#i'm shifting into christmas mode
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disgruntledkittenface · 1 year ago
thank you @nouies and @neondiamond for tagging me lately to share a snippet! I just started my gryles fic for @1dchristmasfest. I'm using my own prompt, a line of dialogue from the movie Holidate that I thought would be a great way to start a fic:
“So you know me well enough to come in my mouth–” Nick’s head, along with Fiona’s next to him and those of practically every other attendee of the company holiday party, swivels in the direction of the girl in the red dress currently speaking loudly enough to be heard over the music being piped across the 17th floor. “–but not well enough to get me a Christmas present?” Most of the crowd politely looks away at this point. Nick bursts out laughing. He claps a hand over his mouth to contain it, but he still gets an amused glance from the guy being berated next to the assortment of cookies before he turns back to his girlfriend. Or soon to be ex-girlfriend, Nick supposes. Fiona pokes him in the ribs. “That guy’s hot,” she says, none too lowly herself, the free flow of champagne over the evening clearly catching up to her. “I’d let him–” “Okay,” Nick says over her, taking the half full glass from her hands. He actually has to fight her for it for a few seconds, but at least she shuts up. Obviously he would too, but that’s neither here nor there. “That’s enough for you. Give me your phone, I’ll get you a Lyft.” She swats him away and stumbles in the direction of their offices, mostly likely on her way to take a disco nap before rejoining the party. Not that Nick’s ever done that.
I'll tag @crinkle-eyed-boo @louandhazaf @kingsofeverything @uhoh-but-yeah-alright if you have something you want to share!
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memepocalypse · 4 months ago
Winter Warmer
It's officially chilly season!
"Ooh, it's cold out here."
"Look! Look! I'm a dragon!"
"Did it snow last night?!"
"There's frost on the ground."
"That's the last leaf falling..."
"I've got shivers."
"I want a hot chocolate."
"Yes, I'm wearing two coats."
"Why aren't you wearing a coat? You'll freeze!"
"Can you get the fire going?"
"What do you mean the chimney's blocked?"
"I'm going to bake cookies."
"I'm shifting in to soup mode."
"I knitted you a scarf!"
"It's not a hot chocolate without a dash of brandy."
"Want to cuddle up under a blanket and watch a movie?"
"Yes, I'm playing Christmas music. I know it's Novemeber. I don't care."
"I'm freezing my fingers off!"
"Here, take my coat."
"I have a flask full of soup here."
"Hold my hand, I'll warm you up."
"I can't take your clothes!"
"Don't worry, I run warm."
"This makes me want to go skiing."
"I'm going to catch a snowflake on my tongue."
"Do you want to go make snow angels?"
"I love this time of night... before anyone disturbs the snow."
"It's so crisp and white out there."
"Let's go make a snowman!"
"I hate being cold."
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animeomegas · 1 year ago
The Quest for a Second Life - Epilogue
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Summary: Having spent so long choosing their second life, the MC is finally rewarded and gets to live their second life. The only questioning remaining was... Itachi or Kakashi. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple Naruto Characters
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: N-sfw content, tiny self-harm for magical blood potion purposes. All alphas have dicks, fyi.
A/N: And we're finally here! This is the end, and I hope people like it, even if you'd have preferred the other character. This has been a journey and a half, thank you so much for joining me on it. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! I am deeply honoured to call @omeganronpa my friend, and seeing as I'm too far away to be around in person, I hope that this gets my message across as well as I had hoped 💗💓💞💖❣️
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
James found herself lingering in the library when she knew she ought not to. She had just sent another human into their chosen pocket dimension, this time a historical romance, and she really needed to get back to her office to receive the next one. She knew this, and yet her feet refused to co-operate.
She couldn’t stop wondering after the human alpha she had recently worked with, although she wasn’t sure if humans would agree with her use of the word ‘recent’. They didn’t normally, and James had learnt that time flowed differently for humans than it did for Curators.
No, her mind was behaving badly. It was wandering off without her permission and whispering suggestions of going to check on the human alpha, even though James’ shift was still far from over.
Before she could think better of it, James turned and started walking towards the hidden backroom of the library, where books that were in current use were stored. Surely, it would be okay for her to have a little look at what that human alpha was up to. She would only linger for a little while and then she would get back to work.
She entered the backroom and scanned the shelves for the correct book. It wasn’t difficult to find, but she suddenly felt nervous. It wasn’t as if Curators weren’t allowed to watch the pocket dimensions, in fact, she knew several of her peers who did so regularly, but James had never felt the urge.
Until now.
“Just a quick peek, then I’ll greet my next human.” She opened the book and put it into viewing mode.
Ugh, you really shouldn’t have bought this much stuff. You juggled the shopping bags awkwardly, but persevered forwards as best as you could. It wasn’t your fault that there was a sale on today, how could you resist getting an entire bag of fresh peaches? You wondered if you could figure out how to make peach lemonade. It was the height of summer and a refreshing drink sounded like heaven right about now.
At least your new sandals were working well. They had been a gift from your parents when they returned from their business trip, and they were as cool as they were durable.
You dodged around a bush so that the branches didn’t abduct any of your shopping, grateful that you were getting used to this route now. Although you had grown up in the area, you had never really had a reason to stray this far. Of course, not until you met him.
Ugh, him. He was perfect. No, he was beyond perfect.
You had found him by chance, and the first few weeks had been a whirlwind, but you knew, more than anything, that he was perfect for you.
And there he was, in all his perfection, as you finally reached your home.
He was standing in the chicken run, his long, dark hair swept up out of his face in a more stringent ponytail than normal. You had helped him with it before you left, after his fringe kept getting stuck to his skin. He was wearing a pair of incredibly short shorts, and a loose T-shirt that always fell away from his chest whenever he bent over. It was a personal favourite of yours, but one that you never let him wear outside of your own home.
Itachi must have heard you, because he turned, a grin lighting up his face. You could see he had a smudge of mud on the swell of his left cheek.
Itachi was utterly stunning. He took your breath away effortlessly, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Alpha!” he called, lifting one hand up in a wave. “Look!”
It took you a moment to understand what he wanted you to look at, but you eventually realised that he wasn’t waving; he was clutching two chicken eggs.
“Amazing!” you called back, approaching the back gate, but stopping at the fence as you realised you didn’t have free hands to unlock it.
“The chickens are finally old enough to lay eggs!” Itachi was practically beaming as he exited the run. A couple of chickens attempted to make an escape, but Itachi flicked his fingers and gently knocked them back with magic. “Look!” He came right up to you now, letting you into the garden, and holding the eggs in front of your face.
“That’s brilliant, ‘tachi. Why don’t you help me get all this unpacked inside, and we can cook the eggs for some lunch. I have some peaches and lemons for lemonade, too.”
You both headed into the kitchen through the back door. You dumped everything on the table and gratefully slumped into a chair, thankful to be out of the hot sun. Itachi practically floated around the kitchen, still beaming. He unpacked what he needed and immediately started making lunch. He settled on shakshuka with the fated peach lemonade.
It was with great amusement that you watched Itachi don his cooking apron, the one you’d specially embroidered with ‘Proud Chicken Oma’.
After you had cooled down a little, you slowly unpacked the rest of the shopping, until Itachi called you over to the oven.
“I’m going to fry the eggs,” he said, sounding giddy. You had known that he wanted chickens, you did too, but the genuine joy that they gave him still surprised you. You felt so incredibly lucky that you had literally wandered into his life by accident, and that he had allowed you to stay.
“Let me watch.” You hugged him from behind and peered over his shoulder. And if you also took a quick sneaky look down his shirt while you were there, well, no one could prove it. It was probably too hot for hugs, but you couldn’t make yourself let go. You nuzzled into the area where you would one day put your bond mark, but for now lay unbroken skin.
Itachi wanted you to meet each other’s families before you properly bonded. Hopefully that day would come sooner rather than later, because having him walk around without your claim was driving you mad.
Itachi cracked the egg into the pan, and perhaps you were too much of a sappy romantic, but the lucky double yolk that it contained felt symbolic.
The silence was thick enough to cut. You took a sip of your tea to try and stave off the awkwardness, but it didn’t help.
You were sitting at your kitchen table with Itachi and his parents. Sasuke had been sent out to collect some eggs, most likely so Fugaku and Mikoto could talk to you alone, but even now that Sasuke was firmly outside, the silence remained heavy and oppressive.
“How long have you known each other?” Fugaku asked, finally breaking it.
“A few months, father.” Fugaku’s lips tightened and the lines around his eyes deepened. You got the vibe that he wasn’t happy with that answer. It was such a shame that Itachi cared about their opinions.
“And how did you meet?”
You cleared your throat, “Itachi found me unconscious in a snowstorm and nursed me back to health.”
There was a beat of silence, before Mikoto spoke. “Then you owe my son a life debt, you would do well to remember that.”
You were really getting the vibe that they didn’t like you. It was for that reason, that you hastened to reassure them that you had been looking after Itachi as well.
“Oh! Well, I returned the favour by giving Itachi my cloak when all his clothes were destroyed in the middle of the woods.”
Itachi immediately went red faced, and held up his hands, sputtering. Oh, whoops. That definitely sounded like you had been fucking in the woods. Of course, you had actually fucked in those woods, but that wasn’t what you meant to share with his parents of all people.
“We didn’t—It was an Amplexus plant!” Itachi explained hurriedly, his face continuing to darken. “I needed the seeds for a potion, and it got a hold of me, that’s all!”
Itachi’s panicked explanation broke the tension, as his mother started giggling, and his father sighed and put his face in his palm.
“Sasuke is our only hope,” Fugaku muttered.
It was at that moment that a squawk sounded from outside. Sasuke’s dulcet tones followed shortly afterwards.
“Try that again, you glorified rat, and I’ll burn off all your feathers, I fucking mean it, I—”
Fugaku sighed again and downed the rest of his tea like it was the alcohol he clearly needed.
There was no sweeter smell in the world than the one of yours and Itachi’s scents mingling together. And while you were certain many other alphas would say the same about them and their omegas, you were pretty sure you were right.
You panted onto Itachi’s neck, basically drooling. A joint heat and rut wasn’t the greatest for practical reasons, but fuck, if it wasn’t the perfect time to exchange mating bites.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Itachi slurred, hips rocking up to meet yours at every thrust. “Bite me, alpha, claim me, please!”
You groaned, knot already catching on his rim. It was getting harder and harder to control yourself. Itachi mouthed at the juncture between your shoulder and neck, the place where he would soon be placing your bite, and your self-control collapsed like a house of cards.
Your knot tied you and Itachi together, plunging you both into an orgasm. Somewhere, through the haze, your teeth managed to find their mark. You bit down just as you started filling Itachi with your cum. Itachi seized but managed to bite back.
You rode the waves together. It was the longest orgasm of your life, and by far the most powerful. Your mind was clouded with lust and emotion. Every instinct in your body was screaming, but they were all screaming different things; it was making you dizzy.
Protect him.
Make him scream.
Get him pregnant.
Hide him away.
Show him off.
Love him. Love him. Love him.
Yes, yes, you were going to love him, you did love him… And everything was going to be perfect.
You ran out of your joint bedroom potions lab barefoot, having abandoned your slippers in your haste.
“Itachi! There’s been an incident!”
You heard a crash from the kitchen, and quickly, Itachi came racing out to meet you in the living room.
“What is it? What’s going on?!” He scanned you from head to toe but couldn’t see an injury. He had known that you were playing with magic, and he was rightfully worried about what you had managed to do.
“It’s gone,” you said, wide eyed.
“What’s gone?!”
“My dick.”
Itachi blinked at you, processing, before his face morphed into something horrified.
“What? How can—?! What were you doing?! What do you mean gone?!” He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you roughly. “Tell me what happened!”
“I was just playing around and then suddenly it was gone,” you explained, wringing your hands.
“What spell did you use?” Itachi asked frantically. “I can reverse it. We can figure it out!”
“I don’t know… I mean, at least I’m still alive right? It could have been worse.”
Itachi was still horrified, and you’d wager that he didn’t agree with you.
“No! I mean, yes, but we still need to fix it. Let me see!” He knelt down and started to aggressively tug down your shorts and underwear. “Maybe I can perform a reversal of—”
He managed to get the fabric down and out popped your dick, unharmed and just as it always was. Itachi blinked at it. You started cracking up, unable to hold the laughter in anymore. Itachi, realising that he’d been pranked, scowled at you.
He stood, crossing his arms and huffing. “That wasn’t funny.”
“Yes, it was,” you laughed, wiping away your tears. “You’re completely obsessed with my dick, I knew it! I’m just a glorified dildo to you, huh?”
“You’re being ridiculous.” Itachi had delightfully rosy cheeks.
“Am I? So, you don’t want to suck it?” You playfully shook your hips, wiggling your dick, playfully.
Itachi wavered. You waited patiently.
“This has nothing to do with anything,” he said, kneeling down in front of you.
“Whatever you say, darling.”
“Shut up!”
