#idc that it’s October go away
starlikeswomen · 3 days
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day 2: sweets
I didn’t even know sugar sans had a brother til now he’s such a cutie pie siighhh
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rebelwrites · 10 months
I’ve been craving some Jax Teller. I need something tender and sweet, but in character. Something to make me feel safe and wanted, but not simply desired. Idc what you write or how you do it because I know it’s going to be 👌
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You Aren’t Meant To Be Back Until Christmas Eve
Jax Teller x Reader
This is a flash fic so it hasn’t been edited. It’s also good to be back writing again 🥺
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It was the week leading up to Christmas and to say you were rushed off your feet was a complete understatement. This was your favorite time of year, even though your stress levels were through the roof, you practically lived off coffee and energy drinks and hardly saw your boyfriend Jax. You knew he understood why you were so absent in the run up to the festive season, the small bakery had queues running down the street from mid October.
Leaning against the stainless steel counter, you took a deep breath looking at the stack of cookie trays that were cooling waiting to be iced ready for the morning rush. Your body ached to where all you wanted to do was sink into a scalding hot bath, not moving until the hot water eased your aching muscles.
The sound of your phone echoing around the industrial supplied kitchen pulled you from any thoughts, you knew it would be Jax, it always was this time of night. No matter what time you were working he would always drop you a call to see how you were getting on, even when he was on runs with the club he would always make a point of calling you. Brushing the flour on the front of your jeans you grabbed your phone, quickly answering the call before pressing the device against your ear.
“Is it a late one again Darlin’?” Your boyfriend hummed, you could hear the tiredness hanging from his words, this last run for the club must have taken more of a toll on him this time.
“I think I’m still gonna be here come opening,” you sighed, letting your gaze fall to the countertop. “Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas and the bakery but I just want to spend time with you.”
“The money is nice as well,” he chuckled, causing the corners of your lips to tug into a small smile. You knew how much the bakery meant to not only Jax but the club too. This was one of the first legitimate businesses that was set up, Jax surprised you one day by showing the vacant lot and the new sign he had designed, from that day the “From Anarchy, With Love” bakery was born.
“How was the run?” You asked, pulling the phone away from you ear, putting in on speaker so you could be free to move around the kitchen.
“Long as fuck,” he groaned, you knew he would be running he hand across his face as he spoke. “I am so fuckin’ done with the muling, it is just getting more risky with each run,” he mumbled, with each word he spoke you could hear the pain in his voice.
Before he could carry on the sound of someone pounding at the front door gained my full attention. “Hold on baby, I swear someone is trying to put their fist through the front door of the bakery,” you huffed in annoyance. It was probably one customer trying their luck to see if they could get their order early. But that didn’t stop you from reaching into the cupboard by the doorway of the kitchen, grabbing my hand gun, flicking the safety off before tucking it into the bank of my jeans. One thing was for sure when it came to being Teller’s old lady, you was never without protection, whether this was in the form of a 9mm, a member of the club or Jax.
As you moved through the building, the knocking got louder and more persistent. “Bloody hell, don’t punch my door in, it never hurt you,” you scoffed, fishing the keys out of the pocket of Jax’s hoodie.
You felt myself fumbling with all the locks, once again thanks to Jax being over protective, soon enough the door was finally unlocked and the moment you pulled the heavy wooden door you dropped the set of keys on the floor as you saw your boyfriend leaving against the brick entrance.
“Hey Darlin’,” he hummed, quickly closing the gap between the two of you, engulfing you into his arms. The feeling of his muscular arms wrapping around your body caused all the stress to dissolve. “Fuck, I missed you,” he whispered against your hair, guiding you further into the shop before kicking the door closed with his foot.
“You aren’t meant to be back until Christmas eve,” you breathed, pulling back slightly so you could take in the look of your tired man. Somehow you freed one of your arms, allowing you to reach up brushing your fingers against his cheek. “Not that I am complaining nevertheless, what happened Jaxy?”
The fact you were greeted with a moment of silence told you everything, you knew things were rocky with Clay, no one knew the toll that everything was taking on the blond nuzzling his face into your shoulder. He wouldn’t let the outside world see him like this, but with you he felt he could let the walls come crumbling down, allowing him to process all the emotions he was feeling, and he knew his feelings would be taken seriously.
“Clay is going off on one again, his hands are getting worse and he has gone behind all of our back and the club is now in a deep hole with the cartel,” he had a wobble in his tone as he spoke, he was angry about the whole situation and I couldn’t blame him, I would be to. “I just needed my girl.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest at his words, to the world he was the vice president of a violent club but behind closed doors he was just a puppy wanting love.
“I know you need to work so I can’t take you to the Christmas market I know you want to go to but I have brought take out,” he hummed, holding up the plastic carrier bag you had completely missed when he first came into the bakery, “and I thought we could spend the night icing them amazing cookie, like we did when we were getting this place ready for the opening.”
Tears threatened to spill over your lash line, you had never been with someone who would abandon everything just because they wanted to spend time with you, even if that meant that they would be working till the sun came up.
“You know I want the cookies to be edible and sellable right?” You smirked, cocking your brow at him.
“Shut up and get your ass in that kitchen, Darlin’”
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@chibsytelford @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @withmyteeth @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @princess76179 @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @princess76179 @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @lmao-liz @babypink224221 @daddysgirl2857 @bravo-four-seal-team @garbinge @pedrohoe04 @littlekittymeow @nichia88-blog @zozebo
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zmbiesuga · 1 year
UNKNOWN / NTH — o. tōru x m!reader
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sypnosis: self-proclaimed loverboy oikawa tōru always goes out of his way to see you.
warnings: oikawa snuck out, reader & oikawa are in 3rd year of hs here, the term boyfriend used is used in reference to reader but no formal pronouns mentioned, oikawa calls reader sweet angel, baby, babe, and just plain angel, fluff (sickeningly sweet), OIKAWA WITH HIS GLASSES 💘
notes: idc if he's a teenage boy, oikawa smells nice i know it.
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At three a.m. exactly, you can hear the loud ricochet of pebbles off your window. You try to ignore it, you really do, but the noises get more aggressive with each passing second. It seems whoever is trying to get your attention isn't letting up.
With a small groan, you sit up and get out of bed. Trudging to your window, you don't even bother to look out of it as you open it. You open your eyes and scan, until it lands on a small brown patch of hair.
Oikawa is staring up at you with a boyish grin. His cheeks are flushed a light pink from the harsh October air and his glasses are slowly slipping down his nose.
"Hi sweetheart," he calls in a hoarse voice, shoving his hands in the pockets of his light blue hoodie, "mind letting me in?"
You can't help the small smile that breaks out on your face as you shut the window. You quickly make your way downstairs and open the door.
When Oikawa comes in, he tries to give you a kiss, but you stop him and point towards the stairs. He only looks at you and nods as you two tiptoe up the steps to your room, holding back shared mischievous giggles.
After you shut the door to your room, Oikawa wraps an arm around you and kisses you sweetly, your own arms loosely wrapping around his neck.
He tastes sweet, like amaretto coffee creamer, something you didn't find yourself enjoying until you met him.
"How is my sweet angel doing, huh?" he whispers against your lips, resting his forehead against his, "Miss me?"
"Tōru, I saw you earlier today," you respond in a giggle, "why are you here so late, huh? Don't you know I'm not supposed to have boys over?"
"What, a guy can't miss his boyfriend? That's blasphemous, babe," he replied with a smirk, letting his arm fall from your chest as he sits on your bed, "...I couldn't sleep." he admitted honestly.
You give him a soft look, turning off the light in your room and laying down on the bed. You open your arms and gesture to him.
He gives you another smile, taking off his glasses and shoes as he makes himself comfortable in your arms. His head resting under your chin while you hold him close.
You buried your face into his hair as you inhaled his scent, finding comfort in the way he smelt like freshly made cinnamon rolls on a cold day.
"I love you," Oikawa whispered against your skin, his eyes shutting whilst you ran your fingers through his hair, letting out a deep content sigh, "I'll never love anyone more than you...you're it for me."
A small giggle escaped past your lips as you put your chin on his head once again, "You're so sappy, Tōru."
"No, no I mean it," he said with conviction, pulling away from your neck and looking you in the eyes, "I love you more than life itself, I don't know what I'd do without you...you're it for me."
"Tōru, don't...don't say that," you replied softly, "love me and life equally...because life can be cruel, but life gave me you, and that's more than I could have ever wanted."
His cheeks flushed crimson as he looked at you, before he let out a laugh, "Geez, and I'm the sappy one...?" he asked, once he calmed down, the serious tone in hiw voice returned, "I just...I don't want to lose you, angel."
"You won't, Kawa," you replied, sticking out your pinkie, "I pinkie promise."
Oikawa looked down at your pinkie and then back up at your face, letting out a small giggle and interlocking his pinkie with yours, "Okay," he proclaimed, "okay, neither of us is going anywhere."
He lifted your interlocked pinkies and placed a gentle kiss on them, and then laid his face in the crook of your neck, giving you one last kiss on your collarbone.
"I love you baby." he whispered, his voice slurring slightly as his eyes becoming heavy with sleep.
"I love you too, 'ru," you whispered back with a small smile, hearing quiet snores in return, "sleep well."
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
firstly I LOVE your writing so so so much!!! so many of my fav jily fics are yours <3
#34 from the prompt list (“sorry, bad habit”) but it’s james fidgeting (messing with his hair clicking a pen idk idc u do u) and lily is annoyed with him with herself for finding it endearing & finally does something about it
from these prompts
It’s not that she never noticed it before.
Context, however, is everything and there is just simply a stark contrast between noticing it because McGonagall consistently points it out with a heavy sigh and a ‘for the last time, Mr. Potter, please wear your uniform with a sense of propriety’ and noticing it because Lily can’t physically make herself look away.
