#i'm on a roll!! wahoo!!
emimayooo · 6 months
“Marry me.” for galeheart
Helloooooo🤩!!! Thank you so much for sending in this prompt, for galeheart, no less! They are my OTP after all hehe🥰❤️❤️❤️
(I'm taking writing prompts!)
“Marry me.” Say she says yes. Then what? She moves to Waterdeep to call a tower a home. Then what? She takes on his name and becomes Mrs—Jenevelle? Shadowheart?—Dekarios. Then what? Children, maybe, though it’s unlikely. But Morena wants grand-babies, and what else can Shadowheart offer, other than her body? No name, no wealth, no dowry, no family; only that, she could make from bloodying and breaking. She could, so she should. She’d be good at it, too. Pain’s her strong suit. It’d be a giving, not a taking. For once, she could give. So she says yes.
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licorishh · 5 months
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i love og soap too much. my stomach hurts. i don't feel good.
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jankwritten · 1 year
Jasico Week Day One: Confession
The pen on the table remains untouched. 
(This shouldn’t be an issue. This isn’t an issue. The fact that Nico noticed it is a fluke all on its own and it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t.) 
Jason’s hands are perfectly still in his lap beneath the table, conversation flowing freely as ever. They’d been chatting about their days - Nico just got back from a long job for his father, and happened to bump into Jason outside the Principia. They’d gone out to lunch. Nico made Jason laugh three times. 
The pen is still untouched. 
(The thing is, Jason is a fiddler. He fiddles, but only when he’s calm. He lets his hands move freely because he doesn’t feel the anxious pressure to keep himself in line. When he’s anxious, he’s still as the dead, the perfect picture of a well-mannered leader. Nico shouldn’t know this. He can’t help but know things about people.) 
Jason’s office looks the same as it did the day Nico first found himself in it, across from a stranger who stared at him like Nico was prey, was something to be hunted down, killed. 
Then, the office felt like a jail cell. He was their prisoner until Reyna could confirm his bullshit ambassador story, technically, not that either of them will admit it. 
Some of the pictures on the walls have Nico in them, now. He avoids looking at them if he can. It’s too weird. 
Nico stares at the pen, instead. 
“Annabeth should be getting out of her afternoon class pretty soon, if you’re bored,” Jason says, a little tone in his voice that sounds like he’s picked up on Nico’s wandering mind. 
“I’m not bored.” He does not move that damned pen. “Are you okay?” 
Jason stops, as much as an unmoving man can. Nico glances up to his eyes briefly, then over to a framed photo of Hazel and Reyna post-battle, the two of them in their full gladiator armor clasping hands respectfully. 
In Nico’s peripherals, Jason slumps in slightly, his chin dipping. “You always do that,” he sighs. 
“Do what?” 
Finally, Jason’s hand twitches across the desk, his fingers brushing the gold-capped pen. It’s Camp Jupiter branded, engraved with Jason’s name and rank and everything. A gift from the praetors who came before him and Reyna. 
Jason flicks the pen expertly across his knuckles. 
Nico exhales. He hadn’t realized how tense he was. 
“Nothing,” Jason says. “You reminded me that there was something I needed to ask you, though.” 
(Nico’s always noticed more things about Jason than he does other people. Jason’s just that kind of guy, the kind who deserves to be noticed. Of course Nico always watches him; Jason is a leader, everyone looks up to him, everybody sees him. 
Nico observes, though, he doesn’t just see. He takes note, remembers things, always trying to figure out the puzzle pieces that make Praetor Grace the way he is. 
Sometimes, it feels like Nico gives Jason more answers about himself than Jason even knows. It’s a good feeling, to show somebody a part of themself they hadn’t yet found, or appreciated. Nico loves the look on Jason’s face every time Nico points something out to him. Jason has a kind smile.) 
“That doesn’t sound good,” Nico says, though he’s not nervous. Jason has always been upfront with him - if there were an issue, they would’ve spoken about it over their meal. He leans back in his chair and folds his fingers across his stomach, able to relax now that Jason is behaving normally again. 
“It’s not bad, I promise.” Jason flicks the pen again and leans back in his own chair, the old parts squeaking under his weight. “I wanted to ask if…if you’d like to get dinner, sometime.” 
Nico frowns, skipping his gaze once again to Jason’s face. “But we just got lunch.” 
“I’m asking if you’d like to go on a date, Nico,” Jason says, his voice suddenly softened and amused and, a date. A date? 
Jason wants to go on a date? 
Nico stares at the pen, now, each revolution around Jason’s finger twisting his brain in a new knot. Jason- a date. Jason wants to go on a date. A dinner date. A romantic date. 
With Nico? 
“You don’t have to say yes.” Jason leans forward again, a fluid motion, and he stops spinning the pen but maybe not because he’s stressed. He presses his hand down onto the desk, close to Nico. He says, “don’t feel pressured or anything. I just…wanted to ask. Because I-I really like you, I like how you make me feel, about myself, and- and I love spending time with you. And, of course, if you don’t- feel that same way, I’m fine staying friends. I love being friends with you, too. But, if there’s a chance, y’know. I didn’t want to- miss it.” 
Miss his chance. Miss his chance, as if there would ever be a time Nico was unavailable, for- dating purposes? As if there are any other people anywhere who would consider Nico worthy of romance, as if Jason Grace hasn’t just presented Nico with the biggest anomaly since he brought his sister back to life. 
Miss his chance. Gods above. 
(The first time Nico saw Jason fidget, they were hanging out at Camp Half-Blood, waiting for Will to get out of a meeting with Chiron and his cabinmates. Jason started picking at the threads on the sofa, then moved on to twisting the beads of his necklace, and the small bronze ring Leo forged for him which wound up being too small to fit. 
It was also the first time Nico noticed that Jason had nice hands. It was the first time Nico looked at Jason and thought, he’s really pretty. 
It was the first time Nico thought, no. Not again.) 
“You’re serious?” Nico asks. He has to be sure. Jason would never joke about something like that, not knowing what he knows, and Nico knows all that, but none of this quite makes sense, either. 
Jason smiles, his face rosy pink like he’s flustered. “I am one hundred percent serious.” 
“You want to go on a date.” 
“With me?” 
“No. I want to go on many dates with you.” 
Nico blinks, draws a blank on responding to that one. He opens his mouth, then shuts it. He watches Jason weave the pen between his fingers expertly, unbothered by the weight of it. It’s a practiced movement, one Nico’s seen hundreds of times. 
“Well, uhm.” Nico shifts back and forth in his seat. “I don’t have to leave for another week, at least. So we could…get dinner while I'm here?” 
“The date way?” Jason asks, sitting up straighter, his face doing that thing it does when he’s trying hard not to smile. Not to get his hopes up. Jason has hopes to get up about dating. 
Nico feels some giddy little thing light off in his own chest, fluttering enough that he presses a hand to it to try and calm it down. “Yeah,” he says, and, dammit, now he’s smiling, because Jason’s grin breaks loose and it’s like sunlight on a clear blue day, warm and dazzling. “The date way.” 
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cerise-on-top · 2 years
General Cuddling HCs for Ghost Batter and Bad Batter
I said I'd write them a while ago and here they are now! It's been a while, I know, but I always keep my words! Plus I had the energy to be productive when it came to writing today, even if it was more simple writing!
Ghost Batter:
As I have mentioned in another post before: cold. That much might be obvious as he is a spirit. However, if you overheat easily, then he is your best shot. Though, if you cuddle him because you are hot, then you will hear a lot of complaining from him. Complaining he doesn’t mean, however.
Other than being cold, he is also rather short, which makes it quite hard for him to be anything but a backpack to you if you’re even slightly taller than average.
Now, disregarding all of that for a moment, he is rather muscular, more so than his younger brothers, meaning he can give you a nice sense of protection without even trying too hard. His arms are detachable as well, so if you ask him nicely, or pester him, enough, he will give in eventually and help you get the TV remote or a drink even.
