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sarkariresultrk · 6 months ago
Bihar Icds Recruitment 2024 Apply Online : बिहार में आई नई जिला स्तर पर 4 पदों पर आवेदन शुरू
Bihar Icds Recruitment 2024 बिहार जिला बाल संरक्षण इकाई के तरफ से एक बहुत ही अच्छी भर्ती आई है  ये भर्ती मुंगेर जिले के तरफ से निकाली गयी है | इसके तहत भर्ती कोऑर्डिनेटर एवं अन्य अलग-अलग प्रकार के पदों के लिए निकाली गयी है | इन पदों पर भर्ती को लेकर ऑफिसियल नोटिस जारी कर जानकारी दी गयी है  इन पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन कब से कब तक लिए जायेगे|  Bihar Icds Coordinator Recruitmnt 2024इन पदों के लिए…
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sarkariresults-post · 8 months ago
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sarkari-resultss · 1 year ago
OSSSC CRE Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for 2895 RI, ICDS Supervisor, ARI, Amin, SFS Posts
Unveiling Opportunities in Odisha – OSSSC CRE Recruitment 2024 Are you ready for a promising career in the vibrant state of Odisha? The Odisha Subordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has announced the Combined Recruitment Examination – 2023 (IV) for various district cadre posts, offering a total of 2895 vacancies. Seize the opportunity to become a Revenue Inspector, ICDS Supervisor,…
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hawberries · 2 months ago
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mao xiangling they could never make me hate you
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healthcaretechnologynews · 1 year ago
Advancements and unmet needs in pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs).
Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are medical devices that have revolutionized the treatment of heart rhythm disorders. They provide electrical stimulation to the heart muscles, helping regulate the heart rate and rhythm. Over the years, these devices have undergone significant advancements, making them more effective and convenient for patients.
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One of the most significant advancements in recent years is the incorporation of wireless technology. Pacemakers and ICDs can now communicate with smartphones and tablets, allowing doctors to monitor patients remotely. This is particularly beneficial for patients who live in remote areas or have difficulty visiting the hospital frequently.
Another significant development is the availability of leadless devices. These devices do not require leads, reducing the risk of infection and eliminating the need for lead extraction surgery. Additionally, certain pacemakers and ICDs are now designed to be MRI-compatible, which was previously a concern due to potential interference with the device's functionality.
While these advancements have been beneficial, this field still has unmet needs. For example, pacemakers and ICDs require surgery to replace the batteries, which can be inconvenient and risky for patients. There is a need for improved battery life, which would reduce the frequency of battery replacement surgeries.
Another unmet need is better detection and treatment of arrhythmias. While pacemakers and ICDs are effective at treating heart rhythm disorders, they do not always detect all arrhythmias and may not provide optimal therapy for certain patients. As such, there is a need for improved algorithms and programming of these devices to better detect and treat arrhythmias.
Finally, minimizing complications associated with the implantation of these devices is also an unmet need. Implantation can cause complications such as infection, lead dislodgement, and bleeding. There is a need for improved techniques and materials that can reduce the risk of complications during implantation.
The market for pacemakers and ICDs is dominated by key players such as Medtronic, Abbott Laboratories, Boston Scientific Corporation, Biotronik SE & Co. KG, and LivaNova PLC. These companies continue to invest in research and development, bringing new and innovative products to the market.
There are several types of pacemakers and ICDs available, including single-chamber pacemakers, dual-chamber pacemakers, and biventricular pacemakers. Similarly, single-chamber ICDs, dual-chamber ICDs, and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) ICDs are also available. The choice of device depends on the patient's specific condition and needs.
In conclusion, pacemakers and ICDs have come a long way in the past few decades, providing a safe and effective treatment for heart rhythm disorders. While there are still unmet needs in this field, continued advancements in technology and research will help to improve patient outcomes and reduce complications associated with these devices.
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krashlite · 7 months ago
Finished a lil piece!
