#Tf2 au
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angelbroth · 3 days ago
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He'll never see him again
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primalshane · 1 day ago
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Quick explanation on how übercharge works in my Stone Age au (sorry for my grammar and spelling its 2am i want to sleep)
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bear-boi-5 · 1 day ago
Left Right Left Right Left Right Go
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I'm not getting what I wanna do done tonight so take this for now/silly
Yes these are related to what I'm doing
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Heya; Been a Bit huh?
Sooooo… It is currently March 1st where I am and My birthday is tomorrow. I’m going to be 25 years old tomorrow. I honestly don’t know how to feel about it.
So small update for now; I lost my Job back in January TwT So I have been on the job hunt since then and my mental health from that has been down. I crawled back into SMG4 Lately and started to like the villain; Mr Puzzles. Hard to believe but it’s true. I even made a Mr Puzzles that is Redeemed..
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Also for those that are a part of TF2; I have an AU being made based off of some TF2 Animations I saw. I’ll show the art now.
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This AU is coming along fairly well and I am happy with the results. Hopefully I will continue to post here
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dayleebear · 3 months ago
More TF2 Restaurant AU BC I <3 IT!!!
at least my take on it anyhow
again, credit to @partyboyx3 for the og AU idea, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out his stuff if you don't I'll end you
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I remember he mentioned something about the restaurant being a money laundering scheme and I ran with it lol
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skulls-n-soup · 20 hours ago
Whoever writes this fic gets a free rendered-ish profile picture/drawing from me
au where after scout dies dec 4 1987 he just. wakes up on like the day after he joined the merc team during the gravel wars. and he has to constantly catch himself from being overly friendly with people like Sniper or Spy who havent opened up to him yet or catch himself from referencing things that havent happened yet and he's not very good at it but when your team is people like Medic and Pyro, the rest of them are like "ok so our Scout's weird. why do i care"
-Spy lowkey is nervous that Scout knows because why is Scout being so friendly with him
-Scout misses his kids and keeps freaking out about his kids and who takes care of them after he dies (Spy is a good babysitter but some part of him doesnt trust Spy to like. actually raise his kids because. well. you know. Also the comic writers confirmed Scouts Ma isnt dead in comic 7 she just wasnt there for Smissmas she has 6 other kids so maybe she can take care of them? or his brothers???) and every once in a while he's like "my children..... oughhhhh my children 🥺"
-so the rest of the team thinks he had like. kids really young (hes like 27 in comic 6 so) and they also mustve died really young at like 2 or something and thats why he's a merc is Tragic Past TM
-this also worries Spy because why didnt he hear about this. whats the point of spying and checking in on Scout if he didnt hear about this. he calls Scouts Ma and shes like "what the fuck are you talking about Jeremy doesnt have kids" so Spy is actually losing his mind over this because it doesnt seem like Scout is faking about missing his kids (Scout is obviously hiding. something though)
-Scout has also been through his character development of comic 7 so while he still kicks ass he's a lot less hotheaded and gets along with the mercs easier.
i dont know where im going with this but someone needs to write a fic about this i mean i COULD do it but when i start writing time travel fics they just. never end.
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iqrachi · 2 months ago
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It's preening time, doctor!
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ashersbunker · 2 months ago
"You still work for me." (Au ???)
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 2 days ago
There is one Medic Trope that someone commented that I really find interesting. But for some reason, I can't find that comment. They might delete it.
But it was about Medic ignorant about his team's feelings. He doesn't understand human emotions even though he studied the human body and he is very smart. Yet, he gets confused when he hurts one of these teammates' feelings even though he believes he was just pointing something out, which is true about them, but he says it in a very mean way. Wondering why they are mad or sad because of him.
My idea for that trope was...
That I should draw him as a smart person...
But in reality! He is an alien disguising himself as a human Medic to learn how humans live/work on planet Earth. Because he only learned about human bones and flesh but not human feelings because he missed that part of his class/studies. So that's why he would get shocked and confused when he hurt Scout's or Pyro's feelings, making them cry.
I got an idea!
Give me a Medic Trope from fanfics that you find annoying, or you just don't like it.
And I'll draw that trope into a Medic OC!