Talks a lot at first, until he runs out of things to say, which happens eventually. Regardless of whether he’s holding you or the one being held, he will cuss people and situations out that bothered him. Such as that sleazebag bothering that person or the car almost running over the nice elderly lady with her grocery bags. Once he’s run out of energy, though, chances are he gets sleepy.
You’d have to be really close to him in order for him to even consider letting you be this close to him. If he considers you his sibling, best friend or partner, then you can get some cuddles, anyone else will have to settle for a back pat or a hug, at most.
Claims he has no preference whatsoever when it comes to cuddling. That’s a blatant tsundere lie, he likes being the big guy and holding the other person. It makes him feel taller and strong. He is a protector by nature, and that extends to when he cuddles as well.
Bad Batter:
Also cold, it runs in the family. He’s a reptile and they’re known for not being the warmest, cuddliest creatures, with a few exceptions. He’s also fairly scaly to the touch, but it’s not too bad.
A very tall guy, even taller than Batter, which is saying a lot. Not as muscular as his two brothers, but knowing that you have a crocodilian being at your side, which can easily scare away many people and Elsen, might make you feel safer.
Also unlike his brothers, he will seek out hugs and cuddles. At first it’s just to seem friendly and cheerful on the outside so that he may continue whatever evil plan he has at the moment to find live nourishment. If you get on his good side, you won’t have to worry about being the victim of these schemes, but you might have to stop him so others won’t suffer that fate.
Other than that, he actually really likes cuddling with the ones he’s close to. Sometimes he wishes he was a bit shorter during these moments so he could be held better by the other person. But on the upside, he’s likely tall enough to wrap himself around you.
Unfortunately, he’s very much heavy enough to crush you and does move around a lot. It is advised to not have him fall asleep during a cuddling session. It is very likely he will goof around during one as well and be a bit silly in general.
His voice might not be the most pleasant to listen to, but it won’t stop him from talking your ear off anyway. Anything goes, from how his day went, to the duck and swan he saw at the river to a ranking on how delicious some people look to him. It’s always a surprise with him, really.
Bad Batter is the spooning master, especially when he, reluctantly, is the big spoon.
Prefers to be the one being held because it reminds him of the simpler times when he could just fool around with his brother and he didn’t have to worry about the world crashing down on him. It makes him feel less alone after everything that has happened.
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b-blushes · 2 years
staff please let me have polls i need to ask my friends important questions such as "when you wear a thermal, is it all you can think about and is it at risk of derailing your entire day, or are you normal" :P
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fallingnebulae · 2 hours
it is 9am and i have so many things to do. and so i am not doing any of them
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lord-pigeon · 1 year
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Uwooooh Let's Fucking Goooooooooo
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daftpatience · 1 year
YEAH YEAY OKAY! here we go! welcome to i get to infodump about pens again, yay yippee!
what's the difference between ballpoints, rollerballs, and gel pens?
ballpoints, rollerballs, and gel pens all use a ball-socket mechanism that continuously coats itsself in ink as it rolls across a page. what makes them all different from each other is in the ink composition!!
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ballpoint pens have an oil based ink paste. the ink is very thick & requires more pressure to write with, and can get kinda skippy as the tip gets dirty or clogged, but is able to stick to many more surfaces like receipts, plastic, really shitty paper, etc. it can be hard to wash out of things that you get it on, since it's more waterproof than other inks.
one of the neat things about this type of ink is that you're able to shade with it by varying pressure. lots of artists make great use of this!
hybrid or low viscosity ballpoint ink is often just ballpoint ink with an added lubricant to make it write smoother and flow better.
rollerball pens use water based inks. fountain pens, felt tip pens*, and dip pens all usually use water based inks. because of this, rollerballs are very free flowing and rarely clog, but paper choice is more important and some folks can find them to be leaky or overly wet. the writing experience is not as glidey as a gel/ballpoint since the ink is not thick, but it doesn't need a heavy hand. rollerballs enjoy more colour options than ballpoints and can have very dark blacks, but aren't waterproof unless the ink is pigment based instead of dye based. *felt tip pens feel very different than any of the other pens on this list cause of the soft point, they put out ink in a very even and somewhat dry way, and can also use alcohol inks, like copic markers. alcohol inks soak very deep into the page and dry very fast, and blend very differently. i'm not as familiar with them!
gel pens use inks that are made of pigment suspended in a water based gel. these inks tend to be very thick and put out a wet line that takes a longer time to dry. gel pens are most likely to clog and skip due to this, since the ball is not as evenly coated in a substance so thick. gel pens do have the widest colour options and can be fully opaque (ie. pastels, whites, etc) but are often very frustrating as they clog up and get old and dried out.
as a bonus, true technical pens are a whole different kind of beast and have very specific standardized nib sizes and colours. cad software has largely replaced the need for extremely precise technical drawing, but artists still like pens like the rapidograph! they're made differently everywhere but generally, instead of a ball, there is a small tube of a precise diameter with a little wire inside it that controls the ink flow. they can't be held at a lot of angles and aren't as versatile as other pens, but they put down incredibly crisp lines.
yippee yay pens!! wahoo!!
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storiesfromafan · 26 days
Jealousy Does Look Good On You - Benny x Reader
A/N: this was just me pulling something out of a hat, haha. Bit of writers block right now. But something is better then nothing.
Also, forgive me if this isn't that good. As well as, excuse my attempt at describing their kissing, its been a little haha.
Tag list: @strayrockette
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I wont look at him. I wont look at him. I wont look at him, you chanted over and over in your head. Determined to not pay Benny any mind. It's his choice if he wanted to entertain another woman across the room from you. It's not like you were together, nor his girl.
Your relationship with Benny was undefined, though you thought the striking Vandal was into you just as much as you were into him. But apparently it was just one sided; yours. And now he was showing another woman how to play pool. The very thing that led to you even speaking to Benny in the first place a month ago.
You had seen the raven haired vixen by the jukebox, eyeing up Benny for an hour before making her move. She had started talking to Wahoo and Corky, before Benny got roped in by the two men. From there – as you watched – she moved closer to Benny. Then she got touchy when they talked, laughing at jokes made. And then he was showing her how to play pool.
That was it. You had turned your back to the scene. Your heart not being able to take it any more. The beer you had been nursing, now your best friend. Kathy had been watching you, and the scene with Benny. Shaking her head she couldn’t believe how brazen the woman was, as well as Benny for going there.
“Forget him" Kathy said, shooting daggers at the pool table.
“I'm tryin'” you sighed. “I need another drink".
With that you got up and headed for the bar. Standing with your arms on the counter, you waited to be served. All the while hearing the obnoxious laugh of the raven hair woman. You rolled your eyes, wanting to gag at the sound. Finally you put in an order for two beers – you thought you’d be nice and get Kathy another beer – when an all to familiar body lent on the counter next to you.
Benny bumped his shoulder into yours. “Hi".
“Hi" you replied flatly, keeping your eyes straight. As you know one look at him and you'd be a goner, when you wanted to be mad.
Benny frowned, a confused look upon his face. “Everythin’ alright?”
You nodded your head. “Peachy" – your two beers were place before you, and you grabbed them – “you better go back to your new friend, she must be missin' your company".
And with that you walked off, leaving Benny even more confused then when he stepped up to the bar. Running his hand threw his hair, he was about to follow you, when Corky called him back to the pool table. With a moment of pause, Benny gave in and went back for a new game of pool. All the while trying to work out what was up with you.
“Here" you said placing a beer before Kathy, “thought I'd get ya one".
She thanked you, observing you after watching the icy exchange with Benny. Seeing the blank look upon your face, but eyes telling her how upset you were.
“What was that at the bar?” She asked, all motherly with you.
You sighed. “He came over and said hi. I replied back but I guess he could tell somethin's off, so he asked if everythin' alright”. You took a sip of your new beer.
