#idea recharge
recharge1seo · 2 years
 Make your free Idea Recharge within a few seconds with Recharge1.com. Enjoy Non-stop services with Idea Recharge with multiple online offers.
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foxprints · 1 year
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Transport Crate
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vargaslovinghours · 5 months
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And never let you go ♥
Bonus without the overspill lighting:
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#💟#Digital art#Full Art#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#It's that time of year again where I get real sappy about Vargas ♥ Because yes! Once again it is my own personal Vargasversary! 🎊 Yaaaay#Seven years now - I don't know what to do with seven years it feels like a hard to define number haha#Right in the middle between five years and ten years! A while to be certain but hard to define as a Long Time either hmm#Well whatever it doesn't matter <3 The important part is that I still love Vargas and them very much ♥♪#I actually didn't really have any specific plans for this Vargasversary :0 I haven't been drawing them much again#Other things have drawn my focus and attention hehe ♪#So I just kinda set my hand loose - no sketches on paper no defined idea - this is just what my hand/brain came up with in the moment#I'm pleased :) I think it accurately expresses how I feel about them hehe <3#I wrote down what ended up being the text/caption a couple months ago while I was in Big Love in their direction#I don't remember what inspired it anymore other than just - They ♥ Themst ♥ Do love them <3#I've planned my next reread now ♪ Barring anything drastic (like an update lol) I know when I'll be rereading next#I'm looking forward to it! :D As always hehe <3#It's still a bit a ways off which works well for recharging :)#And of course I'll be doing my usual in the meanwhile - this and the main anniversary and my sketchdumps and Requestober haha#The caption is as much me as it is Edgar after all <3#Even quiet and sleeping I still find them as a comfort - a place I find rest and joy in ♥#Inspiring and lovely and wonderful - pretty and tender and dear!#Oh and#Always finding a way to flip up the bottom of the shirt#Hehe <3
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th3e-m4ng0 · 4 months
In worlds where OP has a trailer do you think Megs ever uses it as a nap hideout
ohh totally !!!!!!! since op doesn't use it often, might as well yknow
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Shinobu: Is this for ghost?
Giyu: It’s a thermometer, it’s for anything. *watches her put it against his head* What am I?
Shinobu: !!!!!!
Giyu: Whoa no, what’s wrong?
Shinobu: 🫢!!!!!
Giyu: Wait, what did it say? You’re making me nervous!
Shinobu: It says you’re GAY!
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danafeelingsick · 2 months
Give him some soda, see how he reacts to that.
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not well, i assume
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windydrawallday · 10 months
i am begging on my knees to see more of shrike and bulkhead interacting... you drew them so lovely last time and i adored it <3
I CRAVE IT LOTS TOO BUT-- Just for YOU I will break all the rules of my current request box and MAKE SAPPY SEQUENCE but between Shrike and Sari a speculative meeting :') (my brain needs to expand the context and first impressions with Team Prime ssdfhjsh).
I got carried away and IS LONG SO I'll leave it all under the cut after this first panel:
[ 1 ]
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[ 2 ]
"Bulkhead, are you all right!?" "It was just a few scratches, nothing I can't han--" "What animal did this to you?"
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[ 3 ]
"It was a cybertronian!" "One of our kind, here? On its own?" "A 'Con, perhaps?"
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[ 4 ]
"No, no! It looked... familiar." "You were scratched by it before?" "Bumblebee, this is no moment to--"
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[ 5 ]
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[ 6 ]
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[ 7 ]
"You remind me of a friend. He was aloof and sometimes hard to understand."
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[ 8 ]
"But he cared a lot for his team... and we still care for him. We can be quite noisy, but is because we are worried."
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[ 9 ]
"Do you want me to accompany and talk to them for you?"
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[ 10 ]
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[ 11 ] THE END
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I really NEEDED to get this out of my system HAHAHA but there! Next time I will go the fluffy silly route :') Is a promise.
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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otp: it was a seven
recreating my first byler gifset.