She’s not quite sure when her mind takes that sharp detour, though.
“Merlin, I’m knackered.”
Lily looks up from her book as he falls into the seat across from her. “You’re late.”
James grimaces apologetically. “Flitwick had me helping the firsties with—never mind. Sorry. Let’s get started, yeah?”
He wasn’t her first choice for essay partner, or her second or third for that matter, but he’s competent, which Lily supposes she should be grateful for. Honestly, she’s still trying to wrap her head around the fact that school has been back in session for an entire month and they haven’t gotten in a row even once.
James pulls his bag up onto the small table and begins haphazardly fishing through it for his own textbook and some parchment, then reaches up and gives a sharp tug on the knot of his tie, pulling it away from his neck. Lily’s gaze catches on the motion she must have seen him do a dozen times, but she’s never been close enough to notice the sliver of skin it reveals before and she’s certainly never found herself appreciating it.
She quickly files that away as information to never ever process and shakes her head.
“Yeah, let’s get…” She clears her throat and looks back toward her book. “Started.”
But once she starts noticing it—well. It becomes a bit of a problem.
The moment he walks into the common room, his hand moves to loosen his tie. As soon as he collapses onto the couch of their shared Heads’ Office. While he walks alongside her to Arithmancy. Every single day. Constantly.
“Blimey, the weather’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”
Lily purses her lips to keep from smiling at the childish way James throws his hands up toward the sky the minute they step into the sunshine. It’s been a gruelling day of revising for both of them and she found herself not even able to muster a half-hearted excuse for why they shouldn’t take a break to go for a walk on the grounds.
“There’s just something about October,” he continues, sighing happily.
Lily opens her mouth to agree, but then she catches the flash of his hand—they’re not even fifteen steps away from the castle, but there he goes, the scarlet-and-gold-striped fabric slipping through his fingers as he makes quick work of the knot of his tie.
“Why do you always do that?” she finds herself blurting out.
He glances quickly over at her, his fingers freezing their motion. “Sorry,” he says, wincing, “bad habit.”
Lily just nods in response, not trusting herself to say something normal, and tries not to watch as he tugs the tie completely off and shoves it deep into the front pocket of his trousers.
October passes and Lily feels herself relax, because the Scottish autumn is on her side on this (and only on this, really). Hogwarts students spend the month of November adding more layers to their wardrobe, not removing them.
Lily has never in her life been so passionate about scarves.
“Most prestigious school in the wizarding world and they can’t bloody insulate the halls,” James whinges, blowing hot air into his cupped hands and rubbing them together.
Lily looks sharply away from that and ignores the little flop her stomach does. “That would compromise the ambience, Potter.”
“Of course. How can Hogwarts expect to maintain its honour if at least one student doesn’t die of hypothermia?”
Lily’s laugh is halted as they turn a corner and begin their portion of the patrol colloquially known among the other prefects as The Polar Vortex. This section of the castle seems to always be particularly drafty, and honestly, if Lily wasn’t eager to extend her time with James, she’d likely suggest they just skip it and head back to Gryffindor Tower.
As it is, though, she shivers involuntarily, her teeth clattering loudly together, unbidden.
“Merlin, Evans, here. Take—”
“I’m fine!” she says quickly, because, Jesus bloody Christ, he was reaching for his scarf.
“That hypothermia joke wasn’t a personal challenge, Lil. Take my scarf and—”
“I don’t want it!”
His next step falters and he turns slowly to face her, his face setting into a confused frown. “Why not?”
Lily feels her face begin to flush. “I just—I don’t want to be a…bother.”
James watches her for another moment, then a grin slowly spreads across his face. “Evans,” he says, unlooping the scarf from his neck, and turning to more fully face her, “you always bother me.” He gently drops the scarf around her neck, ignoring her protests as he tugs it snugly around the collar of her jumper.
Lily takes a breath, hating and loving the fact that the scarf smells exactly like him, but otherwise settles into a feeling of relief. That wasn’t so bad. Just because he removed his scarf doesn’t mean—
“Oh my God, are you serious right now?!”
James stops walking again, his fingers freezing in the midst of their mission to unknot his tie. “Er, what?”
Lily covers her face with her hands and tries not to scream. 
“Evans?” He asks, and that pushes her closer to the edge, because she can hear the concern in his voice. “Am I serious about what?”
“Nothing,” she squeaks, shaking her head, even as her hands remain covering her face.
“No, really, I—”
He gently tugs one of the ends of the scarf—his scarf—causing her to stumble toward him a bit. “What’s wrong?”
She allows her hands to fall and forces himself to look up at him. “Why are you even wearing your tie?” she mumbles.
“What? My…tie?” He frowns, deeply puzzled, then manages a half-shrug. “I dunno. Just forgot to take it off after lessons, I guess. Why?”
“You constantly mess with it,” Lily says. “Non-stop. Loosening it, untying it, taking it off, playing with it.”
“I told you,” he says sheepishly, “it’s a bad habit. I—”
“It’s infuriating!”
His eyebrows lift in surprise. “I’m…sorry?”
“A Lily Evans torture device, really.”
He opens his mouth again, but she beats him to it.
“It’s like, if every person who’s ever hated me attended a…a convention. And they had a chat about all the things that drive me spare, devising a plan to slowly make me go completely mental. This—,” she knows she’s mad and that she’ll hate herself later, but she doesn’t care because she’s been wanting to do this for months,—“this is what they would end up deciding on.” She reaches up and, in one swift motion, tugs on the knot of his tie, watching in immense satisfaction as it separates from the collar of his shirt, hanging limply across the grey fabric of his jumper. 
James stares at her, eyes wide, body completely rigid as she, Jesus, manhandles him like a fiend. 
“Sorry,” she huffs out as she draws her hand back to her own person, but she isn’t even sure she means it. “You just—it really is a terrible habit, Potter. Promise me you’ll work on it.”
He blinks. “I…”
“Good.” Lily nods. “Thank you for the scarf, by the way. We should be good to head back down now, yeah?” She takes off walking down the corridor, before he can verbally question her sanity or she can do something else truly mad like use the leverage of his tie—stupid, bloody tie—to bring his mouth down to hers.
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zer0brainc3lls · 1 month
Incorrect tmr quotes except it’s B99 (again)
Thomas: like what’s another rule we could break?!
Newt: no making out at work 🤭
Thomas: thats is very flattering Newt but there are some rules I shall never-
Newt *takes Thomas hand*: let’s go
Thomas *lets Newt pull him*: ok! :D
Newt: WHERE is my dog. *an identical dog walking next to him*
Chuck: aren’t you standing right next to him?!
Alby: congrats on making it to the second round Thomas. Said I. Sarcastically.
Thomas: *wtf?!*
Newt: no photos of Ava Paige
Minho: that’s because vampires don’t show up on film, perhaps we should be looking for a 1700 century print.
(I’ve already done this one but idc)
Minho: motorcycles are death machines, I have 3 kids at home I’m not risking it! *throws Newt the keys*
Newt *catches keys*: are you saying my life matters less because I don’t conform to society’s heteronormative kid centric ideas?
Minho: are you REALLY playing the gay card right now?!
Newt yas queen. *throws Minho the keys* *clicks fingers*
Newt: you just as competitive as we (him and Minho) are!
Alby: absurd! I am more competitive! Now who’s, DA BOMB.
Alby: why is no one having a good time?! I specifically requested it.
Newt: aren’t you forgetting something?!
Minho: *stops walking away* uhhh… *very awkwardly kisses newt on the forehead and begins to quickly walk off*
Newt: NOO PAY YOUR BILL. *gestures to table* DAMN WHO RAISED YOU.
Thomas: never thought I would see the day Teresa sided with Ava AND Janson. Mark the day Brenda, may 8th of 4pm. :(
Brenda: oh honey we are WELL into October..
Thomas: Really?! 😭
Thomas: the worst part is he got away :( *in hospital bed*
Newt: THATS the worst part?! You could’ve died man.
Thomas: I wasn’t hurt that badly!! The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that’s where the blood is supposed to be!
Newt: here are two pictures, one is your locker, the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?
Minho: *deep concentration* that ones the dump?
Minho: yeah how cool- I mean how awful is that?
Alby: very cool, I mean awful.
Minho: *gasp* :D
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foxalade · 6 months
"never did see one without the other, did you?"
Sirius and James are just so idk how to explain it?? I can't BELIEVE Sirius went to Prison because he was framed for killing his BEST FRIEND. HIS SAVIOUR. Literally his platonic soul mate. I can't believe so many people knew them and didn't even bat an eye when he was put in Azkaban.
The fact that people were just like "How could he?" and then moved on with their lives, while Remus was distraught at losing ALL of his best friends in one single night.
SIRIUS FOUND HIS BEST FRIEND DEAD. I'm sorry but if I found my best friend dead in her house I'd die, HOW TRAUMATISING IS THAT?? Imagine going to check up on them and finding their house in pieces, and then finding them dead. His best friend. His family. HIS BEST FRIENDS WIFE. THEIR SON??? THEIR ONE YEAR OLD SON.
You know what's worse?
They probably had Sirius' Birthday all planned out. James and Lily were murdered on the 31st of October, 3 days before Sirius' Birthday on the 3rd of November. They would most likely all have bought and wrapped present, perhaps even booked a table at a restaurant or maybe concert tickets or whatever.
But they never went. Never got to do anything. Sirius spent his 22nd birthday locked up in Azkaban while James was dead and Remus was distraught and Peter was "dead".
Harry was taken away and treated like shit. James and Lily's one year old, ONE YEAR OLD, was left orphaned, with no idea about his parents or his parents friends. He could have had a life with Sirius, but that was taken away from him.
