#i'm so?? amazed?? like this is such a great idea
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Heya! Hope you and your family have been doing alright!!
Okay so Lady D request bc honestly, that woman has me in a chokehold. So I was thinking something along the lines of reader has been dating Alcina for years and one day when her and the girls are out Mother Miranda kinda just takes them for cadou experiments. They survive ofc but the mutation caused them to have a type of angelic appearance (aka wings everywhere. I was also thinking like more red tailed hawk like wings instead of crow like ones) but was deemed an unfit vessel for Eva for some reason or another and basically just kinda hands them back to Alcina after weeks of her and her daughters not fucking knowing where reader went at all??? Basically a reunion thatās super emotional. Angst/comfort with some tooth rotting fluff somewhere would be great, please and thank you
super sorry for the big request thoughā I just had a pretty good idea for the request I wanted to ask. Anywho, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night ^^
Thank you SO MUCH for this awesome request!!
I've been going through my inbox wanting to get some requests done since I've horrifically neglected all of my asks for so long and loved this one! I'm so sorry for taking FOREVER to answer this! (And sincere apologies to everyone else who dropped a request in my inbox that I haven't gotten to yet!)
Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: reader is kidnapped, murder, blood drinking.
"Do you guys have to go?" You ask Alcina with a hint of a whine in your voice.
Alcina clicks her tongue as she finishes applying her signature red lipstick.
"Unfortunately, we do, draga mea. Mother Miranda's orders." She says as she caps the lipstick and sets it down on her vanity.
Alcina turns towards you and scoops you into her arms, sitting you in her lap. You try and give her your best pout, but she gently kisses it away. Her lips travel down your jaw and you all but melt into her.
"I wish I could go with you. I hate when you all have to leave me all by myself here."
"I know, draga." Alcina says between kisses. "But we'll be back before you know it." You let out a low groan and Alcina chuckles into you. "Besides, I have a present for you that should keep you preoccupied while we're gone."
With your interest peaked, you pull back from Alcina and look up at her with curiosity in your eyes.
"You got me a present?"
"Of course I did, draga." Alcina says as she wipes the lipstick marks from your face and neck.
She adjusts the pendant of the necklace she gave you when you first started dating, admiring the Dimitrescu crest that sits proudly on your chest. You haven't taken the necklace off once since she gifted it to you and it warms Alcina's heart knowing how much you cherish something so important to her.
Alcina places you on the floor and stands up to make her way to her wardrobe. In the top drawer, she pulls out a book and hands it to you.
In your hands is a special edition of a new book series you've been eager to read. You trace the gorgeous patterns along the cover and look up at Alcina with wide eyes.
"Alcina, this is beautiful!" You say as your smile grows wide. "I thought Duke wasn't coming back for a few more weeks!"
"Well, I know how excited you were to start this book, so as soon as Mother Miranda informed me of the trip she wanted the girls and I to take today, I had the Duke make a special delivery."
Her thoughtfulness touches your heart and you wrap your arms around her long legs and bury your face into her dress.
"Thank you, thank you so much!"
Alcina lifts you into her arms so you can give her a proper hug and you quickly wrap your arms around her neck.
"I love you so much, draga mea." She whispers.
"I love you so much too, Alci. Thank you."
"Anything for you, my love."
The two of you hold each other in your arms for a few more moments before Alcina sets you down and you escort her downstairs. The girls meet you at the front door.
"Ready, girls?" Alcina asks.
"Yes, mother!" They reply in unison.
"Then we shall be off. Goodbye, draga. We should be back in time for supper. I hope you enjoy your novel." Alcina says as she bends down to your level.
"Bye Alci, I'll miss you guys. I love you." You say as you kiss her goodbye.
"Či eu te iubesc." Alcina whispers against your lips before she stands back up. (I love you too).
"Bye, y/n." Bela says as she gives you a hug goodbye.
"Bye, Bela. I hope you guys have a good time."
"We probably won't." Cassandra says as she gives you a hug.
"Oh stop." You say with a laugh, hugging her back.
"Bye bye!" Daniela says before pulling you in for a hug that's just a little too tight.
"Bye Dani." You say as you try and squeeze her back, even though you know the little strength you have doesn't affect her at all.
Alcina and the girls get into the carriage and you close the front doors. Stopping by the kitchen, you grab yourself a cup of tea before heading into the library.
The library has always been one of your favorite rooms in the entire castle. Before coming to the castle, you only owned a few books that were in rough shape before you started reading them. By the time you got here, they were being held together with nothing but tape and hope.
When Alcina started to court you a few years ago, she learned of your love of books and started gifting you gorgeous copies of both your favorites and hers. Ever since then you've been obsessed with keeping your books as pristine as possible. Going as far as not cracking the spines and god-forbid bending the corner of a page to keep your place. You've accumulated a small collection of bookmarks as well over the years.
Making yourself comfortable in one of the couches near the fireplace, you take a sip of tea before opening your book. The book sucked you in quickly and time seemed to pass quickly as you read the captivating story.
Just as you go to take a sip of your now cold tea, something out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Looking over, you're startled when you see Mother Miranda walking out from behind one of the bookshelves.
"Oh! M-Mother Miranda, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were here." You say nervously.
Mother Miranda knew about your relationship with Alcina and wasn't thrilled, but also didn't forbid it. Everything about her unsettled you and both you and Alcina agreed it was best to keep you as far away from her as possible.
"Alcina isn't here, is there something I can help you with?" You ask, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
Her crystal blue eyes pierce through her golden mask as she slowly steps closer to you. The hairs on your arms stand on end and a chill goes down your spine.
"Mother -"
"Hush, child." She commands and you snap your mouth shut. "I am aware Alcina is not here. There's a reason I sent her and the girls away for the day." She says as her eyes narrow at you.
"What - what do you mean?" You ask as you back yourself further into the corner of the couch.
"I had to get them to leave, of course. Alcina would never let me take her precious little pet without a fight."
Your heart starts to beat erratically in your chest and you spill some of your tea on the table as you shakily put your cup down.
"Mother Miranda -"
"SILENCE!" She shouts, causing you to jump. "I have tried everything, failed experiment after failed experiment. Desperately trying to find the perfect vessel for my Eva. Failure after failure. But you. There's something special about you." Fear seeps into your bones as she steps closer. "You very well may be my perfect vessel, and I will not let a failed experiment stop me from getting my Eva back!"
Mother Miranda grabs at you and you try and push her away, your book falling face down onto the floor.
"NO!" You scream as you try and fight back.
Mother Miranda grabs at you, her talons scratching your chest as she grabs ahold of your necklace. The chain snaps in the fight, causing the necklace to fall onto the couch.
The fight between you two doesn't last long, Mother Miranda is way stronger than you and is able to grab the hair on the back of your head and turn your face up to look into her icy eyes.
"You are coming with me." She says moments before crows surround you both and you feel yourself flying through the air.
Suddenly your knees hit a dirty stone floor and you're kneeling before Mother Miranda. Looking around, you realize you must be in her laboratory and tears stream down your cheeks.
"Please, please Mother Miranda, don't do this!" You plead. "Please, let me just talk to her. Please let me see Alcina!"
"That's enough!" She says as she grabs you by your throat and lifts you in the air. "Not another word out of you. You are mine now. Understand?"
Gasping for air with tears streaming down your face, you can only try and nod before Mother Miranda drops you to the ground. She walks around her lab, gathering items before standing in front of you once more.
"Get on the table." She says, gesturing to the surgical table nearby. As you stand, you see various medical instruments, saws, needles, and a large jar with a hideous looking creature floating in the liquid inside of it. The cadou.
Mother Miranda pushes you towards the table and you lay down on it as you tremble. Miranda moves around you and you see her lift a mask and put it over your face. Tears stream down your temples into your hair as she flips a switch and air blows into the mask.
You watch as Miranda picks up a large needle and your eyes begin to lose focus. The last thing you feel is a painful, sharp pinch in your arm before everything goes black.
Alcina and the girls step out of the carriage just as the sun begins to set. Once inside, the girls fly off and Alcina makes her way upstairs.
"Draga, we're home!" She calls out as she makes her way towards the bedroom.
She opens the doors to your shared chambers, expecting to find you napping, and is surprised when she finds the bed still made and untouched.
Alcina makes her way to the atelier, thinking you could be in there and once again finds the room empty.
"Draga?" She calls out as she walks through the winding halls of her castle.
"What's wrong, mama?" Daniela asks as she forms in front of her mother.
"Nothing, draga. I just can't seem to find Y/N."
"Oh, weird. I haven't seen her either, actually. You think she's still in the library?"
"Perhaps. Lets go look." Alcina replies.
Daniela and Alcina walk into the library and Alcina starts to worry when she doesn't find you there either.
"Where on Earth is she?" Alcina says as she paces around the library.
"Mother, look!" Daniela says as she finds your book on the floor and spilled tea.
"What, what happened here?" Alcina says as she sees the book open, face down on the floor. Some of the pages of your brand new book are bent, which immediately concerns Alcina.
"This is so weird." Daniela says as she picks up the book. "She would never leave a book like that, no less let the pages of her books get bent."
Daniela hands the book to Alcina and the look of concern grows on Alcina's face.
"Girls!" Alcina calls.
Bela and Cassandra swarm into the room a moment later.
"Yes mother?" Bela asks.
"Girls, have you seen Y/N?"
"I haven't." Bela responds.
"No, why?" Asks Cassandra.
"We can't find her." Alcina responds.
Daniela lets out a small gasp which pulls Alcina's attention away from her other daughters.
"Mom." Daniela says as she pulls out your necklace from between the couch cushions.
Alcina's heart breaks when she sees your broken necklace. Something happened, something horrible, she feels it in her soul.
"Girls, I need you to search the castle, including the dungeons. Something's happened to her." Alcina says as she clutches the necklace.
The girls nod and swarm off. Alcina paces in the library, desperately trying to find a clue as to what happened or where you went. After speaking to the head maid, she lets Alcina know that the last time she had seen you was when you got your tea after her and the girls had left. No one has been in or out of the castle since then.
The girls come back to Alcina and let her know that there's no sign of you. She hasn't been able to hear your heartbeat and panic starts to set in.
"We'll find her, mother." Bela tries to reassure Alcina.
"We have to." Daniela says as tears well in her eyes.
Alcina pulls Daniela into a hug and kisses her on top of her head.
"We will, girls." She says, desperately trying to keep her voice steady.
After searching the castle for an entire day, Alcina caves in and calls Heisenberg to ask for his help. He sends his lycans out in the village to try and find her, but they come back empty handed.
The more days that pass, the less hopeful Alcina becomes that she'll find you. Ever since that day, she's clutched your necklace and cried herself to sleep, confused, angry, and scared.
A week later, Alcina has nearly lost all hope. One morning she can't bring herself to get out of bed and just lays there with tears streaming down her cheeks. When she doesn't show for breakfast, the girls go to her bedroom and find her.
They tried being strong for their mother, but the truth was that they were all scared for you as well. Seeing their mother so upset broke their hearts and they all climbed into bed with her and cried for you.
"She couldn't have just left, right?" Cassandra asks.
"Cass." Bela scolds.
"I'm serious! There's no way she just left us. She wouldn't have, right, mom? She couldn't have."
"I don't think so, draga. I don't know what happened or where she is, but I don't think she decided to leave." Alcina says.
"When we find out who took her, I'm going to gut them." Cassandra says.
Daniela bursts into tears after trying to hold back and Alcina pulls her closer to her.
"It's alright, draga. It's alright." Alcina says, trying to comfort her youngest.
"She must be so scared." Daniela cries. "Who would have taken her?"
"I don't know, draga mea, I don't know. But when we find out who took her, they are going to pay. I promise."
"I hope she comes back. I miss her, she was like a second mother to us. I wanted to call her 'mama' but I wasn't sure if she'd like it. Now I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to." Daniela says as she cries harder and Alcina can't help but feel her heart shatter in her chest.
"You'll get the chance, darling."
"You don't know that! What is she's dead?! What are we going to do?!"
"Dani don't say that!" Bela scolds.
"It's alright, draga." Alcina says to Bela. "I don't know what we will do, my love." She says to Daniela as she kisses her head. "I don't know."
