#ias machine
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dinosaurspen · 1 month ago
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MANIAC I with operators, 1952. Note the horseshoe on the right pillar, hung for good luck.
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lasaraconor · 8 months ago
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universalcas · 4 months ago
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virtuartiq · 1 year ago
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Deadpool celebrates Xmas 🎅 🎄
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numbersareimaginary · 8 months ago
I am very normal about the smell and texture and color and viscosity of cutting fluid.
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marejadilla · 5 months ago
The Monstrous Artificial Intelligence
Every day I see more and more how some well-known plastic and digital artists (and some art galleries) are "leaving the door open" to justify (or self-justify) the use of AI. It's terrifying.
AI must disappear completely, at least in the world of plastic and digital art, literature, music, identity theft and forgery, and a very long etcetera: let it remain for science. Neither as "art" nor as a tool for art. Neither now nor ever.
They are robbing us all, there are artists suffering and many people losing their jobs. There are no laws and I doubt they will ever exist, and if they do it will be impossible for them to be fair and completely controlled.
Nothing GOOD is free except making love. And censorship in art for "supposedly and ridiculously" sexual reasons, far from stopping, increases every day. So now, almost not even "making love" is free. They control us, and this FREE tool, so "fun and cool" for some, has been created to control and destroy culture and people.
All art goes through the network, everything feeds the monster. The network is full of irresponsible amateurs playing at being artists, happy with their "new toy". Online art sales platforms are also.
I am fully aware that this is not going to stop, we can only see how it grows and grows, like a tsunami. As artists and art lovers, we can only stick together to not encourage it and try to reduce it: not posting AI, blocking AI users, cordoning off thieves.
And publicly denouncing them. I have a list of authors that is growing and growing and I have trained my eye well to distinguish AI, but the sad day will come when it will be impossible to do so.
Human imagination, culture, are dying. Its a fact. Who knows what will come next. NO to the machine. YES to human imagination.
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softshuji · 1 year ago
Sometimes it feels like my mom punishes me for things I can't control and it's actually kinda really upsetting.
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terminalcalamity · 9 months ago
VvV | You will get your chance for revenge if you live longer. | VvV
i donf think ill ever eb in a posituon to GET revenge
to bw honest ill be2 surpeised if i ever gwt out of this stupid fuckingf positiok while ALIVE
these wtrolls do notcare about me and i feel liek theyll kill me at anay opportunity they can get
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tech-by-tehub · 4 days ago
Segredos da Inteligência Artificial: O Futuro da Automação
Segredos da Inteligência Artificial: Você já se perguntou como a inteligência artificial vai mudar o futuro da automação? Ela pode processar muitos dados e aprender com eles. Isso faz dela uma ferramenta essencial para empresas que querem competir. Um estudo da McKinsey diz que a IA vai gerar US$ 13 trilhões até 2030. Isso vai impulsionar a automação no futuro. A automação está mudando o…
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dinosaurspen · 2 months ago
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John von Neumann and Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Director J. Robert Oppenheimer in front of the IAS Computer in Princeton, New Jersey. Ca. 1952 — Via CHM
From what I've read of their friendship/rivalry, this picture's always cracked me up. Particularly the way von Neumann is looking at Oppenheimer.
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lasaraconor · 8 months ago
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pier-carlo-universe · 10 days ago
Il lato oscuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale: una conferenza per riflettere sul futuro. Associazione Cultura e Sviluppo di Alessandria
Una nuova era è iniziata, ma siamo davvero pronti ad affrontarla? Il 21 febbraio 2025 alle ore 18, presso l’Associazione Cultura e Sviluppo di Alessandria, si terrà la conferenza “Il Lato Oscuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale”, un evento a ingresso libero che invita a una riflessione profonda sulle implicazioni etiche, sociali e ambientali dell’IA.
Alessandria: Una nuova era è iniziata, ma siamo davvero pronti ad affrontarla? Il 21 febbraio 2025 alle ore 18, presso l’Associazione Cultura e Sviluppo di Alessandria, si terrà la conferenza “Il Lato Oscuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale”, un evento a ingresso libero che invita a una riflessione profonda sulle implicazioni etiche, sociali e ambientali dell’IA. L’accelerazione tecnologica degli…
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le-magazine-culturel · 29 days ago
Technologie GPT Chat et intelligence artificielle Source: https://myfrlibrary.blogspot.com/2025/01/technologie-gpt-chat-et-intelligence.html
La technologie GPT Chat est l'une des avancées les plus marquantes dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, car elle représente un changement qualitatif dans la façon dont les humains interagissent avec les machines. Cette technologie a pu combiner l'apprentissage profond et le traitement du langage naturel, ce qui a permis aux systèmes de comprendre et d'analyser des textes d'une manière qui dépassait ce qui était auparavant possible.
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brulao · 1 month ago
Artigo: Inteligência Artificial na Agricultura
O presente artigo se baseia na palestra apresentada pelo Engenheiro Agrônomo Bruno Maia em 06 de dezembro de 2024 durante a JOCIPE no Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso – Campus Sorriso. Introdução Inicialmente uma reflexão sobre a importância da inteligência artificial, destacando que a apresentação era fruto de pesquisa pessoal do palestrante, um entusiasta da área. Antes de abordar o tema…
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cyberlabe · 1 month ago
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Fundamentals of Engineering AI-Enabled Systems
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marejadilla · 5 months ago
The IA attacking every day harder
Works by an artist who was hitherto unknown, despite supposedly living in the 19th century, have recently begun to be shared. It is the case of Emile Corsi and his paintings, a 19th century artist who never existed, product of the generative IA. @ArtorOtherThing on Twitter, is one of those who have originated this.
Sharing art is not a "mere entertainment", it entails responsibilities. The real artists (people of flesh and bone like us) they also eat, have family and "that stuff", and are being vapuleated, run out of work, and will end up disappearing if curators we don't do something NOW. Take awareness, please.
I know a lot of people who do AI and now consider themselves "artists", and artists, some very famous, who have started doing IA unnecessarily. Many have stopped saying that they use AI on their networks to hide the truth. People are increasingly able to recognize when they are being sold a pig in a poke: something made with AI looks like plastic, it has very specific characteristics that do not escape a trained eye, no matter how "pretty" it may seem. And very people no longer remain silent: they say it openly. Art is not just beauty, art is emotion, human emotion. Decide what you prefer to transmit, whether "pretty" plastic garbage or soul, heart, brain… woderful human spirit. There is very little humanity left on Earth.
Citing the authorship and all possible data of an artwork is fundamental, now more than ever. IA in art have to disappear. They steal us our bread, the culture and the humanity. thank you.
NO to the machine. YES to human imagination.
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