#ice is uniquely American
jennyboom21 · 1 year
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I’m enthralled with the history of ice in America.
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rabbitrah · 2 years
A continuation on my post about unloved foods, specifically this is my in-depth defense of root beer.
Root Beer isn't inherently gross, it's just one of those weird local flavors that's off-putting to people who didn't grow up with it. We all like different things and also we all tend to like flavors that are similar to what we grew up with. That's okay! But honestly root beer is pretty unique and, in my opinion, delicious.
One of the main complaints against root beer is that it tastes like medicine. Funnily enough, it was originally marketed as medicinal! This is true for most OG sodas actually. Pretty much as soon as carbonated water was invented, people were drinking it to soothe various ailments. A lot of the original soft drinks were actually invented by pharmacists. I just think that root beer is especially cool because the main flavor came from the root bark of sassafras, a common North American shrub. Because it's so widespread and aromatic, all parts of the sassafras plant have been used in food and medicine by many different Native American tribes throughout history and was subsequently picked up and used by European colonists. In the 1960s, some studies indicated that that safrole oil, which is produced by the plant, can cause liver damage. Whether or not this would actually remain true after it had been boiled and added to root beer is unclear, but it was really easy to replicate the flavor, so the sassafras in commercial root beer these days is artificial. Another fun fact about safrole is that it's a precursor in the synthesis of MDMA. None of this information has stopped my childhood habit of eating sassfras leaves right off the shrub whenever I walk past it on a hike. I'm like 85% sure it's safe and also mmmm yummy leafs go crunch.
Another root beer complaint is that it tastes like toothpaste. I think this is probably because another key flavor in most root beer recipes is wintergreen. I'm assuming that the people who think this are the same people who think mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like toothpaste. I can understand and even respect that some people don't like mint and associate it only with brushing their teeth, but like. Mint is a pretty common flavor. I mean I think it's safe to say that humans have been eating mint flavored stuff for longer than toothpaste has existed... anyway!
Other common flavors in root beer (real or artificial) are caramel, vanilla, black cherry bark, sarsaparilla root, ginger, and many more! There's not one official recipe, and root beer enthusiasts often have strong opinions about different brands. Some root beer is sharper, with more strong aromatic flavors, and others are mild and creamier.
Another thing I think is cool about root beer is that it's foamier than most sodas. This was originally because sassafras is a natural surfactant (and why sassafras is also a common thickening agent in Louisiana Creole cooking.) These days, other plant starches or similar ingredients are added to keep the distinctive foam. Root beer foam > all other soft drink foams. That's why root beer floats kick more ass than like, coke floats.
If you've never had root beer before, imagine if a sweetened herbal tea was turned into a soda, because that's basically what it is. If your first response to that is a cringe, fair enough. That's why lots of people don't like it. If your first response to that is "interesting... I might actually like it, though" then I encourage you to track down a can of root beer today, hard as that might be outside the US and Canada. Next time you see an "ew, root beer tastes like medicine/tooth paste" take, know that there's a reason for that, but also the same could be said for literally any herbal or minty food/drink.
My final take on root beer is that it would be the soda of choice for gnomes. Thank you and good night.
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mapsontheweb · 10 months
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The Driftless Region in the American Midwest that is characterized by its lack of glacial drift. Glacial drift refers to the deposits of sediments left behind by glaciers, and the Driftless Area is unique because it was not covered by the last continental glaciers during the last Ice Age. As a result, the landscape in the Driftless Area is distinct from the surrounding regions that were influenced by glacial activity.
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
“Can I come over tomorrow?”
Nico’s hands still on the stubborn pillowcase. “To…my cabin?”
“Um.” He resumes, sliding slowly away from Will’s wide round eyes, stuffing the puffy square of feathers into its fabric prison. The ghost of geese past are not happy with him. He is their prince. They will submit. “Yeah? You could all those other times, too.”
“Yeah, but I want to come over.”
“Yes,” Nico agrees, wondering if this is perhaps one of those moments Kayla warned him about. Has it reached day five of Will not sleeping? He doesn’t think so. He was napping when Nico came into the infirmary this morning to help with the tidying he promised to do. At least he was drooling enough that Nico hopes he was sleeping. “You mentioned.”
“So I can?”
“Yes, Will.”
Maybe it’s just an American thing. Nico has been noticing some Moments lately. He’s not sure if all teenagers have unanimously decided on some code they’d like to speak in during the few months he was busy defeating his great grandmother, or if maybe he’s finally stuck around long enough to notice, but nobody says what they mean, nowadays.
(He has gathered, thus far, that ‘on fleek’ is a synonym for ‘aflame’, although ‘yeet’ continues to evade him. Perhaps because Cecil and Lou appear to have indulged in the sick delight of replacing their every word with the term with the sole purpose to Confuse. Or perhaps, as Will has so indicated, they have each endured one concussion to many and are beyond any hope.)
“Sick!” That one Nico knows, at least. “I’ll come by after my morning shift? Connor got cursed by the Hypnos, Hecate, and Aphrodite cabins this morning so I have to do brain surgery before he forgets how to feel genuine human connection again, but I’ll be done by noon. Probably. I mean, Connor has a thick skull, genuinely I mean, which is why his lobotomy has been delayed so many times, but so long as I —”
It has been under Nico’s notice lately that Will eyes, genuinely, sparkle. He has read the cliche time and time again and rolled his eyes almost every time: diamonds sparkle. Water sparkles. Snow sparkles. Eyes reflect, and sometimes glow with reflection. They do not sparkle. To claim a set of eyes are sparkling is to profess to the world and all capable of registering your words that you are a brainless idiot who cannot dredge up from the depths of your mind, the most barren and bereft back corners, a single unique or clever comparison; a minutely original way to describe excitement or animation.
And yet.
Will is indeed very animated, and very excited about very many things, and it shows on his face; in the wideness of his grins, the springing mass of his curls, the stilted and flailing gilt of his languid limbs. It also shows, perhaps most obviously, in his genuinely magnificent eyes — Nico has seen the Logan Sapphire. He has touched the precious thing with reverent hands, stared in awe as it thrust out the light shine upon it like the golden ichor of Ouranous swirling with the sweet saltwater to birth Love Incarnate. He knows glittering, he knows gleaming, shimmering and shining and twinkling.
Will’s eyes sparkle, like the very tip of a mountaintop, like the crackling ends of a flame, like dewdrops on spider silk. It is transfixing. It is alluring.
“—ico. Nico! Hello-o?”
It is also a trap.
“Sounds great,” Nico says loudly, voice like cold soda over vanilla ice cream. He clears his throat, twice, to no avail. His vision begins to blur as the heat pouring off of his face warps the air. “Um. See you then?”
Will nods, or at least Nico hopes he does. His curls bounce, anyway. They are hard to miss. They remind Nico tangentially of how laughter sounds, unimpeded by shame; how the shimmering satin of a ribbon would curl and bend under the smooth slide of the scissor’s blade.
(His father’s circuit of jesters often included poets playwrights. They also doubled as Nico’s babysitters. Surely no lasting consequences, that.)
“Yes!” He flashes a smile, then, and it becomes imperative to note that his eyes squint at the force of it, and his slightly-too-big teeth brush his bottom lip, and he has, in fact, on each cheek, a dimple.
Now, Will is often and even frequently called Apollo Junior by just about every living soul in camp, up to and including Immortal Camp Director And Horse, Chiron; and uproariously once even Mr D, God of Wine. Allegedly, as taunted by Kayla, even by Will’s own mother. The golden hair and unfortunate habit of winking and legs for days do most definitely create an image.
Nico, however, contrarian he be, must deny: he has seen Apollo. Apollo is beautiful and golden and charming, but Will is not quite his spitting image. Will, more aptly, is the son of the Sun. He glows; the glare of his smile leaves impressions behind in the cells one’s eyes, the glide of his limbs is almost dragging, languid. To look at him is to commit yourself to blinding. To seek so desperately the solace of the light as to ignore the unsettling sting of the burn.
“I can’t wait!”
As a blissful cloud moving in front of the solar system’s brightest star saves your eyes the eternal fate of darkness, Will’s duty so saves Nico from an eternity of shadow. He returns, humming softly and horribly, to his work, sifting through folders and updating patient files, and Nico exhales the breath setting foundations in his lungs, slumping forward in fervent relief. A melancholic reprieve from the summer rays, if only for a moment.
He waves goodbye, or at least he hopes that he does, rushing out the infirmary doors and tripping down the rickety porch steps.
“Hurrying somewhere, Nicholas Claus?” drawls Mr. D, throwing darts a perilously balanced apple atop the horns of a satyr bleating in morse code.
“That was not even an attempt,” responds Nico, and hurries away before he can be dolphinized. Dolphinified? Made into a bottle-nosed beast. (Why bottle? Of all comparisons to make, who decided bottles were the utmost separate object to which the snout of the slippery beasts should be named? Oh, wait, drunk people. Bottles. Okay. Mystery solved.)
He manages, in his heroic retreat across the common, not to destroy entire swathes of grass and plants, a feat for which the Muses could perhaps write epics about. Truly he is capable of the utmost restraint and self-control. He does raise several full sized wolf skeletons, but they seem primarily preoccupied with hunting down the the Stolls, so a win-win as far as Nico is concerned. Probably not for Connor, who is apparently cursed or concussed, he doesn’t remember exactly, but he has managed thus far with his startling amount of daily braincell loss so by statistic and happenstance he is bound to survive another incident.
“There has to be away to shut myself off,” Nico says, out loud to himself, proceeding the slam of his cabin door and the heavy breathing upon it. He turns to his altar. “You mentioned an off button, Father. I don’t suppose it has been successfully implemented.”
No answer comes forth. He indulges in a brief moment of self pity, wherein the Nico who lives in his brain clears his throat, digs around the messy confines of his mind to find an imaginary black hoodie, slips it on, digs around again for a dagger, and stabs himself, choking and twitching pitifully. Real Nico then walks with great purpose to the exact geological centre of the stone cabin.
“Okay,” he says again. He nods, once, narrowing his eyes in determination. The Nico in his brain opens one curious eyelid. (Does Will do psychiatric assessments?) “Okay, this is. Hm.”
It is not the first time they have been alone together, after all.
In the weeks following Gaea’s defeat and Will Solace’s nonstop, irritating persistence, Nico has been thrust in his proximity an incredible number of times. From his three day stay, during which he was simply so unconscious for so long his father was concerned enough to manifest onto the mortal plane and poke at his soul until he responded, to his unofficial indoctrination (ha) as a nurse, to camp clean-up efforts, to cabin renovation, to general life — they have become friends. Coworkers, at least. Together they make the camp a little more bearable for everyone in it, including Nico. It is rewarding work. It is illuminating work; Will is a good teacher, and he is funny, and he is good company (and he happens to have very long legs that he does not bother to cover up very often and Nico has eyes that do what they please). They have been in Nico’s cabin together several times over the last few weeks.
