#ideas respond | meme ask
universal-legacy · 3 months
🥀Do you create bonds with mortals or avoid getting attached?
Questions for Immortals/Ancients
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". . ." After a sigh, Zayn rolled his shoulders a bit, and tilted his head in grim silence. Wasn't this quite the question to have to answer.
"I've done both, truth be told. I've created bonds with those around me that are mortal, and I've also avoided getting attached. It kinda depends on the situation of the other involved, whether they can comprehend my scenario, or if they live it themselves. But I will admit that I still do value my friends. . ." As he trailed off into meager silence again, he stood a bit awkwardly as he looked down at his hands. After standing there like that for a couple moments, he let out a small breath.
"And that's enough feelin' sorry for myself. I've got things to get done, after all."
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can-of-slorgs · 5 months
Big congrats on finishing your stamp pages! Also split grundos are one of my fave pets of all time so plz tell Volks that I love him. :')
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He's thankful to say the list.
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lovecolibri · 3 months
ngl i never thought of buck as a parent to chris, hanging out with a kid and babysitting them doesn’t make a parent. y’all just have low standards for dads :/
Okay??? Well, the show itself has made a point to specifically parallel women in Chris and Eddie's life with Buck, and putting Buck in the place of doing the right and parental thing. Like, the WHOLE point of Fools is Eddie kinda liking one of Chris' teachers only to absolutely lose his mind at her when Chris gets hurt. And her response is that maybe Chris, a child with a disability, should maybe do indoor activities like writing. While Buck finds a way for Chris to safely do the thing he wants to do. (Sill not sure why they brought her character back as someone Eddie would want to be with, but it was the same with tay kay and FOX was shutting down Buddie so 🤷🏻‍♀️) We also see Eddie not willing to trust Shannon again with Chris but letting Buck in immediately, and also after the lawsuit trusting Buck again right away. We also consistently see Chris and Buck developing their own parent/child relationship. Buck isn't always "good cop" or "fun uncle", he puts down rules, he backs Eddie up to present a united front when it comes to Chris. Chris isn't able to sweet talk Buck into letting him break rules Eddie has set down. Buck doesn't "hang out" with Chris, or "babysit" him, he parents him in all the ways Eddie does, and often they do it together. Sorry you don't see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
Also, like...why do you care? Why do you ACTUALLY care if people see Buck as a co-parent or not? What does it threaten for him to be a good dad to a child that isn't biologically his? If you don't like to see Buck that way just...don't engage with people who do?
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gu6chan · 4 months
99% just my autism speaking here but something ive been noticing lately that im sorta kinda 😶 about is when ppl are like "I think you'll like this" but not bc they ACTUALLY think you'll like it, rather they just got into it and want you to also get into it so "I think you'll like this" is a nice personal hook. i love chill stuff as much as any other person ofc but given i don't divulge that EVER, what makes you think my berserk reading, made in abyss watching, drakengard playing ass would like YURU CAMP????