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uni-vee · 6 months
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[CN] April Fools ‘24 Recharge Lineup
New recharges announced for Miracle Nikki! Will most likely debut for global as well ★彡
Suits: Spring Overture / Secret of Flower Letter
Suit Details:
> Overture has new posed gloves. There is 1 other recolor
> Letter has new makeup, dress pose, 4 movables
> Overture; 180 starry rocks / 300 starry rocks
> Letter; 1460 starry rocks
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mayasaura · 1 year
I'm still playing Skyrim as Harrow, and I've somehow glitched the game so that all of my spells cost zero magic to cast, and I have approximately forty-one million magicka points to cast them with
Entering my lyctor era, I guess
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insertpinkchiphere · 2 days
//Gay sex but told through the context of an intense fight.
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ezralva · 9 months
*Kusahigu at the end of another tiring day of training with the kids, strategic meeting for auspicious battle with sukuna, and sparring each other...*
Higuruma opens the door from his en suite bathroom, fresh from the shower and already dressed in his sleepwear, to find Kusakabe nonchalantly sits on his bed, his hair is still damp from the shower. The lack of lollipop stick jutting out of his mouth a telltale that the man is already prepared to sleep. As usual giving off the 'i don't give a f*ck' expression yet Higuruma noticed a tray of meal on his nightstand. His dinner, undoubtedly brought by the man who is now scrolling down his smartphone with a bored face, on Higuruma's bed. That is his usual excuse to others so he can easily go into Higuruma's bedroom without being followed by the others' questioning stares.
Higuruma knows what this means. He should've eaten first. But both of them also know they have another need. It only takes three steps of him to the bed before they both cling to each other, smelling each other's fresh scent and holding onto each other's presence, still alive and breathing and that's all they need to know. Their lips easily find each others and slot seamlessly against each other. Their hands slowly caress and stroke, the back, the shoulders, the hair, anything they can grab, before they begin pawing at each other's clothes...
And just like that, Higuruma's dinner is quickly forgotten...
This is more important. This is their routine now. To recharge themselves with each other after a long winded day...
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Biting and chewing on the idea of Shockwave having just the weirdest sex toys known to mankind that he made and they're well loved by him too
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carlottastudios · 3 months
YES FELLOW KAEYA ENJOYER 🙌🙌🙌🙌 I woukd LOVE to hear your thoughts its so hard to find anyone talking about all of kaeyas lore and implications
Thank you so much! I have actually started the process of writing down my thoughts and even realized that, because of how much all of Kaeya’s lore and implications and references connect together, a mind map might actually be a better format for listen all of my thoughts than just a text post. But then, ah…I started the VERY rough draft for this mind map and I’m realizing it’s already getting so huge and complicated, I’m actually worried about whether or not I’ll be able to make it cohesive and readable.
I think that might be why it’s so hard to find anyone talking about ALL of Kaeya’s lore & myth connections & implications. THERE’S JUST SO MUCH!!! Kaeya, you have so much going on!!!! And, like, good for you, beloved, but it’s not easy for the theorists!
Anyways, in case anyone is curious, here’s a look at what I’ve got so far for the super-rough draft of a mind map for all my unhinged Kaeya lore thoughts:
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Thank you for the nice message, anon!
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artemistorm · 10 months
If you want, something for Recharge?
I was so surprised to find that I've actually written 2k more words on it for the next chapter. I don't remember doing that. Awesome! It wrote itself! Anyways, here's a little bit for it:
Wild lay pale and still, covered in blankets, and with his feet propped up on someone’s rather full laundry bag. Hyrule fretted nearby, digging through his own bag and pulling out yet another blanket though pitifully thin and draped it over his prone friend. “Hyrule, it’s fine,” Warriors said. “Wild doesn’t need any more blankets. We don’t want to overheat him.” “But… he’s so cold. His hands are so cold,” Hyrule said squeezing Wild’s hand. “If his hands are cold then put them under the blankets.” “Come here, there’s nothing more to be done for him,” Twilight said and motioned Hyrule to come take a seat next to him. Hyrule reluctant tucked Wild’s hand away under the covers and came over and sat down next to Twilight. “Okay, I think it’s time we address the dragon in the room,” Legend said. “The Master Sword broke. What does that mean for the rest of us? And is that what caused Wild to… be in the state that he’s in?” “No, the two things can’t be related,” Sky said quickly. “Fi would never hurt someone like that.” “We can’t discount the possibility so quickly,” Time said. “It is a little too coincidental in my opinion.”
