#i'm so sorry this ended so shittily
meta-squash · 2 months
I'm so irritated by the entire Ian and Mickey get an apartment storyline because it's just so inaccurate on like every count. I know this is fiction and also the show's been over for ages but still. The last few series had such terrible writing and made no sense.
The map location that Ian looks at when they first find the apartment is like in the UIC/medical district area, almost in the loop. But also like. There are not a lot of apartments in Chicago with pools. You want a pool in your apartment complex, you're gonna be paying a lot more than $900 for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment. I mean, you're gonna be paying more than $900 period in that area. Plus like their income is better but not stable-stable from the security gig (and isn't it mostly under the table?) so I seriously doubt landlords there would even consider them.
(Not to mention the whole bullshit about Ian signing the lease without talking to Mickey about it first. (And Mickey would have to also sign the lease before it went into effect, unless everything is in Ian's name? So Mickey could have just said no.) Like that's such shitty behavior in terms of relationship stuff.)
But anyway, most of the actual west side is barely better off than the south side in terms of poverty. If they'd moved to the north side area or even north west it would have made more sense to have all the drama about bougie apartments and quiet and blah blah blah. (But then they absolutely would not be able to afford rent.)
My headcanon is that they move to the Hermosa/Austin/West Humboldt-ish area because they can actually afford it, and Mickey gets a mechanic job and Ian goes back to school at Malcolm X to get some medical-based associates degree or something that will let him do some sort of helping people job. Mickey actually learned Spanish while he was in Mexico (because he's not stupid and because how else was he going to get respect in the cartel) and ends up making friends with the old Puerto Rican guys that hang out in his neighborhood. They have an apartment that's not amazing but it's better than either of the falling apart houses they grew up in. They actually communicate and talk to each other and are friends and shit like that.
I know it's nitpicky as shit and the Shameless writers gave up realism and emotional interest for bullshit comedy in like series 7 or whatever but it's just so frustrating that not a single part of that storyline made sense or was at all interesting or compelling.
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crows-of-buckets · 27 days
For some reason whenever I brainstorm for my eventual solasmance Lavellan I always imagine her leaving on bad terms with him and swearing to stop him no matter what it takes. However. Just had the idea of Lavellan solas and Varric being in a weird love triangle. during inquisiton only Solas and Lavellan would happen, then They break up and Lavellan is with Varric within a year. Queen of moving on or whatever. Cole gets dropped right in the middle of whatever the fuck they've got going on. Rest of the inquisiton is immensely intrigued by them
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
Because of Haas, next year is going to be the first year since 1990 that we haven't had a Schumacher and/or Vettel on the grid.
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 3 months
//hyung line|maknae line\\
Pairing: bf!skz maknae line x gn!reader
Disclaimer: author's not at the end please read, way too much use of skzoo and mascot(please let me know if there's anything else!!)
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Author's note: I'm sorry for always disappearing for a month and then coming back with a barely acceptable post:( I know I've asked for reqs like a month ago and that this isn't any of them but this randomly came to mind and couldn't not do it! I'll start to work on them and I've actually came up with something for a seventeen req tho anon requested it so idk if they'll ever see it which makes me sad but it is what it is okay enough self pity now...I'd like you guys to honestly tell me your opinions (like was it boring or too monotonous or just not interesting at all or shittily written or anything like this) on this one bc I really need feedback and want to know what you guy's thing and want to interact with you guys! Thank you if you've read this far!
Please takes care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix @mon2sunjinsuver (if you want to get added/removed comment or write in asks)
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rubra-wav · 6 months
Husk x shy/insecure reader? Him helping reader be more confident and to stand up for themself!
Maybe even a lil scene where he calls them out for always agreeing to everything without second thought, calling them naive (and maybe stupid. He is a bit rough). They could react by either crying and confessing they hate conflict and thats why they do that, or they could whisper the confession (no tears, up to you).
Husk x shy/insecure reader : Above Whispers
A/N I wasn't sure if this was supposed to romantic or platonic so I went with platonic, sorry.
I NEED to remake this banner istg
Cw: SFW, gn!reader, Husker is tough loving in his callout (idk how to tag it properly)
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- You'd been a resident of the hotel for several months, during this time catching the eye of the resident bartender.
- You quietly did as you were told, never raising your voice even when it was obvious you didn't want to do something or didn't agree with something someone was saying.
- Anything to avoid conflict.
- These things not only irritated the bartender about you but also concerned him.
- He'd pushed several times intentionally testing the waters with you, and you hadn't done a single thing against it, just going along with his will.
- A sinner like you would be taken advantage of sooner rather than later in hell, possibly even by certain other residents.
- On multiple occasions, he had forced more malevolent forces Alastor to stay away from you, but it was clear he'd be working himself until the end of time to keep you from falling into someone's clutches if you didn't actually change yourself.
