#hatake tetsuo
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months ago
Celebrating my 21'st birthday by posting an obnoxious amount of
Warring States Hatake OC things !
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Continuing the warring states era Hatake oc train as I try to fill up all 21 slots for the clan !!! I honestly don't know if I'll make all 21, but I'd like to at least give them all names, just to make the world feel lived in. I might ask someone else to donate an oc or two in the future to guest star in the cast, idk
But anyways !!!! In a clan who loves to adopt, it stands to reason that they ofc have people among them who weren't born Hatake.
With that said: Pyromaniac explosion enthusiast Hatake who was a failed bloodline theft anyone ???
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Both Sora and Tsuki are pretty fucking horrendous towards Tetsuo, but in large part it's Tsuki leading the charge. Sora follows his lead, as he's the first friend she made in the clan. They're honestly pretty close
Meanwhile: Sora remains the biggest Haruka fan ever. Being saved from the bloodline thief camp by the woman really cemented her in her mind as her hero.
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After Sora lost her arm at 12 when playing with an explosion seal she'd explicitly been told not to play with, Tsuki proposed they learn to do hand signs together.
Sora would eventually be able to figure out how to do pull off a jutsu with only one hand, but it takes a long time to get there— and even when she is there, it still takes longer than if she had 2 hands. Working with Tsuki, they can both pull off just about any jutsu as fast as any one person can. Faster, even
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Top ten images taken 5 seconds before disaster...
I was gonna draw 2 more pages for this, of the actual drowning attempt, but I got tired and wanted to post this today so you get a summary of what comes next instead. (Maybe I'll finish drawing it and post it separately another day)
Tsuki and Sora bullied Tetsuo pretty relentlessly till the boys were about 13, when Tsuki took things a step too far and basically tried to drown Tetsuo. Tetsuo fought back, beating both Tsuki and Sora's asses pretty soundly— and catching Haruka's attention in the process.
Seeing Tetsuo fend off the other two made up Haruka's mind, and she declared he'd be her new heir. Which he... didn't actually want to be. Oops!
Sora was pretty effectively scared out of bullying Tetsuo any further, and Tsuki mellowed out a good amount— though he remained mischievous, but that was pretty standard for him.
The blue tint of Tetsuo's skin would fade only some months later as he grew out of his Hoshigaki traits and into his Hatake blood. This also helped to lessen teasing from the other kids, along with the whole "he's the new clan heir now" thing.
Good for him.
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The next day Tetsuo is super pissy and sleep deprived while Tsuki is suspiciously smug and well rested. On the bright side, Tetsuo has officially learned his lesson and will now refuse to let Tsuki ever give anyone anything he's drawn ominous spirals on.
As adults, Tetsuo and Tsuki are... fine, honestly. They're friends, in a way. Might even be counted as close— or as close as you can be, with Tsuki.
The fact that Tsuki got himself permanantly posessed by an Uzu spiral demon on that mission gone wrong in Wave doesn't make things as complicated than you'd think. Tetsuo seems to often land himself in the position of acting as Tsuki (and often times Sora's) handler.
I had a few more things I wanted to draw, but ran out of time. I'll probably just try and draw and post it later. No Sora piercing lore, Daisuke introduction post or full Tetsuo drowning comic for you!!! (Yet)
Umm final thoughts:
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Tetsuo is doomed to forever be surrounded by maniacs
Early Konoha oc art pt. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
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emilx311 · 6 years ago
Senju Tobirama has two names, one known only to a handful of people. Turns out, this can make finding your soulmate a bit difficult. 
Written for MadaTobi week prompt Soulmates. Tobirama's second name here is Tetsuo which means (according to the list I found) wise hero or wise man. To make it easy to read I tried to stick to Tobirama for the most part, but anytime Tetsuo is used it is referring to Tobirama. 
If you enjoy my fics please help support my writing! 
There was something very few people knew about Senju Tobirama. Well, really there were many things about the younger Senju brother that were not widely known, but the most important one was his name. Not his everyday name, that one had spread well beyond the boarders of fire country attached to tales of his battle prowess, his invented jutsus, his various feats, and monikers such as ‘the white ghost’. No, it was his true name that remained a secret.
