individual participation, so I was just trying to come up with some unique Christmas ideas for myself…
Arashi: It’s fine – it suits you well. …Anyway, did you want us for something?
Tetora: Osu! Sorry for interrupting your conversation! Or rather, sorry for barging in on your turf, Narukami-senpai!
Arashi: You don’t have to worry about that. Always so formal, huh.
Mika: Yeah~ Look, I’ve got nothin’ to do with “Knights” and I’m here too.
Arashi: If anything, I was the one who dragged you in here since I wanted someone to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, hey there, Kagehira-senpai! Actually, you two together seem like a pretty weird combo!
Arashi: My, you didn’t know that Mika-chan and I have been besties since forever?
Tetora: Honestly, the students in the lower grades don’t know much about who’s friends with who in the higher grades. 
Mika: Yeah~ I’ve also been surprised to see Oshi-san being friends with a lot of unexpected people.
Arashi: Anyway, what business did you have with us? If you want to chat, we can just do it at Seisou Hall, you know? If you came all this way, is it an emergency, then?
Or do you have nothing on and just passed by? If you’re bored, how about chatting with us, Tetora-kun?
Mika: Yeah, come sit in the kotatsu[⁎] with us~♪ It’s nice and warm.
Tetora: That’s a very appealing suggestion, but I’m not here for that.
Arashi: Oh, did something happen to “RYUUSEITAI”...? You guys still haven’t made up yet?
Tetora: No, it’s got nothing to do with them this time. Actually, I’m here to ask something for Shinobu-kun…
Have you guys seen either Mayoi Ayase-senpai or Hitsugi Kurone recently?
Mika: Ngh? Uhh…
Arashi: Did something happen to them?
Tetora: I don’t really know but it looks like they’re both missing.
Kurone-san disappeared a while back but Ayase-senpai only went missing recently… 
It seems Shinobu-kun and the “ALKALOID” members who messaged him are searching everywhere for Ayase-senpai. I’m just helping out with that. Osu.
Arashi: Missing? My, that doesn’t sound good.
Mika: Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen ‘em around these days… Um, does the police know about this?
Tetora: I personally think the police should be involved, but it wouldn’t be right for an outsider like me to report it.
Arashi: So that’s why you’re running around and directly searching for them.
Tetora: Osu. That’s right.
To be frank, I’m busy preparing for “Star Fest” and “SS”, so I don’t have the time for this, but this is how things ended up.
Arashi: Heroes have it tough, huh. I don’t really understand but alright – I’ll ask around for you.
Tetora: Thanks so much. Manpower is fundamental when it comes to searching for people, so it’ll be a great help if we can get as many people as we can to lend a hand in the search.
Arashi: Ehehe.
Tetora: ? Did I say something weird?
Arashi: Nope. Just thinking how I was also in a rush doing the same thing in this cold weather last year… “Valkyrie” would go missing occasionally, right?
Mika: Ngh ahh~ Don’t bring that up. It’s embarrassin’ in front of our junior.
But yeah, I caused a lot of trouble last year, so I’ll be sure to help everyone out this year.
I’ll talk to “Double Face” since they’re good at findin’ people.
I’ve been keepin’ in contact with ‘em ever since “Antique Market”, so they’re pretty easy to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, Mikejima-senpai… Yeah, he’s reliable.
Arashi: You see him in a good light for some reason, huh, Tetora-kun. He’s usually just a good-for-nothing fellow.
Tetora: He’s a great senior from “RYUUSEITAI”.
Well, in any case, that’s all I’m here for.
I’m gonna go look elsewhere, so if you have any info, please let me know on “Hallhands”.
Arashi: Roger that~
…I don’t really get it but something smells fishy.
And here I thought I’d be able to spend Christmas in peace this year.
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The "Little" Miracle That Could
Thoughts on 1.15: The “little” miracle that could  
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First, I love that it is Aziraphale who proposes doing half of a miracle each.  I think it really shows that he’s begun to internalize at least some of the ideas of Our Own Side.  
In Season 1, we got to see Crowley proposing the Arrangement and also coming up with the idea to raise the Antichrist together so that he will grow up to be neutral.  But this makes it clear that Aziraphale has not only been reluctantly going along with Crowley’s ideas and has - at least to some degree - accepted the idea that working together can be an effective solution to problems.  
Also, just all of the times that Aziraphale clearly expresses his desire to work with Crowley in this episode!  (Even, uh, until the end of Episode 6, rip…) Like shades of grey for the win!  All of Aziraphale’s willingness to work together (without Crowley cajoling him first) also makes me even more curious about who initially came up with the body swap solution in canon! 