Never before has Will come over without some kind of stated purpose.
At least, not and absence he has made so obvious. True, the renovations took longer than expected, and the paint on the east wall is smudged from where Nico shoved Will, shrieking, off the stepstool, and they have perhaps, on occasion, used Nico’s illegal Wii when they were meant to be helping Annabeth make plans for Capture the Flag, but —
Is important.
It has been made abundantly clear to Nico over the summer that he has friends upon which he can rely. Reyna has made a point to Iris Message him at whatever Roman tryhard time she believes he should be awake, prompting an attempted murderous shadow travel that left him unconcious in Missouri and at the unfortunate end of many people’s shouting. And Will’s friends, who can perhaps at this point be called his friends also, have created a game entitled “How Many Grapes Can We Flick At Nico During Lunch Before He Goes Ballistic And Sends Us To Purgatory For A Little While” (four), which they are inclined and inspired to play every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Piper enjoys dragging him around to do Things. Jason is just around constantly. (Does he sleep? Nico should check on that properly.)
He had a point, somewhere. He’s sure he did.
It was maybe the impending anxiety attack, helpfully informs Brain Nico.
“Ah,” regular Nico replies, then grapples around for his least favourite pillow, slams it into his face, and screams at the top of his lungs for several minutes.
Brain Nico decides once again that commentary is the way.
I think we are an all powerful demigod of something, he muses. Dirt, maybe? Bad vibes? I can’t quite remember.
“The dead?” inquires regular Nico.
Do you think those years isolated in the Labyrinth perhaps situated us firmly on the shores of mentally unwell? responds he, blissfully unhelpful.
“I think that was Tartarus, actually,” says regular Nico, and promptly banishes his brain self to the deepest recesses of his mind, among memories of the taste of liquid fire and Calculus.
With the remaining, functioning (well.) part of his brain, he places both palms on the cool floor and attempts to focus.
Juicy Fruit It gets right to ya Juicy salt Hmmm Juicy Fruit, The taste the taste that’s —
For the love of all holy things, Nico begs his brain. It doesn’t work, but what ever really goes right in his life, so he pushes past the increasingly louder replays of eighties commercial jingles and maps out the ground below the cabin floor, pushes through the layers of underground.
Ah. Perfect.
He pulls up the very aptly placed skeleton of a cat, letting it scratch and sniff about his cabin before cautiously approaching him.
“You will be sure to tell it to me straight,” Nico says solemnly, holding out his hand. The cat bobs its nasal cavities in and out of Nico’s fingers and, apparently deciding him to be worthy of its attention, rams its skull against his knuckles. Nico snorts, running a fingernail along its cranial sutures and grinning as its purring echoes in his mind. “You seem very wise.”
The cat’s caudal vertebrae rattle in indignation, miffed at the mere idea that it could be anything other than wise. Nico is honestly quite impressed by its ability to glare without actual eyeballs, eyelids, or thought power.
“I am going to name you after my sister and pray that’s not weird,” Nico says. “I mean, I don’t think she would mind. You’re pretty cool, actually, and Hazel’s cool, kind of, so. Win win.”
Hazel the Cat seems unbothered by her christening, curling up in Nico’s lap. He runs his hand from cranial base to coccyx, finger dipping and bumping along the ridges of her spines, and settles against the cool floor, attempting to breathe evenly.
“It’s just.” He swallows. It takes a try or two, to work around the massive stone borrowed in his throat, and Hazel the Cat nips playfully at his fingers until his lungs settle again. “Before we had something to do, you know? We’d be cutting bandages, and he’d be all, hey, did you know bandages are mentioned in one of the first ever medical manuscripts and definitely predate it by many hundreds of years, and I would say I did, actually, I talked to the guy who made that clay tablet, and his eyes would get all wide and he’d be like no way, tell me everything, and then I would just talk forever.” Nico huffs. “We had something to talk about, you understand. Something to do.”
Nico tries to imagine what Hazel his Sister would say. Probably something along the lines of you are an impossible person, which is code for I have about as much luck as you do in this century, pal, the best I’ve got is hope for the best and remember adults no longer smack you for standing wrong. Which. Fair.
Hazel the Cat just purrs in his head again. It’s as encouraging as anything, he supposes.
“Am I supposed to have…conversation starters? He likes twizzlers and intentionally bad poetry. Maybe I could do something with that?”
Hazel the Cat shrugs at him.
“It’s not even — okay, it’s not just that, though. What is — how close is close enough in a casual setting? Or too close? How am I meant to greet him? Am I supposed to offer something? Make something? What do I do if there’s a lull in conversation? Or if it’s all lulls? Oh, gods, how much silence is socially appropriate —”
Hazel the Cat twists in his hold, meeting his eyes as if to say well I don’t think you’ll be struggling with that last one.
“Shush,” he tells her, but his mouth is twitching. “I’m just — I don’t want him to finally realize I’m weird. Or boring, gods. He’s such a hyper person, you know? He never stops. And I am supposed to entertain him! I think!”
This time he can actually hear his sister’s voice, in the back of his mind — you’re such a dummy. Ringed with fondness from the many times she’s said it to him, shoulders nudged carefully together, head knocked gently against his. You are weird and boring. Most people are.
“Ugh,” he sighs, tipping his head back until it rests against the mattress. “Friendship is hard work.”
Hazel the Cat swishes her tail, rattling the discs of bone like a rattlesnake. It’s a surprisingly soothing sound, like rain pinging softly against his window, or the flutter of the poplar trees outside of his father’s palace. Unconsciously he matches his breathing to it, slowing until it’s even, gentle, deep. His eyes, without any direction from his brain, drift until they blanket his hazy eyes, heavy as stone..
“S’not that serious,” he murmurs to himself, soothed under the weight of his feline friend. “S’just Will, I guess.” A beat. He smiles, slightly, a small, curling thing, mimicking the coiled heat in his belly. “It’s just Will.”
part two
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pyrrhocorax · 3 months
Re: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark's Japanese dialects in Hetalia (and potential implications to their characterization) (with briefer notes about Fin and Ice)
Thanks to @nordickies for being the spark that lit the fire to write this post. This information also personally has informed some of my personal takes on the Nordic 5 for over a decade now, so I hope it is useful. A lot of this was more common knowledge back in the livejournal days of the fandom.
Disclaimer: my Japanese is limited and by no means do I claim to fully understand all of the cultural complexities surrounding this topic. I will try, where I can, to back up my claims with at least somewhat credible sources especially since I am someone who is not Japanese in origin either ethnically or culturally, however I DO know more than the average person would because I have lived in Japan, was exposed from my practical birth to the culture and language waaay more than is typical due to me living overseas, and I have studied the language on an elementary level in several academic settings. I am by no means an expert (I am a wildlife biologist by trade), but all of this is done in good faith, and if you do know more than me (especially since I am limited in my ability to get access to academic texts right now — nor am I going far out of my way to find those, as this is a meta post about Hetalia of all things and I am not going to do a whole giant thesis about this for one post), feel free to correct me and/or send me further resources, as I want to convey as accurate of information I can as possible. Part of my motivation for making this post was to spur conversation and hopefully have others who know more than me contribute to the ongoing conversation, to which, I encourage those who read this post to check the notes for any further updates. Another note that I also do not originate from a Nordic country, so there may also be additional layers people from those countries may be able to add. Thanks! Let's begin.
*********************************************************** Like several characters in Hetalia, the Viking Trio speak in unique Japanese dialects that further make them distinct and characterize them in Japanese. Sweden speaks in a Touhoku dialect, Norway in the Tsugaru dialect (which is a specific type of Touhoku dialect), and Denmark speaks in Ibaraki dialect. The Ibaraki dialect is sometimes seen as belonging to the Touhoku dialect group or the Kantou dialect group, and the classification is debated. Generally, Touhoku accents are characterized by slow speech, the slurring of words together, and the muttering of words — as well as being associated with rural country folk (Kumagi 2011, direct PDF download). This dialect is often translated into English as a redneck/hick accent and drawling speech — and as those who speak it are often characterized or stereotyped as unintelligent folks from out in the sticks. Kumagi cites Inoue (1977) as saying that Touhoku dialects are "degraded at the bottom in the Japanese language" scoring low on "intelligence and emotion-related associations." One American English rough equivalent (not localized, but in terms of reputation in U.S. culture) by my best estimations would likely be Appalachian dialects, which are also stereotypically characterized as being a hillbilly, unintelligent, and rural accent also featuring drawled speech and often truncated speech (source). Like many Touhoku dialect speakers in Japan, Appalachian dialect speakers often hide, mask, or reduce their accent, especially if they relocate someplace outside Appalachia, in order to seem more credible to others, as it is generally seen as an “inferior” dialect of American English in the wider culture (personal/family lived experience, but also a good radio piece on it here). The other way Touhoku dialects are translated in media are as Upper Midwest or Northern Plains dialects of American English (not the most credible source, but a lot that is on here that I can confirm to be correct). This characterization is likely a more accurate candidate for the Nordics (and may be why Hima chose this dialect group for them), as many immigrants from Nordic countries settled in the Upper Midwest/Northern Plains (source, personal experience living in this region for a lot of my life). Touhoku dialects are also a more northern dialect group, which geographically coincides with the Nordics being, well, northerners!
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(Map of Touhoku dialects regionally) I have not been able to find any information re: if Sweden speaks any particular type of Touhoku dialect (or if it is more broad), but I will talk a bit about how his speech was transliterated in early scanlations before moving on to the other two. Because of how slurred/more truncated/less intelligible Touhoku accents generally are (and remember, Den/Nor/Ice did not make their appearance until well after Swe/Fin did!), likely early translators decided to chop off letters/make Sweden's speech seem less intelligible in order to convey that to readers. Unlike Norway and Denmark, Sweden also often speaks in shorter sentences/phrases in Japanese, and given that Finland canonically says "it's just hard to communicate with him" (see Running Away with Mr. Sve) that is also likely why early Hetalia scanlators before official translations of the comics were available (note: god this is making me feel old as hell) made the decision to give him the speech patterns that they did, and that ended up spreading through the fandom. When the other Nordics with their regional dialects dropped, given how Sweden’s vocal trait got translated into English and then fandom ran with it to varying degrees of intelligibility, I think the decision was made to not translate Norway the same way to cause less trouble in fanworks, while the Ibaraki dialect did influence how Denmark was translated (more on that below.