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catfortress · 27 days ago
How about drawing a classic mercs in the form of cats? :D
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Just support for now^^ they’re hard to draw with the little amount of references I have, so it’s taking a while.
I’ll close asks tonight before I go to sleep
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angelbroth · 14 hours ago
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More hoovydundy idk what it is about him,,
After red medic dies hoovydundy wanders aimlessly killing everything and anyone in his sight that he perceives as a potential participant in medic's gruesome torture and murder, which happens to be everyone. He's completely spiraled that he's an unstoppable killing machine-- until he meets blu medic
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cedarin · 1 day ago
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faecaribou · 22 hours ago
on my knees asking for you to draw your interpretation of this
the whole team gets deaged by twenty years
most of them are a range of late teens to early thirties, but.
Scout and Sniper.
Spy gets a second chance at being Scout's dad + plus a bonus of raising Sniper too
Genuinely I could not get this out of my head. I spent hours on this and now literally every electronic i have is like at 4% battery and its 1 am. This is such a goated idea. Here are the mercs deaged, or what they would look like younger. I totally didnt have to google everyone's ages (visibly lying)
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I feel like I did well with Heavy and Medic. They're the oldest in the group. Heavy when he was 26 was probably freshly dealing with escaping the gulag with his family. Visually I just got rid of his beard left him with the stubble though and gave him back his hair, which in the comics appears to be brown. For Medic, I think I spelt lisence wrong. Yeah there's a red line under it. Fuck. Whatever. I stole his muscles and also gave him back his hairline. Also, big glasses.
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I'm going by age but I know what you want. Here's Spy. I wanted him to look as close to Scout as possible SO BAD but their noses are different and canonically his hair is much darker but I like to pretend the BLU Spy has that darker hair and RED Spy has more brown hair. Maybe someone's grandparents had blond hair (I swear I read a fic where Spy was like 'jeremy has my papas blond hair >m<') ANYWAY i dont think he's older than heavy and medic but also like. JEEZ. He just wanted to sleep with some MILFs or cougars he didnt expect children. L
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The way that I'm actually obsessed with my own drawing for younger Engie. haiiiii. I feel like I would bump into him IRL on a college campus. Lowkey he reminds me of someone but I dont even know who.
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I don't have much to say for Soldier and Pyro. I was getting some conflicting reports on Soldier's age so I just put him in the middle of the conflicting reports. He's probably already started his uh. killing rampage in Germany. I just deaged Pyro and left him in the same outfit because I dont actually have a fan design for Pyro outside the suit.
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I gave Demoman the kilt and sash that his father's wearing in this one scene in the comics where there was like. A family photo of the DeGroot family. I definitely didnt study every single image of younger Demo in the comics. ha. ha. If I spent a million hours on just this drawing of Tav.
Side note, your ask totally reminded me of this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/60095656 which is all the mercs deaged by like 25 years and Scout is literally like a year old and its great and I definitely did not leave 8 million comments on this fic (stares off into the distance)
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I accidentally drew Sniper looking too young (right-most drawing) but honestly the smile with the missing tooth gave me life. aaaahhhh He really shouldve been drawn with a hat since he's out there in Australia but oops. I gave him his mullet back <3maybe he should be 7
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finally, Jeremy. I definitely didn't originally decide he was 5 and then for the sake of my sanity when I think of Spy's agechange it to 4. Yeah
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Heavy's too busy helping his mom raise his sisters. Don't give Medic kids. So yeah it's up to Spy to step up and take care of Mick alongside Jeremy.
Okay I think I will eventually reblog this post with more art but for right now I'm done with drawing and just going to type endless paragraphs and over nonsense thoughts
okay so they get de-aged. how??? i could take a page out of that fic i recommended and blame magic/merasmus. I feel like Respawn Machine malfunction is a pretty common trope for de-aging just one guy in fics but imagine it malfunctioned and now they're all de-aged. damnnnnn they lost that battle against BLU hard AND this happened? L
I imagine it's like. Logically they know who they are, they know each other, they know their jobs. But also it kinda feels like yesterday they were off in Russia/Australia/German/Boston doing their own things. The younger 3 are especially having this problem. No one's sure if Pyro understands whats going on.
They're all in their red team merc outfits btw for Pyro's sake. But for the drawings they've taken like. their weapons off and gotten in clothes that either fit better or are more comfortable.