Imagine meeting a wanted Murderer, and he goes on to tell you that he loved your father so, SO much and that he saved him. Saved him from years of torture and abuse in his own household and let him stay somewhere safe. And then got FRAMED by their other best mate for his MURDER which he spent 12 YEARS in prison for.
Even when Harry did move in with Sirius during his fifth year, he didn't have very long with his father's best friend either.
Sirius died protecting the last piece of James he still had. After all of those years, Sirius still loved James, loved him so much that he died to protect his son.
"Nice one, James!"
Idc if someone thinks "It's so wrong that Sirius only saw James in Harry, and Harry only saw James in Sirius"
Okay, and? That was all they had left. Sirius was the closest thing to his dad, let the poor boy have that small piece of his life. And Sirius loved James. He said himself that he would rather have died than betray James.
And he would have too. If Sirius had been there when Peter and Voldy showed up, he would have told James and Lily to run and sacrificed himself so they could live a life full of love and raise their son.
James was Sirius' only family. Sirius had nothing without him. NOTHING. "Oh but what about Remus?" I love Remus, don't get me wrong, but Remus would never be able to live up to what James was for him. That boy saved him.
I hate it when people come after James. How could you say he was a horrible person when he literally took Sirius in. HE SAVED HIM.
And I just realised that Sirius didn't get to go to James' funeral. He never said goodbye. Remus was there, ALONE, still thinking that Sirius was the murderer and that Peter was dead too. Peter probably had a funeral too??? He wasn't even dead but because he pretended he was treated as dead.
Now imagine Peter's grave is next to James and Lily's. Think about that for a second.
I can only aspire to have a friendship like Sirius and James had.
Ladies and Gentlemen and everyone else, thank you and good night
(it's not a good night and never will be a good night because James died and Sirius was locked up for it. HIS BEST FRIEND.)
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naturesapphic · 1 year
Watching the siccoring for the first time on Halloween evening together with Jade after cooking smth (maybe some spooky hot dogs or smth idc?) <3
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Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing and Jade being soft for reader
“Babe! Stop eating the spooky hotdogs!” You screeched as you saw Jade eating the hotdogs you made for Halloween. They look like fingers so you call them your spooky hotdogs. “Msorry…” she mumbled out, mouth full of spooky hot dogs.
You signed and pinched the bridge of your nose “if you keep eating them, we won’t have enough for the movie” you pouted at her. She huffed and put the tray full of the spooky hotdogs down back on the counter. You smiled “good girl.” You praised her which made her go immediately red in the face.
You smirked and finished up on putting your Halloween snacks together for the movie. You were watching the scissoring together with Jade for the first time. Y’all have been together for a year and you have never seen it, until tonight. You know it’s Jade favorite movie of all time so you thought you would try and watch it with her on Halloween.
“Okay everything is ready and set.” You explained to your girlfriend and plopped down on the couch with snacks in hand. Jade smiled at you and sat down next to you. “I’m so glad you are watching this with me love. I know you aren’t a big fan of horror movies so I appreciate this.” She says to you shyly with blush on her cheeks.
You giggled and kissed her cheek “of course baby. Anything for you. I know how much you love this movie.” You explained to her and she blushed even more. “I do love this movie a lot…but I love you more.” Jade says with a hint of shyness and seriousness in her tone.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you looked at her in shock. “Wait really?” You questioned her. “Of course I do. I love you more than anything. Even my special scissors.” She confessed and you immediately threw yourself into her arms and starting kissing her deeply.
Jade was taken back but she started kissing you back just as hard. You wrapped your arms around her neck as her left hand was on the back of your neck and her right hand was on your ass. After a few moments, you pulled away breathlessly. “I love you.” You said softly to her. “I love you more.” Jade responded back to you with so much love in her voice.
You pecked her lips a few times and sat beside her again. She smiled down at you and clicked play on the tv. You got her favorite soda and handed it to her to which she said thanks at. “Want a spooky hotdog? You asked her with a smile and she smiled back “I would love one darling.” She answered you.
You watched the movie with the love of your life and the movie was great. Plus…you need to make more spooky hotdogs since Jade has eaten them all…
A/n: I hope the person who requested this likes it! Happy beginning of October everyone! I can’t wait to post more and show y’all the fall/Halloween requests I’ve gotten 😎
Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! Have a great day!
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torque-witch · 1 month
Anywho I have definitely left everyone here out of my life over the last few months so here are some highlights of my big accomplishments/adventures recently.
Buffalo Oddities Expo - Aug 3/4
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Because my husband got in a wreck a few weeks before, I was able to snag my Bumble BFF along for the ride to Buffalo AND DC, which was such a blessing. Two traveling disabled enby’s was difficult but so so easy at the same time and I am very grateful for them!
Buffalo as a city was super weird bc everything closed at 5 on the weekends (?) but it ended up being the best show record so far for me! And that helped a ton going into our next leg of the trip. We also found this super cute boba place that uses loose leaf tea, real honey and mini boba (but we really just wanted the bottles!). Also Buffalo hotels are super expensive??? We stayed at a Red Roof and it cost almost as much as our DC hotel that was leagues better??
Then we drove home and immediately left again the next day for DC for my first Kpop concert 😬🥹
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I was having an absolutely terrible flare up from traveling and vertigo in the hotel, but a couple sets in to the concert I felt like all the pain and yucky feelings went away. This was a birthday present from April to myself as a kind of, “I’ll probably never be able to do this again” that I had to wait until August for. ATEEZ came into my life at a really hard point last year and they have been an inspiration to me to keep going, so it was really an amazing experience to see them in person. Idc how cringey that may seem, but music is healing and the crowd was at 100% the whole show. The rafters were BOUNCING.
Now did I feel awful all the way home? Yes. But truly it made me so happy and my friend had a lot of fun too (so much that they said they will pay for their tickets next time 😂).
So now, late August I also have a few things on the agenda.
1. Pittsburgh Oddities & Curiosities Expo at the David G Lawrence Convention Center Aug 24th and 25th. I think its $10 entry online or $15 at the door?
2. I got accepted into the GROTA Envisions magazine for my Hel Mary pieces! So I've been working on a new one that fits their requirements for the last month or so. Will update when that is available to the public!
I think that's really it for now, but I do have a lot of shows in October, which is to be expected. September, hopefully I can work on these areas that need help in my business. And, more art has already dropped!
You can follow me elsewhere at
Instagram/Threads - dhdivination (where I post most often)
or join the Discord! https://discord.gg/3jrzh9V2Qc
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thebookofeibon · 8 months
a sweeter alternative
Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6868 Fandom: Ensemble Stars Ships: ReiKao Relevant "tags": blood time. uh sex mentions and allusions i don't write it though i'm not at that comfort level yet.
“You know how he uses it in place of blood?” Kaoru kept his eyes on Rei, catching Adonis’s nod in the corner on his eye. “Well the past couple of months, it hasn’t been doing the job.” “Huh? What do you mean past couple of months?” Koga eyed Rei. “He’s been drinking twice the amount he usually does, he’s been drinking different brands, and he’s still slow as if he’s low on energy.”
i'll add squidgeworld link when i post to there
for now u can read under the cut!
i suppose i can start putting my notes here in the mean time. uhhh this one's been in the works since october, just chipping away at it here and there. idr what the inspo was i think i just wanted to address the vampire thing.
his vampirism works how i want it to work bc it's a disability and i am also disabled and that's that. idc that vampirism isn't real
this is in my little series i had on ao3 where they live together in an apartment and i don't know the timeline for realsies i'm making shit up. this is actually the first one in the series to not have a pinocchioP title and it's bc. i couldn't find one. what can i say he doesn't have any vampire songs. the vocaloid vampire song also didn't fit but it was the working title of this.
i'll also make a page for this series on this blog since. gestures to no longer using ao3
“Don’t ‘mmm’ me, you heard exactly what I just said.”
Rei doesn’t answer, entirely pissing Kaoru off. “You have had two large containers of tomato juice this week and you’re still falling asleep in random places. It’s not working the way it used to.” Rei’s grip on his pillow grows tighter as he really pushes the limits his face can go into it. “It’s 8pm, and I’ve been trying to wake you up for almost two hours.” He walked over to the bed to take the pillow, only to find Rei’s resistance to be much stronger than it should be. “This. Has been happening. For two months!!!” He tugged at the pillow with all of his might, though he really couldn’t get anywhere with it. “You need blood!” A final tug that still resulted in nothing causes Kaoru to let go, huffing as he caught his breath. “I don’t pretend to know your condition, but I fear that staying strictly with tomato juice isn’t going to work anymore!”
Rei stayed with his head buried in the pillow, only letting out a groan in response.
“You’re acting like a child.”
Rei mumbled a response into the pillow, completely inaudible.
“I can’t hear you.” A beat. Two. “You are impossible.” He huffed, walking with a little too much force out of the room.
Only when he was sure Kaoru was out of sight did Rei lift his head to look out into the living room. He frowned, eyebrows scrunched together in…it’s not anger, it’s not disappointment, dismay?
He didn’t really want to accept that Kaoru was right. Rei has known for a few months now that something was wrong with his juice intake, but he’d hoped that it wasn’t obvious, and it hasn’t really been to the kids. But Kaoru? Of course he’d figure out, it was dumb to even entertain the idea that the man he lives with and sleeps next to wouldn’t notice something was wrong. He laid his head sideways on the pillow, still looking out into the hallway. He was still tired.
He even tried changing brands, thinking maybe his default brand was the problem, but after trying all the ones available on the market, something else that Kaoru for sure would’ve noticed, he also began to come to the same conclusion.