You emerge from darkness and all you feel is pain. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, everything is in excruciating pain. A pained whimper escapes from your dried, chapped lips and your eyes start to flutter open. A bright white light blinds you and the pain in your head explodes. You open your mouth to try and cry out but your throat is so dry barely any sound comes out.
Consciousness comes and goes for some time, but you have no idea how much time passes. Unsure if it's minutes, hours or days in between.
Opening your eyes again, the bright light isn't as painful and you feel more aware of your surroundings. The pain is still there, but not as horrific as it first was. Hearing a sound, you turn your head to see Mother Miranda looking at liquids in a test tube at her desk.
"You're finally awake." She says with zero hint of emotion.
You open your mouth to speak but still can't.
"Ah, yes. One moment." She says.
Walking over to you, Mother Miranda unclips the bindings that kept you tied to the table and helps you sit up. The world spins and you feel like you're going to be sick but nothing comes up. Miranda hands you a glass of water and you gulp it down. Your throat feels a little soothed but there's still a thirst it didn't quench.
"How are you feelings?"
"I - I don't know." You say with a hoarse voice.
"Any pain?" She asks as she takes a clipboard off of her desk.
"Yes, everything."
"What, specifically?"
Taking a moment to gauge how you feel, you feel an intense pain in your head and move to touch your head. Miranda grabs your hand and stops you.
"Don't touch that. It's still healing." She says.
"Your cadou incision."
"You, you put it in my head?"
"Of course I did, that's where I implant it on all of my experiments." She says matter-of-factly. "Now, where else are you in pain?"
There's a strange feeling in your shoulder blades. It's almost like an itch but something feels like it's poking you from the inside. You relay how you're feeling to Mother Miranda and she hums and writes on her clipboard.
"Can I have more water?" You ask, hoping to relieve the thirst you feel.
Mother Miranda glances at you before pouring another glass and handing it to you.
Chugging the glass, you notice the thirst doesn't go away and you groan in frustration.
"What's the matter?" She asks. You can tell she doesn't actually care about your wellbeing and is asking for more information regarding her experiment.
"I'm so thirsty and the water isn't helping."
Mother Miranda clicks her tongue and sighs.
"Very well. Let me see what I can do." She says nothing else and leaves the room.
Confused, you try and stand but your legs are weak so you just lay back down on the table.
You must have dozed off because the next thing you're aware of is the thirst growing even more and extreme pain in your shoulder blades. Groaning, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to breathe through the pain. It begins to subside and the moment you're able to take a breath, you feel something shift under your skin and rip through. A scream rips through your lungs as you uncontrollably twitch and you fall off of the table.
Something pushes it way out of your shoulder blade and you continue to scream. You hear something hit the ground next to you and feel the same thing on your other shoulder blade. More screams rip through you and you pray you pass out from the pain.
But luck is not on your side and you feel something else push through your shoulder blade and hit the ground on the other side of you. Opening your eyes, you see gigantic wings on the ground and this time you let out a scream of fear instead of pain.
Mother Miranda walks in and sees you laying on the floor with gigantic wings splayed out.
"What did you do to me?!" You scream.
"How interesting." She says to herself, ignoring you.
"What did you do?!"
"I gave you a gift. Something you should be grateful for." She snaps.
"Grateful?! Look at what you've done to me!"
"You are magnificent!" She yells.
"You're a monster!"
"SILENCE! That is enough from you. Be quiet and let me examine you."
The pain and screaming starts to catch up with you and you don't have the energy to keep fighting her so you let her conduct her exam.
She holds out one of your wings and you whimper from the soreness. Unlike Miranda's wings that are black as night, your wings are brown down near your shoulders and turn to a stark white. The tips of your feathers are also brown and Mother Miranda notes the pattern on her clipboard.
When she's done with her exam, she helps you up and back onto the table. She conducts a full-body exam and notes no other changes. The thirst you felt earlier is even stronger and you ask her for more water.
Downing the glass she hands you, you slam the glass down on the table and claw at your throat, frustrated that the feeling still hasn't gone away.
"You still feel thirsty?" Mother Miranda asks.
"Yes! No amount of water has been helping. What's wrong with me?" You cry.
Mother Miranda mutters to herself something you don't catch and she leaves the room.
Carefully, you lay on your side on the table and cry.
Some times passes and Mother Miranda comes back in. Looking up, you see she has a terrified villager with her, a young woman. Mother Miranda pushes her to the ground and you see the fear in her eyes.
Scared, you look at Mother Miranda who is looking at you with nothing but cold indifference.
"Who is that? Why is she here?" You ask.
The girl begins to pray.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fateās hands." Her voice trembles. "As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end. In life and in death, we give glory, Mother Miranda."
Without saying a word, Mother Miranda grabs the back of the girl's hair and yanks her head backwards, bearing her neck. As the girl continues to repeat the prayer, you watch in horror as Mother Miranda raises her hand, and with her talon-sharp fingers, slices open the girl's neck.
The girl gurgles as she chokes on her own blood and you let out a scream of terror. The moment the scent of blood hits you, an instinct you can't control begins to take over. You try and fight it with all your might but in the end it wins and you leap off the table and onto the girl. Short but lethally sharp talons extend from your fingertips and you dig them into the girl and latch on to her neck wound.
At first the coppery taste of her blood makes you feel sick, but a second later that predatory instinct takes over and you finally start to feel relief from the insatiable thirst you were feeling.
You don't know when the girl stopped breathing or how long you were attached to her for, the only thing you know is that the blood flow begins to slow and then there's nothing left.
Backing away, you become aware of what you've done and you stare at her body in shock. Trembling, you look up at Mother Miranda and she looks at you with a cold indifference. She writes something down on the clipboard, places it on her desk and walks out of the room.
Making your way over to the clipboard, you see your name at the top and notes she's taken of your transformation written down. At the bottom it reads "an unfit vessel for Eva." and you collapse onto the floor in tears. Whether it was from relief or fear, you weren't sure.
Miranda keeps you for what feels like another week, continuing to experiment on you. What she does is borderline torture. Like Alcina, you also have rapid regeneration so you heal from everything she puts you through.
One morning after a grueling session of torture the night before, she walks into the lab and wakes you up.
"Get up. We're leaving."
"What, where are we going?"
Miranda says nothing else and you make your way to her. She's clearly irritated at how slowly you are moving, but even your rapid regeneration had a tough time keeping up with what she's been putting you through for the last week. That and the thirst is back. You haven't had blood since the woman from the village and it's starting to affect your ability to regenerate.
Miranda grabs hold of you and in a split second you're whisked away once again.
Alcina is seated in her chair in her bedroom, staring into the fire as she nurses a glass of blood wine. She hasn't eaten much, or done much for that matter, since your disappearance. A sense of depression has fallen over House Dimitrescu and the matriarch can't seem to pull herself out of it.
She hears a voice call out for her.
"Alcina!" Miranda calls out.
Alcina rushes to her feet and down to the foyer.
"Mother Miranda, I wasn't expecting -" Alcina stops when she sees something - someone - in Miranda's grasp.
"Here, take her." Miranda says as the throws you to the ground. "Absolutely useless."
Alcina freezes in place as she watches Miranda throw what's in her grasp onto the floor. Beautiful white and brown wings are sprawled out across the floor.
It can't be. Alcina thinks to herself. She's terrified of getting her hopes up for even a second that it could be you, that you could be back home.
Lifting your head, you see Alcina and tears stream down your face.
"Alci." You whisper.
"Draga?" Alcina whispers back. Her eyes shift from you to Mother Miranda in complete confusion. "You - you had her? This whole time?"
"I did. I was hoping she would be the perfect vessel but unfortunately, she is just as unfit as you are."
The dig would normally crush Alcina, but her heart is filled with such relief it doesn't even phase her.
Alcina kneels down in front of you and cups your face in her hand as you try to sit up.
"Draga mea." She whispers. "I thought I lost you." Tears fill her eyes but she does her best to keep them at bay in front of Miranda.
Alcina sees the pain in your eyes - and the relief. Anger bubbles up in her chest and she looks up at Miranda.
"How could you?"
"How could I what? You know how important finding the perfect vessel is. Don't tell me you've lost sight of that, have you?" Miranda says.
Sensing the veiled threat, Alcina looks back down at you.
"No, Mother Miranda."
"Very well. I must be going."
Miranda disappears leaving the two of you in the foyer.
"Alci." You say as your voice cracks. Alcina leans down and carefully arranges you in her arms, mindful of your wings.
"Oh, draga mea." She says as she nuzzles you. "You're here. I can't believe you're here." Alcina says through tears.
You cling to Alcina like a lifeline, as if you'd disappear if you ever let go of her and you sob. Everything that happened the last few weeks comes crashing down on you and you can't help but let it all out right there in the foyer in her arms.
"It's alright, my love. It's alright. You're safe now, okay? No one will ever hurt you again." Alcina says as she continues to cry as well.
"Mother?" Bela asks as she comes into the foyer. "What's going - oh my god!" She shouts.
Bela rushes over and wraps her arms around you as Alcina holds you tight.
"You're back!" She says as tears fall. "Dani, Cassie, she's back!"
Daniela and Cassandra appear and Daniela screams before barreling towards you. Cassandra is right behind her and both girls also try and wrap their arms around you.
"Mama!" Daniela cries. "I missed you so much."
"Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Cassandra asks as she takes in your new wings.
"Miranda." Alcina growls and the girls look up in shock.
"Wait, Mother Miranda took her?" Bela asks.
"Yes. That's why she was gone without a trace. She took her and implanted the cadou into her." Alcina replies.
"The cadou?! But she could have died, or worse!" Daniela says.
"Trust me, draga, I know." Alcina says. "This was not something either of us wanted to happen."
"So Miranda kidnapped her and implanted the cadou into her without her consent?" Cassandra asks, enraged.
"How dare she -"
"That's enough, Cassandra." Alcina reprimands.
"But -"
"Cassandra, please. These last few weeks have been difficult for everyone, especially for her. Lets discuss this at a different time."
Cassandra nods in agreement and Alcina stands with you in her arms and carries you into your shared bedroom. The girls agreed to give you a little space while you recover and they fly off to take their anger out on unsuspecting maids.
Alcina lays you on the bed and immediately crawls up next to you and pulls you tightly into her. Her chest heaves as she sobs, her hands roaming over every inch of you, still in disbelief that you're real.
"My darling," Alcina cries. "I missed you so much. We tried so hard to find you. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know, I never would have thought -" She breaks down into tears and you cup her face in your hands.
"It's alright, Alcina. It's not your fault. It's Miranda's fault. She sent you and the girls away so she could take me."
"Is, is that why she insisted I take the girls with me? I thought it was strange but who am I to question her?"
"It is. She said you wouldn't let me go without a fight. So she made sure all of you were gone."
"Oh, my love, I'm so sorry." She says. "What did she do to you?"
"She gave me the cadou. Alcina it was terrible. I've never been in so much pain in my life. I wanted to die when my wings came out."
Alcina coos and wipes the tears from your cheeks.
"And then I had this thirst that would not go away no matter what I drank and then Miranda brought a girl from the village into the lab." You say as you cry harder. "Alcina she slit her throat right there in front of me. And I couldn't control myself and I lunged at her. I drank her blood, I drank her dry. I killed her!" You sob.
"Oh draga, it's alright." Alcina says as she comforts you. "You didn't kill her, Miranda did. None of this was your fault."
"I was so scared, I was completely out of control. I'm so afraid of being like that again. Alcina I can't live like that."
"You won't have to. There are ways you can manage it without losing control. I'll teach you, the girls will teach you. We're here for you, draga."
You and Alcina cry into each others arms for what felt like hours until she finally ran you a bath. The wings on your back were still there so Alcina gently washed them as she cleaned the rest of you. Using her claws, she cut holes in one of your pajama shirts to accommodate your wings and helped you dress.
As the two of you spoke, you mentioned that you haven't had any blood since the girl from the village and Alcina shook her head at Miranda's lack of care. She had a maid bring up a fresh bottle of Sanguis Virginis. As soon as she popped the cork and the smell reached your nostrils you were practically drooling. Skipping the glass, Alcina handed you the bottle and you drank straight from it, downing the entire bottle in just a few minutes.