“Your reply was?”
“Peachy...you better go back to your new friend, she must be missin' your company”. You took another, longer sip.
Kathy's eyes widened as she moved in her seat. “Was that smart?”
You shrugged. “Probably not. But felt good".
She laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah it usually does, until it wears off. Then ya feel like shit".
Again you nodded, taking a sip. “Yes, I know that. I'm feelin' it right now Kathy".
She patted you on the back. “I know. But do your best to not think about it. I doubt Benny is interested in her, I know he only has eyes for ya". She gave you a wink and a soft smile.
All you could do was give her a weak smile. God bless her for trying to cheer you up. But to be honest, you could understand why Benny would go for Raven locks. She was beautiful, dressed like she belonged here, and was confident. Everything you weren’t. You weren't an ugly duckling, but you weren't on her level. You were more of a young Doris Day, while she gave Marilyn Monroe.
After the exchange at the bar, Benny kept his distance. And that added to your despair. You really did shoot yourself in the foot. You stole looks from time to time. They looked comfortable standing next to each other. You even saw her rest her head on his shoulder with a giggle. But what put an end to the night for you was watching her wrap her arms around his neck in joy when she won a game of pool.
“I'm done" you informed Kathy gathering your cardigan and bag. “I can’t do it anymore. I'm headin' out”.
She frowned at you but understood. “Ya want to get a cab together?”
You shook your head. “Nuh, I'm good. I think a walk would be good. But thanks” you gave her a small smile. “Have a good night".
With that you moved through the bar, around various Vandals till you made it the main doors. The cool night air hit you, so you put on your cardigan, slinging your bag over your shoulder. With the briefest of a look in both directions, you crossed the road and began to head down the street. It would be a good twenty minute walk back to your place, if you walked at a decent pace. But with how you were feeling, a slow stroll would be your pace tonight.
Of course your mind thought about Benny, and how the night had gone. Usually when you came to the bar he would play a few rounds of pool before joining you and Kathy. He'd sit next to you, arm resting on the back of your chair. You both would share looks, you’d admire his beautiful blue eyes and killer smile. Or watch when he would smoke a cigarette. You'd watch him take a drag, hold it and admire how he would let the smoke out. As well as his hands, his fingers holding the cigarette so gently.
Other times you would lionize his arms. Noting his muscles and how they react to his movements. Or study the random tattoos that adorn those arms. But you'd always go back to Benny's face, taking in his stunning features. His strong jaw line that was covered in stubble. His cheek bones and full lips. And the messy blonde locks upon his head, just beginning to have a hand run threw them.
But here you were, walking home miserable and hearthaching. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, but you held them back. Just until you got home, and were safely behind a close door to finally breakdown. For you knew you were partially to blame. You probably pissed Benny off with your words. Or he didn't care, and took your words as a pass at the other woman. Either way, it didn't help you.
Turning right down a street littered with shops, you made sure to stay in the light and away from any allays. You weren't going to take any chances of some creep grabbing you. Maybe it might have been smart to get a taxi after all.
The closing in sound of a motorbike caught your ears, but you didn't pay it any mind. Too focused on wallowing in self pity and getting home. Hearing it slow down, before stopping by the curb caused you to panic a little. Why would someone stop near you, when the street was empty. You decided to pick up the pace, clutching your bag.
It was when a large, calloused hand grabbed your arm, did you jump and make a scared sound. They held onto you tightly when you tried to pull away. Then they pulled you back around, and you were met with concerned baby blues looking at you.
“Hey, it's only me" Benny said in a calm voice.
Hearing his voice you relaxed a little, letting yourself take a few slow breaths to calm your racing heart.
“What are ya doin' walkin' home, let alone, at this time of night, doll?” Benny asked, letting go of your arm to place his hands on your shoulders.
You shrugged. “Seemed like a nice night for a walk?”
Benny gave you a sharp look, not buying your words. “Really, what's goin' on (Y/N)?”
“I told ya” you replied stepping out of Benny's grasp.
“I don't buy it. Tell me what's wrong”.
You sighed, “nothin' alright. I am fine, perfectly peachy”.
He groaned. “There’s that damned word again”.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “What, peachy?” – Benny nodded – “it's a perfectly acceptable word".
He chuckled. “Yeah, you like to use it when you're upset. So what is it this time? Is it the woman at the bar?”
You stood there silent for a moment, processing your response. But from the lack of reply, Benny got his answer.
“No, not at all. You're free to spend your free time with whom ever ya like” was what you went with. Not a very strong reply, but its all you got.
Benny laughed loudly. “Jealously sure is a cute colour on you".
Your shot him a dark look, moving your hands to rest on your hips. “I am not jealous Benjamin Cross! Far from it!”
With that you turned on your heel and started to storm off, leaving Benny to laugh some more. But upon realising you were seriously annoyed, he took off after you. He tried to get to you to stop, even offered to give you a ride home. Which you refused.
“Come on, it's quicker and safer if I get ya home” Benny stated, following closely.
“I'm fine. I'd say its more worrisome to be with a Vandal” you retorted.
That hurt Benny. And it was a low blow, you know. But he irked you. So, your words were justified.
“Come on, please let me take ya home” Benny sighed, before he got a bad idea. “The quicker I get ya home safely, the quicker I can get back to the bar and that woman".
That was it. You stopped, before turning around in a flash. Anger and hurt shone in your eyes.
“If its that so important go back now! I said I am fine!” You said with a raised voice. “She seemed to like ya too, from how she was practically in ya arms or in ya lap! Don't mind me, I'm just stupid to think I stood a damn chance. But, like usual, I am-”
You didn’t get to finish your rant. For Benny – amused by your dummy spit – grabbed your arm and pulled you in, his lips silencing you with a kiss. He moved his free hand to cup your cheek, thumb caressing the soft skin. You were in shock. Benny was kissing you. He kissed you to stop you from talking.
He pulled back, looking down at you from under his eyelashes. “Ya good?”
You opened your mouth, then shut it. How does one speak after that? But your eyes told him that you were trying to wrap your head around what just happened. He saw shock, confusion and a small flicker of hope.
“What-why?” You sputtered out.
Benny chuckled, moving his hand so he could caress your jaw with his thumb. “Ain't it obvious? I kissed ya".
“W-why?!” You choked out.
Benny found this version of you amusing and adorable. “Because I wanted too, I’ve wanted to for weeks now. But I've been afraid too".
You looked into Benny's eyes, trying to work out why he would be afraid. So you asked that question. Waiting with baited breath for his answer.
“I was worried ya didn't like me, like I like ya, doll” he said softly. “But seein’ your reaction to Angela" – so that's the raven vixens name, you thought – “I got my answer; ya do".
You titled your head, giving him a sharp look. “Yeah, well...you could be wrong".
Benny chuckled, running his thumb down your lips. Letting it linger, pulling down your bottom lip. “Oh, I know I'm right. And if I was to kiss ya again, I know for a fact, you’ll kiss me back, doll".
“Ha. Try me” you retorted, a challenge.
With a small smirk, Benny moved in and captured your lips once. This kiss was harder. His hand holding your chin, as his tongue swept along your bottom lip. Without a thought, you opened your mouth, giving him victory. Benny's tongue entered, finding your tongue and caressed it with his own. He didn't waste time deepening this kiss, both of you had wanting this for so long.
Eventually Benny pulled back, you chasing his lips. He laughed at how kiss drunk you were. The way you opened your eyes and looked up at him, had him wanting to groan from how good that looked on you. He continued to caress your jaw with him thumb, as he rested his head against your forehead.
“I was right” he sighed. “Firstly, jealously does look good on you” – you softly scoffed – “And secondly, I was right ya would kiss me back”.
“Yeah, yeah...” you mumbled.
Benny pulled back with a chuckle. “Come on, let's get out of here".