This vampire does need blood to survive.
He began questioning family members after the first month, especially those he knew took alternatives for blood. But he didn’t receive answers he liked.
“Yeah, it stopped being viable after I turned 25, like its good when I’m in a pinch but I don’t rely on it anymore”
“I stopped relying solely on tomato juice when puberty hit, it’s still my primary source but I do need actual blood every other month to be at top shape.”
“There’s no alternative that’ll provide you accurately with the amount of iron our bodies need. As an idol, I’m surprised you’ve made it this long before realizing the faults in your juice alternative.”
Rei’s brought out of his head by the sound of a loud “clink” on the bedside table and he looks up to spot Kaoru, placing a full glass of tomato juice on the bedside table.
“Decided to show your face after all?” Kaoru teased, ruffling Rei’s bed head.
“You just said the juice isn’t working.” Rei grumbled, eyeing the damned glass. He hates this brand, he’s learned. Too sugary for his tastes.
“Well, you have a whole thing still and you’re fighting this theory so it's the best I can do.” He shrugged and walked out again.
Rei watched him with a scowl. “Come back here.”
Kaoru turned his head back pensively. “Hmmm? Does his wicked highness finally see fit to have my offering?” He turned around with a grin and a bow.
“What’s wrong with me just wanting to have you near?” He didn’t let up on his scowl. “Senior year you would be appalled by this behavior.”
“Hmmm? Why are you so caught up with how senior year me would feel? This is nothing! What senior year me would be devastated by is the amount of time we spend making out. Or how much sex we’ve had.” Kaoru smiled as he walked back into the bedroom. “Seriously Rei-kun! My one time of being pissed off at you for biting me has been waaaaay overshadowed by how many times you have given me head in the last, what? Four years? Since that whole ordeal.”
Rei buried his face again by the end of Kaoru’s ramble, burning red ears all that’s visible of his immodesty. He was right, technically speaking. High school Kaoru is at this point a different person than his current partner, that Kaoru would faint if he even knew they lived together.
“Honestly, Rei-kun?” Kaoru was next to his ear suddenly, causing Rei to jump and look over to catch the smug grin spreading across his tan skin. “I think it’d be suuuper hot if you took my blood during sex.”
“Gross, did talking about my mouth get you horny?” Rei pushed Kaoru’s face away and reburied his own.
“Hmmm? You act like you’ve never thought about it~.” He can hear the grin he still has. Hands grasp at his shoulders and begin to rub. “Like you don’t linger when giving me hickeys, or when you can’t help yourself and still bite slightly too hard.” He pressed harder into the knot Rei had there, the vampire letting out a moan.
“You almost sound like you want me to feed on you for your pleasure more than my well being.” He grumbled into his pillow.
“I can bring up non-sexual examples too~” Another tight push against Rei’s shoulder has the vampire letting out a small whimper. “Whenever we cuddle, you always nuzzle into my neck at least once. In fact, it’s more rare that you don’t immediately bury your face into my neck. I’m always thinking, wow, I feel super vulnerable with how close his mouth is to my neck!”
Rei whined into his pillow, half in embarrassment, half in pleasure from the massage. He turned his head so he wasn’t talking into it anymore. “Really? Always?”
Kaoru laughed. “So you don’t even do it on purpose?”
“When I wear my turtlenecks, sometimes I catch you staring at my neck when I move in a way that exposes more skin.”
“Kaoru-kun, this is embarrassing me. I’m going to cry. Do you want me to cry?” He pouted, holding back a whine when Kaoru removed his hands from him. “Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?”
“Not drink my blood.” The pillow Rei had been attached to this whole time quickly left his hands and collided with Kaoru’s face.
It was a bad day from the minute Rei woke up, but they had an important media interview today so he really pushed himself to get out of bed and face the day.
Honestly? It’s been a bad week for the vampire. With no real reason for his energy to be completely depleted, he understood what it meant. He really didn’t want to admit it though, he really didn’t want to have to rely on blood.
“Hey, Rei-kun.” Kaoru nudged at him on the couch, gaining only a groan from the vampire. “I know you’re tired, let’s try and get some food in you before we have to go.” Rei opened his eyes at that, already concerned.
“What time is it?”
“Really? It’s only been 20 minutes since you woke up.”
“…Really?” He almost wanted to cry at that, it’s felt like an hour.
Kaoru frowned at him. “Seriously…I know it’s an off day for you but even that’s a little concerning. Come on, let’s go eat.”
They stopped at a diner nearby that Kaoru likes, ordering something small each with some coffee. Coffee doesn’t usually work on Rei unless he’s really lucky, but it’s the thought that counts here.
“Oi-hey! No falling asleep.” Kaoru tapped on Rei’s plate with his fork to make noise, startling Rei from what he supposed was dozing. “Finish eating, maybe that’ll keep you awake.”
He stared down at his half-eaten omelette with a frown, picking up his fork again. Every little bit helps.
“We’re here, wake up.” Kaoru nudges Rei awake again. The cab had come to a stop and Kaoru was in the middle of paying her. Rei seemed to be only capable of frowning today, mainly at himself. Kaoru glanced to him, offering a smile as he started to push Rei out the door.
“This is the fourth time in the last two hours he’s fallen asleep.” Kaoru sighed. “I know I shouldn’t complain, it’s out of his control, but it’s really frustrating today.” Rei blinked his eyes open, watching Kaoru and Koga talk in the waiting room outside of the recording studio.
“Maybe once he gets talking he’ll stay awake.” Adonis shrugged beside Rei on the couch. “Oh, good morning Sakuma-san.” He smiled at him, and Rei couldn’t help but return the smile.
Kaoru sighed again, much more audibly than before. He dug into his bag and pulled out a juicebox, tossing it to Rei. “Please, this is just an hour and a half, Rei-kun.”
Rei fumbled to catch the juicebox, but he did nonetheless, and he carefully detached the straw and stuck it into the top. “I’m sorry, you know I’m not usually this bad…” He sipped slowly on the box.
“The weather’s kinda whack right now, more than usual, s’probably what’s affecting you.” Koga crossed his arms. “Plus the thing you were complainin’ about the other day with your juice.” He gestured at him with his chin.
“Yeah…” Rei deflated a bit into the couch, feeling everyone’s eyes on him.
“What’s wrong with your juice?” Adonis tilted his head.
“You know how he uses it in place of blood?” Kaoru kept his eyes on Rei, catching Adonis’s nod in the corner on his eye. “Well the past couple of months, it hasn’t been doing the job.”
“Huh? What do you mean past couple of months?” Koga eyed Rei.
“He’s been drinking twice the amount he usually does, he’s been drinking different brands, and he’s still slow as if he’s low on energy.” Rei tried to shrink down as much as he could in the couch, trying to avoid eye contact. It’s embarrassing. Kaoru tutted. “You are so annoying sometimes.”
“Then…are you saying he needs blood?” Adonis tilted his head.
“Exactly. And he’s refusing to take any.”
Koga clicked his tongue, then finally brought his eyes off Rei to look at Kaoru again. “We can’t really force him.”
Kaoru kept his eyes on his partner however. “…No, I suppose not.”
“UNDEAD?” A woman’s voice called out, breaking the tension. “We’re ready to get you guys set up.”
Rare, these days, for Rei to turn down showering with Kaoru when they got home, and with how his health has been, he really should’ve taken the opportunity to share the shower with him. But he wanted time alone to think.
He’d really been trying to ignore it, not even out of pride really. He’s grown accustomed to admitting when he needs help. He has friends willing to accommodate his needs and he couldn’t be more grateful for them because of it.
It’s not pride, it’s…arrogance. That’s it. The refusal to admit that he’s wrong. It’s been several months now, at this point the tomato juice hasn’t been helping longer than it has this year. It’s at least worth a try now to take blood, no matter how little he actually wants to do it.
It partly has to do with Kaoru’s refusal that Easter, the fear of hurting him always at the back of his mind, but a lot does have to do with how he just doesn’t want to drink blood. He’s trying so hard to be human, he’s doing everything he can to be human. Drinking blood is not a human activity!
And he hates the taste of it!!! That’s why he settled with tomato juice, because it actually tastes good!!! Why should he have to do something he can’t even-
“Your turn.” Kaoru walked past Rei brooding on the couch and ruffled his hair, drawing him out of his thoughts for the moment. He looked up, lifting his head out of his hands, just when had he slouched over? He probably looked just as crazed as he felt. “Don’t think too hard in there, you might overheat.” Kaoru smiled.
Rei huffed a laugh, relaxing his shoulders a bit. “Yeah, of course.” He stood up with a few joint cracks and began to walk up the bathroom-
“I’m serious though. Try to sit while you’re in there, and leave the door unlocked, okay?” Kaoru dropped his smile. Ah, alright.
“Mm, of course.”
The shower was nice, he supposed, though it would be quicker to stand, sitting at least gave him time to think again. He really could just ask. It doesn’t need to have some special occasion. Though it’s kind of embarrassing at this point to admit defeat, after being urged to do this from family and friends for so long now. And again, sometimes just the smell of blood was enough to upset his stomach, thinking about the smell is even-
A trail of blood running down the drain with the water appears and it startles him, jumping back a bit to try and locate where the bleeding is coming from, knocking some bottles down in the process. He lifted a hand to his face and sighed as he drew it back. A nosebleed. Okay, sure, this might as well happen.
The bathroom door opened a crack. “You alright?” Right. The noise.
“Yea-” A cough, “Yeah I’m fine- Nosebleed.” He breathed in, head going light. “Could you come turn the water off, dear.” He lifted a hand to his head. A vampire who can’t even look at blood, how inane.
Kaoru opened the door further and walked in, opening the curtain on the side closer to the valve to shut it off. “Are you alright?” He asked again.
