#id like to practice more writing so requests are totally open
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year ago
Have y'all seen the hc where Remus is there when Sirius is arrested. If you haven't, you will now. If I had to see it so do you. So here's my mini version of that!!
Cw- lots of swearing, death, angst and heartbreak
✧⁠◝◜⁠✧ ♡ ✧
Sirius had just gotten there, had just barely comprehended what happened when a loud voice called out to him.
"Sirius black come out with your wand thrown to the floor!"
He wasn't sure what was happening still trying to grasp the fact that James...James was gone. Lily...sweet lovely lily was dead and Harry...just a small boy- he was...he's still here crying. His little screams echoed along with Sirius' racing thoughts, shocking him at the shrill and loud scream that came out of the small baby. He was so small, his tiny hand could barely hold two of Sirius' fingers.
His feet couldn't move, stuck to the floor before slowly snapping out of it. He had stumbled down the stairs after seeing them, had saw James on his way up and felt something inside him break. Half his soul was missing, like a vital fucking organ was ripped out. It was as if someone sucked the life source from his body, sucked the essence in which he was warm, was loved, was soft. Like a fucking sunflower as the sun set, for the last time, the flower wilted slowly, it's whole body sinking down in despair.
He'd never rise with the sun again, would never turn to see that bright grin that always had him grinning just as widely right back.
He hadn't let any air in as he pushed the nursery door open, he had seconds to comfort Harry before he couldn't take it.
He had stumbled back down the stairs and to the front door with bile rising in his throat. His hand was on the doorknob when the voice had spoke.
It was an order member...maybe some Aurors, they...they could help. Could get Peter and fucking kill him.
Rage took over, boiling, mad rage. He swung the door open, his face dark. Peter did this.. and he was going to pay, even if it fucking killed him, he was going to hurt Peter.
He was surrounded in seconds his whole body immediately wrapped in rope, he started to fall forward but two Aurors rushed forward and caught him, gripping him roughly.
"What-guys he's out there we have to-" he felt desperate as he spoke.
Sirius pushed the grief aside, first Peter had to go down then he could mourn both his brother and the betrayal of another brother.
Remus came into view, his face was ashen, it hardened as he stepped closer.
"Don't fight it Black. We already know."
Sirius huffed annoyed.
"if you already know them release me! We have little time before that rat 🐁 gets away!"
Remus' face went through a whirlwind of emotions as the Aurors started to drag him forward.
He struggled in their grasp trying not to think of the blank wide eyed faces of his brother and his sister in law.
"Stop. Just stop, you can't fool us Black, not again."
It was then he stopped fighting. Thought he misheard the first time. He felt the air leave his lungs, his stomach lurching up once again.
Black. Said with disdain..anger.
He..thinks I did this. He thinks I betrayed them. His stomach drops, his throat tightening.
"What-" he could feel the beginnings of laughter building in his throat. Nothing was funny, nothing except maybe Remus thinks he betrayed lily and James.
His laugh wasn't the typical one from a successful prank or some unfunny joke that was so ridiculous he couldn't help but laugh. No, no, it reminded him of his days in locked cupboards, bloody faces, bruised arms. The laugh of a rebel son spitting in the face of his abusers knowing he'd barely make it out alive for his disobedience. It was hysterical in a way he hadn't felt in so long.
"We know you were working with Voldemort this whole time Sirius. Give it up, you've already killed all our friends, isn't that enough?" Remus didn't make eye contact only spoke in his direction.
"You think-" he couldn't force more out, could barely choke out those two words.
"You-you think-" his heart was crumbling, he was shaking, he doesn't think he's ever felt so fucking hopeless. He didn't realize how much heartbreak, hurt- pain you could put in just two words until now.
He could hear the other Aurors murmuring and could see them eyeing him in disgust. He never cared before now, the ones he loved knew he wasn't like his heritage, that's all that mattered. Now though..he felt the world crumbling beneath his feet, more and more he sunk into the ground, into the concrete, he was weak and breaking as the seconds passed by in slow distorted time, he couldn't hold himself up.
"You think I-" and he was laughing, and laughing and choking on sobs.
You think I did this? You think I hurt James and lily? You think I took Harry's parents from him? You think I killed my brother?
He surged forward cackling wildly, gasps and sobs mixing and melding with his manic laughs. This had to be a joke. Had to be a prank, it wasn't a funny one though, wasn't their usual style.
"Y-you think-"
You think I'm just my last name? You think I'm a black? You think I betrayed them? You think I killed them? You don't believe me? You have been getting closer just to expose me? You don't feel the same..
"It was a bit obvious, no?" Remus said suddenly angry.
"You were trying to gain my trust, my undeniable loyalty-" Remus' voice cracked and oh...oh how it hurt to see Remus explain his feelings away. Sirius wasn't feeling too well all of a sudden. It was hit after hit, he felt worse than the day Regulus turned death eater, felt sick and Merlin if he could just get some air into his lungs.
It struck Sirius all of a sudden, Peter bloody Pettigrew framed him.
"I think you should go for it, I mean you might never get the chance. With the war and all?"
"Peter fucking pettigrew-" he choked out astonished.
One of his best friends, his fucking brother had killed one of their own, had gone and framed him by manipulating his feelings.
"You would disappear at random times, not telling where you were or what you'd done." Remus continued as Sirius was shoved to the floor face first. He breathed out heavily his chest constricting as he struggled to breathe.
"You were the secret keeper, how bloody stupid do you think we are?" Remus shook his head as he stared down at Sirius.
I was framed. I was framed bloody brilliantly because I was an idiot. And no one will ever believe me. Not the man I love, not the friends I had made.
The only ones who know are dead and it's all my fault.
He felt the rocks dig into his face, into his arms and his jeans. He had thrown on an outfit ready for a small outing to the bar in Peters neighbourhood, knew he'd have a few drinks and head home. He even made a list because it was funny, knew he rarely finished lists but he wanted to rub it in Lily's face that he finished one today.
Check on Peter, go to the bar, go home, try to sleep for a few restless hours.
Check on Peter. He had walked up the steps to his flat, had knocked and got no answer, had grabbed his spare key he always hid in the plant and checked inside. He was already halfway done with the first thing, easy peasy.
"I'll be home all night pads."
Sirius was known not to finish lists- assignments, was often too busy with other things. He put things off, procrastinated as long as he could.
He felt his gut tighten with anxiety, wasn't sure yet-or maybe he just didn't want it to be true- about what the feeling of dread meant. He flew out of the house in record time, his long legs running as fast as he could.
To his bike and to the Potters and the door was ajar. It was eerily quiet and he went inside, He stood still for just a moment, his mind was blank.
He wishes, truly aches, to have finished this list. Wishes that it was just a silly nightmare and he'd wake up to go check on Peter. Would greet Peter and tease him about his new girlfriend he visited so often.
But now he was staring at the tall freckled man in front of him. His face was being pushed into the floor, a knee in his back as they waited for backup. He couldn't breathe- the world was crushing him under its boot, he struggled to speak, could barely get coherent words out.
"Remus I- I didn't...Remus it wasn't some grand plot. I L-"
"Black. Im not exactly surprised we are here, wish this could've been different." Moody interrupts, limping over with a grim face.
Sirius closed his eyes. There was no point. No point in fighting, Peter had got him, had pulled the biggest prank on the lot of them.
Of course he was a bloody rat. There were no signs, he had just been Pete, shy Loving Pete. Should he have noticed? He had suspected Remus at one point, and felt ashamed. Was he a bad friend for not noticing the change in Peter? Before it was too late, they were all scared he should've checked in more, surely. Should've Floo'd in or came over for tea. Ask how his mother was, asked more about his girlfriend.
Why fight when no matter what he said, what he did, they'd hold his last name against him. Guess his parents got their last kick of revenge on Sirius. They're probably laughing down in hell, glad he goes down as a traitor.
✷ ⁠๑ ❥๑*。⁠*゚✷
"Even though we have overwhelming evidence that you were a spy for the dark side, would you want to do a trial?"
Sirius glanced up, his whole body numb. The wind blew against his newly shaved head, his shoulders hunched up against the cold. His limbs felt heavy, heavier with the chunky handcuffs and chains on his wrists and ankles pulling him down. The world was pushing down on him harder, overwhelming, constant, heavy, weight.
James was gone.
He felt a small piece of hope spark, he could get Peter, he could go home. He could mourn then sleep in his warm bed and cry, all he had to do was try to convince them of his innocence.
"We would administer Veritaserum-"
The hope died again, his eyes dimmed. Veritaserum-...he was doomed to this fate, he could see it all go down in his head.
'And how did you become friends with Mr lupin, Mr Potter and Mr Pettigrew?How did you get so close that you were the Potters secret keeper?'
'What are your thoughts about these three?'
The first ones were easy, 'Hogwarts of course.'.
'Well you see Mr minister of magic, we found out our best buddy was a werewolf and as we found a way to illegally help him we grew closer. Usually happens when doing highly illegal things together, builds trust.'
The third was a bit more complicated
'oh well right now I think Peter Pettigrew is a dirty rat, a traitor and that he was my brother and he will die a painful bloody death.'
'James...James was the air in my lungs, the love in my chest. He was the sun on my skin and I was saved by him. He was my brother, my best friend, my everything. And he's dead because of me.'
'Remus..I thought Remus was someone I loved. Really truly loved. He's the light in the dark, he was more than just my friend, he was someone I was willing to do anything for. I might even love him.'
Betrayed by two of his brothers, killed another and the love of his life doesn't believe him.
"No trial." He whispered cutting the Auror off mid-sentence.
What other choice did he have?
'And Mr black could you tell us who the werewolf is?'
'Remus lupin, it's in his name innit?'
Inevitably they'd ask, he'd doom Remus to a worse fate. Would condemn another to take his place in prison or an equally worse situation. He couldn't do that, not to Remus. He could see Remus speaking to Moody his body stiff as Moody nodded slowly to his words.
He was set in his decision when he saw Remus' thumb slide over the bracelet on his wrist. Remus was taking comfort in it, he could feel Remus on his own wrist, the bracelets magically connected in a one way call.
I'll hate you until I can't, love you even when it hurts. I'll be back and then...when I set everything straight I'll mourn more than just our past but our future too.
He looked away as Remus looked over to him.
I'm sorry.
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nyarumie · 7 months ago
hii dropping by to say i love your works sm !! since you mentioned abt narumi requests, id like to make one :3
how aboutt narumi randomly feeling hungry during his game night and when he goes to find food he sees reader! so they end up making/getting food tgt all domestic and fluffy (if you’re cooking bro is definitely not thinking abt wifing u up uhhhh), feel free to create any setting you’d like for the scenario hihi
(also this might or might not be an excuse for me to ask u to become moots aha)
Food Impact! (Oneshot)
narumi gen x reader — pure fluff, more fluff, and even more fluff! sweet and gentle narumi, established relationship, the kitchen staff are eavesdropping on them, spoiler alert: they made a mess in the kitchen.
Author's Note: Readers, please search up the food name references I included here to get the entire picture of what they're trying to make <3
Author's Reply: hi, rye! I think we're already mutuals (at least, it's what my notif bar says? i know im already following u tho! i love your works too <3 it inspired me to write and post too, to be honest) thank you for this request i totally had fun writing it and helped me with my writer's block (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ id love to interact more too!
Cross-posted on ao3. Ask box is open, and masterlist can be found on my pinned. Have fun reading, everyone!
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The sight that greeted Hasegawa has an unusual factor.
Stacked yamazon boxes, check.
Littered cans and bottles, check.
Neglected blankets and pillows, check.
An unbothered Captain on his futon playing his BS5, gone.
Or maybe he's just being dramatic. Narumi is actually there, albeit not stuck in front of his huge ass TV for once. Rather, he's shockingly seated behind his office table, adorning a serious expression while giving his laptop an intense focus.
His Vice Captain is rendered speechless. Was he seeing things? The First Division’s Captain… is actually doing work?
“Hasegawa. What is it? I’m busy here.” he said, hands busy on his laptop.
Oh, he's been staring at him for the past 5 minutes, mouth agape. Regaining his composure, he stated his business. “Your presence is requested for an interview. I believe I sent you the notice first thing in the morning.” But is it right to be disturbing him when he’s finally working—a rarer than once in a blue moon occasion?
“Requested, not required. Don't care, won't care.”
“...Then I’ll ask her to do it in your stead.”
“Don't. She's helping me with my work.”
Sighing, Hasegawa turned around to leave, surprisingly not picking Narumi up like a helpless cat to make him attend the interview.
Once Narumi heard the door click, the corner of his lips turned up, unable to stop the smug, triumphant grin from forming. “Hah, too easy! I’m busy working alright, my ass is practically burning from sitting here all day!”
In truth, the laptop Narumi specifically requested when he was promoted as Captain is a gaming laptop. He had somehow convinced the higher ups that its specifications are far greater than anything most officers can handle and is fitting for his position as Captain. Not that they know what it really is, of course.
He has been playing Jenshin Ympact the moment his office shift started. You had practically begged him yesterday to grind for you, saying that you’ll handle his paperworks worth a week’s job as long as he gets your desired character and weapon. “Why won’t she just top-up on this game? We have all the money to get every single character. What a bummer.”
Not that he understands why you’re willing to shoulder his paperworks over playing a game. Nothing’s enjoyable about paperworks at all! But you complained that your back was hurting from grinding, and who was he to reject such a good offer? That means a grumpy Hasegawa would appear less on his doorstep.
Complaints can be heard from him as he speedruns a side quest, mumbling about how the NPCs are too helpless. “What the… why do most NPCs ask for food here? What kind of adventurer doesn’t bring any food with them?”
Karma seemed to have hit him, his stomach growling too loud for his liking.
Ignoring it, he continued, still insulting every single unimportant character here and there. “Boo. Shut up. Don't like you. Go away. I hope you get eaten by a slime—”
And an even angrier sound came from his stomach.
“Fine! I’ll grab something to eat.”
What he meant by grab something to eat, is grab you to get the both of you something to eat. He refuses to eat anything without you, finding it more enjoyable doing mundane things with you around. His stomach has been empty since morning, wanting to get an early start on his grind.
He sulkily made his way towards your own room, knowing that you've been just as cooped up as him in your respective offices.
Not bothering to knock, he calmly opened the door, instantly finding you still working on his paperworks, desk situated across your door.
His familiar presence caught your attention, eyes lighting up in joy at the sight of him. “Gen! What brings you here? Do you need anything?”
Without a word, he gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you up, making you drop your pen in the process.
Confused, you tried calling him again. “Gen?”
“Mhm… heard you. Just come with me.”
“Alright.” You smiled, his uncharacteristically calm demeanor endearing you. He was often like this with you, as if your very existence is his source of peace.
A comfortable silence lingered as you let him lead you to his your destination. Halfway there, you finally recognized the route to the cafeteria.
‘Oh, he's just hungry.’ you thought. ‘But wouldn't he prefer instant meals or deliveries instead of going all the way here?’
But instead of going straight to the self-service counter, he turned and made his way to the kitchen instead. Wait, are you even allowed there? Sure, he's the Captain, but he's not a cook!
He finally let go of your wrist, unceremoniously opening the large door, earning shocked stares from the kitchen staff and making them pause their job.
You pulled at his sleeve. “Gen—”
“Is there an available cooking station here?” he asked.
The staff looked at each other, obviously baffled. “Uhm, Captain Narumi, sir; there is. But it's at the far end of the Kitchen…” a cook said, pointing towards the station.
“Good. We’ll be using it undisturbed.”
Gen continued making his way forward, with you holding the cuff of his sleeve to ease your nerves. You offered an apologetic look at every person you made eye contact with as you both made your way through. He still hasn't said anything as to why you're here of all places, confusing you further.
He came to an abrupt stop once you reached ‘your’ station. It's time to get to the bottom of this.
“Gen, did you say we'll be using this cooking station? Are we actually cooking?”
He faced you, his arms crossing. Suddenly, he looked a bit bashful. “Yeah. That's what I said.”
Raising your brow, you tried prying more information from him. “And what exactly are we gonna cook?”
“Ahem. So I saw this food while playing Jenshin Ympact…” He pulled out his phone, showing you a screenshot of the food.
Invigorating Kitty Meal.
Giggles threatened to spill from your lips. No wonder he wants to make it yourselves.
He swiped the photo to another screenshot. “And there's this other one. You love mushrooms, I thought you'd want something simple to eat.” Milky Mushroom Crisp Tower. How cute, he was also thinking of you!
“They look pretty fun and easy to make. However… Both of us don't know how to cook, Gen.” you frowned.
“But you just said it looks easy to make. There's two of us, that should be good enough, yeah?” he pouted.
Fondly, you sighed. He’s being too adorable right now, you just can't say no to him. “Alright, we’ll try. If it turns out good, you’ll marry me, won't you?” you joked.
He brightened up at this, pushing his hair back, determined to make his kitty meal. “Consider it done.”
After thoroughly examining the screenshots, you personally approached a few people stationed in the kitchen, asking them which ingredients would best suit your planned meal. With a couple of pieces of advice here and there, you and Gen started to put the plan in motion.
He passes you a rather large bowl full of rice, busying yourself with shaping it to form a cat, filling its inside with mayo tuna. He tasked himself with (trying) to cook the steak while watching the eggs boil, which you doubted at first, earning you a complain from him (‘Hey! You're on the same boat as I am; can't cook, can't question!’)