He was so much fun to tease. Hopefully, he never found out that you had the same obsession with his nipples.
“We do need more space, but I still want to maintain that cosy vibe, you know?”
“I agree. We could always increase the number of rooms, but still have them all be fairly small and closed off.”
You and Itachi were pouring over several sketches, trying to design your new home. You had decided to move closer to the nearest town, although you were still staying firmly in the woods because neither of you wanted to give up your private sanctuary. You also just needed more space. You needed a bigger dining table, more bedrooms, a separate potions lab, and crucially more storage space so that you didn’t come across snake eyes in the fridge when you were trying to make a sandwich.
Thankfully, with Itachi’s magic, the local builders, and the money sent from your parents, it was sure to be a smooth process.
“I think we should have a bedroom for Sasuke to use,” you said, tapping on an empty part of the proposed floorplan. “Not just a guest bedroom, but one that’s specifically his.”
Itachi nuzzled into your shoulder. “You wouldn’t mind? Because that would be amazing.”
“Of course not. He’ll be old enough to visit on his own soon, and I want to make sure he knows he’s welcome.” You liked Sasuke and you understood why Itachi loved him so much. He was like a tiny murder kitten that loved to scratch people. It was adorable.
“We have the pup rooms, the lab…” Itachi peered down at the paper. “Is that everything?”
You hummed, considering. “I think so. Unless you want a nesting room. Although, I’ve never seen you nest before, so if you don’t want one, that’s fine.”
“Oh.” Itachi was silent for a moment. “I’ve never tried nesting before.”
You immediately wished his parents would return so you could punch them in the face. Carefully keeping all the anger below the surface so you didn’t make Itachi think you were angry with him, you brushed some hair out of his face.
“Do you want to try it? We can try together, and if you like it, we can get a little nesting space added onto the master bedroom.”
Itachi smiled, looking unsure. “Okay. I suppose we can try it.”
“Well, I’m not an expert, but I think I can help with a simple nest layout.” You leant back and surveyed all the materials you had for nesting. Most of it was stuff that Itachi had made, some of it was things you had made, and a couple of pieces were from a craftsperson in town, made from rarer and more difficult materials. There was more than enough for a nice nest.
You slotted the heaviest duty and flattest pillows into the corner and arranged them in a double layer before securing them together with a sheet.
“One of my old partners used to arrange the base like this. It works well.”
Itachi growled and immediately destroyed the base, stacking it in a different way. Oh, yeah, whoops. Itachi was way too possessive for you to casually be bringing up old partners.
 “You’ve had other omega partners?” he asked, still rearranging the base. His voice was carefully controlled, like he was trying to sound distracted, when in reality, his attention was fully on your answer.
“Yeah, I—” You paused, trying to retrieve the memories. It was strange… You could have sworn you had past partners but trying to grasp onto details felt like trying to catch smoke. You could see flashes of dates, gifts and physical features, but you couldn’t really make sense of it. You wondered if it was a side effect of the amnesia spell you’d had. You decided not to mention it in case Itachi got worried. “I’ve had a couple, but they didn’t go anywhere. It never felt right, y’know?”
Itachi hummed, reasonably placated.
You continued to help him with small suggestions until you recognised the signs of an omega in nest building mode. Instincts took over, and you leant back to let Itachi do it how he wanted to.
The nest was so very him, even for his first attempt. It was chaos, but organised chaos, with gentle colours and neutrals, and lots of wool.
 Itachi sat back, blinking the daze away. “Now what?”
“Now you get in it.”
“And… what’s the point? What will being in it do?” He was staring at the nest reverently, and you knew he was going to like it.
“It should help you relax.”
Itachi bit his lip, but gingerly climbed in and tried to get himself comfortable. He fiddled with a few final pieces, but once he was settled, he sighed, seeming content.
After a few moments, he looked over at you. “Do you… want to come in, too?”
You grinned, and agreed, carefully climbing in and spooning your omega.
With you there with him, Itachi curled his legs up to his chest and went boneless. His purrs were so loud that you could feel them in your chest, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He nuzzled into the pillow his head was on, basking in the soft materials.
You kept holding him but tried to remain still so as to not disturb his first nesting experience. You didn’t want to distract him from his bliss. You were honestly so shocked that he had never nested before. Had his family kept him so busy from such a young age that he had never had the time?
You made a mental note to see if you could add a nesting nook for Sasuke’s room too, seeing as he was also an omega and had probably received similar treatment. If he couldn’t have one at home, at least he could have one here.
Suddenly, Itachi stopped purring.
“Is something wrong, baby?” you cooed, gently stroking his hair. “We can fix whatever it is, I promise.”
Itachi only whined, pushing his hips back into yours. He seemed really out of it, not that that was particularly surprising. If he’d been repressing himself, knowingly or not, for his entire life, then his instincts were going to try and take over the second they could.
“What do you need, omega? Come on, tell alpha.”
Itachi pouted, whining again. He shoved his hips back harder this time, like he was making a point. Oh.
“I see.” Your mind was racing at how hot he was. “Do you want to cockwarm, honey?”
Itachi nodded, his purring starting back up again now that you were understanding him. Oh, he was just the sweetest, horniest little thing and you would set the world on fire for him.
You carefully untucked your already half-hard cock, trying to avoid knocking anything out of place. When you were free, you tugged his trousers down and easily slipped inside him.
When your hips met his skin, Itachi purred louder than he had before, melting into the nest completely. His eyes rolled back, and he was lost in the fuzziness.
Okay… so you definitely needed that nesting room.
You looked around your new living room proudly, savouring the ‘new’ smell. The entire house was perfect. It kept the essence of the old one, but you had so much more space. No more tripping over cauldrons in the morning, or accidentally spilling powdered bone on the carpet when you were trying to clean.
You were almost finished with the unpacking. The house still seemed pretty empty, but that was good; the house would be able to grow with you.
Itachi had scurried off into the bedroom a few minutes ago with one of the boxes, but you were still sorting through living room stuff. You peered into the nearest box. And kitchen stuff apparently. Why did you own so many wooden spoons?
“Alpha?! Can you come help me with something, please?!” Itachi called from the bedroom.
You stood up, stretching out your sore arms, and then went over to the master bedroom. You pushed open the door easily.
“What do you ne—”
Suddenly, you were reminded of the very first time you had ever walked into Itachi’s bedroom in the old house, the time where he had been half naked and in the middle of changing.
Here, he was half-naked again, but this time it looked purposeful, because Itachi was wearing lingerie.
It was a two-piece set, made out of a dark blue silk that perfectly contrasted against Itachi’s pale skin. Embroidered on it were hundreds of tiny, silver stars, creating the image of a night’s sky. Extra pieces of gauzy, see through fabric had been attached to the top piece, which hide absolutely nothing, but acted as a delightful tease. The set was clearly hand made, and damn, he was again, taking your breath away.
“Well, hello,” you cooed, feeling that stupid horny alpha grin slide onto your face. “What’s all this?”
Itachi fidgeted bashfully as you approached. “It’s a surprise, a celebration for the new house.”
“It’s a lovely surprise.” You ran your hands over his heated skin, feeling the silk with your palms. You kissed him heavily, your fingers dancing along the edge of his panties. “This is perfect for the new house, do you know why?”
“Hm? Why?” Itachi moaned, tilting his neck submissively, and giving you access to his bond mark. You nipped around the scar before answering.
“Because we still need to break in the new bed.”
“That will be 500 ryo, thank you.” The man handed you the requested amount and took the pouch of amethyst dust in return.
“How many enchanted apples for these?” a little boy asked, holding up a lovely bouquet of flowers. Oh yes, he was the florist’s son, you remembered.  
“Hmm,” you took the flowers and appraised them. “How about three?” The boy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed three apples before running home. These flowers would be a lovely surprise for Itachi.
“Do you have any more of the inflammation potions?” an old man asked, approaching the store. You recognised him immediately and put the flowers down, ready for a likely lengthy and completely inappropriate discussion. “They’re great for the old joints.”
“We have three left. How many would you like?”
“I’ll take the lot, thank you.” You wrapped the order up and passed it over. He handed you money in return. “Thank you. There’s a lot of downsides to getting old, but the joint pain is the worst of it in my opinion. At least I don’t have to put up with heats anymore. They’re great fun when you’re young, but when your back starts to go, well, you find yourself wishing them away.”
You hummed politely.
“This is why it’s so important for alphas to hone their skills in bed. I can’t count the number of times a young alpha has believed they don’t need to worry about sex skills because an omega in heat is so far gone that everything feels good, but one day the heats will stop, and besides, some of the best sex happens outside of heats and ruts and all that nonsense.”
You laughed, shaking your head. Why did your market stall always attract the weirdest advice and clientele?
“I’d wager you know all about that though. Has Itachi come home with any surprises lately?” You must have looked surprised, because the man winked. “Who do you think taught him how to embroider silk?”
You snorted. Of course. You made sure to slip a complimentary headache potion in as a thank you.
“The bedding is all fresh and clean, we bought it especially, and this blanket, I knitted it for you so you’d be warm, it can get cold out here. Oh! And also—”
“I’m fine,” Sasuke said, a slight red flush on his cheeks. “You worry too much, big brother.”
You watched from the doorway as Itachi fussed over Sasuke. Now 14, he was old enough to make the journey here on his own, and this would be the first time he was making proper use of his room. Itachi had been driving himself crazy trying to make everything perfect. You reckoned he was trying to ensure Sasuke had a good enough time that he’d want to come back.
Itachi’s face screwed up in indecision. “Maybe I should get another blanket for you, just in case.”
“Brother—” Too late. Itachi left the room to grab another blanket, leaving you and Sasuke alone. He glared at you harshly. Oh dear, here came the kitten claws.
“I know several spells that would remove all the parts needed to make sure you never touch my brother again. Just saying.” Sasuke crossed his arms and tried to look threatening. You had to try to keep your giggles under controls.
“Itachi wouldn’t like that very much,” you said lightly, remembering his reaction to your ‘I accidentally spelled my dick away’ prank. “And besides, that would be a very rude thing to do to the person hosting you.”
Sasuke growled, but you only raised an eyebrow at him.
“What’s going on?” Itachi walked in, another blanket bundled up in his arms.
You immediately snitched. “Your brother is threatening to cut my dick off.”
Itachi gasped, “Sasuke!”
Sasuke glared at you, but you only stuck your tongue out at him. You were seriously looking forward to the next week.
“So!” you clapped your hands together and looked eagerly around at all the potion supplies. “What potion am I learning today?”
You had been having Itachi teach you magic since you moved in, and while you were hardly a prodigy like him and his brother, you were starting to get decent at it, especially potions.
“It’s a pretty simple one, but it requires exact temperature control,” Itachi explained, pulling over a small cauldron. “We’ll need to use runes to manage that.”
“Exciting,” you murmured, trying to recall which runes would work best for temperature control. Probably the same ones that Itachi carved on your hot chocolate mugs. “What does the potion do?”
Itachi smiled, “You’ll see when we’re done.”
“Nooo, Itachi,” you whined. “I want to know now.”
“Later, I promise.” He laughed as you pouted and starting rattling off the ingredients list. “Now, help me crush the beans.”
Time passed quickly as you concentrated on following the potion recipe as best as you could. Before long, it was a blinding white and gently steaming, just as the drawing on the recipe showed.
“It’s ready,” you said proudly, closing the lid on the jar of moss. “Now will you tell me what it does?”
“It needs some blood to work,” Itachi explained. He grabbed a sharp knife and held it to his finger.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Could my blood work instead?”
Itachi laughed lightly. “That wouldn’t work; it has to be me. Don’t worry, it will only be the slightest prick.”
You weren’t happy, but you allowed it, and two drops of Itachi’s blood fell into the cauldron. It immediately started bubbling.
“What’s supposed to happen?”
“Well, it will turn one of two colours.” Itachi leaned over the cauldron and watched intently. “Gold or black.” As he spoke the potion turned to a brilliant gold and Itachi beamed.
“What does gold mean?” you asked, wishing he would just explain what this potion was already.
“Gold means that the person who donated the blood is pregnant.”
“Right, okay, and what does black mea— Hang on, what did you say?”
“I’m pregnant,” he clarified, watching your reaction.
You swallowed heavily, “What?”
Itachi giggled, “I’m not going to say it again.”
“Holy shit.” Your brain blue screened for a moment, before it rebooted, and the phrase properly sank into your brain.
Itachi was pregnant. Pregnant. As in, there would shortly be a baby, your baby, and his baby.
“I love you,” you blurted out, wide eyed. “We are going to need so much baby stuff.”
Itachi laughed, tearing up. “We’ll figure it out.”
“You can do it, Daiki! Come on baby, walk to appa!” You were crouched on the floor, arms open and ready.
Daiki gave a little pup whine, but still tried, toddling over on unstable steps. He managed to get three good steps in before he fell into your arms.  You caught him easily.
“Whoo! Look at that! You’re such a clever pup, isn’t that right?” You lifted up your baby and blew a raspberry on his stomach, dissolving him into giggles. Daiki did some proud wiggles as you put him back down, glancing over at Itachi for positive attention as well.