Alcina got herself ready for bed and pulled you into her arms. You felt satiated from the wine, but still cried yourself to sleep. Alcina held you in her protective arms, whispering praises and running her nails through your head until you fell asleep.
"I will never let anyone else ever hurt you, my love." She whispers to you. "Miranda will pay for what she's done."
#willalove75#lady dimitrescu#alcina dimitrescu#wlw fanfic#lady dimitrescu x reader#re8 alcina#re8 lady dimitrescu#re8 fanfiction#re8 village#re8
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Hiiii, i had been thinking of this idea for DAYSS and was wondering if you would be interested in writing about it? Ofc no pressure if you don't want to!
So, here it is: while having rough sex with husband!nanami, he gets too deep and bruises reader's cervix & she uses her safeword - how would he handle the situation? what would the aftercare be like?
Anyways, thank you in advance, and I hope you have a great day! :*
i shed a tear reading this omggg, he's such a baby i KNOW he'd be on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness, like he'd feel horrible for not realizing it sooner because he usually knows your body better than you do!! i hope this does your idea justice love!!!
mdni, mentions of sex in the beginning, use of safe word, reader calls nanami "kenny", nanami doesnt stop when the reader says stop (bc the safe word was implemented and they always agreed to only use that if they actually wanted to stop), this could potentially be triggering so please take a moment to think if you are okay with reading this! <3
the sound of skin slapping against skin, and your cries of what nanami thinks is pleasure is all he can hear.
but all you can hear is ringing, and your vision feels blurry. nanami is buried so deep inside of you, you feel him hit a spot that makes you feel worse than any period cramp you've ever had.
you felt it yesterday, but you just assumed it was early cramps since your period is due soon. but, now that he's hitting your cervix over and over and over. you know the problem.
you murmur "stop" and "please", desperately trying to remember the words to stop him. your hands try to push him away, but the man doubles down.
normally, you'd be okay with that. but you're really, actually hurting.
the moment nanami hears "red! kenny, red!" escape your lips. he stops. he immediately pulls out, slowly so it doesn't hurt you.
he looks at your face, "darling, are you okay?" he asks quickly, cupping your cheek.
he can now clearly see the tears on your cheeks, and the tension in your body. he feels like he's going to throw up.
you try to talk, to apologize, but nanami shushes you. "no, no. don't you dare apologize, i should be the one apologizing."
he rakes his fingers through his hair and then helps you sit up, "baby, tell me what happened." he murmurs, taking your hands.
"hurts, kenny." you murmur. "think you bruised my cervix.." any man would feel proud to hear that. oh, your cock is so big it hit her cervix! but your kenny? nope, he feels like the worst person in the world. he knew he was bigger than average, and that's why he was hesitant to be rough with you. and now he's hurt you.
"shh, i'm sorry," he gently scratches your back. he feels like an idiot for not noticing the tension in your entire body. just looking at your face, it's obvious.
he lays with you for a bit, before carefully picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. he sets you on the toilet and begins to run a bath for you.
once it's ready, he doesn't let you move a muscle. he gently puts you in the tub. he washes your hair and then steps out of the bathroom to call your gynecologist.
he explains what happened, and even sets up an appointment to check that everything is okay.
"kenny?" your voice calls out, and he immediately rushes into the bathroom. "darling?" "i'm done." he nods, "alright, i'll grab you a towel, love."
once you're dry, and he's helped you with your hair and your clothes and skincare. you're cuddled on your bed, you've had to reassure nanami multiple times that it's okay, that it's not anyone's fault.
it took some time for nanami to be able to go rough on you again. he doesn't ever want to hurt his love. but you obviously convinced him to, because, damn.. he feels amazing.
the ending is weird cause i didnt know how to end it.. sowwy
masterlist, taglist.
i do not give consent for my fics to be reposted or translated on and off of tumblr, this is my only account.
#jjk#jjk x reader#jujustu kaisen#x reader#jjk x you#kento nanami#nanami kento#kento nanami x reader#nanami x reader#jjk nanami#nanami x you#runawaybridee
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Well, there's no doubt that Calgary is a beautiful city, though it was all the better being there with you, along with having you keep me warm the whole time. And you're going to make me blush calling me the sexiest date at your premieres! I still don't think I'm sexier than you though, personally. I'm so excited to see Fantastic Four, and honestly, it's just the truth that you're that hot! They chose right for the role and all. You have so much promo coming, although you know I'm excited to see Warfare as well. I'm so happy I can travel around with you too, love, especially when I'd rather do that than be away from you. It was a great idea to head back to Florida for a bit, and I know my parents were happy we were there for more than two seconds! Plus I had fun showing you all the places that were favorites of mine while I was growing up, and just around my neck of the woods in general. Now you know why I appreciate the outdoors so much when we practically lived neared a swamp. You're sweet for being understanding about my parents bombarding you with questions, and yeah, I suppose they couldn't help their curiosities since you're only the second person I've dated that introduced to them. It was so incredible meeting your family too, love, even though you know how nervous I was about that! I hope I've lived up tot he hype and they think I'm at least okay. I didn't have another vacation spot in mind at the moment, though I feel sort of like you should be dictating those given you're the busier one with so much coming up! I'd want to go somewhere you'd like. Well, I certainly know you want to be with me forever now, and it's so mutual since I don't want to ever let go of you. Well, seeing live music with you is becoming one of my favorite things, so it was really special getting to do that in Tampa while I was showing you around. Not to mention I love spending time in hot springs with you too, and it was the perfect last activity before I wrapped in Calgary. I'm so glad you liked all the plans for your birthday too, since naturally, I wanted it to be extra special and all. We're each other's, and that just makes it all the more sweet, right? I still can't believe you knit me so many incredible things, and you know I'm excited and already can't wait to see exactly what you have planned. And I'm always happy when I get to spend time with you, since it just makes the time extra special. It's adorable you've always wanted a cat, for the record! And I'm leaning towards saying you should get one just because you've always wanted one. We can see how one would get along with Bach, right? I'm starting to wonder how many secret entrances the Catacombs have since it always seems like they have a new one for us to explore every time we see them! But you know I'll always hold your hand and protect you no matter what haunted places that we visit. I'm excited about breaking in our places in New York too, especially since the weather's getting warmer and the city is gorgeous in the spring. And I'm always happy to show you all my favorite places in every city, honestly. I'll keep in mind that you like to dance too, especially since I do love dancing with you and all. I'm so glad you love cooking with me as much as I love that with you, and as fun as classes are, I second that it's a lot more fun cooking at home with you, and trying new recipes there. And we're doing well with making the recipes good too! We'll have to go back to the sanctuary sometime then, especially since Bentley liked you, and I'm quite sure the other animals did too! I'm laughing a little at your thinking you missed your calling as a zoo keeper, though you know what this means, that you'll just have to play one on screen to balance it!
Sorry, I'm always going to agree that you're the amazing one, because you are! Well, if making you happy lands me some good points with your family, I'm glad for that since I love making you happy. You're sweet telling them in advance that we've said I love you, which yeah, I'd want them to know I'm serious about you. I'm all for camping out on ranches more and around cattle since we had such a good time with it! Plus the cows were adorable, and no surprise at all they took to you so easily. I'm all for going to Turkey too, and would absolutely love that, in fact. I know we've traveled a little more than planned with fashion week, though I'm up for going there with you for some relaxation and all. That's another great thing about vacations too, no early call times and we can get out of bed whenever we'd like to. I know what you mean when promo is a beast in itself, though I can't lie that I'm so excited to see your films and know I'll be so proud of you, too. Of course it didn't scare me off, and if anything, I'm really happy you see a future with the two of us since I see the same thing with you. And I know I'm lucky that you love me, and that I love you and can tell you as often as I'd like. Which, I love you, in case that wasn't obvious. I would love for us to live together and get married when it feels right, too. I'm with you on getting a place in New York since we both like the city so much, and it's a great idea to keep your place in London for whenever we'd like to stay there. I love so much that you've thought about this in detail, too. It's safe to say I'd never run in the other direction hearing you say that you love me, especially since I love you so much. And it means the world to me that you're all in with me, plus same goes for you that I'd want to hear everything on your mind. I'll give you kisses as much as you'd like, especially since I happen to enjoy your kisses so much, too. I really loved the red theme for the Christmas decorations and still smile every time I think about it. So I wanted that photo album that we could both remember the occasion by! Not to mention you come up with the best surprises. I'm happy we had a good Valentine's Day together, and you're the best valentine a guy could have, hands down. You're doing well with your mandolin lessons so far, if that helps at all! So I know you'll be playing like a pro in no time at all. I can't help wearing the necklace since I love it so much, and it technically was the first time you told me that you love me, after all. Doing the cruise after your promo sounds perfect to me, love, and it'll be a nice way to relax after all the work, yeah? Well, it was my first New Year's kiss in Time's Square, and you're right, we're going to have plenty of New Year's kisses that are memorable. I'm still so happy you liked everything for your birthday, and well, I have to get on your level with the gifts since you're amazing at coming up with them! I'm so glad you loved your Valentine's gifts too, and I certainly loved mine so much! I'm going to wear that Fantastic Four shirt to the premiere, of course! Norway with you was a lot of fun, love, and I'm so glad we went, and also got to attend the Valentine's dance when it was so beautiful. You're making me blush again, but you know I'll always get romantic and dance with you, no question. And you looked gorgeous yourself! Well, I always want to take the best care of you, since that's exactly what you deserve. Plus I like to think it'll balance you being so busy, to make sure you're not burning yourself out. | @josephafq
i'm glad that i made calgary all the better for you, love, though you're right it truly is a beautiful city on it's own. and you know i was so very happy to be there with you -- and i really loved keeping each other warm, because you're right, it was rather cold. and i loved all the things that we did together, we had a lot of great dates and adventures! i'm glad to always have you on my arm during premieres, because i love having the sexiest date there, you know? and it means a lot that you always want to cheer my projects on! you're excited to see fantastic four? i love hearing that! now you're making me blush saying i looked so handsome in the trailer and really making me blush saying i'm already so hot that i can set a fire all on my own, you're so good for my ego, love. with warfare coming out in april, you're right about having promo coming up, then we'll jump right into promo for fantastic four probably! so i'm glad that you're not working for the moment and can travel around with me, since you know i miss you so much when you're not with me. since we've got a little more time off, do you want to go back to florida for a little while? we can spend time with your parents -- and maybe travel around florida for a little bit so i can see some tourist things! and i was happy to meet your parents, love, and i didn't mind all their questions, it's obvious they love you and want to make sure i'm good enough for you, which i can understand. plus, it feels good knowing i'm the second person you've ever brought home, and again, i understand why they were so curious. plus, it feels good knowing that they like me! though maybe before we go to florida we can go back to london for a little while so you can meet my family? because they've really been bugging me about meeting you. but i can't wait to be back in the warmth of florida if you want to go there for a little while -- though if you have another vacation spot in mind, i'm all ears. i'm glad that i don't have to worry about losing you, because you already know i want you to be with me forever, yeah? and it makes me feel good hearing you'd be just as long without me. good that i can have you in my arms as much as i'd like, since i always love having you in my arms. i hope you know it makes me happy that you love any of the dates i take you on, since i love all the dates you take me on too! i loved getting to see where you love to hang out while we were in tampa, and it was fun getting to listen to some live music as well, since i know you really love seeing live music. it was great getting to spend time in the hot springs before your filming ended, love, and i always have the best time with you there too. don't mind me grinning hearing that you can't ever get enough of me! i'm still in awe of everything you did for my birthday, i'll just have you know that, but everything you planned was so amazing and also perfect for a post-filming celebration! and you're right about having a hot tub handy, since i love using hot tubs with you! it makes me smile just as much knowing that i'm all yours, love, and i love you being mine. i'm glad you'll never get sick of knitted items, because i might be starting to work on my largest project for you yet! i'm glad we don't have to miss each other for a little while, i'm glad we're together right now.