#gu6chan's musings#am i just taking the phrase too literally???? like i appreciate the thought but also.... what agitates me is the fact theres not any#when i say something among the lines of 'i think YOU'LL like this' or 'This made me think of you' like#its bc i think of THAT PERSON IN PARTICULAR or think THAT PERSON IN PARTICULAR would like it#again it's probably just autism brain taking figures of speech too literally but i HATE it bc it just makes me feel like#all the times i shared my interests meant nothinggggg typically i just ask 'neat; what makes you think ill like it?' and ppl start stumbling#and im like :(#whats rlly funny in this case is not only the fact i had only ever established my love of dark fantasy and mystery to this person#but they also flatout asked 'youre not really into modern media much are you' to which the answer was 'not much lol'#and i said the reasons i dont care for 'cute girls doing cute things' anime (re: k-on) is bc if i have the time to watch it then i at LEAST#wanna spend it watching a series that's???? not 'the point of it is to relax :)'??? i can sleep for that#anyways like 2 days later they said they said they think id REALLY like this new anime they've been watching lately and I was like 'oh?'#and it was yuru camp.... and internally i was like 'are you fucking kidding me' but on the outside i was like 'oh sweet what makes you think#id like it? id love some new media recommendations especially if they're newer shows bc ive been having SO MUCH TROUBLE trying to find#something interesting that isn't from 2008'#and they sent me a picture of the most generic anime girl ever and they're like 'it has really cute girls' and then i just wanted to kms#like.... this isn't bc you thought id like it; is it.....#wanted to die internally but i played it cool and was like 'oh no; i appreciate it thoughtfulness and all but i don't think this is for me'#also the time where someone recommended signalis to me and i was like 'oh?' and they were like 'YEAH its SO good the people who made it#were even INSPIRED off of Nier' KNOWING FULL WELL I DIDN'T LIKE IT AND THE AMOUNT MY ENTHUSIASM JUST DIED... i was like#'oh. well that will be a pass then' and they tried backpedaling like 'well it's not SUPER inspired; i didn't know you HATED nier :(' like#my past 15 posts on my twitter werent me realising that the game was absolute garbage and calling it the most regretful thing ive ever spent#money on during my attempted playthrough 😭 i was like 'thanks; but I'll pass' to which they then responded by promptly sending me#signalis memes i had absolutely no idea how to respond to WITHOUT making it seem like i was super annoyed so i was just kinda 😶 and didn't#reply and they were like 'sorry :(' and i was like 'haha it's okay! i just have absolutely no idea how to respond to this joke i dont#understand at ALL'#was probably one of the more awkward interactions ive ever had but genuinely speaking i was so INTERESTED until they brought up that it was#inspired by nier i literally psychically felt all the enthusiasm leaving my body from 'damn; i might actually have to look into this' to#'oh well that's a bullet dodged' did not trust the backtracking either....
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katyspersonal · 2 years
9 and 10 for your boy Micolash!
Also, 9 and 10 for Eileen maybe? :D
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
(For Micolash)
9) Headcanons about their past
Oh, well... This is a little complicated, as we see Micolash in his final form rather than some shadow of the past (like Hunters' Nightmare people or whatever), so that might be the whole essay featuring EVERYTHING that happened before we met him, but I'll spare you from that x) Besides, I already talked about it a lot. But, I did steal headcanon from @saintmicolash that Mico was orphaned! Since my Rom is his sister that applies to her too, but they were separated and grew up without even knowing of each other's existence all that much. He only had a memo in the form of a pink ribbon that was cut in half, with the second bit belonging to Rom. Back to stolen headcanons - Micolash was never adopted and just grew up Like That, but the caretaker of his orphanage was abusive and certainly not a mother figure at all. As result, he grew up having giant mommy issues, that manifested in how much he is latching at Kos; however, this more of less effected almost ALL women he encounters. Only Rom, Fauxsefka and my character Phoebe are spared and are seen as equal or underlings, depending on his current mental state.
Now to the stuff I imagine on my own, stemming from this? I think he's always been rather bookish and having a hunch for research, willing to get into trouble to steal a book or two. He also would constantly strike 'friendships' with insects or wounded birds he found, keeping them and taking care of them. Naturally, orphanages are full of traumatised kids that take their pain out on weaker people, and when there is no surveillance by an authority... oh boy. He dealt with a lot of bullying, but that included the bullies figuring what/who he cared about and ruining it. His reaction to his books being torn could have stayed at simply crying and begging them to stop, but it was when a girl killed the birdling with broken wing he cared for that triggered him to learn to manipulate, scheme, and harbour and deliver revenge. During growing up, he had at least several instances of ruining other people's health and chances, if not straight up dooming them to die, not capable of physical confrontation and only having his pain, his intellect and his insecurities as a survival tool.