“A bit lightheaded is all, mind getting me some tissues?” He did his best to keep his head tilted downward until Kaoru pulled the curtain back, sitting on his knees, with a few tissues in hand. Instead of letting Rei take them from him, he instead reached in himself to block the nostril the blood was coming from.
“I told you not to think too hard.” Kaoru laughed, using his other hand to cradle Rei’s head. Rei leaned into his touch instinctively, doing his best to keep his head lowered. “It’s hot in here too, were you trying to instigate a nosebleed?” 
Rei glowered at him, taking a deep breath in. It was a joke, he understands, and Kaoru simply chuckled at the stare. He pulled the tissue away momentarily to assess the bleed, then quickly repositioned it to a cleaner area to hold against the nostril again. Rei sighed, his health was never going to be easy, was it?
Rei lie on his back on the bed, shirtless as he didn’t want to risk staining any shirts, fingers interlocked over his chest as he stared up at the ceiling, wad of tissue paper plugged up his nose to get the remaining blood taken care of. Kaoru entered the room after a few more minutes, bringing with him some tart slices that he had bought earlier that day.
“I got one for both of us~! Recovering from a shower nosebleed seems fitting time to eat it!” He smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. “Usually eating in bed is against our rules but what’s the harm in bending this once?” He set the plate down on his lap and patted the spot next to him. “Come, sit.”
“…I…” Rei squinted with tightly knit brows, not looking away from the ceiling.
“Hm?” Kaoru was already picking up his slice to eat.
Rei stayed silent a moment before finally shifting his gaze to Kaoru. It softened when he saw how content he was with the bite he’d taken, a small smile stretching across the blond’s lips that he probably didn’t even notice he had. He opened his mouth again, then closed it when nothing came out and turned back to the ceiling.
Kaoru’s head tilted. “Babe, I’m not a mind reader, and if I was, your’s would be impossible anyways.”
“…” Rei turned his head completely away, embarrassed just a little. “I need blood.” It was quiet, small, not meant to leave this one piece of furniture. He refused to look in Kaoru’s direction. He could already feel his gaze on him and he wasn’t really keen on the teasing that would follow.
But there wasn’t a verbal response, he heard some movement, likely Kaoru setting the plate down, then felt the bed move as slowly his light was obstructed. Kaoru’s hand landed next to his head and he frowned, still refusing to look up at him.
“You open yourself up to me and yet refuse to look at me? You wound me, Rei-kun.” Kaoru sighed. Using the hand on the opposite side of Rei’s face, he lifted Rei’s chin to face him upwards, smiling a little at the blush covering his cheeks, then frowned when Rei still focused his gaze on the wall. With a huff, he pulled his waist up further onto the bed and placed his legs on either side of the vampire, sitting down onto his stomach. “What’s a guy got to do to get even a glance, huh?” He scowled as he watched Rei’s gaze shift not towards him, but upwards to further avoid looking at Kaoru.
Rei’s hands fidget on his chest, unlocking themselves to tap idly without thought. Kaoru clicked his tongue watching them, evidence that Rei isn’t entirely spaced out from the moment. In one swift motion, they’re taken from their place on his chest and pinned above his head, taking Rei off guard enough to finally look back at him with wide eyes.
“There we go~ All I had to do was surprise you!” Kaoru grinned, releasing his grip on Rei’s hands to lean in and place a kiss on his lips. “I don’t like being ignored, you know~” To punctuate, he pulled the tissue out of Rei’s nose, only taking a moment to examine how fresh the blood on it was before tossing it to the floor.
Rei watched the tissue fall to the floor with a frown. “Gross.” He couldn’t help but laugh, though, when Kaoru tried to go in for another kiss. “Hold on, hold on.” He placed a hand in front of his face to catch Kaoru’s, laughing when Kaoru still tried to push through. “Down boy!” He jokingly raised his voice.
Kaoru grinned. “Down?” The glint in his eye was mischievous. Rei sighed as Kaoru took the hand placed against his face and laced his fingers with it. “Easy command~” He followed through and started to kiss down Rei’s neck, hovering when Rei’s laugh bubbled out.
“You’re going to agitate my nosebleed, then I’m going to get blood all over the bed.” He squeezed Kaoru’s hand, using his other to slide into his blond hair.
“Oh you’ll be fine.” Kaoru hummed as he trailed further down. “We have tissues in here if it comes back.” He paused at Rei’s collarbone, glancing up at him. “It doesn’t help when you’re encouraging me, either.” He smiled, free hand aimlessly wandering Rei’s chest. Rei grinned down at him, then gripped his hair and pulled back with enough force to pull him away. “Ah!” Kaoru laughed. “Hey!”
“As much as I’d like to continue,” Rei let go of his hair to dramatically drape his arm across his forehead and closed his eyes, “I am oh-so tired from losing blood-”
“Then take some of mine.” Kaoru narrowed his eyes playfully.
Rei opened his eyes to peek down to him again. “Aside from the tart, have you eaten recently?”
Kaoru blinked, then looked up in thought. “Uhh…”
Rei clicked his tongue with a smile. “No blood drinking tonight then, dear.” He lifted his arm off his head to cup Kaoru’s cheek. “Thank you for the offer, though.”
“Come on, we’re in bed, it’s not like I’m going to go on stage right after.” Kaoru pouted.
“No, you’re still wanting to fool around though, which is still quite a rigorous activity, don’t you think?” Rei’s thumb brushed against Kaoru’s lips, which only prompted the blond to open them and take the digit into his mouth. “Kaoru-kun.”
“We can always stop if it gets too much~?” Kaoru leaned down again to be just in front of Rei’s lips. “I can be the one resting?” He lowered his voice as he lowered himself to brush lips.
Rei ran over the options in his head, subconsciously wetting his lips. Their hands let go of each other, Rei’s landing on Kaoru’s thigh and Kaoru’s coming to Rei’s face to tip him far enough to close the distance.
He still wasn’t keen on the idea of drinking blood, thinking about the taste is almost enough to make him pull away from the warmth of Kaoru’s mouth in disgust. He could feasibly take only a little bit, work himself up slowly to drinking more over time. He slowly pushed himself to sit up, Kaoru taking the hint to help ease the transfer of positions. They parted from each other temporarily to allow Kaoru to lie down and Rei to climb on top of him, then came back to each other as quickly as possible. Rei shuffled his hips further down on Kaoru so he could trail down his neck with ease.
Were they not idols, in some other universe, Rei would love to mark Kaoru up as much as possible, he hesitated in one spot on his neck and debated if it was too high up to cover with a turtleneck before deciding it was. He moved lower before taking the skin in his lips. Not biting, not here. A sigh leaves Kaoru’s mouth as Rei’s hand travels up underneath his shirt. Makeup would definitely need to be used to cover this one, but it won’t be as noticeable.
“A bit high up, don’t you think?” Kaoru carded his fingers through Rei’s hair.
Rei took a moment longer before pulling away, using both hands now to pull Kaoru’s shirt up, which Kaoru obliged and lifted his arms to remove the article. “I just wanted to do that one.” Once the shirt was removed, he moved back to where he was and traveled further, pausing once again in a spot, but this time to try and gauge where to bite. “I’ll only take a little…I’m not exactly…fond of the taste.” He hovered around a general area around Kaoru’s neck and collarbone.
“Alright, fair enough.”
“Don’t be offended if I don’t like it.”
“You’re still human, I think it’s rather normal to dislike the taste of blood.”
The reassurance was nice, it was almost the push that Rei needed to dive in. He checked the pulse in one spot and took a deep breath in before pressing his lips to the spot, then lightly placed his fangs against it. It’s not like he hasn’t bitten Kaoru before, or drawn his blood from a bite either, but those were different. Those were just bites to bite, this is fairly common practice in any couple. This bite was different, this is…
Kaoru’s fingers slowly brushed through Rei’s hair and it almost made Rei laugh. Why is the guy getting blood taken from him in such a monstrous way more relaxed about this than the one taking the blood?
No, he can’t be anxious about this when he’s already poised to strike. With another deep breath taken through his nose, he bites down, incisors piercing through Kaoru’s unblemished skin. Kaoru lets out a grunt at the bite, fingers gripping somewhat tighter into Rei’s hair. It takes everything in Rei to stay biting and let the blood into his mouth.
It wasn’t as bad as he had been dreading, not necessarily good either, but he isn’t immediately repelled by the taste and texture. It tasted like blood, that’s for sure, but perhaps it’s the thought that it’s Kaoru’s blood that has Rei thinking that it has something unique to it, a sweetness that Koga and Adonis’s blood didn’t have. The indifference didn't last for much longer, however, as the texture on his tongue began to become too much for him to handle and he released Kaoru, licking the puncture wounds as he had been taught in the past.
He pulled away completely to look Kaoru in the eyes once he was sure the blood wouldn’t flow too much more. Kaoru looked at him with a smile, eyes only slightly distant. “Are you alright?” Rei broke the silence first.
“I am, I think if you had gone any longer I would’ve had a problem, though.” He chuckled. “Are you alright?”
Rei nodded, returning Kaoru’s smile. “I am…I’m sorry, I should’ve stopped sooner, I spaced out.”
“I thought you didn’t like the taste?” Kaoru clasped his hands together to rest on his chest, mirroring Rei’s earlier pose.
“I…didn’t really. But it tasted different than I thought it would.” Rei huffed, averting his gaze. “I was distracted by that thought for a moment longer than I should’ve been.”
Kaoru chuckled. “Perhaps the necessity of it is what changed your thought process?”
“Rei-kun.” He unlaced his fingers and slid his hands to Rei’s thighs, Rei’s gaze coming back to him. Kaoru’s smile widened, eyes squinting. “Ready to resume where we were?”