With that you let Benny pull you to his bike. Once he was on and the bike was running, Benny helped you on to sit behind him. Settled in and your arms around his waist, be pulled away from the curb. No intention to take you home yet. For now, he wanted to spend time with his girl. Time he didn't get earlier.
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zablife · 23 days
Property of Johnny
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Johnny Davis x you
Johnny Davis Masterlist
A/N: A short fic based on this ask from @potter-solomons. Also, I wrote this with a raging fever so if it doesn't make sense, pls be kind. I'll fix any mistakes later.
"Goin' out for a smoke," you told Johnny, placing a kiss to his cheek as you leaned across the table to borrow his lighter.
"Take your jacket, babydoll," he reminded you gently, pulling the garment off the chair beside him and holding it out for you. He insinuated the thick leather was protection against the chilly autumn air, but you knew better. The glimmer in his eye as he caught sight of the "Property of Johnny" patch on your left arm was an unmistakable tell that he loved marking you as his.
As you walked away, Wahoo's new girl cast a covetous eye in your direction, surveying your Vandals jacket carefully before asking, “How do I get one of those?"
Everyone seated at the table could tell her air of entitlement didn't sit well with Johnny who shifted in his seat with a low grumble. He looked to the younger man to tell her how things were, how you had to prove yourself to get a jacket and why only a few lucky ladies had special insignia from their men. But it was clear Wahoo wouldn't be the one to deflate her ego. Not with her hand resting on his upper thigh, moments away from whispering it was time to get out of here.
Pulling away suddenly, she snapped her gum in a show of childish impatience. "Well? Anybody gonna answer me?" she persisted.
"How long you been with this guy?," Johnny asked, indicating toward Wahoo with his beer bottle. Before she could speak up, he answered his own question. "A month... at best?" he mumbled to himself as though he were counting up the days in his head.
"So?" she shrugged.
"You work mighty quick if he's ready to call you his old lady," he hummed, taking a long swig of his beer.
Turning to Wahoo and running a manicured hand through his glossy black hair, she cooed, "I am...Ain't I, baby?"
Wahoo gulped as he looked back at Johnny. "Sure, sure," he hushed her, pulling her hand away gently. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she suddenly pulled his jacket from his chair, donning his colors and giving a little twirl for show.
"See how good I look?" she asked the group. "Now when do I get mine, huh?" she pouted.
Johnny rolled his eyes before looking out the window at you, thinking of all the sleepless nights you'd spent waiting for him and the countless times you bandaged his wounds. The arguments about the club that nearly ripped you apart, only for you to work things out and try all over again because you knew how important it was to him. It was that kind of love and patience a man needed to survive. One look at the simpering child across from him playing dress up told him she wasn't the type to stick around when things got hard.
"I don't think you understand, sweetheart," Johnny began in the even controlled tone he used when laying down the rules to a newcomer. "That's earned," he said, pointing to you for emphasis. "She's the most loyal person I know. Woman's stuck by me through thick and thin," he explained with an earnest nod.
As you returned from outside, you couldn't help but notice the sour look on the young girl's face as she fell back into her chair, arms folded over her chest as she whined to Wahoo, "I'm a good person too, you know. What does he want me to do, recite a pledge or somethin'?"
Johnny stood to excuse himself, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest as he placed a hand at the small of your back to indicate he was saying his final words on the subject. "Maybe if you stick around long enough you'll figure it out for yourself," he tossed over his shoulder with a wink.
"What was all that about?" you asked Johnny when you were undressing for bed.
"Don't give me that. What did you say to Wahoo's girl tonight?" you pressed.
"Why does it matter? She ain't gonna be here long," he grunted as he pulled the belt from his trousers.
"You know that from one conversation?" you asked, eyebrows raised at him playfully. "Poor kid just wants a jacket," you reminded him.
"Well she ain't gettin' one," he muttered. "We don't give out jackets for fucking our members."
"Oh, you don't?" you asked playfully, watching him carefully as he wound the belt around his fist, leather cracking angrily before he shoved it into a dresser drawer. The meaning behind your jacket had always been a bit of mystery to you, but you assumed it was to keep other men away from Johnny Davis' girl.
In an attempt to find out you poked the bear with a single statement. “You're a damn liar if you think I don't know the reason you gave me this jacket," you snickered as you hung it in your closet with the “Property of Johnny” patch facing you. “Want everybody to know...," you mused, tracing the stitching with your fingertips.
Johnny's brow twitched at the accusation, crossing the room to capture you in his arms. “What? That I'm proud you're mine?" he prompted, holding your face in his large palm.
"To keep their distance," you corrected, holding his gaze.
"Can't it be both?" he grinned at you mischievously before ducking his head to place kisses along your collarbone.
Full lips brushing against the column of your throat, you soon felt his hot breath ghost over the shell of your ear as he whispered, "I think you know me better than that. I protect what’s important to me and that's the love you give me. Wouldn't be nothin' without you, darlin."
Your heart swelled at his praise, fingers curling tightly over his biceps as his hand began stroking languidly up your spine.
He paused momentarily to rest his chin against your head. “I know the things you gave up for me and this is the only way I can repay you, keeping you safe."
You shook your head against his shoulder, tears forming in the corner of your eye. "I'm here cause I wanna be."
He hugged you tighter, arms lacing around your waist until you could hardly breathe. "I know, baby. I never said it, but I should have. Thank you," he mumbled into your hair, biting back emotion.
"Don't have to thank me," you assured him, stroking his hair. "I love you and I always will," you whispered with a lump in your throat.
Walking you gently toward the edge of the bed, Johnny pushed you onto the mattress with a smile you hadn't seen in months, the stress of work and the club consuming every waking hour. "I love you so much," he huffed as he tumbled over with you. "Gonna show you," he promised, rolling his hips over you with pent up desire.
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the-regressor · 1 year
My adventure to see the Super Mario Bros movie~
Flies to another state to see it with friend...
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...Been waiting for this day all my life...
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...Get in loser, we going to stop Bowser...
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10 min walk from the car to theater:
*Group of 8 or so teens* -"Yoooo! The Super Mario Bruhas!" -"Its Mario and his brother!" -"Can we get a photo!!!" "Sure!" *multiple photos taken* -"Yo yo yo, I don't know you dude *pulls out phone, starts live streaming* but I got my mans Mario *shakes hand* and my mans Luigi *shakes hand* out here representin'! Thank yall for bein out here!" *Car driving by slows down, rolls down window*: *Small kids hands wave out* "Its MARIOOO!!!" -Hello~! *we wave back*
*Another car lets down windows* *More small hands waving* -"Mariooo!!! Luigiiii!" -"Wahoo~!" *we wave back*
-Theater Lobby, before the Movie-
*Family; 2 adults 3 small kids approach* -Small girl insta hugs Mario, not saying anything at all & didn't want to let go, before the family can even ask for a photo xD *Takes multiple photos with 3 or 4 other families with small kids, back to back before we can actually get to the theater screen*
*As we walk to our seats, in front of the screen* hear kids chatter "Look Mario and Luigi!" "Ooooooo!" "Mario's here!"
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-We saw it in a packed 4D theater, families of all ages in audience! -Theater cheered and clapped a few times during awesome moments in the movie! -The crowd and energy was wholesome and feel-good the entire time, I was grinning ear to ear throughout!
-Theater Lobby, after the Movie-
-We get stopped by 3-4 families for more photos with their kids
-One kid was wearing this awesome suit (we did not get a chance to get a photo of him for ourselves) but more families passing by took many photos of us together, for almost 5 min
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*One dad after taking photos for his kids* -"How long will you guys be out here?" -"We just got out of the movie ourselves, we're about to leave" -"Wait, you don't work here?" -"No, we just dressed up to see the movie xD" -"Well they need to be paying you!" -"The manager needs to hire yall, I'm serious!" -"Nah, we just dressed up for fun, to put some smiles on faces :D"
-While that was going on: One of dad's girls tried to stealthy tip Luigi a few dollars for the photo ops, Luigi respectively declined xD
10 min walk back to the car:
-More kids wave from windows exclaiming "Mario and Luigi!" -Few more teens, excitedly ask for photos -Ran into another Mario and Luigi heading to the theater, but they were wearing nice red and green suits with the hats.