Cooking the steak is quite the task, so you decided to handle your mushroom toast yourself.
You poorly sliced up the mushroom and tossed it in a small pot filled with a cup of thick cream and easily melted cheese. Not hard at all!
You leave it be and checked on Gen, who you find struggling with not burning the steak. “Need help?”
“I’m fine! It's just that this is totally not beginner friendly, that's all!”
“...Gen, the eggs are overcooked.” A series of curses left his mouth as he hurriedly took them off the boiling water, and his nose scrunched up on the smell of something burning.
“Your mushroom! The heat is turned all the way up!” Now it was your turn to panic.
After a couple of errors from both your ends, it was safe to say that you've finally reached the final task of your newly found skill.
You were carefully carving some seaweed, cheese, and ham as the final touches to his rice kitty’s facial features. Gen was standing behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as he watched your art, humming to himself. He seemed pleased despite the mess you both made.
“Let's cook again someday.” he said.
You snort, “Speaking too soon? You won't say that if this turns out bad.”
“Nahh. Not if I’ll marry you.”
You laugh, taking it as a joke. You feel him perch his head on your shoulder, face turning into a frown. “I wasn't joking! Here, have this.”
He took your hand, putting a seaweed ring on your finger. You giggled again, your heart can't take him sometimes. “I didn't mean to laugh at you. You're being too adorable today! Let's eat these right here before they spoil.”
He looked too sad to see the kitty get devoured, sulking despite how good it surprisingly tasted. And yours wasn't too bad either, glad that you were able to salvage whatever was left from the burnt mushroom sauce.
“ ‘M definitely gonna marry you someday.” he suddenly said.
Your head whipped towards him so fast, only to find him munching on his meal, face serious. “Food so good it got you saying that again?”
He shook his head. “Don't you want me as your husband?” he whined.
You felt your face flush, suddenly aware that he meant what he said. “Go put on a real ring on me first. Then I'll take you as my husband.” you teased.
Looking thoughtful, he hummed. “I can wait just fine. It arrives tomorrow.”
Wait. What?
“What arrives… tomorrow?”
“The ring.” he said, matter-of-factly.
You faced him fully, mouth wide open. He’s dropping this information way too casually!
Sensing your stare, he also turned to look at you, food still in hand. “What? If you're worried about the size, I got it covered.”
“You're crazy. When did you purchase it?”
“Hmm… a couple of weeks ago. When I heard you scolding Hasegawa for disturbing me, saying I needed rest for carrying No. 1’s eyes on a daily basis. No one dares to scold him like that! So I decided to promote you as my wife!” he proudly said.
You tug at the front of his clothes, pulling him closer. “I want to kiss you right now.”
He set his food down, placing his hands on your waist. His eyes seemed to sparkle with mirth. “Then, as the Captain of the First Division, I grant you special permission to kiss me.”
And with that, you closed the distance between you, feeling the both of you smile in your kiss.
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Unbeknownst to the both of you, the kitchen staff were eavesdropping the entire time. Who would’ve thought that this is how good their Captain's romantic life is?
You two were so absorbed in your own little bubble, failing to notice the suppressed squeal from a staff that was tasked to spy on you when you kissed. Seems like you forgot there were other people around you.
The staff went back to the others, meeting their expectant gazes. Wordlessly, they gestured their ring finger and acted out a kiss. It was comical, but the message was well-received nonetheless. It became an unspoken rule to keep what happened that night amongst themselves, wanting to respect your and the Captain's joyous moment.
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show-your-fangs · 2 years ago
HIIII! I love your work, and I’ve recently came out as genderfluid and I was wondering if you’d be open to writing a fic about reader coming out as gender-fluid to Aaron? Lots of fluff and comfort lol 😂 if not totally fine. thanks! 💖
oh i love this. thank you for requesting it baby. hope you enjoy this cuteness! (it ended up turning into coming out to the entire team idk how or why but i love them and they love you)
i do apologize for using a such a cliché situation to get the ball rolling, but i think reader needed a little push to tell him and ids are always so fucking daunting to me.
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Pairing: BAU x genderfluid!Reader x Aaron Hotchner
Words: 1.7k
CW: nothing, just fluff and discussions of gender.
Tags/warnings: coming out, the team being absolutely lovely, aaron being very kind, gentle, accommodating, reader wears a binder one time.
a/n: gender is such a wild thing. if you're reading this i want you to know that i'm so proud of you. much like sexuality, it isn't linear, it's a journey and it's okay if you feel like everything, like nothing, like one or the other -- your identity is valid and so are you.
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“Make sure you go up to the eighth floor to get your new IDs before the end of the day,” Hotch told everyone before he exited the room. 
It was ten in the morning and there was no new case, so after a short briefing to catch him up on what consultations everyone was working on at the moment, the BAU Unit Chief swiftly returned to his office. 
Everyone else started to shuffle out after him, back to the bullpen and their own exhausting tasks. But that was the job, and you all loved it too much to let the boring paperwork days like this one dampen the exciting, fulfilling, and thrilling ones out on the field. 
But you didn’t move, you couldn’t move as his words echoed in your mind. 
The task was simple. And yet for you it was daunting. 
Penelope’s words still circled in your mind. She had told you a week ago when the request came through that she could easily hack into the Bureau’s database and edit the information on your badge for you. That no one would ever know, that it would just already be there when you got it. 
But you’d told her you didn’t want to get her in trouble, that you would go talk to Hotch about it, finally. But then you’d been whisked away on a case and you honestly used it as an excuse to cower and not say anything.
Everyone except Hotch knew at that point.
Penelope had been the first to figure it out since you’d changed your displayed pronouns on your private social media and being the chronically online lady she was, she clocked the change immediately. 
She’d confronted you about it the next day and you let out an incredibly long sigh of relief when she told you how proud of you she was. There was no need to confirm it, displaying something on social media was as good as telling it to her personally. 
JJ and Emily were stunned to walk into the bullpen so early to an overly excited Penelope practically squeezing the life out of you. Before you could even tell her to stop, she turned around to tell them the news when they asked what was going on. 
It was only after they had both been shocked so strongly they didn’t need a cup of coffee to wake them up, smiled brightly and given you just as much attention as Penelope just had, that you told the chipper blonde that you weren’t sure you were ready to tell everyone quite yet. She’d been apologizing profusely ever since, hence the proposal to hack into the FBI to make it up to you. 
The four of you kept that secret tightly to your chests for a few weeks. You’d been using more gender neutral language at the office regardless, so it was easy to stay true to yourself, as much as gender neutrality allowed, while also not making how you actually wanted to be addressed a big thing.  
It wasn’t until the handsome incident that you finally told Reid. You’d decided to wear a binder that day to finally wear a sweater vest you’d been obsessing over for the past few days. You felt beautiful, confident—
“Well, good morning handsome,” Emily’s voice made your cheeks flush. You couldn’t reply, couldn’t do anything other than hide away as she giggled at your reaction. No one had called you handsome before, and you feared it might’ve been too much.
You finally noticed him when you sat at your desk, your cheeks still flushed. Spencer was staring at you, brows furrowed and confusion plastered all over his face. It was as though he was noticing too many things all at once and he didn’t know how they all came together to provide the answer he was looking for. 
And so, just to spare the poor Doctor’s genius brain, you told him. It took him approximately three minutes coming up with a system. There was no reaction, no follow up questions, nothing but acceptance and call to action. 
It had taken him that long because he didn’t want to just do the gender coded pink and blue. He’d settled on black for when you were feeling more like a girl, black for when you were feeling more like a boy, and silver for when you were feeling like neither. 
The next day he presented you with dainty bow pins that you could easily clip to your clothes or even your hair if you really wanted to. You wrapped him up in a tight hug, one that he didn’t shy away from, reciprocating it for as long as you needed.
You never had to tell Morgan. You’d gotten used to the girls using gender neutral language when they spoke about you and so when Morgan started to do it, you didn’t catch onto it right away. But when you finally did, your eyes widening and the realization sinking into your bones, he simply winked at you and continued speaking.
The most daunting had been Rossi. It had been the day before and was still fresh in your mind. It was the first day you started to wear the little ribbons Spencer had made for you. Silver for your first day, you were easing into it after all. 
Everyone who was in on it knew what it meant immediately, but to Rossi unfortunately, your ribbon meant someone had died. He pointed it out in the kitchen, offering his condolences and whatever support you may need. 
It was sweet, so sweet in fact that he was suggesting taking some time off. There was no other way to explain it other than to come clean, and so you did.
You explained it all, every question that he could’ve easily googled, every perception that he had from his generation and how he grew up. You ended up talking for a while and it was nice to actually have someone so determined to understand, to make sure they weren’t being ignorant or accidentally using language absentmindedly. 
Which is why you needed to rip the bandaid now, needed to tell Hotch how you were feeling before you found another excuse to bide your time. 
You knocked on Hotch’s office door softly, almost too softly as it took him a second to look up at you. 
“Yes?” He asked then, closing the case file in front of him to show you, you had his whole attention. 
You stepped into the room then, gently closing the door behind you and he frowned in confusion for a split second. You didn’t lock the door, it wasn’t like that, and it seemed to alleviate some of the confusion he was feeling. 
“I…um…” you sat down in front of him, fiddling with your fingers. Somehow it had been easy to tell everyone else, even if it had been scary. 
But with him? You didn’t even know where to start. 
“I wanted to know if…if it was possible to have them remake my ID?” You started, hoping that you could find your voice if you talked about something physical, tangible, something that transcended you. 
“Is there a problem with the information you provided?” He asked plainly. 
“It’s not so much a problem as it is a…contradiction?” He sat back in his chair, clearly not having enough information to reply to you, so he allowed you to continue.
You straightened, looked him in the eye and pretended like you were the most confident person in the world, just enough to get you through this conversation.
“I’m not a woman, I’m not a man— I mean at least not all the time,” slowly but surely the gears started to click into place in his head. “And so I was wondering if there was a way to…reflect that on my new ID.”
He was silent for a long minute, the most anxiety inducing minute of your life. But then he leaned forward, resting his arms on the desk between the two of you. 
“I am…unbelievably sorry if I’ve been accidentally misgendering you,” he started, genuine emotion in his oftentimes stoic eyes. You immediately shook your head, your own hand reaching out to hold his without so much as a second thought.
“Hotch, you’re okay,” you squeezed, neither of you ever even flinching or finding the physical contact weird. He’d always been affectionate with you, and you…well you were affectionate with everyone so he didn’t think you had noticed. But you had, and you made sure to let him know through the smallest of gestures. 
“Is there anything we can do?” He asked and it was your turn to look confused. “Around the office, to accommodate you.”
You smiled brightly. He was so sweet, so kind and caring and gentle, always looking out for his team, for his friends, for you. 
You told him about how everyone else had been super accommodating, how your color coded system with Spencer worked, how Rossi had sent you a million screenshots of articles and stories and even asked if he could come to Pride with you.
He smiled a few times, snickered a couple and it made you heart swell each time. You didn’t know why you’d been so apprehensive about telling him, about letting him know how you were feeling.
Maybe it was because his opinion mattered so much to you, maybe it was because you were scared of the minuscule percentage of possibility that he could react badly, maybe it was because it would’ve broken your heart if he had.
But none of it mattered now. He had reacted perfectly, like you knew he would, and with his hand still in yours, he called HR to request your new badge be edited, with your permission to talk about your situation. 
You could not remember a time when you had felt so understood, so accepted, so loved. He had reminded you that there were no such things as silly requests. He’d do anything to make you feel comfortable, anything to make you feel like you could exist happy and healthy, anything to let you know that you were safe and that he’d move heaven and earth to make it so. 
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my sweet babies are so freaking cute i love them sm
tags: @canuck-eh, @ssamorganhotchner, @ssaspencerreidswife
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maggotsandroaches · 9 months ago
i haven't done this in forever
okay so hello! this will be important but i'll try to keep it short!
hello! my name is aries if you couldn't already tell by the blog name. i write stories and fanfictions! i used to do this in high school all the time and used to have a page with anime content. however i grew out of that phase and have come to like people who are very much real. the boys! so id like to clear up some things about my content before i even post anything because i have had issues in the past.
i do not practice, support or condone any of the dangerous or illegal content that presents itself in my writing. this may include things such as stalking, cheating, bullying, murder, drugs, assault (sexual or physical), abuse, blackmail, and trafficking. my content is mature and i give proper warnings beforehand. if you dont think something is right for you, i will give you something more enjoyable. youll just have to let me know! this is all fictional.
the people i write about in this blog are REAL HUMANS! please remember that when requesting. while my content is mature i dont like to throw crazy shit around for shock factor. dont ask me to make so and so straight rape you. dont ask me to make them interact with minors. its not hard (yes unfortunately ive had asks yes theyve been reported long ago and taken care of.) i am aware most of them are with someone as well!
dont be an asshole to me, or anyone for that matter! i dont tolerate disrespect on my page. this is a safe space. i dont care what sexuality, race, gender, religion, or country you come from, were all people. we have guilty pleasures and fantasies, thats totally fine man. i will write pretty much anything you want.
it might taken me a while to get some things out a lot of the time. i like the take my time on my work and give it proper quality. i also have a busy personal life between my job and trying to get back into college as well as trying to keep myself mentally sane! so i apologize in advance if you see my work, enjoy it, and it takes me forever to respond or reply. i do see the ask, i do see the comments, i do see the other notes, i promise! just give me some time to get it to you please!
on that note, ask me anything! i dont care what you put in that ask box. it could be a request, a meme you found, how your day was, i dont mind. i have anon on and my inbox is always open if a request is too much!
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years ago
HELLO! IF REQUESTS ARE OPEN ID LIKE TO ASK BUT I REALLY HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL! make sure to rest up first more than anything💞 anywho, I would like to ask dateables with an MC who is really scared of them not because of what they are (or capable of), but because they consider them as an authority figure. I'm not sure if it makes sense but they act very normal and happy with luke but get stoic and slightly afraid of the dateables since they don't want them to get mad or "get out of line". AGAIN! you come first💞 pls take care if it's too much then you can discard this, have a lovely dayy
It does make sense and I’ll totally write it for you!
Dateables Reaction to MC Being Scared of Them
He understands your fear, obviously, a man of his size and power could strike fear into any nearby soul
But your fear towards him was different, almost like you were constantly trying to please him or get on his good side, on edge, you could say
He tries to lighten the mood whenever you were around and show you that you were safe around him but it never worked, you kept cowering and acting afraid
You’d dodge him and make excuses to get away and even sometimes you’d tell Luke to make him leave you alone
In all honesty, it hurt him. He brought a human to the Devildom to unite the 3 worlds but it seems the human he chose feared him, as he expected
He worked hard to make you trust him though; slowly but surely, you perked up. Not as much as he’d like but it made him happier either way
He expected to be feared but absolutely not ignored and treated like he was going to scold you at any moment
Your voice quivered around him and you messed with your fingers anxiously, he knew you were afraid of him but for a reason he was unsure about
Your posture was cowered around him, lowering your head as if he was a teacher disciplining a misbehaved student. He didn’t like seeing you so scared by his presence in truth
He didn’t let it get to him though, well, not on the outside at least
He was with Diavolo in creating a bond between the 3 worlds and he wished to create a bond between the two of you as well but you didn’t seem to particularly want to
He tried his best to become closer by offering fresh cakes and support in this strange new world and he was happy to know that you slowly gave in to his kindness
He never quite understood what it was you were scared of when you looked his way. He was an angel after all, his whole presence was supposed to be kind and loving
But here you were, quivering and tripping over your words, your voice lowered like you were expecting to be yelled at, at any moment
Tries to convince you he was no harm and that he would never hurt you but you continued, sometimes hiding behind Luke in fear
You darted your eyes around the room when he was in front of you, looking for an escape and it definitely hurts him, he can’t deny that
He only wishes to get along with you. He hears off of Luke how much he scares you and it pains him to hear that he worries you so
Tries his best to soothe you whenever he’s around after talking with Luke and his smile practically spreads from ear to ear when you start to come out of your shell around him
He thought he’d be the only person you’d trust being another human, but you acted the same around him too; shaky and cowardice and afraid to raise their voice
Tries to pull you out of your shell but it seems your personalities clash as you kept refusing to interact, gradually building back up the walls you’d created to keep him out
He’s hurt, honestly. He only wished to make a friend who was human but it seems even that was a troublesome task for him to achieve
The blatant ignoring continued, every day you’d turn around and go the opposite way or if you were forced into conversation, it was blunt, staring down at a human who was utterly terrified
You showed no signs of fear around Luke as you sent him off to push him away from you though, so he figured you were afraid of his power and his authority figure towards you
He started trying to befriend you slowly, not forcing you to do anything and over time, you lowered your walls for him
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david-akintunde · 3 years ago
10 Tips To Boost Your Email Open Rates
Here is a simple talisman for success if you’re an email marketer — higher email open rates mean more conversions. Sounds obvious? Even then, many organizations don’t end up writing emails that subscribers want to open. A study by MailChimp found that email open rates are just at 21.33% across all industries.
In a quick glance, this figure looks ok. But is it really? Suppose you have an email list comprising a whopping 15,000 subscribers. With a 21.33% conversion rate, only a mere 3199 leads are ever going to see your emails, and fewer will take any action.
Remember, there comes a point, when it doesn’t matter how extensive your email list is, but how many prospects within that list open your emails. If within the same list of 15,000 subscribers, your open rates go up to 50%, you end up with 7500 leads engaging with your pitch.
