#i'm figuring out how to draw hermes
blade-liger-4ever · 14 days
Just saw this last night, and HOO-BOY, I LOVED IT!
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So, I won't really get into the plot, at least for now, because I just gotta get the cast talked about first.
The casting of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is perfect! Pierce Brosnen nailed Chiron, and I get the feeling he would have stolen more scenes if he'd had more screentime (the moment he said "Are you kidding? This is the best part", he became one of my favorite background characters.) The kid doing Percy made me really like the character; I never read the books until recently, and even then I skipped straight to the second arc where the Romans are involved, but even with this current book where Percy is a POV character, I did and do not care for him as much as Movie Percy. Kid was great, ten outta ten acting.
Annabeth struck me as far more interesting in the movie than the books. Heck, even before I read from her viewpoint she didn't interest me at all; in the movie, she's rather arrogant and snobbish, but it works in the character's favor and makes her far more compelling. The actress did great, and props to her for endearing Annabeth to me: that was a feat.
Grover was THE BEST of the trio, I will not take criticism. He protected Percy, took everything in stride, and figured out what they were dealing with on the fly easily - all without being Mr. Perfect and still being humorous (e.g. when they leave Medusa's severed and sunglasses-laden head in the hotel sink, Grover responds, "Guys, really? I cannot pee with her staring at me." Top notch comedy, I need more films with this actor.)
Sean Bean was good as Zeus. I don't have much to say about his part, honestly; he wasn't there much, but 1 he made Zeus tolerable, and 2 he had the most presence out of all the actors, with Kevin McKidd being a close, and I mean close, runner up.
Speaking of, Kevin McKidd, AKA Fenn Rau from Star Wars Rebels (and the big draw of this film for me), was. Absolutely. AWESOME.
And he only really had ten minutes in the film!
Seriously though, he played Poseidon so well. You could tell he was thousands of years old, still in his prime, and resisting every instinct to run over, hug Percy, and never let him go when they were within a hundred feet of each other. Even when all you could get from him in the movie was his voice, the care and urgency for his son's safety carried through beautifully.
The other actors - Hades, Persephone, the mortal actors in the background - they were all equally great. They made the characters likable, despicable, or somewhere in between. Bravo, people!
And then there's the second draw of this film for me: Jake Abel as Luke, son of Hermes, and the true lightning thief.
If there was ever anything that showed how much wasted potential the writers of Supernatural had when consistently throwing Jake Abel out the window after having him appear like six times in the show, this film was it.
He made Luke funny, likable, and mischievous, garnering the love of the audience, and then broke the hearts of those who liked him when he turned around and revealed he was an angry, hurt young man who wanted to overthrow the Olympians and take over in their stead in order to "right" their wrongs of being neglectful jerks (the only one who wasn't actually completely neglectful on purpose was Poseidon. My guy was trying his hardest to stay in touch with Percy and did everything he could to help him out.)
Jake Abel, I'm sincerely sorry you never got the next four films that should have come after Sea of Monsters, and even more sorry that you got so dissed in Supernatural. Consider this post of mine a letter of apology.
Okay, plot discussion time - well, at least the gushing of how it was handled.
So, setting up the whole war between the Olympians actually doesn't strike me as horribly handled. Yes yes, there's more "concrete" reasons for it in the book, but for the public who have never heard of these books, it's not all that farfetched. I mean, public opinion of Hades is always bad (I'm sorry Hades, you really don't deserve that rep), Poseidon doesn't particularly care for drama, and his mood tends to switch on a dime, and Zeus? Please, we all know how much of a jerk-butt he is. Be honest: Is it really all that hard to believe Zeus declaring war if his master bolt isn't returned in two weeks? And as for him jumping to the conclusion of Poseidon's son stealing it - just look at the opening scene of the film. The way Poseidon got physical that fast, and moments before was practically spitting venom at Zeus for banning him from seeing his son, it's no wonder Zeus thought Poseidon would've done something to make Percy steal it from him.
Now before you come at me, let me put it this way.
Think of yourself in Zeus' mindset. You're a capricious jerk, who won't take the blame, don't care for your offspring at all, and are constantly at odds with your brothers over power/territory struggles. Using your kid is gonna be as natural as breathing to you, so why wouldn't you assume your brothers would do the same? Hmm?
Now, the family and school drama was done excellently as well, especially that moment where one of the kids at the school grabs another and slams him against a locker while Percy and Grover make tracks. Gabe was perfectly detestable, and it was immensely satisfying to see Grover wallop his butt. The race to Camp Half-Blood was done well, although the Chevelle didn't deserve that fate (I will, however, accept the obvious fact that it only got dinged up and lost the hood. A modern day car would have exploded on impact with the ground and sent shrapnel everywhere.)
The scenes with the camp were good, especially how it was quickly yet subtly established that everyone there had lived there for some years and were already pros at combat and other physical activities. Hades' entrance was great, the progression across the country was well-paced, and Luke's help throughout was done neatly and in a manner where the audience only got a glimmer of resentment from him before the bolt was found in the shield.
Speaking of, the scene in the Underworld is severely underappreciated. The effects were grand, the acting well-done, and the positioning of the Underworld in Hollywood is genius on many levels.
The fight scene in Manhatten was good, though I confess Luke's aerial combat was a bit spotty at the beginning. Otherwise it was great, and the first show of Percy's powers was magnificent. No joke, that CGI and other effects are gonna hold up for another thousand years.
Olympus was beautiful, quite honestly, and I love 1 the sheer difference in scale they showed between the humans and the Olympians, and 2 how Poseidon "sheds" water to shrink and appear more normal. More effects that are spectacular and underrated.
The last scene - the return to camp and training - not much to say, other than that it felt really organic, natural, and beautiful. All in all, a great film that's unfairly hated on.
Okay, now for some personal gushing on my part.
So, I'm sure you guessed by now that I was here for Kevin McKidd, mostly because I knew him first in Star Wars Rebels. This is my first time watching him onscreen, but it was amazing and captivating on his part. Not only did he make me believe that he was the Greek god of the seas, but he made me feel Poseidon's pain of not being with Percy and his desire to connect with him, and he certainly made me believe that Poseidon would do anything in his power to help Percy, no matter what loophole abuse he had to commit lest raising Zeus' ire.
As for the dynamic itself, I'm so so happy.
I love how Poseidon risked so much to physically be at the museum while Percy was across the street from him, just to make sure that he could both warn Percy completely and see him in case something went wrong. And although it's a sore spot for the fans, I love how Chiron shows Percy his own little home at Camp Half-Blood, and outright states that Poseidon built it for him. Just Percy, no one else; that's like a father making a specific room for his son, and the fact that they allowed Poseidon to be shown to love Percy more than anything through little things like that is enough to make me burst in happiness.
I loved how Poseidon guided Percy to the water to heal him and give him a second wind in Capture the Flag, and that he woke up Percy and refused to let him be lulled back into the Lotus Eaters' trap until he was sure Percy was back to his senses and able to get out on his own. And when Percy's in the hall of Olympus, Poseidon is practically begging Zeus, his younger brother, to let him speak with Percy, because he knows a chance like this won't arise again for a while. And the sheer relief in his face when Zeus allows it, man, I could've died at that.
The talk between father and son, it was beautiful. It makes sense that Percy has some remaining resentment toward Poseidon for leaving, for not kicking out his stepfather, and the fact that Poseidon doesn't even hold it against him is wonderful. The moment he explains why he couldn't see Percy, and the second Percy realizes the law forbidding the Olympians from seeing their children had been passed because Poseidon loved him so much he was abandoning his duties is golden. And Poseidon telling him that he was always watching Percy and helping him as best he could, and how he promised to always be there for Percy, even in his thoughts and dreams - beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
And the icing on the cake? You remember that I mentioned a training round at camp at the end? It's between Percy and Annabeth, and they're on a hill, but guess what can be seen below the hill?
The lake.
Where Poseidon can watch his son training, and has an easier time of making contact with him.
This movie is a masterpiece, and if you're not a fan of the books and have never seen it before, please, go give Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief a watch! You won't regret it!
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
Hello again friend! I just had a quick question if that's okay. Last night I called out to Hermes in which I asked for guidance in being able to believe in an afterlife - it will have been worded differently to that, it's just that unfortunately my memory is rather poor 😭
Anywho, today I've been seeing more to do with things like people dying and near death situations. I'm just having trouble trying to figure out whether this is me just being farfetched or it could be some kind of sign? However, in saying all this, I don't blame you if you don't answer this or anything because I do recall you saying something like Hermes will want you to draw your own conclusions from what he gives you, I believe? Either way, thank you for your help ^^
Hey, Kurtis, thanks for the ask!
When it comes to signs from deities, the advice I often give people is straight-up "Does it feel like a sign to you?" Signs from deities are often very personal, as deities have different ways of communicating with different people, so I can't really make this judgment call for you, or anyone else for that matter. I encourage you to trust your own intuition here. Here is a post that gives some good advice about how to tell if you've been sent a sign, though, in case it helps.
I will say that, in my personal opinion, it does sound like some sort of sign, especially since you prayed to Hermes just the night before. If you're truly unsure, though, I'd ask him to make it more obvious because trust me, he absolutely will lol. If there is one thing Hermes is often not with signs, it's subtle. If you need clarification, he will almost certainly provide it.
I hope this helps! Take care, and have a good day/night, friend. <3 :)
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oleander-neruim · 6 months
Hello hello!! Absolutely pumped for the Myth’s Voyage AU :DD!!
What made you pick certain characters for certain roles? I’m particularly interested by Owen as Antinous 👀👀
Bare with me this is gonna be a doozy
I'll be honest. It all started with me being real emotionally attached to p!Will & me falling down a rabbit hole of associating the song "Open Arms" with him because- even if I'm not fully read on p!Will's story & character- the way I've come to view him is a relatively forgiving and optimistic type of person. So him as Polities came natually.
I also have a frequent habit of doing a thing where when I associate one character to one song/character of a musical, I start to try and figure if there's way to fit in other characters.
I believe what came next was Sausage and if I recall correctly, that was due to 1. Me just liking Sausage all together and 2. Me seeing him as the most "Captian-Like" guy in pirates. Also revolving around headcanons, others' interpretations, and maybe an artist or two's ways of drawing him. After that, Joel & Hermes as Penelope and Telemachus came pretty easy. I've also played around with previous ideas of "What if Joel was in Pirates SMP" and added in my constant Empires Brainrot ™️, that all just fell into place.
I believe Lizzie was my first established God cos. Giant fish/ocean associated person, yk. And then Jimmy as Polyphemus due to fishy relations and then I think Fwhip was actually my next one due to the "silly & unhinged" vibes I got from Epic Hermes. Then with a lot more stubborn brain storming, more and more gods fell into place as I started following an Empires Season 1 pattern with the Gods
Krow was also a fun one to workshop in cos I also don't know much about his Canon character but what I do know & just the fascination I've gotten with him, I thought he fit the role of Eurylochus pretty well. Mostly on the side of more of a survivor when it comes down to a "You vs Me" mentality & leaning more on aggressive tactics when it comes to handling certain situations. He is one of the ones I'm certain doesn't fall into complete Canon-type of personality, but I like how my au's Krow is a lot.
Now. The fun situation with the suitors and Ithica in general.
I can explain a bit further if anyone's interested, but the way my storyline worked out is that there's actually no Herons that are part of Sausage's crew in the story. They're either still on the Faction Isles or traveling elsewhere. Having said that, when I came around to figuring out Antinous, it was right when I was finding out very bare-bones about him. And given that the Heron characters will ideally be characters shown on "Ithica" I was working to see if anyone would fit that roll.
Having said that, Antinous was noted down in my "Working-Out" list with the note of "Mr. Steal your wife and kill your son" and while discussing my character plans with my partner, we started to joke about Antinous being Owen. Given her more player-esque personality, at the time I figured it'd be a decent fit- or at least a place holder- for a character who I started to think was just someone wanting to court "Penelope".
However, thinking more on it & finding out better how Antinous plays in this story, I started getting more invested in the idea of Owen still being him. The idea of Owen becoming a villain, manipulative with his charm and almost vindictive in her motives just started to appeal more and more to me.
When this takes place, it's 20 years since the rough-end of Pirates SMP, following Epic the Musical's timeline. A lot can change in a person in 20 years. Seeing the Factions fall, loves in your life die or disappear, people coming into power that you feel either don't deserve it or are strangers who don't understand all that's happened here or you feel are too weak irresponsible to handle it. It can grate on a person, certainly.
P!Owen is, once again, another character I'm unfortunately not fully familiar with, though that may change if i have a chance to watch his pov in the future. And who knows, maybe I'll workshop the story, change e!Owen's personality or motives, maybe even choose someone else entirely to fit the role.
But as it stands, the idea of e!Owen, 20 years in the future with heavens knows how much baggage and pent up anger and frustrations left on his shoulders starting to get desperate or almost hungry even for some sort of control or power or just even a sense of stability in her life just seems to be a very interesting & fun-to-work-with storyline to me.
Thinking about seeing Owen getting aggressive and animalistic and breaking that carefully-crafted facade of charm and control when it comes to fighting and trying to kill someone just. It's so interesting and fascinating in my mind, you've no idea.
And, again, I'm awfully weak to villain Owen nonesense so that certainly doesn't help.
There you have it. My essay & a half summary over some of my reasonings.
Again, things are always subject to change and sometimes I get a little Silly with my trains of thoughts but, hey, it'll be fun either way. If you're interested in me trying to explain my through process for more characters, feel free to ask, I just figured I'd keep this as short as i can physically manage. If it comes off as a bit rambling or you want me to clear anything up, you're always welcome to ask. It's technically super late for me so my writing compression might be a bit off.
Tl;Dr, I zone out to music and play "Song Association Games" too much & Owen as Antinous started off as a silly joke but now it's eating my brain whole so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Besties when I tell you I'd KILL for Leo Valdez -Danny Words: 2,269 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Don't You Dare' -by Kaden MacKay
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XVII. Never Been More Offended by Something I 100% Agree With
Ara wakes with a start and discovers Nico's jacket is gone, but she's got her Tyrian cloak back, freshly washed jeans, a new camp t-shirt, and brand-new black Converse. Her hair feels clean and smells like honey, and she's no longer tired or cold.
She's sitting outside a café with the others. It's the early morning of the winter solstice, and everyone looks like they're attending wildly different events. 
"Mother!" Piper gasps.
"What? Fight who? Where?" Hedge sits up straight and Ara has a hard time not looking at him. This is not the vibrant she meant when talking about colors.
"Falling!" Leo yelps. "No—not falling. Where are we?"
Jason blurts out another question. "What are you wearing?"
Piper pulls out her dagger to look at her reflection. "It's nothing. It's my—It's nothing." 
"What's that?" This is the first time Ara sees Piper's weapon. "Who gave you that?"
Piper frowns. "Annabeth. It was in Athena's shed."
Ara wants to snatch the dagger out of her sister's grip and throw it away in an abrupt wave of jealousy, and she feels extremely confused by it. "Is that Katoptris?"
"Er... you know it?"
"Of course I know it," Ara scoffs. "Who doesn't know about Helen and Paris? Mom was their biggest fan."
"Aphrodite strikes again, huh? You two gonna be the best-dressed warriors in town, beauty queens."
"Hey, Leo," Jason replies. "You look at yourself recently?"
"What... oh."
Ara looks at the boy, and she... hates it. Thank the gods! Those clothes make him look put together, but Ara likes him more when he's messy and huggable. Huggable. Ara cringes at her own opinions.
"God, Leo, I think my dad wore that to his last premiere, minus the tool belt."
"Hey, shut up!"
"I think he looks good," Hedge hums. "'Course, I look better."
"Well," Jason sighs, "at least your mom overlooked me."
Ara and Piper share a look but say nothing. Ara seizes her cloak, and when she pulls it forward she realizes there is an embroidered image on it. "What the..." She turns. "Piper, what's on my back?"
"A huge Omega in the middle... top left I see Hermes' staff, top right has a dove, and a little to the side there is a crescent moon..."
"My blessings," Ara recognizes. "Cool!"
"How did we get here?" Piper puts Katopris back in its sheath.
"Oh, that would be Mellie," Hedge beams. "Those winds shot us halfway across the country, I'd guess. We would've been smashed flat on impact, but Mellie's last gift—a nice soft breeze—cushioned our fall."
"And she got fired for us," Leo pouts. "Man, we suck."
"Ah, she'll be fine. Besides, she couldn't help herself. I've got that effect on nymphs. I'll send her a message when we're through with this quest and help her figure something out. That is one aura I could settle down with and raise a herd of baby goats." 
"I can't believe I'm saying this," Ara looks at him with an aggravated expression. "But please, stop sharing your feelings."
Piper snorts. "Anyone else want coffee?"
"Coffee!" Hedge says happily. "I love coffee!"
"Um, but—money? Our packs?" Jason looks around.
Ara peeks under her chair and finds her T-Rex bag in one piece. She fishes it out, completely restored with the exception of a heart-shaped eyepatch covering its right socket. "Thank you, Mom!"
Piper pulls out a stash of money and a potion from the pockets of her jacket. Leo lets out an exclamation. "Allowance? Girls, your mom rocks!"
"Waitress!" Hedge calls, picking up a flower and nibbling on it. "Six double espressos, and whatever these guys want. Put it on the girl's tab."
After a while, Leo takes out the drawing from one of his pockets and looks at it with a scowl. Piper notices. "What is that?"
"Nothing. You don't want to see my kindergarten artwork," he folds it again.
"It's more than that. Aeolus said it was the key to our success," Jason mentions. 
"Not today. He was talking about... later."
"How can you be sure?" Piper frowns.
"Trust me. Now—what's our game plan?"
"Climb the mountain," Hedge lists. "Kill everything except Piper's dad. Leave." 
"Thank you, General Eisenhower," Jason mutters.
"Hey, I'm just saying!"
"Wait wait wait," Ara sits up straight. "I'm exhausted."
Leo scoffs. "Take a nap?"
"No, I mean, our situation can't continue like this," Ara replies. "Demigods are all liars by nature—and yeah, technically you're not lying, Jason," she gives him a look. "But we can't keep hiding things from each other, otherwise we'll lose."
"You want us to hold hands, share our thoughts while the solstice dies along with Piper's dad?" Leo frowns.
"Wow, such a nice way to put it," Piper kicks his foot.
"No. What I'm saying is... I'll be your friend. A real one, but you have to be honest. I can't help if you aren't," Ara looks at Leo intently. "Understood?"
Jason is the first to agree. "You got my word, Ara. As soon as I get my memories back, I'll tell you everything. I think you're right, whatever's after us, it wants us to feel like we can't trust each other."
Leo continues to avoid her gaze, pretty much on purpose. Piper decides to speak. "Well, there's more you need to know... about... a dream I just had."
Ara knows it is perfect timing after she listens to Piper's dream. It's time to share her theory. "Mother Earth's the answer. This is spelling out her name."
"Gaea?" Leo raises a brow. "Isn't she supposed to have, like, flowers in her hair and birds singing around her and deer and rabbits doing her laundry."
"Leo, that's Snow White," Piper replies sternly.
"Okay, but—"
"Listen, cupcake—the girls are telling us some serious stuff, here. Gaea's no softie. I'm not even sure I could take her."
"Really?" Leo asks half mockingly.
"This earth lady—she and her old man the sky were nasty customers."
"Ouranos," Piper says.
"Right. So Ouranos, he's not the best dad. He throws their first kids, the Cyclopes, into Tartarus. That makes Gaea mad, but she bides her time. Then they have another set of kids—the twelve Titans—and Gaea is afraid they'll get thrown into prison too. So she goes up to her son Kronos—"
"The big bad dude," Leo turns to Ara. "The one you and your friends fought last summer."
"Yeah. Well, Mother Nature talked him into cutting up his father. Aphrodite was born from Ouranos' blood, you know? That means we're tough," Ara brushes it aside. "Anyway—It didn't take much convincing, all she did was take off his leash."
"Definitely not Snow White," Piper shivers.
"Gaea is so old and powerful, so huge, that it's hard for her to be fully conscious. Most of the time, she sleeps, and that's the way we like her—snoring." Hedge adds.
"But she talked to me," Leo frowns. "How can she be asleep?"