I’m just on cleanups for most of the project but wanted to finish at least a small bit to see what the final was gonna look like for this scene
Overall, I’m really happy with it!
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ucpany-frnak · 2 months ago
mamce bylo v práci řečeno, že se autismus už nemá nazývat autismem ani poruchou autistického spektra, ale "krajinou autistických rysů" 💀
ano samozřejmě, my lidi, kteří často bereme věci doslovně a nemáme rádi změny, totiž potřebujeme změnit název naší kondice na něco abstraktního, co se fakt špatně zapamatovává
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communistkenobi · 2 months ago
I know all social sciences have the ability to produce some real horseshit but truly what has psychology ever done for this world. IQ? Freudian psychoanalysis? The DSM and ICD? Jordan Peterson? like what are we even doing here
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discountdyke · 5 months ago
its crazy that people think having multiple personality disorders makes you more dangerous or fucked up bc like, the more abuse and trauma you suffer as a child, the more symptoms of PDs you will check off bc your behavior becomes so disordered in order to survive. having more than one PD (having several PDs) is common among childhood abuse survivors. PD comorbidity is crazy high and, ultimately, PDs are a way of categorizing symptoms for diagnostics and treatment.
it has nothing to do with your character, your worth as a human being, and your ability to heal. you adapted to survive your abuse. you can adapt to survive life after it.
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gunsandspaceships · 6 months ago
Tony's Heart: Arrhythmia
For at least 6 years (from 2008 to 2014) Tony suffered from arrhythmia and had a pacemaker and ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) in his chest along with arc reactor. How do we know this:
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IM1 0:25:55 - There's no need to "run a heart" if there's only shrapnel in the chest. Yinsen's words only make sense if there is something running the heart that requires electricity from the reactor - a pacemaker and ICD.
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IM1 0:51:10 - In the scene where Pepper changes his reactor and takes out the old magnet, we hear Tony's heart went into tachycardia and he was about to get a cardiac arrest (caused by arrhythmias). After connecting the new reactor, Tony received an electric shock and his heart rate returned to normal. What happened: It wasn't the shrapnel that caused this reaction - even without magnet, the shrapnel would have been too slow to cause immediate danger. A pacemaker-ICD is a power source, chip, and electrodes that go to a heart. In this case, the power source is the reactor itself, the chip is part of the reactor, and the electrodes run from the base of the socket to Tony's heart. When Tony connected the reactor cable to the base plate, he connected it to the electrodes so that his pacemaker could work and save him from his irregular heartbeats. Apparently connecting the reactor to the base plate was necessary to power his pacemaker and nothing else, since the old magnet had been pulled out by Pepper and the new reactor had its own magnet. Without reactor-pacemaker-ICD, he had no protection against arrhythmia. So when Pepper touched the socket walls, it gave Tony a shock and disrupted his hearth rhythm (similar happened to him in Endgame), then she pulled out the magnet and that stressed him enough to give him tachycardia, and as soon as the reactor was reconnected, the pacemaker-ICD worked again and corrected Tony's heart rhythm by sending him a therapeutic electric shock.
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IM1 1:37:00 - Stane pulled out the reactor with pacemaker out of Tony's chest. Without the pacemaker, due to temporary paralysis and stress Tony's heart went to bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat), which gives us the diagnosis - Sick Sinus Syndrome (tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome). Tony managed to get to his lab and connect the old reactor. Shrapnel and electromagnet had nothing to do with it, because, as I already mentioned, shrapnel is too slow to cause damage in such a short time, and we also have to remember that the old magnet was outside the reactor and was pulled out by Pepper. So there was no magnet in this reactor. From that moment until the end of the battle with Stane, the shrapnel in Tony's chest was free. Tony needed this reactor first to correct the arrhythmia, and then to power the armor, and not to stop the shrapnel. He plugged it in, received a treatment shock that eliminated the bradycardia, and may have lost consciousness, which is why he was lying on the floor when Rhodes found him.
