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A collection of the muses I've written over the past several years, both Canon and OCs. I mainly write within the One Piece universe. Please read the rules before interacting. written by lexi mun 25+
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muselexum · 24 days ago
Birthday Reflections
My birthday was on the 3rd (celebrated the weekend prior) and it's honestly just so wild to look back at just a few years ago and how different my life is. I can say without a single doubt, that I'm in a much better place than I ever was before. Despite some existing problems like struggling to get my career/finances to take off, or the frustrations with living at home with aging parents, I just feel so much more at peace with myself. I've also been slowly building a social network and have finally found people that I don't have to put up a mask around, and they still accept and welcome me as I am.
With each year I get older-- now 28, I can't help but think about Akane and how throughout the years she has shifted in relation to me. When I first created her at about 15, she was almost like a cool older sister, and an outlet for a lot of my own anger and pains. She was 'stronger' and 'cooler' than me, and she could take all that anger I wrote into her own story out in a way I was never allowed or capable of in my own. She also got to experience found family and loyalty, in a way that was absent from my own life. She was a way for me to alchemize my deep hurts around connection, and to find some comfort in knowing that at least some aspect of my own experience with loneliness could be placed in the safe arms of the family I helped create/shape for her.
Then slowly, I kept getting older. Suddenly I was the same age as her and her experience was more relatable than ever. I feel like I wrote her best at this time because I could speak very closely to the experience of an angry, depressed, 19-21 year old woman. I internalized everything and she externalized it. Then older... and now, I look at Akane and see her frozen in time as I've kept changing and healing. A part of me aches, and though I was never sure how her story would end, I'm finally at the point where I want her to find her peace too. She's gone from this strong older sister figure that could handle things I couldn't, to now my troubled, sad daughter I just wish I could hug. I'm not sure if it's too extra to humanize and view OCs in this way, and I usually don't with all my others, but with Akane, she has been so close to my heart for nearly 15 years now. She's truly a part of me, and has brought so much comfort and joy in my darkest times. She was a source of so much writing and art, feeding my creative energy which was an outlet to escape from reality. Now that I no longer really desire to escape reality, I've noticed- with sadness, I struggle to put out as much writing and art as I used to. While I'm glad I don't 'need' those things to survive anymore, I have had to go through a process of accepting my life and my needs are just different now. I still desire to write and hope to keep writing long into the future, but I can't expect myself to output the same amount when I'm no longer using it as a coping mechanism. I made it out of my darkness and now I hope, with time, I can bring Akane out of hers. ☺️🤍
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muselexum · 25 days ago
we use to pray for times like these
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muselexum · 1 month ago
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[ not the braid being matching twinsies with Akane too ]
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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[ Inbox call !! ]
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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@bloominghands sent:
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at yow sewvice
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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Why did they have to come after her?
Akane heaved, not from exhaustion, but from something far more deep and visceral. Blood had splattered across her face and the smell of it made her stomach churn. She was no stranger to blood and killing, and yet… this… this had been senseless.
Her grip loosened on the sword she had gained control over in the fight with the village ambush. She had been stirred from her sleep by the sound of muffled arguing and charged footsteps, of metal weapons clinking about.
Before she could devise a plan to evade the conflict, the door to her inn room burst open and she had to make a snap decision. In a closed quarters space like this, even an inexperienced group of villagers with swords and knives could be dangerous.
She did what she had to do-- is what she told herself. Another part of her, a part that was beginning to scare her, knew that it may not have been the only option… but it was the one she wanted to take. Pent up rage let out on the grounds of provocation. She was not an exotic animal to be hunted and captured, or poached, just because she bore a Whitebeard pirates tattoo on her arm.
The sword finally dropped from her fingers and Akane immediately went to gathering her things. More shouting from outside the building was beginning to reach her ears when she grabbed a black cloak from one of her assailants, throwing it over herself to shroud her figure in the darkness of the night.
She was not a trophy, or a payday, and she'd paint her path red if that's what it took to make it known.
It was not open season.