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Norway speaks in a very particular Touhoku-family dialect within the series that is generally not well-reflected outside of the source material at all. The Tsugaru dialect is spoken in the northwest part of the country, specifically in the western part of Aomori Prefecture — Tsugaru dialect is a particularly unusual dialect, even by Japanese dialect standards, by being one of the most difficult dialects in Japan to understand (source). Even within Japan itself, people speaking this dialect often have to be subtitled on television for other Japanese audiences to understand, and there have been occasions where the dialect has been displayed on television to marvel at how strange and unintelligible it sounds to other Japanese speakers. Sometimes speakers of this dialect have been characterized (or mischaracterized for comedic effect) as French in Japanese because the odd sound and unintelligability of the dialect (source). Kumagi (2011) also states that "[...] within the Tohoku [alternate transliteration of Touhoku] dialects, Aomori [prefecture in which Tsugaru is spoken] dialect is at the bottom [of the hierarchy]," meaning that even among the already disrespected Touhoku dialects, Tsugaru belongs to the worst of the bunch in terms of reputability and respectability in Japanese perceptions. The Tsugaru dialect is a source of fascination, comedy, and disrepute/low standing all at the same time. While we don’t know why Hima selected Norway to have this dialect, I have a few proposals. First, this gives him a similar flavor to the other members of the Viking Trio while keeping him distinct — while Ibaraki is a more southern dialect geographically (for the region), Tsugaru is spoken both more north and more west than it. So if you map their dialects out on a map, their geographical location to each other also somewhat resembles their actual locations as nations to each other in the Nordics! Which is neat!
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Second, Hima characterizes Norway has being slightly otherworldly and unusual largely due to his fairy-friends and such. But I also think that he likely chose Tsugaru for him not only because that makes him seem like he’s out of this world, but also because Japan is kind of fascinated by that dialect in particular despite not holding it in high regards by it too — sure, it is a hick accent, but it is an interesting hick accent. I think the fact that Japanese speakers sometimes liken the dialect to French is interesting specifically because of how Japanese people often view the French — French culture something that is often romanticized and idealized, and given how Tsugaru dialect can sound French-ish to Japanese speakers, that may be why Norway is kind of designed as the “pretty boy” of the trio by the fandom? In the same way that “Paris Syndrome” is a thing, where Japanese who go to France are often shocked at how their idealized version of France does not live up to the realities of the country (trust me it's real there is a wikipedia page lol), I think you can argue that in-universe Norway can be seen in a lot of different ways depending on the preconceived notions of how you view the dialect. If you view it as French-like and think it sounds interesting, you may find it alluring/beautiful. If you think it is crass, you'll look at it with disdain and disgust. If you think it just sounds silly and stupid, it is. If you think it is nostalgic (as Kumagi states that this is the only positive association this dialect has) and has a close association with nature/pastoral life because of that, it is. I think Norway in canon is characterized on all four of those axioms at the same time (if you really wanna pull canon receipts I will at another time) which makes this make a lot of sense to me as to why that dialect was chosen for him. Third, I think that given Norway was largely the worst off of the three kingdoms for most of history, it makes sense to give him the worst accent in terms of reputation/status out of all of them, too. Note: specifically, re: how Norway uses "brother" in Japanese is also interesting when referring to Denmark. What he is saying is "anko" (あんこ), which literally means "young man/eldest son" directly translated and is specifically only used to mean that in northern Japanese dialects. A good way to put it is it is like people in the U.S. use "bro" as a catch-all term for a similar-aged guy you are trying to get the attention of kind of informally, in the same way you can say "nii-san" to both mean "older brother" and also "guy who seems older than me I am addressing informally" I guess?? Funnily enough, which I didn't know until researching shit, it apparently also means bottom (homosexual) in prison slang??? Which may or may not be intentional I guess on Hima's part, and could also influence your characterization of Norway as a result. Finally we move on to Denmark. The Ibaraki dialect is characterized by number of things, but for our purposes I think that the two most important traits are the general lack of polite speech and the slightly faster rate of speech (unfortunately, my only written sources I can point to are wikipedia and TV tropes again, but I have heard this orally from someone a long time ago - I looked for more credible sources but couldn't find any easily). Because of it being debated as to whether or not is a true Touhoku dialect or if it is actually a Kantou (more southern/eastern) dialect, I think you can also argue that makes sense given Denmark is kind of the "gateway" into the heart of Europe geographically. People have generally translated this as him being excitable and more casual in the way he communicates to other people. I have been able to find less resources on this particular dialect and how it is perceived culturally, so I will sadly have to leave it at that, but from my understanding he is generally translated appropriately in the manga from what I have seen, with the -in' instead of -ing and ya instead of you to have it seem more relaxed/familiar/casual.
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Final notes on Finland and Iceland: I cannot confirm this personally, but from what I can hear from Finland, it sounds like he speaks pretty standard Japanese to me, but take that with a grain of salt since I am not the expert here. Which, dialect-wise, places him as the odd person out (which fits with Finnish being the linguistic outgroup of the five) and also puts him as the relatable “stand in” for Japanese people learning about the Nordics — reminder he is the one who introduces them all in that one comic (see The Nordic 5+a) and even earlier comics (see Running Away with Mr. Sve), and we’re viewing the Nordics from largely his perspective). Since Finland in this series is largely characterized (and often deemed a poor stereotype by Finns) because of the Japanese perspective on Finland/Finns, it makes a lot of sense Hima used him kind of as a self-insert for Japanese readers/viewers to understand the Nordics from, as of the Nordic nations, Japanese folks are likely going to have the strongest familiarity/connection to Finland because of the Moomins. Please take the following information about Iceland with heaping grains of salt, but from a memory, I believe he also speaks the Tsugaru dialect, at least some of the time???? This makes sense he shares the Tsugaru dialect with Norway, as he’s Norway’s in-canon sibling, but I have a vague memory of a meta post I cannot 100% confirm or deny exists re: him only speaking the dialect/the dialect coming out more when he’s alone?? This following is speculation since I cannot confirm/deny that right now with my current abilities, but if it is true, would also be an interesting level to his character and make sense — it puts further distance between him and Norway if he purpsefully doesn’t speak the same way as his brother when his brother is present, and it also is reminiscent of my own experience living with people with discriminated accents who then mask their “less desirable” dialects in their teens/20s so they don’t get discriminated against as they move up in the world. Kumagi (2011) states that "Therefore, young female native speakers of Tohoku [alternate transliteration] dialects feel ashamed of their dialects and hesitate to speak them in big cities such as Tokyo. They are made to feel inferiority complex about their dialects, which are stigmatized as unfeminine". Since Iceland is very much characterized as a teen in canon, I think that this makes sense to do in the broader context of Hima’s choices. The specific reason as to why I state that I believe he speaks Tsugaru some of the time but not always is because there are some panels he speaks without it and some where he does seem to have an accent (HWS Chapter 112, relevant screencap below, this is the only time he speaks like this from what I can find in scanlations/translations, but it has to be a deliberate choice). Would love more info on this from someone who knows more about Japanese than I can do.
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Again, please check the original post and/or notes for any future additions that I will add/edit accordingly (with notes as to where/when that happened) if any other relevant information surfaces, but I hope that was at least a little informative and interesting to read. I consulted a bunch of other resources too (read a bunch of papers I could find online), but a lot of those I read several months ago and no longer can find :x otherwise I would list them here.
Let me know if there are any typos/things are unclear, b/c holy shit this took a lot more effort and time for me to write up than I thought it was going to, and I am too tired to proofread it after spending several days on it. X_X
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fanfic-recs-01 · 6 months
Miraculous LadyBug Fics
This is a list of Miraculous Ladybug fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!
Fair warning his is mostly going to be Felix/Marinette and Damian Wayne/Marinette.
Updated 6/15/24
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Felix Graham De Vanily
Hey, Little Songbird by charlietheepic7 
~Really, Felix couldn't believe his cousin sometimes. Marinette was talented, beautiful, kind, and had a crush on Adrien bigger than the mansion, yet Adrien was blind to the treasure right in front of him. "Just a friend," indeed.
Well, if Adrien wasn't going to do anything, it wouldn't matter if Felix... snatched her up?~
Welcome To The Back by Geeeny
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng sits alone in the back. Until she doesn't.~
birds of a feather by WithLovePoohBear
~When Mme Bustier’s class gets a new student, Marinette might just finally find true friends who love and support her for who she is.
But more accurately, she finds her home.~
Pen Pals by That_Kwami_plagg 
~Marinette and Felix have been Pen Pals for two years. She tells him everything. All of the abuse, lies and manipulations. He became her sanctuary, and her his. What happens when Felix moves to France? Can he help her through her struggles, or will he be another victim of Lila?~
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Damian Wayne
She’s Sunshine, She’s Grace, She’ll Punch You in the Face by Brinxiethebear
~Marinette struggles to stay happy nowadays but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his other caretaker Nathalie died from over use of a broken Miraculous. So now Marinette is the guardian of the miraculous. ~
for us to collide by LadyLiterature
~The story of Marinette stumbling upon the illustrious Wayne family over and over again, as well as the more infamous Bats, over the course of her many visits to Gotham. She, of course, charms the whole lot of them and finds that the same is true in the reverse.~
A Robin and His Lady by ProudGeek4Ever
~Marinette lost her friends to Lila, Adrien was long forgotten and Chat Noir kept getting more irresponsible. Being a teenage superhero was stressfull, but Marinette's life takes a turn for the better when a chance meeting in Gotham changes everything. Damian changes everything.~
No, Mr. Wayne, You Can't Adopt Me! by ggomoz (ggomo_springtime)
~Bruce's personal assistant is scarily competent---she seems to know the best decision at each time, predict emergencies, and is an expert at handling all of his children. But what if there's more to her than meets the eye?~
More Than One Secret by Tyshian 
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng has Secrets. Damian Wayne has Secrets. The pair together have Secrets.~
Reunions are... interesting if you’re a Todd by crazyjc
~Alright, this is based on laraceleste's Tell Me More where Jason Todd is Marinette’s big brother with one exception—Marinette didn’t know where Jason was after she was adopted until after he died when she was ten. They were apart for three years here, as GCPD got her at 7.~
It's Just Indifference by dontyoublink
~Marinette thought she would just get some inspiration for her designs when she headed to the park. As luck would have it, she also meets four (interesting? unique? slightly insane?) Americans. Frisbee, ice cream, and much-needed conversations ensue.~
World's Greatest Detectives, My Ass by Appleberry84
~Marinette figures out the Batfam's identities and decides to torture them.~
Leave it Behind by ShannonEsmerelda
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng has grown tired of Paris, and the miracle box was no longer safe there. It'd been active in the country for too long, seen too much damage. She needed to find a place for both her and the kwami's to heal, while still having the ability to be a hero. So, why not Gotham? The city had enough crime for both her and the bat family without getting in each others way, right? Right?~
Report to HR by SimplyAnotherWriter 
~Look; Bruce liked Marinette. If the girl hadn’t already had loving and adoring parents that had spotless records and nothing incriminating about them whatsoever(Bruce had checked long and hard), he probably would have adopted the girl just like he had the others.