So, how do you get here? By following these 10 hacks that are sure to improve your email open rates:
1. Don’t Forget to Segment your Email List
Without email list segmentation, you cannot personalize your emails. While you can categorize your email list under parameters most relevant to you, try these three segments for starters.
Segment based on:
Challenges and pain points
Like and dislikes
2. Get your Subject Line Right
Your subject line alone is what encourages prospects to open your email. It also helps form your brand’s first impression. So, craft it well! How?
Personalize it for your target audience. Write more than one subject sentence for, say, different age groups, even if the product you’re pitching is the same.
Hold back on using too many punctuations like exclamation marks. You’d be surprised how commonly marketers use more than one exclamation point in subject lines for emphasis. Choose to emphasize with your words instead.
Keep it concise and avoid vagueness.
Draft it in the form of a question, if you can.
Use powerful words and phrases. These stir emotion and arouse curiosity. For example, the image below uses a power word like “sanity-saving.”
Source: Smart Blogger
3. Get your Email Timing Right
Remember, leads will read your emails at different times in different parts of the world. Some will read them late at night, while others will do so in the morning. Leverage whichever email automation tool you use to track the time most of your prospects read your emails.
Once you have an optimal time, send emails accordingly to boost open as well as click-through rates. Also, as a general rule of thumb, avoid sending marketing emails over weekends. Several studies have now revealed that weekends are the most inopportune time to send promotional communication.
4. Get your Email Frequency Right
Nobody, and that even includes you wants their inbox to be bombarded with too many promotional emails from one brand. Not only does this single-handedly bring down your open rates, but the prospect can blacklist you or mark you as spam.
Simply put, strike the right balance with your audience. Generally, sending emails twice or thrice and no more makes for a healthy frequency that doesn’t annoy prospects.
5. Re-engage with the Dormant Prospects
All email lists have prospects who haven’t opened promotional emails from certain brands in months. Your list is likely no different. Weed them out! And scout for new prospects.
But, before identifying and deleting them from your email list, make sure to draft and deploy a re-engagement campaign. Maybe, this campaign contains time-limited offers or personalized deals to re-engage passive leads.
6. Send Emails using an Official Email ID
No matter how small your business is at this point, don’t use your Gmail or Hotmail ids to send out marketing communication. Such a practice will likely land you in the prospect’s junk pile. Use a domain email address that carries your brand name to stay out of spam filters and boost your open rates.
7. Ensure a High Deliverability Rate
Unfortunately, over 20% of marketing emails don’t land up in your prospects’ inboxes. These emails bounce because of:
Temporary server issues on both ends
Sending emails to abandoned or obsolete email ids
Prospects who accidentally blacklist you
Upping your deliverability rate will automatically boost open rates. You can do this by:
Sending reminder emails requesting your subscribers to whitelist you.
Confirm if a prospect has willingly subscribed to your list by asking them to click on a link sent to their inbox.
8. Avoid using Certain Words in Email Subject Line and Body
Stay away from phrases and words that make your email seem less authentic. For instance, “Urgent,” “free stuff for you,” “you have won,” and several others. Think of these phrases similar to swear words in email marketing.
9. Send the Same Email Once More
Sometimes your prospects want to open your email, but they simply forget or get distracted. And, once they do, they won’t revisit your email. To avoid this situation, resend the same email to subscribers who didn’t open your first email.
Don’t worry about being too intrusive here. You’d be happy to know that this is not an uncommon practice used by marketers to boost their open rates.
10. Don’t only Send Promotional Content
Sure, the ultimate goal for your brand is to sell its wares, but this doesn’t mean all your emails must carry a sales pitch. Share informational or educational content to make your email campaigns more engaging. Help them gain light on their challenges through blogs, case studies, etc. When you send a mixed bag of email content, you are more likely to increase your open rates.
With these 10 tips, you can undoubtedly experience higher open rates, eventually translating into more conversions. As for subscribers who, even after all the attempts, don’t open your emails, it’s best to let them go! After all, not all subscribers turn into qualified leads, and that’s ok.
Three Tips For Writing Marketing Email Subject Lines People Actually Want To Open
Sales, marketing and branding expert. CEO of GoPromotional, distributor of promotional products with a focus on online business development.
When was the last time you sent an email? Did you know that, according to Statista, roughly 306 billion emails were estimated to have been sent and received every single day in 2020? There are only about 7.7 billion people on Earth. Let that sink in. Now, ask yourself this: How many of the emails you receive every day do you actually read? More specifically, how many of the promotional emails you receive do you open at all?
With all the benefits of the information age, it’s important to remember that we’re utterly swamped with information to an extent we’ve never experienced before. So if you want to get through to people — if you’re an e-marketer whose goal is to reach as many targets as possible via mass emails — you’ll have to put in some thought and get creative. This is a game of subject lines, and your job is to master it by crafting engaging, inviting, tempting and even daring email subject lines that will grab attention — even if it’s just long enough for a click.
The fear of missing out is your ally.
FOMO is real, and it’s powerful. For the uninitiated, “FOMO” stands for “fear of missing out,” and while it may be a behavioral trend brought about by our rapidly developing internet infrastructure, it is a valuable marketing tool. No matter what you’re missing — a new blow dryer, a different kind of juice or a wedding — the point is that you’re missing something. Maybe you just don’t know about it yet.
FOMO will be of great use to you as you draft up effective subject lines. Don’t just stop with basic additions such as “act fast,” “for a limited time” or “while supplies last.” Go all the way and use numbers. What makes you want to move faster: “while supplies last” or “three hours left?” The fewer details, the better. This is all about getting your target to open the email. Don’t worry about telling them what ends in three hours. Let them find out for themselves.
Less is sometimes more.
We’re all busy. Nobody has time to read your spiel. Yes, that even includes your 10-word subject line. How many of the hundred emails you received today had 10 words in their subject lines? It adds up, and, at some point, it just looks like alphabet soup. Crafting an email subject line is all about visuals. In my experience, a short, quippy subject line can catch the eye of someone looking at their email inbox because it helps break up the sea of text.
Consider shortening a subject line such as “New jeans from Lucky Brand, Calvin Klein, Collection by Michael Strahan and more” to something more like, “Lucky. Calvin. Strahan.” You can call it a laconic method if you want, but when you treat every word like it’s a scarce commodity, they instantly appear more important.
Laugh it up.
I think we can all agree that email is no longer the stuffy, daunting, formal affair it may have once been. Email is something we do without even thinking. It’s on our phones. It’s how we confirm toothpaste orders. It’s like socks: totally ubiquitous. And consider this: More and more, your target audience is made up of people who weren’t even born before email was invented. These consumers grew up in the beginnings of a post-advertising era, when I believe traditional advertising began to lose its grip. They know a promotional email when they see one.
The solution? Laugh it up. Be a little self-aware. I’ve found that millennials and Generation Z pick up on self-awareness, and they appreciate it. Make fun of yourself a little; it can’t hurt. Switch out your stock enthusiasm for deadpan humor. Be honest. Instead of, “This week’s top picks just for you,” for example, you could try, “We want your money.” The content matters, but what matters more is getting your target interested.
Remember, the meat and potatoes are in the body of your email, but the subject is your alluring dessert. You can have dessert before dinner — as long as you eat.
Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?
Your Email Marketing Is Destined To Fail Without These 3 Essentials
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Think email marketing is all spam? Think again! In a world where marketing pitches come at us from all angles and on every device, email marketing has held steady as the favored channel for consumers. When used well, this platform can help you attract, convert, close and delight your buyers. Don’t underestimate it — your company’s email strategy can make or break you.
When it comes to building a successful email-marketing strategy, there are three specific elements that will help you achieve your business goals or move you further away from them, depending on how well you use them.
Let’s take a closer look at each of them.
1. Frequency
Nobody wants to get ten emails a day from a subscription. It doesn’t matter if the content is brilliant, useful or undeniably accurate. Your leads will get annoyed if you send them too much information. Even though they might read it (with some luck), at some point, they’ll feel bothered and eventually click the unsubscribe button.
Avoid losing contacts by not only asking their desired frequency to get your emails, but also by relying on your metrics. Don’t pay too much attention to your open rate alone — look closely at your click-through rate too. This will indicate how interested your leads are and how often they take action to prove it.
While every industry and situation is different, a good place to start with email-marketing cadence is about once per week. This establishes a relationship with your subscribers that can turn into a habit-forming routine. Being too timid about frequency can lead to a sporadic cadence that will end up irritating recipients. If you wait too long between emails, even opt-in subscribers may report you for spam — simply because you’ve let them forget all about you!
2. Relevance
While subscribers may certainly become frustrated by the frequency of your emails, they are more likely to become annoyed if your content is not relevant to their interests and needs.
Relevance is a tricky concept because it depends on many factors like the consumer’s knowledge level, his or her stage in the buyer’s journey and good timing. You must know your audience in order to understand what type of content they want.
Specifically, you need to know what they want from you, which is often dictated by where they are in the buyer’s journey. Are they ready to buy? Are they trying to get valuable information? Are they looking to solve a problem? Are you able to solve that problem?
In every industry, there are two types of buyers: “now” buyers, who are progressing down the purchase funnel, and future buyers, who have no interest in or need for your product currently, but may down the road. For future buyers, the relevance of your content is what’s most important to them; it’s what builds the brand trust that will bring them back to you when they are ready to buy.
Finally, timing is everything. Relevance is about getting the right content to the right person at the right time.
3. Action
We receive emails basically everywhere — at home, work and while on the go. When receiving an email, we may take a look at it immediately, but sometimes it requires further action like submitting a form, watching a video or visiting a website. Try to reduce or streamline required actions in order to make it easy for contacts to follow through at any time of day.
First and foremost, make your offers simple. Your buyers don’t like to be given too many choices; when they are, they often won’t buy anything at all. Even in the physical world, this is the case. In the famous “jam study” by Columbia Business School Professor Sheena Iyengar, for example, she set out two tasting booths for a brand of jam. One table offered six flavors to choose from; the other offered 24.
While the tasting booth with 24 flavors attracted more people, the booth with six flavors sold much more jam — 30% of those who stopped at the booth bought a jar, compared to just 3% of those who stopped at the table with 24 varieties. These visitors were too confused and overwhelmed to make a purchase decision.
The difference between stopping at a booth and buying from a booth is similar to the difference between opening an email and clicking through to an offer. Your email campaigns must be able to achieve both to be successful. The more personalized and concise you can be in your offers, the simpler the choice will be for your email subscribers.
BONUS To enjoy the best email marketing software, click here
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Dallon Weekes x fem reader smut with a choking kink? I'm thinking panic! era dallon where the reader is also a member of the band, and they've had chemistry for a while, and one night after a concert they do the deed in a dressing room? If you aren't comfortable with any of this I'm really sorry aha, I hope you have an awesome day! <33
Pairing: Dallon Weekes x Female Reader
Rating: Mature (smut, choking kink)
Requested By: Anon
Word Count: ~2,170
Author’s Note: Porn with plot! My first Dallon smut! Woo! I’m pleased (?!) with this one, and I hope you all like it too!
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You were feeling out of place waiting to be called in for your audition with Panic! At the Disco, as you were the only woman in the room. The music industry, especially rock, was so male dominated, but you were not going to let that deter you. It made you nervous as hell, but not deterred. 
Other guitarists and bassists were called in as you waited your turn, picking at your nails anxiously, thinking about what you would be playing. Eventually a very tall bass player walked in, sat down next to you and made the mistake of saying hi. This was enough to get you talking, and you were totally unable to stop nervously babbling at him. 
"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous. I'm (YN)," you laughed after talking his ear off for a few minutes.
"Dallon, Dallon Weekes," he smiled, which did nothing for your nerves. “And don’t worry about it.”
"(YFN) (YLN)?" A voice called from the audition room.
"I'm up," you sighed, picking up your guitar case.
"Knock 'em dead," Dallon nodded.
After the audition you waved to Dallon as you left and hoped somewhere down the road you'd run into him again. 
A few years later, you and Dallon had become incredibly close being in Panic together, but it would have been impossible not to, given the role you'd both been relegated to within the band. Brendon and Spencer were the face of the band, they had history together and they always shared hotel rooms and dressing rooms.
You and Dallon were “just” touring members, trotted out for performances like a couple of show ponies. Your input wasn’t needed, that much was clear, but a paycheck was a paycheck, and you were making a name for yourself. Plus you’d never give up the weeks on the road with Dallon, experiencing new cities and countries you’d only dreamed of visiting and getting to perform night after night, but this particular tour was getting especially long and you were starting to get frustrated. In more ways than one.
It was another show like any other and Brendon was up to his usual antics. He would come over and stage-flirt with you before making his way back over to Dallon. Sure you both got into it for the sake of the performance, but the only person you ever really wanted to flirt with was Dallon and tonight he was driving you absolutely wild.
You loved watching the way his large hands moved across the neck of his bass, the way he threw his head back while playing was practically obscene, and it was incredibly distracting when he’d look over at you between songs, run his hands through his hair and shoot you a wink. You wanted to run your hands through his hair, you wanted his large, strong hands on your body, you wanted to be the one that made him throw his head back like that. You wondered what it would sound like for him to moan your name. You shook your head to snap yourself out of it, trying to keep your mind on the song you were playing.
That night as the bus rolled you to the next stop, it was suggested that everyone should play a drinking game. You settled in on one end of the couch, Dallon on the other, looking relaxed and comfy, and you had to fight the urge to go curl up with him.
“Never have I ever!” Brendon declared as he handed out bottles of beer to everyone. “(YN), ladies first.”
"Fine. Umm, never have I ever flirted to get out of a speeding ticket," you said and no one drank.
"Never have I ever had a fake ID," Dallon said and both Brendon and Spencer drank.
"Never have I ever kissed a bandmate," Spencer said with a smirk and everyone laughed as Brendon took a drink.
"Knew it," you muttered under your breath.
"Never have I ever been peed on during sex!" Brendon announced happily as the rest of you looked at him slightly dumbfounded.
"Well that went from zero to 100 real quick," you said shaking your head. "Fine, never have I ever hooked up with a fan backstage."
Again, Spencer and Brendon drank. The game continued, each of you taking drinks, some even going for more bottles of beer to keep the game going, but you were almost done with yours and ready to go to bed.
"Never have I ever enjoyed getting choked during sex," Brendon laughed and you felt releaved as you were done with the game as you lifted the bottle to your lips, finishing the beer. That's when you noticed three sets of eyes on you.
"What? It's fun," you shrugged. From the corner of your eye you noticed Dallon moving the pillow he had been leaning against on top of his lap. "Anyway, I'm done with my beer and I'm not opening another, goodnight."
As you climbed into your bunk and popped in your headphones, you couldn't help but wonder what Dallon was thinking.
The next day, the tour bus rolled into Chicago and since the following show was in Milwaukee, there was time for a hotel stay. A hotel stay with Dallon in the other bed you reminded yourself. You couldn’t help but notice Dallon was acting strangely as he moved throughout your shared dressing room. It was as if he wanted to say, but couldn’t bring himself to do so. 
You were pretty much ready for the night’s performance, and you were just applying some lipstick in the mirror when Dallon walked up behind you.
"That lipstick looks good on you," Dallon complemented as he straightened his tie.
You turned to face him, surprised at how close he was standing. You decided you were sick of the tension, everything that was unspoken between you. "I wonder what it'd look like on you," you murmured, as you reached up and ran your fingers over his tie.
Dallon smirked a little before he started leaning in and you held your breath, heart pounding in your chest. It felt like you’d waited forever, spent so many nights wondering what it would feel like if Dallon kissed you and where it would lead, consequences be damned.
Just as his lips were so close to yours, there was a knock on the door, causing you both to jump. "Need you on stage in 5 minutes!"
"Thank you!" You replied before letting out a shaky sigh. Dallon was running his hand through his hair as you shook your head and turned to walk out the door. 
Suddenly Dallon grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him. His lips were crashing into yours as you practically melted into him as your arms wrapped around him. When you pulled back for air, Dallon rested his forehead against yours, as you both tried to catch your breath.
“We gotta, we gotta get on stage,” you breathed, a little stunned still.
“Yea,” Dallon nodded. “But after… after I want more. I’ve waited so long for this.”
“I cannot wait," you grinned back.
You and Dallon barely made it on stage on time after cleaning up the smeared lipstick and ruffled hair. You did your best to focus on the music you were supposed to be playing but it seemed like every time you glanced over at Dallon, he was looking your way or shedding another article of clothing. 
First it was his jacket, but he always took that off during the show, then his sleeves were rolled up, making your knees weak. A short time later his tie hung undone around his neck, followed by the top buttons of his shirt being undone. This slow motion striptease was doing nothing for your concentration, or the feeling taking over your body. Hell you’d jump him right then and there if you didn’t think Brendon would fire you both for taking the attention off him for a moment.
The show seemed to take forever, but finally you were taking your final bows and walking off stage. The tension between you and Dallon was palpable and you wondered if anyone else noticed. 
"The van to the hotel will leave in an hour. If you aren't on it, hope you like walking!" The tour manager called as everyone dispersed to their dressing rooms. You glanced at your watch, noting the time and thinking about what could happen in the next 60 minutes.
When the dressing room door was shut behind you, Dallon was on you again. Hands on your waist, pulling your body against his as you ran your hands through his sweaty hair. Your lips kissed his hungrily, urgently. 
"We have an hour before we have to leave," you murmured into his lips. “Better make this quick and dirty.”