Itachi smiled, eyes glazed with sickness, from his position laying on the sofa. “Good job, baby.”
Daiki squealed, grinning and shoving a fist into his mouth.
Itachi was watching you both, even though he was unwell. This was the first time that he was properly ill since Daiki was born, and he was nervous about it. You had quickly learnt that Itachi had very low expectations of your parenting abilities. You tried your best not to take it personally, understanding that alpha parents in his family weren’t normally the most hands on, but it did sting sometimes. You were doing your best to prove him wrong.
Was it easy for you to do all the cooking, cleaning, childcare, and caring for Itachi at the same time? No.
But was it something you were happy to do while your partner recovered? Of course.
Speaking of caring for Itachi, you probably needed to resoak the flannel on his forehead. You shuffled over, keeping an eye on Daiki, and gently lifted the cloth. Like you’d expected, it felt warm to the touch.
You resoaked the flannel in the bowl of ice water and wringed it out before gently wiping down Itachi’s face.
“How are you feeling?” you asked softly, dabbing around his neck.
“I’m okay.” Itachi sighed and sent you a weak smile. “How are you—”
“Oma! Oma!” Daiki had crawled over to you both and grabbed a fistful of Itachi’s top to pull himself into a standing position. “Oma!”
“Careful, darling.” You unwrapped Daiki’s hands from Itachi’s top and supported him up yourself. He seemed to realise that something was wrong, because he blinked at you and Itachi, and curled in on himself unsurely.
“Oma?” he asked, bottom lip wobbling.
“Oma is poorly, but he’s okay,” you said softly, smoothing down Daiki’s hair. He looked unsure, but he eventually nodded and patted Itachi gently on the arm. Itachi took his hand and covered it in kisses, and Daiki finally relaxed.
Suddenly, from the kitchen, you heard the sound of dinner boiling over.
“Oh! Come on Daiki, we have to go and save dinner!” You stood up, picking up your pup as you did.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do something?” Itachi asked, sitting up slightly.
“Rest.” You stared him into submission, and Itachi reluctantly laid back down. “I can handle everything, trust me.”
Itachi still wasn’t comfortable relinquishing control, but you’d get there. For now, you had a sick omega and a needy pup to tend to.
You pottered around the kitchen, putting away the washing up, while Sasuke diligently took notes on spellcrafting at the kitchen table. You were used to him being around by this point, as he had moved in five months ago to take a magical apprenticeship under Itachi. As you understood it, his parents had encouraged him to stay in their village for his apprenticeship, but Sasuke had insisted that Itachi teach him.
Thankfully he had mellowed out a lot, and now when he threatened to cut off your dick, he was only joking.
At least you hoped he was joking.
Itachi was out today manning the stall in town, which meant you were holding down the fort and looking after Daiki.
The pup in question was currently playing in the garden with Sasuke’s cat, who was just as prickly as him, but had a soft spot for Daiki. At four years old, you were okay to let him play alone as long as he didn’t leave the fenced in section, and you could see him from the kitchen window.
Sasuke sighed, putting down his pen to rub at his temples.
“Having trouble with the spellcraft?”
“No.” He gave you no other information, so you decided to pour him a glass of orange juice as a peace offering and sit down with him. Clearly something was weighing on the teenager.
“Is something wrong, Sasuke?”
“No.” It was a predictable Sasuke response that you didn’t buy for even a second.
You knew that he’d need a bit more prying. “Are you sure?”
Sasuke hesitated. You remained entirely silent as he battled with himself, knowing that any amount of encouragement would only cause him to clam up. Eventually, he spoke, his words coming out slowly. “My father sent me a message.”
“I see.”
“He wants me to come back home, now. He said he’s found me another teacher.”
You nodded, and carefully kept judgement out of your words. “And how does that make you feel?” Sasuke shrugged, playing with the pencil. “You know that you’re always, always welcome here, Sasuke, never doubt that. Even if you decide to stop studying under Itachi, you can always stay here or visit as often as you want.”
Sasuke’s shoulders relaxed and you knew you’d hit the nail on the head. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to tell your father that you’re extending your apprenticeship here?” Sasuke nodded, looked relieved. You gave him an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder, and he relaxed even further.
“Thanks,” he muttered, sipping his orange juice.
“Of course; you’re family.”
Outside, the chickens started squawking, which was your cue to go and grab Daiki, so you left Sasuke at the table and went out into the garden. “Daiki, what did I say about messing with the chickens?”
But it wasn’t Daiki, it was Itachi getting home that had set them all off. He was carrying multiple bags on his shoulders, and he looked incredibly winded. You ran over to grab the bags.
“Are you okay? Come on in.” Itachi panted and followed you inside. He looked completely exhausted; even Sasuke jumped up to help when he saw the state that his brother was in.
“What happened?” Sasuke demanded.
“Nothing, nothing, I’m just winded from the walk.”
“Bullshit!” Sasuke swore, putting a hand on his brother’s forehead. “You shouldn’t be this tired from a thirty-minute walk.”
“Sasuke, don’t swear,” Itachi reprimanded. “I’m just tired, nothing more.”
You raised an eyebrow, grabbing him a glass of water, but making sure he knew that you didn’t believe him. Itachi took the glass gratefully and downed the whole thing.
When it became clear that neither you nor Sasuke would be letting the issue go, Itachi sagged down in his chair.
“It’s nothing, really,” he insisted. “I think—Well, I’m pretty sure I’m tired because—”
“Because I’m pregnant,” he blurted out, looking to you bashfully. “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you soon, I just hadn’t decided how yet.”
“Wha—Really? That’s amazing!” All your previous suspicions were forgotten, and you hugged Itachi tightly, feeling giddy at the amazing news.
Sasuke sent you a suspicious glare, but he had long since made peace with the fact that you and Itachi were having sex as long as he was able to live in denial about it.
You laughed gleefully and covered Itachi’s face with kisses as he giggled. “I guess it’s only me on market duty for the next year then, huh?”
You filled up his glass again. Now that you knew he was pregnant, your instincts were going to remain in ‘overly doting’ mode for the foreseeable future.
“Actually, I was thinking…” Sasuke awkwardly trailed off, scuffing his feet on the ground. “Maybe I could take over some stuff with the market stall. We could open it more days a week then, and you could spend more time on parent duty or whatever. I mean, I still need to study, but I have some free time, and it would bring in some more money.”
You grinned, ruffling Sasuke’s hair. His sheepish expression melted into a petulant pout. “That’s an amazing idea! Seeing as you’re going to be around for at least another six months, it makes a lot of sense! I’ll take you with me a few times until you’re confident doing it alone, okay?”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s not hard.”
Itachi, pregnant and probably incredibly hormonal, burst into tears at the idea that Sasuke living with you would be a more permanent thing.
Sasuke, completely allergic to feelings, promptly fled the room with the excuse that he had to practice a potion, leaving you to delicately wipe Itachi’s tears away.
“I’m happy,” Itachi sobbed into your neck. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too, baby, me too.”
You were incredibly lucky to be able to say that and deeply and truly mean it.
James watched as the human alpha built a home with their children, their mate, their mate’s brother, their mate’s brother’s cat, and seven… turkeys? Something like that, James couldn’t quite remember the word for those tiny creatures.
The human was happy, and bizarrely, that made James feel happy too. The weird burning in her chest subsided, and she was able to close ‘Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My!’, knowing that her human made the right choice.
It was with a light heart that James left the library to guide more humans, knowing that her human alpha was happy.
If you asked her, the human alpha had more than earnt a happy second life.
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yourlocalsmutwriter · 2 months ago
Aussie remedy - Manager! Daniel Ricciardo x reader
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cw: descriptions of having a cold/being sick and going to work (don't do this, folks), tasty power imbalance, oral (m receiving), temp play (ice), slight degradation and mean!daniel, coercion if you squint, horny trumps professionalism, spoiler tag that rhymes with ****** ******
Daniel pocketed his uniform pants for his lighter and came up empty-handed. He let out a groan when he couldn't find the precious object. That meant he had to go back to the crew changing room and find it in his jacket. This whole exercise ate a minute from his precious 5. Maybe smoking cigarettes was a disgusting habit he should quit. But managing so many hotheaded people every day was getting a little bit too much for the 35 year old. And even though lately, he's been using some unorthodox methods of stress relief, good old nicotine was still a need.
He didn't expect to be stalled again, but he heard the others through the open back door. They were talking about you. Hearing them speak your name did something to him. Because it had practically become his, with the amount of times he'd whisper it, moan it, grunt it. But to see it followed by "isn't she so incompetent today" and "she looks fucking spaced out". Apparently someone even overheard you saying that you were feeling sick after the holidays. Daniel wonders why you would even show up. He has to hide in the trash room to avoid the gossiping smokers. Having to speed through his cigarette, his fingers still reek of nicotine as he holds his clipboard. He looks at it. At you. You've been at your shift for a couple of hours already, while he's only been around you for 15 minutes. You seemed fine. But as he looks at you from across the shitty fast food restaurant, he notices that you are slower. You're forgetting sauces or mispacking orders, forcing customers to have to circle the drive-through. The response time is in the dumps and you're fucking coughing. He can see you sneeze trying to blame it on dust. He is fucking livid. It all tips over when he sees you slink off to the drink station and drop a tablet into a sprite filled crew cup.
What the fuck were you doing? Were you serious going to take meds with a fucking soda on the job? That was it. He moves past you and asks you to come and check something about your mandatory lunch break times. You agree immediately, nodding. But that's not enough for Daniel.
"Can I get a verbal confirmation?" He says, testing you, teasing you, using his bedroom voice.
"Yes." You say finally, but your voice is rough and scratchy. He can hear you're sick. He gets even more pissed. Especially when you take your FDA disapproved drink and follow him. He locks the door behind you, and you're already scrambling to undress on the couch that's cramped in the corner.
"That's not why I called you in, Jesus. Are you ill? No, let me be clearer. Are you showing up sick to work, creating a health hazard for not only your colleagues but also the customers?" Daniel says, full manager mode. He half-listens to your spiel about how you already had time off for both Christmas Eve and the day after. Not that he didn't know, you two spent the holidays in "couples" mode, going on cute little winter dates, sharing hot cocoa and the like. But for the actual end of the night, he left you to "party" with your friends like it was traditional for you. What you failed to mention is that you cramped too many girls into your single small room. And as the host, with only one bed, you took the floor. Danny had an opening shift on the 25th, so presents and the rest were left for New Years. Which you only managed to get off thanks to a shift swap. Daniel remembered signing off on that, happily allocating you to a time slot close to his. That's why it's weird for him to tell you.
"Go home."
"No." You reply.
"I'm sorry, no?" He wonders. Since when did you wear the white button-down in the relationship?
"I work closing. Judging by the fact that Carlos came in before you, I'm guessing you do too. I wanna help you out. It's just a stuffy nose." You say, reaching out for your apron pocket. You mock press the nasal spray lightly.
"Put it on, then. Let's see it fix you." He says, eyes dark.
You roll your eyes slightly. You've never seen Danny pissed off at you. Yeah, he'd been a little mean when you'd mess up a few ice creams in a row or stall a customer. But that was just a front to dispel any "special treatment" rumors. Still, you take a funky position on the couch, tipping your head off it. Gotta tilt the spray in properly. You sniff and cough a little, opting to breathe from your mouth. Daniel just watches you, and feels complicated. He's sorry for you, and that you're suffering. He's pissed that you put yourself in that situation in the first place. His doll, too fucking nice to tell other people that they can take the floor since the gathering is in your fucking house. Livid that you hid this from him and that you're still not understanding that it's a big deal. Oh, he could teach you. Watching you like this reminds him of an article he thumbed through once in men's health or something. An upside down blowjob was supposed to feel very intense. That was one way to ensure you're breathing through your nose.
"You ever seen the old Spiderman movies, darling?" He asks as he bends down to kiss you. It takes getting used to. It's a bit clumsy, but you're on him, hot and needy. He remembers the last time he had a partner before you and how they were like a cat in heat when they were sick. Danny keeps kissing you, and smirks at your needy, yet nasal whine. Your breathing sounds a bit clearer, albeit the occasional interruption by a cough.
"Wanna try an Aussie cure? A big thick lozenge to remind you to listen." He suggests, palming his election. Daniel knows that even a little kissing has gotten you horny. He knows that his white uniform shirts and presses pants do it for you. The name tag too. Once you jokingly pinned it to your underwear, claiming that you'd wear it like that. You were lucky you did this on a day off, because he let you cum only at the phrase "My pussy belongs to my manager, Daniel Ricciardo." moaned out louder each time. So he's not surprised when you beg for his cock, asking him to "warm your throat.". He slides unbuttons his pants and slides them to his knees, along with his boxers. He doesn't let you start off with kitten licks, or kisses to his tip. No, he buries himself to the hilt, til your bottom lip is in his happy trail and your nose is right against his scrotum. Fuck it, men's health was right. You attempt to take him, to move, to suck, to hollow your cheeks, something. But no avail. Danny controls the pace, his thick hips thrusting in and out. Until you gag. He slides out and it's messy. Your saliva drips out, landing straight on your forehead and rolling down.