yeah, i've just been worried that bach is lonely and needs someone to play with more, you know? i'm not sure i want another dog as big as bach since he's a beast -- but i also thought about a cat for a little while, but i don't know how they'd get along! i've just always wanted a cat. we'll have to make plans with jamie and anya then to visit the catacomb entrances, and thank you for always protecting me, love, you're the best boyfriend a guy can ask for! i love that i make you blush so often, and you always look so sexy when you do! just like you're making me blush calling me the sexiest, even though i still say that's you. i'm glad that we've had so much fun so far in both of our places in new york, love, and i look forward to breaking them in more when we can, of course! and i love hearing that you're happy being where i am, love, since that means so much to me. i love the idea of you showing me all your favorite places, love, especially the ones where we can dance -- since i love to dance with you! i do love cooking with you a whole lot, and the cooking classes are so much fun with you! but i also really just love cooking at once of our places too, especially when we're trying new things because it's always an adventure. plus, so far everything we've cooked together has been rather tasty! it's safe to say that i liked bentley too, he has such a fun personality! and you know i was happy to give a donation, and would gladly do so again. plus, i loved getting to help feed the other animals that was so cool and i would love to do that again as well. i swear, i was meant to work in a zoo, i just became an actor instead! i'm glad you think my heart is so kind, my love, and it still feels good to know your parents like me, and are happy that they've met me. plus, i love that you talk about me so much, since i talk about you a whole lot too. i can't help but say you're the amazing one when that's clearly the case! i really do think my family will like you -- plus, the fact that you make me as happy as you do will make them like you even more! and i've told them that i told you that i love you, so they know it's serious, which means they're even more excited to meet you. i think we should camp more where i can be around cattle and be on a ranch. what do you think? and i love the idea of cows being giant puppies around me, because they did want my affections, and i couldn't help but cuddle with them. i was thinking we could go to turkey before i have to start doing a lot of promo, what do you think? maybe after we visit florida again, if you're up for that?
i'm glad that i get to wake you up in my favorite way as much as i like, and i especially love that we can stay in bed after because we don't have an early call time. i'm looking forward to promo, but also not looking forward to promo because we won't get to sleep in as much as i like! i'm glad i didn't scare you off at all, owen, because i know sometimes the future can be a scary thought when it comes to relationships, but i so want a future with you. you make my heart race every time you tell me you love me, i hope you know that. and i feel incredibly lucky for you loving me too, so damn lucky. plus, just hearing you say that you'd like us to live together and get married when the timing feels right, that makes me very happy. honestly, i would be happy to have a place together with you in new york, because new york is special to us. and we could just keep my place in london, you know? as you can see i've thought about this! i love you too, owen, and it feels good being able to say it without worrying you're going to run in the other direction. no, because i'm just so all in with you, you know? so anything you have on your mind -- i'd want to hear it. oh, i can understand that when saying i love you was pretty scary for me too. i'm glad you want forever with me, and it makes me smile that it makes your heart race, my love, and i really do want the same thing. i could use some more kisses right now, just saying. i'm still smiling at the way you showed me just how much you loved the red theme for the christmas decorations, and i can't help but smile every time i look at that photo album. i always want to do things to surprise you, though, it makes me so happy. and i'm glad we had such good holidays recently, because valentine's day was pretty amazing with you too. and forever thankful that you're my valentine. i hope that i end up playing the mandolin beautifully since you love that instrument so much, and i want to impress you! so yes, let's start lessons soon. i love seeing you wear that necklace, by the way, it makes me smile. and i figured maybe we could do the cruise after all the promo, as a way to celebrate, what do you think? i'm glad you liked our new years kiss so much, since it was one of my favorite kisses with you! but you're right, all our new years kisses will be memorable. love, i loved the cabin you rented for my birthday, and i loved my birthday gifts so much. you know me so well, and you buy the best gifts. i also loved what you got me for valentine's too, and again, i'm so happy you're my valentine. plus, i loved the valentine dance with you in norway. i loved getting romantic with you and getting to dance with you. plus, you looked gorgeous. and i love hearing that i'm stuck with you, safe to say, and i love the idea of you taking care of me while having to work. you're so amazing and take the best care of me. || @teaguehq
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I finally finished SOTR and I wanted to give some opinions. I already warn I didn't like it much (and I'm going to explain why), but I didn't hate it. just... meh. this is probably the first and last time I'm going to talk in deep about it besides making one face study or other :) as always, this is just my opinion and pls remember to respect each other's opinions! if you enjoyed the book, good for you! and if you didn't read it yet, read the book to have your own opinions on it!
I want to be fair and start with what I liked in this book:
wyatt and maysilee are great characters! wyatt honestly became my favorite in this book lol (love my little neurodivergent guy) and maysilee was written so funny! to me they honestly carried the book, I was so entertained by them
burdock and asterid š they were so cute, and mind you, I was never invested in everlark or interested in katniss' parents
the little cameo of tam amber and clerk carmine raising a girl was adorable! clerk carmine in general was lovely ngl
beetee's plotline was amazing, despite heartbreaking, and I deeply enjoyed how it was written
wiress' games were SO interesting??? maybe it's me focusing on such a minor detail but I loved it
the whole plot of louella and lou lou was disturbing, maybe the most disturbing I've seen in the whole franchise, and it really struck out to me as a horror element
I understand and appreciate the attempt of trying to pass a political message for a younger audience, because let's be honest, this book was indeed written for a younger audience and there's nothing wrong with it! it's quite simplistic in the way it tries to pass it through, yes, but I recognize it was not written for me and that's okay
before going into what I disliked, I want to point out that I put the blame a bit on myself bc I had some expectations and it's natural to be disappointed when they don't happen (even if I tried a lot to NOT have expectations, I talked about this before in my blog). so read this with a grain of salt because I'm not a casual reader.
this book felt cheap. and when I say cheap, I mean that it doesn't bring new things at all. not thematically, not in worldbuilding aspects. I was already concerned when the book was announced and it was haymitch's pov because this meant it would be too much like the original thg book: a kid in D12 from the seam is reaped and goes through horrific events in the games. and in this case, it feels like a mix between THG and catching fire. and the thing is that I'm not completely against narrating the 2QQ, but there would be other ways to do it with other characters that didn't feel so overused tbh;
still on worldbuilding, it's so disappointing this book doesn't bring anything new to the table regarding panem or the districts' cultures, except for some interesting burial traditions in D12. it's confusing to me that the hunger games are still that undeveloped when it's just 25 years before katniss' games. it seems like such a short time for the efficiency of the capitol change so much. same for characters. I expected this book to have so many interesting characters (specially since we were going to have 48 tributes lol), but we have almost nothing except cameos, and the ones we have (like wyatt and maysilee) felt underused by the narrative;
I know a lot of people say that this book was a bridge between tbosas and og trilogy, but then the bridge was made out of really bad quality wood and it's about to fall at any minute. the connections felt forced and for some reason now half of D12 is covey or related to them (and I say this as someone who loves the covey). some of the connections established here make the og trilogy interactions seem a bit odd;
this book, to me, paints an idea of katniss being some sort of chosen one in thg that made me quite upset. and I don't say that for the covey relations, but oh! she actually reminds haymitch of louella, and oh! she was also the daughter of his best friend, and oh! haymitch also had a private talk about president snow not trusting in birds! the charm of katniss to me, at least, was that she was never a chosen one. she was the right person at the right time. she was a kid used as a tool. but anyway that's just me;
I know the cameos and fanservices are controversial because this book is very on the nose with it. and yeah, it's annoying, but not as annoying as the goddamned snowbaird fanservice on the sheer year of 2025. compared to the og trilogy, snow felt ooc. in tbosas it's justifiable because he's a kid, he's a teen, but here he's pushing 60. why is he telling things like this to a D12? why is he letting so many rebel discourse pass in front of his nose? in thg it felt justifiable that he wouldn't kill katniss because it would clearly turn her into a martyr, but in this, nothing really justifies why he didn't kill haymitch;
if I had the energy, I would do a whole post on lenore dove and why her character is deeply disappointing and honestly shallow (it's specially disappointing when her character is written by a woman, and still, she feels like the trope of the dead girlfriend that doesn't get depth and it's clearly there to haunt the boyfriend). there's an attempt to paint her as a strongly opiniated girl that really didn't work for me because we never get to know lenore dove outside of how haymitch talks about her. her personality felt like mixing sejanus and lucy gray, but without really caring about the nuances of both, and she's clearly an attempt to make lucy gray happen again but without what made her special;
the parallels between katniss and haymitch felt forced imo and it felt like SC was trying so so so hard all the time to convince us that actually he's just katniss but male version. and it's specially sad to me because haymitch, the main character of the whole book, was the most uninteresting one;
how do you make a book about propaganda and hume and doesn't approach career tributes at all? here, they feel exactly how they were in 74th hunger games. WHAT happened? how did they go from scared children trying to run from the arena in the 10th to this?
the writing didn't feel good. the dialogues were too expositive and didn't make sense for some adult characters (like beetee and plutarch) to talk in the way they did. I'm not going deep into this because I didn't read her other saga of books like TUC, but I have friends who pointed out exactly that this doesn't feel like how SC writes.
I want to finish this saying that I've seen some takes around saying that if you dislike or criticize this book, then it's because you didn't focus on the political message regarding propaganda and the characters were used as tools to get the message through. and I'm going to hold some people's hands and tell them to go read political books outside of the hunger games. a book's political message can be valid, but I'm not going to say it was well done or well written just because of it. after all, in the end, a book is still a book, and a book is a work that gets to be judged by its writing and structure.
this book felt like a movie script, and when I say it, I mean it was written structured like one. the way things happen, the amount of quick name drop, the chronology of events. and I say this because books and movies are different medias and are narrated in different ways. I'm going to say that I already thought it was a red flag that when the book was announced, the movie was already confirmed for 2026, but I didn't expect it to be so clear about being written for a movie. bc that's what this book is. it's a book written for lionsgate to produce a new hunger games movie. I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again: the feeling I had is that lionsgate wanted a new movie after tbosas being such a hit in 2024. but oh no! when the book came out, it was so badly received... SC, can you do a safer and much more comfortable for the audience book? one that they for sure will love. and here it is.
I didn't find it downright bad, it's enjoyable at times (the first two chapters were genuinely good imo), but it's at best 2.5 to me. it doesn't work as a standalone work, it doesn't work as part of a trilogy. this may be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like it's being so praised rn bc ppl are still hyped with it coming out (like when you eat too much sugar, yk what I mean?) and it has a lot of cameos and familiar faces. but, in some months, I def think some people will start to change their opinions once more debates rise up.
it's specially sad to me that the og saga proposed itself to criticize the death of children and the issues of entertainment industry, and people spent years saying there wouldn't be a haymitch book because it would go against the point of the trilogy, just then to... get another book about children dying in the most brutal ways (this one in specific is so much more brutal than the others, I have to say, specially with the amount of 12-13 yo tributes that appear).
suzanne collins always writes when she has something to say, but in this, she really only told us she had to pay her bills.
#sotr#anti-sotr#maybe deleting later#if I talk about this book again will for sure be for wyatt or maysilee#but yeah#my silly little posts#sotr spoilers
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Rain world + the amazing digital circus = glitch world!
II don't plan to develop this AU any further, so if you like the concept, you can start promoting it to the masses so that more people know about au. You draw art, create memes, and so on, making sure to put the hashtag "glitch world au" under all posts. The future of this au lies only in your hands. You can find out more about the plot below.