Many had forgotten, but the previous lady of the Senju, Butsuma’s soulmate, was a Hatake and the Hatake could be a superstitious people. They believed that names had power and so every child of the clan was given two names. The first was their secret name, their true name. This name was a secret, given only to those closest to the person. The second was their everyday name, the name the general public would know them as. Though she had left her clan to help her husband and soulmate lead his, the lady Senju held on to some of her traditions. When each of her sons were born, she carefully selected two names for them. In their public names she followed the traditions of the Senju. In their private ones she followed her heart. When they were alone with her, she would use only these private names, would remind her children of the power they contained and why they should take such care with them.
Hashirama had always been a true son of the Senju. Though he respected their mother and her traditions he did not believe in them. He remembered and guarded the name she had given him as a gift but saw Hashirama as his name. After she passed, only his brothers would use his other name and soon even they began to stop. Soon it was all but forgotten, used only as an occasional loving nickname.
Tobirama was his brother’s opposite in many ways and this was among them. He had taken after his mother the most, both in looks and temperament. He listened with awe to her stories and committed them and her beliefs to memory. He’d never seen “Tobirama” as anything more than a cover, a shield created to protect his true self. Tetsuo was the name he regarded as his for it was the name his mother had given to him out of love.
Tobirama was a duty. Tobirama was having to be the spare heir. Tobirama was having to be his father’s soldier. Tobirama was having to fight and kill. Tobirama was stomping his emotions down so they would not get in the way of what had to be done. Tobirama was the aches of wounds and bruises and hours spent training and pushing himself to be better.
Tetsuo was none of those. Tetsuo was the joy of reading, of experimenting, of learning and creating. Tetsuo were the secret soft smiles he saved for his brothers, Touka, and later Mito. Tetsuo was wiping away his brother’s tears and whispered words of apology and forgiveness in the night. Tetsuo was drawing up drafts of treaties he wasn’t sure would ever be signed and plans for a village he doubted would ever exist. Tetsuo was promises to do all he could to help make Hashirama’s dreams a reality. Tetsuo was being able to let his guard down. Tetsuo was playing with and teaching the clan children. Tetsuo was carefully bandaged wounds, and kind words, and warm eyes.
Tobirama was the face he presented to the world, but Tetsuo was his heart. However, Tobirama had not only embraced the name his mother had given him, he had also embraced her warnings. Tetsuo was vulnerable in a way Tobirama was not, not only to spirits but to other humans, and so he kept Tetsuo tucked away. Only when he was alone, or with the small handful of people he trusted completely, would he allow Tetsuo to emerge.
His soulmark did not help in this regard. He’d kept it hidden since it had appeared, a task thankfully made easier by the fact it was on his upper thigh. It wasn’t that he feared he would never meet his mate, nor was it because he was ashamed of having a male’s name. He also did not suffer from the common fear in shinobi that their match would die before they could meet. He did not agonize over the possibility it could be a civilian. No, in these ways he’d been luckier than most. He’d known who his mate was since the moment he’d first seen the elegant writing sitting starkly against his pale skin. Madara was, after all, a rather unusual name.
No, Tobirama hid his mark precisely because he knew who it was for. He didn’t want his father to know he was matched with an enemy. Didn’t want to hurt Hashirama even more by revealing his soulmate was the boy Tobirama had been forced to part him from. He didn’t want to give Touka anything more to worry about-especially not something that could distract her during a battle. He assumed Madara was doing the same since the other never said anything. He continued to fight Hashirama and only ever glanced at Tobirama when checking on his younger brother. So, though deep inside Tobirama Tetsuo mourned for the chances lost, he forced himself to push past it and put such things out of his mind.
And then everything changed. Tobirama, who was always, always, Tetsuo deep in his heart, found himself with the perfect opening to kill Izuna. And yet, as he lined up his strike, all he could think about were whispered promises to his brother in the dark, were the documents and plans he had drawn up in case of the impossible. His brother’s stories about Madara echoed through his mind and the mark on his thigh seemed to burn with possibilities he’d never been able to let go of fully. And so, instead of following through, Tobirama moved his sword so it ended up clashing off Izuna’s. His rival stumbled back, well aware of just how close to death he had come.