- Despite Husk's more apathetic side telling him to stay out of it, he confronted you upon it after a long day of group activities, cornering you to speak with you.
- You looked up at Husk in slight discomfort as he stood in front of you in the shittily carpet lined hallway looking very serious. Despite being a rather cute looking demon, all things considered, he was still intimidating.
- "That whole time you were letting that overly obnoxious bleeding heart push you around like a lost puppy." Husk said bluntly.
- You jolted like you'd been zapped at his words, going to try and protest that you just didn't mind, really, but you were cut off short.
- "You aren't foolin' me with the 'oh it's fine' bullshit. Drop it and be honest." Husk took a step forward towards you, watching you starting to shake slightly, eyes going misty.
- You shuffled uncomfortably, looking away with clear discomfort, chest aching at being called out. You just wanted to disappear.
- "..You're right." Your lip quivered as you fought and failed to keep your voice from quivering like the rest of you. "I hate causing issues. It doesn't matter if I'm uncomfortable as long as there's no negative attention on me, I-"
- Husk's hand came to rest on your shoulder, cutting you off from rambling. You looked up to his yellow eyes, clearly a vision of irritation bordered by his bushy eyebrows. "You're naive and fucking stupid." He announced, startling you.
- You sighed heavily, a tear slowly sliding down your cheek. You slowly nodded in agreement after a couple of seconds of heavy silence, prompting the demon's ear to twitch.
- "Dont agree! Fight against me! You need to get over this complete avoidance of confrontation!" Husk pat his hand on your shoulder. "This shit in hell is just going to get you either shackled to someone for all eternity like I am or fucking killed!"
- You were surprised to watch him go from annoyance to seemingly being extremely concerned for your safety so quickly. Husk was concerned about showing as much as well, forcing his face to be a mask of indifference and taking his hand off of you.
- He looked back at you coolly as he turned away to leave. "Do what you want, but don't come crying to me when you end up owned. God knows I have enough suckers whining to me in this dump." He grumbled, walking away with heavy steps.
- You stood in place, thinking about his words and the actions from him that you now registered as him trying to help you out of the situations you had gotten yourself into.
- He was right, and you knew it. It wouldn't be easy to get yourself out of being a yes-man, but.. something inside you had the feeling the overly pessimistic bartender would help you through it.
- Husk on the other hand, was facepalming about it. He just knew he'd be cursing himself for caring about another one.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 7 months
Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut
Shiv Roy
She's honestly kind of a canonical victim of yaoi almost. She and her husband Tom have a loveless marriage but never end up getting divorced. Tom has a weird psychosexual obsession with Shiv's cousin Greg and at one point literally compares them all to the time Emperor Nero pushed his wife down the stairs and then castrated and married a slave boy named Sporus (Tom is unwell). Anyway the show just ended and long story short Tom is now CEO of Shiv's family's evil company and she is reduced to being his pregnant wife (which is the result of her voting not to authorize either of her brothers as CEO in order to save them from themselves) and Tom made another weird comment about literally owning Greg. And now people who ship Tom and Greg are like "omg it's canon we won" but I don't. Think that they did. Sorry I'm rambling it was just a really good finale idek if this counts but
I will be honest I'm not really tuned into the tomgreg fandom, but tons of people wanted tom to leave shiv and get with greg and tons of people thought shiv was the devil incarnate and refused to see any nuance in her character and I don't think those two things are a coincidence. 
She gets a lot of hate from fans, largely just for being a woman who reacts in a non pretty way to abuse and for doing the exact same shitty stuff her brothers do. But also a large part of the hate she gets comes from the people who ship her husband with her cousin. To the point where people claim she's abusing her husband who views her as an accessory, a baby factory, and a ticket to money. Don't get me wrong, their relationship is incredibly toxic and unhealthy, but it is so on both of their parts. But Shiv's the only one who gets criticized for it
Han Sooyoung
han sooyoung is one of the main trio protagonists yet people constantly ignore her in order to ship the other two males despite the fact that they are all doomed by the narrative TOGETHER!!! fanon content is even worse because it either slaps a lesbian sticker onto her to shittily write her off in fanfic OR they make her so one dimensional its like a cardboard stand in. han sooyoung arguably has a more important/interesting dynamic with the main male protagonist yet everyone ignores her because they want their uwu gay babies IM SO SICK OF ORV FANS
Dokja and Joonghyuk are a very popular ship (rightfully so, i get it) but usually Sooyoung is seen as in the way of their relationship or not as valued as the other two even though her place in the story and relationship with the other characters is just as strong. Recently there was a post on twitter being rude about people who ship her and Joonghyuk (which is a super valid ship) and i saw a lot of hate that i believe just stems from her getting “in the way” of a yaoi ship. 