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IM3 Deleted scene "Tony, Harley and EJ" - Tony saves EJ using his reactor's ICD function. He had to take it out of his chest and give the boy shocks, receiving them himself, which disrupted his heart rhythm. This sent Tony into ventricular fibrillation, and Harley had to reconnect the reactor so the ICD could deliver the treatment shock you see in the second gif.
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Avengers: Endgame (1:20:30) - Tony asked Scott to induce a mild cardiac dysrhythmia (another name for arrhythmia) in his 2012 copy by pulling out a pin inside the reactor. This appeared to disrupt the normal functioning of his pacemaker and caused him to have a series of abnormal shocks that led to an arrhythmia and him falling to the ground in convulsions. Note that Tony knew what to do and that it (probably) wouldn't kill him, meaning his pacemaker-ICD would eventually solve the problem on its own, even without Thor's help.
And finally:
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In case my evidence is not convincing enough.
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lanne-xxxart · 7 days ago
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 months ago
Since my reply is hidden, I've decided to just make my own post about this and put some accurate info out there.
Covert DID vs Overt DID & Possession vs Non-possession: They don't mean what you think they mean!
Here's a bunch of facts and info in no particular order!
I saw a post about how masking isn't a type of covert DID, and I'm here to tell you that
Masking was the original covert!
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Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders (by Dorahy, Gold & O'Neil, 2nd edition, 2023)
You know the statistic in the DSM about covert/overt systems? It's taken from Kluft, above. And it includes masking.
Covert and overt aren't actually used all that often clinically, but it actually has several meanings, INCLUDING MASKING. Neither has to do with possession or non-possession, but they're unfortunately often incorrectly equated as "possession form = overt" and "non-possession = covert". They can overlap, but this is incorrect!
Possession's biggest use is for a disorder that no longer exists as a separate entry in the DSM 5.
Possession-Trance disorder still exists in the ICD, though, and we'll start there.
Trance disorder
"The trance state is not characterised by the experience of being replaced by an alternate identity."
"Trance Disorder is characterized by recurrent or single and prolonged involuntary marked alteration in an individual’s state of consciousness involving a trance state (without possession)."
"The trance state is not characterized by the experience of being replaced by an alternate identity."
"The identities of the possessing agents typically correspond to figures from the religious traditions in the society."
"In Possession Trance Disorder, the individual’s normal sense of personal identity is experienced as being replaced by an external ‘possessing’ spirit, power, deity or other spiritual entity, which is not the case in Trance Disorder. Possession trance states often include more complex activities (e.g., coherent conversations, characteristic gestures, facial expressions, specific verbalizations) than are typical of trance states, which tend to involve less complex activities (e.g., staring, falling)."
We can already see how this is starting to play out with overt/covert and non-possession/possession form.
Possession trance disorder
"Possession trance disorder is characterised by trance states in which there is a marked alteration in the individual’s state of consciousness and the individual’s customary sense of personal identity is replaced by an external ‘possessing’ identity and in which the individual’s behaviours or movements are experienced as being controlled by the possessing agent."
"Trance episodes are attributed to the influence of an external ‘possessing’ spirit, power, deity or other spiritual entity."
"During possession trance states, the activities performed are often relatively complex (e.g., coherent conversations, characteristic gestures, facial expressions, specific verbalizations that are frequently culturally accepted as belonging to a particular possessing agent)."
"Presumed possessing agents in Possession Trance Disorder are usually spiritual in nature (e.g., spirits of the dead, gods, demons, or other spiritual entities) and are often experienced as making demands or expressing animosity."
"The identities of the possessing agents typically correspond to figures from the religious traditions in the society."