The rest of the battlefield had gone silent. All eyes were on them, including their brothers’. They had all seen where Tobirama was aiming, had all seen the inevitable end, and they had all seen Tobirama change his strike at the last possible moment. After a few seconds that seemed to stretch on for eternity, the silence was finally broken by Madara screaming his brother’s name as he rushed over. He was shaking as he checked Izuna over, and the relief on his face when he found no serious wounds made Tobirama’s heart clench. His shocked, thankful gaze met Tobirama’s for a second before Hashirama sensed his opportunity and rushed over to ask Madara for peace once again. And this time, this time with his little brother alive in his arms only thanks to a Senju’s mercy, Madara said yes.
Things moved quickly after that. The treaties Tobirama had so carefully written and rewritten were brought out and signed. And, when Hashirama managed to talk Madara around to creating the village they’d dreamed about as children, he was prepared and dumped all the plans and schematics he’d painstakingly researched and created in front of them. Hashirama had blubbered about how he was the best brother ever, and even Madara had seemed impressed. Construction on the actual village started soon after, and in what seemed like the blink of an eye, Konoha had started to look like a proper town. Hashirama had never been so happy, not even the day he’d met Mito, and Tobirama shared hi brother’s joy. It truly was an amazing achievement…and yet he couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Even as their clans had settled together into peace and they learned to work together, Madara never approached him to talk about their bond. He tried to put it out of their mind and focus on his work (and there was always so much work that needed to be done) and he was, for the most part, successful at doing so.
Madara could barely believe that this was real some days, felt like he’d been living in a dream since that fateful battle. His heart had all but stopped in his chest when he’d seen Tobirama line up his strike, but then the Senju had changed course. Instead of being dealt a fatal wound Izuna had walked away with nothing more than a bruise. And then they had actually managed to create peace between their clans. He and Hashirama had been able to make all their childish dreams into a reality better than anything they’d ever imagined. Konoha was beautiful, everything he’d ever wanted and so much more. And, this too, he had Tobirama to thank for. Madara was slightly ashamed to admit that he’d never believed Hashirama when the other had told him, had sworn, that Tobirama also wanted peace. The younger seemed so cold, so quick to fight, so willing to kill that he’d been unable to trust the other could ever truly want peace. He saw now how wrong he had been.
It had been Tobirama who had written the original drafts of the treaties they had signed. Treaties that were truly fair and equal, that left neither clan weaker than the other. It was Tobirama who had done the practical research they’d needed. Tobirama who had drawn up blueprints and plans they were able to construct off of, plans that had clearly taken years of work to create and refine. He thought of Tobirama slaving over books since they had all been children in order to give his elder brother a real chance to see his dreams though and was forced to admit that he’d been wrong. Tobirama did want peace, Tobirama did support their dream and was willing to work harder than anyone to see it through. And, after realizing all this, Madara began to wonder what else he was wrong about when it came to the other man.
The answer that that, as it turned out, was just about everything. As the village grew, Madara had gotten into the habit of watching Tobirama. At first, it was simply because of curiosity. He had wanted to see what the other man was actually like. He was surprised to find himself more and more entranced the more he saw. He was less surprised to realize how wrong most of his impressions of the man were. Tobirama could be cold yes, but more often than not it was not malicious. He was a busy man and he preferred to get straight to the heart of things. But he was always warm to those he cared about. He always had a smile for the Senju children that flocked to him, and later, for the children outside the Senju that began to join them. He was beyond patient with them. Madara had seen him teaching a group of them some basic Katas once while visiting the Senju compound, carefully explaining and kindly correcting them. He was also always willing to answer questions, no matter who they were from.
Tobirama was fierce, but Madara saw more and more that this did not mean he craved fights. He would not allow others to walk all over him, he stood his ground when challenged, but he never started confrontations himself. Well, that was not quite true. If he got wind of someone bullying another, especially if the victim was one of those he considered his, he would seek out and ‘correct’ the behaviour. But, without his old prejudices blinding him, Madara was able to see that this did not make him quick to fight, but rather, quick to protect. And that, well, that was something Madara could respect.
The more Madara watched, the more he could understand the traits he’d once been reviled by. This included the other’s tendency to go straight for the kill in battle whenever he could. Tobirama like to nip things, especially problems, in the bud and make sure they would not be repeated. Going for the kill meant he took out a threat permanently. It meant that the enemy would not be able to hurt him or his, meant that someone else would not have to deal with it later on, meant that he did not need to fear an attack by an enemy he’d thought down. It was not that he was a monster trying sate his bloodlust, it was that he was taking the quickest and most efficient root to protect his side and end the battle.
