#i'm like... lowkey romance-repulsed
fallenrain40 · 1 year
little uh... random rant thingy below. v yknow, I don't really understand the whole qpr thing. now,I know it isn't like this... but to me it feels like trying to pressure aros and aroaces into having some version of a relationship or partner. or to get an aroace to date you by saying "well we can just be qprs" (which is basically what someone did to me, i'm lucky that they then completely ignored me afterwards after like, a week. it upset me but at least it didn't keep going further.) and due to my first experience with a "qpr" a while back... it feels even more so that way. (as i just said) then I thought, well hey, maybe it can just mean friendship! it doesn't HAVE to mean anything more romance related... but then... if it's just friendship that's a lil different from the norm, I don't understand WHY I would need to use a different word for it. why can't I just call it being best friends?? platonic soulmates? idk, maybe the label just isn't vibing with me. I think it's just the whole "trying to find/looking for a qpr" culture around it that makes me feel like it's too similar to dating for me. like... when you get a best friend you generally don't go out saying "looking for a best frienddd~" ... it just kinda happens.
...yknow, when I first wrote this post, I started it trying to understand wanting to have qprs or label a relationship as a qpr, but now i'm back to low-key hating them again. it's just TOO close to an "inbetween romance and platonic" that I don't like. it's just... I hate when people say things like "oH bUT aROmANTICS cAn sTILl hAVE qPrS-" like uh does that mean if we don't want a relationship AT ALL we are bad and evil? only aromantics that want to have qprs are valid now?? why should we want to have a relationship at all?? why isn't friendship enough for you people?? why is the defense for aros, aroaces, and aces also, always "but they can still have _ relationships?" it feels like they are literally saying that we are only good becuase we still can have something close enough to romantic relationships. and obviously btw, i don't care if other people want qprs, i even like to headcanon characters with qprs, just please stop assuming it's a thing all aromantics or aroaces want or something that we all feel and can have.... and stop implying that those of us who don't want anything outside of friendship is wrong. or that we need relationships in any form. sorry, I started rambling.
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halfdeadwallfly · 9 months
desperately trying to heal my soul with montgomery ricky
whyyy do i have no friends i just need to tallkkkkk to someoneee
#i'm screaming#boink#vent#ish#fuckkkck kckck IDK#anyway#i feel sick to my stomach#why can't i just let things be simple#anyways apparently rep votes are due tonight#and i haven't listened to most of the songs#and i got asked out sort of by this person i was talking to#except i've never been asked out before and we started talking on tinder which is lowkey kind of embarrassing#bc if i do want to hang out with them i have to like explain to my parents what's up since i'm home and they most def won't be chill abt it#anyway i went to high school with this person but we didn't really know eachother but he seems nice#and they're friends with some people ik i think#except it's making me nauseous bc of the fukck-igg guilt and anxiety#and all i want is to be able to talk to someone about it#but i cant bc my sibling is lowkey romance repulsed which isn't exactly it bc they literally have a gf? but like. you know what i mean. its#either way they won't want to talk about it#and naturally i haven't got any friends that i can talk to#i feel. so stupid-always#and i have to be up for work at 4am tomorrow and i'm fucking.not vibing with it#i wish i just understood? at least .why. things like this always make me feel so stressed#like fuck i'm surrounded by people who date and talk about romantic things and i still feel like a little middle schooler#like if i have feelings. or romance thoughts. i'll get made fun of. probably because i will. by my family lmao#but you know. those things aren't for me. i watch#point. point is. god#lemme just say. fuck evan. no context. fuck him.#anyway i feel tired and stupid and small and 14
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with valuing platonic relationships, currently questioning if I’m aspec and maybe aro( I haven’t put much thought yet) but I get annoyed when I would be talking to one of my guy friends in school and there would sometimes be someone saying “ you two make such a cute couple “ and that would annoy me because if I see as a friend… I see them as a friend and at most it would be a sibling like bond or if someone asked me a NSFW question I would feel so awkward about it and lowkey feel repulsed about the idea of friendship going anywhere beyond platonic, at this point it might as well be a sign, but honestly I would prefer platonic relationships any day and I fail to understand why people find it so baffling why some people don’t care if someone’s “hot” or something
You and me both TwT Since I don't understand romance I'd kinda tend to have that knee-jerk reaction when someone is like "you two make a cute couple" of "WHOA we have a good thing going here don't go ruining that with couple projection"... Let alone NSFW questions, you'd think people would mind their own business, but it's surprising how often they just don't.
Of course I guess now the waters are muddied for me since I'm in a QPR, and I do use the word "couple" liberally to talk about us in the tags, but... I think what helps is that I know the nature of our relationship and I can rest easy in the security that it'll never be what people project it to be. In a way it's kind of a "couple-passing friendship" or something. Not even sure to this day what I should be comfortable with in the way people perceive it, but my loved ones tend to understand the whole thing better than I thought they would which is pretty damn cool
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randoluker293883 · 6 months
QPR Buddie you say? Hmmm you, talk, I would like to hear more about your wares! (Tho not if you dont want to LOL)
xD sure!
So to keep it simple, Iv always loved buddie but as much as I love it, sometimes the nearly compulsatory need to always have the most popular ship be in pretty much most fandom works in very ship-heavy fandoms like this can be kinda exhausting? (Teen Wolf's fandom is another example of this)
Plus I'm someone on the aro-ace spectrum who swung very widely between being romance repulsed, neutral, and positive so sometimes it was just kinda not for me but often id have to "settle" for other ships in fandom works I dont like just to get a break from Buddie and their romance fandom wise
I love buddie and would love it to be canon but I think it would also be cool if we had just a very platonic male friendship with two people who obviously care about each other without it having to romantic
So one day I was just like.... what if they were in a QPR? And boom my brain has not been the same since.