"Because godly sleep is not the same as ours," Ara explains. "It's like autopilot. Leaves the basics on, and makes sure nature works as it's supposed to. Bet that leaves her with enough energy to make an eight-year-old have a manic episode."
"But believe us," Hedge warns them. "You don't want to see her fully awake."
"But she's getting more powerful," Piper guesses. "She's causing the giants to rise. And if their king comes back—this guy Porphyrion—" 
"He'll raise an army to destroy the gods," Jason concludes. "Starting with Hera. It'll be another war. And Gaea will wake up fully."
"Which is why it's a good idea for us to stay off the ground as much as possible," Hedge concludes.
"So... climbing a mountain," Leo grimaces. "That would be bad."
Ara hugs her T-Rex. "The more a demigod knows, the more dangerous it gets, but you need to know now, to get ready."
Her words don't do much to encourage the others. Jason makes a face. "You mean all we've been through so far it's been what, a warm-up?"
Ara's expression doesn't change as she replies. "Basically. The dragons and the Cyclops were higher up on the ranking, but they're easy to defeat if you have the proper tools, which we had. A king giant, though, that'll take all of our wits... and power."
"Guys, I can't ask you to do this," Piper says miserably. "This is too dangerous."
"You kidding?" Hedge grins. "Who's ready to beat stuff up?" 
"I'm ready to beat you up if you don't calm down," Ara leaves her seat. "All with due respect, of course."
The satyr smiles. "Same ol' Ara, always looking for a fight."
Ara snorts. "Been a while since I did that, Hedge..."
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It isn't enough that Percy and Annabeth are the most thick-headed lovebirds in the world, this is also the year Drew decides to start torturing me.
I have just gotten to camp after almost dying in the orientation tour of Percy's new school—and you may ask: "Ara, why were you there? You're thirteen!" I'm a month away from turning thirteen, mind you, and I'm no longer allowed to be alone. 
At school I eat with Percy, I can't go to parties where he's not invited, and I can't take him cause most of my classmates are scared of him, all because he thinks Nico will send monsters to kill me.
Anyway, once at arrive at camp, Lily grabs my hand and drags me toward the cabins. "You saw our new sword instructor?"
"Yeah, he has a huge dog!"
"He's good. We should ask him for extra lessons," Lily says, straight to business.
Connor approaches, he's holding a pair of pliers and I don't wanna know what they're for. "Birdy! Saw you coming down from the hill. All good?"
"We almost got killed by lady vampires."
"The usual, then. Hi, Lily," he fidgets with the pliers. "Having a good day?"
Lily squeezes my hand and pulls me along. "Yup! I'm taking Ara to her cabin, see you!"
I look at her with confusion. "What was that?"
"Shup ut."
"Di immortalis! You got a new crush?" I absorb the whirlwind of feelings coming from her.
"Shut up!" Her ears are red now. "Don't use your powers on me!"
"Why are you blushing?"
"I'm mad at him."
I giggle. "He's too cute to stand?"
"He says that if I go into the labyrinth he'll stop talking to me..."
My smile vanishes. "What labyrinth?"
"Don't worry about that," Lily glances at me. "We got cabin inspections and I won't have you last on the list, you need to train so we can knock some sense back into Nico."
I look down, still embarrassed about the mistake I made last winter. "I'm sorry I put you in a tough spot..."
"You were my friend first, he must understand..." I don't know if she's talking about Nico or Hades.
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Piper and Hedge go to pay for the food and Jason goes to look for a taxi, which leaves Ara and Leo waiting on the sidewalk. The silence engulfs them, but it doesn't matter how weird things are between them, it's still not awkward.
"Is it true?" He asks. "That you're always fighting people?"
Ara blushes, trying not to think about how she almost fought Drew before leaving for this quest. "That was a long time ago."
Leo raises a brow. "So Coach was telling the truth? About you blowing up things and attempting murder?"
"I mean, it wasn't quite like that..."
"Then it's also true what Thalia said, that you look after everyone no matter what," he sighs and turns to face her. "I've been... well, I don't even know, but I think I hurt you."
"Really?" Ara stares at him. "When, exactly?"
"You know, when we..." Leo gestures vaguely between them. "That."
"Yeah, I figured," Ara doesn't want to say it, saying it means it's real, and when things are real, they're easier to ruin. "You know why Jason and I are getting along?" She asks, knowing that's been bothering him. "He's trying to understand himself."
Leo shrugs, not meeting her gaze. "I know who I am."
Ara raises a brow. "Then tell me why is Gaea so afraid of you?"
"She's not afraid of me," he snorts. "Didn't you hear Coach? She's the final boss—"
"And yet she went after you first, years ago," she insists. "You're a threat to her but you don't see it, you don't know who you are."
"Alright, Mufasa—who am I, if you've got me figured out?" He asks with annoyance.
"I didn't say that, that's exactly the damn problem," Ara frowns. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad here, it's my job to help you—"
"I don't want to be another deadweight on your back—"
Ara stomps her foot in frustration. "Guess what? That's the point! You're part of a puzzle, and I'm meant to put it together, but you keep squirming out of reach—"
Leo steps forward. Ara steps back and his expression hardens. "And that is my point! You're afraid of me!"
"You flinch like I'm going to set you on fire—"
"That's not—I'm not—" Ara's blushing bad. "Maybe I wouldn't do that if you didn't stand so close to my face!"
"Just admit you don't trust me!"
"I trust you with my life!" She takes a step forward and snatches the porkpie hat from his head. "The things you think make you a deadweight... I know them for what they are. I haven't scratched the surface of your talents, but I help others find their place, and I'm not giving up on you yet."
"Sorry for the delay! Hedge had like seven expressos so he had to fight his inner demons in the bathroom..." Piper stops. "Er—is this a bad time?"
Ara glances at her. "No," she looks back at Leo and pats his cheek. "We've reached an understanding. Right, Valdez?"
"Hundred percent," he says hoarsely.
Jason comes back with a taxi. Leo's silly hat gets handed to Hedge before Ara enters the vehicle. "All yours, coach."
The satyr tries to take a bite, but Leo snatches the hat out of his grip, hugging it tightly against his chest. He scowls at Piper, who's grinning at him. "What?"
She pushes him toward the taxi. "Nothing, Romeo. Just get in the car."
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regaliasonata · 2 years
@mo-ok So I think i am going to end up drawing the other rangers with the aesthetic I did for Amelia's redesign. One thing I decided was the orbs and their stars on the suits will correspond with said characters.
I'm still enjoying the whole greek and roman aspects kyuranger had so with their designs and the comsic fury ones when fusing them I'll still add in details and such.
Aiyon's has flames and bolts representing his kind and fun personality. Outgoing and such(I also think adding some details from Hermes might be cool with the suit.)
Ollie's has spherical like stars orbiting his orb which signifies how he's like the nerdy one of the group but also attentive to stuff(like an astronomer gazing at space).
Javi's has sharp orchestral notes that kinds give off an intimidating vibe but we all know he's a sweet guy and loves creating music(I almost did keytar parts but I couldn't figure it out).
Izzy's star is jagged and formed from sharp chunks correlating with her cool nature(I'm intrigued on what might be her design tbh🤔).
And finally Zayto's, his star resembles both a burning nova and comet. I know I want his design to have some elements of Apollo, this all references how while he may not be the red ranger anymore he's still brave and helpful. Also since he used to be the leader if I ever color this I may make his outfit a bit more orange or who knows just have him be red as well(quantum ranger vibes).
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incarnateirony · 11 months
...oh my god she even took me/his/our Rumpocky thing my ex has zero original thoughts.
My ex wife makes shitty website for pagan services
Pretends she was the hermes follower instead of her previous Shaman Schtick or occasional claims at Athena following.
Steals my hermes quotes, makes it her whole brand, something she never even heard from her magical friends
I. Can. Not. I literally have "rumpocky" on a 2007 LJ post and this bitch branded herself. bitch do you UNDERSTAND *WHY* it was rumpocky? Are you??? STEALING??? A MEDIUMSHIP STORY????????????????????????? ARE YOU THAT BORING?
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you dUMb CUnt
d u m b c u n t doesn't understand why even rumpocky those years ago and truly oh my god [facepalm] she really is just sitting there roleplaying every echo of my life, get therapy.
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The Rumpocky Pagan. Jesus, just admit you have nothing. He's. Not. With. You. No. Matter. What. You. Play. Neither is She. They haven't been for a long time. And you know it. Charging people out the nose for you badly miming my shadow is truly lowbrow though.
Watch the bitch be arguing in her head "well he takes it and likes it" yeah and he also takes and eats fried crickets on sticks, what the fuck about it. But that'd require him being there, and not you pretending to hide the dreams you know you're having and what they mean to wave and perform for your friends. Or maybe even to self soothe. But it isn't working, is it?
Hey, sweets.
Driving in reverse.
In five years this bitch'll be rebranding to Thee Crustdaddy Pagan or maybe The Incarnate Irony Pagan, maybe with some more stolen logo/character design.
Take the cue on why your art muse walked out the door two years ago, you had nothing but mirror mandalas, art that diminished to fractions of its previous quality, generally had to give up on your stores for it, and could only draw when you were ripping off my shit. It's a muse. You chased yours out. Everything else since is theater.
Move onnnnnnnnn bitch. You wanted me out, so stop trying to bring parts of me in.
My ass out here having to innocently kick rocks when a [redacted] agent is asking how tf I got involved in Some Shit and this bitch can't even figure out her pagan brand name without stealing my shit jesus FUCK yea nbd just disposing of this [other redacted] grade object like a nuclear hazard at sea after [damages removed] [deathcount censored] and a few weeks fuck all chaos, but this bitch is like mmmmmmmm Aaron told me a story about hermes and rumpocky once, that qualifies me as a follower that can charge people money for services lololol
Go back to arguing with ghosts in Alabama.
Damn, wish I'd put something of the bitch's in the final yeeted form too, it worked pretty damn well to yeet jarpad and his fans out of cons.
like Hermes' gramma says, if you're going to throw a box into the sun, you're going to have to do it yourself.
You know she's saying follower of Hermes but I bet you, she couldn't tell you a single axiom of tehuti or a single classic greek tradition or hymn or any of the neoplatonic branches associated with him literally all she has is psychotically larping him off of what she knows from me for others while stealing my shit and hoping nobody notices. while. she. charges. them. she's never studied a goddamn thing about him, and I goddamn know this. I was her pipeline of information or books or references or resources or whatever the fuck and she never once fuckin. even read the kybalion. She doesn't even know the alchemical steps. None of it. God. Dis bitch about to google it all now to update her LARP. Has she brainwashed her pals so bad they had a collective stroke and forgot I was the alchemist, and she constantly ranted that she was a shaman and totally different from my shit?
"durhur crowzzzz" like congratulations you know how to spell his name on wiki search and probably watched a video about Tricksters. Ffs. Start at Liber XXX, bitch, it's Morality For The Average Man. Try it. Start there. You might actually learn something that means something.
You would think even if she pretends to outsiders she isn't dealing with what she is since then. That after she made public that she got tricked by the world's most basic bitch cryptoscammer scheme into losing all their savings, that maybe the god of commerce, communication/internet, trickery and thieves is like. The opposite of in your favor giving you secrets.
Weird how that worked out, isn't it, sweetie? But I mean if you can't even think up a brand name without ripping my shit about him, how can I expect you to hear some godly warning transmission that bitch, you're fucking dumb as a brick, don't give him your login, you absolute mudbrain.
Boy am I glad I caught the vibe from him these last few years and just stopped giving her anything about him even before the split. Like no, no I wasn't projecting, he went out the door and took the art, success, and protection in transactions and life with him and with me and she still can't cope with that, huh
You know, before we left Alabama, Hermes expressed he was concerned with her habit of wanting to hide behind other identities and not own her own. I didn't understand then what he meant. Now I get it. Jesus.
And yknow what bitch. He said it to you, even back then. Stop playing. Either move on or fess up. You will never replace that shit. Stop with the bad echoes.
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acidproofnotebook · 2 years
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I posted 44 times in 2022
19 posts created (43%)
25 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#opm - 31 posts
#translation - 19 posts
#manga - 14 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 9 posts
#revisions - 9 posts
#omake - 7 posts
#genos - 6 posts
#drive knight - 3 posts
#update 160 - 3 posts
#update 163 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#and it's good to see sekingar carefully weigh up his options before deciding to trust the hero with the dodgy past
My Top Posts in 2022:
Volume 26 Bonus chapter “The Great Selection” -- partial and rough translation
The first four pages (of eight).  It’s not joking about being rough and there may be some passages that will be understood differently once a fuller translation is done.  But it’s still interesting!
Translator/ Typesetter: u\Bald_Caped
Date: 3 June 2022
14 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Update 160 (previously 159). Changes between online and print versions, part 2
Yup, this goes on!
Unlike the previous version, this time Nyan ignores Food Battler and was dragging just Waganma off to his most painful doom when lo, an intervention!
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Fear not! Drive Knight is here!
See the full post
18 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Update 163 (previously 162). Changes between online and print versions. Part 2
So, where we left off, it looked like a tense standoff between Genos, who wants to go back to the battle, and Sekingar and Waganma, who most desperately don't want to be ditched by an S-Class hero. Food Battler Futoshi steps up to offer a solution (revised version on top, old at the bottom).
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Sekingar does some thinking before deciding to trust Genos (no equivalent in older version)
See the full post
25 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
ONE/Murata 2015 Joint Interview
Because I'm always concerned about old blogs going down and taking material with them, please find below a transcript of one of their first interviews on the subject of One-Punch Man.
Link: http://opmcityz.blogspot.com/2016/04/onemurata-2015-joint-interview.html
Translator: Herms
Translation Date: 2 April 2016
For no Earthly reason, it’s taken me this blasted long to finally translate the ONE/Murata joint interview from the 2015 guidebook OPM: Hero Encyclopedia. The notes throughout are the same ones as in the actual book, although towards the end I got lazy and didn’t write out the full details on such topics as the plot of Eyeshield 21 or the explanation for what fencing is. The curious may look that stuff up on Wikipedia. --Today I’d like to ask you two to provide the “definitive edition” of the story of One-Punch Man’s birth ONE: I’m much obliged. Yusuke Murata: Yes, thank you very much. --ONE-sensei, tell us how you began drawing One-Punch Man. ONE: Well, I wanted to try drawing manga digitally; that’s how it all started. There was this place (*1) online for posting up manga, and lots of people submitted their stuff there, so I wanted to submit something too. I bought a PC and some tools for drawing pictures digitally (*2). I tried out drawing 15 pages, and uploaded it with my PC for the first time…that was One-Punch Man Chapter 1. I didn’t have any real plans for continuing the story, and just posted it up without thinking of what to do next. But perhaps because I submitted it as “Chapter 1” it got a great response…OK, maybe not “great”, but a decent response. So I figured I might as well try drawing a continuation of the story. That’s when I really sat down and worked out how the story would continue, which made me realize this could turn into quite an interesting manga. And that pretty much brings us from Chapter 2 right up to the present. --Where did you get your ideas? ONE: To start with I simply tried to draw the sort of manga I’d want to read myself. I’ve read loads of Shonen manga throughout my life, and am particularly fond of battle manga. Generally speaking those types of stories are all about growth, meaning that by the last chapter the main character has grown stronger than anyone else and lives happily ever after. So I wondered what would happen if I started the story off with the main character already in peak condition. That became my jumping-off point. --So it’s a complete 180 from existing Shonen action manga? ONE: Which makes it fun for people who have already read lots of those typical Shonen manga. It’s like they’ve run the first lap, and this is their second time around. Murata: Yeah, it’s really exciting for Shonen manga aficionados. ONE: I also love it when a series creates friction between drama and humor. With One-Punch Man I wanted to try doing that through the worldview itself, rather than through specific plot points. The series is set in a dangerous, monster-infested world, but since Saitama’s there you don’t really notice just how bleak the world is. I think it’s that friction between Saitama and the rest of the world that makes things interesting. --Murata-sensei, what do you think makes One-Punch Man so appealing? Murata: It all boils down to Saitama’s appeal. In some ways, Saitama is incredibly similar to Son Goku from Dragon Ball (*3). It was Dragon Ball that first got me started reading Weekly Shonen Jump, so I find those similarities particularly appealing. Dragon Ball’s Goku (*4) is a very memorable protagonist: he does whatever he wants, fights strong guys…he’s only after excitement! He goes through life full of spirit. Even when the world’s in peril and he’s surrounded by chaos, it doesn’t bother him one bit. Like when Piccolo’s reincarnation entered the Tenkaichi Budokai (*5) and if Goku lost the world was doomed, even then Goku himself simply fought to win the tournament. After he beat Piccolo, he didn’t care that he had just saved the world, he was just happy to finally be crowned tournament champion. It’s that sort of detached easy-goingness, the sense of operating under a completely different logic than those around him. This type of aloofness, of doing things at one’s own pace, really screams “hero” to me. That’s what Goku and Saitama have in common. Another similarity is that they’re simply the strongest guys around. When things are looking hopeless, the moment
they show up you know things are going to be OK (laughs). --How did you find out about One-Punch Man, Murata-sensei? Murata: I follow this illustrator called “Akiman” (*6) on Twitter, and when I heard about One-Punch Man on his blog, I read the entire series overnight. I got a bit frustrated, because I realized I had become a manga artist precisely to draw something like this (laughs). At the time I was in sort of a dead-end career-wise, and (my apologies to Ootagaki-sensei[*7]) thanks to my incompetence things weren’t going very well with Donten Prism Solar Car (*8)…It’s safe to say I ended up causing Ootagaki-senseiand the readers a lot of trouble. Back then, I viewed my job simply as illustrating the stories given to me. But really, isn’t an illustrator’s job to visually convey the charm of the characters? You’ve got to understand what makes the characters appealing, or otherwise you’ll have nothing to show the readers. Once I read One-Punch Man, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. I sent ONE-sensei a message right away, asking if we could meet. I told him point-blank I wanted to work with him… ONE: I was surprised to get a message from Murata-sensei. Frankly, at first I thought it might be a prank… Murata: Sorry… ONE: It was a real shock! (laughs) --Did you two hit it off? Murata: Yeah. I was so nervous about meeting him that I ended up being 30 minutes late (laughs). By that time I was already starving, so first I suggested we go get some yakiniku. (laughs) --What did you talk about at the yakiniku restaurant? Murata: I asked “hey, why don’t we do a one-shot together first?” --Your first collaboration was Earth Monster. ONE: With Earth Monster, I made storyboards so that Murata-sensei would have something to work off of, and to give us something to show the editorial office. I took it as an opportunity to make something really flashy, the sort of thing I could never draw on my own. I stayed within manga contest regulations (*9), so it was probably around 31 to 45 pages. Murata: But I wanted to use bigger panels, and expanded it to roughly 60 pages. --So you submitted Earth Monster (*10) to the editorial office as a one-shot? Murata: Actually, wasn’t Cockroach Busters (*11) the one we ended up showing to Young Jump first? ONE: That’s right. Before that we showed it to your then-current editor at Weekly Shonen Jump; I think we made about four copies. Murata: At the time I had an exclusive contract, so I felt obligated to draw it for Jump, but it wasn’t really panning out…And while I was wrapped up with that, I came down with gastroenteritis. ONE: Your wife found you and called an ambulance. Murata: I couldn’t move at all…That’s when I started thinking that if this exclusive contract was going to keep me from doing the work I wanted, then I had better do something about it. I called ONE-sensei from the hospital and told him “I’m terminating my contract, so how about we get a bunch of different one-shot manuscripts together and shop them around at different companies?” And that’s how things went. --How did you end up at Neighborhood Young Jump? ONE: Several different people had approached me with proposals for commercializing One-Punch Man. The question was, would I handle the illustrations myself, or get someone else to do them? Although personally I thought Murata-sensei was the best man for the job…Later there was discussion about me trying to draw a revised version, but after drawing about two chapters worth it became painfully obvious it would never sell. At that point Murata-sensei asked if he could take a stab at it. He redrew the first chapter with a felt-tip pen, and it blew me away. From there we started thinking about the best place to distribute this out to the world. With Murata-sensei’s connections we hooked up with an editor at Young Jump, and this led to the plan to run it in Neighborhood Young Jump, on condition that it be drawn by Murata-sensei. I thought it was incredible of Murata-sensei to publish this manga on the web rather than in print form, and I was sure
everyone else would be impressed with it too. So with that, we made our proposal to Young Jump, and it began. --Murata-sensei, were you in any way reluctant to publish the series online? Murata: Back when I was doing Eyeshield 21 (*12), I had never read any webcomics, and my thoughts towards them didn’t extend much beyond “eh, doing one might be interesting”. But when this proposal came up, I had by then read ONE-sensei's One-Punch Man, so I felt like publishing on the web had real merit. For instance, with a weekly magazine each issue disappears from stores when the next one comes out a week later, but on the web people can read the previous chapters too. And since it’s available to the entire world, it seemed like a good way to gain a larger audience. Viewing something published online on my monitor, I was amazed at how pretty the lines were (laughs) (*13). But since up until that point I had only ever worked with lines on paper, I had absolutely no skills at making them look pretty on monitors...So me and my staff went through a lot of trial and error. That's what made it so interesting! Mastering a new field was a lot of fun. Another advantage of drawing on the web is that you can make corrections. With Eyeshield 21, I was always pressed for time, which didn’t leave room for much trial and error…I’d question if what I was drawing was really up to snuff…then realize it wasn’t. But even after a chapter ran in Jump, there still wouldn’t be any time to fix it, so it would just remain as-is forever. This happened all the time, and really stressed me out. Online though, I can fine-tune things until I’m satisfied. Particularly the characters’ faces. I mean, when anyone other than ONE-sensei draws Saitama, he ends up a different character. Though at first I was real keen on putting a Shonen manga spin on him. --I hear there were a lot of rejected Saitama faces. Murata: That’s right. It wasn’t until I had drawn a good number of pages that I finally got the hang of his expressions. It was when he and Genos are listening to Sneck’s lecture at the Hero Association, and he’s noisily chewing gum. The moment I saw this bored-looking Saitama, a lightbulb went off in my head (laughs). I realized that because Saitama is so strong, for him everything is always boring. This made me want to redraw the whole thing from square one. Me and the staff had by then learned the ropes of drawing online and were really into it. I told them that this was the first step in what would be a historic manga; I was drawing in a daze of ecstasy. --How do you two work together during the writing process? Does ONE-sensei create new storyboards? Murata: With the main storyline or anything else where I’m going off of ONE-sensei’s original, I’m generally given free reign with page distribution and whatnot. But I’ll ask ONE-sensei if I have any questions. ONE: That’s right. Murata: For the main storyline, the dialogue stays pretty much the same. But with side-stories, sometimes I’ll try adding in scenes to ONE-sensei’s storyboards, or change the dialogue up a bit. In such cases, I’ll always ask ONE-sensei’s opinion. We’ll go back and forth fine-tuning it…and sometimes it’ll just end up reverting back to how it was in the beginning (laughs). ONE: Murata-senseialways shows me whenever he thinks up new scenes or dialogue to add. For instance, with the A-Class hero Spring Mustachio, my storyboards just had his name and general appearance. He talked a bit and got beat up by the monster, nothing more. I didn’t plan to highlight what weapons he used or anything like that; that part was really cut short. But the storyboards Murata-sensei came up with featured him using his weapon against the monster, showing off his fighting chops so that the monster looked even more impressive by comparison. It was fantastic! Murata: When I heard his weapon was a fencing (*14) rapier (*15), it reminded me of that cool swordsman from Wheels on Meals (*16). Sometimes it’s fun to add in more action like that. --On the flipside, has ONE-sensei ever given you pointers on how
to draw something? Murata: On occasion. For instance, during the big showdown with Boros. Since I felt this was the heavyweight championship of the universe, I tried to make it as flashy as possible. However, midway through when Boros starts losing ground to Saitama, there were places where he appeared clownish…ONE-sensei pointed out to me that the reason Boros is popular is because he always retains his dignity, even against Saitama. That made it all click for me, and I redrew things from square one. When it comes to the storyline, characters, and dialogue, all of that flows from ONE-sensei’s head, so I constantly check in with him. --Thank you very much. Finally, what do each of you consider a “true hero”? Murata: "Even if you’re the strongest around, not letting it go to your head”, I guess. Abiding by your own rules. A true hero never waivers. ONE: I agree; someone who never waivers. A true hero is someone who follows their dreams to the very end. ==[Notes]== *1: ONE-senseibegan serializing One-Punch Man in Weekly Shonen VIP on the community site Toshanai in 2009. *2: A graphics tablet and related software. *3: One of Weekly Shonen Jump’s most well-known series, a battle/adventure series by Akira Toriyama that ran in Jump from 1984 to 1995. *4: The protagonist of Dragon Ball. A member of the Saiyans (a warrior race) who grew up on Earth. Though pure-hearted, he is also a super-warrior who loves fighting against strong opponents. *5: The 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai (“Strongest Under the Heavens” Tournament). The reincarnation of the supposedly defeated Demon King Piccolo entered the tournament and battled Goku. *6: A Japanese illustrator who has worked on numerous games and anime, including Street Fighter II. *7: Yasuo Ootagaki-sensei. Wrote the story for the series Donten Prism Solar Car, which ran in Jump Square from 2010 to 2011. *8: The aforementioned series which ran in Jump Square from 2010 to 2011, depicting the struggles and friendships of young people involved in the development of solar cars. *9: There is a set number of pages for Rookie of the Year awards. For instance, the Tezuka Prize requires 31 pages. *10: Original story by ONE-sensei. A doujinshi by ONE-sensei, Yusuke Murata-sensei, and Kinu Nishimura-sensei. An action story depicting the struggles of a father who becomes a giant to fight monsters, and his frustrated son. *11: Comedy depicting the adventures of soldiers who undergo special training to exterminate cockroaches. Ran as a guest one-shot in the July 2015 issue of Young Gan-Gan. *12: American Football manga series which ran in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2002 to 2009. *13: The current Neighborhood Young Jump browser is improved constantly to allow everyone to read the latest One-Punch Man as soon as possible. *14: A European style of swordplay, and now an Olympic sport. *15: One-handed sword with a sharp point. *16: 1984 Jackie Chan movie.