"Look who can't breathe through their nose properly. Say sorry to the customers and we can try again." You echo the sentence and he's gentler this time. More careful, but faster, and when his fingers trace your neck, you gag again. This time it's worse, more coughing and almost sputtering. He has you apologize to the crew and for the third time slides his throat past your lips. This time it's the last bit of minty nasal spray hitting you. You gag again. After a "I'm sorry, manager Daniel, sir.", it's fine. You can breathe properly and finally get the hang of it. You hollow your cheeks and fucking moan at the relief of breathing properly again. You try to angle your tongue so it can brush against your boyfriend's tip and it works. After a few more thrusts, Danny's coming down your throat, instructing you to swallow it all. You do. You use the back of your apron to wipe any drool or snot from your face. You're ready to return to the floor when he stops you.
"Now, where are you going, darling. You look absolutely flushed. No way you're going out this red. Let's cool you down." He says. In about 20 seconds he's out the door and back again. You look at his hand and see it holding ice in a plastic blue glove. The machine for it was right across, you reason. Daniel makes you strip naked, not wanting to make your uniform "messy". He rubs the ice cube against your nipples, listening to you plead and moan that it's cold.
"I bet it is, but you have to learn, doll. This is your punishment for not staying home. Bad girls have to deal with this if they wanna stay until closing. Which you do, don't you?". He asks. With almost a sob, yes, you let the freezing object burn against your hot skin. Danny slides it from one breast to another, tongue replacing it . His beard against your sensitive nipples makes you trash around and swear. Your manager's hand slides down your soaked underwear, and he slides it to the side. The icecube leaves your chest and is pressed against your entrance.
"Will you let me do this, doll? Let me make you feel nice and cool inside? Let boss Danny become doctor Danny, yeah. Let me show my sick girl what's good for her?" He asks, letting you back out. You both know that one word (chili sauce, for those curious), and you're done. But you don't say that. You want this, albeit in your slightly delusional state. You want to cum at work, to leave your mark on the leather couch, to have Daniel take you there using the same stern voice as he does when you need to refill the shake machine. When you say the titular, "Yes, please." , he holds you open and slides the ice cube in. The best things about these frozen things from the machine? They don't melt, like the ones in ordinary households. The cold is shocking, and Danny shushes you as you squirm around. His two fingers on your clit certainly make it better. He wastes no time, seeing how wet you are.
"All soaked for me, aren't you. Waiting on me to ruin you. Bet you wanted to get on my nerves tonight to make everything harder on your old man, Daniel. I know why you wanted to be on closing shift, so I could take you home and fuck you. Give you some vitamin D for your cold." He teases, rubbing, listening to the wet, squelching noise. Almost like ocean waves on his favorite beach in Australia. He starts to daydream of taking you there and the other way of taking you there when there's a pounding at the door.
"Daniel, there's a customer asking for allergy information and we need a manager." Your colleague says through the door.
"Just ask Liam, he's next in line for the promotion anyway. I don't care that he's just a crew trainer." Danny says, looking at you. You're close, he knows your tells. Your eyes closing, your legs that he has to keep spread, your bottom lip between your teeth.
"He went on lunch and refuses to clock back in." They reply.
"Shit, okay, just give me a sec to save this document.". In record time Daniel redresses you, sans bra and panties though. He makes sure your apron is around your neck and not your waist and helps you stand up. You can feel the icecube inside of you are about to plead for him to not do this. But there's no use. You deserve this. You played stupid games and now it's time to collect your stupid prizes. You just hope you can sneak out and take a five minute break when Danny lets you. You didn't wanna end up even more sick, after all.
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holidaywishes · 8 days ago
Try Me
Hate Sex Part 6
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: Begging for a continuation of the hate sex series 😳 perhaps after the Halloween party Auston starts acting more self destructive (getting into fights etc) and she gets word of it? He ends up in the hospital with an injury and she goes to him? When they talk, he confronts her about sabotaging their actual date and she's kinda stunned at the things she didn't realize she was doing to avoid falling for him? Maybe they have sex with his hand in a cast, maybe not, but either way she agrees to try?🥺
  Warning: smut, angst, violence, maybe mention of blood?
  Author's Note: Alright my loves, here's part 6 to Hate Sex. The continuation of the last chapter.. sort of. I'm sorry it's soooo long and that it's taken me so long to post it. I had to go back and read the previous chapters to see how things ended up and a lot of stuff has been going on in the last little while since I wrote the last chapter. I think everyone is falling for these two/waiting for them to get together so I'll do my best to get us there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
  P.S. I had intended for this to feel like it was happening in the present, so when I started writing the last chapter it all would’ve happened in early 2024 and ended around the time that Auston was injured. The start of this chapter would have then been the few weeks he was off just before Christmas. All that being said, I understand that it is no longer Christmas 😂 which means that this isn’t fully happening in the present but hopefully, if I write another chapter, I’ll be able to get the timeline to match properly. But that’s a next-time-problem. 
  masterlist part ii
  the other masterlist
Auston’s P.O.V
  Each day you couldn’t play was a day you felt like you were going crazy. You’d spent more of your time as Captain on the injured list than on the ice and you weren’t ready for everyone to say you weren’t ready. You were trying to be patient, trying to take care of yourself, so you could be the best for your team but sometimes it was hard to know what that meant.
  That’s when you saw it.
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@marybrightly: Never a dull moment when the Christmas lights are up and I’m with @(Y/I/H)
  Seeing (Y/N)’s smile come up on your Instagram feed, even if it wasn’t on her account, brought back every feeling you’d tried to bury over the last year. You were happy to see her so happy but angry that she was living her life just fine after she pushed you aside. Or maybe you were just jealous that you couldn’t be the one to make her smile, especially at her favourite time of year. You liked the picture but quickly scrolled past so you didn’t go down that rabbit hole but seeing her made you even more eager to get back on the ice, so you could feel normal again. 
  Going out to lunch with Tessa and Mo was supposed to calm you down. They both knew how you were feeling, so they weren’t gonna harp on when you were gonna get better, and they also knew how complicated your feelings for (Y/N) were, so they weren’t gonna get into that. The only problem was… they were a happy, healthy couple. It came so naturally to them that you wondered why it had never happened to you. 
  “What are you thinking about?” Tessa asked
  “Christmas” you replied
  “Christmas?” Tessa and Mo said in doubt
  “Yeah,” you continued, “it’s coming up quickly”
  “Yeah, couple weeks…” Mo scoffed, trailing his words slightly
  “Right” was all you could say
  “Oh my god,” Tessa laughed, “either reach out to her or forget her!” Mo just about spit out his drink at Tessa’s statement, laughing as he watched your face shift into defensive mode
  “What?” you exclaimed
  “You know exactly who and what I’m talking about. It’s (Y/N)’s favourite holiday, you’re thinking about her. That’s fine,” Tessa said gently, “it’s normal. But you’re sulking”
  “I’m not sulking about her” you said
  “So you’re sulking about not getting to play?” Mo added and you shrugged
  “You’re sulking either way” Tessa said
  “It’s not like I want to sulk,” you replied, dropping your face to your hands, “it’s just.. if I was playing, I’d have my focus on something other than her. If I had her, and I wasn’t playing, at least… at least I’d have her”
  “That’s so cute” Tessa cooed
  “So cute,” you said, rolling your eyes, “I just wish I’d have some clarity or some closure from her…”
  “So ask her!” she said
  “She’s avoiding me!” you replied with as much exaggeration as Tessa
  “Let’s be clear, you’re avoiding each other” Mo chimed in
  “The point is,” you continued, “how am I supposed to ask her anything when she doesn’t want to see me? When she’s trying to avoid me?”
  “There’s always a chance you’ll run into her” Mo said
  “I really don’t think so” you scoffed
  “It’s Christmas,” he said, “anything is possible.”
  When your dad called, saying he wanted to visit you, the last thing you expected was for him to show up at your doorstep 10 minutes later.
  “Dad!” you exclaimed, trying to veil your confusion with excitement, “what are you doing here?”
  “I told you I wanted to see you,” he laughed, “I don’t know if we’ll be in the same place for Christmas so… here I am”
  “Here you are,” you scoffed lightly before going in for a hug, “come in!” It was nice to see him. You didn’t get to spend a lot of time with your dad since you moved out of your hometown, so whenever one of you found an excuse, you always tried to make the most out of your time together; even if he sometimes did take you by surprise. “So what do you want to do today?”
  “Well…” he started, fidgeting with his fingers as you sat beside him at the kitchen table, “isn’t there a hockey game tonight?” 
  “Uhmm,” you hesitated, not wanting to answer questions he didn’t even know to ask, “yeah,” you finally said, “but we don’t have tickets”
  “Maybe Mo has extras?” he said, shrugging his shoulders. To appease your dad, you texted Mo to see what he could do, not holding your breath, but Mo got back to you suspiciously fast and said he’d put two tickets aside for you and your dad. 
  “You’re lucky,” you smirked, “he said he’d put 2 at the will call desk.” He jokingly squealed in excitement and said that he was going to have a nap until it was time to leave. When you remembered that Auston was injured, you took a sigh of relief knowing that you wouldn’t have to see each other; you couldn’t help but be nervous that he would see you, somehow, someway, and he would spiral again. Your dad woke up spritely a few hours later and was already in his jersey, ready to go when he came into the living room. 
  “Well, look at you,” you teased, “did you sleep in that?”
  “No,” he laughed, “I just didn’t wanna waste any time so, as soon as I woke up, I got dressed.” You forgot how adorable he was when he was going to a game ‘in person’ as he loved to say, and you were happy to be able to give this to him - like an early Christmas gift. At the end of the game, you and your dad made your way through the crowd to the parking lot when all of a sudden you noticed you’d lost track of your dad.
  “Dad!” you called when you finally saw him staring up at a big screen, “dad, what are you doing?”
  “Just watching the highlights” he admitted
  “Dad,” you scoffed, “we were at the game… you don’t need highlights. What we need is to get to the car before it’s easier to walk across the city than drive.” He shrugged before wrapping his arm around your shoulder, your face brightening with a smile, your attention only going elsewhere when you heard a small noise echo and you noticed Auston creeping behind a pillar. Suddenly, your mind raced with thoughts of him.
Auston’s P.O.V
  You saw (Y/N) laughing with her dad in the arena as the stands cleared out against Chicago. It took you by surprise, just seeing her there, and you followed them, watching them move through the crowd before (Y/N) lost her dad as he stopped for a moment, staring up at a TV near one of the concessions. You continued to follow as the two of them reunited, watching her smile grow wide as she chuckled at her dad’s short attention span. (Y/N) had a way of always drawing you in and this was no different. You couldn’t stop yourself from following them further, eventually hiding behind a post to stop (Y/N) from spotting you; but a button on your jacket pinged off the tin of the garbage can and she looked back, face falling slightly when she finally caught you. 
  “I uh..” you said as you walked toward her, knowing you couldn’t hide anymore, “I didn’t think… I didn’t think you’d be here”
  “Yeah,” she replied, “my dad is in town for a bit and he really wanted to go to a game while he’s here” 
  “I hope you had a good time sir” you said, noticing (Y/N) furrow her brow, as if to say ‘what are you doing?’
  “I did!” her dad exclaimed, “great seats, a win to add to the books, great time. And to top it all off, I get to spend time with my beautiful daughter.” Your eyes wandered to (Y/N) who was, at least in your eyes, trying to plan an escape
  “I didn’t realize you’d come out this way… with all the crowds, you know?” she added and it was the first time you realized you probably had been pushing fans aside as you tried to follow (Y/N) through the building. “We really have to go,” she finally said when you didn’t respond, grabbing her dad’s attention by nodding toward the exit. You cleared your throat before saying goodbye and the small hint of sadness that you had when you first saw her was replaced by a sudden urge to punch someone in the face. You knew the feelings you had for her weren’t going anywhere and her inability to admit she had the same feelings for you pissed you off but, yet again, you tried to push it all aside and move on with your life. 
  She was still on your mind, even after two weeks, and it was starting to mess with your game when you finally came back to the team. You were able to control it most nights, focus on what was in front of you, but tonight, you weren’t paying attention and you paid the price.. twice. One hit and then another and you felt a ping in your shoulder. You tried taking it easy the rest of the game, being cautious, but you didn’t want to give the media anything to talk about, so you didn’t back down. By the time you talked to the press, you knew you’d have to take another few games to heal, you knew that’s what they’d say and you knew it was probably for the best. The frustration and anger it left you with though, lead to your fist flying into the wall and shattering your hand. 
  Someone had told you that Auston punched a wall and you thought they were being dramatic. Why would he punch a wall? you thought to yourself, that’s so stupid. But you couldn’t deny it when it was right in front of you 
  “What the hell are you doing?!” you yelled at Auston as he stood outside your door, the sight of his cast making you scoff in frustration, “what do you want?”