His soft, even innocent side somehow never truly vanished, but rather he's became split as a person. Not the 'twisted and manipulative monster under cover of innocent and sensitive man', but like... BOTH twisted and manipulative monster WITH innocent and sensitive man in one, without predictable system of when one changes into another. As a result, he hadn't formed close bonds until his adolescence, because his temper and unpredictable cruelty triggered by insecurities scared many people away. He hoped to abandon the "bad" side of him in the past when he entered Byrgenwerth, but although students were... 'strange'? enough to not pull your regular college issues antics, even as much as a hint of being threatened could trigger the good ol' paranoia and insecurities in him. It felt like he could never escape the sides of him that not even he accepted unless he is in perfect conditions, that were of course to never come.
I also like to think that as someone desperate and hopeless in his time, he was sure to develop extra interest in the past as a form of escapism! That brought him to have his eyes on Byrgenwerth back when it was still a place to research history and archaeology. He also was spending a lot of time in Hemwick with witches, studying herbs secrets, healing and weird rituals from them. He REALLY enjoyed the company of older women that liked him, and he also had increased interest in themes of necromancy. His biggest wish was to learn to resurrect people with their mind in the right place, so they could share the secrets they took with them in the grave!
It was also where he befriended Iosefka, Dores and the former head witch. He knew they were big people in Byrgenwerth and hoped there was a way to get a word out for him in there, but the one he was able to convince was Iosefka. Willem had his own strange past so he would not turn down a talented and promising student only because they had no family, money or prior education; he knew that none of these things told anything about person's true smartness! So, he had audience with Micolash and could see he was capable; maybe potentially dangerous, but he believed a better environment would nourish Mico's best traits and dry out his bad ones. Micolash in general was a person whom only very specific and most intricate people are able to understand, let alone appreciate, however, some students that had to pay a lot to study in Byrgenwerth were jealous and bitter upon learning Micolash earned his place with simply evoking big expectations in Willem. (Willem was STILL accepting some "mediocrities" that could pay because institution ALSO needed finances, you know xD)
Micolash was first and foremost interested in healing, and the secrets of the past that could help with that. He thought altered necromancy and 'eternal life' magic of Pthumerian civilisation could help with that. The noble and kind intentions earned sympathy from people like Laurence and Damian who had similar interest in healing, but of course no one was seeing what was to come with Isz, Willem and his close servants going insane, Fishing Hamlet, and Kos revealing to him the futility of what he held dear. Somewhere before all this, his long lost sister Rom found him, and things between them were good at first, but not good enough. Experienced psychologist would've concluded that Micolash was only toxic and controlling to her because he subconsciously blamed her for not having found him sooner (ie for all his suffering as a child and a teen), but... there wasn't any experienced psychologist.
Annnnnd you already know most of what happened next! That's what I got so far, because I try to think of this question through 'pre-canon' lense, but Mico being a doctor in Research Hall, then using Choir, then forming his own faction doesn't feel pre-canon ENOUGH, you know? yeah
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
Interpretations of what was going on between Micolash and Archibald. That's it. That's all I want. I know Archibald is just 'an OC with a prompt', but we as a fandom have PLENTY of 'paleblood hunter and Micolash' scenarios yet NOTHING about Micolash and Archie. ;-; Honourable mention: more Micolash and Damian being a pair. I think they are very cute. EXTRA honourable mention: Micolash being involved in Research Hall. We didn't all grow up simping for 'mad doctor' trope in our teens only to ignore the PERFECT opportunity for it! ;-;
(For Eileen)
9) Headcanons about their past
I think her beak mask is one extremely FAT hint towards the fact that she used to be a plague doctor before arriving in Yharnam! I think she is as foreign as every other Hunter of Hunters was said to be, and whereas she changed her clothes into crow-themed garb, her mask is her original one. She was treating as many people in her devastated homeland as she could, but in the end, everything was hopeless and only delaying the inevitable. Eileen picked an interest in Yharnam, having heard rumours of wondrous blood healing, because for all she knew, it could've been the key to helping her place! But as a plague doctor, she was already well accustomed to mercy-killing.
