#i'm kidding mostly but OUGH
sweet-beezus · 3 months
When I have enough time and energy to finally accomplish my goal of making an Org. XIII mass attack, it's all over for you beeyooteeful souls (threatening)
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justagaycryptid · 1 year
Ngl I actually really liked Francis like he was kinda shy and awkward and felt out of place and thought of himself pretty lowly but he just decided to go kill people about it
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verdemoun · 2 months
I'm just. look.hosea. hosea. Hosea Matthews.
I can't get over how you write him in the au. He's finally getting to be a dad. Finally. ough. him. finally not just taking out his kids for an occasional hunting trip, he can genuinely be a bit more of a dad without having to fight for everyone's survival. my he a rt
maybe instead of wolves i can comfort you into death with hosea content
Hosea didn't mean to become a dad. It might have been an old instinct, but he thought after raising an adolescent John Marston he was done being a parent.
It was mostly guilt. Hosea recognizes that he was equal parts responsible for the Van der Linde's becoming what they were, and setting the bricks in place for Dutch's gang to become what it was after his death.
As much as Hosea loves Arthur, seeing an adult Arthur learning how to be more than a weapon and enforcer is just another reminder of how much he is responsible for the boys he helped raise being little more than tools in Dutch's agenda.
While he knows he was never capable of leaving Dutch, some part of him wants to live in a fantasy world of what if he could leave outlawing behind and live with Bessie: have those extra years he lost in canon era at her side, raising his boys as children instead of outlaws.
Timewarp is also the first chance he gets to talk to the 1899 gang without it being in passing. In 1899 Sean was a over-cheerful pest, but in modern era he gets to listen to his stories about his da and the casually dropped reform school lore and realize how much pressure Sean felt to be 'okay'. He gets to talk to Lenny about his relationship with his father, how much Lenny wanted for more of the sentimental emotional man of letters instead of the stern father he knew. Kieran, poor Kieran, who lost his parents to cholera. Then Arthur, who wants for Dutch like a boy wants his father while still recognizing how damaging that relationship was, and is, and the burden he still feels to repay Dutch and Hosea when Hosea never wanted anything more than to see Arthur grow up and grow old.
Being a father is an accident. At first it's just polite assurances that they'll be okay, because Hosea is okay. He has his wife, a home, the safety of not fighting for every day of breath anymore. Then it's sitting beside them on a bad day, being a comforting presence. And reminding Sean he has everything he needs for work before Sean runs out the door because he will always forget something. And listening to Lenny discover things in awe of how fast he learns technology because he's always in amazement of how smart Lenny is, instead of it being expected the way his father did.
He became a father accidentally, the same way he always has. Not realizing he was the one the gang went to when they had something they were excited about, because Hosea would always say he was proud of them.
Also, Hosea needed distractions. Modern era was new to him, horrifying different. Being a father wasn't new. He could do that. He could be a father to his strange eclectic gang of misfits as they learned the modern world faster than he did, shower them with praise and validation as they learned. The slightest achievement made him proud because he had no idea how to scale achievement.
And then before he knew it, he was getting a dozen gifts for father's day, and asked for hugs he would happily provide, and getting late light texts as thoughts haunted the gang and he would merrily reply and comfort them.
Realizing he got what he wanted. They're all safe, they're out of the gang, they're happy, and if the feeling in his chest he gets when he thinks about that isn't love he isn't quite sure what is.
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capricioussun · 6 months
How do you interpret US Papyrus? I'm always curious how others interpret him because there's a good range of them!
Ooh, in general?? Hm, I guess mostly the way I try to interpret him is sort of like if you gave UT Papyrus chronic fatigue and issues tied to having to act as the judge in his world! Which, to me, basically makes him very silly, kind, sassy, but also very insecure and very lonely.
I should explain- ough this is gunna be an essay so there'll need to be a readmore soon aha, but I should explain how the whole "judge" thing usually works in my interps!
It's not an inherent thing, or some "angel given" power, there has always been an acting Royal Judge, someone the crown had appointed that they felt they could, well, trust the judgement of, who they could consult about crimes and justice and whatnot. The prior judge Fell some years ago, but since Toriel/Asgore had already left, Asgore/Toriel never appointed another, as a sort of self punishment as well as a promise they would continue with their task of collecting the human souls without the assistance (or interference) of someone else.
That was until Sans/Papyrus came along. The "judging" effect was caused by one of the many methods Gaster used to make the brothers, involving the justice soul trait. This is where the KR came from, as well as the unique ability to "see" the sins in others' souls. After discovering this unique ability, eventually the king/queen asks Sans/Papyrus to act as the new judge (as well as some other reasons that vary depending on AU).
Now, the kr and "judge" ability manifested in Stretch much later than the sanses in non-swapped AUs, which made it a much more difficult transition that only made it much harder for him to socialize with others. He basically couldn't "turn it off", which, on top of feeling incredibly guilty about the invasion of privacy, made him feel anxious and stressed out and couldn't help but put the negative thoughts front and center in his attention, making him also feel like those were the most prominent thoughts and feelings of those around him.