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I love how Aziraphale and Crowley holding hands with Gabriel parallels the scene of them with Adam at Tadfield air base.  But also, I love how it calls attention to how much has changed between seasons 1 and 2.  At Tadfield air base, Aziraphale and Crowley were only presenting a united front because it was the climax of the season, and they both knew that it was time to put everything on the table.  
In the scene with Gabriel, we’re still in the first episode of the season, and most of the rising action is still to come.  But they’re already (fairly openly) working together anyway!  And they’re in the sanctuary of Aziraphale’s bookshop rather than on an unfamiliar airbase!  And the stakes are objectively a bit lower (since they don’t know what horrible thing Gabriel was trying to avoid) but, in a personal sense, higher because they now have Their Own Side to lose!  
Additionally, as we find out, Gabriel does not wind up being very helpful at all in this season.  Whereas in Season 1, Adam essentially saves the world and sets most of the problems (e.g., the Bentley and bookshop) right, in Season 2, Aziraphale and Crowley have to rely much more directly on their own competence/incompetence and the consequences thereof.   
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I know that they did count in order to get the timing just right, but I loved getting to see them miracling in sync.  Like, yes, an angel and a demon who pull powers from opposite directions, but also, two friends working so perfectly and intentionally together!  The synchronization was just really delightful to witness! 
Crowley’s “I am not your friend!” line was also very fun.  Partly because he and Aziraphale had just argued about Gabriel not being their friends / not having any friends.  But also because of his later remark to Gabriel that he [Crowley] only has one friend! 
I’m sure none of this is new, but for my own records, my initial theories on why were the miracle wound up being so powerful were: (a) Crowley was a very powerful angel before Falling; (b) they accidentally used Gabriel as a conduit or tapped into his powers (seemed less likely after viewing the entire season); or (c) Aziraphale and Crowley are extra powerful when working together because (c1) they’re an angel and a demon, (c2) they love each other so dearly, or (c3) they’ve retired from their former sides and are accidentally tapping into a third earthly/human source of power. 
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Lastly, I’ve been trying to steer away from the topic of Crowley being created as a powerful angel because that feels like its own series of posts, but I do want to point out some of the little ways that Season 2 Aziraphale and Crowley have subverted common fanon ideas, but managed to do so in ways that make sense.  
(1) For example, before Season 2 and especially before Neil Gaiman mentioned anything about benevolent landlord!Aziraphale, I would have expected Crowley to be the one with oodles of human investments.  Partly because it fits his human personna of fashionable flats and black credit cards and flashy outfits but also because he seems slightly more up to date what all is involved with living in human society.  But it also makes perfect sense that Crowley approached personal finance as another way to pull one over on Hell (especially given that they never check up), and for Aziraphale to take the time to set up his bookshop and livelihood the human way!  I mean, Aziraphale does his taxes perfectly each year.  If Crowley’s aware of taxes, I’m sure he proudly does not pay them. 
(2) Similarly, from a fandom perspective, I feel like Aziraphale is generally the one who is portrayed as being especially good at wards and the more finicky, technical aspects of magic / miracles.  This makes sense given his apparent love of the little details and the formidable intelligence which we see him apply to Agnes Nutter’s book.  However, given that there are signs that Crowley is (possibly) especially powerful in season 1 (e.g., being the one to check that no one is watching before they swap back bodies, stopping time, etc.), it also makes sense that he is the one who takes point on checking that their “tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle” succeeded. 
(3) And of course, this is later in the season, but just the fact that Aziraphale has both a firearm and the corresponding permit while Crowley has presumably no firearm experience!  In hindsight, this makes complete sense, but it was not, in my estimation, widely expected!  For me, at least, it completely tracked once I learned about it, but it wasn’t something that I felt I knew before Season 2.  And I  think little surprising details like this are especially fun because they put the audience in the same position as Crowley and Aziraphale: even though we’ve known them for a (somewhat) long time, they’re complicated enough that we still get to discover new things about them!  And that makes them even more interesting and fun to spend time with (or love?) across the years. 
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[ Note: I intentionally skipped 1.14 The “I Was Wrong” Dance because I am not prepared to write about it, and I potentially may never be ready.  But it is definitely a thing – a thing that is both beautiful and egregious.] 