However, things wouldn't remain this perfect if Damian continued to try and mess it up by SCARING the poor girl!~
The Sun Who Lit Up The Night Sky by FandomQueen10325, leaping_lizard_babe
~4 months after the defeat of Hawkmoth, the akuma class wins a trip to Gotham. While they are there, Marinette keeps attracting bad luck, and can never seem to stay out of trouble. The Batfam is very interested when they learn about what had happened in Paris, so they question ladybug.~
Travels of Passion by StarShine583
~When people as famous as the Waynes come to visit your city, the most you'd expect to get from them is a quick little smile. A hand shake if you're in the right place at the right time and extremely lucky. Marinette didn't really expect to get either, and she certainly didn't expect to get what she actually got.~
Of Birds and Bugs (revising and rewriting) by orphan_account
~Marinette was a busy girl. Between her idol work as NeTi, and her duty as Ladybug, it was hard to do everything else, like being a good class president. Still, she was able to pull through.
Somehow, the class get's a trip to Gotham, sponsored by Bruce Wayne himself, and it looked like Marinette would be able to take a break for once.~
Dinner at Wayne Manor by littlefleetinglight for 
~In the front hall standing in a line was Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damien; in that orders, with Alfred standing in front of them like an officer in front of his troops.
“Now, when Ms.Marinette arrives there will be no inappropriate language, no crude gestures or noises, and there will be no interrogation. Do you gentlemen understand?”~
#SunshineOfGotham by sixtyeightdays
~All of Gotham knows Marinette, the Sunshine who's made her way into everyone's hearts. But so what if all of Gotham knows Marinette? Does her class know that they know Marinette? Of course not, why would they! But, well, let's see how they find out.~
Rockin’ the House by littlefleetinglight for 
~It was another charity gala held by the Wayne Family; this one was raising funds for art programs across the world, and because it was for art there were artists of all types from all over, including the famous Rock’n’Roll artist Jagged Stone…and his guest.~
To marry an Assassin by PL_Panda
~Marinette wakes up in a cell and later is forced to marry a member of the League of Shadows, who is also less than willing. Exactly what she was pulled in? And of course there is magic involved, so no cancellation. And apparently in Tibet ancient orders can marry minors off just like that. This was definitely not Damian's day. Or Week. Or month. He got married with a random girl...~
Who Needs Words? by AKP31E
~After the defeat of Hawkmoth and the retirement of Suhan, Marinette’s life is just getting crazier. She doesn’t know how a soulmate could ever fit into her life, and sometimes she thinks the two letters on her wrist are just the universe’s joke to her, but she knows better than to bank on it. Her soul mark isn’t even a word. Who is going to say “Tt” to her?~
History Repeats by DesertSnowQueen 
~When Kitty Noire makes an appearance in Gotham, she finds herself drawn to a certain little bird whose brothers are far too entertained by this turn of events~
Magical Girl by Judysupremus
~Marinette accidentally portals into the batcave.~
The Power of Luck by FridayFirefly
~The Ladybug Miraculous had quite a few side effects, none more powerful and unpredictable than the power of Miraculous Luck. When Marinette's family relocates to Gotham, Marinette finds her Miraculous Luck leading her down a path she never would have expected, a path that leads straight to Damian Wayne.~
The events on a Saturday Morning by orphan_account
~Marinette and Damian have been in a long distance relationship for over a year with (most) of the Batfamily not knowing at all until a young girl stumbles through a portal on a Saturday morning.~
Friendly Sunshine In Gotham by M1dn1ght_Star
~Marinette is happy to be back in Gotham after a visit with Jagged several years ago. This might just end up being the perfect way to expose Lila once and for all, as a nice bonus to seeing her honorary family and boyfriend again.~
Daminette Soulmate AU by keeptellingyourselfthat
~Tradition says that your soulmate will have another tattoo, something that relates to you. When they meet you, it is said that the tattoos start glowing a bright gold.~
Calling for Help by Dramatic_Squirrel 
~It's been a month since the Battle of Miracle Queen and Marinette has been struggling alone under the pressure of being the new guardian. With her training yet to have been completed, Marinette makes her first official decision as the new guardian, to ask the Justice League for help.~
serendipity by keeptellingyourselfthat
~The last time Damian AL-Ghul saw Marinette was when they were twelve. He didn't think he would see her again. So, it's a huge surprise when he stumbles upon her in WE while exposing the liar of the class from France.~
In The Wrong Bed? by San_fics 
~“Like I said,” Jason yawned. “Eventually everyone in this family goes crazy.”
“I'm not crazy!” Damian protested. “She was here!”
“Maybe you just had a very realistic dream?” Dick suggested.
“I’m perfectly capable of distinguishing dreams from reality, thank you very much!” Snapped Damian. “She was real and she was in my bed!”~
Cat Cursed by TheStarfishAlien
~The Cheng family carries a curse. Every other generation carries a second form, that of a cat. Their dual nature makes it difficult for those with the curse to fit in with society. Some flee permanently into the form of the cat, while others try their hardest to pretend that their cat form does not exist. Very few find a balance in the middle.~
Secrets, Masks and Family Gatherings by ggomoz (ggomo_springtime)
~After nearly a year of being together, Damian finally decides to introduce Marinette to his family.~
living among the regular people of the world trying to blend in by another_cancer
~Marinette was an assassin named ladybug that was supposed to kill Damian, but she didn't and now they meet again years later.~
New but True by yannowhatigiveup
~Damian and Marinette are kidnapped from their lives to be betrothed to one another. Unfortunately, they were separated and missed the other greatly. Once realising that Marinette is in Gotham for a school trip, Jon, being the good friend he is, reunites them.~
Eons & Eternities by Utopian_angel
~After dedicating many life cycles to an endless conflict between chaos and order, Ra's Al Ghul decides to use his last chance to form a union.
A union between their respective heirs that will last for eons & eternities.~
Use Your Brain by Judysupremus
~Marinette and her class go to Gotham. What happens when she has to rescue Chat Noir from Batman?
The is silly, potentially crack.~
An Awkward Reveal by Miraculous_786
~Who can blame Edward Nygma for being protective over his adopted daughter?
The very daughter who was dating Damian Wayne right under his nose.~
The Bride that can Break Bones by LovesWifi
~Marinette and Damian are betrothed and that's all you need to know.~
Senses by Alexiessan
~Marinette never thought that she would be among the 0.1% of the population to have a soulmate, and yet, here she was.
She wasn't ready for her life to change drastically because of it.~
A Welcoming Change by Brinxiethebear
~Damian Wayne always saw himself in a certain light. He was calculating and cold and he always took his work seriously. He was what others would call the Ice Prince. He was a loner and by choice. The only people he ever really tolerated talking to was his family and his only friend, Jon. Mainly he just spent time with his pets.~
Never alone by Alexiessan
~For a moment, ever since Lila came into her life, Marinette thought she would lose everyone dear to her. Turns out, if she keeps trying, she can do anything and make everything turn out for the better.
Contrary to her belief, Marinette was never alone.~
#8024 by SimplyAnotherWriter
~“Inmate #8024 of Gotham Asylum Institution. State your name.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
How had she come to this, you might wonder? Well... It wasn't as long of a story as you would think.~
Summer in Gotham is a time for the Akuma Class to relax and oh wait are those assassins? by baby_blue24680
~After hearing a brief description of the class dynamic of the Akuma Class, Mayor Bourgeois all but blackmails Bruce Wayne into sponsoring a trip to Gotham for the summer semester, believing that it will lead to fewer akumas. Word travels to Talia al Ghul, who decides to give an old friend a visit and literally and figuratively throws an engagement at Marinette.~
Four times the Ladybug magic teleported Marinette to where she would be safest, and the one time she was already there by EditorOfEverything
~This is part one in a five part series. I have never actually completed a fic before, so this is kind of my NaNoWriMo goal for myself, I guess... So, without further ado, here is four times the Ladybug magic teleported Marinette to where she would be safest, and the one time she was already there~
The Bug, the Bird and the Bats by whoscountinganyway
~Everyone knows that Damian Wayne doesn't have any friends; he pushes away anyone who wants to get close to him, denies those close to him the knowledge that he cares, vehemently refuses to be in the presence of wanna-be suitors. He simply isn’t social.~
No Hesitation by orphan_account
~Marinette could never have foreseen just how quickly Lila's plan would work - but now a new school year has begun and she has transferred to a new school that could support her fashion career far better than Dupont ever could.~
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aduckinpain · 11 months
The Ice and The Snow
(can't melt with each other near)
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Tags: Loscar, Logan Sargeant centered, Logan Sargeant Character Analysis, Hurt/Comfort, Rookies handling their first year as mirrors of each other, Happy Ending, That one radio in Qatar with James Vowel, Las Vegas 2023 Grand Prix, the consequences of Qatar haven't left yet
Word Count: 2.7k
This work is also on AO3 under user roianamustang (me).
Eyes would blink open. Body wrapped in a soft, fuzzy blanket. The air cold, but the atmosphere warm. Winter had always felt special, with its holidays, weather, and new year resolutions.
With the snow. Gentle snowflakes descend slowly. Each one has intricate and unique details. Yet each one still falls down. Depending on where they land, they either melt, or they pile up. Stacked on top of each other, invincible to the human eye when they stand alone, but wondrous when they form their patchworks. It’s almost as if a needle is being thread, linking each one with the other.
But this link never happens so delicately. The snow's weight pushes on itself, causing it to get packed. The pressure never leaves, it just unifies them.
Living in Florida gets everyone accumulated to heat and humidity, so when winter starts knocking on windows, it is rare that the package that arrives with it, is made of fluffy whiteness. 
But snow can get deadly. It is slippery and wet. It builds up and always keeps on tumbling. It drags along everything in its path. It pulls.
An avalanche is a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling down a slope, such as a hill or mountain. 
With 2023 starting, Logan felt like he was hit by an avalanche with no ground to stop him. He was stuck under layers of freezing temperatures. Tremors and shivers were expected. Ice involuntarily and unknowingly scraping his skin.
And he was trying so, so hard. He kept digging and pushing around. But he’s been there for some time. He can’t find a way out. He can’t see the light.
Which way is up and which way is down?
Please. I promise I can do this.
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Being the first American to win an FIA Karting World Championship title since 1978, is a fact that Logan keeps close to his heart. Lets it rest there, coil around. Reassure.
Entering in 2015, opened up new pathways and a clear goal to aim for. So the years continued. Full throttle.
The snow kept falling. Piling up.
Snowmen were created, snowball fights were won. And in 2016, as a newly entered Formula 4 driver, he met Ice.
The ice was immovable and quiet, yet intimidating. Somehow it has always been there, yet it just showed up. 
The title was won with him standing as a solid third in the championship ranking. He was closer to the cold than to the trophies. 
Soon enough in 2018, Logan wasn’t achieving podiums anymore. He was achieving wins. The high was exhilarating, the slower he fell from each cloud, the more he appreciated the crisp, fresh air. But the clouds kept rising and without him noticing, the pressure was increasing. His ice left for a bit. He missed his comfort. After all, the cold keeps the snow from melting.