Medic is all like "ooooh! interesting >:3" and definitely wants to open SOMEONE up but he's scaring the hoes (children) so him and Engineer kind of separate to go deal with the Respawn Machine. Engineer may have to call his dad for help at some point. He is going to hate it hahahahahaah >:)
Demoman and Soldier and Pyro are just like. Having the worlds most disjointed conversation. "ARE YOU AMERICAN?" "huddah huddah" "(super thick scottish accent)" no one is understanding anyone. Pyro pulls out paper and coloring pencils and they are just trying to furiously communicate through drawings
Scout is four and since he on some level remembers Spy as a kid when he's an adult, he definitely recognizes Spy as both his dad and as ...Spy. Cue crying.
Mick is kinda scared. He definitely tries to retreat to his camper van but no one's gonna let an 8 year old sleep out there by himself so he's resorted to hiding in his room on base, which he just kinda uses for storage, which is where he finds the slingshot. Anyone who opens the door to talk to him gets a rock to the face I don't make the rules. Okay well except for Scout he's not going to pelt a four year old with rocks. The mercs will use this hesitation to their advantage to get him
Spy takes his mask off. He doesn't want to, he doesn't like them looking at his face, it just makes Jeremy cry more, people are asking him how old he is, someone said he looks a lot like Scout.
He one-hundred percent sees this as like. His chance to actually be Jeremy's dad. He was too much of a coward the first time around and sometimes the guilt eats at him. Something something if Spy and Ma had a second child Spy would completely ignore Scout to fuss over the 2nd kid because it would be a clean slate that he hasn't ruined. WHAT WHO SAID THAT. Anyway the driving force that leads him to take his mask off and pick up that screaming kid is that this is his second chance. I imagine he got some practice in with some of Scout's brothers and with baby Scout so he's not the best dealing with a screaming 4 year old but he's not the worst.
After like. A few hours of getting Scout to calm down, they have now upgraded to Scout is really really quiet and visibly upset but he only screams and cries when Spy goes to grab him. Ultimately Jeremy thinks that they might get put back to normal and once he's older again Spy will abandon him again so he is NOT letting Spy pick him up without trying to bite him at least once. Spy is slowly earning his trust.
This is also the point where Spy realizes that Sniper is hiding in his room with the slingshot. After like 3 different mercs getting pelted with rocks in the face Spy realizes he has to step up and dad this kid too.
Scout sees Spy extend even one iota of patience or kindness toward Sniper and is torn between "oh he's actually trying" and "HES GOING TO CHOOSE SNIPER TO BE HIS SON INSTEAD OF ME"
wait I'm just creating more conflicts rather than resolving anything. fuck its 2 am. look the (he's not crying, YOU ARE!) hug drawing would be when Scout finally lets Spy give him a hug and it would be SO SATISFYING and the crowd stood up and clapped and after Jeremy starts hanging off of Spy like a limpet Spy also successfully gets Sniper to come out of the room. why did I write an entire plot am I going to write a fic. oh no please no I'm busy with the time travel noooooo
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bear-boi-5 · 2 days ago
Blu Demo
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Blu Demo ‼️
Instead of Whisky, he drinks Wine and he relaxes instead of doin what Demo does when he's drunk
Also, ofc I had to put the eyepatch on the other eye, makes him quirky like that/silly
Blu Demo embodies Demoknight players, I gotta give some reference to subclass players. So far we got Hoovy and Demoknight. Blu Engie is gonna be a Battle Engie just to give you a hint of what he'll be like
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boimann · 8 months ago
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Hey y’all I’m back to drawing old man yaoi :D
I needed to get this out of my system since I’ve had this au in my noggin for quite some time now, Andalusite (heavy x medic fusion) is by @gracefireheart and the Steven universe x tf2 au is by @lenny-link :]
I wanted to make a fake screenshot but I can’t background so I just dropped the boi in a field and called it a day, anyway in the scene scout really wants to fuse with someone to be bigger and more powerful but he doesn’t really understand what it means to fuse with someone else so every time he tries he can’t stay fused for more than a cupole seconds, so he’s venting his frustration to Andalusite and asking him for advice since he’s always fused and Andalusite starts dropping some crazy lore about the time he fused for the very first time.
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