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whispers-of-masser · 1 year
Dragon's Tongue
✧ Nebarra x human!LDB, ft. Xelzaz & Khash ✧ Fluff, minor angst; 1300+ words ♫ "You And I (Stripped)" - PVRIS ✒ Something short n sweet today, I'm feeling soft
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Nebarra was loath to admit it to himself, and he'd die before ever saying it aloud, but the Rift really was beautiful. Nothing compared to Alinor, to be sure, but... all the gold reminded him of home. And when he passed by a small, isolated farm, he could almost see himself on its porch, see his brother leaning against the door.
The illusions were younger, happier versions of themselves. So much more innocent, faces bright with naivety, eyes shining with plans for the future.
And then he'd gone to war.
He'd lost... so much of himself, in the deserts of Hammerfell. They had scorched and burned him inside and out, slowly bleeding him dry with every comrade he saw fall. And all that, for what? For all the Altmer's supposed superiority, the campaign had failed on all fronts – Hammerfell's walls and people defied them, and Cyrodiil remained in power, weakened but still unbroken.
How could the Thalmor still strut about, arrogant to Aetherius and back, when they had failed so miserably? How could they look at the faces of the families whose children and lovers they'd sent to die and only tell them they'd "served their purpose"?
Nebarra couldn't.
He couldn't face them at all. Not even through pen and paper, leagues away from ever having to look them in the eyes, ever having to see the pain and loss in their gaze.
Where the Thalmor were heartless, he was a coward.
And he didn't know which was worse.
Night fell, and you called the group to halt, to make camp until dawn. Nebarra set up the tent as you argued with Xelzaz, trying to convince him that no, he shouldn't summon a flame atronach and then kill it for its fire salts, no matter how good it would make dinner taste. Khash merely looked on, muching on some clover she'd picked up somewhere.
At last though, you got Xelzaz to relent, though he asked you to gather some herbs in exchange, listing off the plants he wanted you to find.
"Ah... and take Nebarra with you."
The elf froze. Turned slowly towards the lizard. Demanded, "What? Why?"
"Two eyes are better than one," he shrugged, "and that much safer, as well. We don't know what's out there, and I'm pretty sure we passed a necromantic altar on our way here."
At that, you groaned, head rolling back like a teenager who'd just been told to do their chores. "Gods, not another one. Why do we always seem to run into those?"
"Luck of the Dragonborn? Anyway, off with you now – I have to get set up. Let's see, in whose pack did I leave my cooking pot...? Khash! Come help me with this!"
And just like that he walked off, leaving you and Nebarra alone by the campfire. A chuckle escaped you, and he glanced over to see you shaking your head. "I'm surprised he didn't tell us to hold hands, too, so we don't lose each other in the dark."
"Yeah, I'm not holding your hand," Nebarra snarked. And it was true. Absolutely true. Totally, one-hundred percent true.
"Oh wow, Nebs, that one almost hurt." Your soft laugh seemed to echo in his ears, his mind. "Come on, let's go – I don't suppose you heard any of the plants he wants?"
Blue and yellow mountain flowers, to restore and fortify. Purple for rejuvenation, and to give to Khash. Scaly pholiota for fiber and strengthening. Wild gourds and dragon's togue for flavour.
He snorted from behind his helm. "That would require paying attention to him."
"Should have known," you sighed. "Alright, listen up before I forget: blue, yellow, and purple mountain flowers, scaly pholiota, and dragon's tongue. And be careful with the purple mountain flowers, they're gifts for Khash. Oh, he also wants some wild gourds. Got it?"
"...Yeah, yeah. Let's just get going."
He definitely hadn't feigned ignorance just to hear your voice some more. Definitely not.
"Ah, back at last! Perfect," Xelzaz said, stirring something in a pot over the fire. "Now I can get the real meal started."
"Then what's this?" Nebarra demanded as Xelzaz handed him a bowl, in exchange for the plants the Altmer carried. Even through his gauntlets he could feel its warmth, and a rich, savory scent drifted up through the slits of his helmet.
"Something amazing, from the smell," you sighed, and Nebarra didn't have to look to know you were drooling.
"Just a little sometime to hold you over," the Argonian demurred, handing you a bowl as well. "Thought I'd experiment with some of the flora I've gathered thus far."
That gave Nebarra pause. "Wait – experiment? That's settled, I'm not eating this."
"If you don't want it–"
Your words were drowned out by Khash's eager shout of, "I'll eat it! I'll take your bowl!" She rushed over to him, red eyes trained on the food.