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2019 was a year full of points and disappointments, but Logan didn’t let that deter him. His path was now drawn and he’d entered it with purple sectors. The wind had picked up a bit, kept changing the trajectory of the flakes, but the destination was clear. 
In 2020 the ice returned stronger than ever. The snow solidified with no chances of melting and plummeted to results. He ended up third in the championship. A result he added to the coil around his heart. His glacier won the championship, but the snow would catch up.
I promise you James, I will finish this race.
You have my word.
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In 2021 Logan decided to take one more year of Formula 3, in hopes of achieving more, of having a more assured future. His ice felt like verglas, further away and much thinner. 
While he had ranked lower than the first time in the championship, a majority of the team's points were won by him alone. He’d worn his gloves and slowly packed the snow together.
Still, when he received the news of Williams' support, he could not believe it., it came as a surprise. Things were looking good, he was excited. A good F2 season would give him more chances to fulfill his dream, his goal, his future. 
He exited Prema’s building, while entering William’s and felt like a rime. Excited and cold, from the rapid freezing of the water around him. He wasn’t alone. Other drivers were there, his teammate was there, but most importantly, the snow touched its ice.
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Oscar Piastri was an iceberg . Logan had never met someone quieter. But Oscar didn’t have to act loud, he was loud. His presence screamed hard-work and talent. A champion in F3, that people still underestimated. People seemed to warm up to him with a bit of time, but no one could deny the ruthless gleam in his eyes. Oscar didn’t just come for a win or a road to F1. Oscar was here to be champion. 
So the hail picked up the pace. He couldn’t be beaten easily. He’d make it a challenge. 
The snow cascaded down, each day with a new speed, with a greater intent. Pieces of ice were caught in its plunge. 
Oscar became an intricate part of Logan’s life. Whether he liked it or not the videos and the activities brought them together. The ice kept the snow cold. Logan felt safe, calm. 
The boys spent time together playing on their PlayStations, looking at each other’s simulator results and laughing at jokes with the team. Nothing, however, could beat their quiet nights. 
Being with Oscar made Logan feel serene, if he didn’t want to talk, they just wouldn’t talk. If he wanted to rant, Oscar Piastri and those stupid big brown eyes of his would cling onto every sentence, every word. Logan felt listened to. He felt important. Sheltered, guarded. 
When he was with Oscar, the wind fell silent, the snow fell slowly, softly. It never melted. It got cradled.
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Oscar was the Champion of the 2021 F2 season, and no matter how annoyed Logan wanted to be, the pride surging through his chest overwhelmed him. Logan was second anyways, he’d bind for his time. The only thing that this season’s results assured him, was that the snow and its ice would meet again. 
This time in F1. This time competing in their dream.
So while Oscar awaited his turn as a reserve driver for Alpine, Logan went through another season. This time with an ultimatum. If he managed to receive the correct amount points necessary for a Super License, his next year would be in a Formula 1 car, alongside Alexander Albon. 
Coming fourth in the championship allowed him to get his license. What more could he want in life?
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During this season however, his ice wasn’t there. Now usually, that would be okay, however the few times they called, texted or even met up, Oscar would seem dim, tired, unsure. Not physically, no. He felt defeated, confused. Alpine had promised him a lot of things yet, there he stood, jobless, dreamless. So this time Logan packed the snow, made a fort, an igloo, anything to protect the ice. 
This is maybe, why he was so surprised when Oscar called him at 1 AM one night, something he doesn’t like to do generally, only to tell him the news. 
I understand that, without my agreement, Alpine F1 have put out a press release late this afternoon that I am driving for them next year. This is wrong and I have not signed a contract with Alpine for 2023. I will not be driving for Alpine next year.
8:00 PM · Aug 2, 2022
44.2K Reposts 50.7K Quotes 386K Likes 4,282 Bookmarks
Next year, his ice will be orange.
Next year, his ice will have his snow.
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The year started and while Sargeant realistically knew the potential of a Williams car, it still overwhelmed him. Or underwhelmed him. 
It whelmed him.  
Getting used to an F1 car was different. The step from F2 to F1 was supposed to be gradual, seamless. It was neither of those. 
Every race was a disappointment. At first he had hopes, he’d get used to the car or the car would be good enough to at least go near points. The longer time went on, the more he yearned, the more he lost. Disappointment coursed through his veins.
He was tired. 
At himself.
While at the beginning he could reason with the prospect that he was a rookie and looked at Oscar who was going through the same thing, albeit with more drama, that could not be an excuse anymore after the summer break. 
The ice was growing.
The snow was melting.
The avalanche was nosediving. 
I will show you I can do this, please. I promise you I will.
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Each weekend felt like the shards of ice were slipping away from his fingers, or digging deep into the blizzard. Logan started growing quiet, reluctant. He’d seen the jokes, laughed with some even, but what got to him was the comments. 
This year, F2 drivers were chosen to drive an F1 car as a test. They got good results. 
This year, Liam Lawson, his past teammate, stepped foot in an F1 car, passed Yuki Tsunoda, got points and beat Max Verstappen to Q3.
This year, after the summer break, Oscar Piastri was breaking records and expectations alike. He was loved more by the second and gradually carved his way into being McLaren’s greatest choice and Alpine’s greatest failure. 
This year, Logan Sargeant was consistent. For a full season, he had managed to accumulate no points and be outqualified by his teammate in every race. 
His seat was being wasted. All the years of hard work and achievements, reduced to water. Melted. 
It all plunged in Qatar.
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Any time someone bothered to use his face on social media, it tended to be followed by two things.
What the fuck is a kilometer, a joke which he had to admit, at first was funny.
And the eagle. 
The eagle was supposed to represent the USA. His home, his safe space. He was supposed to represent where he came from. Give it meaning and value in this sport. Yet at every moment that passed, he felt two sharp talons digging onto his shoulders. Blood dripped down. The weight of this apex predator was bringing him to his knees. He was melting. He sank.
He didn’t ask for this. He just wanted people to be proud.
He just wanted Oscar to be his equal.
He missed Oscar.
He didn’t deserve Oscar.
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Logan had given up on setting expectations for himself a long time ago, so the Grand Prix started and he went along with the flow.
Entering the car, he remembers making a joke about the weather. After all, Qatar was known for its intense heat. But nothing could prepare him. Nothing could prepare anyone.
Sweat dripped down his face, fogged up his helmet, sticking each strand of hair to his balaclava. Maybe it wasn’t the fog, because with a sudden jolt, Logan realized his vision was getting blurry. The content in his stomach had been swirling around for some time now, a sensation which only aided to his growing discomfort. Every muscle ached. He could feel every tendon tense in his body. There was a weight pushing down on him. Packing him up.
Every turn he could feel the effects of the G-force. It felt intensified, worse. His hands shook around the steering wheel. He was scared for a moment. He blinked.
He opened his eyes again.
He had blacked out. For a moment sure, but he had blacked out in a car going over 250 km/h.
Lap: 23/57 SAR: 1’29.298
Sargeant: I’m feeling pretty sick. I’ll be alright.
Jego: Okay. Zhou 1.5 behind. Focus on your lap times.
Lap: 26/57 SAR: 1’34.588
Sargeant: I’m not feeling well at all.
Jego: Okay, understood. Are you happy to continue, question?
Sergeant: Yeah.
Lap: 27/57 SAR: 1’53.468
Jego: Are you feeling okay? Are you happy to continue, question?
Sargeant: Let’s keep going.
Jego: Okay.
Sergeant: I feel like I might throw up.
Lap: 32/57 SAR: 1’28.230
Sargeant: I’m not doing well, mate. Fucking hell.
Jego: Can you continue?
Lap: 33/57 SAR: 1’28.804
Vowles: Logan, you’ve fought a brave day, but let’s bring it in and call it a day. Let’s look after you.
Sargeant: James, I promise you I can do this.
Vowles: Alright, I’ll leave it to you, buddy.
Sargeant: You have my word
Lap: 39/57 SAR: 1’29.587
Sergeant: I don’t feel well man.
Jego: Are you retiring, mate? Please confirm.
Sergeant: I don’t know.
Jego: If you’re feeling unwell, you retire. Your call, buddy. Doing opposite to Hulkenberg otherwise, opposite to Hulkenberg otherwise.
Lap: 40/57 SAR: 1’51.661
Jego: Racing Bottas on pit exit. You’re the one making the call if you want to retire or not, Logan. There’s no shame in retiring if you’re feeling unwell.
Sergeant: Yeah, I need to stop. I’m stopping. I’m stopping.
Jego: Okay. Okay. Okay. We will stop. Box, box, retiring the car.
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He doesn’t remember much after that.
He remembers anger, sadness, frustration and hands keeping him upright. Getting out of the car was a struggle. He could finally breathe.
He turned his head to one of the TVs in the garage and saw a blurry orange passing by.
He let go.
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He came to for a moment, only to see bright lights and white walls. Slowly rising, he managed to sit upright. The room swiveled, or maybe he did. 
He felt dehydrated.
James Vowel entered the room, and for the first time that day, Logan broke down.
He didn't need water to cry. He had melted.
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Oscar’s sprint win and second podium and Logan’s fifth DNF. Things to be celebrated, obviously. 
Oscar is not a party person, but having a legendary weekend is bound to make any man break character. That is why Logan refrained from texting him. Closed his phone.
He went back on an old promise. He was having a hard time, sure, but he wasn’t going to let it soil Oscar’s success. He deserved it.
At least that’s what he was trying to convince himself with.
The phone's screen lit up the darkened room. He typed.
You have a new message.
LS: Hey
Oscar Piastri picked up his jacket, bid goodbyes and left.
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Wrapped under the covers, Logan didn’t even hear the knocking. What brought him back to reality, is his phone suddenly ringing and shaking the bed.
‘Open the door, mate.’ Logan blanked for a bit, got up, wore his slippers and opened the door. Hands shaking. Exhaling
Oscar Piastri in the flesh was standing before him, remarkably less drunk than he had anticipated. 
An eyebrow was raised and he moved out of the way. 
Before he realized, he felt the wood of the bed frame dig into his back. On his left, stood an iceberg. 
In the quiet.
His mind so loud, he didn’t even hear Oscar the second time he spoke, call out to him.
To be honest, he didn’t think he had more in him, yet the tears flowing down his cheeks were adamant to prove him wrong. 
Each breath that escaped him was held in cold hands, protected. 
As if he knew everything, Oscar reassured. Whispered.
No, it wasn’t his fault.
No, he wasn’t bothering him.
No, it’s completely normal and fair to feel what he’s feeling with everything that is happening.
Never, ever assume his opinions. Of course he wanted to be there.
Because Logan was a priority. He held importance.
He was important. 