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lazerv4 · 6 months
Thoughts on Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
If dumb movies/shows/etc are junk food then the monsterverse is chocolate, incredibly delicious/fun but it can also be disappointing, this is one of those cases. While Godzilla vs Kong was a nice bar of Tony’s Chocolonely this is more like a mediocre Milka bar, trying so hard to be tasty with a lower quality that it basically just tastes like oil textured sugar with some cocoa powder on top, in this case the sugar is the amount of Kong in the movie which is around I wanna say 70% which is a lot of kong but the coca powder is Godzilla which in like no joke maybe 10% of the movie or maybe even less. I know for marketing reasons calling it Godzilla x Kong is immediately gonna make the movie perform better than just calling it Kong 2 since I also believe the least successful movie and show in the monsterverse are both the Kong ones but it still feels like they cheated you out of an actual second Godzilla and Kong movie while also making less of what could have been a cool Godzilla cameo at the end of a second Kong movie. Besides my issues with the title and how little Godzilla the literal first word of the title is in the movie we also have to talk about the movie itself, to make things brief the movie is fine, it’s similar to Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom in that it feels very sidequesty and non important overall even if it has world ending consequences, maybe a better way to say it is that it’s just another Kong adventure that would normally be referenced as something he did at one point but this time we got to see it. The plot itself centers around an exiled tribe of orangutan titans that were exiled to the hollow earth inside the hollow earth (yeah it's getting kinda stupid) by Godzilla thousands of years ago and now Kong finds them and accidentally unleashes them on hollow earth (Kong’s domain) so that they can find a way to get to actual earth (Godzilla’s domain) and take it over? They do have this ice titan as a slave that is pretty strong but I still don’t think they could have crossed Godzilla with how easily he defeated Kong in the previous crossover and with how decently Kong did in his first fight with them, it’s not quite the hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby analogy but it is like a Sukuna vs Naruto kind of deal, sure Sukuna can land a few hits but he is gonna get crushed by Naruto in a few minutes. I don’t know what else to say, sure I had some fun watching the movie like with Argylle but I doubt it would translate well to a second watch unless I’ve forgotten most of it or if I’m exclusively revisiting the weird 0 gravity anime ass fight they have prior to the final showdown where who could have guessed it, Godzilla turbo stomps while Kong and mini kong who I forgot to talk about distract beat up the orangutan boss and before I forget because it happens a lot with this movie, the scene were Kong uses mini kong as a weapon because he is being a little shit is hilarious and I hope it become a popular gif and for the humans that I never mentioned through this whole thing, what did you expect? Did you watch any other monsterverse movies? It is what it is. 
And we end as abruptly as the orangutan's life.
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I know you've only just posted part 5, but please continue A Touch of Magic? I'm loving it!
That makes me so happy :)
Hope you like Part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A Touch of Magic, Part 6
By the time their group reached an inn, Lysander was ready to fall from his horse.
He couldn’t remember a time he’d run faster than he had with those bandits on his heels, and while carrying another person no less. And once they were finally in the clear, and Lysander had checked that Gavin had no major injuries, they’d still had the long ride to contend with.
Lysander lowered from his horse, and held out his hand to Gavin. The other boy failed to notice, and dropped down on his own. He lifted his pack, hefting the weight over his shoulder with a grimace.
“I can – ”
But before Lysander could offer to carry the bag, Gavin was disappearing into the building.
He wondered for the twentieth time if Gavin was angry.
“Watching you two is painful,” a voice said.
Lysander turned and saw Duncan, one of his knights, leaning on the wall of the inn.
“Is that meant to be encouraging?”
Duncan tilted his head. “I’m curious, Your Highness. Was that your first kiss?”
Lysander straightened, face growing warm.
Duncan sighed. “I always disagreed with the king’s choice to never let you get involved with anyone.”
“I was destined to be with the enchanted child, Duncan. Courting anyone else would have been a cruel waste of their time.”
“But it means that you’ve had no practice. And now you don’t even know how to flirt with a boy.”
Lysander flushed. “I don’t need that kind of skillset.”
“Right. Because your stiff board strategy is working wonders for you.”
Lysander had a biting retort ready, but . . . maybe Duncan had a point. It would admittedly be nice to not constantly feel like he was messing things up with Gavin.
“Fine then,” he said. “Since you’re apparently so experienced, how would you flirt?”
Duncan grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.”
When Lysander entered his room, Gavin was already there tending to the fireplace. The prince noticed that there were two separate beds, and his shoulders sagged in relief. It was as though some merciful god had taken pity on him.
With a weary breath, he eased onto the nearest bed. He watched as Gavin worked life into the flames, before moving on to his pack. He pulled out clothes, his little leather book, a waterskin. He tossed the objects onto the blankets as he went.
“What’s in there?” Lysander asked, motioning to the book.