"Khash, you had your share," Xelzaz chided. "Any more and you won't have room for the rest of dinner."
"Yes, I will! I have room for anything you make."
"She's got a point," you laughed, and Nebarra slowly, wordlessly handed her the bowl.
"I'll go keep watch," he grumbled, turning away.
"Oh, don't be like that! Nebarra!" When he didn't respond, you sighed, calling after him, "Alright, go sulk! I'll make sure Xelzaz doesn't poison your share, though you kind of deserve it!"
His back still towards you, Nebarra raised his hand in a rude gesture, and your laughter rang through the night.
Some thirty minutes later, he heard footsteps approaching; he didn't need to turn to know it was you. Your tread was distinct from the others, weighted with determination and confidence, whereas Xelzaz's was soft and steady, and Khash's light and hesitant.
"Here. Eat." Despite the short words, your tone was gentle, and Nebarra looked over to see you holding a plate out towards him, laden with a slab of meat and wild berries to the side. "It's delicious, and unpoisoned."
"How would you know?" he sniffed, catching a whiff of the food in the process. It... did smell amazing. "Did you try it?"
"I did, actually. Stole some of your steak when Xelzaz wasn't looking. And since I'm still standing here pestering you, I guess that means it's clean."
Nebarra paused, eyes training on your face. Half of it was wreathed in shadow, only the gleam of your eyes visible; the other half was illuminated by the campfire, revealing the soft smile you wore.
You... had a nice smile.
And before he could stop himself, he mumbled, "You're not... pestering me."
Surprise flickered in your gaze – surprise, and something else. Something he told himself he didn't recognise, refused to recognise.
After a moment, you said softly, "That's... good to hear, then. Because I have something else for you, too." Reaching down with your free hand, you pulled something from your belt and held it out before him. "I saved one, 'cause it reminded me of you."
Nebarra stared. There, held gently between your fingers, was a dragon's tongue flower, petals open wide and colours vibrant in full bloom. "This... reminded you of me?"
"It's gold. Just like you."
"...You really do have trouble with your eyesight, don't you? These are orange."
"Eh, close enough." You shrugged, the smile never leaving your face.
Slowly, Nebarra reached out and, ignoring the plate of food, took the flower carefully, delicately from your grasp, cradling it in his palm. "...Am I supposed to say thank you?"
"You just did." As he raised a brow from the shadows of his helm, you set the plate on a nearby rock and tapped the gauntlet that held the flower. "You accepted it."
He couldn't deny it. "Think you got me all figured out then, huh?"
Something in your smile shifted, your gaze flickering. "No. Not yet, anyways. But... I think I'd like to." And with that, you turned on your heel and walked away, leaving him alone in the dark, stunned.
And that night, as he sat in the shadows of the campfire, he stared at the flower for a long, long time.
#nebarra#nebarra skyrim#skyrim nebarra#skyrim#tes 5#whisper writes#finally wrote that thing from my tags ages ago#and by ages i mean like a week lmaoo#also i now officially have the headcanon now that khash likes to munch on clovers and i don't know what to do with this thought#anyway in other news im so tired?? like for some reason writing Just Tonight REALLY drained me#i dont know how to describe it other than the fact that writing it felt like.... it took something from me?#idk man maybe i just burnt myself out a little; i haven't written so much and been so intent about it in actual years#tragically im not even happy about how it turned out but tbfh when is an artists ever satisfied with their own work??? neverrrr#im so tired man lol#i wanna keep working on the second part of just tonight and I have ideas for it but i just.... cannot right now lol#anyway off to play more skyrim and hopefully recharge#starting an altmer mage/college of winterhold playthough with only altmer followers#so that means im grabbing nebs; caryalind; taliesin; rumarin; idrinth; and eventually Telmiltarion since I downloaded summerset isle too#he has a standalone verison that doesnt require the full mod but#figured i'd play through the whole thing at least once since it ties into the cow story anyways#help why does “college of winterhold” abbreviate to fuckin COW I just noticed😭#anywho... ive never actually played with tel or idrinth before so im actually a little nervous; i hope i like them lol#wanted to try daegon too but then i saw she was pulled for updates and was like nuuuuu#might see about posting a screenie once i've got the whole crew together#anyway im off to go play for reals this time lol bye
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