  “Every time I tell you what I want, you shut me out,” he countered, pushing his way inside, “I want you but you won’t admit that you want me too”
  “So you just go and get yourself beaten up?” you said harshly, practically slamming the door behind you
  “I mean..” he smirked, as if some kind of plan was working, “if you hadn’t said what you said… that I was too complicated for you, I wouldn’t have gotten into all this mess”
  “Are you fucking kidding me?” you cursed, “you’re such a fucking child”
  “And you’re a mess!” he shouted
  “Oh I’m a mess?” you scoffed, pointing at yourself as you followed him to the couch, “you’re the one with a broken fucking hand but I’m a mess?”
  “Yeah,” he said simply, “you think you know what you want but you’re just using me until you fully figure it out”
  “That’s not true at all!”
  “Oh really?”
  “Yes, really,” you mocked his mocking tone
  “But you fucked around with me because it was… fun?”
  “Just hold on a second,” you finally said, trying to get your bearings, “you think you know what you want? You think you’re ready for what you think you want?”
  “What is it you think I want?” he asked, moving slowly toward you
  “I think you think you want a relationship,” you replied, “but you’ve been wasting your time with girls for so long that I don’t think you know what it’s even like to date anymore. I mean, take our ‘date’ for example.” Your use of finger quotes set him off in a way you didn’t expect
  “Jesus fucking Christ” he scoffed, head falling back and he rubbed his hands over his face, “why are we STILL doing this?”
  “I have no idea, Auston,” you replied, “maybe it’s because you’re STILL acting like a manipulative, childish –”
  “Me?” he interrupted, “you’re the one who sabotages everything?”
  “What are you talking about?!”
  “Every single time we.. do anything, you run away,” he shouted and your eyebrows crinkled together, head shaking as you listened to him, “the first time we had sex, ‘it was just one time’ you said. The next, ‘it can’t happen again,’ after that ‘I don’t want to feel anything for you,’ and then…” he hesitated for a moment, composing himself before clearing his throat, “‘I want uncomplicated and that’s not you’”
  “I–” you tried to say something but he kept going, 
  “And the date, the FUCKING date,” he scoffed, gesturing wildly, “I don’t think you even tried to try. You went in thinking it was going to be awful so it was awful. You have this idea in your mind that I’m a certain way and you’re doing everything in your power to make it true”
  “You can’t say that it’s not true,” you challenged, “you have no idea what goes on inside my head. You have no idea what I think or don’t think”
  “AND WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THAT?!” he yelled, veins popping out of his neck in exasperation
  “YOURS!” you yelled back and his eyes went wide in disbelief. You couldn’t lie, you didn’t expect to say it, but the words were out there now and you couldn’t take them back; you had to recalibrate. You brought your hands to your face before shaking your head, “you make it so incredibly difficult to feel… normal. Everything that’s normal to me, is basic to you and everything that’s basic to you is overdone, like you’re overcompensating for something. You can’t get to know me because I can’t get to know you”
  “That’s fucking bullshit and you know it” he returned, “I’ve always been honest with you. About how I feel, I’ve never tried to be something I’m not…”
  “Then why don’t I know anything about you?” you asked plainly, “why don’t you know anything about me?” You waited for him to come up with some slimy remark like ‘we know each other biblically’ or ‘I know the way your body reacts to mine’ but he was pretty silent, though his eyes wanted to say something. “I’ll tell you why,” you finally said, “because we fight, we fuck and we go our separate ways,” the words you said nearly a year ago clicking in your mind and you couldn’t help but repeat them. “Neither of us try to ask about the basic things. What’s your favourite colour? What movie can you watch a million times and never get tired of? Do you love your parents? Have you ever been in love? What’s your middle name?” you continued, “Nothing. Because we’re not here to get to know each other. You think you love me? You want me to fall in love with you? Then tell me who the fuck you are! Don’t have a year long breakdown and get into fights or almost get arrested. I can’t do it. I’m too fucking tired to keep doing it.” You sighed after your last statement, finally walking away when Auston reached out to grab your arm
  “Admit it,” he said softly before he caught up to you, “admit that you sabotaged the date”
  “Why?” you asked
  “Maybe you’ll finally believe it”
  “Auston…” you sighed, pulling your arm away slowly and looking at his broken hand. “Look at yourself,” you gestured, “this isn’t all on me. You want me to admit that I sabotaged the date, fine. Maybe I was scared that you’d change my mind or that I’d fall too quickly,” you admitted, “but you were there every time I said things couldn’t go further and you decided not to take it seriously. Now all the fighting? The broken hands and the almost-charges of public indecency? That’s not on me, that’s on your ego”
  “I wanted you and you sabotaged it,” he repeated, “I am in love with you and I don’t know how to stop myself”
  “I don’t know how all of this hasn’t been a sign to you that we’re not supposed to be together…” you said as he moved closer to you, wanting to be as close to you as possible, and you didn’t realize how much you craved his breath on your skin after all this time – like a question you’d been asking yourself for the last year and he was the answer. 
  “If you don’t love me, tell me and I’ll leave,” he said and you shook your head
  “We’ve done all this before,” you sighed, “had this conversation…”
  “Then it shouldn’t be hard to repeat” you met his eyes and the entirety of your time with him flashed through your mind. You thought about how scared you were the first time he gave you butterflies, how you pushed down your desire for him time after time, how you wished that this hadn’t started the way it did, that you could’ve done things properly, how you wished you would’ve stopped it after the first time to stop it from getting this far. You wouldn’t have had to sabotage anything if there was nothing to sabotage but you couldn’t stop yourself; whenever he was around, all you could feel was him, all you could see was him and all your common sense disappeared. It took all your strength to move away but when you finally did, you felt Auston’s chest against your back and your breath hitched in your throat in that all too familiar way and you leaned back into him ‘damn it,’ you thought to yourself, “Auston…” He moved his lips to your neck, kissing up the nape first before travelling to your jaw and you lobbed your head to the side with your eyes closed. It wasn’t long before his hands found themselves on your hips and yours traced down his arms until they reached his, your eyes opening when you felt his cast under your fingertips. 
  “It doesn’t hurt” he whispered as your fingers moved to his exposed skin before pulling his hand to your lips, wanting to fix his pain even if he said he wasn’t in any
  “You need to stop,” you whispered in return, kissing each digit of his hand as you spoke, “settle down, relax, calm down.” He chuckled, gripping your hip with his other hand and kissing the crown of your head gently; these were the moments that surprised you. How quickly he could go from being so intense to so tender
  “If that’s what you need,” he smirked as you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, “I’ll be so zen you won’t even know what to do with me.” You giggled at his statement, knowing he probably couldn’t get more zen than his usual personality but the thought was cute. You hesitantly pushed yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss him, starting out gently before it turned heavy and he fell onto the couch, pulling you onto his lap, kiss not being broken even as you straddled him. Your hands clutched the sides of his neck as the kiss intensified and his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer to his chest. Your hands moved to the nape of his neck, fingers curling in his hair as your breathing slowed and your heart raced just as your mind did the same before you finally decided it was best to talk this out first
  “Wait,” you said between heavy breaths, eyes opening slowly, “maybe we should talk… I don’t know if– I think we’re just falling into the same patterns if we do this”
  “What do you wanna talk about?” Auston said quietly, trying to distract you by kissing your shoulders, “how the date went? I think we did that already. Should we talk about why we fall back into the same patterns?” You locked eyes, hands on his shoulders, playing with the seam of his shirt as you tried to come up with any string of words that wasn’t too wishy-washy
  “We probably should,” you admitted, “but I don’t know where to start…”
  “I can,” he smiled, clearly having had thought of what he might say if this moment ever came, “if that’s okay?”
  “Of course it’s okay,” you scoffed playfully
  “Okay,” he inhaled, in a playful way, and kept his hands lightly on your thighs, “on my end, I think we fall back into this, into each other, because we’re comfortable with each other. That first time was surprising and unexpected but that’s what made it so… like made me want to come back time after time. Also,” he added, emphasizing the word as if his statement was going to be one he thought you’d challenge, “I always thought you were amazing. I know you thought I thought it was all a game but I wasn’t chasing you. I wasn’t playing hard to get either but I always thought you were beautiful and sexy,” he grinned, the two of you laughing playfully before he continued, “you’re smart and you’re driven and all of that had me hooked. Did I think we’d ever have sex on your dining room table after an argument? No but I’m glad we did. After that, I couldn’t get you off my mind so when it happened again in Vegas, I thought it was the start of something - maybe that’s crazy to you…” 
  “No, okay, but see,” you said, in a hyper kind of way as you finally moved off his lap, perching on your knees as you continued your thought, “you never said any of this to me. You never made it known that you had any… positive feelings for me before we had sex. There was no way for me to know that you thought I was beautiful or amazing or whatever because you always acted just as annoyed as I was when we were around each other, so.. yeah, it all felt like a game because I had no reason to think otherwise.” Auston jokingly patted his lap and you scoffed in return before shaking your head
  “I guess I didn’t know how to say anything because I knew that you weren’t a huge fan of mine,” he admitted, “and I guess I didn’t want to embarrass myself. So I tried to play off you, so when you were annoyed, I was annoyed. When you were mad, I was mad”
  “Uh huh…” you replied, confused
  “Look,” he smirked, placing his hand on your knee, “maybe it wasn’t the best plan but it was all I had at the time. Then things just started to happen and my feelings got the best of me.” You were happy to have a little bit of clarity, it made you appreciate how confusing things might have been for him when you kept running away only for you to be the one to break every time the two of you were pulled back together. It took a minute for you to do anything, trying to be careful not to cause any more confusion, and when you finally did begin to trace your finger across his tattoos, you couldn’t help but smile
  “I’m nervous,” you whispered, avoiding his stare by keeping your eyes down, “relationships have never been my strong suit. Sex was easier, less chance of hurt feelings, but I don’t know,” you admitted, finally looking up at Auston, “I don’t know when it happened but at some point it wasn’t just sex and that scares me…”
  “You don’t think it scares me?” he asked, and your eyes darted back and forth between his as he spoke, “I didn’t expect any of this and it scares me that I’ll be embarrassed or that I’ll hurt you - or that you’ll hurt me. I’m not really used to being vulnerable.” You smirked at his confession, understanding now that both of you were in the same place, and straddled his lap once more; kissing his neck as you did so
  “I liked when you were vulnerable” you said, whispering into his ear as you kissed the sensitive skin there
  “But you never wanted anything from me,” he questioned, “it always seemed like it was just a string of one night stands”
  “I know,” you sighed, still kissing around his neck and collarbone, “but that’s only because it felt like the softness, the vulnerability, was a lie.” Your words caused Auston to stop your kisses, making your eyes meet his to explain what you meant, “you’d start off all cocky, like you’d won a game because I was in the room with you, because I was in the bed, or the bathroom, with you,” you admitted, wrapping your arms around his neck as you carefully crafted your words, “then we’d fuck and you’d be gentle with me… until I put my clothes back on and it was like ‘until next time then?’ That’s why it always felt like a game. And look,” you huffed once, “I get it now. I see it from your side but you have to admit, you never said anything about how you felt until you realized I wasn’t going to say the same things. You’re not used to being vulnerable, I get that, but you were and I saw it and I appreciated it. But it was like you couldn’t sit in it for too long, you couldn’t let yourself just be vulnerable unless I was immediately vulnerable back”
  “Why was it so hard for you to be vulnerable then?” he questioned and your eyes went wide before returning to normal
  “Because I was protecting myself maybe,” you said, “the way we were going about things was always the same and if I couldn’t see you being vulnerable for more than five minutes then why should I?”
  “I was vulnerable in the bathroom”
  “Yes,” you smiled, laying a light kiss to his nose before pushing your body closer to his, “and so was I… but I knew that it was a bad idea”
  “So you sabotaged the date? That’s when all of that happened”
  “I made a choice, yes,” you scoffed, “because screwing it up was easier than getting hurt. If it never went anywhere, if nothing real ever started, then it wouldn’t have to end and no one would end up with a broken heart.” He finally looked at you with sensitive eyes, letting his guard down just enough for you to smile and lean in for a kiss
  “I’m not gonna break your heart” he smiled against your lips before parting them for a slow, passionate kiss
  “Okay, cowboy,” you joked, poking fun at his country-lyric response and melting deeper into the kiss with each breath you each took. Your hands trailed down his torso, slowly lifting his shirt up and pulling it over his head, catching sight of his cast one more time before crashing your lips onto his, “just do me a favour okay?” you smirked, as you tore off your shirt, feeling his hands cup your breasts over your bra, 
  “Sure,” he said happily, “anything”
  “Stop punching walls and getting into fights at bars”
  “I don’t usually do that” he replied, his hands pressing against the small of your back to bring you as close to him as possible,
  “I know,” you said, pecking kisses jokingly over his eyes and forehead before getting back to his lips, “but just keep the fighting to the ice.” He nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear and kissed you gently. Your hands roamed his bare skin slowly as the kiss deepened and your head felt like it was filled with stars; any decisions made now were done purely out of instinct. You ended the kiss, reluctantly, to stand up and take off your leggings, falling to your knees to pull Auston’s pants down and freeing him from his briefs, your hand teasing his shaft as you looked up at him. Auston smiled back at you as he moved the hair out of your face, holding it lightly in a ponytail and you finally took him in your mouth, your tongue guiding your path as you moved up and down his length. You could feel him pull your hair slightly, so you looked back up at him and noticed that his head had fallen back, leading you to smile to yourself and try to take as much of him in your mouth as possible.