27 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Update 171 (previously 170). Changes between online and print versions
Murata has taken advantage of the revisions he's doing for volume 25 to make a few small but important changes to update 171.
Amai Mask calling for help
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No excuses, just a straight out plea for help. Which isn't forthcoming
See the full post
28 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yoda-fucks · 2 years
I decided that like a normal person I'm gonna dissect the whole teaser
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Okay so Percy's wearing a jacket here and I'm guessing this is when Percy is still staying in the Hermes cabin just because of the drawings in the background
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I don't have any to say here except that Percy doesn't have a bead so this is fairly early on
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I'm probably wrong but my first thought when I saw this owl that it was Athena keeping an eye on Percy or maybe Annabeth
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I looked it up but I couldn't figure out what the symbols on those banners are (maybe a delta and an eta??) but it looks like the building on the left has a lyre on it so that's probably the Apollo cabin . I think this is right after they find out Percy is Poseidon's kid cause everyone's staring
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Clarisse looks a lil skinny but she's got the spirit. I don't recognize any of the other actors in the back and I don't remember what teams the main characters were on during capture the flag. Also, I love how there's a kid who looks maybe 7 playing with them.
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The banner kinda looks like Poseidon's symbol and there's the wave design at the top so this is the Poseidon cabin?? I love that it's turquoise.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Hi! I have heard a lot of pop culture paganism and I have a few questions about it that I have not been able to find so I figured I would ask someone who practices it directly.
What about pcp appeals to people who practice it?
How does it work?
Is the concept of worshipping and working with an egregore applied to pcp practices? Or is it more like you and others believe that interactions with deity and spirit are your deeper subconscious connecting with you and helping you achieve spiritual gnosis?
My last question is, how does it feel to interact with these deities and figures? It’s common to feel the energy in the room change when worshipping deities like Aphrodite and Hermes, is it similar when working with pop culture figures?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know there’s a fair amount of hate towards people who practice pcp and I want to say that I mean none of this with ill intent, I’m genuinely curious about how pcp works.
Also, I love your blog, I hope you’re well!
Oh boy, hi anon! To help differentiate you if you come back to my inbox after this, I shall now dub thee "PCP Anon".
You're asking a lot of questions that vary drastically depending on who's practicing, because at its core, pop culture paganism is deeply personal to those practicing it and will vary wildly, even if two people draw from the same source. I recommend also talking to @popwitch-astralae and @neonswitchhouse and @crimsondawnsdevotionals (though Crimson does pop culture hero worship, not pop culture deity worship/work, keep that in mind!) in addition to hearing out my personal experiences here. I'm not the end-all-be-all for pop culture stuff, after all!
With that disclaimer out of the way, let's break this down question by question, and I'll let you know my thoughts!
What about PCP appeals to people who practice it?
To me, the appeal is being able to reach out to something familiar. Some people are terrified by "historical" (my catch-all term for non-pop culture deities, though it's not perfect by any means) deities and would rather know what to expect going in. I'm not among those - instead, I like to stretch out and see what's possible.
I started pop culture magic in Pokemon and spread elsewhere, but the only pop culture paganism I currently practice is from The Elder Scrolls - Azura has an altar literally above my desk right now, so I can see her space when I lean back to stretch.
Though I am interested in Pokemon and Flight Rising paganism... That's a topic for another time.
How does it work?
As I famously said in the past, "shit's already so goddamn weird it may as well work".
Obviously, other people will have different explanations.
Is the concept of worshipping and working with an egregore applied to pcp practices? Or is it more like you and others believe that interactions with deity and spirit are your deeper subconscious connecting with you and helping you achieve spiritual gnosis?
I believe in neither of these options! I actually don't believe in some kind of singular higher Divine that deities are a facet of, I don't believe in the Universe being conscious, stuff like that.
To me, deities are individuals (though syncretism and overlap happens), and some of these individuals just happen to be from fictional sources.
My last question is, how does it feel to interact with these deities and figures? It’s common to feel the energy in the room change when worshipping deities like Aphrodite and Hermes, is it similar when working with pop culture figures?
In my experience, yes. The energy I feel when interacting heavily with Azura is almost just like when I interact with Athena or Aphrodite.
Here are some of my other posts on pop culture paganism and magic that I think you would find interesting! Also check the blogs of the three folks I mentioned up top!
My theory behind how pop culture magic works
How to Start Pop Culture Deity Research
Working with villains in pop culture
Hopefully this has given you a direction to start with, anon! And for those who are interested, feel free to reblog this post with your own answers to the four questions!
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scummynami · 3 years
Back to [ • MASTERLIST ] ? or back to [ • DINO’S PROFILE ] ?
❝Hi! I was just looking though you posts and wanted to ask if your request are open. If you had time and mood (obviously you can ignore if you don't) could you write something for yandere Hermes x male assassin reader with a little nsfw (only if you are comfortable). Sorry for bad english❞ — ask by @elistheglitchme
pairing: yan!hermes x assassin!reader
tw: mentions of graphic behaviour, stalking, manipulation, mentions of murder, and yandere tendencies.
note: I placed my headcannons and a bit of a "prompt" because, I just think I'd be able to tell the story of how they met better this way. I hope you like it despite it being so short ≧◉ᴥ◉≦
!!Read at your own discretion~!!
Hm, so far, the only reason why Hermes would be intersted in an assassin, would be due to the reason that he almost killed Hermes's favourite blessed soul or someone he's looking after. Of course, thus bringing us to the first meeting.
Your first meeting with the greek god isn't romantic... at all.
You, covered in grime and blood, whilst struggling like a captured hare trying so hard to escape, and Hermes standing before you, nose flared out, angry out of his mind at the thought of some meddling mortal, you, just tried to kill his most prized possesion, a.k.a. the wheezing buffoon begging and holding onto your ankles for dear life.
You are tired, honestly annoyed at the god in front of you, cursing incoherently, and undeniably uncomfortable. (Mostly due to the intense glare Hermes sending is your way, the other reason is due to the quickly drying blood.) You just want to get this over with, but you can't even move due to the jerkwad of a blondie restraining your movements with invisible chains or something alike.
Grunting, you heaved out a sigh before looking up to the blondie. "Look princess, whatever your name is, you better release me right now before I try to kill you next."
The man struggling to keep himself alive looked up at you with wide eyes, as if he wanted to scream at you a; "You fool!"
But of course, you ignored the bald-headed bastard who is unfortunate enough to be targeted by your employer, a powerful figure in the inner circles of the Emperor, you assume, and scoffed once the blonde god rose an eyebrow, amusement flashing by so quick, you doubted you even saw it.
"I see that the younger generations are the getting bolder and bolder the more we approach modern era," he crossed his arms as he walked towards a chair, dragged it towards the spot he was originally standing, and sat on it. "You wish to kill me, without knowing who I am, or what I am capable of doing... I'm quite conflicted."
"Look here, blondie. I'm not here to chitchat. Let me get my job done, and I'll be on my merry way back to get my payment."
Hermes tilts his head, feigning worry, as a smile contradicting his eyes began to draw out on his lips. "Ah, but I don't really care of you nor your plans, of course, your mission to kill Aeneas being the only exception."
You huff, not really wanting to seem like you care, but this troubling blondie is causing you trouble, so why not just go along with it and gather information? "Huh. You're so persistent with meddling, what is he? Your father or something? I thought Aeneas was supposed to be, infertile, or something?"
Hermes stared at you as if you were an idiot before laughing out loud. "I can't believe you actually don't know who I am. Here I was, thinking you were just overly confident and a fool!"
"Hey man, lay it off with the insults alright? Anyways, if you're no relative of him, then who in the world are you?"
Hermes's grin widened, the golden speck in his dandelion-like orbs twinkling splendidly as he stared at you. "Let's just say, from here on out, I'll be watching you."
With that, he turned into smoke, making you and your victim wheeze and cough. You muttering, "Son of a bitch..."
Yeah... not really the most romantic first meeting.
Though, after he left, the restraints loosened around you and you stared down at Aeneas, before sighing, your eyes now filled with pity for the wheezing man then kneeling. "Hey old man, pay me higher than your enemy and I'll protect you from harm."
It was the start of your new other job, a bodyguard.
This was a development Hermes didn't expect at all, and unfortunately for you, this decision unknowingly ignited a fire that would end up being your downfall.
His curiosity is mostly directed towards why and how you came to the decision of being an assassin. Was it simple bloodthirst? Perhaps, you have something as dramatic as a soap opera as your reason?
Imagine his disappointment when he overheard you and Aeneas talking, and find out you were only doing it for the money.
Pity and curiosity blending into one, and you got interest! From there, stalking starts, then befriending, then manipulation. Hermes won't stop until he's got you wrapped around his finger, delusional and begging to be his.
He wouldn't even allow the other gods to see you, especially that man-child he calls his father, Zeus. Afterall, he doesn't deserve to see such beauty like you, no?
His twisted, delusional mind invites in paranoia, which is so bad for you. He thinks you'll leave him and whatnot, betray him at worst. And your reaction here will have huge consenquences.
If you decided to stay with him, and realise the emotional trauma behind those sharp, enchanting brown eyes, then he'd settle down, but of course his paranoia of someone taking you away won't ever disappear and will only worsen once you finish reassuring him.
Rest assured, you'll be living a wonderful life in luxury and peace. Hermes might even bestow you the honourable position of being his husband!
But, if you choose to worsen his paranoia by attempting to leave while he's at his vulnerable state, quickly turn around and hide. But, the inevitable is the inevitable and you'll be found anyways.
If you choose to beg for his forgiveness and mercy, sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but that wouldn't work.
Breaking a god's trust has worser consenquences, and honestly, you're better off staying silent and take the humiliating acts he'd do to you silently.
Trying to draw a line by acting indifferent would also do you no good as it would worsen his paranoia of you hating him so much that you'll attempt an escape mission once again.
BUT! Hermes as a lover isn't that bad! The love and attention and the money you'd have special permission to touch—! You could ask for more and Hermes wouldn't hesitate to give it to you on a golden platter.
For strong characters, especially like the assassin reader, he would willingly become your lapdog, well, as long as it's done in private.
I headcannon him as a secret sub who'd do anyting for his lover as long as they're just as devoted as he is to them.
Back to [ • MASTERLIST ] ? or back to [ • DINO’S PROFILE ] ?
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capriciousvisage · 3 years
so i spent like the last hour or two trying to figure out what lahabrea's real name would be based on the connections to athena and erich and i really think i've come to a fitting conclusion? under the cut though because it's spoilers for pandaemonium etc
genuinely i think that erich is going to become the lahabrea we see in arr+...
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he's got lahabrea's mask on his transformed self.. plus the gold part of the mask directly below the red mask is reminiscent of lahabrea's sigil, which...
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...is a bigger part of mateus's sigil, whom lahabrea (ffxiv) is based off the counterpart of (the scion of light, lahabrea (ff12)), and erich is notably...
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...wearing the same glyph on his robes?
pandaemonium in ff2 is also the final dungeon and is where Emperor Mateus (from which ff12's lahabrea draws upon) dwells after having overthrown Satan and became the Hell Emperor.
mateus in ff12 is also someone who was corrupted by evil beyond belief due to his greed etc which is exactly what's happening in pandaemonium
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erich in greek mythology was famous for supposedly inventing the 4-horse chariot and then went on to become the charioteer constellation. he also taught the people of athens how to use horses for transportation/how to yoke them. lahabrea is often shown to like horses, teased enough that we all call him a horse girl.
so i'm really thinking that pandaemonium raids are relying on us, the viewers, to assume things. i've been seeing a lot of assumptions. i think the biggest assumption it's leading us on to make is that this is the same timeframe in elpis that we had visited before, during hermes & co quests.
i know many people assume that the phoinix in p3 is the same immortal bird in the one shadowbringers sidestory where emet has to return the wayward soul to the underworld. but themis says in pandaemonium that the concept was completed elsewhere, and implies that the phoinix in p3 is simply a prototype of sorts they were studying. some of the phoinix's move names are prefixed with "experimental", too.
themis is most definitely elidibus -- or he will become elidibus. he's part of an auxiliary group (one of which azem (us) is a part of, the one giving us orders) and assuming from his clothes + introduction, he's not part of the convocation yet.
erich says a lot of how he doesn't have a lot of magical prowess and only became a warder because of his mother, athena. i was always thinking it odd that lahabrea, his father, had taught him how to use the shackles when he was young, but his mother had actually been the one to appoint him as a warder. based on how young themis is, we can posit a theory that erich will go on and follow in his father's footsteps and become the grand lahabrea of phantomology that we all know of... as a side note, remember that the seats are filled in accordance with how well they fit the role, so every lahabrea has been gifted with creation magicks beyond others.
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this dialogue exchange after hesperos is defeated is especially interesting. it's essentially a parallel to what happens to lahabrea in arr~hvw. if we continue with this as a parallel, and we assume that zodiark is not who lahabrea is trying to impress, then who is it?
i think it would make a lot of sense storywise. i think a lot of people have this impression of lahabrea being just a cold-hearted villain. even with the small snippets in akadaemia anyder or otherwise. emet says in shb that lahabrea wore himself down and eventually post himself. but we don't see the lahabrea before then.
... but if we introduce a cute young man who seems to be a little too trusting and down on himself, then show his character arc slowly progress... well, it might make the audience (me) cry. I don't think the audience would sway their (general) opinion of Lahabrea if this weren't the case, too — many people already think him as hostile and cold, so pandae is presenting nothing new if we think Erich's father is our Lahabrea. But we all know that shb and endwalker are all about flipping out expectations...
I can't see a reasonable explanation for Erich to sport Lahabrea motifs even if he's Lahabrea's son, if nothing else. The mask and glyph are too damning.
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khaire-traveler · 2 years
2, 10 and 17 for the asks?
