323 posts
Just like the username suggests this is a date suggestion blog for aromantic spectrum people. If you have a suggestion please send it in! About ~ Tags
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
[do not reblog] on the future of this blog:
hey Mod Eli here!
I know this blog has been very inactive and I'm sorry for that but I have decided to shut this blog down, I will not be deleting it but I will be moving this blog to one of my other inactive blogs for a moee detailed explanation this is part of a message I sent to Mod Kris:
"i made it during a time when i was trying to get rid of my aro-ness and trying my best to be what i (at the time) perceived as 'normal' but now i've come to terms with the fact that i'm aro and not really interested in relationships at all."
I will still be running @aro-rants as well as the other blog(s) listed in our 'about' page (and I'm assuming the same applies to Mod Kris)
I hope you all have a great day/afternoon/night!
- Mod Eli
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1. i really hope by "dating" you mean qprs and similar things 2. mod eli pls be the one to answer this, i don't want an alloro (mod kris) telling me what's what
ofc we mean qprs/other platonic relationships! (i’ve added this to the faq bc we get this ask a lot)
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Hi, I just wanted to let you know that that meme of the "change my mind" guy drinking coffee- hes racist/transphobic
oof ok I’ll delete that right away
- Mod Eli
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Hi! This isn't a suggestion, but I just wanted to point out that on your faq page it says "Why have you answered my ask? We probably just haven't found the time or energy to do so but please be patient we will get to it eventually." So I was wondering if you had actually meant "Why haven't you answered my ask"? I know it's only a tiny thing but I thought I should tell you
Thank you for pointing this out, I’ll try and fix asap
~Mod Eli
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Date yourself an aromantic that you feel comfortable sending double chin selfies to! (Not that double chins are bad- wear them proudly!)
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Hey guys, it's mod Kris, and I'm sorry I really haven't been on!! I will try to get some things queued up, but I'm really low on energy right now. 🙁
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hey, um, for the anon asking what romance is, idk if this helps any but here; as mod Kris said, it's different for everyone, but to me it's kind of like... since I'm a rlly affectionate person, I want to be with them, and hug them, and cuddle with them. and I know you can do all of these things with friends, and I do with one of my friends, but it's more intense? ig? like I always want to cuddle with people but if I was given the choice between my friend and my gf, my gf wins hands down
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Hi :) Whenever I join a LGBT-Group, I have to explain myself because there are no Aros in it and I only get offensive messages from boys who probably don't even know what aromantic means I'm also on LGBT-Amino but it doesnt really help me, so I'm looking forward to the next CSD I'm sure that I am sexually attached to people but not romantically Sometimes I'm really frustrated because I don't know other aros and have no one to talk to about it Do you have any advice? :) Btw, I love your blog ♡
Well there are plenty of people on here, and I'm sure many of them are in a similar situation, where they don't have anyone to talk to! You are perfectly welcome to message this page anytime too of course!!
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I find her cute and I do crave for romance, but at the same time I don't like to be showered in love and every time she says "I love you" or something cheesy I feel uncomfortable... Please help... (2/2)
(part 2 of the previous ask)
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Hi I was wondering if you could help me out with something...? I asked another blog about this but didn't get a definite answer. I've been wondering this for a while... but I think I may be aromantic? I'm not completely sure I may even not be... See, I've been dating this girl for a year now (I haven't dated anyone before her), and it feels kinda weird. I do love her but at the same time I'm not sure. It's almost like I'm feeling like I'm SUPPOSED to love her. (1/2)
Honestly, a lot of people are on relationships where they feel obligated to love someone. It's because romance is everywhere today! Everyone is expected to have the nuclear family. Fall in Love, have kids, etc. If you don't really feel like you love your partner in a romantic way, that's okay! It's totally okay to not feel that attraction. It is, though, hard to explain to them why. The love you are feeling may be platonic love
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Errm, hey, sorry to bother you but I felt like I should ask you about something; So I've been an aro for as long as I remember (maybe from when I was 10 and found out I was aro at 14-ish) But recently I feel like I fell for someone (not the squishies kind of fell but like...fell) Does that mean I'm not aro anymore or is there some kind of spec for that?
Some aro people do feel romantic attraction occasionally! You're still valid. If you wish to identify with another spectrum though, I'm not sure that there is one? Not sure! I really don't know that much, I kind of live underground in a tiny Town 😂 best of luck! -mod Kris
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Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but I got a doubt about aro spectrum. So, I have never been in a relationship and it's not like I miss it. But I thought that now that I'm older I would be more excited about going out with someone. I don't care about sex but I just can't seem to connect to another human being romantically. That's the aro spectrum?
Yeah, that definitely sounds on the aro spectrum! Many people just really don't have an interest in relationships of any kind -mod Kris
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So, what even is romance? Like the actual definition is something about being mysterious. But apparently it's also doing basic nice things for people. Idk I just don't understand?
To some people, romance is defined differently. To a humanities major, they'd tell you it's Greek and Roman styles, but that's obviously not what you're meaning. 😉 But it all really depends on how you see it. Honestly to me, it's a feeling. I don't really know how to describe it, though. Perhaps someone else has a better way? -mod Kris
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I'm not aro, but I'm writing an aro character in a story for Valentine's day, who ends up in a relationship with an ace male character -- specifically not focusing on romance for my aro/ace readers. I saw on AVEN'S wiki that "zucchini" is the name for platonic partners. Is this accurate, or do you have other suggestions for names for platonic partners?
Heyyo! Sorry for the late response! Honestly, I have never really called a partner zucchini before, but I have heard of it. Followers? -mod kris
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*don’t rb*
Hey guys the FAQ is now up!
I’m still changing the colours and making sure everything is in order, if you have any issues accessing it or links within it please tell me and I’ll try and fix them/it
~Mod Eli
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Hi there! So I've had crushes before, but whenever I get in a relationship I don't want it to be like the common way people portray it. Like I just want a best friend. I feel like romantic relationships are too much, something about them I just don't like. Would that be on the spectrum somewhere?
Yes, that would be on the spectrum! It is totally normal to get in a romantic relationship, then realize it's not everything people make it out to be. No one feels the same. You're definitely welcome here! Mod Kris
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