"But after that we have all night," he replied, his tone dripping in seduction.
"Oh god," you gasped. He took the opportunity to kiss down your neck. You shoved his shirt off his toned shoulders before fumbling for the hem of your dress to pull it off, breaking the kiss.
"(YN)," murmured in awe, taking you in wearing nothing but your undergarments. 
"You want me?" You asked, looking straight in his eye. "You can handle this?"
Dallon smirked. "You know I can."
Your eyebrows went up in surprise at the cocky statement of your usually slightly reserved friend. "Good."
You closed the distance between you again, lips crashing together, hands roaming all over each other, as you both blindly made your way across the room, bumping into furniture until you were at the crappy old couch that took up far too much space in the small room. You dropped back, breathlessly as Dallon loomed over you. You didn't think it was possible to get any more turned on than you already were, but it was happening. 
It didn’t take long for you both to shed the rest of your clothes, and you wanted to revel in Dallon's toned body, but there was no time for that now. You were making out furiously again, hands all over each other until he suddenly broke the kiss.
"Shit (YN), I don't have a -"
"I'm on the pill," you answered. He nodded and took his hand, pulling him over you as you lay back on the couch,
He propped himself up on the arm of the couch behind you, as his free hand caressed over your chest and you started making out again. His hips were resting against yours and while the friction was good, it was not enough.
"Please Dal," you murmured against his lips.
"Please what?" He teased. You could feel him smirking.
"Please fuck me, choke me, have your way with me, whatever you want, just please do something!"
Dallon smirked again before glancing down to line himself up and pressed into you tantalizingly slow. You let out a soft moan at the feeling of fullness and
"You feel so good," Dallon whispered reverently before pulling back, just to press back harder and faster than before. 
"That feels so good," you moaned, looking in his blue eyes. That’s when you noticed he was glancing down. “You can do it if you want.”
He looked back up at your face for confirmation, before placing his hand around your throat and squeezed gently, eliciting another filthy moan from you. He seemed pleased with your reaction as he pounded into you harder.
“So good,” you squeaked out, unable to come up with anything more coherent as you were in a state of absolute euphoria.
“God, (YN),” Dallon moaned, and you could tell he was close.
“Please, harder,” you gasped.
Dallon thrust harder into you, losing rhythm before you felt him cum, the feeling of which caused you to cum around him with one last gasping moan. He released his grip on your throat as his sweaty forehead fell onto your shoulder as you both panted for air.
“Damn,” you muttered. “Dallon, I’m not joking, that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
Dallon laughed lightly, his cheeks flushing further. “I hope I can live up to expectations in the future.”
“I’m sure you will,” you smiled back.
“I guess we should get dressed and pack up before we miss the van to the hotel,” Dallon said, getting up, and offering you a hand to help you to your feet.
When you were both re-dressed and ready to leave the venue, Dallon took your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. “Before we go, I just want you to know, I really do like you (YN). If you wanna just hook up, that’s fine, but if you want more, I’m ready.” 
You smiled up at him, this was the sweet Dallon that you’d fallen for so long before. “I do want more. I mean, more than just more hookups. I want the whole thing for us.”
Dallon nodded, a smile tugging at his lips as well. He leaned in and kissed you hard. “Good. Now let’s get to that hotel.”
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soukokuwu · 4 years ago
angsty angst with atsushi discovering his s/o’s dead body 🥴
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NO GOODBYES.      genre; pairing; word count. angst; atsushi x pm!reader; 1,750 words      warnings. death, mentions of abuse, gaslighting, toxic relationship      synopsis. the one thing you did right, and it came a little too late.      author notes. hi there (sorry for the super long wait too), but i combined it with this as requested by another(?) anony, i hope you like this! let me know what y’all think <3
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What you tolerate, you encourage.
What you permit, you promote.
Perhaps if he hadn’t been so caught up in who you used to be, then he wouldn’t be in this predicament right now. Perhaps if he hadn’t been in love with the idea of who you could be, then he would have had the strength to let you go. But love makes people stupid sometimes.
And Atsushi is no exception.
No matter how many times Kunikida or the others tried to interfere, to warn him that you were no good, Atsushi wouldn’t listen. Why? Because he’s inherently kind, and sometimes to a fault. This time, it would be considered a fault. The weretiger is so blinded by you that he believes everything you do is out of love; because you can’t bear losing him. He uses love to justify your actions.
But nobody questioned this: Atsushi doesn’t understand what love is.
At least, not fully, and not yet. Especially when he acts as stubborn as a mule when it comes to you. Whatever heinous thing you did to him, he makes an excuse for it, hides it from everyone he works with every single day. And the worst part is, everyone in the agency can tell why.
A young boy, growing up in an orphanage with an abusive headmaster and nearly killed what, how many times? Once? Twice? A young boy, who grew up scared yet with a heart of gold. Starving, but wouldn’t steal. Lost, yet wouldn’t ask for help. He has never known proper care, proper love. So how could he be so sure you really loved him as he claimed you did?
The ones who could think more objectively — Dazai, Ranpo — they knew. Kunikida still let his personal feelings get in the way, he and the others didn’t give you the time of day. But back to the other two, they knew the answer. Why does Atsushi make up so many excuses for you time and time again? Why does he firmly believe that your feelings for him are true?
Because once upon a time, you really did love him.
In the beginning, before things took a wrong turn. Before his passiveness led to you taking advantage of him. Who was at fault? Maybe if he wasn’t so meek you wouldn’t have had that much control over him. But then again, you could’ve been a good person with a decent moral compass and not sucked him dry. Although, no one is surprised you behaved that way.
You are a member of the Port Mafia after all.
Atsushi remembers every single horrible thing you did. He’s blinded by love to stay with you, yes. But he isn’t totally lacking in common sense. He knows the things you do are wrong. He just hopes that each time you do it, there is a good enough reason behind your motivations. Besides, they always say it’s the thought that counts, right? And he thinks no differently.
One can only learn so much apart from experience.
He thinks back to everything now, while he slugs forward, slowly walking back to the dorms. He thinks about everything his coworkers have confronted him with. Atsushi doesn’t know what he plans on doing with the information, but with everyone pressuring him to at least reconsider the relationship, maybe he should think on it.
The first thing they told him: he is way too lenient with you. More often than not, they pointed out your jealousy to be irrational and unfounded. You’ve been with the Port Mafia longer than Atsushi’s been with the ADA, so you know of the existence of Yosano and Naomi, and now you’re aware that Kyouka’s part of them too. And somehow, without rhyme or reason, you always accuse Atsushi of having the hots for one of them. On occasion it’s Yosano, sometimes Naomi, but mostly Kyouka, which the weretiger is frankly very appalled by. Taking the age difference and her age itself, she has always been more of a sister to him, of course he’d take care of her.
But you didn’t buy that. You always manage to hang it over his head, always needs him to assure you countless times over and over again that he loves you and only you. Even then you doubted his words.
His colleagues’ take on this? It’ll never end. It’s an endless cycle. Because he let it go on for far too long. And now it’s too hard to pry that habit away from you.
Two. Ranpo was kind enough to put his two cents in the situation when bribed with snacks. He knows how abusive you are — you’re just lucky that Atsushi has the healing powers of the tiger, lucky that no bruises every stay on his skin for all to see. But Ranpo knows, and Dazai, because it’s just like that. They just do. And nobody else in the office doubts their word. Atsushi doesn’t fight back against you, because he knows he’s that much stronger than you. He’s afraid he’ll hurt you if he even grips your hands.
And it’s exactly because he doesn’t resist that he ends up getting hurt instead. Most of the times he just blames himself though — why did he have to go and do that? He knows that will make you mad, why did he still do it? He’s the utter failure here. He should be punished. And there you have it, he takes whatever you throw at him (pots, pans, coat rack, everything, basically); gets blue and black, sometimes gashes and cuts that all heal almost instantly anyway. Funny thing is, he hates it, because he thinks it’s some sort of cheat code, that he isn’t properly punished.
“How can anything like that be healthy?” Tanizaki’s words ring in his head.
Three. When asked why he’s even with you in the first place — he hesitates. Why is it that “I love her” doesn’t come to his mind straight away? Everyone knows he’s in denial and always has been. They all know that he’s hoping for the old you to come back. The one he blames himself for coaxing out of you in the first place when in reality it isn’t on him in the slightest.
That was the last straw — that was what made him storm out of the office. Because he knows that no reason he gives now will satisfy them enough to get them off his back. And perhaps… it is for good reason. Because honest to god? He’s tired. Tired of feeling wronged every time you accuse him of having an affair when he barely bats an eye in any of their direction (not since the last time you threatened to hurt them if he even dared to talk to them). Tired of being beaten up for something he never did, when it should be your colleagues who should be taking the heat of your anger. They were the ones who made you mad, not him. And he’s tired of constantly having to dread going to work because he has to make up a thousand more excuses for you, to defend you when he knows very well you wouldn’t do the same courtesy to him.
The ring of his cellphone makes him sigh. That’s probably you again, checking up on him to make sure he’s not up to no good.
Atsushi breathes in, throwing his head back, eyes closed as the faint light of the setting sun hits his face. His fingers fumble in his pocket for his phone, and he answers it. Another deep breath.
“Look, I don’t think—”
His eyes snap open and he checks the caller ID. Unknown. He hears a familiar voice on the other end, it’s the one who’s always with that devil incarnate, the one they called the rabid dog. What’s her name?
“It’s Higuchi.”
Oh, right.
What do they want with him now? To surrender himself, maybe? But like hell you’d let that happen.
But what the blonde says next makes the whole world around him cease to exist. Every complicated feeling, any positivity, they’re all gone and he feels like he’s in a void. Black; everything is black. His fingers are twitching, palms shaking as Higuchi finishes what she says, but she doesn’t hang up without telling him one more important thing:
“It’s all your fault!”
Not an hour later and he’s kneeling down next to your bullet-riddled body, fingers ghosting over your now blue, chapped lips. The blood pooled on the concrete stains his pants, but he doesn’t care. Because despite wanting to break up with you, he didn’t want you to die.
And especially not for him.
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You did a lot of wrong in the relationship. Abusing, gaslighting, and many more. The other detectives always put it upon themselves to show Atsushi who you really are, and how unhealthy every aspect of your relationship is. They always argued about which facet of your relationship is the worst. But now, they all know they’ve come to the same conclusion. No discussion needed.
It’s in how the black circles under his eyes have grown darker. It’s in how he’s so dejected, so forlorn every single day — at least before he could still deceive himself that you were there at the end of the day to possibly make him feel better. It’s in how he’s tried too hard before, and now not trying at all.
The conclusion? The worst thing you’ve done to him? Ironically, laughably, is to have loved him right just before you ceased to see the light. Sacrificing yourself just because you didn’t want to give his location away to the enemy, even if you knew Atsushi had a high chance of surviving? Honestly, the only thing you did that everyone else agreed was done out of actual love.
But you left behind a weretiger that now blames himself for your death. Whenever anyone asked he’d say that he killed you.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Atsushi used to be able to see beauty in the world; he practices it by striving to always see the good in you, in what you could be. Even if it is partial deception on his own end. But now… now he barely sees any good in any thing. Self-pity is a dangerous thing.
And somehow, by loving him right in the last moments of your life, you’ve sentenced him to an eternity of being a prisoner to his misery.
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tags. @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes @animatedarchives
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vrisrezis · 3 years ago
Hello can i request a matchup for south park? First of all i have short wavy/curly dark brown hair with curtain bangs and brown eyes, tanned skin but not too tanned. I am 5'2 and wear contact lenses. I generally hate typing but i love calling with my friends if im really comfortable with them. I like playing videogames like league of legends, ghostrunner, assassins creed. And i sometimes play vrchat with friends. Im sometimes optimistic and is really into quotes sooo i hope im good at communicating. From what my friends say i can be sassy alot but most of the time its sarcastical well thats what they think. Anyways i play violin in an orchestra im really pro at it. I have two rats and an annoying little sister and a nice mom. My rats are like my children i love them so much and use msot of my money on them. I also generally like kid toys. I like slime a lot. Kid toys are fun to open and sometimes i play barbie with my figures. hehe. I like trolling a lot and pretending to be people. Although just because i seem like i have a normal life i have some cons. I suffer from severe depression & social anxiety + some attention problems. I struggle giving someone attention and listening to a person. Usually people can get mad or sad when i dont listen to them or daydream. I can often forget easily what people tell me due to not being concentrated at it. I also cant listen to someone without moving my hands like cracking them or moving a part of my body. I also usually can ignore someone easily without realising it. I also struggle communicating or socializing with peopple due to my social anxiety :) I got friends and i really open a lot to them but never my problems or anything! I dont wanna be annoying to them LOL. I go to psychology every week. I also go to a place once a month where u meet other people that also got some problems like you! Most of the time i go there so i dont stay in my room and so i can practice communicating with people. dayum bruh i got too emotional writing that. ANYWAYS i get connected to animals REALLY REALLY FAST. You literally cant take me to a pet store and let me look at them or pet them i will love them too fast and start crying for not getting them. I also get attached to people really quickly. I love music A LOT. I like dancepop and love dancing. I also like dressing up pretending im a model and take pictures lol. I like taking photos of beautiful stuff that i see in the streets or city and even nature. I love going camping and i also really like going on vacations. Sleeping is also something i do a lot!! Sometimes when i just wanna go away from everything i tend to go sleep to dream and do stuff in my dreams instead :). Im also a "witch" not really a witch but i tend to do tarot and witchcraft. Ive been studying for it about 3 years so id say im average at it. I also do subliminales and have also been doing it for 3 years! I used to do commissions and get a lot of money from it. I have a part time job at a restauraunt. I try to get as much as money for my rats and myself. :). I have to pay everything for my rats on my own so i need a job for that lol. My fav series are skins, rick n morty, bojack horseman and south park. I also have a smoking addiction im trying to get over :)) but i really think thats it LOL
Hello fellow bojack horseman enjoyer
I ship you with ..
Stan ! !
He would of course enjoy gaming with you, and video chatting if your comfortable. Stan also has a habit of being sarcastic, even without meaning to, so you guys can be sarcastic with eachother a lot. He thinks it’s cool you can play violin and he thinks the amount of care you put into your rats is sweet. He’s a sucker for animals, so this is a given. He kinda shrugs off your love for more childish things, not caring too much but also teases you about it. He totally trolls people online with you, but he doesn’t go too far with it like you might. He doesn’t care that you’re bad at listening too much, since he’s not much of a talker. He has a hard time too sometimes, he usually can just take you back to reality whenever you’re having that issue and he’s quick to realize what’s going on too. He tries to get you to open up more about your problems but understands if you don’t. He can relate to you on feeling attached to animals easily, not so much people though. He can’t say he shares your love for dancepop, but he does enjoy dancing with you regardless.
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loveau · 5 years ago
request: Could I request an angsty enemies to lovers AU with Hendery or Ten? Thank you so much for posting your writing
others: lucas | yuta | renjun | jisung
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it all started probably at some university party where a mutual friend or a friend of a friend introduced everyone in a group
since there were so many people, there wasn’t a lot of interaction to go on
but what you did know was that the dude named hendery???
yeah the most obnoxious person you’d ever met
and he thought you were the most judgmental person he’d ever met
to be fair his rowdiness comes with the friends he has nearby you’re bound to be the same way with yours
but it just seemed like he was so over the top and loud and it was annoying how you couldn’t have a conversation with your friends when he was literally screaming across the room
at the same time, however, hendery isn’t appreciative of your dramatic groans and eye rolls whenever he does anything and he feels so restricted from basically getting to have fun
and putting the both of the together in the same room is a chemical reaction that leads to an explosion
it basically started at that party and y’all were having fun and the mingling of groups was happening where everyone was getting to know each other
y’all didn’t really interact during the party besides hanging around the general area
but that didn’t stop you from giving each other the slight stink eye, which may have started on your part when he accidentally spilled some drink on your friend’s pants
and he thought nothing of it so he assumed you were just a stick in the mud and thought it was dumb you were there to cramp on his fun
obviously you hadn’t added each other on social media, so when hendery was doing something especially dumb you smirked and had been recording it
in all fairness it had started with you recording one of your friend’s rants about how nobody treats them right and how they deserve the perfect lover but there’s just trash people and their trash lists of who’s the best kisser or whatever
but all of a sudden your camera had switched to hendery’s group of friends where he was standing on top of a table and slipped off due to all of the snacks and drinks spilled on it
he ended up getting caught by his friends before he got hurt, but he clonked heads with one of them and was wincing while the others laughed or were more focused on whether or not he was okay
you were chuckling to yourself and captioned it ‘bet he doesn’t have any braincells if this is what keeps happening... makes sense alrdy tho 💀💀’
and you thought nothing of it until the next morning you’d woken up to a couple of messages and whatnot
you’d been debating whether or not you wanted to go to the bathroom and check later on during lunch after you spent some time to yourself but you chose to continue laying in bed and read through everything
a couple of the typical ‘what was the homework’, ‘lunch?’, and ‘did you know that this happened...’ type of things
but what caught your eye was the ‘hey, did you know that you have a bounty on your head rn?’
you were so confused because you had no clue what that was supposed to mean and typed back a simple ???
and one of your friends ten responded back pretty quickly and he was just like yeah, hendery apparently hates your guts rn so i suggest don’t run into him
you’re just like????? hUH????? who?????
he sends you a picture of himself and a whole group of others and he’s just like furthest dude on the left
you squint at your phone because wow ten you could have chosen a better picture or maybe screenshotted something huh
however once you recognize him, you’re like UH???? KnUcKLeheAD?
ten’s just like yeahh, apparently he found out about your story and has been asking everyone who you are
someone must have told him because ten sent you a screenshot of the story hendery posted that captioned your story with smth like
‘this person rlly don’t have anything better to do besides play therapist for their friends at a p a r t y :///’
you’re gaping at the message and it’s so bad you sit up from bed so fast with your phone in the tightest grip
like what??? and followed by that there’s another screenshot of another story that basically was some poll or something about whether or not you were fun or some lame-o
you were fuming at that and saw the username in the stories ten sent you and basically looked him up and found out who hendery was
your phone was practically thrown to the other side of the bed as you got ready for the day 
part of you was so confused as to who sent him the story but you were also really confused as to why he’d just project you onto his as if you’d see it (which you did soooo)
and you found yourself complaining to your friends about it like who would do that??? it was a joke anyways and plus why does he care when you barely know each other???
they’re all on your side of it too since most of them had met hendery that same night or only knew a couple of the other guys and him by extension
your food was feeling your wrath as you chewed on it and your friends tried to find a different subject to talk about
“hey, did you transfer classes like you wanted? 
you finally smile at that and give a satisfied hum to them
“yep, i finally got out of that blasted quantum mechanics class or whatever”
“why were you in that anyways?????”
you shrug and it’s just confusing to you because you were trying to get an elective course in but they decided to put you in a big science class where people with big brains and bigger egos liked to flex their knowledge and lord it over you when you didn’t understand
“doesn’t matter!! i’m in advanced hip hop dancing now! no more 8am lectures about one dimensional applications anymore”
“but you still have to wake up at 8am to walk across campus to the theatre rooms?”