Hey, Alice! Thank you so much for the ask! ☺️🧡
2. What draws you to your Gods? What do you like about them?
Well, I worship A LOT of the Hellenic gods, but I'll just stick with Hermes for this question, otherwise we'll be here for an eternity. 😂 Hermes is my main deity; he's my homie, my pal, and my Father figure. I appreciate him beyond words, for many reasons, and truly, I love him with all my heart. 🧡 He has saved my life countless times, supported me through my darkest hours, and cheered me on through my greatest accomplishments. Whenever I needed a friend, or a Father, he was there, ready and waiting for me. Sorry, that got a bit sappy. 😅
10. If you could have a direct conversation with your deity/deities right now, what would you tell them?
Again, I'll just stick with Hermes for now because I have too many things to say to too many deities lol, but I'd say something along these lines: "What can I say, really? All these days and nights, countless hours I've spent praying to you, and now I get the chance to speak with you directly. I guess first off, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for all the times you've sat by my side as I cried out to you, all the times you've saved me from incredibly dangerous situations, all the times you've answered my prayers as quickly and kindly as you could. You've never failed to see me through to the end of a day, and for that, I am beyond eternally grateful. Secondly, I love you so much. Like, there is a ridiculous amount of love in my heart that's reserved only for you, and honestly, I hope you know how much I care, even when I'm unable to leave offerings or pray to you every night. I will always adore and cherish you; you hold such a special place in my mind, my heart, and my soul. Lastly (since this is getting long), I want to address all that we've been through together. All the abuse and hardship that you've seen me through to the other side of... Despite everything that's happened in my life, despite everything certain people have put me through spiritually, emotionally, and even physically, you have always been there for me. There is not a moment that I reflect on our relationship and don't think of all that we've gone through. Thank you, truly, for loving me, helping me, uplifting me, understanding me, forgiving me, guiding me, saving me, holding me... Above all, thank you for reaching out to me. My life has never been the same since I met you, and I couldn't be happier for it."
17. Do you associate certain Gods with specific songs? Share them!
Yes, I do, actually! I have quite a lot of songs I associate certain gods with, but again, I'll stick with just Hermes, to make things much easier lol. Time In A Bottle by Jim Croce, Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi, and Alright, That's Enough, Let's Get You Home by Will Wood. And this one is just for fun and is an inside joke for me, but for Hades, My Shiny Teeth And Me by Chip Skylark. 😂
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alyona11 · 3 years
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I posted 3 428 times in 2021
969 posts created (28%)
2459 posts reblogged (72%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.5 posts.
I added 2 527 tags in 2021
#me being me - 725 posts
#hadestown - 512 posts
#hadestown fanart - 237 posts
#hades - 213 posts
#my art - 195 posts
#hades x persephone - 151 posts
#gallifrey - 132 posts
#persephone - 130 posts
#hadestown shitpost - 119 posts
#hadestown broadway - 113 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#олсо инглиш спикеры очень часто игнорят гугл транслейт под постами на чужом языке и требую перевести
My Top Posts in 2021
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Look, I'm really happy how this background with Hadestown in all of its glory turned out! Also I'm figuring out how to use 2D camera, so I made this quick shot and added Hades and Persephone moving in the background.
329 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 13:37:30 GMT
*terrible storm outside starting*
Hermes in the bar: *throwing his chair out of the window* CAN’T YOU TWO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER?! 
343 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 20:17:51 GMT
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I have a soft spot for NYTW Orpheus and Eurydice actually. Wanted to draw smg with them for a while. Got you two versions: rendered and sketchy cos I kinda love both. Used a photo from the production as a reference, also recorded a timelapse for the coloring part (because I forgot to turn on the recording for the sketch huh). Both ref and a timelapse are under the cut.
Look at them!!!
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And the timelapse:
350 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 21:18:47 GMT
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From baby to bastard: evolution. So here we have: 1) Baby. Eaten by his dad. 2) Young man. Less eaten by his dad. 3) Warrior during Titanomachy. 4) Wedding man! 5) Guy who got himself a train 6) The bastard we know and love
Lmk who’s your favourite!
Also please appreciate Hades’ belly in the 5h one, thank you 
364 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 20:39:14 GMT
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I loved Luca so much I wanted to draw a fanart. The movie so touching and cute and it has these summer vibes, check it out!
Made this a little challenge for myself, so I tried to keep the style true to the original movie.
P.S. I don't have a constant way of coloring stuff, so today I went with no texture and sharp shadows. Tomorrow? Who knows.
642 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 16:12:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ljsarts · 3 years
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Hades Au: Persephones Descent (AU info under the cut)
[Id: A drawing of Persephone from the Supergiant game Hades. she has blong hair braided with green ribbons and laurel leaves in shades of red to yellow. Her expression is of rage with intense low lighting, she's wearing a tunic, skull pauldrons, a green cloak and has red lava like markings up her arms. The background is a gradient with the text "Hades, where's my son"/end id]
Persephone's descent : An Au
This Au begins with Zagreus living above . He is in turn stolen back to the house of Hades and best mom™ Persephone is incredibly pissed off and ready to kick ass.
Thematically wise this merges the themes of the original game , original lore used in game + the sort of relationship shown in the Bridge production of midsummer night's dream between titania and Oberon. (For Hades and Persephone that is).
Things that remain the same: -
-Orpheus' failed attempt to get Eurydice free.
-Zeus' kidnapping of Persephone.
-Hades and Persephone did in the past truly growing to love each other , enough to have Zag together.
What changes:-
shortly before Zag is born Persephone asks to go back to the surface. She fears a new god's presence appearing in the house of Hades if detected by the Olympians could set off an investigation and then war. She says with Nyx’s help they can hide between the Olympians and the house of Hades alongside the river styx away from prying eyes. She also fears that if he is born in the realm of the dead what that will do to him as a baby , she thinks the only way he can live is to be born on the surface.
Hades is the one truly trapped as he cannot follow where Persephone treads, at first he hates the idea but as the days go by and zags birth approaches he realises it's what's best much to his disgruntlement. He asks Nyx to sneak Persephone out of the house to make her believe it is not his wishes but that she has to go anyway and to not return for all of their sakes.
Zag is born by the Styx he lives a life in the cottage they build there together , every now and then Zag sees a green mist in the distance when a farmer collapses or a elder in the village just off the coast passes away peacefully , the green ghostly figure does not cross the threshold of the cottages walls, does not step into the thriving bountiful gardens only watches . green with envy .
Every now and then Charon visits sparingly bringing news from Hades or Hermes bringing news from the Olympians all seems well in the in-between.
One night Zagreus strays too far from the cottage and it's warm green fields, the green ghostly figure he follows further along the clifftops , past the sea dowsed orange with the sunset to a small clearing covered in snow and pillar after pillar after pillar and before him a door taller than any building he's seen before.
Zagreus disappears that night , the next morning Charon arrives early before Persephone can even wake , she arises to aggressive banging on her front door like a drum , Hermes is there as well with Grave news that Zagreus has arrived in the underworld , he's gone.
Persephone is grief stricken till the duo tell her no hes not dead but he has been taken , stolen by Hades and Persephone is pissed. She gathers whatever she has I'm talking sickle, pitchfork, a tonne of pomegranates , the boons of one speedy lad and whatever Charon can sell her.
Alternatively the boons she gains along the way could be from the cythonic gods excluding Hades whom are wanting to help Persephone.
Persephone gets the help of those she encounters along the way who are posted up to slow her down which is :-
Whom she's so angry is being used a s a gaurd dog he's a good boy who doesn't deserve to be stuck at the doorway waiting.
- Achilles and Patroclus In Elysium
Whom Hades has reunited so they can fight together in the arena against Persephone . Once beaten and finding out what Persephone is here for they both agree to help her , they know two well, one person who wants a "demon spawn" out of the underworld who'd be happy to help her get out of Elysium
(This is Asterius and Theseus)
-In Asphodel rather than Eurydice (who's in the house) it's Orpheus who sides with Persephone's Lament at having to leave behind the one person they love the most because of doubt. He tells her about Eurydice and how she now resides in the house of Hades and how he wishes more than anything to be reunited with her , Persephone offers to take him to her .
*Orpheus joined the party*
-In Tartarus we meet Sisyphus who confesses to chatting with Thanatos who was full of remorse for leading Zag into the house of Hades but couldn't go against Hades demands I mean he's his boss and it's not like he killed zag or anything.
- we get to the back door to the house , skelly almost sets off the alarm but with Cerberus stealing skelly jaw bone he can't really make much noise to alert the rest of the house , with the cover of Nyx and the blind eye of Thanatos Persephone almost has Zagreus back when Megeara spots her and alerts Hades .
-Either that or alternatively Orpheus rushes to Eurydice and the commotion alerts the house to them. Meg is watching over Zag trying to keep a distance between themselves / not get overly familiar "it's nothing personal just business"
Other rambles-
Hades kept Eurydice around instead or Orpheus as Orpheus always sings about lost love and heartbreak and separation . Whereas Eurydice sings about finality , Hades often asks her to sing the song she wrote herself "Good Riddance" , he finds it soothes the souls entering Tartarus and his own.
Zags been trapped in the room Hades had made for him before they'd left , and Zag spends the time it takes Persephone to descend into hell learning about the father he never knew he had.
We enter phase two : I will lovingly call
"Custody negotiations ".
-Persephone is here and she's livid and not leaving without her son
-Hades tells her that Olympus was getting too close to their cottage to finding out about their son he had to come back to the house for all their sakes
- Zagreus wants to leave , Persephone wants him to leave to
- they argue ALOT
-zag gets aquanted with Dusa, Hypno and Cerberus
-when Persephone mentions the constant winter minus their grove Hades realises something is wrong and they need to fix it , Persephone demands due court . All the members of the house must come together and decide / figure out how to inform Olympus of Zags existence so that they may go back to the surface without fear or if it's truly fucked atleast stay underground till it's better
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bellamyroselia · 3 years
Who could replace Hades as the new big bad? Overly long essay
Like pretty much everyone else in this fandom, I love Hades. Guy’s your typical pure evil villain with a personality larger than life itself and he’s having so much fun with it that it’s contagious. Every time he pops up, I’m delighted to see him. It’s so fun to see him do his shtick and have the time of his life with it, which also makes beating him feel so great. After all the crap he has put the main cast through, it’s so satisfying to blast him into the face because for a moment that confidence finally breaks and once it's all over, people cheer because they don’t have to live in horrible fear for a while at least. This characterization is mostly rooted on the sheer fear factor Hades had in the eyes of ancient people - even in civilizations which have rather chipper afterlife people tended to prefer living over dying, and this of course meant that they were absolutely terrified of the Underworld deities. Hades was mostly addressed by epithets in texts because people thought that if they called him by his name, they were drawing his attention and the last thing a sane person wants is the attention of an powerful god who has power over the dead. So if a god has this level of appeal, be it positive or negative, you may not even need excessive amount of mythological content to create a frame for a character!
This being said, I don’t believe his chances of coming back are as the big bad of a next game are high - that is unless we have to wait another 15-20 years to get a new game, but I’d like to be more hopeful than that. So if he isn’t coming back, who could possibly replace him as the new big bad of Kid Icarus? It’s not like the writers could ever run out of source material because there’s so many monsters to deal with and every god is more or less morally grey, meaning that there’s many possibilities for new bad guys regardless of the scale.
This took a lot longer than I originally expected and I’m sorry for that - there’s no worse idea than to jump into a rabbit hole and bringing a shovel with you because things will quickly spiral out of control into new interesting directions. The more info I gathered, the more interested I was on looking more into it and sometimes it even spiraled out of mythology into history and philosophy. If you’re interested on some specific reasons for why this took so long, here’s few: myths are long and there’s many different versions of them, epics are even longer, Peloponnese people couldn’t be bothered to write their own things down so I had to look what travelers wrote down, it takes Plato way too long to get into the point, Herodotus never gets into the point, someone translated the term metic as resident alien of all things which I thought was the funniest thing ever and Ludovisi Ares is really pretty.
This is the point where I give the obligatory warnings, so here - since I'm discussing mythology here, it's inevitable that there's some talk about violence and death. I'm not going to linger on the gruesome details, but know that it's there. At couple points this will spiral into a full-on history lesson because I thought that understanding the historical context was important regarding the topic I was discussing. Also this is a one long essay - and by long, I mean really, really long. If you want to read it all at one sitting, prepare some time for yourself. But with that all out of the way, let’s jump straight into the discussion on who could be the next possible big bad, shall we?
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I’m limiting this mostly to the main 12 Olympians with the addition of some other big names to keep things simple - while some smaller mythological figures such as Arachne or Arke would work fantastically as villains, they don’t have that recognition or presentation the more well known characters have. We’re trying to speculate who could fill Hades’ shoes as the new main bad guy here after all, not who we could add on the list of great yet less significant antagonists like Medusa, Pandora and Thanatos. I’m excluding Zeus, Athena, Hephaestus and Demeter from this list for rather obvious reasons - Zeus because the the guy seems to be MIA for good so Palutena could rule the place, Athena and Hephaestus because Palutena and Dyntos practically are them and Demeter because Viridi pretty much is Mycenaean Demeter on steroids in a package way too small to contain all that anger within. I also don’t think her relationship with Pit and Palutena will change drastically, so she’s sitting comfortably on her friendenemy-zone.
As for already existing characters, I don’t think anyone of them could snatch the title of the big bad. Viridi is off the competition for already mentioned reasons and I don’t see anyone from Forces of Nature defecting to become the new main villain. Pyrrhon is either gone for good or went back to whatever is this world’s equivalent of Egypt to lick his wounds, so I don’t think he’s coming back anytime soon - and if he’s coming, I don’t think he’s coming back as a main bad guy since he really wasn’t one to begin with. Thanatos’ only major mythological appearance is the myth of Sisyphus capturing death which doesn’t exactly strike confidence on his abilities in general and if that version of Thanatos couldn’t do his job correctly when meeting one guy too stubborn to die, do you really think that I believe our Thanatos has any chances of becoming the new big bad? Bringing back Medusa would be beating a dead horse at this point unless they really twist the formula and I don’t think that’s going to happen, so Medusa is off the competition. Pandora wasn’t all that big of a threat to begin with, so if she comes back she most likely stays that way. So it’s definitely going to be a new character, but who could it be?
As for who for sure can’t replace Hades as the new main bad, it’s Hestia. She probably has the lowest chance of any big Greek god to even appear in a possible future Kid Icarus game simply because there’s next to no material of her and that’s for a good reason. She was the goddess of hearth, domesticity, family, home and state. Most of these were and still are considered private, so that explains why there’s very little material of Hestia actually doing anything - we don’t write epic poetry about cleaning the house, making a macaroni casserole for dinner or going to bathroom and so didn’t the ancient people. With Hestia, you’re dealing with the bare bones of a character because she’s so passive and non-confrontational figure. It would be hard to make her a central figure in any kind of plot, especially for a one centered around action, so she’s out.
Hermes is also a figure I don’t think would work as a big bad or as an antagonist in general and I don’t really have any concrete reasons for why I think so. I just feel that he would be unfit for the role. He’s a trickster who started his shenanigans on the day he was born and the rest is mythology - by cunning escapades and underdog tactics he became the messenger of gods and from that point onward he kept collecting even more jobs such as becoming the god of merchants, shepherds and thieves, being a psychopomp, guiding dreams and helping heroes whenever he felt like it. He has a lot of going on but he’s always regarded as someone who knows all the tricks and isn’t afraid to use them, not all bad for a guy whose name was derived from a word meaning a pile of rocks.
As for why I think Hermes would make an terrible antagonist is mostly because of his status as the god of thieves and how it’s pretty much the easiest way to turn him into an antagonist. The thing here is that I just can’t stand antagonists whose main thing is that they’re amazing thieves and/or tricksters in games. While I think they can be enjoyable in other forms of media if they’re written on a smart way, in games this is almost never the case because gameplay and story don’t always match perfectly and writers need to use cheap tactics to make the character work - and by cheap I mean either A.I stands for artificial incompetence and the character is simply bad at being a thief/trickster despite all the characters and lore saying otherwise or that the game just starts cheating against the player to make them feel dumb even though they did nothing wrong. Thieves and tricksters are just really hard to balance in a game when it’s not the player character doing the deceiving. That perfect sweet spot for a great character is too goddamn tiny and if the thief/trickster isn’t exactly in there, you have an annoying character either because they’re incompetent at their job or because computer is a cheating bastard. So while there’s many enjoyable antagonists who share traits with Hermes, combine them all into a one character with the problems I already mentioned and most of the time you have a figure everybody hates due to how infuriating they’re to deal with. We’re trying to make people interested of going on and seeing what happens next here, not trying to annoy them to the point where they can just drop the game and never pick it up again. As for another reason I don’t think Hermes would work all that well as an antagonist is because his whole shtick is that despite his incredible powers, he still manages to be an underdog. Needless to say, the way underdogs are represented in media is vastly different from the way major antagonists are and while it can work, it’s hard to pull off. And of course there’s the thing of Hermes being portrayed almost always as a positive figure in myths, meaning that I and many others have a hard time imagining him as a bad guy. At his most evil we imagine Hermes doing stuff such as saying to his nephew that grandpa equals target practice, not anything that could threaten the world. Though if Hermes is included into the cast of a future game, I can image him having a theme that sounds similar to the BW rival theme for some reason. It has that I’m a one chipper fella but I’m also extremely busy right now so goodbye for a moment, see you soon-energy in it that I associate with Hermes.
As for what kind of role Hermes could be playing, he could work rather well as a quick cameo like Poseidon was in KI:U, where he offers help in some form. If one wants to go deeper into it, he could possibly run some service since he was the god of merchants and trade as well - though if one want to involve the fact of him being the god of thieves in addition to previously mentioned things, make him an occasional scammer because that’s what one would expect from a trickster. Or have him as a boss in a training gauntlet. Works either way.
If Artemis was introduced into the series, I don’t think she would be antagonistic. I can totally see her having a cold personality and her being bit of a hard person to deal with, but I don’t see her being actively malicious character - only example of Artemis being overly cruel towards figures KI-characters seem to be based on would be her sending the Calydonian boar to cause chaos in Calydon. It’s interesting if you believe Magnus and Gaol are at least partially inspired by Meleager and Atalanta like I do, but I don’t think it’s enough to make Artemis an antagonist, much less the main villain so she’s off the competition. Not to say she isn't wrathful, I looked into it and her wrath far outnumbers her blessings, though it's rather messy at times and some of them even can't co-exist the ones about Orion and Callisto definitely can't but her wrath is divorced from the main KI-cast. You'd have to create new characters to excuse it and KI already has a rather large cast, so I don't think it would be all that wise to create new characters just for the sake of goddess cursing them for a plot line that's resolved in couple chapters. Maybe she’s just a cameo or possibly a boss in a training gauntlet.
Apollo would be an antagonist. I just don’t see any other way how he could be introduced into the series. He has potential to be a charismatic, funny and mostly harmless antagonist who isn’t there to cause any trouble, he just really hates Pit and only Pit. But why would he hate Pit? It’s not like the mythological Apollo dislikes Icarus or Perseus and that’s indeed true, but there’s one more thing. For a god who we associate with a celestial body mostly made out of hydrogen and helium, Apollo has extremely high levels of sodium chloride within him - which is to say that he has been salty starting from the moment Hermes robbed him that one time and that lake of salt inside him has only become larger ever since. That salt is directed at people he dislikes and while he doesn’t dislike Icarus or Perseus because he never met either of them, guess who he does dislike? Angel-like gods, or just Eros to be more specific.
The story goes that Apollo’s enormous ego took the better of him one day and so he started to mock his nephew for what he thought was mediocre use of the bow and arrow. Insulted Eros decided that Apollo had officially lost his uncle-license which led him to curse Apollo to have the worst love life imaginable, starting with Daphne. And as we all know Cupid is Roman version of Eros and Pit is named after Cupid, so this was hatred made in heaven and it would be disappointing to not use the opportunity when it has been given to us on a golden platter. And you don’t even have to come up with an detailed and intriguing story to explain why Apollo hates him - something could’ve very well happened during the three years Pit’s consciousness was in that ring. His body may have ruined Apollo’s chances to hit it off with people because it was destroying their cities or something similar. Or just leave it as a noodle incident that’s referenced multiple times, everyone wonders what the heck actually happened but only Apollo knows, refusing to tell the story because he just assumes that everyone already knows it and they’re just messing with him by pretending to not know. Either way, Apollo should be an antagonist if he’s featured in a sequel. Not a villain, definitely not the big bad but fun antagonist to deal with.