This had been Duncan’s first bit of advice. “Ask him about himself,” the knight had said. “People love to talk about themselves, and it shows that you’re interested.”
Gavin spared a glanced at Lysander, and then the book. “Sketches.”
“May I see them?”
An awkward quiet fell between them.
Gavin pulled out a nightshirt, and with a yawn began unbuttoning his top. He then halted, his gaze flicking to Lysander. “Could you, um, turn around?”
“Right! Sorry.” Lysander turned to face the other wall, his face heating.
Had he been staring? God, he’d been staring. Was Gavin uncomfortable? Duncan had said to make lots of eye contact, but it seemed that bit of advice was out the window now too.
“I’m done now,” Gavin said. Lysander peeked, and sure enough, the other man was settling onto the mattress in his night clothes.
Lysander took in a breath, and gripped the fabric of his pants. One last attempt at taking advice.
“Compliment him,” Duncan had said. “Make him feel wanted and special.”
“You’re very handsome,” Lysander blurted.
And then the silence stretched.
He hadn’t hoped to turn Gavin into a blushing mess with one compliment (okay, maybe he’d hoped a little), but he’d at least wanted a positive reaction. Anything other than the way Gavin closed his eyes, as though summoning patience.
“There’s something you should know,” Gavin said. “Before we go any further.”
Lysander’s muscles went statue still. He was never listening to Duncan again. “Yes?”
“There’s this weird thing about me.” Gavin looked to the ceiling, and Lysander’s pulse kicked into gear. “I, um, don’t feel attraction very quickly.”
Lysander blinked. “Wait, that’s it?”
“Yeah. I guess I just have to get to know somebody first. Feel an emotional connection. That’s it.”
“Gavin, it’s perfectly normal to want to know someone before you’re intimate with them.”
Lysander thought he was being comforting, but this was apparently the wrong thing to say.
“You’re not getting it.” Gavin ran a hand through his hair. “It’s like . . . okay look. Have you felt attraction before? That sort of giddy feeling? And then maybe on top of that, you feel horny for the person?”
It was almost funny that Gavin was the one asking him this. “Yes, I’m familiar with the sensation.”
“Okay. And, ignoring whether or not you actually decide to sleep with them, because that’s besides the point, you can experience that feeling without really knowing much about the person, right?”
Lysander considered for a moment, and then slowly nodded. “I think I understand now.”
A bit of tension left Gavin’s posture. “Okay. Good.”
“What does all this mean for you?”
“Well, it means I’m not very experienced, for one.” Gavin leaned back on the headboard, and sighed. “It’s hard for me to find people I’m into. And by the time I do develop those feelings, more often than not the other person has already moved on.” His eyes were sullen, and Lysander was certain that he was thinking of someone specific. “It also means that it’s sometimes a struggle to relate to my friends.”
“I don’t think I’ve met anyone like you before.” Lysander supposed that, given how special Gavin was, it made sense that he’d be unique in this way too.
“You know what’s funny?” Gavin said, his voice darkening. “For the longest time, I thought people like you were the ones in the minority. I always assumed that I was the normal one.”
Lysander paused, and tried to imagine what that might be like. If he’d had to, bit by bit, slowly piece together how different he was. Had to feel like an alien within his own home.
“Why can’t you be both different and normal?” Lysander asked.
Gavin glanced at him, eyebrows raised.
“I, uh, just don’t see why they have to be mutually exclusive,” he went on. “You called yourself weird, earlier. But Gavin,” he met the other boy’s eyes, “nothing could be further from the truth.”
The corners of Gavin’s mouth quirked upwards, and it was the first genuine smile Lysander had ever received from him. “Thanks.”
With a little breath, Lysander smiled too. It seemed like he could do something right after all.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Battle Tower (Alt) Leon
I hate that it’s alt, but I guess “Battle Tower Leon” is a lot more to write out, so they went with Alt Leon.  Sure.  Thankfully, he got the cool outfit, and the cool Ghost Pokemon, so he’s-Dragon type?  Really?  Come on.
General Overview Leon is a Dragon Tech, who really should’ve been a Striker.  Leon’s main selling point is Dragon Darts, an effectively 200BP move.  This is excellent, and is actually stronger than SS Serena’s Core Enforcer.  With just this and a trainer move that performs the standard +4/+3 self buff, and an excellent speed tier of over 500 with +1 speed on TM, Leon really didn’t need for much more.  But he got it, in Piercing Blows.  Not only is his damage excellent, his gauge control is strong, and his damage cannot be stopped.  Adding a Max Move for burst damage makes this even more threatening.  Impervious, while generally inconsequential, does permit Leon some tools that will likely do well in Gauntlet.
