unkipt 2 months
i am absolutely evil giggling while typing out the next rr chapter hehehe
shits ab to get real (also hopefully it'll be up today? depends how work goes :))
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agenderedmoss 11 months
Chapter 5 of rough roads came out sometime last night or early in the morning. It was amazing!!!
Rowen and Centross having history is the funniest thing to me, not because of what that history could entail, but because Rae has no idea what it could be. This man is so genuinely confused that he caused Ghosty to be confused by his confusion. It is absolutely the funniest shit I've read!!
I swear, Kip kills me every chapter 馃槀馃槀馃槀
This fanfic series is the only thing I think about, I love it so much!!
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unkipt 1 month
Hello! Just to start I love the world falling series and your writing :)
I was wondering if you have any historical inspiration for the world falling series? Like, time periods, places etc?
Keep being amazing and have a great day :)
hi! I'm so glad you like the series!
As for historical inspiration, oh boy do i. I'm a history major, so there is a Lot of things. I'm gonna do this by kingdom to make it easier if i can lol.
Ok, first, the End: The End is kind of a weird one because it's a blend of its older culture plus what Enderian, who is originally from the Overworld, brought with her and implemented when she took over. One of the main things is the use of rivers to separate the three old kingdoms, and the fact that the Shulk castle/the one the first fic takes place in is on water. A lot of borders historically were designated by water because it was the most consistent way to remember them since they didn't have modern tech, same with having cities on water because of transport, ease of farming, etc. Even though the End is an ice land, the rivers would still provide faster travel then through large drifts of snow. In the last chapter of WF the duke gives rae an elytra, though he doesn't tell him much about it other than the fact that it took craftsmen from all three kingdoms to make them, which was meant to be symbolic of a steady trade relationship between the three. that was slightly inspired by indigenous communities who would make art of some sort of pattern to represent allyships between various communities, and was also a fun way to tie in the elytra to the story (it will become relevant again in this fic, eventually)
The Nether: The Nether is fairly simple, in that it's meant to be a really warm climate, with lots of autumn ish coloured trees, so not totally realistic, but I tried to describe a lot of their fashion to be both unique and have some influence from their neighbours. Largely, i looked at warm climated areas irl, like india, or south america, and took influence from that, with the silks and light fabrics in a wide variety of fabrics. this was definitely also inspired by how Athena portrayed the Nether in their lore, but i tried to expand it a bit. as for political, it's sort of inspired by like 1500's ish germany, where there were many princes but one high prince (holy roman empire actually, i think?) so before netherum and soul, the princes would have been in charge of smaller areas, but then netherum and soul united all the lands into the Nether, and as an act of good faith they were elected as the King and Queen (this is more fantasy than fact based), but, all the previous princes, are still princes, so they are largely in charge of their own lands still, but they refer to Soul now, netherum in the past, about certain things. it's sort of a state situation? i was mainly thinking HRE when i planned it.
The Overworld: Admittedly, the Overworld is pretty plain. It's basically Canada inspired, since that's where I'm from, so that's where my brain goes. It's the most north american of all the kingdoms, with 4 seasons, but the northern parts of the kingdom are snowy most parts of the year, though not quite to the extent of the End. It also used to be about 4 different kingdoms, with Morningstar kingdom being the largest, so when magic hit and everything started going weird, the four kingdoms kinda came together under Morningstar, which then got renamed when Enderian took Rae and erased the name Morningstar from most memories. also, the capital of morningstar is crete. greek myth is not canon to the wf series, but ill be damned if i can't make references to it lol
The Aether: I have not talked about the Aether a lot! BUT cliamte wise I imagine it like England, where it's kind of mild most of the time, if it snows its fairly minimal, and it rains a fair amount. we're ignoring the scorching summers tho. I did also take inspiration from like Ancient Greece and Rome, just due to the Aether sort of having the rep in canon/in the fic of having the library or being scholarly. I also imagine a lot of their aspects of culture, like the wine, the art, etc. maybe not the nudity
The East Isles!: This was purely me wanting Ocie to be a queen. Again I kind of took inspo from like irish/scottish history, with britain especially. except in this case britain is the overworld, and not the aether, even though i just compared the aether to britain lol. other than that it doesn't really have any historical inspo
And thats it! the End and Nether are definitely the most historically inspired, but every once in a while i learn something new in one of my classes and i just kinda shove it in because its neat. there may very well be more, but this is what i can remember right now
thanks for the ask!
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unkipt 3 months
broters?????? me when them
hehe enjoy :)
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unkipt 4 months
just had an epiphany about the plot of rough roads, this'll be fun :)
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unkipt 4 months
omg tumblr poll worked? kinda? anyway, new rough rods chapter!