All in all an 11/10 movie experience! We loved every moment!
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-Mark (Mario) and Jaryd (Luigi)
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 21 days
Characters as things I've said/heard people say
I went to the fair with my family so you get this
Angel: No regrets, if we die good riddance
Cherri: I would strap myself to a bomb for fun
Charlie: I haven't pet a cow in too long I think
Vaggie: *furious* All because I can't crochet
Husk: if I was a goat I'd uhhh umm I don't know I'd probably just be a goat... Sleep maybe?
Angel: I'm going to touch your ankles
Husk: What are you, some kind of Victorian pervert?
Charlie: *gasping and pointing to a sign* SUPER FRIED CHICKEN
Angel: Lame I want super SUPER fried chicken
Alastor: *watching pork roast* Gorgeous
Charlie: *feeding Vaggie* here comes the airplane
Alastor: ... That was embarrassing for both of you
Vaggie: *watching a man dressed as a cockroach walk by* The men have started morphing into their true forms
Cherri: Wouldn't it be funny if this place got set on fire
Charlie: No??? There would be a stampede
Cherri: Oh damn I would die
Charlie: No, you would stampede?
Cherri: I wouldn't run
Charlie: *sigh* yeah, of course not
Sir Pentious: If I died on a rollercoaster my last words would be "Wahoo"
Nifty: I need to destroy, I need to rip something to shreds with my bare hands
Lucifer and his Candy apple adventures a saga:
Lucifer: *holding a candy apple* oh hell yeah I'm gonna fuck this shit UP
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *doesn't notice*
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *looks around* ???
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *looks back at him* What are you doing?
Lucifer: Huh?
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Lucifer: What are you talking about????
Alastor: You're throwing something in my hair and on my shoulders and back-
Lucifer: *singing* head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
(my sister never figured out what I was doing 💀)
Lucifer: *still eating his candy apple* Why am I eating this like a chicken wing?
Charlie: Is that not how you're supposed to eat it?
Lucifer: You are absolutely right
Lucifer: *covered in candy apple* I'm sticky 🥺
Lucifer: *done with his candy apple but still chewing on the stick*
Alastor: *takes a bite of a mozzarella stick*
Lucifer: *gasps* MOZZARELLA STICKS
Alastor: *dips mozzarella sticks in marinara sauce and holds it out to Lucifer*
Lucifer: *reaches for it*
Alastor: *takes it back and glares*
Lucifer: what? oh- weirdo *eats it from his hand*
Lucifer: Can you bring me to the bathroom?
Alastor: I'm not carrying you
Lucifer: *rolls eyes* can you walk me to the-
Alastor: I might be able to find you a little red wagon
Lucifer: I'm going to punch you
Cherri: Froot loops are just-
Angel: *nods seriously* Gay Cheerios
Charlie: I need to find a bathroom to cry in asap
Vaggie: She's either drunk or high off something
Angel: I think it would be easier if I was high
Charlie: All I can smell is weed
Angel and Cherri: *deep inhale*
Charlie: NO
Alastor: Ugh there are so many people
Lucifer: I know I'm dying
Alastor: *completely monotone* oh no the horrors
Stranger: Is that your dad?
Husk: Do I look that old?
Angel: No, we're married
Stranger: Oh... you're married
Angel: *laughing* No
Lucifer: *singing along* I can count on you like 4 3 2 you'll be there
Alastor: No I'd leave you
Lucifer: Yeah I know
Alastor: Like everyone else
Lucifer: oh
Nifty: *staring at crystals* Do I think they could heal me? No, I am beyond repair. Do I think they're so so so so pretty? YES!!! I NEED THEM
Lucifer: *overstimulated, angry, and grinning with tears in his eyes* I wish I could enjoy things
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feralghoulie · 4 months
Note: First fic on Tumblr, Wahoo! Participating in Ghoulcy week. May 20-26, 2024. Credit to @GhoulcyWeek on twt for promps!
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Prompt: Forced proximity (Day 1)
Summary: Trapped in quite a small closet. The Ghoul takes advantage of his situation. Ravishing the looks of Lucy in her blue Vault Suit.
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Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) X Lucy Maclean
Slick Blue Suit.
The stomping of boots was heard right outside the barely closed closet. Raiders squatting in the house you two had stumbled upon.
The closet was unbelievably cramped. The ghouls back against the wall, his hand held tight over Lucy's mouth. His opposite hand holding her tight to his body, her ass perfectly fitting into the shape of his crotch.
The ghoul knew he could very easily wipe the Raiders out with just a few shots. Lucy herself questioned why he didn't jump out. Guns blazing.Though he couldn't pass up the opportunity to grind his hard cock against her blue leather suit.
God did he fucking love the way her suit hugged every single one of her curves. Watching with still breath every single time she bent over. Anytime she had managed to hold off a raider or two, even just stomping on radroaches. Every single move she made, made his cock twitch.
Every thought he had. Filthy. Deep desire to ruin her smooth skin. Her sheltered mind. Holding back every single urge to drive his cock deep into her hardly touched, tight pussy. Absolutely destroying her sense of innocence.
Playing out in his mind, his scarred fingers pressing the pallette of her tongue. Gagging her as his fingers slide through her slick folds. Hearing her beg for more, knowing he was corrupting her sweet mind.
"What a dirty little girl you are, huh? Imagine what your dad would think. His little girl gettin ruined by such an old disgusting man like me." Her pussy tensing from his words.
His mind was quickly interrupted by the sudden sound of rapid creaking floor boards. More Raiders had entered the room.
Subconsciously he had been grinding up against Lucy's ass. She had tried to adjust from the tight grip he had on her, but was too scared to make sound.
He didn't care if the Raiders would bust open the closet. He could handle them. As long as she thinks she's in danger, he could get away with taking advantage of her.
Listening to the conversations of the Raiders, hoping they moved just a little further.. he grew impatient. Slipping his gloved leather fingers into her mouth.
She tried to make a disapproved squeak, but was too scared to alert them. He pressed his bloody leather fingers flat against her tongue. Pushing them very slowly back. Just enough to not let her gag.
She didn't attempt to bite down. Just still, trying not to make noise.
He adjusted the hand that held her close. Cautious, he managed his belt. Trying to undo the buckle. Undoing the button, and slowly rolling down the zipper. Slipping his pants partially down, he sighed in her ear.
He freed his aching hard cock, and pressed it directly against her blue suit. Cold against his warm flushed shaft.
She lightly bit down on his finger, not enough to cause pain. More so to alert him to stop. He didn't abide. Leaning into the shell of her ear.
"I suggest you don't act rash. Don't want to alert them, do ya?" He said in a low whisper.
She shook her head in defeat.
"Good. Now you're gonna take this. Whether you fuckin want it or not. And I'm sure ya do. I see the way you look at me out in that wasteland Vaultie."
He said grinding his hips against her ass. His cock rubbing against the meat of her ass and the arch of her back.
"I bet I make ya quite wet. Watchin me choke those men? Hm?" He said rutting his leaking cock faster. His fingers exploring her mouth.
"You don't know a single fuckin thing about this wasteland... I'll teach ya. This is rule number one honey."
He said removing his fingers from her mouth. Both his hands grabbing at her waste. Giving himself a better angle.
"I always get what I fuckin want." He drew out slowly. His voice so low it drew out a deeper southern accent.
Precum dripped down her backside. Giving him a wet friction. Holding back his groans, his straining his breath tickled her ear.
Her thoughts were spiraling. So morally conflicted with herself she felt emotionless. Her body felt like it was on fire. The way he held her sent waves of pleasure through out her body. Being used like this was something she never expected to enjoy. Paired with the fact that if they were caught, she would more than likely be the one hurt.
