#idek who this guy is
dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
adding on to the list of characters i love from media i have no interest in. marshall lee i love you
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wilsonmybeloved · 4 days
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heard we were fiddlestanning
you know the drill..
(full image under cut)
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meteortrails · 6 months
law and luffy are so fun bc the fundamental basis of their relationship is that they were both there for each other in one of their most isolated, life changing moments of grief, and they’re the only reason the other survived it. they may not necessarily know all that much about each other, but they do know parts of each other that not even the closest members of their crew (their family) know now. like obviously by the end of dressrosa law sees and understands the reason luffy’s crew follows him, but I think a less obvious truth is that when law saves him luffy sees and understands the reason law’s crew follows him. I just think about luffy’s instinctive faith and trust in law on punk hazard; he looks at law and understands that as much as he pretends not to be law is fundamentally the person who saved him before he is anything else. and I think they both kinda struggle to categorize the specific and unique way in which they are important to each other (although admittedly luffy stops caring to much much sooner LOL), bc it IS different than their relationships with their crew or their family. not necessarily any more or less meaningful, just different. and idk i guess i just think it’s all very sweet, in the end, that they managed to find each other like this.
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eldritch-ace · 4 months
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I am not immune to any mismatch of thoschei, they should kiss no matter what
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om0000 · 3 months
@catfacedcat cooking show sloppily making out real not fake!!!!!
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skunkes · 3 months
longlegs fucking sucked 😭
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lemonsharksblog · 6 months
off topic from my previous post(s), i absolutely adore how chuuya isnt doing jackshit to help dazai in the current chapters
like bro was forced to fly to a different continent, get into vampire cosplay, get thrown around like a pokemon by some anemic guy that might as well be jesus himself, be waterboarded in anti ability water, listen to 2 corny speeches crafted by shitty dazai and then in the end he still had to fix dazais broken leg, MY MAN IS ABSOLUTE DONE.
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kairithemang0 · 6 months
The Hive: Why won't you sing??? Paul, trying to think of an excuse: Because singing killed my grandma ok???
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melbush · 2 months
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Time Zero (2002) by Justin Richards
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greatyme · 2 months
Remembering how devastating triage was when it hit peak angst and suddenly getting very scared for where 4 minutes could be headed
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duusheen · 7 months
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Jay Pollock, the runaway teenager, built a ranch from scratch, was a farmer, a father, made a fortune with his wines and ended up being the famous musician he always wanted to be. His life wasn't the easiest, but he can say all his achievements were attained through sweat and hard work! Alongside Miracle, the absolute love of his life, Jay has managed to fulfill all his goals and is ready to relax, spend time with his family, and finish raising the next generation!
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snapbackslide · 19 days
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Our 2024-2025 Montreal Canadiens 🏒 | 24.09.16
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1960z · 2 months
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angeltannis · 2 months
That era of my life predates my tumblr one, but I was a very big Leliana fan back in the day. I actually got into a debate in one of my Queer Studies courses back in college because someone brought her up as an example of Bad Queer Rap because she was “crazy”. I nearly started hurling chairs
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hanasnx · 7 months
stop using that one fucking picture for hayden christensen my brothers and sisters in christ that is NOT him
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silverview · 10 months
charlie & dee & the chain
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