99% of that kind of symbolic fanart REFUSES. to acknowledge her existence man. even though she is part of the main TRIO man
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi! would you mind explaining a little bit more about sexual inverts? i have been reading maurice and thinking of clive along similar lines, but i think i'm missing some of the context in not understanding 19th to early 20th century's views around sex. i don't really know where to start digging around either ehehehe.
also, if you have time, would you say that while we now think of sexuality and gender as separate, there is still an underlying understanding of sexual desire as comprising the sexes, perhaps in a general context, especially as it relates to heteronormaitivity? thank you~
sorry this took a minute i have gallstones maybe. sexual inversion appeared in medical literature starting in about the 1870s and was popularised more during about the 1920s. the theory was that homosexual desire was the result of normal sexuality located within a person who was constitutionally abnormal, specifically in the manner of mentally having the 'opposite' of their anatomical/genital sex (bisexual desire was thus configured as a kind of intersex/bi-sex position). so, inversion as formulated in this period relied on a notion of a strict human sexual dimorphism, specifically with the two accepted sexes configured as opposite to one another; sexual desire and behaviour were simply part of this configuration of sex. one important thing to note here is that inversion was embraced by some practitioners and homosexuals in an effort to shift away from the idea of homosexuality as a criminal choice and toward homosexuality as an inborn trait (though i would argue that this was not a wholly new idea, as plenty of medical and political discourses viewed criminality itself as an inborn moral defect throughout the 19th century). so, in the invert framework, a gay man had the 'soul' (/mind/desires/&c) of a woman, and vice versa with lesbians being in some sense 'men' internally. homosexual desires were conflated with, and part of a larger narrative of, cross-sex identification and gender nonconformity. crucially, the fact of this desire in itself was already a transgression of assigned sex/gender; thus, in some sense the invert framework really doesn't ontologically allow for, eg, a masc gay man, as the fact of gayness is already and always considered to be a gender deviation.
it's been a really long time since i read 'maurice' and i don't remember thinking of either of them as inverted, but i certainly could have missed that. forster wrote homosexuality as basically inborn and unchosen (hence the failure of maurice's hypnotist, and the quiet tragedy of clive's ending) so there may be some overlap/similarity there.
in the 21st century, gender expression and identity certainly still have a relationship to sexuality and sexual desire; for example, it's fairly common to hear from gay and bi people that even if they do continue to consider themselves cis, they feel some disconnect from their assigned genders in relation to their sexual orientations. the legacy of the invert theory is also part of the puzzle in terms of why transitioning used to be wholly prohibited in the us for trans people who would not be transitioning 'to be heterosexual'. although this is no longer part of the medical guidelines as articulated by wpath &c, there are certainly still plenty of doctors who hold this belief implicitly or explicitly, particularly in their 'evaluations' of trans women (ray blanchard's theory is maybe the most infamous example of this, but is certainly not its only manifestation). i would argue that for the most part, our conception of sex has shifted so much that the invert framework no longer makes sense in most contexts; even strict blanchardians believe on some level that sexuality is something besides a component of sex, and you can tell from how shittily they (and others) actually treat trans lesbians that they in fact do not see them as being equivalent to straight men, but as another category, without access to any of the social benefits men receive (this is a critical aspect of how transmisogyny functions). although sexuality is still part of how people are expected to act out their sexes (bc ofc sex is as socially constructed as gender), you would be hard-pressed to find anyone these days who would defend the argument that the origin of homosexual desire is a constitutional perversion of sex in the way that the invert framework describes. on tumblr at least, there have been some circles of t/erfs and cryptos who tried to 'reclaim' the invert framework but, i would argue, have never really understood what they were actually reclaiming and how it functioned historically, so the appeal was simply to the word "invert" with a peculiarly 21st-century content ascribed to it.
i'll leave some reading recs under a cut; sorry they're almost all british context:
sexual inversion: a critical edition, by havelock ellis and john addington symonds, ed. ivan crozier
'scholars, scientists, and sexual inverts: authority and sexology in nineteenth-century britain' by heike bauer (ch. in: repositioning victorian sciences: shifting centres in nineteenth-century scientific thinking, ed. david clifford)
'historicizing inversion: or, how to make a homosexual', by matt t reed (history of the human sciences, 2001, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1–30)
'theorizing female inversion: sexology, discipline, and gender at the fin de siècle', by heike bauer (journal of the history of sexuality, 2009, vol. 18, pp. 84–102)
'the origin of italian sexological studies: female sexual inversion, ca. 1870–1900', by chiara beccalossi (journal of the history of sexuality, 2009, vol. 18, pp. 103–120)
'nineteenth-century british psychiatric writing about homosexuality before havelock ellis: the missing story', by ivan crozier (journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences, 2008, vol. 63, pp. 65–102)
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jebiknights · 2 years
How do you think the clones would react to learning about Anakin seeing Palpetine since he was a kid?