In my head she consistently appears as a person with Indian descent though, that was a promising student in a foreign prestigious college, having enrolled with very good grades. I am still yet to create a consistent design for her as I type this though! She wanted to become a doctor and a scientist in the field! Unfortunately, a terrible sickness struck the town she lived and studied in, but she was unwilling to abandon the 'sinking ship' and willed to do her best to help it. She saw it as a matter of honour with her determination to become a doctor to at least try, and she was not feeling as though these people were strangers in some way merely for being different country and nation; in her head, there was no such thing as people too alien to give everything for. Similar mindset helped her to integrate in Yharnam very well when the town she studied at and later helped as a plague doctor fell. She misses her HOMEland and family sometimes, but what matters is that as far as she recalls they didn't need help; the new places she met did, though.
Naturally, she went a bit astray from her purpose as a healer, instead carrying the burden of mercy-killer. She thinks of it as a dirty, karmically-heavy duty that other people better stay away from, but in her eyes dying as a man and in the battle is way better than dying as a beast. The duty of Hunter of Hunters resonated with her deeply! She additionally believes that only dying as a maddened man but not as a beast will promise a better next life. If you die as a victim of a cruel murder - you must be the innocent one! Have no idea how she'd feel after learning of Hunters Nightmare....
The status of a Hunter of Hunters was passed down to her by Brandon, the previous hunter of this type, who instead chosen to integrate within the Healing Church's walls as an assassin and kill the ones who went too corrupt. Eileen never knew what happened of his pursuit, but she appreciated the trust, and the reveal of terrible faith of hunters that fight to protect the humanity only to become the very thing they hate. Prior that, she was one of the people who was attempting to help Ashen Blood victims - yet again, led to using her 'remaining cold during mercy-killing' skill. Her main concern back then was what exactly went wrong, and she saught Hunter's Dream after Djura said 'fuck this shit I'm out' as a way to have multiple attempts to find out. This, unfortunately, availed her nothing but realising her purpose is not to heal but to send people in better world as men, because the fate will not accept the beasts. She is very lost in this mindset, but she sometimes things back on her past, when she had more hope and wanted to heal.
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10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
To be honest, I don't know! It is a rare character to which fandom gave a justice to! Her interactions and the story with the Crow - CHECKED! Her face reveal - CHECKED! Her being badass - CHECKED! And also her interacting with Henryk and Gascoigne. I guess the last thing missing is her being in contras with Valtr, or maybe the opposite - her comforting him to not start murdering just everyone in despair. So yeah, I will name that - her further interactions with the League, not just Henryk.
Thank you for the ask!
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wastelandhell · 2 years
*knocks on your blog*
Trick or treat!
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goaskgreg · 1 year
gaystar boyco?
is there.. is there a question here? i see the question mark, sure, but dear anonymous reader, i'm not sure what your intention is?
is this to just poke fun at Waystar Royco™️....? because tbh calling things "gay" as an insult is very tired and frankly, quite mean and rude 🫤 we aren't in middle school any more, you know? i may not be gay myself or anything of the sort, however i know better than to be a dickhead to the lgbtqia2s+ community and don't approve of any such behaviour. this is a hate-free zone, we do not tolerate intolerance.
if i've misread the situation here, please feel free to clarify... 🤔
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chiropterx · 2 years
On a scale from 0-5 (0 being hopeless, 5 being a revolutionary) what is Man Bat's rating on the Twerk-o-meter?
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Man-Bat does not care. Twerking is unremarkable to him, unless he's out of fruit and your ass be looking riper and juicier than a peach.
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
I hope you’re doing okay!
Sometimes I read your posts and see how you long to talk to someone and make friends but maybe scared? I also feel that way very much and wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and I and many others enjoy seeing your headcanons of the k2 boys and yeah :)
Hey ;; thank you that's really reassuring. It can be difficult for me to not think no one'd care about my thoughts, even if it's about what most people probably freakin follow me for ??? Yanno?? So it means a lot ;-; Pls always feel free to pick my brain about stuff!!
