#anyways the only things ive got on her is that shed a blonde warrior who likes hitting things
crows-of-buckets · 18 days
For some reason whenever I brainstorm for my eventual solasmance Lavellan I always imagine her leaving on bad terms with him and swearing to stop him no matter what it takes. However. Just had the idea of Lavellan solas and Varric being in a weird love triangle. during inquisiton only Solas and Lavellan would happen, then They break up and Lavellan is with Varric within a year. Queen of moving on or whatever. Cole gets dropped right in the middle of whatever the fuck they've got going on. Rest of the inquisiton is immensely intrigued by them
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hauntedatmidnight · 5 years
Alive part III | h.o. x oc
Part I Part II
Part III
(for @starksparker writing challenge)
Harrison Osterfield x OFC
Summary: she had to find her boyfriend. She thought about it everyday since the dead began to walk. They say what’s ours always find its way back to us, even if not in the way we wanted it to.
Zombie apocalypse AU
Warnings: violence. This one is shorter and I’m sorry
your kiss, my cheek i watched you leave your smile, my ghost i fell to my knees
“You really tried handling this all on your own, huh?” Olivia left the fitting room behind Harrison, finding an older man standing between the shelves of the department store. He had a scar underneath his left eye, dark hair and beard. He carried a sword with him and she could swear he was wearing something resembling a cape. He had a lot of people surrounding him and, paying closer attention, she could see they were holding all her friends who were coming to the meeting as hostages.
“I told you I could do it” Harrison argued, running up to him and kneeling before him. What the hell was that? “It’s all settled. They…”
“Na. Look, you may be smart, Osterfield, but you can’t exactly outsmart me” the man laughed, looking around and finally spotting Olivia. “That’s the girl? The leader? Boy, I was not expecting that!”
“Don’t you dare touch her!” she could hear Jake shouting from the back and, with a heavy heart, she could only pray the man didn’t take this as an insult.
“Oh, so she has two boyfriends?” he laughed, looking from Jake to Harrison, who was still kneeling and avoiding the man’s gaze. “I won’t touch her, not to worry, kid. What kind of man do you think I am? I would never do this to an old student”
With that, Olivia finally got the courage to slowly get closer, making an effort to see the man better. And it finally hit her: their old history teacher, Ewan Kane.
“Mr. Kane?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper. As soon as the words left her mouth, she had a sword pointing to her chest.
“Warrior” he clarified. “It rose with the dead”
“What do you want?” she asked, pushing the sword off her chest carefully. She could see people feared him, but she really couldn’t take him serious. The cape, the sword, the nickname. It felt like something out of a comic book.
“Your boyfriend nº 1 here lied to me” he put the sword back on its sheath, circling Harrison on the floor. “You tried to protect her. But your lie is going to cost you guys some things”
“I didn’t…”
“Shut up, Osterfield” he yelled. “From now on, I don’t care what you said, what you guys negotiated. You’re all under my reign and you, babygirl, need to pay some debts”
“I owe you nothing”
“Oh, but you do, pumpkin”
“Olivia Dufort, I’m sure you know my name” she said sharply. “And what am I supposed to owe you?”
“Here’s the thing, Olivia Dufort” he laughed, emphasizing her name mockingly. “You owe me your life. And your friends’ lives”
“Liv, just do as he says” Harrison pleaded, looking up to her. She never saw him so scared.
“What do you want?” she repeated, getting closer to Harrison on the floor. From this angle she could see the people Warrior brought with him clearly. They were the trained soldiers Harrison had with him in the first meeting.
“Here’s how things works: you pay me some taxes and in return I won’t kill any of you” he gave her a sick smile, pointing to her friends. “Sounds fun, right?”
“What do you mean… Taxes?”
“Food. Weapons. Medicine. Any people I feel like working for me”
“What did you get us into, Harrison?” it was more of a rhetorical question, but Warrior seemed to be really entertained by it.
“You’re losing your spot as boyfriend nº 1 here, Osterfield” Warrior laughed, amused. “But you lied to me. You told me she didn’t have many people. She didn’t have many weapons. That she wasn’t worth it”
“I really thought…”
“Bullshit!” he cut Harrison off. “You knew damn well what you were doing!”
“I underestimated her, I’m sorry” he tried again.
“You underestimated me. And for that, you’re going to pay” Warrior started to pace around their friends, touching their chins from time to time. “But this is going to kill two birds with one stone. You’ll be punished, Osterfield. And you-“ he turned back to Olivia. “-will be warned. You’ll learn from this”
Warrior took his time walking among her people, looking at them and laughing at their fear. He turned back to Olivia and Harrison, a sick smile on his face.
“Which one should it be? This one was being really mouthy on the way here” he pointed to Bill. “C’mere, Billy boy. You were one of my best students. It kinda fits you’re the one who’ll teach them this lesson”
It hit her even before Warrior had Bill on his knees in front of her. She remembered his class very well. Ewan Kane loved his dramatic speeches and violent deaths.
“The French Revolution really was something, huh?” he laughed at his class. “’’I die innocent of all the crimes imputed to me. I pardon the authors of my death, and pray God that the blood you are about to shed will never fall upon France’. And then his freaking head was off. Anyone knows who this was?”
“Louis XVI” Bill answered, raising his hand. Olivia looked at him with a questioning look. Who knew such things?
“Damn straight, Billy boy!”
“Look, I’m not unfair. You guys have to give this to me” Warrior argued, looking from Bill to Olivia. “You blew this up, Osterfield. That’s on you! Now, get up and face this like a grown-up”
Harrison did as told, rising to his feet and standing by Olivia. When she touched his arm she could feel him shaking underneath her touch.
“I don’t want any funny business to go down here. ‘Cause, you know, I don’t want any more of this” he signaled to Bill and then turned to a few of his guards. “Any guns, knives or whatever toys you’re carrying with you are now mine. And this is what’s going to happen from now on: you owe me your lives. So every fifteen days you’ll pay the price for it. My men will be collecting the taxes, which are half of everything you have. Easy, right?”
“What happens if we don’t have enough to pay you?” Olivia asked.
“You’ll pay me with a life. Told you it was easy” he looked around, his men coming back with all the weapons they found. “Boy you really came unprepared” he mocked.
Olivia looked around her too, trying to see an escape. He was right: they really were unprepared for this. Tom was holding Jake on the back and they locked eyes for a second; she nodded, trying to reassure him that she was still there, even if that was useless. Warrior’s men were still holding all the people she brought with her, Phoebe struggling against her captor. Harrison’s people on the back, looking as terrified as the tall blonde boy beside her.
She chose to keep her eyes wide open, to never forget what happened, to never forget her friend. She looked him in the eye one last time, his amber eyes on her – his leader, his friend, someone he trusted and couldn’t protect him. And still, all she saw was his kind eyes looking back, his trust never faltering. She didn’t deserve it, she thought. But he deserved to go knowing he was loved; so she held his gaze with teary eyes, until the last moments.
“William Alp, any last words?”
“I die innocent of all the crimes imputed to me. I pardon the author of my death, and pray God that the blood you are about to shed will never fall upon us”
Warrior’s sword was out of its sheath and with a swift motion he lowered it.
(yes, warrior is inspired by negan. this is sort of twd au anyway there’ll be more harrison and olivia in part iv i decided no pictures this time, because well.. you know)
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