So like, you know how anxiety and self image issues make you feel like everyone secretly hates you or finds you annoying or etc etc etc, basically, he had "proof" that was true, and despite trying his best to ignore it, things are already hard enough for a pre-teen/teen, on top of his physical health taking such the dip it did around that time, too, he quickly became anxiety riddled, isolated, and miserable.
Before then, he was actually a lot like Rus (UT) when he was a kid! And it was hard on Blue, too, since he was practically just a teen himself, so for all of that to land on his brother as well as needing to work harder to take care of him when he had bad health flares, things were rough for a while there.
That being said, Blue did help in keeping Stretch's mental health from completely plummeting, always trying to keep his mood up, encouraging him, trying to find him friends (how he met Undyne aka Sylv!), etc etc, and the brothers grew a lot closer in that time, as Stretch had always admired Blue, and it meant a lot to him.
That was until, of course, things never got any better. His health continued to decline into older teendom/young adulthood, and there was some personal drama here and there, especially involving Sylv, and when Blue joined the guard, that was the last straw. Stretch was sick of feeling like such a burden on everyone, so even though he'd initially turned Toriel down to act as judge (knowing his brother absolutely hated that she'd even asked him in the first place), he went back to her and accepted. That was really when the distance between the brothers started, which wasn't helped by the resets starting up soon thereafter.
(Quick aside, as he got older, he did get the hang of controlling his "judging" ability, and "turning it off" is no longer an issue for him later on)
So in his efforts to become more independent, he worked a lot on his social life and how to interact with others and make himself well liked. Sure, maybe he doesn't really have any real friends, and people forget his name all the time, but he'd finally learned how to utilize his heightened intuition to get along with people, rather than weird them out.
He’s still riddled with anxiety and self worth issues, but he’s gotten incredibly good at masking, and typically comes off as very relaxed and friendly. He’s a big fan of wordplay and very mild practical jokes (like those types of gags where you put on Groucho Marx glasses and pretend to be someone else. Blue always plays along for the bit), but he has a tendency to hold people at arms length, and tries to avoid others actually getting to know him.
Very few people know he’s the judge, and he prefers it that way, he'd rather everyone underestimate him so he never disappoints. That being said, he does still make quite an effort to help those around him without their knowledge, and he’s still lowkey very interested in engineering and computer science. Him and Rus are definitely two peas in a pod when it comes to interests, they could talk about comics for hours on end, but the primary difference is that Stretch tries much harder to hide how much he cares, where as Rus will shout it from the rooftops.
I'm not a big fan of the characterizations that make him a huge brat, sometimes even an outright jerk, I don't really understand them since neither Sans nor Papyrus are like that, but w/ my guy, he’s definitely a huge dork and sweetheart, who just also happens to be very sassy at times ahdjfjsksk
He also still holds on to his belief in others, like Rus. Even despite literally knowing better, he’s also been proven right too many times to lose that hope, which is why, in his fight, as opposed to UT Sans, he gets very quiet and looks miserable. He genuinely doesn't want to hurt them, but he knows he’s out of options. When he offers an out before the fight, he won't spring a surprise attack, and just offers a genuine hug. The player doesn't get a choice after accepting, they kill him, and his final words are pretty similar to Rus' about knowing they can do better, and he believes in them anyway, though he makes a comment about that sounding pretty stupid with a laugh before he collapses off screen.
WOW this got longer than I meant it to I'm sorry huge lore drop instead of just general facts ough BUT ! Idk, hopefully this gives a half decent feel for how I interpret him! I love him a lot I'm mixing him into a salad like a crouton <3
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slushiepizza · 5 months
I just read your 'The Pursuit of Catharsis' and I'M NOT OK BUT IN A GOOD WAY!!!
And because I'm a sucker for angst... I wanna twist the knife in Guy's heart a bit more ❤️
Imagine if Guy - with his name now in the spotlight, his career at its peak and yet he's so miserable to the point of suicidal because of the cheating, of the scandal and the divorce - saw Honey on a random street on night.
Looking just as perfect as the day he lost them.
Looking like they're untouched by time.
Because after losing Guy and working themselves up to be the best version of themselves, to have the healthiest mental and emotional health in their lives, Honey becomes someone else's...
link to the fic
Thanks for reading and enjoying the fic!!! I'm using this opportunity to discuss the Divorced!AU lmao
warning : discussions of suicidal behavior, mental health issues, substance abuse
i. honey being treasure
ough..... that's a really sad idea but now I'm more focused on something specific in this scenario. If Honey later became Treasure, there's the implication that they weren't doing as well as they hoped they were because as mentioned by Porter, 'your friends suck'. And they now have a semi-toxic circle of friends.
I like that, I think. That no matter how hard they try and how far they've come since the divorce- there's always the ghost of it that they couldn't get rid of and managed to sneak away into their life.
ii. Guy's misery and cheating
Hm, about Guy being miserable to the point of suicidal...I do think that he was already like that before he cheated and when he and Honey were still married but had problems. That was sort of my take on his reasoning behind why he cheated actually.