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2022 is coming to a close and goodness me...
Watching Arcane December of last year was life changing and posting my first fics this year March 12th was also life changing.
I remember waking up the next morning and seeing an email about all the kudos I received and even if it wasn’t thousands, I was seen by someone. It was so unexpected and motivating.
I was definitely not the greatest writer at all but all of my readers, commenters and kudo leavers pushed me to keep going and let me grow as a writer. I’ve always loved writing and being able to share is just [screams].
So all love to everyone who’s inspired me and convinced me to keep going.
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
// i disappear for a month pretend i don't exist then i respond to everyone within 10 minutes. 👉😎👉
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universal-legacy · 1 month
Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
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Oh dear lordy, these are late, but I'm getting them done dammit-
Okay, so. . . It really strongly depends on which muse we're talking about, obviously. But it can also kinda be grouped based on the family for some of them.
I'm. . . Not joking, honestly. The Vogrands, for the majority of them, are all more likely to initiate heated contact of some sort than not. But then you look at the Corbin's or the Maddox's, and they're really not as likely. If anything, it takes them being under the influence of something to really initiate before their partner.
Of course, a few muses just straight up wait, and will not start anything without their partner initiating instead.
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passionfruitbowls · 1 year
6,7, and 17 for the writer's ask game!
6. What is your darkest fear about writing? i would say it’s the possibility that my writing will never be “good enough” for a wider audience (then again, we’re all our own worst critics, aren’t we? 😅) and that i’ll never have the time or motivation to finish a novel or any other kind of literary work
7. What is your deepest joy about writing? the fact that it’s a way of telling the world that i have something to say, whether it’s as simple as “hey here are some characters from a show i love wouldn’t it be great if they held hands and kissed” or a commentary on a current issue!! i love using words to make myself heard and i also love hearing what people think of my ideas and opinions <3
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. i hope you don’t mind me talking about a slightly older wip, since most of mine have been on the back burner for a while due to finals XD basically i came up with an idea for an ml fic in which adrien attends a masked ball for people who are in paris’ high society/the wealthy elite and…get this…ladybug is there as a guest of honour!! mind-blowing, right? and of course the two of them inadvertently end up dancing together at some point, then decide to find a more private place to chat since they don’t want to draw attention to themselves…there may or may not be a bit of nervous flirting and a cheek kiss ;)
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this is the very beginning of the fic, which i wrote in… *checks the version history and looks away out of embarrassment* november 2020. damn.
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halfghcst · 9 hours
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/// tomorrow imma get some drafted stuff done and posted small reminder, i personally like and encourage any of my mutuals to send me messages for plotting (even a little bit, doesn't have to be fully planned out or anything) or to talk abt our muses even if im going to sleep soon, hit my IMs or asks up!
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propertyofwicked · 4 months
based on this request ✧ my inbox is open for requests (or if u just want a chat!) ✧
warnings - smut! MDNI!! jealous!lando, fingering + oral (fem receiving), possessive!! unprotected (stay safe yall), spitting, light slapping (u have been warned) not proofread
ur girl has finally officially finished first year!! i have never felt so freeee (im ignoring the fact i now have to move out rip) (also osc p2 monaco lets gooooo)
masterlist the playlist
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lando had been busy lately, too busy. between races, training, and quadrant, it seemed like he barely had any time to himself, or to spend with y/n. she understood, of course, she knew how demanding his career was - but understanding didn't make the loneliness any easier to bear.
and even when he was around, it’s like he wasn’t there at all, not for her at least.
everyone was stood around at the end of a quadrant shoot - it had only been filmed at max’s house so the group settled into the living room easily. y/n there to accompany lando since she had little else to do, desperate to spend any time she could with her boyfriend before he flew off to the next race - even if it did mean sleeping in max’s spare room.