Just to dudes realizing they care about each other very much to the point where its obvious its more then just a friendship, but it doesn't HAVE to be romantic or sexual, and slowly going "huh." and changing their lives to fit around that slowly as they navigate a QPR relationship and what that means for them and the people in their lives.
Plus with personal hc's about Eddie and Buck's sexualities, it just meshed really well and now I just love the idea of it. Plus lowkey Buck is Chris' second father figure so that just fuels my fire lol
I tend to flip-flop between what kind of relationship I like Buddie having depending if im in the mood for romance or nah still but either way I love both version of buddie and wish QPR!buddie was explored more
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
So I had a silly idea in my head at like 2am and I thought I'd share it with you, hopefully to give you a giggle
You think mei ever messes with nezha with his repulse for romance? Like one day she just slides up to him looking seriouse
Mei: our worse fear has come true. I saw redson and MK holding hands earlier
Nezha: -spits his drink- he did not!
Mei: he did. In public too.
Nezha: -gags- that shameless demon! My baby brother has been tainted...
Mei: eeyep..it's all gonna go down hill from here. Soon they'll be cuddling-
Mei: flirting all over the place-
N: gaging intensifies
M: kissing.
N: that's it I'm killing him.
Swk: nezha no
Nezha: ITS BAD ENOUGH WATCHING YOU TOO BEING ALL OVER EACH OTHER AND GROSS. I will purify my baby brother before it's too late!
ohmygod YES
i wouldnt say mei's and mk's cuddling and closeness repulses him. its mostly when romance is implied. cause listen i will die on this hill nezha loves familial/platonic cuddles but is way too embarrased to ask for them so whenever Mk or swk picks him up in little form he'll act like he's upset for like two seconds before melting into the touch
but yeah definitly, he's the little brother that set up traps in the house for the boyfriend to end up in. waterbucket over the door. banana peel. all he stops.
TSMk and TSred showing romantic affection for each other
Mei is laughing her ass off.
hehe. ohmygod i thought of something really funny. cause. Nezha's lowkey jelous someone's "taking his little brother from him" so. so. when Mk's older and tall enough to carry little form Nezha.
remember the crocodile tears?
yeah he manipulates Mk and then when he's in Mk's arms and redson is out of Mk's view he puts on the most evil gremlin smirk youve ever seen and flips off red.
but mk already knew he was doing crocodile tears.
Mk: you could have just asked you know, i dont mind holding you.
Nezha: your *eugh* 'boyfriend' needs to learn his place in the hierarchy.
Mk: and where is that?
Nezha: beneath me
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autisticlee · 1 year
contrary to my last post...how do you know if you're aromantic, or you just haven't found the mythical and elusive "THE ONE" everyone keeps going on about and promises me I will find?
every time I say i'll never date or find someone I can't stand being around or who will like me, someone always 100% of the time tells me "you have to keep looking! you will find The One™ one day! they're out there! they're real!"
i've wondered if i'm aromatic for my whole life (or at least since I learned that was a thing when I got internet as a teen) but how do you know
I feel like when I see kther aro people out there, they are so sure of themselves! they know how aro they are and aren't questioning it. it's like how I know for sure i'm asexual (being sex repulsed made that one easy lmao) but aromatic seems different and less solid.
generally, I don't care. i'm not looking for a partner and don't generally think I want one. i'm fine alone/without a relationship. it seems like tol much work and trouble. I can't even make and keep friends! why would I date?
but I feel very lonely seeing everyone in my life pair off and I have no one to rely on or lean on. I would love to have a best friend or small group of close friends, but my useless autistic ass can't even do that. but that's another rant lmao.
i always remember when someone told me once that if I want a best friend, I need to date someone. "adults don't have best friends, jnsywas they date and pair off. their partner is their best friend. you can't call another adult you aren't dating your best friends. that's only for kids."
that's so sad and lonely, yet everyone seems to believe or at least follow that dumb logic. it's times like that where I think "maybe it would be nice to have a partner," but I don't know if I just want that close relationship, or actually want a partner.
I don't know if i'm capable of being romantically attracted to someone. I know I want a really close relationship with someone where I can trust and rely on them fully. they're always there for me and I for them. we do everything together and help each other grow and live in this difficult world. but I don't want it to come with that awkward and annoying dating and romance expectation. I don't want to go on awkward first dates and have awkward "are we a thing" stage and then have the possibility of a breakup. (I can't deal with friendhips ending. a breakup would end me lmao)
I used to always say I wanted to be friends with someone first before for a while we date so I can know if I can't stand being stuck with them and them with me for a long period of time. that way I can see if if are compatible first. I think it's weird and irresponsible when people start dating before knowing who someone even is. that's just so weird (and lowkey scary) to me lmao. but I have also learned that people thinks irs wierd if you want to date after being friends because then they think you only became friends to date them and act weird about it even if it's not true. that's not the goal or reason. but no one i've been friends with passed my test anyway lmao
I remember talking about this with one friend a while back and them she suddenly a bit later accuses me of liking her and decided we can't be friends anymore. but she also didn't pass my test and wasn't the type of person I wanted. (I think she was also the person who said the quote above about adults can't have best friends)
i've never actually liked someone. when I was younger, I got aesthetic attraction mixed up with sexual attraction until I learned asexual is a thing and that's me. I also got romantic interest mixed up with admiration a d simply finding a person interesting. also both got mixed up with gender envy hahaha
but I don't even know if I could be in a relationship. I dont feel suited. I'm way too picky to like and trust anyone enough. i'm also a useless little gremlin and no one would ever like ME enough. then there's the barrier of the person would also need to be asexual because I can't deal with their sexual needs at all and would feel bad. i've met/talked to a total of like 5 asexual people in my life. we seem comparatively rare. none of them were for me obviously.
aromantic people as well. seems rare to me. I also know it's a spectrum. there's so many types. I could be somewhere in there. but I don't know if I should say i'm aromantic meaning I don't have an interest at all, or that i'm like demi and waiting for "The One ™" or whatever. where on the spectrum am I????
should I hope I find The One or try not to think about it? I don't want waiting for that mythical person to be my whole personality and life goal like most people do. that's annoying lmao. but I also don't know if i'm cursing myself to be lonely for life because I refuse to open up to the possibility...