I'm telling you about this au's lore:
WARNING! I ran the entire text through a translator because English is not my native language, so there may be some mistakes in it. I hope they won't be critical. Okay, now I'm explaining to you for the local lore. Madness of Entertainment was one of those iterators who, even after the departure of the Ancients, remained faithful to the task, and he tried to solve it primarily because of that... Madness was lonely. A naive, slightly goofy, kind-hearted iterator. Everyone considered him an oddball and did not want to communicate. So, spending his days alone with his thoughts, at some point he thought of creating a large simulation, where the local rules would state that the void sea would not be able to turn you into an echo, to stuff the consciousness of all beings who want to ascend into this very simulation, and, in fact, that's all. Madness sent a triple confirmation, all the iterators in the world were alarmed, but they were not happy with the arguments their colleague came to and only became more convinced of his eccentricity. By the very concept of ascension, it means that your physical shell disintegrates, and your mind, as it were, ascends, turns out to be beyond all that exists, in fact, it turns out to be at the point of no return. How can the simulation convey this if no one knows what lies beyond this very point of no return? It will not be an ascension from this world, but some kind of nonsense. And besides, iterators are trying to find a solution to a great problem in THEIR REAL WORLD, and not in some kind of incomprehensible simulation done in a hurry. The ideas of Madness were rejected, and he could have fallen into despair if one of the iterators had not seriously said: "Besides, our Creators have long since left. Who are you working so hard for anyway? For these stupid creatures crawling through our structure?" Something clicked in his head, and the idea of giving lower beings a path to enlightenment stuck firmly in his mind. And he decided to start saving creatures... Other iterators located next to it. Because in the local group, where Madness was, how can I put it mildly?.. There were only dumb cattle. In fact, only Madness itself was normal there. Sea of Despair was particularly distinguished from this group. This person was very fond of creating various creatures, especially scavengers, but at the same time had sick sadistic habits and therefore she could calmly start beating her creations naturally or worse. Having probed all this, Madness began trying to establish contact with all this artificially created horde of scavengers through observers and force them to go towards his target so that the iterator could move the consciousness of all creatures into the simulation there. But Sea wasn't stupid either, her watchers had spotted the aliens, and so she decided to play along with Madness plan. She allowed most of her scavengers to come to someone else's installation, and then, through her observers, gave the command that they begin to destroy someone else's installation, preferably from the inside. The scavengers followed the iterator's orders and during this terrorist attack were able to damage some of Madness systems responsible for his artificial intelligence, making the already slightly strange iterator even more crazy. He forgot his real name and gave himself the nickname "Caine".
Sea decided to stop there, considering that she was able to take revenge on this naive freak and called everyone away from someone else's installation, leaving Caine alone with himself again. The iterator was still burning with the idea of saving the lower beings, but now he wanted to move them into the simulation not for the sake of lifting everyone up, but for the sake of everyone having "fun" there. Yes, Caine began to believe that everyone in this world lacked "joy," and he wanted to fix it. He will come up with all sorts of adventures for all newcomers, feed them well, and in general, the creatures there will live in peace and harmony and blah blah blah. Well, then, willy-nilly, all sorts of slugcats and lizards began to come to him from time to time, which Caine safely irrevocably moved into the simulation, before erasing most of their memory.
This is if we talk about the general lore and Caine, and now I'll tell you about the rest of the characters. Pomni, Gangle and Zooble are the creations of another crazy iterator from a local group named Nothing Is Perfect. This iterator is a fierce perfectionist and has been trying in vain all this time to create the perfect being. But as you know, it's no use. Gangle and Zooble were the first to enter the simulation. The iterator had previously held everyone hostage, locked up in his room, literally chaining all the poor things in chains. But Zooble, as a stronger being, was able to get out, Gangle helped, and together they escaped from this madhouse. But Gangle was still chained up, Zooble couldn't untangle them, so they came to Caine, and when he saw Gangle's condition, he counted... That chains are already the last century for fashion and beauty, I replaced heavy chains with light ribbons for the mouse, in fact, thus freeing the poor thing from these shackles.
Pomni, the most recent at the time got into the simulation. And she was able to get out of the installation on her own. It was thanks to her tail that slugcat managed to fight back against its creator. In fact, this tail is a separate organism, for the most part, Pomni is able to control it, but if this reptile gets into a rage... That's it, no one will be able to stop this crazy limb. According to the law of meanness, it so happened that the tail also turned out to be very similar in appearance to the scattered ones, so she is now even more afraid of him, despite that it was he who, in fact, was able to save his mistress's life. Speaking of the scattered ones. Since Caine hadn't checked his simulation for possible errors all this time, it eventually turned out that if a creature's hunger, happiness, or anything else greatly exceeded its normal status, an error would occur and the simulation would turn the creature into a fig, you know what, that is, those scattered ones creatures. Which Caine then sends to the void sea, where no one else has seen them.
Jax is one of the creations of Sea of Despair, and I think it's clear from his scars that the scavenger went a little crazy during his stay with his creator. He got to Caine by accident when he was doing the iterator's next assignment. After Jax got into the simulation, they were able to remove the stitches that had been sewn to his mouth all this time, and more or less patched up the wounds. Unfortunately, Caine couldn't fix his sanity... Kinger was a representative of a rare species of deer. An endangered species. And one of the iterators of the local group wanted to help these poor devils in preserving the population. The idiot's name was Four Rays. To all the individuals that Ray could find, he, with the help of observers, put special sensors on their heads, like for tracking. But most of the observers did it carelessly, breaking half of the deer's skulls, damaging their brains in every possible way, and so on. As you can imagine, this has only caused the population to shrink further. Kinger was lucky. His brain wasn't badly damaged, mostly affecting his memory. Now the deer couldn't remember anything very well. Together with his beloved, Kinger came to Caine. Due to the fact that this type of deer was relatively lower and smaller than the original, they were able to climb through the opening into the structure. The inspectors noticed these two, notified Caine about it, and then he was able to remotely move them. Ragatha was affected by the last iterator in the local group, which is now dead. His name was Enlightened Sky, I couldn't think of what exactly caused him to die, but his structure eventually collapsed, just like it happened to Moon. Ragatha lived in a region close to the sky and was badly damaged during the collapse. The debris was flying, there was a lot of dust, and Ragatha miraculously managed to survive.
However, in the process, she received a huge wound on her back, which also hurt a lot. Her spine also cracked a little at that moment, so the poor thing could barely walk at all. But she still managed to crawl to Caine, moved into the simulation, and there the iterator gave her a cloak to hide this terrible wound and a bow, purely so that Ragatha would not be too sad.
#tadc au#tadc fanart#tadc caine#tadc pomni#tadc ragatha#tadc jax#tadc gangle#tadc kinger#tadc zooble#digital circus#the amazing digital circus#rw au#rain world#rain world fanart#rw art#glitch world au#rw slugcat#rw scavenger#rw iterator
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Alright, I guess this is my "yap about the Fall of the Mutants" post? This is my first major milestone completed while I'm running this blog so I'll ramble for a bit. This isn't really an event in the traditional sense, like, none of the X-titles actually cross over in meaningful ways other than a member of one book learning about the goings-on of another book via the news or something. So there isn't a grand narrative to comment on, the connecting thread is thematic, I guess. It's really just a glorified status quo change-up, which all events are in theory, but it doesn't actually really have the crossover element of the event which is kind of the selling point, so??? either way I'll talk about each book one at a time
(Uncanny X-Men #225-227)
May as well start with Uncanny. Shockingly, I don't have a ton to say. I think it was fine, but not amazing. Tbh I feel like Clairemont's writing falters a bit whenever he's writing about 'end of the world' type stuff on a cosmological scale. The Phoenix Saga is great, but beyond that when he does these 'end of the universe' things it's all very similar, like a mini-Phoenix Saga repackaged. He's in love with these sweeping concepts of the world being in balance, very New Age, and he gets sort of lost in it. I don't have a great way of articulating it, though, and I'll save some of my deeper thoughts on his writing for a big fat Clairemont era post once I finish his run. Some cool visuals anyway, and I'm glad that Storm has her powers back. We'll see where the 'world thinks the X-Men are dead' stuff goes, but I'm guessing it's not going to last very long.
(Power Pack #33)
X-Factor, also fine. Also not a ton to say. It was probably the weakest of the 3 overall, but not for lack of trying. I just find these early Apocalypse stories kind of dry? They aren't really saying much with his character, at least not yet. Not a fan of the 'dumb Beast' stuff either, no idea how long that last. I hope this leads to a power reset with him and getting his blue fur back, I really don't like looking at hairless Silver Age Beast. That being said, thank GOD X-Factor as Mutant Hunters era is over. Jfc what a bad concept. Simonson did her best to salvage it but you can physically feel her grating against the concept with every issue she writes. I feel so bad for her for inheriting Bob Layton's mess.
Oh I almost forgot; I hate Caliban in this?? Like, I really don't buy his turn to Apocalypse at all :( Probably the only part of this event that made me a bit irritated.
Every non-X-book tie-in was related to X-Factor, for some reason, also. It's really the only part of all of this that feels like a big event, but it's downplayed. Power Pack and Daredevil all the clear standouts. Really good. Pictured above, the Power Pack issue does a phenomenal job of selling the scale of it from a kids' perspective. Everything is on this incomprehensible scale and watching this giant rectangle of a spaceship knock into stuff in New York really sells how big of a threat Apocalypse is. And Daredevil is an on-the-street version of that, moreso focused on how New Yorkers react to this battle and think that the end of the world is here. It's a very human story and I really should read Nocenti's Daredevil run sometime, it seems pretty good.
The Fantastic Four tie-in was painfully average and the Captain America one was awful. Avoid them lol, they are very mired in their own continuity. Luckily I was familiar enough with the F4's history that I caught on quick, but they are in a VERY weird era here. No Reed or Sue, the Thing is in his pointy rock-skin era, She-Thing just got made, Doctor Doom has been ousted from Latveria... just madness. As for Cap, it's more comprehensible but it's just not very good. They're in the John Walker era and Steve has been forced out of the role (and is wearing USAgent's future costume), but he and Falcon and... *checks notes* Demolition Man a.k.a. D-Man and Nomad-but-not-the-Steve-Rogers-one,-the-Jack-Munroe-one (alright?) go and stop Famine from destroying a fuckton of crops in Nebraska or something and that's it, that's the whole tie-in. No mention of X-Factor iirc. Really weird book.
(New Mutants Vol. 1 #60)
And now, the New Mutants. Once again the BEST X-Family book. I'm a New Mutants girlie, I will stan them until my dying breath and that is THAT. I have so much to say. The book is great, Sunspot and Warlock are back, and the falling out with Magneto and the death of Doug actually sells the event!! It really feels like only they go through a status quo change worthy of the name 'The Fall of the Mutants'. It's a fairly average adventure for them to start with, and there's a bit too much fixation on a fairly uncompelling villain for my liking, but at the end of #60, a switch flicks. Doug dies in a really brutal, unceremonious way. He's just shot by the villain of the arc and that's it. He's dead.
(New Mutants Vol. 1 #60)
(New Mutants Vol. 1 #61)
I love. LOVE. Watching Illyana go demon mode on these guys. No notes. Please more of this before she's uh, out of commission until like 2007 lol.
(New Mutants Vol. 1 #61)
And then #61 is mourning. Everyone lashing out at each other and Magneto... being Magneto, ultimately pushes everyone away out of fear. I don't think my screenshots can capture it, it's really great stuff. (Also, that panel of Illyana crying about pretending to be a normal kid while sitting next to the body of her dead friend? Art.)
(Uncanny X-Men #227)
I almost forgot about this, but in Uncanny #227 we get a checkup with Kitty and Kurt, who are back! The sigh of relief I let out omg. I didn't even realize how much I missed them or how long it's been. Excalibur soon!!!!
Overall, it was alright! I'd say it's a step up from Mutant Massacre at least, which I thought was a bit all over the place. Events were a new concept back then though, and very clearly an editorial mandate, so I guess that's to be expected. I'd say read it if you're a Clairemont era fan or an event completionist, but otherwise, eh. Not terrible, not mindblowing.
Except for New Mutants. That was great. Did I turn my Fall of the Mutants post into a New Mutants shill post? Yes I did and I won't apologize
#x men#xmen#x men comics#fall of the mutants#uncanny xmen#storm#ororo munroe#x factor#beast xmen#caliban#apocalypse#new mutants#rahne sinclair#illyana rasputin#danielle moonstar#sam guthrie#doug ramsey#magneto#kitty pryde#kurt wagner#xgirls journey
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Headcanons for NEL Master Strikers - Blue Lock
First time headcanon, World 5 is on their way, got lost in thoughts while writing them. Please do not reupload this without credit. (Will be edited in the future)
> Noel Noa
I feel like he actually don't enjoy luxury as much as other who is as successful as him
He looks like someone who enjoy picnic, he likes somewhere where eh is near nature, picnic near lake, picnic under the tree...
His smile is the sweetest, even your non-sugar tea will taste so sweet if you drink them while watching him smiling
Lowkey, feel like he likes to buy things he never get to buy when he was still living in slumps of France. AND he might not admit childish things he wants thinking you'll thought it's useless.
He's the happiest man on earth if you get him something that's on his Wishlist for AGES (especially childish things he wants)
I feel like he shows affection through touch.