The longer Madara watched and the more he saw the more he understood, and the more he understood the more he found himself unable to look away. Before he knew it, months had passed and Madara realized he had fallen in love with Senju Tobirama. For anyone else this would not have been a problem, but Madara was an Uchiha. A clan of fire users, they burned with all the passion of their jutsu. And they believed very strongly that their largest passion should be reserved for their soulmates. It was unheard of for an Uchiha to look elsewhere while their match still lived, and Madara knew his did. The ink over his heart was still as dark as it had been the day it first appeared; Tetsuo spelled out in neat, efficient strokes. And Madara did yearn for him, for this mysterious man that had been made to fit him perfectly in a way no other could, but he was not here! There was no one among any of the clans to join Konoha baring that name and Tobirama was right there!
Tobirama was right in front of him, also still lacking any sign of a match, and Madara could see so clearly all the ways they would fit each other. A year ago he would never have believed it, but he knew now that Tobirama would be able to match him passion for passion. He could, and did, stand his ground unflinchingly even when faced with the worst of Madara’s tempers. Tobirama was intelligent, hardworking, and beyond dedicated to the causes and people he considered his own. He cared for their village and all the people in it just as much as Madara did. He was also strong, able to go toe to toe, and occasionally even beat, Izuna and hold his own against Hashirama or Madara himself. It didn’t help that the Senju was absolutely beautiful. Lean and pale he was like moonlight given form, except for the twin gems he called eyes. So, Madara found himself caught in a sort of limbo where he watched and wanted from afar, almost wishing that his mark would fade so he would be free to approach. The whole thing left him feeling guilty and wrong-footed which was in turn making him even more irritable than normal. This, ironically, ended up being what brought everything to a head.
It was a lovely day and Hashirama had decided that his brother and best friend both needed to relax. To this end he had wheedled, and nagged, and begged, and pouted, until they had both agreed to come with him to the onsen after work. Tobirama, as was his habit, made sure that the towel around his hips was secured in such a way that it covered his soulmark. While he did this every time he visited the onsen it was especially important this trip since the two people he was with were also the last two people he ever wanted to see his mark. Hashirama would cry and try to push them together, and Madara…well, just because Tobirama had forced himself to accept that Madara didn’t want anything to do with him or their bond didn’t mean that he wanted to hear the other man say so.
“Oh hey, Madara, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your soulmark before!” His brother was exclaiming, peering intently at the Uchiha’s chest. Tobirama was quite surprised since he had assumed that Madara would have found some way to cover or hide his mark as Tobirama did. He was also confused; this was not how his brother would react to seeing his name on the other. He’d been so certain, the Uchiha’s handwriting even looked the same, but maybe, maybe he’d been wrong? Maybe there was another Madara out there, or, maybe he had a broken bond. Maybe he was matched to Madara, but Madara wasn’t matched to him. “Have you found them yet?” Asked his oblivious brother.
“Obviously not!” Madara snapped. “I’ve asked around, but apparently there is no one named Tetsuo anywhere in Konoha”. Tobirama stumbled and almost fell as he walked towards them, much to their obvious surprise. He didn’t really care though, not when he was able to catch sight of Madara’s chest himself. It was there, written as if by his own hand in black ink above the other’s heart. It was there and it explained everything.
“Tetsuo” he whispered, almost reverently. He then followed that up by facepalming and saying, “I am such an idiot!” He’d assumed that because Tobirama was the name used most often it would be the name on his mate’s mark. That had become especially true after Hashirama met Mito and she’d had his common name on her. In hindsight it seemed obvious, of course the mark would read Tetsuo! The marks were linked to their souls, to their purest essence and, at the core, he’d always seen himself as Tetsuo, not Tobirama. Mito’s mark had read Hashirama because that was the name his brother saw as his, not because it was the one more commonly used. And of course Madara had never approached him, he had no idea that he had a name other than Tobirama, let alone that it matched his mark and that they were soulmates!
“Tobi-Tetsu-oh, OH!” Hashirama exclaimed, looking between the two of them in shock. He hadn’t even thought, but yes, now that he looked again that was definitely his brother’s handwriting and Tobi had always been so careful to hide his mark, even from Hashirama! He hadn’t realized at first because, like his brother, he’d expected the name written on his match to be Tobirama. “Oh, I’m so happy!” He cried, tears dripping down his cheeks.