Because I can either see “This seems logical and even though it feels wrong I’m sure it’s fine” (it was not fine) or “General…wtf man. Like I’m sorry but are Jedi, like, deathly allergic to red flags and common sense? Because I feel like that’s what I’m getting from this”
Either way I just keeping thinking about it and about that one comic where Sheeve peeve threatens the Jedi to have Anakin see him when he was like, what? 12? And then takes him to a bar in the lower levels to just be like “Yeah so there is slavery here too! But don’t worry I will keep promising to fix this for the next few years and then never do anything about it”
oooh I think it really depends on the clone! Like I think there are plenty who are going to be like "hmm feels weird but also I am a child soldier I have no baseline for what's normal and what's not, plus this is the Chancellor of the Republic we pledge our lives too! It's probably fine." (I think the big stickler for them would be if they found out that Palpatine demanded essentially that it be without Obi-Wan there and that's when they start getting weird about it.)
I do think that there are some with stronger personalities that would make a lot of jokes about how weird it is, but in general idk as much as I wish someone had noticed how weird shit was, from the outside it sort of? Looks like a normal mentorship thing? (key word here being sort of lol)
Honestly I'm ngl I don't actually think that the Corries are treated super shittily by Palps or the Senators (not that they are treated well but I don't think they are being killed left and right) HOWEVER I do think if anyone was gonna be like, "damn their friendship is a little weird - wait palpatine has been having private meetings with him for HOW LONG?" it would be the corries who spend the most time with palpatine and see his two sidedness much more directly than anyone else does imo
THAT COMIC THOUGH it makes me want to gnaw through wood for a lot of reasons... the fact Mace and Obi-Wan were wary and tried to stop it but in the end were forced to be like well we'll see where this goes.... also just I think about that comic so much cause you see so many early seeds of how Palpatine has manipulated his thinking and values! Palpatine ofc wants to fix things but he can't bc of the senate!! It would be better if only one person was in control of everything then things would get done!! Very evil, very devious, I want to swaddle Padawan Anakin in a blanket
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This is, I think, a vent post. Even though I want to beg anyone and everyone for answers to the impossible questions swirling in my crazy head.
I've been in a toxic living situation for a long time and my CPTSD near-constantly triggered. This year between escalating abuse and suicidality, I lashed out at nearly all my closest friends with years worth of built up resentments, causing them to end their friendships with me. All the hurt they've caused me is still playing in endless loops even months later, while all the love and help they gave me feel distant and vague. I don't know how much of my pain is valid and how much this is just my traumatized brain distorting everything. It doesn't help that this is a pattern of behaviour with me. I invalidate my feelings and internalise hurt until I'm at too much of a low point to fight them, lash out, and lose the relationship. Granted, some of them really did treat me shittily, but it's still a dysfunctional and destructive way to interact with people.
I know I should find a therapist, but they've consistently invalidated and traumatized me, and the last one was so bad she made my suicidality go turbo. But I can't help thinking this is all my fault for not trying harder to get help, even though it's hard to pencil that in between wanting to die and stressing about money. My OCD is insisting that I'm a terrible, toxic person who's dangerous to associate with and has no appreciation for anything my friends have done for me over the years.
I just feel torn apart. I'm so angry at my friends but I can't figure out whether I just inflated it all in my head. I think the correct answer is that I didn't deserve the way I hurt them but my feelings insist they did, because they hurt me for so long. I can't figure out why they ended our friendships just because I was angry at all the wrongs they did to me. I think this might not be true and I probably really did mess up. I think I'm making my feelings everyone else's responsibility.
I want to know the correct answer. I want to know whether I'm a bad person who's not worth helping or befriending. I think I probably am, because I hurt everyone who loved and helped me and I'm not even sorry. I think I'm in a lot of pain and being very unkind to myself, but who could be kind to someone so self-pitying and destructive that behaves like this?
I'm so tired of hurting people and being hurt. I feel like those are the only two options as long as I'm living like this, and I can't see a way out of this situation, so I'm never going to be a good, safe person worth loving.
The thing is, even IF your trauma/mental health issues caused toxic behavior in past relationships, this does in no way equal you being irreparably broken and not worth loving. All that this would mean is that there are some patterns you would need to be aware of and work on in future relationships
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mothytheghost · 8 months
FMFS update January 28th
I feel mad and upset for myself. Ashamed even. I've discontinued the comics over my mental health.
I decided I'll keep working on it because it's my project and in my heart without the story I worry I'll throw something I loved doing away. I decided to pick it up again. Because I can't let my trauma from that day get to me and stop me from doing something I love. It was that one time thing that affected me to the point I felt unsafe and needed someone to talk to.