  “Fuck” you heard him moan, his hand now gripping your hair tighter. You kept your movements steady, not moving any faster than you had been, wanting to keep him from bursting too quickly, “fuck, baby, fuck” he moaned again, his hand releasing from your hair and you put your hands on his knees to steady yourself. With your mouth still wrapped around his member, you looked up at him with wide eyes, watching as his hand fell onto his forehead in pleasure, leading you to finally increase your movements, your hands moving alongside your mouth until Auston’s thighs began to tense. You moved your mouth away just for a moment, to catch your breath, to salivate, to give your neck a tiny bit of rest, but your hands continued their motion
  “You almost there?” you asked with a smirk and he nodded, seemingly unable to speak and you took him in your mouth once more; his cum pouring into you shortly after. You giggled to yourself as you swallowed and Auston picked you up from the floor, kissing your hips as you stood in front of him, a chill rushing over your arms, causing you to shiver and goosebumps to cover your skin
  “Come here,” he said lightly, extending his hand to you to guide you onto his lap, “let me warm you up.” Your eyes locked onto his as you lowered yourself, straddling him once more and hands firmly gripping his shoulders when the intensity of the stare became too much. He moved his hands to your waist and the heat from his skin radiated right to your core
  “I want you,” you moaned, “I need you.” The words were barely out of your mouth before he started ravishing your neck. His hand snaked inside your underwear and his fingers began circling your clit, leading moans to escape your partially opened lips. The more you moaned, the more he pulled your body close to him and the stronger the sensation his fingers were giving you was. “Fuck,” your head fell back as your back arched into him, words beginning to come out as fractured syllables, “j-e-s-us chr-i-st.” You moved your hand down his body until you had him in your hand, moving your hips just enough to ease him gently into you
  “Fu-u-ck,” he moaned loudly, his fingers moving away from your clit to grab your hips, allowing you to bounce freely on his length. You couldn’t help it when your fingernails ripped into his skin, only noticing when a pinhole of blood appeared, and you smirked before apologizing. “It’s nothing,” he returned your smile as you continued to ride him, “it’ll heal.” The pleasure he’d already given you had put you close enough to the edge that you were already almost to your climax
  “Fuck,” you repeated, the moans echoing in your quiet apartment, “right there, fuck, yes, right there!” Auston seemed to slow down your movements, pushing your hips down until he was deep inside of you, guttural moans coming from him
  “Fuck, you feel good,” he said breathlessly, “where do you want me to cum?” You couldn’t focus on anything other than him inside of you and you started to bounce a little bit until he stopped you and asked the question again, “where?”
  “Don’t stop,” you moaned, “cum inside of me” and you were finally let loose, bounding up and down quickly until your climax hit you like a train and Auston’s followed with a quieter impact. You stayed there like that for a minute, with him inside you, as you waited for your heartbeat to come back down to normal
  “I want you,” he whispered before kissing your collarbone, “I want you to try”
  “What?” you giggled, barely taking in what he said as you lobbed your head to the side
  “Try me” he repeated, hands gripping your waist while his lips traced across your skin, taunting you with small kisses
  “Try you?” you finally shook yourself out of your trance to look at him, “what are you talking about?”
  “We can make this work,” he said, “I want us to make this work.” The look in his eyes was so sincere, it made you want to protect him - as if he couldn’t protect himself. Your thumb gently swiped back and forth on his jaw as your eyes never left his gaze, until you pressed your lips against his and your fingers twisted through his hair; his tugging on your hair being the only thing to force your eyes back to his, “(Y/N)...” he insisted, loosening his grip on your hair
  “I don’t want to get hurt,” you said honestly, your eyes dancing across his features and bouncing back and forth between his eyes, “and I don’t want to hurt you”
  “Then don’t,” he smiled, kissing your lips gently, “and I won’t hurt you.” It took you a minute but you started to picture it, what being with him might be like. It looked like a lot of ups and downs but it also looked like that thing you’d always wanted but kept missing
  “Okay…” you whispered
  “What?” he said, surprised
  “Okay,” you repeated, “I want to try, too.” His eyes went wide and a smile started to grow on his face, “BUT…” you interjected, “if you embarrass me or I’m made to look like a fool in anyway - if you cheat on me and everyone else knows but me, if you’re saying things about me to ‘fit in with the boys’ - I’m out. I don’t have energy to deal with any of that and I value my peace of mind to waste my time”
  “Understood,” he agreed, slowly parting your lips so his tongue could dance with yours, “I wouldn’t have it any other way…”
  “We have to go slow,” you said quietly in between kisses, “I might be a little scared…”
  “So am I,” he admitted, “so we’ll do it scared, together.” You nodded in agreement, entangling your fingers with his as a smile began to grow on your face and he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. For the first time in a long time, you felt a kind of calm that you hadn’t realized you’d needed until this moment and your mind began to wander. ‘How long would this last?’ you thought to yourself, ‘was this really a good idea?’ ‘would your fears become reality?’ Your face must have been shifting between your thoughts because Auston brought you back, “hey,” he smiled, “don’t shut me out of that mind of yours. We’re in this together”
  “Trust me,” you smiled shyly, “it’s a mess in here”
  “That’s okay,” he smirked, “I can help with that.”
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casual-tarot · 2 years ago
Pick a pile: details about the day you'll meet your soulmate
Note: This is all just for fun! Take everything said here with a grain of salt! And excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes, I haven't proofread this lol.
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Pile 1:
Birds keep popping up, I think you'll hear or see a LOT of birds that day, you might even see a nest of baby birds too.
Rainbows for some of you. It might be a day something good is happening at work, maybe a promotion or something?
I think it might be the opposite, getting written up or fired. Take what resonates, that's not a message for everyone.
I'm seeing a city? Maybe a walk in the city or going shopping.
For some I'm seeing a "bad" neighborhood lol.
I think it's likely going to be a sunny day.
I don't think you're going to realize it's a special day, you'll be too preoccupied with whatever else is going on that day that you won't be thinking about the potential for something like this to happen. It'll come as a surprise and you won't even realize the person you met is going to be special to you in any way.
I think this will be a day of growth for you, gaining experience and/or getting wiser.
I think on this day, you will either be very optimistic or need a lot of optimism, and I think this will effect how you will each meet your person. They might be drawn to your cheer or might give you a little pick me up.
Whatever is happening to you That day, good or bad, I think you're going to want to slow down and take a breath. Maybe to calm down or ease your excitement/anxiety.
Additional signs and details: The color dark blue. The night sky, Stars, North, Crystal's, Amethyst, Webs, Spiders, waning gibbous moon, full moon, 12, 10, 9, 99, 999
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Pile 2:
I'm getting the vibe that you might be very busy?
For some of you I think it's going to be a sunny day, maybe in summer or spring?
But for some reason I think a majority of you are going to meet them on a snowy day. If it doesn't snow wherever you are when you meet them, then probably just a really really cold day.
I think you will be kind of stressed?
Even despite all these factors, I think that some of you will come across someone that could use some help(maybe someone homeless?) and you or your person will likely stop to help them in some way?
Maybe you meet because of this? Or at least one of you sees the other person doing this and it catches your/their attention.
You might meet them in the morning, maybe on your way to work.
I think some of you will be coming out of hermit mode, as in you'll get out of the house for the first time in a little while.
I think part of the reason you will be stressed is because you will be working really hard at your job, maybe aiming for a promotion or raise. This doesn't feel negative though, it feels determined. I think you will have that mindset the day you meet them.
For a small amount of you, I think you may meet this person on Christmas, or maybe even new years.
I'm seeing snowy night. Especially for those of you that work at night.
I think you might be called to get out of your comfort zone somehow. Whether that be talking to a stranger or taking the long way around to work, I think you'll have an inexplicable urge to do something different.
I think for a lot of you, your soulmate will be the one to help someone, and it will really make you stop and think, maybe even admire them. You might consider helping your community more.
I have a feeling that you'll just know that that day will be different. That urge pulling you out of your comfort zone, or that first conversation you have with them, I think something will tell you, "this is important. This is different. Something about this is different. "
Adittional Signs and Details: Coffee, Morning Coffee, Snow, Charity, Big Cities, New York, Night Shift, Christmas, Winter Holidays, New Year's, Snowy Night's, Under a Streetlamp, Light in the Darkness, New Moon, Starry Night, North, East, 3rd Eye, Ambitious/Ambition, Ambivert, "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun." 3, 4, 2, 12, 44, 444, The book "Strange Grace" by Tessa Gratton, Voice in teh back of your head telling you "this is right," the middle path, The Sun, A sunny day, The Sun between branches, creative block or work slump
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Pile 3:
I'm called to use an extra oracle deck for this group specifically, so these are four messages I've pulled out for you:
Treat your body like the palace it is(Mirror, 4)
It's time for healing, not war(Castle, 30)
We're all just stardust(Universe, 31)
Every hurricane comes to an end(Storm, 44)
On to the rest of the reading!
You may have been drawn to one or both of the other piles, this reading shares similar messages to pile 1 and similar signs to pile 2.
I think it's going to be a very good day for you, even before meeting them
I think that you will have had a tower moment, something that had really rattled you in some way and forced you to deal with certain problems, and I think on this day you finally are moving past it. This is the first day you've happily come to terms with what has happened and can smile again.
For some of you, this may be cutting someone out. You will realize that someone in your life that has been bothering you in some way, really isn’t worth all the time you put into dealing with them. This doesn't have to be aggressive, it could just be a silent ghosting. On this day you will feel free from the shackles they've kept you in.
I think your hard work(emotionally/mentally)will be rewarded, likely the reward will be your soulmate. And you'll realize that there is still work to be done, but you are happy to do it and get past it.
I'm getting the vibe that some of you are going through a hard time right now and I want you to know it will pass. This is your future, whether that be today, or in a decade, and all the work getting there will be so worth it. I also think you need to know that this slump will pass soon.
I think you will finally be putting yourself first.
You will be full of positive energy on this day.
Your creative energy and/or ambitious will be at an all time high, you will be very passionate about what you're creating/your work.
You will be looking inside yourself and see the growth you've done, and you will be proud. You will pat yourself on the back for it.
You will be very present in the moment, and may have to remind yourself not to get lost in thought, knowing you may spiral. I feel like you'll be successful in that.
It will be a new beginning, and you will know it.
You are the main character of this story.
Adittional Signs and Details: Waxing moon, Castle, birds, rainbows(for some), nests, ocean, night sky, Knives and swords, the sunset, hard work, dirt, earth, fire, lava, volcano, tower, lighting, mirror, hands, black nail polish, stars, the universe, storms, 4, 44, 444, 4444, 31, 30, water Droplets, 8, 88, 888, 5 stars, first quarter moon, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, April, Fire signs and fire sign energy, Mars, Saturn, The Sun, 1, 11, 111, 6, 7
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idkplzhalp · 2 months ago
Hi guys, here's a long nerdy ramble about my Caroline Portal 2 x Miss Pauling TF2 au/headcanons because I've had thoughts about them for years and TF2 comic 7 awakened it in me again to expand on it further. (This is huge I'm so sorry but I gotta keep my title of biggest CaroPauling shipper and I need to spread my truths). I tried to jam as many facts/reasoning as I could into it because I am Portal lore queen and canon info is so important to me to incorporate.
To start this, both are a bit queercoded (GLaDOS subtext of liking Chell + Pauling lesbian confirmation/subtext) therefore it's nice because they absolutely would get along, relate to each other, and being established as queer makes them fit like puzzle pieces together in my head.
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(^ I think Valve artists should keep drawing Caroline so I can continue editing their comic versions together, lol, this is all I got)
I think Pauling after comic 7 should go to work at Aperture Science (since presumably she drops the australium down a trench and is living her life, based on the turkey she sends for the Christmas party- shes made the choice to stop Admins cycle and not be cruel like her) and now lives with Caroline as they run Aperture together being sapphics in loveeee. Also we know Pauling is still unmarried then because she keeps the Ms. term instead of Mrs. on the little card from the turkey (also it's the same last name, obviously). Therefore. Cue Caroline entering the scene, because she's not married either (at least not to Cave).