I feel like this is some autistic black and white thinking coming in 😅 I know it doesn't matter much, but it drives me crazy whenever I do think about it.....
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rybonucleic-ket · 2 years
my identity pipeline was fuckin WILD
*doctor asks about sexual activity bc they have to* "boys are icky. my friends are boys but I don't like them like that, yucky, idek why people get married, so gross." small romance repulsed she/her child ->
"I hate men men are so horrible I'm def lesbian" kill all men cis she/her lesbian to disguise the fact that I wanna be a boy ->
"nonbinary a little?" she/they lesbian ->
"yeah okay men suck but unfortunately some of them are hot" bisexual, she/they/it ->
"gender is stupid. still i don't actually like men im just unfortunately attracted to them" bi they/them enby ->
"actually yk what I kinda feel the same about people of all genders. like, romantically. guess I'm pan lol. also no gender for me please" it/they agender pansexual ->
"some days I look at a boy and want to cry. all pronouns are cool I wish someone would use he/him sometimes tho yk." he/she/they agender pansexual ->
"shit I think I kinda wanna be a guy-" they/he transmasc pansexual ->
"okay yeah I wanna be a guy. also wtf you're telling me that you guys can tell the difference between romantic and platonic affection???" he/him pansexual ->
"okay ill be fr i think im slightly more attracted to guys JUST A LITTLE" he/him bisexual ->
"fuckin jesus christ you're telling me im supposed to feel a difference between platonic and romantic? literally w h a t ig I'm arospec then." he/him aro questioning bisexual ->
"lowkey convinced y'all made up romance as a prank ngl. also I'm very masc leaning." he/him aroallo bisexual ->
"I'm not attracted to women???? wtf anyway mlm/wlw qpr anyone we could talk so much shit about everyone and paint each other's nails." he/him aroallo full homo boyliker
so. that was. very. yeah.
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
Hmmm Andi Mack for 001, Gustholomule for 002 (did I get their ship name right? I hope I got their ship name right) and Kristy Thomas for 003
Oo this will be fun!
Andi Mack:
Favorite character: I feel this is sooooo hard to decide but I'm gonna say Cyrus!
Least Favorite character: Miranda.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Tyrus, Muffy, Bexie, Ambi, and Wandi
Character I find most attractive: definitely Bex
Character I would marry: either Bex or Bowie, maybe both if that's allowed lol
Character I would be best friends with: lowkey I would LOVE to be best friends with CeCe. Gardening, hosing down obnoxious neighbors, what's not to love?
a random thought: I feel a little bad that I haven't drawn any of these characters in nearly a year but my brain won't let me focus on them right now :(
An unpopular opinion: Kira should have been redeemed!
My Canon OTP: Tyrus!!!! They are so important and just so good and aaaahhhhhh
My Non-canon OTP: Ambi, for a minute there I actually forgot they weren't canon :(
Most Badass Character: Bex for sure
Most Epic Villain: hmm there's not really villains but I guess Metcalf in "Were We Ever" if that counts
Pairing I am not a fan of: jandi, I prefer them as friends
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Walker. That whole secret society episode was a mess and they totally destroyed Walker's character for no reason by making him out to seem like a player. They are literally 14 Buffy could have just said "I actually don't like him as much as I thought" and it wouldn't have been a big deal.
Favourite Friendship: The Good Hair Crew has my entire heart <3
Character I most identify with: Miss Andi herself! We both love crafts and are somewhat over dramatic but usually have nice intentions at heart lol
Character I wish I could be: Bex, she's just so cool and amazing
Gustholomule: (and yes! you got it right 😄)
When I started shipping them: Right from Matty's debut episode "Something Ventured, Someone Framed." I immediately got rivals to lovers vibes from them and latched on lol
My thoughts: I love them. They are boyfriends.
What makes me happy about them: I really like how their friendship was developed more in "Through the Looking Glass Graveyard." They really came to understand each other more and that episode also gave fanfic writers a perfect set up for them to spend more time together.
What makes me sad about them: that with the shortened season we probably won't get to see much more of their development :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: okay sooo I don't really like in fics when Matty is very sweet and affectionate lol he's a lil gremlin boy, he can be in love and still be a little shit <3
Things I look for in fanfic: I love when fics explore their time restoring the graveyard and slow burn romance :)
My wishlist: I'm manifesting a hug 🙏🙏🙏
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: There's not really anyone else in the show who I see them with but whoever makes them happy I guess! (anyone but Bria!)
My happily ever after for them: Being apart for so long has made them each realize how much the other means to them and after a lot of mutual pining eventually they end up together post canon
Kristy Thomas:
How I feel about this character: Nothing but respect for my president!!!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: none
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I really loved her development with Karen, especially in the Camp Moosehead episodes :')
My unpopular opinion about this character: She is a romance-repulsed aromantic! ik most people hc her as a lesbian which is cool and all but to me she will always be aro <3
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: genuinely just wish we could have seen more of her :(
Favorite friendship for this character: the 5 core club members >>>
My crossover ship: none
Thanks so much for asking!
