#i'm back !!
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 15 - To Mend a Broken Heart
HOTD x Targaryen!OC, Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Warnings: slight make-out session? They get a bit horny lol. Daena and Harwin being sappy, love-sick fools, fluffy overall
A/N - I'm obsessed with this painting of the knight and the lady. It's so beautiful and represents Harwin and Daena so well
HOTD masterlist
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"Not much can be said for the couple following years - Queen Alicent gave birth to another son, Prince Aemond in 116 AC. Once again, Princess Rhaenyra's status as heir was questioned, but the King ignored all the whispers at court.
On Driftmark, Prince Daemon wed Lady Laena Velaryon. Many took notice of this, as the wedding followed quickly after the death of his first wife, Rhea Royce. Not even a year has passed and the Rogue Prince found himself a second wife. 
His daughter, Princess Daena, stayed shrouded in black for an entire year, following the death of her mother. The once vivacious princess was now a shell of her former self, refusing to eat or drink, barely sleeping, and confining herself to her chambers. Some believe she never truly recovered." 
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
116 AC
During the first two months after her mother's passing (before Rhaenyra's wedding), Daena visited the Eyrie, intending to speak to its ruling Lady, Jeyne Arryn. They discussed her inheritance and her new role as Lady of Runestone.
Daena knew that as Rhea's only child, she was the heir to Runestone and upon her mother's death, she became its new ruler. But there was just one problem. She was Daena Targaryen, not Daena Royce.
She had Royce blood. She was raised at Runestone and knew the castle better than any living soul and the Vale had a special place in her heart. But, she was a dragon. She was fire and blood. She loved her mother's side of the family dearly but, she could never part ways with her last name. She could never imagine herself as anything other than a Targaryen.
That is why she flew to the Eyrie and spent three whole days there, talking with Lady Jeyne for hours. She also reconnected with her distant cousin, Jessamyn Redfort, a 'dear companion' of Lady Jeyne. 
Following Rhaenyra and Laenor's less-than-perfect wedding, Daena (with the King's permission) relocated to Dragonstone, where she spent most of her time, mourning. There was no way in the Seven Hells she would spend any unnecessary time at King's Landing, for she loathed the city. She also had no desire to go back to Runestone, even though it was her birth-given right and duty.
Ultimately, she settled for Dragonstone, the ancestral home of House Targaryen. Both she and her dragon loved the smoky air and gloomy atmosphere of the island. There, she could sulk in peace, without worrying about what the lords and ladies of the Red Keep would say.
With her, Daena brought Harwin and Hanna. Joy, the older and more outgoing of the two sisters, was married off to Ser Elmo Tully, the heir to Riverrun and the future Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. Initially, Daena was quite sad; she would miss Joy's lively spirit. But on further thought, she realized it would be a good thing to have one of her most trusted friends become the future Lady of Riverrun. 
The months she spent on Dragonstone were quiet, peaceful, and healing. On the nearby island of Driftmark, her father and Lady Laena were wedded; not even half a year has passed and her father has already found himself a new wife. It stung Daena, the fact her father was so quickly able to move on from her mother's death as if she never existed. She did not attend their wedding.
But, Lady Laena was kind, beautiful, of pure Valyrian blood, and as of late, a dragon rider. Months before Rhaenyra's wedding, Laena claimed Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world. Vhagar was almost two hundred years old and was one of the three dragons Aegon I used to conquer Westeros. Only a bold spirit could claim such a beast and Laena proved she was worthy of riding the Queen of all dragons. 
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Harwin didn't know what to make of Dragonstone. The first time he laid his eyes on the island it was hidden by fog and mist, the smell of salt and smoke hitting his nose. The castle itself was a wonder to see; built by the last Valyrians, it was an homage to their once-powerful Empire. It was wholly non-Westerosi. Everything about it was made to honor and glorify dragons. 
It was unnerving to live in, to say the least. A grim place, Dragonstone was built with arcane arts, fire, and sorcery. Draconic architecture could be found in every nook and cranny of the castle. Door handles, murals, candles, goblets, chairs, tables, mirrors, wall carvings, statues; the entire castle was shaped like one giant dragon. Harwin did not like the idea of living inside a dragon's belly. 
But who was he to disobey his darling Princess? 
Speaking of said Princess, she was leaning on one of the many balconies that were perched up on the walls of the castle. She seemed in deep thought, her gaze focused on the roaring sea. She looked so hauntingly beautiful, Harwin thought; her long silver hair was pulled up, and she was shrouded in black as she always was these days. Around her neck, she wore the Valyrian steel necklace her father gifted her. 