This is something that most of you probably already know or at least you would know if you’ve actually read something other than Ovid’s Metamorphoses, or as I like to call it Jaded man screams at Emperor Augustus because apparently telling the Roman citizens to go all out on every monument the prude ever built clearly wasn’t enough, please tell me you have but Medusa isn’t an only child. She’s in fact one of Phorcys and Ceto’s seven children, both of them being somewhat monstrous primordial ocean deities - Phorcys has been described as a merman with red skin and crab claws, Ceto’s name in the other hand just literally means sea monster. Besides Medusa and the two other gorgons Stheno and Euryale, the list of their children includes the graeae sisters, serpentine dragon Ladon and Echidna, which is quite a lot of snake monsters for two deities who themselves don’t have any snake traits. There’s a lot of potential in this group but ideas of any of them becoming the new big bad end up falling apart because just like Medusa, they’re all rather bland characters like you’d expect from a mythological monster. They’re less like characters and more like plot devices that the hero needs to deal with. The only two members of this family besides Medusa who actually get to do something of importance are Ladon and Echidna and even those acts aren’t all that interesting. Echidna gets to have her many monstrous children with Typhon and then she’s apparently is killed by Argus, Hera’s servant-giant while sleeping on a cave just like her sister. Ladon guarded the garden of Hesperides which was well known for its golden apples and he doesn’t get to die with much dignity either, since Heracles just shoots him in the back and literally the next day other Argonauts find nymphs looking at his still twitching body. Alternatively Heracles just tricks Titan Atlas to do all the apple picking, which leaves Ladon alive.
Possibly one of the biggest problems writers have to deal with is setting. Ladon is very strictly tied into the garden setting and Echidna was cave dweller who never left her home, so writers would have to come with rather specific situations for them to appear. Of course if one wants to be lazy, Underworld could possibly serve as their home. It could very well house caves big enough to house a snake monster and Greek Underworld does have Elysium, which is basically Paradise and it could very well also function as a garden. But honestly even with the right setting, I don’t think either of them would make all that interesting big bads. They would definitely work fantastically as large-scale villains, but they don’t really have that much intimidation factor all things considered - you can blame Argus and Heracles for that.
But I’m not done with this family yet as there’s one character connected to them who’s probably the most feared monster of all Greco-Roman mythology and that’s Typhon, Echidna’s mate. He’s essentially an ancient Greek equivalent of a kaiju, more a destructive force of nature than a monster and everyone fears him - and by everyone, I mean everyone. There’s couple of versions of what happens but the most popular one goes that when the gods saw him, their first instinct was to shapeshift into animals and flee into Egypt. Those who did stay behind such as Hades were said to cover in fear in their homes while Typhon ravaged the land. Zeus tried to fight him but when he went for the kill, Typhon caught him and cut off his sinews, then threw him into a cave under the watch of another snake monster Delphyne. This didn’t stop Hermes and Pan from getting the sinews back and saving Zeus, and once his strength has been restored he and Typhon fought once again. Zeus eventually wearied Typhon down and then either casted him down into Tartarus or dropped a mountain on top of him, that being Mount Etna.
He could work very well as a big bad, problem here are just how high the stakes need to be for him to work. He’d had to be the ultimate villain if that was the case, the stakes need to be higher than they were with Hades. And considering how Hades was pretty much your typical pure evil villain causing chaos, what separates Typhon from him? Just some more chaos and no wisecracking dialogue because everyone is too scared to talk? He comes off as way too similar to Hades without all the fun personality. Maybe if KI:U became a KI:U-trilogy he could work as the ultimate big bad of the last game, but I got to say no otherwise. The bar for making him work is already sky-high due to how destructive he is and we don’t want to repeat the plot of Uprising here. So while he definitely can work, maybe save him for later.
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Hera and Poseidon both have potential to be serious antagonistic forces, but I don’t think they have it to be main villains. Hera simply fits the bill because most of the times she’s the antagonistic force actively trying to make people’s lives worse, all because she can’t direct her anger at correct people. Some times she’s just blatantly evil, like how she imprisoned her own daughter Eileithyia or you may better know her as Lucina to prevent the birth of Artemis and Apollo or how she tricked her pregnant great-granddaughter into disintegrating herself Semele is her great-granddaughter by the way. As for examples of Hera being wrathful which don’t involve Zeus being horny, she was said to be the one who sent Sphinx to Thebes, no reason given why or if there’s one, I couldn’t find it. Works either way.
Because she might as well be the personification of divine wrath, it’s pretty easy to see why one would think she would make a great villain. However that wrath also gives us a big problem, it being that her evil escapades are mostly rooted on anger and spite - while wrath is a good driving force for a villain, it needs more to work. With Hades, he does evil things for fun and is having a blast while doing it. Hera on the other hand just rages and most of the times it’s because of Zeus, who seems to be out of the picture. She’s not there to have fun and when you add her general lack of charisma on the top, you don’t end up with the most endearing character. While wrath can serve as a character motivation, it can become stale very quickly and this means that unless the story regarding villainy her is short (as in solved in 1-3 chapters) it starts to feel like dragging. I overall think that Hera does have very low chances to appear in general, but if she does appear as an antagonist she should preferably be a minor one in the same way Viridi was. You know the meme of what makes villain a supervillain and the answer is presentation? Hera doesn’t have that presentation. Writers can certainly just give her that which is what they did with Hades whose mythological counterpart was more or less a basement dweller, but why go trough all that trouble when there’s so many better candidates to work with?
On to Poseidon, who’s an important figure in the founding myth of Athens - it’s honestly quite odd how it’s never mentioned in any shape or form in KI:U despite Palutena being based on Athena. But then again, considering how much “care” this series put on the names of its cities and towns, this being ignored doesn’t really surprise me even if it does disappoint. He was a really big deal during the Mycenaean period, besides being the god of ocean he was also seen as the head god and the ruler of the Underworld. Then the Late Bronze Age collapse happened and Poseidon was nerfed in the lack of better words - during the Dark Age, Zeus became the new head god and Hades popped seemingly out of nowhere, taking over Poseidon’s role as the god ruling the Underworld. On the other news Poseidon’s antagonistic potential is somewhat dwarfed by the fact that most of his escapades involve banging and they don’t really feature any figures the main cast of KI seem to be based on. It’s annoying because he does so much but because it’s mostly banging people and either helping or bullying very specific heroes, it’s just not something that’s all that relevant in the context of KI. But there’s couple myths and stories that would make him an easy bad guy, first one is that of Atlantis - and we’re going to jump straight to the source material because on it’s core, it’s technically just another tale of Athena and Poseidon having a conflict. Fish people under the sea is fun as well, but by using the source directly it gives us the most potential.
So Plato tells in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias that when Athenian statesman Solon visited Egypt, he found some interesting records about certain events during 10th millennium BCE and translated them into Greek. Only thing here that’s true is Solon visiting Egypt, everything else was made up Plato - if you need more proof, know that 10th millennium BCE was during the stone age for context, Britain wasn’t sharing a land border with just France, but also with Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Denmark during this time. It was that far into the past. As for the actual story, it begins by gods choosing lots of land for themselves and Poseidon chooses Atlantis. He then falls in love with a mortal woman Cleito, builds her a luxurious home, they have five sets of twin boys together and once the kids have all grown up, they divide Atlantis into ten parts and so is born ten different lineages of kings. But by each generation the kings become more and more human, meaning that it’s much more easier for their wealthy lifestyle to hit them in the head - compare that to Athenians in the story, who’re not tempted by luxuries and have quite Spartan lifestyle interestingly enough. This wealthy lifestyle of the Atlanteans quickly leads into colonialism and war mongering, leading into them trying to take over the Mediterranean but they’re are stopped by Athens because naval warfare was the only type of warfare Athenians actually excelled at. Zeus eventually looks down to see what the heck is going on and then tells Poseidon to do something because this racket is technically speaking all his fault. Poseidon agrees, causes an earthquake and then sweeps Atlantis under his rug, that being the ocean. So Atlantis is pretty much an antithesis of a perfect society, a concept that’s discussed more in Republic and the lesson here is that being consumed by hubris in the search of luxury leads to ruin - but since we’re not here for philosophy lessons, let’s forget all of that and think what kind of plot one could craft out of this mess.
Island nation in search of wealth is a good set-up for some action, so I don’t think there’s much that needs changing. Have Atlanteans attack some cities which alerts Palutena and that leads Pit into a mission in which he tries to tell Poseidon what’s going on. After 2-5 chapters of war against Atlanteans, Poseidon deals with the problem either willingly or by force - whether he just destroys the place or makes Atlanteans full on aquatic folk who can’t survive on land meaning that they have to give up the conquest is up to writers. It’s honestly quite refreshing to have the original tale working so well, because usually everything related to Atlantis in media is so divorced from what Plato told. Sure, a submerged city full of fish people could still work but by using the original tale as base we get a story with clear beginning and end which makes perfect sense in context of KI. Or maybe have the a plotline inspired by the original story first and then later have something related to the submerged city with the fish people. Best of both worlds, amazing!
Also orichalcum, the metal Atlanteans were said to have aplenty, is pretty much just copper. Reddish metal and only gold is more valuable than it, it couldn't be anything else but copper. The term even translates into mountain copper! So why is it never portrayed as copper in fiction?
Besides Atlantis, Poseidon has couple other myths I’d like to talk about too. The first one has him and Apollo losing their divine authority for a while and as punishment they have to serve Trojan king Laomedon father of king Priam and grandfather of Hector among some others if you’re wondering. The king makes them to build the legendary walls of Troy and he promises them great rewards, but once he doesn’t deliver them Apollo sends the plague upon Troy and then Poseidon sends a sea monster to terrorize the place Heracles kills it if you’re wondering. There’s also certain another situation which I’ve actually already talked about on a different post and how with little shaking it could work nicely on a future game - what I said was that Pit should do something Poseidon is going to hate to the point that the god is screaming for his head and that he wants to settle things on court.
The myth I used as reference was that of the supposed first trial in history, in which Ares kills Poseidon’s son Halirrhothius for assaulting his daughter and Poseidon loses his marbles over it. The gods gathered on Areopagus which is a real place in Athens, fun fact and I’ve heard two versions of how the trial goes. In the first version everyone agrees that Ares’ actions were justified and in the second one gods side with Poseidon, but goddesses side with Ares and since there was more goddesses present than gods, their words mattered more. Either way, Poseidon loses the trial and Ares gets away scot-free.
Were a future KI-game do their own twist with this myth, Pit would obviously take the role of Ares. Besides the fact that we’re trying to make Poseidon more antagonistic, Pit just being on a situation similar as Ares makes sense thematically speaking and I’m going to talk more about this later since it’s rather interesting. As for why the trial happens in the first place, it could very well be over anything. Maybe mix it with the one where Poseidon sends a sea monster to terrorize Troy just replace Troy with some unimportant city as this series always does and he’s so attached to it that seeing it getting slayed deeply saddens and angers him. You don’t even need to get rid of the idea that it was over a girl, even if the motive for killing the monster is changed along with what kind of relationship the girl could possibly have with the main cast. This is something I’ll get back into later because there’s in fact one other character who I’d like to talk about and how their most cruel and personal form of villainy happens to bound to a certain girl.
So back to Hera and Poseidon. There’s definitely potential for them to be antagonistic, but I’d say they would work much better as arc villains rather than as the main bad guy. There’s only so many things you can do with characters whose actions are rooted on anger or wrath, especially when they don’t have all that striking personalities.
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As for someone who could well work as the big bad, Dionysus is the first serious candidate. It’s partially due to how inconsistent his characterization has been, which I guess is something one should expect from a figure who has been around since the Mycenaean times and who happens to be the god of insanity, vegetation, orchards, fruit, grape-harvest, winemaking and wine. Does this sound like someone you’d expect to be a member of Forces of Nature? Because it sure does for me and I’d honestly be surprised if he wasn’t one if he was introduced to the franchise.
Symbolism behind Dionysus’ birth is pretty neat, my favorite version of it is the one written down by Diodorus of Sicily in Bibliotheca Historica and in that one Demeter is his mother. It starts the usual way in which the poor kid is killed shortly after his birth by Titans and Demeter comes back just in time to gather his remains to allow his rebirth shortly after. It references the harvest process and wine making - the god wine is born from the union of rain and earth just any plant is, he’s torn apart and boiled alive symbolizing the harvesting and wine-making process, his remains represent the fallen bare vines which become fertilizer for the earth and lastly wine itself is supposed symbolize the now reborn Dionysus. All of the versions of his birth myth do have this symbolism to a certain degree but I’d say this version has it the strongest because unlike his other the mother candidates, Demeter is a nature goddess first and foremost and also the goddess of agriculture.
This next point is somewhat tied to the previous one which is that he actually has valid reasons for his absence, that being his meanderings. Long story short - Hera’s angry over the fact that he exists, she injects him with madness and he wanders around like a madman for a while, then Rhea cures said madness and tells him to go on a journey so he could teach people how to make wine. So he goes and wanders around the world with the exception of Britain and Ethiopia for some reason teaching people the art of winemaking and does some other things in the meanwhile, such as apparently founding a city it’s told that on his campaign Alexander the Great came across a city that was supposedly founded by Dionysus. And this is a fun fact, apparently Dionysus’ popularity exploding around late 4th century BCE can be directly linked into Alexander, which is pretty neat. Once he comes back home he firmly establishes his place as a god and then he starts doing shenanigans much more familiar to us, such as giving king Midas his golden touch and marrying Ariadne.
So why do I think Dionysus is the first real contender for a possible new big bad? Well, do you know what’s the first thing he did once he came back to Greece? According to Bacchae, he brainwashed a city to worship him, caused an earthquake, set a palace on fire, gleefully watched when his worshipers teared a man into pieces and then turned some other people into serpents. Now that’s an entrance Viridi would be proud of!
Besides this, there’s also two similar stories in which Dionysus meets some pirates and they both show him as an unhinged god. They capture him and in the first one Dionysus shapeshifts into a lion and unleashes a bear against his captors, causing the scared pirates to abandon the ship and then Dionysus turns them into dolphins. In the other one he turns the mast and oars into snakes, fills the ship with ivy and the sound of flutes to make the pirates go mad and once again when they abandon the ship, Dionysus turns them into dolphins. The tale of him giving Midas his golden touch could also count as him being antagonistic since the act gives Midas nothing but suffering. So while he is much more friendly towards humans than your average god, Dionysus definitely has an antagonistic flare deep inside him and a place in the Forces of Nature and you can’t change my mind.
If Dionysus was a major antagonist or the big bad, I could see the plot going a lot like this - he comes home, causes some racket because he feels neglected, Viridi is happy about all of this and tries to control it while keeping him on this state of mind because who wants a happy party guy when you can have a chaotic deity, for a while she can do it but not for long before things snowball out of control and he becomes an unhinged god dead set on causing chaos. As for how he’s defeated, I can’t really come up with anything concrete on a fly but I don’t think Dionysus would be defeated the same way Hades was. And while he has the personality and presentation needed for a main antagonist, I just can’t see him as a pure evil villain like Hades was. He’s very much redeemable in my eyes and as for what happens to him after his defeat, I could see it leading to him mellowing down kind of like how Greek wine was watered down before it was used for anything - he’s still part of Forces of Nature and perfectly capable of doing all the same stuff he did as a major antagonist, but he would prefer partying with humans over destroying them. Viridi probably isn’t going to be all too happy about this, but it’s not like she’s going to be all that angry about it either.
Also fun fact at the end - in Dionysiaca, Ariadne laments if Eros and Anteros hate her because she had amazing dream about a wedding, only for Theseus to piss off and abandon her on Naxos. But as we all know, she would soon meet Dionysus who she does end up marrying so hey, the dream just wasn’t about the guy she thought she would marry. So if Dionysus isn’t going to be the big bad and the arc devoted to his villainy is relatively short, this could very well be used as a blueprint for a funny side story. Ariadne lamenting about Eros and Anteros would give Pit and Dark Pit valid reasons to be there.
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This is not a joke, by the way. The part of Underworld which wasn't either Elysium or Tartarus was commonly referred as "the House of Hades" in ancient texts.
As for someone else who could also work quite well as the big bad, that would be Persephone. You all know the drill with her - Hades takes her, Demeter panics and goes to search her, she causes the Mediterranean summer on the meanwhile and does a thing which looks awful without context Demeter sets a baby on fire which is supposed to make him immortal if you’re wondering, everyone else decides that enough is enough because endless Mediterranean summer is a nightmare, they beg for Hades to give her back and he does that but not before the pomegranate trick. Demeter causes Mediterranean winter to come, the trouble is solved, we have a nice functional couple in our hands and they continue to appear together when Underworld is relevant to the plot - which surprisingly isn’t all that often as only Adonis, Heracles, Theseus who loses his arse and friend in the process, Orpheus who loses his wife and will to live in the process, Odysseys, Psyche and Aeneas managed to go to Underworld and back. That’s not really all that much all things considered.
And before anyone says anything about seasons here - Mediterranean climate is a thing and it’s best known for its hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. One of these is much more preferable for plant life and in this case, it’s not summer. The more you know.
While there’s not much material of her when compared some other people in this list, I’d say there’s enough to create a frame for a character. In both Theogony and Iliad Persephone is described as dreaded and in Odyssey Odysseus assumes Persephone is the one sending ghosts to torture him while he’s visiting the Underworld. Just like Hades she has her fair share of vague epithets like Despoina (mistress) and Kore (maiden), presumably for the same reason as to avoid getting her attention. And while the etymology behind her actual name is rather muddied, the popular theories are that it means something in the vain of to destroy, to bring/cause death and she who brings destruction. And people have the gall to say she isn’t scary!
With this info and Hades’ characterization from KI:U in mind, you could very easily create a powerful pure evil villain who’s not going to be happy to learn what happened to her husband. As for why I believe she would be pure evil instead of redeemable one like Dionysus, it’s simply so she and Hades would match on their villainy. Considering how the big thing about Hades and Persephone is that they genuinely love each other to the point of possessiveness Pirithous and Minthe learned it the hard way, it would be weird if they hadn’t rubbed on each other during the time they were together. There’s an amazing chance for drama here and it would be dumb to ignore it when it has been given to us on a golden platter. And besides, unholy matrimonies are quite fun in fiction. Villains too have something they love.
As for attempts of villainy that don’t revolve around her being antsy at Pit about Hades, we interestingly need to look at the list of those she granted favors rather than those that had to deal with her wrath - or just one of them in particular, Psyche. As I’ve already mentioned she was one of those mortals who managed to go to Underworld and back and to make things better, she went to Underworld specifically so she could speak to Persephone. Persephone greets her with a nice cushion to sit on and a banquet, which Psyche declines because it’s a trap this is practically just the pomegranate trick on a larger scale. She tells why she came into the Underworld in the first place and Persephone fulfills her request, which is to say that she gives Psyche boxed death.
Coming to Underworld to speak to Persephone in particular definitely gives Psyche an edge compared to others when it comes to exploring Persephone’s potential villainy. But just why is Psyche such a big deal when compared to someone else like Orpheus, Adonis or Aeneas? Well, Psyche just happens to be the girl who would become the goddess of soul, a job that isn’t currently filled by anyone in KI-universe which Hades has kindly illustrated to us in KI:U by eating and repurposing souls for his own purposes. She’s also Eros’ wife with the addition of being the mother of his daughter and as we all know at this point, Pit is mostly inspired by Eros. While Persephone just being angry about her husband’s treatment makes a perfectly fine motivation, why not use the chance when it has been represented to us on a golden platter? Because while KI has a large cast of characters, most them are quite divorced from one another when it comes to their mythological counterparts interacting with each other. This subverts it since Persephone actually gets to interact with someone important to the figure Pit’s inspired of, which is more than almost anyone else in this list can say. The opportunity is there and there’s an open position for a new god, so why not take it?
Also if Persephone is going to be in a future game, I say I’m going to be so disappointed if there's not at least one pun about her epithet Kore. Like imagine if she was introduced on a chapter called Lost Kore or something similar and then the characters would just continue on making bad puns, annoying her. Wouldn’t be too out of line when it comes to this series humor.
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I know what I’m going to say next is probably going to be controversial, but anyway - if Ares ever makes an appearance, I don’t think he would be a bad guy and this is mostly due to how Pit has been characterized. I know that may sound weird at first but trust me, I do actually have a point with this.