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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A field of darkness lit up with a soft, warm, green glow. A single figure walked amongst the fairy lights, a lone traveller with no home to return to.
The faint glow lit a freckled face, eyes distant, somber.
He had convinced himself that he was a curse of destruction. Everyone and everything that got close to him, one day, inevitably, faced the consequences of it. He was fire, burning and blazing, eating everything in its path and leaving nothing but a charred path in his wake.
And yet, that very same fire could also manifest in the gentle, flickering light of fireflies of his own creation. Quiet, gentle, beautiful.
Fire was the source of life just as much as it was destruction, and Ace had been waging that war inside himself long before he bit into that foul tasting fruit. He deserved to live just as much as he deserved to die, and each day he woke up not knowing which side of the war he'd be fighting on.
He reached out a hand, drawing in one of the glowy green balls to rest on his finger. A soft smile began to pull at his lips. This gentle beauty, a field of fairies, had come from within him.
At least for tonight, he felt he deserved to live.
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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@akagamiko​ sent:
Father daughter sleepover with both of his girls!!! Fort building and talking and Shanks keeps dozing off but wakes up to whine when they try to do things without him. He is also definitely forcing cuddles on both of them.
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Both Akane and Uta had to admit it was a difficult adjustment learning to make space for one another. One daughter had a childhood and history with the family, while the other had entered in as an adult but had established dynamics with everyone. They both felt envy for what the other had, a part of Akane feeling insecure and nervous of the adored daughters return, and Uta territorial and taking up space for all the lost time with her father and family. Neither of them hated the other, in fact it was viewing one another through the lens of admiration that made them unsure of where they themselves stood in this new family dynamic. 
Shanks must have taken notice to the tension between the two. Since Uta had woken up, she had been understandably showered with love and attention by everyone and was being doted on as she adjusted to her return to the ship. Akane was happy for everyone including Uta, but felt like an outsider to a history she wasn’t a part of. It felt like all the love she had started to gain since finding a family with the crew was being drawn away from her, and she could do nothing but quietly accept it and seclude herself whenever the anxiety started to claw up her throat. So embarrassing. What was she so scared or jealous of? Why did this all make her feel like she was an abandoned child again?
The upspoken tension was hitting a breaking point when Shanks had crashed into Uta’s fluffy, princess-ed out room with Akane in tow. It was clear he was putting an effort into trying to bond with both of them-- both, together, a quiet message and plea that there was space for all three of them to be family. Both girls were awkward and reluctant at first, but started to play along with their father’s wishes for a family sleepover night.
It wasn’t long before they were all stacking mountains of plushies and pillows into forts, fits of lighthearted amusement being interlaced with moments of deep conversation and filling in one another on childhood memories the others had missed out on.
At least for one night, a father and his two daughters could pretend that they had always been one family, together.
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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@wishmcker ( @castaris​ ) sent:
❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜ throwing at luffy and RUNNING | nami. 🧡
hit ‘em where it hurts -> [meme]
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While the crew would quite literally die for one another, it wasn’t a daily occurrence for them to confess and express deeper feelings of the heart. They were an actions over words type of crowd, and Luffy was perfectly okay with that. Luffy was all action and preferred it that way.
Nami’s confession stunned him a little. It wasn’t like her to open up in this way-- most often resorting to expressing herself with Luffy through roughhousing. It made Luffy pause all the more, and acknowledge just how meaningful and important it was for her to let him know this.
In some ways, Luffy couldn’t understand it. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with Nami? She was incredibly smart and loving, and it hurt his heart to know that Nami had spent so many years hardening herself to survive. As her captain, and friend, he would ensure that it’d never happen again and to keep his promise of protecting her smile.
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“Shishishi...” He chuckled as a rubbery arm looped around Nami’s shoulders twice, pulling her in to a hug. A flushed cheek squished against the top of her head, failing at containing the mushiness, “Namiiiii, why’re you saying this all of the sudden~?”
While Nami may not have been his first friend, their bond was a unique and special one to him. She wasn’t like his brothers, and she wasn’t like the guys on the crew, and it was different than with Robin too.