He stood behind her, slightly to her right, watching, observing her. Her face was expressionless, but he could see so much pain and grief inside her lilac eyes. She drummed her fingers against the stone balcony. 
"I wish to walk on the beach." She said quietly. 
Harwin looked up at the sky - large, grey clouds were covering up the sun and it looked like it would rain any minute. 
"Are you certain, Princess? What if it rains?" 
"Then we'll be wet." She stated, turning to face him. 
Her once lively face was blank, and Harwin couldn't help but notice how her new way of dressing made her look significantly older than she was. Before he could respond, she walked past him, quickly descending the long flight of stairs. 
The bottom of her black gown dragged across the wet sand but she paid it no mind. The wind carried a scent of smoke and salt, something she enjoyed immensely. There was a certain coolness to the air which indicated to her it would rain soon. As someone who spent a lot of time high up in the air, she knew the telltale signs of an incoming storm.
"I received a letter from Joy this morning," Harwin said, breaking the silence. 
She looked up at him. "You did? What does it say?"
"She says the Tullys are most hospitable and that they take great care of their future Lady." 
Daena smiled at the news. She was glad the Tullys were taking good care of her friend. 
"There's more," Harwin added and stopped suddenly. 
Daena stopped as well, waiting for him to reveal more news. 
"She is with child." 
Daena was speechless. "That's wonderful! You're going to be an uncle!" 
Harwin chuckled. "I suppose I will." 
Daena's smile faded. "...I haven't received any letter from her since she moved to Riverrun. I think she's cross with me."
Harwin furrowed his brows. "Why do you think that?"
"Because...I didn't attend her wedding." She mumbled, nervously playing with her necklace. 
Harwin chuckled once again. He took hold of her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. Putting his other hand around her waist, he pulled her closer, their faces inches away. He placed his forehead against hers. 
"It is not in my sister's nature to be resentful. It must have slipped her notice once she found out she was pregnant." Harwin said quietly, looking deeply into Daena's eyes. Her pupils were wide, making her eyes appear darker. She placed her other hand on his forearm.
"I- I suppose you are right." She whispered, her eyes falling to his lips. 
He smiled at her, nudging his nose against hers, and kissed the side of her head. She sighed in contentment, placing her head onto his breastplate. The cool metal felt nice against her hot skin. He placed many small kisses on top of her head, holding her tightly against his body. He inhaled the scent of her hair - lemon and rose oil.
She felt her heart skipping a beat. Ever since her mother's death, she's been...distant and formal with Harwin, ignoring the way he looked at her, ignoring whenever he called her 'love.' In a way, she was punishing herself, abstaining from his touch, depriving herself of any joy. 
Not anymore.
"Kiss me." She pleaded, looking up at him, her eyes full of desperation and desire. 
Harwin was taken aback. They haven't had any intimate moments ever since Lady Rhea passed. Daena noticeably distanced herself, and he respected her wishes even though it broke his heart. And now here she was, begging for his love. 
"Are you certain?"
Daena tsked and grabbed his head, pulling him down and connecting their lips. He stumbled a bit, not expecting her to react that way. He put his hands on her hips, squeezing her soft flesh. Her fingers were tangled in his dark curls, drawing him closer. 
He grabbed the back of her head, deepening the kiss. He gently bit her lower lip, making her gasp in surprise, giving him further access to ravage her mouth. All the little noises she was making were spurring him on and he couldn't help but notice his pants tightening.  
"Harwin..." She whined his name and it sent a shiver down his spine.
"The things you do to me, you pretty little thing...You don't even know." He groaned in her ear and the sound went straight to her core, making her clench around nothing. His hot breath made the hairs on her neck stand up. 
"But I do...You have ignited a fire in my heart and it burns so sweetly I wish for it to burn forever. I wish for it to consume me whole." 
His hold on her hips tightened and it ached slightly, but she didn't dare to move. A low growl left his throat as he inhaled her scent.  "Those are dangerous words, little dove."
"I know you feel the same way." She whispered into his ear. 
Before he could respond, the sky opened and rain started pouring from the clouds above. To her surprise, he picked her up and ran toward the castle. A gasp escaped her lips upon realizing her feet were off the ground. 
For the first time in months, she laughed. 
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Hanna screeched as she saw the Princess and her brother enter the castle, sopping wet. 