“it doesn’t matter if you like what you do”
which was the best part since you took hip hop last semester and had some background in dancing before, so the instructor suggest you move to intermediate
but the worst part was the voice you heard behind you
“oh no way in-”
you whipped around and saw the shocked and irritated look on the one and only hendery
“you!” you pointed your fork accusingly at him and he has the audacity to look offended and point both hands at himself
“yeah you! who are you to put me on blast to social media even though i’m a total stranger to you?”
“exCUSE ME?????!! the same goes to YOU!”
“tHE sAmE GoES tO YOu. it was a joke, especially by someone you barely know!!!! i didn’t want to have to see your face first thing in the morning to find out you got butthurt because you bonked your head as a kid and wanted to reenact that??”
hendery almost revolts backwards and holds a finger up
“first of all? do you think i’m happy about getting to see you first thing in the morning either??? and do you think i’d be happy seeing you at 8am every other day?”
you quickly put two and two together and you’re clenching your teeth
“you don’t mean-”
“yeah, see you in advanced hip hop, lame-o”
you (and practically the entire lunch room alkfnskfn) are left in shock as hendery takes his leave without even ordering food
you sit there in shock and think all of a sudden you might not like hip hop anymore
and you’re complaining about it to ten as he sits across from you at dinner, a couple hours after your lunch and having enough time to sit on it
“i should have taken modern dancing with you........ or maybe even ballet 3 with sicheng?”
ten only laughs and you scowl as he attempts to keep his snickers quiet
“you wouldn’t have lasted more than two days. you’d be itching to get your feet moving faster than they can get their toes pointed”
you roll your eyes because he’s right. one of the best parts of dancing hip hop was that you felt you could lose control of yourself in a more reckless way than the other styles of dancing could
“i hate it when you’re right?”
ten smiles at you and pats your shoulder from across the table
you’re just internally screaming that you have to wake up at 8am to see hendery’s dumb face again
“why is it because i’m right so often?”
“no, because i tend to owe you money because i lost the bet”
he snickers and then offers his student id to you
you take it questioningly and he pats the hand that has the id in it
“take it out at the dance studio. they’ve closed it from regular students after 9 since someone decided it’d be funny to steal one of the mirrors”
you roll your eyes but smile gratefully at him
“gotta love TAs with their magical access for ‘tutoring hours’”
“hey they’re actually convenient for when it doesn’t fit someone’s schedule!”
you’re already walking towards the door by the time he says that and you look back cheekily
“tell me that again when you haven’t used it for a private picnic date with someone you met on tinder!”
by the time you reach the dance studio you’re absolutely giddy and so glad you wore comfortable clothing to dinner so you didn’t have to go back to change
your giddiness changed when you already saw somebody in the studio
and as fate would have it, of course hendery had to be there, jamming out to some 80s hip hop song
before you could turn around and leave, he spun around during once of the dances and opened his mouth in shock
“there is no way-”
“save it! i’m just as shocked as you are”
he huffs and turns off the music and stands with his arms folded 
“well what?”
he makes a face and over exaggerates your irritated one with a “wELl WhAt?!?!??!!!?!?”
you set your jaw and mimic his stance but the awaiting look in his eyes told you everything
“i’m not here to apologize if that’s what you’re thinking” you put a hand and put your other on your hip before he could say anything
at least he had enough respect to listen to your cue even though he exasperatedly threw his hands in the air and huffed loudly
“and even if i wanted to, i wasn’t so immature to go around asking everyone about who made me cry because they laughed when i decided to climb a table and almost fall because it was slippery”
“i didn’t cry” he’s got this childish tone to his voice and you know better than to instigate but the fiery look in his eyes only lights up one of your own
“i can give you a reason”
you don’t even realize you’ve stepped in the middle of the dance floor until he huffs out a laugh and meets you in the middle where you have your hands on your hips defiantly and a cocky smirk on your face
he hates it and you feel so powerful seeing him seethe
it only adds to your satisfaction that he ends the stare down by walking away rigidly
however it quickly melds into confusion when he turns the music on again, this time to a more recent song on the radio and one of the songs you were thinking of dancing to actually
he starts walking again, but in circles around you
he adds a spin here and there and a little kick of the leg
“what are you, constipated?”
he takes your comment in stride and backs away again to give you the floor
“you obviously came here to dance, and if you’re all talk about it then why don’t you up me one?”
there’s a bite in your tone but there’s even more snap in your hips
you don’t miss the way hendery’s eyes trail up and down as you flow into another move
you smirk once he trails back up to your eyes and instead of looking caught he only smirks right back
it peeves you a little how confident he looked now and he slowly clapped once you finished up another spin
“not bad for a freestyle”
you hate how much his ego has been stoked and you hate how you absolutely know how much he absolutely seemed to live for your annoyance with him
you two circled each other for a while, none of you really knowing who started moving first and why you both continued
but it was you who stepped forward first, and he responded in kind and it would have been so off putting that you both were so close
when he chuckled at your determined gaze you could practically feel his breath against your face
you felt the anger bubbling in your core once the warmth hit your cheeks
but a closer look at his eyes showed you that he was definitely affected by your snappiness with him and the irritation was practically pooling in his irises 
“you know, for someone who’s in advanced hip hop you sure don’t seem good at motor functions. you could barely stand at that party”
“you know, having fun tends to have that effect. but you wouldn’t know. nobody does anything with you besides stand against a wall and try to talk over the music. there’s a reason why the lyrics are the only words you’re supposed to be hearing”
normally you’d bite your tongue and walk away or tell him he’s being the immature one once again, but those words were dumb and it mad you livid
“funny, for someone who claims to move so well yet you haven’t really shown me anything”
in a flurry of motion, hendery has grabbed your arm and spun you around so that you fall hard into his chest
you can hear a huff of effort from him as he twirls you out again and then back into him but with his hand at your waist
his cocky grin makes you almost growl at him, but you were too shocked to say anything
“cat got your tongue?”
he releases you and then dusts himself off
“you know when you want to act up.......”
he gets in your face and the cockiness as dissolved into the pure annoyance that you are already familiar with from feeling it yourself
“make sure you’re not just all talk.” he turns and grabs all his stuff, but he waves over his shoulder before he leaves “see you in class”
and oooooOOOOOH do you see him in class the next morning
the instructor has greeted you since you transferred in the class two weeks in 
they were glad you decided to come in even though the class was already working on some dances and it would take a couple classes to see where you were at since it’d been a while and also with a different instructor
“hi, i’m hendery. i’m the student instructor/TA, i’ll bring you up to speed”
and GOSH did you feel so angry for waking up at 6am to have breakfast and having to walk across campus in the cold morning air just to figure out you’d have to work 1:1 with hendery for a couple of classes
and he wasn’t too happy about it either
mainly because he had some of your friends on his tail for blasting you on social media and all of a sudden it was talk of the two friend groups and even in some other circles
but while he was getting told off for being immature about it and even about being teased about his clumsiness and somewhat recklessness (which got old real fast)
you were also getting constantly teased by your “boringness” but also some people had the audacity to actually stop inviting you to some things because they thought so
little did you know hendery was sort of in the same boat because they were afraid he’d break something and when he heard that boy did he really want to
and both of your indirect interactions with each other in that method only fueled the spite you had with the direct contact with each other
the next couple of classes you purposely would hit him with an arm when you had it swung out or maybe accidentally stepping on his toes
but he was also quick to make sure to “accidentally” not teach you the full dance to a song or even give you the entirely wrong song to dance to
but the instructor assumed that it was because you were logged from all the physics shenanigans so they wanted hendery to run it through with you during class
you were practically seething over a lunch with your friends about all of this and they gave you tired glances
ten was the only one who seemed unfazed, as he was the only one in the two circles with direct connections to both of you
“i just don’t understand why this keeps happening. if he just wasn’t so immature and keeps insulting me about my way of spending time with friends then i’d stop fighting back”
“but you started it”
“we didn’t know each other, ten! it was just some light jabbing” you scoff at that because it was just so annoying at this point “besides, he was so obnoxious in the first place”
ten gives you an encouraging pat on the back
you groan and say you haven’t been able to spend a good weekend of fun in a couple of weeks thanks to wary eyes or not knowing where the parties are
“didn’t know you could have fun~”
you also smack ten but his cheeky grin lets him get away with it, like it does every time
but he soon makes up for it by giving you the location and time of another party by a friend of his and that he’d be there to hang with you
by the time you got there he was already tearing it up on the dance floor after taking one too many
he was all the more excited to see you though and had jumped into your arms happily and was laughing the whole time
“hey, you made it! you won’t believe who-”
but he was whisked away before you knew it
so you left to get something to drink on your own
somebody you vaguely knew recognized you and started chatting with you on the way
“hey, haven’t i seen you around before?”
“yeah..... i think we took physics together?”
“oh right!!!! i remember, you transferred out right?”
you knew where this was going since they obviously wanted to sound smarter in this situation
they had been your lab partner and it totally sucked to hear them complain about having someone ‘not competent enough to do anything’ as a partner
you only nod and listen to them ramble a little more, looking for someone familiar to latch onto so you could leave this conversation
until you heard
“i didn’t know you went to parties”
“uhhhh....... what made you think that?”
they shrug and they look amused to keep making jabs at you 
“well, i heard you were kind of a stick in the mud. not to mention you don’t really do much at parties, so i figured it wasn’t your scene”
“what? excuse me??”
“oh. well i thought since you were a little slow in class then you wouldn’t be doing anything besides standing around. the dorm’s more your place, yeah?”
before you can go off on the dude, the person’s shoved against the wall and they’re not going anywhere
especially when hendery’s face is in theirs
“that’s enough, buddy. you’re a little harsh, no?”
they give out a nervous laugh and look around to see if anybody is going to come to their aid, but the others have decided to keep moving and ignore what’s going on
you on the other hand are shocked to find that hendery’s here, much more that he’s defending you in a sense
“whatT? didn’t you...... you know, start all of this?”
hendery rolls his eyes but shoves a little harder
you hate to say it, but you were feeling pretty proud of this
“first of all, they did”
“but second of all, you’ve been skating on thin ice ever since you thought it’d be funny to start insulting someone as your first interaction”
“that’s RICH coming from you” and the person’s right, but they’re also toeing the line reeeeeal far with agitating hendery
“oh yeah? i didn’t realize how much of a stuck up twerp i sounded like before i heard those words coming out of your mouth”
you merely watch on and hendery takes a glance out of the corner of his eye to look at you
there’s a hard glare in his eyes but they soften a bit once you come into sight
you’re................... confused????
but you also recognize the anger in his eyes since the person also began jabbing at hendery, so you were prepared for his next line
“by the way... you hungry?”
and hendery had raised his fist up and the person recoiled hard
but it never made contact.....
they timidly looked up to see the fist 
he scoffed and straighted out his clothes as he backed away
“yeah, don’t act though if it’s just that. an act”
he walks away from the person and heads for you
“come on, let’s get you a drink”
you just stand there as he searches around for an empty cup and fills it with water quickly before walking you outside
you didn’t need to be pulled along to follow with him
you wanted answers
by the time you’re outside you just give him an expecting look with your eyebrows raised and he seems almost frustrated to admit his thoughts
“what, cat got your tongue this time?”
he chuckles as he remembers that one instance in the dance studio together but he hums, thinking of his next words
“i mean, i’m not sure how else to phrase it”
“i can wait. i don’t do much besides not have fun anyways”
at this he hangs his head
“okay, well i do feel bad about that. i didn’t realize how harsh those words all sounded until it was being played back to me”
“it took this long to figure out why i was upset by it and not just me being a ‘stick in the mud’?“
he nods and you can see instead of irritation.... there’s sincerity in his eyes now
a.......... sudden, but also welcome change
“yeah... well! no, not really.......... i kind of thought it was childish to keep this whole fighting thing going on, so......”
“why keep it on then?”
he shrugs and looks away, almost like he was embarrassed
“i......... really, really............. really liked the fiery look in your eyes whenever we’d bicker”
you laugh at that this time
“you thought it was hot?”
he almost whines out a “kinda!” but then groans and mumbles
your mischievous look makes him throw his hands up and he’s frustrated again but this time there’s a civil air between you two.... almost...... flirtatious
“yes! i thought it was attractive most of the way through... but even when you’re not mad..... you’re still pretty cute”
you find yourself blushing even though you’re practically glowing in amusement, but then you find yourself turning practically red when he defends himself with an almost equally red face
“and don’t lie!! i know you think i’m attractive too. i saw the way you were eyeing me when i was telling that person off. i was all macho man and you were swooning!”
“i was not!”
“i literally said don’t lie, didn’t i!”
and you keep throwing bickering comments back and forth, but it’s amusing and you both...... like it
after a while there’s a silence in between you before you make a light jab at hendery.... only this time it’s in a soft teasing kind of way
one that the both of you can stand and put smiles on your faces instead
“so you weren’t too chicken to actually land the hit?”
“shut up, i’ll fight if i have to”
“aww, even for me?”
and he’s silent at that but there’s a slight tint of pink you can make out from the lights outside
he purses his lips and decides now is the time to make the move to patch things between you two
“i still think there’s apologies left to be said”
“from both of us?”
“..... yeah”
and you hate to admit that you’ve also been super immature about it, but you’re pretty glad that it’s getting moved past now
but it was so awkward to just do this so suddenly
he notices the tension in between you and decides to make the first move
“okay........ let’s just start over..... hi, i’m hendery. i’ve seen you before. i’m the TA of your advanced hip hop class, right?”
“right! i think i can recall you staring at my butt a couple of times”
“shut up!!” he pushes you slightly but his grin tells you he’s not that shy to admit it and he’s goofing around now “besides...... can’t lie you’re kinda cute though”
and suddenly there’s a crash behind the two of you and you see ten bounding his way for you
“i cannOT believe it, wow! the two of you together and not ripping each other apart. BUT I knEW this would happen”
and you just look at each other like ?????????? huh?????
“that you would look so cUtE together!!!!! everything turned out juuuust right, like i thought it would since the beginning”
and all of a sudden you both made ten explain everything to the both of you
because ten had shared the initial stories to the other person, not thinking it’d go down like this
but most of it was forgiven since you were more distracted by hendery leaning against the railing and having that as an excuse to wrap his arm around you
and you were practically leaning into his side since it was ‘too cold outside’ while you were listening to ten ramble on and on about how his plan ended up being messy but he was living for it
while the both of you gave him an earful about how setting the two of you up could have been done where you didn’t hurt each other’s feelings for so long, he shut you up quickly with a
“oh please, you two bickered like an old married couple. with the way you guys act just get married already! some of those sparks weren’t just angry, there was some love in there too!”
“and do NOT get me started on the sexual tension-”
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jungcity · 5 years ago
can I request an idol au with jaehyun and the reader is also an idol and they get time to spend together but there’s angst and then ends with soft smut/fluff?? Haha if it’s too specific, feel free to write whatever way you think is best! Hope you’re doing better hun ❤️
“And one, two, three— one— okay stop!”
All the movements halted as your leader raised her hand. The music stopped, heavy breathings filled the whole practice room.
“Y/N, you aren’t in sync with us.” She sounds exasperated now. You bowed and told her you were sorry for the incompetence. It’s been hours yet you still could not get your mind to focus on the practice.
“Let’s take a break first, shall we?”
The members scattered to different corners of the room; some drank water, some checked their phone. The only person that was left in the middle was you. You stared at your reflection on the mirror in front, then you sighed.
A frustrated sigh escaped your lips yet again when you saw that there wasn’t any message sent to you by Jaehyun. You have been waiting for hours on end for his call, but to no avail. Gripping the phone tighter with your hand, you slumped on the shiny floors of the practice room.
