meo-eiru · 16 days
hello hello this is devo from @devotion-disorder... THANK YOU so much for drawin my boy so UNO REVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! your priest boy Micah is very very pretty i hope i did him justice...!!!!!
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I love your art soo much god you are so good at using colors and giving the image a three dimensional, textured feeling… Like oh my god if I was passing by and he threw me a look while looking like that I would fold INSTANTLY
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nylarac · 6 months
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stygianoaths · 2 years
thinking about nico summoning a skeleton for will to study for his med school entrance exam
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akkivee · 1 month
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i don’t know what this meme is but i laugh anytime I see it LOL
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lesbianralzarek · 5 months
i got 99% on an exam i was dreading and i was sooo brave and i only threw up a little bit :) unfortunately i had to take 2 tabs of adderall at 4pm and subsequently i will not be escaping my dogshit sleep schedule tonight :( but i got 99% :)
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dearreader · 2 years
im once again thinking of taylor uses marriage in her songs as not literally but more metaphorically to show us, the reader/listener, what she was giving and promising. cause in high infidelity she says “dragged my feet right down the aisle” which is definitely her picking a guy at the age of 25 to settle down with because that’s what everyone wanted but her choosing wrong and her being stuck cause if she broke up with him it’s all “when’s the new album taylor?” and “she can’t keep a man” and so then we get stuff like the infamous locket post i posted earlier saying “one year down”, like she just ran a marathon.
like she was talking about this relationship as like “i’m doing it i’m doing it” and not “i’m in love”… and then you hear stuff like “lock broken, slur spoken” “your picket fences sharp as knives” or even her describing being with him long term (marriage) as suffocating and draining and she felt herself slowly dying praying for something, praying for attention it love from his person she now has to be with for life… like “dragged my feet right down the aisle” “at the house lonely” “wait by the door like i’m just a little kid” “my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hands taking mine, but it’s been promised to another” “walking all over my piece of mind, in the shoes i gave you as a present” “you said i was free loading” and so much more i can’t type out cause my phones dying so tumblrs being a butt about my typing speed.
but it just makes you think… what was it like behind closed doors? what was he saying or doing to her? we know from interviews that he didn’t like going to award shows with her unless he was nominated cause he was intimidated by her. so the reference to marriage we hear in folklore and evermore (and on high infidelity) are more about this idea of being trapped in a loveless marriage by outside forces, in both instances of fake and real marriage divorce is almost like being shunned by society and shamed for it since you promised your life to each other… and she was like “no more dating around i settled down… oh wait no wrong guy”
but then when we hear references on lover it’s more sweet. like “i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover” and the final bridge of its nice to have a friend have it been more like, she’s willing to commit to him cause she’s seen what will come of a committed relationship to someone, she knows what can be said if it doesn’t work, but she isn’t worried this time cause she picked right
i don’t think i’m explaining it right but just… taylor using marriage as more of a metaphor for her life rather than actually being married is so interesting cause marriage is supposed to be this symbolic bond between two people of love forever but it’s being used here to both trap her but also be freeing to her in other relationships
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wingsforthewicked · 3 months
Tbh, another thing ive been thinking of now that i remembered once again that i can talk abt whatever wing thoughts i have here, is how not only Ryōko Kui is good at characters, natural worldbuilding and art skill, but that last thing actually seems to par with how she does wings
like of course—but what i mean with this is that, yes, maybe a good portion of the wings she does and appear on the manga arent as realistic, but those are usually the sculpted ones and in-universe art, even That makes sense. the ones that took my attention and Further made me realize "oh, she Knows what she's doing" is with the harpies, chimera falin and the winged lion himself (tho something tells me im forgetting more examples)
because. well, there was other reasons i started reading the manga, mainly because and thanks to a friend, but one of the other ones was seeing a screenshot of the winged lion's wings by another friend, and how i was mildly losing my mind seeing how wonderfully done they were...
all of this to say, this wing fact is now going into my conspiratorial board of wings in relation to artists, and—read the manga yall, is So Good-
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muselexum · 2 months
( waking up one morning after 18 months of hiatus and finally getting the spark™ to freshen up ur rp blog )
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superfluffychickens · 1 month
Not only did Pluto crow today, but he also mounted Muppet and she allowed it! So Muppet’s getting really close to laying, I’m going to gradually switch everyone off starter/grower feed and onto all-flock starting tomorrow!