They could've met during the time of TF2 in 1968 because of the Wheatley Ap-Sap, so maybe they met and got along and then Pauling later remembered Aperture after dumping the australium and was like "Hey this is close enough to working for the Administrator". Like maybe after dumping it, she was left wandering a bit trying to find a place to live and sees a billboard for Aperture which motivates her to go there. She could work as an assistant/bodyguard to Caroline, especially in Caroline's time as CEO, or be taught by her how to work in the lab.
When Cave dies, Pauling could be sad because she knows Caroline could've had similar attachments to him that Pauling did for Admin. So she's A) trying to comfort Caroline while she mourns and B) reliving her own grief from Admin. Maybe trying to convince Caroline to break her own cycle of how Aperture is run or work with her to stop GLaDOS..
If Caroline still gets uploaded to GLaDOS, then have Pauling either A) put in stasis and then later during the co-op tests where they free the humans, GLaDOS tests her and is like "WAIT my wife,,, a woman who wont kill me,, I want her" and now Pauling gets to hang out in GLaDOS' chamber while they test other people, B) keeps the australium to protect it and uses that to live forever alongside GLaDOS, or C) is uploaded into a core, it could be the core in The Lab core calibration game that's late and ran to get to the slingshot test since Pauling and that core share a voice actress (Ashly Burch)! It could be that she has less in-depth functions because we know when a person is uploaded to a smaller computer, they don't retain all their memories or full functionality unless they are then switched to a larger mainframe like GLaDOS/CaveDOS (ex: Cave in Aperture Desk Job, unless we want Lego Dimensions Cave core or Cave cube to count too, which contradicts this). So we could make things tragic and have Pauling not remember anything from her human life/GLaDOS could be unsatisfied because we know she more often has romantic feelings for humans (Chell or if including Lego Dimensions then Batman (from the Jonathan Coulton interview on the end song)) and they're now trying to fix it so they fit together again. Maybe GLaDOS gives Pauling GLaDOS' old mainframe seen in co-op mode.
Though Pauling would have to deal with the personality shift from Caroline to GLaDOS and maybe is scared of her because it reminds her of Admin, although GLaDOS wouldn't be as abusive to her and maybe it adds something because of how almost in love/obsessed Pauling was with Admin (trying to stay with her for so long/thinking Admin isn't that bad/trailing her no matter what). It could be complex because Pauling is fighting memories of past trauma with Admin while trying to maintain her relationship with GLaDOS. Maybe Pauling could bring out Caroline's personality more? Pauling is also a bit like Chell (ex: very determined fighter) therefore I'm just gonna say that's GLaDOS' type aha.
Back to the human versions now. Because Pauling got a first name reveal, Flo, we could have Caroline take on her last name, since we don't know Caroline's last name already. Lesbian marriage solving a name crisis 💀. Caroline Pauling doesn't sound that bad!
I think these two would just work really well together since they've had similar experiences and could support eachother/understand eachother like they haven't had before. To me they're both neurodivergant so I feel they could bond over their interests/teach eachother cool stuff. Like Caroline teaches Pauling science and Pauling teaches her about weaponry. Also they could do the activities that Pauling listed doing with friends "skating, look at gun catalogs". Because of that I used to headcanon that Pauling rollerskates and Caroline ice-skates so they do those together. Also Gargoyles and Gravel! They'd dress up as a wizard and witch together when playing or something haha. Also the assistants clipboard of the year conference Pauling goes to with Bidwell, she could go with Caroline and Greg and they all fight over office supplies as they should be. Maybe Caroline teaches Pauling how to bake!
I think working at Aperture, Caroline either wasn't able to defend herself verbally or wasn't listened to, not really being considered or appreciated by the other employees. She's considered modest so I think she was likely conditioned to not appreciate what she did. She's brilliant and incredibly intelligent but being a woman in that position during that time, she was probably ignored by anyone who wasn't Cave a lot. So I'd like to think if she wasn't being listened to and Cave wasn't around, Pauling could swoop in and tell those people off since she's really blunt and will tell things how it is (like in the tough break update when the guy flirted with her and she told him to leave because she was getting people killed for money), and is now a scary guard dog privilege to Caroline, even if Pauling is still a tiny anxious woman and Caroline can probably fend for herself lol.
Uhhhhh and heck, let's send Cave's other assistant Greg to go help Bidwell and Reddy in running Mann Co. That could be really funny to see, I feel they'd all get along. They're slightly more rational than Hale so I think it would be interesting to see what they do with this insane company!
Okay I'm done now, pls tag me in any CaroPauling posts you see because I'm saving them all to my phone to look at them lovingly, I have a collection lol <3.
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
Alright, since Christmas is basically in pissing distance, we need the power of the indomitable Christmas Spirit.
aka ar team & task force defy snuggling close to their S/O by the fire
(GFL) AR Team and Task Force Defy cuddling with their S/O
AR Team: M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, M16A1, RO635
DEFY: AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia
WELP meant to write this way sooner during christmas when this ask was actually sent but, better late than never?
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M4 relaxes, staring into the fireplace with S/O next to her.
She wishes that time could just stop, and thinks about what life could be like, assuming they both leave this war alive.
But, she shouldn't think like that, at least not for right now.
M4 holds S/O's arms closer to her, smiling and closing her eyes.
(M4A1) "...Thank you for having me, S/O..."
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STAR slightly shifts in her seat as she sits under the blanket with S/O.
She doesn't really know what to do in this kind of situation, especially with their arm around her.
It made her feel safe, anxious, loved, all sorts of emotions she didn't know she had.
But, she certainly wasn't going to complain about it.
(ST AR-15) "Are you comfortable? I can move a little if you need me to."
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SOPMOD is almost bouncing with energy, crushing S/O in a tight hug.
She's so excited to open her presents in the morning, and she's waiting to see if Santa will come down the chimney.
...Wait, if the fireplace was still going, wouldn't they catch on fire?
Eh, who cares? It made her feel nice, so she wasn't gonna move.
(SOPMOD) "S/O, feed me the cookies, I dont't wanna get up!"
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M16 was ready to get absolutely shitfaced, but she surprisingly decides against it, and holds off on the eggnog.
Instead, she decides that she could at least do something a little romantic and sit with S/O.
Her head being gently rubbed by S/O's hand was making her a little sleepy. The fireplace was doing a good job at setting the mood too.
She stops their hand by simply holding it and smiling up at them.
(M16A1) "In the morning, we'll make a toast to a new year, so you don't have to worry about me doing anything crazy...For tonight anyway. We're celebrating with chicken and Jack Daniels tomorrow!"
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RO is completely melting in her S/O's arms, feeling the warmth of their affection moreso than the fire.
She was glad no one else was able to see this, being able to fully relax without anyone to tease.
RO makes sure S/O is comfortable as well, wrapping her jacket around them.
And when she feels a kiss on her forehead, she giggles but averts her eyes.
(RO635) "A-Ah!...No, I didn't mind, it just surprised me is all...Can you do that again...Please?
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12's smile seems to grow bigger as she just relaxes with S/O, feeling them lean into her.
This was a nice change of pace from most Christmas's she had, those were either spent in operations or trying to fend off AN-94.
Plus, she got to see the reaction of S/O under the mistletoe earlier, and that was something worth remembering.
She lets one eye slightly open to commit the sight of S/O under the blanket with her to memory.
(AK-12) "I always do enjoy the sight of red on the white snow...I'm talking about the Christmas decorations, by the way."
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94 has a small smile form as she holds onto S/O's arm, adjusting the blanket to be over her.
She didn't really need it, but it made S/O comfortable so she was happy to oblige.
94 gives S/O her full attention as they explained many human customs of Christmas, and getting to spend it with loved ones.
And the realization finally dawned on her.
(AN-94) "You consider me a loved one by having me spend Christmas with you...This...makes me very happy."
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15 was content to go into sleep mode near the fireplace. It would not set the room they were in ablaze, given that there were state of the art fire detection and supression systems.
But she wasn't entirely sure why S/O insisted on putting the blanket over her as well. It's not like her systems would get damaged.
Nevertheless, 15 went along with S/O's wishes.
It made them happy, and in turn, it makes 15 satisfied.
(AK-15) "If I can ask, why do humans wait for someone that doesn't exist during Christmas? It makes no sense."
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16 has a big smile on her face, the biggest of all DEFY as she relaxes into the couch.
That in combination with S/O's blanket made her quite relaxed.
With S/O on her shoulder, there was one thing really to do.
Prod them for reactions.
(RPK-16) "Do you think if Santa was real, he'd get shot down by this base's Anti-Air? It'd make all the human children of the world quite sad, wouldn't it?"
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Angelia was still working, with a laptop on her legs while S/O snuggled up next to her.
They held onto her prosthetic arm, making her slowly roll her eyes. She knew better than to question why they were holding onto that arm.
"It was still Ange", would be their answer.
She had to slightly adjust them off so she could continue typing, smiling when she saw them pout.
(Angelia) "If you like this arm so damn much, then I should just rip it off and give it to you. And quit hogging the blanket, I can get cold too, you know."
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narwhal-butterfly · 2 years ago
Okay so the Christmas before covid hit my aunt got me the Nimona graphic novel and I loved it I still love it and when I tell you I squealed when I saw Netflix was making a movie, I squealed like I squealed, I was/am very excited
(Not part of this movie but I love that this movie is how I learned that the author of Nimona, one of the creators of Steven Universe, and the creator of She-ra(all of which I love) is trans, well looks like I'm going to go cover up their deadname on my book when I go back to my mom's house lol)
So y'all are getting my live reactions
(spoilers under cut off)
I have only watched 4 minutes into this movie and just EEEEEEEEE like they gave Ballister the biggest sad cat eyes you ever did see and he and Ambrosius are so gay and aasssahhhhhhhhfggggggdybeufbeusl
Okay I hate all of the knight (except Ballister and Ambrosius)
"You think I'm her favorite?" Yes ofc you are, you sweet little sad cat man
Eeeeeeee Ballister and Ambrosius are so fucking cute(this is probably gonna be 90% of this post lol)(edit: I was wrong)
Awww they're all cheering for him ❤❤❤❤ "Let a new era of heros begin with you" awwwww
Ooooh cool robot arm
EEEE baby has found one of her gay dads YIPPIE
"Sick arm. Did it bleed a lot? Did they let you keep the old one?" I love her, she is so fucking weird/pos
"-Then we rise like a firy phoenix from the ashes ro overthrow the government!" YESSSS down with the government!!!!
"This guy looks extremely punchable." "You're right. He is actually punchable." father and gender-fluid child bonding<3
They took his arm >:(
Aww he's going sad little cat mode;-;
Oh no Ambrosius thinks Ballister really killed the Queen ;-;
Baby is shape-shifting and I love her
Ballister sliding in on his face well Nimona is doing all of these cool tricks is the best thing ever
Nimona making her dad breakfast tacos and being unintentionally loud in the kitchen is just adorable and really shows how much of a kid she actually is
She tried to clean up the house well he was asleep awww(well more accurately she tried to make the house more of an evil lair but it's still cute)
"You're a mo-" "what? Marsupial? Mariachi? 🤌Meatball?🤌" I love her
Uh oh baby's got ✨️trauma✨️
"Why are you helping me?" Oh okay then;-; "Because I'm bored." Bullshit "And everybody hates you too." Oh ;_;
"But I'm not a girl. I'm a shark. *teeth click(×2)*" same
Ballister is such a tired dad
Ballister is such a tired dad (but now at a train station)
"He hates freestyle jazz." Pffff but also Awww
Ambrosius hair smells like lavender, alrighty then, but why are you smelling his hair Todd? that's a little fruity/hj
Uh oh the Director knows Nimona
The cereal ad is adorable lmao
"I just think it'd be easier if you were a girl." "Easier to be a girl? You're hilarious." I mean she's not wrong
Ooooh we're getting her backstory!!!! Oh nvm lmao, I love her lol
"And now, you're a boy." " I am today." Mood
Nimona attacking the Squire well Ballister's trying not to get caught as some lady's trying to sell him a car is just beautiful
He is so her dad and I love it
She's so trans and I love her
"Who would protect Todd?" No one, Todd sucks
"Arm-chopping is not a love language!" Nimona I get that you are trying to protect your dad from an unhealthy relationship but in this case it is
Ambrosius no! babyboy do not talk to The Director, she is literally the problem!!!!
"The man I love,-" oh ;-;
Oh my gods, he's jealous of Nimona, no sweetheart, she is not your replacement, she is your new child
Uh oh babyboy's having a breakdown internally
Nimona defending Ballister is so cute
Also the director calling Nimona a 'miscreant, whispering in his ear' as she whispers into Ambrosius' ear is just 😗🤌*chef's kiss*
"It doesn't matter. You shouldn't need proof. You know I'm not a murderer." why must you hurt me like this? I just wanted to watch a movie ;-;
The lovers are fighting and Ballister defending Nimona and that's adorable but also heartbreaking
Nooooo, not the babies(Ballister and Nimona)
Oh my gods she turned into the fucking dragon from the cereal ad
Oh sweetheart, you're not a monster ;-;
"I don't what's scarier the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em." oh sweetie :(
Her dad is taking her away to somewhere better I'm crying oh my gods ;-;
Ma'am I don't give a fuck about your nightmares
Oh my gods she just stabbed him what the fuck, you bitch
Thank the gods it was just Nimona acting lmao but yes show the kingdom!!!