I've completely forgotten the moral of the story because of those thoughts. The moral is that even when you're alone. Someone will always be there for you.
I will continue the story. But not in comic anymore. It will be written instead. Drawing every panel was tiring and it didn't help my mental health at all. So I'm hoping a few pages of words can work things out. There are two endings so I'm glad I didn't give the personal ending I love away.
I did a cute doodle also as an apology. Don't worry. I'm sorry for the harsh decisions I made. In the end our hearts will tell us something is wrong.
This was drawn on my tablet so it's a bit wonky because Im still learning
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Mecintosh x Angela forever
Also that one child is at the corner but he was Shittily drawn I'm not gonna bother
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ohhalefire · 2 years
001 - teen wolf, duh
Favourite character: Derek, duh 🧡
Least favourite character: I mean, there are tons of characters who were shittily written or frustrating to watch or whatever, but I think in the end, my least favourite character is Kate. Which was probably the whole point of her, so like, I guess the writers got THAT right, at least 😂
5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Sterek, Stydia, Thiam, Scallison. And, uh... Jackson/Danny? I guess?
Character I find most attractive: ...I mean. There's a reason Sterek fics consistently describe Derek as "hot as the sun". Right?
Character I would marry: Lydia, my beloved ✨
Character I would be best friends with: Kira
a random thought: I love what Stiles' continued human-ness throughout the series is trying to represent but tbh it's not realistic to me at all. if you hang with supes for too long, i would imagine that eventually you either become very supernatural yourself or very dead
An unpopular opinion: Derek and Lydia are both exactly Stiles' type. 🤷‍♀️
My canon OTP: I'm sorry, as far as I'm concerned Sterek is canon, so 😂
My non-canon OTP: Thiam.
Most badass character: Any answer that isn't Kira is the incorrect answer
Most epic villain: Clearly my beloved void 🖤
Pairing I am not a fan of: Stalia. *ducks*
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Malia! She had such potential. The show could have delved deeply into the effects of the way she'd grown up, and instead... made her a joke? I just don't think she ever seemed emotionally ready for any serious relationships, and I would have loved them to go into that. Urgh that poor baby, they did her so dirty
Favourite friendship: Sciles.
Character I most identify with: Stiles!
Character I wish I could be: I don't know, friends, this one is weird for me because when I think about my Blorbos and put them in Situations, I never imagine, like... replacing them? I just wanna be their friend and hug them until they all feel better 😂
Send me a fandom/ship/character and I will tell you...
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lavendertowerarchives · 4 months
My end-of-year presentation went shittily. It kickstarted the worst couple days I've had in a very long time.
To start the day, I woke with a migraine. Too hungry to walk. Too sick to eat. Too pained to take care of either.
I don't want to give a blow-by-blow narration of the whole day. I would if I wasn't concerned with this being boring. Stuff happened, I got better. Importantly, the meds fucked with my head.
I presented my little trifold poster with my teammates to passerby. I learned my lines and knew what to say.
I got into the presentation room and felt nothing. My anxiety had skyrocketed so high it hit the integer limit and generated an underflow error. It wrapped around to zero. I felt no emotion.
I got up to the front of the room (full of recruiters and professors and my mother, not a student in sight save for the group which presented last) and picked up after my teammate ended his portion. I flubbed my lines. I lost my info. I flushed red in the face. I said "I'm sorry. I can't do this." My teammate picked up my slack.
Afterwards, I apologized profusely to everyone involved. Everyone I could find, that is. I was glad none of my friends cared enough to watch, especially JH (who came of her own volition, after I asked her to come by and give me a hug).
My first thought was to get as high as I can when I got home. My partner came to stop me, and left when I said I have friends with me. They chose not to ask for more info and as a result abandoned their painting. Due to complications, this kickstarted their need to leave me for a while. They do this like twice a year so it was easy to sit back and let them be pissed at me for things that are not my fault. They saw that eventually, they just "wanted to hurt me" (verbatim).
I know it doesn't sound like much. I'm leaving the minor things out. I've hardly eaten since then. That day was pivotal in my life. I hate it with a passion. I'm a performer, I love to perform; Why can't I perform when I need to?
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 3 months
//hyung line|maknae line\\
Pairing: bf!skz hyung line x gn!reader
Disclaimer: author's not at the end please read, mentions of bullying seung (please let me know if there's anything else!!)