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unkipt 4 months
would just love to share how i title my chapters while im working on them, mostly its just to remind me what im doing but its short and v silly most of the time. minor spoiler for next chapter, my doc for it is titled "athena and jamie meet :)"
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unkipt 15 days
Hello! I have questions about my current favourite fic :)
Are there any songs that you associate with the characters in World Falling / Rough Roads? If so, why that song for that character?
Also, do you listen to music while writing? If so what kind? Does it match the vibes of the writing or just stuff you like?
Hope you have / had a great day, and keep being amazing!
Hi! I'm glad you love the fic!
I have a few songs that I think just generally vibe with certain characters, I'll try and list the ones I can remember lol.
- Where do you run by The Score (end duo specific)
- Kill the Ghost by Motherfolk
- Wild by The Vaniers
- Snakes by Bastille
- Champion by Barns Courtney
- Milk & Honey by the Vaniers
- Bullet by the Ballroom Thieves
- Poet by Bastille (Ghae coded)
- Send them off! by Bastille
Those are the ones I could think of but there are definitely others
As for when I'm writing, I just generally listen to my liked songs, which is a lot of indie pop/rock with the occasional musical mixed in lol. I've tried listening to specific playlists to fit the vibe of what I'm writing but I find I enjoy just letting whatever play, and if I'm not feeling it in the moment I just skip it
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unkipt 2 months
as promised!
yeah, still evil giggling about this one a bit
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unkipt 7 months
in honour of the 1 year since i posted the first chapter of "when the world falls at your feet, do you fall with it?" i wanted to make a quick post to talk about some neat things that have happened in the last year of my life fandomwise.
i posted a total of 127k words in the wf series
i posted an additional 46k words in other fable works
i got more involved with the fable fandom despite my anxiety and met some really cool people
i ran a really fun prompt meme with some other awesome writers
basically i'm really thankful for everything the last year has brought me, especially in terms of fandom and my own writing. i originally planned to post a chapter today as part of this but i got distracted. should be out by tomorrow though!
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unkipt 7 months
also tumblr gets this rough road spoiler for the next chapter while i watch lore hehe
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gonna try and get this out in the next few days, it's almost the one year anniversary of the first chapter of wf being posted!
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unkipt 22 days
Hello! Hope you're having a good day! I have a few questions about the World Falling series for you.
How much of the series do you have planned, and how much detail do your plans usually have?
Have you deviated much from the original plan, or have you stayed pretty close to it?
Do you have any idea how long the series will end up?
Keep being amazing and take care of yourself!
i am loving the questions lately, thanks for asking more!
right now, i have a rough (ha) outline of the rest of rough roads, which consists of about 1k words worth of jot notes. basically just the loose events i want to happen and in what order. that's about how much of a plan i ever have lol, i'm not a super intense planner because i find i change my mind too often to do more
overall, the story hasn't changed too much from my original plan. certain things have for sure, which i can give a few examples of bc they're kinda neat - when rae was helping jamie and caspian out of the castle, jamie was supposed to see rae erase his memory as guards approached, but be forced to continue on and escape. in the end it just didn't work with the way i was picturing the scene - rae, caspian, and centross were only supposed to be in the nether until chapter 4 or 5, max. i got a lil sidetracked with character interactions on that one hehe - perix was gonna be the big bad of rough roads, but in case you couldn't tell, it's switched to fable
that leads me into the third question though. in terms of word count, no clue. in terms of like, chapters, etc? i posted a few months ago (damn) that i had roughly 19 chapters planned for rr, 5 of which have been posted, so at least 14 more chapters for this fic? though i'm already deviating from my plan a little so it may be more. if i can keep up my inspiration i'd love to do a third fic in the series, a) to have one with perix as kinda the main villain, b) to finish the plot as i originally planned it. for now though the plan is to finish rr, and if i don't think i can write the third, i'll most a rough outline here so y'all can at least see the full conclusion of the story.
speaking of rough roads though, i have realized that somehow a month has passed since i last updated, which wtf where did the time go, i am working on the next chapter though so hopefully it'll be up soon! (god this fic is taking me so much longer than the first one lmao)
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unkipt 7 months
and i'm immediately back to posting at 2am
in my defence this was going to be finished earlier but i got distracted playing lethal company. i died a lot
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unkipt 1 month
im trying SO HARD to write rn its like. not working tho. i type a sentence, then delete two, then try again, and i feel like im just making negative progress WHICH SUCKS BC IM AB TO INTRODUCE ANOTHER CHARACTER AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THAT
ugh, words
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unkipt 2 months
fic? fic.
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unkipt 7 months
omg i actually updated at a reasonable hour for once instead of 2am?
anyways chapter 12 is up!
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