He was just someone who couldn't cope with fame while at the same time craving it severely. He spent all of his time working and tried to remedy his lack of effort into maintaining his relationship with Honey with lavish gifts. He struggled with substance abuse- mainly alcohol but sometimes others- because he refused to realize that he had nothing else to live for now that he's at the top.
When he and Honey's fights got really bad, he'd go on a bender. He'd go for one night stands mostly, and they all have traits that are reminiscent of Honey's. They weren't on speaking terms when he missed their anniversary for the sake of going abroad. And Guy has this feeling that whatever they're dealing with- they won't be able to come back from this. He'd imagine the people and sex workers he'd spend the night with was Honey he was laying with, as and under the blur and haze of the stupor he was in, they might as well be. When people found out about him cheating, the world moves on. He's a Hollywood writer, of course it wouldn't be something people blink an eye at. His career wouldn't take a hit at all.
iii. honey's aftermath
After they got divorced, Honey would move away from Dahlia and live in a small town where they can escape Guy's name and fame. They'd heal but they severely missed someone who used to be their best friend.
Life in the small town was idyllic and had the community they needed to heal. Honey started work as a cargo truck driver, finding comfort in long winding roads in between states. They don't quite care about the cities or fame or success anymore- it's sullied by how things used to be and how Guy turned out.
At a local bookstore new, freshly packaged books was displayed front and center- and it had Guy's name on it. It stated that it was a bestseller and that it's from "American Horror Sensation, Guy". They shrug and tried to feel glad that he got what he wanted. Oh well. The two of them were different people now from the college kids that shared a home, unrecognizable from who they used to be.
They remembered what they used to tell him when he had writer's block and needed the extra push: "Dude! You're good at this. If you ever get published, I'd definitely everything you write."
"Really, everything?"
"Everything. I really do like the way you write."
They buy the copy anyway, unfortunately.
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mutipede · 2 months
whats yr experience w being a centipedekin? ough that sounds presumptuous im just wonderin what its like for you, i don’t see other centipedekin around a lot. u get any past memories? is it spiritual or psychological? (It’s cool if you don’t wanna answer any of that
Aaayy thanks for the ask! Shit I hope it's alright if I use this as sort of an excuse to ramble - does anyone else get that sensation like "I always think it's cool and fascinating when other people talk about themselves and are open about "weird" shit online but if I do it it's CRINGE" but if someone is interested then I have an excuse hah
It's actually been an interesting roller coaster over the course of my life, figuring that out. I knew I was a zombie way sooner (and that's sort of a… I think mostly psychological? I'm not 100% sure on a lot of terminology or how to explain my experience when it comes to stuff like this hah) but realizing the centipede thing is more recent. And technically they sort of overlap, like I'm not sure if I'm "actually" a centipede when strictly speaking it's more like "I'm a sentient teratoma mutated out of my own spinal column piloting my zombified body around like what would happen if John Carpenter's The Thing LOOKED like a centipede. But also at the same time I'm sort of a centipede."
…If that makes any sense. Which I know it doesn't, but I'm okay with that hah.
The interesting part is - when I was a kid, I was always into bugs, monsters and creepy/gross things. But my mom was also afraid of bugs, and especially centipedes. Like, a bad enough phobia she can't even say the word "centipede". Over time being around that rubbed off on me. But at a certain point, I went "…This is fucking dumb. I'm tired of being afraid of something that I'M not even actually afraid of it's just a contagious reaction caused by someone ELSE'S fear." So I worked on changing that and regaining my childhood appreciation for arthropods. And with centipedes, it was just like… something clicked. I started realizing I didn't just appreciate them for being cool, fascinating creatures (and honestly? Another connection I made was "I like horror movies and roller coasters and the experience of being afraid. I don't scare easily. Therefore it is cool and IMPRESSIVE that this animal made me afraid and makes so many people SO afraid.") - but I also realized that I related to them in a lot of ways.
I'm mostly carnivorous and pretty much entirely nocturnal. Many people seem to find me offputting for reasons that are out of my control and unrelated to my intentions. I feel most comfortable in enclosed spaces and I got that ADHD restless leg syndrome fidgety as fuck. I become uncomfortable in low humidity conditions lol
On top of that I'm pretty sure I've had uhhh - shit, I don't know the terminology I am brand fuckin' new to this as a community or things that other people/entities/stuff experience hah - but that thing where your perception of the shape of your own body changes. Shifting? Various varieties of experience of that. And finally, as a bonus, it sort of feels like some metaphorical healing from internalized self-hatred kind of thing. So that feels pretty nice.
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moonsofmachinery · 4 months
ough not to flag slugcat ask but do u have a favorite one youve drawn? all the times you do them the colors and designs are rly interesting so id love to know if u do.
Probably the Dr Pepper pride one!!! Just kidding, I'm honestly happy with a lotta em but I do like the way the Objectum Enot came out and Aroace saint makes me happy. I'm also really happy with how cute the orchidro/genderfae monk came out!!! It's hard to say, especially because the colour schemes aren't of my picking! I'm confined mostly to the flag colours, so I usually have to find a way to make things work no matter if I personally don't like the colours, Ex... The Trigender Flag, oh boy, purple and green and pink are quite the interesting combo!