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Author's note: I'm sorry for always disappearing for a month and then coming back with a barely acceptable post:( I know I've asked for reqs like a month ago and that this isn't any of them but this randomly came to mind and couldn't not do it! I'll start to work on them and I've actually came up with something for a seventeen req tho anon requested it so idk if they'll ever see it which makes me sad but it is what it is okay enough self pity now...I'd like you guys to honestly tell me your opinions (like was it boring or too monotonous or just not interesting at all or shittily written or anything like this) on this one bc I really need feedback and want to know what you guy's thing and want to interact with you guys! Thank you if you've read this far!
Please takes care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix @mon2sunjinsuver (if you want to get added/removed comment or write in asks)
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shadowraven101 · 5 months
ok hellooo I dont use tumblr at all (nor do I feel like logging into my account hence why im anonymous) so idk how exactly this works but. i recently logged back into my wattpad account and the memories just came rushing back, i fucking remember you, you were one of my friends at the time we shittily roleplayed a shit ton asjkfskh, i called myself Wolf and i cringe thinking about it so like if you remember me then thats pretty pog and i sorta wanna talk so if ur up for it maybe we can???
I'm so sorry it's taken me four years to respond to you, I logged back into my old tumblr account to look at fuckin dungeon meshi fanart lol
I never forgot you or any of the roleplays we did, the rainbow roleplayers have lived rent free in my mind for so long, but even if your message is from ages ago I'm so glad to know you're around! I hope you kept up with art and drawing, I always loved Wolf (the character but also u), and you Twi and Cat still have a little section to yourselves on my doodling file
Idk if you kept in touch with anyone else but Sophie (goes by a different name now idk what just yet) messaged me as well if you want to get in touch with them, out of everyone I ended up keeping on and off contact with them, I haven't heard from Twi, Cat or Tanner in years
Allinall I hope you're still happy, healthy and doing stuff you love, if by some miracle you get this message feel free to message me your preferred platform I'd love to catch up on all the time that's passed, and just so it doesn't take me another 4 years to respond my discord is @ shadowraven101 (I know it's just as edgy as it was in 2015 shh XD )
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Oh, hello there. Oh, this? I'm just using this online shopping website to look at some birthday cards online. You see, it is my birthday on Thursday, and it's one of the ones where the number has a zero at the end of it, and I'm looking for the perfect card that I can demand my family and friends all buy for me, so I can have "one happening birthday". Finally!
I've taken some time off work, and I'm more-or-less going to dedicate the weekend to taking a couple of day trips and doing some other things I've put off for a while. And, I just realized, this would be much easier if I didn't have to worry about updating this while doing all that. So, I'm taking this week off, effective last night when I was GONNA do a post, but then I realized I didn't have all of my research materials handy, and it took all night to get those things downloaded, and then it was late, and also I wanted to watch seven episodes of "Tanner '88" instead.
So this is my announcement of my intent to not post, probably until next Monday. Some of you might say "that sucks dick", but it's a dick that we all have to suck.
So here's a big Mail Bag post:
In reference to my pondering about Marc Summer's absence in a Robot Chicken sketch about Double Dare:
apparently they did get marc summers for some later episode. i know this because i watched him interview tim heidecker on some webshow/podcast he has and i remember him bragging that he'd been on robot chicken and asking tim if he ever had, and tim kinda going "uhhh, no, i don't think so" lol
LOL. Tim & Eric couldn't be more at odds with Robot Chicken. I am going to guess that when they were younger and much more "punk rock" they probably shit talked them when being interviewed for cool magazines like Time or Zillions.
One time my job hired a guy with whom I had maybe one of the worst personality clashes I ever had (I am a demon from hell and I have zero ability to not show it when I'm annoyed or angry with somebody, sorry to that guy I wish I weren't like this okay), and he got it out of me that I liked Adult Swim and he immediately tried to talk to me about Robot Chicken, and I was like "I don't really watch that show" and he immediately asked "don't tell me you like that Tim & Eric crap!"
whats your favorite thing you bought at a second hand store to make yourself not look like a looky loo
I have a B&W video monitor I bought at a garage sale. It's beautiful, very flipable, but I paid 5 bucks for it and like how it looks. VHS tapes actually look amazing on it. I wanna figure out a way to rig it up with some kind of raspberry pi machine that just loops old cartoons on it or something.
did you do something to the banner? it seems more...expansive.
I tried to get it to display more "properly" because it bothered me how pixelated it looked but I think I sorta fucked it up. I tried to change it back but tumblr's edit feature sucks. I guess I should just do an AI upscale or something. But yes I shittily drew on it to make it look wider, you caught me.
Me love the way you walk sometimes The way you talk is so hot Now you know let’s have a shot of rum Then me can make you come With me to the ocean That would be phat You can be my bow cat Nice ital breeze Bring you to your knees We're jammin'
punani likers everywhere, this one is for us
That's Shenmue 3, dipshit
Dang it, you are right.
Brownies was probably the best episode they did that season and I was surprised they weren't willing to do that style of show for the entire series. It seemed more like what Adult Swim wanted from them?