I don't see him as a man who will do much chores, sorry
The chores he mostly will do without you ask is clean the dishes and do laundry (by that I mean those laundry they do that just put the clothes in the machine and stuff)
Doesn't like the idea of you admiring other man than him.
Even if it's animated character like Gojo from JJK, or Sylus from LnD
(as a LnD player) It's not like he'll prohibited you from playing otome game, its just he feels jealous
you need to assure him from time to time he means the world to you
> Lavinho
Hmmm, Lavinho... He is unique, he is something.
Not even in a bad way, he is genuinely unique. You have never met a man who is like him.
He is mature, but he is also childish.
He is sweet, but he can also be too playful it sometimes quite annoying. But he is still an amazing understanding and respectful man
He is soft, yet he is also rough.
He is... VERY by very i mean VERY romantic lover.
the kind that will kiss the mud you walk on
the kind who take your hand gently and kiss every inch of your skin from your finger to your shoulder then met your lips
Oh, yeah he go nakey alot, mostly at home
or not using shirt from time to time
not because he want to show off his abs or what
He's just used to it. and be ready to see his body more often when summer comes.
And don't expect him to be all cuddly in the summer, you'll be kicked or pick up like kitten and put you on the other side of the bed or couch because "DAMN THE WEATHER ITS SO HOT, EVEN OUR AC FEELS LIKE HEATER" - Lavinho every summer
Don't really mind whatever you like, like literally in anything.
You like drawing, painting? Sure. Sing? Sure. Dancing? Hell yeah! Cooking? Great. Sports? Swimming? Run a marathon? Sure. He supports you in anything you like. Maybe even join you to enjoy those with you.
> Chris Prince
Romantic lover 2.0
I'm talking the money talks moment.
What do you want? YSL? Dior? Gucci? Hermes? Versace? Louis Vuitton? Prada? Anything say your poison
If you don't like him spending his money on you, it is fine too. He'll give you anything his body and power can give you. He can be your best friend and your boyfriend (He prefer boyfriend first though) but yeah something like that.
Don't mind him and his stares whenever you both are on a date. Stare at you lovingly like he's on drugs or sumn.
He is VERY energetic, touchy and loud.
Do not trust him with some minor secrets. especially ones where you don't do pinky promise or sumn.
Oh, but you can't also hide anything from him because he'll try to find out, whether with you, by you or not, he'll find out.
You don't tell him what you eat this lunch, he'll kiss you and know DAMN well you just had coffee and pastry with that buttery and coffee taste from your mouth! Oh? Eggs and bacon? HELL YEAH HE IS RIGHT AGAIN
> Marc Snuffy
He's one of these sweet angel, gentleman with lots of respect for you and your choice
He'd respect your beliefs, your choice, everything
Even though there's something he doesn't agree on, he still say it in SUCH a respectful manner
Is he arrogant though? Very
He is not the narcissistic type, but he is confident about his own ability and how great he is.
Held his own head high quite prideful of himself (like the rest of these all men actually).
But not one where you find him annoying, he knows when to be humble and when to be haughty
He treat you better like, genuinely better than anyone you ever dated with
I'm talking about breakfast in bed, do chores, cooks, cleans, help you, pick you up, take you home by 9, not touching you unless you want him to, etc.
Maybe because of his age, maybe you make him to be someone better
Has a harsh mouth towards his kids at work (by that I mean the ubers). I'm talking about, "GOD DAMMIT!" "You damn brat" "What an ass" typa calling but caring and loving
if he ever get mad at you, he actually try to tell you and worried about you
you sometimes may take it that he is a little old minded (he is old) but it's just what he used to hear back when he was your age
he GENUIENLY worried if you ever do stupid shit. Don't do that for the safety of his old heart
> Julian Loki
Like Snuffy, he is used to be told what to do.
By that I mean, he was pushed into the spotlight too young to even experience what it feels like to be a teenager.
He is polite, respectful.
Is he a little narcissistic? yes. Is he arrogant? indeed. Not very but you know its there.
He actually quite the lover, quite romantic, quite sweet, he has the rizz
Oh, he is GEN Z coded, like genuinely.
The way he text, expect shit like "tbh idk wdyt bb?"
"anw wya?" "sn hm ttyl!"
Yeah, you're confused? Me too
His love language to you is GIFT GIVING. But he doesn't like it when you spent money on him, unless its necessary, like if its a gift or sumn like that
He LOVES it when you come to his match! Especially when he spot you in the crowd, OH HE IS GOING INSANE!!!
He likes to show off too, but not so much that it annoys you (it never annoys you tbh)
Yeah, to me he is a sweet summer child.
Maybe a little childish here and there, especially when you're 1-2 years older than him.
a little wanna be babied by you or be all affectionate, dgaf if there's his teammates or paparazzi around
Blue Lock and its characters are created by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and illustrated by Yusuke Nomura. I do not own any rights to the original work; these are all fan-made stories created for entertainment purposes.
#noel noa#marc snuffy#lavinho#julian loki#chris prince#blue lock#headcanons#masterlist#blue lock fanfictions#fanfiction#blue lock x reader#blue lock x you#NEL#bllk#master strikers#nel master strikers#authors#writers#gn reader
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You hear a doorbell at your door, you open, no one's there. Strange. Well, you're outside now and you think it's a good idea to check your mailbox for anything new, and what's this?
A mutual appreciation letter from an anon?
"Give me as many moots you appreciate up until now! No matter how many times you guys have interacted!"
This is gonna be a loooooooong one fellas-
@dortiii Can't go a day without mentioning the og, with an art stye that goes right with her personality: so sweet it'll give ya a cavity! Dortii is sunshine incarnate and I love her thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much for it!
@jayjaysmind my funny lil twink! He puts up with whatever hyperfixation I announce and for that my boy deserves a gold star.
@littlethingsrae You see this? This is a beautiful person right there who's influence shaped me into the artist I am today, take notes kids cause now you know how to make me eternally devoted to you in a platonic way.
@camhues OMA OMA OMA! You somehow put up with me and I don't know how the hell you do it- also a big ol positive influence on me, super compassionate and a great role model, I aspire to be like you when I'm older!
@itsalice3940 my auntie, my number 1 victim! Its so much fun watching you improve as an artist, I feel like a proud parent watching their kid ride a bike! And you're doing so well I just wanna squeeze you!
@rosemaryduexx loooooooooove her passion and I have great respect for her talent and hard work! Rose also just has very great positives vibes!
@asherspeaksword I respect ashers dedication and passion a lot, listening to the yaps is so enjoyable.
@hahawasabi my partner in crime regarding anything and everything self insert and oc shipping concerned, and I wouldn't have it any other way, also very much grandpa core.
@tamaruaart I would still love her if she was a worm, this is my sister from another mister and I would burn down the world for her-
@tiredghostness NESSSSSSSS! My partner in crime when it comes to macaque brainrot, you and ne we take the sad monkey man and make him miserableš¤
@unithegreat you want pretty ocs? A good story? Nice art? Go to uni she has you covered in all the bases all while being lovely:>
@daydreamnightshade SUCH A CUTIE PATOTIE! We chat every now and again and it's always a treat!:D
@stubbet have we actually properly interacted once? No,I donāt think so-
But we are still moots and I always see them interacting with my posts which is really sweet so it definitely more than justifies a spot!
Not to mention I really admire their art, I donāt know how to describe it, their style just pops out at cha and the Colorās are so bright and fun!
So uh if you see this, Hi stubbet! Big fan:> and Thank you:}
@pest-lady MY LIL SIBLINGGGGGG! my og cotl moot that I oh so love and adore! Hoping to talk to ya more soon!>w<<3 Love their comics their layouts is always so nice to look at!
@rampantram didnāt really interact much aside from doing an art trade but I still like to pop in and scroll through their stuff!
Something about their art is so fantastical to me, I feel like a kid flipping through an old fairytale book.
Were those all? Hell nah I know so many more amazing people-
but I would be here all day rambling about them if I tried to list em all so I hope will suffice for now, sorry to the folks i missed but just know i love and appreciate every single one of my moots!ā”
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Heyo! I absolutely love your comics and I hope you have a wonderful month!
My question is how fast do you come up with storylines? Loki is kinda new so did you have different story line before our favorite gigant came into the manga? Itās totally fine if you donāt answer btw Iām just honestly amazed how fast you can come up with stuff
( sorry if my English isnāt the best btw )
Thank youuuuuu!!!!
I'm not a native english speaker myself, but from what I'm seeing here you're doing great :)
To answer you, the whole CMK story after the time skip including them breaking up because of Zap death after Shanks attack, Nina slut era on Elbaf and being somehow saved by the strawhats came naturally, with both Nina and Kid personality and the codependency I headcanon KidKilker to have, it was only a matter of time before things go south, and Shanks offered the perfect breaking point. The global whole story has been written since the moment I really got emotionally attached in Nina - between her two pregnancies or so. Of course things changed a bit over time, for exemple at the beginning of Nina's story I hadn't met Wyv yet so Shriek wasn't her official-tm daughter and I had to rework a bit my story around where our canons crossed, and sometimes fun things happen between me and my readers that make me change the story a bit (for exemple Nina having a fanclub in beast pirates when y'all started defending her rights and wrongs)
Loki wasn't planned in the original story and the whole NinaLoki thing started as a joke with my discord besties. God I wish I could find the exact moment where it became an idea but when the famous panel of Loki all chained up was released I think I said something like "wah, Nina would top him" or something like that, because ahaha she's tiny for a human, he's tall for a giant, he's canonically a yandere simp, that's funny you see? I wasn't even a Loki simp at first!
And then the most we learned about Loki the more LokiNina just... Made sense. So I reworked the storyline to include what was initially a silly joke in. (Shoutout to @nethhiri who was high key involved in this ship before anybody else)
The whole complete ChainsawMetalKiller storyline, including how things will end, has been planned since Loki first appearances - with some changes here and there. And I think you can say the second half of Elbaf, the one that will not be canon compliant and really an AU, is gonna be a collaboration with @wyvernslovecake because we kinda wrote it together? We yap about our shared canon every day and slowly but surely the story wrote itself.
Even if like me you don't like working with people, having a small group of close friends you yap daily with and with who you're being deeply involved in each other stories is an INCREDIBLE creativity boost. Shoutout to @nethhiri @wyvernslovecake @a-killer-obsession who became incredibly important and precious in my life in such a short amount of time, I love you guys ā¤ļø
And last but not least: I'm a professional! Today I'm 28, which means I've been writing comic books every day without stopping for the half of my life - my first real big graphic novel is 10 years old now. I don't say it to flex, just to say I have a lot of practice, storytelling in any form always has been my passion, so it comes up naturally.
Sorry for the quite long answer, TLDR: find yourself a bunch of weirdos, start doing stuff you enjoy doing and don't stop
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Just popping in to say that I love your blog so much and that I always find myself scrolling through it when I catch a bad case of Little Shop brainworms <33 thank you for truly being the backbone of this Tumblr community ^^ Also!! Do you have any aspect of LSOH (either film or stage show :)) you LOVE a ton but don't see enough people talk about or praise?? Or just an underrated aspect of it in general?? Hope that question makes sense lol and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night :D
Aw thank you so much! Means a lot to know that I'm contributing something worthwhile to this small but passionate fandom on here!
Anyhoo, thatās a good question. Just about everyone I've seen has covered everything about Little Shop down to the nitty gritty details and I absolutely love that. However, if thereās one thing I think deserves more love and tends to get overlooked, it's Lee Wilkof, who originated the role of Seymour on stage.
He tends to get thrown under the bus a lot by some people and I have absolutely no idea why. I've heard people criticizing him saying that he was too old for the role at the time, but he was only 31 when the show first opened and is actually slightly younger than Ellen Greene but no one seems to be saying that she was too old for her role. That, or either he doesnāt look the part, which I donāt understand how he couldnāt look like Seymour when he was the first guy to play Seymour on stage. If it's about him balding prematurely at the time, who cares? Seymour's not supposed to be this conventionally attractive guy anyway so why should there be a set standard for how he should look? Those complaints are just a bit silly to me.
Besides that, he also gets completely upstaged by Ellen (which is understandable š) so most people tend to remember her more when it comes to the original off-Broadway production. I mean, she even got top billing over Lee who was the lead which is kind of insane when you think about it (but again, iconic for her).