The snow froze to a comfortable temperature. Its ice was encased around him.
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Las Vegas.
The land of the lucky, impulsive and very, very bright and shiny lights.
Finally at home.
He’d done better these past few races. Even got points in Austin. By pure luck, sure, but points were points and Logan was not complaining. And this track was new to everyone.
And according to everyone, loved by no one.
People's expectations were all over the place.
Friday came and went. Their tyres destroyed, even in a low grip track.
Saturday came. Saturday did not leave.
P6 and P7.
With Sainz’ penalty, P5 and P6.
Logan was P6. 
James was proud.
Alex was proud.
Oscar went up to him immediately, proud.
Logan was proud.
It may be a small step, but the avalanche had stopped and the clouds were liberating the snowflakes. Small and new, still unique, still falling. Landing on top of soft ice. The sun shined but nothing melted.
Logan smiled.
Please note that no matter how much I am writing here, it is all artistic speculation of what Logan himself has decided to show the world. Do not forget that these drivers are real people.
A short analysis yay:
The obvious things first, Logan is the Snow and Oscar is the Ice.
Verglas, a thin coating of ice or frozen rain on an exposed surface.
Rime, frost formed on cold objects by the rapid freezing of water vapor in cloud or fog.
The eagle is the vague legacy the America has put on Logan's shoulders and he feels like he is failing it.
The Qatar radio is completely accurate as I thought it displayed accurately how hopeless Logan sounded and probably felt
His future may be unsure, but for now things are improving.
This piece is 2,777 words I felt like that is a great omen to Las Vegas
I got emotionally attached to an american and I have no excuse besides that he actually sounds so sweet. He's just so.....american you get put off by it.
Honestly, I think this may be my weakest one. Be it because of the lack of Logan content online or just wanting to hug the dude, I needed to write something but I can't say I am the proudest. However I have decided that if it took time to write then I will post anything.
Thank you so much for reading! It would mean a lot if I managed to get some reposts, comments or liked!
If you like this, I have written more stories that can be found on my Formula 1 masterlist. Including: Lestappen and Landoscar with more to come. If it manages to spark your interest, please go support those as well!
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ambylotl · 2 years
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During the last Ice Age, what is now part of the Rio Grande Valley was a dense swampy marshland that was home to many unique and now extinct animals, such as the powerful Colombian Mammoth, the Giant Gopher Tortoise, or the cunning Saber-Toothed Tiger. Many modern animals had far vaster ranges and were more plentiful, such as the condor or the whooping crane. By the end of the Pleistocene, as the ice began to recede, and the first Paleo Native Americans established themselves within the continent, many of these creatures died out. Many more today are still at risk of being nothing more than a memory in Texas' Natural History.
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disneytva · 3 months
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Hulu's Animayhem Returns to SDCC With a Factory of 20th Television Animation
Disney is once again bringing the Hulu Animayhem to San Diego Comic-Con. Last year, the streaming service created a hub for all of its adult animated favorites, from Futurama to Solar Opposites, the Bob's Burgers, and The Simpsons.
This year's activation is designed like a factory with all the characters of your favorite animated shows working to crank out some of the best series the medium has to offer. Mock-ups show a floor filled with references to Animayhem's flagship programs, with Bob Belcher, Homer and Bart Simpson, Fry and Bender, Hit-Monkey and Bryce, and more flying through the gears and conveyer belts that make it all work. Deeper inside the factory is where the real magic lies, however, with a selection of immersive activities based on the shows and exclusive collectible memorabilia that can only be found at the yearly convention
Key among the factory's many moving parts is a replica of Futurama's Slurm Factory. The highly addictive soft drink, which may or may not be made from the slime excreted from the butt of an alien slug queen, is Fry's favorite drink in the year 3000 and the episode "Fry and the Slurm Factory" gives him and the Planet Express crew a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see how it's made. Animayhem's replica recreates the factory as it appeared in the beloved episode, from the Willy Wonka-inspired music to the borderline copyright-infringing Grunka Lunkas and, of course, the Slurm Queen herself for some unique photo opportunities.
Past that is the Cutawayland Storage, a special 25th-anniversary celebration of Family Guy full of all the best cutaway gags from the Seth MacFarlane show's long history. Fans can pick up 2D objects that correspond with specific jokes and take them to viewing stations to see the cutaway play out on the spot. Add in some cutouts of the Griffin family in their signature yellow tuxedos from the show's iconic intro sequence, and the station has no shortage of photo opportunities to commemorate such a major milestone.
Slurm isn’t the only treat fans can see the making of. Another area replicates The Simpsons LardLad Donut Factory where Homer Simpson's favorite pink-sprinkled sweets are made. As part of a partnership with the SoCal staple Randy’s Donuts, attendees can pick up ready-made donuts with suspiciously green icing that may be toxic waste from Mr. Burns's power plant.
From there, the factory opens up with a bevy of interactable activities including a chance to sing along to the end credits songs of Bob's Burgers and get a shareable video from Bob's Record-O-Matic, take a Solar Opposites-themed Goobler stress test and get a corresponding Goobler stress ball based on the results, and search for the Bonsai Master's Sword in a Hit-Monkey-themed katana factory to win an SDCC-exclusive set of pins.
American Dad fans can also come to the rescue of the show's disguise-loving extraterrestrial star, Roger. His cries for help will ring throughout the activation as he's stuck in a CIA lab and being dissected. Following Stan and Francine's example from "The Scarlett Getter," participants will have to quickly reassemble the alien in an Operation-like game, a task easier said than done with his strange organs scattered all over the place. Whether that operation is successful or not, a photo opportunity with Roger's golden turd will be available thereafter
For anyone who needs a quick rest after all the adult animation activity, the Animayhem Factory is stocked with a break room courtesy of three of 20th Television Animation - The Great North. A fridge in the room can be opened for some refreshing cold air during the red-hot summer while also providing a view of the Tobin family's idyllic Alaskan cabin.
Hulu's Animayhem activation opens on July 25 from 11:30 a.m. through 7 p.m., July 26-27 from 9:30 a.m. through 7 p.m. daily, and July 28 from 9:30 a.m. through 5 p.m. Stay tuned here at Collider for all of our coverage of SDCC throughout the weekend. Get an exclusive look at the Animayhem factory in the gallery above.
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unkipt · 2 months
Hello! Just to start I love the world falling series and your writing :)
I was wondering if you have any historical inspiration for the world falling series? Like, time periods, places etc?
Keep being amazing and have a great day :)
hi! I'm so glad you like the series!
As for historical inspiration, oh boy do i. I'm a history major, so there is a Lot of things. I'm gonna do this by kingdom to make it easier if i can lol.
Ok, first, the End: The End is kind of a weird one because it's a blend of its older culture plus what Enderian, who is originally from the Overworld, brought with her and implemented when she took over. One of the main things is the use of rivers to separate the three old kingdoms, and the fact that the Shulk castle/the one the first fic takes place in is on water. A lot of borders historically were designated by water because it was the most consistent way to remember them since they didn't have modern tech, same with having cities on water because of transport, ease of farming, etc. Even though the End is an ice land, the rivers would still provide faster travel then through large drifts of snow. In the last chapter of WF the duke gives rae an elytra, though he doesn't tell him much about it other than the fact that it took craftsmen from all three kingdoms to make them, which was meant to be symbolic of a steady trade relationship between the three. that was slightly inspired by indigenous communities who would make art of some sort of pattern to represent allyships between various communities, and was also a fun way to tie in the elytra to the story (it will become relevant again in this fic, eventually)
The Nether: The Nether is fairly simple, in that it's meant to be a really warm climate, with lots of autumn ish coloured trees, so not totally realistic, but I tried to describe a lot of their fashion to be both unique and have some influence from their neighbours. Largely, i looked at warm climated areas irl, like india, or south america, and took influence from that, with the silks and light fabrics in a wide variety of fabrics. this was definitely also inspired by how Athena portrayed the Nether in their lore, but i tried to expand it a bit. as for political, it's sort of inspired by like 1500's ish germany, where there were many princes but one high prince (holy roman empire actually, i think?) so before netherum and soul, the princes would have been in charge of smaller areas, but then netherum and soul united all the lands into the Nether, and as an act of good faith they were elected as the King and Queen (this is more fantasy than fact based), but, all the previous princes, are still princes, so they are largely in charge of their own lands still, but they refer to Soul now, netherum in the past, about certain things. it's sort of a state situation? i was mainly thinking HRE when i planned it.
The Overworld: Admittedly, the Overworld is pretty plain. It's basically Canada inspired, since that's where I'm from, so that's where my brain goes. It's the most north american of all the kingdoms, with 4 seasons, but the northern parts of the kingdom are snowy most parts of the year, though not quite to the extent of the End. It also used to be about 4 different kingdoms, with Morningstar kingdom being the largest, so when magic hit and everything started going weird, the four kingdoms kinda came together under Morningstar, which then got renamed when Enderian took Rae and erased the name Morningstar from most memories. also, the capital of morningstar is crete. greek myth is not canon to the wf series, but ill be damned if i can't make references to it lol
The Aether: I have not talked about the Aether a lot! BUT cliamte wise I imagine it like England, where it's kind of mild most of the time, if it snows its fairly minimal, and it rains a fair amount. we're ignoring the scorching summers tho. I did also take inspiration from like Ancient Greece and Rome, just due to the Aether sort of having the rep in canon/in the fic of having the library or being scholarly. I also imagine a lot of their aspects of culture, like the wine, the art, etc. maybe not the nudity
The East Isles!: This was purely me wanting Ocie to be a queen. Again I kind of took inspo from like irish/scottish history, with britain especially. except in this case britain is the overworld, and not the aether, even though i just compared the aether to britain lol. other than that it doesn't really have any historical inspo
And thats it! the End and Nether are definitely the most historically inspired, but every once in a while i learn something new in one of my classes and i just kinda shove it in because its neat. there may very well be more, but this is what i can remember right now
thanks for the ask!