So let’s start with something that may seem completely unrelated at first, these being a history lesson and some talk about over-demonization. We honestly don’t know much about how some city states worshiped gods and what specific versions of the myths they had because some people just couldn’t be bothered to write things down. Besides it being extremely annoying for me, this is also probably where the misconception of all of ancient Greece being either like Athens or Sparta came from, which just is completely false. However what is correct is that city states didn’t really like one another all that much and often engaged on stupid wars with each other, only uniting when there was a much bigger threat looming on the horizon - and with war comes propaganda and when only some people write things down, we’re usually left with really one-sided information when it comes to both good and bad. For one example of this coming off as hilariously hypocritical to me is Athena being worshiped under the epithet Areia in Athens. Areia is very obviously derived from Ares and means warlike, but Athenians had their heads so far in their arses that they came up with a reasoning that this version of the epithet is actually derived from areô or areskô, meaning to propriate or atone for. It’s most likely just some crap Athenians came up with to excuse the worship of Athena Areia, which I just can’t help but find pathetically funny - you can only blame your own propaganda for this, guys.
Historically speaking Ares most likely originates from Thrace since besides his popularity in there Herodotus notes in Histories that only gods from Olympian Pantheon that Thracians worshiped were Ares, Artemis and Dionysus, a really odd trio if I have to say so myself, it’s also said to be his birthplace in the myths. His name can be found on Linear B scripts, a writing system that goes as far back as 1450 BCE and which disappeared during the Late Bronze Age collapse around 1100 BCE. This informs us that he was part of the Mycenaean Pantheon in some way, most likely even then as a war god - it also informs us that he predates gods such as Apollo, Hades and Aphrodite who just don’t exist in Mycenaean texts at least in any recognizable forms. As for Ares during the Archaic, Classical and Hellenic period, especially when it came to places that weren’t either Athens/Attica or Sparta, I had to mostly rely on travelers who wrote things they saw down because some people just didn’t bother to write their own stuff down. Pausanias’ Description of Greece was especially helpful with the research, but what must be remembered is that he lived during 2nd century CE and that he was an outsider to these cultural aspects so how old some of this stuff here is and what the exact context behind it was, I don’t know and neither do others at least currently, one sure can hope so we know more in the future. Then again past is another country so maybe I'm setting my hopes way too high. When given anything in Linear A, people channel their best "I never learned how to read!"-impression.
As for how Ares’ Roman counterpart Mars came to be, it’s mostly due to syncretization. He probably was originally an agricultural god who was later associated with warfare once the Roman Republic started expanding. It’s possible that he was syncretized with an Etruscan deity called Maris, who was usually portrayed as a young boy whose caregiver was Menrva, a goddess who was later identified with Athena and Minerva. While this isn’t an universally agreed take, it’s still pretty interesting in context of Kid Icarus even if it wasn’t intentional or in the case of the take, true. Once Romans started to interact with Greek settlers from Magna Graecia Mars was syncretized with Ares, giving us the Roman god that looks familiar to us. One notable thing to keep in mind is that most of those Greek settlers in Magna Graecia originated from Peloponnese and what I’ve managed to find, they held Ares on much more higher regard than those originating from Attica did.
Okay, now when that has been cleaned out of the way, let’s go to the slightly more interesting stuff which is cult titles and epithets. Just like any other god he has his fair share of both, some examples include Teichesipletes (stormer of cities/walls), Hippius (horseman, of the horses), Theritas (beastly/brutish), Enyalius (warlike), Obrimus (strong/mighty), Thurus (violent/furious), Chrysopelex (of the golden helm) and Chalcocorustes (armed with bronze). I’m using Latin spelling of these to make things easier for myself if you’re wondering. But there’s two titles I specifically want to talk about, both them originating from Arcadia around Tegea because apparently all the cool stuff happens in Arcadia.
Interestingly also in Tegea there was a temple of Athena under epithet Alea. Pausanias tells that her priest there was a boy who held the title until he reached puberty, meaning that her priest was a child. Now this has nothing to do with Ares, but it’s pretty interesting when thinking of Pit. It’s not exactly same for sure, but could this mean that he would leave Palutena if he ever grew up?
The first one is Gynaecothoenas, meaning “Feasted by women” - and no need to worry, it’s nowhere near as sexual as it sounds. The story goes that Tegeteans were at war with Sparta and what decided the victory was an ambush by Tegetean women. Because of this, they offered Ares a sacrifice and celebrated the victory alone. The king of the Spartans at the time was said to be Charilaus, meaning that this victory must have happened around early-to-mid 8th century BCE, making this rather old cult title by the time Pausanias was writing. If only the research for everything else here could’ve been as easy as this.
The other and much more interesting title was Aphneius, meaning “Abundant” and under this title he was worshiped as the giver of food or abundance. The story behind this title goes that Ares fell in love with Tegetean princess Aerope and they had a child together, but she died during childbirth. Ares, doing his damndest to keep his son alive, managed to find a way for the baby to still have milk. Once he grew up, his son Aeropus then managed to do the thing that’s near impossible for a demigod, which is to live a normal life as the lord of Tegea. Now this would make a great character backstory…
… What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, history lesson is over! Finally! Now into the fun stuff, which is Pit’s characterization. It’s pretty common knowledge at this point that that Pit’s inspirations are Icarus, Perseus and Eros but when it comes to his characterization, Eros definitely takes the cake as the main inspiration. He is a fully realized character with multiple myths under his wing, unlike Icarus or Perseus.
Starting with Icarus, he isn’t even a character but a plot device. He’s a tool for Daedalus’ character development and that’s where his importance ends. He’s a miniscule part on a much larger narrative in which the most important part is the Minotaur, as it drives the plot for everything else in it. Icarus’ death serves to drive Daedalus’ character to the point which eventually leads into him killing Minos. He exists for a metaphor that pop-culture has blown out to be way more important than it originally was and that’s it.
As for Perseus… The guy is just really bland. While all the other heroes have their flaws like hubris and wrath, Perseus doesn’t really have any flaws. He doesn’t have that many achievements in either bravery or stupidity due to his method of dealing with things being the quickest way possible. This makes all of his battles extremely boring and because he’s one of the first demigod heroes in the mythological timeline, he doesn’t even get to interact with anyone who could be interesting. How many of you even know that he’s supposed be the founding hero of Mycenae? Not many, I’m sure about that. The most interesting thing about the guy his that he’s an ancestor to people such as Tyndareus, Alcheme, Heracles, Penelope and Telemachus but this doesn’t save him from being any less boring. He's that famous ancestor nobody gives a damn, so to speak. Pit certainly doesn’t get any part of his personality from a plot device or a blank of wood, only a literary reference and an antagonist.
Also can I quickly rant about the Angels in art vs. Angels in Bible meme because I hate it? For some reason most of times when people show art of these supposed angels, they aren’t even showing biblical angels but Erotes/Amores or Nike/Victoria instead. Erotes/Amores and Nike/Victoria are winged Greco-Roman gods, not biblical angels and using art of them proves absolutely nothing. Also you may have forgotten that there’s in fact hierarchy of angels and not all of them look identical. In Christian faith angelic hierarchy is composed of three orders, there being nine different kinds of angels - Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim/Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. Seraphim and Cherubim do indeed look terrifying and so do Ophanim, but Thrones are just bizarre because apparently they’re elderly carrying God’s throne, whatever that means also I’ve seen people use Ophanim and Thrones interchangeably which just makes the whole deal even bigger of a mess. And then there’s Dominions, who’re just really pretty winged people, proving that the idea of all biblical angels looking terrifying is completely false. I couldn’t find what Virtues looked like, but if they’re anything like Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels they’re most likely pretty winged humanoids. So yeah, surprising amount of biblical angels are indeed just pretty winged humanoids and only the highest order of them is clearly inhuman - so if you ever wondered why so many angels in art actually featuring Biblical angels have them looking so humanlike, now you know! It's not the highest rank's job to interact with the human world. Though in modern language, the term angel is simply used as an umbrella term which refers into a winged humanoid being regardless of which religion they originated from - so by using this as a frame, it would indeed make Erotes/Amores and Nike/Victoria angels along with some other winged gods such as Eos and Iris. This would also make Iris’ twin sister Arke a fallen angel because as punishment for siding with the Titans during Titanomachy, she was casted into Tartarus and her wings were ripped off so she could never escape from there. And then much later her wings are given as a wedding gift to Achilles’ parents, my god! You could actually a craft a plot out of this, hmmm. When it comes Pit and Dark Pit, I do think they’re angels only on this broad, modern way definition due to them being mostly inspired by the Greco-Roman Erotes/Amores and it’s possible that they’re only referred as angels because not only is the term Erotes/Amores is strictly associated with Aphrodite and only Aphrodite, it's also much more specialized term than just "angel". There has also been cases in art featuring multiple Nikes, but Nike's special role as the goddess of victory still prevents its use as a broad term. So I believe that in the case of KI, angel is just an useful umbrella term and nothing more.
So Pit’s mostly an Eros-expy when it comes to his personality and attributes, so what makes him so special when compared to many other Eros-expies in media? It’s actually a surprisingly small thing, but boy does it make a difference - on a thematic sense, Pit’s a total daddy’s boy and in this case the dad would be Ares. Most of the Eros-expies you see in media are completely divorced from anything related to Ares despite the guy being Eros’ dad but not in Kid Icarus, where we have a very blatant Eros-expy whose connections to his main mythological inspiration come almost exclusively from Ares. Just why is Pit doing Nike’s job? Because Nike happens to be Ares’ daughter according to some sources, like in the Homeric hymn dedicated to him. Why’s he a soldier in an army? Because Ares was a soldier and in some parts of Greece he was seen as a model of a perfect one who’s resilient and has physical strength that isn’t matched by anyone else. Apparently in Sparta they even had a statue of shacked Ares, supposedly as an attempt to keep the martial spirit and victory in Sparta I don’t know about you but for me this sounds like a very bad move, as if they were asking for the god’s wrath. Then again Athenians did the same thing with wingless Nike, so I guess it was fine in some twisted way. Why does Dark Pit exist? Because would you know it, there’s myth in which Ares and Aphrodite spot lonely little Eros and decide to create Anteros to be his brother, their only differences being hair, wings and weapons of choice Anteros has longer hair, plumed butterfly wings, golden club and lead arrows when compared to Eros' golden bow + both golden and lead arrows. Why does Magnus possibly being based on Meleager matter? Because would you know it, the dude’s sometimes a son of Ares. Why did he spend three years trapped inside a ring? It could parallel the tale of Ares and the giants, in which he spent a lunar year trapped inside a jar. Why does a dog help him during that section? It could still very well be reference Ares and the giants as Hermes and Artemis came to save him and one of Artemis’ sacred animals is a dog and Hermes is the god guard dogs. Also one of Ares’ sacred animals is dog as well, meaning that it could reference this as well. Honestly if Pit ends up having a divine parent and it’s not Ares, I call bullcrap.
So now when that has been made clear, what can writers do with Ares? Well if you take the myth of Poseidon wanting to settle things on court and give it to Pit, you end up losing one of his three major myths in which he’s wrathful towards someone odd I know, you’d probably expect a god of war to be much more wrathful but no, he’s not. The two ones that are left don’t really give all that great material either because in the first one, the target is Adonis and whether it even was Ares’ wrath that killed him is left open - in some versions it’s Artemis who wants him dead because she’s angry at Aphrodite for causing the situation which lead to the death of her hunter Hippolytus, sometimes it’s Apollo who still hasn’t forgiven Aphrodite for blinding his son Erymanthus, occasionally it’s Persephone of all people because she’s angry at Adonis for wanting so spend time with Aphrodite and at times it’s just an accident this all makes me think it was an elaborate coup. There’s always a reason for a divine being to be angry at Aphrodite because she just can’t help but cause trouble whenever she can. When it comes to the second one, it’s honestly pretty odd because not only does Ares forgive the man who originally was the target of his wrath, it illustrates how good of a parent he is on Olympian standards not that it’s a high bar but anyway - even better than the lady whose favorite boytoy he is, and she’s well known for being an overprotective parent.
The myth starts with this lad called Cadmus, who founds the city of Thebes, becomes its king and then kills a dragon residing on a nearby spring. Ares is furious about this since the dragon was sacred to him and apparently it’s sometimes his son, don't know how that works and as punishment, Cadmus has to serve Ares for eight years he got it easy when compared to Adonis and Halirrhothius. Once that service is over, Cadmus marries one of the two daughters of Ares and Aphrodite, this being Harmonia, the goddess of harmony. However not everything is all sunshine and rainbows because Hephaestus is still salty about how his marriage with Aphrodite went south and once he hears about a wedding, he prepares two gifts for the bride - first one was a beautiful necklace that could keep its wearer eternally youthful and the other one was a luxurious robe. But there was a catch, since both of these objects were cursed to bring bad luck to those who owned them. The bad luck eventually took its take on Cadmus’ mental state and one day he remarked that if gods fancied those serpents so much, maybe his life would be so much better as one. Gods fulfill this wish, he’s turned into a serpent and once Harmonia notices what has happened, she wishes the same. At one point Dionysus comes to the city, trashes the place and then gives them a propechy of this happening. Either way, Ares comes down to get the unlucky couple and then scoots them to safety in paradise-like Elysium, where they get to reside from now on.
You may already be familiar with this myth to a certain degree because Pokemon B/W could technically count as an adaptation of it. N is of course the most obvious parallel due to him getting his second name from Harmonia and Ghetsis takes a role comparable to Hephaestus. It all becomes even funnier because Harmonia hits some characteristics associated with yin - she’s passive, feminine figure who represents harmony which can only exist due to lack of action, an idea. It gains even more hilarity points thanks to existence of Adrestia, Harmonia’s sister and the goddess of revolt - she’s pretty much yang to Harmonia’s yin and to make things even more hilarious, she was often portrayed as a beautiful winged maiden. Now who would expect the goddess of revolt to be a lovely winged lady and the goddess of harmony to be at least momentarily a serpent?
While this is indeed an interesting myth, I don’t think it would make all great material for future KI-game, at least on its current form. The cast of KI doesn’t really get to interact with humans on a personal level, which is something this myth largely relies on. Honestly, I think the best way it could be referenced in game would be just Pit going to Elysium and meeting Harmonia still trapped on a draconic form. Considering the way Hades had been characterized in KI:U, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had just kept trapped Harmonia as a pet lizard in his garden. Maybe say something on the vain of him eating the husband’s soul or using it for something else to explain why she’s there all by herself. And if you want to make fun of the fact that the fourth wall might as well not exist, throw Adrestia in Elysium as well as a dragon as a nod to Pokemon. “The Twin Dragonesses of Elysium” sounds like it would make a very cool boss fight.
So a wrath or blessing, Ares gives us not much to work with either of those at least when it comes to him actually doing stuff - but that doesn’t mean we’re left with nothing because there’s three myths that I’ve glossed over quickly that could give us something, one just for comedy and two others actual plot. As for the one that’s just for comedy, it’s the one in which Sisyphus captures Thanatos. Ares is actually the one to save Thanatos from the tough situation since after it has continued for a month, he bursts into Sisyphus’ house, frees Thanatos and drags Sisyphus’ spirit to the Underworld… Only for him to come up with a sad story, which leads into Persephone letting him go only for it to backfire. Ares then disappears from the story, but it ends up with Sisyphus doing P.E for eternity in Tartarus once he dies for real as you all already know. This is pretty funny if a bit morbid myth, so it could be really easy to use it as a comedy goldmine if Ares ever interacted with Thanatos. Maybe have Thanatos trying to act like they’re friends, only for Ares to become more and more frustrated the longer Thanatos continues. Maybe once he mentions some of his escapades involving Pit, Ares finally decides that enough is enough and shows to Thanatos that mortals don’t call him by the name Thurus for nothing.
To the myths you could get some serious plot out of, the first one is very predictably the one in which he earns the title Aphneius. It just has everything a great character backstory needs on its original form, meaning that it could easily be inserted on the game with minimal changes and it could still work fantastically. It has a romance between a god and a mortal which ends up on a tragedy during a moment that was supposed to be joyous not because of any divine whim or I guess it could’ve been Aphrodite being salty because she has a habit of releasing her wrath upon Ares’ loved ones or relatives, usually grandchildren such as Hippolytus, but I think it would’ve been written down had the story actually said it was Aphrodite behind Aerope’s death, but because of something beyond their control. And instead of taking his frustrations on the baby like so many fathers in these stories do, he instead does everything to keep him alive and so Aeropus grows up to be fine ruler, if an unremarkable demigod. A writer could easily use Aeropus as a base for an interesting heroic character… And I guess you can already see where this is going. I already said that Ares would make the most sense as Pit’s divine parent if he indeed has one, so this would make an excellent backstory if that was the case.
I could see the timeline going something like this if this was true - Ares meets KI-universe’s equivalent of Aerope, the two have an adorable romance and are expecting a kid but something goes horribly wrong and Aerope dies, instead of letting Aerope’s family to take care of the kid Ares takes the baby with him because who knows what they would do to a winged baby so many myths have families abandoning their kids for dumber reasons than this so why wouldn’t he take the kid with him + this dude had 3-6 winged kids, one all by himself, so he definitely is the one hogging all the wing genes instead of Aphrodite, he tries single parenting but it’s hard when certain goddess is constantly shooting stinkeyes and paralyzing glares at his direction and it leads into him asking help from Palutena because a winged kid wouldn’t look too out of place among her angel minions. Considering how Palutena and Poseidon were capable of having a conversation in KI:U without any horrible atrocities being committed, I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to imagine her relationship with Ares being along your typical sibling-relationship rather than what Atheanians wrote down Ares and Athena were actually worshiped together in the town of Olympia under titles Hippius and Hippias, fun fact. You could also see it as a favor inspired by how Menrva took care of Maris. Anyway, this deal goes swimmingly for a while until the events of a certain other myth take place, which makes Palutena the sole caregiver of Pit - some unspecified amount of time later que the events of the original Kid Icarus and onward.
Fanfic time over, now to the other myth which could explain Ares’ absence - it’s the one about him and the giants. Long story short, there’s these two giants called Ephialtes (derived from the word meaning nightmare) and Otus (either derived from the word meaning insatiate, doom or horned owl) who’re sons of Poseidon because of course they are, goddammit Poseidon and a mortal woman Iphimedeia, they’re also called by the name Aloadae. They were planning to storm into Olympus to kidnap some wives for themselves, Otus wanting Artemis and Ephialtes wanting Hera what great choices, you complete imbeciles, absolutely amazing. So one day Olympians are surprised to find these two giants piling up mountains on top one another and as expected, there’s a big fight between them because no one comes to the Olympian home turf without facing the consequences. Once the two giants finally leave, the Olympians notice that someone is missing, that being Ares. Ephialtes and Otus probably realized way too late that kidnapping the god of war wasn’t the brightest idea and because letting him go wasn’t an option, they locked him inside bronze jar of which he tried to break out without success. It took around a lunar year for the giants stepmother to rat this out to Hermes, who went to save Ares with Artemis. While she distracted the giants and made them throw their spears at each other, Hermes lockpicked Ares out of the jar and so the three returned to Olympus.
So how could this myth be used while crafting a plot for a future game? I’d say it depends on whether writers want to use Ares as a full-blown good guy from the start or as an antagonist at first - and while I do still believe that Ares wouldn’t be a bad guy on his own free will, who said he’s going to burst out of that jar with that free will still intact? It’s not like we haven’t seen brainwashed antagonists in the series before, Gaol was a one.
So if we have Ares as an antagonist who’s brainwashed and crazy, how could the possible plot be handled? I could see it starting with the two giants resurfacing for something trivial but because they’re being destructive, it catches the attention of Palutena who sends Pit down to deal with them. The giants are dealt with in 1-3 chapters and one way or another Pit finds a large jar and breaks it, releasing the crazed Ares. Neither side recognizes each other and there’s possibly a boss fight which ends with Ares leaving and him becoming a wandering antagonist who causes racket when someone angers him. He most likely isn’t connected to any other antagonist or the main villain, but I could see them trying to recruit him without any success. As for how he was brainwashed in the first place, it could be the Aloadae wanting to get some use out of their prisoner and they decided to make him into an indestructible living weapon either to themselves or someone else - maybe it even was commissioned by the big bad because who wouldn’t want an powerful living weapon who’s loyal to you and only you. Either way it proves fruitless as Pit frees Ares from the mind control and slowly but surely he starts to establish himself as a good guy and an ally to Pit and Palutena.