She couldn't focus on one thing. His voice was sending shocks through her soaked pussy, while the Raiders were sending panic through her heart. All she could do was focus on silence.
The ghoul could feel his release building up. Biting down on his lip to hold back curses. His grinding thrusts were becoming sloppy. His breath unstable in her ear.
As he felt himself reach his peak, he held her hips tight against him. Shooting massive ropes of cum against her back. Sliding down slowly as they set. He rubbed his cock in his own mess. His shaft effortlessly sliding around.
Letting go of her waist, he took a swift wipe of his load, and brushed it against her tongue. Forcing her to taste his spend. Twisting and pressing his finger inside her mouth.
Leaning into her ear, he whispered.
"You're in for a world of trouble sweetheart. I ain't letting this sweet of a girl go."
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notpixl · 3 months
How the FUCK do I do layouts- fuck it.
You and Acheron go buy Peaches.
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Um, GN!Reader, maybe a forking ton of ooc? And a bit of filler before we actually go outside. Also bad words :(
Wahoo (I need help with this layout thing every other person has-
"Text" is you.
"Text" is Acheron.
I'm hoping this helps :')
--- ---- ---
You open the fridge, eager to make that infamous Peach Pie both you and Acheron loved.
Maybe with a scoop of Ice Cream placed at the top as well? You're sure her eyelids widened a bit when the flavors intertwined with each other...
However, before you could begin on making dessert...
"Oh you've got to be kidding me..."
There were no peaches.
You let out a sigh, you were sure you bought some the last time you went to the store!
"What's wrong, dear?"
You turn around to see Acheron, who's looking back at you with those beautiful, gorgeous, hypnotic eyes that leaves you stumbling with your words.
"We're uh... we're out of Peaches-
In an instant, Acheron lays in a fetal position, her eyes devoid of any color.
"This world shall know pain..."
You roll your eyes before closing the fridge, already used to this type of behavior coming from Acheron.
Who wouldn't bawl their eyes out when their favorite food is nowhere to be found?
"Supermarket's closed for the day..."
You can imagine an invisible sword plunging into Acheron's chest when she heard that.
"But I know Nanny probably has some fresh ones..."
"Where is Nanny?"
Acheron stands up, eyes filled with Determination.
"...you know what happened last time when we went out, right?"
She slowly looks away, acting oblivious.
--- ---- ---
"Where in the bloody hell did she run off to now?"
You swore she was beside you when you took a glance at the soup aisle!
"I swear, this lady is gonna give me a headache-
"M(x) [Name], please head to the Lost and Found Section."
A sigh escapes your lips.
At least she managed to make her way over there...
"I suggest we should hold hands."
"I look away for one second and you'll be at the exit."
"...a leash?"
"Absolutely not!"
"I... n-no!"
"Then what do you have for an idea?"
She crosses her arms, tilting her head.
*Whisper* "They're staring."
*Whisper* "Of course they would! You have a giant floating Peach Balloon for crying out loud!"
You could only hope for it to not fly away as it was held together with strings and duct tape around Acheron's Belt.
...maybe you were reconsidering your choices on making sure she didn't get lost.
But it does look cute seeing Acheron with a comically large Peach Balloon floating above her...
"[Name]? You're smiling again."
You shake your head in response.
"Was I now?"
"Let's just head to this Nanny."
She walks by your side, her hand intertwined with yours.
And then you guys got peaches and made peach pie and lived happily ever after yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-
Feel free to throw some words at me.
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confessions-sm · 3 months
Hi🪼 I just wanted to say that, in my humble opinion, Skid and Pump are the best characters in Spooky Month. As someone who has been in the fandom since 2021, Skid and Pump have always been my favorite characters from the show, now they're even starting to be my favorite characters from all time. They're my biggest comfort characters, I draw them all the time, I write about them, I always think about them, they're my sons, I kin them, I have the plushies and grrg4hrkd I could yap about them constantly I'm grrr4yu38euehd Skid and Pump‼️‼️ But it pains me SO MUCH to see how underrated they are and how they barely get any attention from the fandom compared to other characters, and the fact that they're the main characters just hurts more, man💔💔 Even in this whole blog, there's so very little confessions about them I'm gonna explode💥 They're very adorable, great, have good lore, are well written characters, and they're supa cool wwhy are we doing this guys :(( Cries sobs rolls around⚰️ Sorry for the yap session I jus really wanted to get this off my chest🐝 Anyways Skid and Pump!!!!!!Yahooo‼️🎉🎉🎉🎉
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yuu--dachi · 1 year
a joy to be hidden, a disaster to not be found
hewwo! it's my first fic in a while and also the first fic on this blog. wahoo!! and it's.... an x reader fic which i've also never done before!! and also for genshin!! wahoo!!
ships: alhaitham x reader / you (gender neutral)
content: hurt/comfort, fluff, lowkey pining from alhaitham, reader experiences a panic attack, written in reader's pov but switches to alhaitham for a bit at the end, alhaitham says Sorry cus i like to make him do that 😎
words: 4k (help girl how did i let it get this long...)
synopsis: in which a haravatat scholar realises that everything is not as simple as it is, our body betrays us at every second of every hour, and the three times alhaitham finds you, no matter what.
this reader is for all the babygirls (gender neutral) out there who feel things so deeply and we are all crybabies. i see you, i hear you, and i love you!! we're all bad bitches who are easily moved and touched by the world around us and that's lovely!! keep shining your light on this world, friends!
i'm taking requests for drabbles and quick fics or poetry! whatever inspo strikes me 😴
the first time he finds you, alhaitham says:
“the solution is quite simple.” 
and you find your fist in wanting of purchase in his face. 
“this wouldn't be a problem had you realised your limits before your entire body broke down. surely, i don't have to cite research papers for you to understand that it is important to take note of one's mental health accordingly, as an adult with agency in your own life? then you don't have to find comfort in the mouth of a beer mug.”
he was surprisingly chatty today, and at any other time you would have loved to relish in making him speak for so much for so long. getting him to talk so much was like trying to scrape the bottom of the jar for the last smidgens of berry jam, and you savoured it just as well. 
but not today.
“alhaitham, you're not in my shoes, so stop trying to make me walk down the same path you do.”
he tipped his head, confused. “what's wrong with my path? i have no relationship problems—”
“because you don't maintain any.”
“—no financial burdens—”
“because you don't spend it on anything.”
“—and no personal problems.”
“because you don't bother with anything you don't care for,” you sighed out. 
“if i didn't maintain any relationships, then why am i here? and if i didn't spend any money, then why is the bill under my name? and if i didn't bother with anything i don't care for, then why am i with you, right now, instead of reading at home?”
he flicks your nose; you sniffle in response and bury your face into the hard table, slightly damp from your tears.
“i don't know,” you whispered, the words leaving you without a thought. “why are you here, alhaitham?”
“if i follow your reasoning, it's because i'm bored, have money, and don't care to be anywhere else. does that answer satisfy you?”
a silence between both of you, even though the tavern was filled with the sound of chatter and the tinkling of dishes and cutlery. “...no.”
“then why upset yourself?”
you remove your face from the table and look at him, despite your eyes red and puffy from crying, nosy runny, and a wood grain pattern imprinted on your cheek and forehead. “i just wanted to hear you say it.”
he hums, thoughtful.
(despite his demeanour, he was rarely thoughtless about anything. even if he didn't make decisions you would've done.)
“because i care about you,” he let the words out slowly, like testing how they roll off the tongue. like learning a new language. “is that alright?”
you plant your face back into the table, all too-aware of your red eyes that must've sparkled, your lips that wanted to become a songbird in return for such simple words. “mm-hmm. thank you.”
“you're very welcome.”
the second time alhaitham finds you, you are under a table. 