But yeah!!! Theres my answer :3 Thanks for asking!!!
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
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Considering in 2003, Donatello was stung because he was protecting Raphael? Yes, Ghost would still be mutated even with Phantom there. I feel like with both Phantom and Ghost around, the kids probably figured it out a lot quicker. They still call each other "Raph/Raphie" and "Don/Donny" without thinking about it, and that's just too many coincidences.
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Spirit doesn't hover over them like Ghost does. I mean, he does, but he stays secret for much longer than Ghost does. He's more of the turtles' secret sensei.
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Spoilers! From now on I'm not gonna be answering asks that ask for direct spoilers. If you're not sure, go ahead and ask anyway, but if you don't see it, that means it was too spoilery!
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Spoilers! But this story arc will be wrapped up before the hiatus. Or at least part of it will be.
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Normally he's 5'8". He is now 10'9".
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Ouuuhhh I've thought about this before. He'd only be 16. He'd be the same age as the other turtles. Ough. Send him back in time to save the Rise kids with Casey. Nah but forreal, he'd probably die before that final battle. He's too stubborn.
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Mmmm SAINW in the context of GitS.
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This made me laugh hgkdjfh thank you so much
It is indeed enough to cover your next fix. Delivery is on friday. <3
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(puts this in the GitS asks anyway) IDK RISE SPLINTER ALSO SEEMS FINE GALAVANTING AROUND MOSTLY NAKED??? At least he wears underpants.
Personally I have the headcanon (and thus in GitS) Splinter tried to get them to wear clothes but they kept pulling them off, so Splinter gave up. It's like trying to keep four cats in a basket.
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Yup! :)
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SAINW would happen differently, I think, but I truly believe that SAINW happened because they were too busy looking for their brother when Shredder took off using the rocket. I believe that 03 Don seeing SAINW warned him to look deeper into what Shredder was doing, and therefore he found the rocket that they boarded during Exodus. It was the only way he would be convinced to kill his own family in order to stop that apocalypse world from happening.
So basically, yes, the apocalypse world still happens, just in different ways.
Losing Donny means they have no access to technology as good as they used to. Remember, at 15 Donatello could hold his own against Baxter Stockman, a genius adult man. The turtles have April, and she's very good, but she's also an adult woman and Donatello WAS 15. Don's mediator personality also helps. Mikey couldn't keep that up.
Losing Leo means they have no leader. Raph probably steps up, but he's reckless, he doesn't know how to think right, he doesn't trust himself to be leader. He makes mistakes. He has to learn from them. They all miss Leo.
Mikey going missing I think has the biggest impact on them. He makes jokes during dark times, keeps their spirit up, cheers them up all the time, always looking to make them laugh. They lost their sunshine and they're plunged into darkness. They don't hold back as much. Donnie's mellowness doesn't balance out Raph's rage or Leo's depression.
Losing Raph hits them all very hard. He's their protector. He takes the heavy hits. Leo trusts Raph to have his back more than anyone else. Raph second-guesses him when he believes he's wrong, makes Leo think more critically. I think Leo starts getting too caught up in his own head. He starts taking on some of Raph's traits. He gets overprotect of his family, he gets angry easier. He's so tired.
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Some things are ingrained.
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Splinter dismisses his own emotions and tries to bury them deep and never take them seriously, so he does the same with his own boys. It helped him, right? So they would okay, right??? Ghost is the opposite. He's the one that bottles up his emotions and hates himself for it, so he tried to teach his kids how not to be like that.
the rest are spoilers <3
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Dang if that ain't the mood idk what is. Part One will be over soon! Unlike Twilight the parts are probably just going to get shorter instead of longer. fhgkdgf
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GitS Hiatus will be starting after chapter 31 is posted on July 14th! I have no idea how long it'll be. I'm gonna try and build up a backlock so I can post regularly like I did with Part 1.
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My thoughts about the movie are deep and endless and I'm... so excited to get to it...
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
With the whole magical pact binding Splinter to raising/training the turtles, does that mean in turn that the turtles are bound to him? As in, if they had successfully run away as kids, would the magic pact force Splinter to track them down to continue training them? Or would he be ‘free’ of that and be able to let them live off on their own bc he wasn’t the one who initiated the split away from them?
Or, in the case that he has to continue training warriors no matter what, to the point he’s magically bound into tracking them down if they all leave, would they be able to loophole it if one of them (cough cough Leo) stayed behind so Splinter would technically still be training up a warrior, letting the other brothers go free?
oUGH so were getting into the nitty gritty then, huh? aight, here's what I'm thinking:
Splinter made a pact with Draxum, not the turtles. so as far as I'm concerned, the turtles can leave and Splinter wont be like, magically forced to track them down. he isn't bound to THEM so much as the promise of training them to be Big Strong Warriors.