“Y/N,” Your leader greeted before sitting beside you. She regarded you with careful eyes, biting her lips as if afraid to say what’s on her mind. “This is about Jaehyun, right?” she whispered, cautious by the staffs around you.
You nodded and ran a hand through your hair while biting your lower lip, “Yup.”
She sighed before putting her hand on your shoulder, “It’s their Inkigayo stage, right?” By that, you gave her a curt nod. “You know how promotion weeks are, I bet he’s busy.” Her words were quieter than a whisper, but you heard her absolutely fine.
“Their stage ended an hour ago,” you muttered. This is the first time Jaehyun hadn’t sent you any text after their stage. When you first started dating him, it was a simple promise that you both would understand each other’s schedules— given that the korean pop industry could be so hectic, especially when it’s comeback season. But you could not help but anticipate his texts despite promoting, because he never misses calling or messaging you after each stage. Not until now.
“But he’s one of the MC, right?” she added.
“Inkigayo has already ended,” you added. If they’re doing any v-live right now, you would know.
“I’m sure he’s going to contact you soon. Have a little patience, Y/N. Our own comeback is fast approaching, you wouldn’t want to disappoint our fans, right?” You know she only meant to remind you of the upcoming work, but you could not help but feel embarrassed by your unprofessional emotions.
So you turned off your phone and kept it in the deepest part of your bag. The members were slowly grouping themselves in the middle, ready to dance again. Your leader held her hand out to you, then you took it with a half smile. There’s time for Jaehyun, but right now, you have to focus.
The practice ended five hours later, the choreographer was extra harsh today, given that your comeback is in one week and there’s a tiny bit of polishing you still needs to do. He adviced all of you to practice in your dorms, which elicited a silent groan from you. Ever since the preparations for the comeback started, you could only sleep for three hours maximum; going home at twelve, practicing until three a.m. in your dorm, and waking up at seven a.m. to pratice again. Yet you could not even doze off in the van, nor eat whatever you like, for the fear that you might oversleep and overeat, which could mean two dreadful things; the wrath of your manager, and the wrath of your manager. Again.
Thankfully for today, your chereographer dismissed you earlier. So that you could get enough rest, he said.
Korean pop industry criticizes every hairsbreadth of a move you make, and they don’t miss whenever you gain weight. Hell’s about to go down to your group once that happens. And you could not let that happen. So even if you feel like you might collapse any time soon, you still dance to the music that has been on repeat on the loud speakers of the practice room for weeks.
It’s not like you are tired of it— this has been your life since you were in eight grade, you’ve worked hard to get where you are today. And you badly wanted to be a musician ever since you could count, you’re not going to let it go. No matter how tiring it must be.
You slumped on your seat near the window of the van which would take you to your dorm. The air conditioning cooling your pores, relaxing your body a little bit. It’s been hours, surely, Jaehyun would’ve send you a text already. So you fished for your phone, cursing yourself for having a hard time finding it in your bag. With your heart jumping inside your chest, you press the power button. The logo displayed on the screen. You have no idea why but the van seemed to suffocate you as you wait for the home screen to show up.
You blew out a breath, the conversations being exchanged inside the vehicle seems to be far away from you. Voices are muffled as you stare into your notification panel, empty. What are you doing, Jung Jaehyun?
With a thud, you rested your forehead on the window, the blur of the highway flashing in your eyes. Then you decided to text Jaehyun. You could not wait any longer. But as you clicked the logo of the messaging app, your phone displayed a lone notification. It’s from Naver.
You clicked on the article as fast as your body would allow you. Your forefinger made a silent thump on the screen by how agitated you are. Naeun is Jaehyun’s co-mc together with Minhyuk. Apparently, the article would just berate you and your already boiling blood, but you clicked the notification still.
Pictures accompanied the articles. They were shot in an awkward angle, but you could totally see Jaehyun— smiling— while he sat across from Naeun. It was posted a few minutes just after your practice. A proof that he did not bother to text or call you to inform you of his whereabouts.
“Are you okay?” Your leader asked, placing her hand on your shoulder again.
You feel like combusting in your seat, but you took a deep breath and flashed her your sweetest smile. “Of course.” Then you shifted so your body could shield your phone away from the members.
[Where are you?] You sent with shaking fingers.
Maybe you’re just overreacting. Yes, you probably are. But it’s just a normal feeling, right? Specially when your boyfriend did not even send you any message since the start of the day. One message is all you’re asking. One message. But still, no reply.
You wanted to throw your phone away, if not for the fact that you just bought it and it pairs with Jaehyun’s. So you gave him one last chance. Last chance to reply before you wreck havoc in his life. Last chance until you reached the dorm.
The members has gone straight to their room to get a little bit of rest before a tiring day, yet again, in a few hours. You shut your door silently, which took up a lot of patience to do, by the way. The bed seems so inviting, you literally jump onto it and lay your phone beside you. As you close your eyes, the vibration of your phone tingled on your finger.
[i’m finally at the dorm, love. how about you?]
[Where have u been?]
[inkigayo, love. why?]
Petty as it might sound, you sent him the link of the article you’ve read awhile ago. The messaged displayed ‘read’, but it took him minutes to reply.
[sorry, baby. i’d read the whole thing. what about it?]
With that, you stood up. Really stood up. And began pacing the small space of your room with bulging veins in your temple.
[Wow. You are unbelievable Jung Jaehyun. Really. The headline did not even bother you? Where have you been the whole day? I’ve been waiting for your texts for hours! My God!]
Sweat formed in your forehead, your thumb aching by how aggressive you typed in the words.
[yes it did not bother me. because i wasn’t doing anything wrong.]
[I have no words. Go and date Naeun instead.]
You sent a silent sorry for Naeun in your mind. She does not deserve this, she probably does not even know that you and Jaehyun are dating. This is all Jaehyun’s fault.
[i’m not having any of your tantrums and dramas tonight, y/n. gn.]
What? And with that, you’ve finally reached your end. You threw away the phone. It bounced on your mattress. The sides of your eyes started to sear, Jaehyun never spoke to you that way. And he does not say good night without you seeing each other’s faces. If the time would allow it, you would even sneak out every other night to meet. But it’s impossible now that he’s in the middle of promotion.
You snatched a pair of pajamas in your drawer and decided to shower instead. There is no point curling in your bed and waiting for Jaehyun to say sorry. After a cold shower, you walked straight to your room, declining the offer of your leader for you to eat.
A single message from Jaehyun was on your screen when you opened your phone. It was a media message. You clicked on it. And shame washed over you as you took in the image. It was Jaehyun, Naeun, and… Minhyuk. In the same coffee shop displayed on the article. Before you could type in a reply, Jaehyun sent you a message.
[we’re with minhyuk earlier. i guessed the sasaeng forgot to include him.]
The text was devoid of any emotions, but you could still hear Jaehyun’s impassive voice in your head. Without another thought, you replied to his message.
[I’m sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking rationally earlier. It’s just that—]
Before you could finish the message, Jaehyun’s caller ID flashed on your screen. You slid the green button.
“Baby?” was his greeting.
“I told you not to call me that through phone calls.” You bit your lips. In one of Haechan’s video, Jaehyun accidentally called him ‘baby’. According to him, he thought you were calling by that time since it’s two a.m. already. Thankfully, Haechan called him back with the same endearment, so there wasn’t any rumor that has bubbled from it. After that incident, you told him not to call you baby as a greeting. A single ‘hello’ would do.
But here he is, insisting.
“Can’t help it, my love. I’m outside, by the way.”
You literally fell from your bed. Jaehyun. Outside. Did you shower too long that you lost track of time? You grabbed your curtains, eyes peeking through the window. Even if Jaehyun covered his face with a full-on mask, you would identify him. He was standing near one of the light posts, head turned towards your window. As usual, he’s clad in his all-black clothes. His hear obscured by a cap, with only his eyes peeking through his mask.
“Are you insane? What if someone followed you?!” You hissed.
“Then be ready for some dating articles tomorrow,” he simply declared. The mere thought of your relationship spreading through the whole of South Korea and the world gives you enough creeps to last a lifetime. Jaehyun’s career is on its peak, so do yours. It’s not yet time.
“Jaehyun, go home. Let’s not wait for your sasaengs to find out and sell the photos to Dispatch,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry if I sounded selfish with that, baby. I just…” He paused, “When it comes to you, I’ve got nothing to lose.”
Your breath hitched. There were tears trying to fall down your cheeks when he said the words. Jaehyun was a man of few words. But every time he speaks, he always knew the right thing to say.
“Wait for me,” you breathed and cut off the line. The whole dorm was silent when you departed your room, one light coming from the television in the living room. Wona must be watching her favorite movies again.
You tiptoed to the backdoor, and silenty departed the vicinity of your dorm. Jaehyun remained on his position near the light posts, his foot kicking pebbles on the ground. Your stomach somersaulted by the sight of him. After weeks of not seeing each other because of your schedules, he is here now. You could nearly jumped from happiness. However, despite your elevated feelings, you remained calmed and texted him.
[On your right.]
His phone lit, then he looked at it. Then around him. His sight halted when he saw you. You signaled him with your hand, heart thudding that someone might find you. That would be the end of both of your careers. As Jaehyun jogged the distance between you, you frantically looked around to check if anyone’s spying around. Luckily, there isn’t one.
Jaehyun stood in front of you, his scent wafting your nose with an ache of familiarity. You almost jumped to hug him. But you were stopped when he pulled down his mask and attempted to kiss you.
“Jaehyun!” You warned, eyes widening. The dimpled-boy only chuckled at you. “Let’s get inside before somebody sees us!”
Before opening the back door, you sent a silent prayer that all of your members are comfortably sleeping on their matresses already. Not that they don’t know about you and Jaehyun, but they’d surely kill you if ever they see you sneaking him inside your dorm.
The dorm was the same when you entered, with Wona still watching television. You pressed your finger on your lips as you turned to face Jaehyun, your one hand holding his wrist. He nodded at you before he roamed his eyes around the kitchen.
You tugged his wrist up to your bedroom. And only when you locked the door did you let out the breath you’ve been holding for minutes. Jaehyun sat on your bed, examining your room with curiosity.
“This is my first time seeing your room,” he said, mischief displayed in his irises. You pretended to clean your things to keep your mind off the thought that you’re alone with Jaehyun, in your room.
“Where did you buy this turntable?” He stood up, walked towards your turntable and ran his finger on it.
“In a shop. Where else?”
“Tell me which shop so I could buy the same design as yours.”
You ignored his words, “This is dangerous, Jaehyun. What you did is insane.” You crossed your arms.
He sauntered up to you and wrapped his hands on your waist, “Come on, baby. You wouldn’t have let me visit if I told you. I’ve been planning this for weeks.” He mumbled, pressing his lips on your hair.
“Still. You should have informed me. What if someone saw you leaving your dorm? For Pete’s sake, you’re a member of NCT.” He held the back of your head and gently pressed your face on his chest.
“Baby, stop worrying for a minute.” He then pulled away and cupped your cheeks, “I miss you.” Then he pressed his lips to yours. You stopped yourself from grabbing his hair and deepening the kiss, even though that’s all you wanted to do the moment he stood face to face with you.
“I’m sorry if I didn’t had the chance to text you today. It was a hectic day, baby.” He explained against your lips. Then he started to kiss your cheek, jaw, down to your neck. “Please don’t be jealous. Naeun invited me and Minhyuk for a coffee and that’s it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Jaehyun sucked on your neck then. It took your knees a lot of willpower not to buckle. “That’s my mistake. I thought you were still busy practicing and I didn’t wanna disturb you. Your comeback’s in one week, baby. I don’t wanna be a nuisance.”
“You were never a nuisance, you know that.”
“I know. And you, too. But I hope you understand my reasons, though.” He kissed your collarbone, his fingers pulling the collar of your shirt down. “I love you.” He whispered against your skin, his breath hot. Then he looked at your eyes, “I love you. Forgive me, baby.”
Jung Jaehyun. All the girls swoons at the sight of him ever since he was in high school. Who in their right minds would decline this boy?
So you grabbed his cheeks, “I forgive you.”
His grin transformed his face in an instant. From something adorable, to something… hungry. He kissed your lips with enough ferocity as to bruise the skin.
Then he whispered, in his most raspy voice, “What are you waiting for? Spread those legs for me now, baby. I haven’t eaten yet, and I’m so, so hungry.”
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lostaurorax · 4 years ago
the one
pairing | natasha romanoff x reader
warnings | none that i know of
word count | 597
a/n | hello! i wanted to write this little blurb just to get into the hang of writing. also because i love nat and what better way to start off my account then with a nat x reader blurb!! i know this is super messy and all over the place but it’s my first time so please bear with me! id also love some constructive criticism pls be nice lol! if u have any requests please send them in! also if you’d like to be friends or just talk i’m totally open to that!! i hope you have an amazing night please stay safe and remember you are loved <33
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You knew that you were bisexual but had never really found a girl that would date you or that you were interested in. A ton of guys but never a girl that stuck with you but the minute you saw Natasha you knew she was the one.
Her smile her eyes the way she talked or did anything, to be honest, had you completely starstruck. You felt like cupid had shot you with an arrow or maybe it was just clint. Anyway, you knew she was the one but you just had one problem. She had no idea how you felt about her. Or so that’s what you thought.
”Hey y/n I was talking?” Sam said looking frustrated
“Oh sorry got I distracted what we’re you saying??” how could you not be distracted as Nat stood there in her skin tight leather suit training with a recruit.
Sam followed your gaze and saw you practically drooling over Nat and smirked ”Ah someones got a little crush hm?” Sam said with a goofy smile on his face.
“Hm, what? no way psh I have no idea what you're talking about” adjusting in your seat to where you could only see Nat through the corner of your eye.
”Uh-huh, sure you wouldn’t mind if I went over there and asked her on a date right??” You thought he was joking, you know just Sam being Sam so naturally taking another sip of your drink and sending Sam a goofy wink you said “Go ahead” yeah bad move.
”Hey nat! come here real quick!” Sam said waving his arms looking like those inflatables you see at those car dealerships.
Practically spitting out your drink when Nat started walking over “Oh my God sam I thought you were joking I kind of do-“ your words which came out as more of a whisper were cut short when Nat started talking.
“Hey Sam, y/n..” throwing a cheeky wink your way. ”What’s up??”
“Oh, nothing you know just the usual um y/n here had something she wanted to ask you” raising his eyebrows at you and walking away and saying ”Youll thank me for this someday!”
Flipping him off and standing up from your seat you looked at Nat to see her staring at you “uh shit uh can we um talk outside? it’s kind of hot in here don’t you think” it was room temp Nat was just really hot to look at and standing incredibly close to you.
“Yeah sure come on” leading you out to the balcony as the sunset. ”Oh wow look at the sunset it’s so beautiful,” you said trying to make any type of conversation to avoid telling nat how you felt.
“Yeah it is pretty but I prefer looking at something prettier,” Nat said which kind of made you jealous and wonder what it was she was talking about.
”Oh yeah and what is tha-” as you turned to face Nat she was already facing you and you could've sworn you stopped breathing for a second as you looked into her beautiful eyes.
”You y/n its always been you”
As your cheeks turned the color of the reddish-pink sky to the left of you, you both slowly leaned in and it was exactly how you always dreamt it would be her lips we're as soft as silk and fit perfectly with yours like it was meant to be. As you slowly pulled away not wanting the moment to end and smiled at Nat and the beautiful sunset behind her you finally realized she was the one.
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mewhenhorrormovies · 5 years ago
“Can you please cuddle with me?”
“Is that my hoodie?”
“Let’s go dance in the rain!”
“You make me the happiest person alive.”
“You make me better than I was before.”
“Thank god I’m yours.”
“You put a new heartbeat inside of me.”
“Trust me. As long as I’m here, nobody will hurt you.”
“You’re my one and only.”
“Your my first, my second, and my last choice.”
“You mean the world to me.”
“Are you wearing my flannel?”
“How’d you sleep, love?”
“Pumpkin, your crushing me.”
“Pillow fight!”
“This is WAR! That’s right, I’m going to act like a child!”
“Give me a piggyback ride!”
“How about I just tickle the answer out of ya?!”
“Five more minutes.”
“Come get in bed! I need attention!”
“You always have to have the attention don’t you?” “Duh!”
“I need your love and affection! All of it!”
“Your mine. All mine.”
“Yours. All yours.”
“I won’t ever leave your side.”
“As long as you’re by my side, I can do anything.”
“You are my hopes and dreams.”
“I love you, more than you could know.”
“You’ll never be alone.”
“I’m yours. From now till the end of time.”
“I’m cold! I need hug.”
“Pwease? Just one hug?”
“The sunset is prettier than ever.”
“If we make it out, I promise we will live a normal life, get married and have children.”
“Now kids! Your mother is tired, why don’t you go play with Uncle ____?”
“I love you. And our precious little daughter too.”
“I love you more than my own life.”
“Id give up all my cookies, just to get one kiss!”
“I know it sounds weird but...would you possibly like to meet again?”
“I think I fell in love.”
“You’re so in love.”
“Sorry my dude. You fell hard.”
“Aww! I totally ship you two!”
“I bet they’ll kiss by tonight!” “Your on”
“HA! In your face _____! Where’s my money?!”
“You bet on us?! I can’t bel-never mind I can totally believe it.”
“Awww! My little cuddle bear is blushing!”
“How cute! I made My Prince turn red!”