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muselexum · 2 months ago
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muselexum · 2 months ago
[ crockane in my activity feed, merry chrysler to me ]
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muselexum · 5 months ago
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@umbrx sent:
❛ where do you purchase your audacity from? ❜ / and Akane as the best for last
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The reactions to Shanks breaking Doflamingo out and bringing him along as an ally(?) could not have been more chaotic, but in hindsight things were going a lot smoother than anyone could have expected. Granted, it's not like Doflamingo had much of a choice in his cooperation.
Akane knew that she shouldn't, but she couldn't help 'poking the bear' every once in awhile. It's not like she was the only one that did it either. Knowing that Doflamingo couldn't retaliate without severe consequence emboldened various crew members. It was never to the point of severe disrespect or overstep, but there was something so satisfying and amusing about... the poking.
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"Y'know, I've wondered that all my life myself." She replied, kicking her feet up on the table as she tilted her chair back and forth. She was immersed in a fluff of pink feathers, the jacket spilling out across the floor as well. It had been recovered when they were at Impel Down a couple weeks ago, but had yet to be returned to the rightful owner. She discovered it thrown in one of the storage closets and decided to have some fun with it. "Come to find out, I think it just runs in my blood." Grey eyes--a familiar hue, sparkled with mirth. "You wouldn't even be the first warlord to choke me out for it-- although I do suggest you don't do that."
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muselexum · 5 months ago
red dead redemption 1 starters
❝ it’s wanting that gets so many folks in trouble. ❞ ❝ it ain’t no secret i didn’t get these scars falling over in church. ❞ ❝ if you win power, remember why you wanted it. ❞ ❝ you do a man wrong, he’ll shoot you for it. you do a man right…well, he still may shoot you for it. ❞ ❝ trust me. there’s things you’re better off not knowing. ❞ ❝ you remind me a lot of myself. how i used to be. stubborn and angry. ❞ ❝ i hope you will give me some warning if you get the sudden urge to kill me. ❞ ❝ my side wasn’t chosen. my side was given. ❞ ❝ a little sore, but apart from a couple extra scars, it will be as nothing happened. ❞ ❝ i don’t think you’re a bad person. a little stupid perhaps, but not rotten. ❞ ❝ i certainly don’t mind you asking, if you don’t mind me not telling. ❞ ❝ you are being deliberately obscure as a substitute for having a personality. ❞ ❝ so do tell me, have you needlessly risked your life since we last spoke? ❞ ❝ i came into this world fighting. and i’ll go out of it fighting. ❞ ❝ i hear you speak and suddenly i'm reminded of how the people i respected most in my life had a problem with authority. ❞ ❝ you're looking much better. considering you were almost buzzard food a couple days ago. ❞ ❝ power is like a drink. the more you have, the more you want. ❞ ❝ people don’t forget. nothing gets forgiven. ❞ ❝ sometimes in the service of what is right, you got to do terrible things. ❞ ❝ you have quite a story. i really am a little jealous. ❞ ❝ old friends make the worst enemies. ❞ ❝ i had everything, and gave it up in the pursuit of nothing. ❞ ❝ hah. you were always bad at lying. ❞ ❝ i’m not going to stand by and watch good people suffer. ❞ ❝ some trees flourish, others die. some cattle grow strong, others are taken by wolves. some men are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives. ain't nothing fair. you know that. ❞ ❝ if you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. ❞ ❝ now, if you don't mind, i'd hate to spoil such a beautiful afternoon on such beautiful