HOWEVER I think that the wording of the pact would make it so that Splinter was required to train them until they actually BECOME said Powerful Mystic Warriors. And since that's a pretty vague win state, it defaults to Splinter having to train them until they've satisfied Draxums expectations, which they uhhhh have not done yet. Don't get me wrong they're great fighters, but they haven't unlocked their hamato ninpo yet or w/e that shits called and are still mostly seen as Potential Protectors of the Hidden City than anything else to Draxum.
sooo while I don't think Splinter is required to chase them down or anything, I DO think he's required to keep training them until they either leave his care or Draxum is satisfied with the results of their training.
thing is though, the pact being fulfilled kind of doesn't even matter at this point. like, they've lived with him their entire life. he's their dad. At most, if the pact was fulfilled, it'd just give Splinter the option to stop training them. And he might do that, but he also wants them (specifically Leo) to carry on his clans name & history & all that.
So like, he prolly wouldn't stop training 'em anyway. thats just what i had in mind though, sorry if that's not whatcha wanted hah.
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containedconspiracy · 9 months
ough your bps designs are so neat!!! i would def like to hear more about your interpretations for adam and jonah!!
AAAH TYSM !! :D That I can do!
so, for starters, let's just go over the basic stuff of the duo.. I personally think that Adam and Jonah aren't really friends. Or it's really one-sided. Jonah likes Adam a bit, finds him weird and kind of interesting to watch, Adam finds Jonah to be one of the most annoying people on planet earth.
they sort of bounce off of eachother with Adam usually taking everything seriously while Jonah takes a solid nothing seriously, not until he gets involved, at least.. Adam personally hates that fact about Jonah more than anything, but finds him to be tolerable when they're having normal conversations. Or when Jonah's useful.
also, probably the most controversial hc i have ever, Jonah's taller. sorry, Adam.
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Jonah was accepted into BPS when Sarah made Adam get someone else to do the whole alternate-luring stuff with. Jonah solely exists as a replacement in Adam's mind, and maybe a crutch for when he's feeling lonely. Which is rare.
Anyways, onto individuals! Jonah's up first because I have a little less to say.
Jonah, design wise, was supposed to kind of give off the vibe of a wannabe scene or emo kid. His baggy clothes and accessories as well as dyed hair are just because he thinks it looks cool, he doesn't have many other reasons for it. His hair color and general style is sorta similar to his canon counterpart, keeping the same dark to silver gradient as well as the general spiky/side-swept look of it.
Personality wise, he thinks he's hot shit. He's confident and takes everything about as serious as you'd expect him to. He does find the ghost hunting and paranormal stuff a little interesting, but he's mostly just in it for the stories and the money. His parents are pretty rich, with his dad being a lawyer and all, and he has a good dozen of friends outside of BPS. Nothing's keeping him here besides his own interest in the organization.
That doesn't mean he doesn't care about it at all, though! He likes the people there, he likes getting to hang out and feeling cool because he gets to steal and sneak around empty places. It's the kind of rebellious that he always daydreamed about when he was living his completely ordinary, honestly kind of boring old life.
- he's 6'2".
- aroace, never had romantic interest in anyone, never will.
- Lots of scrapes on skin under clothes from just being generally stupid during investigations.
- adhd win
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If you can't tell by now, Adam's my favorite TMC character. A lot of these headcanons are from way back when vol 2 had just come out, and I'm still somewhat attached to them. Don't mind me being insane.
Design-wise, Adam looks a lot.. softer than Jonah does? He's supposed to have a sort of obviously-fake innocent look, mostly with the wide eyes and rounder shapes used for his hair and face. His hair's dyed in a split style as a reference to the fact that while he's seen as having brown/black hair in the series, he's actually blonde. Same goes for his eyes, which are darker in-series but most people draw him with blue eyes. This isn't the result of contacts or anything, he just naturally has heterochromia. Even before he got taken by Intruder..
Furthering the eye discussion, he may seem like the odd one out when compared to how I draw the other BPS members, and it's mostly to give him a more unsettling appearance in comparison. While the others have simple eyes with flatter eyelids and simpler pupils, his closer resemble how I draw the alternate's eyes, specifically taking inspiration from the eye shape I gave Intruder. Like father, like son, I guess..?
Personality wise, he's far from nice. Or extroverted. He's the opposite of Jonah in every way. He rarely cares for others but still takes everything seriously, even when nobody else around him will, and he's mean by default. He doesn't really process any of his negative emotions in any way besides anger and lashing out. (or isolation, god forbid..) When in a social situation where he's not trying to be a complete asshole, he's just socially awkward. He doesn't have many friends, mostly because he doesn't want any, and he doesn't care enough to try and figure out all of the intricacies of social interaction, often coming off as blunt or uncaring. (Which he usually is, anyways!)
The cross necklace he has isn't there for any religious reasons- In fact, it's just there because he noticed that Alternates tend to be drawn to people who actively practice religion. He wanted to bring them in without devoting any of his time to actually trying to find faith in a god. He's a complete atheist.
..or, is, until Mandela Catalyst..
But we don't need to worry about that!
- 5'10".
- Trans, but not FTM. No, he's just genderless horror to male. It counts to me.
- Also covered in bruises and scratches, mostly from fights or lashing out on inanimate objects.
- Supposedly has/Is Diagnosed with M.A.D.
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shhoup · 3 months
Guys I am way too deep in the SSO lore. This started off as me playing it because I wanted it as a kid and so I could play with my little sister, but ough... horses fun...