Something for "da" stoners... as a weed-taker myself., I would have to agree!
When was the last time you POGGED off?
What bitch?
Lol I was being silly telling a stupid joke. Chapotraphouse has the ice cream as his sound bite now.
I tell you this guys, I had a weird dream that Toonami Tom said he would sponsor me I'd have to sell out and let him hold the Adult Swim 2021 brand. And I'd have to suck his dick. It was a disgusting dream. No Tom, I would never do that in real life.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
the one in which sanha accidentally changes their entire house (and knk's too)
au masterlist
for @goddammitdanyul - buddy ur post it’s canon now~~~
It’s the hottest day in the whole history of ever, MJ swears. It’s the kind of sluggy day where all the energy in the world has been absorbed into the weather and nobody has any motivation to move or do anything at all, much less MJ. He’s been slumped over in the armchair by the window for the past hour, trying to seek coolness from the three Cooling crystals he stole from Bin earlier in the day.
Perhaps he should steal another one, a small voice at the back of his head says. It sounds a little like Sanha, so MJ chooses to ignore it. Also because going upstairs to Bin’s charms room requires Getting Up, though, something MJ’s unprepared to do.
And anyway he’s pretty sure if he moves from his spot in the armchair an MJ-copy made purely out of sweat would peel away from his body and remain in the exact same position he’s in now, twirling its salty, sticky finger around (increasingly ineffective) crystals.
Perhaps he could ask Sanha to do it… MJ tilts his head a single degree to the left and is greeted with the sight of Sanha, Soggy Noodle Extraordinaire, sprawled out nearly unconscious on the floor, kind of like that one soggy noodle that falls out of the colander by accident when you’re trying to drain a pot of pasta.
Jinjin? He raises his head, mildly more alert. Maybe he could wheedle Jinjin into asking Bin for him.
After a few seconds of scanning their living room, MJ flops his head back down on his arms. Damn Jinjin and his hardworking tendencies – MJ’s just remembered Jinjin’s hard at work in their garden outside, Cooling crystals hovering around his face and tucked into his gardening apron pocket.
How does he do it? MJ wonders, staring blankly at the road in front of their house. The heatwaves coming off the baked asphalt are enough to warp the entire road, making it seem like one of those visions that one guy from the Seventeen coven could cast. He can feel them from where he’s seated at the windowsill, indoors with the air-conditioning working overtime – how can Jinjin even function outside when he’s sweating from every pore?
“Hyung, I’m bored,” a whine comes from the noodle on the floor. MJ shifts from where he’s been staring at the road and pushes all weird thoughts out of his mind – if we sweat from our eyes would it be considered tears or sweat – in order to reply to Sanha.
He squints at the noodle, “Aren’t you supposed to be helping Rocky with his potion orders?”
“He’s taking a nap. Says it’s too hot outside and it’ll throw off the temperature of his potion or something like that, I wasn’t listening much after he told me to go.” Sanha rolls onto his side, slowly rolling a bottle of water on its side and flicking his finger at it.
“Also, Bin and Eunwoo are working on more Cooling charms – it’s all they’ve been doing the past two days and I didn’t want to third-wheel,” Sanha adds on, almost as an afterthought to the two still-silent, not-quite-yet-boyfriends upstairs.
There’s a moment of silence as they both watch the water change colour with each flick and then –
“Let’s play a game, hyung!”
MJ groans internally – he’s getting too old for this.
Nonsense, a voice in his head (sounding suspiciously like Jinjin), you told me yesterday you still felt fifteen.
I am fifteen, MJ argues with mind-Jinjin. One of Rocky’s hyungs told me that as long as you act younger you’ll look younger.
Mind-Jinjin snorts and offers, yeah, but then Jimin told him he acted too young right after.
MJ’s about to reply mind-Jinjin but he feels the bottle Sanha was toying with hit his shin and an annoyed Sanha go, “Oi, hyung, are you even listening to me?”
Oops, caught.
“What did you say?”
“What’s your favourite colour?”
MJ stares blankly at Sanha for a while – what goes on in that noodle brain?? – before slowly responding with a hesitant, “Purple?”
Sanha hums in agreement, and waves his hand in the air. Sunshine yellow magic spills out from his finger tips and wafts in thick clouds around the room, strangely reminiscent of the time Sanha tried to cook but somehow managed to burn the entire pot of rice to a crisp and set off the fire alarm, before seeping into the door cracks and into the window gaps and out of the house.
“Wait, what did you just do?”
Sanha beams slightly in MJ’s general direction (but mostly at the ceiling), “You’ll see.”
MJ waits with bated breath for three dangerously silent seconds – if there was anything wrong, Jinjin would run in screaming to confront them.