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madrevolting · 4 months
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oreana-galena · 3 months
It's nice to finally have myself be happy with my hair again. Like, geez.. you never realize how good you had it till it's actually gone. And I do mean that.. lol
I was suffering through extreme hair loss all my life, but I was always told it was many things; the main two being the fact my curly hair was so thick that large chunks had to fall out all the way to a possible thyroid issue.
Spoiler alert: none of that was true.. lol What it was was severe anemia.
And boi did that stuff nearly lay me flat. It started to go after my hair because it was better than going after my organs. But that doesn't mean I don't suffer from slight brain damage now no thanks to the lack of oxygen my body was getting for many years.
Nearly losing all my hair to nerve damage and what not--it took me having to self-diagnose just to find the issue.
After 4 years of taking iron pills, I finally have my hair back to normal. My motor functions are still a bit weak but I'll blame the C virus for exacerbating that.
Normally, I wouldn't care what my hair looked like, but sadly, I have a narcissist for an adopted guardian who nearly caused me to die from an eating disorder years ago. So yeah. I couldn't afford to ever have her see me looking less than perfect.
But it sure is nice to have my hair coming back in thick again.
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bi-panic-at-the-disco · 9 months
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he would be so smelly
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warriorstale001 · 1 year
Bestie Meetup!!!
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So as I'm sure most of you are aware by now, me and @calcium-cat are very close best friends. We first started talking to one another when she was was finishing her first fic A Little Bitty of Hope a few years ago and we've basically been talking to each other on an almost daily basis ever since haha.
However she lives in the US while I live in Ireland, which are quite far from each other as you probably know, so we've never seen one another face to face before...
But finally, next Thursday after over one hundred days of counting down and planning, me and her are at last going to meet and hug and do all those things besties do when they get together X3.
Both of us will be travelling to London to attend MCM Comic Con for the weekend and to say I'm excited to see my bestie and attend the con with her would be a huge understatement. Thursday seriously cannot come fast enough (though the Con starts on the Friday I am meeting her the prior day so the jet lag will hopefully be gone by the time it starts haha).
As a fairly shy, quiet adult, I still cannot get over the fact that someone is willing to travel several hours overseas on a flight just to see me (attending the con is a nice bonus tho) ... Especially as bestie has never been on a flight before like, girl what? Are you sure about this XD? I still can't get over it honestly, but I'm hugely grateful for it <3.
Rest assured Bestie that I'm going to make sure that this is the best weekend ever for both of us :3! You're super duper awesome once again and I can't wait to meet you at the airport... Even if we'll both be slightly out of it from both tiredness and jet lag XD.
And I promise one day I'll come see you in America!
And that I'll get the next Xtra Small Chapter out before I meet you because how am I meant to look you in the eyes if I still don't have it posted XD
I'm not sure how much we'll really be posting about the trip on here, since I'm sure there's things we both wish to keep private but we still wanted to let our followers know what we're up to, especially since the UTMV fandom is what brought us together as friends and is one of the reasons we're so close. So yeah thanks UTMV fandom for letting me find my best friend :3! I appreciate you all very much <3!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
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swan2swan · 4 months
Thinking about Ankylosaurus ovulation and honestly I need more arguments for and against clutch sizes.
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shortansweet · 3 months
I had these really bad arm pains last year when my iron touched like bottom and the whole anemia shit went down and now I'm having them again this month and the whole getting up and seeing black for a second thing too and I don't need to get a blood test to know that my levels are fucked atp
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: May 4
"The Ultimate Jedi Who Wastes All the Other Jedi and Eats Their Bones" by The Mountain Goats
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