Oh my gods they're playing Monopoly I love them she is so his kid and he is so her dad
He sees to her reaction to him being freaked out about her breathing fire and then calls it 'metal' I just- I- eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh ;-;
Awwww they're dancing and she's a shark for some reason lol
Aww they're watching scary movies
Oh no baby's having a nightmare :(
"You're safe." Awww "we're home." AWWWWW ;-;/pos
Aww Ballister and Ambrosius are going on a nachos date
Awww Ambrosius believes him
Nimona did not set him up sir, the Director is lying to you, Nimona is a sweet and innocent baby who has done no wrong, well actually she's done a lot of wrong but I don't care she's a sweet innocent baby
Ambrosius ily but do not make him choose between you and his child
Uh oh, what's Todd doing?
Sir, no that is your child, stop yelling at her please;-;
Oh fuck it's Todd
Oh my gods are we getting Nimona's backstory? oh my gods we're getting baby's backstory
Awww her and Gloreth were friends <333
Awwwww she had a crush on Gloreth
Uh oh the other people are scared of her
Oh nooo, oh baby ;-;
Uh ooh
UH OH, baby went Godzilla mode
Oh no she's hurt :(
Anndddd Ambrosius is finally getting how fuck this is
Oh baby :(
"I don't what scarier the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em." Oh honey noo :(( ;-;
Oh thanks the gods, her dad stopped her
"I see you, Nimona. And you're not alone." Ooooooh eeeeeeeehh ;-;
Oh, okay, I'm crying now
Oh I'm not okay
Oh my gods, oh my gods oh my gods, she's (maybe(hopefully)) okay
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nicistrying · 1 year ago
I handed in my notice today 🥳 couldn't wait any longer. I'll get a Christmas temp job at another store if needs be but I need out of that toxic af place. People have been telling me the manager has been slating me and like without being arrogant.. I fucking keep that place from burning down on a daily basis. She sits in the office and I run, physically run, up and down the store answering phones, assistance bells, dealing with shitty customers, trying to keep stock on the shelves, trying to keep orders going out on time. And she has the fucking gall to talk shit about me because the one day she was the one having to work a late night and she was struggling to get everything done because of her own shitty rotas which the rest of us usually have to deal with, I went home on time because I had plans. She is going to get a nasty shock when she comes back from her 2 week holiday and realises I only have 4 shifts left. I do not give a single fuck. So now I'm just in full fuck it mode and it feels pretty great 😌
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The letter is much nicer than what I actually want to say, because obvs I still have to work there for 2 weeks. Or just 1 if they decide to be shitty about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Having pizza and drinks tonight to celebrate! 🍕🍹
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fairyminnie444 · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas (maybe a bit late but still Merry Christmas 😭)
I don't know, maybe it's just my ocd speaking for me..
I know that i don't have to believe to manifest. But my thoughts are insane (as i said i have ocd), and they often lead me to wavering about my manifestations.
Personally i love "method" of just states. Knowing my desire is already here. Doing nothing else.
But once again, my thoughts often waver, I affirm when i'm wavering.
I affirm to REMIND myself i have it but whenever i affirm it literally leads me to going DESPERATE.
It's like...I affirm to just saturate my mind, remind me i have it but whenever i affirm it feels like i am doing it to get desire, not to remind it's already mine.
That's just insane...
Personally, my favourite "methods" (not really methods obviously) are states and affirmations.
But i waver in my god state, i affirm to remind myself it's done and automatically go into desperate mode...
What is even wrong with me 😭
Any tips please? 😭
(sorry for bad english, you are angel for even reading this 🤍)
Merry Christmasssss 🩷🩷🩷 (even it’s a bit late haha) No need to apologize; what you’re experiencing is completely normal, especially with OCD. It’s not about being “wrong,” but rather about how to manage your thoughts in a way that aligns with your manifestation process.
Switching from God State to Desperation: The key to your manifestation is to stay in the “God State” a state of knowing, assuming, and feeling that your desire is already here. When you affirm, the goal is to reinforce this knowing, not to seek validation from the affirmation itself. If affirmations start making you feel desperate, it’s likely because you’re affirming with the subconscious belief that it hasn’t happened yet, which causes anxiety.
Instead of affirming to remind yourself, try affirming to reinforce a feeling of gratitude and satisfaction. Say things like, “I’m so grateful that this is already mine” or “I’m enjoying my life with [desire] now.” This shifts your focus from lack to fulfillment.
When You Waver: It’s completely okay to have moments where you doubt or feel like you’re wavering, especially if OCD is involved. The idea is not to resist these feelings but to gently redirect yourself back to the knowing state. When you feel yourself waver, don’t try to force yourself back into a calm state, but instead focus on how you want to feel. Allow yourself the space to experience the discomfort without attaching fear or desperation to it.
The next time you feel desperate or waver, try saying something like, “I’m not concerned because I know everything is working out perfectly,” and just allow yourself to be okay with where you are in the moment.
Thoughts Aren’t Your Reality: OCD tends to make us overthink and obsess about things, but the thoughts themselves aren’t what manifest, they’re just passing like a cloud on sky. You don’t need to control or eliminate them; just don’t let them define your reality. When you catch yourself spiraling into doubt or desperation, remind yourself: “I am not my thoughts. I am my state.”
Instead of fighting the thoughts, let them come and go while remaining grounded in your knowing that your desire is already yours. You don’t need to believe 100% in every moment; just trust that your desire is on its way, and it’s already done.
Relax into the Process: The more you can relax and ease into the knowing that your manifestation is already yours, the more natural it will feel. Manifestation doesn’t need to be stressful or forced. You’re already the creator of your own reality.
Spend time just being with your manifestation, as if it’s already here. Engage in activities that make you feel abundant and fulfilled, like enjoying the present moment with the belief that everything is exactly as it should be.
It’s Okay to Not Be Perfect: There’s no need to feel guilty or ashamed of feeling desperate at times. You’re human. The most important thing is to keep shifting back to the state of “it’s done.” Progress happens little by little.
when you affirm, do it from a place of reinforcement, not desperation. When you waver, gently remind yourself that you’re in control of your state, and let go of the need for perfection.
Trust that your desires are done, and relax into that knowing. You’re doing great. Keep persisting in the state of having it, even if the thoughts come and go.
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lunarsorcerer · 6 months ago
hold on, i'm shifting into christmas mode
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abubblingcandle · 1 year ago
So so so so intrigued by your Dad!Higgins fic. I hadn't really thought about Higgins in that way but despite bad advice to Jamie about his dad, Higgins is one of the best examples of dad figure that we see on the show
If you want to share any more then please do!
Ahhh thank you! So I am on a mission to just give Jamie all the dad figures and the same thing hit me. Like he does give bad advice but we see so much more of Higgins being a supportive figure to the lads and even in S1 genuinely caring about them!
Despite you asking for Dad!Higgins, I've just finished a scene that's been haunting me this morning with something from that fic that might be even more important ... Mum!Julie 😂 Julie who's husband announces he is bring home an injured and troubled 23 year old who is known for chatting shit and trying to antagonise people. Julie who looks at this boy and sees a lost teenager under all the posturing and immediately goes into "I'm going to parent this boy so hard he won't know what's hit him" mode. Julie Higgins has raised 5 boys and has a football team invade her house every Christmas Day, what's one more son?
“Oh fucking hell,” Jamie groaned and Higgins watched him slowly straighten and fumble for the remote as soon as his own face appeared next to the Sky Sports pundit.
“Language Jamie,” Julie softedly scolded. Jamie turned the TV off and froze in place. He turned to look at the table and frowned.
“Um, what?” he replied, straightening up and throwing the remote onto the cushions next to him.
“Don’t swear in front of the children,” Julie prompted, returning her focus to her laptop. Stevie and Dana both looked at Higgins in shock and then at each other with slightly fearful glee. It had been a long time in this house since someone had talked back to Julie. If Jamie had an ounce of sense in his body he would apologise and never say another swear word in Julie’s presence. Instead, he scoffed and leant back on the settee.
“Ain’t nothing they haven’t heard before I can assure you and I’m an adult, in case hadn’t noticed, I can say what I want,” he smirked, waving it off dismissively.
“Not in my house you can’t. For as long as you are staying here you need to follow my rules. Therefore no swearing when the children are in the house,” Julie closed her laptop, turning in her chair to hit Jamie with the patented mum glare. Jamie’s smirk shifted through a fair few different emotions before his mouth pressed into a thin line.
“That’s bullshit. Free speech and all that,” he huffed.
“Last warning Jamie. You don’t have to stay here if you are not willing to make some concessions to sharing your space,” Julie glared back.
“Fuck it, then I won’t!” he levered himself up from the settee with his good arm and stormed past the table to the door. “Didn’t even want to be here anyway. Might as well be at home,” he grumbled, kicking on his shoes. “Fuck all of this,” he exclaimed and then the door swung in his wake. Higgins jumped as it slammed shut. The house was left in silence.
“I’ll go after him,” Higgins sighed, placing his hands down on his knees and sighing as he prepared to get up. Julie pressed her hand down on top of his.
“Give him time to calm down,” she sighed, smiling sadly. “Boys you mind going to your rooms to play for a bit,” she suggested but all three of the present Higgins men knew it wasn’t a selection. They left their homework scattered around the table and sprinted off up the stairs pushing each other.
“I’m sorry. We can tell him to go,” Higgins muttered. He had hoped more than anything that being in a positive atmosphere might somehow fix Jamie like Ted always thought it might but it seemed not. He was still the smug and sarky fool that Richmond knew.
“I don’t want him to go. I don’t even particularly care about the swearing love,” Julie chuckled. Higgin’s head shot round to frown at her. “Oh Leslie he’s a hundred percent right. The boys have definitely heard worse language than that and Jamie is an adult and adults swear sometimes,” she added with a shrug.
“So why did you make a scene about it?”
“From what you’ve told me and from what I’ve seen, Jamie’s probably never been parented. It’s one of those stupid things about the football system. You control these kids then move them from their parents often as teenagers and give them so much money, so so much money, and fame and then expect them to make good choices. Mentally Jamie is around 15 but with the resources and freedom of a 23 year old celebrity. Someone needs to set him boundaries and show him that no matter what he can do with his right foot, he needs to show respect if he wants to be treated with respect. And that is something that a parent should teach their child,” Julie finished her monologue and thesis on childhood development. Higgins just stared at her. How on earth had he got so lucky? “Now I am going to open that bottle of incredibly expensive wine that Jamie got us. We are both going to drink a glass and pretend that this is a blissfully child free day and then you are going to go find Jamie,” she kissed him on the cheek.
“Will he be fine out there? He doesn’t know the neighbourhood that well,” Higgins frowned but Julie’s kiss moved to his lips.
“Well as he explicitly told us, he is an adult. I’m sure he’ll be fine,” she smiled.
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niteshade925 · 1 year ago
Just going to complain a little bit because man this is fuckin absurd.
So my water heater broke, literally a week after it was "fixed". I had my suspicions about it being fixed, because I did a little digging myself and it didn't seem like something that simply switching the mode would help, I would probably need a part replaced. But that was a week ago. I've already spent a week in winter (through Christmas!) without any hot or warm water, while the temperature outside dipped below freezing and stayed there. My personal estimate is that my tap water is now at about 39 degrees Fahrenheit, and it has been this way for a week. However, and here comes the really frustrating part: I've contacted the property management days before the 24th, told them this is an urgent issue, they contacted me saying someone will show up and guess what? Nobody has shown up. Not only has nobody shown up, but they sounded annoyed when I asked them to give me an approximate time of when they could come in. Now, I wasn't asking this question to force them to come look at it sooner, I was asking about it because I work fucking night shift. I need sleep. If they can just tell me approximately when they can come here then I will be able to get some sleep, albeit fragmented sleep, before I go off to work for 13 hours straight. But oh no they sounded annoyed. And by the way last week when they "fixed" the problem, because they said it was a simple "change the mode" thing, I asked them what mode it should be on, and their reply was "are you trying to take my job?" Like fuck you, this was never about you, I just want the hot water that I paid for, plain and simple.
Anyway, problem remains unresolved, and I'm still trying to get a hold of them. This property management (meaning everyone there from the agents to the techs) has been known to ignore phone calls and requests, and I'm getting really fucking tired of paying them for basic services that they are reluctant about providing.
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chungledown-bimothy · 10 months ago
i apologize for the shifting back into league of legends mode that is starting to happen it's international tournament time and i'm the league fan equivalent of a christmas-and-easter catholic
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breadmercury · 1 year ago
My job didn't shorten shifts for Christmas Eve this year what the fuck. I'm going to die today. A lot of customers were already in bitch mode YESTERDAY and my legs have been worse than usual the past week,,,,, how am I meant to survive this holiday season
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