Send me a fandom/ship/character ask game
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
I'm still so incredibly split on whether or not if I want to write Sky and his Zelda having a romantic relationship cause one: I have a sorta hard time writing romantic relationships thanks to the fact I'm kinda romance-repulsed. Two: in-game it's pretty heavily hinted that there ARE romantic vibes going on so I feel like I'd be disingenuous to completely ignore it. Three: Sky and His Zelda are separated for the VAST majority of this au and don't really find each other again until close to the very end so does it matter?? Four: what I have planned for Zelda is extremely tragic to me personally cause she just wants him back so badly and I lowkey think romantic feelings could enhance that
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Not in the mood for royal things after the recent shitshow, but I really like Emma Corrin, they're so great. The Crown always scores such good actors!
I like LA, but in small doses. Every time I go there it seems cool, but also weirdly suffocating? Despite the nice weather and great nature, idk. When it comes to California I prefer San Fran.
Ahhh when is Baek coming back? N/A... we're so close, yet so far... I think he should be back in March
Yes, the siblings, Taeyeon, Taeyong and Taemin skjahsjshryshhana
Have you seen the recent shitshow between Twitter and Tumblr stans?! They wanna come here and raid Tumblr and make us vote and stream and whatnot 😭 some are overdramatic and act like Tumblr is dead and full of only horny people. Have they seen Twitter?!
Honestly if one member of Ateez gave us one thing they own it would solve so many of our problems 🤧
Seonghwa is the main character, the IT guy, but with so much flavour not one of those protagonists who aren't that interesting and get overshadowed by other characters. This is this world
Choosing good thank you cards and freebies can be fun, but also decisions... decisions, lmao there are so many options.
You're right Seonghwa's presence is very big in this household, however maybe we should invest in a cardboard cutout... No, because Seonghwa Targaryen, the Toothless resemblance is not a coincidence
Ahhh the twin story is cute, but I think most of them end up being a love triangle and it either hurts or annoys me, so </3 I would love to choose the nerd, but I feel like the fuckboy would mess me up as well 😢
I'm glad that Seonghwa doesn't have a driving license and I like to think he would be bad at it, but I remember when this happened. Unfortunately he is a loser, but also good at so many things, sigh
While my legs are stronger than my arms, I haven't exercised in 100 years, so no, not toned legs for me, I'm a twig, lol
I don't remember the BTS dream, but after witnessing user's thv recent IG stories I might have nightmares soon
I saw that Hehetmon family drawing and it's cute ngl
I love the grandpafication of Seonghwa! The cutest old man
A hopeless romantic hahsahsjsgshhs who is lowkey romance repulsed. Ah your description is so cute! Now I wanna CAKE (from Sanhwa's patisserie - idk if I could trust them, but I'd act like Nagisa's dad acted towards her mother and pretended she was a good baker - sorry for bringing up Clannad again lmao)
I instantly thought of model Hwa after seeing him with Black Opium, damn maybe I should re-read it and see if he's still on my shitlist
Omg poor Wooyoung, what an unfortunate timing. But also @ Wooyoung's brother, why get married in fall/winter, come on
Seonghwa's boyfriend agenda is crazyyyy for real, also his vlog, this part I-😭💔🤧😭💔🤧😭🤧💔
Yeah me too every time I see you my guy
Wdym if boxer was alive? He died??? I know you didn't write for him and I also didn't vote for him, but I like to think he exists somewhere...
P.S. I saw you talking about TB *war flashbacks* it reminded me of someone in my gc sending this photo with "idk who this guy is but doesn't he scream seonghwa??? thought it was his fanart" and caused all of us who know True Beauty to spiral. Sometimes when I open the webtoon app and see TB it activates my flight or fight response... - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Not in the mood for royal things after the recent shitshow, but I really like Emma Corrin, they're so great. The Crown always scores such good actors!
emma corrin was rly good!! tho theyre a little generous with charles’s casting every season fbwkfhwk they really do! everyone’s so well casted but this season’s storyline be diana look like a completely helpless person like bro is grilling her personal divorce to ANYONE SHE MEETS 😭😭😭 but the bbc and martin bashir thing was so very well filmed, it was infuriating but it was gREAT,,, the queen tho LMFAOOOO not her whining to pay out of her bank 😭😭 but the tampongate convo GRKSHDWKDJWK
I like LA, but in small doses. Every time I go there it seems cool, but also weirdly suffocating? Despite the nice weather and great nature, idk. When it comes to California I prefer San Fran.
ur right!!!! it’s suffocating despite it being so open 😭😭 never been san fran but i wiLL NOW,,, but despite all the shitty things, new york >>>
Ahhh when is Baek coming back? N/A... we're so close, yet so far... I think he should be back in March
🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️i thOUGHT U ASKED WHEN I WAS COMING BACK TO DROP A FIC AND SCREAMED HWKDJWK but baek’s coming 02/05! and it’s believed taemin comes a month after him! prAYING HE FUCKING DOES AND EXO SHINEE GO ON A WORLDTOUR
Yes, the siblings, Taeyeon, Taeyong and Taemin skjahsjshryshhana
Have you seen the recent shitshow between Twitter and Tumblr stans?! They wanna come here and raid Tumblr and make us vote and stream and whatnot 😭 some are overdramatic and act like Tumblr is dead and full of only horny people. Have they seen Twitter?!