And then later, he got even more overshadowed by Rick Moranis, which I also get. He played Seymour in the movie which was most people's first introduction to the character so I understand that there's going to be some sort of bias present.
Basically, everything was not in his favor which sucks cause I really love him as Seymour. He added a lot of grit to the role, which I typically donāt see a lot of Seymours doing. Most people play him very passive or overly timid, which is fine, but Seymour's a very morally grey character that isn't all good or all bad. He's cute and insecure, yes, but he also indirectly murders people and feeds them to a plant lol. There's gotta be a balance and Lee gets that. He really nails all the anger, guilt, distress, etc. that Seymour goes through throughout the show. The Meek Shall Inherit and Death of Seymour in particular are when he really gets a chance to pop off. And he's of course able to be sweet and sincere when needed such as during Suddenly Seymour or basically anytime he interacts with Audrey. His singing is also amazing! I primarily listen to 1982 cast album just for him (and Ellen I won't lie haha). I especially love his vibrato and how hard he goes in some of the songs like Feed Me and Now It's Just The Gas. And he has great chemistry with Ellen! What's not to love?
I also appreciate how heās still very much involved in Little Shop whether itās doing an interview, like recently with Little Shop of Audrey, or showing up for Little Shop related events, like the 2015 Encores opening night afterparty. Not a lot of actors do that especially so long after their show has ended so I can tell the role and Little Shop as a whole has meant a lot to him. I mean, he met his future wife while working on the show so you canāt say it doesnāt mean something to him lol.
While I have said in the past that Rick is my favorite Seymour, Lee is for sure a close second. He played an essential part in making Little Shop what it is today by laying out the foundation for Seymour which is very respectable.

So yeah, give him some more love! He's great!
And thanks for the ask! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night too <3
#lee wilkof#little shop of horrors#little shop#lsoh#seymour krelborn#seymour lsoh#seymour little shop of horrors
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Angel: So, didn't go well, huh?
Lucifer glared at the spider: Angel.
Adam: It's okay, Luci. Uh, yeah. It didn't go well...
Angel sighed and leaned back on the couch: Well... that's it, right? Heaven won't listen, extermination day is coming early, and there's literally no one new at the hotel. Sorry, Sunshine, but I think you're stuck.
Adam: Yeah... I think so, too... there's just no winning! They blame me, so I tried to fix the sinner issue, and then they don't even listen to my ideas!
Angel: ...You need to show them how serious you are! Go up there, and fucking show them! Obviously that bitch you saw, didn't give you proper chance!
Alastor: Believe or not, my deer, but Angel Dust has made a good point. You are the Prince of Hell, after all. You can very much demand a meeting with the higher ups, by passing the first woman entirely.
Adam blushed and wrapped his arms around himself: I- uh, don't like throwing my title aroun-.
Angel: I know, babe. But sometimes you have to! How do you think I get free drinks?
Adam: Uh... ask nicely?
Angel and Alastor laughed.
Angel: N-No, babe. No fucking way! I either flash my tits! And if that doesn't work, as soon as I tell them who I am, I can get plastered! For free!
Adam's eyes widened: For free? Like... free free?
Angel: Uh- duh, Sunshine.
Alastor: I to often partake in some enjoyment of liquor, and once the barkeep sees who I am, they often give me free rein of their establishment!
Angel: Damn, smiles, we should go drinking together sometime!
Alastor: Of, my deer, we wouldn't want the bars of Pride to go bust, now would we?
Lucifer: You two are unbelievable! Adam isn't like you!
Angel: Hm... well, maybe he should be.
Adam blushed: W-What?
Lucifer: Yeah- what?!
Angel: He needs confidence, Lu! Look at him! He's shaking like a leaf!
Adam: I-It's uh- cold!
Angel: It's Hell!
Alastor: Hm, amazing. I also agree with Angel Dust. Adam, you are the Prince of Hell, and one day, you will be king.
Adam's eyes widen: K-King? Oh god- oh no... I-I'm going to be king!
The ex angel rubbed Adam's shoulders, trying to calm him down: Hun, that won't be for a looong time!
Angel: Sooo, in other words, you have plenty of time to show Pride and the rest of Hell who's boss! Or... who WILL be boss. Come on, Sunshine, you're a great guy! You're sweet, amd kind- and that'll get you eaten up and spat back out. And trust me, I've heard these scum bags say some horrible shit about you. You can fuck them all up like it was nothing!
Alastor: Exactly! My deer, if you're so certain about this hotel and what it stands for, then you need to demand a proper meeting with Heaven. Unleeess you want to ask your mother-.
Adam: No! No! I-I can do this without her! I... just... n-need more confidence... I guess. But how?! I've been like this... since... forever! I just... don't know if i can change...
Angel: Do you think I can change?
Adam: Of course!
Angel: Then, you can change to! Come on, babe! Give yourself a fucking chance!
Lucifer sighed: ...I agree...
Angel: See?! Even your pocket cock thinks I'm right!
Love You More Than Anything
In the beginning there was the Garden of Eden that housed the first humans, Adam and Lilith. They were each other's equals and meant to be each other's spouses.
But they did love each other and Lilith wanted to control Adam. Upset he fled the garden to be alone and figure out what he really wanted.
That's when he met the Seraphim Angel, Sera. She was intrigued by the strong willed human and had come to care for him like a mother would a child. She cared for him and taught him things but there was only so much he could understand.
Wanting more for the man she considered a son, Sera plucked an apple from the tree of knowledge to give him the forbidden fruit.
But things went so wrong so fast, Lilith and her new husband Evan were also given the fruit and this brought sin to the earth.
For ruining humanity Sera and Adam were cast out of the garden into the darkest depths of the Earth, where they could only see the worst humanity had to offer and never seeing the good.
Knowing she made an unforgivable mistake, Sera became deeply depressed.
Adam became determined to find a way to help make things better, not just for Hell but for his mama too.
It was extermination day and Adam, the prince of Hell always went out afterwards to survey the damage. Most people never took his help, telling him to fuck off, but he still offered it.
Adam sighed: Might as well head back.
He decided to take a short cut through an alleyway and that was when he saw him.
A blonde haired man was leaning against the dumpster clearly hurt and even though he clearly needed help Adam couldn't help but notice how handsome he was.
Adam went over: Are you okay? Do you want some help?
Lucifer opened his eyes and if it hadn't of been for the black and gold horns coming from brunette locks, he would have sworn he saw an angel.
Lucifer: Please.... I'm hurt....
Adam wrapped a head wound and helped him up: My name's Adam.
Lucifer smiled: Lucifer, it's nice to meet you..... Thank you.
Adam: You're welcome, let's get you inside. You can stay at my hotel until you're better.
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lil secret desire of mine is like. i hide my face a lot and I fucking dream about being forced out of that; someone pulling my hands away, or grabbing my chin and making me look at them, or otherwise not letting me hide away
sexually or not that shit slaps so good every fucking time šµāš«
#fuckin. soft or violent both are so amazing#sexually context is great#but it's also so fucking good when like. you're sad and want to be comforted#that idea that they still wanna see your face they want you to stop hiding enough to pull you to them#oiughjgg#hi I'm normal and definitely don't have any trauma what are you talking about
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i think sacred music in the kryn dynasty would be very cyclical and repetitive in form to symbolize the idea that life is a continuous thing (at least those who are consecuted right right) and is a cycle across lifetimes and yeah
#court rambambles#cr#critical role#kryn dynasty#finishing up my religions class and i've used the last two topics to research non-western music because hi music major western music gets#super fucking boring. and i've been having a Blast listening to classical indian music. this shit slaps. i fucking LOVE music with drones.#but since this is a religions class obvs im researching in in the context of religion so I'm doing music in hinduism and this was something#brought up in like 2 sentences not even in a paper im using a a ref and it reminded me a lot of this and idk yknow. very neat.#ive been thinking a lot about fantasy music as well. okay like using western music and medieval western European music as inspo is fine and#dandy.#but like goodness guys there are so many other amazing cultures and styles and genres of music and subdivisions within cultures and i just.#im so amazed by them. give me that microtonal music give me these awesome instruments give me these great scales and rhythms and just. yes#if anyone comes from some non western European cultures and has neat traditional/folk/classical/whatever music and they want to share it my#dms and ask boxes are/should be open and stuff. please i just like learning about music across the world#*non western-european bc yknow eastern europe has unique things too#FOLLOW ME FOR MORE POSTS LIKE THIS WHERE I RAMBLE ABOUT MUSIC AND MY INTERESTS. SOMETIMES I EVEN POST ART AND TALK ABOUT MY OCS WHOAAAA#please talk to me about music i just really like music. it's not like im majoring in it at all. is it a smart idea in this economy with adh#wellll yknow
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Hi! Reading your fics, which are mainly post canon, I was wondering... do you ever imagine gahan getting married and talking about kids (besides Elijah, of course) or do you think they would just stick to each other's company and that would be enough?
Personally, I love the ideia of Yo Han being able to raise a child in a fully open loving way, without the restrictions he had to put on Elijah (we saw a few glimpses of how he used to be with her before the fire). After 10 year in anger and in chase for revenge, Yo Han deserves some peace, I wonder if he ever considerated a child as part of it (we can't forget his own childhood). Knowing how deep he can love someone, it feels such a loss not being able to have a person that only knows him for that, openly, without the mask he used to put on in front Ga On and Elijah (i don't know if you'll get what I mean lol).
I'd just love to know your personal's head canon for that š
Since, for me, you're so good in thinking as Yo Han.
I imagine that they will, yes ā in most scenarios I can think of. I mean, granted, the marriage can obviously never happen in South Korea (and not only because Yo Han is officially dead) but I think they'd definitely end up building an even bigger family somewhere down the line.
As I've touched on in Who Holds the Devil, I think that Ga On 100% wants kids. And, let's face it, he'd be such a good dad. But, that said, he would never force Yo Han to want kids since... well, that's not very like Ga On, is it? He wouldn't want to do that to Yo Han or the kid/kids.
So, in the end, the decision on whether or not they end up getting kids lies with Yo Han. And, as with many of my theories, I think his answer depends on when he would be asked that question. Like, during canon? I think he'd say no, without a moment's hesitation. Or on pure reflex might be a better way of putting it. Because, at that point in his life? He wouldn't consider kids to be something for him. He's so defensive, so convinced of his own darkness, and also well aware of how poorly he treated Elijah.
He did his best ā but that's also the problem. Even his best left the child in his care to become a bitter, isolated teenager with little to no social skills. He'd no doubt be convinced that he'd only fuck up again if he was ever in charge of raising another child. So why bother? Clearly, it's not for him. And not fair to the child, either.
But after he gets settled with Ga On? Especially a year or two down the line? After they've dealt with the majority of the guilt and trauma and gotten comfortable? And Yo Han has softened even more? And gets to have a stable, loving home environment for the first time in his life?
Then his opinion would most likely change, especially once he starts suspecting that Ga On wants kids. Because Yo Han, as we all know, can't deny Ga On anything. That's not to say that he would agree immediately, though.
Quite the opposite.
He'd have to think about it a lot before reaching a conclusion. Because I think he'd panic a bit at first. Like, when he first realises that Ga On wants kids? That's terrifying. Because, again, up until that point I think Yo Han has just decided that kids aren't for him. And his first instinct won't be to reevaluate if that decision has changed, but rather feel a kneejerk rush of: "That's not something I can give him. I'm going to have to crush his dream of having children. I'm going to make him miserable."
And Yo Han would feel terrible.
But then, thankfully, his rational side would kick in and try to straighten out what's actually going on. As in, Yo Han would ask himself if he might just have changed his mind about kids now that he has a stable partner ā especially one who balances and complements him as well as Ga On does. Maybe kids aren't out of reach anymore?
But even once Yo Han realises that, yeah, he might actually want kids after all ā at least if it's with Ga On ā he'd also have to overcome the fear that he'll fuck them up as much as he accidentally ruined Elijah. But, again, it helps to know that Ga On would be there, making sure that Yo Han doesn't go overboard with the protectiveness. Ga On wouldn't let Yo Han hurt another child like he hurt Elijah.
Yo Han would also have to figure out how a child would change his relationship with Ga On, their relationship with Elijah, and their existence overall. And he'd have to overcome that quiet, simmering fear at the back of his mind that he might turn out to be like his father.