I'm legitimately playing thru the Starshine Legacy versions they have on the website this is so fun! I'd say I wish I played the og versions when they came out but girl I was born in 2005 and was lucky enough to play MSPaint, I'm just happy I can still experience part of the game's history now.
Also the lore?? Hello??? It's really cool to see where some of the SSO models originated from like Jorvik Stables as a whole was mostly there in SSL, and the models for Herman and the stable ladies like Claire and Jenna. And also the janky ass models.
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Why he looking at me like that
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 9 months
Tell me about Presley (smol gift)
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ough he's a little guy I want to squeeze him
he's my orphaned-street-rat turned mercenary turned SQ-asset
Presley (pronounced like Wesley not Leslie) grew up in a bandit settlement that was all but torched by the Agency/Nexus when he was ~14ish, his family included. by that point he was no stranger to crime or death, so once the dust had settled he knew he was on his own and needed to stay moving. no time to mourn
pretty theft turned into the occasional odd job in Nexus City. deliver letters and packages, make evidence disappear, sometimes just playing as an inconspicuous decoy. it wasn't easy but keeping his nose clean and a roof over his head would've been impossible. he found people that needed work done and wouldn't ask too many questions
by the time he was 16, he'd built up a decent network of connections, clients, and long lists of people and places to avoid. by 17, one of those clients needed a loose end tied up, offering more money than Presley would've known what to do with, all he had to do was cut someone's brakes and then wait
blood money became the new game and by 21, he had a full-scale operation running, a sizeable armory, and was taking out high-value targets. much like Icarus, hubris was his downfall. a hit gone far too well on the wrong person caught the attention of far more powerful people. said-people weren't the type to shoot the messenger, but they did send a message of their own in the form of his eye being carved out with a spoon and the nerve cut. overall clean operation and he got to pick which eye got sent to his client, so could've been worse
after that he scaled back quite a bit, picked up work that wouldn't need fully-functional vision to accomplish. body augments weren't exactly cheap or easy to come by
luckily for him, the SQ had more than plenty of freelance jobs that would be a walk in the park for him. more than anything, he needed to stay moving. he'd lament his eye when he died
his relationship with SQ was very on-again off-again for the next couple years but always positive, so it wasn't a surprised when Doc offered him an actual position rather than contracts (Arena Mode). of course he takes it, if for no other reason than Doc's notorious reputation throughout the criminal underground and the protection that would offer. once he proves to be a worthy investment, he's greenlit to have bionic eye implanted (one of the older, sturdier models since he does mostly field work). he still runs his own ops when they come up but is more focused with SQ goals as of right now
he's British as fuck which I'm really glad Krinkels went ahead and stuck British people in MPN because otherwise I'd have to figure out why there's Brits in Nevada
has a tiny little massive crush on Deimos since day one but sshshsshshshhh doesn't matter
has not, will not, won't ever sit down and try to process the things he's been through. everything gets shoved in a box and then buried somewhere where he doesn't have to look at it
he does his best to fit in with all the hardened killers within the organization but the pathetic wet cat energy is palpable so he still gets treated like a kid by most
his backstory did get a pretty big overhaul from when I'd first designed him mostly because of MPN but he's still one of my favorite stress balls
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ftmtftm · 11 months
Thought of myself as exclusively as a trans man for a while (and that's still partially there due to genderweird things) but that was mostly because I didn't know Being Butch Was An Option For Me. even though i was. very butch. and had always been very butch even before the transening. even when i tried presenting "feminine" there was always a masculine after taste that led to people mocking me and treating me like shit lol. anyways yeah fellow butch dykes on T are great and i am so very glad that i have finally reached this point in self discovery and determination <2
FUCK YEAH !!! I'm glad you're at that point for yourself !!!! It's really wonderful to just kind of. Feel Free To Do Whatever Makes You Happiest with your gender identity :)
I feel you on the genderweird stuff though - I was just talking to my gf about how. My Gender really is kinda just butch at this point, but it's still simultaneously very much man. Like, in the same way I was a girl as a kid - I was a boy and a man in my late teens/early 20's, and now? I'm a butch! And I contain all three of those identities within me!
Like. I'm at a place where I'm a man in the sense that I'm kinda just a guy. Like A Dude™️. I'm also definitely not a Woman™️, but I keep having womanhood forced upon me so often I might as well Do Something With It and fuck it up in a way that makes other people uncomfortable. Like, you're gonna make me uncomfortable I'll throw that energy right back at you, you know?
It's like in the past when I was coming out as trans I kept having womanhood forced back on me in a way that felt like people stabbing me with knives. But? I healed. I put some bandaids made of compassionate manhood over my wounds and now I'm coming back at those people with a baseball bat labeled "DYKEYBUTCHFAG"
Like (sorry anon I'm using this ask to high ramble about my own gender and sexuality now BUT) I'm. Just. So. Enamored. By. Masculinity. It's so beautiful. And that's masculinity in anyone regardless of identity I think honestly. I have a very specific type. And It's So Butch. It's So Deeply Butch Actually. Butch gay men make me swoon so deeply - like - ough. A Butch Man in his 40's that looks like he stepped straight out of the mid-80's is the most beautiful sight in the world. A butch dyke on T with soft, crinkley, kinda nasally T voice and firecracker political energy is my perfect lover. Butch trans fems? Don't even get me started. I love a woman who carries her masculinity like the carabiner on her hip - with confidence fueled by reclamation.