SORRY WHAT??? LMFAOO???? PLS 😭😭 tumblr kpop side finally went calm and now this again 😭🤚🏼if they start making those streaming accs here ,,, the deactivate button looking real nice 😭😭
Honestly if one member of Ateez gave us one thing they own it would solve so many of our problems 🤧
Seonghwa is the main character, the IT guy, but with so much flavour not one of those protagonists who aren't that interesting and get overshadowed by other characters. This is this world
u are so, so right. THIS IS HIS WORLD I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH BUT EVERYTIME I SEE HIM ON MY TL I JUST GO “there’s no man like this, what the fUCK is he” convinced he’s a siren idc idc iDC
Choosing good thank you cards and freebies can be fun, but also decisions... decisions, lmao there are so many options.
You're right Seonghwa's presence is very big in this household, however maybe we should invest in a cardboard cutout... No, because Seonghwa Targaryen, the Toothless resemblance is not a coincidence
…u did something here, invest in a cutout, yes. but if i see that cutout in the corner of my room at night the scream ill let out would be loud enough to reach his ears irl,,, we need this but with seonghwa
Ahhh the twin story is cute, but I think most of them end up being a love triangle and it either hurts or annoys me, so </3 I would love to choose the nerd, but I feel like the fuckboy would mess me up as well 😢
HEAR ME OUT THE LOVE TRIANGLE WONT EXIST WHEN MR FUCKBOY STARTS HIS STUFF 🤚🏼🤚🏼 “but I feel like the fuckboy would mess me up as well” when the fuckboy turns soft, IMGONE
I'm glad that Seonghwa doesn't have a driving license and I like to think he would be bad at it, but I remember when this happened. Unfortunately he is a loser, but also good at so many things, sigh
why would u remind me of that. that heart, the tongue, the hair, the cockiness. this man better not get a driving license any time soon. yunho is fine as their cab driver, WE DONT NEED ANOTHER ONE 😭😭😭
While my legs are stronger than my arms, I haven't exercised in 100 years, so no, not toned legs for me, I'm a twig, lol /// I don't remember the BTS dream, but after witnessing user's thv recent IG stories I might have nightmares soon
i can relate on that one with u 😭😭 OH??? WHAT DID THE USER POST— oh, (just saw what it was) grippers too?? 😭😭😭 NIGHTMARES AGAIN GWMDJS MAYBE HE’LL COME TO SAVE U maybe his furry form will ☺️☺️
I saw that Hehetmon family drawing and it's cute ngl
Tumblr media
I love the grandpafication of Seonghwa! The cutest old man
the things id do to see him as one
A hopeless romantic hahsahsjsgshhs who is lowkey romance repulsed. Ah your description is so cute! Now I wanna CAKE (from Sanhwa's patisserie - idk if I could trust them, but I'd act like Nagisa's dad acted towards her mother and pretended she was a good baker - sorry for bringing up Clannad again lmao) /// I instantly thought of model Hwa after seeing him with Black Opium, damn maybe I should re-read it and see if he's still on my shitlist
NOT U BRINGING CLANNAD UP WHY. WHAT WAS THE REASON 😭😭😭 and now don’t be upset if some fics have a sad ending U DID THIS TO URSELF !!! ITS THE WAY HIM USING THE OPIUM AND THE FIC BEING RELEASED A YEAR AGO IM CONVINCED THERES SOMETHING IN THIS ACC,, no re-read it ☺️ he was ☺️ a fun one ☺️ maybe he’ll make u read it again
Omg poor Wooyoung, what an unfortunate timing. But also @ Wooyoung's brother, why get married in fall/winter, come on
when work hinders with personal life, can’t imagine the frustration he must’ve felt 😭 but at least he won’t miss kyungmin’s i guess 😭😭 YEAH HELLO WHY ARE U MARRYING IN THIS COLD 🤨🤨 we could’ve seen ateez at a wedding post 😭🤚🏼
Seonghwa's boyfriend agenda is crazyyyy for real, also his vlog, this part I-😭💔🤧😭💔🤧😭🤧💔
every time i see him, there’s no words left for me to say EVER bc just u all wait, after this yunho fic the way imgonna blow up on seonghwa au’s dO NOT ASK ME FOR ANOTHER MEMBER IM A SHINESTAR WHOLLY
Yeah me too every time I see you my guy /// Wdym if boxer was alive? He died??? I know you didn't write for him and I also didn't vote for him, but I like to think he exists somewhere...
look see, boxer au hwa was a senior and roommates with mingi,, yn had a lil fling with mingi <3 so there’s a little mingi x reader <3 that is until yn finds out the quiet senior roommate of mingi is actually a boxer 😀 OH HE EXISTS as a figment of my imagination <3 it’s also a fic that comes before bodyguard <3
P.S. I saw you talking about TB *war flashbacks* it reminded me of someone in my gc sending this photo with "idk who this guy is but doesn't he scream seonghwa??? thought it was his fanart" and caused all of us who know True Beauty to spiral. Sometimes when I open the webtoon app and see TB it activates my flight or fight response... - DV 💖
this is not a mother, this is a milf, a vampire one also
what wrong have we done to not see this irl
double assassination
and a …
oh and have u started reborn rich kdrama yet????
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bloggingboutburgers · 8 months
Hello! Hope you’re well. Your blog is much appreciated. I was reading through your old posts when something you said struck a chord. The distinction between QPR and romantic relationships- you said how it’s not about revolving our lives around the other. I like that!
I keep toggling between thinking myself as aro or not. My lifelong issue with the concept of romance has largely centered around this “they are my entire world”. It bothers me how it is made to be so much about the other person. I wonder how much of that is aromantic and how much is toxic romanticism.