Yo Han is good at thinking on his feet and can obviously be spontaneous and unpredictable when needed, but I think he'd approach "Do I want kids?" like it's one of his schemes. He'd collect data, meticulously structure his thoughts, weigh pros and cons, plot and plan, and, finally, reach a conclusion.
Because having a child ā starting a family ā would be huge for Yo Han.
I mean, he obviously already has a family, but it's one that Yo Han didn't have all that much input in? Miss Ji is there because his father hired her. Yo Han became Elijah's guardian due to incredibly tragic circumstances and because there was no one else who could take her. Ga On came into his life because of Jung Sun Ah's machinations, and was intended to be a weapon against him.
But having a child? Choosing to have a child? And build a bigger family with Ga On? That's no small thing.
And, for the best result, I think Yo Han should probably be left alone with that thought for literal months to have time to work through his own thoughts and feelings on the matter before he and Ga On ever broach the subject. If they do it too soon, Yo Han could get defensive and start deflecting without meaning to, which would no doubt make Ga On backtrack and just... resign himself to the idea that Yo Han clearly doesn't want kids. Because Ga On, too, knows that Yo Han can't deny him anything and he'd be afraid that if he pushes too hard ā or shows how much he wants kids ā Yo Han might feel forced to agree. So Ga On would rather pull back and drop the subject instead of feeling like he's making too many demands.
But once Yo Han has thought it through? And realises that, yes, he wants kids?
Then he's all-in in that way only Kang Yo Han can be.
He'd still be terrified from time to time, of course ā because he did grow up thinking he was a monster and that will resurface when he's got tiny humans to take care of ā but oh man he'd love those kids with every fibre of his being. And I totally agree that it would be so, so wonderful to see him do that, without having to hold back or be afraid of being seen as soft or weak (as he no doubt did with Elijah).
All he has to do is love them.
My personal headcanon (i.e. this is something I'm choosing to believe because I want to, since I'm not sure what Yo Han would actually think) is that Yo Han wouldn't want those kids to be his biological ones, though. I think that, somewhere deep down, he'd be scared they'd turn out like him. That whatever it is that makes him so vicious and different would be hereditary. So he'd prefer the kids to be adopted or, even better, Ga On's.
Like, just imagine how much Yo Han would love to have miniature Ga Ons running around?
He'd practically combust from happiness.
(but he would obviously love the kids either way ā Yo Han, if anyone, knows that chosen family is more important than blood relations)
So yeah! I totally agree that they'll get a kid/kids sometime in the future. It just feels like the kind of family that both Ga On and Yo Han would want considering their childhoods and how lonely and isolated they've both been. Ga On is the one who expresses a longing for family the most, but it's clear that Yo Han wants that, too. And I think there's something very beautiful in it being their choice to start that family? Something they're creating together because they want to?
They deserve that love and peace.
But it would take a while for them to reach that point, since it's such a big decision and there would be a lot of heightened emotions involved. And they would also have to spend a lot of time preparing Elijah for it, to make sure she doesn't feel neglected or replaced. But, hopefully, she's had enough therapy and matured enough by that point that she'll eventually come around. She'd of course be wary at first and perhaps a little snappish from time to time, until she realises that, sure, there are more kids in the house now, but her relationship with both Yo Han and Ga On is still unique and they're not abandoning her.
And once they reach that stage?
It'll turn into a full-time job to keep Elijah from a) spoiling the kids rotten, b) undermining all of the hard work they (but mostly Ga On) put into teaching the kids about rules and responsibility, and c) kidnapping the kids and holding them for ransom whenever Yo Han makes her angry and she wants to punish him. Complete with a hostage-like exchange once he caves and eventually apologises ā which sometimes requires Ga On's intervention because he would like his kids back now, thank you very much, so suck it up and just apologise, Mr. Abyss.
They'd be a wonderful little family and deliriously happy, in other words.
#Amethystina Replies#Anonymous#The Devil Judge#Honestly#I'm amazed by the timing of some of you people#Because the next chapter of Who Holds the Devil is going to be addressing this topic again#Not in super great detail perhaps#But a certain birthday girl is going to make an appearance#And it'll remind Ga On of all those thoughts he had about kids and wanting a family#And it's going to somehow be an even bigger mess now that he's rejected Yo Han#Like#Ga On is going to have to face the fact that whatever family he wants to have WON'T be with Yo Han#HE has made it so that it won't be with Yo Han#And then has to pretend he's totally fine with that#Good luck with that Ga On#Also#The thought of Ga On trying to swallow down his disappointment#And ignore how his heart just broke a little#(a LOT)#If he's ever led to believe that Yo Han doesn't want kids is EXCRUCIATING#Which is why I refuse to even entertain that idea#For once I just want them to reach the conclusion in a safe and happy way#Let's just let them be happy
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YES. I gotta get on my soapbox, Darkside Chronicles is genuinely a better take on the RE2 story than RE2R. I live for the Claire/Ada beef.
Claire: Where are you hurrying off to?
Leon: Where's Ada go?
Claire: She could've gone to the parking lot. This will take us down to the sewer.
Leon: Let's go.
Claire: Wait, Leon. If she did come through here, why would she go alone? There's something about her that bothers me.
Leon: She just wants to get out of here, Claire, and she needs our help.
Claire: Menā¦ You just want to impress her, don't you?
[Claire and Leon hear someone behind a wall they can't get through, but has a gap at the top]
Leon: Hey, anybody in here? Ada, is that you? Are you alright?
Ada [from other side of wall]: Here. I thought you could use this. [She sets ammo on the ledge of the wall gap for Leon to take.] Good luck, Leon. This is goodbye.
Leon: What? Ada, wait!
Claire [sounding very annoyed]: There she goes again.
Leon: If she can get out of here safely, that's all that matters.
Claire [still annoyed]: Well, if you're worried about her, we could go after her.
Leon: No, it's fine. We need to find Sherry.
ā¬ļø I think that one might be my favorite moment in the RE2 retelling, the way Leon clearly wants to chase after Ada, but still prioritizes Sherry.
Claire: Leon! What happened? Leon: I got shotā¦ There was a womanā Claire: Wait, you mean...? Leon: No. Not Ada. Sheā
[flashback of Ada treating Leon's wounds I won't bother transcribing because it's not super relevant to my point, important thing is that Ada agrees to help Leon]
Claire [sarcastically]: I guess she's on our side then. Lucky us.
As good as those interactions are, showing Claire's view of Ada, having one-on-one interactions would be amazing and I wish they had done that for RE2R. (Since the DSC retelling has Claire and Leon together for almost the entire time, aside from Leon falling into the sewer and taking the bullet for Ada, one-on-one interactions just wouldn'tiu have made much sense so the Leon interacting with Ada and Claire being pissed about it was perfect for that game specifically, but RE2R could have made one-on-one Claire/Ada work if they wanted.) Having a full game also would have opened up so much potential for conflict between Claire and Ada, DSC did a fantastic job, but at the end of the day, they still had to squeeze three different plots into one game, things had to be condensed and left out. Comparing it to RE2R just makes me sad because RE2R would have been so amazing if they had taken some ideas from DSC and built on them. Like as much as I like what DSC did with Ada, she doesn't really try deceiving anyone, none of the FBI stuff, she's very suspicious from the start and just brushes Claire and Leon off after realizing Leon doesn't know shit. (She sees him in his RPD uniform and asks if he knows anything about Ben Bertolucci and takes off when he says he just got to Raccoon City and doesn't know anything.) Well actually she does deceive them by faking her death, but until that she never really tries to pretend she's someone she's not and doesn't actively lie, she just lies by omission mostly. Like she won't tell them what she's up to, but she doesn't give them a fake story either, just nothing, says something vague and walks away. I like her being more deceptive/manipulative, it fits the spy thing more than her just avoiding topics which makes her look sketchier than if she had given them a bullshit cover story to keep them off her back.
To shift gears a bit, Leon interacting with Annette was also great! The call really gets me...
Leon: Wait, I'm picking something up. A signalā¦
Claire: A radio signal? From who?
Annette, from Leon's radio: Do you read me?
Claire: Annette?
Annette: Is Sherry there?
Leon: Yeah. She was attacked. She's in critical condition. [angry tone and body language] Where are you now? [pause] Hey, you still there?
Annette: Be carefulā¦ Especially with that woman.
Leon: What woman?
Annette: Ada. She's a special agent sent here to retrieve the G sample. She was approaching the researchers and obtaining information about Umbrella. She'll do whatever it takes to accomplish her purpose. She's highly dangerous.
Leon: I think you're wrong. You don't know what you're talking about. Ada isn'tā¦ Annette? Annetteā¦!? Dammit. She hung up on me.
This post is already getting too long so I'm not going to break out more transcripts, but there's also the moment where Annette's dying wish is for Leon and Claire to save Sherry, and says that she wants them to tell her that she has always loved her, even though she failed as a mother. (I also vastly prefer DSC Annette's characterization to RE2R. She's a lot more gray. She fucked up, badly, but it's clear she genuinely loved Sherry and she did a lot more to protect her and made her much more of a priority than in RE2R.) And then in the ending cutscene Leon tells Sherry that the vaccine that saved her was from her mother, who loved her until the very end. (And Sherry just cries and doesn't believe him and says he's lying, because mommy never...)
I really like the concept of Leon being softer on Annette too. (not pulling it up IIRC there's one DSC scene where you can see from body language/tone Claire really doesn't like Annette, but Leon is more neutral.) It kind of goes with my headcanons of Leon having had a very rough upbringing with a shitty family, so he sees that Annette cares a little bit and it's enough for him to view her positively, because his own family didn't even care that much, he's just got a broken normal meter and a very, very low bar for good parenting. He gets a lot angrier with her when the radio call happens, but again softens up when her literal dying wish is for them to get the vaccine and save Sherry's life.
Ada doesn't ever interact with Sherry in DSC, but now that you mention it, that would have been something really interesting to explore.
Okay I'll get down from my soapbox now
i wholeheartedly believe that leon and claireās roles after re2 (moreso the remake than the og) should have been switched. theyāre two sides of the same coin (innate need to help people, wanting to take down greedy corporations, etc), but leonās more passive and, i would say, more inclined to exposing things as his way of help, whereas claire is much more aggressive and quick to action. in this essay i willā
#i think my ideal re2 plot would have claire and leon sticking together for more time than re2r but not as much as in dsc#leon does most of the sherry annette stuff. claire does most of the ada stuff. but leon does meet ada too and have some interactions#i like ada causing tension between leon and claire
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I'm trying so hard not to be a hater but the more I learn about other ttrpgs the more the way that people talk about dnd annoys me
#'it's great because of how versatile it is! You can play it however you want!'#this is true of every tabletop rpg#you are making up a game with your friends of course you can do whatever you want#if you're playing dnd by ignoring over half the rules then the rules are probably over-bloated for the kind of game you're trying to play#the fact that you are having fun is a testament to your group being good sports and roleplayers/having a good gm#it doesn't mean that dnd is particularly well designed for your group#and also dnd (even 5e) is not especially beginner friendly and its shitty corporate overlords want you to pay at least $150 to play it#but it's so entrenched in our culture and rhe community has put so much effort into making it as accessible as possible regardless#that it's so hard to get people to look past it#i promise you that whatever game you want to play whether it's social intrigue or combat or dungeon crawling in whatever genre you want#somebody has made it#and somebody has also made amazing games that you never could've imagined needing but maybe they're just right for you#I'm not saying dnd is poorly designed like there's obviously a lot of good things about the huge scope of 5e and its experience#if you like using all of those systems or having them on hand in case they come up in play that is so awesome#I'm glad you found the game for you#but it isn't the game for everyone! and acting like it is funnels more money and cultural capital into the hand of wotc#when we could be supporting small publishers and indie creators making sick niche shit#y'all heard about bluebeard's bride? you play as bluebeard's new wife wandering through the rooms of his house#just the one bride. the different players play different aspects of her personality and can get into arguments about what to do next#isn't that wild and cool?#okay rant over#a podcast man made me upset through no fault of his own#and i had to get it out of my system#my rambles#negative/#tma#d/nd#ttr/pgs#i have no idea if that tag thing actually works or if tumblr users made it up#i never want to put negative posts in main tags man. I'm not a monster
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