lando stood on the opposite side of the room, talking almost exclusively to max, whilst she sat on the sofa, alone.
y/n didn’t think anything of it when will came and sat next to her, showing her a meme on his phone that she laughed at. and she didn’t think anything of it when they continued the friendly conversation. it felt good to be noticed, to have someone ask her how she’d been - maybe she laughed a little too much at a joke that wasn’t funny, maybe it was just the first time anyone had shown her any attention in a while.
across the room, lando watched the interaction with a frown. he saw the way y/n laughed, the way she leaned in a little too close to his friend. he knew he had been neglecting her, but seeing her with someone else made his blood boil. he wasn’t possessive, no, and usually the sight of his girlfriend laughing with their friends didn’t strike any anger in him. but this was different.
“— we can post that next week sometime?” max said, interrupting his thoughts.
“yeah, yeah - sounds good,” lando replied, not really listening, “i’ll be back in a minute, just need to do something,” he added before striding across the room, leaving max stood alone, his face contorting into slight confusion.
“hey," lando said to the two, his voice low, "mind if i steal her for a minute?"
will looked somewhat confused, but nodded. lando reached out, taking y/n wrist before yanking her from the sofa, pulling them into the hallway. the door shut behind them, y/n’s mouth opened, ready to ask him what was so urgent.
"lando, what are you—"
but he didn't let her finish, pushing her against the wall, his hands on either side of her head, caging her in.
"what the hell were you doing?" he demanded, his eyes sharpening with jealousy. he was met with her eyes glaring up at him in defiance.
"i was having a conversation, lando. something i rarely do with you because you're always so busy."
"so your idea of fun is flirting with my friends?" his jaw clenching.
"flirting?" she shot back, shocked, “he was asking me how i was?”
“and that’s why you were two seconds away from giggling and twirling you hair for him, no?” lando continued to argue, anger still bubbling in him as one hand dropped to her hip, gripping tightly.
“ok, i was flirting with him and now, we’re going to run away and live a long and happy life together - is that what you wanna hear?” she continued, shrugging slightly as she sighed at the ridiculousness.
he stared at her for a long moment, his chest heaving. without warning, he crashed his lips onto hers roughly, his possessiveness filled with pent-up frustration and desire he'd been ignoring for weeks. y/n responded instantly, her fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping her bottom lip, begging for more.
"lan," she breathed out as he broke the kiss, whining slightly as his mouth moved to press kisses down her neck, nipping at the flesh harshly, "there’s people here."
"’don't care," he growled against her skin. "you're mine, and im going to remind you of that."
he kissed her again, his hands roaming over her body, gripping at her hips. she moaned into his mouth, her resistance melting away. she was engulfed in him, the way he touched her, the way he pushed her further into the wall as his hips rolled into hers.
"need you," she breathed when he pulled back for air, his forehead resting against hers.
he nodded, his pupils blown with his own need.
"come on," he told her, taking her hand to guide them up the stairs to max’s spare room.
stumbling through the door, clothes already being discarded, lando pushed her onto the bed, his eyes raking over her body.
"you're so beautiful," he murmured, crawling over her. "and mine. only mine."
"only yours," she whispered, pulling him down to kiss him again.
“gonna need you to be quiet f’me, ok?” he told her as his lips trailed her body, his body sliding down the bed till he was resting on his knees. he pulled her legs closer to him so his face was level with her heat, her hips moved upwards, desperate for anything after weeks of nothing.
“patience, angel,” lando breathed out, moving his finger to toy with her clit slowly. he wrapped an arm around her leg, pulling it over his shoulder as he rests his forearm over her stomach, stopping her wriggling. his finger returns to her folds, slowly he pushing a digit inside her, feeling the stretch around him. his lips joined onto her clit, sucking harshly as he added a second finger, curling them up into her.