"We were just taking a stroll on the beach," Daena answered innocently as Hanna dragged her toward her chambers. 
"Quick, Princess! We must change your clothes or you'll get sick." Hanna rambled on as they reached the room's door. 
Daena chuckled at her friend's worry. "No need to worry so much, my dear. I'll be fine." 
Hanna clicked her tongue and shook her head in disapproval, catching sight of her brother. "You too, Harwin. Go and change."
"Why of course, my Lady," Harwin said with a smirk. 
"I'm serious!" Hanna hissed angrily at her big brother. 
"Alright Hanna, dear, I'm sure Ser Harwin can take care of himself. Now, come and help me get out of this dress. I'm positively soaked." Daena said, pulling Hanna by her sleeve. 
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"Congratulations on your sister's pregnancy," Daena muttered as Hanna massaged oils into her skin. The light of the now-waning sun trickled faintly into her bedchamber. The fireplace was lit, warming the room and adding additional light. Daena was ready to retire for the day. 
"...You know?" Hanna asked, her voice coated with surprise.
"Harwin told me while we strolled on the beach," Daena said, leaning back in her bathtub. 
Hanna stayed quiet. 
"What's the matter?" Daena asked. 
"Nothing, Princess."
"Hanna. I know you. You've been unusually snappy today. Something's bothering you. Won't you confide in me? I thought we were friends."
"It's just- Joy's pregnancy. It made me think of my own life."
"I'm afraid Father will soon marry me off."
"Would that be a problem?" 
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Hanna wiped her hands, got up, and went to see who was knocking. Daena could hear the measter's hushed voice. Hanna was back with something in her hands. 
"A letter for you Princess. From King's Landing."
A sigh escaped Daena's lips. She perched herself up, picked up a towel from the side of the tub, and wiped her hands. Hanna handed her the letter. 
Her eyes went over the lines over and over again. A frown appeared on her face and an agitated groan left her lips. She crumbled the letter and threw it away.
The Princess was in a foul mood this morning, Harwin noticed. He could see it in her eyes, in the way her jaw was tense, in the way her brows were furrowed. Instead of talking, she sighed, clicked her tongue, and rolled her eyes at everyone. She was annoyed, dare he say angry. 
Why? Harwin didn't know. 
They were now in Aegon's Garden - it was filled with tall dark trees, wild roses, and cranberries. It had a pleasant piney smell. Daena sat down on a large bench made of black stone. She patted the seat next to her and Harwin sat down. 
She took a deep breath, taking in the scent of all the wildflowers. "This was always my favorite part of the island. I like how quiet and peaceful it is here. I've never felt such tranquility anywhere else."
"... I'm sure you have noticed my less-than-pleasant behavior today. I'm sure you've wondered why that is."
She handed him a crumbled letter. "This is why."
Harwin's brows were furred as he read it. "So, what does this mean?" 
Daena sighed, looking down at her feet. "It means that as soon as I finish my mourning, the Queen will try and marry me off to a lord of her choosing. She will whisper in my Uncle's ear, just like her father did. She'll try and convince him it's for my own good."
"I would sooner jump into Vermithor's mouth and let myself get eaten alive than let her control my life."
Harwin smirked. He knew she would do it. 
"There is only one course of action I can take." She said, turning to face him.
"And that is?"
"I need to find a husband, by myself."
Harwin's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her marriage. It would be a lie to say he hasn't fantasized about marrying Daena, or at least offering himself as a candidate for her hand. He never verbalized those dreams because he never thought himself worthy of her hand, let alone her love. 
"He will be one lucky man, whoever he is." He whispered, looking at a rose bush in the distance. 
"Yes, yes he will be." She said pointedly while looking at him. She grabbed his hand once she realized he wouldn't look at her. 
"...Princess?" Harwin uttered. He was overwhelmed by the feeling of her warm hands wrapped around his. 
"Harwin..." She called teasingly. A wide smile was on her face, a glitter of determination in her eyes. 
"You don't mean-"
"You, silly. I'm talking about you. Marry me, Harwin."
He felt like somebody punched him right in the gut, his lungs begging for air. His heart drummed wildly in his chest as he processed her words. Daena Targaryen, daughter of the Rogue Prince, rider of Vermithor, the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, was asking him for his hand in marriage. 
"I'm not worthy of you." 
Daena did not expect those words to come out of his mouth. Why would he think that?
"Why would you say such a thing?" She asked more harshly than she wanted. 
He stayed silent. 