Rei blinked, then grinned back at him. “Wasting no time at all, are you?”
Kaoru’s hands traveled up Rei’s thighs to his hips. “What can I say? You’re like, glowing right now, and it’s kinda hot.”
Rei chuckled, then leaned back down to kiss him.
Kaoru doesn’t tell him that he still has blood on his chin, and when Rei’s nosebleed does come back a few minutes later, it covers up the prior blood when it leaks onto Kaoru’s face mid-kiss, making Kaoru laugh. They absolutely have to clean the sheets after this.
It’s immediately apparent the next day at practice that Rei was feeling better. He was more energetic, more aware, more talkative. Koga and Adonis didn’t comment on it until Kaoru entered the practice room late after leaving his badly scheduled photoshoot and changed to a t-shirt, revealing just enough of his neck that the bite marks are visible.
Koga almost growled at him. “Why do you need to wear a collar that loose?”
He grinned. “It’s easier to practice choreography in loose clothing, isn’t it? Besides, don’t I usually wear shirts like this to practice?” He started his warm up stretches, eyeing Koga.
“So you let Sakuma-san take your blood?” Adonis chimed in to try to break up the tension.
“Mhm~ Though it’s more like he let himself take my blood.” He switched to a new stretch as he talked.
“That’s good.” Adonis smiled and looked over to Rei. “You seem a lot better.”
Rei returned the smile and began to start talking when Koga cut him off.
“Should Hakaze-san even be at practice today then?” He said it almost accusatory, pointing with his thumb over to him.
“He didn’t take a lot.”
“Mm, as Kaoru-kun says, I only took a small amount to ease myself into drinking blood. As you know, I don’t like the taste.” Rei nodded. “But yes, even that small amount did make me feel much better than I have in a while.”
“What made you decide to do it finally?” Adonis had shifted onto the floor to help Kaoru with his last stretches.
Rei hummed, closing his eyes in thought. “I am tired of feeling so weak. Kaoru-kun had me sit in the shower last night because he was worried I’d faint standing up and hurt myself. Then when I was in there, I got a nosebleed that usually wouldn’t be a problem, but since I’ve been this way, it nearly knocked me out.” He opened his eyes. “I need to do what is best for my body, I suppose.”
Adonis nodded. “I understand, I’m glad you feel better then, even if it requires doing something you don’t like. It’s like taking a medication with a bad taste.”
“Exactly, Adonis-kun.” Rei smiled.
Kaoru stood up with one last stretch. “And with Rei-kun feeling better, we should get on our practice, hm?”
“Agh, yeah we need to catch you up.” Koga groaned. “Alright. We’re moving on then.”
As spring began rolling in, it became harder for Kaoru to cover up the bite marks on his neck, and they weren’t exactly keen on flaunting their relationship so publicly since they’re idols, so problem solving began. Because of Rei’s vampirism, he was able wean himself off of taking from Kaoru as often as he was—which was only every other week, changing it to every three weeks—and was able to play off his new fatigue as a sun problem, which wasn’t entirely a lie either. Supplementing it with tomato juice offered some extra relief, even if it wasn’t as good as blood.
Thankfully, there are other places to get the best blood flow that also weren’t dangerous for Kaoru. In a pinch, Rei could go for the inner elbow as if he was a doctor, though it’s not easy to bite there. If he’s well aware of what clothing Kaoru will be wearing for the next week and a half, Rei can go for practically any spot that’s likely to be mostly covered.
But the best area that is a catch all for privacy and decency, they found, was the thigh, which unless for some reason Kaoru wanted to wear more revealing swimwear, was completely hidden. Unfortunately, this required proper planning ahead, as it wasn’t something they could do last minute in a public place by sneaking away for a few moments.
“I suppose it was only a matter of time before we had to start planning our sex lives out.” Kaoru laughed as Rei dragged him to the bedroom.
Rei snorted in response. “It doesn’t have to end with sex every time, dear. We watched a movie after the last time.” He lightly pushed Kaoru to sit on the bed. “Besides, we’re not completely scheduling that out, this would be an outlier.” He lowered himself to his knees and scooted towards Kaoru’s legs.
“I suppose you’re right.” Kaoru grinned down as Rei unbuttons his pants. Rei looked up at him as he slid the jeans down. “You’re so pretty.”
Rei hummed, slipping his fingers into Kaoru’s waistband. “I’m beginning to think all this is just a means for you to get off instead of a means of me getting energy.” He slid his underwear down, revealing both thighs, one of which was still very bruised from the last feed. He heard Kaoru laugh above him.
With his own teasing remark and the bruised leg in sight, Rei hesitated as he really took in the severity of the situation again. He rested his hands on the inside of Kaoru’s thighs as he sat back on the balls of his feet with a frown. A minute passed and then there’s a hand on his chin, tilting his head to eye level. He looked past Kaoru, unable to meet his eyes all of a sudden.
“This is for you, babe.” Kaoru moved his head to try and catch Rei’s gaze. “I’m playing it up a bit, I’m sorry if it came out serious.” He smiled.
Rei still avoided looking him in the eye, staring at his forehead instead, then looked back down to his bruised leg. “Perhaps we should bump the frequency down to once a month…” He mumbled. “Or drop it entirely for the summer…”
Kaoru frowned. “It’s your life, if that’s what you want to do, we can. I’m just concerned about your energy levels if we were to drop this entirely, you’ve been much more active since we started doing this.”
He couldn’t fight the claim, this is the most awake he’s been since before the war, it’s kind of nice, all things considered. The bruises are turning green as they get closer to healing. “I don’t know.” It was hard for him to admit, he’s so accustomed to having to know everything.
Kaoru watched him for a moment, then sighed, sitting up. “Come here.” He held his arms open. “Let’s rest today, then. We have no other responsibilities until tomorrow afternoon.” Rei stood up, wrapped his arms around Kaoru, and immediately shifted all of his weight on him, causing them both to fall back on the bed. “Whoa!” He laughed, patting Rei’s back. “Hold on hold on my pants are still down-“
“Just kick them off.” Rei mumbled into the crook of Kaoru’s neck.
“Not when you still have pants on! The sensory problems I’ll have are chilling to think of!”
“Then take mine off.”
Kaoru laughed. “Fine!”
As the weather cooled down again, Rei permitted himself to go back to two feedings a month, as Kaoru had begun to wear higher collars again. There was something about feeding from his neck that Rei didn’t have problems with like he had with the legs. Perhaps it was the cliche of it, or the intimacy, or the way it looks when he’s done.
It was frustrating to him how much he clearly needed the blood, life could never be simple for him. He pulled away from Kaoru with hesitation, watching the blood trickle down his collarbone for a moment. Kaoru’s hand in his hair ran through his curls lightly. It was the intimacy, he decided, that drew him more to the neck than anywhere else.
“Still find blood gross?” Kaoru whispered, not so much for privacy as they sat alone in the meeting room, waiting for their juniors, but more so from the lack of energy after having given it to Rei.
Rei licked at the wound, peppering light kisses around it. “A bit.” He murmured back.
“You’re not fooling me, you know. Perhaps you just like my blood~ I’m your exception now~.” With his other arm available now, he pat Rei’s back.
Rei chuckled and sat back, looking down at Kaoru’s face. “I didn’t take too much, did I?” He brushed some of Kaoru’s hair out of his face.
“I didn’t eat necessarily well today is all, no worries.” He let his arms fall to Rei’s thighs.
Rei idly fixed Kaoru’s collar to cover the bite, mainly to make sure it’s coverable. “And you let me drink from you? Bad Kaoru-kun.”
Kaoru opened his mouth to speak when the meeting room door opened, Rei quickly threw himself down next to Kaoru on the off chance it wasn't Koga and Adonis coming in. Koga paused at the door at the sound of Rei hitting the couch quite heavily.
“Should I be concerned?” He eyed them, watching Rei sigh.
“No, I was just being safe.” Rei smiled.
“You have blood on your chin, it wouldn’t have worked.” Koga sighed as he walked in, followed by Adonis, whose eyes widened at the sight. Rei bristled and lifted his sleeve to wipe at it, lightly slapping Kaoru’s arm.
“I wanted to see how far into the meeting we’d get before you noticed.” Kaoru grinned. “Thought it’d be funny.”
Adonis sat down across from them. “I fear it wouldn’t have lasted very long.”
Koga closed the door before sitting beside Adonis. “You two are disgusting.”
“You say that yet you haven’t complained about Rei not being active recently, so you have to pick~” Kaoru shot him a very cheeky grin.
“What is this, a game? I have 0 control over you freaks.” Koga scoffed. “You know, when you stopped flirting with girls I was glad because it made you less annoying, then you immediately began flirting with Sakuma-san-“ He squinted. “And you just dropped the honorific! Shameless!”
Kaoru cackled at his response, throwing his head back as his chest shook for a moment.
“Oh my, you did drop the honorific.” Rei smiled, a hand coming up to his face to try and hide his smile.
“Both of you! Disgusting!”
Adonis smiled, letting out a small chuckle before speaking. “As fun as this interaction is, we do need to discuss funding.”
Rei beamed. “Yes yes.” He clapped his hands twice. “Serious mode everyone!”
Adonis and Kaoru left the booth to go to the bathroom while they waited for their food to arrive, leaving Koga and Rei sitting across from each other. Rei hummed a song he had been fine-tuning for the last week while watching the direction of the bathroom. He faded out his humming as he glanced to Koga, feeling the other’s gaze piercing through him. “What’s on your mind, Koga-kun?”
Koga bristled for a second before sighing softly. “Are you happy? With drinking blood?” He frowned. crossing his arms.