land with any further unpleasantries. ❞ ❝ i, too, have a family, friend. and so that we may see our families again i suggest we part ways amicably. ❞ ❝ sometimes i tell myself that everything happens for a reason. ❞ ❝ i see the good in everybody. it’s a flaw of mine. ❞ ❝ well, try not to get yourself killed. ❞ ❝ see if you can keep your gun holstered for once. ❞ ❝ i don’t pay much attention to rumors. ❞ ❝ i swear, if it was down to me, i’d never have gone anywhere. ❞ ❝ lock all the doors. whatever happens, don’t come outside. you hear me? whatever happens. ❞ ❝ what would you care? i’m just a nuisance to you anyway. ❞ ❝ i’ve been hearing some things about you. ❞ ❝ i would rather be dead than a cynic like you. ❞ ❝ damn, a little gratitude wouldn’t kill you. ❞ ❝ trust me, i ain’t no hero. ❞ ❝ as it turns out, it's you or me. the way i see it, might as well be you. ❞ ❝ you live in a dream world. it ain’t like they tell it in books. ❞ ❝ i’m asking you to do what i say, before you get yourself killed. ❞ ❝ those who sit on the fence make a choice…in their own way. ❞ ❝ i’d do anything for you, you know that. ❞ ❝ better watch your mouth, my friend. i've cut out a man's tongue for less. ❞ ❝ there's nothing worse than a nobody thinking he's a somebody. ❞ ❝ you got it all wrong. i’ve always loved you, even now. ❞ ❝ what the hell were you thinking, going off on your own? ❞ ❝ first impressions are hard to erase. ❞ ❝ it’s a long story. too long to tell without a drink in my hand. ❞ ❝ i’m not angry. i’m disappointed. ❞ ❝ you know me. i’ll be late to my own funeral. ❞ ❝ that tone of voice ain’t so becoming on you. makes you seem all pent up and angry. ❞ ❝ you think i don’t know who you are. ❞ ❝ why don’t i get a warm and tender embrace? ❞ ❝ what do you want me to say? yippee? ❞ ❝ there’s always a choice. you’re just too blind to see. ❞ ❝ you’re not ready for that yet. one step at a time. ❞ ❝ every time you go off, i worry you’re not coming back. ❞ ❝ it didn’t have to be this way. ❞ ❝ come on now. try to look on the bright side. ❞
❝ after all i taught you…i’m ashamed. ❞ ❝ it’s easy to make promises you can never keep. ❞ ❝ we all make mistakes. i never claimed to be a saint. ❞ ❝ how does it feel to kill hundreds of men in cold blood? ❞ ❝ it ain’t the first time i had a gun to my head. ❞ ❝ you’re not perfect, and i’m sure not. but you’re better than they are. ❞ ❝ you alright? you’re not hurt, are you? ❞ ❝ this really couldn’t have gone more horribly wrong. ❞ ❝ you’re just like me. you can’t change who you are. ❞ ❝ my whole life, all i ever did was fight. ❞ ❝ you’re in no position to make demands. ❞ ❝ the bright side? there ain’t no bright side. ❞ ❝ my heart’s beating like a drum. ❞ ❝ are you sure you’re alright? i mean, i know all that business must have been hard on you. ❞ ❝ you’ll make me blush with all these kind words. ❞ ❝ i never took you for the jealous type. ❞ ❝ come now, you’re stupid, but you’re not that stupid. ❞ ❝ you’re weak. you always were. you never had the stomach for this. ❞ ❝ seems real quiet, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ you were always a hard and nasty man. ❞ ❝ see, i have nothing but your best intentions at heart. ❞ ❝ don’t talk about things you don’t understand. ❞ ❝ i guess there’s only one room for one hero in this family. ❞ ❝ for a wise man, you are a really stupid man. ❞ ❝ what would have happened if i hadn’t come along? ❞ ❝ you must have mistaken me for someone else, friend. ❞ ❝ you ain’t very talkative, are you? ❞ ❝ we cannot be too careful. the world is very dangerous. ❞ ❝ no, i’m not okay. do i look like i’m okay? ❞ ❝ you are so tense all the time. come, let’s have some fun! ❞ ❝ i will stay and fight. i am ready to die if necessary. ❞ ❝ i know i can’t change the past but i’m sure gonna do something about the future. ❞ ❝ i’ve given you no reason not to trust me. ❞ ❝ choose your tone rightly. remember who you’re talking to. ❞ ❝ there are guards everywhere. if they see you, they will kill you. ❞ ❝ it was nothing. i’m not a kid any more.❞ ❝ a lonely, forsaken place. some people say it’s haunted. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure your idea of paradise and mine are the same. ❞ ❝ maybe if you were more cordial to folks, they’d be better inclined to help you. ❞ ❝ i’ve been in far worse situations. ❞ ❝ you have the exterior of a violent man, but the soul of an angel. ❞ ❝ you’re not gonna pass out on me, are you? ❞ ❝ you’re no better. how many men have you killed? ❞ ❝ stay alert. something doesn’t feel right. ❞