"If not you, then who? Who is worthy of my love if not you, my brave knight?" She inquired, her voice softer.
"Do you not feel the same way? You...you don't love me?" She finally asked, cutting to the heart of the problem. Her voice cracked, tears welling in her eyes. This was the first time they had a conversation about what they were to each other. 
Harwin took note of the uncertainty in her voice and the fear in her eyes; fear that perhaps, she was wrong and he never truly loved her. He needed to put her mind at ease.
He got down on one knee and held her hands.
"There are no words in any language on this earth to describe how I feel about you, how much I adore you. You have...bewitched my heart, body, and soul. Even in my dreams, I could not escape you. Countless nights I have spent thinking about you, praying to every god imaginable, and thanking them that I get to spend my life serving you -  my darling Princess, the one who holds my heart.
If you told me right now to fall on my sword, I would. If you told me to throw myself off the Wall, I would. I would kill for you. I would die for you. I would follow you to the ends of the earth. If you banished me and told me to leave your side, I would if it meant you were happy. Gods, I- I never thought this day would come but, will you marry me and be my lawful wife?"
She couldn't believe her ears. Or her eyes. She was beyond herself, to say the least.
Her mouth was dry and her tongue twisted. His words struck a chord in her heart and she felt like it would burst out of her chest from how loudly it was beating. Tears blurred her vision and she could feel his calloused hand wiping them off her face. 
"No tears, my love. This is a happy occasion, is it not?"
She only nodded, not trusting her voice. More tears ran down her face as realization of the situation set in her mind. Harwin loved her. He loved her. He asked her to be his wife. 
"Come here, beautiful." He said as he pulled her onto his lap. She placed her head on his shoulder, the cold metal of his armor helped calm her down. He brushed his fingers through her silver tresses. He could hear her sniffing and her body shook slightly as she held onto his body tightly. 
"Yes, Princess?" He asked, looking down at her. 
"I love you." She whispered, a little pout on her pink lips. 
"I love you too." He whispered back, kissing her softly. 
They sat in silence for a while, holding each other and taking in the scent of wild roses. Little birds chirped high above them and the wind whistled. They stayed there until the sun went down and the moon showed its silver face.
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Taglist: @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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crowsnotvultures · 2 years
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incorrect sab subtitles part (?/?)
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daniilune · 8 months
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You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge... In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent... silent...
~ 🖤
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gayshi · 24 days
After ch450 :
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shotgunchair · 5 months
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Betsy Russell on the set of SAW 3D (2010)
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 9 months
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teeth and jaw and gums and muscle and warmth
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charlesvvane · 1 year
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"Dear friend, we are so far off the map here that we may never leave again. Come to think of it, would that be such a bad thing?"
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miguxadraws · 6 months
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i found out what pissed her off so much guys
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dorosen · 6 months
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A pony and his mane
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albaricomics · 23 days
Can you make a picture of Francis and nacha getting married 💍🤣🤣🤣
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lemonspades · 1 month
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Im back ebryboby
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< Part 21 - Part 23 >
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calc1fers · 7 months
sirius would be the type of guy to play dumb tbh like imagine he's sniffling and it's driving remus insane and just
remus: *holds out a box of tissues, fed up* blow.
sirius: *getting down on his knees* say no more, king
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indestinatus · 19 days
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The light spilled in, and I saw my friend. My heart saw him as if for the first time, and I knew I could not live without him.
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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Post-TotK Zelink family fluff 🥰 All the real life parents here KNOWS this cute moment won't last. This is gonna end with a kick in the face or a tiny baby fist in the eye 😂 I love imagining all the different onesies Zelda Jr has with adorable patterns. She has a one with purple Mushrooms (sponsored by Cece of course) , one with koroks (DUH) one with blupees, one with bokos, sand seals (gifted by aunt Riju)... I'm not gonna spoiled all the themed baby gear and toys scattered in the Hateno house, i wanna keep surprises for future posts haha
Sorry, no polished art today, I will really do my best to redeem myself with Zelink week 2024 :) Please stay tuned! Cheers!
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aspiringjester · 9 months
ZoSan have such husbands energy but SPECIFICALLY in the "we've been married for 50 years and you're the single most irritating person I've ever met but I'll be damned if you're not also the one person I can guarantee that I trust and I'll die before I let anyone else hurt you" kind of way y'know
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viridianvisions · 2 months
Triplet-mirroring: Bruno and Pepa edition 💚🧡
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