#i'm envious
cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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Karma's a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you it's not?
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a-c-u-l-o-s · 2 years
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Prof. Artemis Fowl II would most certainly show up for lectures rocking this fit.
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moonliched · 11 months
Lich… I got pranked called at work… by a cat. A summary:
Me, answering phone: “thank you for calling work place, this is Me, how can I help you?”
Phone: ….
Me: hello?
Phone: *muffled sound of meowing*
Me, confused but delighted: oh, Kitty!!
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what a blessing!😭😭 agskdhsjdksjjskssksk what a way to elevate the workday! i like the initial pause, a very polite cat weighing his words! i wonder how it managed that tho :0
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witchstone · 1 year
In the UK, the minimum wage for someone over 23yrs old is about £10.40 an hour. Generally, a paperback book costs £9. So it's less than one hour's wage for a book :/
god that's such a stark difference
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mss-eclipse · 2 years
Praying for apocalypse rn because I like to live in this school
Its like the pizza plex in fnaf sb
Thats how fucking big and cool it is
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xxx-sparkydemon-xxx · 11 days
Ignore me, I'm just typing in a bunch of out of context tags becuase I forgor the context I made them in
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noidretina · 2 years
Them: Well you can't just not want sex
Me, an ace, trying to find a way to explain in a way they'll understand: I'd be more likely to be a lesbian than to be straight
Them: But you're a guy
Me, a closeted trans person, actively suppressing dysphoria: Exactly
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melancholic-bats · 2 years
It's always someone I went to high school with getting engaged and never me getting engaged😤
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Lately, I've found it very difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. So I've come up with a plan. Here it is:
I made a not at all weird little cut-out of Holmes from the 'What is it, a fire?!' scene. I am going to put it up on the shelf next to my bed and put my phone behind it. When my alarm goes off, I will have to sit up to reach my phone. I will then have to look at cardboard Holmes and I will a) be so amazed by his beauty b) have a 'do it for him' moment c) be so baffled by my own silliness that I will immediately be wide awake and get out of bed. Wish me luck.
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reimeichan · 1 year
oh sure when actors playing a character with DID or otherwise acting as multiple people in one body switch between alters on screen they're "such a talented actor" and you "get chills" but when I, actual diagnosed DID system, switch in front of you, it's "scary and unnerving" and you "no longer know how to talk to me".
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galaxyedging · 4 months
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I never get envious of women kissing Pedro. Obviously, I know he's not 'mine', so how can I be?
Then this gorgeous bitch goes and licks his neck. I am seething.
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fandomgirl002 · 21 days
Has no one tried to guess how much Aiden gets as allowance?
From what I've found on Amazon, the average price for a 2 pack of solar powered light panels is around $30, and since we can see about 16 lights around the interior of the graveyard, they should be $240.
After searching for combat suits on Amazon, the price can range from $45 to $100, so lets go with $72.50, and the price for all six of them would be $435.
So the grand total is $675, which is a lot, but we need to account for the fact that Aiden was saving up for a few weeks before buying all of those things. If we say he waited 4-6 weeks, it would average to 112.50 - 168.75 per week, not even including the fact that he might not have spent his whole allowance.
Either way, that kid is insanely rich.
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megalomari · 11 days
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I started reading The Silmarillion some days ago
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the desire to be needed by someone, to be so carnally craved, that's the kind of devotion i want.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
The thing that sucks sometimes about transition envy is that, I guess you almost expect yourself to "grow out" of it the more you transition. I used to feel so much envy, and it was something I hoped would stop once I transitioned medically, and while it's absolutely less frequent... man, when I experience transition envy, it's still just as bitter a cocktail as I remember. It can be hard to move past that, and almost... resent the other person/s, but what helped me is knowing that the person you're envying isn't specifically trying to make you, personally, feel like absolute shit. Just as you can't always help what you are envious about in other trans people, they can't help that they have traits or transition experiences or opportunities you do not have, you know? And absolutely, it sucks. But it's something that helped me because then it's a reminder that the world isn't Out To Get Me, you feel?
I think a lot of us can relate to the experience of transition envy, and it's shameful to admit to it, I suppose. It's hard to admit to envy in general, but it's important to not be judgemental about yourself. Your transition is as unique and beautiful and worthy as literally everyone else's and I hope you remember that forever
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
One of the things noone talks about about growing up as queer in extremely queer-phobic society is how it can damage your ability to connect to people on deeper/emotional level. Because friendships are all fine and dandy, but when you get too close to someone questions of who you like would inevitably come up. We live in cisnormative heteronormative society after all
And kids/teens aren't stupid, they can tell something is off. So whenever difficult questions come up you either have option to lie or tell the truth and pray 1:9 chances are in your favor and your "friend" isn't queerphobic and won't tell you to seek therapy. And even if by some miracle they aren't, they'd still avoid talking about your sexuality/gender experiences because deep down it does makes them uncomfortable. That's closest to accepted you've felt irl, so you keep quiet
At school you hear peers talking about hanging out after school; open hanging out, everyone's invited. When school bell rings you're packing stuff and going right home
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