“Just kiss already!”
“FINALLY! Took you long enough!”
“Why would you just leave me?!”
“I can’t believe it...after all this time?!”
“Did you ever love me? Dammit, DON’T LIE TO ME!”
“You promised! You PROMISED you would always be there!”
“What happened to always and forever?! What happened to your one and only?”
“Are-...are those cuts?”
“KILL ME! If you’ve ever been my friend KILL ME!”
“Get out! Get out get out get out!”
“I hate you! Leave!”
“I-I didnt...no! It wasn’t supposed to be you! Anybody but you!”
“We’re just kids! Why?! Why so much death, so much pain, so much fighting?”
“We were only kids, thrown into an adult war. And now we’ll never recover.”
“IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME! I was supposed to die, not them!”
“Come on, come on. Breathe, come on BREATHE!”
“You liar, be honest or so help me I will drag you to hell!”
“I’m sorry! I only ever loved you, I tried...”
“Please! Open the door, I’m sorry! Please...”
“Don’t leave! I-I didn’t mean it!”
“It’s too late! You already said it, you can’t take it back!”
“Can you hear me? I really miss you. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you...but everybody says your happier...”
“What about me?! What if I’m not happy?!”
“Who cares about everybody?! What about me?”
“Nobody needs me...” “I do...”
“Nobody loves me! Nobody cares! I’m better off gone!” “NO!.....I-I loved you...”
“They’re gone! They’re gone and it’s your fault!”
“I did this! I-I killed them!”
“Y-y-you guys need to l-leave! I’m d-dangerous!”
“Nothing compares to watching a friend die right before your eyes.”
“I don’t belong! I shouldn’t be here!”
“No...why?! Why did it have to be them?! Why didn’t you save them!? HUH?! WHY?”
“Kill me.”
“I hate you. More than anything.”
“You’re dangerous...you can’t come with us.”
“We made it...but at what cost?”
“Do you see these?! These are cuts!”
“I said get away!”
“Go away! I don’t want to talk!”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Don’t even think about me!”
“Don’t touch me!”
“You killed them...so now I’ll kill you.”
“It’s over. They’re gone, they’re not coming back.”
“I miss you. And I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry...your gone and it’s my fault.”
“You said forever! Who knew forever was so short.”
“Don’t you yell at me!”
“Don’t you dare blame this on me, you twat!”
“Get back here and listen when I’m talking to you!”
“Don’t walk away from me, you git!”
“Touch me again, see what happens.”
“Don’t call me again.”
“Go. Away.”
“The future rests in your hands now...”
“Take care of everyone...I won’t be there anymore.”
“She was our hope! She was the only thing that kept us going and she’s gone!”
“She sacrificed herself for me...”
“So many have sacrificed themselves for us to get here...friends...family.”
“Boys....I love y’all...don’t forget me...ple-........”
“Is it over...?” “This is only the beginning.”
Random Silly Prompts~
“I’m a simple woman. I crave one thing...C H A O S.”
“Bite my rat sass.”
“Uh oh, here we go again.”
“Come on, let me sing you old crooked nose, slimy grandma.”
“Hey guys, Whats u-” “Go stuff an egg up your nose.”
“What are those?!?!”
“Wait, you remember vines?”
“Was that a vine reference?!”
“Welcome home, boys.”
“Welcome home, girls.”
“Welcome home.”
“We did it. We made it.”
“I don’t give a rats sass about yo day.”
“Ew, you’re reading?” “Gross, your breathing?”
“Nasty, your writing?” “Disgusting, your living?”
“Hey, don’t play dumb with me!” “But he’s not playing. He’s actually dumb.”
“Nobody has managed to kill me yet. Few have tried and succeeded but not for very long. I always come back.”
"I'm not even sure she's entirely human."
"I don't care about your Bee Movie opinions, go to sleep."
“Don’t be such a jerk.”
“I have made the inference that you are actually a bully.”
“I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me!”
“They would disagree but in reality they have no idea what they’re actually doing.”
“Thank the devil, I thought you were serious for a second there.”
“I made a bet. I lost. It’s simple as that.”
“Shut up, buckle up, and hold on tight.”
“Well this turned into a giant cuddle pile.”
“Trouble is my middle name. I thought you’d know that by now.”
“stop staring before your eyes fall out of your head.”
"I swear to the devil you have the attention span of a Boston terrier puppy with ADHD and ADD on crack. You don't listen even if it would save your life!”
“If everyone would just stop shucking panicking for five seconds and act like they still have a lick of sense left, we might actually be able to get something done here.”
“And, I'd love to be sorry for everything but we all know that I've done much, much worse.”
“Every time you sleep, you are practicing your death.”
“I guess its time to throw logic out of the window.”
“We must remain calm.” “I can’t remain calm. I’ve never been calm.” “Okay, well then remain not screaming.” “Remain not externally screaming. Okay. Got it.”
I found a few on Tumblr but I forgot from who! I’m so truly sorry, if you know who then please tell me so I can give them credit.
Also, please send me request! You can say ‘section 1 20 and 47’ or ‘fluff 2 and 10’ or ‘7 and 27 from Angst’ whichever just please send requests
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raywritesthings · 4 years ago
Against Type
My Writing Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Martha Jones, Mickey Smith, Tish Jones Pairing: Martha Jones/Mickey Smith Summary: A comment from her sister has Martha considering her past relationships, the ways in which her and Mickey’s working partnership differs or doesn’t and why that might be a good thing. Pre-Relationship. Warning: Tenth Doctor Critical *Can be read on my AO3 and FFN, links are in bio*
She hadn’t meant to tell anyone, but that was the thing about having a sister. You just tended to share everything with each other the minute you saw them again. So in the middle of a catch-up session over brunch where Martha had been telling Tish about her and Mickey’s latest job, she maybe got a little too into explaining her partner’s role in things.
“He’d been studying their systems inside and out for two days, and he ended up rigging a transmission to make it look like it was coming from their home planet,” Martha told Tish excitedly. “Telling then to report home right away. So now they’re off and about to be totally clueless when they finally get there. Course, doesn’t stop them from coming back, but it gives us more time to prepare. I mean, it was brilliant!”
“Can you gush about him more? I’m not sure I know how brilliant he is,” Tish deadpanned. Martha paused one raising her glass to her lips, feeling her cheeks heat a little. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve got a crush.”
Tish’s mouth fell open, and Martha prepared herself for a lecture on dating someone you work with, but what her sister said next was, “On Mickey?”
Martha frowned. “What’s wrong with Mickey?”
“Nothing, but he’s not exactly your type, is he?”
Martha set her glass down fully and crossed her arms. “What is my type, exactly?” This ought to be good.
Tish smirked. “Skinny posh boys with a doctorate?”
Okay, that was pretty good. Martha looked away. “I’m over all that. Call it expanding my horizons.”
“Yeah, but Mickey?”
“Let’s drop it, alright?” Martha requested, feeling hurt and unsure and most of all upset on Mickey’s behalf. “How’s your job?”
They chatted for a while more, but Martha was glad to pay her share of the bill and head back to her flat, mulling over her feelings and Tish’s reaction to them. Was it really so surprising she might go for someone like Mickey?
Sure, on paper, he hardly resembled the Doctor or Tom. If anything, Martha considered that a good thing. She’d had about enough of the skinny posh boys, as her sister had put it.
And so what if Mickey didn’t have some fancy title and a degree? He had practical experience in spades and a drive to learn things all on his own. Martha didn’t doubt if things had been different — if he had come from somewhere other than a council estate, if he’d been white — his teachers would have seen the potential in him and encouraged it, forwarded him on to all kinds of higher learning opportunities. But Mickey hadn’t even needed them and their biased help. He’d taught himself computers just the same as he used trial and error to build them new tech to go up against any hostile aliens they came up against in their line of work. He hadn’t let it keep him down.
Martha felt a sense of solidarity in that. Both of them, in their time traveling, had been left largely to figure things out on their own when traveling with the Doctor, at least compared to some of his other companions they’d met. They’d shared one or two quiet, wondering conversations in the dead of night over a drink if there had been a reason to their being singled out that way, and if the reason wasn’t all that alien to their lives here on Earth. In the end, they’d decided it was for the best that they’d found each other now, and that the past was the past.
But what about the future? Should Martha act on her growing feelings, or was this just some fleeting crush borne from spending most of her time with Mickey and sharing the highs of doing the work they did? Surely that he wasn’t her commonly assumed type meant that what she was feeling was genuine, right?
It wasn’t like she just liked him because he was everything the Doctor and Tom weren’t. That wasn’t true either. If there was one thing all three men shared, it was a desire to make their world a better place, to step in and help where they saw it needed doing. That was something Martha felt a calling for as well.
The difference was that Mickey did it with her, together and as equals. She’d been wanting that for so long, why wouldn’t she fall for the man who finally gave that to her? No, as far as Martha was concerned, the question Tish should’ve asked at brunch wasn’t why Martha had feelings for Mickey; it was why had it taken her this long to admit it?
She supposed because, just as people might have decided Mickey wasn’t her type, Martha didn’t know if she was his. She wasn’t blonde, she didn’t have that childhood connection to him that Rose had had. Martha didn’t think she could set herself up to act on feelings for someone who might see her as an alright substitute for Rose Tyler once again. Not that Mickey had ever given her that feeling before. For someone who had known Rose for nearly ten times longer than the Doctor, he didn’t bring her up half as often, and never in comparison. She supposed that meant he was over her.
But that didn’t mean he was into Martha, either. She wasn’t going to get her hopes up that way again for nothing.
Her phone rang, and Martha glanced at the caller ID. “Must’ve been his ears burning,” she remarked to herself before answering. “Hey.”
“Hey, you still at breakfast?”
“Nope. Why?”
“Got a call from a bloke in South London. Says he’s convinced he’s got monsters in his bathroom pipes. Reckon you got time for a consultation visit?”
“Definitely.” If nothing else, it meant more time together. And that really said how serious this was getting for her.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up by 11.”
“It’s a date,” she said, careful to keep her tone light. Martha told herself not to put any stock in his answer anyway.
Yet Mickey crowed with delight in a way that had her grinning hard enough to hurt her cheeks. “Business and pleasure. I like the way you think, Jones.”
“Yeah? Then get off the phone and come get me,” she teased, feeling brave.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Martha was still smiling as she hung up and pocketed her phone, quick marching back to her flat to change into some better clothes for work. Her relationship with Mickey wasn’t like any relationship she’d had with a man before, and in a lot of ways, it was thrilling and terrifying at once.
She wouldn’t trade it for the skinniest, poshest boy with fifty doctorates. The days were over when she’d settle for mooning over a pretty face, not when something far better had come along.
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trans-advice · 5 years ago
Hey, for the past 5 or so years I have privately identified as nonbinary or not conforming to any gender, and even recently requested that my boss and coworkers use they/them pronouns. About a month ago I stumbled across a "gender critical" blog and started reading it. I know it's a bad idea to engage with trolls, especially when it will impact your sense of self, but I felt restless that my existence was being debated and wanted to hear the other side. Now I am feeling confused (1 o 2 asks)
I’m feeling confused and gross, wondering if all this time I have been actually working against my own feminist beliefs, or if I’m just being naive and getting indoctrinated. Like,I worry about me being a female who simply didn’t subscribe to gender stereotypes, tricking myself into thinking I"wasn’t like the other girls". I have also been wondering about what it means to identify into an oppressed group, and why we can’t talk about it without being dismissed as a dumb TERF. (1 o 2 asks) Thx
— Eve: CW: long post, possibly rambley, could’ve used better editing, transphobia, “gender critical”, recuperation, discussion of “terf” politics, recuperation of liberation movements, politics, oppression, rape culture, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist,
So basically I have tried for almost 4 weeks to write a response detailing this stuff. however it’s gotten too unwieldy. i tried to condense it, but this was as close as i got. it’s practically like 3 drafts back to back. I couldn’t figure out the differences & when i saw similarities it seemed significantly different enough. so I’m not editing any further. here’s a mindvomit. i wish i had this more polished but I can’t do that & i didn’t get a response.
however I’m going to make a history book recommendation, a referral to gendercensus2020, and i need to emphasize that these are much more like personal beliefs & not generally the tone of this blog which aims to give advice & positivity, while this is inherently political, the good bad & ugly. and there are trans people of various persuasions so I don’t want alienate them. i dissecting some ideologies that are transphobic, how they became that, how they got recuperated, and how you can find the same concerns being addressed. I’m answering this because it totally makes sense to me that this is asked in good faith & I want to respect your concerns & show that there are better methods of liberation activism that are trans affirmative, or at least must become & develop into such.
So I’m going to recommend the book “Transgender History (Second Edition)” by Susan Stryker, which I have put on our blog’s google drive account, so hence a link. It goes into the historic common ground between the feminists & LGBT+ peoples. It also gets into historic movements. And on top of that, the first chapter is literally a list of terminology deconstructing gender, which is also helpful for analyzing topics feminism analyzes..
another thing you need to know regarding the label lesbian back in the day is that it was a catchall for any woman who didn’t have sex with men. now granted, this was a cisnormative understanding, but basically lesbians included celibate women, asexual women, and of course bisexual women in addition to gay women.
basically the normal advice of wait til you have your own money to have sex, wait til your mid 20s, don’t rely on a man to pay your bills etc, all of this comes from political lesbianism, which was like be celibate or else have sex that doesn’t involve sperm. (granted, communities cannot be monoliths if they want to be ecosystems, like any movement label there are different interpretations made by members of it, and therefore there are some strands that uphold a homonormative appreciation for conversion therapy. perhaps a middle ground for understanding how that happened is that joke about macho sexuality purity “if a man masturbates with his hand, he’s using a man’s hand to get off, then it’s gay.” granted, there was of course a political/economic reason to this, but still, it seems in terms of history that this joke was considered actually legitimate.)
“lesbian” was a catchall for women who didn’t have sex with men. this included ace, celibate & gynephiliac women. part of the reason these communities were conflated again had to do with the economic pressures to get married which I’ll detail a few paragraphs from now. (while this next thought could be incorrect because I did just learn about ‘compulsory heterosexuality" a month ago, I think the vestiges of those economic pressures are basically the gist of “comphet”.) the goal of political lesbian as well as lesbian separatism was to build an economy/get money that didn’t require submission to patriarchy, via marriage, pregnancy etc. so basically in an effort to build like support networks, “men” were shunned as much as possible.
however these networks ended up replicating capitalism, (partly due to oppression against communes & other anti-capitalist activities) which then replicated the oppressions of capitalism. it makes sense that transphobia had formed of assimilation/respectability politics for such feminists. To quote from the criticism section of the Wikipedia article on the women’s liberation movement.
> The philosophy practised by liberationists assumed a global sisterhood of support working to eliminate inequality without acknowledging that women were not united; other factors, such as age, class, ethnicity, and opportunity (or lack thereof) created spheres wherein women’s interests diverged, and some women felt underrepresented by the WLM.[208] While many women gained an awareness of how sexism permeated their lives, they did not become radicalized and were uninterested in overthrowing society. They made changes in their lives to address their individual needs and social arrangements, but were unwilling to take action on issues that might threaten their socio-economic status.[209] Liberationist theory also failed to recognize a fundamental difference in fighting oppression. Combating sexism had an internal component, whereby one could change the basic power structures within family units and personal spheres to eliminate the inequality. Class struggle and the fight against racism are solely external challenges, requiring public action to eradicate inequality.[210] >
birth control helped to liberate women & that accommodation/handicap for reproductive health disabilities (disability is merely inability to do something that’s Normative. so if having a uterus, pregnancy/menstruation/having breasts etc aren’t considered normal, which is especially common in a patriarchal society for these examples, then it’s disability.) It should be said that due to the desire for bodily autonomy to regulate our own body parts, as well as a desire to manage our fertility & sterilization, the transgender movement has a lot in common with feminism’s female-as-disability movement.)
it should also be noted that before the medical transitioning became accessible that us trans people relied a lot more on social transitioning than medical transitioning. it should also be mentioned that the medical procedures are available & used by cisgender people too.
that being said, since both cis females & transgender women were denied birth control etc, there was a very intense fear of impregnation happening & trans women going back in the closet not only to get money under patriarchy but also because life raising a kid is hard. like if you’ve ever seen “the stepford wives” & look at how the ally husband betrays his feminist wife, then that should clue us into how a lack of birth control scared us.
the problem with the school of feminism that emphasizes physiological sex over gender identity (in order to deny the existence of trans people with female-organs or not) is that it doesn’t account for birth control & how that’s affected the landscape, the economy etc, the revolutionary impact of birth control basically. it also ignores that trans people & cis women feminists have the same goals when it comes to getting freedoms about reproductive rights & bodily autonomy. therefore it ends up being transphobic & wanting to run back into the times when we didn’t have abortion access because they want to hurt us.
That being said though, we need to have birth control & more in order to help liberate trans people too, so if somewhere doesn’t have birth control, then we’re not doing well either because it’d pay a lot more to be transphobic (which of course it doesn’t now when we have birth control & various medical & other technologies). i think what I’m trying to say is that similar to disability accomodations clashing with each other, if we of the women’s liberation, the trans liberation, and the gay & lesbian liberation, and the bisexual & ace liberation get stranded then we’re all doomed. granted we might be doing that due to defensiveness with hostility similar to how in the 1980s feminism got very conservative in USA & how some transgender people get spared in systems with strict gender conformity & anticolonialist values, it’d be wrong to say that all our liberations are in conflict with each other. they can be mishandled, but ultimately, safety still tends to favor cisheteropatriarchal people. internalized patriarchal thinking is like internalized queerphobia, and so forth.