I think there’s much to be said about how this concept has become very popular nowadays. There is a narcissistic and obsessive flavor to it. Also…This seems a more western concept of romance to me. I am asian and perhaps the collectivist culture helps lessen this singular focus on ONE person. But I might be wrong.
All this to say, there’s more than just this idea to make someone identify as aro but the way things are nowdays, I do find myself wondering:-).
Hi! I'm doing well, thank you, I hope you are too^^
Thank you so much for the input, honestly, you bring up very good points! I also agree that the whole thing of "making one person one's whole world" on its own probably doesn't just equate romance (one can also see cases of that in, say, parent-child relationships, or parasocial relationships I'm sure), so that's definitely important to stress.
I have yet to find the best words that would exhaustively define what romance is and why I don't want it, it's somehow a lot more elusive than sex! I guess it's probably a mixed bag of "making one person one's whole world" crossed with "making this specific type of relationship the end goal of everything that surpasses every other reason one might have to be happy somehow", crossed with likeliness of exclusivity and/or jealousy, and I could go on... There's much to be speculating about!
Like, heck, you also brought up, very validly, that our idea of what a healthy romance is is evolving as societies – and I love that! As much as I'm horrified on the regular of how much lowkey messed-up stuff most people will justify because "it's romantic", I also see more and more people bring up how it's mostly messed-up actually, and I truly appreciate it. It's nuts to think about but if our societies hadn't evolved the way they did in most of these broad aspects, we might have had a world without a concept of romance, or with a concept of it that wouldn't irk me so much so that I wouldn't have to define myself as aromantic.
It's all very interesting, and it's also why it's a valid point to have asexuality and aromanticism seen as spectrums as opposed to very clear-cut aversions – I may be on the dead end of sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed, but I can definitely see that benefit.
Thank you so much anon for enriching the conversation <3
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kyanitedragon · 3 years
Koisenu Futari is so good!
I got chills in the opening scene, when Takahashi had the guts to lowkey call out Sakuko's co-workers for saying that everyone falls in love.
I would seriously be so ridiculously happy if I saw a fellow aromantic out in the wild like that.
And that scene where Sakuko reacts to the casual amatonormativity. How she awkwardly laughs and plays along, then zones out as she thinks about how it applies to herself. How the sounds become distorted and sound far-away. For me, the disconnect between myself and alloromantics is such a huge part of being aromantic, and I'm so happy it was brought up, especially so soon!
Every single second of this drama is just... the life of an aromantic. And it's so great to have this be an actual real series that's airing. They talk about amatonormativity! They show you the struggles of being aroace! They say the words aromantic and asexual and aroace!
Honestly I feel like it hasn't quite sunk in for me that all this is real, after all the erasure in western media and western fandoms. Just a few weeks ago the Marvel fandom was fighting over whether Yelena was canonly aroace or not and if she could be shipped. And now we have an entire J-Drama about two aroaces and how being aroace effects their lives!
Takahashi is an incredibly touch-repulsed aroace, who can't even handle holding hands, and his repulsion is taken 100% seriously and fully respected by Sakuko. It makes me so happy that its being discussed with so much respect and without making Takahashi out as heartless or just being too sensitive. And I can't wait to learn more about his respective aromanticsm and asexuality, as well as seeing Sakuko discover more about how hers presents itself.
Sakuko and Takahashi are both so much me. Sakuko is like me when I get excited and hopeful about other aspecs or the community in general. And Takahashi is like the aromantic I've become over the years, accepting and settling into my "unusual" identities, gradually becoming more and more tired and repulsed when it comes to romance, and having less and less patience for amatonormativity.
I have a fictional squish on Takahashi now, and it feels so weird but in a good way. Like, I've headcanoned characters as aromantic and gotten squishes on them or self-shipped myself in qprs. But to have a canon aro??? A canonly nonamorous touch-repulsed aro at that??? That's amazing! I totally wanna be mutually awkward and touch-averse friends with him!
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My bestfriend is allo and she loves romance, in media, in her life and the list goes on. When I found out I'm aroace I was kinda nervous to come out to her cause while I knew she would always support me, I didn't really know how she would react cuz besides being allo she's also straight and cis.
When I told her she was super nice with me and everything, she said that it lowkey made sense because growing up I never really liked romance. Now she always lets me talk about my queer experience even when she has no clue about what I'm saying.
Besides being very respectful and all of that, one of the most incredible things she does is always ask me how I'm feeling about romance or sex before telling me something regarding this because she knows I'm kinda repulsed by it and can and up having bad reactions to such thing.
Also during the talk she checks on me to see if I still can deal with this conversation or if we should change the topic for some time and if she's seending me a message about those topics she always writes things like don't read this now if you are feeling repulsed.
And if I'm indeed feeling repulsed I just tell her that and go read her messages and yk talk with her about it normally when I'm feeling okay to do so and this is 100% fine with her.
For me this is genuine the most amazing thing ever like does she really undestand my aroace identity? No. But not only is she super respectful, she also goes out of her way to make sure I'm fine.
This is what true friendship is. Her conversations that are about romance/sex aren't less important to me because I'm aroace and my thoughts regarding those things are not any less important to her cuz she's allo.
Every aroace deserves a friend like mine and I fucking love her so much fr.
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eloiseishere · 3 years
Telling Mum
Posted: November 6, 2021
Pairing: Sherlock Characters x OC
Warnings: None that I could think of. Just an idea thing Ig :D(Maybe my lowkey bad writing could be a warning, but it’s my own work, so it’s reasonable for it to feel repulsive for me)
Summary: Sherlock catches his colleague reading something she probably shouldn’t be and goes on telling mum.