“What?” Madara asked, glancing between the two Senju. “What are you talking about? Have you both gone crazy?!” He ignored the thought in the back of his mind, the idea that they were reacting like this because they knew who his soulmate was. He also ignored the hope, worry, dread, sorrow, and longing churning inside him. That, at least, seemed to bring them back into reality. The brothers exchanged a look.
“I’m just going to um…go somewhere that is not here” Hashirama finally said, all but fleeing. Madara was getting even more confused and now he had only one possible source of explanation.
“What the hell Senju?” He demanded, placing his hands on his hips and giving Tobirama a look which clearly conveyed, ‘explain now’. Unusually for him the Senju seemed to fidget under Madara’s glare. He looked hesitant for a moment before seeming to reach some sort of decision.
“I’ll explain, just-not here” he said. Madara finally remembers that they were in the changing room of a public onsen clad only in towels and had to agree that was fair. The two quickly changed back into their clothes and then Tobirama grabbed his hand and they disappeared. They reappeared in the living room of a house Madara had never seen before.
“My home” Tobirama answered his unspoken question. “Please sit, I did promise you an explanation”. Madara follows the suggestion while Tobirama stays where he is, leaning on the wall facing Madara and still fidgeting. The silence stretches on before Madara makes a pointed ‘well, get on with it’ gesture. Tobirama takes a deep breath and does.
“As you likely guessed by our reactions, Hashirama and I know who your soulmate is” the younger Senju starts off with, and Madara swallows. “I will tell you who it is, but there are some things I have to explain to you first.” Madara is surprised, but nods, willing to listen. Perhaps his soulmate has health issues, or is on a long-term undercover mission?
“The Hatake, like every other clan, has certain traditions and beliefs not well known outside the clan. One of these is that they give every child two names. They believe that true names hold power, so all children on their blood are given an outside name they can use instead of their true name” Tobirama explains. Madara is confused, while interesting this history lesson on the Hatake does not seem particularly relevant. “What many forget us that our mother, Hashirama’s and mine, was originally a Hatake. She gave up much from her clan when she wed father, but she did not loose the beliefs she had been brought up with. So, when she had her children, she gave us each two names.” Here the Senju pauses and seems to brace himself before starting directly into Madara’s eyes.
“Tobirama is not my name, not really. It is my outside name, the name I was given to shield my true name so it could not be used against me. My true name, the mane my mother gave me out of love, is Tetsuo, and I am your soulmate” he confessed.
Madara felt as if he couldn’t breathe. He was frozen to his spot, unable to react and unsure how he would even if he could. Emotions flew through him, there and gone only to be replaced a moment later. Shock, he’d found his soulmate? Anger, his soulmate had been in front of him, had known all this time, and had done nothing?! Relief, he’d found his soulmate! Confusion, his soulmate was the man he loved? Awe and wonder, Tobirama was Tetsuo, was his soulmate. The man he loved and his soul’s match were one and the same!
“Madara?” Tobirama’s concerned voice finally roused him back to reality. He blinked his eyes a few times and was surprised to feel a few tears escape. Tobirama (his soulmate!) was crouched in front of him, face twisted in worry with an arm reaching out for him, but now quite touching. “Madara?” He asked again.
“I’m okay” Madara assured him, “just surprised. But-” here he hesitated, but he needed to know. “But if you knew we were soulmates-you do have my name, don’t you?-why didn’t you say anything before now?” His heart pounded in his chest and he held his breath, waiting for the answer. Tobi-Tetsuo looked embarrassed.
“I, well, to be blunt, I thought you weren’t interested” he explained. Madara blinked, rather taken aback, and Tetsuo rushed to elaborate. “I do have your name, always have. During the war I assumed you would never be able to want a Senju and then when peace came and you never said anything, I figured it meant you weren’t interested in me, so I tried to respect that and stay away. I never even thought that the mark might read Tetsuo, never imagined you might not know.” By the end he was blushing adorably and Madara’s heart was swelling with happiness and hope.
“You want this? Want me?” He has to ask, has to be sure.
“More than anything” Tetsuo whispered, voice thick with emotion, and Madara can’t resist anymore. He grabs the man he’d been loving from afar for months and drags him into a kiss. Tetsuo responds enthusiastically, and doesn’t protest even as Madara drags him closer and closer until he’s sitting on the Uchiha’s lap.