I'm just. deeply deeply t4t4butch4butch. Ajdhahfk I genuinely love being so incredibly autistic about gender and sexuality that I create the worlds longest acronyms for myself 💀
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
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you probably missed those because I copied your tags before saying anything so you couldn't tell from the notifs, which I spammed, mostly with rbs that didn't add anything, it's understandable that you didn't check all of them, so I screenshotted them for you. Again, no hate on your choice of a cat breed, I love all cats, I think I just have a problem with coming on strong when I have an alternative idea. And the way I pictured Monaca's possible involvement, is her recording it for her tiktok or something tiktok adjacent. Komaru tried to install some sort of parental control on her phone that'd make it impossible for her to download it, but out of the two Monaca is far superior in dealing with technology, so Teaching Babies to Swear Pt.9 goes viral
I never responded cause I didn't wanna be annoying or anything I'm bad at people sometimes aaaaaugh 👉👈
Listen. Listen to me. Look me in the eyes. At least in my opinion, you come off strong in a good way. You're PASSIONATE!!! I FUCKING LOVE TO SEE IT BESTIE!!! NEVER LET ANYONE PUT YOU DOWN FOR BEING PASSIONATE!!!!! The thought of Kokichi with a ferret is fucking inspired and I LOVE IT SLINKY LITTLE GUY FOR THE SLINKY LITTLE GUY. also YES HAJIME IS SUCH A BASIC BITCH. I could totally see him going to a shelter or smth and just adopting the first kitty that comes up to him. love at first sight. He did not realize how much he would miss the constant chaos 24/7 until he's helping Kokichi with his little backpack (no leash attached this time) and watching him run into school. Sometimes a gremlin is what makes a house a home. (also them having a tabby means so so so much to me now, I had a tabby growing up and she was the sweetest cat ever) Also LMAO I LOVE LOVE LOVE TIKTOKER MONACA. SHE IS AN ABSOLUTE MENACE. KOMARU HAS TRIED EVERY PARENTAL LOCK IN THE BOOK BUT MONACA STAYS SILLY. also just. ough. this one. this one actually makes me sob. I LOVE THIS SO SO SO MUCH IVE BEEN REREADING IT ALL DAY JUST. THINKING. so so so so so so so many thoughts AGH. THE AFTERMATH. HAJIME BEING TOSSED INTO THE ROOM WITH THE PARENTS, TOTALLY PASSED OUT (they got him with a second horse tranq when his back was turned) KOMAEDA WATCHING HAJIME AND THE DOOR LIKE A FUCKING HAWK, SONIA WANTING TO REACT BUT SHE KNOWS SHE FUCKING KNOWS IF SHE DOES ANYTHING THEY'RE ALL GOING TO BE IN EVEN MORE TROUBLE. She takes a deep breath. Pulls out her perfect practiced princess quality smile. She speaks like the queen she was built to become. She wants to tear them apart limb from limb. (also just throwing this out there because I thought of it earlier, Naegi was "Formally Escorted Off The Premises" after the punch) also just. ough. it's an important distinction with the origin of their talents. The dr1 and sdr2 squad's talents are talent born from despair. The v3 kids have talent that's born from hope. Hope for the future hope for themselves and it just. mmmh.
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abracazabka · 11 months
Hockey ask pt 2 bc I had this idea of Johnny ending up as a lifetime Devils player and by the time his contract his up and he can choose to sign or not, some reporter asks him if he will resign and he kind of looks at Daniel who's now like 30 and he thinks of how they've known each other since they were kids and they've known both the prettiest and ugliest parts of each other and is like, "You kidding? They'd have to pry me out of Jersey with a crowbar."
And Daniel watches the interview later and he's like, "Knew Jersey was better than New York." but the argument is so old and it doesn't even matter so Johnny's like, "Guess it grew on me." and by it he means Daniel.
Sorry for the long and hyperspecific ask asldfkj
Interviews in general are one of my favorite means of storytelling in fan works because they force characters to face themselves but also add a barrier between them and their love interest so there's this tension and AHHHH
with your first ask my answer seemed a bit lacking because tumblr deleted my responses three times!!! so that was kind of a summary, but I said in a previous version that Johnny would say stupid shit about Jersey in interviews and get into fights all over the place, but that it and Daniel would grow on him. SO WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE HEHEHE despite you clearly knowing more about hockey than me LMAO.
ough God them growing together, being on a team together to witness the good and bad, the insanity and the intimacy, OUGH! God that dialogue you wrote between them really is driving me insane because that is so very Daniel, so very Johnny.