Note: Not a pairing, more “Sherlock characters interacting with each other”. I wrote this in a rush hoping to grasp the concept that popped in my head. I hope it didn't sound as rushed as I wrote it. :>
I’m writing a book about the show and I’ve made Eloise a genius as well cuz I think it could be valuable for the end chapters. So think, Sherlock, but softer.
This is my first fic on Tumblr—Yay—congrats to me for growing a pair and throwing my work out there.
Enjoy :3
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"How long has she been like that?" John asks as he enters the room with Eloise laying on her stomach on the couple's couch, looking at her phone. She holds her neck while caressing her jawline and her legs swings, kicking her bottom with the heel of her shoes from time to time. She had her ear plugs in, seemingly listening to music with heavy bass.
"Huh? Oh. I don't know." Sherlock looks at the woman laying down on a couch that was designated for clients. Both of them observe the woman, seeing her slightly bob her head to the music.
"Look at her, in her own world. Like nothing else is happening around her... I don't think she’s noticed that I entered the door." John says. Sherlock gives him a questioning look.
"Well yes... Don't you have a mind palace somewhere in your feeble mind you can wander in?" Sherlock asks, and decides that receiving no answer to that would have been better than the glare he received from John.
"Ugh." They hear her scoff. She puts her face in her hand, "Cha Cha real smooth." Eloise audibly says, chuckling to herself.
John tilts his head, awkwardly smiling while his face scrunches up. Her hand shifts, now supporting her chin as her thumb gently caress her lips. Sherlock carefully watches as she slightly mouths the words to the song she listened to while her shoulder gently sways with her bobbing head.
They see a smile creeping up her face while scrolling and suddenly with a blink, "Ow," she fell on the floor with a firm thud.
"Ugh." Eloise was on her back now, seemingly popping her jaw, her head turns, "Oh hi, John." Eloise smiles, sitting up while taking the ear plug out, reentering the real world.
"Are you alright?" John asks.
"Quite fine. My jaw popping hurt more than the fall." She smiles, standing up and sitting back on the couch, Sherlock goes back to furiously typing in his computer.
"What has gotten you so occupied?" John asks, standing with his arms crossed across his chest.
"I'm reading." She responds.
"Who-da-thought." John tilts his head in interest, "What are you reading?"
"Cheesy romance stuff." She says, lifting her knees to her chin to continue reading.
"I thought you hated cheesy romance stuff?" John says, “All the complaints about couples on the streets and restaurants being ‘cringe’, and yet here you are—”
"In real life yea, it's just kinda... Gross." Eloise visibly shivers, "It works better in fiction form." Eloise says, properly laying on the couch this time, and she takes a single glance at John.
"You shaved and trimmed your hair." Eloise states.
"I did, yes." John nods, wondering if her and Sherlock's kind always have mental measures that could automatically tell them the measurements of things.
"Mary must be happy." Eloise says, looking up at her phone.
"Why is that when I do something for myself, you guys know how Mary feels?" John asks while walking to the door.
Both of them doesn't give a response in fear of reprimand and John scoffs, continuing to mumble to himself while walking down the stairs, presumably to Mrs. Hudson. Eloise and Sherlock glance at each other, glad that they didn't have to answer that question.
Eloise looks up from her phone, finding herself unable to concentrate all of the sudden. Every paragraph became a jumble of words, having to reread it over and over again without being able to comprehend what it meant, or rather not being able to visualize it properly enough to understand.
"Ugh." She drops her arm, her forearm hanging from the couch. She drops her phone without turning it off.
"John broke my concentration." Eloise closes her eyes, trying to get into her mind palace to imagine the situation she was trying to read.
Sherlock’s voice suddenly closer, her eyebrows furrow, "What have you been reading?" Sherlock raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the text in the book.
"Please leave my phone alone." Eloise opens her eyes, putting her hand out for him to place the phone in it.
"He places his hand on my- Oh my." Sherlock turns to meet her gaze which was now glaring, fixated on his movements. His mocking tone was hard to not notice, making her mentally cringe.
"Though it is seldom seen, I knew you liked reading— but I didn't know that you were interested in this type of reading." He says.
"Sherlock." Eloise sits up, tired of his shenanigans.
"Mrs. Hudson!" Sherlock starts walking down the stairs.
"No!" Eloise yells, and runs to follow him.
Rapid footsteps were heard downstairs. John and Mrs. Hudson look at the kitchen door, afraid of what's about to pop in on them talking while drinking their morning tea.
"Sherlock, Stop!" Eloise jumps on his back, trying to reach for the phone. It was too late, they were at a now opened kitchen door of Mrs. Hudson.
Seeing the horrified eyes of John and Mrs Hudson was enough to keep them in that position. Sherlock cheekily smirked while Eloise kept her legs gripped on his waist, still trying to reach for her phone.
"Oh my." A smile starts creeping on Mrs. Hudson's face as she turns to the sink.
"Well, this is gonna be good." Sherlock smiles while looking at his side, knowing that his side view from Eloise's angle was enough to piss her off. Yet still, she tried to reach for her phone she knows she's not tall enough to reach even from his hips.
"Eloise here," Sherlock starts, glancing to his side to see Eloise's pleading eyes.
"I will do anything for you, just don't say that-"
"Is reading a pornographic book." Sherlock states. Eloise sighs in defeat, putting her head on the crook of his neck.
"Oh?" John looks up at the phone in interest. Mrs. Hudson turns from her sink and looks at Sherlock with a bemused look on her face.
"Dear, I know." Mrs. Hudson nods, the men's head snap to Mrs. Hudson, blinking at her with surprise.
"You knew?" Sherlock questions.