Rei blinked, turning so he could look properly at his friend. “What do you mean?”
He slanted his lips as he thought of an answer. “You hate blood. Is it worth the energy?”
Rei thought for a moment, humming softly as he did. “I wonder the same thing, sometimes.” Is what he comes up with. “It’s different, having all this energy again.”
Koga huffed. “I don’t really think that answers the question.”
Rei closed his eyes, picturing the image of blood running down Kaoru’s neck. A year ago it would’ve made him queasy to think about drinking it, but now he felt indifferent towards it. “I guess I just don’t have an answer. It’s complicated.”
Koga was quiet, glancing to the bathroom’s direction again. “If the two of you weren’t dating, would you still do it?”
That was something that hadn’t really occurred to him. Would he? He can’t even imagine another reality where he was in this situation and he wasn’t in a loving relationship with Kaoru. He thought then about the possibility of it being Keito, or Wataru, maybe even Shu or Kanata. In each scenario, he could see it happening so long as they loved each other. “Hm…” But then again, would Keito be willing? The other oddballs would be different for sure, each one of them would have a different relationship to the act of blood drinking that just aren’t the same. “No. I think I’m only okay with it because of our relationship.”
Koga hummed. “Okay.”
“Any other questions?” Rei watched him as Koga tapped his fingers against his opposite arm. “You’re still curious, I can tell.”
“…Hakaze-san is fine with it?”
Rei laughed. “He was begging me to drink his blood, actually.”
Koga’s lips twitched almost into a smile before he caught himself. “Okay. That’s all I wanted to know.”
Rei opened his mouth to respond, only to close it as Adonis sat back down next to Koga and Kaoru next to him.
“Still no food?” Kaoru sighed. “I’m sooo hungry.”
“You went to piss, there’s no way the food would’ve come out in such a short amount of time.” Koga barked, uncrossing his arms.
“A man can hope! You’re hungry too, right, Adonis-kun?” Kaoru looked to Adonis pleadingly.
Adonis blinked, then raised his hands in defiance. “I am, but he’s right, we weren’t gone long enough.”
Rei smiled, watching the three of them bicker. It was strange to think about how distant the four of them were during school, he couldn’t imagine a world where they went their separate ways after graduation. The possibility of that was so real at one point, but now he’s sure only death would separate them, both as a unit and as friends, and these days, Rei didn’t feel that impending doom as hard as he once did.
“Rei, I can feel you thinking.” Kaoru nudged him out of thoughts. “Anything of note?” He smiled.
Rei hesitated to answer, then shook his head. “Just having my regular old man musings~ Pay me no mind, Kaoru.” Even though he had practically been waiting to drop the honorific since graduation, it still felt strange coming out of his mouth.
“Hmmm, I’ll have to pick your mind later then~” Kaoru glanced at the others, grinning when Koga made a disgusted face at them. He opened his mouth to say something more before the waiter finally came with their food. “Oh sweet!”
Rei kept his eyes on Kaoru, only glancing up at the waiter to give him a smile as his food was handed over.
Yeah, there’s no one else he would ever consider relying on for this. The only reality he cares about is this one.
“Are you not hungry, Sakuma-san?” Adonis didn’t necessarily sound concerned though, he surely understood Rei’s hesitance. He looked over to Adonis, then shook his head.
“My apologies, I was still caught up in my thoughts.” He put his hands together, said his thanks, and picked up his chopsticks, catching Koga shake his head at him out of the corner of his eye.
No other reality would be better than this one.
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jacksoneblackburn · 2 months
This is a certified out-of-character post (also, small irl update)
Jacks was born in the 1700s, specifically 1789, October 31. Jacks is one of the time displaced kids at Camp Half-Blood, and is still getting used to how to use devices. They were kinda confused when Leo [Valdez] handed them a talking brick that made beeps and music.
After one day, after getting claimed by Apollo, they ended up becoming a medical assistant in their village. They were amazing at healing people. Some called them a "healer." Other said they were a witch that immediately needed to be executed by cutting off their head.
They (they being the village, not Jacks) ended up deciding to go down the witchery path when Jacks healed someone's arm, which was mauled by a Lycaon disguised as a regular wolf, and reattaching the dude's arm back onto his body without stitches. Not the smartest move, but then again, the person who got mauled was Jacks's first (secret) boyfriend.
(Quick b-t-dubs, Jacks is descended from Erebus and Hephaestus)
So, when they strapped them to a log, surrounded by spears and tinder, Jacks wasn't sure what to do. They could control small amounts of fire due to being a descendant of Hephaestus, shadow travel because of Erebus, and heal themself if they needed a way to fake dying (somehow).
They decided the safest option was hiding in the Underworld, shadow travelling down there. When they shadow travelled into the underworld, they were immediately met with good news, and bad news.
Good News? There was no longer a bloodthirsty mob after them with flaming torches.
Bad News? They were stuck in Erebus's pocket dimension in the underworld.
Now, I'm not sure if you have been stuck in utter, and complete darkness from 1802 to 2021 (~219 years), stuck at 13 and not being able to think properly, going insane due to isolation for what felt like eternity. But for Jacks? They mentally and physically stayed the same age for years.
They never grew up, they were alone and afraid, forgotten by everyone else until they were able to escape (somehow, idk, I'm working out the details on that as we speak).
When they managed to get out, Nyx and Erebus decided to have Mercy on Jacks, giving them a bracelet that transformed into a small, beaded bracelet, where if you snapped off a bead, the bracelet would transform into a Stygian Iron sickle, kinda like those farmer ones where you can hold it in one hand.
Not that it helped Jacks's situation, but at least they had a weapon to protect themself from everything around them.
Fast forward a few months, specifically a month (and a day) before their birthday, they make it to the rumored Camp Half-Blood. They've heard of it during school at some point through myths and rumors. Also, supposedly George Washington was a demigod, but they never taught that in their school (the teachers were so uncool for that tbh).
When they got there, a teen, around the same age as them, with vitiligo and pink hair. He introduced Jacks to Chiron, and showed Jacks around camp, then introduced himself as Tyler (if you followed my blog for a bit, you know where this is going ;] ).
Tyler was a cool, awesome son of Demeter, descended from Aphrodite (his grandma's side). Jacks was from Pennsylvania and Tyler was from Canada. The two weren't too different either. Jacks, inevitably, started developing feelings for Tyler. Though the feelings were small, and sometimes went away completely, Jacks really wanted to date Tyler.
Tyler ended up asking Jacks out two years after they met, and have been happily dating ever since.
Jacks was afraid of the dark, because of the shadow dimension in the underworld, so Tyler made Jacks a candle that would never go out or melt so Jacks would never be in the dark ever again.
Present day, Jacks spend their time with their friends Nico, Percy, Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Annabeth, Magnus, Toast n' Donut (yes, they're frogs, again, idc), Koi, Xea, Tyson, Ella, Mrs. O'Leary (dogs count, idc), Leo, Will, Hilal Khalil, Tyler, and his adoptive parents Davey M[atten]. Red and John H[arriet]. Red
If you read this far, holy crabs do you have a large attentions span. Either that or you're a nerd like me :) (or you're one of my mooties)
I love y'all (platonically), be safe, and I'll try to upload more often every other weekend. I have school stuff and I'll try to post around 6-7 A.M. EST. Also, thank you for tagging me in stuff on both of my accounts ( @ghostkingdiangelo) and this account. I'll catch up on all mah schtuff soon.
Thanks for reading again!
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jennystahl · 9 days
It’s time for some OC chatting over coffee! ☕️ When you get this ask, feel free to share one fun fact about an OC of your choice. Then, share with 10 (or fewer — no pressure!) others to spread the OC love.
hii gabby ☕ thanks for the ask, I'm gonna be annoying and answer it with a short little fic I finished earlier instead of a fun fact <3 it's ~technically~ for october writing challenges but idc. darya is for my fallout denver rp with @newbordeaux
A quiet scuff against metal. She wasn't allowed a gun yet, so Darya held the baton in a tight grip. Without her gloves, the sweaty sheen on her palms would have made it slip.
There were reports that morning of bugs. Before graduating, she was always the one calling for friends and parents to kill a spider or a fly; now she had no choice but to be the one others called for help. She was a vault security guard, and she had to take her job seriously. She couldn't let the security officers and her teacher think they had chosen the wrong woman for the job.
They had, of course. But she didn't want to make it too obvious.
Darya listened closely, taking tip-toed steps down the hallway. Her boots were slightly too big—regulation female size—and she wore two pairs of socks to rectify it. They were itchy and uncomfortable, and that's all she could think about, even while trying to keep an ear out for more scuttling. Then a brown mass fell from the ceiling and she shrieked.
The scratching had been above her, not in front of her. She scrambled backwards, slipping on her own clumsy feet and landing hard on her rear. The metal vault floor sent an ache through her lower back, but the radroach in front of her wasn't worried about her pain. It was skittering right towards her.
She flailed the baton around, trying to stand while keeping an eye on the roach. Her Pip-Boy's light was shining off its husk, sending chills up her spine at the thought of it touching her.
The baton wasn't going to cut it. She slammed it hard against the roach's exoskeleton and it merely ran away, not a single dent on its brown body. She couldn't just let it go.
She ran after it, baton discarded on the hallway floor. It could not match the speed of a human, but Darya's squeamishness was keeping them at a respectable distance. She closed in on it at the end of the hall, where it attempted to crawl up the wall.
Before she could psyche herself out of it, she raised her right foot and smashed the boot against it. It squealed—she couldn't tell if it was an actual death rattle or just the sound of a body exploding—and slumped to the floor, brown, green, and red ooze leaking from beneath.