“Mine” Madara whispers reverently once he’s finally pulled away from the other enough to speak. “My soulmate”. Tetsuo beams at him.
“Always” he swears and, for the first time, Madara feels complete.
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oh-no-its-bird · 14 days ago
"Sometimes, I can't help but feel burdened by the weight of your emotions."
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u will not be seeing me writing them kissing in the main story but know that I have been thinking ab these fucking weirdos. These weirdos and their indescribably heavy baggage and the tension between them
The Hatake clan has always been haunted by the curse of doomed toxic yuri and yaoi since the warring states era fr
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Early Konoha oc art pt. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months ago
Ok so like. AU where Sakumo was born during the warring states.
Going with my timeline, Hatake Haruka was 49 when she had Sakumo, a good 5 years into Konoha's creation.
Meanwhile her twin sister had Hashirama at only 19, and Tobirama at 24.
(There's some sort of joke to be made here about her sister getting all the fertility in the family)
So like, super easy timeline tweak: Haruka just gives birth way, way earlier. Maybe at the same time as her sister has Hashirama, so they're the same age
Anyways I don't have any specific thoughts for this. Just like. Sakumo in warring states. I wish to see it.
Sakumo being raised by the Hatake clan as their heir instead of growing up orphaned at 7 with his entire clan dead overnight,,, ough,,
He grows up in the woods of iron country, acompanies his mother to Iron Court that fateful day that the Daimyo began to crack down on Iron shinobi clans,, Does this mean he replaced someone in the original party that went or is he just there alongside them?
Tetsuo is no longer clan heir, which is also part of what got most of the kids his age to stop picking on him. (Well, that and the fact he started beating them up for it) So does that mean the teasing continues for some more years than it would have otherwise? What's his place in the clan like, if he isn't heir? I feel like Haruka might still single him out as someone to keep an interested eye on, and his father is still one of Haruka's most trusted people, so.
Tetsuo and Sakumo friendship,,,, that'd be an interesting change in dynamic actually, since in the original Tetsuo kind of acts as an older brother / uncle figure. He's supposed to raise Sakumo after Haruka goes and dies, (tho ofc he also then goes and dies) was training him to be clan heir— but now in this AU they're like. Around the same age. Actually, if anything, Sakumo is older than him. That's fun to think about
Umm Sakumo maybe taking Tetsuo under his wing when they're kids and helping discourage the other kids from picking on him? That could be fun and also just an interesting flip in dynamic
Tetsuo is no longer Haruka's second, now he's Sakumo's in this verse ig
Sakumo having Kakashi around or some time before Konoha's founding ,,, Kakashi is one of the first Konoha kids, let's go
Let's say he's like. 5 when Kagami and friends are like. 10. Does that work? I think that fits in with the timeline but this is a silly what if AU so I'm not going to worry about it too hard
Kakashi being friends with Hashirama and Mito's kid,,, whoever tf they are. They'd be like. 6 to his 5, so. Childhood friends!! And cousins, actually. That's another fun thing to think about.
"Kakashi is actually directly related to the founders" aus are so fun but u know what's even MORE fun? When u take one of those aus and make it like. A relevant relationship we get to see on screen in some way.
Tobirama babysitting Kakashi and Hashirama's kid,, he is winning all the best uncle awards
Anyways yeah. I feel like Sakumo's presence would have to affect things somehow, but I'm mostly just having fun thinking ab the silly day to day. Maybe we could get second hokage Sakumo instead of Tobirama out of this or smthn, idk.
Sakumo and Kakashi existing somehow manages to save enough clan members for the Hatake to survive to modern Konoha, totally changing the political map.
Maybe he somehow manages to prevent Hyuuga Hiname's poisoning, meaning she actually manages to become clan head and begins to dismantle the caged bird seal? Or maybe he doesn't and gets to be one of the people who allied themselves w Hiname who are forced to look on as she's not so secretly killed for her beliefs, unable to interfere bc of it being an "inter clan matter"
Or maybe his interference affects when Madara left the village, giving Konoha a few more (or maybe less...) years of peace (if we go with the idea that the jinchuriki being created sped up the first shinobi war)
Idk, but, having ideas. Having thoughts. It's fun to think ab.