"This is distinguished from Dissociative Identity Disorder and Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder, which are characterized by the experience of two or more distinct, alternate personality states that are not attributed to an external possessing agent. Individuals describing both internally and externally attributed alternate identities should receive a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder. In this situation, an additional diagnosis of Possession Trance Disorder should not be assigned."
From Dissociative Identity Disorder, I only want to note one thing:
"Individuals who describe both internal distinct personality states that assume executive control as well as episodes of being controlled by an external possessing identity should receive a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder rather than Possession Trance Disorder."
So, already, we've learned that possession and non-possession have to do with whether the entities are experienced as internal or external agents.
You'll note that the ICD doesn't mention covert or overt at all.
So back to the DSM-- “possession” was diagnosed as Atypical Dissociative Disorder in the DSM-III or DDNOS in DSM-III-R. In DSM-IV, possession and trance were diagnosed as sub-categories of the Dissociative Trance Disorder (DTD), and in DSM-IV-TR they were merged into one, and recognized as a cultural variant of the Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified [DDNOS]. In DSM-5, possession-form presentations are linked with criterion A of DID: “Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession” (p. 292).
Another common myth has to do with amnesia and covert/overt. The facts are:
Covert DID is associated with the highest levels of blackout amnesia. That's how it stays covert. People have amnesia for their own amnesia. It's an incredible phenomenon that's highly documented.
Overt DID typically has the same or less amnesia. It's much harder to explain away noticeable behaviour so people are much more aware of their own gaps in memory and can begin treatment sooner. They're much more easily diagnosed. As internal dialogue and intrusion are far more different in these entities, people become aware sooner and experience more grey out amnesia thanks to this basic awareness.
Covert DID is no longer diagnosed as OSDD 1a. The DSM 5 introduced new reporting criteria that allow the patient and their family to self report switches. OSDD and DDNOS 1a were primarily used for situations where the clinician didn't witness a switch during interviewing. As such, OSDD these days mainly covers P-DID presentations where switching is genuinely rare, if it happens at all. While P-DID is less associated with amnesia, OSDD 1a will require it. P-DID without amnesia will fall into 1b or DID itself, thanks to the DSM's updated amnesia wording.
For this next bit, I'll be using the DSM 5, as that's what I have in front of me, for the purposes of this conversation, this version will do fine.
"Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by a) the presence of two or more distinct personality states or an experience of possession."
"The fragmentation of identity may vary with culture (e.g., possession-form presentations) and circumstance. Thus, individuals may experience discontinuities in identity and memory that may not be immediately evident to others or are obscured by attempts to hide dysfunction."
You know, overt/covert, and wow, it doesn't just have to do with the entities, BUT HOW YOU DESCRIBE YOUR DISORDER?!
You mean... like masking?
Holy shit, yeah, the DSM just said that.
These terms are not as interchangeable as some people think they are. They have very unique meanings and are very different concepts, not only from each other, but from how they're often used within the community.
To reiterate:
Possession form = external entities
Non-possession = internal entities
Overt = noticeable behaviour and mannerisms
Covert = hidden or sneaky behaviour or mannerisms
These can and do overlap, but exist as separate concepts.
More from the DSM:
"The defining feature of dissociative identity disorder is the presence of two or more distinct personality states or an experience of possession (Criterion A). The overtness or covertness of these personality states, however, varies as a function of psychological motivation, current level of stress, culture, internal conflicts and dynamics, and emotional resilience."
Oh, wow, it changes over time and can vary between alters themselves?! Wow.
"Sustained periods of identity disruption may occur when psychosocial pressures are severe and/or prolonged. In many possession-form cases of dissociative identity disorder, and in a small proportion of non-possession-form cases, manifestations of alternate identities are highly overt. Most individuals with non-possession-form dissociative identity disorder do not overtly display their discontinuity of identity for long periods of time; only a small minority present to clinical attention with observable alternation of identities."