“please lan,” she moaned out, unsure of what she was even asking for.
his fingers never faltered, continuing their assault as they hit that spot that had her pushing her hips up, his tongue circling her clit once more before he pulled his face away from her heat. his eyes flittered from looking up at her before moving back to watch as his fingers disappeared inside her. she tightened around him, her breathing heavier as she began to fall apart for him. she was getting fidgety, her moans gaining in volume as his thumb returned to her clit, rubbing deep circles, his other hand still pushing two fingers into her at an alarming rate.
“shush angel,” lando told her, before trailing his spare hand up her body and pushing his thumb into her mouth slowly. her hand moved to grip his arm as her tongue glided along his thumb. as much as he wanted to hear her, as much as he wanted everyone to know who she belonged to, he also wanted her all to himself - no one else deserved to hear her fall apart for him.
his mouth barely had time to return to her clit before her legs were shaking around him, clamping around his head periodically as she came around his fingers.
“good girl,” lando mumbled against her thigh, his fingers slowing inside her as she rode out her high.
“need more lan, please,” y/n begged, pulling at his arm to bring his body back to hover over hers.
“so needy,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her lips, allowing her to taste herself.
“been too long,” she told him, a hand reaching down to tug at his hardened length a few times.
he would’ve felt guilty about neglecting her needs for so long, if it wasn’t for the feeling of her fingers wrapping around him, her thumb circling his tip before spreading pre cum down his cock.
“let me make it up to you,” lando told her, pressing a kiss to her jaw, before taking himself in his hands and running his tip through her slick folds. he pushed into her roughly, finding himself desperate to feel her after so long.
“breathe for me angel,” he told her, pulling out slightly as he felt the way her body tense,, “feel so good.”
his cock pushed into her again, setting a steady pace as he leant back over to kiss her harshly.
“feels good,” she told him, eyes looking into his. his necklace dangled from his neck, the cool metal settling on her skin.
“yeah? ‘my the only person who makes you feel like this?” he asked bitingly.
“you snatched me away before will had the chance to do a better job,” she teased cautiously.
lando pushed himself back, rising to stand at the end of the bed, his cock never leaving her. he pulled her legs again, yanking her roughly to the edge of the bed before pulling one of her legs over his shoulder. her eyes began to glaze over from the new position, his length thrusting into her tightening walls at a relentless pace. however, a sharp sting on her cheek brought her back to reality, sending shots of pleasure to her core whilst tears pricked her eyes. lando’s had slapped at her face lightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to tell her that she had pissed him off a little too much.
“you wanna say that shit again?” he grunted, slowing his pace to roll his hips into hers tauntingly.
she genuinely considered it for a moment, contemplating how possessive he could get if she teased him further, but his fingers dipped into her cheek, holding her jaw tight.
she shook her head quickly as if to say no, refraining from flinching as his hand moved, but this time it fell gently, stroking her cheek where it stung.
“good answer,” lando added, returning to a regular pace, “you gonna behave now?”
“i wi- will,” she choked out, nodding despite his grip on her face, “i promise.”
satisfied with her answer, his fingers moved to toy with her clit. using the leg over his shoulder and her other leg wrapped around his waist as an anchor, her hips rose from the bed, moving in circular motions to match the pattern his fingers drew on her heat. lando’s free hand gripped at her calf, pulling her closer to him, deepening his thrusts. the tip of his cock pressing desperately into her as she whimpered and moaned his name.
lando leaned forward to kiss her, letting her leg over his shoulder drop to his waist so that she wasn’t folded literally in half. y/n wrapped around him tightly, pulling him in to kiss her deeper, tongues clashing as his thrusts faltered slightly. he balanced on his arm as his head dropped from her lips, his teeth nipping at the skin of her breast before his lips wrapped around her nipple, his free hand moved to grip tightly onto her other breast, fingers toying with her.
y/n whimpered, trying to keep quiet as she remembered how many people were also in the house. lando smirked to himself, loving the way she sounded, the way her heat gripped around his length as he moved inside her. his teeth pulled at the skin of her breast again, the flesh moving with him as he pulled away before dropping, bouncing slightly as it landed.