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oh-no-its-bird · 1 month ago
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This comment on the recent One Step Three Steps chapter possessed me and I ended up doodling Ichigo in one of those cute bo-peep dresses
This whole thing is made cuter by the fact that Ichigo's mother, Keiko, is in fact one of the clans sheep headers.
I am obsessed w the idea of the Hatake having sheep. I need it in my life. The Hatake wolves and their little known sheep,,, They are quite possibly the best protected sheep in all of the elemental nations, constantly surrounded by wolves (some summons, some normal wolves) who know to keep them safe
I can feel myself starting to itch with the urge for a Hatake lore dump so actually, that is what we are doing now. Sorry not sorry, I have too many thoughts and opinions to not take this opportunity to ramble now that I've found myself here
In the warring states, the Hatake were farmers-- they interacted with other clans very little because in general, everything they needed, they made or grew for themselves, Including wool products.
They would collect the wool in the summer, spend spring and fall preparing it to spin-- cleaning it, sorting it, dying it, etc. Then in winter, when there was little work to do compared to the rest of the year, they'd begin to weave. Blankets, tapestries, clothes, etc.
The wool is distributed among those who wish to weave based on a mix of merit and favor. The Hatake themselves are a very communal bunch, sharing pretty much all of their tools and resources, and their small size only makes them closer.
So, when it's time to hand out wool, the finer wool goes to those with the skill to make something truly great out of it. Then the slightly less as good wool goes to the next in line, and so on.
There's a whole weaving hierarchy within the clan, with some doing it just for fun and to kill time (and thus being given the more bottom of the barrel yarn) while others spend all year planning to make things intending to sell for the clan to earn coin (and then those people are given the better quality yarn)
I'm actually going to expose myself here, take something I wrote for a possible far in the future Here Before and After Me chapter, from what is supposed to be the Hatake's introduction:
Instead, Haruka was busy poking through the thick blankets presented to her. Piled up high on a wheelbarrow, the labor of love of so many hands over the winter. "Hoo, the weaving this year really is spectacular. I'm almost tempted to say we shouldn't sell them." She ran her hand across the thick pelt of a blanket lined with rabbit fur. Keiko's work, she recognized instantly. 'Good shit,' as the kids say. Besides her, Tetsuo, her young chosen heir, pet a blue and brown quilt thoughtfully.   "They could make for an impressive gift, if we're ever in the position to have to give one." "As good an excuse as any to keep one or three." Haruka chuckled, picking a more intricate blanket out of the pile and holding it up to admire its pattern.
^ When winter is done, everyone who made something will donate at least one thing they've made to an overall collection, which is then sorted through and (usually) sold.
(With occasional exceptions to save more impressive works to keep as a clan treasure, or future gift or bribe if they need one)
He sorted through them, trying to separate by quality and method of craft. But, seeing as they all shared space on the same wheelbarrow, there was really only so much separation he could do. "Ugh, Tsuki." Tetsuo cursed under his breath, picking out a tapestry carefully embroidered with near hypnotic spirals that seemed to go on forever. "We can't sell this, it'll end up cursing someone." He tossed the supposedly cursed tapestry over a shoulder, burrowing through more thick sheets before he paused. A disgruntled expression passed over his face as he plucked out an already tattered blanket, more bundle of half-burnt rope loosely woven together than anything. "Who let Sora donate to the pile again? She was supposed to be banned, after last year's disaster." When he examined it closer, it seemed like it was made only from scraps of the thick wool they'd spun specifically for their winter weaving. At least no one had given her anything valuable to destroy then. It joined the spiral tapestry slung across his shoulder. "Daisuke, at least, as good as always." He noted, picking up a thick weave of color. Seeing how brightly colored this year's project was, suddenly he understood why the man's hands had been dyed so thoroughly for most of the winter months. Although... Tetsuo brought the blanket up to sniff and then made a face. "Ugh, we'll need to wash out the tobacco smell. His nose really must be failing him, to have left it this strong."
^ quality will vary, and so you'll also have different works that get disqualified from being sold. (And, inevitably, some people who have been told to stop putting their disaster creations into the pile.)
The Hatake's weaving being really high regarded and high quality,,,, them doing something to the wool when they treat it that makes it extra good,,, I need it,,
Anyways, just. The Hatake and their sheep. I need it. There's so much potential there, like. From aesthetics to references of the relationships between sheep and wolves, and beyond.