"Possession-form identities in dissociative identity disorder typically manifest as behaviors that appear as if a “spirit,” supernatural being, or outside person has taken control, such that the individual begins speaking or acting in a distinctly different manner. For example, an individual’s behavior may give the appearance that her identity has been replaced by the “ghost” of a girl who committed suicide in the same community years before, speaking and acting as though she were still alive. Or an individual may be “taken over” by a demon or deity, resulting in profound impairment, and demanding that the individual or a relative be punished for a past act, followed by more subtle periods of identity alteration."
So, yes, according to the DSM, purposefully masking is a covert presentation, and it has nothing to do with possession or non-possession form. The way a system "naturally" presents will change many times over the course of their disorder.
IN FACT, if we want to get technical, covert actually refers specifically to heavy fragmentation in most clinical texts. Fragments are typically experienced internally and as intrusion, rather than switches. Here's a source.
Covert DID is a less dramatic and more subtle form of the disorder. In this variant, individuals with DID do not display overt switches or distinct personalities. Instead, they experience a fragmentation of their identity, leading to a lack of continuity in their sense of self and memory. These individuals may not even be aware of their condition and might attribute their memory lapses and identity shifts to stress, forgetfulness, or other factors.
Covert DID can be challenging to diagnose because the symptoms are less obvious. It often goes unrecognized for years, and individuals may suffer in silence without understanding the source of their difficulties. Therapy and expert evaluation are essential for identifying and addressing covert DID.
And another.
In addition, diagnostic challenges can result from identity alteration or personality switching not as obvious as expected. In fact, many patients have “covert DID” or “OSDD,” which is characterized by partial dissociation (e.g., dissociative intrusions) rather than full dissociation (i.e., switching plus amnesia).
In the end, though, these terms aren't used all that often, and various uses will still be understood in a clinical setting. Doctors can't even agree on definitions, so use them however you want.
It's not that big of a deal.
I hope this post was useful, even if it was a bit disjointed.
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
the fact that people have completely lost their grasp on what mental illnesses actually are, how they're defined, and diagnosed is so fucking irritating and borders on serious ableism.
depression has symptoms, it has REQUIREMENTS that need to be met for a diagnosis, it isn't just "character is sad sometimes and has feelings". it is a serious, sometimes lethal disorder and not some fun poor meow meow character trait.
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fitsofgloom · 25 days ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This! Man, look at the prices. A Flying Saucer Sundae for 30¢!
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seasidewanderers · 4 months ago
why are we in the year of the lord 2024 still comfortable calling survivors liars and fakers? seriously. why are we still doing this. syscourse has learned nothing from the past 5 years or so. it's an endless cycle.
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windcarvedlyre · 3 months ago
Somewhat related to your Komaeda autism post, but did you know that FTD can often be mistaken for mental disorders like depression, bipolar, OCD, autism, etc.? And vice versa? I always thought it was interesting and I like playing with the idea that Komaeda got misdiagnosed with FTD because of that overlap. Idk it's just fun to think about (also because a lot of typical FTD symptoms really don't match with him imo so it could be a fun explanation idk)
Disclaimer: I have zero expertise in this.
I was actually just discussing that with someone! I'm not sure that's possible, though? Because of his age I feel like it would have taken a lot of red flags (or a lucky coincidence) for doctors to consider dementia at all, and there's no way they wouldn't have confirmed it with brain scans. @cry-stars recently told me about a case in Japan where a guy in his 20s had dementia mistaken for depression for aaageees, so I could see him being the same.
So I could see him being misdiagnosed as something else- or correctly diagnosed with something he has on top of the FTD, attributing FTD symptoms to that- for years before having it corrected to FTD, or luck leading to brain scans/cognitive tests getting him diagnosed out of nowhere, but not the reverse of the former.
I still really love reading meta on potential comorbidities, though! On top of the post-traumatic stress there's no way he doesn't have. I've read some neat perspectives on him from people with OCD and BPD, but I don't have them myself so I can't add anything to those discussions.
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