#iced chai tea latte
fattributes · 2 years
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Iced Matcha Chai Latte
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Chai Latte Cupcakes
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timmurleyart · 5 months
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Tasty boba tea. 🧋🥛🟡🟠😋⚫️
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scoutingthetrooper · 1 year
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i ventured out of the woods recently and went to a cafe and had one of those fancy art lattes
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dr pepper is for lesbians in the same exact way as iced chai lattes are
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like?? they just gave the same energy. the same lesbian energy
- a iced chai latte ass dr pepper ass lesbian
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octo-crafts · 1 month
Cheapskate iced chai* latte
*by which I mean black tea + cinnamon + cloves, not actual chai
Time: 5 min effort + 30+ min steeping + overnight chilling
Makes: c 1.5L
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6 bags black tea (I use the dirt cheap no name ones)
2 sticks of cinnamon
c 1.5 tsp whole cloves
Honey to taste
1.7L water (or the max your kettle will let you boil at once)
Other warm/sweet spices, work best if they're in big enough pieces not to fall through a tea ball
Large coffee maker pot (or other heat-proof container, a saucepan will work its just annoying to pour from
Tea ball
Slotted/holed spoon
Set water to boil. While that's happening, put all other ingredients in the coffee pot, using the tea ball to hold the cloves.
Pour boiling water into coffee pot and let steep for 30+ minutes (or to taste. I am here for tea strong enough that it looks like coffee)
Remove tea bags/tea ball/cinnamon sticks and put the coffee pot in the fridge until cooled.
Serve with ice and milk, to taste
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Do you have to do you have to do you have to let it lingerrrrrrrr ooooooooooaaa
Still doing my room x
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justwalkawayslowly · 1 year
The best Iced Chai at home!
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bwambiee · 9 months
g’morning dashie ! woke up crappy and i was doin’ my makeup and my eyeliner is a monstrosity but at least my lashes are okay ૮₍ ⑅ >︿< ₎ა yoichi moves my arm when i was doin’ it and he laughed when i messed up . . .
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reztruck · 1 year
There really is a simple joy of getting yourself a beverage but it exceeds it when you make it at home and you wake up to it, makes the day easier.
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jcsontodd · 1 year
hubris (has consumed too many milk based things the last two days)
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bc i am the type to get worked up over minute choices that somehow define my whole mood
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needtobeehealthy · 2 years
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lwveless · 2 years
my friend told me that god brought me a chai tea latte today and i can't stop thinking about it
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perfectday1972 · 2 years
today was such a good day i had so many beverages
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jingles-miserably · 1 year
YEAH !!!!
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