I want to emphasize that it is relatively easy for transgender people especially nonbinary people to find gender critical discourse somewhat appealing. Here’s why: TERFs & Gender Critical discourse is agender-normative disability discourse regarding reproductive health & other AFAB organs. (a disability is being unable to do things that society considers normative. so if you can’t drive & your locale de facto requires it, then that’s a disability. also in usa you’ll find that pregnancy & disability are the main things welfare programs prioritize. a pregnancy can be harmful, but can be easier with the right monitoring etc. which again is the same with disability.)
the problem though is that they then insist on misgendering you as one of the binary genders based on objectification of your body (specifically, “morphology”). point being, because you feel dysphoric over being misgendered as something nonbinary as being mislabeled as cisgender, this implies that you are indeed transgender.
Now to be clear, there are historical economic considerations that made the decisions to specialize on the intersectionality of cisgender AFABs, but the economy & technology has changed. Basically marriage back in the day was economically necessary because there was effectively no birth control available. Therefore, to get child support etc, required getting the father to pay the consequences. However, marriage was very much a chattel property institution, marital rape was still legal, and women couldn’t get credit etc in our own names.
At the same time, similar to birth control being unavailable, hormones & other procedures for medically transitioning trans people were unavailable as well, which meant social transitioning & wardrobe etc were the main methods of affirming our gender. however, we sometimes got lucky & had a doctor write us a note affirming our gender & sometimes we got even luckier & govts accepted this. this however required getting labelled sick & begging doctors to give us treatment & getting money for this since insurance companies etc still discriminated against transgender people even when we agreed to have our gender identity situation labelled as sick & medically necessary. (similarly insurance companies still refuse to cover abortions & so do some doctors & hospitals.)
So this meant that AFABs were concerned about getting hijacked via impregnation. Because of the patriarchal economics of the whole thing, people were afraid of “the stepford wives” repeating itself in their own lives, where the mind can only handle what the ass can stand would mean trans women would go back into the closet.
Granted, that’s a bit misrepresentative of trans women & trans people because trans people & cis women who can get pregnant do have a lot more in common. we take the same meds, go to the same clinics, menopause etc gets taken due to distress over how our bodies work, etc. then again, how would trans AMAB people have gotten the money for child support?
historically & still to this day we basically had to beg doctors for the ability to get hormones to get a surgery to get a gender marker change & so on, which granted, what we trans people had available to us varied from locale to locale because it required collaborations of trans people, doctors, and the local govts & especially their police stations. again, before roe v wade abortion providers were super underground & secretive & there were specialized units at police stations for hunting down patients & providers under the charge of “murder”. it’s the same dynamics.
seriously trans people & people with bodies that can get pregnant, menstruate, menopause, etc, we go to the same clinics! women’s health clinics take trans patients, planned parenthood takes trans patients, do i need to go any further on how trans people & feminists have the same interests regarding reproductive health?
as for political lesbianism:
basically the normal advice of wait til you have your own money before having sex, wait til your mid 20s, don’t rely on a man to pay your bills etc, all of this comes from political lesbianism, which was like be celibate or else have sex that doesn’t involve sperm. (i’m not sure what the conditions were like surrounding not piv sex among the straights, and therefore what the likelihood of avoiding piv sex was. I do know that rape culture was much more heavily normalized than it is now.)
“Lesbian” was a catchall for women who didn’t have sex with men. this included: - ace, - celibate - bisexual - gay women. Part of the reason these communities were conflated again had to do with the economic pressures to get married, (while this next statement could be incorrect because i did just learn about ‘compulsory heterosexuality" a month ago, i think the vestiges of those economic pressures such as weddings are basically the gist of “comphet”.)
The goal of Political Lesbianism as well as Lesbian Separatism was to build an economy that didn’t require submission to patriarchy, such as that of marriage, pregnancy etc. In efforts to build like support networks, “men” were shunned as much as possible.
However these networks, (partly due to lacking radicalization) ended up replicating capitalism, (partly due to oppression against communes & other anti-capitalist activities) which then replicated the oppressions of capitalism. It makes sense that transphobia had formed of assimilation/respectability politics for such feminists. To quote from the criticism section of the Wikipedia article on the women’s liberation movement.
> “The philosophy practised by liberationists assumed a global sisterhood of support working to eliminate inequality without acknowledging that women were not united; other factors, such as age, class, ethnicity, and opportunity (or lack thereof) created spheres wherein women’s interests diverged, and some women felt underrepresented by the WLM.[208] While many women gained an awareness of how sexism permeated their lives, they did not become radicalized and were uninterested in overthrowing society. They made changes in their lives to address their individual needs and social arrangements, but were unwilling to take action on issues that might threaten their socio-economic status.[209] Liberationist theory also failed to recognize a fundamental difference in fighting oppression. Combating sexism had an internal component, whereby one could change the basic power structures within family units and personal spheres to eliminate the inequality. Class struggle and the fight against racism are solely external challenges, requiring public action to eradicate inequality.[210]”
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allmight-amiright · 6 years ago
Redo. Bakugou Katsuki
Request: hey hey hey! Your angst is well, angsty. I love it, could you do a Bakugo&Reader fighting a villain with a quirk that can erase memories and the reader gets caught by their quirk? I love your writing keep it up!
Word count:2.5K
Warnings: Swears
Notes:  If you don’t think Bakugou says ‘yo,’ you can fight me. Can we also make it canon that Bakugou loves saying shit like “THAT’S MY WIFE”
It was just a normal Wednesday afternoon where Bakugou was concerned.  Sure, you got called off on a mission, but that wasn’t going to stop him. He had work to do.  It was Wednesday and Wednesday meant trash day, mid-week laundry day, and “Bakugou, please, for the love of All Might, organize your dresser drawers” day.  With you out on a mission, that also meant that he was in charge of dinner so the two of you could eat when you were done. 
Bakugou felt like a housewife straight out of the 1950s.  He had a bandana to hold his hair away from his face.  He had an apron protecting his black t-shirt.  It was your flower-y apron, but it was an apron nonetheless.  He had been balancing a number of different tasks during the day, making sure his pasta didn’t boil over, folding and putting away your laundry, making the bed, paying attention to his favorite soap opera so he could discuss with Kirishima later, cleaning out the fridge, and anything else he could think of that needed to be done.
He was draining his pasta when his phone started to buzz and play the tune that he had set to your contact.  He hit the speaker button and continued dumping his noodles into the strainer.  “Hey, babe.  How’s it going?” He asks.
“Woah.  Didn’t realize we had reached ‘babe’ status,” a voice that is very much not yours answers with a laugh.
“Oh, hey, Kirishima.  Dude! Did you see today’s episode?!”
“Dude! Jessica!”
“I know! She’s totally going to get murdered by her ex-husband’s new girlfriend’s son.”
“He’s so gonna kill her! Okay, but Ivan, though?  I didn’t like him, but I think he’s growing on me.”
“Yeah, he and Karen stole that baby and he’s like a new dude.  A good dad?  Now that’s something I can get behind.  It’s really too bad that the baby was just a scheme set up by Karen so she could leave the baby with Ivan and sneak off with Derek.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna suck when Ivan finds out.  But, he’s not find out for at least another three months.”
“Dude, I know,” Bakugou says, sighing.  Then he remembers.  “Yo, why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
“Oh, yeah! So, here’s the shit.  Dropped my phone in the ambulance on the way here, so one of the EMT guys is go-”
Bakugou’s smile drops.  He sets the pot in the sink, holding his phone up to his ear.  “Why did you need an ambulance, Kirishima?” He growls.
“Oh, I didn’t! Y/N did,” Kirishima says nonchalantly, as if it really wasn’t a big deal and that it was as normal as catching a bus.
“What the hell did you do to my wife!”
“Oh! Right! That’s why I called you. See,” Kirishima’s composure switches from his typical cheer to more of a nervous shake, but most people did that when they had to talk to an angry Bakugou, especially if it concerned you.  
“I swear on your mother’s life, if you let any villain lay a finger on my wife, I will personally cut off your toes and shove them down your throat!” Bakugou threatens, his rage bubbling with each passing moment.
“No! Dude, she’s fine! Well, kind of… Like, she’s definitely awake, sitting right here next to me.”
“Then, let me talk to her.”
“Well, about that… Maybe you should talk to her in person.”
“Remember Kirishima, if I get there and there’s as much as a scr-”
“Yeah, I know, dude.  Toes.  Yum.  Gotcha.  Stop threatening me and come here.”
Bakugou didn’t need to be told twice.  He had already hung up the phone and was half way out the door. “Shoes, keys, phone, wallet,” he mutters to himself, patting his pockets before leaving.
But he came bursting back through the door a few moments later with a simple, “Fuck, my chicken!”  He yanked open the oven, grabbing the dish of chicken breasts, ready to be added to the pasta, recoiling as the scalding hot pan seared his hand. Bakugou released a stream of swears as he held his hand under the now running tap, digging in a drawer for a pot holder. With his new safety precaution, he removed the chicken, setting it down on top of the stove before sprinting out the door. 
He stood at the front desk at the hospital, tapping his fingers against the desk impatiently, waiting for a receptionist.  A tired young man emerged from around the corner and took a seat and gave Bakugou a polite smile. “What can I do for you, sir?”
“I need to see Y/N Bakugou.”
“Okay,” he murmured, typing your name into his computer.  “What’s the relation?”
“She’s my wife! I should get to see her!”
“Can I see your ID?”
“This is ridiculous,” Bakugou grumbled, pulling his ID out of his wallet and handing it to the guy behind the counter.  
The receptionist doesn’t say anything, checking the information on the ID to the information Kirishima had written on your patient forms.  “Okay, sir, everything seems to match up, Ms. Bakugou is on the seventh floor, room 737.  Just go through those doors and the elevator will be to your left.”
“Thanks,” he mutters, sliding his ID back in his wallet and starts to walk away.  “Oh, hey, by the way, that’s Mrs. Bakugou to you.”
Up the elevator and down the hall he went.  He practically slammed the door to your room open.  “Alright, dumbass, what-” He’s greeted by the horrified stare of a little girl hooked up to an IV.  He looked at the number plaque on the door.  747. Shit. “I’m so sorry.  I’ll just be going,” he says, starting to leave. 
“Hey, mister!”
“Yeah, kid?”
“Are you that one superhero with the fire?”
“Yeah, that’s me.  Listen, kid, I’m a little busy right n-”
“You and the really nice lady are married, right?”
He couldn’t help but laugh at you being referred to as ‘the really nice lady.’  He knew just how feisty you could be, especially with him.  He had seen you red hot mad, threatening to smack him with a spoon.  He knew that you could and would kick his ass given a good enough reason.  But he also had seen you out in the field, saving civilians.  It brought out your motherly nature and what being a hero was all about, helping people.  So, he figures he could see where she got the idea.
“Yeah, I am,” he answers, smiling a little, running his thumb over his silver wedding band. 
“She saved my life today, but I didn’t get to tell her thank you.  So, can you give this to her?” The girl holds up a folded piece of paper with a crudely drawn image of you and the girl on the front with ‘Thank you’ written in purple crayon, but it was spelled more like ‘Thak yew,’ but it’s the sentiment that matters, right?
Bakugou walked over to her and crouched down so he was level with her.  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll take this to her, and when she’s all good to go, I’ll bring her by for a quick visit, okay?”
Her eyes lit up as she clutched the teddy bear that was wearing a little mask that was similar to the one you wear.  “You’d really do that? She’s my favorite!”
“I’m sure that she’d love to meet you.  Now, I have to go find her, but I’ll make sure she gets your card.”
“Thank you, mister!”
“Of course.  Feel better, kid.”  Bakugou walked out of the room, closing the door much quieter than he had opened it.  
Found it.
He double-checked the number on the door and just to be safe, he took the clipboard of health information off the wall, checking it over for your name.
There it was. 
Y/N Bakugou.
He opened the door to you laying in your hospital bed, carrying on a quiet conversation with Kirishima who was sat in the chair next to your bed.  At the sound of his entering, you and Kirishima stop your conversation and turn your attention to him.  Kirishima smiles at him, but you just stare at him in confusion.
“Hey, man!” Kirishima says, raising a hand in greeting. 
Bakugou moves over to your side.  He sets the card down on the table next to you before sitting down on the edge of the bed.  “What’s up, dumbass?” He asks, looking at you.
You just look at him, pulling your legs up towards the rest of your body and away from him.  “Kirishima?” She asks, turning back to her previous conversation partner.  
Bakugou looks at you bewildered and then turns his gaze to his friend.  “I thought you told me that she was fine!” He snapped.
“Yeah, she is, dude!”
“Then, why is she acting like that!”
“I’m right here, you know,” you pipe up, obviously offended that he’s talking about you in such a manor when you’re three feet away from him. 
“Yeah, about that,” Kirishima says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.  “So, we were fighting off this villain, right? Well, we were helping the people we evacuated and this dude’s like, ‘Yo, my daughter is still in there.  You gotta help her.’ So, we were like, ‘Ight. Bet.’ So, we’re going to find this dude’s daughter and we find her, obviously, because we’re heroes, you know?  Anyway, so, we got the kid and we’re leaving and then bad guy shows up out of nowhere! He’s all like ‘gotta snatch those memories for that power,’ and he’s going for the kid, but Y/N throws the kid behind her just in time to save the girl, so that’s the good news.  Bad news, she doesn’t remember shit.  I’ve been trying to jog her memory since she woke up, but nothing’s working, dude.”
Bakugou turns his attention to you.  “Who am I?” He asks.
“A grouchy asshole who came into my hospital room, called me a dumbass, and started yelling at the only person who’s been here for me!”
“My name, smartass,” he snarls.
“How the hell am I supposed to know! Didn’t you hear? I don’t remember.”
“You don’t get to not know me! We’re married! See this?” He snaps, holding up his hand next to yours. “Married.  So, you better figure out who I am real fast, princess.”
“Why would I marry you? You’re a complete ass!”
“I said the exact same thing, but you sure as hell didn’t care then, so why do you now!”
“Because I don’t know who you are!” You shout. 
 The room is filled with eerie silence as it finally sinks in. You really don’t know.  You really don’t remember being married to him for the past five years.  You don’t remember dating him.  You don’t even remember his name.  
“Y/N, baby, it’s me.  It’s Katsuki.”  He scoots closer to you, taking your hands in his, maybe hoping the feeling would ignite some kind of memory.  “I’m your Kacchan. Your literal hot-stuff.  Come on! Sugar Muffin?”
Kirishima can’t help but snort.
“Listen, I believe you, really, but I just don’t remember.”
“No! You have to.  You have to remember, Y/N.  You can’t just forget everything that we’ve been through.  Everything we’ve planned.  We had our whole life planned! You can’t just forget something like that, Y/N!” He begged.  The anguish was beginning to wash over him.  How could you?  How could you just forget about The Plan?  You guys were supposed to go to the shelter soon and pick out a dog.  The two of you wanted to have a kid within the next few years.  You were going to buy your first house outside of the city, so Yuri could grow up in a safer place.  Yuri was supposed to have a little sister.  They were going to grow up and go to a hero school, just like their parents, if they wanted to.  
“Please,” he whispered, squeezing your hands.  “You have to remember.  I can’t spend the rest of my life knowing that you don’t remember who I am.  You’re my everything, Y/N.  I mean, just look at these pictures!” He pulls his phone from his pocket and opens his camera roll, going to the saved album that was just pictures of the two of you. “Maybe if you look at how things used to be, you’ll remember.  See, there’s us last Christmas.  You bought us those stupid reindeer antlers, because you thought they’d make a cute picture for our Christmas card.  This one’s from your birthday.  We took a hike and had a picnic next to this really pretty lake.  I bet that you couldn’t catch five grapes in your mouth.  You couldn’t, so I got to throw you in the lake. You ended up getting pneumonia, because I’m a dumbass.  We took this one on our anniversary.  I took you to the aquarium.  I hadn’t seen you that excited in such a long time.  You were running around that place like a kid in a candy store.  You kept trying to take selfies with the fish.  Here’s one of our wedding pictures.  You looked so incredible.  I really couldn’t believe that I was finally going to be able to call you my wife.  Look, there’s Kirishima ruining our perfectly good photo.”  
Bakugou probably spent close to two hours scrolling through the photos, telling you a little bit about each one, hoping that you would jump in with some other memory from the day, but he never got that.  You just sat there in silence, smiling politely, adding a small ‘That’s nice’ every now and again.  But, you just truly didn’t remember and no amount of pictures was going to change that.  Bakugou was aware of that, but he wasn’t willing to admit it.  He wasn’t willing to admit that every moment, every kiss, every secret shared was now gone from your memory.  
He finally stopped.  He couldn’t do it anymore.  He couldn’t keep scrolling through those photos and see you feeling nothing right in front of him.  He took your hands, squeezing them in his.  Bakugou leaned his forehead against your knuckles.  His back rose and fell with shaky breaths.  “I should’ve been there.  I should’ve protected you.  That’s what a good husband does.  But, I just let this happen to you instead.  I’m such a piece of shit…”
“Stop that,” you say.  “From everything you told me, you sounded like you were a perfect husband.  I’m sorry, okay?  I wish I could remember.”
“I just don’t.”
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