“so pathetic,” he grunted, feeling his high coming rapidly as he looked at her head thrown back. her mouth hung open, heavy breaths escaping, and her nails gripped tightly into the skin of his bicep. his other hand moved to settle lightly on her neck, thumb and index finger holding her jaw open for him. lando’s face hovered above hers, their eyes locking as a trail of spit fell from his mouth, landing on her tongue. he watched as she swallowed it, before re-joining their lips in a messy kiss.
“look at you, taking me so well,” he cooed, “’m so stupid for neglecting you,” he added, his tone softening from his previous frustration.
“not stupid,” she reassured, kissing his jaw.
“i love you,” he told her softly, despite his hips quickening in their movement, feeling the way her legs tightened as she got closer to her climax. his lips returned to her neck, sucking softly at the flesh, blood running cold as his ears picked up on the way she panted out his name.
“lan, baby, im go-”
“i know,” he told her, eyes squeezing shut, “let go baby, i got you.”
she came hard and fast around him, the tightening of her walls bringing him to his own climax.
“can i come inside?” he asked her, almost begging. she nodded rapidly, unable to talk as her mind became fuzzy.
“fuck,” he grunted, hips snapping into hers desperately before shooting ropes of warm cum into her, filling her completely, “all mine,” he said, more to himself than her.
lando pulled out slowly, careful of the way her eyes screwed up from the sting before rolling to lay next to her, chests heaving in unison. he turned his head to face her, noting the bruises forming on her neck and her chest, till his eyes settled on the red flush of her cheek.
“i didn’t hurt you did i?” he asked softly, hand reaching up to stroke at the redness.
“not really, it was hot,” she said with a shrug, smirking as she turned her head to face him.
“noted,” lando replied, laughing lightly.
“love it when you get possessive,” y/n added, cautious with her next statement, “makes me feel wanted.”
“im sorry i ever made you feel unwanted, angel. i never meant to,” he sighed, pulling her body close to his so that her head rested on his bare chest, “ill do better i promise.”
“i know you will, lan - i just wish i didn’t have to ask to be wanted, you know?” she told him, her fingers stroking lightly at his shoulder.
“you are wanted, y/n,” he repeated fiercely, “you are everything to me. i think i just got too comfortable with how things were, i jus- it took the thought of you leaving, the thought of you with someone else to bring me back to reality.”
“i am yours lando, forever,” she assured him, holding out her pinky to join his, “i promise. besides, if you keep fucking me like that i don’t think i could ever leave,” she joked.
“but if you keep spitting in my mouth i may go completely feral, you won’t be able to get rid of me,” she said, smirking up at him, “do that again and you’re actually having my children.”
“that’s…not possible?” he questioned, smiling at her.
“so you don’t love me? is what you’re saying?” she asked, pushing herself up to look in dead in the eyes, her mouth straining to stay clamped shut in fear of laughing.
“i fear for what i have started,” lando laughed, pulling her back tightly into his chest.
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actionmemeplay · 9 months
► reblog to let your mutuals know that... YOUR RP BLOG IS NOT TIME-SENSITIVE!
...That there is NO time limit or expiration date on asks, memes or threads.
...That your partners NEVER need to feel they have to apologise for not responding to a thread or ask yet.
...That you welcome replies to "OLD" threads and memes, even if they've been sitting quietly untouched for weeks or months.
...That there is NEVER any pressure or obligation for your partners to reply until they feel the drive and enthusiasm to do so.
...That YOU will happily respond to things at YOUR OWN leisure, and you would like your partners to feel comfortable doing the same.
Not everybody enjoys running their blog this way and that's a-okay. But removing the idea that RP interactions are something that can "expire" or that the asks in your inbox have an unspoken "due-date", takes the pressure off of both your partners and yourself and can help bust feelings of stress/anxiety from the hobby. Reblog to let your partners know that you're just jazzed to receive new writing from them, whenever it comes.
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