“go away for a bit,” the words come out of your mouth clumsily, like tripping over your own feet in haste. “this one's t-taken.”
your humour probably didn't land as well as you hoped. the stuttering of the heart in your chest beating like a butterfly's wings in flight, like it had ambitions of flying out of your chest instead of remaining behind your ribcage where it belonged. to your credit, it was hard to think of a joke in the middle of everything that was happening in your body. you would've rated yourself fairly well, all things considered.
alhaitham didn't seem to agree, although he didn't frown at you. he tends to voice out his disagreements vocally rather than through things like body language—you know, like a machine would when you press the wrong button? 
if he knew what i'm thinking right now, he would probably say that it's one of the virtues of studying under haravatat—classic alhaitham!
instead of saying anything immediately though, he sat cross-legged in front of you, his eyes wandering, seemingly…. observing? what was he looking at? you're sure you could've tell if your mind was clearer, but you couldn't at the moment.
“does it not hurt?” he asked, then, from your face dipped over your hunched knees, you heard two raps of a knock on the desk. “this is the desk made with athel wood, isn't it? it's very durable, but it's difficult for the city craftsmen to make full use of them right now because of how hard it is. the edges don't look sanded enough.”
“i-it's fine,” you choke out, and then breathed in and out for a proper response. “i don't mind it so much.”
he raised a brow in return. oh, you think, so now he's going to use body language, is he? 
too bad you couldn't savour it this time too. 
“as long as it's pressing against me, i'm… okay.”
you hear him hum in understanding, like he does when he reads a well written proposal. 
“is that why you chose this desk in particular? the others were too high and wide and you couldn't make contact with the wood?”
before you realised it, it was easier for you to speak now, even though your heart was still pounding, and your skin felt raw. you didn't usually try to talk when you were experiencing… whatever this is. 
“yeah. i just need… to feel safe.”
before you realised it, your face was no longer tucked between your knees, but instead resting on them as you avoided looking him in the eyes. 
“i see,” he said, and he paused before saying: “would you mind if i tried something?”
you hesitated, and your eyes finally meet. “i don't know, what are you going to do?”
“i'm going to hold you in my arms,” he said, and switched from sitting cross legged to having his knees tucked under him, arms open and his hands stretching for yours. “if you don't mind.”
in any other situation, you wouldn't have minded. you'd say: maybe it'll start snowing in the desert today! should we start preparing for the oncoming winter?
but now….
you were a mess—just like you were in the tavern that night, too. red ringed on your puffed-up eyes, sweat drenching your clothes and making your back feel as humid as the rainforests at night, and you could barely eke out a word before seemingly using up every bit of air in your lungs, like a newborn babe that only knew how to cry.
you didn't know how to tell all of this to alhaitham. sorry, can i go change into better clothes first? can i save this hug for another time when i'm completely sane and sober to take full advantage of it? can you wait till i ice my eyes so i can look at you properly?
instead, what came out of your mouth was: “i'm disgusting right now.”
he hummed, and you weren't sure if it was his i'm-considering-how-to-reply-to-this-idiotic-situation hum or i-see-where-you're-coming-from hum.
“i can see why you'd think that, but that's irrelevant.”
ah. so it was both.
“why do you want to hold me?”
“i want to see if i can do a better job than a desk,” he says, and you feel a smile ghost your face, only because you see him wearing one too. a small smile, simple like him. 
“i probably smell really bad. i'm sweating so much right now.”
“that's fine. i'll stop breathing through my nose.”
“my eyes are really red too. it's not that i don't want to look at you, it's that i'm too embarrassed to.”
“i can just close my eyes.”
“my heart is pounding really painfully right now, and it's hard to talk.”
“i'll ask questions that are easy to answer then.”
finally, you relented. “...is it really okay?”
after you confirmed that he couldn't smell you and couldn't see you, you slowly inch from under the desk and into his lap, where he then wrapped his arms around you. not tightly or passionately, but a sort of reassuring grip—like he wouldn't let you fall.
“how does it feel?”
“you're probably better than my desk,” you laughed out, and the sound felt strange to your ears, just moments after you were alone and crying and hyperventilating under a desk in a room by yourself.
“glad to be of service.”
you laughed again. “i don't think even the other sages from the akademiya can ever get you to say those words.”
“because they can't. if any of them leapt into my arms asking for a hug, i'd redirect them to doctor zakariya.”
you laughed again, and you were glad you made him promise to close his eyes. the sight of alhaitham smiling slightly at you, and the sight of your smile looking at him would've convinced anyone that you were starstruck by him. you didn't feel up to being publicly humiliated at the moment. 
the two of you spent the next few minutes—which felt like hours—in each other's embrace (well, yours in his, mostly), and soon your breathing steadied. from the high tides and low crests of your chest rising and falling asynchronously, it returned to the rhythm of the afternoon tides of port ormos.
although it was a difficult question to ask, you asked anyways. “are you not going to ask me what happened?”
“one of the six sins of any scholar under the akademiya is to interfere in human evolution,” he began, and you felt a smile coming before he even finished. “i assume it was your body's way of protecting you against a threat. although—” 
he opened his eyes, and you would've tried to stop your smiling by any means before he could see you, but he was wearing a smile of his own, and you couldn't help but dig your fingers deeper into his arms. 
“—the nature of the threat and it's scale remains unknown to me still. you have a way with handling problems, after all.”
you gave him a big smack on his chest, fists closed for maximum impact. “ouch!”
how did that hurt you instead of him?
“a good rule of self defense is hard parts against soft targets, and soft parts on hard targets. you shouldn't have closed your hand. a slap would work better.”
“how was i going to know your chest was literally rock hard?!”
“i thought you might have some inkling. i've noticed your stare a few times before.”
you wanted to throw yourself into the abyss.
you couldn't, so instead, you took his hand and bit his fingers as the next best thing. 
a small ouch sounded from him, though you couldn't tell if it was genuine or for the sake of making you feel better. you laid your head back against his chest, arms now wrapped around him in return.
“thanks, alhaitham.”
“you're very welcome,” he muttered in response, and you almost didn’t hear him.
“you’re not going to tell me that the solution is simple, or that i was the one that caused this thing in myself?”
he hummed.
“no,” he started, and you wanted to collapse in relief. “i am a scholar of haravatat, not amurta. i don’t understand the subject matter enough to say in any confidence or plausibility that the way your—or anyone’s—body works is simple. if it was that simple, then we wouldn’t have an entire field dedicated to it. and i do wish it were that simple, sometimes. then perhaps so many scholars wouldn’t have written audacious sounding proposals that i’d have to read thoroughly just to reject.”
you snickered. “what does haravatat’s wisdom has to say about me?”
for a moment, you see his eyes soften, straying away from yours.
“that your body failing you is not a moral or intellectual inadequacy on your part. that we do not have full control of ourselves, even if we would like to. that, perhaps…”
his gaze returns to you. “...perhaps, we are all more fallible than we see ourselves.”