Yes there's the barrier of an interviewer being there but also, Johnny just has these reservations despite being a strike first guy! Oh, Daniel, please PLEASE I am begging you to look into your teammate's eyes and see that he means YOU have grown on him. and you're not kids anymore and you should think about the future (the sports journalism scandal in the making about you two being lovers, of course)
I also talked about New Yorker Johnny in a response tumblr deleted. It was mostly in the lens of making fun of him for still being a baby about the cold despite being a New Yorker and a hockey player (and I was talking about Daniel keeping him warm, WHATEVER HAHA) but I mention New Yorker Johnny because of what you said about him becoming so attached to New Jersey.
A moot and I simply love shoving Johnny into Newark especially, because the LaRussos are there! If Johnny really does become a fixture in the Devils team and Daniel and Johnny grow to appreciate and depend on each other after the rocky, often bloody start, I'm sure the LaRussos get to watch Daniel and Johnny cutely play ice hockey at local rinks (heavily bundled up with their famous faces hidden by scarves of course) when Johnny inevitably follows Daniel back home like a lost puppy.
There is something in me that always goes fucking nuts when Johnny finds a place of belonging. He is my special guy and I love torturing him but not more than I love tenderly placing him in a loving environment. New Jersey fights him and he fights it, but ultimately he fits into the state and the team and into a role where he and Daniel are so so very close. Ahhh!!!
Though, Johnny still argues the merits of New York over Jersey. He takes Daniel all the time, even if they probably end up living in Jersey...together 😈 hehehe when they retire and the world's a little kinder, they will be the cutest famous couple, I'm telling you. Yeah I'm jumping the gun with the ~romance~ but whatever, sue me. I'm crazy about them.
Thank you anon!!! Who knew hockey could make Johnny into a New Jersey boy? I'm indebted to you. <3
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lisascumslut78 · 11 months
would you tell me about your wips 👀 if i looked at you like this 👀 until you told me 👀
OKAY!! finally had time and energy to do this i'm sorry 😭
okay so. most of these are like. darna/darlentina/reginarda and a few odd ones (surprisingly, almost all this is filipino. huh.) but anyway.
let's get the darna/darlentina/reginarda wips out first!!
5+1 things darlentina or five times narda saves regina and one time she doesn't.
this is my baby. the very first fic i've written for this fandom and it's very very special to me lsdkjfsld. i add to it little little by little every once in a while but i dont think it's nowhere near finished (sorry!!) it's basically a rewrite of the whole show so, you know, it's going to be a big one lmfaooo. i'm going to take what i want from canon and throw the rest in the trash. still deciding if i want it chapter by chapter or just one big oneshot thing. hm.
fake dating au
yeah fake dating. although not in the way you'd expect. regina thinks narda and darna are dating. so to keep regina off her back and from finding out she's both, narda thought it'd be a great idea to throw off regina by letting her think she's dating the superhero. this was funnier in my head. this one's a very recent wip, had the thought while in the middle of class one day lmfao
woman of her dreams (yeah no im not good with this)
okay so. basically regina keeps dreaming about this girl since like. she was a child. up until adulthood she keeps dreaming about her. she never has a name, only vague flashes of her facial features, her hands, her smile etc. semi-canon. narda is still half alien, but they dont meet the same. until they do meet and regina's so shocked she falls off the balcony.
gala smut
basically what the title says lkdjflfdfg. i remember working on this when the first few weeks the show was airing and like i was running on pure emotion that time. what a time indeed. well anyway. they fuck in a bathroom. so yea.
a scene rewrite
there was just this really really annoying scene in the show that i just. had to fix ya know? like. girl. she would not say that. so yeah.
friends with benefits au
was once again driven by pure emotion with this. bc like. that would be so so good. it'd be so angsty and like. i haven't really read anything like it in the fandom before so!!
regina almost dies
yeah so if you haven't seen the show regina dies (but only briefly) and like. i wanted to fix that because of how stupid they set it up like. GIRL. she was too far from that tree to pierce her oh my god???
ALRIGHT. i think i'm done with the reginarda wips. on to some other ones i have :D
i'm just going to list some of them off since i don't really remember where i wanted them to go lmfao.
chapter two of my lilanette fwb
lilanette childhood friends au
lilanette secretly friends au
a barbie oneshot
needifer x mean girls au
okay. with this one, my sister and i suddenly had a brain fart thinking what if jennifer survived and needy moved to chicago or something and attended northshore. fucking insane i know. it was supposed to be a collab thing but my sister didn't really want to anymore so i'm mostly the one working on it.
rookie exes au
okay so. rookie is a filipino movie about the new kid who doesn't play volleyball (she only plays basketball), joins the volleyball team, and falls in love with the team captain. the captain dislikes her at first but, you know, her swagless looks and cringe fail autistic personality eventually captivates her. you know, basic shit.
it's a very... feel good movie i would say. it didn't really resonate with me as much as i was hoping it would but, it's a good watch, i think.
i wanted to imagine them not too far into the future but they're not together. (though, the movie leaves us with an ambiguous ending regarding their relationship, first off) i just love exes aus. ough. oh yeah it's sapphic.
this is entirely too long omfg. i doubt it'll be an interest to anyone but maybe a couple of people but!!! yeah i kind of wanted to share this too. kinda.
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