I love it !!! Give those wolf people some sheep to protect.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months ago
did any of your hatake ocs ever bite through their lips or tongues as kids? with all them fangs and teeths and being young uncoordinated children i imagine it could have happened, possibly
OMG HI OC ASK HOW EXCITING !!! I just saw this actually sorry for replying so late but
I am pointing at Hiro specifically, who has an issue where his one fang is way longer than the other. When he was a kid, he had an extra long time learning how to eat without making a mess, talk without lisping, and just constantly be cutting into his lower lip. (And also he has the WORST time whistling, which is fun bc later down the line he turns the Hatake's howling sound attack into basically a whistling machine gun attack.)
His lower lip probably has some sort of scarring from it, but you can't really see it just from how the tooth pokes out to cover it.
Anyways like. POV Hiro is 5 years old and just bit into his lip for the 7th time that day and has to ask for a new bandaid
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There's a bit of a variety in fang shapes in the clan too, like— you have Hiro, with his one fang too big. Then Haruka had a bit of a double set of fangs, the one normal extra big canines but then the teeth around that are also extra sharp. Then Tetsuo, who is half Hoshigaki, all of his back teeth are also sharp, along with his canines. Then Tsuki used to have the normal Hatake set of fangs but after his whole thing with the spiral demon, his lower teeth are now all fang shaped along with his canines. Man went missing for 2 years and came back with plastic surgery ig
In general tho, I think Hatake kids have an awful time with their fangs— though that thought goes for any clan with sharp teeth. Especially in the transition period of getting their adult teeth.
POV you lose one baby fang and start growing in your adult fang but now your mouth feels all unbalanced because suddenly you have just one really big sharp tooth in there
Usually with animals baby teeth are sharper, right? I think that stands for them too. Small, sharp baby fangs and big, clunky, hard to get used to adult fangs.... ough...
Ok but now I just want a fic about a kid Kakashi after losing his dad having his baby teeth start falling out and he suddenly has to deal with having clumsy adult fangs and no one he can ask about them
Writing that down on a sticky note and pasting it to the pile of sticky note reminders of things to include in Chasing Shadows
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oh-no-its-bird · 14 days ago
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Decades after they get trapped in the spiral's domain, well into naruto canon, Tetsuo finally succeeds in dragging Tsuki away from the spiral, freeing both of them from the timeless place beneath the waves... Finally free to return home to Konoha...
Only for Tsuki to immediately fucking drown. Nice going, Tetsuo.
"At least I can finally return to Sakumo to raise him, Im sure it cant have been that long" WRONG hes dead now he killed himself while u were busy
Nice going, Tetsuo x2
"Sometimes, I can't help but feel burdened by the weight of your emotions."
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u will not be seeing me writing them kissing in the main story but know that I have been thinking ab these fucking weirdos. These weirdos and their indescribably heavy baggage and the tension between them
The Hatake clan has always been haunted by the curse of doomed toxic yuri and yaoi since the warring states era fr
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Early Konoha oc art pt. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
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thataaabattery · 14 days ago
But seriously now they’re saying Tetsuo survives and then tsuki dies when they finally escape and I can’t get that out of my head cuz its tragic and his hoshigaki traits saved him.
And hes like the LAST HATAKE (and clan head) other than Kakashi
And if he gets back to Konoha, he’s probably like not gonna be much older than Kakashi
And then has to deal with all the shit going down when he’s greiving his dang HUSBAND. 
And then he hears, “Uzumaki” and he’s like wtf, where- PLEASE HAVE THEM HELP MY HUSBAND I PUT HIM IN THE BASEMENT and I need you to save him
What? A child with a demon in him? A child Uzumaki? HES the last official Uzumaki???? 
Tetsuo drowing once more but this time to join Tsuki
He’d probably also be like: last Senju’s the next hokage? 
"Sometimes, I can't help but feel burdened by the weight of your emotions."
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u will not be seeing me writing them kissing in the main story but know that I have been thinking ab these fucking weirdos. These weirdos and their indescribably heavy baggage and the tension between them
The Hatake clan has always been haunted by the curse of doomed toxic yuri and yaoi since the warring states era fr
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Early Konoha oc art pt. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
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