This would actually go pretty well along with a certain another thing about Ares, that being helmet and symbolism connected to it - you see, mythological Ares was often portrayed to have something I like to call Meta Knight-syndrome. He was said to be a beautiful man with a lovely face, apparently much more prettier than any other male Olympian which could possibly explain why he’s Aphrodite’s favorite boytoy and he wasn’t particularly proud of it - just what kind of self-respecting enemy would take you seriously if you have a face of an angel? But that didn’t stop people from drawing or sculpting him without a helmet, and the result were indeed pretty my goodness is Ludovisi Ares a one beautiful sculpture. Just considering how the art we see of Ares can be categorized into him either with or without a helmet, writers could easily craft a narrative out of this - while wearing a helmet he’s under mind control and once freed he fights helmetless, allowing player to see him as who he really is. Helmet obscuring the face equals bad guy and once it cracks, we can have a very confused ally who cries over the fact that his baby is a big boy now, cries some more because there’s two of them now, may or may not join us to missions if there’s a two-player mode for story or just help with training and also maybe cracks dad jokes few times because humor is a valid coping mechanism. This all kind of reminds me how one other popular trend relating to Ares in art was to have him disarmed with young Eros playing with his armor. Cute!
Somewhat relating to the idea of Ares starting as a brainwashed antagonist turned ally once the helmet is smashed, I could see him having two different themes which illustrate the different natures of him. First one should be something brooding and terrifying, maybe something similar to Gustav Holst’s Mars, the Bringer of War which a really great piece of classical music that has inspired composers all around the world, even at Nintendo. If you haven’t heard it, you certainly have heard at least one song inspired by it metal genre can thank its existence on Mars, no kidding. As for the other theme, I think it should be a warm, calm and welcoming one with a hint of sadness, a complete opposite of the battle theme when it comes to the first expression. I’ve been recently listening a lot of TSFH and Hans Zimmer so if I had to say what kind of energy I’d want this possible theme to have, I’d probably say something between TSFH’s Friendship To Last from the demonstration album Nemesis, Final Days of Rome from album Unleashed and Now we are free from Gladiator. They all have this bittersweet yet beautiful feeling in them I love. Maybe there’s a shared leitmotif or something between the two themes connecting them into each other. Thurus and Aphneius were both titles for the same god after all, even if they were about wildly different aspects of him.
So just like with Apollo, I think there’s only one way to bring Ares into the franchise and in this case it would be making him Pit’s dad. It just makes way too much sense to me considering how Pit has been characterized that it would be odd if there wasn’t any connection between the two. And there’s even couple out-of-universe reasons why I don’t believe he would be the bad guy, the first and most notable being that the names Ares and Mars are already associated with morally righteous characters or at least characters we’re supposed to root for in Nintendo games. Sakurai certainly knows this, Marth has been in Super Smash Bros since Melee as a playable character and his name just blatantly is Mars in Japanese and his English name is just the Japanese way of saying Mars. You don’t bastardize the face of another franchise in your own one, especially if you’re both exclusives to the same company and the other franchise is much more bigger and important than yours is.
Since it would be hard to introduce Ares into the franchise, I would be completely fine with him not being featured in next game at all even though I would find it extremely disappointing. But if you’re not going to have him, at least have a reference to him in form of a weapon like Blade of Ares or Blade of Mars because would you know it, the legendary sword of Attila was also known as the sword of Mars. We’re probably never going to get actual swords in KI but blade has been used as a synonym for them, so there being a blade with said name could work just fine. That or finally add spear and shield combo into the game. But if you want to use the character who would work as the big bad the best into their fullest, maybe it would be a good idea to have Ares as well... All roads may lead to Rome, but not to the arms of Genetrix in this case.
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Call me crazy, but I think that Aphrodite would make the perfect big bad. Does she have that charisma and personality comparable to Hades? Yes she does, and unlike him she had all that in real life - one of her titles was Pandemos, quite literally meaning “of the people”. This made her extremely popular among people regardless who they were or where they lived, and how can you blame them since there’s not many people whom things such as beauty, love and sex don’t matter in some shape or form. Only Olympian who really matched her when it came to popularity was Zeus, but considering how he was the king of all gods it was to be expected that he’d outrank her on the popularity board. She was the most popular goddess in Greece by a longshot and that was also true for Venus in Rome, even if Mars took the place as the second most popular god after Jupiter. Due to her being the mother of Roman founding hero Aeneas, she was viewed as the mother of all Rome and it was used by people as a way to climb up the political ladder. The Julio-Claudian dynasty claimed to descend from her through Aeneas and it didn’t stop there - you can actually trace the ancestry of multiple mythological European figures all the way back to her! Some notable examples of this include Bladud/Blaiddyd, Leir of Britain, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia of Britain and supposedly even king Arthur himself last one is a bit iffy, but all the others are concrete, Aphrodite just flat out is their ancestor through Aeneas. She definitely has the charisma and presentation needed for a big bad because you simply couldn’t be able to pull of any of the previously mentioned things without them and if she could do it in real life, who says she couldn’t do it in a fictional world?
Pretty much only thing about Aphrodite that stays constant is her popularity because in the myths, her characterization is wildly inconsistent - I guess that something one should expect from a goddess who rules over matters such as beauty and love, two things one can never truly understand. However with that being said, there’s trends that stay with her regardless her ever-changing personality. She’s technically speaking an outsider to the Olympian family tree as her most popular and possibly the oldest one as well birth story has her as the motherless child of Ouranos, emerging fully formed from seafoam. Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus form the first generation of Olympians and Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes and Dionysus are principal members of the second generation. By adding Eileithyia, Persephone and Hebe into the mix you get the main Olympian family, making Aphrodite feel like even more of an outsider. She only starts to fit among the family when the third generation is added and speaking of said generation, part of it forms her attendants. The two most important ones are her sons Eros and Anteros, love and love requited, whom she let’s to do pretty much all they want as long as they stay loyal to her. However once that loyalty shifts, she can be quite cruel towards them which is illustrated in the myth of Eros and Psyche quite well - and I’m going to let Aphrodite herself to do all the talking, so here’s a quote from from Apuleius’ The Golden Ass:
‘This is a fine state of affairs, just what one would expect from a child of mine, from a decent man like you! First of all you trampled underfoot the instructions of your mother--or I should say your employer--and you refused to humble my personal enemy with a vile love-liaison; and then, mark you, a mere boy of tender years, you hugged her close in your wanton, stunted embraces! You wanted me to have to cope with my enemy as a daughter-in-law! You take too much for granted, you good-for-nothing, loathsome seducer! You think of yourself as my only noble heir, and you imagine that I'm now too old to bear another. Just realize that I'll get another son, one far better than you. In fact I'll rub your nose in it further. I'll adopt one of my young slaves, and make him a present of these wings and torches of yours, the bow and arrows, and all the rest of my paraphernalia which I did not entrust to you to be misused like this. None of the cost of kitting you out came from your father's estate.’
Let’s file that under yikes. She’s saying this to her injured child and it’s about a girl he loves more than anything but she can’t stand her. And it’s not like Aphrodite dislikes her for any valid reasons, it’s all because Psyche is pretty and Aphrodite took it as a personal attack. This temperament is a stable with her, be the fuss she causes either positive or negative. It goes well in the line of the idea that she was never a child and was born fully formed, as it’s pretty hard to learn those important childhood life lessons as an adult. And do you want to know the best part about this mess? After this massive rant she’s confronted by Hera and Demeter, two goddesses who in all intents and purposes should understand what she’s feeling right now and guess what they do? They call Aphrodite a hypocrite in her face because that’s exactly what she is. Why is she so angry at her child for growing up and experiencing romantic love for the first time when she spends most of her time either being in love or making others fall in love?
Let’s leave the sad lovers behind for a while and talk about Aphrodite in some other myths. There’s not many myths about her that don’t feature romance or sex in some form, but those few are usually about her competitive nature. There’s a myth about Hermes and Aphrodite participating on funeral games yes, this was a real tradition organized by Apollo and she won, her prize being a zither which she later gave to Paris. There’s also a myth about her and Athena having a weaving competition which ended on her losing miserably because as one might expect, challenging the goddess of weaving into a weaving competition couldn’t possibly end well. But since these kind of myths are about things out of her assignments, there isn’t many of them. Most of them are about her helping people with their relationship problems, some examples could be her giving Galatea life on Pygmalion’s wishes and gifting Hippomenes the three golden apples so he could win the race for Atalanta’s heart. But it’s also really easy to earn her anger, some notable immortals who were victims of her wrath are the titan goddess of dawn Eos (she didn’t want to share Ares so she cursed Eos to feel uncontrollable desire towards a new man every day), the titan god of sun Helios (he ratted out her relationship with Ares so she cursed him to forget everyone he ever loved romantically and then made him fall in love with princess Leucothoe - it ends badly and that’s how we got heliotropes), the muse Calliope (Aphrodite saw Zeus asking her help for covering the whole deal about who gets to keep Adonis as a personal attack and so she cursed her son Orpheus to have a horrible death in the hands of Dionysus’ worshipers - interestingly enough this has nothing to do with the fact that Calliope did also sleep with Ares or that she married Oeagrus who’s sometimes said to be Ares’ son, which would make Orpheus his grandson), a minor ocean deity Nerites (he refused to follow her into the land so she turned him into a shrimp) and Pan (Aphrodite and this handsome lad Acheilus had a beauty competition and Pan was the judge - he said Acheilus was prettier so Aphrodite turned the poor lad into into a hideous shark-creature and then cursed Pan to be hopelessly in love with the nymph Echo, the very same Echo who had her eyes on Narcissus). It could even be said that her blessings aren’t going to last for long and by using Hippomenes as an example once again, we learn that in one version of the story she turned him into a lion all because he didn’t pay his respects back to her soon enough. Guileful Aphrodite indeed.
Due to her temperament and general lack of caring about the consequences of her actions, Aphrodite has earned the ire of many gods - just look no further than Adonis, there’s four possible culprits who could’ve caused his death. Because of their contradictory natures, she’s often portrayed as not getting along with Hestia, Athena and Artemis and while there’s not much material for Hestia there’s multiple myths of Aphrodite causing unpleasant situations for Artemis and her hunters, Hippolytus being the shining example of this. The judgement of Paris establishes her relationship with Hera and Athena as a rocky one and the Trojan war has them full-on enemies on opposite sides, Athena even telling the Greek Diomedes during the war that he should avoid fighting literally any god with the exception of Aphrodite - it leads into him throwing a spear at Aphrodite, piercing her wrist and this leads into Aphrodite cursing Diomedes in return. Also in some records such as Cypria Helen’s mother is stated to be the goddess Nemesis, so add her into the list of gods Aphrodite has angered so it turns out the goddess who truly was Nemesis’ enemy was never the one from Blue Sea Star but rather the one who represented Morning Star, how ironic. Her relationship with the male Olympians are a bit better but not always, in fact she has no meaningful one with Apollo at all. Her marriage with Hephaestus was an unhappy one and only after they divorced were they both allowed to be happy, Hephaestus by marrying Aglaea and having a family with her and Aphrodite by continuing her many affairs without any worries. She did scorn Zeus when he tried to get it on with her, but otherwise there’s not much either good or bad blood between them. Besides Ares, Aphrodite did find both Poseidon and Dionysus handsome and had affairs with them, but it’s unclear if they resulted any children - Rhodos has Telchine Halia and Amphitrite as her other mother candidates, Peitho is almost always said to be a child of Tethys and Oceanus instead, the Charites were more often said to be children of Zeus and Oceanid Eurynome rather than Aphrodite’s and Priapus just has no parents set in stone because no telling was seemingly more popular than others. The birth myth of Hermaphroditus starts with Aphrodite telling Hermes to piss off because he doesn’t come even close to her standards, so he asks little help from Zeus to get what he wants and therefore I can’t imagine them having a positive relationship because of this. And after reading so many myths in which Aphrodite targets Ares’ grandkids for whatever reasons, I’m starting to think that he should start running away and quickly. Maybe she really did kill Aerope.
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Now returning to the love story with a happy ending which has the most famous victim of Aphrodite’s wrath, Eros and Psyche. It begins in a town with no name given oh, so this isn’t completely baseless in KI where princess Psyche (meaning either soul or breath of life) is having trouble socializing - the people have declared that she’s as if not more beautiful than Aphrodite and they have started worshiping her, denying normal human interaction from her. This obviously pisses off Aphrodite because it has been established that she has the self-control skills comparable to a toddler and so she orders her son Eros to make Psyche to fall in love with something hideous. While he agrees to do the deed, once he sees the beautiful Psyche he can’t help but to fall in love with her and then he chooses to defy his mother, crafting a plan on what to do next. In the meanwhile the loneliness is making Psyche miserable and that doesn’t go unnoticed by her parents, so they go to visit the oracle of Apollo for help. Considering how Apollo is still very much salty at Eros for cursing him to have the worst love life imaginable, his words aren’t all that comforting (another quote from The Golden Ass):
‘Adorn this girl, O king, for wedlock dread, and set her on a lofty mountain-rock. Renounce all hope that one of mortal stock can be your son-in-law, for she shall wed a fierce, barbaric, snake-like monster. He, flitting on wings aloft, makes all things smart, plaguing each moving thing with torch and dart. Why, Jupiter himself must fearful be. The other gods for him their terror show, and rivers shudder, and the dark realms below.’
She and her parents are obviously horrified by this, but they do as they were told to and Psyche is left alone on a cliffside where the god of west wind Zephyrus picks her up. He brings her into a lovely meadow where she takes a refreshing nap and after she wakes up, she sees a beautiful palace and goes in. She’s charmed by the looks of the place and then a disembodied voice tells her that she will be provided by many invisible servants while living in there. Once night falls she’s nervous to meet her husband, but after the first meeting she starts looking forward on their nights together. This continues for quite some time, but in the meanwhile Psyche’s family is starting to get worried about her and she’s in return worrying about them. Eros promises that her sisters can come to visit, but also tells her that she shouldn’t listen them if they sound jealous. Psyche agrees and Eros gets Zephyrus to scoot the sisters down to visit, but as expected the sisters get jealous really quickly and start to make her worry if what the oracle told about her husband was indeed true - what finally broke the camels back was the sisters suggesting that he’s planning to kill her and their unborn child. So when the next night falls, she has prepared herself a lamp and dagger to see if her husband really is a monster - once she draws the lamp near and sees that he’s in fact Eros himself, she’s awestruck and accidentally stabs herself with one of his arrows, making her fall for him even harder. But while admiring him some oil spills from the lamp on Eros, causing him to wake up and leave. Earlier in the story Psyche had said that she’d much rather die than throw this marriage away and she’s willing to live by that statement, so she goes to search Eros and atonement - meanwhile Aphrodite is beating her son in the head by talking how horrible child he is for daring to fall in love and then she imprisons him Genetrix knows nothing in this case. Hera and Demeter call her a hypocrite, which doesn’t ease her anger in the slightest.
Psyche eventually finds her way into a temple of Aphrodite and she calls her two servants to beat the poor girl to make herself feel better. After having a good laugh over Psyche’s suffering, she gives her another beating herself and then dumbs different kinds of grains on the ground, saying that she should sort them by night if she ever wants to see Eros again. Sometimes prompted by him, ants nearby take pity on Psyche and help her - predictably Aphrodite isn’t all too happy about this and she comes up with a much more deadlier task. By morning she tells her that she should get some golden fleece from the sheep living on a grove across nearby river. This disheartens Psyche because she knows gathering the fleas directly is a suicide mission, but she’s consulted by local river deity who tells her how the sheep behave and that instead of approaching the sheep at all she should just collect fleas caught on foliage. She does as was told and Aphrodite becomes even more enraged, telling her to go gather water from river Styx. While she finds her way to Styx without much hassle, she’s overwhelmed by the hopelessness of the situation - luckily for her everyone has come to the conclusion that Aphrodite is being horrible and Zeus sends one of his eagles to help Psyche to get the water.
At this point Aphrodite’s patience is running thin and she gives Psyche a box, tells her to go into Underworld to get a part of Persephone’s beauty and come back with it because this whole deal of torturing her little daughter-in-law has been so hard for her and she needs to look good while going to the divine theatre. After being consulted by a tower on how to actually get into the Underworld without dying, she does as was told and and it doesn’t take long for her to be greeted by Persephone. After refusing to fall into an obvious trap, Psyche told her why she was visiting her and Persephone agreed to help her without hassle - but after returning into the mortal world, Psyche’s curiosity took the better of her and she wanted to see that beauty herself. Turns out it was Stygian sleep fancy words for boxed death and Psyche drops on the ground like a rock, but at this point Eros has escaped his imprisonment goes straight to her. He draws the sleep back into the box, gently pricks her with an arrow to wake her up, the two have a heartfelt reunion and Eros brings Psyche to Olympus, asking Zeus if the two can now get properly married. Everyone agrees, Zeus tells Aphrodite to stfu and they give Psyche ambrosia, making her the goddess of soul. The two have a glorious wedding and some time after it Psyche gives birth to their daughter, either named Hedone or Volupta(s) depends if it’s a Greek or Roman telling the story, the personification of pleasure, joy and delight. I personally prefer the name Volupta, it rhymes much more nicer with rest of the family.
And since we’re at here, that gorgeous painting by John William Waterhouse that everyone thinks has Pandora wearing a pink dress? It’s actually Psyche opening the deathly beauty box. Don’t believe me? Just check Psyche opening the golden box and you see who’s right. He however did create an equally pretty painting about Pandora though.
So now when the story time finally over, what can we do with all of this info? Well, it does tell how perfect of an antagonist Aphrodite makes for an Eros-expy. She has power over him and isn’t afraid of abusing it when she feels betrayed. Compare this to the tales of Icarus and Perseus which really don’t have a main antagonists - Icarus has no personal stakes in the story because he’s a plot device rather than a character and from Daedalus’ point of view, the main antagonist is Minos but mythology doesn’t really treat him as all that horrible person. After he died he became one of the judges of the Underworld and probably sent Daedalus to Tartarus once he died, which illustrates a one seriously big missed opportunity which should’ve been used if Icarus truly was that important inspiration for Pit. Instead it just makes it even more clear how irrelevant Icarus and the narrative about the Minotaur are to KI. As for Perseus, I already talked about how Medusa is a mcguffin while alive and the other ones aren’t much better. Polydectes, Phineus and Acrisius are all dealt with so quickly that they don’t really matter - his only fight that isn’t solved by a handwave is against Cetus and it’s just a sea monster sent to kill Andromeda by Poseidon. Poseidon’s antagonistic potential is a topic I’ve already discussed and the already mentioned possible fusion of the myths of Poseidon sending a sea monster to harass Troy and Ares’ trial covers the idea of Pit saving a girl from a sea monster which is bit funny because in the former one, oracle tells that king Laomedon should let it eat his daughter Hesione to get rid of the monster, so that doesn’t really add anything new here. But with Aphrodite as the big bad it could be rather easy to craft two different but overlapping plotlines, one with a main goal and the other with a personal one. Aphrodite always was Eros’ biggest personal antagonist who treated him as a trophy child and didn’t take it well when he stepped out of the line - how dare her little doll grow up, behave like a man and then decide that he wants to move on to build a family of his own, which now takes the priority over her? Him choosing Psyche over his mother is his defining myth, with the addition of it being the myth in which he finally gains the respect of the other gods. Besides having its message about heart and soul being capable feeling and creating joy while together, it also functions as a coming of age story for its main couple - and when those stories have an antagonist, things tend get really personal.
So going back to those possible two plotlines and goals, what could they possibly be about? I’d say that the main plot line shouldn’t really be based on any myth but instead it should take advantage of her popularity among ancient people, more so when it comes to Venus and Rome. Even as a city, Rome was massive - by the time of 1st century CE it had reached the population of million people, being the first city in history to do that. And this was only the capital of the empire! Rome wasn’t build in a day indeed. Venus wasn’t worshiped by the thousands, her popularity was in the millions during this time period. That’s a lot of power for one goddess and as we all know, too much power can easily hit one in the head - especially when remembering that we’re dealing with a Pantheon composed entirely of manchildren. Give Aphrodite an empire that looks up to her, doesn’t do anything without a last world from her and you’re set with a supervillain who has it all from power to personality. In this case, the reason why Aphrodite should be stopped is that she’s a conqueror who rules by fear, saying that if she was ever abandoned she would curse them and take away all the blessings she has ever granted, leading her empire to ruin. If you want to make her feel even more villainous, don’t even give her an army of her own like Hades and Viridi had but make her use the people of the empire she rules over. There’s nothing more evil than using people who look up to you for protection for your own selfish goals. What those selfish goals may be, writers can be creative with them - maybe she wants to be viewed as the supreme goddess above everyone else, maybe she wants everyone to worship her and isn’t afraid to use extreme measures to get what she wants, maybe she wants to wipe out everyone who could be a threat to her, everything goes. Considering her role on the judgement of Paris, her causing a war or chaos for selfish reasons isn’t out of character. But whatever her reasons may be, there’s going to sparks in the air and fights of massive proportions. Ares may be Pit’s father but Aphrodite definitely isn’t his mother, so she’s not going to show him any sympathy or kindness if he gets in the way of her plans.