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
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absolutely unhinged “Stabbed in the Back” libel shit. what parallel universe do you live in where you think Jews have been “silent” about ICE or human rights violations on the US border? bitch please
the idea that Jews as a people “turned their backs” on queer, BIPoC, & disabled people would be laughably stupid if it weren’t so incredibly insidious, not least of all because it erases the Jewish people, an indigenous tribe, of indigeneity (which is wildly anti-indigenous AND antisemitic) & some of us are queer, disabled, or otherwise BIPoC—but this is also textbook scapegoating, casting Jews in the role of Judas to justify cursing our name; all this asshole is missing is the mention of “30 pieces of silver”
congrats, we live in a global world: the US & US-based companies buy tech from companies in other countries, & vice versa; it isn’t uncommon for police depts & govt agencies to speak to those in other countries about strategies for how to do their jobs more effectively. Israel isn’t unique here, and blaming Israel for American police brutality because an Israeli group gave lectures on how to handle & de-escalate terror attacks & hostage crises to American police is unhinged—as is trying to act like a prison buying software from an AI & user experience company that happens to be in Israel has fuck all to do with either the Israeli government or Israeli Jews broadly (much less Jews elsewhere). it’s red yarn on a cork board shit.
and I don’t know what post this person hallucinated where I or anyone else supposedly talked about planning to “sell out” anyone, but that kind of accusation is par for the course for the rest of this person’s screed
also: good for you, you’re willing to be deported if Trump is president; who tf are you to make that decision for every other Hispanic person in America? who are you to force that on the millions of queer & disabled people in America? the fact this person is willing to put everyone else at risk because they’re personally willing to pay for it is self-centered & self-righteous as fuck
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
so um, you’ve probably have been asked this many times but how do you start writing fanfic without cringing at yourself? i already feel silly for reading it. i noticed you have gained recognition outside of tumblr which i believe to be an achievement but i can’t allow myself to go through that.
i work in the finance sector at a big american firm, i can’t have my coworkers knowing i’m writing fanfic. i already get teased for watching disney animated films (which it’s not that bad) how do you deal with this? ik you’re still at college and ofc, this doesn’t mean you’re stupid but i bet you know what i mean? do you have some advice on this?
⚠️me not shutting the fuck up and getting way too personal below the cut
honestly at first i DID cringe at myself. i cringed so much that after posting my first fic in like november i dont think i posted again til january because i was writing and would just get so humiliated despite being alone and no one knowing who i was or what i was doing LOL but honestly the way i got over that was just to do it more because i truly love writing and why would i let feeling “cringe” stop me from doing something i love and that makes me happy? that would be so heartbreaking, life is hard enough, we deserve to do things we love and are passionate about without judging ourselves so harshly
as for not letting other people know well yeah i just don’t tell my friends or anyone ik in real life that i write fanfic lol, they know i love to write and they know im obsessed with spencer reid but that’s as much as i’ve told them! i know it’s a thing that maybe most people would consider “weird” but as someone who has a crushing fear of intimacy this is kinda my outlet lmfao. and it made me feel really insecure and weird at first but then i realized like… i try to be kind and caring and thoughtful, i have a lot of good qualities and the fact that i write fanfic doesn’t actually detract from any of them. it also helped for me to accept the reason why i write fanfic which is (and we’re abt to get real personal) i’m deeply afraid of intimacy of any kind and always have been so writing fiction abt the stuff i’m too scared to do isn’t a bad thing. there are a lot of people who wouldn’t understand it but they don’t have the same experiences as me and i don’t need them to understand it because i know that they never could. like they don’t understand what it’s like to so terrified of being known by another person that you obsess over the hottest guy in your school district for six months bc you want the validation of him liking you back and you do everything in your power to make him like you and then when he actually does reciprocate you immediately start icing him out to the point where he says hi at a party and you ignore him to his face cause you’re so afraid of men😂😂😂😂😂 they don’t get those vibes!!!
anyway basically you just have to remember that you’re doing it for you and it actually doesn’t mean something is WRONG with you if you enjoy writing and the safety and control that fiction offers you. it just means you’re one of billions of people living an entirely unique experience, just like anyone else, and honestly i think it makes you interesting. having hobbies and passions is rlly sexy and cool, regardless of what they are, and you deserve to do stuff you like doing. if anyone else is giving you shit abt it it’s probably because they genuinely don’t understand what it’s like to have interests and that makes me feel bad for them lol
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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New York City
New York tumblr more photos here New York City, often simply referred to as NYC, is one of the most iconic and vibrant cities in the world. Located in the northeastern part of the United States, it is situated on the southeastern tip of the state of New York. With a population of over 8 million residents within the city limits and over 20 million in the greater metropolitan area, it is the most populous city in the United States.
Geography and Layout: New York City is composed of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island. The city is located on a series of islands and connected by bridges and tunnels. Manhattan, the heart of the city, is where many of its most famous landmarks are located. It is divided into several neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character and atmosphere. The city is known for its impressive skyline, dominated by iconic skyscrapers like the Empire State Building, One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower), and the Chrysler Building.
Culture and Diversity: One of New York City's defining characteristics is its incredible diversity. People from all over the world have made the city their home, resulting in a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, cuisines, and traditions. This diversity is celebrated through various cultural events, festivals, and neighborhoods that showcase the heritage of different communities.
The city's cultural scene is unparalleled, with world-class museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and the American Museum of Natural History. Broadway, located in the Theater District of Manhattan, is synonymous with American theater and is famous for its top-tier productions.
Economy and Business: New York City is a global economic powerhouse. Its financial district, centered around Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, is home to some of the world's largest and most influential financial institutions. The city's economy is incredibly diverse, encompassing finance, media, technology, fashion, tourism, and more.
Education and Research: The city boasts some of the world's most prestigious universities, including Columbia University, New York University (NYU), and The City University of New York (CUNY) system. These institutions contribute to the city's reputation as a hub for research, innovation, and intellectual exchange.
Cuisine and Culinary Scene: New York City is a culinary melting pot, offering an array of dining options that reflect its multicultural makeup. From street food carts offering hot dogs and pretzels to high-end restaurants serving international cuisines, the city caters to all tastes and budgets. Iconic foods like New York-style pizza, bagels, and deli sandwiches are part of the city's culinary fabric.
Transportation: The city's extensive public transportation system, which includes the subway, buses, and ferries, is a crucial part of daily life for millions of residents and visitors. The yellow taxi cabs are also an iconic symbol of the city's transportation.
Landmarks and Attractions: New York City is home to an impressive array of landmarks and attractions. Some of the must-visit places include:
Times Square: A bustling commercial and entertainment hub known for its bright lights, theaters, and New Year's Eve celebrations.
Central Park: An expansive green oasis in the heart of Manhattan, offering a retreat from the urban hustle and bustle.
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: Iconic symbols of American freedom and immigration history.
Brooklyn Bridge: A historic suspension bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn, offering stunning views of the city skyline.
Rockefeller Center: A complex of commercial buildings, famous for its ice-skating rink and the Top of the Rock observation deck.
The High Line: A unique elevated park built on a former railway track, offering a serene escape above the city streets.
Museums and Art Galleries: In addition to the aforementioned museums, NYC is home to the Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, and more.
Challenges and Opportunities: Despite its allure, New York City also faces challenges such as high living costs, traffic congestion, and issues related to affordable housing. The city has shown resilience in the face of challenges, and initiatives are continually being developed to address these concerns and create a more equitable and sustainable future.
In summary, New York City is a dynamic and multifaceted metropolis that captivates visitors and residents alike with its cultural richness, economic vitality, and unparalleled energy. Its ability to constantly reinvent itself while honoring its history makes it a truly remarkable and enduring global city.
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animehouse-moe · 11 months
Anti-War Manga Recommendations
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Yeah, not quite on my bingo card for today, but a bit of an insane statement to find. I'd say I can't believe it, but almost every company out there can be bought, bribed, or bullied into this sort of presence, so I'll leave my thoughts at it being pathetic and dangerous.
Anyways, considering the sheer stupidity and brazenness of this entirely heartless idea, I wanted to bring attention to some manga that speak in depth towards anti-war sentiments, largely focusing on Japan's experience with WWII.
Okinawa - Susumu Higa
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This is probably the most unique title on this list, in my opinion. Okinawa, as the name implies, is a manga detailing the lives and collective conscious of the Okinawa people in two parts: the first showing their lives and interactions during the storming of the Okinawa islands as Japan fights against the Americans, and the second is the post-war experiences placed against the ever present American occupation.
Don't get it wrong, this story is about war, but before that it's about how people live under the shadow of war. How people fear for their lives, how they leave people behind, how they demonize one another for their own survival, how tradition and culture collapse for the sake of survival. But also how a people rebuild their history, how they exist under occupation, how they fall prey to American greed. It's a story that tells of not the experience of an individual or even a community, but of a singular conscious that comprises the Okinawa islands during the era. It's a very strong and emotional story despite its relative detachment from the imagery of war.
F - Arata Imai
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In the middle of Japan, a three party front breaks out into an effective war, and a British reporter appears, attempting to make a "big scoop" in the midst of the horror and tragedy.
F is a... terrible manga. Terrible in the sense that it's hard to experience because of its brutality and truth. It's a manga that paints the picture of the West's imaginary "rehabilitation" of Japan post-WWII and melds it together with their "War on Terror", placing the English lead character as the figurehead of the "good" countries.
In actuality, it is one terrible depiction of war after another, built atop the backdrop of the terrible Fukushima meltdown and Touhoku tsunami, combined with the conception of the Syrian civil war and Isis. The icing on this hellish cake being the existence of a terrorist organization, and the reporter's name being John Cantile, who then goes on to create propaganda for the organization F.
There's not really a way to explain the horror associated with this story as it brings the disaster and destruction of Japan in 2011 alongside the pathetic fantasy of an English-speaking rule over Japan. But I think the imagery of endless destruction while someone prattles on about it "being a good, positive change for the people" under occupation does a good job of illustrating Imai's desire to spit in the face of America's occupation of Japan, and their similar attempts in the Middle East.
Barefoot Gen - Keiji Nakazawa
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I don't think I really need to say anything about this one. Keiji Nakazawa himself was a survivor of Hiroshima, which this manga details. An ever present part of anime and manga history, it's (in my opinion) a piece of required reading for engagement in the medium.
Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms - Fumiyo Kouno
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More similar to the latter parts of Okinawa and Barefoot Gen, Town of Evening Calm is a story that focuses on the aftermath of WWII. This manga from Kouno focuses on the intense poverty and struggle for survival that plagues the people of Japan that exist in the shadow of war and the atomic bomb. It may be only a single volume, but it's a very impactful read.
In This Corner of The World - Fumiyo Kouno
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Complaining about the fact that Town of Evening Calm is out of print in English? Well, don't worry, In This Corner of The World has a movie that you can watch (from Mappa). Inverse to Town of Evening Calm, In This Corner of The World details the buildup to the end of WWII, and a young girl's experience with those rising tensions and dangers as she's separated from her family. An incredible series, both as the manga and the anime.
Tsubasa - Ayumu Tachihara
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Yet another short, but incredibly important read. Tsubasa is a manga that focuses on Kamikaze pilot Daisuke's decision to join and offer his life, detailing his experiences and thoughts leading up to his death. Alongside F and Barefoot Gen, this manga was an emotional struggle to experience. The dissonance between Daisuke's inner monologue and the words he provides to the people around him makes for a painful experience that pleads for a reason to stop, but cannot find one amidst the situation.
And there's still a mountain more of Japanese media with anti-war sentiments that exist both as explicit and implicit commentary. Just look at Grave of The Fireflies (Ghibli adapted it from a novel), or anything Gundam related.