Darya felt a rush and jumped, stomping down on it again with two feet. It flattened and splattered. Her shin guards were covered in muck and so were her boots. It was the first roach she'd ever killed, her first successful day on the job. (Almost a year, and she'd yet to feel success.)
Now it would certainly be up to her to find a mop and head to the incinerator.
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charmante-mp3 · 1 year
-- Day 20; FemDom (Kim Hongjoong x Reader)
Bro October is wild, I pulled this out of my ass just to get back into Kinktober, just realized it's a day early. Oh fucking well, anyway, the ones I missed will be posted most likely in November idc so enjoy this while you have it- - Kinktober ML Main ML Warnings; Mentions of jealously, anal, fingering, overstimulation, fem-reader! Sub!Hongjoong, Dom!Reader 0.3k
Hongjoong knew he was screwed as she slammed the door behind them.
“You’re such a slut,” Y/n muttered, hands wrapping into his hair.
“I better see you naked and on your knees when I enter the bedroom,” She spoke harshly to the shorter man. He could feel the lust-filled electricity run up his spine. 
Hongjoong sat on his knees in the two’s shared bedroom. The fluff from the soft carpet cushioning his legs. Y/n walked through the doorway, ears flushed red in anger. 
“Mm, if only you were this good of a boy in public,” His mind rushed back to the girl who had been pushed against his side all night. He ignored her rather than pushing her away, his ego flew out the roof. His head snapped up at the feeling of rope tying around his wrist.
“Y/n?” Hongjoong muttered breathlessly. He knew what was going to happen, and god was he excited. 
“You know what’s going to happen pretty boy, yet this time you don’t cum with my permission,” His eyes widened, that was an unusual deal which only fueled his anticipation. 
“Don’t get too excited yet,” Her hands smoothed down his stomach, just above his erection. He rutted his hips upward, seeking some sort of contact. Finally, her hand wrapped around his cock, harshly pumping it. 
“Fuck,” Hongjoong whined, back arched at the sudden pleasure, his high dangerously close already. 
“Y/n, I’m gonna cum already,” His whine echoed through the room, filling Y/n’s ears. 
“Such a pretty boy, shame you’re such a slut,” Her hand ripped away from him. 
“Please,” Hongjoong’s voice cracked as tears pricked his eyes. 
“Already crying baby boy? Can’t wait to see those pretty tears,” She whispered into his ear and grasped onto his cock once again. Another moan came from him as this time she didn’t stop. White ropes of cum shot from his angry tip. Yet, she didn’t stop.
“Come on pretty? Isn’t this what you wanted,” Hongjoong’s whines were now a repetitive as her strokes never slowed and overstimulation quickly came over him. Her name was a mantra for him, as she jerked his softened cock. He could hear a cap open and the stroking stopped just for him to catch his breath.
“Oh, you didn’t think it was over did you,” Hongjoong’s break was short-lived as Y/n’s hand was now wrapped around him once more. Her hands pushed him face down on the floor, his ass now on view. Her hand was still slowly stroking Hongjoong’s now half-hard member. A lubed finger hooked into his hole, only making his back arch more.
“Y/n please,” His voice was muffled on the carpet. 
“Bad boy don’t get to beg,” She said as her hand left his cock, just to slam onto his ass. A yelp sounded through the room. Another finger was added to his hole as her hand returned back to Hongjoong’s member. Jerking it fast once again, he could feel the heat pool in his stomach once more. 
“Come on pretty cum for me again,” Hongjoong’s lip was tucked between his teeth as cum seeped onto the carpet once again. Her hands once again never stopped as he writhed in overstimulation.
“How many more can you give me?”
Taglist; @abby-grace @toddiiy
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hell0kittyland · 10 months
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NEVER have I craved food this bad bitch bye ? I’m 70hrs and 30m into a 720hour water fast and it’s the way I wanna die like my mom cooking a full on home cooked meal she went grocery shopping and made snacks and all these mukbang videos in my reccomended and I’m like I just want to eat the dirtiest food ever
And then I remember what’s the point. I never loose weight unless I’m strict like this going cold turkey, okay I ruin 3 days of suffering but it’s like I’m going to get hungry again and be back at square one. And I never feel good after eating I feel FUCKING HORRIBLE like actual SHIT. and so I’m like what’s the point? Food ain’t that good for me to ruin everything. So I’m like just complete the 30 days and shut the fuck up you’ve done it before. Are you gonna let food ruin your fucking life? just DO IT. Im not fucking doing this shit where it’s new years and because I ruined everything the same month I’m whinging about has finished and I could of been in the 50s a couple of kg away from GW. Like that’s NOT wtf we gonna do. I did it fucking September - October and November and I’m fed up. Yeah I did loose an extra 10kg in those months but idc idc idc plus it takes me like 3 weeks to refeed slowly so I don’t gain it back so realistically it’s 30 days pure water and then broth based meals for the next few weeks so I should loose EVEN more weight
Point is I actually physically slapped myself to get control. The week is gonna fly by right? Look 2 hours until I hit day 4 and then bitch it’s only 3-4 days and then BANG week 1 is already done, we already 25% through! And I already dropped 2.7kg in 3 days so idgaf we continuing baby!!!
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47 idc what creature as long as it’s lgbt
I was gone for a bit, but let's continue Monstober before October is over! This monster is a minotaur.
https://itstheendofthegoddamnworld.tumblr.com/post/663839364948918272/monstobermonster-sentence-starters-nsfwsfw - Monster sentence starters
47) Stop pushing everyone away.
He sulked as he moved, a heavy mass of muscle moving as one, crashing things in his way.
It was similar to a bull, bulldozing its way through to destruction, and it could only take you to stop him.
"My love, your anger will not stop my concerns." You wavered, watching cautiously as your lover whipped his head around back to you, steam seeming to pour off his body.
"It's easier said than done," he grumbled, pawing his large at the ground to assert more dominance. "Calmness is not my forte."
"I know, I know," you had to decide quickly whether to stand in front of him or allow his rampage to continue, "but perhaps we could talk this through a bit better-"
"There isn't much to discuss," he grunted, "you worry always too much."
Your heart clenched at his words, and you chose to ignore his insult. "I worry for a reason, my love. I care about you-"
"Like I said, you worry too much," he laughed wryly. "Leave me to it."
You could feel your anger begin to slowly match his. "Do you seriously think I'm going to allow you to destroy our bedroom? I would much rather talk to you than have you bottle your feelings."
The minotaur looks at you for a moment in disbelief, as if your words are as foreign and spoken in dead tongues that he had to understand.
"I just," you clamoured, "I worry about you and I don't like seeing you like this, nor do I like being left out of this. We're a team, aren't we? We talk our feelings through." You sighed defeatedly, "So, please, stop pushing everyone away."
There is an awkward pause between the two of you, and you can't decide to walk away and let him cool down, but you're surprised when you're embraced in the warm arms of your lover.
Hugging you tightly to his broad chest, you practically smushed as your feet dangled off the ground.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles earnestly, and you're surprised to hear the pain in his tone. "You're right, you've stuck with me through thick and thin, and I push you away so often. I'm sorry, my love."
You blink stunned, embracing him just as tightly as you can back. "I know... how about we start off slow, and talk how you're feeling through?"
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venusinsilk · 4 months
Also my shopping list for tomorrow and this weekend-
But first and foremost I am MAKING BILL AND HOME PAYMENTS EARLY so far i'm 4 weeks ahead and it feels amazing!! Like June was paid early last month and tomorrow I'll pay for July. Would be so cool to get to October and have the rest of the year already paid for. I think I can swing both July and August this month. First time in my life I've ever been able to get ahead like this!! Anyway here's what's in my head-
Storage bins for all our camping supplies
Bubble bath in various flavors 💅
La croix
Fruits and vegetables
Deodorant, my usual one melted when I went camping at the music festival 😫
I really want to treat myself to either a perfume, jewelry (choker or small hoop earrings) or swim suits.... I've been spoiling myself low key and I should only pick one! I feel so entitled to little gifts like this because I've been working so much and this is the most financial freedom I've ever had. It's also the most freedom I've ever had to do what I want with my appearance in terms of buying clothes, jewelry, piercings, etc. I've also been donating a lot and giving away things that no longer resonate with me.
I also need to put at least $300 of my next paycheck(s) in my Roth IRA it's no joke. My savings have been pathetic the extra job only made my spending habits worse!!! The only good thing I've been doing is paying for the house payments early!!
Car wash???? Um I have not washed my car in over 6 months, no shame idc
Maybe a stupid cover for my steering wheel? It's raining flaky black bits all over me when I drive, in addition to all the other issues my car has
Maybe a new cheap yoga mat. My older ones are so beat up and falling apart from me using them outside to workout. Would love a clean one to keep indoors.
If I have a little more money to spare I'd love another couple of pairs of period underwear...
Oh yeah we're also planning a fucking trip to Ireland, so far we only got plane tickets to London. We still need to book everything else. I'm gonna start working like 50 hours a week again soon
I also want thigh high socks from sock dreams!! I've wanted some cute socks from them for years! I want a pair in black and another in olive green or a red wine color. Maybe gray too? They'll be so cute to wear in colder weather with the mary jane heels I got earlier this year.
Ok one last thing.... I want a stand up paddle board... there's this one that costs $300 and it comes with 2 paddles and a bag, and it's inflatable! So it can fold up into a duffle bag. So cool right?
Ok while we're on the subject of exercise, I also want a fucking punching bag and gloves.... I have anger issues I need to work on and I love boxing. Maybe I'll find something on offer up
I also want to go to Catalina for my birthday. Cheapest hotel is $360/night... 😬 I need to take LSD and wander around a quaint paradise and jump in some clear water. I need this for my health!!!!!
I want a tattoo
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sugar-omi · 1 year
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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