So why do I not feel as impressed with him?  I think it comes down to expectation vs reality.  Leon’s a Tech, and his conditions are...painful.  Burn requirement but no Go Viral until 4/5, and needing as many debuffs as possible but only getting maybe 4 at a time is incredibly damning.  His opening sync is very slow acting and kind of a pain, and legitimately I think it’s less worth it to run his Buddy move if he’s the star of the show.  Just throw out Dragon Darts, it’ll do more.  His sync damage is around the standard for Tech, which means a bit better than Lucas and Drasna but not as good as Anni Raihan or C!Iris.
Leon is still really good.  I love debuffs, so I’m kinda partial to the kit, but he’s also really...odd.  He reminds me a bit of SS Cyrus, in the sense of “pick one thing and only do that.”  If he’s supporting another striker, just spam Buddy move.  If he’s dealing damage, just spam Dragon Darts.  There’s basically no reason to ever burn someone yourself.
EX and Move Level? Because he’s a Tech, EX is generally recommended.  That said, I do stand by the belief that his strength is DPS and having a Max Move.  1/5 is likely serviceable.  His sync multipliers are a rough time anyway, and he’s not getting great boosts to DPS since it’s only Burn Synergy 3, which is hard to set up.  I don’t agree with it.  But, there is a strong case to be made for 4/5, sadly.  Go Viral is legitimately fantastic when you’re running Burn multipliers and...*sigh*...Breaking Swipe: Hit Burned Opp Stat Down 9.  Guys, I know these skills are meant to be descriptive so people know what they do, but can be please just go back to using keywords?  You sound ridiculous.
Team 1: Alt Leon, H!Caitlin, Lucas Did someone say caps crit but needs a bit of attack?!  Hello naughty children, it’s Caitlin time!  Truth be told, she’s likely overkill, you can use something lower tier than that, but favoritism.  Lucas is chosen for the Zone, but admittedly, this is an issue with Leon.  He’s physical, and the Dragon Zone is special.  CS demands reallocation of points as a result.  Which isn’t great, but it’s manageable if desired.
Team 2: Alt Leon, V!Agatha/Bugscyther, H!Morty/V!Kiawe If only Bugscyther were real.  Anyway, the focus of this is on Leon’s sync.  H!Morty is a decent partner here, thanks to Spread Burn.  V!Kiawe can at least set up Power Play, and with Defense Crush lucky skill, actually contributes meaningfully to anything.  Bugscyther tops off attack and gets Leer debuffs, but in absence of him, any defense debuffing support like V!Agatha can work out.
Team 3: Alt Leon, Skyla One of the nice things about Leon is that he has Piercing Blows, and the ability to debuff, making him a pretty solid Gauntlet Duo choice.  Skyla in particular is great.  Defense buffs complement his attack debuffs, and the speed keeps gauge rolling.  Potion for survival, and you’re set to go.
Team 4: Alt Leon, C!Iris, Sonia Alt Leon’s debuffs are basically a buffed Leer that deals respectable damage in addition.  It’s a worthwhile consideration!  It’s especially worthwhile when you’re dealing with a partner who can hit for roughly eleventy billion damage on a single target, provided some debuffs are present.  C!Iris is a great partner to Leon.  Leon’s DPS is super strong, but C!Iris is the sync nuking monster that capitalizes on it all.  I actually ran this exact team this morning, with Leon 1/5, and we actually cleared before Iris could sync.  Leon’s spread damage is very respectable, and Iris’ Dragon Rush is more than enough to kill on-type.
Final Thoughts Here’s a question for you.  It’s the month before anniversary.  All of this is bait, and you might be looking at your gem stash, cautiously considering whether it’s really worth it to get any of these new pairs.  What does Leon offer you that doesn’t already exist?  That you don’t already have?  AoE Atk/Def/Spd debuffing?  SC Steven does that while pumping your damage up to infinity.  Burn?  Not until 4/5 he doesn’t, and SS Lysandre is far more significant for off-type clears given the absurdity of his damage and Buddy move.  Dragon damage?  It’s top of the chart, but I don’t think it’s necessary to pick up.
I think Leon is good; very good, even.  If you’re a paying player looking to pick something up this month, he’s not a bad choice.  But if you’re not?  If you’re saving for anniversary?  Why break for him?  What’s he offering that doesn’t exist elsewhere?  Is this necessary?  And if it is...do you need anything beyond 1/5?
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