This would be the plotline that’s more on the background and focused on Aphrodite’s relationships with Palutena, possibly Ares and the other gods, the main goal is their goal. It’s why they want her defeated. If Palutena is anything like Athena, she can’t get along with her and she understands that allowing Aphrodite to do whatever she wants will have catastrophic consequences even if she herself couldn’t care less about those. If Ares was featured on a future game along with Aphrodite, their relationship would probably be focused on how they feel betrayed by each other. The myth of her cursing Eos illustrates how she sees their relationship open only from her end so she’s very likely still angry at him for leaving her, be it for Aerope or something else entirely. If you want to go with the depressing idea of her being the one who ordered Aloadae to kidnap him, she probably feels even more betrayed because even under mind control he didn’t come back to her like she had anticipated. And if it’s indeed her favorite ex-boytoy’s son with some other lady who has been foiling her plans, her blood quite possibly starts to boil. Ares’ feelings of betrayal would likely stem from Aphrodite trying to kill his child for no other reason than sheer pettiness, along with orchestrating his kidnapping and torture just so she could get her boytoy back. Other gods probably want her stopped for similar reasons as Palutena, maybe with some selfishness rippled in - the consequences of her actions are hurting them and because she doesn’t care, something must be done to stop her. For example, Viridi could possibly oppose Aphrodite because she doesn’t care about how she’s hurting nature on her attempts to viewed as the supreme goddess. Not to say that Pit doesn’t also care about this goal since he’s an empathetic youngster, but I think that the more personal plotline should be his and it’s goal his main motivator during the story.
As for the plotline with the more personal goal, the myth of Eros and Psyche makes the perfect outline for it. Aphrodite is already the main antagonist of the tale, so there’s no need for any massive changes when it comes to her jealousy and want to dispose Psyche. The tasks she gives to her could also be mostly unchanged, if adjusted with something that makes gameplay more immersive assuming we would get to play as her like we got to play as Dark Pit in chapter 22 in KI:U. However what needs to changed is Aphrodite’s relationship with Pit, how he and Psyche first meet and how their relationship is evolves from that point onward since following the myth to a T isn’t an option in this case. I could see Pit and Psyche’s first meeting being a result of Aphrodite’s wrath manifesting on a relatively harmless way, meaning that she already knows about this new, pretty princess that challenges her status as the supreme goddess and she’s not having any of it. As for how her wrath could manifest, it could be a your garden-variety monster attack in the first chapter disguised as someone else’s troops so no one would suspect it was her behind it. The sheer weirdness of it could catch Palutena’s attention so she sends Pit down to investigate it and to get rid of the monsters. While getting rid of them, he meets Psyche in one way or another - maybe she’s trying to escape from them or she’s trying to fight against them, either way Pit comes to her aid and they befriend each other. Maybe she’s featured on a few following chapters as minor character doing something on the background, giving them more possibilities to interact and become better friends - in these chapters Apollo could possibly be introduced along with reintroducing Poseidon, to foreshadow the roles they would play later on. What side plots would these chapters have, it could anything - maybe Pit meets Ares for the first time at this point of the story, but he’s not freed from mind control just yet.
At this point Aphrodite could be getting more angrier but she doesn’t want to out herself as the main villain yet, so she crafts a plan that would eventually lead into Poseidon hating Pit into the point of him wanting to take things into the court. Maybe she tricks Poseidon and Apollo into becoming mad at Psyche’s home city for whatever reason, like how they got angry at Troy in mythology proper. If this was the case, I think that she would keep Poseidon in the dark while letting Apollo fully know what’s going on - if Poseidon doesn’t know the true reason why Aphrodite wanted his sea monster to terrorize the city and why it was killed, he would be much more enraged when it happens. I’ve already established reasons as for why Apollo would dislike Pit, so he probably wouldn’t really need any prompting to cause Pit suffering since he’d still want some payback from that embarrassing noodle incident. So Poseidon sends his sea monster to terrorize the coastline and once citizens start asking help from the gods, Apollo lets the hate flow through him and offers nothing useful - instead he tells them to take the Hesione/Andromeda-approach and let it eat someone to calm it down oh look, it’s a reference to Perseus that’s not about Medusa for once, nice. In this case, it would be Psyche and Pit’s of course not going to let his friend die so he goes to save her, be it with or without Palutena’s approval. In my head I did imagine this as a chapter that would work amazingly with multiplayer, starting with Pit and Dark Pit distracting the monster, then Pit freeing Psyche and them setting out to kill the monster before it causes more harm. Player 2 would have to deal with changing characters on the fly but if Pittoo and Psyche had similar weapons, I don’t think it would be too distracting since they’d be playable on different parts of the chapter. But once the monster has finally been defeated, the joy is cut short by Poseidon interrupting and wanting vengeance for what happened to his monster, ending the chapter. The plot would immediately catch on the next one and what I could see happening on this chapter is that Pit’s taken into the court by Poseidon and he’s not allowed to have anyone defending him, but Dark Pit and Psyche go into his defense anyway Pittoo being the playable character. After a long and treacherous journey they find they way to the divine courthouse and tell their point of view on the events, which gives Pit the sympathy of the court and he gets away scot-free. Poseidon and Apollo may face on consequences at this point and they may even rat Aphrodite out on a subtle way, but the main group doesn’t catch it.
The following few chapters would be breathers before the plot kicks in again, Aphrodite ousting herself as the big bad in one way or another. Maybe she has sent her troops to attack some place, possibly in search for Ares since he would make a great ally on this brainwashed state. Much to her dismay he declines her offers, he and Pit fight and the helmet is smashed, but Palutena recalls Pit before anything can come out of it. The fight continues for couple following chapters, Palutena and Aphrodite are gradually getting more and more mad at each other and maybe she comes down to face Pit herself because the little brat getting on her way is starting to be really annoying now this would make a pretty cool unwinnable boss fight, but Ares comes just in time save him - que silent, cold anger between them, confusion from Pit and Palutena’s end with some extremely awkward reunions and explanations.
What could follow from here is another set more lighter chapters focused less on Aphrodite’s plans to become the supreme goddess and more of the cast getting to know each other better - Palutena and Ares reconnecting, Ares trying to form a meaningful relationship with Pit and Dark Pit, Pit and Psyche becoming better friends, etc etc. Not to say Aphrodite has given up on her plans - she’s still doing things on the background, but it’s implied that what little chaos she currently causes is serving as distraction to hide her bigger plans. Persephone could possibly be introduced at this point of the story, making it clear that she knows about the events of KI:U and that she’s going to get her payback on what happened to Hades in one way or another, possibly drop an implication that she’s working together with Aphrodite. But since everything good comes to an end and so do the breather episodes, plot would go on with Aphrodite kidnapping Pit and getting Persephone to throw him into some dark part of the Underworld, maybe even to Tartarus. And now we get into the fun part of the myth, Psyche’s four tasks!
I could see the plot separating into two directions from here on, first one being Pit’s great prison escape from wherever Persephone threw him into and the second one being the titular four tasks. The prison escape is more focused on traversing the Underworld and Pit trying get out of there while Persephone throws all kinds of obstacles at him - maybe it ends with a ghost gauntlet, since Odyssey illustrated that she can summon ghosts. Arke would make a pretty great boss fight here as well, since she could be classified as a fallen angel. Maybe her motive for going after Pit is to get his wings for herself as a mean to escape, since her own ones were ripped off as punishment for siding with the Titans. But since Pit’s a brave boy, this isn’t enough to stop him and he eventually finds his way out so there could be reunion and a final battle against Persephone.
While Pit’s great prison break is going on, Aphrodite makes an empty promise to rest of the cast that she can give Pit back, with some conditions - but just like in the myth, all she actually wants is Psyche’s death so the danger factor is amped up to eleven. I honestly don’t know how the one about sorting grains could be handled I guess it could work as a puzzle chapter, but the rest work rather well without massive changes. The one about gathering te golden fleas could now take a more direct approach, the one about getting Styx’s water is now missing the helpful eagle and the Underworld trip is largely same with the exception of Persephone not being cooperative. This would be the point where the two plotlines merge together and they take Persephone down together before leaving from the Underworld. Psyche falling for Stygian sleep in this version is up to debate, I say it could work either way. It mostly depends on when she’s going to wake up - if it’s too early it might as well not matter, if it’s after the final battle I’d say that’s too late.
As one might expect Pit’s escape makes Aphrodite furious and she challenges him into a one final battle - that brat has stolen her favorite boytoy from her, satisfaction of getting rid of the annoying princess and also her chances to become the supreme goddess way too many times, she has reached her third-act breakdown and at this point she has nothing left to lose anymore. Ares isn’t going to come back to her, Psyche is not going to die and the people under her empire have started to become less dependent of her, the last thing she can do is get rid the troublesome kid that brought her into this situation. Of course Pit ends up winning, sending the goddess to Aether to hang with Hades where they can now together sulk over the fact that they got defeated by an angel. Pit triumphantly returns to Skyworld where Palutena and others have been waiting, there’s a joyful reunion between all of them and if one wants to follow the original myth at this point, Psyche could gain divinity or immortality for her bravery for standing against Aphrodite as a mere mortal. People have become immortals for dumber reasons in Greco-Roman mythology, so at least Psyche doesn’t become immortal merely because one god thought she was pretty. Have some little banter at the end between the cast and then credits can finally roll in.
When thinking of some nice bonus content, maybe there could be a secret ending player can unlock after beating all the chapters on a certain difficulty, which confirms that everyone is doing well. If we have to deal with another long hiatus that could last for decade or two or eternity, best the game can offer is closure. Pit doesn’t have to a married man with a daughter, but at least show that he’s doing well and ready for a new adventure or that he has had many of those under his belt at this point. All one can do is hope at this point that there will be a new adventure or a happy ending that ties all the loose ends together. Praise Volupta, maybe one day dreams can come true.
Welp, this turned out to be much more longer and heavier than I originally expected! If nothing else, that would make an interesting fanfic. Anyway, I think I made my point clear - Aphrodite has everything a big bad needs from power to personality and motives to harass the already existing KI-cast. Even if you don’t want to go with the ideas I came up with, there’s so many myths to use and modify in which she could fill the role of the main villain. And just because there’s heavy themes it doesn’t mean it has to be without humor - I mean, there’s a lot of heavy implications in KI:U yet the game still manages to be a comedy gold mine despite those heavy implications. Writers just need to know when to be serious and when levity is needed, good pacing is something that every great story needs. For some reason I could definitely see there being a gag in which Pandora has regained her true form, only for Aphrodite to snatch it away because Pandora was living on borrowed beauty anyway and she’d like to have it back.
Though I must say that I’m proud of all of these plot bunnies I came up with. It was a fun journey to me to research, overthink, adapt and mix myths while trying to imagine who could be the next possible big bad and what the plotline relating to their villainy could be. And I came out wiser from it, so I really can’t be angry over it even if it took so me so much longer than I originally planned. I never thought that me wanting to write about a Nintendo game would make me read this much about history and philosophy yet here I am. Also now when I’m thinking of it, that last one would tie a lot of threads nicely together if they had a plotline like it on a future game - Poseidon gets to be an antagonist, Apollo gets to be an antagonist, Persephone gets to be an antagonist and Aphrodite gets to be the villain. It’s so nice when things work out this well together! Dionysus is left out though, but I guess it’s not all that bad because having too many antagonists would make the plot feel overly complicated.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my thoughts of who could replace Hades as the big bad. You can’t change my mind on Aphrodite being the best possible candidate but if you disagree with me, who do you think it could be? I’m always open for discussion so feel free to talk with me. Now there’s only one question remaining on my head - if a future Kid Icarus game had Arachne, would she be a jorōgumo?
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incarnateirony · 7 months
madam why are you pretending you can't see the hits you're letting others that have bound into this crazy train take. If pyramidhead changes his sunglasses is he still a triangle
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Yo cocaine bear, you're doing the scared deer thing still.
but yeah u right. badass. not like we ran into someone making claims at tyr in the past and it's not like that doesn't look like my old art from 2010, but with a PONYTAIL, of an adjacent but not the same entity, but ok.
Cowardly Maia. What are you doing. Why are you still running, this is beyond embarrassing to watch through any set of eyes at this point.
I dunno, maybe I've just toasted her this bad while dragging around. To remember something you must forget somehting else etc etc and boy I've made her remember some funny shit but she refused to look at it, maybe she truly has lost half her memory at this point.
yall really mixed up the recent hemsworth pushes with Young King Ash. I'm on the floor.
Notice we're at "my interpretation of X".
You're... almost there? But you're still fucking up and locked on things outside of yourself. And slapping random names on random things. "Who's this guy? IDK. I'm getting vibes something is wrong with his hand. Must be tyr?" No see you're sticking your weird interpretation of betraying fenrir and loki over an adjacent thing you're locked on, while wanting to be king, and you like. you guys literally cannot even compute what I'm explaining to you
Maam that is literally triangle head Faux Young King Ash As Interpreted By A Traitor That Tried To Chain Down Fenris And Got Their Hands Bit Off.
Guys. Why is it so hard to teach you to hop off of me and my shit and like, look inside yourselves instead of grabbing at random thoughts outside to pull in and slap a nametag on
Maams and such, i just didn't know how to fucking draw hair like 15 years ago. Thanks for the ponytail? Weird I drew this guy at so many ages with different appeals but all connected in the deviant bios.
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You deadass stapled my recent use of Hemsworth focus, shoved Thor up his/my ass, and decided it's Tyr while not wondering why you're drawing so many sunglasses lately.
Maam how did you all fuck up and get Thor involved as part of your crazyhouse disco. how did you not notice it was the same glasses shape as your last picture, but with different colored lenses, both of which I've owned?
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Otherwise that's just you fucking up the weather still and not looking at it.
Shealyn, what part of, "I literally am the person from the ancestral memory line that leads to these entities primarily, of which are directly mythologically linked in any old language, and when I figured my shit out, the two crossed, and that's me, that's my self, and Coyote is part of an old coping shdow, and you got everything all tangled up, you know those are my goddamn air jordans" is not fucking clicking. Coyote x Young Ash. Work it out, retard. "Shadow vs self are slightly different, but it's Roughly That Guy."
You fucked up and pulled on shadows again to spin away from "IDK WHO THIS GUY WITH SLIGHTLY CURLIER HAIR AND MOVED LEOPARD SPOTS TO MY LAST DERP IS, IDK HIS NAME BUT IM PROUD OF HIM" being obvious as fuck and tried to grab somewhere else while bound and now your fuzzy fucked trianglehead is back. Great work. You shoved Thor up ash's ass as a pokemon card but if I yell that I'm Tyr or whatever I could get you morons to believe anything.
Deadass tried the double order costco lenses on of the same pair in two lenses and didn't notice.
Shealyn, fucking. Big Brain time. If Hermes used to be Pan, and it's all a very funny ancient rumpocky, and there's Young and Old Hermes, who is also somehow Pan's father because it's all fucked up and misheard over time and split over anthropology
If. If someone mastered themselves, through work, including their own shadows, and acknowledged themselves independent of it from a family line they've explored across time and inner journey, but as part of it, what the FUCK do you think that Persona~ would look like, fuckface?
OH THIS ONE. UM. INTERPRETING TYR. BASED ON??? IDK MAN I started thinking of chris hemsworth real hard the other day for some reason. weird.
Fuck me running we really are back in 2011, and you're turning every moron around you into Czar.
Maam that's me fucking around with Mad Max Fury Road. Maam.
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Great. Now you've got Brackish malfunctioning based on what I/we shit into twitter en masse just because NEITHER of you can look at what Shealyn has done. Great work yall. That is in fact a pyramidhead. IDK HIS NAME BUT IM PROUD OF HIM!!! USERNAME: UNKNOWN BUT AGE 37 NOT 55
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you put his head in the triangle and everything. I'm fucking impressed for all the wrong reasons.
there's almost a dick speight vibe in there somehow too, and like. I aint been shy about using that, I even used it to cheese the reaper for you last night, you ungrateful cunt. Guess you morons took the mined parts and threw it into your favorite unassigned pyramidhead.
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Damn it's DickSpeightChrisHemsworth Unknown with Worst Add For Newbie Explorers Evil Smile shoved over all my old shit, they really just. be doing that now.
Whatever that shit was about immortality or generations, a big, big fuckin part of me she's helped rupture apart doesn't care about that anymore. I just can't stand looking at the monster I accidentally turned her into, and she refuses to unbecome. And that echos back for generations.
Deadass maam you're fucking the weather up so bad I walked into work with all my buddy reflector actual worker pals talking about how literally nobody could sleep last night past maybe 3 hours and all cross-hearting everything in at least fives. "We're all surviving on caffeine at this point, it looks like." "Did the unable to sleep train hit us all." "I am in the same boat." "Train. Plane. I don't know, but it hits." "Happy Caturday."
Why are you willing to sacrifice so much to avoid what you know is true? Or is it you just ENJOY actually torturing me and him? Damn the costs of everything around you? It's that Solstice part in you that you won't look at that is really getting her rocks off on this while Vera runs and hides, that's it, isn't it. You. Crazy cocaine bear lady doing the deer in the headlights run away shit.
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xoxo. Remember that thing of you breaking your moon circles and that turning up like a year ago in the Childe concert with the disco lights? Yeah. The one the windrunner immortal struggles accounts were tweeting screaming the need for? Yeah. Okay? Sweetie? I'll give you some custom sacred geometry. While you do your unsquared circles and triangles off center, I'm Xing the O. I'm over it. And over you. On every level.
The tweet of hermes is your phantom X's name, eating our wings to keep us tame, and you continue that insists including you on us. So face yourself, and it, and say his name, and confess his face, and what you have done wrong, or this train will keep going, and since you all insist on making me your god against my will, I've given you all the honor of having friends to play with for life until you hop off.
Disturbing the peace, look into those eyes you used to confess your fears of and run from the computer from a simple shot from the same nonsense rumpocky shit you tried to turn into divine offering revelation from secondhand stories as my ex, as we pull down any hat, mask or lens, now tell me about the things you were laughing about behind my back.
When I'm with my SEES, you can't copy and paste, hun. Cooking here thinking up music fr.
brackish, keep reposting your binding ruin under "heathenism". I'm sure that's helping you win this collective unconscious battle after she fucked up and summoned Michael on her own serpent that I warned you about a week prior as the flaming sword guarding my D, into 4 noobs. Oh, wait.
also i meant rune, but really, no I didn't.
Go ahead honey.
Keep posting and defending her after Ash The Pyramidhead Remix With Receipts. after man in the moon guy on red journey night, and it's just the same guy as my shadow before with the Ash The Pyramidhead sunglasses. Weird, almost like there's something related to the first time Shealyn tried to rip out my eye, and almost like her black serpent addiction is generational and timeless in the collective awareness.
Probationers following a Neophyte in idiot circles even after the Neophyte was proven to be channeling literal anime octopus jibberish and has run from every belief she has owned into a comedic long-forecast punchline she isn't even brave enough to explain to you. A lot of them, actually.
Just get off my dick. Not my fault yall are too lazy, blind, and misled that this is happening to you, she signed herself to that karma against my will, and I am attempting to disband your cult to me. I am a man. Do as thou wilt as a great god can, but I am a man, and I reject all of you, and now, so do the millions. 200 million observers, and literally millions of active Workers, whether they realize they are Working or not. Because that is how this Works. You literally cannot win this. Any of you. No matter how hard you dodge, delude, reblog, or belief, you keep digging your pits deeper, due to the sheer refusal to abandon your cult to my dick that has her father and sister buiding toilet paper tartarus to my towering dick, with hashtag, unspoken games. lol very funny right shea? like the spinning stove or the mascot post about highschool or every single trap you have walked into thinking your cat is channeling goddess of your pantheon you've fled to today.
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