War is an abhorrent and brutal thing, and those that incite and encourage it do not deserve to call themselves human. Bringing the United States military into something that has absolutely no association to it (rather anime and manga have a certain animosity towards them) is a decision that I cannot fathom came from any sane or reasonable person's mind. It is deeply disgusting to see, and I hope that with all my heart that table that the Marines set up will be openly mocked and spat upon by con goers.
Lastly, for those that are willing to spare some money, a few dollars will go a very long way with recent and ongoing conflicts like the unimaginable tragedies occurring in Palestine, and the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Please, don't feel the need to donate, but I do hope that people will contribute in whatever ways possible, and spread awareness and understanding of not just these conflicts, but any of the other countless ongoing conflicts and issues around the world.
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rdng1230 · 10 months
Buccaneers finale spoilers
whoever signed off on that early Taylor swift needle drop at the end of the buccaneers? Jail. They had finally managed to ditch some of that super unsubtle NoRtH AmErIcAnS bullshit and come to an interesting conclusion which had some unique points about the nature of womanhood and patriarchy and sacrifice but noooooooo we just had to have the soundtrack hard pivot into 2000’s DCOM ✨girl power✨ It’s giving Kelly Clarkson’s Breakaway in princess diaries 2 it’s giving Madonna’s Ray of Light in Ice Princess. And I LOVE those movies don’t get me wrong but like, my home girl Jinny’s trying to escape her LITERAL SEXUAL PREDATOR DOMESTIC ABUSER HUSBAND?!?! NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!!!!
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
Tips To Consider When Writing A Fantasy Religious Story
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This was requested by @saltykidcreation if you want to request something send me an ask!
A fantasy religious story is a fantasy story where, even if a God-like character does not exist, true biblical values are made obvious in the book's theme because of the author's worldview. I personally don’t write fantasy religious stories, however, since this was requested I decided to come up with some tips for this genre.
Establishing a Rich Mythology
At the heart of every captivating fantasy religious story lies a well-crafted mythology that breathes life into the beliefs, deities, and rituals of your fictional world. Just as our world's religions have intricate backstories, your fantasy realm's mythology provides the framework for understanding the spiritual landscape. Here's how to create a mythology that resonates:
Deities and Powers
Develop a pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with distinct personalities, domains, and motivations. Consider drawing inspiration from real-world mythologies or inventing entirely new divine beings. For instance, in Neil Gaiman's "American Gods," gods from various cultures manifest in modern-day America, reflecting changing beliefs.
Rituals and Traditions
Infuse your world with rituals, ceremonies, and festivals that reflect the beliefs of your fictional religion. Whether it's a solemn pilgrimage to a sacred site or a joyful celebration of a deity's favour, these rituals offer opportunities to reveal cultural norms and values. Take the example of "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss, where the University's Archives hold religious significance, connecting knowledge and faith.
Holy Texts and Prophecies
Craft ancient texts, prophecies, or scriptures that guide your characters' beliefs and actions. These texts can hold hidden truths, enigmatic predictions, or moral codes that shape the course of the story. In Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy, a mysterious device called the Alethiometer becomes a tool of divination, echoing themes of destiny and belief.
Cultural Impact
Consider how your fictional religion influences art, architecture, fashion, and daily life in your world. Are there specific symbols associated with the faith? Does the religion inspire grand cathedrals, tranquil monasteries, or vibrant marketplaces? J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series exemplifies this through the majestic Hogwarts Castle and its hidden rooms dedicated to various founders' beliefs.
A well-developed mythology adds depth and authenticity to your fantasy religious story, enriching readers' immersion and emotional engagement. As your characters interact with these elements, their beliefs will take centre stage, shaping their decisions and driving the narrative forward. 
Worldbuilding and Cultural Depth
Creating a compelling fantasy religious story extends beyond the spiritual realm—it involves crafting an immersive world where faith intertwines with culture, society, and daily life. As you build your fantastical universe, keep these worldbuilding aspects in mind to ensure a rich and authentic backdrop for your narrative:
Cultural Diversity:
Just as our world hosts a tapestry of cultures, your fantasy realm should embrace diversity. Explore how different regions or communities within your world interpret and practice the same religion. George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series masterfully showcases distinct religious beliefs held by various societies, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.
Social Impact:
Consider how religion shapes social hierarchies, class systems, and power dynamics. Does the priesthood hold political sway? Are certain religious groups marginalized or revered? In Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Left Hand of Darkness," the planet Gethen's religious beliefs are deeply tied to its unique genderless society.
Iconography and Architecture: 
Infuse religious symbolism into architecture, art, and everyday objects. Temples, sculptures, and artefacts can embody beliefs and tell stories within your world. The stained glass windows of Notre Dame Cathedral in Victor Hugo's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" visually depict biblical narratives while reflecting the spiritual essence of the setting.
Language and Terminology: 
Develop specialized terminology, prayers, and phrases specific to your fantasy religion. This linguistic distinctiveness adds authenticity and depth to the faith. J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" features languages like Elvish that enrich the cultures and religions of Middle-earth.
Impact on Conflict and Plot: 
Explore how religious differences can drive conflict or cooperation within your story. Religious tensions can lead to political strife, wars, or alliances. In Frank Herbert's "Dune," the complex interplay between the Fremen's religious beliefs and the political landscape fuels the narrative's intrigue.
Remember, effective worldbuilding integrates religious aspects seamlessly into every facet of your fictional world. By intertwining faith with culture, you'll create a vivid and immersive environment that enriches your readers' experience and deepens their connection to your story.
Weaving Themes of Faith and Doubt
Central to any fantasy religious story are the themes of faith, doubt, and the profound quest for meaning. These themes can elevate your narrative, sparking introspection and emotional resonance. Here's how to skillfully weave these threads throughout your story:
Character Beliefs
Explore how characters' beliefs shape their worldviews, actions, and interactions. Does a protagonist's unwavering faith lead them on a heroic journey, while a sceptical character questions the mystical elements surrounding them? In C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia," characters' diverse beliefs guide their roles in the unfolding saga.
Spiritual Journeys
Craft character arcs that mirror spiritual journeys, complete with challenges and revelations. Allow characters to grapple with doubts, undergo transformative experiences, and emerge with a deeper connection to their faith. The character Eowyn in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" confronts her inner struggles and finds a newfound purpose.
Crisis of Faith
Introduce moments of crisis where characters' faith is tested to its limits. These moments can lead to internal turmoil, moral dilemmas, and choices that define their paths. In Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" the protagonist questions the nature of humanity, blending themes of religion with questions of identity.
Divine Intervention
Explore the concept of divine intervention and its impact on characters' lives. This can be a source of guidance, trials, or even scepticism. In "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman, the gods' involvement in human affairs raises questions about their true motivations and the nature of belief.
Existential Quests
Delve into existential themes as characters search for meaning beyond the material world. Incorporate quests that transcend physical boundaries, encouraging characters to uncover truths about existence, mortality, and the afterlife. Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens" humorously navigates themes of fate, destiny, and the cosmic battle between good and evil.
By exploring the intricate balance between faith and doubt, you'll create characters who resonate with readers on a deeply human level. These themes not only enrich your narrative but also invite readers to ponder their own beliefs and uncertainties
Utilizing Symbolism and Allegory
In the realm of fantasy religious storytelling, symbolism and allegory serve as potent tools to convey layers of meaning and depth. These literary devices can bridge the gap between the fantastical and the profound, enriching your narrative in powerful ways:
Symbolic Artifacts
Introduce artefacts or objects that hold symbolic significance within your world. A mystical amulet, an ancient tome, or a sacred tree could embody themes of faith, wisdom, or protection. Consider the One Ring in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," representing the corrupting influence of power.
Allegorical Journeys
Craft allegorical quests that mirror spiritual journeys or moral dilemmas. Characters might embark on physical journeys that parallel inner transformations, mirroring the trials and growth inherent in belief systems. In John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress," the protagonist's journey to the Celestial City mirrors the Christian path.
Metaphorical Creatures
Introduce fantastical creatures that symbolize spiritual concepts. A mythical phoenix representing rebirth or a guardian dragon embodying both danger and enlightenment can add layers of meaning to your narrative. In "The Chronicles of Narnia," Aslan the lion is a symbolic representation of Christ.
Cosmic Forces
Use cosmic events or celestial phenomena as metaphors for divine influence or moral alignments. A comet's appearance could herald significant events, while an eclipse might signify moments of transformation or impending conflict. The Dark Tower series by Stephen King weaves cosmic forces into the fabric of its multiverse narrative.
Subtextual Commentary
Employ allegory to comment on real-world issues or philosophical concepts. By grounding your fantastical narrative in allegorical discussions, you invite readers to reflect on broader themes while engaging with your story. George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is an allegory for political corruption and societal manipulation.
By artfully integrating symbolism and allegory, you add depth and resonance to your narrative. These devices not only enhance the fantastical elements of your story but also invite readers to explore the layers of meaning hidden beneath the surface.
Crafting Moral Dilemmas and Choices
A hallmark of captivating storytelling is the inclusion of moral dilemmas that challenge characters' beliefs, forcing them to confront their convictions and make difficult choices. Within the realm of fantasy religious stories, these dilemmas become even more potent, as characters navigate the intersection of faith, ethics, and personal growth:
Clashes of Belief
Introduce conflicts where characters' divergent beliefs clash, sparking debates and raising questions about the nature of truth and morality. Such clashes can lead to both external conflicts and internal struggles. In "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman, characters' differing beliefs influence their actions in a world with soul-representing daemons.
Test of Principles
Develop scenarios where characters must make choices that challenge their faith or require them to compromise their values. These choices can lead to soul-searching moments that reveal the depths of their character. Guy Gavriel Kay's "Tigana" explores characters' moral choices amid political and religious conflicts.
Consequences of Devotion
Examine the consequences of extreme devotion to a religious cause. Characters who blindly follow their faith might be driven to commit ethically questionable acts, raising questions about the balance between devotion and ethics. In "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell, the characters' missionary zeal leads to unforeseen moral dilemmas on an alien planet.
Doubt and Redemption
Narrate character arcs that involve doubt and eventual redemption. Characters who experience crises of faith might embark on journeys of self-discovery and growth, ultimately finding renewed purpose or understanding. In "The Magicians" by Lev Grossman, the protagonist's journey of doubt and rediscovery aligns with themes of magic and faith.
Personal Growth Through Struggle
Showcase characters who emerge stronger from moral challenges, reflecting personal growth as they navigate the complexities of their beliefs. These experiences can lead to a deeper understanding of faith and a more profound connection to the divine. Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Dart" features a protagonist whose unique perspective challenges and evolves her understanding of religion.
By infusing your narrative with moral dilemmas, you encourage readers to grapple with complex questions, fostering empathy and introspection. These dilemmas illuminate the nuances of faith and the intricate choices that define the paths characters undertake.
I hope this blog on Tips To Consider When Writing A Fantasy Religious Story will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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