“only you see yourself as infallible. i know very well how my body betrays me every second of every day. it’s one of the things that comes with being in touch with my own emotions, don’t you know?”
the teasing was meant to be lighthearted, as you knew he didn’t mean anything he said before in a dogged way. his words was not thorny on purpose like a bramble bush, just rough to the touch like a tongue’s cat. there were days where his words striked too much like an arrow through you, and days where the coarseness only brushed your ankles like standing in sand. you loved and cared for him despite that.
suddenly, he pulled you tighter against him, and you squeaked. “alhaitham? Is everything okay?”
no answer. you shifted in your position to make yourself more comfortable, and with whatever left strength you could muster, you rub your hands over his back in calm, soothing circles. “there, there.” 
your voice reverberated through your body, and you continued to hold him reassuringly, hoping that enough exposure to having him be so close to you would cure your racing heart and your voice, almost crumbling at his touch.
it was good how self conscious of yourself you were. then, you wouldn’t be able to tell that his heart was racing, too. 
the third time he finds you, it was not so much being found as it was being chased.
it was just one of those days that went wrong in every way it could’ve gone wrong. you stubbed your toe after getting out of the shower, your research project was going nowhere despite your multiple reminders to your groupmates, and even the way the sticky-sweet baklava clung to your teeth annoyed you.
worst of all, you had a fight with alhaitham.
now that you think of it, it could hardly be called a fight. you’ve seen full-grown adults in akademiya gowns act pettier in a structured debate, and you were sure that if you had asked alhaitham—truly asked, with no contempt or malice—he would’ve presented to you a perfectly reasonable explanation why he didn’t act like an asshole and moreso sounded like one.
right. the only person that was taking things too seriously was you. it had always been you.
it wasn’t that you wanted to be less emotional. you had spent too much time in your formative younger years denying the fact that you simply felt things more deeply, more quickly, than others. it was difficult to accept that you simply had thinner skin than most people—that, on a bad day, the veil of privacy that stood between your emotions and the outside world was nothing but sheer silk that fluttered all too easily with an evening breeze. 
the ‘fight’ was nothing spectacular, either. It wasn’t as if you two were having an intellectual discussion as two scholars, rigorously going through peer review on a research paper. it wasn’t as if neither of you would come out of it having respected each other a little less.
but, like the person that you are, so tethered to the heart that it kept your feet frozen sometimes, it had hurt you deeply.
it truly was nothing spectacular. you simply wanted to vent about your terrible groupmates, and you thought that it would be nothing more than a venting session over drinks, getting sober, and then buckling down to do the job once you were ready again in the morning.
but it escalated. he, also seemingly irritable that night, kept bringing up questions, solutions, to your dismay. at any other time, you would’ve let it slide and shelved it as simply alhaitham being alhaitham—a man who wanted life to be simple and easy, fixing problems before they sprung. however, what you needed that night was not a fixer or a tinkerer with all his haravatat wisdom. you needed alhaitham the drinking buddy, the one that would foot the bill, the one that held you in his arms and wanted to be of more comfort than the desk you hid under.
“i just wish you would just—listen!”
“i am listening. it’s just that it’s difficult to keep my words to myself, seeing as this problem can be easily fixed, if you weren’t so fixated on unnecessary things.”
“unnecessary? i don’t like them, but it doesn’t mean that i want to snitch on them!”
“what’s stopping you? they clearly don’t respect you. who else can they blame but themselves as the logical consequence of their actions if you do tell on them? they are adults in their own capacity, and the akademiya is not a place for people to loiter around, seeking for forgiveness for one’s own incompetence. their lesson is theirs to learn.”
“i have my own way of fixing things, alhaitham. you may not care about other people’s feelings, but i do! and i’d rather work it out clearly with them rather than resort to underhanded tactics just to have my life go a little smoother.”
“then tell me, why hasn’t your way of fixing problems worked? only an idiot would employ the same methods over and over again, hoping it’ll work the next time.”
he didn’t call you an idiot directly, but he didn’t have to. the insult found its way to you just the same. 
even if you did, you couldn’t fully deny it either. in the perspective of alhaitham, perhaps everyone else other than him was a dimwit full of hot air. the thought that the same applied to you, who you thought had a pretty close relationship with him, stung the most. 
he had tried to talk to you and reach out multiple times (although, by your estimates, his attempts were somewhat weak and clumsy), and you kept him out of your house with a badly made sign that said ‘TRESPASSERS BEWARE’ above an aranara carving that looked—in your opinion—pretty scary.
on these days, it was difficult. you couldn’t touch yourself, feeling so raw that you feared that wherever your hand brushed, you would come away bleeding. 
there were at least some good news though: your groupmates finally decided to cooperate with you for the project, and you were extremely thankful for it. it turns out that they all had personal issues that made it difficult to speak out on, and now that they realised that you wouldn’t judge them for whatever excuse they may have, they confided in you, and everything went as smoothly as you could hope for.
the four of you celebrated at the tavern, drinks in hand at 3 p.m. in the afternoon. the boss, seeing this particular group of inebriated students, simply shook his head and smiled defeatedly. by the time the sky changed colours, only you were left sitting alone at your table after having escorted the other three to their homes to get some well-earned rest. you would have left soon after, if not only for the fact that you had ‘bumped’ into alhaitham and he ordered a drink to have at your table.
“i was right,” was the first thing you said to him, and you enjoyed the look on his face when the words left your mouth. “i was right. everything turned out like i hoped it would.”
he tilted his head. “surely you can’t expect for luck and fortunate circumstances to befall you every time?”
“i don’t. i don’t, but… i’ll keep doing what i’m doing. i like it when everyone is happy. things won’t always go the way i want them to, but i’ll keep doing it, because it’s important to me that i try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, that i don’t walk the easy road if it means i’ve passed by something meaningful just to suffer a little less in my own life.”
“you sound like kaveh.”
you chuckled. “that sounds like a compliment to me. thank you.”
when his drink arrived, alhaitham nudged it your way across the table. you raised a brow. “what’s this for?”
“to say i’m sorry.”
“words aren’t enough for you?”
“words are only enough for people who trust others to tell the truth,” he paused, then added: “and i don’t.”
you hummed, then leaned back in your chair. “pretend, then, that we are two people who trust each other to tell the truth, and that we would believe in each other no matter what. what would you say?”
his green-red eyes flickered, and you didn’t know from what. if it was with other people, you could hazard a guess, sure—but alhaitham was different from the people you’ve met, and you did not want to presume what his heart feels.
(even if he claims that it’s only there to keep him alive.)
“when i couldn’t see you, i still thought of you, and i didn’t know what to do. i want to apologise for insulting you with my words, even if i didn’t mean to. i failed to calculate the exact way they had sounded until it reached my own ears and i saw how hurt you were.”
you said nothing, but nodded slightly as a go-on.
“i like it when things are simple, but that didn’t mean i wanted you to be simple. i just wanted things to be simple for you, and i unreasonably tried to force my perspective onto yours and ended up hurting you in the process. and for that…” he seemed to have trouble wrangling the words out of his throat, and you would’ve laughed if he didn’t look so pained. you reached out for his hand on the table, resting yours atop his. “...and for that, i am deeply sorry.”
you hummed. another moment to savour. 
there  was still one more thing you needed to clear up, though.
“...do you think i’m an idiot?”
unlike mere moments ago, the words shot out of his mouth before he even tried to rein them in. “no. not at all. i’ve never once thought you were.”
you smiled at him, somewhat self-deprecatingly. “but you don’t like how emotional i am.”
“it’s not a matter of liking or disliking. your emotions serve a purpose in your decision-making. it’s simply that… i do not like the experience of having to see you go through things that hurt you, even if you’re willing to do so.”
ah, so that’s what it is.
“alhaitham, do you care about me?”
his eyes, previously unfocused, darted back to meet your unflinching gaze. “have my actions indicated otherwise?”
you couldn’t help it. you snorted. “alhaitham, the line between caring for a person’s wellbeing out of courtesy rather than concern is a very thin line. at least, for the rest of us who you might call ‘drama queens’ and ‘fake socialites’.”
maybe he didn’t realise it, but his brows scrunched under your scrutiny, and you couldn’t help but feel joy at the fact that you made alhaitham, someone so aloof and disenchanted, truly perplexed.
“do you not know the answer already?”
“i do,” you say, and you were sure that your smile was infuriating him now. “i just wanted to hear you say it.”
a silence between both of you, even though the tavern was filled with the sound of chatter and the tinkling of dishes and cutlery. 
“i do care for you. deeply. does this answer satisfy you?”
“yep!” you smiled, and alhaitham wasn’t one to offer prayers of gratitude to the sevens above, but he was glad that you were so self-conscious of yourself to be blind to the way he leaned forward in his seat, his one hand tightly clutched under the table, and the way he wished he could bottle your smile and indulge in it on a rainy day, if he could.
ah well, alhaitham thought, tomorrow is another day without them realising. 
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