"I was just waiting for her to read my recommendations." Mrs. Hudson chuckles.
"Huh." Sherlock lowers his hand with the phone and was stuck in a trance, thinking about what he could say next.
"I was hiding the fact from John more than anything." Eloise states, her voice muffled from the position they were in.
They hear a click of a camera and Eloise and Sherlock turn to the sound. It was John clicking a picture of the two in the position they were in: Eloise's arms wrapped around his shoulder from the back with her head on the crook of his neck while her legs wrapped around him. Eloise gets off his back and straightens her suit, snatching the phone from him and turning it off.
"Do you like it so far?" Mrs. Hudson asks.
"I like the cliche-ness of falling for the villain." Eloise responds, "I mean, villains are always somehow hot." She states, her face scrunching. Mrs. H chuckles, looking over Eloise who opened her phone to continue reading the book.
"I know. I married one, remember?" Mrs. Hudson winks, turning back to the sink.
"And I ensured his death." Sherlock interrupts, unable to handle hearing his colleague and somewhat of a mother figure talk about villains and their factor of attractiveness. Mrs. Hudson gives him a glare and turns back to Eloise who walked past Sherlock.
"Which part are you on now, dear?" Mrs. Hudson asks while Eloise made an attempt to escape the situation. Eloise looks up, recalling the scenes in the book she so conveniently acted out in her mind palace. She blushes at the thought.
"Third date." Eloise says, turning for a brief moment and taking big steps out of the door.
"Oooh, already? Wait until he-"
"Nope!" Eloise yells while returning up the stairs, "I'm burning this phone after this book!" She yells before her footsteps became quieter.
"And to be clear, it's not soft porn." Mrs. Hudson says towards Sherlock, exiting the room. This leaves the men in a trance, Sherlock blushes, questioning if it was really worth it coming down here just to learn an odd fact about the two women he was close with. John stands up, holding his phone up.
"Blackmail material." John waves the image of them two on the phone while walking away with a smile. Sherlock just furrows his brow without response, continuing to stare into the door which was slowly swinging close.
"I think you broke him." John states to Mrs. Hudson to which in turn she laughs to.
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knifefather · 4 years
Hi there! I've been lowkey lurking your blog for a while and I was hoping I could ask for a matchup?
I'm an infj, demigirl, panromantic asexual, 5'3 but I can throw hands if needed. My signs are: Sun (aquarius), Moon (cancer), Rising (capricorn), and Venus (aries)
I'm the mum/sister-friend for most of my loved ones, but most people and strangers tend to be intimidated by me and avoid me (which is understandable given I have like at least three knives on my person at all times.) I love beaches, snow, animals, drawing, singing, dancing, romance-y type things, sparring occasionally, and adventuring a lot.
I hate spiders, needles, dishonesty, and unnecessary cruelty. On the more spicy side of things, I'm a hardcore switch with an affinity for both overstimulation and edging, especially when paired with shibari and praise.  According to other people I'm fairly flirty but thats just how I talk with people I'm comfy with. I'm an total adrenaline junkie, but I also have social anxiety, depression, and PTSD (from a sexual assault, sadly)
So I have days where I can't really be touched but most of the time (private) cuddles and subtle physical touches are how I show trust and affection. I have insomnia so I often don't sleep until like 6am. I'm fairly rough and tumble, but I like looking more on the femme side, and my sense of fashion can be summed up basically as Lace n Leather, otherwise known as what happens when you take a femme fatale and throw in some e-girl for flavouring.
The Knife Father matches you with...
Muhammad Avdol!
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via porunareff
➼ You and Avdol attract like a moth to flame! Avdol likes the overall vibe you give off and is very quick to welcome you into his circle. He adores the care that you demonstrate to people that you care about, but also likes that you aren’t scared to stand up for yourself. He thinks that you’re a strong person, and he admires that about you. You and Avdol are the type of couple that admire each other and that find inspiration in existing together. You both have very expansive interests and strong personalities. The two of you are very mature as well, so relationship troubles stay to a minimum. Together, you’re unstoppable. 
➼ Loves your aesthetic! It’s one of the many reasons why he thinks you’re so cute~
➼ While emotional connection is important for a relationship, sexual connection is as well. Whether or not you’re sex-repulsed or not, Avdol will work with you to ensure that you can be intimate but still be comfortable.  He’s very into all the same kinks that you are!! Avdol is a switch with a dom lean, so your sex life is always interesting. He keeps a collection of pretty ropes to use for shibari purposes, and he is the type of guy that will lay on the praise thick if he is the dominant one. He has some service top vibes, that’s for sure hehe. But make no mistake, he has no issues with submitting to you. You just say the word. 
➼ Would read your fortune for you any time that you asked. Every day, he draws one card from the tarot, and that card usually has something to do with his day. Sometimes the cards make him think of you, so he always checks in with you and makes sure that you’re doing well on that particular day. 
➼ Avdol is a pretty busy dude, so he isn’t the type to hang all over you and want physical affection all the time. He respects your space when you need it. It just makes the times when you are affectionate together even more rewarding for him. He loves to hold you in his strong arms, his dark palms sliding over your shoulders while holds you. When you two are in public, he loves those subtle touches. Sometimes you’ll touch his shoulder or just the back of his hand in passing, and it makes him smile so wide every single time. 
➼ If you can tell anyone about your worries and trauma, it would be Avdol. He shares many of his own secrets and thoughts with you as well. Avdol gives the kind of love that makes you feel special, and you certainly feel special to be trusted with such information on him. He feels the same way about you. He takes your confessions of hurt and worry and holds them close to his heart, promising himself that he will help you heal.
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