“Hyung, what colours do you think your dads like?”
MJ heaves a sigh of relief when nobody bursts through the front door, then turns to Sanha – “Black, probably. They always wear black and white.”
“Yeah, but that’s because blood stains don’t show on black clothes.”
“I’ve never seen them use other colours though,” MJ considers. The only splash of colour in the entire KNK coven house was MJ’s room, MJ’s kitchen, and MJ himself.
“Huh,” Sanha responds.
Again egg yellow clouds tumble from Sanha’s hands, and MJ watches (with no small amount of envy) as they curl up from where Sanha’s lounged on the floor, around the armchair, around the television, around the lamps – then out, out and away.
“Sanha, what was that for?”
“What was what for?”
MJ resists the urge to toss Sanha’s bottle right back at his face. Just barely. “Your magic, you idiot-“
“I explained it just now! You just weren’t listeni-“
“Wait, wait, Sanha, shush, there’s someone coming-“ MJ flaps his hands in Sanha’s general direction, ignoring the younger’s protest that he wasn’t even making that much noise, thank you very much, the real noisy one is the one sitting right there in the armcha-
And sure enough, a red convertible rolls up right in front of the Astro house and stops by their curb. Two small, dainty figures step out of the car, and almost as if the temperature outside dropped 20 degrees, MJ’s view of the baked pavement stops being warped by heatwaves. Actually, now that MJ’s squinting, there seems to be small gusts of snow trailing in their wake, melting and almost sizzling in the hot sun instantly.
The two figures in everyday clothes, approaching their house? They’re definitely magic.
“Hyung, what’s up?”
MJ’s frozen slightly (pardon the pun), bright eyes peeking above clenched hands on the window sill. He doesn’t reply Sanha.
Magic users. Coming towards the Astro house.
Vaguely, he feels the air change as Sanha gets up from the floor to catch a glimpse through the window as well.
“Stay down,” MJ hisses at Sanha. “We’ve never seen them before; I don’t know if they can be trusted.” He doesn’t know if he should send Sanha up to Bin or down to Rocky first but right as he starts voicing it, he sees a flash of green apron and straw hat burst from his garden and straight at the two figures –
“Jinjin!” MJ leaps up from the armchair, sweat-copy MJ be damned. Jinjin stands no ground against magic users - he’s only a human, albeit one equipped with sharp garden pruning shears, and MJ sure as hell isn’t losing him to two witches with mysterious intentions.
He pauses, hand on the doorknob.
That’s definitely Jinjin’s laugh. MJ has all of Jinjin’s laughs carefully categorised in his mind, and this is one of them. The delighted giggle, not the slightly nervous laugh whenever Bin says some startling thing, not the amused snort whenever Sanha tries to pull one over on Jinjin, not the soft chuckle he reserves for when MJ and Jinjin watch dramas together. The oh-my-god-I-haven’t-seen-you-in-two-months-how-are-you delighted giggle.
Almost as if on cue, Bin flies down the stairs and past Sanha, running to the door at almost full speed, Eunwoo following close behind and yelling for Rocky to “get your ass upstairs, you lazy piece of rock, your favourite witch in the world is here”.
MJ steps out of the way right before Bin crashes into the door with a soft thud, still giggly and excited. He shares a confused look with Sanha before Bin swings open the door and they’re both stunned in place by the sudden hea-
Heat? It suddenly feels like 20 degrees, not the baking 40 degrees it was before. He sees the bewilderment spread across Sanha’s face, no doubt an exact reflection of his own.
Who are these witches?
Almost in answer, Rocky comes skidding to a stop right behind Sanha, doubling over and breathing heavily, sweat beading on his forehead.
“How do I look,” he demands, pushing his sleep-mussed hair away from his forehead and out of his eyes. Meeting only with perplexed looks from MJ and a weak, “Bloated?” from Sanha, he tsks and straightens his back before marching out of the house and is met with loud cheers from the five already outside.
Over the next couple minutes of hasty introductions and laughing and Rocky blushing way too much, MJ and Sanha come to learn that Doyeon is a weather witch and that she can create micro-climates; Yoojung is an elemental witch and can create things out of thin air, with the extra power of being able to control how many times Rocky blushes per minute. (Although MJ isn’t entirely sure if that last one was a witch power or a female power in general.)
It’s about five minutes’ worth of the eight of them standing in Doyeon’s nice, cold bubble, laughing and generally being happy before Yoojung asks innocently, “So when did you guys decide to repaint the house?”
Everyone turns away from where they’ve been facing the two girls to look up at their coven house, previously a weathered white and now a very violent shade of vivid plum with specks of space violet. Seungjun sticks his head out of his now very black house, vaguely confused, mildly startled and blinking in the bright light.
Everyone freezes.
Sanha runs for his life.
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