❝ i'm going to hand you over to them and watch them tear you limb from limb…i'm just kidding. ❞ ❝ you love to talk badly of other people because it makes you feel better about yourself. ❞ ❝ it’s been a pleasure spending time with you. ❞ ❝ that’s a lot of sacrifice. i just hope it’s worth it. ❞ ❝ i’m not cut out for this. no, not cut out for this at all. ❞ ❝ i don’t need you to show me. ❞ ❝ men are born, and then they're formed. at least, that’s how i see it. ❞ ❝ a little flattery…now we’re finally getting somewhere. ❞ ❝ i thought you were supposed to be fearless. ❞ ❝ you are a man who has lost his spirit. ❞ ❝ if you were less secretive, people might be more inclined to trust you. ❞ ❝ me mean me no harm? this is funny. what harm could you do to me, exactly? ❞ ❝ come on, after everything we’ve been through, i think we can trust each other, don’t you? ❞ ❝ i can’t rightly believe it. just like in the books. ❞ ❝ i didn’t ask for your help back there. i owe you nothing. ❞ ❝ be careful. what’s stopping me from killing you? ❞ ❝ one day, i promise you, you’re gonna regret this. ❞ ❝ you know i’ll do whatever i can, but i have problems of my own. ❞ ❝ what would you know about leadership? ❞ ❝ you make a choice by not making a choice, you know. ❞ ❝ hold your excuses until you figure out which one to use. ❞ ❝ i'll give you a bad case of "someone just shot me in the head" if you don't hurry up. ❞ ❝ being honest though, this tastes bad enough to kill a man. ❞ ❝ do i look like i need saving? ❞ ❝ sarcasm should be beneath a man such as you. ❞ ❝ are you always this stupid or are you making an extra effort today? ❞ ❝ i don’t like to kill a man on his knees, even if he deserves it. ❞ ❝ don't forget you need me more than i need you. ❞ ❝ i’ll hunt you to hell and back. ❞ ❝ you’d best not be lying to me. ❞ ❝ let's get going. before the weather gets any worse. that sky don't look good.. ❞ ❝ thank you for telling me all that back there. it must have been hard for you. ❞ ❝ i know we ain't exactly old pals, but…have i ever done you wrong? ❞ ❝ your nobility's almost as affecting as your naivety. ❞ ❝ you are a romantic who wants to be a cynic. ❞ ❝ i apologize if i seem to be prying. ❞ ❝ strange place for a decent person to visit, if you don't mind me saying. ❞ ❝ well, you must admit…it's an unusual start to a friendship. ❞ ❝ i can’t really say i understand you. ❞ ❝ every man has a right to change, a chance of forgiveness. ❞ ❝ hello, old friend. it’s been a long time. ❞ ❝ i hope you understand now why i've been playing my cards somewhat close to my chest. ❞ ❝ nobody made my path but me. ❞ ❝ it’ll be a piece of cake. trust me. ❞ ❝ oh, don’t be so deliberately enigmatic. ❞ ❝ my word, what a difficult life you’ve lived. ❞ ❝ you have a strange sense of humor. ❞ ❝ stay and fight me, you coward. ❞ ❝ i ain't planning on staying very long. ❞
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muselexum · 5 months ago
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[ Inbox call !! ]
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muselexum · 5 months ago
It's finally our time ...... 😭😭😭
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muselexum · 5 months ago
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muselexum · 6 months ago
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i am so ready for figarland family drama
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